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88A ERP LN .

0|fferences 8tudy 88A aan |Vc - 88A ERP
LN .1 0verv|ew
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Publication nformation
Document code P3558A US
Document group Product nformation
Document titIe Differences Study SSA Baan Vc - SSA ERP LN 6.1 Over-
Subject SSA ERP LN 6.1
Created on 9/28/2004 2:17:35 PM
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 CentraI Invoicing................................................................. 1-1
New functionality............................................................................1-1
Central nvoicing - Differences B40c/B61................................. 1-1
Central nvoicing....................................................................... 1-2
Chapter 2 Enterprise PIanning.............................................................2-1
Changed functionality.................................................................... 2-1
Main differences between SSA Baan ERP 6.1Enterprise Planning
and SSA Baan Vc Constraint Planning....................................2-1
Plan items................................................................................. 2-2
Scenarios.................................................................................. 2-3
Plan units.................................................................................. 2-3
Product families........................................................................ 2-4
Distribution planning................................................................. 2-4
Capable to promise (CTP)........................................................ 2-5
Lot size optimization................................................................. 2-5
Default order frequency............................................................ 2-6
New functionality............................................................................2-7
Master-plan functionality for order-planned items.....................2-7
Channels................................................................................... 2-7
Order grouping.......................................................................... 2-7
Supply sourcing........................................................................ 2-8
Fixed delivery moments............................................................ 2-9
Modules......................................................................................... 2-9
Common (COM) module - Differences B40c/B61.....................2-9
Work Load Control- Differences B40c/B61............................... 2-9
Chapter 3 Common............................................................................... 3-1
Changed functionality.................................................................... 3-1
Addresses................................................................................. 3-1
Customers and suppliers.......................................................... 3-2
Calendars and Periods module - Differences B61/B40c...........3-7
Currency nitialization module - Differences B40c/B61.............3-8
Employees................................................................................ 3-9
Error Recovery........................................................................ 3-10
EU VAT setup......................................................................... 3-10
ntra EU transactions.............................................................. 3-11
First free numbers................................................................... 3-12
Maintain Company Data (tccom0100m000)- Differences
Sales and use tax................................................................... 3-13
Tax setup................................................................................ 3-15
New functionality..........................................................................3-16
Date-effective parameters.......................................................3-16
Enterprise units....................................................................... 3-17
Exchange rate types............................................................... 3-18
Unit Effectivity......................................................................... 3-18
Multicurrency systems............................................................ 3-18
First free numbers................................................................... 3-19
The Parameter Wizard............................................................ 3-20
Lot by unit................................................................................3-21
tem codes...............................................................................3-22
Modules....................................................................................... 3-22
Tables module - Differences B40c/B61.................................. 3-22
Common Data module - Differences B40c/B61...................... 3-25
Calendars and Periods module - Differences B61/B40c.........3-26
Financial ntegrations (FN) module - Differences B61/B40c..3-27
Electronic Data nterchange (ED) module - Differences
Enterprise Modeling Management module - Differences
Currency nitialization module - Differences B40c/B61...........3-28
tem Control (TM) module - Differences B40c/B61................ 3-29
Quality Management System (QMS) module - Differences
Chapter 4 Order Management..............................................................4-1
Changed functionality.................................................................... 4-1
ATP in Sales Control.................................................................4-1
Configured items in Sales Control............................................ 4-2
Cross-docking........................................................................... 4-3
Delivery lines.............................................................................4-5
Delivery types........................................................................... 4-6
nvoicing Commissions and Rebates........................................4-8
Link between Purchase Control and Freight Management.....4-10
Link between Sales Control and Freight Management........... 4-11
Over deliveries........................................................................ 4-13
Purchase back orders............................................................. 4-14
Purchase order origin..............................................................4-15
Purchase order types and activities........................................ 4-17
Reconciliation (Purchase Control).......................................... 4-18
Reconciliation (Sales Control).................................................4-19
Request for quotations............................................................ 4-20
Sales back orders................................................................... 4-21
Sales order acknowledgements.............................................. 4-22
Sales order entry.....................................................................4-23
Sales order origin.................................................................... 4-24
Sales order types and activities.............................................. 4-26
Shipping constraints................................................................4-26
Vendor rating.......................................................................... 4-28
New functionality..........................................................................4-29
Purchase order approval.........................................................4-29
Purchase order line details..................................................... 4-30
Purchase order status............................................................. 4-32
Purchase schedules................................................................4-33
Sales order approval............................................................... 4-34
Sales order status................................................................... 4-35
Sales schedules...................................................................... 4-36
Modules....................................................................................... 4-37
Pricing Control (PCG) module - Differences B40c/B61.......... 4-37
tem Purchase Data (PU) module - Differences B40c/B61.... 4-42
Purchase Control (PUR) module - Differences B40c/B61...... 4-44
Purchase Statistics (PST) module - Differences B40c/B61.... 4-48
tem Sales Data (SA) module - Differences B40c/B61.......... 4-49
Sales Control (SLS) module - Differences B40c/B61............. 4-50
Commission Control System (CMS) module - B40c/B61........4-56
Sales Statistics (SST) module - Differences B40c/B61.......... 4-57
Sales and Marketing nformation (SM) module - Differences
Chapter 5 FinanciaIs............................................................................. 5-1
Changed functionality.................................................................... 5-1
Bank master data...................................................................... 5-1
Currency nitialization module - Differences B40c/B61.............5-2
Dimension accounting...............................................................5-2
Factoring................................................................................... 5-3
Period closing........................................................................... 5-4
Purchase invoice matching....................................................... 5-4
Remittance based cash application.......................................... 5-6
Trade notes............................................................................... 5-7
Uninterrupted payment and direct debits.................................. 5-7
New functionality............................................................................5-8
Central nvoicing - Differences B40c/B61................................. 5-8
Control accounts....................................................................... 5-9
Dual accounting...................................................................... 5-10
GL account matching.............................................................. 5-10
ntegration mapping scheme...................................................5-11
ntercompany settlement transactions.................................... 5-11
Financial reconciliation............................................................5-12
Multicurrency systems............................................................ 5-12
Localizations........................................................................... 5-13
Accounts Payable Management Dashboard (tfacp2560m000)5-14
Accounts Receivable Management Dashboard (tfacr2560m000)...
Modules....................................................................................... 5-23
General Ledger module - Differences B40c/B61.................... 5-23
Accounts Payable module - Differences B40c/B61................ 5-24
Accounts Receivable module - Differences B40c/B61............5-25
Cash Management module - Differences B40c/B61...............5-26
Fixed Assets (FAS) module - Differences B40c/B61.............. 5-27
Financial Budget System module - Differences B40c/B61..... 5-28
Cost Allocation (CAL) module - Differences B40c/B61...........5-28
Financial Statements module - Differences B40c/B61............5-29
Chapter 6 Manufacturing...................................................................... 6-1
Changed functionality.................................................................... 6-1
BOM line enhancements...........................................................6-1
Centralized BOM for PCS......................................................... 6-2
Cost components...................................................................... 6-2
Costing work centers................................................................ 6-3
Critical capacity type................................................................. 6-4
Run time....................................................................................6-5
Drawing sizes and drawing locations in EDM........................... 6-5
ECO approval procedure.......................................................... 6-6
End item unit costs....................................................................6-6
Engineering item groups........................................................... 6-7
Financial transactions by production order or work center....... 6-7
Floor stock.................................................................................6-8
Generic engineering data: BOM and routing............................ 6-9
Pull notes................................................................................ 6-11
Man occupation.......................................................................6-11
Engineering Change Orders (ECOs)...................................... 6-12
Merged project and budget in PCS.........................................6-12
Project requirements planning (PRP) for PCS........................6-13
Production order lead-time elements...................................... 6-13
Reference designators............................................................ 6-14
Lot by unit................................................................................6-15
WP warehouses..................................................................... 6-16
Operation overlap................................................................... 6-16
Task type.................................................................................6-17
Task relationships................................................................... 6-18
New functionality..........................................................................6-18
Actual costing for receipt postings.......................................... 6-18
Blocking operations.................................................................6-19
Customized items or standard items in Product Configuration
Default production order data................................................. 6-20
Lean PCS projects.................................................................. 6-21
Micro routing........................................................................... 6-21
Shared work centers............................................................... 6-21
Modules....................................................................................... 6-22
BOM Control (BOM) module - Differences B40c/B61.............6-22
Cost Accounting (CPR) module - Differences B40c/B61........ 6-23
Production Order Costing (CST) module - Differences
Engineering Data Management (EDM) module - Differences
Product Configuration (PCF) module - Differences B40c/B616-25
Project Control (PCS) module - Differences B40c/B61...........6-25
Routing (ROU) module - Differences B40c/B61..................... 6-26
Repetitive Manufacturing (RPT) module - Differences B40c/B61...
Shop Floor Control (SFC) module - Differences B40c/B61.... 6-27
Chapter 7 Project.................................................................................. 7-1
Project - Differences by SSA Baan ERP 6.1 topic...................... 7-1
Changed functionality.................................................................... 7-2
Activity structure........................................................................7-2
Budget cost analysis................................................................. 7-3
Forecast methods..................................................................... 7-4
Revenue Recognition (RR) and Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)..7-4
Hours accounting...................................................................... 7-6
PCS item procedure..................................................................7-6
Project estimation..................................................................... 7-8
New functionality..........................................................................7-10
nternal and Capital project..................................................... 7-10
Project dashboard................................................................... 7-11
Holdback................................................................................. 7-12
ntegration of Project with Service.......................................... 7-12
Performance measurement.................................................... 7-13
Project currency...................................................................... 7-14
Time phased budget............................................................... 7-15
Top down budgeting............................................................... 7-15
Unit rate invoicing and progress invoicing for activities.......... 7-16
User defaults........................................................................... 7-17
Usability improvements........................................................... 7-17
Organization breakdown structure.......................................... 7-18
Project warehouse.................................................................. 7-19
ntegration of Project with MSP 2002......................................7-20
Cost plus invoicing enhancements......................................... 7-21
Project template...................................................................... 7-22
Central invoicing..................................................................... 7-23
Modules....................................................................................... 7-23
Project Data Management (PDM) module - Differences
Project Estimating (EST) module - Differences B40c/B61......7-26
Project nvoicing (PN) module - Differences B40c/B61......... 7-27
Project Production Control (PPC) module - Differences
Project Scheduling System (PSS) module - Differences
Project Technical Calculation (PTC) module - Differences
Hours Accounting (HRS) module - Differences B40c/B61......7-31
Chapter 8 Service and Maintenance....................................................8-1
Service - Differences by SSA Baan ERP 6.1................................ 8-1
Changed functionality.................................................................... 8-3
Archiving Service Data..............................................................8-3
Contract Terms to be Controlled............................................... 8-4
Control Contract Related Activities........................................... 8-6
Control Service Business.......................................................... 8-7
Control Service Contracts......................................................... 8-8
Control Service nventory..........................................................8-9
Control Service Order Execution............................................ 8-10
Control Service Price.............................................................. 8-11
Control Technician Data......................................................... 8-12
Create Periodic Maintenance Plan......................................... 8-13
Define Contract Contents........................................................8-14
Define Contract nvoicing/Costing...........................................8-15
Generate Periodic Maintenance Orders................................. 8-17
Handle ncoming Service Request..........................................8-18
Handle Repair and Overhaul Requests.................................. 8-19
Handle Service & Maintenance Requests.............................. 8-20
ntegrate Service..................................................................... 8-21
nvoice Service Contract......................................................... 8-22
nvoice Service Order............................................................. 8-23
Maintain Basic Service Order Data......................................... 8-24
Maintain Basic Service Order Data......................................... 8-25
Maintain Basic Short Term Planning Data.............................. 8-27
Maintain Basic Warranty Data................................................ 8-28
Maintain Component Data...................................................... 8-29
Maintain Dynamic Service Data.............................................. 8-31
Maintain nstallation Data........................................................8-32
Maintain Location Details........................................................ 8-34
Maintain Master Data Service nventory Control.................... 8-35
Maintain Periodic Maintenance Data...................................... 8-36
Maintain Service Contract Templates..................................... 8-37
Maintain Service Hours Rates................................................ 8-37
Maintain Service Tables..........................................................8-38
Maintain Basic nstallation Data.............................................. 8-39
Manage nstallations............................................................... 8-41
Manage nstallation Type Data............................................... 8-42
Manage Reference Activities.................................................. 8-43
Manage Service Orders.......................................................... 8-44
Manage Warranty Terms........................................................ 8-45
Master Tables for Service....................................................... 8-46
Plan Periodic Maintenance..................................................... 8-48
Plan Service Orders................................................................ 8-49
Prepare Service Order Pre-execution.....................................8-50
Record Work Performed......................................................... 8-52
Release Orders....................................................................... 8-53
Renew Contracts.................................................................... 8-54
Replenish Service nventory................................................... 8-55
Set Up Service Master Data................................................... 8-56
Specify / Adapt Contract Template......................................... 8-57
Modules....................................................................................... 8-59
Call Management (CLM) module - Differences B40c/B61...... 8-59
Configuration Management (CFG) module - Differences
Contract Management (CTM) module - Differences B40c/B618-62
Master Data Management (MDM) module - Differences
RMA and Depot Repair module - Differences B40c/B61........ 8-67
Service Order Control (SOC) and Preventive Maintenance Control
(SPC)module - Differences B40c/B61.................................... 8-68
Service Order Control (SOC) and Preventive Maintenance Control
(SPC)module - Differences B40c/B61.................................... 8-71
Subcontract Management (SBM) module - Differences
Chapter 9 PeopIe................................................................................... 9-1
Changed functionality.................................................................... 9-1
Hours accounting - Differences B40c/B61................................ 9-1
New functionality............................................................................9-3
Day-End Hours Accounting Processing (bptmm1205m000).... 9-3
Print Hours and Expenses (Completeness Check)
To distribute team hours........................................................... 9-7
To redefine budget granularity.................................................. 9-7
Update Budget by Employee with Actual Hours
User Profiles (bpmdm0102m000)............................................. 9-9
Chapter 10 Warehouse Management................................................ 10-1
Changed functionality.................................................................. 10-1
Addresses............................................................................... 10-1
Customers and suppliers........................................................ 10-2
nvoicing.................................................................................. 10-7
Pricing data............................................................................. 10-8
Purchase and sales statistics..................................................10-8
Warehousing order history...................................................... 10-8
Using warehouses.................................................................. 10-9
Using locations......................................................................10-10
Determination of lead time.................................................... 10-10
To block and unblock............................................................ 10-11
New functionality........................................................................10-13
nbound and outbound procedures....................................... 10-13
To handle warehousing orders............................................. 10-15
To define warehousing order types.......................................10-16
Dynamic cross-docking......................................................... 10-17
Warehousing assembly orders............................................. 10-19
Multicompany warehouse transfers...................................... 10-20
Handling units....................................................................... 10-23
Label setup........................................................................... 10-24
Package definitions............................................................... 10-29
Serialized items in Warehouse Management....................... 10-35
nventory Analysis (NA) module - Differences B61/B40c.....10-38
Line supply............................................................................ 10-39
Order groups......................................................................... 10-39
Modules..................................................................................... 10-40
Warehouse Master Data (WMD) module - Differences
Lot Control (LTC) module - Differences B61/B40c............... 10-43
nventory Planning (NP) module - Differences B61/B40c.... 10-43
nventory Handling (NH) module - Differences B61/B40c....10-44
nventory Reporting (NR) module - Differences B61/B40c.. 10-45
nventory Analysis (NA) module - Differences B61/B40c.....10-46
Chapter 11 Enterprise Server.............................................................11-1
Tools............................................................................................ 11-1
Changed functionality............................................................. 11-1
New functionality................................................................... 11-10
ntegration Tools........................................................................ 11-17
Changed functionality........................................................... 11-17
New functionality................................................................... 11-20
Miscellaneous Tools.................................................................. 11-23
Changed functionality........................................................... 11-23
New functionality................................................................... 11-31
Chapter 12 Data Exchange.................................................................12-1
Changed functionality.................................................................. 12-1
Exchange................................................................................ 12-1
About this document
This manual describes the differences between SSA Baan Vc and SSA
ERP LN 6.1 on a high level.
How to read this guide
Every chapter lists the changed and new functionality of an ERP LN
package, and briefly explains the new terms and concepts. The "Modules"
section provides a list of the changes to each module as well as
information on new, replaced, and removed modules.
The chapter titles reflect the ERP LN 6.1 names of the various packages.
For example, for information about the changes to Baan Distribution, refer
to Chapter 4, "Order Management". To list the changes based on the Baan
Vc package titles, please refer to the Differences Baan Vc and ERP LN
6.1 online Help.
This manual was created by extracting the text from the Differences Baan
Vc and ERP LN 6.1 online Help. These topics only describe what has
changed and refer to the ERP LN 6.1 online Help to explain the current
ERP LN functionality. Wherever you read "refer to, you are referred to the
ERP LN 6.1 online Help topics.
New functionality
Central nvoicing - Differences B40c/B61
This topic describes how invoicing in the various packages of Baan Vc is
implemented in Central nvoicing in ERP LN 6.1 .
Invoicing in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , each package contains invoicing functionality. nvoicing is
performed in the Invoicing sessions of the various packages:

n Baan Distribution, in the SaIes Invoicing sessions of the SaIes

ControI (SLS) module.

n Baan Project, in the Project Invoicing (PIN) module.

n Baan Transportation, in the Invoicing ControI (ICS) module.

n Baan Service, for service contracts in the Contract nvoicing

sessions of the Contract ControI module, and for closed service
orders in the Print Service Order nvoices (tssma3473m000) session.
CentraI Invoicing in ERP LN 6.1
Chapter 1
Central nvoicing
n ERP LN 6.1 , invoicing for the various SSA ERP packages is performed
in the Sales nvoicing module of Central nvoicing.
Central nvoicing
This topic describes how invoicing in the various packages of Baan Vc is
implemented in Central nvoicing in ERP LN 6.1 .
CentraI Invoicing in ERP LN 6.1
Central nvoicing is called 'central' because you can use this package to
compose invoice lines from various origins on a single invoice for an
invoice-to business partner. The invoice lines can originate from the
following sources:

Order Management, for example, sales orders, rebates, and purchase


Warehouse Management.


Service, for example, Service orders and service calls.

Sales invoices manually entered in Central nvoicing.

nterest invoices generated in the Accounts Receivable module of


Debit notes and credit notes, from the Cash Management module of

n Central nvoicing, SSA ERP can also generate the invoices for the
following situations:

BiIateraI invoicing
n a multicompany structure, SSA ERP can generate invoices for
goods transfers between warehouses that are linked to different
financial companies. For details, refer to Intercompany transactions.

TrianguIar invoicing
SSA ERP can generate triangular invoices for transactions within a
single logistic company that involve entities which are linked to different
enterprise unit. For details, refer to To use trianguIar invoicing.

Intercompany settIement
n a multicompany structure, SSA ERP can generate intercompany
settlement transactions instead of regular invoices for transactions
between logistic companies that involve entities linked to the same
financial company. For details, refer to Intercompany transactions.
CentraI Invoicing concepts
1-2 | Central nvoicing
New in SSA ERP .
n Central nvoicing, the following new concepts are introduced:

Billing request.

Billing request template.

Billing request addition.

The invoicing procedures
Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1
Because the invoices from various packages are processed in Central
nvoicing, the invoicing procedures have changed completely compared to
Baan Vc . For details, refer to Invoicing.
Central nvoicing | 1-3
1-4 | Central nvoicing
Changed functionality
Main differences between SSA Baan ERP 6.1Enterprise Planning
and SSA Baan Vc Constraint Planning
This topic describes the main differences between the Baan IVc
Constraint PIanning package and the ERP LN 6.1Enterprise Planning
The main differences are:

The package name was changed from Constraint PIanning to

Enterprise Planning.

n Baan Vc , a distinction is made between the actual ERP system and

a separate planning tool, RP, which contains the Constraint PIanning
package. RP was intended to work with any ERP system, not just with
Baan Vc . The Enterprise Planning package is now considered to be a
package like any other package in ERP LN 6.1 .

Users of Baan Vc can choose whether they want to plan their supply in
one of the following ways:

By using the MPS and MRP modules in the Manufacturing package

Chapter 2
Enterprise Planning

By using the RPD and RMP modules in the Constraint Planning

Users of ERP LN 6.1 can only use the Enterprise Planning package.

The distinction between the MPS items and MRP items has been
abandoned. n ERP LN 6.1 , all items can be planned by using a
flexible combination of master-based planning methods and
order-based planning methods. For more information, refer to Master
pIanning versus order pIanning.
Plan items
This topic explains how items are treated in ERP LN 6.1 as compared to
plan items in Baan Vc .
PIan items in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc ,

You had to configure the Constraint PIanning package by transferring

plan codes and plan items from the ERP system to the Constraint
PIanning package.

You had to define plan items separately for each plan code.
PIan items in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 ,

You do not need to transfer items from the ERP system, but every plan
item in Enterprise Planning must exist as item in the Common Data

Plan items exist independently from scenarios. (n ERP LN 6.1 , plan

codes are replaced by scenarios.)

Definition of plan items is facilitated by the tems - Planning Defaults

(cprpd1110m000) session.

Complete item codes consist of:

An optional cluster segment (for multisite requirements).

An optional project segment (for items that are defined for a

specific project ).

A mandatory item code.

For more information, refer to Item definition in SSA ERP Enterprise

The distinction between MPS items and MRP items has been
abandoned. You can generate both a master plan and planned orders
for an item, depending on the settings in the tems - Planning
(cprpd1100m000) session.
2-2 | Enterprise Planning
This topic explains the differences and similarities between scenarios in
ERP LN 6.1 and plan codes in Baan Vc .
PIan codes in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , plan items existed within the context of a plan code. A plan
code included only items of the MPS Item item type. Planned orders were
independent of a plan code.
You could compare plan codes by means of the PIan Code Performance
Comparison (cprmp4504m000) session.
Scenarios in ERP LN 6.1
The scenario concept in ERP LN 6.1 replaces the plan code concept in
Baan Vc .
n ERP LN 6.1 , the basic data for plan items is the same for all scenarios.
However, you maintain not only the master plan within a scenario, but the
planned orders as well.
For example, for each scenario, you can specify:

Special demand for an item.

The availability of resources (in the Scenario - Availabilities

(cprpd4160m000) session).

The sourcing strategies and supply strategies.

Workload control parameters.

You can compare scenarios by means of the Performance ndicators
(cprao2201s000) session.
Plan units
This topic shows how the functionality of plan units differs between ERP
LN 6.1 and Baan Vc .
PIan units in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , you could maintain plan units in the Resource PIan Units
(RPU) module.
Enterprise Planning | 2-3
PIan units in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , the Resource PIan Units (RPU) module has ceased to
exist. The plan-unit functionality was moved to the Resource Planning
Data module. You can find the Plan Unit (cprpd6100m000) session in the
Enterprise Planning Master Data menu.
Product families
This topic explains how the functionality of product families and plan levels
in Baan Vc is handled by using aggregation relationships in ERP LN 6.1 .
Product famiIies in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc ,

Plan items on the lowest plan level were automatically actual items (not
product families ). All plan items on higher plan levels were product

The relationship between a product family and items on lower plan

levels was defined in a planning bill of material.
Aggregation reIationships in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 ,

Every family item must be defined in the tem Base Data module.

A family item can exist on any plan level.

The relationship between a family item and items on lower plan levels
is defined in aggregation relationships.
Aggregation relationships in ERP LN 6.1 are much more flexible than the
planning bills of material in Baan Vc . For example, you can also define
aggregation relationships between items on the same plan level.
Distribution planning
This topic explains how multisite supply planning in Baan Vc differs from
the functionality in ERP LN 6.1 . Baan Vc uses plan sites and ERP LN 6.1
uses clusters.
PIan sites in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , you could perform distribution planning by using the
2-4 | Enterprise Planning
Distribution Requirements PIanning (DRP) module in the Distribution
You could also perform distribution planning by generating planned
interplant MPS orders in the Constraint PIanning package. To generate
these interplant orders, you had to define interplant supplying sites.
CIusters in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , the Distribution Requirements PIanning (DRP) module
has been removed.
n Enterprise Planning, you can define supplying relationships between
clusters. To associate an item with a cluster, you enter the cluster in the
cluster segment of the item code. For more information, refer to Item
definition in SSA ERP Enterprise PIanning.
Capable to promise (CTP)
This topic explains the changes in the terminology and functionality related
to the available-to-promise (ATP) and capable-to-promise (CTP) concepts.
ATP in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , the available-to-promise (ATP) concept was extended. n
earlier versions, an item's ATP only included the quantity expected to be
present on the requested date according to the Master Production
Schedule (MPS). The Constraint Planning package in Baan Vc made it
possible to calculate how much the production of that item could be
increased to meet the customer demand. This calculation takes the
production capacity into account that is still available according to the
master plan.
ATP in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 the terminology was changed. The quantity of an item that
can be promised by increasing the production was renamed
capable-to-promise (CTP).
Additionally, the concept of channel ATP was added.
Lot size optimization
This topic explains how lot size optimization has changed in ERP LN 6.1
Enterprise Planning | 2-5
as compared to Baan Vc .
Lot size optimization in Baan IVc
You can use the lot-size-optimization function to calculate the most
economic values for the economic order quantity and the order interval.
n Baan Vc , lot size optimization was part of the CycIic PIanning (CLP)
Lot size optimization in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , you can perform lot size optimization in the Optimize Lot
Sizing (cprao3200m000) session.
Default order frequency
This topic describes the differences between Baan Vc and ERP LN 6.1
with respect to the frequency of the orders that are generated by master
Order frequency for MPS orders in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , requirements for an MPS item with the order methodlot-for-lot
result in daily planned MPS orders.
For example, if a plan period contains 10 working days and the net
requirements for an item in that period is 2000 piece, an MPS planning run
generates one planned MPS order of 200 piece for each working day in
the plan period.
Frequency of pIanned orders generated by master pIanning in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , requirements for a planned item with the order
methodlot-for-lot result in one planned order per plan period.
For example, if a plan period contains 10 working days and the net
requirements for an item in that period is 2000 piece, a master planning
run will generate a single planned order of 2000 piece for the first working
day in that plan period.
To influence the order quantity of the planned orders, enter appropriate
values in the Maximum Order Quantity field and the Order IntervaI field
in the tems - Ordering (tcibd2500m000) session or choose a fixed order
2-6 | Enterprise Planning
New functionality
Master-plan functionality for order-planned items
This topic show how the distinction between master-based planning and
order-based planning in ERP LN 6.1 differs from the situation in Baan Vc .
The master pIan in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , you could not maintain an item master plan for items with the
order system MRP.
The master pIan in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , you can maintain an item master plan also for items which
you plan by using order-based planning.
An item master plan provides advanced functionality for:

Demand forecast generation.

ATP and CTP.

nventory planning and inventory-plan generation.

This topic introduces the channel concept that is new in ERP LN 6.1 .
New in ERP LN 6.1
ERP LN 6.1 supports the use of channels. A channel is a sales or
distribution channel that you use to distribute particular items to particular
customers (sold-to business partners). For example, a channel can
represent a particular geographical area or a particular group of
You can reserve a part of the quantity that you are able to deliver for a
certain channel.
Order grouping
Enterprise Planning | 2-7
This topic shows what order grouping is about.
New in ERP LN 6.1
An order group in Enterprise Planning is a collection of planned production
orders. You can use order groups as work packages to reduce the
handling effort. You can create an order group by selecting planned
production orders on the basis of certain selection criteria. You can
manually add or remove planned production orders to or from an order
You can transfer all planned production orders within an order group with a
single command.
Order groups in Enterprise Planning can be used to create order groups
for production orders in the Shop Floor Control module.
Supply sourcing
This topic explains what new functionality for the selection of sources of
supply (production, suppliers, or remote warehouses) has been added to
ERP LN 6.1 in comparison with Baan Vc .
Sourcing in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , each item had a fixed source. tems of type Purchased came
from one specific supplier and items of type Manufactured were supplied
by means of production orders.
Sourcing in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , you can define flexible sourcing strategies and supply
strategies that determine by which of the following sources an item is

Production (production orders).

One or more suppliers (purchase orders).

Warehouses in another site (transfer orders).

A combination of production, purchase, and transfer.

For example, you can define a supply strategy that divides the
requirements over two suppliers that each supply 50% of the required
2-8 | Enterprise Planning
Fixed delivery moments
This topic introduces the fixed-delivery-moments concept that has been
added to ERP LN 6.1 .
DeIivery moments Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , the planned delivery dates and the planned finish dates of
planned orders were determined solely by the date the items were
required. You could influence that only by entering a fixed delivery date.
Fixed deIivery moments in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , you can specify that an item must be delivered on a fixed
moment, for example, always on Friday afternoons. For more information,
refer to Fixed deIiveries in SSA ERP Enterprise PIanning.
Common (COM) module - Differences B40c/B61
This topic describes the most important differences between the Common
(COM) module in Baan Vc and ERP LN 6.1
New functionaIity
The Performance Parameters (cpcom0100m000) session contains new
parameters to control the internal storage of resource calendars.
Work Load Control- Differences B40c/B61
This topic describes the difference between the Work Load Control module
in Baan Vc and ERP LN 6.1
WorkIoad ControI in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , a WLC simulation is always started by planning against
infinite capacity.
Enterprise Planning | 2-9
WorkIoad ControI in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , you can specify that the starting point of the simulation is
the current master plan, which is the result of the previous simulation, by
means of the Starting Point WLC field in the Work Load Control
Parameters (cpwlc2101m000) session.
2-10 | Enterprise Planning
Changed functionality
This topic describes the different ways in which address information is
maintained in Baan Vc and ERP LN 6.1 .
Addresses in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , the addresses of trade relations, banks, factoring companies,
and so on are maintainted in numerous sessions, among others:

Maintain Customers (tccom1101m000)

Maintain Customer Postal Addresses (tccom1103m000)

Maintain Bank Addresses (tcmcs0120m000)

Maintain Factoring Companies (tcmcs0125m000)

n addition, in Baan Vc , you did not have much control over how the
various address fields were printed on letters and invoices.
Addresses in ERP LN 6.1
Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1
Chapter 3
n ERP LN 6.1 , all the addresses used by the company are defined
centrally in the Addresses (tccom4130s000) session in the Common Data
From the Address field of sessions in all SSA ERP packages, you can
zoom to the Addresses (tccom4530m000) session to select the address or
to create a new address. Therefore, separate sessions such as the Baan
VcMaintain Customer Postal Addresses (tccom1103m000) session and
the Maintain Supplier Postal Addresses (tccom2103m000) sessions are no
longer required.
For more information, refer toTo use addresses
Address formats
New in SSA ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , you can link an address format to every address. You can
define the address formats in the Address Formats (tccom4135s000)
For more information, refer toTo use address formats
Customers and suppliers
This topic explains how the concepts of customers and suppliers in Baan
Vc are implemented as business partners with customer roles and
supplier roles in ERP LN 6.1 .
Customers and suppIiers in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , trade relations are defined as either customers or suppliers.
Customers and suppliers are defined in the Common Data package in the
following sessions:

Maintain Customers (tccom1101m000)

Maintain SuppIiers (tccom2101m000).

Business partners in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , trade relations must be defined as business partners.
Whether the business partner is a customer or a supplier depends on the
roles that you define for the business partner. For example, for a customer
you must define the sold-to role and for a supplier you must define the
buy-from role.
3-2 | Common
A business partner can have both the customer roles and the supplier
roles. The business partner role determines the types of transactions that
you can carry out with the business partner.
Business partner properties
The business partner definitions include many properties. The most
important properties are described here.
Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1
n Baan Vc , the customer and supplier sessions include fields for the
country, the address, the city, and the ZP code.
n ERP LN 6.1 , the Business Partner sessions contain an Address field in
which you enter the code of the address. You define the addresses in the
new Addresses (tccom4130s000) session. For more information, refer
Business partner roIes
New in SSA ERP LN 6.1 .
n Baan Vc , you define general data sucha as the customer' address, the
language, and the currency, as well as the transaction related data such as
the default warehouse to which goods must be shipped, the terms of
payment and the credit limit, on the various tabs of the Maintain
Customers (tccom1101m000) session. n ERP LN 6.1 , you define
general business partner data such as the name, the main address, the
language, and the currency in the Business Partners (tccom4100s000)
session. You define the data that is specific for each type fo transaction in
separate sessions.
n the business partner roles sessions you define the details for each role.
For example, for the sold-to role you define the price list and for the
invoice-to role you define the invoicing method.
From the Business Partners (tccom4100s000) session, you can start the
following sessions to define the various business partner roles:

Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4110s000).

Ship-to Business Partners (tccom4111s000).

nvoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000).

Pay-by Business Partners (tccom4114s000).

Buy-from Business Partners (tccom4120s000).

Common | 3-3

Ship-from Business Partners (tccom4121s000).

nvoice-from Business Partners (tccom4122s000).

Pay-to Business Partners (tccom4124s000).

For details, refer to Business partners.
Business partner status
Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1 .
The business partner status indicates the actions that you can carry out for
the business partner. n Baan Vc , the status can be: Normal, Doubtful, or
Blocked. n SSA ERP , the business partner statuses can be: Active,
nactive, or Potential. n addition, for an invoice-to business partner you
can set the status to Doubtful.
For details, refer to Business partner status.
Business partner contacts
Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1 .
n Baan Vc , the contact is an employee of your own company, who keeps
the contact with your customer or supplier. n ERP LN 6.1 , the business
partner's contact is the business partner's employee with whom you
communicate about the transactions.
When you define a contact, you must assign the contact to the business
partner's roles. f you wish, you can define a different contact for each
business partner role.
You can define the business partner contacts in the Contacts
(tccom4140s000) session. For details, refer to To use contacts.
The business partner department
New in SSA ERP LN 6.1 .
f more than one sales office or purchase office do business with the same
business partner, you can specify separate business partner financial data
for each department.
n a multifinancial company structure, you can register the business
partner's financial data in the financial company that is linked to each sales
office or purchase office.
You can link the business partner to a department in the following
3-4 | Common

nvoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000).

Pay-by Business Partners (tccom4114s000).

nvoice-from Business Partners (tccom4122s000).

Pay-to Business Partners (tccom4124s000).

For details, refer to Business partner departments.
The business partner's credit Iimit
Similar in SSA ERP .
For invoice-to and invoice-from business partners, you can set a credit
limit. f you enter a sales order for the invoice-to business partner, ERP LN
6.1 checks that the sum of the open orders, the open billing requests, the
open invoices, and the amount of the new order does not exceed the credit
You can set a credit limit in the following sessions:

nvoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000).

nvoice-from Business Partners (tccom4122s000).

For details, refer to The business partner's credit Iimit.
FinanciaI customer groups and financiaI suppIier groups
Similar in SSA ERP .
The financial customer groups and financial supplier groups are
implemented in ERP LN 6.1 as financial business-partner groups. n ERP
LN 6.1 , you can set up multiple control accounts for the financial business
partner groups. For details, refer to FinanciaI business partner groups
and to To set up controI accounts.

For invoice-to business partners, the Financial Business Partner

Groups (tfacr0110m000) session in ERP LN 6.1 corresponds to the
Maintain FinanciaI Customer Groups (tfacr0110m000) session in
Baan Vc .

For invoice-from business partners, the Financial Business Partner

Groups (tfacp0110m000) session in ERP LN 6.1 corresponds to the
Maintain FinanciaI SuppIier Groups (tfacp0110m000) session in
Baan Vc .
Parent business partner
Similar in SSA ERP .
n Baan Vc , you can define a distributed business partner organization in
Common | 3-5
the Maintain Concern Structure of Trade ReIations (tccom3101m000)
n ERP LN 6.1 , you can define branches of one company as different
business partners. For example, the sold-to and the invoice-from business
partner can be different companies. f the business partners have the
same parent business partner, you can accept invoices from the
invoice-from business partner for sales orders from the sold-to business
To define a distributed business partner organization, you can select the
parent business partner in the Business Partners (tccom4100s000) main
session. The parent business partner links the business partners with
different roles.
For details, refer to Parent business partners.
Business partner type
New in SSA ERP LN 6.1 .
in ERP LN 6.1 , you can optionally use business partner types to group
business partners with similar characteristics, for example, members of the
European Union (EU) are subject to specific customs rules. You can block
or deblock sales and purchase orders for the business partners for each
You can define the business partner type in the Business Partner Types
(tcmcs0129m000) session and you can select a business partner type for
each of the business partner roles, in the various business partner role
SuppIier's 1099 DetaiIs
From the Pay-to Business Partners (tccom4124s000) session, you can
start the Pay-to Business Partner 1099 Details (tccom4126s000) session
to define the supplier's 1099 details.
Enterprise modeIing data
You use the enterprise modeling data to map the entities that you define in
BaanERP Common on the enterprise model defined for your organization
in the Dynamic Enterprise Modeler (DEM). For more information about
enterprise modeling, refer to Overview of enterprise modeIing.

InternaI business partners

3-6 | Common
New in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . Enterprise units within the same logistic
company as your own, that act as business partners to your enterprise
unit. You must specify the business partner's enterprise unit.

AffiIiated companies
Similar in ERP LN 6.1 . Separate logistic companies that act as
business partners to your logistic company. You must specify the
business partner's logistic company.
Other business partners are not represented in enterprise modeling.
Business partner structures
Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1 .
n ERP LN 6.1 , you can define a distributed business partner organization
by defining parent business partners to link the business partners with
different roles.
n Baan Vc , you can define a distributed business partner organization in
the Maintain Concern Structure of Trade ReIations (tccom3101m000)
The business partner sessions
n ERP LN 6.1 , the business partners and their roles are defined in the
Common Data package in the following sessions:

Business Partners (tccom4100s000). n this session you define the

business partner master data.

Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4110s000).

Ship-to Business Partners (tccom4111s000).

nvoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000).

Pay-by Business Partners (tccom4114s000).

Buy-from Business Partners (tccom4120s000).

Ship-from Business Partners (tccom4121s000).

nvoice-from Business Partners (tccom4122s000).

Pay-to Business Partners (tccom4124s000).

Calendars and Periods module - Differences B61/B40c
This topic describes the new Calendars and Periods module in ERP LN
6.1 .
CaIendars and periods in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , calendars are defined in the package in which they are
Common | 3-7
required, for example, in the Maintain Calendar (cprpd2104m000) session
of Baan IVc Constraint PIanning.
n Baan Vc , periods are defined in various packages:

n Project, in Maintain Cost Control Periods (tpppc0110m000).

n Project, in Maintain Hours Control Periods (tpppc2121m000)

n Manufacturing, in Maintain Production Schedule Periods


n the Hours Accounting module of Manufacturing, in Maintain

Period Table (tihra3101m000)

n the Commission ControI module of Distribution, in Maintain

Period Tables (tdcms0101m000)

n Purchase Statistics, in Maintain Purchase Statistics Period Tables


n SaIes Statistics, in Maintain Sales Statistics Period Tables


n Service, in Maintain Periods (tssma2130m000)

CaIendars and periods in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 the calendars and periods used by the various SSA ERP
packages are defined centrally in the Calendars and Periods module of
Common Data.
Each company has a default calendar and you can define more specific
calendars for entities such as department, employees, and business
Periods used in the other packages can be created in or selected from the
Periods (tcccp0170m000) session.
Currency nitialization module - Differences B40c/B61
This topic describes the most important differences between the Euro
InitiaIization module in Baan Vc and the Currency nitialization module in
ERP LN 6.1 .
Baan Vc supports only the single currency system. Therefore, the Euro
InitiaIization module was only used to convert the base currency or
reference currency in a single currency system from an EU currency to
3-8 | Common
ERP LN 6.1 supports three types of currency systems:

single currency system

dependent currency system

independent currency system

n ERP LN 6.1 , the module title was changed from Euro InitiaIization to
Currency nitialization. You can use the Currency nitialization module for
the internal initialization of your home currencies as well as to convert one
currency system to another currency system. For details, refer to
Currency InitiaIization.
This topic describes the various ways in which you can define employees
in Baan Vc and ERP LN 6.1 .
EmpIoyees in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , you defined all the employees' details in the Employees -
General (tccom0101m000) session.
EmpIoyees in ERP LN 6.1
New in SSA ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , the new People package is used to register the
employees' hours and expenses. To support SSA ERP PeopIe, the
Employees - General (tccom0101m000) session only contains the general
employee data.
The title of the Employees - General (tccom0101m000) session was
changed to Employees - General (tccom0101m000).
From the Employees - General (tccom0101m000) session, you can start
the following sessions to define the more specific employee data:

Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000).

Employees - Project (tppdm8101m000).

Employees - Service (tsmdm1140m000).

Skills by Employee (tcppl0120m000).

Employees by Team (tcppl0150m000).

Roles by Employee (tcppl0170m000).

After you define the employees, you can also start the listed sessions from
the Employees Dashboard (bpmdm0101m100) session in People.
Common | 3-9
Error Recovery
This topic describes the differences between the Error Recovery sessions
in Baan Vc and in ERP LN 6.1 .
Error recovery
The following changes were made to the Error Recovery business object:

The Rebuild Planned nventory Transactions (tdinv0250m000) session

and the Rebuild nventory Data (LC) (tdilc0250m000) together were
replaced by the Rebuild Planned nventory Transactions
(whinp1200m000) session in Warehouse Management.

The Rebuild Customer Order Balance (tccom2210m000) session was

replaced by the Rebuild nvoice-to Business Partner Order Balances
(tccom4213m000) session in ERP LN 6.1 .

The Rebuild Supplier Order Balance (tccom2220m000) session was

replaced by the Rebuild nvoice-from Business Partner Order Balances
(tccom4223m000) session in ERP LN 6.1 .
EU VAT setup
This topic explains how the EU VAT setup procedure in Baan IVc
Common was changed in ERP LN 6.1 .
EU VAT setup in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , for all types of orders the tax country is usually derived from
the ship-to address. As a result, the tax codes by country with the tax rates
that apply in a company's home country must also be defined for the
foreign countries.
As the ntracommunity sales tax = 0 %, the Tax check box on the order
headers must be cleared to indicate that no tax needs to be reported in the
ship-to country. Therefore, the Tax check box of the customer definition in
the Maintain Customers (tccom1101m000) session and the Maintain
Suppliers (tccom2101m000) session must usually be cleared.
ndependent of the value of the Tax check box on the order headers, Baan
Vc stores the tax data in the Tax Analysis (tfgld110) table for the various
tax reports.
EU VAT setup in ERP LN 6.1
3-10 | Common
Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1 .
n ERP LN 6.1 , the following improvements were made:

The tax country is usually derived from the invoice-from address.

Consequently, the tax codes by country with the corresponding tax
rates only need to be defined for the home country of the financial

Separate tax codes can be defined for the various situations. For
details, refer to To define tax codes for EU VAT rates.

To calculate the tax amounts and store the tax data in the Tax Analysis
(tfgld110) table for the various tax reports, the Tax check box on order
headers must be selected. By default, this check box is selected if the
Tax check box for the business partner is selected.
You can select the Tax check box for the business partners in the
following sessions:

nvoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000).

nvoice-from Business Partners (tccom4122s000).

ntra EU transactions
This topic explains how the ntra EU transactions setup procedure and the
various related sessions in Baan IVc Common were changed in ERP LN
6.1 .
Intra EU transactions in Baan IVc
Baan Vc offers ony limited support for the European Union tax reporting

The sales listing.

The import/export statistics required for the ntrastat declaration.

EU VAT and Intrastat reporting setup in ERP LN 6.1
Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1 .

EU VAT rates
n ERP LN 6.1 , you can define tax codes for the VAT rates for the
different types of intracommunity transactions and import and export
from the EU in the EU Tax Handling session. For more information,
refer toTo define tax codes for EU VAT rates.

The import/export statistics

n ERP LN 6.1 , the Import/Export statistics were renamed to
Intrastat Transactions.

The AdditionaI StatisticaI Information Sets were renamed to Extra

Common | 3-11
Intrastat Info sets.
You can set up the number of fields and the field lengths of each Extra
Intrastat Info set in the following new and changed sessions:

Extra ntrastat nfo Definition (tccom7104m000)

Extra ntrastat nfo (tccom7505m000)

ntrastat Mapping Scheme (tccom7120m000)

The saIes Iisting

n ERP LN 6.1 , the sales listing functionality also supports the specific
requirements for the Belgian ntracom declaration. For more
information, refer toBeIgian IocaIizations - Differences B40c/ERP61.
First free numbers
This topic describes the differences between the setup of series and
generated document numbers in Baan Vc and in ERP LN 6.1 .
First free numbers in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , you define series and numbers in the Maintain First Free
Numbers (tcmcs0147m000) session. n the Type of Number field, you
must select the type of documents for which the series will be used. The
generated document numbers are always numeric and can consist of up to
six characters.
First free numbers in ERP LN 6.1
Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , you must define number groups in the Number Groups
(tcmcs0151m000) session and then in the First Free Numbers
(tcmcs0150m000) session, define the series and numbers of each number
You assign the number groups to various purposes in the corresponding
sessions. For example, in the Sales Order Parameters (tdsls0100s400)
session you can select the number group for sales orders and sales
schedules. n the Sales Offices (tdsls0512m000) session you can then
select a series of that number group for the sales orders generated by a
specific sales office.
As the series codes can be alphanumeric, the generated document
numbers can be alphanumeric and they can consist of up to nine
characters. For more information, refer toTo use number groups and
3-12 | Common
Maintain Company Data (tccom0100m000)- Differences B40c/B61
This topic describes the differences between the Maintain Company Data
(tccom0100m000) session in Baan Vc and the mplemented Software
Components (tccom0100s000) session in ERP LN 6.1 .
The title was changed from Maintain Company Data to ImpIemented
Software Components.
New functions

n ERP LN 6.1 , the settings are date effective. For more information,
refer toDate-effective parameters.
n Baan Vc , you used the Parameters sessions in the various SSA ERP
packages to indicate whether a module was implemented. n ERP LN 6.1 ,
this functionality is centralized in the Common Data module.
New fieIds
n ERP LN 6.1 the following fields were added to the mplemented
Software Components (tccom0100s000) session:

A number of new check boxes to indicate which packages and

modules are implemented and which other functionality is required
such as the use of engineering item revisions and the EU sales listing.
Removed fieIds
The following fields and functionality was removed:

The fields for the company's address data were replaced by one field
for the address code. For more information, refer toAddresses.

The Jurisdiction command was removed. n ERP LN 6.1 , you can

start this command from the Specific menu of the Addresses
(tccom4130s000) session.
Sales and use tax
This topic describes the Baan Vc localization functionality for sales and
use tax that was added to the ERP LN 6.1 standard software.
The changes affect the following packages and modules:

Common Data.
Common | 3-13

Purchase Control.

Sales Control.

Central nvoicing.

Accounts Payable.

Accounts Payable.

Electronic Data nterchange.

SaIes and use tax functionaIity in ERP LN 6.1
New in SSA ERP LN 6.1

Tax exemption certificates

n Baan Vc , tax exemption processing is supported only on sales
orders for non-tax provider users. n ERP LN 6.1 , tax exemption
certificate processing is also performed for purchase orders, and for
sales orders if you use a tax provider. You can define tax-exemption
certificates in the following sessions:

Tax Exemptions for Sales (tcmcs1142m000).

Tax Exemptions for Purchasing (tcmcs1560m000).

Register Warehouse for Tax Exemptions (tcmcs1561m000).


Direct Pay permit registration

ERP LN 6.1 can process purchase orders to which a direct pay permit
applies. n the Tax Exemptions for Purchasing (tcmcs1560m000) and
the Register Warehouse for Tax Exemptions (tcmcs1561m000)
sessions, you can select the new Direct Pay Indicator check box. This
results in direct pay processing changes in various packages and

Tax caIcuIation date.

n the new Tax CaIcuIation Date field of the Tax Codes by Country
(tcmcs0136s000) session of ERP LN 6.1 , you can define whether the
tax rates and currency rates of the order date or of the invoice date
must be used for the tax calculations on sales invoices and purchase

OptionaIIy incIude tax amounts in order baIance

n Baan Vc , the order balance amount always includes the tax
amount. Consequently, the tax amount must be recalculated every time
an order line is modified in order to update the balance correctly. f the
tax provider is activated, this requires an AP call for every
re-calculation of tax, which can cause an unacceptable increase in
response time. n ERP LN 6.1 , you can select or clear the new
IncIude Tax in Order BaIance check box in the COM Parameters
(tccom0000s000) session to indicate whether you want to include tax
amounts in the order balance amount. This parameter has an effect on
various sessions in Order Management.

OptionaIIy print tax amounts on externaI documents

n Baan Vc , the tax amounts are always printed on external
3-14 | Common
documents. n ERP LN 6.1 , you can set some parameters to indicate
whether you want to print tax amounts on external documents.

Print tax amounts by tax authority

f you wish, ERP LN 6.1 can print a breakdown of the tax amounts by
tax authority on external documents. f you use a tax provider, the tax
amounts for each tax authority are reported by state/province, country,
and local jurisdictions. The tax authority summary reports display
separate city tax amounts and district tax amounts.

Tax provider API enhancements

The NA tax provider AP was upgraded to support:

Tax exemption information on sales transactions.

Tax exemption information on purchase transactions.

The latest versions of the tax provider applications: Vertex's

Quantum for Sales and Use Tax, and TAXWARE's SALES/USE
Tax System.
Tax setup
This topic explains how the tax setup procedure and the various tax related
sessions in Baan IVc Common were changed in ERP LN 6.1 .
The changes have an effect on:

Tax codes by country in general.

Destination sales tax.

NA tax provider setup.

ntra EU transactions.
Tax setup in Baan IVc
n Baan IVc Common, you can set up:

For aII types of taxes:

Tax codes and tax codes by country.

For destination saIes tax:

Tax authority groups and tax authorities.

Exceptions for taxes for sales transactions, for purchase

transactions, and by location.

Exemptions for sales taxes for per customer and tax authority.

Reasons for tax exemption.

For the interface with a tax provider appIication:

The country tax provider register and the product category matrix.

For European Union tax reporting:

EU VAT reporting, as described in EU VAT setup.

The sales listing and the import/export statistics required for the
Common | 3-15
ntrastat declaration.
Tax setup in ERP LN 6.1
Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1 .
n ERP LN 6.1 , the following changes werew made:

EU VAT reporting was improved as described in EU VAT setup.

The tax setup possibilities have been extended.

The following changes apply to all tax types:

Ledger accounts and dimensions

ERP LN 6.1 supports a multifinancial company structure in which the
tax amounts can be posted to different ledger accounts. For this
purpose, the ledger accounts and dimensions for the tax codes by
country were moved from the Tax Codes by Country (tcmcs0136s000)
session in Common Data to the Accounts Receivable module in
n ERP LN 6.1 , you set up the ledger accounts and dimensions for
singular tax codes and multiple tax codes in the following sessions:

Posting Data for Tax Codes (tfgld0171s000).

Posting Data for Multiple Tax Codes (tfgld0170s000).

For both types of tax code, you must define the sales ledger
account in the Posting Data for Tax Codes (tfgld0171s000)

Kind of tax
n ERP LN 6.1 , two kinds of tax were added. n the Tax Codes by
Country (tcmcs0136s000) session, you must select the tax type in the
Kind of Tax field.
The kind of tax can be:

VAT. Value added tax on sales and purchases.

Investment Charge. A shifted expensed purchase tax that is

applied on investment amounts on purchase invoices in Norway.

Stamp Tax. A type of tax that is imposed on trade notes.

New functionality
Date-effective parameters
This topic describes the various ways in which parameter values are made
3-16 | Common
effective in Baan Vc and ERP LN 6.1 .
Parameter vaIues in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , if you change the parameter in a Parameters session, the
new values take effect immediately when you save the data. The previous
parameter values are lost.
f you want to restore the previous values, you must refer to your notes.
Parameter vaIues in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , all Parameters sessions are date-effective.
Compared to Baan Vc , the following changes were made:

SSA ERP keeps a history of the parameter settings, so that you can
display the previous parameter values.

f you change the parameter values, you can enter the date and time at
which the new values must take effect.
Enterprise units
This topic describes the various way in which warehouses, sales orders,
and so on are linked to a financial company in Baan Vc and in ERP LN 6.1
The Iink to a financiaI company in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , to link warehouses, orders, and other entities to a financial
company, you can select the financial company in the session in which you
define the entity.
The Iink to a financiaI company in ERP LN 6.1
Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , entities for which this is relevant are linked to a financial
company through an enterprise unit. n a single company structure as well
as in multicompany structures, you must define at least one enterprise unit
and you must link every department, warehouse, and so on, to an
enterprise unit.
For more information, refer toEnterprise ModeIing Management (EMM).
Common | 3-17
Exchange rate types
This topic describes the differences between the exchange rate types that
you can define in Baan Vc and in ERP LN 6.1 .
Exchange rate types in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , you define currency rates in the Currency Rates
(tcmcs0108m000) session. You can define a sales rate, a purchase rate,
and the rate to be used for the intrastat report.
Exchange rate types in ERP LN 6.1
Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , you must define exchange-rate types in the Exchange
Rate Types (tcmcs0140m000) session.
n the Companies (tcemm1170m000) session, you can select the
company's default exchange rate types to be used for sales transactions,
purchase transactions, internal calculations, and external reporting.
You can assign exchange rate types, among others, to invoice-to business
partners and to invoice-from business partners. For more information, refer
toTo use exchange rate types.
Unit Effectivity
Use the Unit Effectivity module to define and maintain effectivity units.
Multicurrency systems
This topic describes the new multicurrency systems in ERP LN 6.1 .
The home currency in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , a company can perform its financial accounting in one
currency. n ERP LN 6.1 terms, Baan Vc only supports a single currency
system. You select a company's home currency in the Maintain Company
Data (tccom0100m000) session of the Common Data module.
The company's currencies in ERP LN 6.1
3-18 | Common
n ERP LN 6.1 , a company can use up to three different home currencies,
one of which is usually the local currency. The home currency for financial
accounting is called the reference currency. n a multicompany structure,
all the companies must have the same reference currency.
n most of the sessions in which you can enter or display amounts, you can
click the Rotate Currency button or click Rotate Currency on the TooIs
menu, to enter or display the amounts in each of the home currencies in
For many reports, especially in Financials, you can select the home
currency in which you want to print the report.
You select the reference currency, the local currency, and other reporting
currencies for the companies in the Companies (tcemm1170m000)
session of the Enterprise Modeling Management module.
For details, refer to Currency systems.
First free numbers
This topic describes the differences between the setup of series and
generated document numbers in Baan Vc and in ERP LN 6.1 .
First free numbers in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , you define series and numbers in the Maintain First Free
Numbers (tcmcs0147m000) session. n the Type of Number field, you
must select the type of documents for which the series will be used. The
generated document numbers are always numeric and can consist of up to
six characters.
First free numbers in ERP LN 6.1
Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , you must define number groups in the Number Groups
(tcmcs0151m000) session and then in the First Free Numbers
(tcmcs0150m000) session, define the series and numbers of each number
You assign the number groups to various purposes in the corresponding
sessions. For example, in the Sales Order Parameters (tdsls0100s400)
session you can select the number group for sales orders and sales
schedules. n the Sales Offices (tdsls0512m000) session you can then
Common | 3-19
select a series of that number group for the sales orders generated by a
specific sales office.
As the series codes can be alphanumeric, the generated document
numbers can be alphanumeric and they can consist of up to nine
characters. For more information, refer toTo use number groups and
The Parameter Wizard
The standard SSA ERP application includes some localized functionality
which is only required for business transactions specific countries or parts
fo the world.
Parameter Wizard terminoIogy
you can use the Parameter Wizard to group the parameters for each
function and to set the parameters to specific values. The various functions
and their parameters are organized on a number of selection levels.
The following levels are implemented:



Option group.


For example, for the Country aspect you can define the various countries
as options and group the options into areas such as Nordic, Latin America,
and Central Europe. During one run of the Parameter Wizard, the user can
only select option groups, options, and topics that belong to the same
n the Parameter Wizard, each specific function is defined as a topic.
Some examples of topics are:

Some examples of topics are:

Nordic Bank Files

nvestment Charge.

The ntrastat report.

To use the Parameter Wizard
You can use the Parameter Wizard to:
3-20 | Common

Group the parameters that are required by each topic.

Select the topics that must be implemented.

Set the various parameters for each topic to the correct values.

ndicate the order in which the parameters must be set to their new
To use the Parameter Wizard consists of two separate activities:

Set up the Parameter Wizard. To define the parameter values for each
topic and to link the topics to the options.

Use the Parameter Wizard. To select the options and topics that must
be implemented and to start the process that sets the parameters to
the required values.
InitiaIize parameters
Before you use the Parameter Wizard, the parameters must have been
initialized in the regular way with the nitialize Parameters
(tcmcs0295m000) session. When you run this session, the tables of the
Parameter Wizard are also filled with default topics, options, and required
Lot by unit
This topic is about the use of lot by unit or serialization to track and trace
Lot by unit in Baan IVc
Lot control is used to record and trace groups of items. n Baan Vc , you
can use Lot by Unit in the item data to identify a separate item as a lot. n
this way, you can record and trace the item.
SeriaIization in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , the concept of serialized items is introduced. Serialization
is used in the following SSA ERP packages:

n Warehouse Management, to track and trace items in inventory, for

inbound goods movements, and/or outbound goods movements.

n Manufacturing, to identify manufactured items, and the components

that are used in the manufactured items.

n Service, to identify items and components for service and

maintenance purposes.
For more information, refer toOverview of seriaIized items.
Common | 3-21
tem codes
This topic describes the differences between the item codes that you can
use in Baan Vc and in ERP LN 6.1 .
Item codes in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , item codes can consist of up to 16 characters.
Item codes in ERP LN 6.1
New in SSA ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , item codes can consist of up to 47 characters. n addition,
item codes can be Segmented.
Segmented item codes can consist of a project-code segment, a cluster
segment, and an item-base segment (the item code). The project segment
is mostly used for PCS project items. The cluster segment is only used in
Central nvoicing. You can define the item code segmentation in the tem
Code Segmentation (tcibd0500m000) session. For more information, refer
toSegmented item codes.
Tables module - Differences B40c/B61
This topic describes the most important differences between the Tables
module in Baan Vc and in ERP LN 6.1 .
Logistic TabIes
The most important changes to Logistic TabIes are:

Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . n the Countries (tcmcs0110s000)
session, some fields were added for tax reporting and for the checks
on VAT numbers and bank account numbers. n the new Country
Groups (tcmcs1180m000) session, you can define country groups for
tax reporting and for the tax journal. For more information, refer

3-22 | Common
New in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . n the new Departments (tcmcs0565m000)
session, you can centrally define thefollowing types of departments.
For more information, refer toTo define departments.

Sales office.

Purchase office.

Shipping office.

Service department.

Work center.

Accounting department

First free numbers

Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . n ERP LN 6.1 , the use and
assignment of series to various purposes is more flexible. For more
information, refer toFirst free numbers.

Forwarding Agents
Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . n ERP LN 6.1 , Forwarding Agents are
called Carriers. n the Carriers (tcmcs0180s000) session, you can enter
additional details for the carrier.

New in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . n the new Manufacturers (tcmcs0160m000)
session, you can define the various manufacturers from which you
purchase your supplies. For details, refer to the online Help of the
Manufacturers (tcmcs0160m000) session.

New in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . As projects must be defined as key entities
and linked to an enterprise unit in the Enterprise Modeling
Management module of Common Data, you must define all projects in
the new General Projects (tcmcs0552m000) session. For details, refer
to the online Help ofGeneral Projects (tcmcs0552m000) session.

Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . n Baan Vc , separate sessions existed
in various packages for each type of reason. n ERP LN 6.1 , the
Reasons (tcmcs0105m000) session in Baan Vc was renamed to
Reasons (tcmcs0105m000). All the reason codes are defined in this
session and you can assign a Reason Type to each reason.

Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . The tem Signals (tcmcs0118m000)
session in Baan Vc was renamed to tem Signals (tcmcs0118m000) in
ERP LN 6.1 . The new Signals (tcmcs0139m000) session was added
which you can use to define business partner signals. For more
information, refer toTo use signaIs.

Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . n ERP LN 6.1 , in the Warehouses
(tcmcs0103s000) session the information about the warehouse
locations was moved to the Warehouse - Location (whwmd3100s000)
session. A number of new warehouse types is available in ERP LN 6.1
. For more information, refer toType of warehouse The warehouse
type Work In Process was changed to Shop FIoor. The warehouse
Common | 3-23
type Transit is no longer available.
FinanciaI TabIes
The most important changes to FinanciaI TabIes are:

Bank addresses
Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . The Maintain Bank Addresses
(tcmcs0120m000) session was removed. n ERP LN 6.1 , the bank
information is maintained centrally in the Accounts Receivable module
of Financials. For more information, refer toBank master data. n
addition, addresses are stored centrally as described in Addresses.

Credit ratings
Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . n ERP LN 6.1 , the Credit Ratings
(tcmcs0164s000) session was extended. Among other options, you
can select the action to be taken if the open order amount of a
business partner exceeds the credit limit, and you can indicate at which
moments in the order process the credit limit must be checked. For
more information, refer toThe business partner's credit Iimit

Exchange rate types

Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . n Baan Vc , you can define the SaIes
currency rate, the Purchase currency rate, and the EU currency rate in
the Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000) session. n ERP LN 6.1 , you
define the exchange-rate type in the Exchange Rate Types
(tcmcs0140m000) session. For more information, refer toTo use
currency exchange rate types.

Factoring companies
Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . The Maintain Factoring Companies
(tcmcs0125m000) session and the Maintain Banks by Factoring
Company (tcmcs0126m000) session were removed. n ERP LN 6.1
factors are defined as pay-to business partners. n addition, you can
set up the factoring of your own invoices. For details, refer to

SaIes types and purchase types

New in SSA ERP LN 6.1 .
n ERP LN 6.1 , to support he multiple control accounts functionality,
you can define sales types and purchase types and exceptions to
these types in the following sessions:

Sales Types (tcmcs2102m000)

Purchase Types (tcmcs2101m000)

Sales Type Exceptions (tcmcs2104m000)

Purchase Type Exceptions (tcmcs2103m000)

For more information, refer toControI accounts.

Tax codes
Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . n ERP LN 6.1 , the TabIes for
Destination SaIes Tax branch of the menu tree was renamed to Tax.
The Tax Codes (tcmcs0137m000) session and the Maintain Tax Codes
3-24 | Common
by Country (tcmcs0136m000) session were moved here.

Tax codes by postaI codes

Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . n the Tax Codes by GEO Code
(tcmcs1136m000) session and in other session in which the tax code
was linked tot the postal code, the postal code was replaced by the
GEO code.
Common Data module - Differences B40c/B61
This topic describes the most important differences between the Common
Data (COM) module in Baan Vc and in ERP LN 6.1 .
New and changed functionaIity

Company data
Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . The title of the Maintain Company Data
(tccom0100m000) session was changed to mplemented Software
Components (tccom0100s000). As an important new function, you
must use this sesson to indicate which packages, modules, and other
functionality the company uses. For details, refer to the online Help
ofmplemented Software Components (tccom0100s000).

New in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . n ERP LN 6.1 , the new People package is
used to register the employees' hours and expenses. The way in which
you define employees was changed to support People. For more
information, refer toEmpIoyees.

Customers and suppIiers

Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . n ERP LN 6.1 , customers and
suppliers must be defined as business partners in the Business
Partners (tccom4100s000) session. For more information, refer
toCustomers and suppIiers.

New in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . n ERP LN 6.1 , you can define the business
partner's employee with whom you communicate about the
transactions as the business partner's contact. For more information,
refer toTo use contacts.

Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . n Baan Vc , the addresses of trade
relations, banks, factoring companies, and so on are maintainted in
many different sessions. n ERP LN 6.1 , all the addresses used by the
company are defined centrally in the new Addresses (tccom4130s000)
session. For more information, refer toAddresses.

Intra EU Transactions

Import/Export Statistics
Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . n ERP LN 6.1 , Import/Export
Statistics was renamed to Intrastat transactions report. To meet
Common | 3-25
the current ntrastat report requirements, the existing ntrastat
related sessions were changed and new ntrastat sessions were

SaIes Iisting
Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . To meet the current sales listing
requirement and the Belgian ntracom declaration requirements,
some fields were added to the Sales Listing (tccom7170s000)
session. For more information, refer toIntra EU transactions
Calendars and Periods module - Differences B61/B40c
This topic describes the new Calendars and Periods module in ERP LN
6.1 .
CaIendars and periods in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , calendars are defined in the package in which they are
required, for example, in the Maintain Calendar (cprpd2104m000) session
of Baan IVc Constraint PIanning.
n Baan Vc , periods are defined in various packages:

n Project, in Maintain Cost Control Periods (tpppc0110m000).

n Project, in Maintain Hours Control Periods (tpppc2121m000)

n Manufacturing, in Maintain Production Schedule Periods


n the Hours Accounting module of Manufacturing, in Maintain

Period Table (tihra3101m000)

n the Commission ControI module of Distribution, in Maintain

Period Tables (tdcms0101m000)

n Purchase Statistics, in Maintain Purchase Statistics Period Tables


n SaIes Statistics, in Maintain Sales Statistics Period Tables


n Service, in Maintain Periods (tssma2130m000)

CaIendars and periods in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 the calendars and periods used by the various SSA ERP
packages are defined centrally in the Calendars and Periods module of
Common Data.
3-26 | Common
Each company has a default calendar and you can define more specific
calendars for entities such as department, employees, and business
Periods used in the other packages can be created in or selected from the
Periods (tcccp0170m000) session.
Financial ntegrations (FN) module - Differences B61/B40c
This topic describes the new Finance/Logistics module in ERP LN 6.1 .
n ERP LN 6.1 , the Finance/Logistics module contains the data required
for the setup of the financial integration mapping and for reconciliation,
which must be available to both the operation management packages and
For more information, refer toFinanciaI Integrations (FIN).
Electronic Data nterchange (ED) module - Differences B40c/B61
This topic describes the most important differences between the
EIectronic Data Interchange (EDI) module in Baan Vc and the Quality
Management package in ERP LN 6.1 .
n ERP LN 6.1 , the EIectronic Data Interchange (EDI) module of
Common Data was changed into the Quality Management package.
EIectronic Commerce in ERP LN 6.1
Quality Management in ERP LN 6.1 is very similar to the EIectronic Data
Interchange (EDI) module in Baan Vc .
The most important changes are:

The relations defined within the module were replaced by business
partners defined centrally in Common Data. For more information, refer
toCustomers and suppIiers.

Item Codes
The various Conversion of Item Codes sessions were removed. The
information about item codes and item code systems is retrieved from
the tem Code Systems (tcibd0106m000) session and the tem Codes
by tem Code System (tcibd0104s000) session.

The various Conversion of Address Codes sessions were replaced
Common | 3-27
by the Conversion of Address Codes (in) session and the Conversion
of Address Codes (out) session.

Number groups and series

n the ED Parameters (ecedi0100s000) session, you can enter the
number group and series to be used for address codes that are
automatically generated by ED, when specific address information is
received on incoming ED messages. For more information, refer toTo
use number groups and series.
Enterprise Modeling Management module - Differences B40c/B61
This topic describes the new Enterprise Modeling Management module in
ERP LN 6.1 .
n Baan Vc , to link warehouses, orders, and other entities to a financial
company, you can select the financial company in the session in which you
define the entity.
n ERP LN 6.1 , entities for which this is relevant are linked to a financial
company through an enterprise unit. n a single company structure as well
as in multicompany structures, you must define at least one enterprise unit
and you must link every department, warehouse, and so on, to an
enterprise unit. You can use the sessions of the Enterprise Modeling
Management module to link the entities to the enterprise units.
For more information, refer toEnterprise ModeIing Management (EMM).
n addition, the new Enterprise Modeling Management module in ERP LN
6.1 contains the new parameter wizard, which you can use to set up the
specific localized functionality required for your company. For more
information, refer toThe Parameter Wizard.
Currency nitialization module - Differences B40c/B61
This topic describes the most important differences between the Euro
InitiaIization module in Baan Vc and the Currency nitialization module in
ERP LN 6.1 .
Baan Vc supports only the single currency system. Therefore, the Euro
InitiaIization module was only used to convert the base currency or
reference currency in a single currency system from an EU currency to
ERP LN 6.1 supports three types of currency systems:
3-28 | Common

single currency system

dependent currency system

independent currency system

n ERP LN 6.1 , the module title was changed from Euro InitiaIization to
Currency nitialization. You can use the Currency nitialization module for
the internal initialization of your home currencies as well as to convert one
currency system to another currency system. For details, refer to
Currency InitiaIization.
tem Control (TM) module - Differences B40c/B61
This topic describes the differences between the Item ControI (ITM)
module in Baan Vc and the tem Base Data module in ERP LN 6.1 .
Item ControI in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , items and the various types of item data are defined in the
Item ControI (ITM) module of BAAN IV Manufacturing.
As the Item ControI module includes item manufacturing data, item sales
data, item purchase data, and item storage data, in the menu tree the Item
ControI module is copied in the packages in which the item data is used:

BAAN V Manufacturing.

BAAN V Distribution.

BAAN V Service.

BAAN V Process.
n addition to the Maintain tem Data (tiitm0101m000) session , you can
define items in the following sessions:

Maintain Customized tem Data (tipcs2121m000).

Maintain Plan tems (cprpd1101m000).

Maintain Plan tems (timps2101m000).

Maintain Project tems (tppdm6110m000).

As no connection exists between the tables of these sessions, you can
define items with the same item codes in various places. SSA ERP does
not check this.
Item Base Data in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , the general item data was moved to the tem Base Data
module of Common Data. All the items used in SSA ERP are defined in
the tem - General (tcibd0101s000) session and every item code must be
Common | 3-29
unique. You cannot define different types of items that have the same item
codes. For more information, refer toMaintain Item Data
(tiitm0101m000)- DifferencesB40c/ERP61.
Package-specific details such as the item sales data were moved to the
Items sessions in the various packages. The new tems Dashboard
(timfc1500m000) session in the Manufacturing Control module of
Manufacturing provides fast access to the item data and the
Package-specific details.
The Item Base Data (IBD) module contains the same business objects as
Item ControI module in Baan Vc , except for the Locations business
object. For more information, refer toItem data.
n the tem Base Data module, you can define:

Item Data.
n the tem - General (tcibd0101s000) session you only define the item
data that is relevant to multiple packages.

Item DefauIt Data.

n the various Item - DefauIts sessions you only define the default item
data that is relevant to all the other packages. Package-specific details
such as the default item sales data were moved to the Items sessions
in the various packages.

Conversion Factors.
Use the Conversion Factors (tcibd0103m000) session to define
conversion factors.

AIternative Items.
Use the Alternative tems (tcibd0105s000) session to define alternative

Item Code Systems.

Use the tem Code Systems (tcibd0106m000) session to define item
code systems.

List Data.
New in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . You can use the List Groups
(tcibd3101m000) session and the List Components (tcibd3100m000)
session to define list items. For more information, refer toList items.

New in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . The serial numbers of serialized items and
lot controlled items are generated using a mask. You can use the
Masks (tcibd4102m000) session to set up masks. For more
information, refer toTo define a mask and to Overview of seriaIized
n ERP LN 6.1 , the Locations functionality was completely replaced.
3-30 | Common
Quality Management System (QMS) module - Differences
This topic describes the most important differences between the QuaIity
Management System (QMS) module in Baan Vc and the Quality
Management package in ERP LN 6.1 .
n ERP LN 6.1 , the QuaIity Management System (QMS) module of
Common Data was changed into the Quality Management package.
QuaIity Management in ERP LN 6.1
Quality Management in ERP LN 6.1 is very similar to the QuaIity
Management System (QMS) module in Baan Vc .
The most important changes are:

BIocking reasons
n the Quality Management Parameters (qmptc0100m000) session,
you can specify blocking reasons used in the Shop Floor Control
module of Manufacturing. For more information, refer toDefining
bIocking reasons for QM.

Option sets
n Baan Vc , option sets defined for one characteristic cannot be used
for another characteristic. n ERP LN 6.1 , you can link option sets to
multiple characteristics. You can link an option set to a characteristic in
the Characteristics (qmptc0115m000) session.

The menu tree was reorganized so that sessions that are dependent of
other sessions cannot be started directly from the menu tree. For
example, you can only start the Select nstruments for Calibration
(tcqms3201m000) session from the nstruments (qmptc0108m000)

Easy Entry sessions

Three new dashboard sessions make access to related data much
faster and easier:

Quality D (qmptc0110m100). This session provides fast access to

the Characteristics (qmptc0115m000) session and the Test Groups
(qmptc0136m000) session, as well as an overview of where the
Quality D is used.

nspection Orders - Easy Entry (qmptc1100m100). This session

provides fast access to the nspection Order - Lines
(qmptc1101m000) session and the nspection Order - Samples
(qmptc1110m000) session.

nspection Orders - Easy Entry (qmptc1100m100). This session

Common | 3-31
provides fast access to the Storage nspection Orders
(qmptc2100m000) session and the Storage nspection - nventory
(qmptc2130m000) session.

DispIay drawings
n the Quality Management Parameters (qmptc0100m000) session, the
Directory Name for Drawing field and the DispIay Drawing field are
no longer present.
3-32 | Common
Changed functionality
ATP in Sales Control
This topic explains how the available-to-promise (ATP) functionality has
changed in ERP LN 6.1 compared to Baan Vc .
AvaiIabIe to promise (ATP) in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , when you enter an MPS item on a sales order or sales
quotation, Baan Vc checks the MPS item's ATP if the Check AvaiIabIe To
Promise for SaIes Orders check box is selected in the Maintain MPS
Parameters (timps0100m000) of Manufacturing.
f the free available inventory (ATP) to fulfill the sales order or sales
quotation is insufficient, the order or quotation is blocked.
AvaiIabIe to promise (ATP) in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , the ATP functionality is part of a more extensive order
promising technique, called capable-to-promise (CTP). The CTP
functionality consists of the ATP component, which is a rather basic
Chapter 4
Order Management
order-promising method, and the CTP component, which is a more
extended version of the order-promising concept. For more information,
refer toAppIication of CTP checks.
Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , the MPS functionality is moved to the Enterprise Planning
package and is modified fundamentally. For more information, refer toMain
differences between ERP LN 6.1Enterprise PIanning andBaan IVc
Constraint PIanning.
You can check the ATP/CTP for plan items during the ATP/CTP horizon as
defined in the tems - Planning (cprpd1100m000) session of Enterprise
Planning. Before you can enter a plan item in the tems - Planning
(cprpd1100m000) session, you must set the Order System field to
PIanned for the item in the tem - Ordering (tcibd2100s000) session of the
Common Data package.
f you want ERP LN 6.1 to check an item's ATP/CTP when you enter a
sales order or sales quotation, you must perform the following:

Select the CTP Check for SaIes (for EP and OPS) check box in the
EP Parameters (cprpd0100m000) session.

ndicate the Types of ATP and CTP checks that must be applied and
define the settings for the checks in the tems - Planning
(cprpd1100m000) session.
New in SSA ERP LN 6.1
f the free available inventory (ATP) and additional critical components and
capacities (CTP) are insufficient to fulfill the order or quotation, ERP LN 6.1
comes up with a number of possibilities to handle the shortage. One way
to handle the shortage for a sales order is to propose a delivery schedule,
which you can set up by means of the new ATP Handling (tdsls4899m000)
You can also use the ATP Handling (tdsls4899m000) session to perform
offline ATP/CTP checks. For instance, you can collect multiple orders in
written form and then use the ATP Handling (tdsls4899m000) session to
carry out ATP/CTP checks.
Configured items in Sales Control
4-2 | Order Management
This topic explains how the configuration of items has changed in ERP LN
6.1 compared to Baan Vc .
To configure items in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , if you want to sell a customized item, you must configure a
generic item in the Product Configurator (tipcf5120s000) session of
Manufacturing. As a result, a product variant is generated.
Next, if the item is for a:

Sales quotation, you must generate a product variant structure in the

Generate Product Variant Structure for Sales Quotations
(tipcf5250m000) session.

Sales order, you must generate a product variant structure in the

Generate Product Variant Structure for Sales Orders (tipcf5260m000)
To configure items in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , the configuration of a generic item not always results into
a customized item. Configured items can now be customized items as well
as standard items. f you configure items without PCS projects, standard
items are generated instead of customized items. For details, refer to
Customized items or standard items in Product Configuration (PCF).
Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1
The sessions for generating product variant structures for sales quotations
and sales orders are moved from the Product Configuration module in
Manufacturing to the Sales Control module in ERP LN 6.1 .
The following new sessions are available in Sales Control:

Generate (Budget) Structure for Sales Quotations (tdsls1201m100).

Generate (Project) Structure for Sales Orders (tdsls4244m000)

For more information on product configuration, refer to PCF procedures.
This topic explains how the generation of purchase orders for non-direct
deliveries, which is called cross-docking in ERP LN 6.1 , has changed in
ERP LN 6.1 compared to Baan Vc .
Non-direct deIiveries in Baan IVc
Order Management | 4-3
n Baan Vc , you can generate planned purchase orders for non-direct
delivery sales orders in the Generate Purchase Order Advice for Sales
Order (tdsls4240m000) session.
You must process the planned purchase orders in the following sessions:
1. Confirm Planned NV Purchase Orders (tdinv3220m000)
2. Transfer Planned NV Purchase Orders (tdinv3260m000)
Cross-docking in ERP LN 6.1
Because the functionality of Baan VcInventory ControI (INV) is taken
over by various modules in Warehouse Management, also the
cross-docking functionality has changed.
n ERP LN 6.1 , the following types of cross-docking exist:

Static cross-docking
A cross-docking order is created in Sales Control and, by means of a
purchase order advice, which was a planned purchase order in Baan
Vc , a purchase order is generated that is linked to the sales order.
The order is called static, because you cannot maintain the
cross-docking order or order lines in Warehouse Management.

Dynamic cross-docking
With dynamic cross-docking you can:

Create cross-docking orders and order lines in Warehouse


Change or cancel the cross-docking order and order lines at

various points during the cross-docking process in Warehouse

Enable SSA ERP to automatically create cross-docking orders

and/or cross-docking order lines in Warehouse Management.
Splitting deliveries is in fact splitting order lines. f purchase order lines or
sales order lines are generated, you can split up the order lines into
several delivery lines. As a result, multiple deliveries take place on one
order line. f a cross-docking order exists and a split delivery is required,
you can further split up a delivery line into several deliveries in the new
Split Line (tdpur4000s000) session.
For detailed information on static cross-docking and the relation between
cross-docking and splitting deliveries, refer to ReIation between
cross-docking and spIitting deIiveries.
For more information on dynamic cross-docking, refer to Dynamic
4-4 | Order Management
Delivery lines
This topic explains how sales order lines and delivery lines are linked to
each other in ERP LN 6.1 .
DeIivery Iines in Baan IVc
When you create a sales order in Baan Vc , a delivery line is generated in
the Maintain Deliveries (tdsls4120m000) session. n this session, you must
maintain the deliveries of sold items.
f (part of) the ordered quantity is unavailable and back order quantities are
entered in the Maintain Deliveries (tdsls4120m000) session, Baan Vc
generates a new delivery line with a sequence number greater than zero
when the back order is confirmed.
DeIivery Iines in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1Sales Control, delivery lines can only include back order
lines and split sales order lines.
You can view, enter, and maintain delivery lines in the following sessions:

Sales Order Line - Deliveries (tdsls4101m900)

Delivery Lines (tdsls4101m100)

To spIit saIes order Iines

f a sales order line is generated, you can split up the order line into
several delivery lines. As a result, multiple deliveries take place on one
order line. An order line is split when deliveries for the sales order line:

Must be taken from different warehouses.

Must be carried out on different days.

Must be delivered to different addresses.

To generate the first delivery line for the sales order line, click
Generate Line on the Specific menu of the DeIivery Lines tab in the
Sales Order Line - Deliveries (tdsls4101m900) session. Consecutive
delivery lines can be inserted by means of the New DeIivery Line
button, or by selecting a delivery line and clicking SpIit DeIivery Line
on the Specific menu of the DeIivery Lines tab.

To generate back order Iines

For more information, refer toBack order handIing.
n the Maintain Deliveries Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m200) session, you
can only maintain the deliveries for sales order lines or delivery lines that
Order Management | 4-5
are not released to Warehouse Management. f sales order lines or
delivery lines are released, deliveries must be maintained in the new
Warehouse Management package and cannot be entered in Sales
Line Type
Because of the different types of order lines, the Line Type field is
introduced in ERP LN 6.1 .
A sales order line can be of the following Line Type:

Order Line: The sales order line is split up in several sequences

(delivery lines). The totaled quantities and amounts are visible in this
line. This line type is also referred to as a Total Line.

Order/DeIivery Line: This sales order line is a normal line. The line is
created manually or is generated automatically.
A delivery line can be of the following Line Type:

Order/DeIivery Line: The delivery line is a split order line.

Back Order: The delivery line is a back order line.

When an Order/DeIivery Line is generated in the Sales Order - Lines
(tdsls4100m900) session, the sales order line's sequence number is zero.
When the relevant order line is split, or a back order is generated for the
order line, the order line changes to an Order Line line with a sequence
number of zero. The linked delivery lines of line type Order/DeIivery Line
or Back Order have a sequence number greater than zero.
To have the correct information on the various order lines, the
Order/DeIivery Line lines and the Back Order lines are synchronized with
the Order Line and vice versa, when they are updated. For more
information, refer toSynchronization between saIes order Iine and
deIivery Iines.
Delivery types
This topic explains how the settings for the different types of delivery has
changed in ERP LN 6.1 compared to Baan Vc .
DeIivery types in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , the following types of deliveries exist:

Direct deliveries. For these type of deliveries, the Dir. DeIivery check
4-6 | Order Management
box is selected on the sales order line.

Non-direct deliveries.
For direct deliveries, and if required, also for non-direct deliveries, you can
generate planned purchase orders in the Generate Purchase Order Advice
for Sales Order (tdsls4240m000) session. Next, you must transfer these
orders to actual purchase orders. Once a direct delivery order is closed in
Purchase ControI (PUR), Baan Vc enters the deliveries automatically in
the Maintain Deliveries (tdsls4120m000) session.
For non-direct deliveries, you must execute the normal delivery procedure
in Baan Vc . For more information, refer toDeIivery procedure.
DeIivery types in ERP LN 6.1
Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , you can select a delivery type in the new DeIivery Type
field of the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000)/ Delivery Lines
(tdsls4101m100) session.
The following delivery types are available:

Direct DeIivery: The sales order (delivery) line is a direct delivery. As a

result, a purchase order must be generated for a direct delivery order.

Cross-docking: The sales order (delivery) line must be cross-docked.

As a result, a purchase order must be generated for a non-direct
delivery order. For more information, refer toCross-docking.

Warehouse: The sales order (delivery) line is delivered by Warehouse

Management. For more information, refer toDeIivery procedure.
For direct deliveries or cross-docking orders, you must generate a
purchase order advice in the Generate Purchase Order Advice for Sales
Order (tdsls4240m000) session, which was called a planned purchase
order in Baan Vc .

For a direct delivery, a one-to-one relationship exists between the sales

order line and the purchase order line. As a result, updates to a
number of fields on the sales order line reflect in the linked purchase
order line. For a cross-docking order, however, several purchase order
line details can be linked to one sales order line, or several sales order
delivery lines can be linked to one purchase order line. As a result, if
you make changes to the sales order line, the link with the purchase
order line (detail)(s) can be broken. See also: ReIation between
cross-docking and spIitting deIiveries.

A sales order line is linked to Purchase Control if one of the following

Order Management | 4-7
fields is filled in the Linked Order Line Data (tdsls4102s200) session:

PIanned Purchase Advice Number.

Purchase Order.
After deliveries are executed for a delivery type, delivery information is
reported back to Sales Control.
You can view delivery information centrally in the following sessions:

Sales Order Lines Monitor (tdsls4510m000)

Sales Order Actual Delivery Lines (tdsls4106m000)

nvoicing Commissions and Rebates
This topic explains how the commissions and rebates invoicing procedure
has changed in ERP LN 6.1 compared to Baan Vc .
Invoicing in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , if a link with Financials exists for commissions and rebates,
invoices are created directly in the Commission ControI System (CMS)
module. When processing the commissions and rebates in the Release
Commissions/Rebates to nvoicing (tdcms2201m000) session, they are
posted to the GeneraI Ledger (GLD) module of Financials.
Invoicing in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , if a link with Financials exists for commissions and

Commissions are released to the Accounts PayabIe (ACP) module of

Financials. As a result, ERP LN 6.1 creates an open entry in the
Accounts Payable module.

Rebates are released to Baan CentraI Invoicing. After processing in

Central nvoicing, the rebates are sent to the customers in the form of
sales invoices or credit notes, and posted to Financials as open entries
in the Accounts Receivable module.
This functionality has changed to support:

The use of the standard invoicing functionality offered through Baan

CentraI Invoicing. For more information, refer toInvoicing.

The generation of invoices that combine both rebate requests and

other invoice requests for a specific sold-to business partner.

A lean integration between commissions and the Accounts Payable

4-8 | Order Management
module of Financials.
Changed in SSA ERP 6.1
Because of the new invoicing functionality, a number of changes are made
to the Commission Control System module of ERP LN 6.1 .
ACP Parameters (tfacp0100s000)/ SLI Parameters (cisIi1500m000)
The transaction type and series that are needed to create invoices and
document numbers, are removed from the Maintain Commission
Parameters (tdcms0100m000) and Maintain Rebate Parameters
(tdcms1100m000) sessions, because invoices are no longer created in
Order Management. They are transferred to the following sessions in ERP
LN 6.1 :

ACP Parameters (tfacp0100s000)

SL Parameters (cisli1500m000)
Commissions/Rebates Parameters (tdcms0100s000)
When calculating and invoicing commissions and rebates in Baan Vc , the
exchange rate type of the sales order is used, which frequently varies. As
a result, when calculating commissions and rebates after for instance six
months or one year, the exchange rate types can lead to incorrect
calculations. To avoid incorrect calculations, in ERP LN 6.1 the following
fields are added to the Commissions/Rebates Parameters
(tdcms0100s000) session:

Exchange Rate Type

Exchange Rate Type

ReIations (tdcms0110s000)
The following fields are added to the Relations (tdcms0110s000) session:

Purchase Type. For more information, refer toTo set up controI


SaIes Type. For more information, refer toTo set up controI


Tax Code. This field is moved from the Maintain Commission

Parameters (tdcms0100m000) and Maintain Rebate Parameters
(tdcms1100m000) sessions, to the Relations (tdcms0110s000) session
in ERP LN 6.1 , because the tax codes must be maintainable by
ReIease Commissions/Rebates to Invoicing (tdcms2201m000)
Order Management | 4-9
n Baan Vc , this session is called Release Commissions/Rebates to
nvoicing (tdcms2201m000) and is used to set the status of the
commissions/rebates to Reserved, or CIosed. n ERP LN 6.1 , this
session is only used to set the status to CIosed. You can reserve
commissions/rebates in the Reservation and Approval of Reserved
Commissions/Rebates (tdcms2202m000) session. n addition, the
following fields are added to the Release Commissions/Rebates to
nvoicing (tdcms2201m000) session:

Commissions to Accounts PayabIe

Rebates to CentraI Invoicing

For details, refer to the online Help ofRelease Commissions/Rebates to
nvoicing (tdcms2201m000).
After a rebate is released to Central nvoicing and the invoice status is
Confirmed or On HoId in Central nvoicing, you can still update the rebate
invoice data in the Rebates Calculated by Order (tdcms2150s000), or the
Rebates Calculated by Relation (tdcms3150s000) sessions. For more
information, refer toTo change saIes data after reIease to CentraI
ReIations by Invoice (tdcms2502m000)
Although this session already existed in Baan Vc , it was never used. n
ERP LN 6.1 , the following field is added to this session:

ReIeased to SLI(Rebate)
For details, refer to the online Help of the Relations by nvoice
(tdcms2502m000) session.
Link between Purchase Control and Freight Management
This topic explains how the Purchase Control module is linked to the new
BaanERP Freight Management package in ERP LN 6.1 .
Transportation in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , if Transport BAAN V is implemented, the transportation of
the purchased goods can be controlled by this package.
You can indicate whether and how transportation orders are generated in
the Maintain Purchase Order Parameters (tdpur4100m000) session.
4-10 | Order Management
Freight Management in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , the new Freight Management package replaces the
Transport BAAN V package. The Freight Management package is revised
completely and extended considerably compared to Transport BAAN V.
As a result, if you want to have information on the setup and use of the
Freight Management package, refer to BaanERP Freight Management.
Link with Freight Management
f Purchase Control is responsible for the transportation of goods and must
consequently collect goods from a supplier, you can generate a freight
order from the purchase order. f the transportation of goods is not the
supplier's responsibility, but the responsibility of Purchase Control, the
supplier must know on what date the goods must be ready. As a result,
you must consider the planned load date in the purchase order as the
shipment date: when to pick up the goods from the supplier.
The following links exist:

Between Freight Order ControI and Purchase ControI

During the planning and execution of a freight order, its status often
changes. f Purchase Control is responsible for creating the freight
order, the progress of the shipment and loads can be exchanged and
information can be shared between Freight Order Control and
Purchase Control. For more information, refer toIntegration Freight
Order ControI and Purchase ControI.

Between freight invoicing and purchase invoicing

The freight rate that you must pay to the carrier, is called freight costs.
You can invoice your business partner for the freight costs, based on:

Freight Costs.

Freight Costs (Update AIIowed).

CIient Rates.
For more information, refer toIntegration Freight Invoicing and
Purchase Invoicing
Link between Sales Control and Freight Management
This topic explains how the Sales Control module is linked to the new
BaanERP Freight Management package in ERP LN 6.1 .
Transportation in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , if Transport BAAN V is implemented, the transportation of
Order Management | 4-11
the sold goods can be controlled by this package.
You can indicate whether and how transportation orders are generated in
the Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000) session.
Freight Management in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , the new Freight Management package replaces the
Transport BAAN V package. The Freight Management package is revised
completely and extended considerably compared to Transport BAAN V.
As a result, if you want to have information on the setup and use of the
Freight Management package, refer to BaanERP Freight Management.
Link with Freight Management
n ERP LN 6.1Sales Control, you can generate a freight order from the
sales order. The purpose of the integration between Sales Control and
Freight Management is to identify and choose the appropriate means of
transportation during order entry.
The following links exist:

Between Freight Order ControI and SaIes ControI

n Freight Order Control, two types of planning exist:

Rough planning, which is used for long-term capacity planning.

Load building, which is the actual execution time plan of the

shipments and loads. To ship the goods, Freight Order Control
must know the shipments to be moved over a period of time. f
Sales Control is responsible for creating the freight order, the
progress of the shipment and loads can be exchanged and
information can be shared between Freight Order Control and
Sales Control.
For more information, refer toIntegration Freight Order ControI and
SaIes ControI.

Between freight rating and SaIes ControI

During sales order entry or sales quotation entry, you can zoom to
Freight Management to select the most suitable carrier. Based on
several factors, such as the invoicing method, item, freight class,
service level, transport type, and transport means group, the freight
invoice amount is then retrieved from Pricing Control. SSA ERP prints
the calculated invoice amount on the order acknowledgement. For
more information, refer toIntegration Freight Rating and SaIes

Between freight invoicing and saIes invoicing

The freight rate that you must pay to the carrier, is called freight costs.
You can invoice your business partner for the freight costs, based on:
4-12 | Order Management

Freight Costs.

Freight Costs (update aIIowed).

CIient Rates.
For more information, refer toIntegration Freight Invoicing and SaIes
Over deliveries
This topic explains how the functionality for over deliveries has changed in
ERP LN 6.1 compared to Baan Vc .
Over deIiveries in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , if more goods are delivered than ordered, you can record
these over deliveries in the Maintain Deliveries (tdsls4120m000) session.
Over deIiveries in ERP LN 6.1
Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , the delivered quantity can still deviate positively from the
ordered quantity that is entered on the sales order (delivery) line. However,
before an over delivery can take place for an item and business partner
combination, you must define a number of settings in the new Item SaIes
Data (ISA) module of Order Management.
Define the following fields in the tem - Sales Business Partner
(tdisa0110s000) session:

Select the AIIow Over DeIiveries check box. This check box enables
the Warehouse Management package to ship an over delivery for the
item and business-partner combination.

Define whether the tolerance for the over delivery is expressed either
as a percentage or a quantity in the ToIerance Type field.

Percentage: The tolerance is represented as a percentage of the

order quantity.

Quantity: The tolerance is a fixed quantity.

n the Action field, define the way in which SSA ERP must handle the
outbound order line if a shipment does not meet the quantity
You have the following options:

Warn: f the maximum tolerance is exceeded, SSA ERP gives a

warning message to Warehouse Management.

BIock: f the maximum tolerance is exceeded, SSA ERP blocks the

shipment in Warehouse Management.
Order Management | 4-13

No: SSA ERP does not take any action.

Define the percentage or quantity that the shipped quantity may be

more than the ordered quantity in the Maximum ToIerance field. For
details, refer to the online Help of the Maximum ToIerance field.
Purchase back orders
This topic explains how the handling of purchase back orders has changed
in ERP LN 6.1 compared to Baan Vc .
Purchase back orders in Baan IVc
f back orders are allowed in Baan Vc , which you can define in the
Maintain Purchase Order Parameters (tdpur4100m000) session, you can
register a particular quantity as back ordered when you maintain receipts
in the Maintain Receipts (tdpur4120m000) session. By default, Baan Vc
displays a back order quantity equal to the order quantity less the quantity
delivered. f required, you can overwrite this quantity.
n the Maintain Back Orders (tdpur4130m000) session, you can change
the back ordered quantitites and/or cancel the back orders.
Purchase back orders in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1Purchase Control, back orders must be confirmed. Specify
whether the back orders must be confirmed automatically, or manually in
the Confirm Back Orders AutomaticaIIy field of the Purchase Order
Parameters (tdpur0100m400) session.
f the Confirm Back Orders AutomaticaIIy check box is selected, ERP
LN 6.1 automatically confirms back orders. You can view the confirmed
back orders in the Confirmed Purchase Back Orders (tdpur4101m800)
session. For more information on the automatic generation and
confirmation of back orders, refer to Back orders - automatic
f the Confirm Back Orders AutomaticaIIy check box is cleared, you
must confirm the back orders manually in the Potential Purchase Back
Orders (tdpur4101m700) session. As a result, if back orders are confirmed
manually, ERP LN 6.1 first generates a potential back order. For more
information on the generation and manual confirmation of potential back
orders, refer to Back orders - manuaI confirmation.
4-14 | Order Management
Purchase order origin
This topic explains how the purchase order origins have changed in ERP
LN 6.1 compared to Baan Vc .
Purchase order origins in Baan IVc
n Baan VcPurchase Control, you can view the origin of the purchase
order in the Maintain Purchase Orders (tdpur4101m000) session.
A purchase order can have the following origins:

The order results from the conversion of a delivery schedule in the
Duplicate Contract Lines to RFQs (tdpur3201m000) session.

The order results from the transfer of an order advice in the Transfer
Planned NV Purchase Orders (tdinv3260m000) session.

The purchase order is created manually in the Maintain Purchase
Orders (tdpur4101m000) session.
Lines can be added to the purchase order in a number of sessions,
such as:

Maintain Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4102s000)

Maintain Purchase Order (Direct Line Entry) (tdpur4105m000)

Maintain Purchase Order Lines (Fast nput) (tdpur4107m000)

The order results from the transfer of an order advice in the Transfer
Planned MPS Purchase Orders (timps5270m000) session.

The order results from the transfer of an order advice in the Transfer
Planned MRP Purchase Orders (timrp1260m000) session.

The order results from the material requirements of projects in the
Transfer Planned PRP Purchase Orders (tipcs5260m000) session.

Purchase Inquiries
The order results from a copied purchase inquiry in the Convert
Quotations to Contracts/Orders/Price Books (tdpur1202m000) session.

The order results from execution of the Generate Subcontracting
Purchase Orders (tisfc2250m000) session.

The order results from a direct delivery sales order.

Order Management | 4-15
The order results from the execution of the Transfer Planned NV
Purchase Orders (tdinv3260m000) session.

TP (Project)
The order results from the transfer of a planned purchase order in the
Transfer Planned PRP Purchase Orders (tppss6230m000) session.
Purchase order origins in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1Purchase Control, you can view the origin of the purchase
order in the Purchase Order Origin field of the Purchase Order
(tdpur4100s000) session.
Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1
The following purchase order origins have changed in ERP LN 6.1 :

The order results from the execution of the Transfer Planned Orders
(cppat1210m000) session in Enterprise Planning.
This origin replaces the following Baan Vc origins:




The order results from a direct delivery sales order and is generated
from the Transfer Purchase Order Advice (whina3212m000) session in
Warehouse Management, instead of from the Transfer Planned NV
Purchase Orders (tdinv3260m000) in Baan Vc .

The order results from the execution of the Run Global SRP
(tssoc2260m000) session in Service. This origin replaces the SMA
origin in Baan Vc .

The order results from the execution of the Transfer Purchase Order
Advice (whina3212m000) session in Warehouse Management. This
origin replaces the INV origin in Baan Vc .

The order results from the execution of the Generate Purchase Orders
(tdpur3204m000) session, instead of from the Duplicate Contract Lines
to RFQs (tdpur3201m000) session in Baan Vc . For more information,
refer toTo set up a deIivery contract.

The order results from the execution of the Convert Quotations to
Contracts/Orders/Price Books (tdpur1202m000) session. This origin
replaces the Purchase Inquiries origin in Baan Vc . For more
information, refer toRequest for quotation procedure.

4-16 | Order Management
The purchase order is entered manually in the Purchase Orders
(tdpur4500m000) session. Purchase order lines can be entered
centrally in the Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4501m000) session.
New in SSA ERP LN 6.1
The following purchase order origins are new in ERP LN 6.1 :

The order results from the execution of the Convert Requisition Lines
to RFQ/PO (tdpur2201m000) session. For more information, refer
toPurchase requisitions.

Copy from ActuaI Order

The order results from the execution of the Copy Purchase Orders
(tdpur4201s000) session.

Copy from History

The order results from the execution of the Copy Purchase Orders
(tdpur4201s000) session.

The order results from the execution of the Generate WP Transfer
(tiasc7200m000) session in Manufacturing.

The order results from the execution of the Commingle Purchase
Orders (tdpur4210m000) session. For more information, refer
toPurchase orders for commingIing.

The order results from the execution of the Work Order
Planning/Releasing (tswcs3200m000) session in Service. For more
information, refer toIntegration between Purchase ControI and
Depot Repair.
Purchase order types and activities
This topic explains the changed set up of purchase order types and
purchase order activities in ERP LN 6.1 .
Purchase order types and activities in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , order types and their activities are defined centrally in the
Points of Title Passage (tcmcs0142m000) session of Common Data.
Purchase order types and activities in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , you must define purchase order types in the Purchase
Order Types (tdpur0194m000) session and link activities to the order type
in the Purchase Order Type - Activities (tdpur0560m000) session.
Order Management | 4-17
To increase the performance of the various departments, in ERP LN 6.1
you can:

ndicate what activities must be executed automatically and what

activities require manual intervention.

Enter a default device to which the (error) reports for a particular

activity must be sent.
For more information, refer toFIexibIe purchase order processing.
Reconciliation (Purchase Control)
This topic explains how the redesigned reconciliation functionality of ERP
LN 6.1Financials, affects ERP LN 6.1Purchase Control.
ReconciIiation in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , the reconciliation functionality, which is part of Financials, is
very limited. For details, refer to FinanciaI reconciIiation.
ReconciIiation in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , the reconciliation functionality is revised completely.
Because reconciliation takes place in Financials, it is not explained in this
topic. Only the fields and sessions in Purchase Control that are affected by
reconciliation, are discussed. For more information on financial
reconciliation, refer to ReconciIiation.
History data
n ERP LN 6.1 , reconciliation can be performed on purchase orders,
purchase schedules, and purchase contracts.
Reconciliation is always based on the history data and never on actual
data. As a result, define the following parameters:

Set the Log Order History Data field to AII in the Purchase Order
Parameters (tdpur0100m400) session.

n the Purchase Contract Parameters (tdpur0100m300) session:

Set the Log Contract Line Transactions field to AII


Select the Log Turnover on Contract check box.

Select the Log financiaI transactions check box.

ERP LN 6.1 performs reconciliation based on:
4-18 | Order Management

Purchase order actual receipt history in the new Purchase Actual

Receipt History (tdpur4556m000) session.

Purchase schedule line history in the Purchase Schedule Line History

(tdpur3561m000) session.

Purchase contract line history in the Purchase Contract Line - History

(tdpur3551m000) session.
DeIeting history data
Because ERP LN 6.1 uses the history data for reconciliation purposes, you
can only delete history data if the data is no longer required for
You can delete purchase order/schedule history data and purchase
contract history data in the following sessions:

Delete Purchase Order/Schedule History (tdpur5201m000)

Delete Purchase Contract History (tdpur3202m000)

Reconciliation (Sales Control)
This topic explains how the redesigned reconciliation functionality of ERP
LN 6.1Financials, affects ERP LN 6.1Sales Control.
ReconciIiation in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , the reconciliation functionality, which is part of Financials, is
very limited. For details, refer to FinanciaI reconciIiation.
ReconciIiation in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , the reconciliation functionality is revised completely.
Because reconciliation takes place in Financials, it is not explained in this
topic. Only the fields and sessions in Sales Control that are affected by
reconciliation, are discussed. For more information on financial
reconciliation, refer to ReconciIiation.
History data
n ERP LN 6.1 , reconciliation can be performed on sales orders and sales
Reconciliation is always based on the history data and never on actual
data. As a result, you must set the Log SaIes Order History field to AII in
the Sales Order Parameters (tdsls0100s400) session.
Order Management | 4-19
ERP LN 6.1 performs reconciliation based on:

Sales order line history in the Sales Order Line History

(tdsls4551m000) session.

Sales schedule line history in the Sales Schedule Line History

(tdsls3561m000) session.
DeIeting history data
Because ERP LN 6.1 uses the history data for reconciliation purposes, you
can only delete history data if the data is no longer required for
You can delete sales order/schedule history data in the Delete Sales
Order/Schedule History (tdsls5201m000) session.
Request for quotations
This topic explains how the request for quotation (RFQ) procedure, which
is called the purchase inquiry procedure in Baan Vc , has changed in ERP
LN 6.1 compared to Baan Vc .
Purchase inquiry procedure in Baan IVc
n Baan VcPurchase Control, the purchase inquiry procedure enables you

Request a specific supplier to submit a quotation on the purchase

inquiry for the delivery of an item. f you want to receive quotations
from different suppliers, you must create several purchase inquiries.

Compare the prices and discounts of the quotations that are submitted
by different suppliers. Ranking of the inquiry results is only based on
the prices offered by the suppliers.

Copy the inquiry data to a purchase order.

Request-for-quotation procedure in ERP LN 6.1
Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1
With the extension of the request-for-quotation procedure in ERP LN 6.1 ,
you can:

Request multiple business partners to submit a quotation on a specific

request-for-quotation for the delivery of an item.

Compare the received quotations based on the following criteria:

4-20 | Order Management


Vendor rating.

Delivery dates.

RFQ subjective criteria.

Copy the quotation data to a purchase order, a purchase contract, or a

price book.
For more information, refer toRequest for quotation procedure.
Sales back orders
This topic explains how the handling of sales back orders has changed in
ERP LN 6.1 compared to Baan Vc .
SaIes back orders in Baan IVc
f back orders are allowed for a particular customer in Baan Vc , which you
can define in the Maintain Customers (tccom1101m000) session, the
following sales order procedures exist for creating back orders:

During order entry, a certain (unavailable) quantity can be recorded as

a back order in the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000) session.

During the delivery of goods, a certain quantity (physically unavailable)

can be recorded as a back order in the Maintain Deliveries
(tdsls4120m000) session.
After the back order is created, you must confirm the order in the Maintain
and Confirm Back Orders (tdsls4125s000) session.
SaIes back orders in ERP LN 6.1
A sales back order can be created in the following modules:

The SaIes ControI (SLS) module of Order Management.

The Inventory HandIing (INH) module of Warehouse Management.

To create a back order in SaIes ControI

n Sales Control, you can manually hold back a part of the ordered
quantity that is kept from being released when the sales order line is
released to Warehouse Management. This hold back quantity can be
entered in the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000) and the Delivery
Lines (tdsls4101m100) sessions.

To create a back order in Inventory HandIing

f Warehouse Management cannot ship the sales order quantity, the
shipment quantity must be decreased.
The quantity can be decreased at two points in the nventory Handling
Order Management | 4-21
module of Warehouse Management:

Before confirmation of the outbound advice.

Before confirmation of the shipment.

f a back order is created, you must confirm the back order in the Maintain
and Confirm Back Orders (tdsls4125m000) session.
SSA ERP enters a back order in the Maintain and Confirm Back Orders
(tdsls4125m000) session:

As soon as a delivery is executed for the sales order (delivery) line on

which a HoId Back Quantity is entered.

After the modified shipment is confirmed in nventory Handling.

After the back order is confirmed, SSA ERP generates a new delivery line
with a new sequence number and the Backorder check box selected in
the Delivery Lines (tdsls4101m100) session. These lines can be processed
as regular sales order lines. This delivery line also appears in the Maintain
and Confirm Back Orders (tdsls4125m000) session with the same position
number and another sequence number.
f you select the Confirm Back Orders AutomaticaIIy check box in the
Sales Order Parameters (tdsls0100s400) session, SSA ERP automatically
confirms the back order.
For more information, refer toBack order handIing
Sales order acknowledgements
This topic explains how the order acknowledgement's printing functionality
is refined in ERP LN 6.1 compared to Baan Vc .
SaIes order acknowIedgements in Baan IVc
After a sales order is entered in Baan Vc , you can print an order
acknowledgement in the Print Sales Order Acknowledgements/RMAs
(tdsls4401m000), after which you can send it to your customer.
SaIes order acknowIedgements in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , you can still use the Print Sales Order
Acknowledgements/RMAs (tdsls4401m000) session to print order
4-22 | Order Management
New in SSA ERP LN 6.1
However, the following functionality is added to this session:

n the Documents to Print field you can select whether you want to
print order acknowledgments and/or return material authorizations.

With the Promotions check box you can indicate whether you want to
print promotions on the order acknowledgement, if promotions apply to
the order.

You can control the printing of order acknowledgements based on the

order amount and/or the delivery date. These conditions only apply for
order types that do not have the Print Sales Order
Acknowledgements/RMAs (tdsls4401m000) linked as a mandatory
activity to the order type in the Sales Order Type - Activities
(tdsls0560m000) session.
Conditions for printing
f you want to control the printing of order acknowledgements based on the
order amount and/or the delivery date, perform the following in the Print
Sales Order Acknowledgements/RMAs (tdsls4401m000) session:

Set the Order Line Types to Print field to AII Lines.

Enter an amount in the Order Amount From field, which indicates

from what order amount the order acknowledgement must be printed.
ERP LN 6.1 only prints those order lines with an amount greater than
or equal to the entered amount.

Enter a date and time in the DeIivery Date From field, which indicates
from what delivery date the order acknowledgement must be printed.
ERP LN 6.1 only prints those order lines whose delivery date falls after
the entered date.

Use the Print Sales Orders to be Acknowledged (tdsls4401m100)

session to print an overview of sales orders that you must still

Use the Preview Acknowledgments/RMAs (tdsls4401m200) session to

have a preview of sales order lines as if they were acknowledged.
Sales order entry
This topic explains how the procedure for entering sales orders and sales
order lines has changed in ERP LN 6.1 compared to Baan Vc .
SaIes order entry in Baan IVc
Order Management | 4-23
n Baan Vc , you can enter sales orders and sales order lines in the
following sessions:

Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000)

Maintain Sales Orders (tdsls4101s000)

Maintain Sales Orders (Direct Line Entry) (tdsls4101s100)

Maintain Sales Orders (Wholesale) (tdsls4102m000)

Maintain Sales Order Lines (tdsls4102s000)

Maintain Sales Orders (Wholesale) (tdsls4105m000)

Maintain Sales Order Lines (Wholesale) (tdsls4105s000)

Sales nstallment Orders (tdsls4110m000)

SaIes order entry in ERP LN 6.1
New in SSA ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , you can quicly enter and process sales orders, sales order
lines, and delivery lines in the new header-lines sessions.
Header-lines sessions consists of a header and a number of tabs or
satellites that refer to sessions with their own session codes.
The following header-lines sessions are available:

The Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900) session, in which you can

enter a sales order header and sales order lines on one screen.

The Sales Order Line - Deliveries (tdsls4101m900) session, in which

you can view the sales order line in read-only mode and in which you
can enter the delivery lines that are linked to a specific sales order line.
Sales order origin
This topic explains how the sales order origins have changed in ERP LN
6.1 compared to Baan Vc .
SaIes order origins in Baan IVc
n Baan VcSales Control, you can view the origin of the sales order in the
Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000) session.
A sales order can have the following origins:

The order results from the conversion of a delivery schedule in the
Generate Sales Orders (tdsls3201m000) session.

The sales order is created manually in the Sales Order Lines
4-24 | Order Management
(tdsls4101m000) session.
Lines can be added to the sales order in a number of sessions, such

Maintain Sales Order Lines (tdsls4102s000)

Maintain Sales Order Lines (Wholesale) (tdsls4105s000)

The order results from a copied sales quotation in the Process
Quotations (tdsls1202s000) session.

The order is generated in the EIectronic Data Interchange (EDI)
module of Common Data.
SaIes order origins in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1Sales Control, you can view the origin of the sales order in
the Origin field of the Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000) session.
Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1
The following sales order origins have changed in ERP LN 6.1 :

The sales order originates from a delivery contract, which is called a
delivery schedule in Baan Vc . The order results from the execution of
the Release to Order (tdsls3207m000) session, instead of from the
Generate Sales Orders (tdsls3201m000) session in Baan Vc . For
more information, refer toDeIivery contracts.

The order results from the execution of the Process Sales Quotations
(tdsls1200m000) session. For more information, refer toSaIes
quotation procedure.

The sales order and sales order lines are entered manually in the
Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900) session. n this session, you can
enter a sales order header and sales order lines on one screen.

The sales order is generated by means of external electronic data
interchange (ED) in the Electronic Data nterchange module of
Electronic Commerce. For more information, refer toExternaI EDI
New in SSA ERP LN 6.1
The following sales order origins are new in ERP LN 6.1 :

The sales order originates from a telephone call.

Order Management | 4-25
The sales order originates from a fax.

The sales order originates from a mail request.

The sales order originates from the external Customer Relationship
Management (CRM) package.

Intercompany EDI
The sales order is generated by means of internal electronic data
interchange (ED) in the Electronic Data nterchange module of
Electronic Commerce. For more information, refer toInternaI EDI

The sales order results from the execution of the Generate Retrobilled
Sales Orders (tdsls3271d000) session. For more information, refer
Sales order types and activities
This topic explains the changed set up of sales order types and sales order
activities in ERP LN 6.1 .
SaIes order types and activities in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , order types and their activities are defined centrally in the
Points of Title Passage (tcmcs0142m000) session of Common Data.
SaIes order types and activities in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , you must define sales order types in the Sales Order
Types (tdsls0194s000) session and link activities to the order type in the
Sales Order Type - Activities (tdsls0560m000) session.
To increase the performance of the various departments, in ERP LN 6.1
you can:

ndicate what activities must be executed automatically and what

activities require manual intervention.

Enter a default device to which the (error) reports for a particular

activity must be sent.
For more information, refer toFIexibIe saIes order processing.
Shipping constraints
This topic explains the new terms and conditions for the shipment of goods
4-26 | Order Management
in ERP LN 6.1 .
Shipping constraints in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , you can define a shipping constraint by selecting the Ship
CompIete check box in the following sessions:

Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000). As a result, all sales order lines

must be delivered simultaneously. Back orders are not allowed.

Maintain Sales Order Lines (tdsls4102s000). As a result, the specific

order line must be delivered completely. Back orders are not allowed.
Shipping constraints in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , the following shipping constraints are available:

Ship Line CompIete: Each order line must be delivered as a whole.

SSA ERP assigns a unique set number to each order line. Lack of
inventory results in the postponement of shipment of the order line.

Ship Set CompIete:

All the order lines with the following common delivery criteria must be
shipped in a single shipment:

Delivery date.



Ship-to business partner.

Ship-to address.

Ship Order CompIete: The total order must be shipped in a single

shipment. As a result, SSA ERP does not allow partial deliveries. Lack
of inventory results in the postponement of shipment of the order.

Ship Line & CanceI: The available inventory is shipped. f sufficient

inventory exists, this results in a complete shipment. Lack of inventory
does not result in a back order but in cancellation of the order for the
remaining quantity. SSA ERP enters a predefined cancel reason to the
order line. This cancel reason is defined in the Pre-Defined
CanceIIation Reason for Ship/CanceIs field of the Sales Order
Parameters (tdsls0100s400) session.

None: There is no shipping constraint. SSA ERP handles the orders

based on the available inventory. Sufficient inventory results in a
complete shipment. nsufficient inventory results in a back order.
You can enter a shipping constraint in the following sessions:

Sales Quotations (tdsls1100s000). f you set a shipping constraint in

this session, SSA ERP automatically enters this constraint on the sales
quotation lines.

Sales Quotation Lines (tdsls1101s000).

Order Management | 4-27

Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000). f you set a shipping constraint in this

session, SSA ERP automatically enters this constraint on the sales
order (delivery) lines.

Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000).

Delivery Lines (tdsls4101m100).

When a sales order (delivery) line with a shipping constraint is saved, SSA
ERP automatically enters a set number for the sales order (delivery) line in
the Sales Order Lines - Shipping Constraints Related Sets
(tdsls4507m000) session. When you release sales order lines to
Warehouse Management, order lines with the same set number are
released simultaneously.
The Ship Line CompIete and Ship Order CompIete shipping constraints
in ERP LN 6.1 , correspond to the shipping constraints in Baan Vc .
Vendor rating
This topic explains how the vendor rating procedure, which is called the
supplier reliability analysis procedure in Baan Vc , has changed in ERP
LN 6.1 compared to Baan Vc .
SuppIier reIiabiIity anaIysis procedure in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , the supplier reliability analysis procedure enables you to
determine the average percentage by which the supplier delivers early or
late. You can calculate the supplier's reliability based on statistical data
from the Purchase Statistics (PST) module. Supplier reliability is an
important factor to consider when you place a purchase order with a
Supplier reliability data can be printed by:

Supplier and item in the Print Supplier Reliability by Supplier and tem
(tdpur5413m000) session.

Supplier and item group in the Print Supplier Reliability by Supplier and
tem Group (tdpur5414m000) session.

tem and supplier in the Print Supplier Reliability by tem and Supplier
(tdpur5415m000) session.
Vendor rating procedure in ERP LN 6.1
Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1
4-28 | Order Management
n ERP LN 6.1 , a supplier's reliability is no longer based only on correct
deliveries. The vendor rating functionality of ERP LN 6.1 is based on
various objective criteria and subjective criteria that can be used to
calculate the vendor's rating.
The set up procedure for analyzing suppliers has changed completely
compared to Baan Vc . For more information, refer toVendor rating.
To execute the vendor rating process, you must update the vendor ratings
in the Update Vendor Rating (tdpur8850m000) session. For details, refer to
To update vendor rating process.
f you update the vendor ratings, the following stages exist in the update
vendor rating procedure:
1. To caIcuIate actuaI weightings
2. To caIcuIate ratings for objective criteria
3. To caIcuIate ratings for subjective criteria
4. To update overaII vendor rating
New functionality
Purchase order approval
This topic explains how you can approve purchase orders in ERP LN 6.1 .
Purchase order approvaI in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , you need not approve purchase orders in the purchase order
Purchase order approvaI in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , purchase order approval is a mandatory step in the
purchase order procedure.
To approve purchase orders, you can do one of the following:

Run the Approve Purchase Orders (tdpur4210m100) session, in which

you can approve a range of purchase orders.

Select a purchase order and click Approve on the Specific menu of

the Purchase Orders (tdpur4500m000) session, or the Purchase Order
(tdpur4100s000) session.
Order Management | 4-29
Purchase order approvaI based on approvaI ruIes
n ERP LN 6.1 , you can validate purchase orders against approval rules
before their status becomes Approved.
To use approval rules, take the following steps:
1. Define a number group for approval rules in the Number Group for
ApprovaI RuIes field of the Purchase Order Parameters
(tdpur0100m400) session.
2. Define the Basis for ApprovaI RuIes field as Acceptance or
Exceptions in the Purchase Order Parameters (tdpur0100m400)
3. Define the approval rules in the Approval Rules (tdpur0191m000)
4. f you want to validate purchase orders against approval rules before
their status can become Approved, select the AppIy ApprovaI RuIes
check box in the Approve Purchase Orders (tdpur4210m100) session.

t is not mandatory to check the approval rules for approving purchase


When a purchase order is approved, flexible purchase order

processing can start. For more information, refer toFIexibIe purchase
order processing.
Purchase order line details
This topic explains how purchase order lines, and the new purchase order
line details are linked to each other in ERP LN 6.1 .
Purchase order Iine detaiIs in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc purchase order line details do not exist. Baan VcPurchase
ControI (PUR) only contains sequence numbers, which are used in case
of back orders: when more than one receipt is entered for one and the
same purchase order line. n case of multiple receipts, the sequence
numbers are always greater than zero.
Purchase order Iine detaiIs in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , purchase order line details are introduced to centrally
store purchase back order lines and split purchase order lines.
4-30 | Order Management
The following new sessions are available:

Purchase Order Line - Details (tdpur4501m200)

Purchase Order Line Details (tdpur4101s200)

To spIit purchase order Iines

New in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . f a purchase order line is generated, you
can split up the order line into several receipt lines. As a result, multiple
receipts take place on one order line. To split receipts, click Order Line
DetaiIs on the Specific menu of the Purchase Order - Line
(tdpur4101s000) session. As a result, the Purchase Order Line Details
(tdpur4101s200) session starts in which you can enter your data.

To generate back order Iines

Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . For more information, refer toBack
Because of the different types of order lines in ERP LN 6.1 , the Line Type
field is introduced.
A purchase order line can be of the following Line Type:

TotaI: The purchase order line is split up in several sequences (line

details). The totaled quantities and amounts are visible in this line.

Order Line: This purchase order line is a normal line. The line is
created manually or is generated automatically.
A purchase order line detail can be of the following Line Type:

DetaiI: The purchase order line detail is a split order line.

Back Order: The purchase order line detail is a back order line.
To have the correct information on the various order lines, the DetaiI lines
and the Back Order lines are synchronized with the TotaI Line and vice
versa, when they are updated. For more information, refer
toSynchronization between purchase order Iine and purchase order
Iine detaiI.
ERP LN 6.1Purchase Control still contains sequence numbers. However
these sequence numbers are used differently compared to Baan Vc .
The following applies:

When an Order Line is generated in the Purchase Order - Line

(tdpur4101s000) session, the purchase order line's sequence number
is one.

When the relevant order line is split, or a back order is generated for
the order line, the order line changes to a TotaI line in the Purchase
Order - Line (tdpur4101s000) session with a sequence number of zero.
The linked line details of line type DetaiI or Back Order in the
Order Management | 4-31
Purchase Order Line Details (tdpur4101s200) session, have a
sequence number greater than zero.
Purchase order status
This topic explains how you can move a purchase order to the next status
in ERP LN 6.1 .
Purchase order Iine status in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , you can only view the status of a purchase order line.
You can view the purchase order line status in the following sessions:

Display Purchase Order Line Status (tdpur4533m000)

Display Purchase Order Line Status (tdpur4534s000)

Purchase order (Iine) status in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , you cannot only view the status of a purchase order line,
but also of a purchase order header. The purchase order header status
enables you to view what actions must be performed to move the order to
the next status.
Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1
You can view the purchase order line status in the following sessions:

Purchase Order Line Status (tdpur4534m000)

Purchase Order Lines Monitor (tdpur4501m500)

n the Status field of the Purchase Orders (tdpur4500m000) session, you
can view the status of the purchase order. Because statuses can differ for
each order line, the header status shows the lowest line status.
Now that you know the purchase order status, you know what actions you
must perform to move the order to the next status. You can make a
selection with which orders you want to proceed. f you click View on the
Specific menu of the Purchase Orders (tdpur4500m000) session, you can
select the purchase orders that await a particular action.
You can make a selection based on the following statuses:

Open Orders: Displays all orders for which no receipts are booked yet.

Orders for Printing: Displays all orders that are waiting to be printed
in the Print Purchase Orders (tdpur4401m000) session.

Orders for ReIease to Warehousing: Displays all orders that are

waiting to be released to Warehouse Management in the Release
4-32 | Order Management
Purchase Orders to Warehousing (tdpur4246m000) session.

Orders for ManuaI Activities: Displays all orders that are waiting for a
manual activity, which you can execute in the Purchase Orders - by
Manual Activities (tdpur4501m150) session.

Orders for Processing: Displays the orders that are waiting to be

closed in the Process Purchase Orders (tdpur4223m000) session.

To view the purchase orders with the Created status that are waiting
for commingling, filter on the For CommingIing check box in the
Purchase Orders (tdpur4500m000) session and commingle the
purchase orders in the Commingle Purchase Orders (tdpur4210m000)
session. For more information, refer toPurchase orders for

You can convert Created purchase orders to Approved purchase

orders in the Approve Purchase Orders (tdpur4210m100) session, or in
the Purchase Orders (tdpur4500m000) session.
Purchase schedules
This topic explains the new purchase schedule functionality in ERP LN 6.1
Purchase scheduIes in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , no real purchase schedule functionality exists, only the
possibility to create delivery schedules.
Delivery schedules enable the time-phased delivery of goods on a contract
line and can be entered in the Maintain Purchase Contract Delivery
Schedule (tdpur3105s000). You can convert the delivery schedules to
purchase orders in the Duplicate Contract Lines to RFQs (tdpur3201m000)
Purchase scheduIes in ERP LN 6.1

Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1

n ERP LN 6.1 , delivery schedules are renamed to delivery contracts.
You can:

Enter delivery contracts in the Delivery Contract (tdpur3104m000)


Generate purchase orders for the delivery contracts in the

Generate Purchase Orders (tdpur3204m000) session.
For more information, refer toTo set up a deIivery contract.
Order Management | 4-33

New in SSA ERP LN 6.1

n ERP LN 6.1 , the purchase schedule procedure is introduced.
Because this procedure is completely new, refer to the following online
manual topics:

Purchase scheduIes, basic data

PIanned deIivery moments

Push scheduIes

Receipts on push scheduIe Iines

PuII forecast scheduIes

Constraints for generating non-referenced purchase scheduIe


PuII caII-off scheduIes

To create and update sequence shipping scheduIe Iines

Segment sets

Purchase scheduIe reIease types

Purchase reIeases

CIustering purchase scheduIe Iines

To approve and reject scheduIed items


Resetting authorizations

Purchase scheduIe cumuIatives

Resetting purchase scheduIe cumuIatives

Sales order approval
This topic explains how you can approve sales orders in ERP LN 6.1 .
SaIes order approvaI in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , you need not approve sales orders in the sales order
SaIes order approvaI in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , sales order approval is a mandatory step in the sales
order procedure.
To approve a sales order, perform the following:

Select a sales order and click Approve on the Specific menu of the
Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900) session, or the Sales Orders
(tdsls4100m000) session.

Run the Approve Sales Orders (tdsls4211m000) session, in which you

can approve a range of sales orders that originate from ED.
4-34 | Order Management

When a sales order is approved, flexible sales order processing can

start. For more information, refer toFIexibIe saIes order processing.

f you defined a sales order as a rush order, the order cannot be

rushed before the order receives the Approved status. After the rush
order is released to Warehouse Management, the order has priority
over normal sales orders. For more information, refer toRush orders.
Sales order status
This topic explains how you can move a sales order to the next status in
ERP LN 6.1 .
SaIes order Iine status in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , you can only view the activity status of a sales order line.
You can view the sales order line status in the following sessions:

Display Sales Order Line Status (tdsls4533m000)

Sales Order Line Status (tdsls4534s000)

SaIes order (Iine) status in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , you cannot only view the activity status of a sales order
line, but also view the status of a sales order header. Because activity
statuses can differ for each order line, SSA ERP displays a header status
that corresponds to the lowest line activity status.
Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1
You can view the sales order line activity status in the following sessions:

Sales Order Line Status (tdsls4534s000)

Sales Order Lines Monitor (tdsls4510m000)

n the Status field of the Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900) session, or
the Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000) session, you can view the status of the
sales order.
The following mandatory statuses are available:

Free: The order is created in the Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900)

session and waits for approval.

Approved: The order is approved in the Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000)

session or the Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900) session. f the
sales order originates from ED, it can also be approved in the Approve
Order Management | 4-35
Sales Orders (tdsls4211m000) session.

In Process: The order can be at various stages of the delivery


CIosed: The order is processed in the Process Delivered Sales Orders

(tdsls4223m000) session.
The following optional statuses are available:

Modified: The order is modified after approval because order lines are
added or adapted. As a result, the sales order must be approved again.

CanceIed: The order is canceled and is no longer available for further

execution. You can cancel (a range of) sales orders in the Cancel
Sales Orders (tdsls4201s300) session.

BIocked: The order is blocked and is (temporarily) not available for

further execution.
To know what action you must perform to move the order line to the next
activity status and the order to the next status, view the Ready for field in
the Sales Order Lines Monitor (tdsls4510m000) session. This field informs
you about the next activity to be executed in the order procedure. f you
await a particular action from another package before you can continue the
order procedure, you can also view the linked order and its status in the
Sales Order Lines Monitor (tdsls4510m000) session.
Sales schedules
This topic explains the new sales schedule functionality in ERP LN 6.1 .
SaIes scheduIes in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , no real sales schedule functionality exists, only the possibility
to create delivery schedules.
Delivery schedules enable the time-phased delivery of goods on a contract
line and can be entered in the Maintain Sales Contract Delivery Schedule
(tdsls3105s000). You can convert the delivery schedules to sales orders in
the Generate Sales Orders (tdsls3201m000) session.
SaIes scheduIes in ERP LN 6.1
Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , delivery schedules are renamed to delivery contracts. The
4-36 | Order Management
delivery contract process contains the following steps:
1. Create a sales contract and a sales contract line.
2. Create a sales schedule and sales schedule lines.
3. Approve the sales schedule.
4. Release the sales schedule to a sales order.
5. Deal with the sales order.
For more information, refer toDeIivery contracts.

New in SSA ERP LN 6.1

n ERP LN 6.1 , the sales schedule procedure is introduced. Because
this procedure is completely new, refer to the following online manual

SaIes scheduIe process

EDI and saIes scheduIes

SaIes reIeases

SaIes scheduIes

SaIes scheduIe revisions

Zero required quantity for saIes scheduIe Iines

Referenced saIes scheduIes

SaIes scheduIe type

SaIes scheduIe Iine requirement type

To approve saIes scheduIes

SaIes scheduIe adjustment

SaIes scheduIes and Baan Enterprise PIanning

SaIes scheduIes and Baan Warehouse Management

SaIes scheduIes and Baan CentraI Invoicing

To terminate saIes scheduIes

To process/deIete saIes scheduIes

To reconciIe saIes scheduIes

SaIes scheduIe authorizations

SaIes scheduIe cumuIatives

Pricing Control (PCG) module - Differences B40c/B61
This topic describes the differences between the set up of prices and
discounts in Baan Vc and in ERP LN 6.1 .
Order Management | 4-37
Prices and discounts in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , you can store prices and discounts at the following levels in
Purchase ControI (PUR) and SaIes ControI (SLS):

Normal and special contracts.

Graded price and discount scales.

NormaI and speciaI contracts
You can define contract prices and discounts in the following sessions:

Maintain Purchase Contract Prices (tdpur3106s000)/ Maintain Sales

Contract Prices (tdsls3106s000).

Maintain Purchase Contract Discounts (tdpur3107s000)/ Maintain

Sales Contract Discounts (tdsls3107s000).
Graded price and discount scaIes
You can store prices and discounts at the following levels:
1. Maintain Prices by Supplier and tem (tdpur0101m000)/ Maintain
Prices by Customer and tem (tdsls0101m000).
2. Maintain Discounts by Supplier and Price Group (tdpur0102m000)/
Maintain Discounts by Customer and Price Group (tdsls0102m000).
3. Maintain Discounts by Supplier (tdpur0103m000)/ Maintain Discounts
by Customer (tdsls0103m000).
4. Maintain Prices by Price List and tem (tdpur0104m000)/ Maintain
Prices by Price List and tem (tdsls0104m000).
5. Maintain Discounts by Price List and Price Group (tdpur0105m000)/
Maintain Discounts by Price List and Price Group (tdsls0105m000).
6. Maintain Discounts by Price List (tdpur0106m000)/ Maintain Discounts
by Price List (tdsls0106m000).
7. Maintain Prices by tem (tdpur0113m000)/ Maintain Prices by tem
When orders are created, Baan Vc searches for prices and discounts in
the following sequence:
1. Special contracts.
2. Normal contracts.
3. Price and discount scales. At this level, Baan Vc first searches for an
agreement at the most specific level and continues its search at less
specific levels until a suitable agreement is found.
4. The price in the Maintain tem Data (tiitm0101m000) session of
4-38 | Order Management
You can define transport rates in the Transport BAAN V package.
Pricing information in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , you can define pricing information centrally in the new
Pricing Control (PCG) module of Order Management. The pricing
information is used throughout the entire Order Management package.
n ERP LN 6.1 , you can define pricing information at the following levels:

Normal and special Sales contracts and purchase contracts.

Pricing Control (PCG) matrices.

Default price books.

tem Purchase Data and tem Sales Data.

To define pricing information in contracts
Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , you can still define contract prices and discounts in the
Sales Control and Purchase Control modules. However, the functionality is
extended. You can, for example, link a price book or (a) discount
schedule(s) to the contract.
You can define:

Sales contract prices and discounts in the Sales Contract Lines

(tdsls3101s000) session.

Purchase contract prices and discounts in the new Purchase Contract

Price Revisions (tdpur3103m000) session.
For more information on:

Price books, refer to Price book.

Discount schedules for contracts, refer to the online help of the

Discount Schedule - by Origin (tdpcg0121m100) session.

Sales contracts, refer to SaIes contracts.

Purchase contracts, refer to Purchase contracts.

Purchase contract price revisions, refer to To set up purchase

contract price revisions, and To Iink discount scheduIe(s) to
purchase contract price revision.
To define pricing information in Pricing ControI matrices
New in SSA ERP LN 6.1
The setup of graded price and discount levels is completely different
Order Management | 4-39
compared to Baan Vc . n ERP LN 6.1 , all rules and definitions are now
contained in Pricing Control matrices. A Pricing Control matrix is an entity
in which prices, discounts, freight rates, or promotions are maintained for
customers, suppliers and/or items.
As a result, in the Pricing Control module, the following types of matrices
are available:

Price matrices

Discount matrices

Promotion matrices

Freight rate matrices

For more information on the matrix structure and the different types of
matrices, refer to:

Matrix structure

To set up a price matrix

To set up a discount matrix

To set up a promotion matrix

To set up a freight rate matrix

To define pricing information in defauIt price books
New in SSA ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , you can define a default sales price books if you want to
use only one price book for all your customers. You can define a supplier
price book if you want to use only one price book for all your suppliers.
To use default price books, you must:

Define a default sales price book and a supplier price book in the Price
Books (tdpcg0131m000) session.

Enter the price books in the DefauIt SaIes Price Book and SuppIier
Price Book fields of the Pricing Parameters (tdpcg0100m000) session.
For more information, refer to :

Price book

To set up a suppIier price book

To define pricing information in Item Purchase Data and Item SaIes Data
Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1
n the new tem Sales Data module, you can define sales prices in the tem
- Sales (tdisa0101s000) session.
n the new tem Purchase Data module, you can define purchase prices in
4-40 | Order Management
the tem - Purchase (tdipu0101m000) session.
For more information on these new modules, refer to:

Item SaIes Data (ISA) moduIe - Differences B40c/ERP61

Item Purchase Data (IPU) moduIe - Differences B40c/ERP61

To retrieve pricing information in ERP LN 6.1
Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1
Because of the new and changed entities in which you can define pricing
information, the retrieval of pricing information has changed in ERP LN 6.1
For more information, refer toAn outIine of the pricing information
retrievaI processes.
AdditionaI functionaIity in the Pricing ControI moduIe
n the Pricing Control module, you can also:

DeIete pricing information

You can delete pricing information in the Delete Price nformation
(tdpcg0200m000) session.

SimuIate prices
You can simulate prices for a particular item (either sales or purchase)
based on a business partner and date in the Price Simulator
(tdpcg0200m300) session. f you click the CaIcuIate button, the Price
Calculator (tdpcg0200m100) session starts in which you can enter the
data for the simulated new prices.

View and maintain Iine discounts

From various lines sessions in the Sales Control and Purchase Control
modules, you can zoom to the Pricing Control module to view and
enter line discounts.
The following line discount sessions are available:

Line Discounts (tdpcg0200m200)

Line Discount Schedules (tdpcg0521m100)

GIobaIIy update prices and discounts

You can update:

Discounts in discount matrices with the Global Update of Discounts

(tdpcg0230m100) session.

Prices in price matrices, or freight rates in freight rate matrices with

the Global Update of Prices via Price Matrices (tdpcg0230m300)

Prices in price books with the Global Update of Prices via Price
Books (tdpcg0231m000) session.
Order Management | 4-41

RebuiId the generic key

f the database is corrupt, you can run the Rebuild Generic Key
(tdpcg0230m200) session to restore the data in the Pricing Control

Copy price books

You can copy existing price book data to a new price book or to an
existing price book in the Copy Price Book (tdpcg0231m100) session.
Data is copied to and existing price book to update the price in this
price book.

Import prices from item data to a price book

You can use the mport Prices from tem Data to Price Book
(tdpcg0231m200) session to import prices from one of the following
sessions into a price book:

tem - Sales (tdisa0101s000)

tem - Purchase (tdipu0101m000)

tems - Costing (ticpr0107m000)

tems - Service (tsmdm2100m000)

RecaIcuIate prices and discounts

You can use the Recalculate Price and Discount (tdpcg0240s000)
session to recalculate prices and discounts for quotations and
quotation lines, and for orders and order lines.

DispIay pricing information for a specific Iine

From various lines sessions in the Sales Control and Purchase Control
modules, you can zoom to the Price nquiry (tdpcg0250m000) session
to view pricing information for a specific line.
tem Purchase Data (PU) module - Differences B40c/B61
This topic describes the differences between the Item ControI (ITM)
module in Baan Vc and the tem Purchase Data module in ERP LN 6.1 .
Item ControI in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , items and the various types of item data are defined in the
Item ControI (ITM) module of BAAN IV Manufacturing.
As the Item ControI module includes item purchase data, item sales data,
item manufacturing data, and item storage data, the Item ControI module
appears in the menu tree of each package in which the item data is used.
These are the following packages:

Order Management


Process BAAN IV

4-42 | Order Management
Item Purchase Data in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , the general item data is moved to the tem Base Data
module of Common Data. All items that are used in SSA ERP , are defined
in the tem - General (tcibd0101s000) session. For more information, refer
toItem ControI (ITM) moduIe - DifferencesB40c/ERP61.
Package-specific item details are moved to the relevant package. As a
result, you can define item purchase data in the new tem Purchase Data
module, and item sales data in the new tem Sales Data module of Order
n the tem Purchase Data module, you can define:

Item purchase data

n the tem - Purchase (tdipu0101m000) session, you can define the
purchase related data by item.

Item purchase defauIts

n the tem - Purchase Defaults (tdipu0102m000) session, you can
define the purchase related default data by item group.

Buyer dashboard
New in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . A dashboard offers a quick way to access
multiple sessions that are used to perform particular tasks of a user.
The Buyer Dashboard (tdipu0103m000) session is developed to
provide a buyer with a quick overview of item data and easy access to
item- and purchase-related data.

Item - Purchase business partner data

New in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . n the tem - Purchase Business Partner
(tdipu0110m000) session, you can link supplier information to an item.
You can maintain the settings for a combination of item and supplier,
such as statuses, sourcing data, ordering details, receipt details, lead
time data, schedule data, and so on. As a result, basic settings are
defined that enable automation of order entry processes and
registration of supplier and item specific rules. n addition, in ERP LN
6.1 , suppliers are renamed to purchase business partners, or buy-from
business partners. For more information, refer toCustomers and

Segment sets
New in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . To support the new purchase schedule
functionality, you must create segment sets in the tem Purchase Data
To define segment sets, take the following steps:
a. Create segments in the Schedule Segments (tdipu0115m000)
b. Create a segment set in the Schedule Segment Sets
(tdipu0113m000) session.
Order Management | 4-43
c. Add the segments to the segment set in the Segment Set -
Segments (tdipu0114m000) session.
For more information, refer to :

Purchase scheduIes

Purchase scheduIes, basic data

Segment sets

New in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . Patterns are also introduced to support the
new purchase schedule functionality.
Patterns, which you can define in the Patterns (tdipu0120m000)
session, are used to calculate:

Schedule issue dates (issue pattern).

Planned delivery moments (delivery pattern). For more information,

refer toPIanned deIivery moments.

AIternative manufacturer items

New in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . You can define various manufacturers for a
combination of item and supplier. As a result, you can specify from
which manufacturer a purchased item originates. For more information,
refer toTo set up aIternative manufacturer items.
Purchase Control (PUR) module - Differences B40c/B61
This topic describes the most important differences between the Purchase
Control module in Baan Vc and in ERP LN 6.1 .
(Re)moved functionaIity

AIternative suppIiers by item

n Baan Vc , you can define a main supplier for an item in the Maintain
tem Data (tiitm0101m000) session and define alternative suppliers for
an item in the Maintain Alternative Suppliers by tem (tdpur4150m000)
session. n ERP LN 6.1 , you can maintain the item's suppliers, which
are renamed to purchase business partners, in the tem - Purchase
Business Partner (tdipu0110m000) session of the Item Purchase Data
(IPU) module. n addition, in the Preferred field of the tem - Purchase
Business Partner (tdipu0110m000) session, you can define whether
the purchase business partner is preferred or fixed for the item.

Prices and discounts

n Baan Vc , you can define price and discount agreements directly in
the Purchase ControI (PUR) module. n ERP LN 6.1 , only purchase
contract prices are defined in PUR in the Purchase Contract Price
Revisions (tdpur3103m000) session. Other prices and discounts are
defined centrally in the Pricing ControI (PCG) module of Order
Management. As a result, the purchase price and discount procedure
has changed completely compared to Baan Vc . For more information,
4-44 | Order Management
refer to , Pricing ControI (PCG) moduIe - Differences B40c/ERP61.

To print saIes prices and discounts by suppIier

n Baan Vc , you can define prices and discounts on several levels. As
a result, printing sessions are available for each of these levels. n ERP
LN 6.1 , the setup of prices and discounts is made more flexible.
However, you can no longer print prices and discounts based on
supplier. For more information on the setup of prices and discounts,
refer to Pricing ControI (PCG) moduIe - Differences B40c/ERP61.

To update prices in item fiIe

n the Global Update of Purchase Prices and Discounts
(tdpur0201m000) session of Baan Vc , an option is available to update
the purchase price in the Maintain tem Data (tiitm0101m000) session.
n ERP LN 6.1 , the purchase price, which is now recorded in the tem -
Purchase (tdipu0101m000) session of the new Item Purchase Data
(IPU) module, can no longer be updated globally.

To equate baIance of receipts with inventory IeveI

n Baan Vc , you can decrease the value of the cumulative receipts by
equating it to the inventory on hand in the Equate Balance of Receipts
with nventory Level (tdpur4225m000) session. This functionality is no
longer available in ERP LN 6.1 .

Receipts and goods inspection

n Baan VcPurchase Control, you can receive and inspect purchased
goods. n ERP LN 6.1 , the new Warehouse Management package
controls the entire procedure for inventory and storage of goods. As a
result, Warehouse Management now handles the receipt and
inspection of items in a warehouse. For details, refer to Receipts and
goods inspection.

Link with Finance

n Baan Vc , you can define a link between the Purchase ControI
module and the Financials package in the Maintain Financial
ntegration Parameters (tdpur6100m000) session. n ERP LN 6.1 , you
must define centrally whether you want to use a module in the
mplemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session in
Common Data.
New functionaIity

Purchase offices
n ERP LN 6.1 , the purchase office determines the location from which
purchase orders, contracts, schedules, requisitions, and requests for
quotations are processed. A purchase office is needed to complete
transactions with suppliers. Various purchase offices can be set up for
one company. You must first define the purchase office as a
department in the Departments (tcmcs0565m000) session of the
Tables module. Next, you can specify purchase-office-specific data in
the new Purchase Offices (tdpur0112m000) session. For more
information, refer toDefauIt purchase office.

Effectivity units
Order Management | 4-45
n ERP LN 6.1 , you can define effectivity units in the new Unit
Effectivity (UEF) module of Common Data, after which you can enter
these units in purchase requisitions, requests for quotations, purchase
orders, and purchase contracts.
Effectivity units are used as follows:

For pegging purposes. For more information, refer toOverview of

unit effectivity.

To control exceptions for an end item according to the series

approach. For more information, refer toUnit effectivity procedure
1 - series approach.

To control exceptions for an end item according to the sales order

approach. Unit effectivity procedure 2: SaIes approach.

Purchase requisitions
n ERP LN 6.1 , the purchase requisition procedure is introduced. For
details, refer to Purchase requisitions.

Purchase order header status

n ERP LN 6.1 , a status is added to the purchase order header that
enables you to view the action that must be performed to move the
purchase order to the next status. For more information, refer
toPurchase order status.

Purchase order approvaI

n ERP LN 6.1 , you must approve purchase orders. To facilitate
smoother flow of order handling, you can specify whether purchase
orders must be approved automatically. For more information, refer
toPurchase order approvaI.

Purchase order Iine detaiIs

n ERP LN 6.1 , purchase order line details are introduced to centrally
store purchase back order lines and split purchase order lines. For
more information, refer toPurchase order Iine detaiIs.

To reduce the number of purchase orders and to obtain the best
available prices and discounts, commingling is introduced in ERP LN
6.1 . For more information, refer toPurchase orders for commingIing
and To commingIe purchase orders.

SeIf biIIing
n ERP LN 6.1 , you can pay suppliers without waiting for their invoices.
This self billing functionality can apply after receipt of the goods, or
after approval of the goods received. For more information, refer toSeIf

Purchase scheduIes
n ERP LN 6.1 , the purchase schedule procedure is introduced. For
more information, refer toPurchase scheduIes.

Link with Data Management

SSA ERP Object Data Management supports the functionality of
connecting documents in any format to SSA ERP objects. An object is,
for example, a purchase requisition, purchase contract, purchase
4-46 | Order Management
order, and so on. The general rule in ERP LN 6.1 is that you must click
the Show attachments button to link a document of any format, or to
view the linked document(s). You can access the document that is
attached to the object by means of a document link.
Changed functionaIity

Purchase inquiries
n ERP LN 6.1 , the purchase inquiry procedure is renamed to the
request-for-quotation (RFQ) procedure and is extended considerably.
For details, refer to Request for quotations.

Purchase contracts
Because of the new purchase schedule functionality, the purchase
contract functionality is extended in ERP LN 6.1 . n ERP LN 6.1 , you
can no longer link purchase contracts only to purchase orders, but also
to purchase schedules. For more information, refer toPurchase

Purchase order types and activities

n ERP LN 6.1 , the set up of purchase order types and purchase order
activities has changed and is extended to support flexible purchase
order processing. For more information, refer toPurchase order types
and activities.

Cost sets
f you want to add additional costs to a purchase order in Baan Vc ,
you must first define additional cost sets in the Maintain Costs Sets
(tcmcs0143m000) session of the TabIes (MCS) module in Common
Data. n ERP LN 6.1 , you must define cost sets in the new Additional
Cost Sets (tdpur0124m000) session of Purchase Control and record
the actual charges in the Pricing ControI (PCG) module of Order
Management. For more information, refer toAdditionaI costs on
purchase orders.

Purchase order origin

n ERP LN 6.1 , the origins from which purchase orders are generated,
have changed and are extended. For more information, refer
toPurchase order origin.

Link between purchase orders and non-direct deIiveries

The generation of purchase orders for non-direct deliveries, a
functionality that is called cross-docking in ERP LN 6.1 , has changed.
For more information, refer toCross-docking.

Link with Transport

n Baan Vc , the transportation of the purchased goods can be
controlled by the Transport BAAN V package. n ERP LN 6.1 , Freight
Management is the new package that plans and/or subcontracts the
transportation of (purchased) goods. For more information, refer toLink
between Purchase ControI and Freight Management.

Return orders
n ERP LN 6.1 , you can link purchase return orders to the original
Order Management | 4-47
document. As a result, the Returns group box is added to the
Purchase Order (tdpur4100s000) session.

Purchase back orders

n ERP LN 6.1 , the back order procedure has changed. Back orders
must now be confirmed, either manually or automatically. For more
information, refer toPurchase back orders.

SuppIier reIiabiIity anaIysis

n ERP LN 6.1 , the supplier reliability analysis procedure is renamed to
the vendor rating procedure and is extended considerably. For details,
refer to Vendor rating.

The redesigned reconciliation functionality in SSA ERPFinancials also
affects a number of settings and processes in Purchase Control. For
more information, refer toReconciIiation (Purchase ControI).
Purchase Statistics (PST) module - Differences B40c/B61
This topic describes the most important differences between the Purchase
Statistics (PST) module in Baan Vc and in ERP LN 6.1 .
The differences for this module only contain removed functionality.
Types of purchase statistics
n Baan Vc , the following types of statistics are automatically filled:

Turnover statistics.

Order intake statistics.

Cancellation statistics.
Based on these statistics, in Baan Vc you can:

Develop a format that facilitates data analysis.

Transfer historical data to statistics information.

Print and display purchase history information.

n ERP LN 6.1 , this entire functionality is removed and taken over by Baan
BS (Business ntelligence Suite). BS retrieves statistical information for
the time period during which purchase order history exists.
n ERP LN 6.1 , the Purchase Statisctics (PST) module only contains the
budget statistics functionality, which also exists in Baan Vc .
Purchase statistics period data
n Baan Baan Vc , you can define period tables and period data directly in
the Purchase Statistics (PST) module. n ERP LN 6.1 , the periods and
4-48 | Order Management
years that you use in purchase budgets are defined centrally in the CentraI
CaIendar Management (CCP) module of Common Data. For details, refer
to To set up periods.
tem Sales Data (SA) module - Differences B40c/B61
This topic describes the differences between the Item ControI (ITM)
module in Baan Vc and the tem Sales Data module in ERP LN 6.1 .
Item ControI in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , items and the various types of item data are defined in the
Item ControI (ITM) module of BAAN IV Manufacturing.
As the Item ControI module includes item purchase data, item sales data,
item manufacturing data, and item storage data, the Item ControI module
appears in the menu tree of each package in which the item data is used.
These are the following packages:

Order Management


Process BAAN IV

Item SaIes Data in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , the general item data is moved to the tem Base Data
module of Common Data. All items that are used in SSA ERP , are defined
in the tem - General (tcibd0101s000) session. For more information, refer
toItem ControI (ITM) moduIe - DifferencesB40c/ERP61.
Package-specific item details are moved to the relevant package. As a
result, you can define item sales data in the new tem Sales Data module,
and item purchase data in the new tem Purchase Data module of Order
n the tem Sales Data module, you can define:

Item saIes data

n the tem - Sales (tdisa0101s000) session, you can define the sales
related data by item, such as ordering data, pricing data, and data
regarding over deliveries. For more information, refer toOver

Item saIes defauIts

n the tem - Sales Defaults (tdisa0102s000) session, you can define
the sales related default data by item group.
Order Management | 4-49

Item - SaIes business partner data

New in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . n the tem - Sales Business Partner
(tdisa0110s000) session, you can link customer information to an item.
You can maintain the settings for a combination of item and customer,
such as invoicing details, warehouse and freight details, over delivery
information, schedule data, and so on. As a result, basic settings are
defined that enable automation of order entry processes and
registration of customer and item specific rules. n addition, in ERP LN
6.1 , customers are renamed to sales business partners, or sold-to
business partners. For more information, refer toCustomers and
Sales Control (SLS) module - Differences B40c/B61
This topic describes the most important differences between the Sales
Control module in Baan Vc and in ERP LN 6.1 .
(Re)moved functionaIity

n Baan Vc , you can define delivery and postal addresses for
quotations, orders, and contracts. n ERP LN 6.1 , all addresses that
are used by a company are defined centrally in the new Addresses
(tccom4130s000) session of the Common Data package. For more
information, refer toTo use addresses.

Item descriptions by customer

n Baan Vc , you can record item descriptions by customer and item in
the Maintain tem Descriptions by Customer (tdsls4107m000) session.
n ERP LN 6.1 , you can maintain the item's customers, which are
renamed to sales business partners, or sold-to business partners in the
tem - Sales Business Partner (tdisa0110s000) session of the Item
SaIes Data (ISA) module. n addition, you can also define item sales
text in this session.

Reasons for success/faiIure

n Baan Vc , you can record the reasons for accepting or rejecting
sales quotations in the Maintain Reasons for Success/Failure
(tdsls1105m000) session. n ERP LN 6.1 , reason codes are defined
centrally in the Reasons (tcmcs0105m000) session of the Common
Data package. The Reason Type that you assign to the reason must
be of the Success/FaiIure Reason type if you want to assign reasons
for succes or failure to sales quotations. For more information, refer
toSaIes quotation procedure.

Prices and discounts

n Baan Vc , you can define price and discount agreements directly in
the SaIes ControI (SLS) module. n ERP LN 6.1 , only sales contract
prices are defined in SLS in the Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3101s000)
session. Other prices and discounts are defined centrally in the Pricing
4-50 | Order Management
ControI (PCG) module of Order Management. As a result, the sales
price and discount procedure has changed completely compared to
Baan Vc . For more information, refer to , Pricing ControI (PCG)
moduIe - Differences B40c/ERP61.

To print saIes prices and discounts by customer

n Baan Vc , you can define prices and discounts on several levels. As
a result, printing sessions are available for each of these levels. n ERP
LN 6.1 , the setup of prices and discounts is made more flexible.
However, you can no longer print prices and discounts based on
customer. For more information on the setup of prices and discounts,
refer to Pricing ControI (PCG) moduIe - Differences B40c/ERP61.

To update prices in item fiIe

n the Global Update of Sales Prices and Discounts (tdsls0201m000)
session of Baan Vc , an option is available to update the sales price in
the Maintain tem Data (tiitm0101m000) session. n ERP LN 6.1 , the
sales price, which is now recorded in the tem - Sales (tdisa0101s000)
session of the new Item SaIes Data (ISA) module, can no longer be
updated globally.

DeIivery procedure
n Baan VcPurchase Control, you can record the deliveries of sold
items. n ERP LN 6.1 , the new Warehouse Management package
controls the entire procedure for inventory and storage of goods. As a
result, Warehouse Management now handles the outbound and
shipping of items from a warehouse. For details, refer to DeIivery

Link with Finance

n Baan Vc , you can define a link between the SaIes ControI module
and the Financials package in the Maintain Financial ntegration
Parameters (tdsls6100m000) session. n ERP LN 6.1 , you must define
centrally whether you want to use a module in the mplemented
Software Components (tccom0100s000) session in Common Data.

Invoicing procedure
After the goods are delivered, in Baan VcPurchase Control, you can
print sales invoices and send them to your customers. n ERP LN 6.1 ,
the new Baan CentraI Invoicing package controls the entire
procedure for creating, printing and posting sales invoices. For details,
refer to SaIes invoicing procedure.
New functionaIity

Customer search
n ERP LN 6.1 , you can search for customers (which are called sales
business partners, or sold-to business partners in ERP LN 6.1 ) based
on certain predefined search criteria. You can define the default search
criteria on the BP Search Criteria tab of the new Sales Parameters
(tdsls0100s000) session. Anywhere in ERP LN 6.1 where you must
enter a sold-to business partner, you can zoom to the Search by
Address Criteria (tdsls0270m000) session, in which you can maintain
Order Management | 4-51
your selection criteria and perform the search.

SaIes offices
n ERP LN 6.1 , the sales office determines the location from which
sales quotations, sales orders, sales contracts, and sales schedules
are processed. A sales office is needed to complete transactions with
customers. Various sales offices can be set up for one company. You
must first define the sales office as a department in the Departments
(tcmcs0565m000) session of the Tables module. Next, you can specify
sales-office-specific data in the new Sales Offices (tdsls0512m000)

Automatic stock shortage option

f the inventory to fill a sales order line is insufficient, you can define
how ERP LN 6.1 handles the inventory shortage with the new Use
Automatic Stock Shortage Option check box in the User Profiles
(tdsls0139m000) session. For details, refer to the online Help of the
Use Automatic Stock Shortage Option check box.

Standard saIes conditions

n ERP LN 6.1 , you can link standard terms of delivery and standard
terms of payment to a sales order type in the Sales Order Types
(tdsls0194s000) session. These standard terms are defaulted to the
sales order if the specific sales order type is used.

Effectivity units
n ERP LN 6.1 , you can define effectivity units in the new Unit
Effectivity (UEF) module of Common Data, after which you can enter
these units in sales quotations, sales orders, and sales contracts.
Effectivity units are used as follows:

For pegging purposes. For more information, refer toOverview of

unit effectivity.

To control exceptions for an end item according to the series

approach. For more information, refer toUnit effectivity procedure
1 - series approach.

To control exceptions for an end item according to the sales order

approach. Unit effectivity procedure 2: SaIes approach.

HoId reasons and order bIocking

n ERP LN 6.1 , you can define hold reasons. Hold reasons are
predefined reasons for blocking a sales order, or sales order line. For
more information, refer toOrder bIocking.

SaIes order header status

n ERP LN 6.1 , a status is added to the sales order header. For more
information, refer toSaIes order status.

SaIes order entry based on tempIates and cataIogs

ERP LN 6.1 enables you to:

Define order templates for recurring sales orders. For details, refer
to SaIes order tempIates.

Define catalogs for the shopping list type of order entry. For details,
4-52 | Order Management
refer to Product cataIogs.
For more information on how order templates and product catalogs are
used in sales orders, refer to To use tempIates and cataIogs in saIes

To seII Iist items

n ERP LN 6.1 , you can sell your customers list items. List items are
introduced to automate and improve the order entry process. For more
information, refer toTo buy items from Iist groups.

AIternative items in case of inventory shortage

Whenever an inventory shortage occurs for an item on the sales order
line, you can offer your customer an alternative item in ERP LN 6.1 .
For more information, refer toTo ship aIternative items.

Rush orders
Each company deals with rush requests from customers. To meet
these requests, rush orders can be entered in ERP LN 6.1 . For more
information, refer toRush orders.

SaIes order approvaI

n ERP LN 6.1 , you must approve sales orders. For more information,
refer toSaIes order approvaI.

n ERP LN 6.1 , promotions are used to offer extra discounts and/or
free gifts on sales orders or sales order lines. Before promotions can
be linked to sales orders and sales order lines, you must first set up
promotions in the new Pricing ControI (PCG) module of Order
Management. For more information, refer toTo set up a promotion

f you completely processed and reported a sales order to history and if
price changes are made to a sales contract or to an item after the
renegotiation date, in ERP LN 6.1 , you can use the retrobilling
functionality. For more information, refer toRetrobiIIing.

SaIes scheduIes
n ERP LN 6.1 , the sales schedule procedure is introduced. For more
information, refer toSaIes scheduIes.

Link with Data Management

SSA ERP Object Data Management supports the functionality of
connecting documents in any format to SSA ERP objects. An object is,
for example, a sales quotation, sales contract, sales order, and so on.
The general rule in ERP LN 6.1 is that you must click the Show
attachments button to link a document of any format, or to view the
linked document(s). You can access the document that is attached to
the object by means of a document link.
Changed functionaIity

SaIes contracts
Because of the new sales schedule functionality, the sales contract
Order Management | 4-53
functionality is extended in ERP LN 6.1 . n ERP LN 6.1 , sales
contracts cannot only be linked to sales orders, but also to sales
schedules. For more information, refer toSaIes contracts.

SaIes order types and activities

n ERP LN 6.1 , the set up of sales order types and sales order
activities has changed and is extended to support flexible sales order
processing. For more information, refer toSaIes order types and

Cost sets
f you want to add additional costs to a sales order in Baan Vc , you
must first define additional cost sets in the Maintain Costs Sets
(tcmcs0143m000) session of the TabIes (MCS) module in Common
Data. n ERP LN 6.1 , you must define cost sets in the new Additional
Cost Sets (tdsls0124m000) session of Sales Control and record the
actual charges in the Pricing ControI (PCG) module of Order
Management. For more information, refer toAdditionaI costs on saIes

Credit checking
n ERP LN 6.1 , the credit checking functionality is extended. You can
select the action to be taken if a business partner's open order amount
exceeds the credit limit, and you can indicate the moments in the order
process during which the credit limit must be checked. For more
information, refer toCredit ratings.

SaIes order entry

n ERP LN 6.1 , the procedure for entering sales orders and sales
order (delivery) lines has changed. For more information, refer toSaIes
order entry.

SaIes order origin

n ERP LN 6.1 , the origins from which sales orders are generated,
have changed and are extended. For more information, refer toSaIes
order origin.

To configure generic items

n ERP LN 6.1 , the procedure for configuring an item in the Product
Configuration (PCF) module of Manufacturing from the sales order
line or the sales quotation line, has changed and is extended. For more
information, refer toConfigured items in SaIes ControI.

ATP handIing
n ERP LN 6.1 , the procedure for checking ATP when you enter a
sales order or sales quotation has changed. For more information, refer
toATP in SaIes ControI.

Shipping constraints
n ERP LN 6.1 , the terms and conditions related to the shipment of
goods are extended. For more information, refer toShipping

DeIivery types
n ERP LN 6.1 , the settings for direct deliveries and non-direct
deliveries has changed. For more information, refer toDeIivery types.
4-54 | Order Management

Link between purchase orders and non-direct deIiveries

The generation of purchase orders for non-direct deliveries, a
functionality that is called cross-docking in ERP LN 6.1 , has changed.
For more information, refer toCross-docking.

DeIivery Iines
n ERP LN 6.1 , the concept of delivery lines has changed. Delivery
lines are now used to store sales back order lines and split sales order
lines. For more information, refer toDeIivery Iines.

Link with Transport

n Baan Vc , the transportation of the sold goods can be controlled by
the Transport BAAN V package. n ERP LN 6.1 , Freight Management
is the new package that plans and/or subcontracts the transportation of
(sold) goods. For more information, refer toLink between SaIes
ControI and Freight Management.

Order acknowIedgements
n ERP LN 6.1 , the printing of sales order acknowledgements is
refined. For more information, refer toSaIes order

Over deIiveries
f more goods are delivered than ordered, you can record these over
deliveries without constraints in Baan Vc . n ERP LN 6.1 , however,
you must define whether over deliveries are allowed for an item and
business partner combination and define additional conditions for over
deliveries. For more information, refer toOver deIiveries.

Return orders
n ERP LN 6.1 , you can link sales return orders to the original
document. As a result, the Returns group box is added to the Sales
Orders (tdsls4100m000) session.

SaIes back orders

n ERP LN 6.1 , the sales back order procedure has changed. For
more information, refer toSaIes back orders.

n ERP LN 6.1 , the functionality of invoicing by installments is
extended. For more information, refer toInstaIIments.

Draft invoices
f you want to print a draft invoice for sales orders in Baan Vc , you
must clear the FinaI Invoices check box in the Print Sales nvoices
(tdsls4404m000) session. n ERP LN 6.1 , a separate session is
developed in which you can print draft invoices for sales orders, sales
schedules, and installment orders. For details, refer to the online Help
of the Print Sales Draft nvoices (tdsls4447m000) session.

The redesigned reconciliation functionality in SSA ERPFinancials also
affects a number of settings and processes in Sales Control. For more
information, refer toReconciIiation (SaIes ControI).
Order Management | 4-55
Commission Control System (CMS) module - B40c/B61
This topic describes the most important differences between the
Commission ControI System (CMS) module in Baan Vc and in ERP LN
6.1 .
(Re)moved functionaIity

Period data
n Baan Vc , you can define period tables and period data directly in
the Commission ControI System (CMS) module. n ERP LN 6.1 , the
period tables and periods, which you can use to calculate commissions
and rebates on cumulative sales, are defined centrally in the CentraI
CaIendar Management (CCP) module of Common Data
For details, refer to:

To set up periods

Commission/rebate over cumuIative saIes

Transaction accounts
n Baan Vc , if a link with Financials exists for commissions and
rebates, invoices are created directly in the Commission ControI
System (CMS) module and posted to Financials. As a result, you must
specify the ledger accounts that are used for posting commissions and
rebates in the Maintain Commission/Rebate Transaction Accounts
(tdcms2101m000) session. n ERP LN 6.1 , the Maintain
Commission/Rebate Transaction Accounts (tdcms2101m000) session
is removed from the Commission ControI System (CMS) module,
because invoices are no longer created directly in the Commission
Control System module.
Changed functionaIity
n Baan Vc , if a link with Financials exists for commissions and rebates,
invoices are created directly in the Commission ControI System (CMS)
module and are posted to the GeneraI Ledger (GLD) module of
n ERP LN 6.1 , if a link with Financials exists for commissions and
rebates, Commission Control System passes on invoice requests for
rebates to Baan CentraI Invoicing and for commissions to the Accounts
PayabIe (ACP) module of Financials.
As a result of the modified invoicing functionality, the following changes are
made in ERP LN 6.1 :

ReIease commissions/rebates to invoicing

Commissions are released to the Accounts Payable module of
4-56 | Order Management
Financials and rebates are released to Central nvoicing. For more
information on the changed invoicing procedure, refer to Invoicing
Commissions and Rebates.

Draft invoices
f you want to print a draft invoice for commissions and rebates in Baan
Vc , you must clear the FinaI Invoices check box in the Print
Approved Commissions/Rebates (tdcms2402m000) session.
n ERP LN 6.1 :

You can no longer print a draft invoice for commissions. The

commisions are paid through system-generated purchase invoices.
For details, refer to SaIes Order / Commission.

A separate session is developed to print draft invoices for rebates.

For details, refer to the online Help of the Print Draft nvoices for
Rebates (tdcms2401m000) session.
Sales Statistics (SST) module - Differences B40c/B61
This topic describes the most important differences between the SaIes
Statistics (SST) module in Baan Vc and in ERP LN 6.1 .
The differences for this module only contain removed functionality.
Types of saIes statistics
n Baan Vc , the following types of statistics are automatically filled:

Turnover statistics.

Order intake statistics.

Cancellation statistics.
Based on these statistics, in Baan Vc you can:

Develop a format that facilitates data analysis.

Transfer historical data to statistics information.

Print and display purchase history information.

n ERP LN 6.1 , this entire functionality is removed and taken over by Baan
BS (Business ntelligence Suite). BS retrieves statistical information for
the time period during which sales order history exists.
n ERP LN 6.1 , the SaIes Statistics (SST) module only contains the
budget statistics functionality, which also exists in Baan Vc .
SaIes statistics period data
n Baan Vc , you can define period tables and period data directly in the
SaIes Statistics (SST) module. n ERP LN 6.1 , the periods and years that
Order Management | 4-57
you use in sales budgets are defined centrally in the CentraI CaIendar
Management (CCP) module of Common Data. For details, refer to To set
up periods.
Sales and Marketing nformation (SM) module - Differences
This topic describes the most important differences between the SaIes
and Marketing Information (SMI) module in Baan Vc and in ERP LN 6.1
Moved functionaIity

SMI ModuIe ImIemented

n Baan Vc , you can define whether you want to use the SMI module
in the Maintain SM Parameters (tdsmi0100m000) session. n ERP LN
6.1 , you must define centrally whether you want to use a module in the
mplemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session in
Common Data.

First free reIation numbers

n Baan Vc , you can define first free relation numbers in the Maintain
First Free Relation Numbers (tdsmi0160m000) session, which are used
when prospects are entered. n ERP LN 6.1 , first free numbers are
defined centrally in the First Free Numbers (tcmcs0150m000) session
in Common Data. For details, refer to To use number groups and
New functionaIity
n ERP LN 6.1 , dashboards are introduced. A dashboard offers a quick
way to access multiple sessions that are used to perform particular tasks
of a user. n the SaIes and Marketing Information (SMI) module, the
Account Manager Dashboard (tdsmi1500m000) session is added.
Although the title Sales and Marketing Information is both used in Baan Vc
and ERP LN 6.1 , the title is often replaced by Relation Management in
ERP LN 6.1 .
4-58 | Order Management
Changed functionality
Bank master data
This topic describes the changes made to the way the bank master data is
stored in ERP LN 6.1 , such as the bank type, the bank's address, the
nternational Bank dentifier (BAN), and the SWFT code.
Bank data in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , bank data could be defined in Baan Common and in Baan
Finance, among others in the following sessions:

Maintain Banks by Customer (tccom1105m000).

Maintain Banks by Supplier (tccom2105m000).

Maintain Banks by Factoring Company (tcmcs0126m000).

Maintain Bank Relations (tfcmg0110m000).

One-Time Business Partner Addresses (tfacr1102s000).

Maintain One-Time Supplier Addresses (tfacp1102m000)

CentraI bank master data in ERP LN 6.1
Chapter 5
n ERP LN 6.1 , the bank master data is defined centrally, which is more
efficient and avoids duplication and redundancy of the data.
The bank are defined in the new Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000) session
in the Cash Management module. n other sessions in which you must
select a bank, for example, for a business partner or for a factoring
company, SSA ERP zooms to this session.
Currency nitialization module - Differences B40c/B61
This topic describes the most important differences between the Euro
InitiaIization module in Baan Vc and the Currency nitialization module in
ERP LN 6.1 .
Baan Vc supports only the single currency system. Therefore, the Euro
InitiaIization module was only used to convert the base currency or
reference currency in a single currency system from an EU currency to
ERP LN 6.1 supports three types of currency systems:

single currency system

dependent currency system

independent currency system

n ERP LN 6.1 , the module title was changed from Euro InitiaIization to
Currency nitialization. You can use the Currency nitialization module for
the internal initialization of your home currencies as well as to convert one
currency system to another currency system. For details, refer to
Currency InitiaIization.
Dimension accounting
This topic explains the extended dimension accounting functionality in ERP
LN 6.1 .
Dimension accounting in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , the dimensions to which invoice-related transactions such as
currency results, early payment discounts, payment differences, and
unallocated payments are posted are fixed. You select these dimensions in
the Maintain Ledger Accounts by Customer Groups (tfacr0111s000)
session and the Maintain Ledger Accounts by SuppIier Groups
(tfacp0111s000) session.
5-2 | Financials
n addition, in Baan Vc you cannot define dimensions for the nterim
Closing account.
Dimension accounting in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , dimension accounting has been extended and the
dimension accounting setup is more flexible. The following enhancements
were made:

The dimensions for the Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable

control accounts can be defined on several levels. These dimensions
are also used for the invoice-related transactions such as currency
results, early payment discounts, payment differences, and unallocated
payments. To determine the dimensions, SSA ERP searches these
levels from the most specific to the least specific. For details, refer to
Dimension accounting.

n ERP LN 6.1 , the nterim Closing account is known as the Retained

Earnings account. n the Company Parameters (tfgld0103s000)
session you can use the Dimension Accounting on Retained
Earnings check box to indicate whether the entries on the Retained
Earnings account must be split up into dimensions.
This topic explains the extended and redesigned factoring functionality in
ERP LN 6.1 .
Factoring in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , you can indicate that a supplier uses a factoring company to
collect payments for their invoices. Payments are then made to the factor's
bank instead of the supplier's bank.
Factoring in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , the factoring functionality has been extended. You can set
up factoring both for accounts payable and accounts receivable. Factoring
with recourse and without recourse are both supported.
For details, refer to Factoring.
To support the new factoring functionality, new sessions were added to
and sessions were changed in the following modules:

Accounts Receivable for factoring of your sales invoices. For details,

refer to To set up factoring of accounts receivabIes.
Financials | 5-3

Cash Management.

Accounts Payable for payments of purchase invoices that are factored

by your suppliers. For details, refer to To set up factoring of
accounts payabIes.
Period closing
This topic describes the improved period closing functionality for
multicompany structures in ERP LN 6.1 .
Period cIosing in a muIticompany structure in Baan IVc
To close periods in a multicompany structure, in Baan Vc you must
perform the various actions required before you can close a period
separately in each financial company.
MuIticompany period cIosing in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , you can perform the actions related to period closing for a
range of financial companies of a financial company group.
For example, this includes the following actions:

Create recurring transactions.

Finalize transactions.

Close periods.

Generate open periods.

n ERP LN 6.1 , you can enter a range of financial companies in the
following sessions, among others:

Generate Period Status Cross Company (tfgld0207m000).

Print Non-Finalized Transactions (tfgld1401m000).

Global Selection of Batches for Finalization (tfgld1210m000).

Close Periods (tfgld1206m000).

Print Error Log (tfgld1405m000).

For the cross company finalization, you can define finalization
administrators in the Finalization Administrators (tfgld0125m000) session.
A finalization administrator has the authorizations necessary to finalize
transactions in financial companies other than the current company.
Purchase invoice matching
This topic describes the improved matching process in ERP LN 6.1 .
5-4 | Financials
Purchase invoice matching in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc purchase invoice processing, you can either match and
approve purchase invoices automatically when you enter the invoices, or
manually match and approve the purchase invoices one by one. You
cannot select a range of invoices for matching and approval in a batch.
Purchase invoices are always matched to the receipts.
Purchase invoice matching in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , purchase invoice processing was made much faster and
more efficient.
The following main improvements were made to purchase invoice

DefauIt purchase invoice detaiIs copied from the purchase order.

n the Purchase nvoices (tfacp1110s000) session, as soon as you
enter the order number the default invoice data which is also present
on the purchase order is retrieved from the purchase order, for
example, the business partner, the purchase type, and the business
partner's invoice number.

Match purchase invoices to the purchase orders or to the

n the Match/Approve Purchase nvoices (tfacp2107s000) session, you
can match each invoice either to the order or to the receipt. n the
Automatic Matching fields of the ACP Parameters (tfacp0100s000)
session, you can select the matching method for automatic matching. f
you select Match to Purchase Order, you can link the invoice to the
purchase order before receipt of the goods. The receipt is only required
for the invoice approval.

Automatic matching
f you select the Automatic Matching check box in the ACP
Parameters (tfacp0100s000) session, SSA ERP automatically matches
the purchase invoice when you save the invoice. Matching is really
automatic, no other sessions are started during this process.

Matching and approvaI in a batch

You can use the new Match/Approve Purchase nvoices by Range
(tfacp2280m000) session to select a range of invoices for matching
and approval in a batch. SSA ERP generates an exception report of
the invoices that could not be matched and approved, with the reasons
why not.
Other new settings for the automatic matching and approving are:

The Automatic Matching Tolerances by nvoice-from BP

(tfacp0107m000) session.
Financials | 5-5

The FuII Authorization Invoice Lower and the FuII Authorization

Invoice Higher fields and related check boxes in the Price Difference
Tolerances (tfacp0150m000) session.
n addition, SSA ERP can automatically create a purchase invoice on
receipt of the goods. These invoices can then automatically be matched
and approved without any user interaction. For details, refer to SeIf biIIing.
Remittance based cash application
This topic describes the improved remittance-based cash application
process in ERP LN 6.1 .
The cash that you receive from a pay-by business partner through a bank
statement can cover multiple open sales invoices. The customer sends
you a remittance advice note with details of the invoices paid and the
amounts paid towards each invoice.
The payment process in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , you must post the received amount to an Unallocated
Payments ledger account and then apply the received cash amount to the
sales invoices line by line.
The payment process in ERP LN 6.1
ERP LN 6.1 can handle multiline remittance-advice data entry. You can
manually enter the data.
The procedure consists of two independent steps:
1. Remittance advice entry.
2. Bank statement entry and assignment based on the remittance advice
entered previously.
n addition, you can handle short payments and over payments easily and
For details, refer to To set up cash appIication and The cash
appIication procedure.
The following new sessions support the cash application process:

Remittance Advice (tfcmg2150m000).

Remittance Advice Details (tfcmg2151m000).

The most important existing sessions that were changed to support the
5-6 | Financials
cash application process are:

CMG Parameters (tfcmg0100s000). A new Cash AppIication group

box has been added, in which you can select the DefauIt action for
Over Payment and the DefauIt Action for Short Payment.

Bank Relation (tfcmg0110s000). The ReversaI Trans. Type field was

added for the posting of reversal transactions for the remittance.

Bank Transactions (tfcmg2100s000). The Remittance field and the BP

Payment No field have been added to this session.

SL Parameters (cisli1500m000). New fields were added for the

processing of the debit notes and credit notes that result from rejected
short payments and accepted short payments.
Trade notes
This topic describes the extended and redesigned trade notes functionality
in ERP LN 6.1 .
Trade notes in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , trade notes are treated as anticipated documents. Proper
trade note processing was only available in a number of localizations.
Trade notes in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , the trade notes functionality was significantly extended.
For example, received trade notes can be:

Discounted to a bank to obtain early cash.

Used as collateral to obtain a loan.

Endorsed to pay your supplier.

To support the extended trade notes functionality, a number of new Trade
Notes sessions were added to the Cash Management module.
For details, refer to Trade notes.
Stamp tax
f you use trade notes, in some countries you must pay stamp tax on trade
notes. n the Tax Codes by Country (tcmcs0136s000) session, the new
Stamp Tax option was added to the Kind of Tax field. For details, refer to
Set up stamp tax.
Uninterrupted payment and direct debits
Financials | 5-7
This topic describes the improved payment and direct debit process in
ERP LN 6.1 .
The payment process in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , the payment process, from invoice selection and composition
to posting the payment details, takes a long time to complete. Because the
process requires frequent user intervention, you cannot run the payment
process as a batch job at night.
The payment process in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , the efficiency has been improved for the selection of
invoices, the composition of payment lines, the transfer of payments, and
so on. You can supply default values for the data that is required for the
payment process in a number of new sessions. This enables you to run the
payment process as a batch job at night.
You can supply default values for the payment process in the following
new sessions:

Automatic Process Defaults (tfcmg1190m000).

Automatic Process Defaults by Bank/Payment-Receipt Method

For details, refer to Uninterrupted payment process
New functionality
Central nvoicing - Differences B40c/B61
This topic describes how invoicing in the various packages of Baan Vc is
implemented in Central nvoicing in ERP LN 6.1 .
Invoicing in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , each package contains invoicing functionality. nvoicing is
performed in the Invoicing sessions of the various packages:

n Baan Distribution, in the SaIes Invoicing sessions of the SaIes

ControI (SLS) module.

n Baan Project, in the Project Invoicing (PIN) module.

n Baan Transportation, in the Invoicing ControI (ICS) module.

5-8 | Financials

n Baan Service, for service contracts in the Contract nvoicing

sessions of the Contract ControI module, and for closed service
orders in the Print Service Order nvoices (tssma3473m000) session.
CentraI Invoicing in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , invoicing for the various SSA ERP packages is performed
in the Sales nvoicing module of Central nvoicing.
Control accounts
This topic describes the new possibility of defining multiple control
accounts for customers and suppliers in ERP LN 6.1 .
ControI accounts in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , a customer or a supplier can have only one control account
because they can only belong to one financial customer group or financial
supplier group and you can define one control account for a financial
customer group or a financial supplier group.
n Baan Vc , you define the control accounts plus the dimensions for
customers in the Maintain Ledger Accounts by Customer Group
(tfacr0111s000) session which you can start from the Financial Business
Partner Groups (tfacr0110m000) session.
MuItipIe controI accounts in ERP LN 6.1
n some countries you must post different types of receivables and
payables to different control accounts. n ERP LN 6.1 , you can define
multiple control accounts for a business partner group.
You define the control accounts for a business partner group in the
following new sessions:

Accounts by Financial BP Group (tfacp0110m100) in the Accounts

Payable module.

Accounts by Financial BP Group (tfacr0110m100) in the Accounts

Receivable module.
For details, refer to ControI accounts.
New concepts
To support multiple control accounts, the following new concepts are
Financials | 5-9
introduced in ERP LN 6.1 :

Sales type.

Purchase type.
Dual accounting
This topic describes the new dual accounting functionality in ERP LN 6.1 .
Accounting in Baan IVc
Baan Vc supports only one type of ledger accounts.
DuaI accounting in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , you can define separate structures of ledger accounts for
fiscal reporting to the government and for commercial reporting to your
company's management.
n the Chart of Accounts (tfgld0108s000) session, you can define for every
ledger account whether it is Statutory or Complementary. For more
information, refer toLedger account and dimension structure.
GL account matching
This topic describes the new ledger account transaction matching
functionality in ERP LN 6.1 .
Account matching in Baan IV c
Baan Vc does not support ledger account transaction matching. Related
postings on a ledger account must be combined and matched manually.
GL account matching in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , you can set up and perform GL account matching which is
a form of ledger account transaction matching. Related postings on a
ledger account can be matched automatically according to specific criteria
such as the transaction reference. You can then analyze the remaining
unmatched postings.
For more information, refer toGL account matching.
5-10 | Financials
You cannot perform GL account matching on Integration ledger accounts.
To such accounts you can apply financial reconciliation. For more
information, refer toFinanciaI reconciIiation.
ntegration mapping scheme
This topic describes the redesigned integration mapping scheme of ERP
LN 6.1 .
Integration mapping in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , the mapping definitions for the integration transactions
between the logistic modules and the Finance package are stored in the
various logistic packages.
Integration mapping scheme in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , the mapping of the integration transactions is defined
centrally in the General Ledger module of Financials. You can use the
Mapping Scheme (tfgld4573m000) session to set up an integration
mapping scheme for mapping of the operations management transactions
to ledger accounts and dimensions. For more information, refer
toFinanciaI integrations.
ntercompany settlement transactions
Intercompany invoicing in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , goods transfer between logistic companies required sales
orders and purchase orders, which resulted in open entries that must be
cleared by generating a payment in the buying logistic company. n a
multilogistic/single finance company structure, these transactions only
represented technical transactions between the logistic companies without
any actual transfer of funds.
Intercompany settIement in ERP LN 6.1
New in SSA ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , in a multilogistic/single finance company structure the
intercompany invoicing process can be simplified by generating
intercompany settlement transactions.
Financials | 5-11
ntercompany settlement transactions only apply to purchase and sales
transactions between logistic companies in a multilogistic/single-financial
company structure. For more information, refer toTo set up intercompany
settIement transactions.
Financial reconciliation
This topic describes the redesigned reconciliation of logistic transactions
and financial postings in ERP LN 6.1 .
ReconciIiation in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , the financial reconciliation functionality was limited.
n the Finance package, the following reconciliation sessions were

Print Reconciliation of Work-in-Process (tfgld5400m000)

Values of GRNYA Reconciliation (tfacp1135s000)

Print Specifications Delivered, Not Yet nvoiced (tfacr1432m000)

ReconciIiation in ERP LN 6.1
ERP LN 6.1 provides a complete and consistent reconciliation functionality
with proper control of when the logistic data can be archived, backdating of
transactions, and so on. n ERP LN 6.1 , you can set up the reconciliation
relationships that you require.
Rather than generate various reports of the integration transactions, in
ERP LN 6.1 , you can use the reconciliation reports generated in the
Operations Management - Financial Reconciliation (tfgld4595m000)
Multicurrency systems
This topic describes the new multicurrency systems in ERP LN 6.1 .
The home currency in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , a company can perform its financial accounting in one
currency. n ERP LN 6.1 terms, Baan Vc only supports a single currency
system. You select a company's home currency in the Maintain Company
Data (tccom0100m000) session of the Common Data module.
5-12 | Financials
The company's currencies in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , a company can use up to three different home currencies,
one of which is usually the local currency. The home currency for financial
accounting is called the reference currency. n a multicompany structure,
all the companies must have the same reference currency.
n most of the sessions in which you can enter or display amounts, you can
click the Rotate Currency button or click Rotate Currency on the TooIs
menu, to enter or display the amounts in each of the home currencies in
For many reports, especially in Financials, you can select the home
currency in which you want to print the report.
You select the reference currency, the local currency, and other reporting
currencies for the companies in the Companies (tcemm1170m000)
session of the Enterprise Modeling Management module.
For details, refer to Currency systems.
n ERP LN 6.1 , you can use the new parameter wizard to set up the
specific localized functionality required for your company. For more
information, refer toThe Parameter Wizard.
The following Baan Vc localizations are part of the standard software in
ERP LN 6.1 :

North America (USA)

The sales and use tax functionality was extended with the following

Tax exemption certificates.

Direct Pay permit registration.

Tax calculation date is order date or invoice date.

Optionally include tax amounts in order balance.

Optionally print tax amounts on external documents.

Print tax amounts by tax authority.

Tax provider AP enhancements.

For more information, refer toSaIes and use tax.

European Union
The following functionality was added for business partners and bank
acccounts in countries of the European Union:
Financials | 5-13

VAT number check

n ERP LN 6.1 , SSA ERP can check whether VAT numbers for
business partners in EU countries are entered correctly. For EU
countries, you can select the VAT number check for the country in
the VAT Number Check field of the Countries (tcmcs0110s000)

Bank account number check

n ERP LN 6.1 , SSA ERP can check the validity of entered bank
numbers. You can select the bank number check algorithm for the
country in the Check on Bank Account No. field of the Countries
(tcmcs0110s000) session.

The following requirements specific for Germany are part of the ERP
LN 6.1 standard software:

Z4 report for foreign payments.

DTAUS disk clearing for direct debits.

Advance payment categories.

For more information, refer toGerman IocaIizations - Differences

The following requirements specific for Belgium are part of the ERP LN
6.1 standard software:

Bank files for foreign and domestic payments.

Balance of Payments reporting.

ntracom reporting.

VAT report.

Tax journal.

Accon interface.
For more information, refer toBeIgian IocaIizations - Differences

The Scandinavian countries

The following requirement specific for the Scandinavian countries are
part of the ERP LN 6.1 standard software:

Bank files for foreign payments and domestic payments. (Norway,

Sweden, Finland, Denmark)

Bank reference numbers. (Norway, Finland)

nvestment charge tax. (Norway)

Allow payments of negative amounts. (Sweden)

Journal report. (Finland)

For more information, refer toScandinavian countries IocaIizations -
Differences B40c/ERP61.
Accounts Payable Management Dashboard (tfacp2560m000)
5-14 | Financials
Use this session to to perform accounts-payable related tasks and to
retrieve accounts payable information. You can view and maintain various
types of accounts payable information such as purchase invoice
information and invoice-from and pay-to business partner information.
How to use the Accounts PayabIe Management Dashboard (tfacp2560m000)
Select an invoice-from business partner in the list. The business partner
balances and credit information are displayed in the boxes at the top of the
To view the business partner details, double-click the invoice-from
business partner line in the list.
The check marks under Documents indicate which data is available for
the selected invoice-from business partner. f you click a link, a session
starts which you can use to view, maintain, or create the corresponding
transactions for the selected business partner.
You can click the following links, or click the corresponding commands in
the Specific menu:

Received Invoices. Starts the Received Purchase nvoices

(tfacp1500m000) session. SSA ERP records invoices in this session as
soon as the invoices are received, without creating any transactions.
You can copy these invoices to the invoice register to make them
available for processing.

Match/Approve Invoices. Starts the Match/Approve Purchase

nvoices (tfacp2507m000) session. You can use this session to match
the invoice lines with purchase orders or purchase receipts and to
approve the invoices.

Approve Price Differences. Starts the Approve Price Differences

(tfacp1142m000) session. f a price difference exists between the
purchase order and the purchase invoice that exceeds the defined
price difference tolerance, you can use this session to approve the
price differences.

Authorize Invoices. Starts the Authorize Purchase nvoices

(tfacp1104m000) session. The Accounts Payable module can be set
up in such a way that after invoices are received, they must be
confirmed by specific authorized users or departments before they can
be processed further. You can use this session to confirm the invoices.

Open Entries. Starts the Business Partner - Open Entries

(tfacp2522m000) session. You can use this session to view a complete
list of the open purchase invoices that exist for the selected business

Aging AnaIysis. Starts the nvoice-from Business Partner Aging

Financials | 5-15
Summary (tfacp3525m000) session. You can use this session to view
or print the invoice-from business partner's aging analysis for the total
outstanding balance.

Business Partner BaIances. Starts the Business Partner Balances

(tfacp2582m000) session. You can use this session to view the various
business partner's balances and aging analysis, and the business
partner's current credit situation.

Factor ReIations. Starts the Pay-to Business Partners by Factor

(tfacp1106m000) session. f the pay-to business partner factors the
invoices and you have not defined a default factor for the pay-to
business partner, you can use this session to assign a factor to the
pay-to business partner.

Procurement Card Statements. Starts the Procurement Card

Statements (tfacp1520m000) session. f the purchase was paid by
using a procurement card, you can use this session to view and
maintain the procurement card statement details.
FieIds Description
Received nvoices
f this check box is selected, received invoices from the selected in-
voice-from business partner exist. To view the received invoices, click
Received Invoices.
Authorize nvoices
f this check box is selected, invoices from the selected invoice-from
business partner exist that must be confirmed by specific authorized
users or departments before they can be processed further. To confirm
the invoices, click Authorize Invoices.
Aging Analysis
f this check box is selected, invoices from the selected invoice-from
business partner exist for which aging information is available. To view
or print the aging analysis summary, click Aging AnaIysis.
Match/Approve n-
f this check box is selected, invoices from the selected invoice-from
business partner exist that can be matched and/or approved. To match
and approve the invoices, click Match/Approve Invoices.
Open Entries
f this check box is selected, open entries exist for the selected invoice-
from business partner. To view and maintain the open entries, click
Open Entries.
Factor Relations
f this check box is selected, the selected invoice-from business partner
is linked to a factor. To select a different factor for the business partner,
5-16 | Financials
click Factor ReIations.
Approve Price Differ-
f this check box is selected, price differences exist for the selected in-
voice-from business partner that must be approved. To view and ap-
prove the price differences, click Approve Price Differences.
Business Partner Bal-
f this check box is selected, balance information exists for the selected
invoice-from business partner. To view the various business partner's
balances and aging analysis, and the business partner's current credit
situation, click Business Partner BaIances.
Procurement Card
f this check box is selected, invoices from the selected invoice-from
business partner were paid by using a procurement card. To view and
maintain the procurement card statement details, click Procurement
Card Statements.
nvoice-from Business
The invoice-from business partner. Select an invoice-from business
partner to display the business partner's balances or double-click an in-
voice-from business partner to view the business partner details.
Search Key
The invoice-from business partner's search key.
Your contact at the business partner's firm.
The business partner's status.
The contact's telephone number.
Pay-to Business Part-
The pay-to business parnter linked to the invoice-from business partner.
Card Company
f this check box is selected, the pay-to business partner is a procure-
ment card company.
The invoice-from business partner's default invoice currency.
Reference Currency
The company's reference currency.
Financials | 5-17
Open Entry Balance
The selected invoice-from business partner's open entry balance in the
current financial company.
Credit Limit
The selected invoice-from business partner's credit limit in the current
financial company.
Order Balance
The selected invoice-from business partner's purchase order balance in
the current financial company.
Credit Available
The credit that you can still use with the selected invoice-from business
partner, that is the Credit Limit amount minus the TotaI BaIance
Total Balance
The sum of the Order BaIance and the Open Entry BaIance for the
selected invoice-from business partner.
Commands Description
Starts the Transactions (tfgld1101m000) session, from which you can
enter purchase invoices.
Received nvoices
Starts the Received Purchase nvoices (tfacp1500m000) session. SSA
ERP records invoices in this session as soon as the invoices are re-
ceived, without creating any transactions. You can copy these invoices
to the invoice register to make them available for processing.
Authorize nvoices
Starts the Authorize Purchase nvoices (tfacp1104m000) session. After
invoices are received, you can use this session to confirm the invoices
so that they can be processed further.
Aging Analysis
Starts the nvoice-from Business Partner Aging Summary
(tfacp3525m000) session. You can use this session to view or print the
invoice-from business partner's aging analysis for the total outstanding
Match/Approve n-
Starts the Match/Approve Purchase nvoices (tfacp2507m000) session.
You can use this session to match the invoice lines with purchase or-
ders or purchase receipts and to approve the invoices.
5-18 | Financials
Open Entries
Starts the Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2522m000) session,
which you can use to view a complete list of the open purchase invoices
that exist for the selected business partner.
Factor Relations
Starts the Pay-to Business Partners by Factor (tfacp1106m000) ses-
sion, which you can use to link the pay-to business partner to a factor. f
the pay-to business partner factors their invoices and you have not
defined a default factor for the pay-to business partner, you can assign
a factor to the pay-to business partner.
Approve Price Differ-
Starts the Approve Price Differences (tfacp1142m000) session. f a
price difference exists between the purchase order and the purchase in-
voices that exceeds the defined price difference tolerance, you can use
this session to approve the price differences.
Business Partner Bal-
Starts the Business Partner Balances (tfacp2582m000) session, which
you can use to view the various business partner's balances and aging
analysis, and the business partner's current credit situation.
Procurement Card
Starts the Procurement Card Statements (tfacp1520m000) session,
which you can use to view the procurement card statement details.
Accounts Receivable Management Dashboard (tfacr2560m000)
Use this session to to perform accounts-receivable related tasks and to
retrieve accounts receivable information. You can view and maintain
various types of accounts receivable information such as sales invoice
information and invoice-to and pay-by business partner information.
How to use the Accounts ReceivabIe Management Dashboard (tfacr2560m000)
Select an invoice-to business partner in the list. The business partner
balances and credit information are displayed in the boxes at the top of the
To view the business partner details, double-click the invoice-from
business partner line in the list.
The check marks under Documents indicate which data is available for
Financials | 5-19
the selected invoice-to business partner. f you click a link, a session starts
which you can use to view, maintain, or create the corresponding
transactions for the selected business partner.
You can click the following links, or click the corresponding commands in
the Specific menu:

Open Entries. Starts the Business Partner - Open Entries

(tfacr2510m000) session. You can use this session to view a complete
list of the open invoices that exist for the selected business partner.

BP Statements. Starts the Print Statements (tfacr3440m000) session.

You can use this session to print the statement of account for the
selected business partner.

Credit ProfiIe. Starts the Business Partner - Credit Profile

(tfacr2542m000) session. You can use this session to view the various
business partner's balances, aging analysis, and the full details of the
business partner's current credit situation.

Aging AnaIysis. Starts the nvoice-to Business Partner Aging

Summary (tfacr2511m000) session. You can use this session to view
or print the invoice-to business partner's aging analysis for the total
outstanding balance.

Reminders. Starts the Select nvoices for Reminding (tfacr3210m000)

session. You can use this session to generate reminder letters for a
range of invoices and for a range of pay-by business partners.

Factor ReIations. Starts the Pay-by Business Partners by Factor

(tfacr0516m000) session. f you factor the invoices and you have not
defined a default factor for the pay-by business partner, you can use
this session to assign a factor to the pay-by business partner.

Interest Invoices. Starts the Select nvoices for nterest nvoicing

(tfacr5210m000) session. You can use this session to generate interest
invoice advice for delayed receipts from the selected business partner.
FieIds Description
Open Entries
f this check box is selected, open invoices for the selected invoice-to
business partner exist. To view the open entries, click Open Entries.
BP Statements
f this check box is selected,statement of account information is avail-
able for the selected invoice-to business partner. To print the statement
of accounts, click BP Statements.
Credit Profile
f this check box is selected, credit information is available for the selec-
ted invoice-to business partner. To view and maintain the business
partner's credit information, click Credit ProfiIe.
5-20 | Financials
Factor Relations
f this check box is selected, the selected invoice-to business partner is
linked to a factor. To select a different factor for the business partner,
click Factor ReIations.
Aging Analysis
f this check box is selected, open entries for the selected invoice-to
business partner exist for which aging information is available. To view
or print the aging analysis summary, click Aging AnaIysis.
f this check box is selected, invoices for the selected invoice-to busi-
ness partner exist for which you can generate reminder letters. To gen-
erate reminder letters, click Reminders.
nterest nvoices
f this check box is selected, open entries for the selected invoice-to
business partner exist for which you can generate interest invoices. To
generate interest invoices, click Interest Invoices.
nvoice-to BP
The invoice-to business partner. Select an invoice-to business partner
to display the business partner's balances or double-click an invoice-to
business partner to view the business partner details.
The invoice-to business partner's name.
The Invoice-to Business Partner Status.
Pay-By BP
The pay-by business parnter linked to the invoice-to business partner.
The invoice-to business partner's default invoice currency.
Expiry Date
The end date of the invoice-to business partner's status.
Search Key
The invoice-to business partner's search key.
Your contact at the business partner's firm.
The contact's telephone number.
Reference Currency
The company's reference currency.
Financials | 5-21
Order Balance
The selected invoice-to business partner's sales order balance in the
current financial company.
Billing Request Bal-
The selected invoice-to business partner's billing request balance in
Central nvoicing for the current financial company.
Balance Receivable
The selected invoice-to business partner's total open entries balance in
the current financial company.
Total Balance
The sum of the Order BaIance, the BiIIing Request BaIance, and the
BaIance ReceivabIe of the selected invoice-to business partnern in the
current financial company.
Total Balance - All
The sum of the Order BaIance, the BiIIing Request BaIance, and the
BaIance ReceivabIe of the selected invoice-to business partner in all
the financial companies of a multicompany structure.
Credit Limit
The selected invoice-to business partner's credit limit in the current fin-
ancial company.
Available Credit
The credit that the selected invoice-to business partner can still use,
that is the Credit Limit amount minus the TotaI BaIance amount.
Credit Rating
The selected invoice-to business partner's credit-rating.
Commands Description
Open Entries
Starts the Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacr2510m000) session,
which you can use to view a complete list of the open invoices that exist
for the selected business partner.
BP Statements
Starts the Print Statements (tfacr3440m000) session, which you can
use to print the statement of account for the selected business partner.
Credit Profile
Starts the Business Partner - Credit Profile (tfacr2542m000) session,
which you can use to view the various business partner's balances,
aging analysis, and the business partner's current credit situation.
5-22 | Financials
Aging Analysis
Starts the nvoice-to Business Partner Aging Summary (tfacr2511m000)
session, which you can use to view or print the invoice-to business part-
ner's aging analysis for the total outstanding balance.
Starts the Select nvoices for Reminding (tfacr3210m000) session,
which you can use this session generate reminder letters for a range of
invoices and for a range of pay-by business partners.
nterest nvoices
Starts the Select nvoices for nterest nvoicing (tfacr5210m000) ses-
sion, which you can use to generate interest invoice advice for delayed
receipts from the selected business partner.
Factor Relations
Starts the Pay-by Business Partners by Factor (tfacr0516m000) ses-
sion. f you factor the invoices and you have not defined a default factor
for the pay-by business partner, you can use this session to assign a
factor to the pay-by business partner.
Distribution by Child
Business Partner
Starts the Distribution by Child Business Partner (tfacr2527m000) ses-
Print Credit Compar-
Starts the Print Credit Comparison (tfacr2470m000) session.
General Ledger module - Differences B40c/B61
This topic describes the most important differences between the General
Ledger module in Baan Vc and in ERP LN 6.1 .
New and changed functionaIity

New in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . Baan Vc only supports a single currency
system. n ERP LN 6.1 a company can use up to three different home
currencies. For more information, refer toMuIticurrency systems.

DuaI accounting
Financials | 5-23
New in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . n ERP LN 6.1 , in addition to the Statutory
ledger accounts you can define Complementary ledger accounts. For
more information, refer toDuaI accounting.

Dimension accounting
Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . n ERP LN 6.1 , dimension accounting
has been extended. For more information, refer toDimension

GL account matching
New in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . n ERP LN 6.1 , a form of ledger account
transaction matching is available. For more information, refer toGL
account matching.

MuIticompany period cIosing

Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . n ERP LN 6.1 , you can perform a
number of actions related to period closing for a range of financial
companies of a financial company group. For more information, refer
toPeriod cIosing.

Integration mapping scheme

Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . n ERP LN 6.1 , the setup of the
integration mapping scheme was completely redesigned. For more
information, refer toIntegration mapping scheme.

Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . n ERP LN 6.1 , reconciliation of logistic
transactions and financial postings was completely redesigned. For
more information, refer toFinanciaI reconciIiation.

Currency resuIts
Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . n ERP LN 6.1 , to support the new
financial reconciliation functionality as well as intercompany
transactions in a multicurrency structure, currency results are
distinguished and handled according to their causes. For more
information, refer toCurrency differences.
The following types of currency results are distinghuished:

Currency differences.

Translation gain and loss.

Exchange gain and loss.

Destination gain and loss

Accounts Payable module - Differences B40c/B61
This topic describes the most important differences between the Accounts
Payable module in Baan Vc and in ERP LN 6.1 .
New and changed functionaIity

Purchase invoice matching

Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . n ERP LN 6.1 , purchase invoice
5-24 | Financials
processing was made much faster and more efficient. For details, refer
to Purchase invoice matching.

MuItipIe controI accounts

New in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . n ERP LN 6.1 , you can define multiple
control accounts for financial business partner groups. For details, refer
to ControI accounts.

Procurement card processing

New in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . n ERP LN 6.1 , new sessions were added to
set up and process purchase requisitions that are paid using a
procurement card. For details, refer to Procurement card payments.

SeIf biIIing
New in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . n ERP LN 6.1 , SSA ERP can create,
match, and approve invoices automatically when goods are received.
For details, refer to SeIf biIIing.

Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . n ERP LN 6.1 , factoring of accounts
payable was improved and extended. For details, refer to Factoring.

Open entries, usabiIity improvements

Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . n ERP LN 6.1 , the new Accounts
Payable Management Dashboard (tfacp2560m000) session provides
fast access to the purchase invoices and to various types of related
information such as the business partner balances and the aging
Accounts Receivable module - Differences B40c/B61
This topic describes the most important differences between the Accounts
Receivable module in Baan Vc and in ERP LN 6.1 .
New and changed functionaIity

SaIes Invoices
Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . n Baan Vc , Sales invoices are
maintained and posted in the Accounts Receivable module. n ERP LN
6.1 , sales invoices are release from SSA ERP Order Management to
Central nvoicing in the in the Release Sales Orders/Schedules to
nvoicing (tdsls4247m000) session, which you can start from the
Specific menu in the SaIes Orders (tdsIs4100m000) session or the
Sales Order Line Details session. For more information, refer

Interest invoices
Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . n Baan Vc , you can only create
interest invoice advice for late customer receipts. n ERP LN 6.1 , you
can also create interest invoice advice for overdue invoices that have
not been paid. For more information, refer toInterest caIcuIation on
saIes invoices
Financials | 5-25

Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . n ERP LN 6.1 , you can set up
factoring both for accounts payable and accounts receivable. For
details, refer to Factoring.

Open entries, usabiIity improvements

New in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . n ERP LN 6.1 , the new Accounts
Receivable Management Dashboard session provides fast access to
the sales invoices and to various types of related information such as
the business partner's credit profile and aging analysis.
Cash Management module - Differences B40c/B61
This topic describes the most important differences between the Cash
Management module in Baan Vc and in ERP LN 6.1 .
New and changed functionaIity

Remittance based cash appIication

New in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . n Baan Vc , you must post the cash
received from a pay-by business partner through a bank statement to
an Unallocated Payments ledger account and then apply the received
cash amount to the sales invoices line by line. ERP LN 6.1 can handle
multiline remittance-advice data entry. For details, refer to Remittance
based cash appIication.

New in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . n ERP LN 6.1 , the factoring functionality
has been extended. You can set up factoring both for accounts
payable and accounts receivable. Factoring with recourse and without
recourse are both supported. For details, refer to Factoring.

Trade notes
New in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . n ERP LN 6.1 , dimension accounting has
been extended. For details, refer to Trade notes.

Uninterrupted payment and direct debit processing

Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . n ERP LN 6.1 , the efficiency has been
improved for the selection of invoices, the composition of payment
lines, the transfer of payments, and so on. You can supply default
values for the data that is required for the payment process in a
number of new sessions. This enables you to run the payment process
as a batch job at night. For details, refer to Uninterrupted payment
and direct debits.

CentraI bank data

Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . n Baan Vc , you could define bank
details in various modules in Common Data and in Financials. n ERP
LN 6.1 , the bank data is defined centrally in the Cash Management
module. For details, refer to Bank master data.
5-26 | Financials
Removed functionaIity

Proforma invoices
Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . The Proforma Invoices business
object was removed from the Cash Management module.
n ERP LN 6.1 , this functionality was replaced:

n Order Management, by installments of the type Advance. For

more information, refer toInstaIIments.

n Project, by advance payment requests. For more information,

refer toTo use advance payment requests.
nstallments and advance payment requests are processed in Central
nvoicing in the same way as other types of invoices. For more
information, refer toCentraI Invoicing
Changed terms

Proforma invoice is now Advance Payment request

n ERP LN 6.1 the term Proforma Invoice is replaced with the more
correct term Advance Payment request.

SWIFT code is now InternationaI Bank ID

As the SWIFT code is one of the bank identifier codes used for
international payments, in ERP LN 6.1 the term SWIFT Code is
replaced with the more generic term InternationaI Bank ID.

Bank Identifier is now Domestic Bank ID

The term Bank Identifier used in Baan Vc is replaced with Domestic
Bank ID in ERP LN 6.1 . The domestic bank identifier is used for
domestic payments.
Fixed Assets (FAS) module - Differences B40c/B61
The Fixed Assets (FAS) module in Baan Vc was replaced with the Fixed
Assets Management module in ERP LN 6.1 .
The most important differences between the Fixed Assets (FAS) module
and the new Fixed Assets Management module are:

Quantity for a fixed asset

Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . An asset has a quantity linked to it. f
multiple identical assets exist, you only need to enter the quantity once.

MuItipIe asset books

New in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . Different asset books are available for
different purposes, for example, commercial, statutory, tax, or
calculatory. The amounts from the books can be posted into the dual
ledger structure.

Location tracking
Financials | 5-27
New in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . You can enter a location for each individual
asset through a segmented location code. Eight segments are
available, which you can use, for example, for
country/city/site/building/floor and so on.

PartiaI asset transfers and disposaIs

Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . You can transfer or dispose of assets
by quantity and by percentage.
For more information, refer toFixed Assets (FAM).
Financial Budget System module - Differences B40c/B61
The Financial Budget System module in ERP LN 6.1 contains the static
budgets functionality of the Financial Budget System (FBS) module in
Baan Vc . n addition, the Financial Budget System module was extended
with the flexible budget functionality that is required to support the new
ERP LN 6.1Cost Accounting module.
The most important changes are:

You can create a performance driven budget. Based on a single

dimension budget and the actual costs, ERP LN 6.1 calculates the
allowed costs, which results in a variance analysis. n the flexible
budget, rates and surcharges can be determined , which can be
integrated with the ERP LN 6.1 logistic pakcages.

Performance figures from the ERP LN 6.1 logistic pakcages can be

imported in the Cost Accounting module to be used in the allocation of
actual costs. The calculated rates and surcharges can be integrated
with the logistic pakcages, and calculated variances can be posted to
dimensions in the General Ledger module.
Cost Allocation (CAL) module - Differences B40c/B61
The Cost Allocation (CAL) module in Baan Vc was replaced with the Cost
Accounting module in ERP LN 6.1 .
The fucntionality of the ERP LN 6.1Cost Accounting module was earlier
available as a localization for Germany.
The most important differences between the Cost Allocation (CAL) module
and the new Cost Accounting module are:

Dimension-based performance measurement

New in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . Measurement of the actual performance
against the budgeted performance of the individual dimensions, for
example, cost centers, and activities, for both fixed costs and variable
5-28 | Financials

Cost aIIocation
New in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . ndirect costs can be allocated based on the
actual values of logistic and financial cost drivers.

Variance anaIysis
Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . The following variances are

Consumption variances.

Capacity usage variances

'Political price' variances.

CaIcuIation and integration of item surcharges and operation

New in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . Calculated item surcharges and operation
rates can be exported to the Cost Price Calculation module in
Manufacturing to be included in the item cost price.
For more information, refer toCost Accounting (CAT).
Financial Statements module - Differences B40c/B61
This topic describes the differences between the Financial Statements
module in Baan Vc and in ERP LN 6.1 .
The functionality of the module in ERP LN 6.1 was considerably changed
to improve the ease of setup, the flexibility, and the overall performance of
the financial reporting capabilities.
Integration with CrystaI Enterprise
The most important change is the integration of Financial Statements with
the reporting capabilities of Crystal Enterprise (TM).
The statement structures (ledger account and dimension hierarchies) are
defined in ERP LN 6.1 . The statement values, including the year-to-date
values, are calculated in ERP LN 6.1 and stored in a 'data warehouse'.
The report layout, including the graphs, are defined in Crystal Enterprise.
The reports are printed through Crystal Enterprise, based on the data that
Crystal Enterprise retrieves from the data warehouse.
For more information, refer toFinanciaI Statements (FST).
Financials | 5-29
5-30 | Financials
Changed functionality
BOM line enhancements
n ERP LN 6.1 , some new functionality for BOM lines is added.
Production BOM Iines in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , a production BOM line has, amongst others, the following

You can link an operation to a BOM line for a phased issue of

components. The operation that is entered applies to all routings that
are linked to the item, that is, the BOM component is issued on the
same operation for every routing.

You cannot specify a lot from which the BOM line material is issued.

Unit effectivity does not exist in Baan Vc .

BOM Iines in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , extra functionality is added to the BOM line:

A component can be issued differently for every routing that is linked to

Chapter 6
the item. To do so, enter 0 (zero) in the Operation field in the Bill of
Material (tibom1110m000) session. You can now define in the BOM
Line - Material-Routing Relationships (tibom0140m000) session in
which routings and for which operations the BOM component can be

You can use the Lot SeIection field in the Bill of Material
(tibom1110m000) details session to determine whether you want to
issue the material on the BOM line from a specific lot, the same lot, or
from any lot.

You can link exceptions to a BOM line so that you can model a
deviation of the BOM for a unit effective item. For details, refer to
Exceptions in unit effectivity and Overview of unit effectivity.

The BOM lines have an Effective Date and an Expiry Date to

determine the validity of the BOM lines. For details, refer to Effective
date of materiaIs and operations. f desired, you can control the
validity by change orders that originate from the Change Management
(CHM) module in Data Management.
Centralized BOM for PCS
This topic describes the centralization of the BOM in ERP LN 6.1
BOM and materiaI sheet in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , a standard production BOM is defined in the Bill of Material
(BOM) module. A customized BOM and a material sheet are defined in the
Project Control module and the Project Budget module, respectively.
BOM in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , a standard production BOM as well as a customized BOM
or material sheet for Project ControI (PCS) is centrally defined in BiII of
MateriaI (BOM), in the Bill of Material (tibom1110m000) session. This
means that you cannot create a customized BOM or a material sheet in
separate sessions in the PCS module anymore.

The bill of critical material is defined in Enterprise Planning, in the Bill

of Critical Materials (cprpd3120m000) session.

The generic bill of material is defined in Manufacturing, in the Generic

tem - Structure (tipcf3100m100) session.
Cost components
6-2 | Manufacturing
This topic explains the changed cost component concept in ERP LN 6.1 .
Cost price components in Baan IVc
Cost price components are used to break down the cost price into several
cost types. n Baan Vc , you must define cost price components in the
CPR module.
Aggrated cost components and detaiIed cost components in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , cost components are defined in Common Data, in the Cost
Components (tcmcs0148m000) session.
You can choose whether to collect costs on aggregated cost components
defined in the tems - Costing (ticpr0107m000) session, or to break down
costs into detailed cost components. To use detailed cost components,
you must enter a chart code in the Cost Component Chart field in the
tems - Costing (ticpr0107m000) session. Subsequently, you must define
in the Chart Details (ticpr0110m000) session the detailed cost components
that you want to use to break up the costs. For more information, refer to
Cost components.
f you actualize an item's cost price by using the Calculate Cost and
Valuation Prices (ticpr2210m000) session or the Actualize Standard Cost
and Valuation Prices (ticpr2220m000) session, an effective cost
component structure is generated. You can view the structure in the
Effective Cost Component Structure (ticpr3506m000) session.
n Assembly Control, you must actualize the costing data in the Actualize
Assembly Line Costing Data (ticpr0215m000) session. You can view the
effective cost component structure in the Effective Cost Component
Structure by Assembly Line and tem (ticpr3161m000) session.
Costing work centers
This topic describes the costing work center concept
Changing work centers during production pIanning in Baan IVc
n some situations, it can be necessary to use an unallocated work center
or an unallocated machine in order to meet a due date. n Baan Vc , it is
difficult to change work centers during production planning when the
Manufacturing | 6-3
estimated costs are already frozen. t is mostly time consuming because of
recalculation of the estimated costs.
Costing work centers in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , a flexible work centers concept is introduced that involves
the decoupling of planning work centers and costing work centers. Costing
work centers serve as an extra level on top of the planning work centers,
which makes costing and planning more independent.
The planning work centers (logistical work centers) are used for production
planning. The costing work centers are used for production order costing
purposes such as calculation of the end item unit costs, WP transfers,
production results, and posting financial transactions. A production
planning work center can be changed when the costs are already frozen
as long as the new work center has the same enterprise unit as the costing
work center for that operation.
This solution offers the following advantages:

More flexibility to update the planning manually.

Better possibilities to ad hoc subcontract an operation.

The possibility of creating one costing work center for every enterprise
For more information, refer to Costing work centers.
Critical capacity type
This topic describes the critical capacity type that is removed from ERP LN
6.1 , and its relation to cycle time.
CriticaI capacity type in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , the critical capacity type is used to determine whether man
hours or machine hours are recorded for a work center.
The concept of critical capacity type is essential when viewing capacity
utilization on work centers. Only capacity utilization of resources of the
critical capacity type can be viewed.
CriticaI capacity type in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , the concept of critical capacity type has disappeared. Man
hours as well as machine hours are recorded for a work center. The
6-4 | Manufacturing
capacity utilization on work centers can be viewed for man as well as for
n Enterprise Planning, the concept of critical capacity is still in use.
Run time
This topic is about the change from run time in Baan Vc to cycle time in
ERP LN 6.1
Run time in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , you can define the run time for a task or an operation.
The duration of an operation is calculated based on the run time, the
production order quantity, and, dependent on the work center's critical
capacity type, the operation's man occupation or the machine occupation.
CycIe time in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , the run time is replaced by the concept of cycle time. You
can define the cycle time on the routing operation in the Routing
Operations (tirou1102m000) session, or for a task relationship in the Task
Relationships (tirou0104m000) session.
The production duration of an operation is now solely determined by the
cycle time and the production order quantity. That is, SSA ERP calculates
the duration of an operation by multiplying the cycle time and the
production order quantity. f a setup time is defined, the setup time is also
Drawing sizes and drawing locations in EDM
This topic is about drawing sizes and locations in EDM.
Drawing sizes and Iocations in Baan IVc
Drawing sizes are the paper sizes of engineering drawings. Drawing
locations are places where the engineering drawings are stored. n Baan
Vc , drawing sizes en drawing locations are part of EDM.
Drawing sizes and Iocations in ERP LN 6.1
Manufacturing | 6-5
n ERP LN 6.1 , drawing sizes and drawing locations are stored in the
Document Management (DOC) module in SSA ERP Object Data
ECO approval procedure
This topic describes the difference between the ECO approval procedure
in Baan Vc and the approval procedure in ERP LN 6.1 .
ECO approvaI procedure in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , the approval of ECO changes is part of the change
procedure in EDM.
EDM approvaI procedure in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , the approval procedure is not part of EDM, but is managed
by change orders in SSA ERP Object Data Management (ODM), in the
Change Management (CHM) module.
End item unit costs
This topic describes the end item unit costs. End item unit costs are the
planned costs of one end item for a specific production order. SSA ERP
calculates the end item unit costs by means of the estimates for hours and
materials (item surcharges included).
End item unit costs in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , each production order has a field that contains the cost price
of the end item or customized item. This value is updated when the cost
price of items is recalculated.
End item unit costs in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , the estimated costs by unit of end item are split up:

tem-based costs: The costs are displayed by aggregated (and

effective) cost component.

Work center-based costs: The costs are displayed by work center, that
is, the calculation office or the work center in production planning,
depending on parameters settings.
A new session is available to display this data: End tem Unit Costs
6-6 | Manufacturing
(ticst0510m000). The session is filled when freezing the estimates. This
moment is determined by the Moment Freezing Estimates field in the
Production Orders (tisfc0101s000) details session.
Engineering item groups
This topic is about engineering item groups.
Engineering item groups in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , engineering item groups are sets of engineering items
grouped on the basis of common features.
Engineering item groups in ERP LN 6.1
Engineering item groups do not exist in ERP LN 6.1 .
Financial transactions by production order or work center
This topic is about whether financial transactions in Manufacturing are
recorded by production order or by work center.
FinanciaI transactions by production order in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , all financial transactions in Manufacturing are recorded by
production order.
FinanciaI transactions by production order or work center in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , you can choose to record financial transactions by
production order or by work center. f the FinanciaI Transactions by
Work Center check box is selected in the Shop Floor Control Parameters
(tisfc0100s000) session, the financial transactions are recorded by work
center. f the check box is cleared, the transactions are recorded by
production order, as in Baan Vc .
CIosing of operations
n ERP LN 6.1 , you cannot only close production orders, but you can also
close operations. f the FinanciaI Transactions by Work Center check
box is selected, the closing of operations enables you to determine the
financial results for a specific work center because the operation's financial
transactions on the work center are completed. When an operation is
Manufacturing | 6-7
closed, the operation status becomes CIosed.
WIP vaIue
f the FinanciaI Transactions by Work Center check box is selected,
which means that you want to calculate financial results by work center,
the estimated ingoing and outgoing WP value ( WP transfer ) is
determined by production order as well as by work center. You can view
the WP transfer data in the WP Transfers (ticst0520m000) session.
You can use the Transfer WIP method field in the Shop Floor Control
Parameters (tisfc0100s000) session to determine when the WP is
Efficiency and price variances
You must also decide how the efficiency variances and price variances are
posted. You can use the Posting Method Efficiency Variances field and
the Posting Method Price Variances field to do so:

f the FinanciaI Transactions by Work Center check box is selected,

you can post variances On Work Center, On Production Order, or
Not AppIicabIe.

f the FinanciaI Transactions by Work Center check box is cleared,

you can post variances On Production Order or Not AppIicabIe.
For details, refer to Posting Method Production ResuIts.
Floor stock
This topic explains the changed floor stock concept in ERP LN 6.1 .
FIoor stock in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , you must define an item as a floor stock item in the item data
in Manufacturing. The floor stock item is included as an estimated material.
Estimated quantities of the floor stock item are automatically issued from
inventory and backflushed. The floor stock material used in a production
order is printed on the material note. Also the following applies to floor
stock material:

Floor stock is part of the BOM.

Floor stock is part of the standard cost price of the main item.

Floor stock is printed on production order documents.

Floor is part of the production order's estimated costs.

6-8 | Manufacturing
FIoor stock in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , an item is defined as floor stock by selecting the FIoor
Stock check box in the tem - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000) session.
Floor stock items are part of the BOM but they are neither allocated in
inventory nor backflushed. Consequently, no warehouse orders are
generated for floor stock items. However, if the Print on Order Document
check box is selected in the Bill of Material (tibom1110m000) session, a
material line is displayed for the floor stock item in the Estimated Materials
(ticst0101m000) session, and is printed in the production order documents.
The MateriaI ControI Method field in the Estimated Materials
(ticst0101m000) session and the Material to ssue for Production Orders
(ticst0101s000) session displays by default Print OnIy to express that the
floor stock item is not allocated, but only printed in the estimated materials
and on the production order documents.
f the Print on Order Document check box is cleared for a floor stock
item, the item data is not printed on the production order documents, and
no material line is created in the estimated materials.
Floor stock is neither part of the main item's standard cost price nor of the
production order's estimated costs. You can define a surcharge on the
main item to cover the costs of floor stock material.
Generic engineering data: BOM and routing
This topic describes the differences in the generic BOM and generic
routing in ERP LN 6.1 compared to Baan Vc .
Generic BOM and routing in Baan IVc
The generic BOM and the generic routing are part of the Product
Configuration (PCF) module in Baan Vc . The functionality of the generic
BOM and routing largely resembles the BOM and routing of standard or
customizid items.
Generic BOM and routing in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , the generic BOM and the generic routing are still part of
Product Configuration (PCF). However, compared to Baan Vc , there
are some additions in the generic BOM and generic routing to keep them
in line with the BOM and routing for standard and customized items in ERP
LN 6.1 .
Manufacturing | 6-9
Furthermore, in ERP LN 6.1 , the generic BOM and the generic routing are
viewed and maintained in the Generic tem - Structure (tipcf3100m100)
session, which is a so-called header-Iines session. From this session,
you can also start the Generic BOMs (tipcf3110m000) details session, the
Generic Routing (tipcf3120m000) details session, and some other
sessions related to PCF.
Generic BOM differences
Due to changes in the BOM for customized and standard items, the
following fields are added in the generic BOM in ERP LN 6.1 :

Lot SeIection. For more information, refer toBOM Iine


Scrap Quantity. For more information, refer toScrap.

Use Phantom Inventory. For more information, refer toPhantoms.

Generic routing differences
Due to changes in the routing for customized and standard items, the
following fields are added or changed in the generic routing in ERP LN 6.1

Fields that express lead time elements, for example, queue time, wait
time, and cycle time. These fields replace lead time elements in Baan
Vc such as setup and run time because the lead time concept has
changed in ERP LN 6.1 . For more information, refer toProduction
order Iead-time eIements.

Fields in relation to operation overlap:

Fixed Duration

Transfer Batch < Prdn Batch

Transfer Batch Qty

For more information, refer toOperation overIap.

Fields that express scrap and yield.

Scrap Quantity

YieId Type

YieId Percentage
For more information, refer toScrap.

Fields in relation to Kanban and containers:


Container Method

Container Quantity

Number of Kanbans

Dscr on Kanban
For more information, refer toPuII notes.
6-10 | Manufacturing
Pull notes
This topic explains the new labels funtionality in ERP LN 6.1 .
PuII notes in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , pull notes are used to cover and initiate the movement of
goods towards, on, or from the shopfloor.
LabeIs in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , the pull notes are replaced by the concept of labels. Two
types of labels can be distinguished:

Kanban IabeIs
Trigger the supply of intermediate products between work centers.

Production order IabeIs

dentify completed production order quantities. The labels are an aid to
move the production order to the warehouse, and contain information
such as the number of the production order, the kind of item in the
production order, the warehouse to which the items must be
transferred, and so on.
For details, refer to LabeIs in Manufacturing.
Man occupation
This topic is about the split up of man occupation in ERP LN 6.1 .
Man occupation in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , you can define and maintain the man occupation on the task
level and the routing operation level.
Man occupation in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , the man occupation is split up into a setup part ( Man
Occupation for Setup ), and a production part ( Man Occupation for
Production ). ERP LN 6.1 differentiates between the time that is used for
setup and the time that is used for production. n practice, this means that
a number of people can be assigned to perform changeover activities, and
a number of people can be assigned to carry out operating activities. As a
result, a more detailed planning, controlling, and accounting can be
Manufacturing | 6-11
The man occupation for setup and production can be defined and
maintained in the following sessions:

Routing Operations (tirou1102m000)

Task Relationships (tirou0104m000)

Production Planning (tisfc0110m000)

Generic Routing (tipcf3120m000)

Engineering Change Orders (ECOs)
This topic is about Engineering Change Orders (ECOs) and Mass BOM
Changes (MBCs). ECO is a Baan Vc term, which does not exist in ERP
LN 6.1 . n ERP LN 6.1 , the concept of MBC is used.
Engineering Change Orders (ECOs) in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , an ECO is part of a ECO procedure, which consists of steps
to approve changes (by change orders) for engineering items or BOMs,
and their related standard or customized items/BOMs.
Mass BOM Changes (MBCs) in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , the concept of ECOs is replaced by the concept of Mass
BOM Changes (MBCs). The new functionality of MBCs is more systematic
than that of ECOs. The MBC contains all information about changes that
must be performed and about the E-items that will be affected by these
changes. The E-items can be defined for each action that is defined in the
MBC Action (tiedm3120m000) session. This is an improvement compared
to Baan Vc , in which the affected E-items could only be defined for the
ECO, and not for each action that was defined in the ECO lines.
For more information refer to Automatic EDM procedure - Mass biII of
materiaI change (MBC).
Merged project and budget in PCS
This topic describes the changes for projects and budgets in Project
Control (PCS).
Project and budget in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , the following is true about projects and budgets in PCS:

Project and budget are two seperate entities, defined and maintained in
6-12 | Manufacturing
seperate sessions.

Customized items, calculation parts, and standard items are defined in

separate sessions. For customized items, the project code is
expressed in a field separate from the item code.

Cost prices for customized items, calculation parts, and standard items
are calculated and displayed in seperate sessions.
Project and budget in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , there are changes for budgets and projects compared to
Baan Vc :

Budget and project are merged. A budget is not a seperate entity

anymore, but it is a project with project type Budget. Budgets as well
as projects are defined in the Projects (tipcs2101m000) session.

Customized items, calculation parts as well as standard items are

defined in one general session: tems - General (tcibd0501m000). The
new concept of segmented items results in an item code which can
include the project code. For information, refer to Segmented item

The cost prices for customized items, calculation parts as well as

standard items are displayed in one session: tem-specific Cost Prices
Project requirements planning (PRP) for PCS
This topic is about the project requirements planning (PRP) for Project
Control in ERP LN 6.1 .
Project requirements pIanning (PRP) for PCS in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , PRP takes place in the PCS module.
Project requirements pIanning (PRP) for PCS in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , PRP is moved to Enterprise Planning. However, PRP in
Enterprise Planning has, compared to Baan Vc , the limitation that
alternative items are not taken into account when planning project
requirements. For more information, refer to AIternative items.
Production order lead-time elements
This topic describes the production-order lead time and its lead time
elements in Baan Vc and ERP LN 6.1 . Lead time elements are important
Manufacturing | 6-13
for planning purposes.
Production order Iead-time eIements in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , setup time and run time are defined on a task or on a routing
operation as lead time elements. On the work center level, you can define
waiting time, which is the extra time that is planned after an operation.
Production order Iead-time eIements in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , several lead time elements can be defined on the
routing-operation level:

queue time

average setup time

cycIe time
The Baan Vc term 'run time' is renamed to cycle time. For more
information, refer to Run time.

wait time

move time
Move time is a lead-time element at the end of an operation that is in
working time, that is, planned according to a specific calendar. n Baan
Vc , the last lead-time element of an operation is waiting time, which is
planned independent of a calendar.
You can also define queue time, wait time, and move time on the work
center level in the Work Centers (tirou0101m000) session. These times
then appear as defaults on routing operations that are linked to the work
center. However, you can always change the times on the routing
Reference designators
This topic is about reference designators.
Reference designators in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , you can link a number of items on a specific BOM line to one
or multiple locations. A set of locations on a BOM line forms a reference
The link between reference designators and materials only exists in the
BOM module. The EDM module does not support reference designators.
Furthermore, the estimated materials in SFC are not linked to reference
designators. However, you can print reference designators and the
6-14 | Manufacturing
quantity by reference designator on order documents.
Reference designators in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , you can link reference designators to items in the BOM
module as well as in the EDM module. For more information, refer
toOverview of reference designators.
This topic is about the concept of scrap and yield.
Scrap factor in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , the concept of scrap factor exists. The scrap factor is the
percentage of components that is left over or thrown away after production
of a manufactured item. The scrap factor is defined in the item data, and
this percentage is used as a default in the BOM.
Scrap and yieId in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , scrap can be defined both as a percentage and a quantity
in the tems - Production Defaults (tiipd0102m000) session or the tems -
Production (tiipd0101m000) session. This scrap is used as a default in the
You can also define yield on the BOM.
f the Scrap Quantity and YieId on Operation check box in the Routing
Parameters (tirou0100m000) session is selected, you can also define
scrap and yield on the routing.
For more information, refer to Scrap and yieId and Defining scrap and
Lot by unit
This topic is about the use of lot by unit or serialization to track and trace
Lot by unit in Baan IVc
Lot control is used to record and trace groups of items. n Baan Vc , you
can use Lot by Unit in the item data to identify a separate item as a lot. n
Manufacturing | 6-15
this way, you can record and trace the item.
SeriaIization in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , the concept of serialized items is introduced. Serialization
is used in the following SSA ERP packages:

n Warehouse Management, to track and trace items in inventory, for

inbound goods movements, and/or outbound goods movements.

n Manufacturing, to identify manufactured items, and the components

that are used in the manufactured items.

n Service, to identify items and components for service and

maintenance purposes.
For more information, refer toOverview of seriaIized items.
WP warehouses
The name WP warehouse in Baan Vc changed to shop floor warehouse
in ERP LN 6.1 .
WIP warehouses in Baan IVc
f you use WP warehouses in Baan Vc , the materials are first allocated
on the warehouse that is defined in the estimated materials. When the
production order is released, the allocated materials are moved to the WP
Shop fIoor warehouses in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , WP warehouse is renamed to shop floor warehouse.
f you define a shop floor warehouse on your work center, material for
production orders can be allocated directly to the shop floor warehouse
during production order generation or during production order release,
dependent on the Move AIIocation to Shop FIoor Warehouse field in the
Shop Floor Control Parameters (tisfc0100s000) session.
For details, refer to Using shop fIoor warehouses.
Operation overlap
This topic is about overlap of operations, and operations with a fixed
6-16 | Manufacturing
Operation overIap in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , you can define a percentage to indicate operation overlap.
Transfer batch quantity/percentage in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , the concept of transfer batch quantity is introduced:

f the Transfer < Prdn Batch check box in the Routing Operations
(tirou1102m000) session is selected, you indicate that you want to start
the next operation before the complete production batch is finished.
Subsequently, you must enter a value in the Transfer Batch Qty field
to determine when the next operation can be started. The Transfer
Batch Method field in the Routing Parameters (tirou0100m000)
session determines whether you must type a quantity or a percentage.

f the Transfer < Prdn Batch check box in the Routing Operations
(tirou1102m000) session is cleared, the next operation starts when the
complete production batch is finished.
n ERP LN 6.1 , you can also indicate whether an operation has a fixed
duration by selecting the Fixed Duration check box in the Routing
Operations (tirou1102m000) session.
Task type
This topic is about task types.
Task types in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , you can define the following task types:

Machine operation

Non-machine operation

ndirect task

Task types in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , task types do not exist in Manufacturing anymore. f a
machine is defined for an operation, SSA ERP considers the task on the
operation as a machine task, and machine hours are taken into account
when calculating hours for the operation. f no machine is present, the task
is a non-machine task, and only man hours are taken into account.
Manufacturing | 6-17
The Absence Task and Indirect Task are task types of general tasks
used in People.
Task relationships
This topic is about task relationships in ERP LN 6.1 .
Task reIationships in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , you can define data such as setup time, run time, man
occupation and machine occupation on the task level.
Task reIationships in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , you cannot define the above mentioned data on the task
level anymore. You can define the data either directly on the routing
operation, or for a task relationship. Task relationships are defined if you
link a specific task to a specific work center and/or machine in the Task
Relationships (tirou0104m000) session. n the Task Relationships
(tirou0104m000) details session, you can define data such as setup time,
cycle time, and the man and machine occupation. f you enter a task on an
operation for which you defined a task relationship , the defined data
appears as defaults on the routing operation.
t is mandatory to define task relationships if the following is true:

The Work Center SeIection Method field or the Machine SeIection

Method field in the Tasks (tirou0103m000) details session is Specific.

The Type of Operation Rates field in the Cost Price Calculation

Parameters (ticpr0100m000) session is Task ReIationship Rate.
New functionality
Actual costing for receipt postings
This topic describes actual costing, and its role in Manufacturing.
ActuaI costing in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , actual costing did not exist.
6-18 | Manufacturing
ActuaI costing for receipt postings in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , a new production order costing concept is present: actual
costing. n actual costing, actual valuation methods calculate the valuation
price of end items in inventory. This means that realized production costs
are used to determine the valuation price of the end item. Examples of
actual valuation methods are:

LFO (Last n First Out)

FFO (First n First Out)

MAUC (Moving Average Unit Cost)

Lot costing
FTP (Fixed Transfer Pricing) is not an actual valuation method, because in
FTP a calculated value is used as inventory value. For information, refer to
Introduction on FTP and actuaI costing.
The actual valuation methods are Warehouse Management concepts.
However, for Manufacturing the valuation methods are important when
manufactured end items are received in inventory. f the Use ActuaI Cost
Price for Receipt Posting check box is selected in the Shop Floor Control
Parameters (tisfc0100s000) session, end items are received in inventory at
their actual costs, and valued according to the defined actual valuation
method. f the check box is cleared, FTP is used to determine the receipt
price of end items in inventory.
For information, refer to ActuaI costing for receipt postings in
Blocking operations
This topic is about blocking operations and blocking reasons in ERP LN
6.1 .
BIocking operations in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , you cannot block operations.
BIocking operations in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , you can prevent proceeding an operation by blocking the
operation. You must enter a blocking reason to indicate why an operation
has been blocked, and which actions cannot be carried out anymore.
Blocking reasons must be defined in the Blocking Reasons
Manufacturing | 6-19
(tisfc2500m000) session. For more information, refer toBIocking
Customized items or standard items in Product Configuration
This topic is about the possibility to create standard items instead of
customized items when configuring an item in ERP LN 6.1Product
Configuration (PCF).
Customized items in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , configured items in PCF always are customized items. This
means that an item is part of a PCS project. The advantages of PCS are,
amongst others, that it provides an item with a detailed cost roll-up. t also
provides the possibility of pegging by means of the project code.
Standard items or customized items in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , configured items can be customized items as well as
standard items. n high volume environments, the detailed cost roll-up
provided by PCS is often not necessary. Furthermore, using PCS costs
extra time to calculate the project costs and to delete the project structure
f you configure items without PCS projects, standard items are generated
instead of customized items. Pegging functionality is secured by the
unique item codes of the configured items that can be related back to the
sales order.
Default production order data
This topic is about default production data that can be defined in ERP LN
6.1 .
DefauIt production order data in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , you cannot define default production order data.
DefauIt production order data in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , you can use the Default Production Order Data
(tisfc0502m000) session to define default production order data for a
6-20 | Manufacturing
specific production order series.
Lean PCS projects
This topic is about the new lean PCS functionality in ERP LN 6.1 .
PCS projects in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , only customized items can be in a PCS projects. BOM and
routing of the customized item are always part of the PCS project.
Lean PCS projects in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , PCS projects can be used for standard-to-order purposes.
The standard items to be produced are copied to a PCS project, but
without the BOM and routing because those are standard. Consequently,
engineering is no longer possible. Because the BOM and routing of a
standard-to-order item are not copied, the BOM and routing are stored only
once, independent of the number of generated PCS projects, which
prevents redundant data in SSA ERP. The projects can still be used to peg
the activities under the project to a specific sales order, and to know the
costs by PCS project.
For information, refer to Lean PCS projects.
Micro routing
This topic is about a new concept in ERP LN 6.1 , the micro routing.
Micro routing in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , the new concept of micro routing is introduced. A micro
routing can facilitate work on the shop floor by providing stepwise, extra
information related to a routing operation.
Shared work centers
This topic is about a new concept in ERP LN 6.1 , shared work centers.
Work centers in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , you can only plan work for work centers in the current logistic
Manufacturing | 6-21
Shared work centers in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , the new concept of shared work centers is introduced. A
shared work center has a relationship with a work center in a different
logistic company. You can use this relationship to plan work in one (or
more) logistic companies that is actually carried out in a different company.
The secondary work center and the primary work center are shared work
center types.
For more information, refer toShared work centers.
BOM Control (BOM) module - Differences B40c/B61
This topic describes the most important differences between the Bill of
Material module in Baan Vc and in ERP LN 6.1 .
Removed functionaIity

PuII notes
n Baan Vc , you can define the number of notes on the BOM line. n
ERP LN 6.1 , the pull notes concept is removed, and replaced by the
labels concept. For more information, refer toPuII notes.
Changed functionaIity

BOM Iine enhancements

Extra functionality is added to production BOM lines in the Bill of
Material (tibom1110m000) session: Functionality related to issueing of
material, lot selection, effective dates, and expiry dates. For more
information, refer toBOM Iine enhancements.

WIP warehouses / shop fIoor warehouses

WP warehouse is renamed to shop floor warehouse in ERP LN 6.1 . A
new parameter related to shop floor warehouse is present in the Shop
Floor Control Parameters (tisfc0100s000) session. For more
information, refer toWIP warehouses.

FIoor stock
Floor stock items are part of the BOM but they are neither allocated in
inventory nor backflushed. For more information, refer toFIoor stock.
6-22 | Manufacturing

Scrap can be defined on the BOM line as a percentage and a quantity.
Furthermore, you can define yield on a BOM line. For more
information, refer toScrap.

CentraIized BOM for PCS

n ERP LN 6.1 , the standard production BOM as well as the
customized BOM are defined in the Bill of Material module. For more
information, refer toCentraIized BOM for PCS.

Reference designators
n ERP LN 6.1 , the reference designator concept has changed. For
more information, refer toReference designators.
New functionaIity

Unit effectivity
You can link exceptions to BOM lines so that you can model a
deviation of the BOM for a unit effective item. For more information,
refer toExceptions in unit effectivity and Overview of unit
Cost Accounting (CPR) module - Differences B40c/B61
This topic describes the most important differences between the Cost Price
Calculation module in Baan Vc and in ERP LN 6.1 .
Changed functionaIity

Cost components
n ERP LN 6.1 , cost components are defined in Common Data, in the
Tables module. Furthermore, you can distinguish aggregated cost
components and detailed cost components. For more information, refer
toCost components.
Production Order Costing (CST) module - Differences B40c/B61
This topic describes the most important differences between the
Production Order Costing module in Baan Vc and in ERP LN 6.1 .
Changed functionaIity

FinanciaI transactions by production order or work center

n ERP LN 6.1 , financial transactions cannot only be recorded by
production order, but also by work center. For more information, refer
toFinanciaI transactions by production order or work center.

End item unit costs

Manufacturing | 6-23
n ERP LN 6.1 , the estimated costs by unit of end item are split up. For
more information, refer toEnd item unit costs.
New functionaIity

ActuaI costing
n actual costing, actual valuation methods calculate the valuation price
of end items in inventory. For more information, refer toActuaI costing
for receipt postings.

Costing work centers

The introduction of costing work centers makes costing and planning
more independent. For more information, refer toCosting work
Engineering Data Management (EDM) module - Differences
This topic describes the most important differences between the
Engineering Data Management module in Baan Vc and in ERP LN 6.1 .
Removed functionaIity

Engineering item groups

Engineering item groups do no exist anymore in ERP LN 6.1 . For
more information, refer toEngineering item groups
Changed functionaIity

n ERP LN 6.1 , ECOs are replaced by MBCs. For more information,
refer toEngineering Change Orders (ECOs).

ECO approvaI procedure

n ERP LN 6.1 , ECO approval procedures are not part of EDM, but
they are managed by change orders in the Object Data Management
package. For more information, refer toECO approvaI procedure.

Drawing sizes and Iocations

n ERP LN 6.1 , drawing sizes and drawing locations are stored in the
Document Management module in Object Data Management. Drawing
sizes and drawing Iocations in EDM
New functionaIity

Unit effectivity
You can link exceptions to an E-BOM line so that you can model a
deviation of the E-BOM for a unit effective item. For more information,
refer toExceptions in unit effectivity, Unit effectivity in EDM, and
6-24 | Manufacturing
Overview of unit effectivity.
Product Configuration (PCF) module - Differences B40c/B61
This topic describes the most important differences between the Product
Configuration module in Baan Vc and in ERP LN 6.1 .
Changed functionaIity

Generic BOM/routing
n ERP LN 6.1 , the generic BOM and routing have some extra
functionality to keep them in line with the production BOM and routing.
For more information, refer toGeneric engineering data: BOM and

UsabiIity improvements
n ERP LN 6.1 , the new Generic tem - Structure (tipcf3100m100)
session provides fast access to information related to generic items,
such as the generic routing, generic BOM, product features, and
constraints. For more information, refer toTo use a header-Iines
New functionaIity

Configured standard items in PCF

n ERP LN 6.1 , not only customized items but also standard items can
be configured in PCF. For more information, refer toCustomized items
or standard items in Product Configuration (PCF).
Project Control (PCS) module - Differences B40c/B61
This topic describes the most important differences between the Project
Control module in Baan Vc and in ERP LN 6.1 .
Changed functionaIity

CentraIized BOM for PCS

n ERP LN 6.1 , the standard production BOM as well as the
customized BOM are defined in the Bill of Material module. For more
information, refer toCentraIized BOM for PCS

Project requirements pIanning (PRP) for PCS

PRP is moved to Enterprise Planning. For more information, refer
toProject requirements pIanning (PRP) for PCS

Merged project and budget in PCS

n ERP LN 6.1 , a budget is not a seperate entity anymore because
budget and project are merged. For more information, refer toMerged
Manufacturing | 6-25
project and budget in PCS
New functionaIity

Lean PCS projects

n ERP LN 6.1 , PCS projects can be used for standard-to-order
purposes. For more information, refer toLean PCS projects
Routing (ROU) module - Differences B40c/B61
This topic describes the most important differences between the Routing
module in Baan Vc and in ERP LN 6.1 .
Changed functionaIity

Lead time eIements

The lead time elements, defined in Routing, have changed compared
to Baan Vc . For more information, refer toProduction order
Iead-time eIements.

Run time
The concept of run time is replaced by cycle time. For more
information, refer toRun time.

CriticaI capacity type

n ERP LN 6.1 , critical capacity type does not exist anymore. Man
hours as well as machine hours are now calculated. For more
information, refer toCriticaI capacity type.

Operation overIap
n ERP LN 6.1 , operation overlap is determined by the concept of
transfer batch quantity or percentage. For more information, refer
toOperation overIap.

Task type
n ERP LN 6.1 , you cannot define task types anymore. For more
information, refer toTask type.

Man occupation
The man occupation on an operation can be subdivided into a setup
part and a production part. For more information, refer toMan

Scrap and yieId

n ERP LN 6.1 , you can define scrap as a percentage or as a quantity.
Furthermore, you can define yield. For more information, refer toScrap.

The calendar functionality is moved to the CaIendars and Periods
(CCP) module in Common Data. For more information, refer
toCaIendars and Periods moduIe - DifferencesERP61/B40c.

UsabiIity improvements
n ERP LN 6.1 , the new Work Centers Dashboard (timfc1501m000)
6-26 | Manufacturing
session provides fast access to information related to work centers,
such as utilization and input/output control. Furthermore, from the new
tems Dashboard (timfc1500m000) session, you can easily access the
BOM and routing for a specific item. For more information, refer toTo
use a dashboard session.
New functionaIity

Task reIationships
n ERP LN 6.1 , you can define default data for a specific combination
of task, work center, and/or machine. For more information, refer
toTask reIationships.

Micro routing
The new concept of micro routing enables you to add an extra level of
information to routing operations. For more information, refer toMicro

Shared work centers

The new concept of shared work centers enables you to plan work in
other logistic companies. For more information, refer toShared work

Unit effectivity
You can link exceptions to a routing or a routing operation so that you
can model a deviation of the routing (operation) for a unit effective item.
For more information, refer toExceptions in unit effectivity and
Overview of unit effectivity.
Repetitive Manufacturing (RPT) module - Differences B40c/B61
This topic describes the most important differences between the Repetitive
Manufacturing module in Baan Vc and in ERP LN 6.1 .
Changed functionaIity

n ERP LN 6.1 , you must define the periods that are used in the RPT
item production schedule in the CaIendars and Periods (CCP) module
in Common Data. For more information, refer toCaIendars and
Periods moduIe - DifferencesERP61/B40c.
Shop Floor Control (SFC) module - Differences B40c/B61
This topic describes the most important differences between the Shop
Floor Control module in Baan Vc and in ERP LN 6.1 .
Changed functionaIity
Manufacturing | 6-27

WIP warehouses / shop fIoor warehouses

The name WP warehouse is renamed to shop floor warehouse in ERP
LN 6.1 . A new parameter related to shop floor warehouses is present
in the Shop Floor Control Parameters (tisfc0100s000) session. For
more information, refer toWIP warehouses.

Lead-time eIements
Compared to Baan Vc , the lead time elements are changed to
calculate production order lead times. For more information, refer
toProduction order Iead-time eIements.

UsabiIity improvement
n ERP LN 6.1 , the new Production Order (tisfc0101m100) session
provides fast access to information related to production orders, such
as the production planning, estimated material, and inventory. You can
start this session by double-clicking a production order in the
Production Orders (tisfc0501m000) session. For more information,
refer toTo use a header-Iines session.
New functionaIity

BIocking operations
n ERP LN 6.1 , you can block operations to prevent proceeding them.
For more information, refer toBIocking operations.

DefauIt production order data

n ERP LN 6.1 , you can define default production order data for a
specific production order series. For more information, refer toDefauIt
production order data.

Costing work centers

Costing work centers make planning more independent from
production order costing. Planning becomes therefore more flexible.
For more information, refer toCosting work centers.

Production order groups

You can use production order groups to simultaneously carry out
actions for all production orders in a group. For more information, refer
toProduction order groups.

Input/output controI
n ERP LN 6.1 , the concept of input/output control is introduced to
monitor work center queues. For more information, refer
toInput/output controI.

Order distribution
The unit effectivity concept is introduced in ERP LN 6.1 . f a production
order contains unit effective items, a distribution of the items by
effectivity unit must be present. The Order Distribution (tisfc0105m000)
session displays this distribution. For more information, refer
toOverview of unit effectivity.
Removed functionaIity
6-28 | Manufacturing

PuII notes
n Baan Vc , you can use pull notes to regulate material flows to the
shop floor, and on the shop floor, and to replenish the WP warehouse.
n ERP LN 6.1 , the pull notes concept is removed and replaced by the
labels concept. For more information, refer toPuII notes.
Manufacturing | 6-29
6-30 | Manufacturing
Project - Differences by SSA Baan ERP 6.1 topic
This topic lists the available differences topics for SSA ERP LN 6.1 .
New functionaIity
The following differences topics are available:

InternaI and CapitaI project

CentraI invoicing

Cost pIus invoicing enhancements


Integration of Project with Service

Integration of Project with MSP 2002

Organization breakdown structure

Performance measurement

Project currency

Project dashboard

Project tempIate

Project warehouse

Time phased budget

Top down budgeting

Unit rate invoicing and progress invoicing for activities

UsabiIity improvements
Chapter 7

User defauIts
Changed functionaIity
The following differences topics are available:

Activity structure

Budget cost anaIysis

Forecast methods

Hours accounting

PCS item procedure

Project estimation

Revenue Recognition (RR) and Cost of Goods SoId (COGS)

Project moduIe differences
The following module differences topics are available:

Project Data Management (PDM) moduIe - Differences


Project Estimating (EST) moduIe - Differences B40c/ERP61

Project Invoicing (PIN) moduIe - Differences B40c/ERP61

Project Production ControI (PPC) moduIe - Differences


Project ScheduIing System (PSS) moduIe - Differences


Project TechnicaI CaIcuIation (PTC) moduIe - Differences

Temporary Iinks for testing

User ProfiIes (tppdm0101s000) - Differences B40c/ERP61

Maintain Project (tppdm6100s000) - Differences B40c/ERP61

Activities (tppss2100s000) - Differences B40c/ERP61

Changed functionality
Activity structure
This topic explains the extended activity structure functionality in ERP LN
6.1 .
Project Structure in Baan IVc
7-2 | Project
n Baan Vc , two project structures are possible: the element structure and
the activity structure.
A network of activities can be defined because it is possible to define
relationships between activities. The effect of the activity relationship
depends on the relationship type.
EIement Structure in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , the element structure functionality remains unchanged.
You can define a parent-child relationship between any two elements in
your project. On the basis of the parent-child relationships, you can create
a multi-level, tree-like hierarchical element structure. For more information,
refer toTo use an eIement structure.
Activity Structure in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , the activity structure functionality has been extended. t is
a multi-level hierarchical structure used to break a project down into
time-scaled activities.
Within the activity hierarchy you can define the following activity types:

WBS element: These are usually the deliverables of the project.

Activities are indicated as WBS elements.

Project cost account: Activities are subdivided into cost accounts. A

cost account can be assigned to an organizational unit.

Work package: The actual project execution takes place at work


Planning package: Planning packages are high-level budget and

schedule planning. They eventually result into one or many work
For more information, refer toTo use an activity structure
Budget cost analysis
This topic explains the extended budget cost analysis functionality in ERP
LN 6.1 .
n ERP LN 6.1 , you can analyze budgetary cost for different
exchange-rate types for a project. The functionality enables you create and
compare different simulations about the total costs, the total quantities, and
the total amount of time for the budget lines at any time of the project
execution and store them under different budget cost analysis versions.
You can view the impact of different currency rate schema on the project
Project | 7-3
budget and planning.
Forecast methods
This topic explains the extended Forecast methods functionality in ERP LN
6.1 .
Forecast method in Baan IVc :
n Baan Vc , only one forecast method, estimate-to-complete (ETC)
forecast method is supported.
Forecast method in ERP LN 6.1:
n ERP LN 6.1 , two new forecasting methods have been
introduced:Estimate-at-completion and Estimated-extra-costs. ERP LN 6.1
uses one of the following methods for a project cost forecast:

estimate-at-completion (EAC): The expected total cost at the end of the


estimate-to-complete (ETC): The expected cost for the remaining work.

Estimated-extra-costs (EEC): The total expected cost for all remaining

work that is not yet budgeted.
The method ERP LN 6.1 uses, is determined by the value of the Leading
Forecast Method field in the PPC Parameters (tpppc0100s000) session.
For more information, refer toHow to use cost forecast.
Revenue Recognition (RR) and Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)
This topic explains the extended Revenue Recognition and Cost of Goods
Sold functionality in ERP LN 6.1 .
Revenue Recognition and Cost of Goods SoId in Baan IVc .
n Baan Vc , revenue recognition and cost of goods sold can be
determined at the project and extension level.
Methods to Recognize Revenue:

Based on Actuals

Based on Progress
Methods to Determine COGS:

Actual Costs
7-4 | Project
Revenue Recognition and Cost of Goods SoId in ERP LN 6.1.
n ERP LN 6.1 , the revenue recognition and cost of goods sold
functionality has been significantly extended.
The purpose of recognizing revenue is to calculate revenue and to register
the revenue in the project financial data. For long term contracts extending
over accounting periods, recognition of revenue is permitted before the
contract is complete. This information is later sent to Baan Finance. For a
given contract, the revenue recognition is the process that leads to the
calculation (and subsequent posting to the General Ledger) of the total
revenue that the contractor estimates he has 'earned', based on the
progress of the contract. This amount is independent of the amounts that
have been billed/invoiced to the customer and does not represent any kind
of cash flow.
Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) is the expense a company incurs in order to
manufacture, create, or sell a product. t includes the purchase price of the
raw material as well as the expenses of turning it into a product. For a
given contract, the cost of goods sold is the amount of money spent in the
process of building a deliverable (for which revenue can be recognized) or
the money spent on non-recurring activities (such as engineering design)
that have been completed. The Cost of Goods Sold transactions are
posted to the General Ledger.
Revenue Recognition and Cost of Goods Sold can be determined at the
project, extension, element and activity level depending on the method you
select. The usage of element and activity depends on whether the project
is controlled by element or controlled by activity.
Revenue Recognition Limit: You can set a limit on the revenue to be
recognized. A maximum percentage is defined on the project and
extension level. The default value is set to 100%. But the value can be
overwritten. The percentage times the contract amount gives the maximum
revenue that can be recognized (until the completion of the project). The
revenue recognition limit is valid for all RR methods except the Completed
Project method.
For more information, refer toRevenue Recognition (RR) and Cost of
Goods SoId (COGS)
Methods to Recognize Revenue:

CompIeted Project Method

Percentage of CompIetion Method

MiIestone Method
Project | 7-5

Reimbursement Contract Method

Earned Revenue Factor Method

ActuaI Revenue Method

Methods to Determine COGS:

CompIeted Project Method

Profit Percentage method

Reimbursement Contract Method

Hours accounting
This topic describes in which packages and modules hours accounting for
Project takes place in Baan Vc and in ERP LN 6.1 .
Hours accounting Project in Baan Vc :
n Baan Vc , hours accounting for iB aan ERP Projects takes place in the
Hours Accounting (HRS) module.
Hours accounting for Project in ERP LN 6.1 :
n ERP LN 6.1 , the Hours Accounting (HRA) module does not exist
anymore. All hours accounting activities in ERP LN 6.1 are centralized in
SSA ERP PeopIe. When the hours are registered in SSA ERP People, the
costs of these hours are automatically transferred to the Project Progress
Use the Project Hours (bptmm1111m000) session to register hours
spent on a project activity. Use the Use Assignments (bptmm1204m000)
session to copy assignments to hours accounting sessions. You can use
assignments to facilitate efficient data entry in the hours accounting
You can update the tasks of the employees or the assignments using the
Update Assignments in Hours Accounting (tpptc2211m000) session in the
Project Budget module. The budget lines of Project are sent to SSA ERP
PeopIe as assignments.
For more information, refer toAssignments (bpmdm0130m000) session.
PCS item procedure
This topic explains the improved method of handling a PCS item in ERP
LN 6.1 .
7-6 | Project
HandIing a PCS item in Baan IVc:
n Baan Vc , following is the process for the selection of the PCS item:

A project defined in Maintain Projects (tppdm6100m000) session is

linked to a PCS project defined in the Maintain Projects
(tipcs2101m000) session.

The two projects are linked using the Maintain Project-PCS

ReIationship (tppdm6150m000) session.

A customized item is created in the Maintain Customized Item

Data(tipcs2121m000) session.

n the Maintain Project Item (tppdm6110m000) session, the Project

Item Type field is set to Manufactured. Link the defined PCS project in
the Project PCS field and the customized item in the Customized
Item field.
Only those Baan IV Project project items for which the links detailed
above have been defined, can be produced with Baan IV Manufacturing.
HandIing a PCS item in ERP LN 6.1:
n ERP LN 6.1 , the procedure to handle customized manufactured items
(PCS items) within SSA Baan ERP Project, has been streamlined in the
following aspects:

Automatic matching of projects (PCS-TP):The relationship between the

PCS project in SSA Baan ERP Manufacturing and the project in SSA
Baan ERP Project is automatically established when you insert a pcs
project item on a material budget line in SSA Baan ERP Project.

No separate warehouse sessions.

Direct selection of PCS item on a material budget line.

No manual linking of items.

Owing to the improved PCS procedure you can do the following:

nsert a customized item on a material budget line in the Project

Budget module.

nsert a standard item on a material budget line in the Project Budget


Select a manufacturing item and customize it into a PCS item on a

material budget line in the Project Budget module.
Following are the other enhancements in ERP LN 6.1 :

Possibility to view the progress of a PCS item from SSA Baan ERP
Project (by milestone or across milestones).

Option to insert a generic item. A product variant defined in the

Project | 7-7
Product Configuration module in SSA Baan ERP Manufacturing
can be inserted on a material budget line. The product variant can be
customized into a PCS item. A PCS item and a generic item can be
configured and generated directly in SSA Baan ERP Project on a
budget line.
For more information, refer toElement Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000)/
Activity Budget (Labor) (tpptc2111s000).
Project estimation
This topic explains the changed functionality of Project Estimating
module of SSA Baan ERP Project in ERP LN 6.1 .
Project Estimating in Baan IVc:
n Baan Vc , the main topics that are addressed in the Project Estimating
(BOP) module are as follows:

GeneraI Estimate data: ncludes general estimating data such as

users, authorizations, formulas to calculate quantities.

Estimate data: ncludes master data for a specific estimate.

Estimate configurator: Comprises of well-defined variables and

templates to make estimates.

Quantity Sheets: Comprises of spread sheets of estimate data to

calculate quantities.

Estimating: nvolves compilation of the estimate.

Norms and prices: ncludes estimate pricing, estimate indices and

norm (group) control.

Estimate summary sheets: Comprises of summary sheets for

external use (tenders) as well as internal purposes.

Digitizer: A digitizer link to help the user to determine the values of the
fieldss from the quantity sheets.

Import/Export estimates: nvolves import/export estimate data from/to

standard estimate exchange format and control data needed to transfer

Transfer estimate to actuaI budget: nvolves transfer estimate data

to project budget.
Project Estimating in ERP LN 6.1:
n ERP LN 6.1 , the main topics that are addressed in the Project
Estimating (EST) module are as follows:

Cost price estimation

Sales price calculation

7-8 | Project

Schedule estimation

Estimate analysis

Preparing a bid

To create an estimate

Copying a project

To Iaunch an estimate to a budget

The user can create an estimate project. For each estimate version, a
complete estimate can be simulated and if the estimate is accepted, a bid
can be created from the estimate version. Estimating is often continued
after submitting the bid, for example, if the customer asks for changes or
more details.
f the customer accepts the bid, the actual project can start. Two scenarios
are possible:

Copy estimate project to a new project

Launch the estimate to budget

Copy estimate project to a new project: The estimate project is blocked
and the newly copied project (with a recognizable series and number)
starts under a contract with the customer. With the Launch Estimate to
Budget (tpest2200m000) session the estimate is defined as the budget for
the project. The estimate project has the status BIocked and can only be
used for history data. The status is just a display status and not one you
can choose.
Launch estimate to budget: After the bid is approved and the contract is
signed, you launch the estimate lines to actually start working on the
project budget. The estimate becomes the project and is used for all
phases of the project life cycle, from Estimating to nvoicing. Costs that are
made during the estimate phase can be charged on the project. The
current integration between SSA ERP Project and the external scheduling
package Microsoft Project is used to set the estimate structural elements in
time. They can be scheduled and the new dates update estimate lines cost
and sales release dates. For cost, the new structural element start date
releases the costs for an estimate line, and for sales, the finish date sets
the expected sales date.
The Estimating (EST) module relies heavily on the integration with the MS
Office suite, especially MS Excel for calculation, and MS Word for bidding
text. You can use the SSA Baan Object Data Management (ODM)
package to link the documents. For more information, refer toIntegration
of Projects with Order Data Management
Project | 7-9
The integration with microsoft excel is mainly used to update field values
such as Quantity, Surcharges, Cost Price, SaIes Price and so on, for a
range of records; create new estimate lines; draw charts/graphs of the data
Removed functionaIity in ERP LN 6.1:

Multiple parents/frequency for elements

Digitizer interface


Norm group(s)

Compress/combine estimates
Changed functionaIity in ERP LN 6.1

Estimate structures: Two types of estimate structures are possible in

ERP LN 6.1 ; element structure and activity structure.

Use of microsoft excel to replace spread sheets and define formulas.

New functionality
nternal and Capital project
This topic explains the new internal project and capital project functionality
in ERP LN 6.1 .
InternaI project in ERP LN 6.1
An internal project is defined, planned and executed for internal use only.
The internal project does not have a sold-to-business partner or a sales
order and no invoicing takes place for this project.
A training program for the employees is a normal internal project.
CapitaI project in ERP LN 6.1
The capital project is an internal project used to produce a fixed assest.
Capital projects are used to collect costs such as costs related to product
development, investments and so on. All direct and indirect project-related
costs can be accumulated at the project and collected by the Fixed Asset
Management module of FinanciaIs for capitalization.
nvoices and interim results are not created for a capital project. To define
a capital project, select the CapitaI Project check box in the Project
7-10 | Project
(tppdm6100s000) session. The Invoice Method and the
SoId-to-Business Partner fields in the session are disabled and the fields
Asset Number and Asset Extension are enabled to allow you to define
the capital project as a fixed asset in the Fixed Asset Management
module of FinanciaIs.
Constructing production facilities for a new product line is a capital project.
For details, refer to the online Help ofProject (tppdm6100s000) session.
Project dashboard
This topic explains the new dashboard functionality in ERP LN 6.1
Dashboard in ERP LN 6.1ERP LN 6.1
A dashboard is aimed at improving the ease of use of the ERP application.
The dashboard is based on one primary object (for example, an item,
business partner, order, project and so on). Relevant details of this object
are presented on the dashboard, as also the possibility to open the
sessions in which the relevant information for this/these tasks is stored.
Additionally, a user with a certain role and task, can use one session as a
starting point from where the user can easily perform the task.
The dashboard consists of a grid, relevant details of the objects in the grid,
and command buttons used to go to related sessions. The checkboxes in
front of the command buttons indicate if there is relevant information
available when you click the button.
Project Dashboard
For Project, it is a new session Projects Dashboard (tppdm6500m100)
wherein the project functionality is placed together, introducing a quicker
and easier way to access multiple sessions. n project driven companies,
irrespective of the role, all the users access projects for executing their
tasks. Typically, different users perform tasks in different phases of the
project. The dashboard session has been created to provide all the users
and most importantly the project managers, a complete overview of the
different phases of the project in one single interface.
Based on the user authorizations one, can add / modify / delete / view data
in different phases of the project. The dashboard gives the user with a
certain task, a quick overview of the status of project objects without
having to open all the related sessions.
For more information, refer toProjects Dashboard (tppdm6500m100)
Project | 7-11
This topic explains the new Holdback functionality, in ERP LN 6.1
HoIdback in ERP LN 6.1
Holdback is a percentage of an invoice amount that is withheld by the
customer. The holdback amount serves as a guarantee that project
activities will be performed according to the agreements made with the
customer. The amount that is withheld is paid when the activities have
been completed and performed according to the agreements.
The Holdback percentage is defined in the Project (tppdm6100s000)
session in the Project Definition module. You can use holdback for an
element or an activity if the Use HoIdback check box is selected in the
Element (tpptc1100s000) session OR the Activities (tppss2100s000)
session. The holdback amount per project is displayed in the Holdback
(tppin4540m000) session in the Project Invoicing module.
ntegration of Project with Service
This topic explains the new functionality of integration of Project with
Service in ERP LN 6.1
Integration of projects with service in ERP LN 6.1
To handle service requirements of a completed project and of projects in
progress, Project is integrated with Service.
Handling service requirements of completed projects involves providing
service to a part or the entire project, as per the contract. This is made
possible by transferring the project structure and the materials consumed
in the project to Service.You can copy the activity structure or the element
structure and the material cost lines of the actual consumed material items,
to Service so that these items become part of the physical breakdown
structure. This enables identifying the items that need service and
The project structure can be transferred as the 'as maintained' structure to
i. You can onIy copy:

Actual consumed material items stored in Project cost history.

Actual consumed material items for which Service item data is defined.
7-12 | Project
ii. You cannot copy:

Consumables like oil used for a project.

Actual consumed material items for which Service item data is not
The copying process is handled in SSA ERP Service in the Copy Project
Breakdown Structure (tscfg2210m200) session.
To handle service requirements of projects in progress, you can generate
service orders for the project, in Project. The cost incurred for the service
performed, is transferred from Service to Project. To generate service
orders, the reference activity from Service is linked to the activity or
element labor budget lines in Projects. When the service order is set to
Costed in Service, the cost is transferred to Project and is aggregated as
labor cost.
The cost is approved, confirmed and transferred to CentraI Invoicing as
service cost. From CentraI Invoicing, the service cost is posted to SSA
ERP FinanciaIs as service cost.
Performance measurement
This topic explains the new performance measurement functionality
introduced in ERP LN 6.1
Performance measurement in ERP LN 6.1
Performance Measurement is one of the two procedures used to monitor
and measure a project's progress.
t is an objective measurement of how much work has been accomplished
on a project. Using the performance measurement method, management
can compare how much work has actually been completed against the
amount of work planned to accomplish. Therefore the following is

budgeted costs of work scheduled (BCWS)

budgeted costs of work performed (BCWP)

actual cost of work performed

budget-at-completion (BAC)

estimate-at-completion (EAC)

schedule variance (BCWP-BCWS)

cost variance (BCWP-ACWP)

You can measure the project's performance at the following levels:
Project | 7-13


Activity/ cost type

organization breakdown structure element

Organization breakdown structure/Cost type

t is also possible to view a graphical representation of performance
measurement. This can be done using the Performance-Measurement
using EVM (Graph) (tppss0702m000) session.
For more information, refer toTo use the performed procedure
Project currency
This topic explains the new project currency functionality in ERP LN 6.1
SingIe currency system in Baan IVc
n SSA Baan Vc , a company can perform its financial accounting in one
currency; all the amounts are registered in the home currency. n ERP LN
6.1 terms, SSA Baan Vc only supports a single currency system. You
select the company's currency in the session of the module.
Currency System in ERP LN 6.1
Project Currency
n ERP LN 6.1 , you can define the project currency when you define a
project in the Project (tppdm6100s000) session. The amounts in the
budget lines and cost lines (which are possibly recorded in different
currencies) are converted to the project currency for monitoring purposes.
When you use a multicurrency system, you can enter the amounts in the
budget lines, cost and revenue lines in any transaction currency. These
amounts can be viewed in any of the reference currencies uisng the
Rotate Currency option in the Specific menu. For more information, refer
toTo see project amounts in different currencies.
Contract Currency in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , the contract with a business partner can be in a currency
and exchange rate type that is different from that of the project. The
invoices to a project business partner are in the contract currency.
We can split the contract amount into sub amounts in different currencies.
This might be necessary for the purpose of currency hedging. We can
convert the project and budget currency into a third (different) currency at
any point of time.
7-14 | Project
Cost and revenue registration
n Baan Vc , the cost and revenue are registered only in home currency.
n ERP LN 6.1 , you can register cost and revenue in different currencies.
Time phased budget
This topic explains the new Time phased budgeting functionality
introduced in ERP LN 6.1 .
Time phased budget in ERP LN 6.1
A time-phased budget combines costs and time by distributing the
budgeted costs over the duration of an activity. All these distributions and
their role-ups to higher level activities are recorded in the baseline. The
distributions are based upon the earned value methods defined on the
A time-phased budget (TPB) helps you to measure the project
performance in the following two ways:
Schedule Variance (SV): The actual planning can be compared to the
original schedule, which is stored in the baseline. The schedule variance
states whether the project is behind or ahead of schedule. t is the variance
between the budgeted cost of work scheduled (BCWS) and the budgeted
cost of work performed (BCWP).
Cost Variance (CV): The cost variance states whether there is a budget
overrun or a budget underrun. Cost variance compares the budgeted costs
of work performed and the actual cost of work performed (ACWP), the
variance is the cost variance.
The time-phased budget is generated using the budget version, the
baseline, the earned value method and the scheduled dates of the
You generate time phased budget to generate the budgeted amounts by
cost-type for a selected time phased budget analysis code and version.
The calculation of the budgeted costs of work scheduled (BCWS) depends
on the earned value method linked to each activity. To create a time
phased budget, you must assign one of the five earned value methods to
the activities in the Activities (tppss2100s000) session.
Top down budgeting
Project | 7-15
This topic explains the new top down budgeting functionality in ERP LN 6.1
Top down budgeting in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , it is possible to have a top-down budget. A top down
budget is used to distribute amounts over an activity structure. The
purpose of a top-down budget is to get an overview of budget possibilities
to see whether the project is feasible from a budget point of view. To
support changes in a project you can create multiple top down budget
versions in the Budget Version (tpptc5100s000) session.
A top down budget is useful in two areas:

n the early stages of a project when the details are not yet fully

na situation where one fixed amount is available for the total project.
f the budget for each activity and the cost for each individual activity are
uncertain, but the approximate distributed amount is known, you must
begin a project with a top-down budget. For the top-down budget version,
enter the contract amount, the profit fee, and the management fee, and the
contract amount left is then the distributed amount. You can use this
amount to budget.
The constraint of a top-down budget is that the amount check for lower
level elements for the distributed amount is used, and therefore you cannot
enter lower level amounts that are higher than the distributed amount.
You can generate the top down budget using the Generate Structure and
Top Down Budget (tpptc5210m000) session.
You can maintain the budget data in the Top Down Budget Data
(tpptc5110s000) session.
Unit rate invoicing and progress invoicing for activities
This topic explains the new functionality which allows Progress invoicing
and unit rate invoicing for activities.
Unit rate and progress invoicing in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , you can base the unit rate invoice on the sales price of an
element . The amount to be invoiced equals the sales price of the element
multiplied by the physical progress of the element.
n Baan Vc , the progress invoicing procedure resembles the installment
7-16 | Project
invoicing procedure. The progress invoicing procedure consists of
invoicing partial contract amounts at predefined intervals, for example,
every four weeks. n this procedure, the installment amount depends on
the element's progress and the element's sales rates.
Unit rate and progress invoicing for activities in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , you can base the unit rate invoice on the sales price of an
element or an activity. The amount to be invoiced equals the sales price of
the element or the activity multiplied by the physical progress of the
element or the activity.
For the progress invoicing procedure, the installment amount can be based
on the element's or the activity's progress and the element's or the
activity's sales rates.
User defaults
This topic explains the new project user defaults functionality in ERP LN
6.1 .
User defauIts in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , the newly introduced user defaults functionality offers
user-specific default data to simplify and speed up the creation of new
Project-related default information can be defined for individual users. User
default settings are recognized using the logon of the user. User defaults
are maintained in the User ProfiIes (tppdm0101s000) session in the
Project Parameters module. The defaults can be defined for :


Project Plan


Estimate data

Number group

Order series
For more information, refer toUser Profiles (tppdm0101s000) session.
Usability improvements
This topic explains the new usability improvements in ERP LN 6.1 .
UsabiIity enhancements in ERP LN 6.1
Project | 7-17
Usability enhancements are essential for the following reasons:

More effective and efficient working

Less errors, higher quality

Less training required

Less support required

More user friendly application

Following are the ease-of-use improvements:

Browse filters: These help to display only the valid records, effectively
preventing the user from selecting a wrong record. Browse filters
minimize scrolling, as fewer records are displayed. Data is filtered for
this specific purpose.

Dynamic forms: These enable you to configure a screen based on the

setting defined else where in the application.The user can filter out
irrelevant fields, the fields can be hidden and the view changed.

Object action model: This enhancement is aimed at presenting

alternative ways to perform a task, present more relevant information,
offer direct links to information. This results in restricting the menu,
more specific options to sessions, the movable application toolbar
thereby offering more user friendly options to the user.

Dynamic menu: The dynamic menu shows objects related to a project.

f the user wants to view another project, the user can change the
active project in the dynamic menu. From one dynamic menu, the user
can open another dynamic menu. You can access the related sessions
from the Specific menu of the dynamic menu. The objective of a
dynamic menu is to group actions relevant to the business processes
you need, instead of listing all options. For more information, refer toTo
use a dynamic menu.

Map: A map displays the Project in a structure of elements, activities

or extensions. You can double click on the structure node to view the
details. A map can be accessed from the menu browser or from a
session. For more information, refer toTo use a map.
Organization breakdown structure
This topic explains the new Organization Breakdown Structure functionality
in ERP LN 6.1 .
Organization Breakdown Structure in ERP LN 6.1
An organization breakdown structure (OBS) is a representation of the
structure of a project organization, which is usually depicted as a tree-like
hierarchical structure. The structure is used to link the responsibilities of
certain project parts, such as the allocation of a financial budget or the
realization of project activities to an OBS element. Each OBS element can
7-18 | Project
be linked to an employee. The OBS element can also be linked to a project
cost account in the activity structure.
You can define the OBS in the User Defined Structures
(tppdm0195s000) session. You can use the User Defined Structure
EIements (tppdm0196s000) session to define the elements that can be
part of the OBS and also link the employee of the organization responsible
for the OBS element. For more information, refer to
For more information, refer toUser Defined Structures (tppdm0195s000)
and User Defined Structure Elements (tppdm0196s000) sessions.
t is possible to view/monitor performance measurement data for a project
per OBS, in the Project Monitoring module.
Project warehouse
This topic explains the new concept of project warehouse functionality in
ERP LN 6.1
The warehouse in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , deliveries from suppliers and warehouses are directly
delivered to the project.
The project warehouse in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , project warehouse has been introduced. Besides direct
deliveries, materials can also be delivered and stored in a project
warehouse. These warehouses can only be used to store goods that are
used for the project(s). You can also replenish material between projects
via these project warehouses.
When the materials are stored in a project warehouse, they represent the
inventory value and is not part of the project cost. As soon as the goods
are transferred to the project, they become part of the project costs.
Warehouses have to be set up in SSA ERP Common in the Warehouses
(tcmcs0103s000) session, the warehouse type must be set to Project and
the settings have to be made more specific in the Warehouses
(whwmd2500m000) session in SSA ERP Warehousing. When a
particular project is defined, you can link this warehouse to the project. The
warehouse becomes the default warehouse for that project. All inventory is
sent to this warehouse.
You can also leave this field empty and link the warehouse on a lower level
Project | 7-19
to an element or activity to improve inventory control.
The project warehouse can be assigned for more than one project. Hence,
the inventory in project warehouse is registered by project/element/activity/
extension/cost component.
f the warehouse is not linked as the default project warehouse, the
warehouse can be used as a project warehouse.
Adjustment order and cycIe counting:
n ERP LN 6.1 , the project warehouse can use the adjustment order and
cycle counting functionality as in a normal warehouse.
n case of an adjustment, you can see the result of the adjustment in the
Order Line Balance (Material) (tppss6500m000) session. f a cycle count in
Project warehouse determines there is less inventory, a line appears in the
Order Line BaIance (MateriaI) (tppss6500m000) session with transaction
origin Adjustment/Cycle Count. This line displays the change in data.
ntegration of Project with MSP 2002
This topic explains the new functionality of integration of SSA BaanERP
Project with microsoft project 2002.
Integration of Project with microsoft project 2002
n ERP LN 6.1 , integration of MSP 2002 with Project extends and replaces
the Baan iV project planning functionality.
Project is integrated with Microsoft Project 2002 Standard, Professional
and Server versions to leverage the functionality of scheduling. Schedule
development consists of activity definition, activity sequencing and activity
duration estimating. Activity definition can be created either in Project or in
Microsoft Project and sent to the other system for the next process steps.
Activity sequencing using relationships and constraints can only be
performed in Microsoft Project. Similarly, the activity duration estimating,
which is performed using the resource allocations along with resource
calendars, leveling and capacity analysis, also has to be performed in
Microsoft Project. The resultant activity start and end dates are transferred
to i BaanERP Project. New functions and features are multiple project
planning, multi-level structure, multi-resource ?????, time and resource
7-20 | Project
Also, the graphical planning board can represent the project planning in
various ways in a ???? GU.
Cost plus invoicing enhancements
This topic explains the two new enhancements BiIIabIe and CeiIing, that
have been introduced for the Cost Plus and Unit Rate invoicing methods in
ERP LN 6.1 .
n ERP LN 6.1 , a new check box BiIIabIe, has been introduced to enable
you to block certain transactions from billed/invoiced to the customer.
This check box is enabled for all projects with the Contract Type field in
the Project (tppdm6100s000) session set to Cost Plus and all Project
Extensions with the Invoice CaIcuIation Method field in the Extension
(tpptc0110s000) session set to Actual Costs. By default, this check box is
All cost plus transactions to be invoiced, are maintained in the Project
Invoicing (PIN) module. The transactions have to be set to non BiIIabIe to
effectively block the transactions from being billed or invoiced.
f the BiIIabIe check box in the Cost PIus transactions to be invoiced
sessions is selected, ERP LN 6.1 allows you to approve the transactions
for invoicing. f this check box is cleared, SSA ERP does not allow you to
approve the transaction for invoicing.
n ERP LN 6.1 , a new check box CeiIing has been introduced to alert you
with respect to the maximum project amount that can be invoiced.
f the CeiIing check box is selected, the amount entered in the Contract
Amount field is considered as the ceiling amount. The total invoiced
amount is displayed next to the ceiling amount in Business Partner by
Project (tppdm6101s000) session and the Extension (tpptc0110s000)
For Unit Rate invoicing method, the amount is updated while transferring
transactions from the PN module to SSA ERP Central nvoicing. For Cost
Plus invoicing method, the amount gets updated when the transactions are
approved for invoicing.
Project | 7-21
This checkbox is displayed only for projects with invoicing type set to Cost
Plus or Unit Rate and the checkbox is enabled only when the Bus. Partner
Cost PIus/Unit Rate check box is selected.
Project template
This topic explains the new project template functionality introduced in
ERP LN 6.1 .
Project TempIates in ERP LN 6.1:
The creation of new projects becomes faster and easier with templates.
Companies can reduce costs on administration of the project setup with
the new template functionality. Templates provide a user-friendly way to
define a project.
For example, the required project information to build a new assembly hall
can be defined in a template. This template can be used for any assembly
hall expansions since most of the required information will be similar.
The template code is defined in the Project Template Codes
(tppdm5100m000) session. The contents of the template are defined in the
Template - Project Data (tppdm5101m000) session.
The project template is used by linking it to a user in the User Profiles
(tppdm0101s000) session.
For one template code you can define the following three types of

Project tempIate: With the help of this template, you can define a set
of project types for a company. f you select a predefined template
during the project definition, the project settings are created

EIement tempIate: With the help of the element templates, standard

elements can be structured in a hierarchy. When a project is created,
the element structure is automatically defined according to the selected
element template. The template can also be used when the project
and/or element structure already exists. You can add substructures.

Activity tempIate: The activity structure can also be stored in a

template. t functions in the same way as the element template.
You can create a complete project with the project template data using the
TempIate for Project Data (tppdm5101m000) session. The other two
template types can be used to build a structure.
7-22 | Project
For details, refer to the online Help ofTemplate - Project Data
(tppdm5101m000) session and Create Project from Template
(tppdm6200m000) session.
Central invoicing
This topic explains how invoicing in the various packages of SSA Baan Vc
is implemented in SSA ERP CentraI Invoicing in ERP LN 6.1 .
Invoicing in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , each package contains invoicing functionality. nvoicing is
performed in the invoicing sessions of the various packages. For Baan
Project, invoicing is done in the module.
CentraI Invoicing in SSA Baan ERP 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , invoicing for the various SSA ERP packages is performed
in the SaIes Invoicing module of SSA ERP CentraI Invoicing.
As the invoices from various packages are processed in this package, the
invoicing procedures have changed completely compared to SSA Baan
Vc . For details, refer to the online Help ofInvoicing.
nvoicing in Project:
The data for project invoicing is recorded in the Project nvoicing (PN)
module. The invoices are created and printed in the SSA ERP CentraI
Invoicing package. When a project invoice is posted in the SaIes
Invoicing module of SSA ERP CentraI Invoicing, the posting is done to
the project revenue. You must run the Process Transactions
(tpppc4802m000) session in the Project Progress module to book these
revenues in SSA ERP Finance and to revenue history.
Project Data Management (PDM) module - Differences B40c/B61
This topic describes the most important differences between the Project
Data Management module in Baan Vc and in ERP LN 6.1 .
The functionality of the module in ERP LN 6.1 has considerably changed
Project | 7-23
to improve the ease of setup, the flexibility, and the overall performance of
project management.
New functionaIity

Enterprise unit
New in ERP LN 6.1 . n ERP LN 6.1 , entities such as departments,
work centers, warehouses and projects are linked to a financial
company through an enterprise unit. An enterprise unit can represent a
manufacturing plant, an assembly plant, a sales organization, and so
on. n the multisite structure, an enterprise unit identifies a financial unit
or a fiscal unit. All the transactions related to an enterprise unit are
posted to one financial company. A project is a logistic entity.
Depending on the project's enterprise unit, the postings are posted to a
specific financial company. For more information, refer toEnterprise

Project currency
New in ERP LN 6.1 . Baan Vc only supports a SingIe currency
system. n ERP LN 6.1 , you can define the project currency when you
define a project in the Project (tppdm6100s000) session. The amounts
in the budget lines and cost lines (which are possibly recorded in
different currencies) are converted to the project currency for
monitoring purposes. For more information, refer toProject currency.

MuItipIe currency
New in ERP LN 6.1 . n Baan Vc , a company can perform its financial
accounting in one currency. n ERP LN 6.1 , a company can use up to
three different internal currencies. One of these is usually the local
currency. The base currency for financial accounting is called the
reference currency. For more information, refer toMuIticurrency

Organization breakdown structure

New in ERP LN 6.1 . n ERP LN 6.1 , you can define another project
structure in addition to the element structure and activity structure. An
organization breakdown structure (OBS) is a representation of the
structure of a project organization, which is usually depicted as a
tree-like hierarchical structure. The structure is used to link the
responsibilities of certain project parts, such as the allocation of a
financial budget or the realization of project activities to an OBS
element. Each OBS element can be linked to an employee. For more
information, refer toOrganization breakdown structure.

Project warehouse
New in ERP LN 6.1 . n ERP LN 6.1 , project warehouses have been
introduced. Warehouses have to be set up in SSA ERP Common in
the Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000) session, the warehouse type must
be set to Project. When a particular project is defined, the warehouse
can be linked to the project. For more information, refer toProject
7-24 | Project

InternaI and CapitaI project

New in ERP LN 6.1 . An internal project is defined, planned and
executed for internal use only. The internal project does not have a
sold-to-business partner or a sales order and no invoicing takes place
for this project. The capital project is an internal project used to
produce a fixed assest. Capital projects are used to collect costs such
as costs related to product development, investments and so on. For
more information, refer toInternaI and CapitaI project.

Project tempIate
New in ERP LN 6.1 . The introduction of templates in ERP LN 6.1
helps speed up the creation of new projects. The project template is
used in Baan Project by linking it to a user in the User Profiles
(tppdm0101s000) session. For more information, refer toProject

UsabiIity improvements
New in ERP LN 6.1 . Usability enhancements are essential for more
effective and efficient working, less errors, higher quality, less training
requirement and more user friendly application. For more information,
refer toUsabiIity improvements.

Project dashboard
New in ERP LN 6.1 . A dashboard is aimed at improving the ease of
use of the ERP application. t is a new session wherein the project
functionality is placed together, introducing a quicker and easier way to
access multiple sessions. For Project, the Projects Dashboard
(tppdm6500m100) session has been introduced for the purpose. For
more information, refer toProject dashboard.

Surcharges on activities
New in ERP LN 6.1 . n ERP LN 6.1 , surcharge on budget, cost and
revenue can be calculated and posted to an element, activity, or a cost
component, defined for a project.

User defauIts
New in ERP LN 6.1 . n ERP LN 6.1 , the newly introduced user
defaults functionality offers user-specific default data to simplify and
speed up the creation of new projects. Project-related default
information can be defined for individual users. User defaults are
maintained in the User profiIes (tppdm0101s000) session in the
Project Parameters module. For more information, refer toUser
Changed functionaIity

Activity structures
Changed in ERP LN 6.1 . n Baan Vc , two project structures are
possible: the element structure and the activity structure. A network of
activities can be defined because it is possible to define relationships
between activities. The effect of the activity relationship depends on the
relationship type. n ERP LN 6.1 , the element structure functionality
remains unchanged. The activity structure functionality has been
Project | 7-25
extended. t is a multi-level hierarchical structure used to break a
project down into time-scaled activities. For more information, refer
toActivity structure.

First free number

Changed in ERP LN 6.1 . n ERP LN 6.1 , you must define number
groups in the Number Groups (tcmcs0151m000) session and then in
the First Free Numbers (tcmcs0150m000) session, define the series
and numbers of each number group. You can create a project using
the first free number. To generate a project number, start the Project
(tppdm6100s000) session. Use the browse arrow on the Projects field
and select a valid series from the First Free Numbers
(tcmcs0150m000) session. Tab the Projects field. A unique project
number is generated based on the selected series. For more
information, refer toFirst free numbers.
Project Estimating (EST) module - Differences B40c/B61
This topic describes the most important differences between the Project
Estimating (BOP) module in Baan Vc and the Project Estimating (EST)
module in ERP LN 6.1 .
The functionality of the module in ERP LN 6.1 has considerably changed
to improve the ease of setup, the flexibility, and the overall performance of
project estimation.
n ERP LN 6.1 , the main topics that are addressed in the Project
Estimating (EST) module are as follows:

Estimate version

To use estimate structures

To use estimate Iine IeveIs

To use a Ieading estimate type

To use a bid

To create an estimate

To Iaunch an estimate to a budget

New functionaIity
New functionaIity in ERP LN 6.1:

Estimate version

Estimate type

Sales price calculation

Sundry cost estimating

Better handling of all cost types

Enhanced user interface

ntegration with externaI scheduIing package

7-26 | Project

ntegration with MS excel for calculation and MS word for bidding text.
You can use the Object Data Management (ODM) package to link the
The integration with microsoft excel is mainly used to update field values
such as Quantity, Surcharges, Cost Price, SaIes Price and so on, for a
range of records; create new estimate lines; draw charts/graphs of the data
Changed functionaIity

Estimate structures: Two types of estimate structures are possible in

ERP LN 6.1 ; element structure and activity structure.

Use of microsoft excel to replace spread sheets and define formulas.

Removed functionaIity

Multiple parents/frequency for elements

Digitizer interface


Norm group(s)

Compress/combine estimates
For more information, refer toProject estimation
Project nvoicing (PN) module - Differences B40c/B61
This topic describes the most important differences between the Project
Invoicing (PN) module in Baan Vc and in ERP LN 6.1 .
New functionaIity

New in ERP LN 6.1 . Holdback means a percentage of an invoice
amount is withheld by the customer. The holdback amount serves as a
guarantee that project activities will be performed according to the
agreements made with the customer. The Holdback percentage is
defined in the Project (tppdm6100s000) session in the Project
Definition module. For more information, refer toHoIdback.

Unit rate invoicing and progress invoicing for activity

New in ERP LN 6.1 . n ERP LN 6.1 , you can base the unit rate invoice
on the sales price of an activity. For the progress invoicing procedure,
the installment amount can be based on the activity's progress and the
activity's sales rates. For more information, refer toUnit rate invoicing
Project | 7-27
and progress invoicing for activities.

Cost pIus invoicing enhancements

New in ERP LN 6.1 . n ERP LN 6.1 , a new check box BiIIabIe, has
been introduced to enable the user to block certain transactions from
billed/invoiced to the customer. n ERP LN 6.1 , a new check box
CeiIing has been introduced to alert the user with respect to the
maximum project amount that can be invoiced. For more information,
refer toCost pIus invoicing enhancements.

Contract currency and conversion

New in ERP LN 6.1 . n ERP LN 6.1 , the contract with a business
partner can be in a currency and exchange rate type that is different
from that of the project. The invoices to a project business partner are
in the contract currency. For more information, refer toProject
Removed functionaIity
Project invoicing
n Baan Vc , each package contains invoicing functionality. nvoicing is
performed in the nvoicing sessions of the various packages. n ERP LN
6.1 , the invoicing functionality of the various SSA ERP packages has been
removed and is now centralized in the SaIes Invoicing module of SSA
ERP CentraI Invoicing package. For more information, refer toCentraI
Invoicing - Differences B40c/ERP61.
Project Production Control (PPC) module - Differences B40c/B61
This topic describes the most important differences between the Project
Production ControI module in Baan Vc and in ERP LN 6.1 .
New and changed functionaIity

Performance measurement
New in ERP LN 6.1 . Performance Measurement is one of the two
procedures used to monitor and measure a project's progress (the
Control inquiries and report is the other procedure). Use the Generate
Performance Measurement (tpppc5200m000) session to monitor the
cost variance and schedule variance. For more information, refer
toPerformance measurement.

Progress registration
Changed in ERP LN 6.1 . n ERP LN 6.1 , progress registration is
restructured owing to the enhancement of the activity structure. Of the
four activity types, progress can only be booked at the project cost
account (PCA) or work package (WP) level. For more information, refer
toHow to register progress.
7-28 | Project

Cost and revenue registration

Changed in ERP LN 6.1 . n Baan Vc , the cost and revenue are
registered only in home currency. n ERP LN 6.1 , you can register cost
and revenue in different currencies.

Forecast method
Changed in ERP LN 6.1 . n Baan Vc , only one forecast method,
estimate-to-complete (ETC) forecast method is supported. n ERP LN
6.1 , two new forecasting methods have been introduced:
estimate-at-completion and Estimate extra cost. The method ERP LN
6.1 uses, is determined by the value of the Leading Forecast Method
field in the PPC Parameters (tpppc0100s000) session. For more
information, refer toForecast methods.

Changed in ERP LN 6.1 . n ERP LN 6.1 , the revenue recognition and
cost of goods sold functionality has been significantly extended.
Revenue Recognition and Cost of Goods Sold can be determined at
the project, extension, element and activity level depending on the
method you select. The usage of element and activity depends on
whether the project is controlled by element or controlled by activity.
For more information, refer toRevenue Recognition (RR) and Cost of
Goods SoId (COGS).
Removed functionaIity
CaIendars and Periods
n Baan Vc , calendars are defined in this module. n ERP LN 6.1 , the
calendars and periods are defined centrally in the CaIendars and Periods
module of SSA ERP Common Data. Each company has a default
calendar and you can define more specific calendars for entities such as
department, employees, and business partners. For more information,
refer toCaIendars and Periods moduIe - DifferencesERP61/B40c.
Project Scheduling System (PSS) module - Differences B40c/B61
This topic describes the most important differences between the Project
ScheduIing System module in Baan Vc and in ERP LN 6.1 .
New functionaIity

Integration with microsoft project 2002

New in ERP LN 6.1 . n ERP LN 6.1 , Project does not have an
elaborate scheduling functionality which existed in Baan Vc . So, the
functionality of External Scheduling Packages (ESP) is used for project
schedule development. Project is integrated with Microsoft Project
2002 Standard, Professional and Server versions to leverage the
Project | 7-29
functionality of scheduling. For more information, refer toIntegration of
Project with MSP 2002.

Integration with Service

New in ERP LN 6.1 . To handle service requirements of a completed
project and of projects in progress, Project is integrated with Service.
For more information, refer toIntegration of Project with Service.
Removed functionaIity
n Baan Vc , calendars are defined in this module. n ERP LN 6.1 , the
calendars and periods are defined centrally in the CaIendars and Periods
module of SSA ERP Common Data. Each company has a default
calendar and you can define more specific calendars for entities such as
department, employees, and business partners. For more information,
refer toCaIendars and Periods moduIe - DifferencesERP61/B40c.
Project Technical Calculation (PTC) module - Differences
This topic describes the most important differences between the Project
TechnicaI CaIcuIation module in Baan Vc and in ERP LN 6.1 .
New functionaIity

Top down budget

New in ERP LN 6.1 . n ERP LN 6.1 , it is possible to have a top-down
budget. A top down budget is used to distribute amounts over an
activity structure. The purpose of a top-down budget is to get an
overview of budget possibilities to see whether the project is feasible
from a budget point of view. For more information, refer toTop down

Time phased budget

New in ERP LN 6.1 . A time-phased budget combines costs and time
by distributing the budgeted costs over the duration of an activity. All
these distributions and their role-ups to higher level activities are
recorded in the baseline. Such distributions can be set-up with one of
the five earned value methods. For more information, refer toTime
phased budget.
Changed functionaIity

Budget cost anaIysis

Changed in ERP LN 6.1 . n ERP LN 6.1 , you can analyze budgetary
7-30 | Project
cost for different exchange-rate types for a project. The functionality
enables you to create and compare different simulations about the total
costs, the total quantities, and the total amount of time for the budget
lines at any time of the project execution and store them under different
budget cost analysis versions. For more information, refer toBudget
cost anaIysis.

PCS item procedure

Changed in ERP LN 6.1 . n ERP LN 6.1 , the procedure to handle
customized manufactured items (PCS items) within Project, has been
streamlined in the following aspects:

Automatic matching of projects (PCS-TP):The relationship between

the PCS project in Manufacturing and the project in Project is
automatically established when you insert a PCS project item on a
material budget line in Project.

No separate warehouse sessions.

Direct selection of PCS item on a material budget line.

No manual linking of items.

For more information, refer toPCS item procedure.
Hours Accounting (HRS) module - Differences B40c/B61
This topic explains how hours accounting in the various packages of Baan
Vc is implemented in SSA ERP PeopIe in ERP LN 6.1 .
Hours accounting for Project in Baan IVc:
n Baan Vc , hours accounting for Project takes place in the Hours
Accounting (HRS) module.
Hours accounting for Project in ERP LN 6.1:
n ERP LN 6.1 , the Hours Accounting (HRA) module does not exist
anymore. All hours accounting activities in ERP LN 6.1 are centralized in
SSA ERP PeopIe works with assignment which are defined in the
Assignments (bpmdm0130m000) session. You can update assignments
using the Update Assignments in Hours Accounting (tpptc2211m000)
session in the Project Budget module. The budget lines of SSA ERP
Projects are sent to SSA ERP PeopIe. The buget lines are regarded as
For more information, refer toHours accounting
Project | 7-31
7-32 | Project
Service - Differences by SSA Baan ERP 6.1
This topic lists the available differences topics for SSA ERP LN 6.1 .
New and changed functionaIity
The following differences topics are available:

Archiving Service Data

Contract Terms to be ControIIed

ControI Contract ReIated Activities

ControI Service Business

ControI Service Contracts

ControI Service Inventory

ControI Service Order Execution

ControI Service Price

ControI Technician Data

Create Periodic Maintenance PIan

Define Contract Contents

Define Contract Invoicing/Costing

Generate Periodic Maintenance Orders

HandIe Incoming Service Request

HandIe Repair and OverhauI Requests

HandIe Service & Maintenance Requests

Chapter 8
Service and Maintenance

Integrate Service

Invoice Service Contract

Invoice Service Order

Maintain Basic Service Order Data

Maintain Basic Service Order Data

Maintain Basic Short Term PIanning Data

Maintain Basic Warranty Data

Maintain Component Data

Maintain Dynamic Service Data

Maintain InstaIIation Data

Maintain Location DetaiIs

Maintain Master Data Service Inventory ControI

Maintain Periodic Maintenance Data

Maintain Service Contract TempIates

Maintain Service Hours Rates

Maintain Service TabIes

Maintain Basic InstaIIation Data

Manage InstaIIations

Manage InstaIIation Type Data

Manage Reference Activities

Manage Service Orders

Manage Warranty Terms

Master TabIes for Service

PIan Periodic Maintenance

PIan Service Orders

Prepare Service Order Pre-execution

Record Work Performed

ReIease Orders

Renew Contracts

RepIenish Service Inventory

Set Up Service Master Data

Specify / Adapt Contract TempIate

Service moduIe differences
The following module differences topics are available:

CaII Management (CLM) moduIe - Differences B40c/ERP61

Configuration Management (CFG) moduIe - Differences


Contract Management (CTM) moduIe - Differences B40c/ERP61

Master Data Management (MDM) moduIe - Differences


RMA and Depot Repair moduIe - Differences B40c/ERP61

Service Order ControI (SOC) and Preventive Maintenance ControI

(SPC)moduIe - Differences B40c/ERP61
8-2 | Service and Maintenance

Subcontract Management (SBM) moduIe - Differences

Changed functionality
Archiving Service Data
This sub-process is used to delete historical data that may no longer be in
This sub-process begins with the requirement to archive service data.
Archiving Service Data is also known as Deleting History Data.
This process describes the steps needed to archive service data. t
contains the following activities:

Delete Contract nstallment nvoice Analysis.

Print Contract History.

Delete Contract History.

Delete Blank Service Job Sheets.

Delete Service Order History.

Print Service Orders.

Delete Service Orders.

Delete Service Order nvoice Analysis.

The sub-process results in the archiving of Service Data.
Archiving Service Data in Baan IVc
The objective of this sub-process is to delete historical service
order-related information which is no longer needed. This process in Baan
Vc is used to delete the following:

Service Contract History.

ReIated Invoice AnaIysis.

Service Orders.

Service Order Invoice AnaIysis.

BIank Service Order Sheets if any have been generated.

Service and Maintenance | 8-3
The process stipulates printing of the data before deletion.
The above sub-process results in the archiving of Service Data in Baan Vc
Archiving Service Data in ERP LN 6.1
The objective of this sub-process is to delete historical service
order-related information which is no longer needed. This process in ERP
LN 6.1 is similar to the process in Baan Vc , but differs in some ways.
While the deletion of history and printing before deletion in general is
possible in ERP LN 6.1 for Contracts and Orders, it however differs in the
following manner:

The invoice analysis are not handled in the Central nvoicing Package.

Service Order Blank Sheets are not stored as data. They are however
available as hard copies as they can be printed. Due to this reason,
deletion of the soft copy is not possible.
The above sub-process results in the archiving of Service Data in ERP LN
6.1 .
Contract Terms to be Controlled
The topic explains in detail the process by which the Contract Terms can
be controlled.
This process begins with the requirement of controlling Contract Terms.
This is a process which involves a number of actions which are as follows:

Maintain Service Package Parts.

Maintain Service Package Components.

Maintain Service Packages.

Maintain nstallation Types by Service Package.

Update Service Package Prices.

Maintain Servicings by Service Package.

The process results in the controlling of Contract Terms.
Contract Terms to be ControIIed in Baan IVc
The objective of this process is the controlling of Contract Terms. The
process proceeds in the Baan Vc in the following manner:
1. First, the Contract Terms have to be controlled.
8-4 | Service and Maintenance
2. For this, the process involves various actions.
3. The first action is the maintenance of Service Package Parts. f yes,
then the data in the tssma2101m000 : Maintain Service Package Parts
session is maintained.
4. Then, a detailed specification of Cost Coverage is required. f yes, then
the data in the tssma2102m000 : Maintain Package Components
session is maintained.
5. Then, an action is performed to ascertain if nstallation Types/ Service
Package is necessary or not. f it is necessary, then the data in the
Maintain nstallation Types by Service Package session has to be
6. Then, an action is performed to ascertain if Package Prices have to
recalculated. f yes, then the data in the tssma2204m000 : Update
Service Package Prices has to be maintained.
7. This is followed by checking the Link Per. Maintenance to Service
Package. f yes, then the data in the tssma2112m000 : Maintain
Servicings by Service Package session has to be maintained .
8. With all the above actions completed, the Contract Terms are said to
be controlled.
The above process results in the Contract Terms Control in Baan Vc .
Contract Terms to be ControIIed in ERP LN 6.1
The objective of this process is the controlling of Contract Terms. The
process proceeds in the ERP LN 6.1 in the following manner:
1. First, the Contract Terms have to be controlled.
2. For this, the process involves various actions.
3. The first action is the maintenance of data in the Contract Coverage
Terms (tsctm1120m300) session.
4. Then, a detailed specification of Cost Coverage is required. f yes, then
the data in the tssma2102m000 : Maintain Package Components
session is maintained.
5. Then, an action is performed to ascertain if nstallation Types/ Service
Package is necessary or not. f it is necessary, then the data in the
Maintain nstallation Types by Service Package session has to be
6. f yes, then the data in the Contract Configuration Lines
(tsctm1110m300) session has to be maintained.
7. Then, an action is performed to ascertain if Package Prices have to
recalculated. f yes, then the data in the Generate Contract Changes
(tsctm3202m000) session has to be maintained.
8. This is followed by checking the Link Per. Maintenance to Service
Package. f yes, then the data in the Contract Configuration Lines
Service and Maintenance | 8-5
(tsctm1110m300) session has to be maintained.
9. With all the above actions completed, the Contract Terms are said to
be controlled.
The above process results in the Contract Terms Control in ERP LN 6.1 .
Control Contract Related Activities
This process is used to track those Service Activities which are to be
managed, to which contracts are linked.
The process begins with the requirement of tracking Service Activities
which are to be managed, to which Contracts are linked.
This is a process which involves a few actions which are as follows:

Maintain Periodic Maintenance Planning (by location).

Maintain Technicians' Daily Planning.

Maintain Service Orders.

The process results in the tracking and managing Service Activities, to
which Contracts are linked.
ControI Contract ReIated Activities in Baan IVc
The objective of this process is to track those Service Activities which are
to be managed, to which contracts are linked. The process in Baan Vc
inludes the following:
This process helps in tracking all activities of Periodic Maintenance if
linked to a contract for a long term. n the case of Short Term
Maintainance, the process tracks the service orders that are defined
under the contract.
The process results in the tracking and managing Service Activities, to
which Contracts are linked, in Baan Vc .
ControI Contract ReIated Activities in ERP LN 6.1
The objective of this process is to track those Service Activities which are
to be managed, to which contracts are linked. The process in ERP LN 6.1
inludes the following:
n ERP LN 6.1 , it is also possible to define preventive maintenance plans
consisting of Planned Activities - Cluster (tsspc2100m000) for the
configuration structures covered by Service Contracts (tsctm3100m000). t
8-6 | Service and Maintenance
is possible to maintain Service Order - Lines (tssoc2100m100) on a short
term execution level.
The process results in the tracking and managing Service Activities, to
which Contracts are linked, in ERP LN 6.1 .
Control Service Business
This topic explains the process of controlling Service Business.
The process begins with the requirement of controlling Service Business.
This is a major process and contains a number of processes within itself
which are as follows:

Control Service Price.

Manage nstallation Type Data.

Manage Warranty Terms.

Perform Management Analysis.

Control Technician Data.

The process results in controlling Service Business.
ControI Service Business in Baan IVc
The objective of this process is to control Service Business. The main
process has many other processes as a part of it. The main process
proceeds in the following manner in Baan Vc :
This is a major process which encompasses managing operational data
such as managing technicians on the transactions with regard to service
orders. t also covers managing preparational data such as setting up
prices, installations and so on.
The above process results in managing the Service Business in Baan Vc .
ControI Service Business in ERP LN 6.1
The objective of this process is to control Service Business. The main
process has many other processes as a part of it. The main process
proceeds in the following manner in ERP LN 6.1 :
The process is supported in ERP LN 6.1 , in terms of underlying
processes. However if the pricing is controlled from a separate process
using the sales/purchase price book features, then this would be a
separate process. Similarly Warehousing processes can take care of
nventory related processes, and CentraI Invoicing processes can take
Service and Maintenance | 8-7
care of nvoice related processes. FinanciaI transactions are achieved in
the background.
The above process results in the controlling of Service Business in ERP
LN 6.1 .
Control Service Contracts
This main process is used to define and control Service Contract Data.
The process begins with the requirement of defining and controlling
Service Contract Data.
This is a process which involves a few actions which are as follows:

Renew Contracts.

Maintain Contracts.

Define Contract Contents.

Control Contract Related Activities.

The process results in the defining and controlling Service Contract Data.
ControI Service Contracts in Baan IVc
The objective of this process is to define and control Service Contract
Data. The process proceeds in Baan Vc in the following manner:
This process is useful in defining Service Contract data, or to control
contract related service activities or to renew contracts. f required Printing
Contract Quotations can serve as quotations to be sent to customers.
Contracts can be reviewed with respect to content and performance.
Before defining a contract quotation some standard service package
conditions (for example, discounts) have to be set up. First, package parts
have to be defined for the three service types Service, Call, and
Miscellaneous in the Maintain Service Package Parts (tssma2101m000)
After defining the standard package conditions, the service contract
quotations can be defined. Since a contract quotation is a contract with the
status Quotation, this quotation is defined as a contract in the Maintain
Contracts (tssma2120m000) session. From this session it is possible to
zoom to the Maintain nstallations by Contract (tssma2182s000) session
and link installations to the contract quotation.
8-8 | Service and Maintenance
The above process results in the defining and controlling Service Contract
Data in Baan Vc .
ControI Service Contracts in ERP LN 6.1
The objective of this process is to define and control Service Contract
Data. The process proceeds in ERP LN 6.1 in the following manner:

n ERP LN 6.1Service Contracts (tsctm3100m000) details can be

defined including the underlying Contract Configuration Lines
(tsctm1110m300), Coverage Terms and Cost Terms as may be

Planned Activities - Cluster (tsspc2100m000) can be monitored or

controlled from the related processes.

Contracts can be renewed or changed using Contract Changes


Contracts can originate from seperately defined or handled Service

Contract Quotations.

Contract revenues can be recognized to preset conditions by handling

Contract Revenues.
The above process results in the defining and controlling Service Contract
Data in ERP LN 6.1 .
Control Service nventory
This main process is used to manage inventory of items required for
service operations.
The process begins with the requirement of managing inventory of items
required for service operations.
This is a process which involves a few other processes which are as

Maintain Service Warehouse Data.

Maintain Master Data Service nventory.

Replenish Service nventory.

The process results in the managing of inventory of items required for
service operations.
ControI Service Inventory in Baan IVc
The objective of this process is to manage inventory of items required for
service operations. The process proceeds in Baan Vc in the following
Service and Maintenance | 8-9
This process is useful in setting up the Warehouse Structure/Bill of
Distribution, and Service Cars as vehicles to manage parts used in
Service. Inventory levels can be monitored periodically and replenished
by using this process.
The above process results in the managing of inventory of items required
for service operations in Baan Vc .
ControI Service Inventory in ERP LN 6.1
The objective of this process is to manage inventory of items required for
service operations. The process proceeds in ERP LN 6.1 in the following
n ERP 6.1, the Service processes include the definition of different types
of warehouses such as Service Warehouse, Service Customer Owned,
and Service Reject in addition to normal warehouses.
Service Cars (tsmdm1145m000) and Service Kits (tsmdm1110m000) can
be defined to represent moveable warehouses. Definition of Bill of
distribution and Replenishment is done using Warehousing and Enterprise
Planning processes.
The above process results in the managing of inventory of items required
for service operations in ERP LN 6.1 .
Control Service Order Execution
This process is used to control service order execution by handling
processes relevant to execution.
The process begins with the requirement of controlling Service Order
This is a process which involves a few actions which are as follows:

Release Orders.

Perform Record Work.

Handle Exceptions.
The process results in controlling Service Order Execution by handling
processes relevant to execution.
ControI Service Order Execution in Baan IVc
8-10 | Service and Maintenance
The objective of this process is to control Service Order Execution by
handling processes relevant to execution. The process proceeds in Baan
Vc in the following manner:
This process is used to release Service Orders to ready them for
execution, then monitor the work performed during progress and handle
any exceptions or changes that might occur in the course of execution
The process results in the controlling of Service Order Execution in Baan
Vc .
ControI Service Order Execution in ERP LN 6.1
The objective of this process is to control Service Order Execution by
handling processes relevant to execution. The process proceeds in ERP
LN 6.1 in the following manner:

n ERP LN 6.1 , it is also possible to release Service Orders, ready

them for execution and print relevant documents.

Work can be monitored by handling and reviewing the progress of the

service order and activities and the hours reported.

Cost lines of three cost types can provide details about the amounts.

Exceptions like changing appointments, rescheduling technicians, or

order cancellation can be performed either in ERP LN 6.1 or by using
external tools that integrate with ERP LN 6.1 .
The process results in the controlling of Service Order Execution in ERP
LN 6.1 .
Control Service Price
The process is used to moniter prices by different categorizations and also
helps in managing them.
The process begins with the requirement of monitering prices by different
categorizations and managing them.
This is a process which involves a few other processes which are as

Review Prices.

Maintain Service Packages.

Maintain Sales Prices/Discounts.

Calculate Sales Prices.

Maintain Service Hours Rates.

Service and Maintenance | 8-11
The process results in the monitering of prices by different categorizations
and managing them.
ControI Service Price in Baan IVc
The objective of this process is to moniter prices by different
categorizations and manage them. The process proceeds in Baan Vc in
the following manner:
This process is useful to Maintain Prices and Discounts relevant to
Service. t include svarious categories, and reviews and updates have to
be carried out periodically. This is especially useful when centralized
pricing is used for Service.
The above process results in monitering prices by different categorizations
and managing them in Baan Vc .
ControI Service Price in ERP LN 6.1
The objective of this process is to moniter prices by different
categorizations and manage them. The process proceeds in ERP LN 6.1 in
the following manner:
n ERP LN 6.1 , the centralized pricing is achieved by the implementation
of price books, which can be made specific to Service. Service price
matrices can be defined to fetch prices according to conditions arising in
Service. Prices and discounts are updated by using the procedures in
Pricing processes.
The above process results in monitering prices by different categorizations
and managing them in ERP LN 6.1 .
Control Technician Data
This process is used to define and modify technician related data.
The process begins with the requirement of defining and modifying
technician related data.
This is a major process and contains a number of processes within itself
which are as follows:

Maintain Technicians by Service Area.

Maintain skills by Technician.

Maintain Working Time Tables by Technician.

Maintain Blank Service Job Sheets.

8-12 | Service and Maintenance
ControI Technician Data in Baan IVc
The objective of this process is to define and modify technician related
data. The process proceeds in Baan Vc in the following manner:
This process is useful in defining Service Technicians, Technicians by
Service Area, Technicians SkiIIs, Working time tabIes by technicians.
"Plans by technicians" can be reviewed and "Job sheets" can be printed
for use by the technicians
The above process results in defining and modifying technician related
data in Baan Vc .
ControI Technician Data in ERP LN 6.1
The objective of this process is to define and modify technician related
data. The process proceeds in ERP LN 6.1 in the following manner:

n ERP LN 6.1 , Service technicians are defined as Service

EmpIoyees and linked to Service Departments (tsmdm1100m000) and
Service Areas (tsmdm1105m000).

Service EmpIoyees are defined with CaIendars and SkiIIs.

Planning and reviewing of technicians can be achieved by scrutinizing

Service Order Assignments, or by using external tool to graphically
visualize and alter the technician plans if integrated with ERP LN 6.1 .

Job sheets by technicians can be either printed as Service Order

Documents or can be downloaded into external applications such as
"SSA-Mobile Service" if integrated with ERP LN 6.1 .
The above process results in the define and modify technician related data
in ERP LN 6.1 .
Create Periodic Maintenance Plan
This sub-process is used to generate and handle Periodic Maintenance
The sub-process begins with the requirement of generating and handling
Periodic Maintenance Plans.
This is a process which involves a few actions which are as follows:

Maintain Periodic Maintenance by nstallation.

Maintain Servicings by nstallation.

Generate Periodic Maintenance Planning.

Maintain Periodic Maintenance Planning.

Service and Maintenance | 8-13

Generate Recommended Servicings.

Generate Recommended Periodic Maintenance.

The sub-process results in generating and handling Periodic Maintenance
Create Periodic Maintenance PIan in Baan IVc
The objective of this sub-process is to generate and handle Periodic
Maintenance Plans. The sub-process proceeds in Baan Vc in the following
This sub-process is useful to generate and maintain Periodic
Maintenance PIans, Print them, review them and make adjustments if
necessary before Confirming the PIans.
The sub-process results in the generating and handling Periodic
Maintenance Plans in Baan Vc .
Create Periodic Maintenance PIan in ERP LN 6.1
The objective of this sub-process is to generate and handle Periodic
Maintenance Plans. The sub-process proceeds in ERP LN 6.1 in the
following manner:
n ERP LN 6.1 , Maintenance plans are generated using Generate
PIanned Activities to represent the periodic maintenance plans, then print
them using Print Planned Activities (tsspc2400m000). The plans can be
entered or reviewed on the Planned Activities - Cluster (tsspc2100m000)
which can be modified if required. Planned activities can also be reviewed
in external graphic tools if ERP LN 6.1 ERP 6.1 is integrated with them.
The sub-process results in the generating and handling Periodic
Maintenance Plans in ERP LN 6.1 .
Define Contract Contents
This sub-process is used to define Service Contract nstallations,
nstallments and Budgets related to Contracts.
This sub-process begins with the requirement of defining Service Contract
nstallations, nstallments and Budgets related to Contracts.
This is a sub-process which involves a few actions which are as follows:

Maintain nstallations by Service Contract.

Maintain Contract nstallments.

8-14 | Service and Maintenance

Maintain Service Contract Budgets.

The sub-process results in defining the Service Contract nstallations,
nstallments and Budgets related to Contracts.
Define Contract Contents in Baan IVc
The objective of this sub-process is to define Contract Contents. The
process in Baan Vc covers the following:

The user can define InstaIIation Lines for the Contract.

The user can use this process to create Contract InstaIIments ready
for invoicing.

The user can use this process to compare Contract Budget with
ActuaI Consumption as a part of the Contract performance overview.
The above process results in the defining of the Service Contract
nstallations, nstallments and Budgets related to Contracts. in Baan Vc .
Define Contract Contents in ERP LN 6.1
The objective of this process is to define the Service Contract nstallations,
nstallments and Budgets related to Contracts. The process in ERP LN 6.1
covers the following:

Tracking Budgeted versus Actuals can be done at the Configuration

Line or at the respective Coverage Term.

The Configurations in the form of Cluster - Lines (tsbsc1110m000) or

Physical Breakdowns (tscfg2110m000) structures are also tracked in
the Contract Configuration Lines (tsctm1110m300) session.
To know more about Contract Activation, refer to the Service Contract
Status listed below as a part of the Related Topics.
The above process results in the defining of Service Contract nstallations,
nstallments and Budgets related to Contracts in ERP LN 6.1 .
Define Contract nvoicing/Costing
The topic explains in detail the process by which the Contracts can be
invoiced and costed.
This process begins with the requirement of costing and invoicing
Service and Maintenance | 8-15
This is a process which involves a few actions which are as follows:

Maintain Contract nstallments.

Maintain Contract Budgets.

The process results in the invoicing and costing of Contracts.
Define Contract Invoicing/Costing in Baan IVc
The objective of this process is the invoicing and costing of Contracts. The
process proceeds in Baan Vc in the following manner:
1. First, the Contract nvoicing/Costing has to be defined.
2. Next, if the invoicing has to be defined, then the data in the
tssma2121m000 : Maintain Contract nstallments session has to be
3. This is followed by defining the Contract Budget. n order to do this, the
data in the tssma2122m000 : Maintain Contract Budgets session has
to be maintained. After the contract is created, the contract must be
paid at once or by periods (installments), beforehand or afterwards.
Once the invoice is created, it is sent at the moment agreed by the
customer. When the invoice is printed, several financial pre-postings
are made which are handled in the General Ledger module.
4. With the above actions the defined Contracts are said to be invoiced
and costed.
The above process results in the invoicing and costing of contracts in Baan
Vc .
Define Contract Invoicing/Costing in ERP LN 6.1
The objective of this process is the invoicing and costing of Contracts. The
process proceeds in ERP LN 6.1 in the following mannner:

First, the Contract nvoicing/Costing has to be defined.

Next, if the invoicing has to be defined, then the data in the Contract
nstallments (tsctm4100m000) session has to be maintained.

This is followed by the definition of the Contract Budget. To know more

about Contract nvoicing, refer to the "Service Contract nstallments",
as a part of the Related Topics listed below.

With the above actions the defined Contracts are said to be invoiced
and costed.
To know more about nstallment Generation, Acceptance Procedure and
the Transfer Process, refer to "nstallment status", as a part of the Related
8-16 | Service and Maintenance
Topics listed below.
The above process results in the invoicing and costing of contracts in ERP
LN 6.1 .
Generate Periodic Maintenance Orders
This sub-process is used to handle periodic maintenance plans.
The sub-process begins with the requirement of generating Periodic
Maintenance Orders.
This is a sub-process which involves a few actions which are as follows:

Maintain Periodic Maintenance (by Location).

Maintain Periodic Maintenance Planning.

Generate Service Orders.

Transfer Maintenance Plan to Service Order.

This sub-process results in handling periodic maintenance plans.
Generate Periodic Maintenance Orders in Baan IVc
The objective of this sub-process is to handle periodic maintenance
plans.The sub-process proceeds in Baan Vc in the following manner:
This sub-process is useful in reviewing Periodic maintenance pIans,
modifing the plans if required, confirm the maintenance pIans and
generate service orders for the confirmed plans.
The above sub-process results in in handling periodic maintenance plans
in Baan Vc .
Generate Periodic Maintenance Orders in ERP LN 6.1
The objective of this sub-process is to handle periodic maintenance
plans.The sub-process proceeds in ERP LN 6.1 in the following manner:
n ERP LN 6.1 , the preventive maintenance plans can be reviewed
intrenally using ERP LN 6.1 , or by the implementation of recommended
external scheduling tools. Plans can be modified if required using Planned
Activities - Cluster (tsspc2100m000). The plans can be confirmed
interactively or by using the routine Switch Status (tsspc2201m000).
Service Order - Lines (tssoc2100m100) can be generated for the
confirmed plans by using Generate Service Order (tssoc5220m000). f
required plans can be combined while generating service orders, based on
Service and Maintenance | 8-17
some additional criteria.
The above sub-process results in in handling periodic maintenance plans
in ERP LN 6.1 .
Handle ncoming Service Request
This process is used to handle incoming Service Requests in the form of
Service Orders.
The process begins with the requirement of handling the incoming Service
Requests in the form of Service Orders.
This is a major process and contains a number of processes within itself
which are as follows:

Maintain Service Orders.

Change Service Orders.

Maintain Customers Data.

Maintain Location Details.

Unblock Service Orders.

The process results in the handling of the incoming Service Requests in
the form of Service Orders.
HandIe Incoming Service Request in Baan IVc
The objective of this process is to handle incoming Service Request in the
form of Service Orders.. The process proceeds in Baan Vc in the following
This consists of registering Service Orders arising from customer calls,
handling them with appropriate details and verifying the financial
The process results in the handling of the incoming Service Request in the
form of Service Orders in Baan Vc .
HandIe Incoming Service Request in ERP LN 6.1
The objective of this process is to handle incoming Service Request in the
form of Service Orders. The process proceeds in ERP LN 6.1 in the
following manner:
This process in ERP LN 6.1 , is more elaborate due to the registration of
Service caIIs with details. The calls can be handled independently if no
onsite actions are necessary. f actions are necessary then the Calls
8-18 | Service and Maintenance
(tsclm1500m000) are transferred to Service Order - Lines
(tssoc2100m100) and further processes.
f required, invoices can be initiated for both CaIIs as well as Service
Orders. Financial credentials are checked while handling Service orders.
The process results in the handling of the incoming Service Request in the
form of Service Orders in ERP LN 6.1 .
Handle Repair and Overhaul Requests
This process is used to manage large repair jobs to be handled in the
project control lines.
This process begins with the requirement of handling the Repair and
Overhaul Requests.
This is a major process and contains a number of processes within itself
which are as follows:

Maintain Sales Quotations.

Maintain Sales Orders.

Define Projects.

Handle R/O Engineering Requests.

Handle Material Transactions.

Manage Projects.
The process results in managing large repair jobs to be handled in the
project control lines.
HandIe Repair and OverhauI Requests in Baan IVc
The objective of this process is managing large repair jobs to be handled in
the project control lines.This main process has many other processes as a
part of it. The main process proceeds in the following manner in Baan Vc :
When large parts or assemblies come for repairs, they are handled
through SaIes Orders or PCS Projects in Baan Vc . This process
facilitates the following:

Going through the process of controlling sales orders or controlling


Creating new Engineering designs

Handling material transactions in the process of managing repairs and

The above process results in managing large repair jobs to be handled in
Service and Maintenance | 8-19
the project control lines in Baan Vc .
HandIe Repair and OverhauI Requests in ERP LN 6.1
The objective of this process is managing large repair jobs to be handled in
the project control lines.This main process has many other processes as a
part of it. The main process proceeds in the following manner in ERP LN
6.1 :
t is possible to use SaIes and Projects in ERP LN 6.1 . However, the
process of repair and overhaul are well met by going through the
Maintenance SaIes Order Management and the Work Order
Engineering design is not part of this process but can be taken up as a
separate process, within the main flow. MateriaI handIing is achieved
within the basic processes of Maintenance SaIes and Work Orders
The above process results in managing large repair jobs to be handled in
the project control lines in ERP LN 6.1 .
Handle Service & Maintenance Requests
This process is used to manage installations, recommend periodic
maintenance schedule, and handle service contracts and service orders.
This process begins with the requirement of managing installations,
recommend periodic maintenance schedule, and handle service contracts
and service orders.
This is a major process and contains a number of processes within itself
which are as follows:

Manage Service nstallation Data.

Control Service Contracts.

Handle ncoming Service Requests.

Manage Service Orders.

Plan Periodic Maintenance.

nvoice for Orders/Contracts.

Control Service Business.

Control Service nventory.

The process results in the managing installations, recommend periodic
maintenance schedule, and handle service contracts and service orders.
HandIe Service & Maintenance Requests in Baan IVc
8-20 | Service and Maintenance
The objective of this process is the handling of Service & Maintenance
Requests. This main process has many other processes as a part of it.
The main process proceeds in the following manner in Baan Vc :
This is a major process which contains a number of processes within itself,
such as, managing Service InstaIIation data, controlling Service
Contracts, handling Incoming Service Requests, managing Service
Orders, planning Periodic Maintenance, invoicing Orders and
Contracts, controlling Service Business and Service Inventory.
The above process results in the handling of Service & Maintenance
Requests in Baan Vc .
HandIe Service & Maintenance Requests in ERP LN 6.1
The objective of this process is the Handling of Service & Maintenance
Requests. This main process has many other processes as a part of it.
The main process proceeds in the following manner in ERP LN 6.1 :
n ERP LN 6.1 , all main processes, which are part of this major process
are supported. nvoicing for Orders or Contracts and Controlling Service
inventory can be defined and used as separate processes related to
Central nvoicing and warehousing processes. This may not mandatorily
be under this major process, as other major processes in the related areas
can take care of this aspect.
The above process results in the handling the Service and Maintenance
Requests in ERP LN 6.1 .
n ERP LN 6.1 all of the main processes, which are part of of Handle
Service & Maintenance Requests, are supported. nvoicing for
Orders/Contracts and Controlling Service inventory can be defined and
used as separate processes as well.
ntegrate Service
This sub-process is used to setup integration data for financial integration.
This sub-process begins with the requirement to define a link to Finance.
This sub-process describes the steps needed to maintain the following:

Accounts for Work n Progress (WP).

Service Orders.

Service Orders by Contract Type.

nvoice Analysis.
Service and Maintenance | 8-21

WP by Cost Type Group.

Service Orders by Cost-Type Group.

Service Orders by Contact Type/Cost Type Group.

Cost Analysis Types.

Cost Type Groups.

The sub-process results in setting up integration data for financial
Integrate Service in Baan IVc
The objective of this sub-process is to setup integration data for financial
integration in Baan Vc and is used to define the following:

Ledger Accounts for Invoice AnaIysis.

Cost Type AnaIysis.

WIP AnaIysis.

Cost Type Groups and Accounts for Service Orders and Service
The sub-process results in setting up integration data for financial
integration in the Baan Vc scenario.
Integrate Service in ERP LN 6.1
The objective of this sub-process is to setup integration data for financial
integration in ERP LN 6.1 :
n ERP LN 6.1 , the cost type definitions are fixed . However, if they are
used in combination with Cost Components, a greater flexibility is
provided in arriving at many more combinations. For this no specific setup
is required . The ledger accounts are maintained in the processes related
to the Finance package.
The sub-process results in setting up integration data for financial
integration in the ERP LN 6.1 scenario.
nvoice Service Contract
This sub-process is used to invoice Service Contracts.
This sub-process begins with the requirement of invoicing Service
This is a sub-process which involves a few actions which are as follows:
8-22 | Service and Maintenance

Confirm Contract nstallments.

Print Confirmed Contract nstallments.

Print Contract nstallment nvoices.

Create Financial Transactions for Contract nstallments.

The sub-process results in the invoicing of Service Contracts.
Invoice Service Contract in Baan IVc
The objective of this sub-process is to invoice Service Contracts. The
process proceeds in Baan Vc in the following manner:

This sub-process is used to confirm execution of Periodic

maintenance pIans if required.

The Contract instaIIments can be confirmed and invoices can be

printed for the confirmed installments.

FinanciaI transactions can be created for the nvoiced installments.

The above sub-process results in the invoicing of Service Contracts in
Baan Vc .
Invoice Service Contract in ERP LN 6.1
The objective of this sub-process is to invoice Service Contracts. The
process proceeds in ERP LN 6.1 in the following manner:

n ERP LN 6.1 , Planned Activities can be confirmed using the relevant

processes for execution.

Contract installments can be confirmed using Switch Status of Contract

nstallments (tsctm4201m000).

The installments are then transferred to Central invoicing using

Transfer nstallments to Central nvoicing (tsctm4203m000).

The printing of the invoices is carried out using the Central invoicing

Financial transactions are created in the background.

The above sub-process results in the invoicing of Service Contracts in
ERP LN 6.1 .
nvoice Service Order
This sub-process is used to invoice and post service orders to history.
The sub-process begins with the requirement of invoicing Service Orders
and posting them to history.
Service and Maintenance | 8-23
This is a sub-process which involves a few actions which are as follows:

Analize Actual Costs.

Maintain Cost Analysis.

Create Financial Transactions for Service Orders.

Post Service Orders to History.

This sub-process results in the invoicing Service Orders and posting them
to history.
Invoice Service Order in Baan IVc
The objective of this sub-process is to invoice Service Orders and post
them to history. The process proceeds in Baan Vc in the following
This sub-process is used to Maintain invoice anaIysis, then Print
invoices, Create financiaI transactions and Post the settIed service
orders to history.
The above sub-process results in the invoicing Service Orders and posting
them to history in Baan Vc .
Invoice Service Order in ERP LN 6.1
The objective of this sub-process is to invoice Service Orders and post
them to history. The process proceeds in ERP LN 6.1 in the following

n ERP LN 6.1 , invoice analysis can be maintained on each of the cost

lines namely MateriaI costs, Labor costs and Other costs.

Printing invoices can be carried out by using related Central nvoicing


Financial transactions are created in the background. After

reconciliation of Service amounts in Finance, the Service orders can be
posted to History using Close Service Orders and Copy to History
The above sub-process results in the invoicing Service Orders and posting
them to history in ERP LN 6.1 .
Maintain Basic Service Order Data
This sub-process is used to define some basic data required to define
Service Orders.
8-24 | Service and Maintenance
This sub-process begins with the requirement to maintain basic data for
service orders.
This sub-process describes the steps needed to maintain all Basic Service
Order Data and contains the following activities:

Maintain Order Types.

Maintain Service Order Parameters.

Maintain System Configuration Parameters.

Maintain Appointment Confirmation.

Maintain Symptoms.

Maintain Problems.

Maintain Fixes.

Maintain Cost Analysis Types.

This sub-process results in defining the basic data for Service Orders.
Maintain Basic Service Order Data in Baan IVc
The objective of this sub-process is to define basic data required to define
Service Orders. The sub-process works in Baan Vc in the following
Details like First Free Numbers, Appointment TempIates, SPF Codes
and Order Types can be maintained by adopting this process.
The above sub-process results in defining the basic data required to define
Service Orders in Baan Vc .
Maintain Basic Service Order Data in ERP LN 6.1
The objective of this sub-process is to define basic data required to define
Service Orders. The sub-process works in ERP LN 6.1 in the following
Some basic differences in this process as compared to Baan Vc are; SPF
Codes are established by details related to Troubleshooting such as
Problems (tsclm3130m000) and Solutions (tsclm3135m000). First Free
Numbers are defined under specific number groups. More master data
details are required in ERP LN 6.1 such as Coverage Types
The above sub-process results in defining the basic data required to define
Service Orders in ERP LN 6.1 .
Maintain Basic Service Order Data
Service and Maintenance | 8-25
This topic explains how to define the basic data for service orders.
This process begins with the requirement to maintain basic data for service
This process describes the steps needed to maintain all Basic Service
Order Data and contains the following activities:

Maintain Order Types.

Maintain Service Order Parameters.

Maintain System Configuration Parameters.

Maintain Appointment Confirmation.

Maintain Symptoms.

Maintain Problems.

Maintain Fixes.

Maintain Cost Analysis Types.

This process results in defining the basic data for Service Orders.
Maintain Basic Service Order Data in Baan IVc
he objective of this process is the maintenance of Basic Service Order
Data. The process of maintenance proceeds in Baan Vc in the following
1. First, in order to maintain Basic Service Order Data, the action must be
decided upon.
2. The action can be, to enter or update the Order Types data. f the
Order Types data has to be maintained, then the data in the
tssma3103m000 : Maintain Order Types session has to be maintained.
3. f the Service Order Parameters have to be maintained, then the data
in the tssma3161m000 : Maintain Service Order Control Parameters
session has to be maintained.
4. f Maintain Appointment Confirmation has to be maintained, then the
data in the tssma3161m000 : Maintain Appointment Confirmation
session has to be maintained.
5. n addition to this, the data in the tsspf1101m000 : Maintain Symptoms
session has to be maintained. Furthermore, the data in the
tsspf1102m000 : Maintain Problems session and tsspf1103m000 :
Maintain Fixes session has to be maintained.
6. f Maintain Cost Analysis Types has to be maintained, then the data in
the tssma3112m000 : Maintain Cost Analysis Types session has to be
7. When all the above actions are completed, the action of maintaining
the Basic Service Order Data is said to completed.
The above process results in defining the basic data for Service Orders in
8-26 | Service and Maintenance
Baan Vc .
Maintain Basic Service Order Data in ERP LN 6.1
The objective of this process is the maintenance of Basic Service Order
Data. The process of maintenance proceeds in ERP LN 6.1 in the following
1. First, in order to maintain Basic Service Order Data, the action must be
decided upon.
2. The action can be, to enter or update the Service Types data. f the
Service Types data has to be maintained, then the data in the Service
Types (tsmdm0130m000) session has to be maintained.
3. f the Service Order Parameters have to be maintained, then the data
in the Service Order Parameters (tssoc0100m000) session has to be
4. f Maintain Appointment Confirmation has to be maintained, then the
data in the Maintain Appointment Confirmation (tssma3161m000)
session has to be maintained.
5. n addition to this, the data in the Problems (tsclm3130m000) session
has to be maintained. Furthermore, the data in the Solutions
(tsclm3135m000) session must also be maintained.
6. f Maintain Cost Analysis Types has to be maintained, then the data in
the Maintain Cost Analysis Types (tssma3112m000) session has to be
7. When all the above actions are completed, the action of maintaining
the Basic Service Order Data is said to completed.
This business process is no longer used in Gemini.
The above process results in defining the basic data for Service Orders in
ERP LN 6.1 .
Maintain Basic Short Term Planning Data
This sub-process is used to define basic planning data.
This sub-process starts with the requirement to define basic planning data.
This process describes the steps needed to maintain the following:

response time for priority range.

service car s.

skill s.
Service and Maintenance | 8-27

Skills by Technician.

Skills by nstallation Type.

Working Time Tables by Technician.

Symptoms by nstallation Type.

The sub-process results in the defining of basic planning data.
Basic Short Term PIanning Data in Baan IVc
This sub-process is used to define basic planning data. n Baan Vc this
sub-process is used to define technician level details such as SkiIIs, Time
TabIes, Service Areas and Service Cars.
The above sub-process results in the definition of basic planning data in
Baan Vc
Basic Short Term PIanning Data in ERP LN 6.1
This sub-process is used to define basic planning data. n ERP LN 6.1 this
sub-process is used to define technician level details such as all those
defined in Baan Vc . n addition more details can be defined and attributed
to a Technician, such as IndividuaI User ProfiIes, Labor Rate
definitions, Paging detaiIs and so on.
The above sub-process results in the definition of basic planning data in
ERP LN 6.1 .
Maintain Basic Warranty Data
This sub-process is used to define basic warranty data.
This sub-process starts with the requirement to define standard warranty
data and describes the steps needed to maintain the following:


Warranty Codes.

Warranty Grades.

Warranty Components.
This sub-process results in defined standard warranty codes that need to
be linked to installations.
Maintain Basic Warranty Data in Baan IVc
The objective of this sub-process is to define data like Warranties,
Warranty Grades and Warranty Components. This data is linked to the
8-28 | Service and Maintenance
InstaIIations and InstaIIation Components to be enabled in Baan Vc .
General conditions can be recorded when warranties are being defined by
installation at a high level. This is sufficient for one-level warranties with
one discount and one warranty period. To define warranties at a deeper
level, use the Maintain Warranty Grades (tssma1131m000) and
Maintain Warranty Components (tssma1132m000) sessions.
Maintain Warranty Grades (tssma1131m000): n this session, the
validity of a particular warranty code is subdivided into different periods so
that defined percentages can be applied to specific periods in the Maintain
Warranty Components (tssma1132m000) session.
Maintain Warranty Components (tssma1132m000): n this session, the
warranty percentages to be applied for each cost price component are
entered by grade. This session is only concerned with deviations in
warranty percentages recorded in the Maintain Warranties
(tssma1130m000) session.
The above process describes the maintenance of the Basic Warranty Data
in Baan Vc .
Maintain Basic Warranty Data in ERP LN 6.1
The objective of this sub-process is to define the Basic Warranty Data. The
process of maintenance in ERP LN 6.1 is the same as Baan Vc except for
the following differences:

Coverage Terms are defined as Warranty Coverage Terms

(tsctm1120m500) instead of grades.

When Warranty is present, the Contract Amounts can be modified

based on the Contract Discount Schemes (tsctm0110m000).
The above sub-process describes the defining of the Basic Warranty Data
in ERP LN 6.1 .
Maintain Component Data
This sub-process is used to identify the component level items for
Service and Maintenance | 8-29
This sub-process begins with the requirement of identifying the component
level items for installations.
This is a sub-process which involves a number of actions which are as

Copy Customized Product Structure to Standard Structure.

Maintain Standard tems.

Maintain tems.

Maintain nstallation Components.

Maintain Component History.

The sub-process results in the identification of the component level items
for installations.
Maintain Component Data in Baan IVc
The objective of this sub-process is identifying the component level items
for installations. The sub-process in Baan Vc is used to introduce the
second level structure on the form of Components under the existing
InstaIIations. tems forming the components can be defined, or
Customized tems can be copied to Standard items before identifying them
as components.
The above sub-process results in the identifying the component level items
for installations in Baan Vc .
Maintain Component Data in ERP LN 6.1
The objective of this sub-process is identifying the component level items
for installations.The sub-process in ERP LN 6.1 can be summed up in the
following manner:

This sub-process can be carried out by running the process sessions

which can identify multi-level Configuration structure called Physical
Breakdowns (tscfg2110m000) structures.

As-Built structures can be directly copied as Physical Breakdowns

(tscfg2110m000) structures.

Contract Project structures can be copied into PhysicaI Breakdown


PhysicaI breakdown Structures can also be generated from tem

Breakdowns (tscfg1110m000) structures, which in turn can be copied
from Production Bill of Material (tibom1110m000) and can be modified
further if required.

PhysicaI Breakdown Structures can be also be added manually. Any

changes to the Physical Breakdown structure can be handled by a
change process called Change Physical Breakdown (tscfg2220m000).
8-30 | Service and Maintenance
The above sub-process results in the identifying the component level items
for installations in ERP LN 6.1 .
Maintain Dynamic Service Data
This topic explains how the Service Master Data is maintained.
This process describes the steps needed to maintain service master data.
t includes maintaining the following information:

Service Tables.

Basic warranty Data.

Basic service order Data.

Basic Long Term Planning Data.

Basic Short Term Planning Data.

Basic service contract Data.

This process results in the maintenance of Service Data.
Maintain Dynamic Service Data in Baan IVc
The objective of this process is the maintenance of Dynamic Service Data.
The process of maintenance proceeds in Baan Vc in the following
1. First, the Service Tables have to be maintained.
2. f yes, the process of Service Tables maintenance is carried out. Click
the Maintain Service Tables process to carry out the Maintain Service
Tables process.
3. f no, the process moves on to the maintenance of Basic Warranty
4. f yes, the Basic Warranty Data is maintained. Click the Basic Warranty
Data process to carry out the Maintain Basic Warranty Data process.
5. f no, the process moves to the maintenance of Basic Service Order
6. f yes, the Basic Service Order Data is maintained. Click the Basic
Service Order Data process to carry out the Maintain Basic Service
Order Data process.
7. f no, the process moves on to the maintenance Periodic Maintenance
8. f yes, the Periodic Maintenance Data is maintained. Click the Maintain
Periodic Maintenance Data process to carry out the Maintain Periodic
Maintenance Data process.
9. f no, the process moves on to the maintenance of Basic Short Term
Planning Data.
Service and Maintenance | 8-31
10. f yes, the Basic Short Term Planning Data is maintained. Click
Maintain Basic Short Term Planning Data process to carry out the
Maintain Basic Short Term Planning Data process.
11. f no, the process moves on to the maintenance of Service Contract
12. f yes, the Service Contract Terms are maintained. Click Maintain
Service Contract Terms to carry out the Maintain Service Contract
Terms process.
13. Once all these processes are completed, the Dynamic Service Data is
said to be maintained.
The above process results in the maintenance of Service Data in Baan Vc
Maintain Dynamic Service Data in ERP LN 6.1
The objective of this process is the maintenance of Dynamic Service Data.
The process of maintenance proceeds in ERP LN 6.1 the following
1. First, the Service Tables have to be maintained.
2. f yes, the process of Service Tables maintenance is carried out.
3. f no, the process moves on to the maintenance of Basic warranty
4. f yes, the Basic Warranty Data is maintained.
5. f no, the process moves to the maintenance of Basic Service Order
6. f yes, the Basic Service Order Data is maintained.
7. f no, the process moves on to the maintenance Periodic Maintenance
8. f yes, the Periodic Maintenance (P) data is maintained. f no, the
process moves on to the maintenance of Basic Short Term Planning
9. f yes, Basic Short Term Planning Data is maintained.
10. f no, the process moves on to the maintenance of service contract
11. Once all these processes are completed, the Dynamic Service Data is
said to be maintained.
The above process results in the maintenance of Service Data in ERP LN
6.1 .
Maintain nstallation Data
8-32 | Service and Maintenance
This sub-process is used to define some basic data to define the
This sub-process begins with the requirement of maintaining nstallation
This is a sub-process which involves the following action which is as

Maintain Activities by Business Process and Business Model.

n the Maintain tems by nstallation Type (tssma1107m000) session, the
items associated to a particular installation type are defined. This session
is used when installations are generated by the system in the Generating
nstallations (tssma1202m000) session. f the installation is manually
recorded in the Maintain nstallations (tssma1102m000) session, there will
be no check on the items recorded by installation type in this session.
The sub-process results in defining some basic data to define the
Maintain InstaIIation Data in Baan IVc
The objective of this sub-process is defining some basic data to define the
installations in Baan Vc .
nstallations which are already defined can be adjusted or modified. New
installations can be defined or generated either directly or from the Sales
The above sub-process results in defining some basic data to define the
installations in Baan Vc .
Maintain InstaIIation Data in ERP LN 6.1
The objective of this sub-process is defining some basic data to define the
installations in ERP LN 6.1 and is different from Baan Vc in the following

n ERP LN 6.1 , the terms used in the case of nstalled base are
different, which is consituted by terms such as Clusters
(tsbsc1100m000) and Serialized tems (tscfg2100m000) structures. n
Baan Vc it is possible to define only single or two level installation
structure. However, in ERP LN 6.1 multi-level structure with agreement
implications can be defined.

The structures can be derived from Manufacturing process or Project

Service and Maintenance | 8-33
process directly, apart from the the Sales process. Changes to these
structures can be made in a controlled manner.
The above sub- process results in defining some basic data to define the
installations in ERP LN 6.1 .
Maintain Location Details
The sub-process is used to maintain locations for installed base.
The sub-process begins with the requirement of maintaining Locations for
installed base.
This is a process which involves a few actions which are as follows:

Maintain Customers.

Maintain Locations.

Maintain nstallations.
The process results in the maintenance of Locations for installed base.
Maintain Location DetaiIs in Baan IVc
The objective of this process is to maintain Locations for installed base.
The process in Baan Vc is as follows:
This sub-process is used to maintain customer data such as Location
details, Change details for a given location address, or change location
address as whole for an InstaIIation.
The process results in the maintenance of Locations for installed base in
Baan Vc .
Maintain Location DetaiIs in ERP LN 6.1
The objective of this process is to maintain Locations for installed base.
The process in ERP LN 6.1 is as follows:
n ERP LN 6.1 too, Location and Change details can be defined and
maintained at any time. Customers details are maintained for the SoId-to
BP related roles. The location details can be modified for address type.
The Location D can be changed for Clusters (tsbsc1100m000) and
Serialized tems (tscfg2100m000).
To know more about Cluster Lines, refer to "Cluster and cluster line status
overview" as part of the Related Topics listed below.
8-34 | Service and Maintenance
The process results in maintenance of Locations for installed base in ERP
LN 6.1 .
Maintain Master Data Service nventory Control
This sub-process is used to maintain the master data related to tem and
The process begins with the requirement of maintaining master data
related to tem and Warehouses.
This is a process which involves a few actions which are as follows:

Maintain tems.

Maintain Warehouses.

Maintain tems by Warehouse.

Maintain Vehicles.

Maintain Bill of Distribution.

The process results in maintaining master data related to tem and
Maintain Master Data Service Inventory ControI in Baan IVc
The objective of this process is to maintain master data related to tem and
Warehouses.The process proceeds in Baan Vc in the following manner:
This sub-process is used to maintain Items and Warehouses, Service
Cars as Service vehicles. Additionally, the Warehouse structure (Bill of
Distribution) will help the Service logistics.
The above process results in the maintaining master data related to tem
and Warehouses in Baan Vc .
Maintain Master Data Service Inventory ControI in ERP LN 6.1
The objective of this process is to maintain master data related to tem and
Warehouses.The process proceeds in ERP LN 6.1 in the following
n ERP LN 6.1 , this sub-process involves the reuse of some of the
Warehouse related processes, as it is possible to define Warehouse
related item details. The Bill of distribution is defined by using a concept
called Warehouse Clusters (tsbsc1100m000). Service cars can be defined
in Service processes. However, the rest of the details concerning
warehouses are defined in the warehouse processes.
Service and Maintenance | 8-35
The above process results in the maintaining master data related to tem
and Warehouses in ERP LN 6.1 .
Maintain Periodic Maintenance Data
This sub-process is used to maintain and adjust Periodic Maintenance
This sub-process starts with the requirement to maintain Periodic
Maintenance Data.
This sub-process describes the steps needed to maintain all basic data for
periodic maintenance. t contains the following activities:

Maintain Periodic Maintenance.

Maintain tems by Periodic Maintenance.

Maintain nstallation Control Parameters.

The sub-process results in maintained Periodic Maintenance Data.
Maintain Periodic Maintenance Data in Baan IVc
The objective of this sub-process is to maintain and adjust Periodic
Maintenance Planning. The sub-process proceeds in the following manner
in Baan Vc :

Periodic Maintenance PIanning can be maintained and adjusted

based on changing planning needs.

Item Lines can be added or deleted based on new maintenance

methods that can be adopted by Service Companies.

Maintenance concept is defined at nstallation level as Servicings by

All other items for the estimated basic costs calculation can be maintained
in the Maintain tems by Servicings (tssma1121m000) session. Finally,
every installation has its own group of servicings. For every servicing, you
have to specify the period that the servicing is valid for the installation in
the Maintain Servicings by nstallation (tssma1123m000) session. With all
this information, the procedure for the periodic maintenance will generate
recommended periodic service orders until the period of a servicing for an
installation is expired.
The above sub-process results in the maintenance and adjustment of
Periodic Maintenance Planning in Baan Vc .
8-36 | Service and Maintenance
Maintain Periodic Maintenance Data in ERP LN 6.1
The objective of this sub-process is to maintain and adjust Periodic
Maintenance Planning. The sub-process proceeds in the following manner
in ERP LN 6.1 :

t is possible to maintain Periodic Maintenance Plans using Planned

Activities - Cluster (tsspc2100m000) session and also track them using
Measurements (tsmdm0165m000) session.

The tem Lines can be defined into Resource Requirement Lines,

which can be split into three cost types such as Material, Labor and

Long term appointments can be fixed with customers on the

maintenance plans.

Maintenance Concepts (tsspc1521m000) session is used to maintain

Maintenance Concepts at the tem/Usage class level.
n addition it is very necessary to know about Maintenance Concepts in
order to understand Periodic Maintenance in ERP LN 6.1 .
The above sub-process results in the maintenance and adjustment of
Periodic Maintenance Planning in ERP LN 6.1 .
Maintain Service Contract Templates
[incIusion Iink with href
not resoIved] INCLUDE: Maintain Service Contract TempIates
Maintain Service Hours Rates
This sub-process is used to maintain Hourly Rates used in Service
This sub-process begins with the requirement of maintaining Hourly Rates
used in Service Transactions.
This is a sub-process which involves a number of actions which are as

Maintain Tasks.

Maintain Hourly Rates.

Maintain Hourly Rates by Customer.

Service and Maintenance | 8-37
The sub-process results in the maintenance of Hourly Rates used in
Service Transactions.
Maintain Service Hours Rates in Baan IVc
The objective of this sub-process is the maintaining Hourly Rates used in
Service Transactions. The sub-process is used to maintain the following in
Baan Vc :


HourIy Rates.

HourIy Rate by Customers.

All the above are useful in costing and billing for the Service Transactions.
The above sub-process results in the maintenance of Hourly Rates used in
Service Transactions in Baan Vc .
Maintain Service Hours Rates in ERP LN 6.1
The objective of this sub-process is the maintaining Hourly Rates used in
Service Transactions. The sub-process is used to maintain the following in
ERP LN 6.1 :

Tasks (tsmdm0115m000) can be defined to be used in Service


Labor Rates defined with the Tasks can be used for costing and billing
of service transactions provided the task definition is picked up by the
Labor Rate Fetch method. A Labor Rate is also attached with the other
criteria for labor rate pick up such as Service Departments
(tsmdm1100m000), Service Areas (tsmdm1105m000), Employees -
Service (tsmdm1140m000), Tasks (tsmdm0115m000), Reference
Activities (tsacm1101m000) and a few other definitions.

Labor rates by customers can be defined in People package while

defining the labor rates. However, they are not used within the Service
The Labor Rate Code is defined in the Labor Rate Codes (tcppl0190m000)
session, which in turn is linked to Tasks.
The above sub-process results in the maintenance of Hourly Rates used in
Service Transactions in ERP LN 6.1 .
Maintain Service Tables
8-38 | Service and Maintenance
This sub-process is used to maintain General Service Master Data.
This sub-process starts with the requirement to maintain General Service
Master Data.
This sub-process describes the steps needed to maintain General Service
Master Data. t contains the following tables:

Service Areas.


Response Time for Priority Range.

ZP Code Ranges.


Location Types.

Contract Types.

Renewal Types.

The sub-process results in the maintenance of General Service Master
Maintain Service TabIes in Baan IVc
The objective of this sub-process is to maintain General Service Master
Data. The sub-process in Baan Vc can enable a user to maintain general
Service Master Data such as Service Areas, Zip Code Ranges, Contract
Types, RenewaI Types, Tasks, Periods, Priorities, Response Times
and Location Types.
The above sub-process results in the maintenance of General Service
Master Data in Baan Vc .
Maintain Service TabIes in ERP LN 6.1
The objective of this sub-process is to maintain General Service Master
Data. n ERP LN 6.1 the user can maintain most of the information which is
in Baan Vc .Some other information related to Periods and Priorities are
maintained in other processes.
The above sub-process results in the maintenance of General Service
Master Data in ERP LN 6.1 .
Maintain Basic nstallation Data
This topic explains the process used to define the basic data of
Service and Maintenance | 8-39
This process starts with the requirement to define basic data of
This process describes the steps needed to perform the following:

Maintain nstallation Types

Maintain tems By nstallation Type

This process results in defining the basic data of installations.
Maintain Basic InstaIIation Data in Baan IVc
The objective of this process is to define basic installation data. The
process proceeds in the following manner in Baan Vc :
1. n order to maintain Basic nstalltion Data, the steps followed are listed
2. First, the nstallation Types have to be maintained. The data in the
tssma1101m000 : Maintain nstallation Types session has to be
3. nstallation from sales has to be generated.
4. f yes, then the tems by nstallation Type must be maintained. The
data in the tssma1107m000 : Maintain tems by nstallation Type
session has to be maintained.
5. With this activity, the user verifies if the nstallation Data is complete.
6. f yes, the Basic nstallation Data is said to be maintained.
The above process results in defining the Basic nstallation Data in Baan
Vc .
Maintain Basic InstaIIation Data in ERP LN 6.1
The objective of this process is to define basic data. The process proceeds
in the following manner in ERP LN 6.1 :
1. There is as such no concept of nstallations in ERP LN 6.1 .
2. However, the the Serialized tem Groups have to be maintained. The
data in the Serialized tem Groups (tscfg0110m000) session has to be
3. Data from sales has to be generated.
4. f yes, the tems-Service have to be maintained. The data in the tems -
Service (tsmdm2100m000) session has to be maintained.
5. With this activity, the user verifies if the Data is complete.
6. f yes, the Basic is said to be maintained.
8-40 | Service and Maintenance
The above process results in defining the Basic Data in ERP LN 6.1 .
Manage nstallations
This process is used to manage nstallations originating from various
The process begins with the requirement of managing installations.
After an installation has been defined in the system, servicings, contracts,
and warranties can be assigned to it. Because installation data is used in
various business objects, entering these installations is the first step after
selling items, or when an agreement for servicing customer installations
has been signed. The two most important session are listed as follows:
n the Maintain nstallation Types (tssma1101m000) session, installation
types defining features shared by a group of installations are entered. A
one-to-one relationship can exist between an installation and installation
n the Maintain nstallations (tssma1102m000) session, nstallations must
be defined because objects for servicings must be uniquely identified.
nstallations are end products linked to a customer location. n this session,
each installation is manually recorded or updated. Contract data can only
be assigned to an installation in the Maintain nstallations by Contract
(tssma2182m000) session.
The process results in managing nstallations originating from various
Manage InstaIIations in Baan IVc
The objective of this process is to manage nstallations originating from
various sources. The process proceeds in Baan Vc in the following
This process is useful to Generate InstaIIations from Sales processes.
nstallations can be manually added. Components can be added to the
installations to define a two level installation structure.
The process results in managing nstallations originating from various
sources in Baan Vc .
Manage InstaIIations in ERP LN 6.1
The objective of this process is to manage nstallations originating from
Service and Maintenance | 8-41
various sources. The process proceeds in ERP LN 6.1 in the following

n ERP LN 6.1 , multi-level installations can be managed, which consist

of Physical Breakdowns (tscfg2110m000) structures, made of
Serialized tems (tscfg2100m000). These items are independent of
CIusters or PhysicaI Breakdown structures, and consist of
SeriaIized Items which are part of Cluster - Lines (tsbsc1110m000).

t is possible to CreatePhysical Breakdowns (tscfg2110m000)

structures using sales deliveries from the Sales order lines.

t is also possible to Create Physical Breakdown structures from

As-BuiIt structures.
The process results in the managing of nstallation Data originating from
various sources in ERP LN 6.1 .
Manage nstallation Type Data
This process is used to maintain various details defined by the installation
The process begins with the requirement of maintaining various details
defined by the installation type.
This is a major process and contains a number of processes within itself
which are as follows:

Maintain nstallation Types.

Maintain tems by nstallation Type.

Maintain Periodic Maintenance by nstallation Type.

Maintain nstallation Types by Service Package.

Maintain Skills by nstallation Type.

Maintain Symptoms by nstallation Type.

Maintain Priorities.

Maintain Response Time for Priority Range.

The process results in the maintaining of various details defined by the
installation type.
Manage InstaIIation Type Data in Baan IVc
The objective of this process is to maintain various details defined by the
installation type. The process proceeds in Baan Vc in the following
This process is useful in maintaining various data such as Items by
8-42 | Service and Maintenance
InstaIIation types, Periodic maintenance by instaIIation types, SkiIIs
by InstaIIation types, Symptoms by InstaIIation types, Service
packages, Priorities and Time scaIe ranges.
The above process results in the maintaining of various details defined by
the installation type in Baan Vc .
Manage InstaIIation Type Data in ERP LN 6.1
The objective of this process is to maintain various details defined by the
installation type. The process proceeds in ERP LN 6.1 in the following
n ERP LN 6.1 , the term nstallation type is similar to Serialized tem
Groups (tscfg0110m000). Some details are directly defined by Serialized
tem types such as SkiIIs, and Service Items. Other details can be
defined in a different way such as ProbIems by Items and Service
contract tempIates by Items. Few other details can be defined directly.
The above process results in the maintaining of various details defined by
the installation type in ERP LN 6.1 .
Manage Reference Activities
This topic explains the process of accomplishing the managing of
Reference Activities.
This process starts with the requirement to manage Reference Activities.
This process describes the steps needed to to the following:

Maintain Servicings.

Maintain tems by Servicings.

This process results in managing Reference Activities.
Manage Reference Activities in Baan IVc
TThe objective of this process is to manage Reference Activities. n order
to manage Reference Activities inin Baan Vc , the following steps are
1. First, the Reference Activities have to be maintained.
2. n order to do this, the Periodic Maintenance has to be done. The data
in the tssma1120m000 : Maintain Servicings session has to be
3. f yes, the data in the tssma1121m000 : Maintain tems by Servicing
Service and Maintenance | 8-43
session has to be maintained.
4. With all these actions performed, the Reference Activities are said to
be managed.
The above process results in managing Reference Activities in Baan Vc
Manage Reference Activities in ERP LN 6.1
The objective of this process is to manage Reference Activities. n order to
manage Reference Activities in ERP LN 6.1 , the following steps are taken:
1. First, the Reference Activities have to be maintained.
2. n order to do this, data in the Reference Activities (tsacm1101m000)
session has to be maintained.
3. f yes, data in the Reference Activity - Resource Requirements
(tsacm2120m000) session has to be maintained.
4. With all these actions performed, the Reference Activities are said to
be managed.
The above process results in managing Reference Activities in ERP LN 6.1
Manage Service Orders
This process is used to define and control Service Orders and related
The process begins with the requirement of controlling Service Orders and
related details.
This is a major process and contains a number of processes within itself
which are as follows:

Maintain Location Details.

Plan Service Orders.

Control Service Order Execution.

The process results in controlling Service Orders and related details.
Manage Service Orders in Baan IVc
The objective of this process is controlling Service Orders and related
details. This main process has many other processes as a part of it. The
main process proceeds in the following manner in Baan Vc :
This is one of the main operational processes which enables the handling
8-44 | Service and Maintenance
of service orders right from the definition to completion through planning
and controlling phases but without including the invoicing or costing
The above process results in controlling the Service Orders and related
details in Baan Vc .
Manage Service Orders in ERP LN 6.1
The objective of this process is controlling Service Orders and related
details. This main process has many other processes as a part of it. The
main process proceeds in the following manner in ERP LN 6.1 :
n ERP LN 6.1 , process flows are possible in order to achieve the
procedures of service order definition, planning/scheduling, appointments,
control and completion. Process flows are also possible for financial
The above process results in controlling the Service Orders and related
details in ERP LN 6.1 .
Manage Warranty Terms
This process is used to define proper warranty data and appropriately
linking it to the installations.
The process begins with the requirement of defining proper warranty data
and appropriately linking it to the installations.
This is a process which involves a few actions which are as follows:

Manage nstallation Types.

Manage nstallations.

Maintain Components.

Maintain nstallation Components.

The process results in defining proper warranty data and appropriately
linking it to the installations.
Manage Warranty Terms in Baan IVc
The objective of this process is to define proper warranty data and
appropriately link it to the installations. The process proceeds in Baan Vc
in the following manner:
This process is used to define different Warranty templates with terms.
This is followed by scrutinizing the InstaIIation details, such as the
Service and Maintenance | 8-45
InstaIIation type, nstallation details, InstaIIation components, and
assigning appropriate warranties to each of them.
The process results in defining proper warranty data and appropriately
linking it to the installations in Baan Vc .
Manage Warranty Terms in ERP LN 6.1
The objective of this process is to define proper warranty data and
appropriately link it to the installations. The process proceeds in ERP LN
6.1 in the following manner:
n ERP LN 6.1 , the Warranties (tsctm0120m000) templates can be
defined with coverage terms and linked with Service Items as default
When the Physical Breakdowns (tscfg2110m000) structures are created,
these warranties are defaulted. By studying the structure and individual
Serialized tems (tscfg2100m000), warranty can be controlled by the of
linking proper warranty templates and relevant dates.
The process results in defining proper warranty data and appropriately
linking it to the installations in ERP LN 6.1 .
Master Tables for Service
This topic explains how Service Tables are maintained.
This process begins with the requirement to maintain Service Tables.
This process describes the steps needed to maintain the following:

ZP Code Ranges.

Location Types.

Contract Types.

Renewal Types.


Service Areas.


Maintain Technicians by Service Area.

Master TabIes for Service in Baan IVc
The objective of this process is the maintenance of Service Tables. The
process of maintenance in Baan Vc proceeds in the following manner.
1. First, the Service Tables have to be maintained.
8-46 | Service and Maintenance
2. n order to do that the user has to decide upon the action to be taken.
3. The data in the tssma1111m000: Maintain Service Areas session is
maintained and the maintenance action is performed.
4. Then, the data in the tssma3104m000 : Maintain Priorities session has
to be maintained. Once this action is performed, the data in the
tssma4114m000 :Maintain Response Time for Priority Range is also
5. This is followed by maintenance of data in the tssma1112m000 :
Maintain ZP Code Ranges session.
6. Next, the data in the tssma2130m000 : Maintain Periods session has to
be maintained.
7. This is followed by the maintenance of data in the
tssma1114m000:Maintain Location Types session.
8. Next, the data in the tssma2124m000 : Maintain Contract Types
session has to be maintained. Once this action is performed, the data
in the tssma2123m000 : Maintain Renewal Types session is also
9. Then, the data in the tssma1212m000 : Reallocate Service Areas
session has to be maintained. This is a process session and the
purpose of this session is to reallocate Service Areas based on the
changed Zip Code ranges.
10. Finally, the data in the tirou0103m000 : Maintain Tasks session has to
be maintained. n addition, the hourly rates must be defined in the
Maintain Hourly Rates (tssma3120m000) session. Exception rates by
customer should also be entered in the Maintain Hourly Rates by
Customer (tssma3121m000) session.
11. With all the above actions taken, the maintenance of Service Tables in
Baan Vc is said to be complete.
Master TabIes for Service in ERP LN 6.1
The objective of this process is the maintenance of Service Tables. The
process of maintenance in ERP LN 6.1 proceeds in the following manner:
1. First, the Service Tables have to be maintained.
2. n order to do that the user has to decide upon the action to be taken.
3. The data in the Service Areas (tsmdm1105m000) session is
maintained and the maintenance action is performed.
4. This is followed by the data maintained in the Priority Time Scale
(tsclm0124m000) session.
5. The data in the ZP Code Ranges (tsmdm1125m000) session is
maintained, and the action is said to be perfomed.
6. This is followed by the data maintained in the Periods (tfgld0105s000)
(tfgld0105m000) session. Here too the action is said to be performed.
Service and Maintenance | 8-47
Periods in Baan Vc are used for Maintenance Plan and Contract
7. The data in the Clusters (tsbsc1100m000) session is maintained and
the action performed. There is no corresponding session for Location
Types in ERP LN 6.1 .
8. The data in the Contract Types (tsctm0105m000) session is
maintained and the action is said to be performed.
9. The data in the Update Engineer and Location Address
(tscfg2700m000) session is maintained and the action performed.
10. The data in Tasks (tsmdm0115m000) session is maintained and the
action performed. The labor rates is used (by default) to calculate labor
costs for services carried out in the service area. Selected from the
Labor Rates (tcppl0191m000). However, as of now the Labor Rate
Codes are not being migrated from Tasks in Baan Vc to Labor Rate
Codes (tcppl0190m000) in ERP LN 6.1 .
11. With all these actions performed, the Service Tables are said to be
The above process results in the maintenance of Service Tables in ERP
LN 6.1 .
f Service Contracts are used, then Contract Types, Update Engineer and
Location Address sessions are maintained.
Other master tables relevant for this process are as follows:

Employees - Service (tsmdm1140m000)

Service Department

User Profiles (tsmdm1150m000)

Plan Periodic Maintenance
This process is used to create maintenance plans and handle them as
orders for execution.
The process begins with the requirement of creating maintenance plans
and handle them as orders for execution.
This is a process which involves a few other processes which are as

Create Periodic Maintenance Plan.

Generate Periodic Maintenance Plan.

The process results in creating maintenance plans and handle them as
8-48 | Service and Maintenance
orders for execution.
PIan Periodic Maintenance in Baan IVc
The objective of this process is to create maintenance plans and handle
them as orders for execution. The process proceeds in Baan Vc in the
following manner:
This process is useful in creating Periodic Maintenance PIans, handle
their reviews, and Generate Service Orders for the confirmed plans.
The above process results in creating maintenance plans and handling
them as orders for execution in Baan Vc .
PIan Periodic Maintenance in ERP LN 6.1
The objective of this process is to create maintenance plans and handle
them as orders for execution. The process proceeds in ERP LN 6.1 in the
following manner:
n ERP LN 6.1 , Periodic as well as Use Based maintenance plans can be
generated and reviewed for details. New Service orders can be generated
for each PIan Iine, or a group of them could be linked to an existing
service order upon confirmation of the plan.
The above process results in creating maintenance plans and handling
them as orders for execution in ERP LN 6.1 .
Plan Service Orders
This sub-process is used to plan and prepare Service Orders for
The sub-process begins with the requirement to plan and prepare Service
Orders for execution. This is a sub-process which involves a few actions
which are as follows:

Periodic Maintenance.

Maintain Service Order Cost Estimate.

Maintain Service Orders.

This sub-process results in the planning and preparing of Service Orders
for execution.
PIan Service Orders in Baan IVc
Service and Maintenance | 8-49
The objective of this sub-process is to plan and prepare Service Orders for
execution. The process in Baan Vc covers the following:

This sub-process can be used to combine calls with Periodic

Maintenance plans.

t is also used to check inventory, or to seek appointments with the

customers, and PIan the Service Order with appropriate PIanning of

f required PIanned Purchase Orders can be generated through this

Plan Service Orders (tssma3158m000) f more than one technician is
necessary for the job, this session is used for assigning technicians to a
service order. One or more technician can be selected. The first selected
technician is checked for the required items, and in case of shortage, the
car/warehouse of the first technician is replenished from a central
warehouse. The first technician is seen as a foreman who is responsible
for the materials.
This sub- process results in the planning and preparing of Service Orders
for execution in Baan Vc .
PIan Service Orders in ERP LN 6.1
The objective of this sub-process is to plan and prepare Service Orders for
execution. The process in ERP LN 6.1 covers the following:

n ERP LN 6.1 , there are 3 levels of planning.

The first level is long term planning while handling Planned Activity -
Costs Overview (tsspc2513m000).

The second level is short term planning while handling Calls

(tsclm1500m000) to be executed as Service Orders (tssoc2100m000).

The third level is handling Service Orders (tssoc2100m000) in terms of

planning for resources through GIobaI SRP.

For items that can be purchased, purchase orders can be generated by

the planning process.
This sub- process results in the planning and preparing of Service Orders
for execution in ERP LN 6.1 .
Prepare Service Order Pre-execution
This sub-process is carried out to handle situations that arise while
8-50 | Service and Maintenance
executing Service Orders.
The sub-process begins with the requirement of executing Service Orders.
This is a sub-process which involves a few actions which are as follows:

Maintain Service Orders.

Maintain Technicians' Daily Planning.

Maintain Working Time Tables by Technician.

Maintain Service Order Cost Estimate.

Maintain Service Orders.

The process results in handling situations that arise while executing
Service Orders.
HandIe Exceptions in Baan IVc
The objective of this sub-process is to handle situations that arise while
executing Service Orders. The process proceeds in Baan Vc in the
following manner:
This sub-process is useful in PIanning Technicians schedules, adjusting
the schedules, and in scheduling appointments. t is also useed to add or
modify Cost Lines, or to CanceI Service Orders.
The process results in handling situations that arise while executing
Service Orders in Baan Vc .
HandIe Exceptions in ERP LN 6.1
The objective of this sub-process is to handle situations that arise while
executing Service Orders. The process proceeds in ERP LN 6.1 in the
following manner:

n ERP LN 6.1 all of these steps are supported.

t is possible to adjust plans of the technicians from the Service

Engineer Assignments (tssoc2105m000).

Cost lines can be modified for three cost types, namely MateriaI Cost
Lines, Labor Cost Lines and Other Cost Lines.

Appointments can be fixed for Service Orders (tssoc2100m000) or

Service Order Activities (tssoc2110m000).

f the planned order has to be cancelled, it can be done using Cancel

Service Order (tssoc2204m000).
The process results in handling situations that arise while executing
Service Orders in ERP LN 6.1 .
Service and Maintenance | 8-51
Record Work Performed
This sub-process is used to report the completed or closed orders. t is
also used to update orders, issue material and settle pricing amounts.
This sub-process begins with the requirement of reporting the completed
or closed orders.
This sub-process describes the steps needed to maintain the following:

Booking of Hours.

Booking Materials on the Service Order as per reporting.

Changing installation structure based on the actual changes made on

the field.

Any other updates such as textual information.

This sub-process results in the reporting of the completed or closed orders.
Record Work Performed in Baan IVc
The objective of this sub-process is the reporting of the completed or
closed orders.The sub-process proceeds in the following manner in Baan
Vc :

This is one of the most detailed processes in Service package which

allows the user to register details in the Service Order after execution
is completed.

Booking of Hours and ActuaI MateriaIs in the service order can be

performed as part of reporting.

nstallation structure can be changed based on the actual changes

made on the field by RepIacing components.

Any other updates like changing textual information can be performed

by this process.

Material Return lines can be registered manually.

The above sub-process results in the reporting of the completed or closed
orders in Baan Vc .
Record Work Performed in ERP LN 6.1
The objective of this sub-process is the reporting of the completed or
closed orders.The sub-process proceeds in the following manner in ERP
LN 6.1 :

n ERP LN 6.1 , the process of recording the work performed involves 3

8-52 | Service and Maintenance
types of cost lines.

Planning and scheduling are performed in a similar fashion as in Baan

Vc .

Some of the updates are taken care of automatically in the

background, due to the integration of Service with other packages.

Additional steps like entering the material return lines can also be

ssuing inventory for Service Orders depend on the delivery type used.

Textual information can also be recorded through this process.

Replacing components is handled by using the related Change

Physical Breakdown (tscfg2220m000) method.

Reporting work performed can be carried out in two sessions, namely

the Service Order - Lines (tssoc2100m100) and the other is Service
Order Activities (tssoc2110m000).
The above sub-process results in the reporting of the completed or closed
orders in ERP LN 6.1 .
Release Orders
This sub-process is used to ready the Service Orders that are to be
The sub-process begins with the requirement of readying Service Orders
that are to be executed.
This is a sub-process which involves a few actions which are as follows:

Select Service Job Sheets.

Print Service Job Sheets.

Maintain Technician's Daily Planning.

Maintain Service Orders.

This sub-process results in the readying of Service Orders which have to
be executed.
ReIease Orders in Baan IVc
The objective of this sub-process is to ready Service Orders which have to
be executed. The process in Baan Vc covers the following:
This sub-process is used to print selected Job sheets, then release the
order by selecting and planning for the technician, or when the order is
taken into hand.
The sub-process results in the readying of Service Orders which have to
Service and Maintenance | 8-53
be executed Baan Vc .
ReIease Orders in ERP LN 6.1
The objective of this sub-process is to ready Service Orders which have to
be executed. The process in ERP LN 6.1 covers the following:

n ERP LN 6.1 , Service Order documents can be printed using Print

Service Order Documents (tssoc2410m000).

Optimal allocation of technicians or optimizing a technician's schedule

is carried out by external packages.

Once a technician is alloted, the Service order can be released using

the Release Service Orders (tssoc2200m000).
To know more about Released Service Orders, refer to " To generate
service orders" as part of the Related Topics listed below.
The sub-process results in the readying of Service Orders which have to
be executed in ERP LN 6.1 .
Renew Contracts
The topic is used to process the renewal of a numerous Service Contracts.
This process begins with the requirement of renewing Service Contracts.
This is a process which involves a number of actions which are as follows:

Generate Contract Changes.

Recalculate Suggested Prices.

Update Contract Prices.

Copy Contract Data.

Generate Contract Changes.

Define Contract nvoicing and Costing.

The process results in the renewal of Service Contracts.
Renew Contracts in Baan IVc
The objective of this process is the renewal of Service Contracts. The
process proceeds in Baan Vc in the following manner:
n this process, selected Service Contracts can be renewed and expiry
dates extended. t is also partly possible to manipulate prices and set or
copy the terms of the contracts which are to be renewed.
8-54 | Service and Maintenance
The above process results in the renewal of Service Contracts in Baan Vc
Renew Contracts in ERP LN 6.1
The objective of this process is the renewal of Service Contracts. The
process proceeds in ERP LN 6.1 is that Contract Renewals are handled as
a part of the Contract Changes (tsctm3120m000) procedure.
The above process results in the renewal of Service Contracts in ERP LN
6.1 .
Replenish Service nventory
This sub-process is used to review inventory positions in the warehouses
and take adequate steps to replenish them.
The sub-process begins with the requirement of replenishing Service
This is a process which involves a few actions which are as follows:

Review nventory Levels.

Generate Order Planning.

Create Replenishment Orders for Service nventory.

Maintain Planned Replenishment Orders.

Confirm Planned Replenishment Orders.

Transfer Planned Replenishment Orders.

The sub-process results in the reviewing of inventory positions in the
warehouses and take adequate steps to replenish them.
RepIenish Service Inventory in Baan IVc
The objective of this sub-process is to replenish Service nventory. The
sub-process proceeds in Baan Vc in the following manner:
After a review of the Inventory position in the warehouses under purview,
it is possible to generate planned RepIenishment orders. They are further
processed to replenish warehouses and vehicles related to Service as a
part of this sub- process.
The above sub-process results in the reviewing of inventory positions in
the warehouses and take adequate steps to replenish them in Baan Vc .
RepIenish Service Inventory in ERP LN 6.1
Service and Maintenance | 8-55
The objective of this sub-process is to replenish Service nventory. The
sub-process proceeds in ERP LN 6.1 in the following manner:
n ERP LN 6.1 , this sub-process involves reusing some of the Warehouse
related processes, in triggering replenishment or Warehouse transfer
orders. This can also be done through Enterprise Planning for some types
of items. Visibility in Warehouse stocks is achieved by scrutinizing or
drilling down to tem - nventory Structure (whinr1550m100) and
Warehouses (whwmd2500m000).
The above sub-process results in the reviewing of inventory positions in
the warehouses and take adequate steps to replenish them in ERP LN 6.1
Set Up Service Master Data
This process involves the setting up of different types of Service Master
Data including Financials.
This process starts with the requirement to define Master Data for a
number of business functions.
This process describes the steps needed to define the following:

Basic Warranty Data

Basic Service Order Data

Basic nstallation Data.

Basic Long Term Planning Data.

Basic Short Term Planning Data.

Basic Service Contract Data.

This process results in data that has been defined to be able to use the
Service and Maintenance functionality Service package. This process
should only be executed during the initial implementation of the Service
Set Up Service Master Data in Baan IVc
The objective of this process is to set up and maintain the Service Master
Data as well as the order in which this data is to be used. The process
consists of options to maintain the following in Baan Vc :

General Service Data.

Basic Warranty Data.

Master Data related to Service Orders such as SPF Codes, Cost

Groups and Appointments.
8-56 | Service and Maintenance

Short Term Planning Data.

nstallation Data.

Master Data related to Contract Terms.

Definitions related to Financials.

The above process results in the maintenance and usage of Service
Master Data in Baan Vc .
Set Up Service Master Data in ERP LN 6.1
The objective of this process is to set up and maintain the Service Master
Data as well as the order in which this data is to be used. Most of the data
can be maintained in ERP LN 6.1 as there are equivalent definitions with
the following exceptions:

Warranty definitions are based on terms and not on grades.

Periodic and Preventive maintenance can be handled by using

measurements and counters.

Contract terms as master data can be defined better by using

templates at a master data level.

Financials are maintained by financial processes.

nstallation details are maintained by Configuration or Sales related

The above process results in the maintenance and usage of Service
Master Data in ERP LN 6.1 .
Specify / Adapt Contract Template
This topic explains the process to specify or adapt contract template.
This process starts with the requirement to specify or adapt contract
template. This process describes the steps needed to:

Maintain Service Package Parts

Maintain Service Package Components

Maintain Service Packages

Maintain nstallation Types By Service Package

Update Service Package Prices

Maintain Servicings By Service Package

This process results in specifying or adapting contract template.
Specify / Adapt Contract TempIate in Baan IVc
The objective of this process is to specify or adapt contract template. The
Service and Maintenance | 8-57
process proceeds in the following manner in Baan Vc :
1. First, the Contract Template has to be Specified or Adapted.
2. f yes, the Service Package Parts have to be maintained. To do this,
the data in the tssma2101m000 : Maintain Service Package Parts
session has to be maintained.
3. Then, the detailed specifications of the Exceptions have to be
4. f yes, the data in the tssma 2102m000 : Maintain Service Package
Components session has to be maintained.
5. f no, then the data in the tssma2104m000 : Maintain Service
Packages session has to be maintained. Package Parts are linked to
Service Packages.
6. f the nstallation Types / Service Package have to be maintained, the
tssma2110m000 : Maintain nstallation Types by Service Packages
session has to be maintained.
7. f yes, the recalculation of package prices must be carried out.
Recalculationis done if the user wants to update Service Package
8. f the recalculation of package prices are carried out, the data in the
tssma2110m000 : Update Service Package Prices session has to be
9. f the Contracts for Preventive Maintenance must be maintained, the
data in the tssma2112m000 : Maintain Servicings by Service Package
session has to be maintained.
10. f no, then the action directly moves to the Contract Template being
Specified or Adapted.
11. With this action, the process of specifying / adapting contract template
is said to be complete.
The above process results in specifying or adapting contract template in
Baan Vc .
Specify / Adapt Contract TempIate in ERP LN 6.1
The objective of this process is to specify or adapt contract template. The
process proceeds in the following manner in ERP LN 6.1 :
1. First, the Contract Template haa to be Specified or Adapted.
2. f yes, the data in the Contract Coverage Terms (tsctm1120m300)
session has to be maintained.
3. Then, the detailed specifications of the Cost Coverage have to be
maintained. Cost Term is a detailed specification of coverage terms.
4. f no, then the action directly moves to the Contract Template being
8-58 | Service and Maintenance
Specified or Adapted. n ERP LN 6.1 , Contracts for Preventive
Maintenance are not maintained
5. With this action, the process of specifying / adapting contract template
is said to be complete.
n order to maintain terms of a contract, the flow is as follows:

Define a Set of Contract Templates and their terms.

f required, define Reference Activities and their Resource


Define the Service Contract.

Define Configuration lines of the contract.

Now define Contract Coverage/Cost Terms using the Contract

Template/Reference Activity or Terms can also be delivered manually.
The above process results in specifying or adapting contract template in
ERP LN 6.1 .
Call Management (CLM) module - Differences B40c/B61
This topic describes the most important differences between the Service
AnaIysis ControI module in Baan Vc and known as the CaII
Management module in ERP LN 6.1 .
The functionality of the module in ERP LN 6.1 has considerably changed
to improve the ease of setup, the flexibility, and the overall performance of
Call Management as part of Service analysis management.
Service AnaIysis ControI in Baan IVc
The Service Analysis Control module is also known as the Symptoms,
Problems and Fixes (SPF) module. To work on SPF, the tables for this
module must be entered. Codes are defined for symptoms, problems, and
fixes in the analysis tables. Analysis of service activities such as the
Number of Orders by SPF Data, Costs and Revenues by Responsible
Employee, can be performed using these codes. Response times of
service jobs can be calculated.
Service and Maintenance | 8-59
CaII Management in ERP LN 6.1
The concept is greatly enhanced in ERP LN 6.1 and is known as Call
Management. The codes are called Problems and Solutions instead. They
are used to diagnose the complaints from customers. n addition a lot of
new functionality has been built in to make this module more useful to the
end user.
n order to better understand the Call Management module, please check
the links listed in the following section.
Configuration Management (CFG) module - Differences B40c/B61
This topic describes the most important differences between the
InstaIIation ControI module in Baan Vc and known as the Configuration
Management module in ERP LN 6.1 .
The functionality of the module in ERP LN 6.1 has considerably changed
to improve the ease of setup, the flexibility, and the overall performance of
Configuration Management as part of Service installation management.
InstaIIation ControI in Baan IVc
n nstallation Control, the specific installations with their locations are
defined manually, and a periodic maintenance schedule is assigned to the
specific installation types. nstallations can also be generated from a sales
order. nstallation data is used as input for service orders. A contract can
also be assigned to an installation.
An installation consists of a combination of an item and a customer in the
Service (SMA/SPF) modules. These installations can be generated from a
sales order in the SLS module, or defined manually by entering the
installation data. n this first step of installation control, a link is made
between the Location/Customer and an installation. nstallation data is
imported from the Item ControI module and linked to an installation type.
An optional step is to define and replace installation components. A
component is an item with a serial number that can be assigned to an
installation. History by component will be created by the system. Site
Iocations where installations are situated can be defined for each
customer. The next step is to enter the customer site locations defined.
With this information, can assign a technician to a job by area and print
location data on the service order.
8-60 | Service and Maintenance
Warranties can be assigned when entering installations and/or nstallation
Components. n this optional step, definitions of the warranty terms can be
entered and the warranty percentages applied to each cost price
Configuration Management in ERP LN 6.1
nstallation control of Baan Vc is known as Configuration Management in
ERP LN 6.1 . n this module, specific Serialized tems along with their
clusters are defined manually. Serialized tems and their relations called
Breakdowns can also be generated from Sales Deliveries, ASC files,
Project Breakdowns, tem Breakdowns, As built structures and so on.
Clusters or Serialized tem data can be used in Service Contract, Call
Management, Service Order Control, Maintenance Sales Control and so
on. Parameters related to Configuration Management include Status
New and changed functionaIity

SeriaIized Item Groups and SeriaIized Items

Serialized tems (tscfg2100m000) consists of an tem and a Serial
Number and can be used to create Physical Breakdowns
(tscfg2110m000). t is also possible to have serialized tems, without an
tem being a part of it. Serialized tems can be optionally derived from
Service tems if the configuration controlled attribute of the Service
tem is SeriaIized. t is a new concept and allows the user to track the
item throughout its lifecycle, namely, production, testing, installation,
maintenance and so on.

t is possible to link Serialized tems to Clusters (tsbsc1100m000),
which is optional. Clusters or Serialized tems can be internal or they
are owned by the Business Partners (tccom4500m000) or customers.

PhysicaI Breakdowns
Optional procedures are available to replace, remove or insert
Serialized tems in Breakdowns, to change the ownership of the
Serialized tems. Serialized tems when generated by the system,
using different processes, can be set to dummy implying that they
should be actualized later on. Selected changes occurring in
breakdowns will be logged in the Physical Breakdown Log
(tscfg2515m000) which is a completely new session. Preferred
Engineers can be assigned to Clusters or Serialized tems, which will
form the basis while selecting the right Service Engineer when Service
Orders are handled. A procedure is present where the Preferred
Engineers can be linked to Clusters or Serialized tems.

Warranties (tsctm0120m000) can be assigned to Serialized tems.
Service and Maintenance | 8-61
Definitions of the Warranty terms can be entered and the Warranty
percentage applied to each cost type and so on.

FunctionaI EIements
Each serialized item in the breakdown can be linked to a Functional
Elements (tscfg0140m000), with a common function across the entire
structure, and can be used to group serialized items based on
functional importance. The user can find replacements based on
functional equivalence while one views alternative items depicted by an
augmented view of item breakdowns. This functionality has been
implemented in ERP LN 6.1 .
Contract Management (CTM) module - Differences B40c/B61
This topic describes the most important differences between the Contract
ControI module in Baan Vc and known as the Contract Management
module in ERP LN 6.1 .
The functionality of the module in ERP LN 6.1 has considerably changed
to improve the ease of setup, the flexibility, and the overall performance of
Contract Management as part of Service contract management.
Contract ControI in Baan IVc
Contracts can be defined, for customers, on various installations in Baan
Vc . Contracts can be used to manage and control the following:

Conditions of Servicings.

Response time by an nstallation Breakdown.

nvoicing Conditions.
Contract data is used as input for service orders to calculate response
time. After completing a service job, invoicing will be done using the
contract conditions.
Before entering service contracts, specific contract terms can be assigned.
n this business area, contract terms can be entered, including:

Response Time.

Service Package.


Servicings by nstallation Type.

n the Cost Accounting (CPR) module, cost price components can be
used to define contract terms at the most detailed level. Next, contracts
can be defined using contract terms and customer data in this business
object. nstallations defined in InstaIIation ControI can be assigned to a
contract. The contract price is based on specific cost price components
8-62 | Service and Maintenance
defined in the CPR module. n addition, budgets can be defined by
contract. With this business object, all contract conditions associated with
a customer can be defined, including the contract installments in the
service package. These installments are invoiced in the Contract
Invoicing business object.
When the link to Finance is active, financial transactions can be posted to
Baan Vc Finance. Before creating transactions, ledger accounts must be
defined in the GeneraI Ledger module for service contracts when the
system is implemented. A contract can be renewed after it has expired.
Prices can be updated before renewing, and contracts can be updated
automatically. The most important historical contract data is stored in the
Contract History business object. Contract History (Financials) gets
created after Service Orders are posted to history.
New and changed functionaIity in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , contracts can be defined for Business Partners
(tccom4100s000) for their Clusters (tsbsc1100m000), Serialized tems
(tscfg2100m000), and Service tem Group (tsmdm2110m000). Contracts
can be used to manage and control the following:

The conditions and details of servicings.

Limits of obligations for different cost types and cost components.

The nvoicing conditions.

Additionally, Contract Revenue Recognition concepts can be used in ERP
LN 6.1 optionally. Contract data is used to determine different obligations
while executing and invoicing Calls (tsclm1500m000), Service Order -
Lines (tssoc2100m100) and Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000).
Before entering Service Contracts, the parameters and master data
specific to Contract Management must be entered. The parameters include
the following:

Number groups.

History setting.

Gross margin.

Revenue recognition related settings.

Various master data details include the following:

Contract Types (tsctm0105m000)

nstallment Templates (tsctm4110m000)

Contract tem Price Lists (tsctm0115m000)

Contract Discount Schemes (tsctm0110m000)

Warranties (tsctm0120m000)
Service and Maintenance | 8-63

Contract Templates (tsctm0150m000)

Contract Quotations is a different entity in ERP LN 6.1 . They have their
own life cycle with the following statuses:





Contract can be defined using Contract Terms. There can be more
Clusters, Serialized tems or Service tems linked to a Contract or
Quotation. The contract price can be calculated using different pricing
methods such as:

Sales Value of Configuration.

tem Pricing.

Budgeted Service Costs.

With this Business Object, all contract conditions associated with a
customer can be defined including Contract nstallments and/or Revenue
Recognition information. These nstallments are invoiced using Central
nvoicing module. Revenue Recognition lines when recognized will update
in Finance directly. Detailed contract definition includes linking the

Clusters (tsbsc1100m000)

Serialized tems (tscfg2100m000)

Service tems.

Coverage terms.

Cost Terms.
These steps are common for Contract Quotations (tsctm2100m000) as
well as Service Order Quotations (tssoc1100m000). Contract Templates
(tsctm0150m000), Warranty Template and Serialized tem Warranty
definition includes defining Coverage Terms and Cost Terms. Contracts
can undergo different changes while under execution such as IncidentaI
Changes, Contract RenewaI, and Indexation. The most important
historical contract data is stored in the Contract History business object.
Master Data Management (MDM) module - Differences B40c/B61
This topic describes the most important differences between the Service
TabIes module in Baan Vc and known as the Master Data Management
module in ERP LN 6.1 .
8-64 | Service and Maintenance
The functionality of the module in ERP LN 6.1 has considerably changed
to improve the ease of setup, the flexibility, and the overall performance of
Master Data Management as part of Service data management.
Service TabIes in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , before the user starts working on the Service modules,
certain parameters must be established and the service tables of the
company data must be entered. When the link to Finance is active, the
financial tables must also be defined. This setup data is used in the
Service (SMA/SPF) modules to realize more efficient flows through the
The business flow starts by setting Service parameters to define the
system to fit company requirements and conditions. This includes the
working time of the Service Department, the Response Time Grades, the
documents required to be printed, and whether the link to Baan Vc
Finance is active or not. After setting Service parameters, the Service
tables must be entered. Frequently used data is stored using an
alphanumeric code in the tables. These codes are used in various
sessions in the Service module. The following tables are defined: Areas,
Zip Code Ranges, Priorities, Order Types, Contract Types, and
RenewaI Types.
Master Data Management in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , before the user starts working on the Service modules,
certain parameters must be established and the service tables of the
company data must be entered. Based on the Packages implemented, the
integrations are possible, for example, Engineering Revisions are active,
Tooling is implemented, ODM is implemented and so on. This setup data
is used in the Service modules to realize more efficient flows through the
This business flow starts by setting Service Parameters to define the
system to fit company requirements and conditions. This includes Field
Service mplementation, Depot Repair mplementation, Time Units,
Traveling Rates and their set up, Search Engine/criterion, Sales price
search method and so on. After setting service parameters, the service
tables must be entered. n addition to the above mentioned fuctionality,
additional functionality has been built into ERP LN 6.1 to define tables.
New and changed functionaIity
Service and Maintenance | 8-65

Coverage Types
Coverage Types (tsmdm0135m000) are used as a differentiator for
coverage under various agreements, such as warranties, contracts, or
quotations. A coverage type is also used as a differentiator while
defining reference activities. You can use a coverage type to indicate
conditions under which coverage can be afforded to the customer,
under an agreement. By changing the coverage type in cases not
applicable when damage occurs to equipment because of a fault at the
customer site, then, simply by changing the coverage type, you can
deny agreement coverage. While Coverage type now deals with cost
coverage control, Service Type deals solely with execution control.This
functionality has been enhanced in ERP LN 6.1 .

Tasks (tsmdm0115m000) are a specification of short-term work carried
out by employees. This functionality has been further enhanced in ERP
LN 6.1 .

Checklists (tsmdm0140m000) provide a list of checks to be carried out
while performing an activity. These checks can be useful and can be
copied while carrying out service order or work order activities. n ERP
LN 6.1 this functionality is very well developed.

Measurements and Measurement Units

Measurement Units (tsmdm0160m000) and Measurements
(tsmdm0165m000) are used to assess use-based or condition-based
maintenance. Compared to Baan Vc the functionality built into ERP LN
6.1 is greater.

Paging Assignments
The MDM module enables the user to capture assignments. These
Paging Assignments (tsmdm1185m000) are planned allocations of
time that the user can use to speed up the hours -registration process
by loading the assignments on your timesheet. This way you could for
example, define a recurrent meeting to show on your timesheet. This
functionality has been built in ERP LN 6.1 .

Service Kits and Service Kit Types

A service kit can be related to a service warehouse or to a model. A
service kit can be used to store spare parts and tools that are required
for the repair activities of a specific asset. To carry out service on an
asset, ERP LN 6.1 can allocate service kits. Service Kits
(tsmdm1110m000), Service Kit Types (tsmdm1115m000), and Service
Kit Type - Parts (tsmdm1117m000) are advanced functionality that can
be found in ERP LN 6.1 .

Service EmpIoyees
Service Employee - Skills (tsmdm1135m000) are those who are used
mostly for service-related activities, such as in carrying out orders, or in
registering or handling calls. Each employee can be defined with user
profile details that are used during the transactions carried out by the
employee. Each employee can be listed with particular skills. These
skills can be general skills in nature or can be specific to a particular
8-66 | Service and Maintenance
group of serialized items.

Service Cars
A Service Cars (tsmdm1145m000) are mobile Warehouses, and have
similar definition and usage as a Service kit. ERP LN 6.1 provides the
interface to define all this data at a very detailed level.

User ProfiIes
Each employee must be defined with User Profiles (tsmdm1150m000)
details that are used during the transactions carried out by the
employee. This again is an enhanced functionality in ERP LN 6.1 .

Reference Activities and Inspection TempIates

This repository of activities is based on a service organization's
experience. These activities are service activities that can be executed
within a given finite time and also act as planning tools. Any activity can
be specific to field service, depot repair, or both. Reference Activities
(tsacm1101m000) are tagged with coverage types to provide visibility
into the type of coverage that might apply. A reference activity can also
contain details about recommended ways to execute, such as duration,
or suggested frequency of execution, or whether the activity is
recommended for subcontracting. Resource requirement lines can also
be defined that might be incurred while carrying out this activity. An
overview of the costs that might be incurred while this activity is carried
out is defined. n addition, while these activities are carried out, the
nspection Templates (tsacm3160m000) can also be specified, which
can give the recommended list of measurements to be considered
while performing this activity. nspections specific to a given product or
component, whose measurements can be recorded while executing
service activities. nspection templates are especially useful while
carrying out field service, or while carrying out service, which usually
involves significant movement of resources. This additional
functionality finds a place in ERP LN 6.1 .
Reference Activities are centralized in Master Data Management and acts
as a single repository for depot repair, call management, field service and
n addition, various other functionality are enhanced in ERP LN 6.1 as
listed in the Related Topics below:
RMA and Depot Repair module - Differences B40c/B61
The RMA - Return Material Authorization and Depot Repair functionality
together contain the Maintenance Sales Control (MSC) and Work Control
System (WCS) modules. This is present in ERP LN 6.1 .
This is a new functionality for Baan Vc users and has no equivalent in
Service and Maintenance | 8-67
Baan Vc .
New functionaIity
All the functionality in this module and its submodules is completely new.
The Maintenance SaIes ControI (MSC) module handles depot related
logistic and financial transactions. t supports the following:

Receipt and delivery of parts to and from the depot.

Sale of spare parts.

Exchange/replacement of parts.

Handling of loaners (temporary replacements).

Warranty/contract coverage.

Pricing and invoicing.

The Work ControI System (WCS) module is used to maintain work
orders. n order to understand this new functionality as well as
Maintenance Sales Control better, the Baan Vc users must refer to the
following topics.
Service Order Control (SOC) and Preventive Maintenance Control
(SPC)module - Differences B40c/B61
This topic describes the most important differences between the Service
Order ControI module in Baan Vc and in ERP LN 6.1 . n addition the
Preventive Maintenance ControI (SPC) module is integrated with
Service Order ControI (SOC)module to form the FieId Service
functionality in ERP LN 6.1 .
The Service Order Management business area is the heart of the Service
(SMA/SPF) modules. This area handles the service order flow from
entering to archiving service orders. n addition, service orders can be
created, estimates and costs calculated, the jobs and time of technicians
planned, and invoices created in this area . Various analyses of service
activities and financial analyses can be displayed after service orders are
Service Order ControI in Baan IVc
Before the service order procedure begins, certain data must be defined to
plan the service orders quickly and accurately, including the following:

Technician skills
8-68 | Service and Maintenance

Skills required by a specific nstallation Type.

This data makes it possible to plan the right technician for the job within
the allowed response time. A Service Order can be blocked at any stage if
a customer is not sure about the technician's skills. Service Order blocking
depends on a specific parameter setting. A signal can be used instead of
blocking the Service Order for unpaid customer invoices. For processing
Service Activities, documents can be printed based on the service
organization. n the Service Order Documents business object, the layout
of job sheets and appointment confirmations can be defined. The printing
of these documents is usually directed from Service Order planning by the
The Service Order Data business object is the heart of the service order
management business area. The service order procedure is handled and
begins with service order entry. After completing a service order, costs and
revenues are calculated, inventory replenished to service cars, and based
on contract conditions defined in the Contract ControI business object,
invoices are created using customer data from the Common Data (COM)
module. The service order data will be stored in Service Order History.
Between service order entry and job completion, the service job must be
planned and assigned to a technician. The Service Order PIanning
business object controls the following:

Planning of technicians.

Availability of inventory and assigning service orders to the technicians.

This business object is also active in the previous business object, Service
Order Data. The input of this business object is an unplanned service
order and the output is a service order with an In Progress status. When
planning a technician for a job, a check is made to see if the needed
materials are in the technician's service car. The working time of the
technician defined in the COM module is used during planning.
When the link to Baan VcFinance is active, the financial data of the
service orders can be transferred to ledger accounts after invoicing. When
the service order is linked to a project, the financial data is transferred to
the PCS module.
Data from all service activities can be stored in history. n the Service
Order History business object, there are numerous displays showing the
most important historical data of service orders. The information about the
history can be used to improve the service organization.
Service activities can be analyzed when the SPF module is implemented.
Service and Maintenance | 8-69
The service analysis graphically shows overviews of the symptoms,
problems, and fixes of service activities. This data can be used to manage
the service activities more efficiently.
New and Changed functionaIity in Service Order ControI and Preventive
Maintenance ControI in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 Service Orders can be created, estimates and costs
calculated, the assignments and time of Service Engineers planned, and
nvoices created in this area. Various analyses of Service Order and
Service Order Activities (tssoc2110m000) and financial analyses related to
Performance and Gross Margin are be displayed.
Parameters related to Service Orders include the following:

Number groups for Service Orders.

Service Order Quotations (tssoc1100m000)

Gross margin settings.

Default Service type for different origins.

Block/signalling setting.

ntegration with PCS Yes/No.

Labor rate search methods.

Paging settings.
Prior to starting the Service Order procedure, certain data must be defined
to plan and assign service orders quickly and accurately based on Service
Employee - Skills (tsmdm1135m000), calendars and so on. This data
makes it possible to plan the right engineer for the service orders. A
service order can be blocked in different stages of Entry, Planning and
Releasing based on the setting in Service Order Control Parameters. A
signal can be used instead of blocking the service order for unpaid
customer services or various other settings.
The service order procedure starts with service order entry. Service Orders
can be generated from different origins as follows:

Manual creation.

ERP Projects.

Planned activities.

Calls (tsclm1500m000)

Field Change Orders (tssoc5100m000)

Service Order Quotations (tssoc1100m000)

Tools refurbishment .

nspections (tssoc2550m000)
This module has integrations with the following:
8-70 | Service and Maintenance




ERP Project.

PCS Project.


Central nvoicing.
After completing the Service Orders, costs and revenues can be
calculated, inventory replenished to Service Cars (tsmdm1145m000) and
taking into account the prevailing obligations like Contract, Warranty,
Service Order Quotation, Project, Field Change Order and so on, the
nvoice is created.
The Service Order data can be stored in Service Order History. Between
Service Order entry and its completion, the service work must be planned
and assigned to Service Engineers. The service order planning/releasing
procedures control planning of service engineers, assigning service orders
to the engineers, searching for the availability of materials and so on.
Service engineer settings can be overwritten manually. Calendars will be
used in a hierarchy starting from more specific, for example an Engineer,
to the more generic, for example a Company. Financial data of the service
orders will be transferred to ledger accounts during Work In Progress and
as a part of the nvoicing. When the Service Order is linked to ERP Project
the costs are booked against the Project and nvoicing takes place via the
Project itself. n case of PCS Projects, Service will invoice the customer.
Features like Service Order Quotations (tssoc1100m000) and Field
Change Orders (tssoc5100m000) Field Change Orders are present in ERP
LN 6.1 .
The Preventive Maintenance Control (SPC) module also includes the
functionality related to Activity Management (ACM) module. The Activity
Management module is used to define the following:

To define Reference Activities (tsacm1101m000).

To define Reference Activity - Resource Requirements

Service Order Control (SOC) and Preventive Maintenance Control
(SPC)module - Differences B40c/B61
Service and Maintenance | 8-71
This topic describes the most important differences between the Service
Order ControI module in Baan Vc and in ERP LN 6.1 . n addition the
Preventive Maintenance ControI (SPC) module is integrated with
Service Order ControI (SOC)module to form the FieId Service
functionality in ERP LN 6.1 .
The Service Order Management business area is the heart of the Service
(SMA/SPF) modules. This area handles the service order flow from
entering to archiving service orders. n addition, service orders can be
created, estimates and costs calculated, the jobs and time of technicians
planned, and invoices created in this area . Various analyses of service
activities and financial analyses can be displayed after service orders are
Service Order ControI in Baan IVc
Before the service order procedure begins, certain data must be defined to
plan the service orders quickly and accurately, including the following:

Technician skills

Skills required by a specific nstallation Type.

This data makes it possible to plan the right technician for the job within
the allowed response time. A Service Order can be blocked at any stage if
a customer is not sure about the technician's skills. Service Order blocking
depends on a specific parameter setting. A signal can be used instead of
blocking the Service Order for unpaid customer invoices. For processing
Service Activities, documents can be printed based on the service
organization. n the Service Order Documents business object, the layout
of job sheets and appointment confirmations can be defined. The printing
of these documents is usually directed from Service Order planning by the
The Service Order Data business object is the heart of the service order
management business area. The service order procedure is handled and
begins with service order entry. After completing a service order, costs and
revenues are calculated, inventory replenished to service cars, and based
on contract conditions defined in the Contract ControI business object,
invoices are created using customer data from the Common Data (COM)
module. The service order data will be stored in Service Order History.
Between service order entry and job completion, the service job must be
planned and assigned to a technician. The Service Order PIanning
business object controls the following:
8-72 | Service and Maintenance

Planning of technicians.

Availability of inventory and assigning service orders to the technicians.

This business object is also active in the previous business object, Service
Order Data. The input of this business object is an unplanned service
order and the output is a service order with an In Progress status. When
planning a technician for a job, a check is made to see if the needed
materials are in the technician's service car. The working time of the
technician defined in the COM module is used during planning.
When the link to Baan VcFinance is active, the financial data of the
service orders can be transferred to ledger accounts after invoicing. When
the service order is linked to a project, the financial data is transferred to
the PCS module.
Data from all service activities can be stored in history. n the Service
Order History business object, there are numerous displays showing the
most important historical data of service orders. The information about the
history can be used to improve the service organization.
Service activities can be analyzed when the SPF module is implemented.
The service analysis graphically shows overviews of the symptoms,
problems, and fixes of service activities. This data can be used to manage
the service activities more efficiently.
New and Changed functionaIity in Service Order ControI and Preventive
Maintenance ControI in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 Service Orders can be created, estimates and costs
calculated, the assignments and time of Service Engineers planned, and
nvoices created in this area. Various analyses of Service Order and
Service Order Activities (tssoc2110m000) and financial analyses related to
Performance and Gross Margin are be displayed.
Parameters related to Service Orders include the following:

Number groups for Service Orders.

Service Order Quotations (tssoc1100m000)

Gross margin settings.

Default Service type for different origins.

Block/signalling setting.

ntegration with PCS Yes/No.

Labor rate search methods.

Paging settings.
Prior to starting the Service Order procedure, certain data must be defined
to plan and assign service orders quickly and accurately based on Service
Service and Maintenance | 8-73
Employee - Skills (tsmdm1135m000), calendars and so on. This data
makes it possible to plan the right engineer for the service orders. A
service order can be blocked in different stages of Entry, Planning and
Releasing based on the setting in Service Order Control Parameters. A
signal can be used instead of blocking the service order for unpaid
customer services or various other settings.
The service order procedure starts with service order entry. Service Orders
can be generated from different origins as follows:

Manual creation.

ERP Projects.

Planned activities.

Calls (tsclm1500m000)

Field Change Orders (tssoc5100m000)

Service Order Quotations (tssoc1100m000)

Tools refurbishment .

nspections (tssoc2550m000)
This module has integrations with the following:




ERP Project.

PCS Project.


Central nvoicing.
After completing the Service Orders, costs and revenues can be
calculated, inventory replenished to Service Cars (tsmdm1145m000) and
taking into account the prevailing obligations like Contract, Warranty,
Service Order Quotation, Project, Field Change Order and so on, the
nvoice is created.
The Service Order data can be stored in Service Order History. Between
Service Order entry and its completion, the service work must be planned
and assigned to Service Engineers. The service order planning/releasing
procedures control planning of service engineers, assigning service orders
to the engineers, searching for the availability of materials and so on.
Service engineer settings can be overwritten manually. Calendars will be
used in a hierarchy starting from more specific, for example an Engineer,
to the more generic, for example a Company. Financial data of the service
orders will be transferred to ledger accounts during Work In Progress and
as a part of the nvoicing. When the Service Order is linked to ERP Project
8-74 | Service and Maintenance
the costs are booked against the Project and nvoicing takes place via the
Project itself. n case of PCS Projects, Service will invoice the customer.
Features like Service Order Quotations (tssoc1100m000) and Field
Change Orders (tssoc5100m000) Field Change Orders are present in ERP
LN 6.1 .
The Preventive Maintenance Control (SPC) module also includes the
functionality related to Activity Management (ACM) module. The Activity
Management module is used to define the following:

To define Reference Activities (tsacm1101m000).

To define Reference Activity - Resource Requirements

Subcontract Management (SBM) module - Differences B40c/B61
This topic explains the most important functional aspects of the
Subcontract Management (SBM) module. This is a new module and does
not have an equivalent in Baan Vc .
The Subcontract Management (SBM) module is used to define subcontract
agreements related to the service provider's business partners. This
module is used by the CaII Management (CLM) module in ERP LN 6.1 .
New functionaIity
As this a completely new concept, it is important for the Baan Vc user to
go through the links given below to understand the new functionality of
Subcontract Management (SBM) as a part of ERP LN 6.1 .
Service and Maintenance | 8-75
8-76 | Service and Maintenance
Changed functionality
Hours accounting - Differences B40c/B61
This topic explains how hours accounting functionality present in Baan Vc
is implemented in the new People package in ERP LN 6.1 .
CentraIized hours accounting
n Baan Vc , hours accounting is performed in the hours accounting
sessions of two packages:

n Baan Manfacturing, in the Hours Accounting (HRA) module.

n Baan Project, in the Hours Accounting (HRS) module.

n ERP LN 6.1 , all hours accounting is performed in the Time
Management (TMM) module of People.
All employee-related data is now stored in the Master Data Management
(MDM) module of People.
An employee's budgeted hours will now be registered centrally. You can
now globally update employee hours, and globally approve/undo
Chapter 9
registered hours.
You can enter actual hours for the following:

General tasks


PCS Project

Production orders

Assembly orders

Service orders

Work orders
Hours budgeting
Hours are budgeted for an employee, team, and department. Differences
between the budgeted hours and actual hours can be calculated and
displayed for budget by employee. The advantage of the People package
is the centralized reports for budgeted hours and actual hours.
Hours approvaI and processing
The registered hours in People are related to the respective packages for
control, progress and tracking of tasks and activities. After the hours are
registered, (optionally) approved, and processed, the details are sent to
the respective packages.
n the People Parameters (bpmdm0100m000) session, on the Process
Labor Costs/Expenses tab, you can set processing options for hours
registered for any of the following:

GeneraI Task


FieId Service

Depot Repair

Update budgets with actuaI hours
After processing hours, you can update employees' budgets by using the
Update Budget by Employee with Actual Hours (bptmm3201m000)
ReIated data
With the creation of the employee data in People, all other related
9-2 | People
attributes and functionality that was previously (that is, prior to ERP LN 6.1
) moved to a separate module in Common Data, is now available from
within the People package.
Supporting details, together with employee information, that are also
maintained in the Master Data Management module, include the following:




Labor types

Labor rates

Working time schedules

n addition to the employee's labor rate, you can also create and maintain
customer-specific and/or project-specific labor rates, using the new Labor
Rates by Business Partner and Project (tcppl0192m000) session.
New functionality
Day-End Hours Accounting Processing (bptmm1205m000)
Use this session to close or activate hours transactions for the following
transaction types:

Production Order

AssembIy Order

PCS Project
For these transaction types, hours can be processed if the status of the
activity or operation is CIosed.
Click the DetaiIs button to specify additional employee selection criteria in
the Selection Details (bpmdm1800m000) session.
To reactivate interrupted transactions, select the Activate Interrupted
Hours Transactions check box.
FieIds Description
Close Hours Transac-
tions Up To
The date up to which you wish to set the status of hours transactions
to CIosed.
People | 9-3
f this check box is selected, you can enter a date in the Activate
Hours Transactions As Of field.
Activate Hours Transac-
tions As Of
The date as of which you wish to set the status of hours transactions
to Active.
This field is only available if the Activate check box is selected.
Activate nterrupted
Hours Transactions
f this check box is selected, the status of interrupted hours transac-
tions is set to Active.
This field is only available if the Activate check box is selected.
Approve Closed Hours
f this check box is selected, closed hours transactions with status
CIosed will be approved.
Process Closed Hours
f this check box is selected, hours transactions with status CIosed will
be processed.
This field is only available if the Approve CIosed Hours check box is
Commands Description
Spec. Employees
Selects all (active) employees in the Specific Employees
(bpmdm1140m000) session. As a result, the employee range fields be-
come unavailable.
Reset Selection
Cancels the selection of specific employees. As a result, the employee
range fields become available.
Starts the Selection Details (bpmdm1800m000) session.
9-4 | People
Print Hours and Expenses (Completeness Check)
Use this session to check the hours and/or expenses of a range of
Click the DetaiIs button to further specify the employee range.
To restrict the output, select the Print Exceptions OnIy check box.
FieIds Description
Check ReguIar Time
Check Regular Time
f this check box is selected,SSA ERP compares employees' actual
hours with the employment hours.
f this check box is selected, you can also select the Notify EmpIoyee
Lower Margin
The quantity below the employment hours which SSA ERP uses to de-
termine whether the actual regular time is an exception.
Upper Margin
The quantity above the employment hours which SSA ERP uses to de-
termine whether the actual regular time is an exception.
Lower Margin
The unit in which the regular time and overtime margins are expressed.
Check Overtime
Check Overtime
f this check box is selected,SSA ERP prints the actual overtime hours
that exceed the quantity specified in the Upper Margin field.
Upper Margin
The quantity above which SSA ERP considers actual overtime as an
Check Expenses
People | 9-5
Check Expenses
f this check box is selected,SSA ERP prints expenses that exceed the
amount specified in the Upper Margin field.
Upper Margin
The currency in which the expenses' upper margin is expressed.
Upper Margin
The amount above which SSA ERP considers expenses as an excep-
Print Exceptions Only
f this check box is selected,SSA ERP prints only the hours and/or ex-
penses that exceed the margins set.
Notify Employee
f this check box is selected,SSA ERP notifies employees whose re-
gistered hours do not match their employment hours, using the e-mail
address defined in the Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000) ses-
This option is only available if Check ReguIar Time is selected.
From Mail Address
The e-mail address from which notifications must be sent.
This field is only available if Notify EmpIoyee is selected.
Sort By
Specify the sequence in which the data must be printed.
Select either of the following:


Commands Description
Spec. Employees
Selects all (active) employees in the Specific Employees
(bpmdm1140m000) session. As a result, the employee range fields be-
come unavailable.
9-6 | People
Reset Selection
Cancels the selection of specific employees. As a result, the employee
range fields become available.
Starts the Selection Details (bpmdm1800m000) session.
To distribute team hours
You can register hours for a team, and thus have the hours distributed
equally among the individual members. You only need to enter the task,
enter an hour's total or a number of hours for each day, and distribute
these hours. f no error report appears, the distributed team hours line's
Hours Distribution Done check box will be selected. All team members
will be able to see the exact number of hours as entered for the team.
Changes can then still be made.
The leader of a team has defined in the hours accounting that 8 hours will
be spent by the team members on a specific task. The team leader
chooses Distribute Team Hours on the Specific menu to start the
Distribute Team Hours (bptmm1220m000) session. n this session, the
team leader specifies the team code, the year and period, selects the
applicable transaction types, and clicks Distribute Hours. Each team
member then receives an 8-hour line. The team members can edit or
approve these hours.

You can only register team hours if the view in the hours accounting
session is set to Team, Year, Period.

Team hours can neither be approved nor processed. You can only
distribute team hours among the members of the team.
To redefine budget granularity
n the budget sessions, to redefine budget granularity, you can use either
the RoIIup or the RoIIdown command on the Specific menu:

Redistributes the budgeted hours for the Period TabIe Code
parameter setting across the periods defined by the period table code
specified in the budget session, and recalculates the budgeted costs
People | 9-7

Redistributes the budgeted hours for the period table code specifed in
the budget session across the periods defined by the Period TabIe
Code parameter setting, and recalculates the budgeted costs
For the RoIIup and RoIIdown commands the following applies:

The direction ("up" or "down") is determined by the combination of the

Period TabIe Code setting in the People Parameters
(bpmdm0100m000) session, and the period table code specified in the
budget session.

Budgeted costs are recalculated based on the total number of

budgeted hours.

Both commands are only available if the two period table code settings
are not the same.

Either command is executed for the current year and the current
employee, department, or team.

Both commands will overwrite all budgeted hours.


The following period table codes exist:

PTC1: Quarterly definition, four periods

PTC2: Four-weekly definition, 13 periods

PTC3: Weekly definition, 52 periods

PTC3 is specified in the Period TabIe Code field of the People

Parameters (bpmdm0100m000) session.

Budget is maintained per quarter, while performance is tracked per

n this case, use the RoIIdown command to have the budgeted costs
calculated per week:
After you switch to the PTC2 period table code, use the RoIIup command
to redistribute the budget from the periods defined by PTC3, across the
periods defined by PTC2:
9-8 | People
Update Budget by Employee with Actual Hours (bptmm3201m000)
Use this session to update the ActuaI Hours field in the Budget by
Employee (bptmm3100m000) session.
Click the DetaiIs button to specify additional employee selection criteria in
the Selection Details (bpmdm1800m000) session.
FieIds Description
Period Table Code
The code that identifies the period table.
Commands Description
Spec. Employees
Selects all (active) employees in the Specific Employees
(bpmdm1140m000) session. As a result, the employee range fields be-
come unavailable.
Reset Selection
Cancels the selection of specific employees. As a result, the employee
range fields become available.
Starts the Selection Details (bpmdm1800m000) session.
User Profiles (bpmdm0102m000)
Use this session to specify general startup defaults as well as various
session-specific settings.
You can specify:

Startup defaults for hours entry and hours history sessions, including:

Startup Session

Startup View

Startup Period
For hours entry, you can set these startup defaults without accessing
the details session.

Default labor type and checks to be performed during hours entry.

Defaults for general hours and expenses.

Defaults related to:

People | 9-9



FieIds Description
Logon Code
The logon code of the user whose user profile is displayed.
Reference Activity
The default reference activity.
Cost Component
The default cost component.
Working Time Schedule
The default working time schedule.
Time Unit
The default time unit.
Cost Type
The default cost type.
The default task.
Cost Component
The default cost component.
Working Time Schedule
The default working time schedule.
Time Unit
The default time unit.
PCS Project
The default PCS Project.
The default activity.
Working Time Schedule
The default working time schedule.
Time Unit
The default time unit.
The default project.
The default element.
9-10 | People
The default activity.
The default extension.
The default task.
Cost Type
The default cost type.
The default expense.
Cost Component
The default cost component.
General Task
The default general task.
General Expense
The default general expense.
Cost Component
The default cost component.
The default department.
Startup Session
The session to be started after you click Hours and Expenses or
Hours and Expenses History in your SSA ERP interface.
Startup View
The sort order in the startup session, for example, EmpIoyee, Year,
The available startup views depend on the specified startup session.
Startup Period
The default period used in the startup session.
Check Employment
f this check box is selected,SSA ERP checks whether entered hours
conflict with the number of hours defined in the EmpIoyment field of
the Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000) session.
Check Overlap of Hours
f this check box is selected,SSA ERP checks whether entered hours
People | 9-11
Labor Type
The default labor type.
Commands Description
Print User Profiles
Starts the Print User Profiles (bpmdm0402m000)
9-12 | People
Changed functionality
This topic describes the different ways in which address information is
maintained in Baan Vc and ERP LN 6.1 .
Addresses in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , the addresses of trade relations, banks, factoring companies,
and so on are maintainted in numerous sessions, among others:

Maintain Customers (tccom1101m000)

Maintain Customer Postal Addresses (tccom1103m000)

Maintain Bank Addresses (tcmcs0120m000)

Maintain Factoring Companies (tcmcs0125m000)

n addition, in Baan Vc , you did not have much control over how the
various address fields were printed on letters and invoices.
Addresses in ERP LN 6.1
Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1
Chapter 10
Warehouse Management
n ERP LN 6.1 , all the addresses used by the company are defined
centrally in the Addresses (tccom4130s000) session in the Common Data
From the Address field of sessions in all SSA ERP packages, you can
zoom to the Addresses (tccom4530m000) session to select the address or
to create a new address. Therefore, separate sessions such as the Baan
VcMaintain Customer Postal Addresses (tccom1103m000) session and
the Maintain Supplier Postal Addresses (tccom2103m000) sessions are no
longer required.
For more information, refer toTo use addresses
Address formats
New in SSA ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , you can link an address format to every address. You can
define the address formats in the Address Formats (tccom4135s000)
For more information, refer toTo use address formats
Customers and suppliers
This topic explains how the concepts of customers and suppliers in Baan
Vc are implemented as business partners with customer roles and
supplier roles in ERP LN 6.1 .
Customers and suppIiers in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , trade relations are defined as either customers or suppliers.
Customers and suppliers are defined in the Common Data package in the
following sessions:

Maintain Customers (tccom1101m000)

Maintain SuppIiers (tccom2101m000).

Business partners in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , trade relations must be defined as business partners.
Whether the business partner is a customer or a supplier depends on the
roles that you define for the business partner. For example, for a customer
you must define the sold-to role and for a supplier you must define the
buy-from role.
10-2 | Warehouse Management
A business partner can have both the customer roles and the supplier
roles. The business partner role determines the types of transactions that
you can carry out with the business partner.
Business partner properties
The business partner definitions include many properties. The most
important properties are described here.
Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1
n Baan Vc , the customer and supplier sessions include fields for the
country, the address, the city, and the ZP code.
n ERP LN 6.1 , the Business Partner sessions contain an Address field in
which you enter the code of the address. You define the addresses in the
new Addresses (tccom4130s000) session. For more information, refer
Business partner roIes
New in SSA ERP LN 6.1 .
n Baan Vc , you define general data sucha as the customer' address, the
language, and the currency, as well as the transaction related data such as
the default warehouse to which goods must be shipped, the terms of
payment and the credit limit, on the various tabs of the Maintain
Customers (tccom1101m000) session. n ERP LN 6.1 , you define
general business partner data such as the name, the main address, the
language, and the currency in the Business Partners (tccom4100s000)
session. You define the data that is specific for each type fo transaction in
separate sessions.
n the business partner roles sessions you define the details for each role.
For example, for the sold-to role you define the price list and for the
invoice-to role you define the invoicing method.
From the Business Partners (tccom4100s000) session, you can start the
following sessions to define the various business partner roles:

Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4110s000).

Ship-to Business Partners (tccom4111s000).

nvoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000).

Pay-by Business Partners (tccom4114s000).

Buy-from Business Partners (tccom4120s000).

Warehouse Management | 10-3

Ship-from Business Partners (tccom4121s000).

nvoice-from Business Partners (tccom4122s000).

Pay-to Business Partners (tccom4124s000).

For details, refer to Business partners.
Business partner status
Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1 .
The business partner status indicates the actions that you can carry out for
the business partner. n Baan Vc , the status can be: Normal, Doubtful, or
Blocked. n SSA ERP , the business partner statuses can be: Active,
nactive, or Potential. n addition, for an invoice-to business partner you
can set the status to Doubtful.
For details, refer to Business partner status.
Business partner contacts
Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1 .
n Baan Vc , the contact is an employee of your own company, who keeps
the contact with your customer or supplier. n ERP LN 6.1 , the business
partner's contact is the business partner's employee with whom you
communicate about the transactions.
When you define a contact, you must assign the contact to the business
partner's roles. f you wish, you can define a different contact for each
business partner role.
You can define the business partner contacts in the Contacts
(tccom4140s000) session. For details, refer to To use contacts.
The business partner department
New in SSA ERP LN 6.1 .
f more than one sales office or purchase office do business with the same
business partner, you can specify separate business partner financial data
for each department.
n a multifinancial company structure, you can register the business
partner's financial data in the financial company that is linked to each sales
office or purchase office.
You can link the business partner to a department in the following
10-4 | Warehouse Management

nvoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000).

Pay-by Business Partners (tccom4114s000).

nvoice-from Business Partners (tccom4122s000).

Pay-to Business Partners (tccom4124s000).

For details, refer to Business partner departments.
The business partner's credit Iimit
Similar in SSA ERP .
For invoice-to and invoice-from business partners, you can set a credit
limit. f you enter a sales order for the invoice-to business partner, ERP LN
6.1 checks that the sum of the open orders, the open billing requests, the
open invoices, and the amount of the new order does not exceed the credit
You can set a credit limit in the following sessions:

nvoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000).

nvoice-from Business Partners (tccom4122s000).

For details, refer to The business partner's credit Iimit.
FinanciaI customer groups and financiaI suppIier groups
Similar in SSA ERP .
The financial customer groups and financial supplier groups are
implemented in ERP LN 6.1 as financial business-partner groups. n ERP
LN 6.1 , you can set up multiple control accounts for the financial business
partner groups. For details, refer to FinanciaI business partner groups
and to To set up controI accounts.

For invoice-to business partners, the Financial Business Partner

Groups (tfacr0110m000) session in ERP LN 6.1 corresponds to the
Maintain FinanciaI Customer Groups (tfacr0110m000) session in
Baan Vc .

For invoice-from business partners, the Financial Business Partner

Groups (tfacp0110m000) session in ERP LN 6.1 corresponds to the
Maintain FinanciaI SuppIier Groups (tfacp0110m000) session in
Baan Vc .
Parent business partner
Similar in SSA ERP .
n Baan Vc , you can define a distributed business partner organization in
Warehouse Management | 10-5
the Maintain Concern Structure of Trade ReIations (tccom3101m000)
n ERP LN 6.1 , you can define branches of one company as different
business partners. For example, the sold-to and the invoice-from business
partner can be different companies. f the business partners have the
same parent business partner, you can accept invoices from the
invoice-from business partner for sales orders from the sold-to business
To define a distributed business partner organization, you can select the
parent business partner in the Business Partners (tccom4100s000) main
session. The parent business partner links the business partners with
different roles.
For details, refer to Parent business partners.
Business partner type
New in SSA ERP LN 6.1 .
in ERP LN 6.1 , you can optionally use business partner types to group
business partners with similar characteristics, for example, members of the
European Union (EU) are subject to specific customs rules. You can block
or deblock sales and purchase orders for the business partners for each
You can define the business partner type in the Business Partner Types
(tcmcs0129m000) session and you can select a business partner type for
each of the business partner roles, in the various business partner role
SuppIier's 1099 DetaiIs
From the Pay-to Business Partners (tccom4124s000) session, you can
start the Pay-to Business Partner 1099 Details (tccom4126s000) session
to define the supplier's 1099 details.
Enterprise modeIing data
You use the enterprise modeling data to map the entities that you define in
BaanERP Common on the enterprise model defined for your organization
in the Dynamic Enterprise Modeler (DEM). For more information about
enterprise modeling, refer to Overview of enterprise modeIing.

InternaI business partners

10-6 | Warehouse Management
New in SSA ERP LN 6.1 . Enterprise units within the same logistic
company as your own, that act as business partners to your enterprise
unit. You must specify the business partner's enterprise unit.

AffiIiated companies
Similar in ERP LN 6.1 . Separate logistic companies that act as
business partners to your logistic company. You must specify the
business partner's logistic company.
Other business partners are not represented in enterprise modeling.
Business partner structures
Changed in SSA ERP LN 6.1 .
n ERP LN 6.1 , you can define a distributed business partner organization
by defining parent business partners to link the business partners with
different roles.
n Baan Vc , you can define a distributed business partner organization in
the Maintain Concern Structure of Trade ReIations (tccom3101m000)
The business partner sessions
n ERP LN 6.1 , the business partners and their roles are defined in the
Common Data package in the following sessions:

Business Partners (tccom4100s000). n this session you define the

business partner master data.

Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4110s000).

Ship-to Business Partners (tccom4111s000).

nvoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000).

Pay-by Business Partners (tccom4114s000).

Buy-from Business Partners (tccom4120s000).

Ship-from Business Partners (tccom4121s000).

nvoice-from Business Partners (tccom4122s000).

Pay-to Business Partners (tccom4124s000).

This topic is about invoicing.
Invoicing in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , invoicing was handled within each applicable package.
Warehouse Management | 10-7
Invoicing in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , invoicing for the various SSA ERP packages is performed
in the Sales nvoicing module of Central nvoicing.
Pricing data
This topic is about pricing data.
Pricing data in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , pricing and discount data was stored in the Purchase
ControI (PUR) and SaIes ControI (SLS) modules.
Pricing data in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 , pricing and discount data is stored in the Pricing Control
module of Order Management.
Purchase and sales statistics
This topic is about purchase and sales statistics.
Purchase and saIes statistics in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc , purchase and sales statistics functionalty was present in the
Purchase Statistics (PST) and SaIes Statistics (SST) modules.
Purchase and saIes statistics moved
Purchase and sales statistics functionalty has been moved to Pricing
Warehousing order history
Warehousing orders have a header with general order information and one
or more order lines. The order lines contain information about the specific
item and quantity. Each warehousing-order line consists of one or more
advice lines. These lines indicate which specific locations, lots, serialized
items, or effectivity units are assigned to the order line.
Update the history of the warehousing orders and lines by using the
10-8 | Warehouse Management
Remove Closed Warehousing Orders (whinh2250m000) session.
Delete the completed warehousing orders from the history by using the
Delete/Archive Warehousing Order History (whinh2255m000) session.
You can view the history of warehousing orders and order lines in the
Warehousing Orders History (whinh2550m000) session.
You can view the warehousing order history by inventory-transaction type
in the following sessions:

Assembly in Warehousing Assembly Order History (whinh2551m000)

Receipt in nbound Order Line History (whinh2560m000)

ssue in Outbound Order Line History (whinh2570m000)

Using warehouses
Warehouses are places where goods are stored.
You can optionally divide a warehouse in locations or zones.
Purchased and produced goods can be stored in warehouses. These
goods are retrieved from the warehouse later on for production, sales,
service, or transport to another warehouse.
To define warehouses
Warehouses are initially defined in the Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000)
session in Common Data. Here you can define addresses for each
warehouse and data that relates to its type.
nformation about warehouses that is only used in Warehouse
Management is defined in the Warehouses (whwmd2500m000) session. n
this session you can, for example, define:

Whether a warehouse is location-controlled.

The default location data.

Warehouses are used throughout all the modules of Warehouse
To register item data for each warehouse
To get information about item data for each warehouse, you can view or
report the item data by warehouse in the Warehouse - tem
(whwmd2510m000) or the Print Warehouse - tems nventory
(whwmd2410m000) session.
Warehouse Management | 10-9
The information that you can view or change in these sessions includes,
for example, the following:

Safety stock

Reorder point

Forecast method

Pricing information
tem data (by warehouse) is used to do the following:

Calculate the demand forecast

Advise purchase and production orders

Maintain purchase and production orders

Maintain inventory transactions

Using locations
Locations are the parts of the warehouse where the items are actually
stored. Locations can be assigned to an item or item group by means of
storage conditions.
Several types of location exist:

receiving location

inspection location

pick location

bulk location

staging location

reject location
Locations are used to do the following:

Control the inbound movement of items and generate inbound advice.

Control the outbound movement of items.

Enter inventory transactions.

Create cycle count orders.

Register items at locations.

You can specify locations in the Warehouse - Locations
(whwmd3500m000) session.
t is optional to define locations for a warehouse.
Determination of lead time
10-10 | Warehouse Management
When SSA ERP determines the default planned delivery date in the
Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000) session, SSA ERP also takes into
account the lead time. The lead time is determined as follows:

f the Ship-from Code is a business partner and the item is specified,

SSA ERP retrieves the business partner's internal lead time from the
SuppIy Time field and the lead time unit from the Unit for SuppIy
Time field of the tem - Purchase (tdipu0101m000) session.

n all other cases, SSA ERP retrieves the outbound lead time from the
Warehouse (whwmd2100s000) session.
To block and unblock
You can block inbound movement, outbound movement, transfer (receipt,
issue), or assembly of items at various inventory levels:





Serialized item
At each of these levels, you can impose a blocking for one or more
transactions. You can also (un)block inventory at these levels for all
transactions at once.
To bIock or unbIock zones and Iocations
You can (un)block all transactions on zones and locations using the
Warehouse - Blocked Zones/Locations (whwmd6110m000) session. n this
session, you can (partly) (un)block the warehouse inventory. Only
locations of types BuIk or Pick can be blocked using this session.
Use the Warehouse - (Un)Blocked Locations by Transaction
(whwmd6111m000) session to block or unblock specific transactions in an
entire location or a part of a location. Use the Warehouse - (Un)Blocked
Zones by Transaction (whwmd6112m000) to (un)block transactions at
zone level.
Use the Global (Un)Block Zones/Locations (whwmd6210m000) session to
(un)block a range of zones or locations at once for a specific transaction
To bIock or unbIock Iots
Use the tem - Blocked Lots (whwmd6120m000) session to (un)block lots
Warehouse Management | 10-11
for all transactions.
You must use the Warehouse - tem - (Un)Blocked Lots by Transaction
(whwmd6121m000) session to (un)block transaction types for lots.
You can (un)block a range of lots by transaction using the Global
(Un)Block Lots (whwmd6220m000) session.
To bIock or unbIock stockpoints
Use the Warehouse - Location - tem - Blocked nventory
(whwmd6130m000) session to (partially) (un)block stockpoints for all
To (un)block specific serialized items in case of a partial blocked
stockpoint, use the Blocking by Stock Point Serials (whwmd6135m000)
You can use the tem - (Un)Blocked Stock Point by Transaction
(whwmd6131m000) session to (un)block transaction types for stockpoints.
You can (un)block a range of stockpoints by transaction by using the
Global (Un)Block Stock Point (whwmd6230m000) session. Only locations
of types BuIk or Pick can be blocked by using these sessions.
To block goods that are at a receiving location or reject location (neither of
which supports stockpoints), in the Warehouse - Location
(whwmd3100s000) session, on the Transactions tab, select the BIocked
check box next to the appropriate transaction type.
To bIock or unbIock seriaIized items by transaction
Use the Warehouse - tem - (Un)Block Serials by Transaction
(whwmd6136m000) session to (un)block transaction types for serialized
Consequences of bIocking inventory
f you block inventory of an item for specific transactions, the item's
inventory on hold is not inreased; the inventory is just blocked for inbound,
outbound, assembly, or transshipment.
Blocking inventory for all transactions will raise the quantity of inventory on
hold and decrease the quantity of inventory available.
10-12 | Warehouse Management
f you block:

A stockpoint, SSA ERP also blocks the serial numbers of that


A lot, SSA ERP also blocks the stockpoint for that lot.

A location, SSA ERP also blocks the stockpoints in that location.

A zone, SSA ERP also blocks the locations in that zone.

Usage of bIockings used in SSA ERP
You can use blockings by warehouse, zone, location, lot, and stockpoint
when you perform any of the following:

Register the receipt of items

Control the inbound movement of items

Control the outbound movement of items

Enter inventory transactions

Create cycle-count orders

Create inspection orders

You can also block inventory as a result of the following:

Storage inspection orders

You can also block inventory if the items have not yet passed

CycIe-count orders
You can also block inventory if the items are included on a cycle-count
order. When you process a counting list, the inventory blocked for cycle
counting is automatically unblocked.
New functionality
nbound and outbound procedures
n ERP LN 6.1 , user-definable warehousing procedures control the
inbound, storage, and outbound goods flows in your warehouse.
A warehousing procedure includes various activities that determine the
way goods are processed in the warehouse.
The warehousing inbound flow comprises the following default procedures:
Warehouse Management | 10-13

The Receipt Procedure

The Inspection Procedure

For a description of these procedures, see Receipt and inspection
The warehousing outbound flow comprises the following default

The Outbound Procedure

The Shipment Procedure

For a description of these procedures, see The outbound procedure and
The shipment procedure.
To process the goods in ERP LN 6.1 , you can take either of the following

Process the warehousing order Iines that Iist the goods

f you process the warehousing order lines, by default, SSA ERP
processes the goods according to the warehousing procedure that is
linked to the warehouse order type of the warehousing order to which
the order lines belong. For individual warehousing orders or order lines,
you can modify the default warehousing procedure. For further
information on defining and modifying warehousing procedures, see
How to define warehousing procedures and How to modify
warehousing procedures.

Process the handIing units that contain the goods

To process a handling unit, the handling unit must be linked to a
warehousing order line. f you process a handling unit, the handling unit
is processed according to the warehousing procedure of the
warehousing order line. For each procedure step that a handling unit
takes, the order lines are updated in the background. To process
handling units based on these procedures, see Inbound procedures
and handIing units and Outbound procedures and handIing units.
nbound goods are listed on inbound order lines, and outbound goods are
listed on outbound order lines. nbound and outbound order lines are
generated from orders originating from other ERP LN 6.1 packages or are
manually created in Warehouse Management. For more information, refer
toTo handIe warehousing orders.
Depending on your data setup, handling units can be generated
automatically for inbound or outbound goods, or you can generate or
manually create handling units during any of the stages of the inbound and
outbound goods flow. For more information, refer toTo set up handIing
units and To generate handIing units.
You can view the progress of order lines or handling units during
10-14 | Warehouse Management
warehouse processing in the following sessions:

nbound Line Status Overview (whinh2119m000)

Outbound Line Status Overview (whinh2129m000)

Handling Unit Process nbound (whinh2113m000)

Handling Unit Process Outbound (whinh2123m000)

These sessions show the activities that have been performed for the order
lines or the handling units, and show the next activity that you must
perform. n addition, in these sessions you can perform activities that must
be performed manually.
To handle warehousing orders
Every inventory transaction in Warehouse Management is initiated and
controlled by a warehousing order. From a simple transfer to a complicated
receipt, one or more warehousing orders control the movement of
inventory and account for it. Warehousing orders can be generated either
manually in Warehouse Management or automatically from within other
SSA ERP packages or modules. For example, a sales order can
automatically trigger a warehousing order of type Issue. A purchase order
can automatically trigger an order of type Receipt. The nventory Planning
module of Warehouse Management tracks planned inventory transactions,
which are converted to warehousing orders.
Why warehousing orders?
Warehousing orders are needed to register different types of inventory
transactions. These orders are also needed to centralize warehousing
activities, such as the following:

Registering actual issues and receipts

Printing warehousing documents

Confirming and approving issues and receipts

Tracking warehousing transactions

Warehousing order characteristics
A warehousing order can contain multiple warehousing-order lines. Each
warehousing order line can contain only one item. The various order lines
of one warehousing order can contain different items or the same items.
The inventory transaction type of a warehousing order is determined by the
originating order from which the warehousing order results. f you manually
enter a warehousing order, you must manually specify the inventory
Warehouse Management | 10-15
transaction type.
The warehousing order type of a warehousing order determines the default
procedure to handle inventory transactions, but for individual warehousing
orders or warehousing order lines of this order type you can adjust the
default procedure. For further information, see How to define
warehousing procedures. For manually created warehousing orders, you
must manually specify the warehousing order type. For warehousing
orders generated from orders originating from other packages, SSA ERP
retrieves the warehousing order type as follows:

f the order origin is Purchase or Purchase ScheduIe and the order

origin has a purchase order type to which a warehousing order type is
linked, SSA ERP retrieves this warehousing order type for the
warehousing order. You can link a warehousing order type to a
purchase order type in the Purchase Order Types (tdpur0194m000)

f the order origin is SaIes or SaIes ScheduIe and the order origin has
a sales order type to which a warehousing order type is linked, SSA
ERP retrieves this warehousing order type for the warehousing order.
You can link a warehousing order type to a sales order type in the
Sales Order Types (tdsls0194s000) session.

n all other cases, even if no warehousing order type is specified in the

above mentioned cases, the warehousing order type is determined by
the inventory transaction type. You can specify the default warehousing
order type for each inventory-transaction type in the Default Order
Types by Origin (whinh0120m000) session.
To define warehousing order types
Warehousing order types determine how warehousing orders are handled.
Warehousing order types are classified by inventory transaction type. The
inventory transaction type that you add to a warehousing order type
determines the type of warehousing procedure that you can link to the
warehousing order type. The activities that must be carried out in order to
handle warehousing orders are, by default, determined by the warehousing
procedures that are linked to the warehousing order types.
Warehousing order types are linked to warehousing orders when
warehousing orders are generated from other packages or when you
manually create a warehousing order in the Warehousing Orders
(whinh2100m000) session.
Define warehousing order types
10-16 | Warehouse Management
n the Warehousing Order Type (whinh0110m000) session, you can
specify warehousing order types for the following inventory-transaction

Use a warehousing order type of inventory transaction type Receipt to
receive goods in a warehouse. You can link a Receipt Procedure and,
optionally, an Inspection Procedure to a warehousing order type of
inventory transaction type Receipt.

Use a warehousing order type of inventory transaction type Issue to
issue goods from a warehouse. You can link a Outbound Procedure
and a Shipment Procedure to a warehousing order type of inventory
transaction type Issue

Use a warehousing order type of inventory transaction type Transfer to
transfer goods between warehouses, locations, business partners,
projects, or work centers.
You must link the following procedures to a warehousing order type of
inventory transaction type Transfer:

Receipt Procedure

Inspection Procedure

Outbound Procedure

Shipment Procedure
A transfer involves either one or two warehouses. f items are
transferred between two different warehouses, all activities of the
warehousing procedures must be carried out. However, if a transfer
takes place between two locations within the same warehouse, the
receipt activities are not carried out. You can use transfer orders to
define a replenishment system within a single warehouse. This system
controls replenishment from bulk locations to pick locations.

WIP Transfer
Use a warehousing order type of inventory transaction type WIP
Transfer to transfer work from one costing work center to another.
Dynamic cross-docking
n SSA ERP , dynamic cross-docking enables users to create cross-dock
orders and cross-dock order lines at an ad hoc basis. Changes to the
cross-dock order and cross-dock order lines, including cancelation, can be
done at various moments in the cross-docking process. SSA ERP can
also automatically create cross-dock orders and/or a cross-dock order
Warehouse Management | 10-17
PuII system
Dynamic cross-docking supports a pull system. The cross-docking process
is initiated by creating a cross-dock order for an outbound-order line. For
this cross-dock order, cross-dock order lines can be created. The
cross-dock order lines are basically inbound-order lines. The outbound
order line serves as cross-dock order, while the inbound order lines serve
as the cross-dock order lines. The outbound order lines and inbound order
lines are linked to each other by creating cross-dock orders and
cross-dock order lines. n this way, cross-docking is initiated from the
outbound order line and the goods are pulled from the receipt location to
the staging location. Users can also initiate cross-docking from the receipt
line or inbound order line. However, a cross-dock order/outbound order
line is required to link the inbound order line to.
SpeciaI scenarios

One inbound order line can fulfill multiple cross-dock orders, that is, for
a single inbound order line, multiple cross-dock order lines for multiple
cross-dock orders can be created. ( Example 1)

Multiple inbound order lines can fulfill a single cross-dock order. (

Example 2)
ExampIe 1
Sales order line A, 100 pcs.; sales order line B, 75 pcs.; expected
purchase order C, 200 pcs.
For sales order A, create cross-dock order #1 with a cross-dock order line
for 100 pcs., corresponding with purchase order C.
For sales order B, create cross-dock order #2 with a cross-dock order line
for 75 pcs., also corresponding with purchase order C.
Order pcs. Cross-dock Order Cross-dock Order Line pcs. Purchase Order pcs.
A 100 #1 #11 100 C 200
B 75 #2 #21 75 C 200
The 25 pcs. remaining will not be cross-docked.
ExampIe 2
Sales order line A, 100 pcs.; expected purchase orders B, C and D, 40
10-18 | Warehouse Management
pcs. each.
For sales order A, create a single cross-dock order for 100 pcs., with two
cross-dock order lines for 40 pcs. each, and one cross-dock order line for
20 pcs.
pcs. Cross-
dock Or-
pcs. Cross-dock Or-
der Line
pcs. Pur-
A 100 #1 100 #11 40 B 40
#12 40 C 40
#13 20 D 40
The 20 pcs. remaining can either be linked to another cross-dock order, or
will not be cross-docked.
Warehousing assembly orders
Warehousing assembly orders are used to collect goods in order to
assemble them into one item. You can manually create warehousing
assembly orders in the Warehousing Assembly Order (whinh2101m000)
Warehousing assembly orders transform goods within the warehouse. A
warehousing assembly order, orders you to pick and combine a number of
items to produce an end item that remains in the warehouse. The bill of
materials for this operation is derived from the kit definition in the List
Components (tcibd3100m000) session.
When a warehousing assembly order is created, SSA ERP generates:

Outbound-order lines for each component of the kit to be transferred to

the assembly warehouse or location.

An inbound-order line to store the item to be assembled.

Performing a receipt on this warehouse order line registers that the
operation has been completed and the item to be assembled can be put
away as if it were a received item.
However, assembly can occur in an assembly location, though the
available inventory figures for the main warehouse will be inaccurate
Warehouse Management | 10-19
during the assembly process.
The assembled item is a list item whose components are registered in the
List Components (tcibd3100m000) session. A warehousing-order line of
type Issue is generated for each component.
You cannot delete a warehousing assembly order if outbound-order lines
are present. You cannot modify a warehousing assembly order if
outbound-order lines are present with status other than Open.
Every manual modification of the warehousing assembly order or order line
is registered in the Warehousing Assembly Order History
(whinh2551m000) session.
Multicompany warehouse transfers
Multicompany warehouse transfers enable you to use warehouse transfers
to ship goods between warehouses that belong to different logistic
The benefits of multicompany warehouse transfers are:

More transparancy about the inter-logistical company transfers to the


Fewer transactions.

You cannot use customized items in multicompany warehousing

orders, because the project data is not shared in the overall multisite
solution. For the same reason, you cannot use customized items for
project warehouses.

You can only use multicompany warehousing orders in a single-server

MuIticompany warehouse transfer setup
A warehousing order is a multicompany warehouse transfer if in the
Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000) session:

The inventory-transaction type is Transfer.

The Ship-from Type and the Ship-to Type are Warehouse.

The warehouses specified in the Ship-from Code and Ship-to Code

fields belong to different logistic companies.
n case of a multicompany warehouse transfer, the ReIated
Order/Company field in the Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000)
10-20 | Warehouse Management
session indicates the linked warehousing order of the other logistic
Order creation/generation
You can only create a multicompany warehouse transfer order in the
ship-from company. When you create a multicompany warehouse transfer
order, SSA ERP checks whether the companies are on the same server. f
so, SSA ERP also creates the warehousing order in the ship-to company.
Multicompany warehosue transfer order can be generated in the ship-to
company if one of the following supply systems apply:

Time-Phased Order Point


Order ControIIed/Batch

Order ControIIed/SILS

Order ControIIed/SingIe
The inbound-order line in the ship-to company is blocked until the
outbound-order line in the ship-from company get the Shipped status. f
the goods are shipped, SSA ERP unblocks the inbound-order line in the
ship-to company to enable the receipt of the goods.
f in the ship-from company an outbound-order line is created with a lot,
serial number, or effectivity unit the following scenarios are possible:

The Lots (whltc100), Serial Numbers (tcibd401), and Effectivity Units

(tcuef002) tables are shared: the lot, serial number, or effectivity unit is
known on the outbound-order line in the ship-to company, the
inbound-order line in the ship-from company, and the inbound-order
line of the ship-to company.

The Lots (whltc100), Serial Numbers (tcibd401), Effectivity Units

(tcuef002) tables are not shared: the lot, serial number, or effectivity
unit is not known on the outbound-order line in the ship-to company
and the inbound-order line in the ship-to company. The lot, serial
number, or effectivity unit is known on the inbound-order line of the
ship-from company.
Outbound Advice
You can only generate outbound advice for outbound-order lines which
ship-from company is the logistical company the user is working in.
When, in the ship-to company the goods are received by linking the
inbound-order line to the receipt, SSA ERP retrieves the following data
Warehouse Management | 10-21
from the shipment lines in the ship-from company:

Package definition (levels)


Effectivity unit

Serial numbers
n the ship-to company the receipt lines are created based on the shipment
lines in the ship-from company.
When, in the ship-to company, the receipt is confirmed, the received
quantity is also updated in the ship-from company.
n case of a multicompany warehousing order, SSA ERP maintains the
inventory as follows:

When, in the ship-from company, an outbound-order line is created or

changed, the ship-from company's allocated inventory is increased or
changed with the outbound-order line's quantity.

When, in the ship-to company, an inbound-order line is created or

changed, the ship-to company's on-order inventory is increased or
changed with the inbound-order line's quantity.

When, in the ship-from company, the shipment is confirmed the

ship-from company's allocated inventory is decreased and the in-transit
inventory is increased with the shipped quantity.

When, in the ship-to company, the receipt is confirmed, the ship-to

company's on-order inventory is decreased and the ship-from
company's in-transit inventory is decreased with the received quantity.
FinanciaI Bookings
n case of a multicompany warehousing order the financial bookings
related to:

The issue of the goods are logged in the ship-from company.

The receipt of the goods are logged in the ship-to company.

The receipt price that is needed for financial bookings related to the receipt
is calculated by use of the data of the ship-from company. However, if the
receipt price on the inbound-order line is specified, that receipt price is
Inventory transactions
n case of a multicompany warehousing transfers, planned inventory
transactions are created in:
10-22 | Warehouse Management

The ship-from company when the outbound-order line is created. When

the shipment is confirmed the planned inventory transaction is deleted
and an inventory transaction by item and warehouse is created.

The ship-to company when the inbound-order line is created. When the
receipt is confirmed the planned inventory transaction is deleted and an
inventory transaction by item and warehouse is created.
Handling units
A handling unit is a uniquely identifiable physical unit that consists of
packaging and contents. A handling unit can contain items registered in
Warehouse Management and can contain other handling units.
A handling unit has a structure of packing materials and items. A
handling-unit structure can vary from a simple box that contains a
particular number of items, to a more complex structure such as a pallet
with a number of boxes, which in turn can contain smaller boxes that
contain a number of items. A handling unit structure can consist of various
handling units related in a parent-child fashion. You can manually create a
handling unit structure for a given number of items, or you can define a
package definition in which you set up a template that determines the
handling unit structure for particular types of items. For further information,
see Package definitions and HandIing unit structures.
The use of handIing units
A handling unit is a single entity that is used to process goods in the
warehouse. As a result, you can use a handling unit to receive, store, and
issue goods.
To use a handling unit for warehouse processing, you must link the
handling unit to a warehousing order line, a receipt header or receipt line,
an inspection line, an advice line, or a shipment header or shipment line.
By linking handling units to warehousing order lines, receipt lines, and so
on, the warehousing order lines will represent both administrative
information, as well as physical information about the contents.
To link a handling unit to any of these types of headers or lines, generate a
handling unit for this line. For example, if you generate a handling unit for a
shipment line, you establish the link between the handling unit and the
shipment line. For further information, see To maintain handIing units.
Because users must be able to control item movements with as few
Warehouse Management | 10-23
keystrokes as possible, automatic identification of handling units is
possible. Therefore, you can attach a label to a handling unit. Defining
handling unit structures and scanning labels enables you to have a highly
automated execution of warehousing activities at receiving and shipping.
You can use both warehouse processing based on handling units and
warehouse processing based on order lines.
To make the handling unit functionality work in the preferred way, you must
define some master data and set some parameters. You can specify how
handling units are used for particular items, warehouses, and/or business
Label setup
You can maintain labels in the Label Layouts (whwmd5520m000) session.
You can print labels in the Print Labels for Handling Units
(whwmd5430m100) session.
You can use labels to uniquely identify handling units, for example,
containers, items, packages, and so on.
To create a label for a specific handling unit, in the Handling Units
(whwmd5130m000) session, on the Status tab, select the LabeIed check
f you use package definitions, you can specify that labels are
automatically created for specific parts of the handling-unit structure.
LabeI Iayouts
To create and maintain label layouts, use the Label Layouts
(whwmd5520m000) session. n this session, to create or modify label text,
select the appropriate label layout, then click or press CTRL-T.
The label layout can contain one or more field names from the tem Data
by Warehouse (whwmd210) table in the form of a variable name. These
variable names must be preceded by a hash, lb, and a dot (#lb.). On the
label, the variable name will be replaced with the value of the
corresponding field. You can use the following variables to be printed on a
10-24 | Warehouse Management
Warehouse Management | 10-25
VariabIe Description
#lb.advice Advice
#lb.ass.kit AssembIy Kit
#lb.ass.order AssembIy Order
#lb.blocked FuIIy BIocked BOM Line
#lb.complete CompIete
#lb.depth Depth
#lb.dim.unit Unit
#lb.eff.unit Effectivity Unit
#lb.gross.wght Gross Weight
#lb.hand.rmrk HandIing Remark
#lb.handl.unit HandIing Unit
#lb.version Version
#lb.height Height
#lb.counting BIocked for CycIe Counting FIoor Space
#lb.blocked FuIIy BIocked
#lb.volume VoIume Inventory Date
#lb.item Item
#lb.job.seq Job Sequence Kanban ID
10-26 | Warehouse Management
VariabIe Description
#lb.ln.station Line Station
#lb.load Load
#lb.location Location User
#lb.lot Lot
#lb.mission Mission
#lb.multi.item MuIti-Item HandIing Unit Weight
#lb.quan.pack Quantity of Packaging Items
#lb.visible Number of VisibIe Units
#lb.order Order
#lb.order.orig Order Origin
#lb.order.set OrderSet
#lb.from.huid From HandIing Unit
#lb.pack.def Package Definition
#lb.pack.item Packaging Item
#lb.parent.huid Parent HandIing Unit
#lb.parent.seri Parent SeriaI Number
#lb.order.line Order Line
#lb.quan.str Quantity
#lb.quan.inv Quantity
#lb.receipt Receipt
Warehouse Management | 10-27
VariabIe Description
#lb.receipt.ln Receipt Line
#lb.reference Reference
#lb.rejected Rejected Run Number
#lb.order.line.seq Packaging Sequence Number
#lb.serial SeriaI Number
#lb.shfr.code Ship-from CodeSuppIy Warehouse
#lb.shfr.comp Company
#lb.shfr.loca From Location
#lb.shfr.type Ship-from Type
#lb.shto.code Ship-to Code
#lb.shto.comp Company
#lb.shto.loca To Location
#lb.shto.type Ship-To
#lb.shipment Shipment
#lb.shipment.ln Shipment Line
#lb.status Status Transaction Date
#lb.unit Unit
#lb.volume VoIume
#lb.warehouse Warehouse
#lb.weight.unit Weight
10-28 | Warehouse Management
VariabIe Description
#lb.width Width
f you insert 'bc' between the hash sign and 'lb', such as[variable],
the bar code is printed, provided that the correct cartridge is installed. The
bar code is not displayed on your screen. You can print the label layouts in
the Print Label Layouts (whwmd5420m000) session.
Print IabeIs for handIing units
n SSA ERP , you can print labels for handling units. For high-quality
printing you can also use a label printing application, whose input is then
supplied by SSA ERP . Note that a label is not just a bar code, but usually
a combination of an item code and a handling unit number (both in digits
and in bar codes).
Use the Print Labels for Handling Units (whwmd5430m100) session to
print labels for handling units. The labels are printed according to the
layout as specified in the Label Layouts (whwmd5520m000) session.
Serial numbers are only printed on the label if:

The SeriaI Tracking check box in the tem - Warehousing

(whwmd4100s000) session is selected.

One serialized item is linked to the shipment line.

Serials are in inventory.

Package definitions
A package definition specifies how items must be packed. f you use
handling units, the package definition determines the handling unit
structure and the packaging details for the handling units used to pack the
items. f you do not use handling units, the package definition determines
the way items are packed.
Package definitions exist on two levels, a general level and an item level.
The general level includes general information on how items are packed
and how the packing is structured. The item-level package definition is
linked to an item, and the information on the way items are packed and
how the packing is structured is adjusted for the item, thus a general-level
package definition can be used as a basic template for item-level package
definition. The item-level package definition is used to generate handling
Warehouse Management | 10-29
units for order lines, receipts, advice, approvals, or shipments. For further
information on the use of package definitions, see The use of package
definitions. A package definition on both general level and item level
includes the following elements:

Identification code
Package definitions are uniquely defined by means of the identification

The description is a free text that can provide some easy reference to
the package definition.

Package definition type

The package definition type determines how you can set up packaging
structures for handling units and items.

HandIing unit tempIate

A handling unit template stores information as to the packing materials
used and the way the packing is structured. The packing materials
refer to handling units. f you use a package definition to generate
handling units for items listed on a particular order, shipment, and so
on, the handling units are generated according to the package
definition structure and the packing information defined for the handling
unit template of the package definition. This results in the creation of
the actual handling unit structures. Basically, a handling unit template
is a generic handling unit structure.
Package definition types
n SSA ERP LN , the following types of package definitions are available:

Fixed package definitions

Variable package definitions

Mixed package definitions

You can use fixed package definitions with or without handling units. The
variable and mixed types of package definitions are only available in
combination with handling units.
Fixed package definitions
The fixed package definition is the only type of package definition that you
can use with or without handling units. f you use handling units, the
package definition determines the handling unit structure and the
packaging information of the handling units used to pack the items. f you
do not use handling units, the package definition determines the way the
items are packed. A fixed package definition is used for the following types
of items:
10-30 | Warehouse Management

Purchased items

Manufactured items

List items

BOM items
A packing structure for a fixed package definition can include multiple
packaging items, but only one type of tradeable item. To use the previous
example, a pallet cannot include (packing materials for) sour cream and
yoghurt in addition to milk cartons. Therefore, a parent can have only one
child, as shown in the structure illustrated in the previous picture. f
handling units are used, a fixed package definition includes a handling unit
template in which the number of packaging items and items is fixed.
The user uses storage units from Common Data to define the number of
packaging items for each node. When a fixed package definition is linked
to an item, the following takes place:

SSA ERP LN uses the conversion factors of the storage units defined
for each node to calculate the fixed number of packaging items for
each node. For example, if the conversion factor for storage unit Pallet
and storage unit Box is 50, a pallet has 50 boxes. For further
information, see Packaging IeveIs.

The handling unit template of the package definition is copied to an

item-level handling unit template. The user can modify this structure to
adjust the structure for the specific item. For further information, see To
define package definitions.
Fixed package definitions are useful if items are always packed in the
same way.
VariabIe package definitions
A variable package definition is used to define handling unit structures for
the following types of items:

Purchased items

Manufactured items

List items

BOM items
A handling unit structure of a variable package definition can include
multiple packaging items, but only one type of tradeable item. To use the
previous example, a pallet cannot include (packing materials for) sour
cream and yoghurt in addition to milk. List items and BOM items can
include various component items, but you cannot specify how component
items are packed. For further information, see List items, BOM items,
and package definitions.
Warehouse Management | 10-31
The relations between the nodes of the handling unit structure are
user-definable. This means that, unlike fixed package definitions, you can
specify the number of packing items per node both on general and
item-level handling unit templates without referring to the storage units and
conversion factors defined in Common Data. n addition, you can define
various nodes with various packaging items for all nodes except the top
n this picture, box A and box B represent nodes 2 and 3, which are both
on the second node level just below the top level. The pallet includes 10
boxes of type A and 25 boxes of type B. Box A contains 50 items X and
box B contains 30 items X.
You can use the same variable package definition to define handling unit
structures for individual items and add or delete nodes and specify several
numbers of packaging items for the nodes. Therefore, this method is a
more flexible way of defining package structures than the fixed package
Package definition A consists of one pallet X, 15 boxes type A. Package
definition A is linked to item A, item B, and item C.

For item A, the number of items that is packed in box type A is 150.

For item B, the number of items that is packed in box type A is 100.

For item C, 10 boxes of type A are used, and 40 boxes of type B. 300
items C are packed in box type A, and 50 items C are packed in box
type B.
10-32 | Warehouse Management
Variable package definitions are useful, for example, for items that are sold
to various business partners with various packing requirements.
To define variable package definitions, see To define package
Mixed package definitions
Mixed package definitions are used to define handling unit structures that
include more than one type of item.
However, you can only link items to a mixed package definition on the
general package definition level. You cannot define mixed package
definitions on item level. Mixed package definitions are used to validate
manually created free-style handling units. f you manually define handling
units for multiple items listed on an order, you can validate the manually
created handling unit setup against a mixed package definition that
includes a handling unit template for those items and handling units.
Validating is used to prevent mistakes from being made when you
manually create handling units.
HandIing unit tempIates
A handling unit template defines how handling units are used to pack
particular items. A handling unit template includes a hierarchical structure
that consists of several nodes that are related in a parent - child fashion.
Each node represents a generic handling unit.
Warehouse Management | 10-33
For example, a fluid item such as milk is packed in cartons, the cartons are
packed in boxes of twenty cartons each, and 50 boxes are placed on a

The top node includes the whole structure. n the previous example,
the pallet is the top node.

A node that ranks higher than another node. A parent node includes
one or more children. n the previous example, the boxes are the
parent nodes of the milk cartons. At the same time, the pallet (the top
node) is the parent of the boxes, thus the boxes are the children of the

A node that is linked to a parent. n the previous example, the milk
cartons are the children of the boxes.
A node includes the following information:

The parent node to which the node belongs (except for the top node, of

The packing item that is used for the node. n the previous example,
the packing item for the top node is pallet, and for the children of the
top node the packing item is box.

For package definitions of the variable and mixed type, the number of
packing items used for the node. n the previous example, the number
of packing items for the top node is one (one pallet), and for the second
node the number is 50 (50 boxes per pallet). For fixed packaging
definitions, the number of packaging items is determined in a different
10-34 | Warehouse Management
way, which is explained in Packaging IeveIs.

For variable and mixed package definitions, the number of items that
the packaging item must contain. For variable and mixed package
definitions, this number is displayed for both the general-level and the
item-level handling unit template. For fixed packaging definitions, the
number of items is only displayed for the item-level handling unit
template. For further information, see To define package definitions
and Packaging IeveIs.

The node is labeled or unlabeled. Labeled means that for each packing
item defined for the node, a label record is created. n this way, each
existing packing item is uniquely identified. These labels can be
printed. f the boxes with milk cartons from the previous example are
labeled, each box obtains a label when handling units are generated
for an order for milk cartons. For further information on labels, see
LabeI setup.

Auxiliary packing material, such as sealing plastic that is used for the
Serialized items in Warehouse Management
n Warehouse Management, you can use serial numbers to track serialized
items through receipts, transfers, storage, or issues, the latter of which is
mandatory. This package also enables you to track serialized items back
to their source. The source of a serialized item is, for example, the
purchase order or the production order that caused the receipt of the
serialized item, or the sales order or the work order that caused the issue
of the serialized item.
The need to track items by means of serial numbers arises from the items'
cost. The more expensive the item, the more closely you want to monitor
the item during its life cycle. n general, expensive items are produced and
handled in relatively low quantities, whereas the goods flow of less
expensive items involves higher quantities. n SSA ERP , this concept is
modeled in the following scenarios:
Low voIume scenario
This scenario is used for expensive items produced and handled in
relatively small quantities that require intensive tracking throughout the
warehouse flow. During receipt in the warehouse, for each serialized item
an individual receipt line is created and, either manually or automatically, a
serial number is allocated. For more information, refer toTo register serial
numbers in the low volume scenario. Upon receipt, each item/serial
number combination is individually stored in inventory and, consequently,
Warehouse Management | 10-35
financial transactions are initiated for each individual serialized item.
For each inventory transaction, such as a receipt, transfer, or an issue, the
inventory records of the serialized items are updated. When issued from
the warehouse, for each serialized item SSA ERP creates an individual
outbound advice line and, if applicable, a shipment line, and allocates a
serial number.
As a result of receiving a serialized item and registering the serial number,
you can track the serialized items in the sessions involved in warehouse
transactions and storage, such as the following:

Warehouse Management
Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000)

Outbound Advice (whinh4525m000)

tem - Serials and Warehouses (whltc5100m000)

Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000)

Picking List (whinh4525m100)

High voIume scenario
The high volume scenario is used for relatively less expensive items
produced and handled in large quantities that require less intensive
tracking. n this scenario, serialized items are not stored in inventory.
Consequently, no inventory records exist that show updates on inventory
transactions. However, for each item-by-warehouse you can specify
whether serial numbers must be registered for receipts, transfers, and/or
issues. This helps you obtain an overview of the whereabouts of particular
serialized items through warehousing but also enables you to skip
scrutinizing serials where you do not need it.
n the high volume scenario, serialized items are not stored in inventory.
You can track the serialized items in the sessions in which you register the
serial numbers. n the tem - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000) session, you
can specify that serialized items are registered for any of the following
stages of the warehousing flow:

Receipts into the warehouse

For example, to track the receipt of purchased serialized items that can
be used as components for the production of end items, or the receipt
of manufactured serialized items that are received into the finished
goods warehouse, users must register serial numbers in the Receipt
Line Serials (whinh3123m000) session for the items they are receiving.
For further details, see To register serial numbers in the high volume
scenario. f you receive serialized items, receipt lines are created in the
same way as they would be for non-serialized items. For each receipt
10-36 | Warehouse Management
line, you must register serial numbers for the items.

f warehouse inspections are included in your warehouse flow, the
serialized items that you entered in the Receipt Line Serials
(whinh3123m000) session are also displayed in the Warehouse
nspections (whinh3122m000) session. n addition, you can indicate
the serialized items that must be rejected or destroyed in the Receipt
Line Serials (whinh3123m000) session.

Issues from the warehouse

n SSA ERP , warehouse issues are initiated from various sources. For
issues originating from service orders, work orders, or production
orders, see the descriptions under the Production and Service and
Maintenance headings of this list.

For warehouse issues of all other types, you must register serial
numbers in the Shipment Line Serials (whinh4133m000) or the
Outbound Advice Serials (whinh4126m000) session for the items that
you issue, for example, to track the shipment of serialized items to a

CycIe counting/Inventory adjustment

f cycle counts result in inventory variances of serialized items, in the
Cycle Counting Order Line Serials (whinh5106m000) session, you can
register serial numbers to adjust the variances.

For serialized manufactured end items, you must register serial
numbers in the Serial End tem - As-Built Headers (timfc0110m000)
session. n this session, you can register serial numbers during various
moments of the production process. These moments are determined
parameter settings in the Shop Floor Control Parameters
(tisfc0100s000) session in Manufacturing.

For component items, you must register serial numbers in the

Outbound Advice Serials (whinh4126m000) session during the issue of
the components from the warehouse to the shop floor, or in the Serial
End tem - As-Built Components (timfc0111m000) session before or
after the release of the production order for the end item. This depends
on settings in the tem - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000) session. For
further information, see To set up serialized items.

Service and maintenance

After you release a service order, SSA ERP issues the serialized
component items required to carry out the repair or maintenance
activities described on the service order by means of outbound order
lines of the Service origin. Settings in the tem - Warehousing
(whwmd4100s000) session determine whether you must register the
serial numbers for the serialized component items in the Outbound
Advice Serials (whinh4126m000) session or in the Service Order
Actual Material Costs (tssoc2121m000) session. For further
information, see To set up serialized items.

After you plan a work order, SSA ERP issues the serialized item that
Warehouse Management | 10-37
you want to repair or maintain to the repair shop by means of outbound
order lines of the Maintenance Work origin. Settings in the tem -
Warehousing (whwmd4100s000) session determine whether you must
register the serial numbers in the Outbound Advice Serials
(whinh4126m000) session or the Work Orders (tswcs2100m000)

Next, after you release the work order, SSA ERP issues the serialized
component items required to carry out the repair or maintenance
activities described on the work order by means of outbound order
lines of the Maintenance Work origin. Settings in the tem -
Warehousing (whwmd4100s000) session determine whether you must
register serial numbers for components in the Outbound Advice Serials
(whinh4126m000) session or the Work Order Material Resources
(tswcs4110m000) session. For further information, see To set up
serialized items.
Tracking originating orders of seriaIized items
Warehouse Management also provides the option to track the orders that
initiated the receipt, transfer, or issue of serialized items, such as
production orders, purchase orders, or sales orders. This option is
available for both the low volume scenario and the high volume scenario.
For further information on serial tracking options, see SeriaI Tracking.
nventory Analysis (NA) module - Differences B61/B40c
This topic describes the most important differences between the inventory
analysis functionality present in the Inventory ControI (INV) module in
Baan Vc and the nventory Analysis (NA) module in ERP LN 6.1 .
n Baan Vc , you could perform an inventory valuation for a range of items

tem groups

n ERP LN 6.1 , you can perform an inventory valuation for a range of
items by:

tem type

tem valuation group

Warehouse valuation group

n ERP LN 6.1 , the following inventory valuation methods are available:

Fixed Transfer Price (FTP)

Mov. Aver. Unit Cost (MAUC)

10-38 | Warehouse Management

First n First Out (FFO)

Last n First Out (LFO)

Lot Price (Lot)

n ERP LN 6.1 , after you use the Perform nventory Valuation
(whina1210m000) session, you can process any detected inventory
variances using the new Process nventory Variances (whina1200m000)
n ERP LN 6.1 , you can use qualified demand instead of actual demand,
to calculate a demand forecast in the Calculate Demand Forecast
(whina2202m000) session. To view and maintain qualified demand, you
can use either of the following sessions:

tem - ssue by Period (whinr1520m000)

Warehouse - tem - ssue by Period (whinr1530m000)

Line supply
This topic explains the new line supply functionality in ERP LN 6.1 .
When production or assembly takes place, one of the challenges is to
make the required parts available at the right time, at the right place, and in
the right quantity. However, running an assembly line or a production line
also has some other difficulties. For example, the often-limited space to
store parts, the increasing speed of item movement, and the correct
sequence of supplying the parts must be taken into account.
Line supply is a key enhancement of material handling logistics in
assembly and production environments.
To support line supply, the following supply systems are available in ERP
LN 6.1 :


Time-phased order point

Order controlled/Batch

Order controlled/SLS

Order controlled/Single
Based on these supply systems, warehousing orders are generated in
several ways, taking into account various aspects and requiring different
master data.
Order groups
Warehouse Management | 10-39
This topic explains the new order grouping funtionality in ERP LN 6.1 .
Order grouping is a flexible and dynamic new capability that facilitates
more efficient order processing for users interacting with ERP LN 6.1 . For
example, if several separate orders must undergo the same operations
and/or must be managed by the same person, it can be useful to group
and process the orders simultaneously.
User interaction with Warehouse Management includes confirming,
transferring, printing, releasing, and processing outbound advice, all based
on order groups. The order groups are generated in Manufacturing where
all orders that meet particular criteria are automatically linked to the
newly-generated order group. n Warehouse Management, the order group
is displayed only, but can be used to group orders for which the previously
mentioned transactions can be performed.
The functions affected by this change, are:

Process Outbound Advice

Generate Outbound Advice

ReIease Outbound Advice

Generate Picking List

You can use order groups in the following sessions:

Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000)

Outbound Order Lines (whinh2120m000)

Warehousing Orders History (whinh2550m000)

Warehouse Master Data (WMD) module - Differences B61/B40c
This topic describes the most important differences between the master
data present in the Inventory Location ControI (ILC) and Inventory
ControI (INV) modules in Baan Vc and the Warehouse Master Data
(WMD) module in ERP LN 6.1 .
New functionaIity

HandIing units
10-40 | Warehouse Management
A handling unit is a uniquely identifiable physical unit that consists of
packaging and contents. The contents of a handling unit are the items
that you receive, store, issue, or transfer into or from your warehouse.
You can use both handling units and warehousing orders as a basis for
processing inventory transactions. f you use handling units to process
goods in the warehouse, the inventory levels and warehousing orders
on which the handling units are based are updated in the background.
For more information, refer toHandIing units.

Package definitions
A package definition shows how items are packed. For example, a
package definition can specify that an item is packed in boxes that
contain four pieces of the item, and twelve of these boxes are stacked
on a pallet. You can link a package definition to an item or to a
handling unit. f you link a package definition to an item, the package
definition shows how the item is packed, as in the previous example. f
you link a package definition to a handling unit, the package definition
shows how the handling unit, and the handling unit structure of the
handling unit, is packed. Unlike handling units, items are no uniquely
identifiable objects that you can use for warehouse processing.
Therefore, if you use package definitions without handling units to
define the packing structure of items, you must use warehousing
orders to process inventory transactions. For more information, refer
toPackage definitions.

Packaging items
Packaging items are items specifically defined as package materials.
You can use packaging items to set up packing structures of package
definitions and handling units.

SeriaI tracking
n the Warehousing Master Data (WMD) module, various settings are
available to enable tracking of serialized items. For more information,
refer toSeriaIized items in Warehouse Management.
Changed functionaIity

n Baan Vc , warehouses are defined in the TabIes (MCS) module of
BAAN IV Common. n ERP LN 6.1 , basic warehouse data is defined
in the Tables module of Common Data. More detailed warehouse
information is defined in the Warehousing Master Data module of
Warehouse Management. The warehouse definition now includes
multisite links with an assignment of an enterprise unit. For more
information, refer to :

Using warehouses

Type of warehouse


n Baan Vc , to use locations, you must implement the Location
ControI module to define locations for one or more warehouses within
Warehouse Management | 10-41
a company. n ERP LN 6.1 , the Location ControI module does no
longer exist. The location control functionality is integrated in the
Warehousing Master Data and the nventory Handling modules. For
each warehouse within a company, users can choose whether or not to
set up locations without having to implement location control
functionality. For more information, refer to :

Using Iocations

Using dock Iocations

Using zones

To use repIenishment matrices

Using warehouses

Lead times
Receipt and delivery calculations have been enhanced by introducing
warehouse lead times. For more information, refer toDetermination of
Iead time.

SuppIy systems
n ERP LN 6.1 , various supply systems are available. For more
information, refer toLine suppIy.

Negative inventory
n Baan Vc , you cannot use negative inventory if you use locations. n
ERP LN 6.1 , negative inventory is allowed with or without locations.
For more information, refer toNegative inventory.

The blocking functionality has been moved from the Inventory
Location ControI (ILC) module in Baan Vc to the Warehousing
Master Data module. n ERP LN 6.1 , you can use blocking with or
without locations. For more information, refer toTo bIock and unbIock.
Moved functionaIity
The following functionality has been moved from the Inventory Location
ControI (ILC) and Inventory ControI (INV) modules in Baan Vc to the
Warehouse Master Data (WMD) module in ERP LN 6.1 :

The functionality available in the Maintain Messages (tdiIc0160m000)
session has been moved to the Remarks (whwmd1130m000) session
in the Warehousing Master Data module.

BiII of Enterprise
The functionality that is used to set up bills of enterprise has been
moved from the Maintain BiII of Enterprise (tdinv0116m000) session
to the Bills of Enterprise (whwmd2130m000) session.

Storage conditions
The functionality that controls storage conditions is moved from the
Inventory Location ControI (ILC) module in Baan Vc to the
Warehousing Master Data module. For more information, refer toUsing
storage conditions and Master Data Parameters (whwmd0100s000).
10-42 | Warehouse Management

User authorizations
User authorizations for inventory transactions maintained in the
Maintain User Authorizations for Inventory Transactions
(tdinv1110m000) is no longer supported. User authorizations are
centrally managed in TooIs.
Lot Control (LTC) module - Differences B61/B40c
This topic describes the most important differences between the Lot
ControI (LTC) module in Baan Vc and the Lot ControI (LTC) module in
ERP LN 6.1 .
New and changed functionaIity

Lot tracking
n Baan Vc , you can only track lots by item. n ERP LN 6.1 , you can
also track lots by warehouse/item combination, using the new
Warehouse - tem - Lots nventory (whltc1505m000) session.

SeriaI tracking
n ERP LN 6.1 , you can track serialized items for which, in the tem -
Warehousing (whwmd4100s000) session, the SeriaI Tracking check
box is selected. You can use the following sessions to track serialized
items on various levels:

Serial Tracking - Overview (whltc5515m000)

tem - Serials and Warehouses (whltc5100m000)

tem - Serials - ssues (whltc5510m000)

tem - Serials - Receipts (whltc5511m000)

Order - Serials (whltc5512m000)

nventory Planning (NP) module - Differences B61/B40c
This topic describes the most important differences between the inventory
planning functionality present in the Inventory ControI (INV) module in
Baan Vc and the nventory Planning (NP) module in ERP LN 6.1 .
n ERP LN 6.1 , inventory commitment can occur:

With or without location control enabled.

For warehouse orders of type Issue with any of the following order



Maintenance SaIes

Maintenance Work
Warehouse Management | 10-43

SFC Production

ASC Production

Automatically, with entry or order line. ERP LN 6.1 then checks not
only the availability of the inventory, but also the inventory commitment
date (= item lead time+ outbound lead time ).
n ERP LN 6.1 , you can also create inventory buffers, which facilitate
inventory commitments without relations to specific orders.
nventory Handling (NH) module - Differences B61/B40c
This topic describes the most important differences between inventory
handling functionality present in the Inventory Location ControI (ILC),
Inventory ControI (INV), and RepIenishment Order ControI (RPL)
modules of Baan Vc and the nventory Handling module in ERP LN 6.1 .
New functionaIity

Inbound and outbound goods fIows

The functionality involved in warehouse receipts, inspections, issues,
and transfers has changed considerably. Procedures have been
adjusted, and various new components are added to support this
functionality. Technically, various inbound, transfer, and outbound
sessions were modeled after the RepIenishment Order ControI
(RPL) module, but their scope has been largely extended. Details
about these new components are provided in the following list. For an
overview of the inbound procedures, outbound procedures, and
inventory transactions in ERP LN 6.1 , see Inbound and outbound

Warehousing orders
n ERP LN 6.1 , the inbound goods flows, the outbound goods flows,
and all inventory transactions, with the exception of cycle counts and
adjustments, are handled by means of warehousing orders. For more
information, refer toTo handIe warehousing orders.

The replenishment orders of the RepIenishment Order ControI (RPL)
module in Baan Vc are replaced with warehousing orders of the
Transfer origin in ERP LN 6.1 . For more information, refer toTo use
repIenishment matrices.

Warehouse order types

To define warehousing orders, you must first define warehousing order
types. For more information, refer toTo define warehousing order

Warehouse assembIy
For more information, refer toWarehousing assembIy orders

Order grouping
10-44 | Warehouse Management
n ERP LN 6.1 , you can use order groups. For more information, refer
toOrder groups.

MuIti-company warehouse transfers

n Baan Vc , transfers between two logistical companies were
supported by the sales-purchase relation. n ERP LN 6.1 , functionality
is available that enables multi-company warehouse transfers.
Multi-company warehouse transfers enable you to use warehouse
transfers to ship goods between warehouses that belong to different
logistic companies. For more information, refer toMuIticompany
warehouse transfers.

Invoicing information
n ERP LN 6.1 , the new Accounts Receivable Management
Dashboard (tfacr2560m000) session provides fast access to the sales
invoices and to various types of related information such as the
invoice-to and pay-by business partner information.
Changed functionaIity

Inventory history
Separate records for location inventory are not kept in ERP LN 6.1 .
nventory history data are integrally maintained in the nventory
Handling module. For more information, refer toWarehousing order

CycIe counting and adjustments

n ERP LN 6.1 , the functionality that supports cycle counting and
adjustments for location controlled and non-location controlled
warehouses has been integrated in the nventory Handling module.
Adjustments and cycle counting is available for each type of
warehouse. n addition, adjustment prices are maintained on
adjustment order lines, and cycle counting prices are maintained on
cycle counting order lines. For more information, refer toTo perform
cycIe counts and To perform inventory adjustments.
nventory Reporting (NR) module - Differences B61/B40c
This topic describes the most important differences between the inventory
reporting functionality present in the Inventory Location ControI (ILC)
and Inventory ControI (INV) modules in Baan Vc and the nventory
Reporting (NR) module in ERP LN 6.1 .

Inventory position
n addition to viewing the inventory position by item and warehouse, in
ERP LN 6.1 you can also view:

nventory by stockpoint, using the Stock Point nventory

(whinr1540m000) session.

Lots, using the Warehouse - tem - Lots nventory (whltc1505m000)

Warehouse Management | 10-45

nventory by project, using either of the following sessions:

Project nventory (whwmd2560m000)

Warehouse - tem - Projects nventory (whwmd2560m100)

Rejected inventory, using the Rejected nventory

(whwmd2570m000) session.

Consignment inventory, using the Warehouse - tem - Consignment

nventory and Usage (whwmd2550m000) session.

Negative inventory, using the tem - Warehouse - Negative

nventory (whwmd2555m000) session.

Inventory structure
To view the packaging structure on inventory level, use the tem -
nventory Structure (whinr1550m000) session.

Inventory transactions
n ERP LN 6.1 , you can view inventory transactions at multiple levels,
using the following sessions:

Warehouse - tem - Stock Point Transactions (whinr1500m000)

tem - Warehouse - nventory Transactions (whinr1510m000)

Order - nventory Transactions (whinr1511m000)

QuaIified demand
nstead of using actual demand, in ERP LN 6.1 , you can use qualified
demand to calculate a demand forecast in the Calculate Demand
Forecast (whina2202m000) session.
To view and maintain qualified demand, you can use either of the
following sessions:

tem - ssue by Period (whinr1520m000)

Warehouse - tem - ssue by Period (whinr1530m000)

nventory Analysis (NA) module - Differences B61/B40c
This topic describes the most important differences between the inventory
analysis functionality present in the Inventory ControI (INV) module in
Baan Vc and the nventory Analysis (NA) module in ERP LN 6.1 .
n Baan Vc , you could perform an inventory valuation for a range of items

tem groups

n ERP LN 6.1 , you can perform an inventory valuation for a range of
items by:

tem type
10-46 | Warehouse Management

tem valuation group

Warehouse valuation group

n ERP LN 6.1 , the following inventory valuation methods are available:

Fixed Transfer Price (FTP)

Mov. Aver. Unit Cost (MAUC)

First n First Out (FFO)

Last n First Out (LFO)

Lot Price (Lot)

n ERP LN 6.1 , after you use the Perform nventory Valuation
(whina1210m000) session, you can process any detected inventory
variances using the new Process nventory Variances (whina1200m000)
n ERP LN 6.1 , you can use qualified demand instead of actual demand,
to calculate a demand forecast in the Calculate Demand Forecast
(whina2202m000) session. To view and maintain qualified demand, you
can use either of the following sessions:

tem - ssue by Period (whinr1520m000)

Warehouse - tem - ssue by Period (whinr1530m000)

Warehouse Management | 10-47
10-48 | Warehouse Management
Changed functionality
User Management
This topic explains how the concepts of User Management in Baan Vc is
implemented as User Management and Authorization Management
System (AMS) in ERP LN 6.1 .
Users and Authorizations in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc users and their properties and authorizations are defined for
each individual user.
Users and their authorizations are defined in the User Management
module in the following sessions:

Maintain User Data (ttaad2100m000)

Maintain Session Authorizations (ttaad2130m000)

Maintain TabIe Authorizations (ttaad4130m000)

Maintain DeveIopment Parameters (ttadv0110m000)

Chapter 11
Enterprise Server

Maintain DeveIoper Autorizations (ttadv0142m000)

Convert User Data to Runtime Data Dictionary (ttaad4200m000)

Users and Authorizations in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 user properties are defined in user tempIates and
authorizations are defined in user roIes.
These templates and roles can be linked to a one or more users.
Templates can be linked to both super users and normal users.
Roles can only be linked to normal users.
The advantage of having templates and roles is, that you can define one
template or role for a group of users, that have the same role in the
For more information, refer to

To create a BAAN user

To define authorizations

To define tempIates for AMS

To define session authorizations

To define database authorizations

To define Iibrary authorizations

An overview of user management in SSA ERP
You can use user management to define the user's user-data and
The user's authorizations are dependent on their role in a company.
To be able to work with SSA ERP a user must have:

An SSA ERP user logon with a password, and the proper


A system logon for the operating system on which SSA ERP is

installed, such as UNX, or Microsoft Windows. For information about
user accounts on your operating system, refer to the appropriate
installation manual.
The SSA ERP user types
SSA ERP users are divided into the following two groups:

Normal users, who have restricted authorizations to start sessions,

access table fields, work with data that pertains to specific company
numbers, and so on.
11-2 | Enterprise Server

Super users, who have unrestricted authorizations. A system

administrator is a good example of a super user.
With the proper authorizations, developers can customize SSA ERP in a
development environment. A development environment in SSA ERP
consists of a company, a package combination, and a package VRC.
A developer can only create or customize software components in one
package combination or package VRC at a time.
The SSA ERP user authorizations
nitially, normal users cannot use SSA ERP at all. Therefore, you must
define some authorizations for the various SSA ERP software
components. The authorizations of an employee in a company are related
to the employee's functionality or role in that organization, some
employees have more authorizations than others. Likewise, SSA ERP 's
Authorization Management System (AMS) also uses a role concept to
define the authorizations of SSA ERP users.
n addition to these role-dependent authorizations, you can define some
additional dependent authorizations that are not defined by the employee's
role: for example, the development parameters, device preferences, and
so on. These non-role-dependent authorizations are defined in templates,
which you can then connect to the user profile.
At minimum, users must have some sort of session authorization,
database authorization, and library authorization to use SSA ERP . During
the installation of SSA ERP , some default roles are automatically created.
The default roles make sure that the normal users can use the Worktop
browser and its associated functions and commands.
The roIe-dependent authorizations
From a user point of view, a role represents a functionality in a company.
n SSA ERP's Authorization Management System (AMS), a role represents
a set of authorizations for a functionality in a company. User authorizations
that are defined per role instead of per user significantly reduces the
redundant data. The authorizations for normal users are therefore defined
in roles to which they can be linked. The role concept provides you with a
user-friendly method to quickly add new users or to update user
Because an employee can have more than one functionality in a company,
you can assign the user to more than one role. A role can also contain
more than one subrole, which can also have subroles. All these roles and
Enterprise Server | 11-3
subroles form a role tree, which you can view with the role browser. The
role browser shows the role tree in a graphical user interface.
Ultimately, the employee's role is a combination of all the authorizations
defined in the user's roles and subroles. Recursive role structures are not
allowed. For example, a junior software engineer cannot have the
authorizations of a senior software engineer in a subrole.
For example, a department manager has more responsibilities than the
employees in the department and therefore has more database
authorizations. Consequently, the manager has two roles:

The role of the employee with the appropriate restricted authorizations.

The manager's role with additional authorizations, which are only

relevant for the manager.
The restrictions on the database authorizations of the two roles are
combined for the department manager. However, if the database
authorizations are restricted for one role but not for the other role, the
department manager will ultimately have permission to carryout the
database actions.
The user tempIate sessions
n ERP LN 6.1 the following user template sessions can be used:

User Data Templates (ttams1510s000)

Text Groups by Text Field Templates (ttams1520s000)

Text Groups Templates (ttams1521s000)

Text Group Authorization Templates (ttams1522s000)

Terminal Authorizations Templates (ttams1530s000)

Device Preference Templates (ttams1540s000)

Development Parameters Templates (ttams1550s000)

Developers Authorization Templates (ttams1551s000)

Roles and Templates by User (ttams1201m000)

The user roIe sessions
n ERP LN 6.1 the following user role sessions can be used:

Roles (ttams2500s000)

Subroles by Role (ttams2101m000)

Role Browser (ttamsrbrowser)

Roles and Templates by User (ttams1201m000)

Session Authorizations by Package (ttams3130m000)

Session Authorizations by Module (ttams3131m000)

11-4 | Enterprise Server

Session Authorizations by Company (ttams3133m000)

Session Authorizations by Session (ttams3132m000)

Table Authorizations by Package (ttams3140m000)

Table Authorizations by Module (ttams3141m000)

Table Authorizations by Table (ttams3142m000)

Table Field Authorizations (ttams3143m000)

Table Authorizations by Company (ttams3144m000)

Table Data Authorizations (ttams3145m000)

Table Field Data Authorizations (ttams3146m000)

Library Authorizations by Package (ttams3150m000)

Library Authorizations by Module (ttams3151m000)

Library Authorizations by Library (ttams3152m000)

Text Management
This topic explains how text management and various text related sessions
in Baan Vc Tools were changed in ERP LN 6.1 .
Text Management in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc :

Texts are edited through the Baan Text Editor (tttxt2200m000) or

through Notepad.

Text group authorizations and default text groups are defined for each
individual user.

The texts and all related settings, such as text windows, text groups,
text group authorizations and default text groups, are stored per
company number.
Text Management in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 the following changes are implemented:

Text editing
Multiple text editors are available. The text editor, that is started when
you edit a text, depends on the text group to which the text belongs.
You can select one of the following editors:

BAAN Editor: the standard Baan text editor. dentical to the text
editor in Baan Vc .

Multi-line: a new Baan text editor. This editor is similar to Notepad.

However, it runs on the Baan Server, not on the client PC.


Word without RTF

Refer to the online help of the Text Groups (tttxt1110m000) session for
Enterprise Server | 11-5
more information on these editors.

Authorizations and defauIts

The settings for text group authorizations and default text groups are
group based rather than user based: these settings are defined in
templates. Each template can be linked to multiple users. Refer to
User Management for more details on templates and users.
The following sessions are used to define the authorizations and

Text Group Authorization Template (ttams1122m000)

Default Text Groups Template (ttams1121m000)

Default Text Groups by Text Field Template (ttams1120m000)

Texts, text windows and text groups are stored per company. However,
the templates that contain the settings for text group authorizations and
default text groups are stored in company 000. f Word is used as a
text editor, the format settings (RTF settings) are stored separately in
the RTF texts (tttxt015) table.

Text overview session

The Texts Overview (tttxt1500m000) session is used to display a list of
texts for a specific language and text group range. Through the
Specific menu you can start various other sessions, for example the
Find and Print Patterns in Texts (tttxt1430m000) session.

Text boxes
n ERP LN 6.1 sessions and forms are dynamic. n dynamic forms text
fields can be displayed as text boxes, where you can type the text
directly. However, in most sessions the text handling is similar to the
situation in Baan Vc : the form contains a check box, indicating
whether a text exists for a record, and the text is edited through a text
editor. Refer to Dynamic sessions and dynamic forms (DFE) for
more details on dynamic sessions and dynamic forms.
The Text Management sessions
Refer to The Text Management sessions for information on the sessions
that can be started from the Text Management menu.
Audit Management
This topic explains the differences between Audit Management in Baan Vc
and in ERP LN 6.1 .
Audit Management in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc :

Tables that must be audited are linked to a database definition, for

which audit trail is active. All remaining tables are linked to another
11-6 | Enterprise Server
database definition for which audit trail is not active. The Assign Tables
to Databases (ttaad4111m000) session is used to link each table to the
desired database definition.

Audit trail is mandatory for various parameter tables. The Load

Mandatory Tables for Audit (ttaad4211s000) session is used to link
these tables to the "audit" database definition.

You can activate audit trail for tables, not for individual table fields.
When a user inserts, updates or deletes a record in an audited table,
only the content of the key fields and changed fields is stored in the
audit file.

Some audit settings can only be defined by editing runtime files directly
in the operating system, for example:

You must edit the audit_spec file to define security settings, the
maximum audit trail file size, and the maximum number of audit trail

To specify an audit host for the audit server, you must edit the
tabledef6.1 file.

Security level and maximum file size can be defined, per audit
sequence, through the Maintain Audit nformation File
(ttaad4160m000) session.

The directories where the audit trail files are stored, are defined in the
Maintain Audit File Directories (ttaad4116m000) session.
Audit Management in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 the following changes are implemented:

Audit configuration
The configuration of audit settings is centered around audit profiles. To
define audit settings you must create one or more audit profiles. n an
audit profile you can group the tables that must be audited. Each audit
profile is linked to a company group, which determines for which
companies the specified tables will be audited. Audit profiles can be
grouped in audit categories to bundle profiles in the same functional
This way all settings that serve a specific purpose can be grouped. For

all settings for auditing changes in parameters, or

all settings for auditing fields that affect a particular exchange

scheme, or
Note: audit configurations for a specific exchange scheme can be
generated through the following sessions respectively: Generate Audit
Configuration (daxch1201m000) and Generate Audit Configuration

Audit settings for parameter tabIes

Most packages contain parameter tables for which audit trail is
Enterprise Server | 11-7
mandatory. For each of these packages, ERP LN 6.1 contains a
predefined audit profile that contains the audit settings for the relevant
parameter tables. For example: the "tc standard" profile contains the
audit settings for the parameter tables in the Common package.

Audit settings on tabIe fieId IeveI

For each table in an audit profile you can

activate audit trail for all fields, or

activate audit trail for only a subset of the fields in the table: you
must specify the fields for which audit trail must be activated, and
per field you must select the desired audit type.

No manuaI editing of runtime fiIes

Operating system files, such as audit_cols, audit_hosts, audit_spec
and auditdef6.2, are used to store audit configuration settings.
However, you should not edit these files via the operating system. The
audit configuration is entirely specified using sessions. To update the
corresponding operating system files, you must run the Create Runtime
Audit Definitions (ttaud3200s000) session. This session can be started
via the Specific menu in most audit configuration sessions. For
example: to define an audit host for the audit server, you must run the
Audit Hosts (ttaud3130m000) session and, after defining the host,
create the runtime audit definitions.

Security IeveI and fiIe size

The security levels and maximum file sizes for audit sequence files are
defined in the following sessions respectively:

Audit Trail Security (ttaud3137m000)

Audit Trail File Sizes (ttaud3135m000)

Audit fiIe directories

The location, in the operating system, for audit files is specified in the
Audit Trail Paths (ttaud3136m000) session.

New moduIe
Most audit configuration sessions are entirely new. They belong to the
new Audit Management (tt/aud) module.

(De)activation of audit configuration entities

Audit profiles can be activated and deactivated. This enables you to
easily switch between different audit settings: you can, for example,
simply deactivate an audit profile, activate another audit profile and
convert the new settings to runtime.

Export/Import of Audit profiIes

To enable a quick audit configuration, audit profiles can be exported
and imported through the following sessions:

Export Audit Profiles (ttaud3201s000)

mport Audit Profiles (ttaud3202s000)

mport Audit Profile from Additional File (ttaud3203s000)

Transaction notifications
You can define a replication process that transfers changes, based on
11-8 | Enterprise Server
the content of audit files, to another system. ERP LN 6.1 uses
transaction notifications to ensure that only committed transactions are
replicated. For details, refer to the online help of the Transaction
Notifications (ttaud1510m000) session.
The changes only affect the configuration of the audit settings. The user
interface for viewing, printing or maintaining the generated sequence files
is not changed.
AppIication DeveIopment
This topic explains the differences between the Application Development
concepts in Baan Vc and ERP LN 6.1 .
AppIication DeveIopment in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc :

An ASC oriented menu editor is used to modify the lay-out of the

menus. A menu lay-out usually consists of labels, menu fields, special
fields, and a choice field. The menu_layout is only used in the Baan
ASC (ba) user interface.

All sessions and forms are static, i.e. the forms have a fixed layout and
are edited through an ASC oriented form editor (ottadvformedit).

For each language, a separate set of menu dumps, form dumps and
report objects is stored.

The program script of a session contains the entire application logic of

the session: the session's user interface logic as well as the session's
database logic.
AppIication DeveIopment in ERP LN 6.1
The following changes are implemented in ERP LN 6.1

ERP LN 6.1 does not have an ASC interface. Therefore the

menu-layout (field positions, choice field, etc.) is not relevant anymore.
To edit the contents of a menu, such as sessions and sub menus, you
must use the Menu Fields (ttadv3561m000) session.

All sessions and forms are dynamic, i.e. the layout of a form is not
fixed. The runtime appearance of a dynamic form is based on the order
and grouping of fields that is defined in the form definition and on the
table field authorizations of the user. Dynamic forms are edited through
the Dynamic Form Editor. Refer to Dynamic sessions and dynamic
forms (DFE) for more information.

There is only one set of dumps/objects of forms, menus and reports for
all languages. Labels are compiled separately. Software translation is
Enterprise Server | 11-9
much easier now. Refer to Language TransIation Support (LTS) for
more information.

A program script only contains the session's user interface logic. The
database logic, e.g. the execution of data integrity checks and of
non-interactive update actions, is now stored in a Data Access Layer
(DAL) script. Refer to Data Access Layer (DAL & DAL2) for more
Further, the following new application development concepts are
introduced in ERP LN 6.1 :

Software Configuration Management (SCM)

MuIti Main TabIe (MMT) sessions

The AppIication DeveIopment sessions
Refer to the concepts mentioned above for a list of relevant sessions per
New functionality
Software Configuration Management (SCM)
This topic explains the concepts of Software Configuration Management
(SCM) in ERP LN 6.1 and compares this to the version control features in
Baan Vc .
Version controI of software components in Baan IVc
Baan Vc does not offer a real version control system for software

a single package VRC can only contain one version of each software
component. t is not possible to store multiple revisions of the same
component. Program scripts form an exception to this: each program
script may have a maximum of five variants in the same VRC.

Components are only locked during the time they are being edited. You
can not lock a component for a longer period. So, during your absence,
other developers might (accidentally) perform changes in your
Software Configuration Management (SCM) in ERP LN 6.1
Software Configuration Management (SCM) is a version control system for
all software components developed in ERP LN 6.1 Tools.
11-10 | Enterprise Server
SCM is especially useful if multiple developers create and maintain
software components in the same VRCs.
SCM offers the following features:

You can check out a software component from an original VRC to a
development VRC. When the component is checked out, you are the
only one that can modify and test the component. Each time you
perform a check-out action, a new revision of the software component
is created in the development VRC.

f the changes on the software component are tested and completed,
you must check in the component, to make the changes available to
other users.

Undo check-out
f necessary, a check-out action can be reversed through the undo
check-out procedure.

A development VRC usually contains multiple revisions for the same
software component. You can maintain these revisions through the
Component Revisions (ttscm1501m000) session. f necessary, you can
restore an older revision.
Refer to To use the check-in and check-out procedure for details on
(undo) check-out, check-in and revisions.
Before using SCM, you must create development VRCs, and subsequently
activate SCM for the original VRCs from which they are derived. For
details on the setup of SCM, refer to To use the Software Configuration
Management system.
The Software Configuration Management (SCM) sessions
n ERP LN 6.1 the following Software Configuration Management (SCM)
sessions can be used:

(De)activate SCM and Component Management by Package VRC


Activate SCM and Component Management by Package VRC


Global Check-n of Components (ttscm1200m000)

Global Undo Check-Out of Components (ttscm1202m000)

Component Revisions (ttscm1501m000)

Print Component Revisions (ttscm1401m000)

Enterprise Server | 11-11

Delete Component Revisions (ttscm1201m000)

Dynamic sessions and dynamic forms (DFE)
This topic explains the concepts of Dynamic sessions and dynamic forms
(DFE) in ERP LN 6.1 and compares this to the static forms in Baan Vc .
Sessions and forms in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc :

All sessions and forms are static, i.e. the forms have a fixed layout: the
labels and fields in a form are always displayed on the same position.

Forms are edited through an ASC oriented form editor


Sessions and forms are both generated through the Generate

Sessions (ttadv2290m000) session.

Forms are linked to sessions, but are edited separately.

Multiple forms can be linked to a single session. At runtime, these

forms are displayed as parallel form tabs.

Separate sessions are used to display and maintain records. For

example a multi-occurrence overview session is used to display tem
data and a single occurrence details session is used to maintain tem
Dynamic sessions and dynamic forms in ERP LN 6.1
The following list is a summary of the changes that are implemented in
ERP LN 6.1 :

The form layout is dynamic: the position of fields and labels is not fixed,
but can differ per situation.

Forms are edited through the Dynamic Form Editor (DFE).

You can create sessions through the Sessions (ttadv2500m000)

session and the Dynamic Form Editor (DFE).

Sessions and forms are integrated.

Each session has only one form.

Various sessions are used as both an overview session and a details


You can implement Dynamic ndex Switching.

Text fields can be displayed as text boxes, where you can type the text

You can change the appearance of string fields and enum fields, e.g.
from a drop down list box to a set of radio buttons.

You can define multiple form commands for each session/form.

Refer to Dynamic sessions and dynamic forms for details.
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Language TransIation Support (LTS)
This topic explains the concepts of Language Translation Support (LTS) in
ERP LN 6.1 and compares this to the translation features in Baan Vc .
TransIation of Ianguage-dependent software components in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc the menu dumps, form dumps and report objects that are
stored in the $BSE/application directory are language dependent: each
dump or object consists of:

a language-independent part, containing information on the layout of

the menu/form/report.

a translatable, language-dependent, part ( labels )

Therefore, for each language a separate set of menu dumps, form dumps
and report objects is stored. As a result, a Baan Vc installation with
multiple languages occupies a lot of disk space.
To translate software, language-dependent software components must be
copied to the desired target language. After a translation, menus, forms
and reports must be dumped/compiled to generate the corresponding
dumps/objects for the target language.
Software components can be exported to, and imported from, ASC files.
Language TransIation Support (LTS) in ERP LN 6.1
ERP LN 6.1 uses LTS to reduce the language-dependency of the ERP LN
6.1 applications.
LTS offers the following features:

Separate storage
n the runtime data dictionary:

the menu dumps, form dumps and report objects only contain
information on the layout of the menu/form/report, and are therefore

translatable (language-dependent) parts, such as labels, are stored

separately. For example, labels are stored in label resource files.

SingIe set of dumps and objects

There is only one set menu dumps, form dumps and report objects.
These dumps and objects are language-independent. Each
dump/object contains the label codes for the language dependent
parts. At runtime, the bshell reads the label descriptions, in the
appropriate language, from the label resource files.

Software component descriptions

Enterprise Server | 11-13
The descriptions of software components, e.g. session descriptions,
form descriptions, index descriptions and descriptions of enumerated
constants, are now stored as labels.

Language-dependent components, such as labels, messages and
questions, can be exported from the source language to XML files. You
can translate the content of these files in a generic XML translation
environment and subsequently import the files in the target language in
ERP LN 6.1 . After a translation, you must compile the labels (instead
of dumping/compiling forms, menus and reports) to generate new label
resource files.

Storage of IabeIs
Labels are stored based on their context. This reduces redundancy
and prevents labels from being changed while being used in another
context. Examples of label contexts are "General use" and "Session,
table, or report description". n the runtime data dictionary, labels are
stored, per VRC, in label resource files in the ${BSE}/lib/labels
The Language TransIation Support (LTS) sessions
n ERP LN 6.1 you can use the following sessions to translate software

Labels (ttadv1140m000)

Message Descriptions (ttadv4150m000)

Question Descriptions (ttadv4166m000)

Export Language Dependent Data to XML - Wizard (ttadv8910m000)

mport Language-Dependent Data from XML - Wizard


Merge Tool for XML-files with Language Dependent Components


Compile Labels (ttadv1243m000)

MuIti Main TabIe (MMT) sessions
This topic explains the concepts of Multi Main Table (MMT) sessions in
ERP LN 6.1 and compares this to parent-child sessions in Baan Vc .
Parent-chiId sessions in Baan IVc
A part of the data stored in Baan Vc has a typical parent-child structure,
for example: an order header and its order lines, or a table definition and
the corresponding table fields and indices.
The parent data and the child data are presented through separate
sessions that are displayed in separate windows. For example, when you
11-14 | Enterprise Server
create a table definition, the table definition's header information, the table
fields and the indices are specified in three separate session windows.
MuIti Main TabIe (MMT) sessions in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 a new type of session is introduced: the Multi Main Table
(MMT) session. This session type allows various other sessions to be
combined into one. t is specially designed to present data with a typical
parent-child structure, for instance Sales Orders and related Lines.
Although this data is distributed among several main-tables in the system,
it can all be presented and edited within a single MMT session.
Some features and characteristics of MMT sessions are:

Fast entry
Users can edit both parent data and child data inside a single MMT
session, which makes these sessions extremely powerful for data

Better overview
An MMT session gives the user a complete overview, in a single
window, of all important data related to an object. This is much more
efficient and user friendly than working in a lot of sessions

Header and sateIIites

A typical MMT session has two areas:

the upper part contains information and functionality about the

parent, e.g. the Sales Order. This part is called the header.

The lower part contains one or more tabs. Each tab contains a list
that shows data for a particular type of child, e.g. the Order Lines.
These tabs are called satellites. Each satellite is actually a separate
session that is linked to the header session.
The header and satellites can also run stand-alone. So, an MMT
session is actually an integration of multiple sessions into one single

n each MMT session the header and its satellites are synchronized: if
you select a different record in the header, the data in the satellites is
refreshed automatically.

Session definition
MMT sessions are created through the Sessions (ttadv2500m000)
session. Some points of attention are:

The window type for MMT sessions is "Multi Main Table Controller".

The link and the synchronization between the header and the
satellites is defined through the MMT SateIIite sessions command
in the Specific menu.
Enterprise Server | 11-15
For more information on MMT sessions and developer guidelines refer
to MuIti Main TabIe sessions.
n ERP LN 6.1 Tools the following MMT sessions exist: Table Definitions
(ttadv4520m000) and Business Objects (ttadv7500m000).
n the other packages also various MMT sessions are available. For
example, sessions to maintain Production Orders (Manufacturing), Sales
Orders and Lines (Order Management) and Mapping Schemes (Finance).
Data Access Layer (DAL & DAL2)
This topic explains the differences between database integrity and
business logic handling in Baan Vc and in ERP LN 6.1 .
Database integrity and business Iogic in Baan IVc
The business logic of Baan Vc completely resides in program scripts and
DLLs. The program script of a session contains both, user interface logic
and database logic:

The user interface logic is used to change the default behavior of the
session. A program script can contain various sections that are used to
enable or disable fields, define default values for fields, calculate the
values for fields, and so on.

The database logic in the program script ensures the logical integrity of
the database. This logic usually resides in:

multiple "check.input" field sections that are used to check the input
values for the fields in a session. These "check.input" sections
contain logical integrity rules, for example: "the net weight can not
be greater than the gross weight" and "the Expiry date should be
later than or equal to the Quotation date".

a "" section that is used to program actions that must

be executed when read or write actions occur on the main table.
For example: after saving a new order line, the "Stock on Order"
field in the tems table must be updated automatically.
This architecture has the following disadvantages:

Redundancy of database logic. f multiple sessions operate on the

same main table, the same database logic, e.g. input checks, is stored
in multiple program scripts.

Hard to use for integrations. Via SSA OpenWorldX, other applications

can connect to Baan tables: in such a connection, the business logic in
the program scripts is skipped. Therefore this logic must be rebuilt in
the BOs that provide the connection. f the business logic in Baan Vc
is changed, the corresponding BOs must be adapted as well.
11-16 | Enterprise Server
Data Access Layer (DAL & DAL2) in ERP LN 6.1
The following changes are implemented in ERP LN 6.1 :

Data Access Layer (DAL)

The database logic in the "check.input" and "" sections is
removed from the program scripts and is now stored in Data Access
Layer (DAL) scripts. The DAL scripts ensure the logical integrity of the

EIimination of redundancy
Each DAL script belongs to a single table definition. The name of the
DAL script is identical to the table name, for example "tccom001", or
"tdpur100". This architecture eliminates the redundancy of database
logic. All database logic for a particular table is centralized in a single
DAL script, rather than being spread across multiple program scripts.
All sessions that operate on a table use the same database logic, that
is defined in the table's DAL script.

DAL hooks
A DAL usually consists of multiple hooks. A hook is a function, with a
predefined name, that is used to program logical integrity rules for
database access. A DAL can contain multiple types of hooks that can,
for example, contain integrity rules for various table fields and can
automatically run actions when read or write actions occur on the main

User Interface (UI) script

The database logic in the "check.input" and "" sections is
removed from the program scripts and these sections are replaced by
DAL hooks. Most of the logic that remains in the program scripts, is
related to the user interface. Therefore, the program scripts are now
called User nterface (U) scripts.
n ERP LN 6.1 , two types of Data Access Layer scripts exist: DAL 1 and
DAL 2. Refer to DAL 1 Overview and DAL 2 Overview for details on
these types.
ntegration Tools
Changed functionality
This topic explains the differences between the Exchange module in Baan
Vc and the Exchange module in ERP LN 6.1 .
Enterprise Server | 11-17
Exchange in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc :

The Exchange module (xch) is located in the Baan Utilities (tu)


The log files do not contain many details. For example, in case of a
database error, only the error code is recorded.

You can generate exchange schemes via the Generate Exchange

Scheme (tuxch0251m000) session.

n regular export and import procedures, the ASC files are stored in a
separate directory for each run number. The run number is not
available to the outside world. Therefore external applications do not
know what directory the files must be written to or read from. To solve
this problem, you need to program a session or script to copy the files
before each regular import or after each regular export.
Exchange in ERP LN 6.1

ModuIe Iocation
The Exchange module is moved from the Utilities (tu) package, to the
Data Director (da) package. All session codes for ERP LN 6.1 start with
the da package code.

Improved Iogging
The log files contain more details: the descriptions of database errors
(including the table fields involved) and exchange error messages are
logged. More details are logged for incorrect records.

Compression of ASCII FiIes

t is now possible to use compressed ASC files during regular export
and regular import actions.

n the Export Data (on a Regular Basis) (daxch0234m000) session,

you can indicate whether the ASC files must be compressed after
they are exported.

n the mport Data (on a Regular Basis) (daxch0224m000), you can

indicate whether the compressed ASC files must be restored to
their original format before the import procedure.

Generation of exchange schemes

The procedure to generate an exchange scheme has changed. To
generate an exchange scheme, you must use the Create ASC File
Fields and Relations (daxch0203m000) session, which can be started
from the Exchange Schemes (daxch0501m000) session. Refer to To
generate exchange schemes for detailed information.

MuIti Site ControI (since ERP 5.0)

n Exchange, you can now use Multi Site Control functionality to set up
a batch-driven replication server. This enables you to maintain the
same data at multiple sites.
11-18 | Enterprise Server
Some key features are:

Each site owns its data and processes and, in turn, each site
decides when and how often to run exchange batches.

A target site can subscribe to data that is made available at a

source site. n this way, source and target sites can automatically
be synchronized.

f one site is not available for some time, or if the batches at several
sites do not run synchronously, Exchange ensures that no data will
be missing.

Multisite Control enables you to not only use one-to-one topologies,

but also one-to-many, many-to-one, or many-to-many.
For details refer to Introduction to muItisite controI.

Advanced fiIe handIing

n the Exchange Schemes (daxch0101s000) session, you can specify
common directories from where, or towards which, ASC files are
copied automatically in regular import and regular export procedures.
This makes it easier to integrate ERP LN 6.1 with external applications,
because you don't need to program a separate session or script to
copy the files. Refer to Advanced fiIe handIing using common
directories for details.

n the Exchange Schemes (daxch0101s000) session, you can define

an owner for an exchange scheme. The owner is displayed in the
Exchange Schemes (daxch0501m000) overview session, and enables
you to group and sort exchange schemes in the same Baan company.

DefauIt numbering
When you enter new ASC file fields and table and field relations, ERP
LN 6.1 automatically increases the corresponding sequence numbers
with 10.
Default numbering is implemented in the following sessions:

ASC File Fields (daxch0103s000)

Table Relations (mport) (daxch0121s000)

Table Relations (Export) (daxch0131s000)

Field Relations (mport) (daxch0122s000)

Field Relations (Export) (daxch0132s000)

Import using DAL

n the Table Relations (mport) (daxch0121s000) session you can
specify whether the import process uses the Data Access Layer (DAL).
f you use the DAL, Exchange carries out all the constraint checks,
integrity checks and side effects, such as updates on other tables, that
are programmed in the DAL. Database integrity is guaranteed
automatically. Refer to Import using the Data Access Layer (DAL)
for details. Refer to DAL 1 and DAL 2 for details on DAL scripts.

Generation of audit configuration

f you create an exchange scheme that is based on audit trail, you can
generate the audit settings for the tables involved, rather than defining
the audit settings manually. To generate the audit settings, use the
Enterprise Server | 11-19
Generate Audit Configuration (daxch1201m000) session. Refer to To
use audits in the exchange moduIe for details.

TerminoIogy changes
Some terms used in Exchange have changed. The titles of the
sessions involved are changed correspondingly:

"ASC File Formats" is changed into "ASC File Fields"

"Relation" is changed into "Conversion table"

"mport Script" is changed into "mport Program"

"Export Script" is changed into "Export Program"

Exchange Scheme DeIivery

n some cases, exchange schemes for specific integrations are created
by Baan Development. Such schemes are delivered as additional XML
files. Refer to Exchange Scheme DeIivery for SSA ERP 6.1 for
New functionality
Office Integrations
This topic describes the differences between Microsoft Office ntegrations
in Baan Vc and in ERP LN 6.1 .
Microsoft Office Integrations in Baan IVc
Baan Vc has no integration pack for Microsoft Office. However, you can
create Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel devices. Through these
devices, you can send reports to Word and to Excel.
The layout of the generated documents and workbooks is based on the
Baan report layout. Possible extra formatting (font types, pictures, etc.)
must be done manually, after printing, in Word and Excel.
Microsoft Office Integrations in ERP LN 6.1
ERP LN 6.1 contains an integration pack that provides you the opportunity
to integrate with Microsoft Word and with Microsoft Excel: the "SSA
ntegration Pack 2.0 for Baan ERP 5 and Baan ERP 6 - Microsoft Office"
Through this integration pack you can:

select records in a Baan session, and send them to Microsoft Word.

select records in a Baan session, and send them to Microsoft Excel.

Changes made in Excel can be saved (uploaded) to ERP LN 6.1 .
The structure and the layout (table fields, font types, pictures, etc.) for the
11-20 | Enterprise Server
Word documents and Excel workbooks to be generated is defined in Baan
related templates. Therefore, no additional formatting is required after
sending the data.
Refer to MS Office Integration for details.
Business Object ModeIing
This topic describes the differences between the connectivity architecture
in Baan Vc and in ERP LN 6.1 .
Connectivity architecture in Baan IVc
The Baan Vc software is created from a database and user-interface
perspective, rather than from a business perspective.
n a lot of integrations, other applications connect, via SSA OpenWorldX,
to Baan Vc tables.
n such a connection the Baan Vc business logic, that completely resides
in program scripts and DLLs, is skipped. Therefore this business logic
must be rebuilt in the BOs that provide the connection.
Disadvantages of this connection architecture are:

You need a lot of Baan Vc knowledge, e.g. about business logic and
tables, to build BOs.

The BOs do not work anymore when the Baan Vc business logic
changes, e.g. through a service pack.
This makes it hard to integrate Baan Vc with external applications.
As a work-around, you can build an integration using the Application
Function Server (AFS). AFS can run Baan Vc sessions and therefore
automatically executes the corresponding business logic. n this way you
don't need to rebuild this logic and the integration is more flexible.
However, AFS has a negative impact on the performance.
Business Object ModeIing in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 the connectivity architecture has changed drastically. Some
key characteristics are:

Business Objects
The software is built from a business perspective: ERP LN 6.1 comes
with various predefined business objects that can be used to build
Enterprise Server | 11-21
integrations with external applications. When an external application
connects to a business object, automatically the relevant business logic
is executed via the DAL 2 scripts of the involved tables.

Business Object structure

Each business object consists of 2 layers:

a public layer: this layer forms the connection with the outside
world. This layer consists of public attributes, methods, and method
arguments. External applications can activate the public methods
via OpenWorldX to run an action, e.g. create or update a Sales
Order, in ERP LN 6.1 . The method arguments are in XML tree

a protected layer: this is an internal layer that external applications

cannot access. t forms the mapping between the protected layer
and the Baan application. This layer consists of tables, protected
attributes (mapping to table fields), protected methods and method
A business object can consist of multiple components, each having
their own protected layer. For example: the Calendar business object
consists of a Header and a WorkingTime component. There is only one
public layer for the entire business object.

Business Object modeIing

Business Objects are maintained via the Business Objects
(ttadv7500m000) session and are stored in the BOR. After a
conversion to runtime, a business object DLL is generated in the BOL.
Refer to To ModeI a Business Object for details.

Execution of business Iogic

To run an action in ERP LN 6.1 , an external application can invoke
(via OpenWorldX + BOs) a method in a business object DLL in the
BOL. For example, the Create method in the SalesOrder DLL. The
business logic in the DAL2 scripts of the involved tables is executed
automatically. So, there is no need to rebuild session logic in the
integration BOs!

User friendIiness in deaIing with connectivity

Baan will not change business objects in such a way that existing
integrations with external packages do not work anymore: Baan will
only add components, never change or delete components.
The new connectivity architecture makes integrations to external
applications easier and more flexible:

You don't have to rebuild session logic in the integration BOs. So, to
build an integration you don't need to know the ERP LN 6.1 tables and
business logic. You only need to know the structure of the business

After a change in the ERP LN 6.1 business logic, the integration BOs
still work. So, you don't have to modify these BOs.
11-22 | Enterprise Server
The Business Object ModeIing sessions
n ERP LN 6.1 you can use the following sessions to maintain and test
business objects:

Business Objects (ttadv7500m000)

Convert BOR to Runtime (tlbct1210m000)

BOL Test Tool - Public Layer (tlbct3250m000)

BOL Test Tool - Protected Layer (tlbct2210m000)

Test History (tlbct3550m000)

Miscellaneous Tools
Changed functionality
Baan Connection Basic Edition (BCBE)
This topic describes the differences between the connectivity in Baan Vc
compared to the connectivity in ERP LN 6.1 .
This topic is still under construction.
Connectivity in Baan IVc
Connectivity in Baan Vc is implemented by the Baan Connection Basic
Edtion (BCBE) concept.
Refer among others to the following documents for details:

Baan Connection Basic Edition - Client Developer's Guide (U7185A


Baan Connection Basic Edition - Server Developer's Guide (U7122B

Connectivity in ERP LN 6.1
ERP LN 6.1 is better prepared for Connectivity then Baan Vc .
Baan Connection Basic Edtion (BCBE) has succeeded by OpenWorldX.
Busines Object Layer / Business Object Repository (BOL/BOR) is a new
concept for connectivity in ERP LN 6.1 .
Enterprise Server | 11-23
Refer among others to the following documents for details:

SSA Baan ERP Connectivity BOL (D2906A US)

Refer among others to the following online topic:

Business Object ModeIing

Database Drivers
This topic shows the supported Database Drivers in Baan Vc and ERP LN
6.1 and explains the difference between Level 1 and Level 2 Database
Database Driver - Overview
The database driver is the gateway for SSA Baan applications to persistent
The database driver provides a logical model of one single database.
However, a number of databases, possibly distributed across several
computing platforms and possibly of various types, might be present at the
physical level. The number of databases present on the physical level, the
types of databases, and where these databases reside is fully transparent
to the client of the database driver. This characteristic of the database
driver enables you to change the physical structure of the data
management layer, without any application change.
The main functions of the database driver are the following:

Shield all database specific issues from the application software by

providing a uniform and generic interface, called Baan SQL. The Baan
SQL syntax resembles the ANS-92 SQL sysntax.

Offer functionality to maintain (create/remove) tables in a (possibly

distributed) database system.

Offer functionality to store and retrieve information in a (possibly

distributed) database system.

Maintain the referential integrity between the data manipulated by

means of the database driver.

Enforce domain constraints. The domain describes the valid values

that a table field can have. The database driver is responsible for
protecting against invalid table field assignments.
Database Drivers in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc both Level 1 and Level 2 Database Drivers are supported, see
table below:
11-24 | Enterprise Server
Support of Database Drivers also depends on the Operating System
versions and the Dabase versions.
Driver LeveI 1 LeveI 2
Baan Base (TP) N/A N/A
Oracle Yes Yes
nformix Yes Yes
DB2 Yes Yes
SQL Server Yes Yes
Database Drivers in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 only Level 2 Database Drivers are supported, see table
Support of Database Drivers also depends on the Operating System
versions and the Dabase versions.
Driver LeveI 1 LeveI 2
Oracle No Yes
nformix No Yes
DB2 No Yes
SQL Server No Yes
LeveI 1 versus LeveI 2 driver
Over the years the interfacing with the databases is changed. More pure
SQL statements are supported now with BaanVc4 and ERP LN 6.1 then
with older variants of BaanV, moving away from the proprietary database
interfacing of the past. For that reason the level 1 interface is not
supported anymore with ERP LN 6.1 .
Enterprise Server | 11-25
Level 1 drivers use hashing. This means that all index fields are
concatenated into one string and coded with an algorithm. This hash
column is then added to the table. n this way index searches can be
performed more efficiently. This also means, however, that the database
system isn't open anymore. Other applications can't use the same
database for write actions, because the coding algorithm isn't publicly
Hashing uses more disk space, it can probably use up to 30% extra space.
PIatform Matrix
This topic shows the Baan ERP supported Database Systems in Baan Vc
and ERP LN 6.1 .
For detailed information about supported Operating System versions and
Service Packs, Database versions and Service Packs, Database Driver
Levels and BaanERP porting sets refer to the:

Product nformation Database (PD) on the SSA ntranet site.

One Point Support on the SSA nternet site.

Operating System / Database Support in Baan IVc
n Baan Vc both level 1 and level 2 database drivers are supported.
n Baan Vc the Baan propietary database Baanbase (TP) is supported.
Databases from other vendors that are supported in Baan Vc :




SQL Server
Operating System / Database Support in ERP LN 6.1
n ERP LN 6.1 only Level 2 Database drivers are supported.
n ERP LN 6.1 the Baan propietary database Baanbase (TP) is not
Databases from other vendors that are supported in ERP LN 6.1 :



11-26 | Enterprise Server

SQL Server
Query Processor
This topic shortly describes the main differences between the Query
Processor (QP) in Baan Vc and the New Query Processor (NQP) in ERP
LN 6.1 .
The Query Pocessor was completely rewritten for SSA Baan ERP 5.2a
(Reger) and is called the New Query Processor (NQP).
n the NQP the SQL syntax is more strict and has changed where possible
according to ANS SQL Standards.
SQL Query Syntax differences Baan IVc / ERP LN 6.1
The main differences are described in the table below:
Description Baan IVc ERP LN 6.1
Path finder func-
tionality in the
f the TO-part of a REFERS TO expression
is a table name, then classic-QP goes
through the DDs to find a path from the
FROM-part to the TO-part. f it doesn't find a
path or finds a path that starts with the
wrong foreign key, then it forces a
"single-step path. f there exist multiple
paths then it chooses one that will.
The FROM-part must specify a
(combined) column of a table
and the TO-part must specify a
unique index of a table. f the
index name in the TO-part is
omitted then _NDEX1 is impli-
FROM clause
within WHERE ...
FROM ...
FROM clause within WHERE supported FROM clause within WHERE
not supported
REFERRED BY supported REFERRED BY not supported
Degree mis-
match in
n classic QP it is possible to have a
REFERS TO expression of which the num-
ber of parts in the left operand does not
match the number of parts in the right oper-
and. On (Oracle) level-2 this construction
works as expected, but on level-1 it does
With NQP it is possible to have
a REFERS TO expression of
which the number of parts in
the left operand does not match
the number of parts in the right
Enterprise Server | 11-27
Description Baan IVc ERP LN 6.1
Table names in
clause and the
FROM clause
n classic-QP, the query SELECT tabIe is
valid. t is equivalent to SELECT * FROM
tabIe. f a table name is mentioned in the
SELECT clause and the same table name is
not yet included in the FROM clause, it will
be automatically included in the FROM
Only column (table.col) refer-
ences are allowed in the SE-
LECT clause. The FROM
clause is mandatory. Table
names mentioned in the SE-
LECT clause are not automatic-
ally included in the FROM
clause. SELECT * FROM tabIe
is not valid. SELECT tabIe.*
from tabIe is valid.
Table names in
the WHERE ...
and the FROM
n classic-QP, the query SELECT * FROM
tabIe1 WHERE tabIe1.coI REFERS TO
tabIe2 is valid. (note: no columns of table2
are in the SELECT clause and table2 not
specified in the FROM clause).
n the NQP we have to specify
tabIe1, tabIe2 WHERE
tabIe1.coI REFERS TO tabIe2
Refer to the Baan ERP Programmer's Guide for details.
This topic describes the differences of the usability aspects of the SSA
BaanERP software in Baan Vc compared with ERP LN 6.1 .
The description mainly concentrates on the differences regarding "How to
use the Baan sessions".
Note regarding Webtop and Worktop
Although Worktop and Webtop are typical usability topics, they are not
described in this Help topic, because both software products are supported
in Baan Vc as well in ERP LN 6.1 .
Note regarding ASCII and GUI
Baan Vc users have the option to work with the ASC User nterface or
the Graphical User nterface (GU). The ASC interface is not supported in
ERP LN 6.1 . This Help topic does not compare ASC with GU.
UsabiIity differences in Baan IVc and ERP LN 6.1
11-28 | Enterprise Server
The differences are described in the table below:
Description Baan IVc ERP LN 6.1
Sessions and
Static Sessions
and Forms.
Dynamic Sessions and Forms. Forms are dynamically build
on runtime. Not authorized fields are invisable.
Display and
Maintain ses-
Seperate Dis-
play and Main-
tain sessions.
Maintain and Display combined in one session
Print sessions Most Print ses-
sions must be
launched from
the Menu
Most Print sessions can be launched directly from the Over-
view sessions.
Overview and
Detail sessions
Seperate Over-
view and Detail
One Dynamic Form can be presented in Overview or Detail
mode. Session starts normally in Overview mode. Double
click on a row starts the Detail view of that row.
Form tabs Seperate Form
for every Form
One Dynamic Form can have several Form tabs.
Buttons and
Different from
Microsoft Ap-
Same as in Microsoft Applications
Pulldown menus Different from
Microsoft Ap-
Same as in Microsoft Applications
Popup menus
(on right mouse
not supported Popup menu on a selected row in Overview mode. Popup
menu on a selected field in Details mode.
Mouse usage Different from
Microsoft Ap-
Same as in Microsoft Applications
Text editing Text editing via
Baan ASC ed-
Text editing via Multi line editor (like Notepad)
Enterprise Server | 11-29
Description Baan IVc ERP LN 6.1
Text boxes not supported Text editing via Text boxes in Dynamic form.
Filtering Query by Form.
Query can not
be saved.
Multiple Filter Support. Filters can be saved and reused
Sorting Pulldown menu:
Pulldown menu: View, Sort by
Dynamic ndex
not supported ndex fields are displayed in Overview mode according to
the chosen "Sort by".
Windows Clip-
board support
not supported Selected rows in Overview mode can be copied to Clipboard
and pasted in another Windows application, i.e. MS Excel.
Find and Sort Sort within Find
Dialog not sup-
Sort within Find Dialog.
Message mode not supported User can set the Message mode "nteractive" or "Non-
Send to ... not supported User can send selected rows in Overview mode to:


Mail Recipient

Task List

MS Word or MS Excel template (MS Office ntegration

must be installed)
Calculator and
Baan Calculator
and Calendar
Windows Calculator and Calendar
Auto Complete not supported Auto Complete functionality on String (Alphanumeric) fields,
that have Zoom enabled.
Customize Grid not supported User can hide or unhide columns and change the order of
the columns in an Overview session.
User must be authorized for Customizable Fields via the
11-30 | Enterprise Server
Description Baan IVc ERP LN 6.1
User Data Template.
Multi Main Table
(MMT) sessions
not supported MMT sessions are meant for fast data entry. A MMT session
contains a Header and one or more Satellites.

Header: Single occurence session appearing on the top
of a MMT session. Also referred to as parent session.

Satellite: Multi occurence session appearing as a separ-

ate tab in the bottom of a MMT session. Also referred to
as child session.

ExampIe MMT sessions:

Table Definitions (ttadv4520m100)

Service Order (tssoc2100m000)

Warehousing Order (whinh2100m100)

Sales Order (tdsls4100m900)

Dashboard ses-
not supported Dashboard sessions have buttons to quickly view all relevant
informaton regarding to a user role.

ExampIe Dashboard sessions:

Account manager Dashboard (tdsmi1500m000)

tems Dashboard (timfc1500m000)

Work Centers Dashboard (timfc1501m000)

Buyer Dashboard (tdipu0103m000)

New functionality
SSA License Manager
This topic explains the concepts of Licensing in ERP LN 6.1 .
License management and vaIidation
A license management mechanism is a copy protection mechanism used
to regulate the commercial use of SSA Baan Software Products. For
testing and demonstration purposes, unprotected software is dispatched
with limited validity. The unprotected software must be validated before a
specified expiration date.
Licensing in Baan IVc
Enterprise Server | 11-31
Licensing is part of the Baan Vc porting set. A short overview of licensing
and validation in Baan Vc is described below:
VaIidation procedure:
The license key request process for a Baan Vc software installation
consists of the following steps:

You start the validation process by requesting a license code. Upon

your request you will receive a License Code nformation Report by

Enter the license code in your application, along with other required
information from the License Code nformation Report (number of Ascii
and MS-Windows users).

Make sure you have installed the Version Scan TooI.

Generate the Security key and Requested System Configuration file

using session 'Print Requested System Configuration'.

The Version Scan Tool will start automatically. Complete the scan and
save the output file.

The validation key can be requested by uploading the Version Scan

Tool output file.

The received validation key can be entered in your system to activate

the software.
Revalidation of existing installations is required in case of the following

Hardware changes

Updates/changes in versions

Hardware or operating system upgrades

Changes between one database or another (e.g., nformix to Oracle)

ncrease in numbers of users

Catastrophic failure of system requiring a complete reload

License Daemon and License Monitor:
To run the Baan Vc sessions, the License Daemon ($BSE/bin/licd6.1)
must be up and running.
The License Monitor ($BSE/bin/licmon6.1) can be used to:

Show the brand information (brandinfo)

Ping the license server (ping)

Show server statistics (stats)

Show user count (users)

List users (who)

11-32 | Enterprise Server
Licensing in ERP LN 6.1
Licensing is done by the SSA License Manager.
The SSA License Manager is the license manager for the majority of the
SSA Baan products. SSA License Manager is a central license manager
in the sense that one license manager can provide licenses to a variety of
products. There is no need to install and configure a dedicated license
manager per product.
To establish a licensing solution you need three components:

The SSA Baan appIication or product that adopts SSA License

Manager for licensing.

The SSA License Manager product for handling the licenses. t will
check the license requests from the adopting applications according to
the information stored and validated with SSA Baan.

The Activation key that enables the license manager. The Activation
key provides you with a key in such a way that your adopting
applications will work accordingly.
SSA License Manager exists of three components:

SSA License Manager Server: The central component of SSA

License Manager is the server that handles the requests for licenses,
coming from adopting applications.

SSA License Manager MMC Snap-in: The configuration component

is the graphical user-interface working in Microsoft Management
Console (MMC) to fully configure the server. This is called the MMC
Snap-in. The MMC Snap-in is the preferred way to configure BCLM
servers, even remote and even running in a non Microsoft Windows
environment. There is also a traditional Command Line interface

SSA License Manager CIient: SSA License Manager Client is an

interface layer between adopting applications and the central SSA
License Manager Server. The SSA License Manager client provides
an AP of invoking licensing functionality. All applications that use SSA
Baan licensing must have the SSA License Manager Client
component installed.
SSA License Manager Iicense types:
The license deals can vary, but the license types remain the same.
Therefore, SSA License Manager does not license according to a license
deal, but according to license types.
SSA Baan applications can be licensed in various ways, and to see how
your application must be licensed, you can refer to the Software License
Enterprise Server | 11-33
and Support Agreement (SLSA). Depending on the pricing strategy of SSA
Baan, a restricted set of license types can be assigned to a specific
application. For example, some applications can be licensed through any
license type, while others can only be licensed through a server license
n general the license types are distinguished in node locking and user
locking. With node locking the adopting application can only work on a
specific node in your network. A node can be a server, but also a desktop.
With user locking, the adopting application can only work with a specific
named user or with a limited amount of concurrent users.
Currently, SSA Baan supports only the following four license types:
License types Description
Concurrent User license A user lock in which the adopting application can be used by a pool of
concurrent users
Named User license A user lock in which the adopting application can be used by a pool of
specific named users
Server license A node lock where the adopting application can be used on a pool of
specific named server or desktop computers
Desktop license A node lock where a set of adopting applications are linked to a pool of
specific named server or desktop computers
SSA License Manager vaIidation procedure
The validation procedure consists of four main steps. The intention of the
procedure is to activate the installed SSA Baan products with an
authorized activation key from SSA Baan.

Specify at the SSA License Manager Server all the products that
have been installed and that must be licensed by means of SSA
License Manager. The result must be saved in a document. By default,
this document file is called License.xml.

Upload this document to the Validation department of SSA Baan. You

can upload this document on the SSA Baan Support Web site:

SSA Baan Validation checks the information in the license document

against contract information. f the license document is correct, SSA
Baan Validation generates an activation key. This key is based on the
data in the license document. To bypass the period, you must wait for
11-34 | Enterprise Server
the official validated key. Baan can send you almost immediately a
temporary activation key that activates the applications for a limited

SSA Baan Validation sends the validation key back to the customer,
who submits this activation key to SSA License Manager server. By
doing so, all specified SSA Baan products in the license document
become activated. f other SSA Baan components are installed, or if
additional licenses are bought, the license document must be changed
accordingly and a request for a new activation key must be carried out
following the described process.
Reference materiaI:
For more information on how to use the SSA License Manager to
validate and license your ERP LN 6.1 software, refer to:
SSA License Manager Installation and Configuration Guide (U7631D US)
InstaIIation Wizard and Staging Wizard
This topic explains the concepts of the SSA nstallation Wizard and the
SSA Staging Wizard in ERP LN 6.1 .
InstaIIation procedure in Baan IVc
For Baan Vc different installation procedures are used for each Operating
System / Database System combination.
The installation procedures are described among others in the following

Installation Guide for Baan IVc4 on Microsoft SQL Server (U7210D US)

Installation Guide for Baan IVc4 for Oracle on Windows (U7051I US)

Installation Guide for Baan IVc4 for Informix on Unix (U7029E US)

Installation Guide for Baan IVc4 for Informix on Windows (U7018L US)

Installation Guide for Baan IVc4 for Oracle on Unix (U7028H US)

Installation Guide for Baan IVc4 on Unix (U7016J US)

InstaIIation Wizard and Staging Wizard in ERP LN 6.1
For ERP LN 6.1 the SSA nstallation Wizard is used to install the SSA
ERP LN software and its add-ons on any Operating System.
The SSA nstallation Wizard is a generic installer for installing ERP LN
6.1 on the supported platforms.
The SSA nstallation Wizard always runs on a Microsoft Windows
platform, which means that installation on UNX versions and BM AS400
Enterprise Server | 11-35
are carried out in client-server mode, while an installation on Microsoft
Windows is performed locally.
To support installation on UNX and BM AS400 in client-server mode,
some APs are made available in the Baan Connection Service (BCS) of
the nstallation Wizard. To push the installable units to the remote server,
the nstallation Wizard uses a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) connection. You
can use the Remote Executable Command (rexec) service to execute
programs on the remote computer. Finally, you can use the SSA BW
driver to start Enterprise Engine sessions on the remote computer.
The SSA Staging Wizard is an application for loading installable units into
the staging area. During this staging process, the user can select the
applications (installable units) from a medium that must be staged into the
staging area.
The Staging Wizard is available on the Enterprise Engine and ERP LN 6.1
Application media. After the nstallation Wizard is started from the
CD-ROM, the administrator must type a destination path of the staging
area. Next, the staging wizard will show all the available installable units on
the CD-ROM, and the administrator must make a selection on which
installable units must be staged. f the staging area already exists, the
staging wizard displays the version from the software components
available in the staging area, and the version from the CD-ROM. The
administrator must make the decision on whether the installable units in
the staging area must be updated (or downgraded) with the installable unit
on the medium.
The Staging Wizard will not perform any dependency checking, which
means that the administrator must check which installable units and which
versions must be staged into the staging area.
ExampIe instaIIabIe units:

SSA ES porting set

SSA Enterprise Server


SSA License Manager

SSA Application Service Manager

SSA OpenWorldX Adapter for ERP LN

SSA ERP LN 6.1 DEM Models

SSA ERP LN 6.1 Demo Data

SSA ERP LN 6.1 LP - Chinese Traditional Pack

Refer to the following documents for detailed information regarding the
11-36 | Enterprise Server
ERP LN 6.1 nstallation:

Overall installation Guide SSA Baan products (U8204A US)

Pre-installation Guide for Windows (U8072A US)

Pre-installation Guide for Unix (U8073A US)

Post-installation Tasks for SSA Baan ERP (U8074A US)

Enterprise Server | 11-37
11-38 | Enterprise Server
Changed functionality
This topic describes the most important differences between the
Exchange (XCH) module in Baan Vc and in ERP LN 6.1 .
New and changed functionaIity

Move to da package
n Baan Vc , the Exchange (XCH) module was part of the Baan IVc
UtiIities (tu) package. n ERP LN 6.1 , the module belongs to the Data
Director package.

MuIti Site ControI

The possibilties for exchanging data between multiple servers are
extended: you can now use the Multi Site Control feature to control the
exchange of data between multiple sites. Refer to Introduction to
muItisite controI for details.

Generation of audit settings

After creating an exchange scheme that is based on audit trail, you can
generate the corresponding audit settings through the Generate Audit
Configuration (danch3225m000) session. n Baan Vc the audit trail
settings for the involved tables had to be set manually.
Chapter 12
Data Exchange
12-2 | Data Exchange
Differences B40c/B61, 6-17
Accounts PayabIe (ACP) moduIe
Differences B40c/B61, 5-24
Accounts ReceivabIe (ACR) moduIe
Differences B40c/B61, 5-25
Activity Structure
Differences B40c/B61, 7-2
ActuaI costing
Differences B40c/B61, 6-18
Differences B40c/B61, 3-1, 10-1
Aggregated cost components
Differences B40c/B61, 6-2
Aggregation reIationships
Differences B40c/B61, 2-4
AppIication DeveIopment
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 11-9
Archiving Service Data
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 8-3
Differences B40c/B61, 2-5
Audit Management
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 11-6
Authorization Management System
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 11-1
AvaiIabIe to promise
Differences B40c/B61, 2-5
AvaiIabIe to promise (ATP)
Differences B40c/B61, 4-1
Hours accounting, 7-6
Project defaults, 7-17
Time phased budget, 7-15
Top down budgeting, 7-15
Baan Connection Basic Edition (BCBE)
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 11-23
Back orders
Differences B40c/B61, 4-14, 4-21
Differences B40c/B61, 5-1
BiII of MateriaI (BOM) moduIe
Differences B40c/B61, 6-22, 6-27
Differences B40c/B61, 6-19
BIocking reasons
Differences B40c/B61, 6-19
Differences B40c/B61, 6-1, 6-2
Budget cost anaIysis
Differences B40c/B61, 7-3
budget granuIarity
hours accounting, 9-7
Budget in PCS
Differences B40c/B61, 6-12
Business Object ModeIing
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 11-21
Business partners
Differences B40c/B61, 3-2, 10-2
CaIendars and Periods (CCP) moduIe
Differences B40c/B61, 3-7, 3-26
CaII Management moduIe
Differences B40c/B61, 8-59
CapabIe to promise
Differences B40c/B61, 2-5
CapitaI Project
Differences B40c/B61, 7-10
Cash appIication
Differences B40c/B61, 5-6
Cash Management (CMG) moduIe
Differences B40c/B61, 5-26
CentraI Invoicing
Differences B40c/B61, 7-23
Differences B61/B40c, 1-1, 1-2, 5-8
Differences B40c/B61, 2-7
Differences B40c/B61, 2-4
Commission ControI System (CMS)
Differences B40c/B61, 4-56
Common (COM) moduIe in Enterprise
Differences B40c/B61, 2-9
Common Data
Differences B40c/B61, 3-25
Configuration Management moduIe
Differences B40c/B61, 8-60
Configured item
Differences B40c/B61, 4-2
Contract Management moduIe
Differences B40c/B61, 8-62
Contract Terms to be ControIIed
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 8-4
ControI accounts
Differences B40c/B61, 5-9
ControI Contract ReIated Activities
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 8-6
ControI Service Business
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 8-7
ControI Service Contracts
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 8-8
ControI Service Inventory
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 8-9
ControI Service Order Execution
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 8-10
ControI Service Price
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 8-11
ControI Technician Data
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 8-12
Cost Accounting (CAT) moduIe moduIe
Differences B40c/B61, 5-28
Cost Accounting (CPR) moduIe
Differences B40c/B61, 6-23
Cost AIIocation (CAL) moduIe moduIe
Differences B40c/B61, 5-28
Cost components
Differences B40c/B61, 6-2
Cost PIus Enhancement
Differences B40c/B61, 7-21
Costing work center
Differences B40c/B61, 6-3
Create Periodic Maintenance PIan
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 8-13
CriticaI capacity type
Differences B40c/B61, 6-4
dynamic, 10-17
Differences B40c/B61, 4-3
Differences B40c/B61, 2-5
Differences B40c/B61, 3-18, 5-12
Customers and suppIiers
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 3-2, 10-2
Customized BOM
Differences B40c/B61, 6-2
Customized items, Product Configuration
Differences B40c/B61, 6-20
CycIe time
Differences B40c/B61, 6-4, 6-5, 6-13
DaiIy buckets
Differences B40c/B61, 2-6
Data Access Layer (DAL & DAL2)
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 11-16
Database Drivers
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 11-24
DefauIt production order data
Differences B40c/B61, 6-20
Define Contract Contents
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 8-14
Define Contract Invoicing/Costing
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 8-15
define warehousing order types, 10-16
DeIivery Iines
Differences B40c/B61, 4-5
DeIivery type
Differences B40c/B61, 4-6
Destination saIes tax
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 3-15
DetaiIed cost components
Differences B40c/B61, 6-2
Differences B40c/B61
ATP, 2-5
cash application, 5-6
Currency nitialization (CR)
module, 3-8, 3-28, 5-2
Electronic Commerce, 3-27
mplemented Software Components
(tccom0100s000), 3-13
tem Control (TM)
module, 3-29, 4-42, 4-49
Multi Site Control, 11-17, 12-1
Purchase Control (PUR)
module, 4-37, 4-44
Purchase order activities, 4-17
Sales Control (SLS) module, 4-37, 4-50
Sales order activities, 4-26
Scenarios, 2-3
Dimension accounting
Differences B40c/B61, 5-2
Drawing Iocations
Differences B40c/B61, 6-5
Drawing sizes
Differences B40c/B61, 6-5
DuaI accounting
Differences B40c/B61, 5-10
Dynamic sessions and dynamic forms
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 11-12
ECO approvaI procedure
Differences B40c/B61, 6-6
EDM approvaI procedure in ODM
Differences B40c/B61, 6-6
Effectivity, 3-18
EIectronic Data Interchange (EDI) moduIe
Differences B40c/B61, 3-27
Differences B40c/B61, 3-9
End item unit costs
Differences B40c/B61, 6-6
Engineering Change Orders (ECOs)
Differences B40c/B61, 6-12
Engineering Data Management (EDM)
Differences B40c/B61, 6-24
Engineering item groups
Differences B40c/B61, 6-7
Enterprise units
Differences B61/B40c, 3-17
Error recovery
Differences B40c/B61, 3-10
Differences B61/B40c, 3-10
EU VAT setup
Differences B40c/B61, 3-10
Euro InitiaIization (CRI) moduIe
Differences B40c/B61, 3-8, 3-28, 5-2
Differences B40c/B61, 11-17, 12-1
Exchange rate types
Differences B40c/B61, 3-18
Differences B61/B40c, 3-18
FamiIy items
Differences B40c/B61, 2-4
FinanciaI Budget System (FBS) moduIe
Differences B40c/B61, 5-28
FinanciaI companies
Differences B40c/B61, 3-17
FinanciaI Integrations (FIN) moduIe
Differences B61/B40c, 3-27
FinanciaI reconciIiation
Differences B40c/B61, 5-12
FinanciaI Statements (FST) moduIe
Differences B40c/B61, 5-29
FinanciaI transactions by production
order or work center
Differences B40c/B61, 6-7
First free numbers
Differences B40c/B61, 3-12, 3-19
Fixed Assets (FAS) moduIe moduIe
Differences B40c/B61, 5-27
Fixed Assets Management (FAM) moduIe
Differences B40c/B61, 5-27
Fixed deIivery moments
Differences B40c/B61, 2-9
Fixed duration
Differences B40c/B61, 6-16
FIoor stock
Differences B40c/B61, 6-8
Forecast methods
Differences B40c/B61, 7-4
Freight Management
Differences B40c/B61, 4-10, 4-11
GeneraI Ledger (GLD) moduIe
Differences B40c/B61, 5-23
Generate Periodic Maintenance Orders
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 8-17
Generic BOM
Differences B40c/B61, 6-9
Generic routing
Differences B40c/B61, 6-9
GL account matching
Differences B40c/B61, 5-10
HandIe Incoming Service Request
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 8-18
HandIe Repair and OverhauI Requests
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 8-19
HandIe Service & Maintenance Requests
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 8-20
handIing unit, 10-13
handIing units
print labels, 10-24
Differences B40c/B61, 7-12
Home currency
Differences B40c/B61, 3-18, 5-12
hours accounting
budget granularity, 9-7
team hours, 9-7
Hours accounting
B40c/B61, 7-6
Differences B40c/B61, 9-1
Import/Export statistics
Differences B40c/B61, 3-11, 3-15
inbound, 10-13
Indirect task
Differences B40c/B61, 6-17
InstaIIation Wizard and Staging Wizard
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 11-35
Integrate Service
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 8-21
Integration mapping scheme
Differences B40c/B61, 5-11
Integration of project with service
Differences B40c/B61, 7-12
Integration with microsoft project 2002
Differences B40c/B61, 7-20
Intercompany settIement transactions
Differences B40c/B61, 5-11
Intra EU transactions
Differences B40c/B61, 3-11
inventory, 10-9
Inventory AnaIysis
Differences B40c/B61, 10-38, 10-46
Inventory HandIing
Differences B40c/B61, 10-44
Inventory PIanning
Differences B40c/B61, 10-43
Inventory Reporting
Differences B40c/B61, 10-45
Invoice Service Contract
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 8-22
Invoice Service Order
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 8-23
Differences B40c/B61, 1-1, 1-2, 5-8, 10-7
Invoicing Commissions and Rebates
Differences B40c/B61, 4-8
IRP, 2-1
Item Base Data (IBD) moduIe
Differences B61/B40c, 3-29
Item codes
Differences B40c/B61, 3-22
Item ControI (ITM) moduIe
Differences B40c/B61, 3-29, 4-42, 4-49
Item Purchase Data (IPU) moduIe
Differences B40c/B61, 4-42
Item SaIes Data (ISA) moduIe
Differences B40c/B61, 4-49
Items in Enterprise PIanning
Differences B40c/B61, 2-2
handling units, 10-24
print, 10-24
setup, 10-24
B40c/B61, 6-11
Language TransIation Support (LTS)
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 11-13
Iead time, 10-10
Lead time eIements
Differences B40c/B61, 6-5, 6-13
Lean PCS
Differences B40c/B61, 6-21
Line suppIy
Differences B40c/B61, 10-39
Differences B40c/B61, 5-13
Iocations, 10-9
Lot by unit
Differences B40c/B61, 3-21, 6-15
Lot ControI
Differences B40c/B61, 10-43
Lot size optimization
Differences B40c/B61, 2-5
Machine operation
Differences B40c/B61, 6-17
Maintain Basic InstaIIation Data
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 8-39
Maintain Basic Service Order Data
Differences Baan VcSSA Baan ERP
6.1, 8-24, 8-25
Maintain Basic Short Term PIanning Data
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 8-27
Maintain Basic Warranty Data
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 8-28
Maintain Component Data
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 8-29
Maintain Dynamic Service Data
Differences Baan VcSSA Baan ERP
6.1, 8-31
Maintain InstaIIation Data
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 8-32
Maintain Location DetaiIs
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 8-34
Maintain Master Data Service Inventory
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 8-35
Maintain Periodic Maintanance Data
Differences Baan VcSSA Baan ERP
6.1, 8-36
Maintain Service Hours Rates
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 8-37
Maintain Service TabIes
Differences Baan VcSSA Baan ERP
6.1, 8-38
Man occupation
Differences B40c/B61, 6-11
Manage InstaIIation Type Data
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 8-42
Manage InstaIIations
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 8-41
Manage Reference Activities
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 8-43
Manage Service Orders
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 8-44
Manage Warranty Terms
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 8-45
Mass BOM Changes (MBCs)
Differences B40c/B61, 6-12
Master Data Management moduIe
Differences B40c/B61, 8-64
Master pIan
Differences B40c/B61, 2-7
Master TabIes for Service
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 8-46
MateriaI sheet
Differences B40c/B61, 6-2
Merged project and budget in PCS
Differences B40c/B61, 6-12
Micro routing
Differences B40c/B61, 6-21
Move time
Differences B40c/B61, 6-13
MuIti Main TabIe (MMT) sessions
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 11-14
MuIti Site ControI
Differences B40c/B61, 11-17, 12-1
MuIticompany period cIosing
Differences B40c/B61, 5-4
MuIticurrency systems
Differences B40c/B61, 3-18, 5-12
muItisite, 10-20
Differences B40c/B61, 2-4
NA tax provider
Differences B40c/B61, 3-15
Non-direct deIivery
Differences B40c/B61, 4-3
Non-machine operation
Differences B40c/B61, 6-17
Number groups
Differences B61/B40c, 3-12, 3-19
Office Integrations
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 11-20
Operation overIap
Differences B40c/B61, 6-16
Operations, bIocking
Differences B40c/B61, 6-19
Order grouping
Differences B40c/B61, 2-7
Order groups
Differences B40c/B61, 10-39
Order history, 10-8
Orders, 10-8
Organization Breakdown Structure
Differences B40c/B61, 7-18
Over deIiveries
Differences B40c/B61, 4-13
Differences B40c/B61, 6-16
package definition, 10-29
Parameter Wizard, 3-20
Parameter Wizard, 3-20
Differences B40c/B61, 3-16
Payment process
Differences B40c/B61, 5-7
PCS item procedure
Differences B40c/B61, 7-6
PCS, Iean
Differences B40c/B61, 6-21
Performance measurement
Differences B40c/B61, 7-13
Period cIosing
Differences B40c/B61, 5-4
PIan codes
Differences B40c/B61, 2-3
PIan items
Differences B40c/B61, 2-2
PIan IeveIs
Differences B40c/B61, 2-4
PIan Periodic Maintenance
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 8-48
PIan Service Orders
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 8-49
PIan sites
Differences B40c/B61, 2-4
PIan units
Differences B40c/B61, 2-3
PIatform Matrix
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 11-26
Prepare Service Order Pre-execution
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 8-50
Pricing ControI (PCG) moduIe
Differences B40c/B61, 4-37
Pricing data
Differences B40c/B61, 10-8
bar code, 10-24
labels, 10-24
Product Configuration (PCF) moduIe
Differences B40c/B61, 6-25
Production BOM
Differences B40c/B61, 6-1, 6-2
Production Order Costing (CST) moduIe
Differences B40c/B61, 6-23
Production order data, defauIts
Differences B40c/B61, 6-20
Production pIanning
Differences B40c/B61, 6-4
Project - Differences by ERP 6.1 topic, 7-1
Project ControI (PCS) moduIe
Differences B40c/B61, 6-25
Project Currency
Differences B40c/B61, 7-14
Project Dashboard
Differences B40c/B61, 7-11
Project Data Management moduIe
Differences B40c/B61, 7-23
Project defauIts
B40c/B61, 7-17
Project Estimating moduIe
Differences B40c/B61, 7-26
Project Estimation
Differences B40c/B61, 7-8
Project hours accounting moduIe
Differences B40c/B61, 7-31
Project in PCS
Differences B40c/B61, 6-12
Project Invoicing moduIe
Differences B40c/B61, 7-27
Project Production ControI moduIe
Differences B40c/B61, 7-28
Project requirements pIanning for PCS
Differences B40c/B61, 6-13
Project ScheduIing System moduIe
Differences B40c/B61, 7-29
Project TechnicaI CaIcuIation moduIe
Differences B40c/B61, 7-30
Project tempIate
Differences B40c/B61, 7-22
Project Warehouse
Differences B40c/B61, 7-19
PuII notes
Differences B40c/B61, 6-11
Purchase and saIes statistics
Differences B40c/B61, 10-8
Purchase ControI (PUR) moduIe
Differences B40c/B61, 4-37, 4-44
Purchase inquiry
Differences B40c/B61, 4-20
Purchase invoice matching
Differences B40c/B61, 5-4
Purchase order activities
Differences B40c/B61, 4-17
Purchase order approvaI
Differences B40c/B61, 4-29
Purchase order Iine detaiIs
Differences B40c/B61, 4-30
Purchase order origin
Differences B40c/B61, 4-15
Purchase order status
Differences B40c/B61, 4-32
Purchase order types
Differences B40c/B61, 4-17
Purchase scheduIes
Differences B40c/B61, 4-33
Purchase Statistics (PST) moduIe
Differences B40c/B61, 4-48
QuaIity Management System (QMS)
Differences B40c/B61, 3-31
Query Processor
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 11-27
Queue time
Differences B40c/B61, 6-13
Differences B40c/B61, 4-18, 4-19, 5-12
Record Work Performed
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 8-52
Reference designators
Differences B40c/B61, 6-14
ReIease Orders
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 8-53
Remittance appIication
Differences B40c/B61, 5-6
Renew Contracts
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 8-54
Repetitive Manufacturing (RPT) moduIe
Differences B40c/B61, 6-27
RepIenish Service Inventory
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 8-55
Request for quotation
Differences B40c/B61, 4-20
Requirements pIanning for PCS projects
Differences B40c/B61, 6-13
Revenue Recognition (RR) and Cost of
Goods SoId (COGS)
Differences B40c/B61, 7-4
RMA and Depot Repair moduIe
Differences B40c/B61, 8-67
Routing (ROU) moduIe
Differences B40c/B61, 6-26
Routing, micro
Differences B40c/B61, 6-21
Run time
Differences B40c/B61, 6-5, 6-13
SaIes and Marketing Information (SMI)
Differences B40c/B61, 4-58
SaIes and use tax
Differences B40c/B61, 3-13
SaIes ControI (SLS) moduIe
Differences B40c/B61, 4-37, 4-50
SaIes order acknowIedgement
Differences B40c/B61, 4-22
SaIes order activities
Differences B40c/B61, 4-26
SaIes order approvaI
Differences B40c/B61, 4-34
SaIes order entry
Differences B40c/B61, 4-23
SaIes order origin
Differences B40c/B61, 4-24
SaIes order status
Differences B40c/B61, 4-35
SaIes order types
Differences B40c/B61, 4-26
SaIes scheduIes
Differences B40c/B61, 4-36
SaIes Statistics (SST) moduIe
Differences B40c/B61, 4-57
Differences B40c/B61, 2-3
Differences B40c/B61, 6-15
Segmented item codes
Differences B61/B40c, 3-22
seriaI, 10-35
seriaIized items, 10-35
SeriaIized items
Differences B40c/B61, 3-21, 6-15
Differences B61/B40c, 3-22
Service Order ControI moduIe and
Preventive Maintenance ControI moduIe
Differences B40c/B61, 8-68, 8-71
Set Up Service Master Data
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 8-56
Setup time
Differences B40c/B61, 6-13
Setup, man occupation
Differences B40c/B61, 6-11
Shared work centers
Differences B40c/B61, 6-21
Shipping constraints
Differences B40c/B61, 4-26
Shop fIoor warehouses
Differences B40c/B61, 6-16
Software Configuration Management
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 11-10
Differences B40c/B61, 2-8
Specify/Adapt Contract TempIate
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 8-57
SSA License Manager
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 11-31
Standard items, Product Configuration
Differences B40c/B61, 6-20
storage conditions, 10-10
Subcontract Management moduIe
Differences B40c/B61, 8-75
SuppIier reIiabiIity anaIysis
Differences B40c/B61, 4-28
SuppIy sourcing
Differences B40c/B61, 2-8
SuppIy systems
B40c/B61, 10-39
System TabIes (MCS) moduIe
Differences B40c/B61, 3-28
TabIes (MCS) moduIe
Differences B40c/B61, 3-22
Task reIationships
Differences B40c/B61, 6-18
Task type
Differences B40c/B61, 6-17
Tax setup
Differences B40c/B61, 3-15
team hours
distribute, 9-7
Text Management
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 11-5
Time phased budget
B40c/B61, 7-15
To bIock and unbIock, 10-11
Top down budgeting
B40c/B61, 7-15
Trade notes
Differences B40c/B61, 5-7
Transfer batch quantity
Differences B40c/B61, 6-16
Differences B40c/B61, 4-10, 4-11
Unit rate invoicing and progress invoicing
for activities
Differences B40c/B61, 7-16
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 11-28
UsabiIity improvements
Differences B40c/B61, 7-17
User Management
Differences Baan Vc / SSA Baan ERP
6.1, 11-1
Vendor rating
Differences B40c/B61, 4-28
Wait time
Differences B40c/B61, 6-13
Warehouse Master Data
Differences B40c/B61, 10-40
warehouse transfer, 10-20
warehousing, 10-10
Warehousing, 10-9
warehousing order type, 10-16
warehousing orders, 10-8
Warehousing orders, 10-15
WIP warehouses
Differences B40c/B61, 6-16
Work center, shared
Differences B40c/B61, 6-21
WorkIoad ControI (WLC)
Differences B40c/B61, 2-9
Differences B40c/B61, 6-15

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