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Jeeef<e&ke heef$ekee 2012


eeshesmej heer eeJeleea




ceesleerueeue vesn je<^ere eeweesefiekeer mebmLeeve

Fueeneyeeo - 211004


Chief Editor
Dr. Jyotsna Sinha

Chief Student Editor

Yugal Chandra Bisht

Subodh Chandra Subedi

Shiwa Bastola
Nirmal Sarawagi
Mansi Gupta
Alisha Banskota
Mayank Chaturvedi
Jeffry Issac
Sharmishtha Srivastava
Meghna Shah
Aakash Gautam
Nischal Mishra
Guru Das S
Alisha Dua

Vandana Singh

Ravi Prakash
Ankita Verma
Ayushi Baranwal
Shivangi Patel
Vivek Kumar Singh
Gauraang Bhartiya
Amit Yadav
Iqram Mohamed
Jaison K V Uthup

Shikha Singh

Ankit Srivastav
Anoop Kumar Yadav
Kritika Mishra
Akansha Rajput
Sonam Gangwar
Yugal Krishna
Nitesh Shukla
Raman Mishra
Saurav Sinha
Vivralee Raitani

From Chief Editor's Desk

It gives me great pleasure to unveil this year's Srijan. The following pages are
testimony to the creative abilities of the budding technocrats and future
managers that pass through the hallowed portals of this prestigious institute
each year.
When the editorial team got together early this year, we decided to bring about
a fundamental shift in the way Srijan was crafted. The suggestions came thick
and fast, and after several rounds of deliberations, it was decided to have a
theme Change. An ancient Inuit proverb says that our lives can change with
every breath we take. The world has undergone changes of great magnitudes
with far-reaching effects not just in the areas of politics, but also in the areas of
socio-cultural paradigms and the way information is disseminated.
There have been many changes in MNNIT as well, most notably in the
infrastructure facilities. We've grown over the past decade to stand out among
the best technical institutes in the country. Our academic strength and intellect
has to be credited for all those changes that we can boast of. Thus I dedicate this
magazine to all those great minds who have believed and constantly supported
the idea of change.
Lastly, I would like to acknowledge the untiring efforts of the editorial board. I
also wish to thank our director Prof. P. Chakrabarti for being the guiding light
of this entire endeavor. I hope Srijan achieves greater heights in days to come.

Dr. Jyotsna Sinha

Chief Editor

From the Chief Student Editor's Desk

Three years as a member of the Editorial Board and one year as the Chief
Student Editor has been an enriching and inspiring experience. As Gandhiji
once said, You must be the change you want to see in the world. It is very easy
to criticise a product and find faults with it; but very difficult to better a
product and rectify the mistakes. This is the mission we set out with for Srijan
2012; to bring about the changes we had always desired. And very aptly we
decided on the theme for this year's edition as 'CHANGE'. For the first time the
Editorial Board decided to come out with a magazine which has all
contributions in conformance with a theme. Initially, there was quite a bit of
scepticism regarding whether we would get sufficient articles as we had, in a
way, limited the scope for the contributors. But I am proud to say that the
students of MNNIT proved their prowess and came up with brilliant articles,
short stories, poems on a wide array of topics.
We have divided the magazine into three sections. 'Les Affaires du Coeur' is a
collection of those articles that deal with that most fickle and hence, endearing
organ, the heart. 'TERRA FIRMA' is a delectable platter of those pieces that
strike a more intellectual note - contributions on changes in the political and
socio-economic spheres. 'Decetle& ' is a testimonial to the mystic, the metaphysical
and even the commonplace.
On behalf of the entire team, I would like to express my gratitude to the
Honourable Director Prof. P. Chakraborti for the keen interest he has shown in
the development of this magazine and the constant support and motivation he
has provided all along.
I am extremely thankful to our Chief Editor, Dr. Jyotsna Sinha for being a
constant source of guidance and encouragement throughout the process. A
special mention is due, to all the contributors with whose brilliance this
magazine dazzles.
Last, but not the least, I would like to thank all the members of the Editorial
Board of Srijan 2012 for their fantastic work, without whose untiring and
selfless efforts this project wouldn't have been possible.
Happy Reading!

Yugal Chandra Bisht

Les Affaires du Coeur
A Letter to My teacher on Success

Famay Jamshed

Mayank Chaturvedi

Hunger Is The Best Sauce

Varun Bansal

I Want You To Cry Tonight

Saumya Srivastava


Rohit Menghani


Navneet Shah


Nirmal Sarawagi


Nitin Gautam


Deepika Shrivastava


Mohammed Shoeb Suhail Ansari


Qudsi Rizvi


Kritika Mishra


Prashant Mishra


Shashank Jain


Aditya Goel


leewmeerhe Denceo ``]keepeer''

heleerke cebieue
Deeeg<e Megkeuee


An Ode To The Life Lived

Right Angled Triangle
The Eternal Moment
Those Were The Days
Who Is She?
The First Person You Loved In Your Life
The Road Less Travelled
Oh! Thee Good friends
The Lone Horse
The Sun, The Sand And The Sea

Deeej kes efuees. . . keg Yeer kejsiee
pem heQz [dme


Jees Jekele Dee DeeSiee

yeme Oethe Oethe peueer ntB ceQ. . .
z ! lesjs keF& Gheemeke
ns heYeg
yegOeJeej keer jele : `C[ve cesme'
Jees ncemes hetles nQ. . .
Jees yeeheve kes efove efkeleves Des Les. . .
yeoueeJe-Ske Deueie ve]peefjee

Devegjeie keguees<"
Deekeeb#ee jepehetle
Deuebke=lee heeC[se
DeeMeer<e kegceej ceewe&
Devegjeie keguees<"
ke=eflekee efceee
heJeve kegceej
Decetue Megkeue
ceveer<e efceee
Deefcele kegceej eeoJe
ieewjJe Mecee&
heceeso efJesoer
Devethe kegceej eeoJe


jes jner nw Deepe efnvoer


Jeerjsv kegceej efheheuesMe


mecee kee Kesue

jsvet Ke$eer


nceejer mJeleb$elee efkeleveer mJeleb$e nw?

jece yejve


Debefkele eerJeemleJe


oer#ee ieghlee


hegkeej Ske Depevcee keer


osMe kee Deeuece.. . .


Ske keneveer Ssmeer Yeer

ceOegyeve keevog




jbpeerle kegceej




metjpe kegceej jee


Pradeepta Panigrahi


Anjali Mahajan


Subodh Chandra Subedi


Gauraang Bhartiya


Meghna Shah


Soumya Priyadarshini



Bhaisahab! Sachin Ka Chutta Hoga?

And I Still Await
Section 26(1)g




Deeefole kegceej


Role Of Celebrities In Our Life




A Recital From The Wild

Nischal Mishra


efvelesMe Megkeuee


Celebrating A Century Of Entertainment, Yugal Chandra Bisht


DebkesMe heeC[se


Entertainment and Entertainment

efJeJejueer jeeleeveer


jceve efcee


Gej heosMe-efJekeeme kes heLe hej?

Meneros-Dee]pece Yeiele efmebn kee osJeueeske mes osJe oMe&ve
Ye<eeej-Ske iecYeerj mecemee

The Great Indian College Tamasha

Deependra Singh


Manasi Gupta


Judicial Stagnation - Few Lives At Stake Shobhit Kumar Singh


Ay, Bonita!


Heroes of Today

Jeffry Issac

In Search of Him

Alisha Banskota


Fraz Ahmed


Shiwa Bastola


Desire-less Karma

Aakash Gautam


From Darkness To Light

Mriganka Ghai


Samhita Bardhan


Mitesh Karwa


A Diary Entry

Sharmishtha Srivastava


Working Title

Guru Das S


Rajat Swapnil


DeefYe<eske efcee


Deeeg<eer yejveJeeue


efMeKee efmebn



ieewjebie efceee



meewjYe efmevne


keuejJe.. . .

efMeKej efcee


keeefle&ke kegceej Jelme


ogefveee kee Deble

egieue ke=<Ce



jefJe `Dekeme'


meewcee eerJeemleJe


meesvece iebieJeej


For Those Hopes That Have Become Empty

Life's Too Short To Have Regrets!!


Love that never faded

efkemmee Ske, keefJe Deveske
keneB efueKee nw?


Jew%eeefveke ogefveee

Les Affaires du Coeur

A Letter To My Teacher On Success

Dear Ma'am,
Recognize me? Well, I am an unsuccessful student. It is difficult to
recognize as there are plenty of such students but successful students are
few and can easily be acknowledged.
A successful student has an identity, a name, fame and respect. So
everyone knows him. Even his teachers feel proud to be called his teachers
but I am an unsuccessful student, a failure. I don't have an identity, fame,
dignity or respect. I think I stand up as a symbol of failure, there is no hope,
only failure around me. I'm writing my story so that others can learn from
I remember from the earliest years, I had an aim. An aim to be successful,
an aim to reach the highest rung of the ladder, an aim to be the best student.
I gained knowledge, knowledge to succeed, knowledge to rise high. Every
time I stood first in my class, congratulations, blessings and admiration
from elders, teachers, and friends used to fill my world.
I was brought up in an environment of confidence and self-control to make
me successful in future. I was praised for each of my success and was
inspired to do even better than my best. This success which brought me up,
slowly took over me. To put it bluntly, I became a machine. I had to stand
first in my class by any means. Being 'the best' became my ultimate goal. I
toiled and toiled, led by my blind ambition.
I developed an ego about being the best, the very best. This set in a mad
fever that overtook my life completely. While my family, friends and every
'good-willed' kith and kin continued to encourage me to excel and excel-to
what limit? One can't say! Well, I don't know if it was their good-will
pressure or my good luck that my scores always broke all the previous
academic records in school . I came to be 'recognized' by all and sundry. In
fact, my name gained the status of an 'icon' of success.
Like they say 'Life has curious surprises for those who live it to the utmost',
somehow so much of name, fame and recognition began to have a negative

Les Affaires du Coeur

An Ode To The Life Lived

impact on my psyche. I stopped thinking about my friends. I started to develop
a super ego against others. I enjoyed pulling their legs. I tried to degrade them
whenever I got a chance. I enjoyed bullying them, belittling them but came
away clean and gleaming as ever with a tag of a 'super-student', a 'superachiever'attached with me, as one above all evil.
Soon, due to my over-confidence and inflated ego, my happiness began to fade
away. Though, I always succeeded in coming first in class; in the race to achieve
peace, I was the last. I failed to work in peace. I was never contended with my
achievement. I was never satisfied with my work. Success became an obsession
for me. I wanted to leave others behind. Thus, I did leave them. I did become
successful but I was all alone. The people around me though respected me on
the outside, hated me from deep inside. I could feel their apathy for me.
Then came the ultimate high voltage shock of my life. Due to the loneliness and
depression of a genuine loner, I started losing on my inner strength. Eventually,
I became ill, mentally and physically. I started losing all my interest in my
work. Initially, this change in me was received with utter disbelief by those
who had always acknowledged me for my benchmark performance.
Gradually, I started getting warnings, punishments and threatening from my
well-meaning teachers and parents. I lost my self- esteem. I lost my identity.
Slowly and gradually, I lost all my boldness. I stood in the middle of life as a lost
warrior. I failed my exams and have been failing ever since. I am now bearing
the grief of being unsuccessful, a grief of being scolded. Rebuked and hated by
everyone around me.
Is it good to have a blind competition between friends? Aren't we supposed to
revere good feelings of helping and assisting each other, especially among our
peers? Why should success in competition lead to conceit? And finally, is it
right for a child to lose himself in the name of success? Is that what 'success'
really means?

What world what time is it?

Here somewhere I used to be,
Thinking all that was forever,
Imbecile I was, now I know.
There was no sense, there was no reason
With mud in the shoes, I used to play.
Breaking sweat on the little red cap,
Came back home to mama's lap.
The stars in the sky were so ablaze,
Adorning the domes of the huge air castle
In the dead of dark they would peep in my eyes,
And promise me they would not leave till sunrise.
The tales of the valiant warrior,
And those of that veracious merchant,
Told there was nothing integrity couldn't bend,
Cause all of them had a happy end.
The clouds guised as bunny and bear,
And water made noise as if giggling at a joke
Roses in my garden used to peek from my window,
Till they plucked it off before it could further grow.

Your unsuccessful student!

(Ek Taara Zamin Par)
Famy Jamshed
First Year
B. Tech in Computer Science and Engineering

Everything had life, everyone was gentle

But then I saw the world surrogated
Human beings change and so does his judgement,
So much so as if change is the only constant.

Les Affaires du Coeur

Hunger Is The Best Sauce

As I grew, the beggar became bad,
And those who were loaded were claimed to be godly
The life which was admirable became strife,
Wisdom became money, and money became life.
And now here I am, don't know where,
It's hard to decide life's course
The sun still rises and the wind still blows,
But is anybody not full of remorse?
I had a world which was so small,
Yet it had a love of its own
They say I've grown up, but they say whatever,
The life I lost is lost forever!

Mayank Chaturvedi
Second Year
B. Tech in Civil Engineering

Hunger is the best sauce, said she. Bang! The door thundered along with the
echoes of anger. Our English teacher has just left the class after scolding a boy
for not completing his work. The school time has expired for the day. What
did she mean? I interrogated myself. Ayye!! Man, what the hell! How can
hunger be a sauce?? and further more isn't Maggi tomato the best sauce I
know ?
I was in grade five, and so happy with my budding thoughts, I concluded few
things; beauty and brains do not go together, school teachers are born out of
inexperience and knowledge conned by heart, and I swore that I will never
become a teacher.
Proud and happy, I moved on and so did life.
The title had probably glued to my subconscious; and that's why even after six
years of first tryst, I smile when I recall it. Tired and hungry, after working very
hard for my English project, cooking the hot pasta, the thunder of the water
bubbles rattling my ears and mouthful of saliva aggravating my hunger, I
stated, hunger is indeed the best sauce. When hungry, anything worth
eating appears to be the last thing on the planet and we put it down to the last
morsel. Happy and relaxed, I was to discover the supposedly true meaning of
the quotation. No sooner did I swallow the pasta in voluminous chunks to the
last drop, did I go to sleep. A couple of years back, I was neck to neck with my
fear of failure. A fantabulous enriching experience mind you, if you learn
from it. Having hit rock bottom, I knew that only place to go was up. I began
the hard work. Each day was like starving for success. The test came and went.
Content I was, my result being satisfactory.
One fine day, recalling the process of the effort I had put in, I finally truly felt
'Hunger is the best sauce' terribly happy, it was neither the Maggi, nor the
rattling pasta, but the burning desire deep inside your soul which is the real
hunger within you. Hunger here symbolises the regular efforts we put in to
harvest a fruitful contentment.

Les Affaires du Coeur

I Want You To Cry Tonight

As we soar up to become the GenX, it is imperative to change; from a narrow
lane to a broad boulevard; from seeing everything from one's perspective to
perceiving different outlooks of a thing. Choosing our thoughts rightfully
shall ultimately lead us to the eternal horizon, where we all expect to be.
Merely changing for the world's sake will not be enough. The change should
be within YOU.
Varun Bansal
First Year
B. Tech in Information Technology

Today I won't drop on your shoulders,

With the burden of indefinite hope
Neither would I crumple your eyes,
To another aura of sleepless dreams
I won't blabber philosophies today
Its destiny, move on, such is life, and so on
Nor will I sink in the sea of emotions,
To wet you in the showers of sympathy.
Instead, I want you to cry tonight
Yes do that, it's a begging plea
Reel off your pain, let tears tumble down your cheeks
Which might be aching, owing to fake smiles
Don't make your wounds rot
Don't pretend as if everything's okay when it's not; it hurts
Don't act wise, I recognize you're broken inside!
Let your mind accede to the failure
And lament aloud, very loud
Until it outbursts your agony
Don't be hesitant of the otherwise ruthless world
Nobody will see your breakdown, I promise
I'll shut my eyes too and turn my back if you desire
But please cry, cry for once
And let your heart be dried of sorrows
Your soul redeem of yesterday's residues!

Les Affaires du Coeur

For O! Dearest, I empathize
With the irreplaceable loss incurred on you
And so I want you not to just escape it
Under the refuge of hope, dream, destiny or sympathy
But instead triumph over it
On the chariot of your own will
With the sword of your infinite virtues!
I'm waiting to see you soar high, again
Let you be dawned forever!
Saumya Srivastava
Final Year
B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering

Are you kidding? A common story of every household, we are sure it is.
Something which we wonder when our mothers start turning the pages of the
family history and traditions, telling which family member married at what
age. Do you know that your aunt got married at 19, and your uncle was just 20
when he took the plunge?" "Ah, it's an old tale; isn't marrying at a naive age of
25, considered a child marriage in this android world?"
Are you kidding? You are just 25. What about your education? What have you
further planned? It is going to be tough. "Ah, it's an old tale; weren't you just 20
when you got married? I am sure it's going to be a cakewalk instead of a
Fellas, if you are still pondering about what you are reading, to give you some
idea, these are just few bombarded questions with eyes that reflected dilemma
and doubts. Getting settled at an age when fame and money intoxicate you,
killing every fear and eliminating all ifs and buts, believing in that voice that
comes from within, and getting captivated by each other's charms; this is what
it was all about!
Life, which is like a river since its origin, slowly starts learning the tricks of the
world; at this youthful age, flows with vigor to change the world around itself
with the energy nobody has witnessed or encountered. And magically, comes
to halt for a while when someone softly touches that corner of your heart! That
magic, that scintillating and mesmerizing experience, that beauty and that
fervent passion, all have their destiny carved to resonate into a musing of
fascinating expedition.
And it is now when the question arises in you, Should I run behind
something which I can never hold forever (read youth), or should I live this
moment holding hand of the one who will be there with me perpetually? It's a
decision which can create ripples in the silent sea. And at an age of novice,
when parents think you still are their obedient kid, you take that inherent
choice which is soaked in the essence of those muses. And we chose to

Les Affaires du Coeur

Right-Angled Triangle
continue holding that hand, unlike many others whose souls get weak with
jitters of unknown future. We aren't sure either how our tomorrow would look
like, but what we see now is present as beautiful as a dream; colored with the
happiness we share, sprinkled with glitters of our love, and cushioned in the
glass of our amazing world. It's deceiving, it's incredible and it's indelible;
what we experience.
And like a chef, we do not miss to garnish our lives with the right amount
of spicy fights, crispiness of teasing, sweetness of gifts and beauty of our
togetherness; as the Almighty would do with his special preparations! As
we believe, that special moments are still in the making.
Kritika - Ashish
(Kritika and Ashish, are both alumni of 2010 batch of B. Tech. They believed in
themselves and joined in wedlock on 29th Jan 2012 conceiving a life full of bliss
and joy. We extend our best wishes to the beautiful couple for a happy and
prosperous conjugal life ahead.)

The other day, on a warm afternoon in winters, I was strolling on the terrace.
Off my brain; my expressions slack enough to perceive that I had attained
Moksha (Complete Salvation) and the world was immaterial to me. Two men
were gossiping their way out to repair the summer coolers. We are always
ahead of time, aren't we? They were scratching the outer walls of the cooler
with a piece of steel. The cooler, obviously was fixed, and their hands were
twisting and tangling at different angles to scratch off the paint completely.
The noise was irritating and moments later, out of my capacity to hear the
rattle, in haste, I rolled down the stairs.
The winters culminate to pave way for springs, and consequently, the
summers arrive. Today, I was a little perplexed, while I was fixing the coolers,
the terrace incident (of that afternoon) reflected upon my mind. A completely
different perception unearthed. The 'cooler' was an illusion to the life that we
live. The efforts of the two men personalise human efforts in real life. The sheet
of steel took form of the faculties and facilities we have, to achieve our goal.
The noise punned to be the devilish distractions the mind breeds when set in
the fray. Me, myself, was an idle person lurking around foolishly. Indeed the
situations we are stuck in make us realise the importance of things that happen
around us.
Don't Change, phrased a friend of mine when I bid adieu to my boarding
school. I approached his advice with my confined mind-set. And the result of it
was that I lived the successive two years with the state of my mind parallel to
that at boarding school. And when things start off in wrong direction, with
non-uniform magnitude, failure is destined, isn't it?
This in fact is diversity of change. What we perceive may turn out to be our
deception. My friend meant not to lose my morals and character in the process
of maturing and facing unseen and unheard adages of life. He didn't mean that
I put a full stop to developing my state of mind.
Change is the reason we are able to celebrate life. It is the reason we are able to



Les Affaires du Coeur

The Eternal Moment

rock 'n' roll in every phase of life, only if we accept it and work towards
reaping the benefits of a contented life, without purpose. The cooler of the life
will remain stationary. It is the angle at which we scratch and how we scratch
that makes the difference. More diverse our effort of removing the paints,
greater is the experience we have to share. Expecting the cooler to alter as we
wish, will ultimately disbalance it, and at that point, life shall become heavy
upon us and we shall miss celebrating an occasion called life.
We ought to use the discouragement due to death, sorrow of suffering, tremors
of infidelity, paradoxically to our advantage; lest they gulp us down to the last
morsel. Our work will be a tribute to the departed, joy to the sufferings we
endured, and contentment to infidelity.

Rohit Menghani
First Year
B. Tech in Electrical Engineering

It had been three long years that we had parted our ways. Three years is a long
time, long enough to forget old memories and make plenty of new ones. Yet,
somehow deep inside me, I felt that we were still together, that out love was
still alive deep down and that all those miles hadn't changed our relation even
a bit. So when I learnt that she was back and that she wanted to see me; I was
overwhelmed with joy but at the same time, was worried as to what new
changes had she gone through. Was she the same person that I had been with
three years ago? Did she still smile as radiantly as before or has she changed?
Well, deciding not to think about such things I agreed to meet her and give my
best to make it the best night of our lives.
We were supposed to meet at the beach in the evening but I was so restless that
I went early and began all my preparations. I wanted it to be perfect. I wanted
to set a romantic mood so I chose to light candles and sit under the open sky,
gazing at the stars above and holding my love in my arms. And as if the world
knew what I wanted and was supporting me in every way possible, for the
moon was shining brightly, the sky all clear and the stars twinkling their
brightest, quietly winking at me, the wind blowing ever so softly and the sea
splashing in order to show her support.
I was almost lost in the romantic ambience when I saw her walking slowly
towards me. Never had she looked so beautiful, never had her complexion
been so brilliant that even the glow of the candles looked dim. Her hair was so
soft that I wanted to bury myself in it. The moment she stood in front of me, she
took my breath away. My love had indeed changed, but for better. She was
beautiful, way more than before. Now I knew why my love hadn't died, but
instead grown strong. As she came near, my heart starting racing and when
she smiled at me I couldn't utter a word, my throat was dry as if I had
swallowed a whole roll of cotton. But we didn't need any verbal
communication for she understood my silence and in response to it a tear
rolled down her left cheek.
The tear was a pure gem to me, more precious than any diamond and I couldn't
let it go. How could I let my treasure go waste? So I carefully captured it in my
finger and it sparkled like a diamond. She caught my hand and gave me a



Les Affaires du Coeur

million dollar smile. Her touch was so warm that I felt as if I was floating. I took
both her hands in mine and interlocked my fingers so that there would be no
space in between us. I wanted to keep her to myself and never let go.
As we were holding hands I turned my gaze towards her and was drinking in
her beauty. Yes there were changes, but all for the better. She had grown her
hair. It was slowing reaching her shoulders where earlier it was cropped
around her ears. Her face looked slightly thin and her body, slimmer and
curvier than before. Her curves were enhanced by the red silk dress she wore
and the black bow at the waist only enhanced her beauty more. She was simply
irresistible. Three years ago, I had parted ways with a girl and now I was
holding hands with a woman, totally unaware of her charms.
She had been an innocent girl who was careless and yet, she was a magician
who had me under her spell. I felt like the luckiest man in the world who had
his angel right in front of him and now, for once he knew what heaven felt like.
I must have been staring at her for a long time for her little tap at my shoulder
brought me back to reality. And there was my angel, smiling at me, her eyes
beautiful eyes! Who cared what the stars looked like, for her eyes were brighter
than any other star in the sky, and her hair, even the darkest hour of the night
wasn't as dark as her hair could be.
I was completely enticed by her beauty and even without realizing, I found my
hands caressing her skin. So soft was it. She must have felt the same intensity of
love as I did, for she did not stop me but instead took my hand and held it
between her arms. So warm! was the first words she'd spoken all evening.
She rested her head in my arm and closed her eyes. To this, I found my finger
tracing an unknown picture on her face, her forehead, her eyes, her cute nose,
her soft cheeks and her lips. I had long forgotten what it was like to kiss those
lips. Though I had kissed her before, today it felt as if I had never done so. As of
now I felt that her lips longed to be kissed. Her lips, full and pink, reminded me
of rose petals waiting to unfold and as if pulled by some unknown force I bent
my head and placed a soft kiss on those lips.

experienced such an overwhelming rush of emotions that were so intense. I

wrapped my arms around her as if letting her know that she is safe here in my
arms from this harsh world and its brutalities. Also, I was letting her know
that, no matter what changes the world went through, my love for her would
never change and that even time couldn't take it away from us.
It was my promise to her. She hugged me tighter as if saying yes. For what
seemed like eternity, I held her in my arms, our silence broken only by the
splashing of the waves. We were transported to another world, where she felt
safe in my embrace, and I was lost in her fragrance as I buried my face in her
hair. I was still lost, when she loosened her grip and looked up to see my face.
Her eyes were shimmering with tears and I couldn't understand what brought
in the sudden change. Only when she kissed my cheek to wipe away my tears,
did I realize that I had been crying, crying out of pure joy. I hadn't realized that
I was capable of such emotions.
Ever so slowly, she rested her head on my shoulders and locked her fingers in
mine. Then she looked up at me and smiled. My heart melted the very moment
and I wrapped my arm around her waist and walked towards the beach. As we
moved ahead the cold water splashed around our feet and she pressed closer
to me.And as the moon smiled at us and the waves splashed around our feet to
express its consent with our love we slowly walked on the beach, counting the
infinite stars in the sky, which were to us the infinite promises for our love in
the future In that moment we left the world behind as we walked forward to
our eternity.
Navneet Shah
First Year
B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering

It broke her dream and she looked at me with a strange expression in her eyes.
For a brief moment I was afraid, thoughts were racing in my mind. Did I
offend her?, Maybe she doesn't see me that way! And what not! But before I
could think or say something, she wrapped her arms around me and buried
her face in my chest. Never had I felt such passion before and never had I


Les Affaires du Coeur

Those Were The Days

I still remember those juvenile nights, those rainy raw afternoons when I
would chirp around the house smiling at nothing, jumping with joy without a
reason and crying because my mother did not take me out for an ice-cream. I
still remember those yellow painted pots on which I sat admiring the stars,
those dirty stones on which my tender feet would get cut, and those tiny
marbles which I prized above anything else.
Today, as I watch kids running about without any worry about their college,
career and cash, it brings back to me those priceless moments when I did not
care much about what happened in the parliament or how many politicians
resigned. All I knew was that I had a cricket match waiting, a time to go
cycling, a time to drive those tiny hot wheels inside which drove my dreams.
I remember the number of snowmen that I built, and then broke them in a
single blow trying to enact a stunt hero. I still can hear those soundless fires of
my toy pistol, still feel the tears in my eyes afraid of the hurt. I move around
strong today, ready to face life, but when I look back on such a small boy who
wants to dance, who wants to play, laugh and sleep waiting for the angels to
drop and bless him. I see those tiny green eyes, those soft little hands, those
mini feet wanting to run around, cry those crocodile tears and then hug his
mother as if she was some goddess who could make his dreams come true.

him that snowman is still his best friend, he has fought with him, hurt him,
hugged him. He still wonders how these stars shine, still tries to count them,
and still sleeps waiting for angels. To him those cricket matches are still larger
than life; those toy figures still super heroes.
What tomorrow might hold is but a question, what today has, time will tell,
but what yesterday was, is too beautiful to put in words, too precious to reveal,
too touching to explain. Life seems to have been running out but this ever has
been enjoyable, adventurous and very memorable. Maybe tomorrow I drive
expensive cars, live in mansions, talk to big people but, to me, that little boy
will still be smiling, still crying; waiting for his dreams to come true. And still
waiting for angels.
Nirmal Sarawagi
First Year
B. Tech in Mechanical Engineering

My mind is full of memories, moments still printed in the sands of time. How I
would jump on my father's lap, pinch my brother and run away, how I would
hide myself behind chains and curtains, eager to hear mom's desperate calls
looking for me. Time brings back moments when I shot my first goal, took my
first wicket, and topped the class. It brings back the glow, pride and smiles on
my parent's faces.
How quickly these years have passed, how quickly I have a beard on my face,
how quickly that little boy who wanted to be great in life now stands on the
verge of becoming an independent man, how quickly have all these years
rolled! There is still a child inside me, a little boy who still smiles at nothing,
who wants to be loved, wants someone to hold him, wants someone to hug
him tight on those dark stormy nights; there is a little boy for whom those cars
are as dear as they were, in which he still drives, in which he still dreams. To



Les Affaires du Coeur

Who Is She?
In this whole world, there are total of 7 billion people. Some are happy, some
are sad, some regret the things they have done and some just don't care.
Quoted from a famous movie Forrest Gump, " Life is like a box of chocolate,
you never know what you're gonna get ", it defines life in its own way. No one
knows what is going to happen next. But for a better next, one needs to act
wisely. Good decision is a must. If the past went wrong there will still be time
to amend it but if present goes bad, there won't be time to say "My bad". So,
change is a must to have better future.
It was raining at the dusk and he was with his beloved. He leaned forward and
looked at the clouds and wondered where did the stars go, despite the fact that
he knew the answer. He even thought about the cosmos and wondered again
with the ounce of lameness which he had inside him. His face was getting wet
by the rain coming straight from above. Then as usual he kissed her. He felt
really good at that time when she was with him. It was really hard for him to
leave her but when she was with him, he always felt good. She was like a nice
outfit to him that he thought suits him, but it didn't. Satisfaction was in his
hands when he held her. Every time he kissed her, he felt like he was out of
pressure or was relieved from all the tensions. But he knew it was very lame.
He always told himself, "Why did I start it?" He heard different opinions from
others. Some said, "Don't carry on with her'' and some straightly said "Leave
her". He knew all about this but couldn't quit seeing her. She was like an
antacid to his stomach and he was like a troubled patient suffering with
problems. His friends, family and relatives knew about them. But they didn't
know about the agony he was going to suffer without her. She was half way in
his hand and this time rain drops were making her wet. He looked at her and
laughed at himself on his foolishness. Then he realized that there's no
advantage of it. The more he was into her, it became more difficult for him to
leave her. His own parents didn't believe him in every step he took. He was

losing weight. He didn't have the control over his own capital. And more
importantly, he would not be having the same health as he was supposed to
have after 10-20 years. There were also a lot of other people around him who
encouraged him not to leave her. If sometimes he denied that fact of not being
with her then the applause of laugh would ring around his ears. But now, he
didn't care about these words. It was the first time a meteor struck on his head.
It was the change inside him. The maturity or may be the subconscious came
out to his conscious mind, it was his own and not others' inspiration. Then he
pulls her out to the rain and she blows off and he promises himself with the
determination of never kissing her again.
It's now two months that he is out of her touch and he is happier than he used
to be. She came several times in his sight but his determination led her away. It
was very difficult for him at the beginning but now he is out of the pain.
Temptations of having a relationship with her came several times knocking at
the door but he kept her at bay. Even now she comes in his mind like an angel
but after these three years, he has known that she was not an angel but rather a
devil that will make him burn. She came in different varieties. Every kind of
her gave him different taste and power of satisfaction, nevertheless, they were
all indistinguishable. Although, he was never going to forget her until his last
breath, that which came as a curse and went as a boon in his life was indeed a
Nitin Gautam
First Year
B. Tech In Civil Engineering


Les Affaires du Coeur

The First Person You Loved In Your Life

A person whose love is deeper than the ocean, a person whose heart is as pure
as the first drop of dew, a person more elegant more beautiful and innocent
than the moon and a person whose care is vast as the limitless sky. All these
qualities can only be found together in one soul and that is the soul of a mother.
Remember the first arms which clasped you in a loving grip, remember the
first kiss you got on your forehead, remember the first eyes which were full of
joyful tears when they saw you and remember the first person in your life for
whom you were more precious than her own life- it was your mother.

for me. She has been the source of greatest inspiration for me. For me, my
mother is more beautiful than a flower, more precious than a gem, more close
to my heart than my heartbeat. I can never repay her love and sacrifice even if I
serve her all my life.
I just wish to fulfill all her dreams and bring so much happiness in her life that
no sorrow can ever creep in.
Deepika Srivastava
Second Year
B. Tech in Electronics And Communication Engineering

After having spent one complete year in college, away from home, family and
more importantly my mother, I now realize what comfort and love is missing
in my life today. Back home, I was the pampered girl; the little girl of my mom,
free of all responsibilities and worries. I always knew that no matter what,
whenever I turned back my mom would always be there for me. Those
beautiful eyes full of love and care would always be watching my every step.
I, now remember the times when I used to throw tantrums, get angry and even
refused to have my meal and then she would come to me and pamper me,
adore me and then feed me with her own hands. Whenever there rose the
slightest of problems, I would simply rush to her and blabber it out. And she,
no matter how non-sensical it was, would be very patiently listening to me and
gave me the world's best solution. In the morning, when I would be getting
late for school and dressing up, she would be combing my hair. While I would
be hastily packing my bags, she would be running after me with tiffin box.
Whenever I used to study till the late hours of night, she would sit beside me
and despite being so tired after all the household chores, would still be oiling
my hair or massaging my forehead.
I wonder how god has made her. She has so much of love to shower upon me
and yet expects the least from me. All she wants is that her daughter should
remain as close to her as possible. Whenever I have to leave home for college, I
feel heart-broken to see those moist eyes, trying their best to hold back their
tears, that fading smile on her lips, trying to tell me not to worry about her and
that loving look telling me to take the best care of myself.
She is indeed an epitome of sacrifice, love and nothing less than god himself


Les Affaires du Coeur

Another fine Monday to ruin another stage of my perfectly ordered
disoriented life, just to make it more miserable was a Physics lecture trying to
clear the never diminishing doubts about the abomination started by (with all
due respect) Sir Isaac Newton. Induction was the topic to be taught,
although abduction seemed apt (Sorry! For the lame word play). But
abduction it was, as you see, science defines the term induction as a
phenomenon in which a body induces its properties into another inanimate
object when brought close to it. After spilling out all of the scientific mumbojumbo from his monotonous mind the professor posed a question, Can
anyone tell me about its practical application? and as you might not know,
I'm not the most sought after person that a teacher looks for. But that day I
wished the professor would ring me up for answering the question, which he
unfortunately did and this was my answer:
Induction has a variety of applications in our daily life and the example of
pure induction is standing before you. In fact, the whole batch sitting in this
room is an example. We have reached a stage where we have lost our minds
and our trail of creativity, we are being forced to induce these thoughts into our
minds and mindlessly spill out this information which we inhale from these
books without giving them any consideration. The only reason we people
have taken up engineering as a course is not because we wanted to, but we
were brainwashed by this society which lives and breeds near us and has
given us an induced thought that it is right!

we need is simply some moola and a way to survive in this greed mongering
world. The sense of being a patriotic person is all lost and replaced by the term
I like to call 'induced patriotism' which can be only seen on those national
holidays and on those supposedly nationalistic cricket matches.
Scratching his head in dilemma, the old man asked me Young lad why do you
have these disturbing thoughts in your mind?
As a sad state of our politics and this ruptured civilization even I tried to be a
rebel without a cause, tried to think outside the box. However every time I
tried to make a point my mind always made me conscious about my puny role
in this whole significant world and made me feel more insignificant.
The puzzled man asked What do you mean by all this?
Sir, for what I stated before, my irrelevant existence has also been a part of this
never ending culture that you scientists like to call induction.
And the class continued with an awkward silence.
Mohammed Shoeb Suhail Ansari
Second Year
B. Tech in Mechanical Engineering

The professor with a reasonable interruption asked me Do you think I'm

some kind of fool who has been teaching this? and to this my reply was:
Emphatically speaking sir you picked up this course because you were a free
bird at that time and you most probably had this noble thought of helping the
people with your knowledge or serving your country. But unfortunately,
people learning in your temple no longer bear resemblance to that thought. All



Les Affaires du Coeur

The Road Less Travelled

It's the road less travelled,
Where 'he' goes on.
Treading the convoluted path
Warped under mist and fog,
Of uncertainties and hopelessness
and, a jerk he falls but then
moves on!
In the woods all alone,
But they won't believe
For those who rely on apparent
Know not what the heart pines!
But they are right... 'he' himself
Does not know... why is he going on
In the woods, on the road less travelled!

Beyond the mist lies serenity

You walk on and achieve
And he rests and dies and lives.
In the woods, all alone on the
road less travelled!!!

It's dark but greater is the darkness within

And light is no-where ahead nor within.
In cold and fury he falters but gropes
In the dark to catch a glimpse
Of that reality he had some time back!
In wilderness, in the woods he treads
Silently 'aware' of the trepidations
Of heart, the wishes and tender dreams.

Ah!!! It's a fool's dream and rantings

Of a mad man highly paradoxical
Within, he does not know and he refutes
Whatever he says and feels the next moment
Pity on him and his mind; but he moves on!
Under the stars in the wintry night,
He searches for 'warmth' and then dies
To be alive again for the next morning!!!

He crosses himself and refutes his soul

For in darkness, souls do not rely on
weak dreams and trampled wishes
In the woods he goes on
Leaving behind fog and dust
but ahead are more; pits and falls
yet, he knows he will move on!


O! Friends and companions come not

Nor give pearls of wisdom to a beggar
Unwary of your treasures!
Pains are different and vary on different paths
Your pains 'he' does not understand
For hollow beings have nothing to reflect!
It's time now to halt a bit
Take breath and fall asleep
For weariness is deathly and
Indifference is stark

Qudsi Rizvi
Research Scholar & Guest Faculty


Les Affaires du Coeur


Oh! Thee Good Friends

Grief and morose sprawl their hands

Time's scurrying, bodies do not understand
Distances sweep in among the mortals
Still silence and no-one to tell

Who's a real friend and who's your foe

Bodies covered with mask on face

On the roads, creeping with pace
Holding delight from release
Fighting oneself for peace
Cold winds do not cease
Rivers glide along with ease,
Mountains too stand high
In the east, sun will still rise

Oh! Lord why did you put up this ugly show

I crave for a true friend
I long this tussle to end
This pie amidst my mind
Oh! Thee good friends how to find?
I maimed and welshed stand 'ashore'
Ashore an ocean that I heard in a folk lore
Oh! Lord how to cross this 'unfathomable sea'
When I have no oar to row and wind against me
All friendships are 'red short'
Never trust anyone, for I do exhort

What for bodies then wait,

Must apprehend the truth straight
Hold on the stone collection,
Discover out some elation
Turn oneself into beautiful soul
Serenity and bliss must be goal
Break-free all the tied chains
Moment ought not pass in vain
Create thou own city
Join hands in love and amity
Leave not anyone alone
No corner to cry no place to groan
Souls will then feel too great
Cheer and harmony will proliferate
Go and live out thou part
Now is the time to start.

Kritika Mishra
First Year
B. Tech in Biotechnology


But think how wrong of me!

Entwined in my thoughts, please someone set me free!
Sometimes the puissance of true mates
Defeat the world and relinquish the states
But a 'heart' once broken, a 'friendship' once shaken
On no account can be conjoined, that's betoken
Betwixt bevy agony I bewail
Like an abandoned sailor I do sail
Lost almost in this forlorn quest
Beseeching an answer, I just 'cant' rest
So captured thus in my thought's den
I would like here my poem to end.
Prashant Mishra
Second Year
B. Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering


Les Affaires du Coeur

The Lone Horse

It was as if we were mirrors
Reflecting what the other felt
Looking through the window
I saw a lone horse
Waving his dark black mane of hair
Hitting the ground like he owned it
He amused me a bit
I wondered to myself
'What makes this horse so full of pride?'
'Why is the horse all alone and still visibly secure?'
Clad in what seemed like black velvet
Beautiful eyes like jade
Limbs that looked like tree trunks
And a thick stock of hair as the tail
I kept staring for a while
Scared and apprehensive to go touch it
The horse didn't even look at me
I was a mere spectator to its glorious body
I was still at the window
I was still scared
When I saw the horse looking at me
With the oddest of all expressions
It seemed scared
It seemed anxious
It seemed curious
Just like me

Seeing the beast cower down

In fear of someone like me
I went out into the field
And closed down the distance between us
Step by step
My fear became fascination
His anxiety became amusement
Our feelings changed
I put my hand on the head of the creature
It neighed in approval of my touch
I thought I had it under control
When all of a sudden it went on its hinds
It ran away
Far away from me
I was hoping it would come back
But it didn't
Just when I think I know
Just when I feel things are not going to change
They do
The beast made me realize many things
Pride does not need people
An audience is not required to make one feel proud
It just shows

We had something in common

When we looked at each other


Les Affaires du Coeur

The Sun, The Sand And The Sea

Presence of another can intimidate
The fear of the unknown exists
Similar feelings are a great ice breaker
Touch is a good medium of communication
I could still see the silhouette of the horse
Running away into the oblivion
I wondered to myself
'What made this horse so full of pride?'

Shashank Jain
Second Year
B. Tech in Information Technology

The sun shimmers in the sky

sprinkling gold in the sea
upon the shore where I stand,
My head clouded, feet buried in sand.
With constant pull of the waters, earth slipping beneath
As I sink further, I feel light within.
No care for things anymore out of my reach,
If I could just close my eyes and crumble to the beach.
The fall of the sky, the spread of the sea,
My quench to meet horizon fail me at bay.
If my eyes possessed a lock, I'd throw away the keys,
To capture a lifetime in a moment of peace.
The tranquil nature, pristine and serene,
Had me awestruck like never before.
The taste of which is euphoric than rehoboam,
Wonder if it could ever be my home.
The hazmatic universe and the perilous world,
The jeopardy of life are of least concern.
The wondrous Nature the air of self being,
The opus intimate the charm of living.
Take an eirenic breath and see,
I lost myself and discovered me.
The romantic interlude, oh! let me be,
In the sun, the sand, and the sea.

Aditya Goel
Third Year
B. Tech in Electronics And Communication Engineering



Les Affaires du Coeur


Deeej kes efuees... keg Yeer kejsiee

lesjs ]iece-S-pegoeF& kees otj nce Mejeye mes kejles jns,

Deeej! peer neB Deeej Ske Ssmee Keee heoeLe& nw pees Yeejleere JevpeveeW kee Ske DeefYeVe Debie nw~ hegjeleve
keeue mes ueskej Jele&ceeve keeue leke ueieYeie nj hegjeCe ceW, nj evLe ceW Deeej DeLeJee Fmemes mecyeefvOele Keee
heoeLeeX kee GuuesKe efceuevee mecYeJe nw~

ieghelegiet jele Yej nce cenleeye mes kejles jns~

efoue yenuelee nw keneB DevpetceeW cenleeye mes Yeer,
yeme Deheves efoue kees KegMe nce lesjs KJeeye mes kejles jns~

yeele Deiej efveeefcele Yeespeve keer MeesYee Deewj peeekee ye{eves keer nes ee efhej YeceCe hej ues peeves Jeeues
JevpeveeW keer nes DeLeJee Keee heoeLeeX keer ueieeleej ye{leer ngF& keerceleeW keer nes, Deeej kee ef]pee lees keneR ve keneR
DeJeMe nes ner peelee nw~ ie=efnCeer ceefnueeDeeW kes efuees lees Deeej ceeB DevvehetCee& eje eoe meyemes cenlJehetCe&
Jejoeve nw~

lesjs cejpeer hej nce jepeer Les, pees let eens Jees nce eens,
nce Deheves nj meJeeue kee FKlesleece lesjs peJeeye mes kejles jns~
nce KegMeer Yetue ieS Deye lees iece keer Deeole meer nw,

keYeer heefle hejcesMJej meypeer ueevee Yetue peeeW ee efhej hes ceW etns oew[ jns neW Deewj oeue-meypeer yeveves ceW osjer
nes Deewj lees Deewj ieYe&Jeleer ceefnueeDeeWb kees keg Kee Keeves kee ceve kejs lees nceejs pesnve ceW efmehe& Ske ner veece
Deelee nw-Deeej~ Deeej Deewj heepe kes mebiece keer ceefncee kes ner heefjCeecemJehe Deepe Yeer ueeKeeW iejerye
efnvogmleeveer Deheves oes Jekele kes Yeespeve kee Yejhes Deevevo ues heeles nQ~

Dehevee nj megketve kegjyeeve lesjer Fmlesjeye hes kejles jns~

ef]pevoieer otj nw S ]keepeer ceewle Yeer keg kejerye veneR,
ef]pevoieer yeoueves keer Deeme nce mewueeye mes kejles jns~
FKlesleece = meceehleer
Fmlesjeye = yesewve
cenleeye = eeBo
leewmeerhe Denceo ]keepeer
le=leere Je<e&
lekeveerkeer mveeleke, metevee DeefYeeebef$ekeer

Fme ekeej Deeej Deepe nj Deece Deeoceer kes peerJeve ceW jee yemee nw uesefkeve keeJe #es$e ceW lees Deeej keer
ceefncee ner efvejeueer nw~
peer neB! keeJe, mebieerle, veewbkeer pewmes ke=leeW ceW lees Deeej Meyo kes eeesie cee$e mes ner keece, eesOe, esce,
keCee, Yee, kee#e Fleeefo YeeJe ye[er Deemeeveer mes eke efkees pee mekeles nQ, GoenjCeeLe&esce YeeJe:
meesvet (ceeB mes):-ceeB, Deepe efefheve ceW Deeej Lees[e peeoe jKevee, efhebkeer kees en yengle hemevo nw~
meeme (yent mes):-Dejs yent meypeer yeveer keer veneR ee efhej Deeej mes metKeer jeser Kee uetB~
eesOe :
heefle (helveer mes):-neB, neB Meewke mes peeFes ceeekes nce Yeer Deehekes eues peeves kes yeeo Deeej mes Keevee
Keekej Dehevee hes Yej ueWies~
helveer (efe{eles ngS):-cesjs eues peeves kes yeeo Deehekes efuees Deeej Yeer keewve yeveeesiee Yeuee?



Les Affaires du Coeur

kegue efceueekej Fme mebmeej ceW oes lejn kes ueesie yemeles nQ, henues Jes pees Deeej hemevo kejles nQ Deewj otmejs Jes
pees Deeej yengle hemevo kejles nQ~

uesefkeve DeeefKejkeej Deheves ceces mes keye leke efheelee? Deewj Ske jele Gmekes ceces Je oesmleeW kees Deheves
cebmetyees kees keeceeeye kejves kee DeJemej efceue ner ieee~

Fmeer ekeej otmejs lejn kes eeefCeeeW mes mecyevOe jKeves Jeeues es nceejs eleerke ceneMee efpevekee efke cetue
Jeekee Lee-Deeej kes efyevee Yeespeve Gmeer ekeej efvejLe&ke nw efpeme ekeej JeekejCe kes efyevee keesF& Yeer Yee<ee~
Yeeie keer ceefncee keefnes DeLeJee I
kee efyeie[e ngDee heefjCeece eleerke ceneMee kee eeve G0e0 kes Ske
eefleefle mebmLeeve ceW nes ieee~ eeve keer Keyej megvekej peneB Ske Deesj Iej ceW KegMeer kee ceenewue Lee JeneR otmejer
Deesj eleerke kees ceve ner ceve en efeblee meleees pee jner Leer efke ceneefJeeeuee kes ne@mue ceW Deeej keneB
efceuesiee? uesefkeve eleerke kes ceve keer efeblee heue Yej ceW ner Gmeer ekeej t-cevlej nes ieeer efpeme ekeej mete&
veejeeCe kes eke nesles ner keesnje, peye ceeB ves Deve ]pejer meeceeveeW kes meeLe Deeej kee Ske ye[e ef[yyee Yeer
yeeBOe efoee~

Ske jele peye eleerke Keeves kes efuees Gele ngDee lees Deheves efee Deeej kees Gefele mLeeve hej ve heekej Jen
efmenj G"e~ Devenesveer keer DeeMebkee kes eueles Jen ' Gmesve yeesu ` keer lespeer mes oew[kej cesme hengBee~

Kewj, eleerke KegMeer-KegMeer Deheves ne@mue hengBee~ MegDeele ceW vees-vees Yeespeve kee Deevevo keefnes DeLeJee
vees ceneefJeeeuee ceW eefJe nesves kee Glmeen Gmes Deeej keer DeeJeMekelee veneR he[er~ uesefkeve efpeme lejn oeree
Deewj yeeleer Ske otmejs mes peeoe
otj veneR jn mekeles Gmeer ekeej keg mecee yeerle peeves hej eleerke kees Deheves
Deeej keer eeo Dee ner ieeer Deewj Jen cesme ceW Deeej ueskej hengBe ner ieee~ eleerke ves pewmes ner ceeB kes neLe mes yeves
Deeeej kes ef[yyes kee {kekeve Keesuee lees hetjer cesme ceW Deeej keer KegMeyet Gmeer ekeej hewue ieeer efpeme ekeej
leguemeeroeme peer kes Devegmeej evove efIemes peeves hej hetje efe$eket cenke G"lee Lee~ Fmeer megievOe kes eueles meejer
eceeceeleer DeeBKes Deveeeeme ner Gmekeer Deesj ceg[ ieeer~ eleerke ves Yeer efmLeefle YeeBhekej efMeeeej Deewj meeoieer
kee heefjee osles ngS Deheves Deeme-heeme yew"s keg menheeef"eeW kees Deeej kee mJeeo eKee efoee~
eleerke Deheves efce$eeW kes veske Fjeos YeeBhe egkee Lee Fmeerefuees Gmeves Deeej Jeeefheme ueekej Ske megjef#ele mLeeve
hej jKe efoee~
Oeerjs-Oeerjs eleerke Deewj Gmekee Deeej kes eefle petvetve Gmekes efce$eeW keer peerJeve Mewueer kee Ske Debie yeve egkee
Lee~ peneB Ske Deesj Gmekes efce$e M
ceW k
kes meeLe yeie&j kee Deevevo uesles Les, eleerke
ceneMee Deeej kes meeLe yeie&j kes ekeejs ueieeles Les~ Ske efove eleerke kes Mejejleer ceces ves Deheves oesmleeW kes
meeLe efceuekej Gmekee Deeej ef"keeves ueieeves keer eespevee yeveeF&~ uesefkeve meyemes ye[er keef"veeF& Leer Gme Deeej
kes ef[yyes kee efceuevee, keeeWefke eleerke Deheves Deeej kees Gmeer ekeej megjef#ele jKelee Lee efpeme ekeej efke Ske
meeceeve e$e Deheves F
kee P
megjef#ele jKelee nw~
uesefkeve kenles nQ vee-Iej kee Yesoer uebkee {ees~ ogefveee mes lees Gmeves Deheves Deeej kees efhee kej jKee

cesme kes YeeeJen Me kees osKekej Gmekeer n keebhe G"er~ Gmekes leerve oesmle Je ceces efceuekej eleske
GheefmLele menhee"er kees Deeej yeebles ngS vepej Deees~ Fmemes henues efke Jen ef[yyee Deheves DeefOekeej ceW ueslee yengle
osj nes egkeer Leer, meeje kee meeje Deeej ueeueeer, ebeue Deewj Gmeer keer lejn Meewkeerve je#emeeW keer YeW e{ egkee
Lee Deewj Gmekes ef[yyes keer neuele Yeer<eCe ieceea ceW metKes efkemeer leeueeye kes meceeve nes egkeer Leer efpemeceW efke jeF& kes
DeJeMes<e Gmes ce=le ceefueeeW kee DeeYeeme keje jns Les~
Kewj, Devenesveer kees keewve eue mekelee nw? eleerke Yeer Deheves Deve menheeef"eeW kes meeLe hues ueskej yew"
ieee~ eke=efle keer efJe[cyevee osefKees Ske efove henues leke efpeme Jeefe kes heeme Deketle mecheoe heer Deeej Lee,
Deepe Gmekes DeueeJee nj Jeefe kes heeme Jen mecheoe Leer~ Gme jele Keeves kes oewjeve Gmeves efpeme efkemeer Yeer efce$e
keer Deesj oee keer DeeMee mes osKee Gmes Ske ner peJeeye efceuee-legce yengle Kee egkes Deye nceejer yeejer nw~
Fme Ievee kes yeeo eleerke hetjer lejn t egkee Lee, Gmekee Deye efkemeer Yeer eerpe ceW ceve ve ueielee~ YeefJe<e
ceW Gmes Deeej veneR efceuesiee en meese-meese kej ner Jen efmenj G"lee~ Oeerjs-Oeerjs Deheves efce$eeW kes meeLe nBmevee,
Kesuevee-ketovee Yeer Gmeves yevo kej efoee~ Gmekeer neuele Gme oerJeeves cepevet kes meceeve nes egkeer Leer efpemeves efke
Deheveer esefcekee kees Deheves Ieefve efce$e kes meeLe Iej yemeeles ngS osKee nes!
Deheves ceces keer keCeeceeer efmLeefle osKekej efveefKeue kee Deblece&ve iueeefve mes Yej ieee~ efveefKeue kees
yeej-yeej Deheves ke=le hej eesOe Dee jne Lee uesefkeve Deye Jen kej Yeer keee mekelee Lee? Ske efove Gmeves Deheveer
ieueleer megOeejves kee efveMee efkeee Deewj YeeJeveelceke MeyoeW ceW Deheves efce$e kees mechetCe& YeieJeodieerlee kee meej
mecePeeles ngS kene-ns efce$e, pees yeerle ieee mees yeerle ieee Deye Jen efhej keYeer ueew kej veneR Deeesiee, Fme
mechetCe& mebmeej ceW eleske Jeefe Je Jemleg kee efJeveeMe efveefMele nw, Dele: efkemeer Jemleg efJeMes<e mes Flevee ceesn Gefele
Deheves efce$e eje kens iees Ge megvoj JeekeeeW ceW eleerke kees peerJeve kee meej mecePe ceW Dee ieee Deewj Jen
Deheves meejs iece Yetueekej Deheves hewjeW hej efhej mes G" Ke[e ngDee Deewj Deheves efee efce$e kes ieues ueie ieee~
eleerke Deewj efveefKeue keer Ieefve efce$elee keer en Ske MegDeele cee$e Leer, Fmekes yeeo oesveeW kee nBmevee,

Les Affaires du Coeur

Kesuevee-ketovee meye meeLe-meeLe nesves ueiee~ pewmes-pewmes Jee Jeleerle neslee ieee, Gvekeer Ieefvelee ye{leer eueer
ieF&~ mecee keer jheleej Deewj oesmleer kes cejnce ves eleerke kes meejs IeeJeeW kees hetjer lejn Yej efoee~ oesveeW efee efce$e
Deheveer ne@mue ueeF&he kee hetje Deevevo ues jns Les uesefkeve Ske jele Ieefle ngF& Gme Deefee Ievee ves oesveeW oesmleeW
keer efce$elee ceW ojej hewoe kej efoee~
Gme jele eleerke peuoyeepeer ceW Deheves kecejs kee leeuee ueieevee Yetue ieee Deewj peye oesveeW efce$e Jeeefheme Deees
lees Deheves kecejs keer oeveere neuele osKekej obie jn iees~ efveefKeue ves mejmejer efveieeneW mes kecejs kee efvejer#eCe
efkeee lees Gmes Deheveer f
keer Ie[er ieeeye efceueer~ eleerke eje keceje Keguee es[ peeves keer yeele hej
efveefKeue Deheves iegmmes hej efveeb$eCe veneR jKe mekee Deewj Gmeves eleerke kees peesjoej leceeee pe[ efoee~
keg heue kes efuees kecejs ceW Fleveer Meeefvle e ieeer efke ceevees yejieo kes efJeMeeue Je=#e hej eneneles ngS
ueeKees heefjvos Ske meeLe Meevle nes iees neW~ hetjs ne@mue ceW keesnjece cee ieee efpeme oesmleer keer efcemeeueW oer peeleer
LeeR Gme oesmleer kee Deye veeceesefveMeeve Yeer veneR Lee~ oesveeW kenves kees lees ceces Les uesefkeve oesveeW kes yeere Debyegpee
meercesv keer cepeyetle oerJeej efKebe egkeer Leer efpemekes efke ve lees Deej-heej osKee pee mekelee Lee Deewj ve ner MeyoeW
kee Deeoeve-eoeve efkeee pee mekelee Lee~ Gvekee keceje pees efke ncesMee Ske njs-Yejs yeieeres keer lejn KegMevegcee
jnlee Lee GmeceW Deye MceMeeve pewmeer Meebefle Deewj DebOesje Lee~ oesveeW kes m
ves Yeer Deye ce hej
Deevee yevo kej efoee Lee~
Ievee kees keg efove yeerle iees~ oesveeW kes yeere kejeJe Lees[e kece ngDee uesefkeve DeYeer Yeer oesveeW efce$eeW kees otj
jKeves kes efuees heee&hle Lee~
Ske efove efveefKeue efyevee yeleees keneR euee ieee Deewj hetjs oes efove yeeo Jeeefheme ueewe~ Deheves efce$e kes Fme
ekeej keneR eues peeves kee keejCe ve lees eleerke ves peevevee eene Deewj ve ner efveefKeue ves yeleevee Gefele mecePee~
Gmeer efove jele kees peye efveefKeue Keevee Keeves kes efuees Gle ngDee lees Gmeves eleerke mes hete-Keevee Keeves
eue jne nw keee? Deeeveke Fleves efoveeW kes yeeo Deheves ceces kes cegKe mes keg megve jns eleerke kee efoue keg
efheIeuee uesefkeve ceve ner ceve Gmeves meesee efke Fme yebpej peceerve hej en keesceue keueer kewmes Gie Deeeer? Kewj pees
Yeer nes Gmeves mebYeueles ngS peJeeye efoee-let euee pee, ceQ yeeo ceW Deelee ntB~ efveefKeue ves Gej efoee-lesjer cepeea,
Jewmes ceQ lesjs efuees Deeej ueeee ntB~
keee!! keee kene legceves? keee ueeee nw? keee cesjs keeveeW ves mener megvee? Deeeveke Gmes Ssmee ueiee efke ceevees
efke Gmekes Meerleue peueeMee heer ceve ceW efkemeer ves nueeue ceee oer nes~ Kewj Deheves oesmle (pees efke Lees[s mecee

henues ogMceve Lee), keer yeele megefveefMele kejves kes efuees peye Jen cesme ceW hengBee lees efveefKeue kes hues ceW jKes Deeej
kees osKekej Gmekes jeWies Ke[s nes iees~ Gmes ueieves ueiee efke Gmekeer efkemcele ceW ner Kees nw~ efkemcele ves Gmes
Deheves efeelece mes efceueeee Yeer lees ogMceve kes meeLe! Kewj Fve meye yeeleeW kees ojefkeveej kejkes Jen yesceve mes
efveefKeue kes yeieue ceW yew" ieee~ Keevee Keeles-Keeles eleerke ves Ske Ssmeer egefkele meeseves kes efuees Deheves efoceeie kes
npeejeW Iees[s oew[e efoes efpememes efke meeBhe Yeer cej peees Deewj uee"er Yeer vee ts~ celeueye Gmes Deeej Yeer efceue peees
Deewj Gmes Deheves ogMceve kes meeceves efie[efie[evee Yeer vee he[s~ uesefkeve yengle osj meeseves kes yeeo Gmes cenmetme nes
ieee efke Gmekes heeme Deheves ogMceve mes Deeej ceeBieves kes DeueeJee Deewj keesF& eeje veneR nw~
en efJeeej Deeles ner Gmekes efoceeie ceW Denb Deewj esce kes yeere vo Meg nes ieee~ Ske Deesj Gmekee Denb Lee
pees efke Gmemes ken jne Lee keee legce Deheves Fme ogMceve mes Deeej ceebieesies efpemeves legcns meyekes meeceves yesFppele
efkeee Lee? keYeer veneR~
JeneR otmejer Deesj esce Lee pees Gmes mecePee jne Lee-Dejs efveefKeue DeeefKejkeej nw lees Dehevee efce$e ner Deewj efce$e
mes keg ceebieves ceW kewmeer Mece&~ eleerke kee efmej hee pee jne Lee~ Gmeves Deheves ceve kes efJeeejeW kees Ske Deesj
jKekej Deeej hej c
kejves kee efveMee efkeee~ leYeer Gmekes Kegefheee e
ceW Ske
Ketyemetjle efJeeej keeQOee~
eleerke ves Deheves meeceves yew"s keceue mes kene-Dejs keceue YeeF& peje jeser heeme kejvee~ jeser uesves kes yeeoDejs YeeF& peje oeue Yeer heeme kej oes~ oeue uesves kes yeeo-Dejs keceue peje veceke Deewj Deeej Yeer heeme kej
osvee~ eleerke kes legveerj ceW Deheves ue#e kees Yesoves kes efuees cee$e Ske yeeCe Mes<e Lee pees Yeer Jen Deheves efheues
Jeekee ceW euee egkee Lee~
eleerke kee yeeCe Skeoce mener efveMeeves hej ueiee Deewj Gmekes Ssmee kenles ner efveefKeue ves Deheves Deeej kee
ef[yyee eleerke keer Deesj efKemekee efoee Deewj G"kej euee ieee~ eleerke ceve ner ceve Deheveer yegefceeveer hej emevve
nesves ueiee~ Deye Gmekeer yeejer Leer, Gmekes heeme efveefKeue kee hetje Deeej Lee meeLe ner meeLe kejerye [s{ meeue henues
Ieer Ievee kee yeouee uesves kee hetje ceewkee Yeer Lee~ kegue efceueekej Ske leerj mes Gmeves oes efMekeej kej efuees Les~
Kewj Deheves meeiej heer efJeeejeW mes efvekeuekej eleerke ves ye[s mecee yeeo efceues Deheves Deeej kees Gmeer ekeej
efveneje ceevees efke keesF& esceer yejmeeW henues efye[er Deheveer esemeer kees efvenej jne nes~ Deeej kees osKekej eleerke
keer DeeBKeW ueuee G"er Deewj ceevemejesJej kes heefJe$e ceesleer heer oes Deeg Gmekeer DeeBKeeW mes ueke he[s~ eleerke ves
efkemeer lejn mJeeb kees mebYeeuee Deewj DeevevohetJe&ke Deeej kee Ske efveJeeuee Deheves cegBn ceW [euee~ uesefkeve en keee
en mJeeo Gmes keg peevee-heneevee mee ueiee~ es lees ceeB kes neLe kee...? keneR efveefKeue oes efove...? meeseles37

Les Affaires du Coeur

meeseles eleerke lespeer mes oew[kej Deheves kecejs ceW hengBee Deewj peye Gmeves efveefKeue keer pesye Kebieeueer lees Gmes Deheves
Iej kee Ske efefke efceuee~ efefke osKeles ner eleerke kee ke"esj ceve ceesce keer Yeebefle efheIeue ieee~ eleerke mecePe
egkee Lee efke efveefKeue cesjs ner Iej hej cesjer ceeB kes neLe kee Deeej ueeves ner ieee Lee~
Deeeveke kecejs keer yeeer peueer Deewj Deheveer ieerueer DeeBKeeW mes Deheves hegjeves efce$e kees osKekej Gmekes ieues ueie
ieee~ oesveeW efce$eeW keer DeeBKes vece LeeR~ Fmemes henues efke eleerke efveefKeue keer DeeBKeeW ceW iueeefve osKelee, Gmeves
Gmekeer DeeBKeW heeW oer Deewj oesveeW efce$eeW keer Ieefvelee Deye henues mes Yeer p]eeoe ce]peyetle nes ieeer~
Gme heefJe$e Deeej kes eleehe mes Debyegpee meercesv kee ce]peyetle pees[ Yeer t egkee Lee~
heleerke cebieue
efleere Je<e&
lekeveerkeer mveeleke, met#ce keefCekee Deewj mebeej DeefYeeebef$ekeer

pem ewb[dme
yegueeee Lee Gvekees, Jees DeeS Yeer lees Les,
ueyeebs hej Mejejle, Jees ueeS Yeer lees Les~
Jees DeeBKeeW kee peeot, Jees meeBmeeW keer KegMeyet,
cesjs efoue ceW Dejceeve, peieeS Yeer lees Les~
pees yeeleW ngF, lees yeleeee GvneWves,
vee neWies legcnejs, nce Fme ef]pevoieer ceW~
efoee peye efoueemee, lees DeeS Les DeeBmet,
nceW newmeues, Jes yeBOeeS Yeer lees Les~
ieS Les efyeKej nce, vee heeS mecePe nce,
cesjer peeve legceves, nceejs KeeueeW,
ceW meheves Jees heejs, mepeeS ner keeeW Les,
yegueeee Lee Gvekees Jees DeeS Yeer lees Les~
ngDee oo& Lees[e ceiej men efueee Lee,
Jees efceueves kee Gvemes pees Jeeoe efkeee Lee,
vee tsieer eejer cesjer Deewj legcnejer,
mecePe uees efke nce lesjs meeS Yeer lees Les~
GvnW osKeles Les vee meesee keYeer es,
efke tsiee peye efoue lees kewmes efpeeWies,
Jees veepegke meer DeeJeepe heejer meer yeeleW,
pees vee osKee Gvekees lees peeieer nw jeleW,
es Deeole nceejer yeoueleer veneR Deye,
efyevee Gvekes MeeceW Yeer {ueleer veneR Deye,



Les Affaires du Coeur

Kegoe ves Yeer lees keg Lee meesee ngDee pees,

efceuee Gvekees Jees pees Lee efceuevee ner Gvekees,
nceW Yeer efceuesiee ceiej Jees vee nesiee ,
efceuee pees vee efceuekes vee Jees iece Yeer nesiee,
euees Kewj nceves Yeer efjMleW meYeer pees,
Yeer ceeves Les legcemes efveYeeS Yeer lees Les~
yegueeee Lee Gvekees Jees DeeS Yeer lees Les...
Deeeg<e Megkeuee
efleere Je<e&
lekeveerkeer mveeleke, mebieCeke efJe%eeve SJeb DeefYeeebef$ekeer

Jees Jekele Dee DeeSiee

meejs peneB kee Meer<e& yeve Yeejle efJepee henjeSiee,
Jees Jekele Dee DeeSiee Jees Jekele Dee DeeSiee~
peye vehejleeW keer DeebefOeeeB hej vee Gpee[sieer keesF&,
peye YetKe mes yesewve nes yeee vee jesSiee keesF&,
Iej mes efvekeuelee Deeoceer yesKeewhe neskej peeSiee
Jees Jekele Dee DeeSiee Jees Jekele Dee DeeSiee....
peye yesefeeW kes pevce hej Iej-Iej ceW KegefMeeeB DeeSBieer,
peye yeser Fme meceepe ceW yeseW meer hetpeer peeSieer,
peye yesefeeW kees ve keesF& efyeve pevces ner cejJeeesiee,
Jees Jekele Dee DeeSiee...
peye FMke, ce]penye, Oece& Deewj F&ceeve nesiee FMke ner,
peye FMke kejves JeeueeW kees mejno ve jeskesieer keesF&,
peye vehejleeW keer ees mes keesF& efoue ve lees[e peeesiee,
Jees Jekele Dee DeeSiee...
Deye leke lees yeme oes-eej Les meew heermeoer peye DeeeWies,
nj #es$e ceW meJeexheefj yeme efnvo Jeemeer peeeWies,
nj MeKme YeejleJe<e& kee ogefveee ceW hetpee peeSiee,
Jees Jekele Dee DeeSiee...
Deewj Jees Jekele keye DeeSiee, Fmekes efueS es DeeefKejer hebefkele Deehekes meeceves hesMe nw...
peye peeefle, ce]penye, Oece& keer yeele ve nesieer keneR,
peye peeefle, ce]penye, Oece& hej mejkeej vee nesieer Ke[er,



Les Affaires du Coeur

peye ieJe& mes yeesuesiee Fvmeeb efnvo kee Jeemeer ntB ceQ,
peye Deheves Kego kes mJeeLe& mes Fbmeeefveele nesieer ye[er,
peye otmejeW kes DeMke mes Dehevee oe Yej DeeSiee,
leye Jekele Dee DeeSiee, leye Jekele Dee DeeSiee...
Devegjeie keguees
Je eebef$ekeer

yeme Oethe Oethe peueer ntB ceQ...

hetueeW keer jeneW ceW oes heie ceW ner,
pees legce eBJe-eBJe kejves ueies,
cele hetes efhej legce neue cesje,
yeme Oethe Oethe peueer ntB ceQ~
cebef]peue kee iegceeve Ssmee Yeer keee?
DeeOeer jen ceW ner ncejener legce leueeMeves ueies,
peneB legce kes nes, legce mes Yeer Deeies
JeneR mes levne-levne eueer ntB ceQ~
GuePes ngS peJeeye Gvekee meguePee mee meJeeue ntB...
jbieerve mes KJeeyeeW ceW, yesjbie mee Keeue ntB,
oes yetBo og:Ke mes pees legce efleue-efleue cejves ueies,
cele hetes efhej legce neue cesje,
meeiej-meeiej [tyeer ntB ceQ~
Devepeeveer hejeF&eeW mes,
Deveeener DeeneW hej Deye eeQkevee yeme Yeer kejes,
Deheveer ner hejeF& keer Deen hej eeQkeer ntB ceQ,
keee efceue ieee cegPes, pees Deye legce hee peeDeesies?
pees Oethe vee osKeer keYeer, lees eBJe ceW kewmes peer heeDeesies?
yesjbie KeeueeW ceW Yeer yeme jbieeW keer ojkeej nw,
pees {tB{ heeS lees Deeies jesMeveer keer Pevekeej nw,
efhej keeeW oes heie ceW legce, eBJe-eBJe kejves ueies...
cele hetes etB legce neue cesje, keeeW Oethe Oethe peueer ntB ceQ?
Deekeeb#ee jepehetle
eLece Je<e&
lekeveerkeer mveeleke, metevee DeefYeeebef$ekeer



Les Affaires du Coeur

ns eYeg! lesjs keF& Gheemeke

ns eYeg! legcnejs nQ keF& Gheemeke
Deveske {bie mes Deeles nQ~
mesJee ceW yengcetue YeW Deewj
keF& JemlegSB ueeles nQ~~
OetceOeece mes, mepe-meBJej kes
Jes cebefoj ceW Deeles nQ~
meesvee-eeBoer yengcetue JemlegSB
ueekej legcnW e{eles nQ~~
ceQ ner Ske iejeryeve eneB
pees keg meeLe ve ueeF&~
efhej Yeer meenme kej cebefoj ceW
hetpee kejves eueer DeeF&~~
Oethe-oerhe, emeeo veneR nw,
PeeBkeer kee eb=ieej veneR~~
nee! ieues ceW henveeves kees
hetueeW kee Yeer nej veneR~~
kewmes keB keerle&ve, cesjs mJej
ceW ceeOege& veneR~
ceve kee YeeJe eke kejves kees
JeeCeer ceW eelege& veneR~~
veneR oeve nw, veneR oef#eCee
Keeueer neLe eueer DeeF&~
hetpee keer efJeefOe veneR peeveleer
efhej Yeer veeLe! eueer DeeF&~~
hetpee Deewj hegpeehee eYegJej!
Fme hegpeeefjve kees mecePees~

oeve-oef#eCee Deewj efveeJej,

Fme efYeKeeefjve kees mecePees~~
ceQ Gvcele esce keer heemeer,
oe efoKeeves DeeF& ntB~
pees keg nw, Jen eneR heeme nw,
Fmes e{eves DeeF& ntB~~
ejCeeW hej Deefhe&le nw,
Fmekees eeneW lees mJeerkeej kejes~
en lees Jemleg Deehekeer ner nw,
leeie kejes ee heej kejes~~

Deuebke=lee heeC[se
le=leere Je<e&
lekeveerkeer mveeleke, mebieCeke efJe%eeve SJeb DeefYeeebef$ekeer


Les Affaires du Coeur

yegOeJeej keer jele : C[ve cesme

vees-Fme keneveer kes hee$e leLee IeveeSB keeuheefveke nQ~ Fvekee JeemleefJekelee mes keesF& mecyevOe veneR nw~
Deiej keneveer kes efkemeer hee$e ee Ievee kee JeemleefJekelee mes keesF& mecyevOe heeee peelee nw lees Fmes cee$e Ske
mebeesie kene peeSiee~
efJeMes<e efyevog-mebeesie nceejs kee@uespe ceW keg p]eeoe ner nesles nQ~
jele kee jepee evcee Deemeceeve hej jepe kejves ueiee Lee~ Jekele keer megFeeB 8 yepeves keer Deesj lespeer mes
Deemej nes jner LeeR~ Deepe yegOeJeej keer jele Leer Deewj nj b[veJeemeer keer lejn ceQ Yeer Fme efove kee yesmeyeer kes
meeLe Fble]peej kej jne Lee~ Deye Deehe meese jns neWies Ssmee keee Keeme nw Fme efove ceW? lees ceQ yelee otB efke Deepe kes
efove ner nceejs cesme mesesefjp] e kes DeLeke eeemeeW kes yeeo cesme ceW egie heefjJele&ve kes heuemJehe Deb[ekejer yevevee
eejcYe ngDee~ cesjer ve]pejW yeej-yeej ner Ie[er keer megFeeW keer Deesj pee jner LeeR~ Deye Deehe es meese jns neWies efke
YeeF& Ske Deb[s kes efuees ceQ Flevee heeieue keeeW nes jne ntB lees Deiej Deehe cesjer lejn b[ve Jeemeer nQ, lees yeleeves keer
Meeeo keesF& ]pejle ner veneR nw Deewj Deiej veneR nw, lees Fmekee peJeeye Deehekees Deeies keneveer ceW efceue ner peeesiee~
lees ceQ keneveer kees Deeies ye{elee ntB~
cesjs ceve ceW KegMeer kes meeLe Ske yesewveer Yeer Leer~ pewmes-pewmes Ie[er keer megF& 8 yepeves keer Deesj ye{ jner Leer JewmesJewmes yesewveer Yeer ye{leer pee jner Leer~ leYeer Deeeveke Ske DeeJee]pe ves cesje Oeeve KeeRee~ es DeeJee]pe cesjs oesmle
Debefkele keer Leer~ Jees Deheves ceces mes cesjs efuees ken jne Lee, Deyes Fmekees cele yeguee~ peevelee nw vee....~ ceQ
yeme Flevee ner megve heeee~ hej pewmee efke Gme efove yegOeJeej Lee lees cegPes Gmekeer yeele kees [erkees[ kejves ceW mecee ve
ueiee~ es Jener Debefkele nw pees nj mecee meeLe jnlee nw Deewj jespe Keeves hej meeLe peelee nw~ hej efmehe& 2 Deb[eW kes
efuees Fmeves oesmleeW kees ueele ceejkej cesme Dekesues peevee "erke mecePee~ keueegie nw YeFee Ieesj keueegie Fmeer yeele
hej Leer Fef[edme kee Ske Me DeeBKeeW kes meeceves Dee ieee efpemeceW Jeeejme [Deye es hetkej veeke cele
keevee efke Jeeejme keewve nw?] e$eeW mes kenlee nw Life is a RACE Deewj Deiej les]pe veneR Yeeieesies lees keesF&
legcnW kegeuekej Deeies efvekeue peeesiee~
legjvle ner ceQves jsme ceW heers ve nesves kee Fjeoe kej Ie[er keer Deesj ve]pej oew[eeer~ Ie[er keer megFeeB 7:55 yepee


jneR LeeR~ hej hetJee&vegYeJeeW kees eeo kej legjvle ner cesme keer Deesj eueves kee efveMee efkeee~ ce uee@ke kej ceQ Deeies
ye{e lees keg osKekej cesjer meeBmes ner Lece ieeer~ cesjs efJebie kee Ske Yeer keceje Keguee veneR Lee~ ceve ceW DepeeryeDepeerye mes Keeue Deeves ueieer~ hej ceQves meenme ve es[e Deewj cesme keer Deesj keoce ye{e efoes~ pees jen ncesMee
Keeueer efceuee kejleer Leer Deepe Gme hej enuekeoceer keg ]peeoe ner Leer~ efpemes osKees Jener peerYe efvekeeues Ske
otmejs mes peuoer cesme hengBeves keer efhejeke ceW Lee~ ceQves Yeer heefjefmLeefle kees YeeBhekej Deheveer eeue ye{e oer~ Deewj
MeerIe ner cesme kes heeme hengBe ieee~ cesjer mecee peeveves keer Fe ngeer lees heeee 7:58 nes jns nQ~ Ske mees
Yeejleere [peje ieewj hejceeFesiee] nesves kes yeeJepeto ceQ mecee mes henues cesme hengBeves Jeeuee Lee~ ener meeselesmeeseles pewmes ner ceQves cesme kes ej hej keoce jKee, cesjs keoceeW leues ]peceerve efKemeke ieeer~ Yeejle keer pevemebKee
Je=ef Deewj mejkeej keer DebOeeOegbOe meer Je=ef kee efceueepeguee veleerpee cesjs meeceves Lee~ ueieYeie oes Jeefe eefle
meer kee Devegheele e$e-le$e meJe&$e ve]pej Dee jne Lee~ pees YeeieMeeueer Deewj YeefJe<ee Les Jees ye[s ner Meeve mes
meereW keer MeesYee ye{e jns Les~ yeeefkeeeW ves Deheves hewjeW hej Yejesmee kejves kee efveCe&e ues efueee Lee~ Deees nQ lees
Keekej ner peeeWies Fme hebefkele kees ceQves Dehevee cesme objective ceevekej Keekej ner peeves kee efveCe&e efueee~
hej es keee? ve lees DeYeer leke Keevee Deeee Lee Deewj ve huesW! meYeer keer vepejW yeej-yeej hueseW Deewj Keeves keer cespe
keer lejhe ner Ietce jner LeeR~ Deewj GvnW ve heekej meye "erke Jewmeer ner DeeJee]peWW efvekeeue jns Les pewmes 300 efheuce ceW
eg mes henues mheee& keer mesvee efvekeeueleer Leer~
nj lejhe Yeer<eCe DeeJee]peeW kes yeere Deeeveke otj mes Deeleer huesW efoKeeR~ efhej keee Lee? meyeves DeeJe osKee ve
leeJe, t he[s hueseW keer Deesj~ Deeeveke nges Fme DeeeceCe mes huesW ueelee ngDee cesme Jeke&j Yeer Ieyeje ieee~
DeeOes jemles ceW ner meejer huesW ieeeye nesves ueieeR~ ceQves Yeer oew[ ueieeeer~ nj lejhe eg keer-meer efmLeefle Leer~ ceQves
eskejer ceW neLe [euee lees Ske hues cesjs neLe ceW Dee ieeer~ hej es keee Gme hues hej oes neLe Deewj Yeer Dee iees~
Deye hues kes efuees leerveeW kes yeere ke[e mebIe<e& nesves ueiee~ ceQves Dehevee hetje ]peesj ueieeee~ Meeeo leerveeW neLe 1200
kes keesCe hej yejeyej Deewj efJehejerle efoMeeDeeW ceW yeue ueiee jns Les~ Deewj Meeeo yeleeves keer pejle veneR nw efke nce
Ske otmejs kes yeueeW kees keQefmeue kejkes ves yeue Metve kej os jns Les~ efpememes Leeueer ef$eMebkeg keer lejn DeOej ceW
Dekeer ngeer Leer~ Lees[er osj ener efmLeefle yeveer jner~ hej Deeeveke Ske eewLes yeefue yeeueke kes eJesMe mes eg kes
cewoeve kes meejs meceerkejCe ner yeoue iees~
nce leerveeW lees Ske otmejs kes yeue kees keQefmeue kejles jns Deewj eewLes ves Leeueer hej ves heesme& ueieeee lees Leeueer
ceesMeve kejles nges Gmekes heeme eueer ieeer~ nce leerveeW ceeetmeer mes Leeueer kees peeles ngS osKeles jn iees~ ceQves nej ve

Les Affaires du Coeur

ceeveer Deewj efhej eskejer kees esuee~ hej ngDee Jener efpemekee [j Lee~ meejer LeeefueeeB meehe nes egkeer LeeR~ hej Ske
efieueeme KegMeefkemceleer mes cesjs neLe Dee ieee~ ceQves Deieue-yeieue ve]pejW oew[eeer lees Lees[e ieJe& cenmetme ngDee
keeeWefke ] peeoelej kes heeme keg Yeer veneR Lee Deewj cesje efee efce$e Debefkele Yeer GveceW mes Ske Lee~ ceQves ceve ner ceve
Deheves Deehe kees Meeyeemeer oer Deewj kene osKee oesmleeW kees OeesKee osves kee veleerpee? efpevekees Yeeie mes LeeefueeeB
efceue ieeer LeeR Jees mebIe<e& kes otmejs uesJeue ceW eJesMe kej iees Les~ hej ceQves Deheves uesJeue hej Oeeve ueieeves kee efveCe&e
efueee~ efpevekes neLe keg Yeer ve Deeee Lee Gvekee oo& yeenj Deeves ueiee Lee~ DeeBKeeW ceW yesewveer meehe Peueke jner
Leer~ yeej-yeej efveieenW hueseW kes Deeves kee Fble]peej "erke Gmeer lejn kej jner Leer pewmes Yekele keer efveieenW YeieJeeve
kes oMe&ve heeves kee Fble]peej kejleer nQ~ cegPes Fme heefjefmLeefle kees heefjYeeef<ele kejlee Ske oesne eeo Dee peelee nw~
DeBefKeef[bee PeeBF& he[eR, hebLe efvenejer efvenejer~
efpee ceW euee he[eR, jece hegkeeefj hegkeeefj~~
Deiej Fme oesns ceW jece kees hues mes efjhuesme kej oes lees es oesne nceejer heefjefmLeefleeeW hej Mele-eefleMele efhe
yew"lee Lee efke nceejer DeeBKeeW ceW hues kee Fble]peej kejles-kejles PeeBF&eeB he[ ieeer Deewj hues keer eee& kejles-kejles
lees ceevees peerYe ceW eues ner he[ iees~ FvneR meyekes yeere Ske kee oo& ueke he[lee nw, eej es meeuee cesme
mesesjer LeeefueeeB keeeW veneR Kejero jne? lees Gmekes Ske efJeeve efce$e ves Gmekees {eB{me yeBOeeee, eej
mesesjer kes neLe ceW keg Yeer veneR nw~ LeeefueeeB Kejeroves ueiesiee lees LeeefueeeB leye DeeeWieer peye nce keeuespe mes
efvekeue iees neWies~ FvneR meye kes yeere LeeefueeeB efhej Deeleer efoKeeR~ Fme yeej ceQves les]peer efoKeeeer Deewj LeeefueeeW
hej hetjer Meefkele kes meeLe t he[e~ DeeefKejkeej yengle ue[eFeeW kes yeeo Leeueer efceue ner ieeer~ Ske keesjer Yeer
neLe Dee ieeer hej eccee lees F&o kee eeBo Lee~ cenerveeW ceW Ske oes yeej oMe&ve oslee nw lees ceQves Gmekee Fble]peej ve
kejves kee efveCe&e efueee~
ceQ cesme kes mebIe<e& kes otmejs ejCe ceW eJesMe kej egkee Lee~ cesjs yele&ve heeveer mes Yeeries nges Les~ [ Deye Deehe es
meeseves keer ieueleer cele kej yewef"esiee efke cesme Jeke&j cesjer hues heesWies] yele&ve kees cegPes Ssmes ievos kehe[s mes heeWvee
Lee efpememes Meeeo ceQ Deheves ce keer meheeF& Yeer ve kejvee eentB~ hej keee kejW hes keer Keeeflej meye keg kejvee
he[lee nw~ efkemeer lejn ceQves Deheves yele&ve meehe efkees~ cesme ceW Deb[e yevevee veee-veee eejcYe ngDee Lee~ lees keesF&
]peeoe Deb[s ve ues ues Fmeefuees Deb[s Deueie mes ueeFve ceW efceue jns Les~ hej pewmes ner ceQ ueeFve ceW Iegmee lees ] peeoe Yeer[
keer Jepen mes cesme Jeke&j ves Deb[e osvee yebo kej efoee~ henueer yeej Fme mebIe<e& ceW efoue Goeme nes ieee~ hej ceQves

Deheves Deehekees {eB{me yeBOeeee Deewj oes efceve yeeo cesme Jeke&j kees nce YetKes yeeuekeeW hej oee Dee ieeer~ Deewj
Gmeves Deb[e efJelejCe efhej eejcYe kej efoee~ hej nj keesF& henues Deb[e uesvee eenlee Lee~ ceQves Yeer Ske Des
Yeejleere keer lejn ueeFve ceW ueies jnvee Gefele ve mecePee Deewj pegiee[ kee meneje ueskej Deeies ueeFve ceW Iegme
ieee~ efhej efJejesOe Deewj mebIe<e& kes yeeo DeeefKej Jees Ie[er Dee ner ieeer efpemekee cegPes efheues Ske nheles mes Fble]peej
Lee~ Deb[e cesjer hues ceW Lee efpemes osKekej cesjer DeeBKebs Yej Deeeer~ es cesjs DeLeke mebIe<e& kee veleerpee Lee~ hej
oesmleeW Deehe es mecePeves keer ieueleer ve kej yew"vee efke Deb[e efceue ieee lees mebIe<e& eneR Kelce~ cesjs kesme ceW lees yeme
ener ken mekelee ntB efke efhekeej DeYeer yeekeer nw cesjs oesmle~
ceQ hues ceW Deb[e efuees Keeves keer meer osKeves kes efueS ceg[e lees cegPes Ssmee ueiee efke ceevees mechetCe& YeejleJeemeer
Deb[ekejer Keeves nceejer cesme ceW Dee iees neW~eneB Ssmeer efmLeefle Leer efke meereW keer yeele lees es[ ner oerefpeS~ Gvekes
yeere pees iewhe neslee nw GmeceW Yeer oes-oes ueesie Kee jns Les~ hej ceQves Oewe& mes keece efueee Deewj Deheveer efie pewmeer les]pe
DeeBKeeW mes cesme kee cegDeeevee efkeee lees heeee efke Ske peien Ssmeer Leer peneB oes meereW kes yeere peien yeeer ngeer Leer
Keeves kes efueS, keesF& Deewj Jen peien ve ues ues Fmekes efueS ceQves lespeer mes keoce Deheves ue#e keer Deesj ye{ees~ ceQves
Leeueer cespe hej jKeer Deewj Ke[s neskej Keeves keer leweejer kejves ueiee~ ceQvess heeme he[er kewmejesue mes jeser uesves kes
efuees Gmekee {kekeve Keesuee lees cegPes es mecePeles osj ve ueieer efke keeeW yejeke Deesyeecee ves nce YeejleereeW kees
YegkeKe[ kene Lee~ kewmejesue ceW jeser lees keee Gmekee DeJeMes<e Yeer ve Lee~ ceQves heeme mes ieg]pejles cesme Jeke&j mes
jeser ueeves keer eeLe&vee keer lees Gmeves cesjer eeLe&vee kees "erke Jewmes ner Devemegvee kej efoee pewmes ewefkekeue Skepeece
kes JeeFJee ceW ereme& nceejs GejeW kees kej osles nQ~ ceQves ceewkes keer ve]peekele kees mecePeles ngS henues otj he[er kejer
uesves kee efveMee efkeee~ he[esmeer kees hues osKeles jnvee yeesuekej ceQ kejer uesves euee ieee~ Deewj ye[er cegefMkeue
mes peien yeveeves hej cegPes kejer efceue ner ieF&~
Deye yeme jeser kes Deeves kee Fble]peej Lee~ keg osj yeeo jeser Deeleer efoKeeeer oer~ hej eneB Yeer hues Jeeuee
neue Lee~ pewmes ner ceQ JeneB hengBee Deewj jeser uesveer eener oes neLe efhej cesjer jesefeeW hej Dee iees~ hej Fme yeej
hues lees Leer veneR jeser Leer~ lees pewmes ner nceves Gmes KeeRee jesefeeB leerve YeeieeW ceW efJeYeeefpele nes ieeer~ cesjs efnmmes
ceW leerve jesefeeW kes Ske-efleneF& efnmmeeW kees efceueekej 3 xV/3 kes efnmeeye mes Ske jeser Deeeer~ ceQves meblees<eb hejced
megKeb kes efmeevle hej Yejesmee kejles ngS Fmeer ceW KegMe jnvee "erke mecePee~ Deewj Deheveer peien Deekej Ke[s
neskej Keevee Meg kej efoee~
ceQves DeYeer Keevee Meg ner efkeee Lee efke yew"s nges keg cenevegYeeJeeW kes iegheef[mkeMeve ves cesje Oeeve Deekeef<e&le

Les Affaires du Coeur

efkeee~ GveceW mes Ske ves kene, eej Fve cesme JeeueeW kees keg yeveevee veneR Deelee~ lees otmejs ves Deheveer jee oer,
keesF& Fvekees yeveevee keeeW veneR efmeKeelee~ lees Ske Deewj ceneMee ves kene, meye efceue yeeBkej hewmes Kee peeles nQ
lees efmeKeeSbies keneB mes? leYeer Ske Iej mes Dew[ eFhe ue[kes ves Dehevee ogKe[e jes efoee, eej Fmemes ueeKe
iegvee Dee lees cesjer cecceer yeveeleer nQ~ es megvekej cesjs meye kee yeeBOe t ieee Deewj ceQves Gmemes kene, legcnW
Flevee ner veehemebo nw eneB kee Keevee lees 8 yepes ner Keeves keeeW heke he[s~ efpevekees hemevo nw Gvekees ner Deejece mes
Kee uesves osles~ es ke[Jee mee megvekej Gmemes keg kene ve ieee~
Deye Deehe ner yeleeFes efkemeer cesme ceW Iej pewmee Keevee efceue mekelee nw keee? Fme yeele ves cesje hetje cet[ Dee@he
kej efoee~ efpeme Keeves kes efueS ceQves Flevee mebIe<e& efkeee Lee, keesF& Gmes ieeueer os es ceQ yeoe&Mle ve kej mekee~ Deewj
kenles nQ ve eesOe Fvmeeve kees Kee peelee nw, ener cesjs meeLe Yeer ngDee~ ceQves Dehevee eesOe Keeves hej ner efvekeeue
efoee~ Deewj efyevee Ske Deewj keewj Keees ceQves Keevee JeneR es[ efoee Deewj yeesefPeue keoceeW mes Deheves ce keer Deesj
eue he[e~
DeeMeer<e kegceej ceewe&
le=leere Je<e&
lekeveerkeer mveeleke, efJeegleere DeefYeeebef$ekeer

Jees ncemes hetles nQ...

Jees ncemes hetles nQ Gvemes nce Kehee keetB nQ,
kewmes yeesues efke cegnyyele nw hej peleeles veneR,
Gvekeer eeoeW ceW efheIeuevee lees Deheveer efkemcele nw,
Deheveer Fme Deeie ceW DeewjeW kees nce peueeles veneR~
Jees peueeleer nw Deeie yevekes jesMeveer cegPekees,
Meewke mes peueles nQ hej Gmekees nce yegPeeles veneR,
Deheves lees KJeeye jsle hej yeves IejeQos nQ,
uenj Deeleer nw Deewj nce Gmekees jeske heeles veneR~
Deepekeue ef]pevoieer ceW Deheveer keg DebOesje nw,
ngmve keer eeBoveer Deye ncehes Jees uegeles veneR,
Meewke mes pees keYeer ie]peues nceejer megveles Les,
Deye Jees megveles veneR Deewj nce Yeer keg megveeles veneR~
efoue lees yees keer lejn Gvekees eeo kejlee nw,
Gvekeer eeoesW ceW ceiej nce keYeer Deeles ner veneR,
nce keneB kenles nQ efke Jees tkej nceW eenW,
oesmle kenles nQ lees keetB oesmleer efveYeeles veneR~
ee Kegoe keee ieuele nw pees ceQ eenlee ntB Gmes,
keetB cesjs KJeeye keer leeyeerj legce yeveeles veneR,
Deye osKeveer nw efke leekele ogDee ceW efkeleveer nw,
ceeBieWies peye leueke Jees heeme cesjs Deeles veneR...
Devegjeie keguees
Je eebef$ekeer



Les Affaires du Coeur

keoce oj keoce ye{eles ieS,
nj jen ceW Fke cekeeve yeveeles ieS,
efhej Yeer Iej keer leueeMe nw,
eKee nw meeiej, hej efoue ceW Deye Yeer heeme nw...
Deheves veece keF& yeieereW nQ mepeeS,
nj jbie nw efKeuee efpemeceW uenjeS,
efhej Yeer keg yesjbie mee nw cesje peneB,
cenkelee nj heue nw oeceve, hej cesjer KegMeyet ve peeves keneB...
metjpe jesMeve kejlee nw cesjer megyen kee veece,
eeBoveer mes veneleer nw cesjer nj Meece,
efhej Yeer ceve kes DebOesjeW ceW ve efkemeer ves Gpeeuee efkeee,
peueles nQ np] eej efejeie etB lees, hej ueies yegPee-yegPee mee
cesje oeree...
kewmes efceuesiee Fve meye mes mepee vep] eeje,
pees Deye leke ve ceQves efkemeer kes efueS FvnW mebJeeje,
nj yeeoue hej yeme Dehevee veece efueKee,
leYeer ve helee euee yeeefjMe kee cep] ee,
cesjer yejmeeleeW ceW ve keesF& Yeerieves Deeee,
ve ceesj veeee, ve ner keesF& heber iegveiegveeee~
nj jemles hej yeme FeW kee cekeeve ve yeveeDees,
efkemeer kes efoue ceW jnes ee efkemeer kee Iej yeve peeDees~
yeieereeW ceW jbie Yejves mes neslee nw keee,
pees ve mepeeF&, Deiej efkemeer keer ogefveee~
metjpe ee leejeW mes veneR jesMeve neslee peerJeve,
Gpeeuee neslee nw peye heej mes peieceieeS ceve~


leye Ske yetBo mes Yeer heeme yegPe peeleer nw,

Kego keer KegMeyet otmejeW kees cenkeeleer nw,
peuelee nw peye Kegoe kes vetj kee oeree,
DeewjeW kes efueS peer kej leye Dehevee peerJeve peeree~
ke=eflekee efceee
eLece Je<e&
lekeveerkeer mveeleke, pewJe DeefYeeebef$ekeer


Les Affaires du Coeur

Jees yeeheve kes efove efkeleves Des Les...

ceiej ye[e neskej ner ceQves es peevee,

Jees yeeheve kes efove efkeleves Des Les,

DeYeer kes DeOetjs-Snmeeme Deewj ts meheveeW mes Des lees

peye lees efmehe& efKeueewves ner te kejles Les...

yeeheve kes ts efKeueewves Deewj DeOetje nesce-Jeke& ner Lee...

peye ve keesF& efhee Leer,

Jees yeeheve kes efove efkeleves Des Les...

Deewj vee ner keesF& KJeeye Lee...

ve keesF& ]iece Lee, ve keesF& GuePeve Leer,

heJeve kegceej
efleere Je<e&
lekeveerkeer mveeleke, efJeegle DeefYeeebef$ekeer

ve lees DeheveeW kee DeeYeeme,

Deewj ve ner hejees kee Snmeeme Lee...
Gve efoveeW lees efmehe& KegMeer keer Jepen Keespee kejlee Lee,
yeeefjMe keer yetBoeW ceW hewj ceejkej,
Kego kees efYeieesee kejlee Lee,
efleleueer kees ner heke[kej,
KegMe nes peeee kejlee Lee,
ceeB keer ueesjer Deewj heehee keer ieeso ceW ner,
pevvele kee Snmeeme heeee kejlee Lee...
Deye lees Ske DeeBmet ner meJee kej oslee nw,
leye lees efoue Keesue kej jesee kejlee Lee...
peye ese Lee,
leye peuoer ye[e nesves keer keecevee efkeee kejlee Lee,



Les Affaires du Coeur

yeoueeJe-Ske Deueie ve]peefjee

ef]pevoieer yeoueeJe kee Ske veece nw~ Deepe keg Deewj lees keue keg Deewj~ heefjefmLeefleeeb, DeJemLeeSb,
mecemeeSb meYeer keg heefjJele&veMeerue nQ~ Ske heer{er Kelce lees otmejer Meg, otmejer Kelce lees leermejer Meg~ Fme
Kelce Deewj Meg kes yeere ceW keg yeee nw lees Jen nw heefjJele&ve, eeveer yeoueeJe~ mecee, efjMles, esnjs, DeeoleW meye
Fme yeoueeJe kes YeW e{ peeles nQ~ Demeue ceW nce efkemeer Yeer heue Fme ogefveee kees oes efnmmeeW ceW yeeB mekeles nQ~ Ske
heefjJele&ve kes henues keer ogefveee lees otmejer Gmekes yeeo keer~
henues Jeeueer ogefveee, yeoueeJe kes Deeies Dehevee Jepeto Kees kej eeoeW kes he ceW jn peeleer nw, efpemes oe
mebJesovee ceW heefjJeefle&le kej oslee nw lees efoceeie Fefleneme ceW~ hej Fve eeoeW kes meeLe mecemee en nw efke Jes yengle
peuo efJemce=efle kes ienve DebOekeej ceW Kees peeleer nQ Deewj Fmeer kes meeLe Kees peelee nw, Jen keejCe Yeer efpemeves
yeoueeJe kees pevce efoee Lee Deewj Ske yeej keejCe Kelce lees efhej veeer Deewj hegjeveer ogefveee ceW Deblej ner keneB
jne? hegjeveer DeeoleW, hegjeveer ieueefleeeb efhej mes oesnjeF& peeeWieer~

veneR ngS~ efJeoYe& ceW efkemeeveeW ves DeelcenleeSb keer, nefjeeCee ceW Dee@vej efkeefuebie ngF& hej meesle keewve nw? meye
ceevees mees jns neW~ DeKeyeej ceW eee keer egefmkeeeW kes meeLe Keyej he{er, mejkeej kees oes ieeefueeeB oer, efhej Yetue
ieS~ en Ieeseuee, yece Oeceekes, DeelcenleeSb efpevnW nce eee ceW [tyees kej heer iees, Demeue ceW Ske yeoueeJe kes
meteke Les~ Ske yengle ye[s yeoueeJe kes meteke efke yengle osKe ueer hegjeveer ogefveee, yengle peer efueee hegjeveer DeeoleeW
kes meeLe, Deye lees Kego kees yeouees~ efpeccesoejer G"eDees Deewj Ske veeer keue keer Keespe ceW Deeies ye{es~ hej peveeye!
hegme&le efkemes nw, Fme yeoueeJe mes keg meerKeves kee~ meye lees oew[ ceW ueies nQ~
Decetue Megkeue
le=leere Je<e&
lekeveerkeer mveeleke, metevee DeefYeeebef$ekeer

ueesie Dekemej meJeeue kej yew"les nQ, efke yeoueeJe DeeefKej mener neslee nw ee ieuele? Deueie-Deueie ueesie
Deueie-Deueie peJeeye Fmeer lejn peJeeyeeW kee Ske ye[e mee {sj ueie peelee nw, efpemeceW oye kej mener peJeeye keneR
Kees mee peelee nw~ lees keee Deye meye keg es[kej nceW Gme mener peJeeye kees {tb{vee Meg kej osvee eeefnS?
efyeukegue veneR~ meJeeue yeoueeJe kes mener ee ieuele nesves kee veneR nw, meJeeue en nw efke nceves yeoueeJe kees
efkeme ve]peefjes mes osKee? nceves DeeefKej Gmemes keee meerKee? Deep] eeoer kes ueieYeie 60 meeue yeeo Yeer osMe keer 30
kejes[ pevelee iejeryeer, YegKecejer, ueeeejer mes petPe jner nw~ ]peeefnj nw nceves 60 meeue henues ngS Gme yeoueeJe mes
keg veneR meerKee~ Lees[e yengle Deiej meerKee Yeer lees kegmeea kes eefle ueieeJe Deewj GheYeeseeJeeo kes eefle nceejs mvesn
ves Gme meerKe kee ieuee IeeW [euee~
mecemee efmehe& osMe kes meeLe veneR nw, meyekes meeLe nw Deewj nj peien nw~ ueesie kenles nQ efke Fbmeeve
mebJesoveenerve nes ieee nw, ceeveJelee kee eme nes jne nw~ peer neB, efyeukegue nes jne nw Deewj nes Yeer keeeW vee, nceves
DeYeer leke ngS heefjJele&veeW mes DeeefKej meerKee ner keee nw?
cegcyeF& ceW yece Oeceekes ngS, hej Deepe Yeer nce ueeJeeefjme JemlegDeeW Deewj mebefoiOe JeefeeeW kes eefle meesle veneR
ngS~ 11000 kejes[ kee Ieeseuee ngDee, hej nce vesleeDeeW kes eefle meesle veneR ngS, Deheves celeoeve kes eefle meesle



Les Affaires du Coeur

nw ue#e keee Fme peerJeve kee?
ceve ceW Keke jner en yeele
yengle eelve efkees ceQves,
efkevleg Gllej DeYeer De%eele~
meheue nesvee nw Oese peerJeve kee,
Gllej ngDee cegPes en eehle,
efkevleg meheuelee keer heefjYee<ee,
Jen Yeer DeYeer nw De%eele~
Oeveepe&ve nw ue#e peerJeve kee,
keg ves kener en Yeer yeele,
hej Oeve kee Deevevo mes mecyevOe,

efkevleg Jen mLeeeer nw ee #eefCeke,

en DeYeer nw De%eele~
peerJeve kes Fme oewj ceW,
keYeer efove nw lees keYeer jele,
hej Gvekes Deeves kee mecee
Jen Yeer lees nw DeYeer De%eele~
eMve Deveske nQ ceefmle<ke ceW,
Gllej nw meyekes De%eele,
De%eele ner mele nw peerJeve kee,
Meeeo Gllej ner nw De%eele~~
ceveer<e efceee
le=leere Je<e&
lekeveerkeer mveeleke, mebieCeke efJe%eeve SJeb DeefYeeebef$ekeer

Jen Yeer lees nw De%eele~

Deelcemeblegef nw ue#e peerJeve kee,
Meeeo mee nw en yeele,
efkevleg kewmes nesieer Deelcee mebleg
Jener lees nw cegPes De%eele~
Deheves DeYeer kes meeefveOe ceW,
nesleer nw meyekees emevvelee eehle,



Les Affaires du Coeur

keg nmeerve heueeW keer efveMeeveer nw ef]pevoieer,
keg yeerles uecneW keer keneveer nw ef]pevoieer,
megKe-og:Ke keer eeoeW ceW yeerleleer pee jner,
yeme Deheveer ceewpe-S-jJeeveer nw ef]pevoieer~
Ske heue kees DebOesjs ceW Oekesueleer,
Deieues ner heue {sj meejer KegefMeeeB efyeKesjleer,
DeeBKeeW ceW keF& eeoeW kees Yejleer,
cemleer ceW yeerleleer ef]pevoieeveer nw ef]pevoieerr~
"s meeLeer kees ceveevee nw ef]pevoieer,
efceleer otefjeeW ceW Kees peevee nw ef]pevoieerr,
heeme Deekej Yeer efkemeer mes otj neskej,
ve]peoerefkeeeB mepeevee ner nw ef]pevoieer~
efkemeer kes KJeeyeeW ceW yeme peeleer nw ef]pevoieer,
efkemeer keer Oe[keve yeve peeleer nw ef]pevoieer,
DeeBKeeW ceW efvece&ue efvePe&j meer yemeleer nw Jees,
heue heue KegefMeeeB mepeeleer nw ef]pevoieer~
efeef[eeW keer megyen keer enke nw ef]pevoieer,
heejs mes hetueeW keer cenke nw ef]pevoieer,
jen hej euevee MegDeele nes pewmes,
mees heej keer Keveke nw ef]pevoieerr~
Deefcele kegceej eeoJe
eLece Je<e&
lekeveerkeer mveeleke, eebef$ekeer DeefYeeebef$ekeer


peerJeve ceW peye meye keg Ske meeLe Deewj peuoer-peuoer kejves keer Fe nesleer nw, meye keg les]peer
mes hee uesves keer Fe nesleer nw Deewj nceW ueieves ueielee nw efke efove kes eewyeerme Iebs Yeer kece he[les
nQ, Gme mecee es yeesOe keLee, keeBe keer yejveer Deewj oes kehe eee nceW eeo Deeleer nw~
oMe&veMeee kes Ske eeshesmej ke#ee ceW Deees Deewj GvneWves e$eeW mes kene efke Deepe peerJeve kee Ske
cenlJehetCe& hee" he{eves Jeeues nQ~
GvneWves Deheves meeLe ueeF& Ske keeBe keer ye[er yejveer (peej) syeue hej jKeer Deewj GmeceW syeue
sefveme keer ieWoW [eueves ueies Deewj leye leke [eueles jns peye leke efke GmeceW Ske Yeer ieWo meceeves keer
peien veneR yeeer~ GvneWves e$eeW mes hete, keee yejveer hetjer Yej ieF&?
neB...DeeJee]pe DeeF&...
efhej eeshesmej meenye ves ess-ess kebkej GmeceW Yejves Meg efkees~ Oeerjs-Oeerjs yejveer kees
efnueeee lees kee]heer meejs kebkej GmeceW peneB peien Keeueer Leer, mecee iees~ efhej mes eeshesmej
meenye ves hete, keee Deye yejveer Yej ieF& nw?
e$eeW ves Ske yeej efhej peJeeye efoee,neB
eeshesmej meenye ves jsle keer Lewueer mes newues-newues Gme yejveer ceW jsle [euevee Meg efkeee~ Jen jsle
Yeer Gme peej ceW peneB mecYeJe Lee yew" ieF&~ Deye e$e Deheveer veeoeveer hej nBmes~ efhej eeshesmej
meenye ves hete, keeeW Deye lees en yejveer hetjer Yej ieF& vee?
neB... Deye lees hetjer Yej ieF& nw... meYeer ves Ske mJej ceW kene...
mej ves syeue kes veeres mes eee kes oes kehe efvekeeuekej Gmekeer eee peej ceW [eueer~ eee Yeer jsle
kes yeere efmLele Lees[er meer peien ceW meesKe ueer ieF&~
eeshesmej meenye ves iecYeerj DeeJeepe ceW mecePeevee Meg efkeee, Fme keeBe keer yejveer kees legce
ueesie Dehevee peerJeve mecePees~ syeue sefveme keer ieWoW meyemes cenlJehetCe& Yeeie DeLee&led YeieJeeve,
heefjJeej, yees, efce$e, mJeemLe Deewj Meewke nQ~ ess kebkej celeueye legcnejer veewkejer, keej, ye[e
cekeeve Deeefo nQ, Deewj jsle kee celeueye Deewj Yeer eser-eser yeskeej meer yeeleW, cevecegeJe, Peie[s
nQ~ Deye eefo legceves keeBe keer yejveer ceW meyemes henues jsle Yejer nesleer lees syeue sefveme keer ieWoeW


Les Affaires du Coeur

Deewj kebkejeW kes efuees peien ner veneR yeeleer, ee kebkej Yej efoes nesles lees ieWoW veneR Yej heeles, jsle ]pej Dee
mekeleer Leer~ "erke ener yeele peerJeve hej ueeiet nesleer nw~ eefo legce eser-eser yeeleeW kes heers he[s jnesies Deewj
Deheveer Tpee& GmeceW ve kejesies lees legcnejs heeme cegKe yeeleeW kes efuees DeefOeke mecee veneR jnsiee~ ceve kes
megKe kes efuees keee ]pejer nw es legcnW lee kejvee nw~ Deheves yeeeW kes meeLe Kesuees, yeieeres ceW heeveer [euees,
megyen helveer kes meeLe Ietceves efvekeue peeDees, Iej kes yeskeej meeceeve kees yeenj efvekeeue heWskees, cesef[keue eskeDehe kejJeeDees, syeue sefveme ieWoeW keer efhee henues kejes, Jener cenlJehetCe& nw~ henues lee kejes efke keee ]pejer
nw, yeekeer meye lees jsle nw~
e$e ye[s Oeeve mes megve jns Les~ Deeeveke Ske ves hete, mej uesefkeve Deeheves en veneR yeleeee eee kes oes
kehe keee nQ? eeshesmej cegmkegjees Deewj yeesues, ceQ meese ner jne Lee efke DeYeer leke es meJeeue efkemeer ves keeeW
veneR efkeee~ Fmekee Gej en nw efke peerJeve nceW efkelevee ner heefjhetCe& Deewj mevleg ueies, uesefkeve Deheves Keeme
efce$e kes meeLe oes kehe eee heerves keer peien ncesMee nesveer eeefnes~
(Deheves Keeme efce$eeW Deewj efveke kes JeefeeeW kees en efJeeej lelkeeue yeeB oes...ceQves DeYeer-DeYeer ener
efkeee nw~)
ieewjJe Mecee&
eLece Je<e&
hejemveeleke, eebef$ekeer DeefYeeebef$ekeer

cesjs meebmeeW keer pevceoe$eer,
cesjs DeefmlelJe kee DeeOeej
legcner lees nes cesjer peveveer, cesjer ceeB,
cesjs DeJeesleve ceve ceW, Deepe Yeer Jeehle n,
Jees legcneje heej~
peye efyemlej ieeruee kejves hej,
eghekes mes legce G"eleer Leer nceW,
Deewj metKes ceW megueekej, Kego ieerues ceW mees peeee kejleer Leer~
legcneR mes lees peevee Lee ceQves, peerJeve kee henuee Meyo ceeB
legcneR ves cenmetme kejeee Lee, efjMleeW kes Det yebOeve kees
pees Deepe Yeer DeJekele he ceW ceewpeto nw cesjs pesnve ceW~
cesjs meebmeeefjkelee keer heneeve nes legce,
cesjer Meefkele, cesje efJeMJeeme
cesjer DeemLee, cesje mebkeuhe nes legce~
cesjs efJeeej keer efvecee&$eer
cesjs ef keer henueer lemJeerj nes legce~
mvesn keer eLece DevegYetefle Deewj
cesjs eefj$e keer henueer esjCee nes legce~
ceeB legcner lees nes efpemeceW yemee nw,
cesje hetje mebmeej~
cesjs DeefmlelJe kes henues Yeer legce Deewj
DeefmlelJe kes yeeo Yeer uenjeSiee, legcneje DeeBeue!!!
eceeso efJesoer
(efJeefOe meneeke)



Les Affaires du Coeur

oerJeej hej Gielee es heerheue,
Keespelee DeefmlelJe Dehevee,
efkeOej, kewmes ye{Bt,
efkeme DeeOeej hes euetB?
keee oes<e cesje efke ceQ eneB Giee
ee efveoex<e Kego kees ceevelee jntB,
YeefJe<e cesje keeeW nw efveefMele?
keeeW veneR Fmes yeoue mekelee?
keesF& veneR nw, efkememes hetBt?
keeeW eneB Dekesuee Ke[e jntB ceQ?
keeeW ve pe[W peceerve ceW hemeej meketB?
keeeW nJee ceW Ke[e
Devle kee Fvle]peej keB ceQ?
JeLe& nw peerJeve cesje eneB
peneB ve efkemeer kees eBJe os meketB~
veneR peervee cegPes Fme oerJeej keer eBJe ceW,
efpeTBiee peye Kego keer eBJe os meketB,
keeMe keesF& nJee kee les]pe PeeWkee DeeS
efke efpemeceW ceQ G[ peeTB
ee Je<ee& cetmeueeOeej nes Ssmeer
efke efpemeceW ceQ yen peeTB
ee veneR lees
keesF& helLej Ssmee ceejs cegPes
efke efpemeceW ceQ tkej efiej peeTB~
veneR keg ] peeoe eenlee ntB


yeme Fleveer meer een cesjer

yeewvee mee nJee ceW uekelee jnkej Mece&meej ve nes peeTB
yesMece& ve kenueeGB~

veneR! Deye es meese ve nesieer cesjer,

ceQves hes[eW kees oerJeejeW ceW,
ojej [eueles osKee nw,
nj keeJe kees lees[les osKee nw,
ceQ Yeer Deye eghe ve jntBiee,
ueerke mes nkej efhej
Ssmeer eLee hej ees keBiee
Deye ceQ efpeTBiee
efpeTBiee Deheves efueS
efpeTBiee Deheves pewmeeW kes efueS
Deewj meyekees yeleeTBiee
efke Yeeie Deye cesjer nLesueer
ceW veneR, hewjeW leues nw
efke peerle ner Deye cesje Oese nw,
Deewj efoKeeTBiee meyekees,
efke Fme Je=nod mebmeej ceW,
cesje Yeer Dehevee DeefmlelJe nw~
Devethe kegceej eeoJe
eLece Je<e&
lekeveerkeer mveeleke, efJeegle DeefYeeebef$ekeer




peye peye iejeryeer ye{leer nw,
Jees meYeeSB jeJeelee nw,
Fve meYeeDeeW ceW Yeer,
Jees nceejs hewmes uegJeelee nw~
Ketve hemeerves keer cesnvele kees,
legce Ssmes vee yeyee&o kejes~
Kego kees cenelcee kenves Jeeues,
Deye FbmeeveeW mes yeele kejes~
Kego kes yeeeW kees Jees efKeueewves,
efvele veS efoueJeelee nw~
me[ke hes yew"s YetKes yeeeW hes,
Jees lejme keYeer ve Keelee nw~
FbmeeveeW kee efoue jKeles nes lees,
legce Ssmes vee heehe kejes~
Kego kees cenelcee kenves Jeeues,
Deye FbmeeveeW mes yeele kejes~
he#e efJehe#e kes oew[ Yeeie hes,
efkemmes megveeles jnles nes~
Oece&, peeefle Deewj je^Yeefe kes,
cegs G"eles jnles nes~
yengle megve efueee efnvot, cegefmuece,
Deye Deewj ve hejsMeeve kejes~



Kego kees cenelcee kenves Jeeues,

Deye DemheleeueeW kee efvecee&Ce kejes~

Deye FbmeeveeW mes yeele kejes~

Kego kees cenelcee kenves Jeeues

Deye FbmeeveeW mes yeele kejes~

hes yeeBOe kes yew"er ntB,

Deewj ueeueer Yeer oce lees[ egkeer nw,

kee&Jeefvee mes Yejs,

pebieue, ueke[er kes ies

nj peJeeve kee efJeMJeeme nes legce,

heer" heeJe meye lees[ egkeer nw,

jece, jnerce, meble, nkeerce

Deye keg efove Mes<e nQ Fme peerJeve kes

kes oeres keer Deeme nes legce,

legce Gmekees Deeyeeo kejes~

Kego kes Fve meo DeeejCeeW hes,

Kego kees cenelcee kenves Jeeues

legce Kego ner vee Deeneme kejes~

Deye FbmeeveeW mes yeele kejes~

Kego kees cenelcee kenves Jeeues,

Deye FbmeeveeW mes yeele kejes~

jwueer, egveeJe, eeej, emeej hej

hewmeeW kee efyeKeje nw peeue,
hes Yej Yeespeve efkeS
ncekees ngS nw meeueeW-meeue,

Deeefole kegceej
le=leere Je<e&
lekeveerkeer mveeleke, mebieCeke efJe%eeve Deewj DeefYeeebef$ekeer

Gve egveeJe kes hewmeeW kee

keg nce hes Yeer oeve kejes~
Kego kees cenelcee kenves Jeeues
Deye FbmeeveeW mes yeele kejes~
ueesieeW kes hewmeeW hej legce,
osMe-efJeosMe Yeer peeles nes,
Ske ceecetueer ees hej
ueeKeeW Kee& kej Deeles nes,
eesjer-ekeejer, ocee-yegKeej yeme



megyen nesles ner yele&veeW keer DeeJee]pe ceW,
keneR Ske keesves ceW, Oeerces mJej ceW,
kenlee, meenye, keece nes ieee Oeesves kee
Jees Gme {eyes hej jespe vep] ej Dee peelee~
efkeleves ner ueesieeW kees eee efheueelee,
efkeleveeW kes pet"s efieueeme Oeeslee,

meeselee, keYeer lees keesF& cesjer Fe Yeer hets?

keesF& lees Gmekes meheveeW kees nkeerkele mes meebres
meye Deeles, iehhes ceej yeeue-ece hej efJeJeeo kejles,
keesF& lees neslee pees Gmekes meheveeW ceW jbie Yej oslee~
le=leere Je<e&
lekeveerkeer mveeleke, efJeegle DeefYeeebef$ekeer

Jees est kes veece mes peevee peelee,

Fme keg keece ceW iegce, Kego kees Yetue peelee~
Gmekes OeesS yele&veeW keer leejerhe nesleer,
keeMe! Fme ievoieer ceW Gmekeer ef]pevoieer ve Keesleer~
meye Gmes heej mes hees oes hees os osles,
keeMe! GmeceW mes keg Gmekes meheves mecePe uesles~
keYeer Gmekes vevns neLeeW mes efieueeme tlee,
{eyes kee ceeefueke Fme yeele hej Gmekees heerlee,
yew"s ngS ueesie otj mes ceeefueke kees jeskeles,
keesF& Gmekes DeeBmet peekej Yeer lees heeW os~
meejs efove kes keece mes keg hees efceueles nQ Gmes,
jele kes DebefOeeejs ceW keYeer-keYeer eesj erve uesles efpemes,
est JeneR ueeeej nes, kegeeW kees Yeieekej,
Gvekeer meesves keer peien hej Kego mees peelee~
megyen efhej keece kejles-kejles KJeeyeeW ceW Keeslee,
leYeer Ske DeeJeepe-est, eee uee, megve Yeeielee,
Dekemej ceewkee efceueves hej heeme kes mketue kees efvenejlee,
keg osj yeenj Ke[s neskej, Jeeheme ueew Deelee~



Gej eosMe - efJekeeme kes heLe hej?

mJeleb$e Yeejle keer Ske Yetefce pees meefoeeW mes Deheves ThepeeT ieYe& mes meesvee Gieueleer jner nw, pees Yeejle keer
Ske ye[er pevemebKee (19 kejes[) kees Deheves meerves hej {es jner nw, efpemekeer ceeer ves Ssmes Jeerj hewoe efkees efpevneWves
Deheves heefJe$e uent mes mJeleb$elee kees Deengefle oer, Ssmes efJeeve hewoe efkees pees peerJeveheele Deheveer uesKeveer mes
mejmJeleer keer mesJee ceW ueies jns, Jees Oejleer Deepe iejeryeer Deewj efhe[sheve keer ceej Pesue jner nw~
et.heer. keer Gme GJe&je efceer ceW Kesuekej ceQves eneB keer ieefueeeW ceW Yeejle kees cenmetme efkeee nw~ cewves osKee nw
nJee kes Meerle PeeWkees kees mejmeeW kes heerues hetueeW kees cebo-cebo efnueeles ngS~ ceQves osKee nw DeeceeW kes cebpejeW mes
PeeBkekej eke=efle kes eb=ieej kee oMe&ve kejles ngS, yeeoueeW kees veerues Deemeceeve ceW jbieesefueeeB yeveeles ngS, KesleeW ceW
heefjece kejles efkemeeveeW kees, yeeieeW ceW heue lees[kej Keeles ngS yeeeW kees Deewj meeJeve ceW jefmmeeeW kes Petues hej
Petueles ngS yeeeW kees~ mee ceeefveS efkemeeveeW kee es #es$e Deepe Yeer Yeejle keer meeer lemJeerj yeeeB kejlee nw~
efhej Yeer Deepe Yeejle efJekeeme kej jne nw, es yeele ceQ et.heer. ceW Ke[e neskej veneR ken mekelee~ Yeejle kes
Ge efJekeeme oj kee Deepe Yeer hetJeeeue keer ieefueeeW hej keesF& eYeeJe veneR nw~ iejeryeer Deewj Yeeeej Yeejle kes
Fme Ketyemetjle eceve ceW Iegmekej Fmekeer mece=ef kees Kee egkes nQ~ efpevekes ye[s yess DeefMe#ee Deewj yesjes]peieejer
Fmekes efJekeeme ceeie& hej DeJejesOe ueieekej Ke[s nQ~ nceejs he[esmeer pees ncemes keesmeeW heers Les Deepe ncemes Deeies
efvekeueves keer efmLeefle ceW nQ~
Deepe et.heer.keer ter me[keeW hej eueves Jeeues ueesieeW kes mejeW hej Oetue Deewj keere[ kee leepe neslee nw~
cenBieeF& keer ceej Pesue jner 4.5 kejes[ pevelee iejeryeer jsKee kes veeres nw~ iejerye efkemeeve Deewj Gvekes yees Deheves
IejeW kees es[kej efouueer, cegcyeF& Deewj hebpeeye keer ieefueeeW ceW "eskejW Kee jns nQ~ msMeveeW hej YeerKe ceebieles yees,
iejeryeer mes efvejeMe neskej Deelcenlee kejles efkemeeve, meceeeej-he$e ceW "C[ mes cejs Ske yees keer keneveer,
me[keeW kes hegheeLe Deewj ievoer yeefmleeeW ceW peerJeve mes ue[kej peerves Jeeues heefjJeej efpevekes yeeeW kee keesF& YeefJe<e
veneR nw, es Deepe et.heer. keer meeeF& yeve egkeer nQ~ et.heer. ceW Deehe Ssmeer pevelee mes efceue mekeles nQ, pees
cenpe keg veeseW ee Mejeye keer Ske yeesleue kes yeoues Dehevee keerceleer Jees yesekej Deheves efJekeeme Deewj
DeefOekeejeW kee meewoe kej uesleer nw~
Ssmee keeeW nw? es Ske eMve ner veneR Ske egveewleer nw, eieefle heLe hej Deeies ye{ jns Yeejle kes efueS, nceejs

efueS~ Fmekee ef]peccesoej keewve nw? meheso Keeoer kehe[eW ceW Deheveer keeueer kejletleeW kees efheees veslee, Deheves JeeseW
kee meewoe kejves Jeeueer pevelee ee keesF& Deewj, es Ske peefue eMve nw~ keg ueesie vesleeDeeW kees oes<eer "njeles nQ
Deewj jepeveerefle kees ievoer ceevekej Fmemes cegBn cees[ uesles nQ, otmejs Jees nQ pees kenles nQ efke ieuele vesleeDeeW kees
DeeefKej pevelee ner egveleer nw Deewj Jes efvejeMe neskej es ceeveles nQ efke megOeej veneR nes mekelee nw~ leermejs Jees ueesie nQ
pees meye peevekej ee ve peeveles ngS Yeer yenleer iebiee ceW neLe Oeesles nQ Deewj meeseles nQ efke pewmee eue jne nw Jewmee
eueves oes~ Fme ekeej leerveeW ekeej kes ueesieeW kee keesF& eeeme megOeej keer lejhe veneR neslee, efpememes jepeveerefle
ievos Deewj keeues oe Jeeues ueesieeW kee DeKee[e yeveleer peeleer nw~ vesMeveue FueskeMeve Jee@e kes meJex kes Devegmeej
et.heer. kes 2007 kes efJeOeevemeYee egveeJe keer leguevee ceW Fme yeej et.heer. egveeJe 2012 ceW 10% DeehejeefOeke
efjkee[&Oeejer Deewj 17% kejes[heefle GcceeroJeej ye{s nQ~ peyeefke efJeefYevve heeef&eeW kes GcceeroJeejeW ceW ueieYeie
40% jefpem[& DehejeOeer nQ Deewj 40% yeer.S. heeme veneR nw~
ceQ Ske Ievee megveelee ntB - Ske ceefvoj ceW peye Ske meppeve Jeefe hengBes lees GvneWves osKee efke JeneB kee
hegpeejer pegbDeeefjeeW kes meeLe Mejeye heer jne Lee~ Jes yengle iegmmee nges Deewj hegpeejer mes hete -legceves lees Fme ceefvoj
kees pegDee Deewj Mejeye kee Dee yevee efoee nw~ hegpeejer ves efJevecelee mes peJeeye efoee -keF& cenerveeWb henues Deehe
eneB jespe oMe&ve kejves Deeee kejles Les leye ceQ kesJeue yeer[er heerlee Lee~ Deeheves veeje]pe neskej Deevee es[ efoee~
Deehekes pewmes meppeve peye ceefvoj ceW veneR Deees lees pees Deees Gvekeer mebieefle ceW ceQ Ssmee nes ieee~
en Ievee et.heer. hej eefjleeLe& nesleer nw~ eneB kes meppeve Fmekees efhe[e mecePekej Fmes es[kej efouueer
Deewj cegcyeF& ceW yeme iees Deewj Deheves kees meppeve Deewj mJemLe meceepe kee Debie mecePeves ueies nw~ Gvekes heers Gvekeer
Deheveer Oejleer kes meerves hej pees efhe[sheve Deewj iejeryeer kee helLej jKee Lee Jees Deewj ye[e neslee ieee~
es heueeeve ner lees et.heer. kes efJekeeme kee meyemes ye[e DeJejesOe nw~ eneB kes egJekeeW ves yeenj peekej ye[s-ye[s
keejKeeves yeveees, GvnW eueekej yeguebefoeeW leke hengBeeee~ eneB kes FbpeerefveejeW ves osMe-efJeosMe ceW ye[s-ye[s hegue
Deewj DeekeeMe kees tleer FceejleW Ke[er keeR, uecyeer-eew[er me[keW yeveeeer~ hej es #es$e Detlee jne Fve FceejleeW
Deewj me[keeW mes~ Fueeneyeeo etefveJeefme&er osMe keer meyemes peeoe IAS hewoe kejves Jeeueer etefveJeefme&er jner nw,
Fme #es$e kes efkeleves ner efceefvemj kesv ceW TBes heoeW hej nQ, hej GvneWves Fme #es$e keer megefOe veneR ueer~ Fme lejn es
#es$e Geesie, efMe#ee Deewj efJekeeme ceW efhe[ ieee Deewj eneB keer efceer Deheves mehetleeW keer jen osKeleer jn ieeer~
Meeeo Ske eeefvle keer ]pejle he[s Fme ue[Ke[eleer JeJemLee kees efhej mes mener jemles hej eueeves kes efueS~ keg


Yeer nes henue lees pevelee kees ner kejveer nesieer, egJeeDeeW kees kejveer nesieer~ Gvekees meesevee nesiee pees eneB keer efceer
ceW Kesuekej, eneB kee Devve Keekej ye[s neskej yeenj kes MenjeW kees ekeeefMele kej jns nQ peyeefke Gvekeer Deheveer
ieefueeeB DebOesjs ceW nQ~ Deewj leye pevelee eej YetKes-Yesef[es, efie, eerles Deewj meeBhe ceW mes Ske kees Dehevee veslee egveves
kes efueS cepeyetj veneR nesieer, efpevekes hebpes GvnW heeBe meeue leke KejeWeles jnWies~ Jees cepeyetj veneR nesieer jeser Deewj
vees kes yeoues Deheves heeBe DeefOekeejeW kees yeseves hej~ nceejs veewpeJeeve efejefvee mes peeie jns nQ Deewj Ske
heefjJele&ve nceeje Fvle]peej kej jne nw~
efvelesMe Megkeuee

efleere Je<e&
lekeveerkeer mveeleke, peveheoere DeefYeeebef$ekeer

Meneros-Dee]pece Yeiele efmebn kee osJeueeske mes osJe oMe&ve

nceves lees oer Leer en meesekej osMe hej es peeve,
peeve kej ner lees en nce nes iees Les kegyee&ve,
KegMe jnsiee en Jeleve Deewj keee Dejceeve nw,
ceguke keer Keeeflej eneB Deheveer neefpej peeve nw~
hej osKee Thej mes eneB efmej hete cegBn ueeue nw,
KegMevemeerye osMe JeeueeW en keee legcneje neue nw,
peeeflehebLe Oece&hebLe kee efyee Ievee mee peeue nw,
kees& kees nw kee@ueje, hegefueme kees pegkeece nw~
nJeueoej kes Iej ceW eesjer, [e@kej meenye yeerceej nw,
veme& yew" kej nw mJesj yegveleer, veslee peer keer Meeve nw,
meypeer Jeeuee yeerske nw, keyee[er FCj heeme nw,
Dee@ver peer kejleer nQ meefJe&me, Debkeue lees Iej keer Meeve nQ~
je^Jeeo Deewj osMeYeefkele keer hewceeves mes veehe nw,
egJeeDeeW kee Ketve heer jne Yeeeej kee meebhe nw,
leweejer Jees Ketye kej jne efpemekeer ceeB yengle yeerceej nw,
veewpeJeeve keer yeeer Meeve nw Deiej Gmekee efhekeme pegiee[ nw~
Deye lees Ssmee keece nes jne DeeJeepeeW hej Jeej nes jne,
pevelee kees efMe#ee osves JeeueeW hej hegefueme uee"er eepe& nes jne,
nce lees jnles pesue ceW YetKes, kemeeye kee uebe, yeskeheem nes jne,
Ske DeeF&SSme otmejs mes Yeeeej ceW heem nes jne~
nce lees osles jnles Les efJeMJeeme Deewj mele hej yeue,
Fmemes Deeies efvekeue egkes Deye keuecee[er Deewj Dehepeue,
pevelee keer Leeueer ueeuet Keees veneR lees Gvekeer JeeFhe,
Fvekes Deeies keerceleer veneR efkemeer keer efoKeleer Deye ueeFhe~




osMe keer efevlee veneR efkemeer hej ve yeeeW ve yet{esb hej,

cegvveer keye yeoveece nes jner Fmekeer efevlee nw ]peesjesb hej,
veneR efkemeer kees eeo jner Deye efJeJeskeevevo keer JeeCeer,
Deye lees meyekees eeo Dee jner Meeruee cew[ce keer peJeeveer~
veneR osKe mekelee Deewj keg Yeer,
je^ceC[ue Deewj 2-peer,
meesee pees osMe ceW peer ues Jees peeyeeBpe nw,
Fmemes Dee lees YeeFeeW mJeie& kee Menero DeeJeeme nw~
hej Ske efove keg Ssmee osKee,
Ske eesieer leve-ceve mes Devegefele mes ue[les osKee,
Ske JeeesJe= mes Jeefe kees ueeKees kes mebie yew"s osKee,
DeeJee]pe G"eF& Gmeves meee efmebnemeve [esue ieee,
Fme Devvee veece kes Deeoceer mes Yeeeej kees [jles osKee~
efhej mes Deye ceQ osKe jne ntB,
meese jne ntB mecePe jne ntB,
DeeMee kes veJe efkemeuee kees,
Deye efJeeejeW mes meeRe jne ntB,
efhej mes Deye ceQ osKe jne ntB,
efhej mes Deye ceQ osKe jne ntB~

Deepe kes Fme efove ceW, veee keee nw,
jes]pe Ske meer ueeF&he ceW, cepee keee nw,
metjpe Yeer nj jes]pe Ske heLe Deheveelee nw,
hej 'for a change' Jees Yeer enCe ceveelee nw~
keewve meer oerJeej ceW, Kego kees kewo nw heelee,
een kej Yeer yeoueves mes, let nw Ieyejelee~
DeJemej lesjs ojJeepes hej nw KeKeelee,
let megve kej Yeer DeenW, nw mekehekeelee~
lees keee pees let yeoue peeSiee,
Ske veF& ogefveee, veF& Gcebie heeSiee?
heefjJele&ve ogefveee keer jerefle nw,
FmeceW gheer Kego keer, Kego hej peerle nw~
ohe&Ce legPes veee esnje efoKeueelee,
legPe hej tlee henje efoKeueelee~
osKe ogefveee kees nw lesje Fble]peej,
cele kej GvnW Deewj yeskejej~
veeJe Yeer $e+leg Deveghe Deheveer jen cees[ uesleer nw,
leYeer Oeeje kes mebie Jees Yeer yenleer nw~
nj heefjJele&ve peerJeve ceW veee jbie ueeSiee,
let peye FvnW yessOekej ieues ueiee DeheveeSiee~

DebkesMe heeC[se
efleere Je<e&
lekeveerkeer hejemveeleke, pewJe DeefYeeebef$ekeer


efJeJejueer jeeleeveer
le=leere Je<e&
lekeveerkeer mveeleke, peveheoere DeefYeeebef$ekeer



Yeeeej-Ske iecYeerj mecemee

Yeeeej Deepe Ske efJeMJeJeeheer mecemee nw~ jepeveerefle Deewj mejkeejer ohelej nes, eens nes iewj-mejkeejer
efJeYeeie ee hegefueme eMeemeve, efpeme lejhe Yeer Deehe ve]pej G"e kejkes osKeWies ueesieeW kees Yeeeej keer eeoj Dees{s
ngS ner heeSbies~ meceepe ceW Deveweflekelee-Dejepekelee Deewj mJeeLe& mes egkele YeeJeveeDeeW kee yeesueyeeuee nes ieee nw~
Yeeeej lees pewmes DeeOegefveke heer{er kes Ketve ceW nerceesiueesefyeve DeJeeJe keer lejn efceue egkee nw~ Yeeeej kes
heefjCeecemJehe Yeejleere mebmke=efle Deewj Gmekee heefJe$e leLee vewefleke mJehe OebgOeuee neslee pee jne nw~ Deehe
efkemeer Yeer #es$e ceW eues peeSB Yeeeej kee hewueeJe efoKeeF& oslee nw~ Deehe kees eefo ess mes ese keece efkemeer Yeer
Dee@efheme ceW kejJeevee nw lees efyevee efjMJele efKeueeS keece kejJeevee Meeeo mecYeJe veneR nesiee, Gmeer lejn pewmesefJeegle eb$e kees eueeves kes efueS efJeegle keer DeeJeMekelee nesleer nw~ ceb$eer mes ueskej meblejerr leke kees Deheveer heeFue
ye{Jeeves kes efueS hewmes kee Ghenej lees Deehekees e{evee ner nesiee keeeWefke iee[er ceW hes^esue lees YejJeevee ner he[lee nw~
ohelejeW ceW yeeyegDeeW kee [deter kes mecee meesvee lees Deece yeele nes egkeer nw~ hewmes kee veece megvekej Jees Ssmes Geke kej
yew" peeles nQ pewmes efkemeer YetKes efYeKeejer kees cevehemevo Keevee hejesme efoee peeS~
mketue Deewj kee@uespe Yeer Fme Yeeeej mes Detles veneR nw~ yeme Fvekes lejerkes otmejs nQ~ iejerye heefjJeejeW kes
yeeeW kes efueS lees efMe#ee mejkeejer mketueeW Je ess kee@uespeeW leke meerefcele neskej jn ieF& nw~ veeceer mketueeW ceW
oeefKeuee kejevee nes lees [esvesMeve kes veece hej ceeser jkece ceeBieer peeleer nw~ Fmeer Jepen mes Deceerj ceeB-yeeheeW kes yeseW
ceW he{ves kes eefle Glmegkelee Ieer nw~ yeQke pees nj osMe keer DeLe&JeJemLee kee DeeOeej mlecYe nw, Jes Yeer Yeeeej kes
Fme jesie mes heeref[le nQ~ Deehe efkemeer ekeej kes ueesve kes efueS DeeJesove kejW hej efyevee efkemeer hejsMeeveer kes heeFue
efvekeue peeS, Ssmee lees mecYeJe ner veneR nes mekelee~
jepeveerefle keer yeele kejW lees nce meYeer peeveles nQ efke jepevewefleke eMeemeve Deewj DeehejeefOeke ie"pees[ Flevee
ce]peyetle nw efke Gmes lees[vee Deece pevelee kes JeMe ceW veneR nw~ jepeveerefle%eeW Deewj Yeeeej kee lees eesueer-oeceve kee
meeLe nw~ 2peer mheske^ce ceeceuee nes ee je^ceb[ue Kesue kee Ieeseuee, Deye lees es Deece yeele nes egkeer nQ~ egveeJeeW
ceW pevelee mes Pet"s Jeeos kejvee ee otmejs jepeveerefleke oue keer yegjeF&, jepeveerefle%e mes Dee en Meeeo keesF& Deewj
veneR peevelee nw~ Deheves heeeos kes efueS mejkeejer DehemejeW pewmes efpeueeefOekeejer pewmes Deeuee DehemejeW kee
leyeeouee lees Gvekes yeeeW neLe kee Kesue nw~ keesF& veF& hewke^er KegueJeeves keer yeele nes ee MejeyeKeevee Keesuevee nes,
efjMJele kes efyevee yeele veneR yeveleer~


osMe keer Deevleefjke megj#ee kee Yeej nceejs hegefueme efJeYeeie hej neslee nw, hejvleg DeeS efove en meceeeej Deeles
jnles nQ efke Decegke hegefueme Dehemej ves efjMJele ueskej Ske iegveenieej kees es[ efoee~ keesF& yeme ee ^sve ogIe&vee
nes lees hegefueme eMeemeve JeneB hengBekej yeeeJe keee& lees yeeo ceW kejlee nw, yeefuke Gmemes henues DeewjleeW kes ienveW
Deewj ueesieeW keer pesye kes hewmes efvekeeueves mes yeepe veneR Deeles~ GvnW peje Yeer oee veneR Deeleer eens GmeceW keneR efkemeer
hegefueme kes efjMlesoej ner keeeW ve nes? efkemeer iejerye keer ue[keer kee yeueelkeej nes ee Gmekeer peeeoeo hej
Deveewheeeefjke keypee, oesef<eeeW kees keece kees Debpeece osves ceW keesF& [j veneR ueielee~ efjMJele Keesjer keer Jepen mes
nlee kes kesmeeW ceW Yeer ye{esejer ngF& nw efpemeceW efveoex<e ueesie Yeer efove-one[s ceejs peeles nQ~ hegefueme eMeemeve lees
ceghele ceW efceues hewmeeW kees Deheves nke keer lejn Jemetue kejleer nw~ Deepekeue lees ceeref[ee Yeer Ske Jeeheej yeve
egkeer nw~
cesef[keue #es$e ceW yeele kejW lees DemheleeueeW ceW le[heles cejerpeeW kes meeceves [e@kej eeCeeW keer meewosyeepeer kejles
vepej Deeles nQ~ yeepeej ceW Ske ner yeerceejer keer oJee keF& Deueie-Deueie veeceeW mes Deueie-Deueie keerceleeW hej efyekeleer
nw~ [e@kej memleer kes mLeeve hej Deheves keceerMeve kes ueeuee ceW cejerpe kees cenBieer oJee keer heeea Lecee osles nQ
Deewj cejerpe Gmes Kejeroves hej cepeyetj nes peeles nQ~ Mejerj kes DebieeW keer lemkejer kejves mes Yeer [e@kej yeepe
veneR Deeles nQ~
Yeeeej keer jheleej Deepe cenbieeF& keer Yeer jheleej mes lespe nes ieF& nw~ Yeeeej kes Fme efJekejeue he kees
OeejCe kejves kee meyemes ye[e keejCe nw efke Fme De& eOeeve osMe ceW eleske Jeefe kes ceve ceW Oeveueesueghelee "tBme"tBme kej Yejer nw~ ceveg<e keer ye{leer DeeJeMekeleeSB Deewj Gmekes Thej kecejlees[ cenBieeF& kes keejCe Jen Deheves
ceveeens lejerkes Dehevee jne nw~ Deheves #eg mJeeLeeX kes efueS Yeeeej ceW mebefuehlelee efmLeefle kees Deewj Yeer iebYeerj
yeveeleer nw~ Yeeeej kees pe[ mecesle Kelce kejves kes efueS ueesieeW kes cej egkes pepyeeleeW kees efhej mes peeele kejvee
nesiee, GveceW eslevee ueeveer nesieer~ cegoe& efoueeW ceW nJeme kes keer[eW kees Kego kes peeele pe]pyeeleeW heer oJee mes ceejvee
nesiee~ Yeeeej kees efceeves keer eee& Deepe mes veneR yeefuke henues mes ner eueer Dee jner nw~ Fmes otj kejves kee
megPeeJe osves kes efueS 1964 ceW ner mebleevece meefceefle kee ie"ve ngDee Lee~ uesefkeve pewmes-pewmes Fmekeer oJee keer pee
jner nw leeW-leeW en cepe& ye{lee pee jne nw~ meceepe kees KeesKeuee yevee jne nw Yeeeej~ en ceneceejer kes he
ceW nceejs hetjs jepeveerefleke Deewj meeceeefpeke leeves-yeeves kees ve kejves hej Deeceeoe nw~


nceW nceejs meceepe ceW heve hewuee jns Fme efJekejeue veeie kees ceejvee nesiee~ eleske Jeefe kes ceveesyeue kees
TBee G"evee nesiee~ eleske kees Deheves kee&JeeW kee efveJee&n kejles ngS Deheves kees Yeeeej heer peeue mes
efvekeuevee nesiee~ ener veneR efMe#ee ceW keg DeefveJeee& DebMe pees[e peeS efpememes nceejer veF& heer{er eeeerve mebmke=efle
leLee Yeewefleke eefleceeveeW kees mebmkeej mJehe ueskej efJekeefmele nes~ veeeeefeke JeJemLee kees ke"esj kejvee nesiee
leLee meeceeve peve kees DeeJeMeke megefJeOeeSB Yeer GheueyOe kejeveer nesbieer~ Fmeer DeeOeej hej Deeies ye{vee nesiee leYeer
Fme efmLeefle ceW keg megOeej keer Dehes#ee keer pee mekeleer nw veneR lees efhej Yeejle kees efJeMJe heue hej MeefkeleMeeueer
Deewj efJekeefmele osMe yeveeves kee mehevee, mehevee ner jn peeSiee~

jes jner nw Deepe efnvoer

jes jner nw Deepe efnvoer, efyeKej ieF& ceeLes keer efyevoer,
kenleer nw cele kejes, efmemeke kej, Deheveer Leer
yeveer hejeF& efnvoer!
efnvoer nw Yeejle keer Deefce heneeve,
efhej keeeW nQ Deepe nce Fmemes Devepeeve,

evo heeeW keer Keeeflej,

efyeke peeles nQ F&ceeve eneB~
Yeeeej hewuee nw eejesb Deesj,
Mees<eCe ceW efIeje Fbmeeve eneB~~
Fme Yeeeej keer Deeie ceW,
peue jne nw hetje efnvogmleeve Deepe~
ns ceveg<eeW! G"es keeeWefke,
Jekele nw Deye efhej mes megKe, Meeefvle ueeves kee eneB~~

kejvee nesiee nceW Fmekee mecceeve,

Deiej ye{evee nw osMe kee ieewjJe Deewj ceeve!
oe lesje efJeMeeue efJemle=le meeiej,
nj Yee<ee legPemes Yejleer ieeiej,
pewmes Lekekej peerCe& meer veefoeeB,
peekej DeLeen meeiej ceW nw meceeleer,
Jewmes ner ueghle eee: meer Yee<eeeW,

jceve efcee
le=leere Je<e&
lekeveerkeer mveeleke, jmeeeefveke DeefYeeebef$ekeer

lesjs ceceleeceeer Deebeue ceW MejCe nQ heeleer!

efoee cenlJe hej, Yee<ee kees,
lesje mJehe nce iees Yetue,
#ecee! ns efnvoer, ncekees kejvee,
mecePee osMe efJekeeme ceW legPekees Metue,
Deye legPekees Jeeheme ueeeWies, Iej-Iej ceW hewueeeWies,




lesjs megJeeme yeeej mes Deheveer, peerJeve yeefieee cenkeeSBies,

meye Yee<eeDeeW keer peveveer efnvoer,
Fmekeer ceefncee ieeve megveeeWies!
lesjs cenlJe keer DeueKe peieekej,
hegve: efJeMJe ceW OJepe lesje uenjeeWsies!
hegve: yeveeeWies legPes Yeejle kes ceeLes keer efyevoer,
jes jner nw Deepe efnvoer!
Jeerjsv kegceej efheheuesMe
Deefvlece Je<e&
lekeveerkeer mveeleke, met#ce keefCekee Deewj mebeej DeefYeeebef$ekeer

mecee kee Kesue

ceQves Gmes heefjJeefle&le nesles osKee
keYeer metjpe keer lejn ecekee nw,
lees keYeer DeceeJeme keer lejn efyeKeje Yeer nw
hej yetbo-yetbo pees[ meeiej yeveeee Yeer nw
cebefpeueeW leke hengBeles ngS cegefMkeueeW kees osKee nw
Gmes efnceeuee keer TBeeF& etceles osKee nw,
efoJeeueer kes heeKeeW keer lejn Meesj kejlee nw
nesueer kes ueeue, njs, heerues, veerues jbieeW mebie veeelee nw,
letheeve ceW Ke[e jn Deheves kees mebYeeuelee nw,
efnccele mes nj meer{er heej kej DeemeceeB tlee nw,
Kego kees es[ otmejeW kees meleelee nw,
Deheveer KegMeer ceW nj efkemeer kees Meeefceue kejlee nw,
og:Ke oslee nw lees megKe kee heefnee eueelee nw,
helePe[ keer nJee mes ue[vee efmeKeeee nw,
peerJeve kes eewjeneW mes ieuele-mener yeleeee nw,
yeoueles ceewmece mes yeoueleer jeneW kee pees[ yeleeee nw,
Ske ogefKeeejs kes DeeBmet kees KegMeer oer nw
Ske megKeer kees oo& kee Snmeeme Yeer efoee nw,
es lees mecee kee Kesue nw keYeer Gue keYeer meerOee
mecee kes heefjJele&ve mes vee keesF& yeee nw ve yeesiee~

jsvet Ke$eer
Debeflece Je<e&
lekeveerkeer mveeleke, eebef$ekeer DeefYeeebef$ekeer



nceejer mJeleb$elee efkeleveer mJeleb$e nw?

pees Yeje veneR nw YeeJeeW mes, yenleer efpemeceW jmeOeej veneR~
Jen oe veneR nw helLej nw, efpemeceW mJeosMe kee heej veneR~~
nceeje Yeejle osMe Deiemle 15, 1947 kees Dee]peeo ngDee pees 64 Je<e& Dee]peeoer kee mehej lee kej egkee nw,
leye mes ueskej Deepe leke nce efpeme mJeleb$elee kees mJeleb$elee efoJeme kes he ceW ceveeles Dee jns nQ keee JeekeF& ceW
nceejs osMe keer pevelee mJeleb$e nw? mJeleb$e Yeejle osMe iejeryeer Deewj yesjes]peieejer mes ue[ jne nw efpemekee cetue
keejCe nw-ye{leer ngF& pevemebKee~ mJeleb$elee mes hetJe& peneB Yeejle keer pevemebKee cee$e 36 kejes[ Leer, Jener Je<e&
2011-12 ceW ueieYeie 121 kejes[ heej kej ieF& nw efpemekee leelhee& en nw efke pevemebKee Je=ef keer Jeeef<e&ke oj
1.95% nw~ pevemebKee efJemhees ves peneB nceW peerJeve keer cetueYetle DeeJeMekeleeDeeW - Yeespeve, DeeJeeme,
hesepeue, mJeemLe, efMe#ee, efJeegle Fleeefo mes Jebefele efkeee nw, JeneR yesjes]peieejer ye{eves ceW eesieoeve efoee nw~
eefleJe<e& ueeKeeW yesjes]peieejeW keer heewpe leweej nes jner nw~ iejeryeer Deewj yesjes]peieejer keer Jepen mes efkemeeve Deees efove
Deelcenlee kej jns nQ, osMe ceW iejeryeer jsKee kes veeres peerJeve eeheve kejves Jeeues ueesie efMe#ee mes otj nQ~ osMe ceW
ueieYeie 35 mes ueskej 40 eefleMele leke Deepe Yeer efvej#ej nw~ Yeejle mejkeej eje eueees iees mee#ejlee
DeefYeeeve ceW nce keneB leke meheue nQ? iejeryeeW kes DeefOekeejeW kee nveve efkeee pee jne nw, Yeeeej kes Deejeshe
ueesie ueieees pee jns nQ Deewj hetbpeerheefleeeW kees ye{eJee efoee pee jne nw~ keee Fme mJeleb$e Yeejle osMe keer ceeleeSb,
yenveW yeewj yesefeeB Kegues he mes efJeejCe kej hee jner nQ, Deees efove nlee, yeueelkeej keer KeyejW meceeeej-he$e,
jsef[eeW Deewj sueerefJepeve kes ceeOece mes nce meye ueesieeW leke hengBeleer jnleer nQ~ nceejs osMe ceW Deepe ueieYeie 30 mes
40 eefleMele pevelee iejerye nw efpemekes keejCe DeefMe#ee, Yeeeej, Iejsuet efnbmee Fleeefo Jeehle nQ~
meeceoeefekelee SJeb peeefleJeeo kee ]penj nceejer vemeeW ceW Iegue ieee nw~ Fmemes ueeskeleb$e keer pe[W kece]peesj
ngF& nQ~ Yeejle keer Skelee kees ner Fmemes Keleje Glhevve nes ieee nw~ jepeveerefleke DeefmLejlee Yeer Fmeer keer osve nw~
Deej#eCe keer mecemee kees ueskej DeeS efove nesves Jeeueer DeMeeefvle Yeer peeefleJeeo keer osve nw~ meeceoeefeke
YeeJeveeSb Ye[keekej ueesie obies kejJee osles nQ Deewj Oece& keer Deeie hej jepeveerefle keer jesefeeb meWkeles nQ~ kewmeer
efJe[cyevee nw efke Deepe Yeejle ceW cebefoj-ceefmpeo kes veece hej efnvot-cegefmuece obies nes jns nQ~ Fmemes ue[ves kes efueS
nce meyekees Skeef$ele nesvee eeefnS, Jeehle mecemee hej cebLeve kejvee eeefnS efke mecemee kewmes otj nesieer?
mJeleb$e Yeejle osMe ceW onspe eLee kes veece hej Deepe veeefjeeW kees peueves kes efueS efJeJeMe nesvee he[ jne nw~
leceece eeemeeW kes yeeJepeto meceepe ceW ue[keer keer efmLeefle ue[kes keer leguevee ceW oeveere nw, Gmes Deeies ye{ves kes
efueS meceeve DeJemej GheueyOe veneR nw~ onspe eLee ves meceepe ceW Yeeeej, efjMJeleKeesjer pewmeer yegjeFeeW kees pevce

efoee nw~ Deepe en yegjeF& ess mlej mes ueskej je^ere mlej kes vesleeDeeW leke Jeehle kej ieF& nw~
Ghejeskele mecemeeDeeW mes efveheves kes efueS cenelcee ieebOeer, efleueke, peJeenj ueeue vesn, ieesKeues, ueeuee
ueepehele jee, mejoej hesue, Fefvoje ieeBOeer ves pees jemlee efoKeeee Gme hej euekej ner nce mees osMeYekele yeve
mekeles nQ~ ueeskeceeve efleueke ves veeje efoee -mJeleb$elee nceeje pevce efme DeefOekeej nw, lees megYee<e ev yeesme
ves kene -legce cegPes Ketve oes ceQ legcnW Dee]peeoer otbiee~ osMe esce keer esjCee osves Jeeues keefJeJej ceeKeve ueeue elegJexoer
keer efvecve hebefkeleeeb GuuesKeveere nQcegPes lees[ uesvee Jeveceeueer, Gme heLe hej osvee legce heWke~
ceele=Yetefce hej Meer<e e{eves, efpeme heLe peeSB Jeerj Deveske~~
egJee Meefkele efkemeer Yeer osMe keer Jen leekele nw pees Gmekes YeefJe<e kees yeoue mekeleer nw, egJeeDeeW ceW Yeer
DeefOekelece mebKee e$e-e$eeDeeW keer nw keeeWefke Jes Deheves YeeJeer peerJeve kes efueS efJeeeheer Meefkele Deefpe&le kejles
nQ~ Keso kee efJe<ee nw efke Deepe egJee Meefkele efoiYeefcele nw, Gmes Dehevee YeefJe<e Demegjef#ele efoKeeeer os jne nw
Deewj Fmeer keejCe Jen DevegMeemeve Yebie kejves hej Deeceeoe ngDee nw~
heefjJele&ve :
Deepe osMe kees DeeJeMekelee nw efleueke, jepee jece ceesnve jee, ieebOeer, vesn, oeevevo mejmJeleer SJeb
efJeJeskeevevo mejerKes esjCee eesle keer, pees egJee Meefkele keer #eceleeDeeW kees Gefele eJeen os mekeW Deewj Gvekee
jeveelceke Gheeesie kej mekeW~ DeeJeMekelee nw efMe#eCe mebmLeeDeeW kees jepeveerefle mes otj jKeves keer, GveceW YeeF&YeleerpeeJeeo meceehle kejves keer~ DeeJeMekelee nw n[leeueW, IesjeJe, efnbmee, efyeie[leer keevetve JeJemLee Deewj
peeefleJeeoer JeJemLee meceehle kejves keer~ Fme #es$e ceW otjoefMe&lee mes keece uesb leLee egJeeDeeW kes eefle mvesn, mebece,
menevegYetefle leLee eeslmeenve oMee&Sb~ Jele&ceeve heer{er kes e$eeW kees jeveelceke efeee-keueeheeW ceW mebueive kejkes
leLee GvnW meceepe mesJee, osMe mesJee kes keeeeX ceW mebueive kejkes Yeer yengle keg efkeee pee mekelee nw~ peye Fme osMe
kee egJee mJemLe ceve kee nesiee, lees heefjJele&ve mener ceeeves ceW mLeeefhele nes mekesiee~
DeeOeeeflcekelee keer Yetefce mes Deiej mJeleb$elee kees osKee peees lees nce Deheves DeejeOe kees mJese mes, hetjs
oe mes SJeb Yeefkele kes meeLe Deheveer Deelcee kes mJeeceer kees meceefhe&le kej osles nQ~ pees Ge efmLeefle leke hengBeves
Jeeues meewYeeieMeeueer nQ Gvekes efueS meodieg kesJeue DeeOeeeflceke heLe-eoMe&ke ner veneR jnles, Jes lees Gvekes peerJeve
kes DeefmlelJe kes nj he#e kes mJeeceer nes peeles nQ~ Fmemes en mhe nes peelee nw efke nceejs meceefhe&le nes peeves hej ner
en efmLeefle Dee mekeleer nw, efpememes nceejs DeejeOe, nceejs iegosJe Fleeefo kee hetje efpeccee ues mekeW~
Fmekee Deewj efJeMues<eCe kejves hej nceW DeeMee& kes meeLe helee euelee nw efke Deye ceveg<e kees Ske ceneve




keuheveeleerle mJeleb$elee efceueer nw~ Jen nesleer nw-mJeeb mJeleb$elee mes Yeer mJeleb$elee eeveer Deepeeoer mes gkeeje! en
DeYeselee keer mJeleb$elee nw, en Depeselee keer mJeleb$elee nw~ Deye nce hej Deheves efkees keeceeW keer peJeeyeosner Yeer
veneR jnleer~ nce lees efmehe& ngkece kes leeyesoej nesles nQ~ ngkece osves Jeeues nceejs ceeefueke, nceejs DeejeOe, nceejs
F& Fleeefo nceejs efkees ngS meye keeceeW keer efpeccesoejer Deheves Thej ues uesles nQ~ Deye ogefveee ceW nce hej keesF&
ees veneR kej mekelee~ FmeefueS nceW eiee{ Meeefvle Deewj Ske ceneve mJeleb$elee eehle nes peeleer nw~ Dele: yeenj mes
efoKeves Jeeueer henues keer mJeleb$elee Yece kes DeueeJee Deewj keg veneR Leer~ Gmes Keeskej Deye nceW eeefnS DeeOeeeflceke
DeJemLee keer meeer Deepeeoer, Demeueer mJeleb$elee efpemes keg mebleeW ves cenecegefkele keer meb%ee oer nw~
jece yejve
DeeMegefueefheke, efJeegle DeefYeeebef$ekeer efJeYeeie

hegkeej Ske Depevcee keer

oe ceW gheeS esce kees<e, ceQ heue-heue peerJeve Godiees<e,
Leer Deelegj kejves Oeje egcyeve, ceQ eke=efle keer ceeee Leer~
Leer ebeue efeleJeve lesjs pewmeer, DeOej lesjs, veeve lesjs,
Leer cebo nbmeer Yeer keg-keg efceueleer, ceeB ceQ lesjer eefleeee Leer~
Les KJeeye mebpeeses keg heuekeeW hej, GcebieW efnueesjW uesleer LeeR,
keye heeTB mheMe& efhelee kee, Fmeer meese ceW peieleer-meesleer Leer~
DeeBmet lesjs meheves lesjs, ceeoke-ceeoke lesjer yeeleW, meye ceQ megvee kejleer Leer,
lesjer keesKe ceW lesjs pewmeer, lesjer Ske meKeer heueleer Leer~
hej nee Yeeie kegee lesje, ceQ mecePe ve heeF& Leer,
Fme veejer osn mes efueheer, keeue keer hejeF& Leer~
cegboer heuekeeW kees Keesueves kee Yeer Jekele letves keneB efoee,
erve ceelee keer keesKe mes letves, efleefcej Jeesce ceW hengBee efoee~
veejer menkej heerj, vej kees, keesKe ceW nw heeueleer,
Deewj es ogefveee nw vejeW keer, pees veejer kees keesKe ceW nw ceejleer~
hej vejeW kees p] evevee keye veejer ves es[e nw?
mvesn osves mes nleejeW keess, keye Gmeves cegKe cees[e nw?
Deheves kee&JeeW hej Deye Yeer,
veejer DeefJeeue nw, Deue nw~
Deye legcner kejes efveCe&e ns F&Me,
keewve nw Deyeuee, keewve meyeue nw?
Debefkele eerJeemleJe
eLece Je<e&
lekeveerkeer mveeleke, eebef$ekeer DeefYeeebef$ekeer




osMe kee Deeuece...

efceue ieF& Deepeeoer, hej Fvkeueeye Deye Yeer peejer nw,
veS Yeejle kees yeoueves keer ef]peccesoejer nceejer nw~
efmeeemele kes nj henuet keer osKeer nceves, ueeeejer nw,
veS Yeejle kees yeoueves keer ef]peccesoejer nceejer nw~
eneB osKees, JeneB osKees Yeeeejer eF& nw,
heesmcewve mes hegefuemecewve leke meyekeer oewuele ceeF& nw,
efjMJeleKeesjeW ves lees Fme osMe kees ner uet efueee,
Deepe lees ueielee nw efke ceevees, Kegoe Fme osMe mes " ieee~
henues lees keg ner oeveJe ngDee kejles Les,
uebkee pewmes osMeeW kes jepee jeJeCe ngDee kejles Les~
Deepe lees pewmes nj Iej ceW jeJeCe nw, keg ner jece nQ,
oeveJeeW keer ogefveee ceW veejer keer nlee Deece nw~
ns eYeg! keee legcneje ke]pe& veneR,
eneB Fme Oejleer hej Dee peevee?
keee legcnW efoKelee veneR,
hewmes kes efueS YeeF&-YeeF& kee ue[ peevee?
hej Deye nce veneR nw Pegkeves Jeeues
efkemeer kes jeskeves mes, Deye veneR nQ keves Jeeues,
efce peeSiee Yeeeej kejles nQ Kego mes Jeeeoe,
DeeSiee efhej mes meceepe ceW, keevetve Deewj keeeoe~
lees oesmleeW, DeeDees efceuekej meeLe ye{sb,
Dee]peeoer keer ue[eF& efhej mes ue[W,
nceejs pegvetve kes meeceves efoKesieer efmeeemele keer ueeeejer,
GKee[ heWkes Yeeeej kees, ceguke keer meyemes ye[er yeerceejer~
oer#ee ieghlee
eLece Je<e&
lekeveerkeer mveeleke, met#ce keefCekee Deewj mebeej DeefYeeebef$ekeer


Ske keneveer Ssmeer Yeer

etB lees Yeejleere meceepe Deewj mebmke=efle hej efkeleveer keneefveeeB efueKeer ieeer~ hebeleb$e mes ueskej esceebo keer
keneefveeeW leke keuece kes peeotiejeW ves efJeMeeue Yeejleere mebmke=efle keer nj vey]pe kees gDee~ emlegle keneveer Ssmes ner
Yeejle kes osneleeW ceW ieees peeves Jeeues ueeske ieerle efyejne kee Ske DebMe nw pees Yeejleere meceepe ceW hewueer kegjerefle
yeeue efJeJeen keer mecemeeDeeW keer Ske Peueke emlegle kejleer nw~
keneveer Ske ess mes ieeBJe Goehegj keer nw~ Gme ieeBJe ceW jeceefJeueeme kee Ske ese mee heefjJeej jnlee Lee~
Gme heefjJeej ceW jeceefJeueeme keer helveer Deewj Gmekee yese efovesMe jnlee Lee pees Dee"JeeR ke#ee ceW he{lee Lee~
jeceefJeueeme Ske iejerye hej KegMeneue heefjJeej kee mJeeceer Lee~ efovesMe Ske nesvenej Deewj megMeerue ue[kee Lee~ oes
Je<e& yeeo efovesMe ves cewef^ke keer hejer#ee eLece esCeer mes GeerCe& keer~ jeceefJeueeme Goehegj ieeBJe kes Ske efvecve Jeie& kee
efkemeeve nesles ngS Yeer Gmeves efovesMe keer he{eF& ceW keesF& keceer veneR keer~ ieeBJe keer jerefle-efjJeepe kes Devegmeej cewef^ke
keer hejer#ee GeerCe& kejves kes yeeo efovesMe keer Meeoer kebevehegj ieeBJe keer Ske ue[keer cebpet mes kej oer ieeer~ keg
mecee yeeo efovesMe kee Ske heg$e ieesuet hewoe ngDee~ Oeerjs-Oeerjs mecee yeerlelee ieee Deewj efovesMe ves FCjceeref[S keer
hejer#ee Yeer eLece esCeer kes Des Debkees mes GeerCe& keer~ jeceefJeueeme ves Deheves heg$e efovesMe kes keef"ve heefjece Deewj
ueieve kees osKeles ngS Gmes Deeies keer he{eF& kes efuees Menj Yespeves kee efveMee efkeee~ uesefkeve efvecve Jeie& kee
efkemeeve nesves kes keejCe Fme keee& ceW Deme#ece Lee~ efhej Yeer ieeBJe kes Ske peceeRoej mes kepe& ueskej Gmeves efovesMe
kees he{ves kes efuees Fueeneyeeo Menj Yespe efoee~ efovesMe keer he{eF& kes Kee& keer Jepen mes Jen henues mes ner kepe& ceW
oyee ngDee Lee Deewj Fmeer oewjeve efovesMe keer ceeB keer leefyeele Yeer Kejeye nes ieeer~ he{eF& Deewj oJee kee Kee& DeefOeke
nesves kes keejCe jeceefJeueeme kepe& ceW [tyelee ner euee ieee~
Goej efovesMe keer he{eF& Deer eue jner Leer~ Dekemej efovesMe Deheves efhelee kees he$e efueKee kejlee Lee~ OeerjsOeerjs efovesMe kees Gmeer Menj keer Ske ue[keer vesne mes efce$elee nes ieeer~ en efce$elee Oeerjs-Oeerjs heej ceW yeoue ieeer
Deewj efovesMe keer Meeoer nesves kes yeeo Yeer Jen vesne mes Meeoer kes yeejs ceW meeseves ueiee~ oesveeW ves veewkejer efceueves kes
yeeo Meeoer kejves kee efveCe&e efkeee~ Fmeer oewjeve hees kes DeYeeJe ceW Dee Fueepe ve nesves kes keejCe efovesMe keer
ceelee kee mJeie&Jeeme nes ieee~ he{eF& ceW yeeOee ve Deees en meesekej jeceefJeueeme ves Deheves heg$e kees en Ievee
yeleevee Gefele ve mecePee~ ke]pe& ceW DeefOeke [tye peeves kes keejCe jeceefJeueeme ves Deheveer ]peceerve yese oer~ GOej
efovesMe ves heej ceW ] peeoe ceive nesves kes keejCe he$e JeJenej Yeer kece kej efoee~ Flevee ner veneR yeefuke



jeceefJeueeme ves Dehevee Iej Yeer efiejJeer jKe efoee~ Fmeer oewjeve efovesMe Deewj vesne keer ueKeveT Menj ceW veewkejer
ueie ieeer Deewj Fve oesveeW ves Meeoer kej ueer~
FOej jeceefJeueeme kes heeme he$e kee Deeoeve-eoeve yevo nes ieee~ ieeBJe kes ]peceeRoejeW kee kepe& Deoe nesves ceW
Iej Yeer efyeke ieee Deewj Jen Fme meoceW mes yengle og:Keer ngDee Deewj ieeBJe kes ueesieeW kes leeves megveles-megveles Jen
hejsMeeve nes ieee Deewj leeves megveves kes [j mes Gmeves efovesMe keer helveer cebpet Deewj Gmekes yess ieesuet kees ueskej Menj
peeves kee efveMee efkeee~ jeceefJeueeme Deheveer ef]pevoieer kes efveJee&n kes efuees Deheveer yent Deewj heesles kees ueskej
ueKeveT euee ieee~
jeceefJeueeme ueKeveT ceW efove-jele efjkeMee eueekej Deheveer yent Deewj heesles kee YejCe-hees<eCe kejlee Lee~
Fmeer ueKeveT ceW efhelee efjkeMee euee jne Lee Deewj yese Fbpeerefveej Lee~ mecee yeerlelee ieee~ Ske efove vesne Deewj
efovesMe nue jns Les efke Deeeveke jeceefJeueeme ves Deheves yess kees osKee Deewj Demecebpeme ceW he[ ieee~ Gmeer mecee
vesne Deewj efovesMe efjkeMee mes Iej peeves kees meeses Deewj efjkeMee Jeeues kees yegueeee~ jeceefJeueeme ves Deheves yess kees
heneeve efueee Lee uesefkeve Jen keg yeesue ve mekee~ Deewj efovesMe eneB Deheves efhelee kees DeveosKee kej ieee~ Gmes
vesne kes meeceves Deheveer yesFppeleer kee [j Lee~ oesveeW efjkeMes hej yew"s Deewj jeceefJeueeme efjkeMee eueeves ueiee~
Deheves yess kee en JeJenej Gmekeer eslevee kees [Bmeves ueiee Deewj en meeseles-meeseles jeceefJeueeme kees ekekej Dee
ieee Deewj Jen efiej he[e~
vesne kees Yeer Lees[er ees Dee ieeer~ efovesMe kees iegmmee Dee ieee~ efovesMe Dehevee petlee efvekeeue efhelee kees ceejvee
Meg kej efoee~ Jees hetjs iegmmes ceW ceejves kes yeeo Iej euee ieee~ efkemeer lejn jeceefJeueeme Deheves heefjJeej kes heeme
hengBee Deewj Deheves ogueejs efovesMe kee en JeJenej Gmekes peerJeve hej Yeejer he[e~ Jen Fme meoces kees yeoe&Mle ve
kej mekee Deewj oce lees[ efoee~ Deye Gmekes heefjJeej ceW yent Deewj Gmekee heeslee ieesuet yee iees~
cebpet Deheves yess kee heeueve-hees<eCe kejves kes efuees Iej-Iej peekej eewkee-yejleve kejves ueieer~ Oeerjs-Oeerjs
mecee yeerlee cebpet kees jkele keQmej nes ieee Deewj Gmeves efyemlej heke[ efueee~ ieesuet 8 Je<e& kee Lee~ Gmekes heeme ceeB
keer oJee kes efuees hewmes ve nesves kes keejCe Jen FOej-GOej oew[ves ueiee~ oew[les-oew[les Jen yeepeej ceW hengBee~
YeieJeeve keer Ssmeer ceefncee efke vesne meypeer ues jner Leer Deewj Gmekes neLe ceW heme& Lee~ ieesuet ves DeeJe osKee ve leeJe
Deewj heme& ueskej Iej keer lejhe Yeeieves ueiee~ Gmekes heers vesne Deewj keg ueesie Yeer oew[ves ueies~ ieesuet YeeielesYeeieles Deheves Peeshe[s ceW Iegme ieee Deewj ceeB mes yeesuee- ceeB-ceeB ceQ hewmes ues Deeee~ Gmekeer ceeB yeme Flevee ner ken

heeeer yes...e Deewj Gmekes G"s nges neLe efiej iees Deewj Gmekes neW" meoe kes efuees yevo nes iees~ ieesuet ceeB mes
efuehe kej jesves ueiee~ Fleves ceW vesne Deewj keg ueesie Gmekes Peeshe[s ceW hengBes~ ueesie ieesuet kees eesj kenkes heerves
ueies, leYeer vesne keer ve]pej oerJeej hej ueies Ske esce hej he[er efpemeceW efovesMe, cebpet Deewj ieesuet keer heeses ueieer ngeer
Leer~ Gmeves ueesieeW kees jeskekej ieesuet mes heeses kes yeejs ceW hete~ ieesuet ves yeleeee efke en Gmekes heehee nQ, pees meele
meeue henues TBeer he{eF& kes efuees Fueeneyeeo iees Les Deewj Gmekes efuees efKeueewves ueeeWies~ meye mecePekej vesne keer
DeeBKes Yej Deeeer Deewj Jen ieesuet kees Deheves Iej ues Deeeer~
ieesuet kees osKekej efovesMe ves Gmekes yeejs ceW hete lees vesne ves {lee mes kene -en legcneje meele meeue henues
Ske eer Deewj Ske heefjJeej kes meeLe efkees iees OeesKes kee meyetle nw~ Gmeves Jees heeses Yeerr efovesMe kees efoKee oer
Deewj Gmes leueeke keer Oecekeer osves ueieer~en osKekej efovesMe kes nesMe G[ iees Gmes Dehevee ieeBJe, Dehevee KegMeneue
heefjJeej, Gmes DeeBKeeW hej efye"ekej jKeves Jeeues Gmekes ceelee-efhelee, heefle kees hejcesMJej ceeveves Jeeueer helveer cebpet
Deewj hetue pewmee yese ieesuet eeo Deeves ueies pees meeje Kelce nes ieee Lee efmeJeee ieesuet kes~ Gmekeer DeeBKeeW mes PejPej DeeBmet yenves ueies~ Gmeves ieesuet kees ieeso ceW efmecee efueee~ Jen vesne kes hewjeW hej efiej kes yeesuee -cegPes cele
es[es vesne~ vesne Gmekees Devemegvee kejkes peeves ueieer~
leye ieesuet ves vesne Deewj efovesMe kee neLe heke[ efueee Deewj yeesuee -Fleves efove yeeo cesjs heehee efceues lees efhej
cesjer ceeB es[ kes pee jner nw~ en megvekej vesne Deewj efovesMe oesveeW jes he[s Deewj oesveeW ves ieesuet kees ieues mes ueiee
Fme ekeej en keneveer hegjeves mecee mes ieeBJe ceW ceveesjbpeve kee eesle jner nw~ ueeske ieerleeW ceW ieeeer peeves
Jeeueer en keneveer Deepe Yeer Deehekees ieeBJe ceW megveves kees efceue mekeleer nw~
ceOegyeve keevog
efleere Je<e&
lekeveerkeer mveeleke, efJeegle DeefYeeebef$ekeer efJeYeeie



KeeceesefMeeeW kes DeOejeW hes Meyo keeeW "njs nQ,
Deveefievele heg<he nQ GheJeve ceW hej KegMeyet keer keeeW keceer nw~
esnjs hes nj efove veee cegKeewe ueiee kej esnje kenlee nw,
Menj keer Yeer[ ceW Demeueer esnjeW keer keceer keeeW nw?
peguce kes veeKetve keeves kee Jeeoe nj lejhe nw,
ceemetce heefjboeW kes hebKe keglejkej ken jns nQ keeeW peguce nj lejhe nw~
ebo hewmeeW keer Keeeflej efyekeles ngS ueesieeW mes Ske meJeeue nw,
Jees yeerceej nw ee Gvekeer pesnefveele yeerceej nw~
pees ceeB yess keer Ske Deen hes le[he G"leer Leer keYeer,
Jener ceeB yess keer Keeeflej keeeW yeveer Ske Yeej nw~
Deheveer heneeve Keeskej keg Fme lejn nce yeoueves ueies nQ,
Iej keer oerJeejeW hes Yeer kewuesC[j keer peien heesmj ueieves ueies nQ~
jbpeerle kegceej
efleere Je<e&
hejemveeleke, ceeveJeere SJeb meeceeefpeke efJe%eeve efJeYeeie

ceQ peye efyeefmceue kees he{lee ntB,
keetB ceger yebOe meer peeleer nw~
jieeW ceW oew[les Ketve keer,
jhe] leej ye{ meer peeleer nQ~
eflejbies kees peye Yeer osKetb,
keetB meervee leve mee peelee nw~
nw cesjs ceguke keer etB lees,
keF& yeoveeefceeeB uesefkeve
hee keer yeele mes cesje efoue,
keetB Ske oce hetue peelee nw~
Jees cesjs ieeBJe keer ieefueeeB,
cegPes peye eeo Deeleer nQ~
keetB DeeBKeW Yej meer Deeleer nQ,
ieuee keetB bOe mee peelee nw~
eejeW kes meeLe jnves hes,
keetB ogefveee Deer ueieleer nw~
keetB efheesb Kelce nesleer nw,
keetB yeesPe nukes mes ueieles nQ~
ceQ peye Yeer ceeB mes efceuelee ntB,
keetB ceQ yeee nes peelee ntB~




Bhaisahab! Sachin Ka Chutta Hoga?

keetB meye keg meerOee ueielee nw,
keetB meye keg meee ueielee nw~
osKeer nw ogefveee lees nceves Yeer yengle uesefkeve,
Jees ceeB kee DeeBeue keetB cegPes ogefveee mee ueielee nw~
metjpe kegceej jee
le=leere Je<e&
lekeveerkeer mveeleke, efJeegle DeefYeeebef$ekeer

(Bro! Got Change Worth Sachin?)

It was more than a decade ago, when Indian cricket was marred by an ugly
controversy and some of its most experienced and best faces were shown the
door. That was when the weight of responsibility suddenly came down to the
young guns and a few of them stepped up and made themselves count. Of
these few, some of them were known by the names of Dravid, Laxman and
Ganguly. Sachin, too was of that age group but counting him as an
inexperienced was harsh, if not foolish.
Changes are always a part of any system; the world is dynamic after all. Even if
everything else remains static, at least time keeps changing.But this change in
Indian cricket was more of a quantum leap- probably the most risky of all the
changes. After all, the response to a system to an impulse is a transient state,
followed by a stable state later on. And yes, I am an electrical engineer!
I am not really into mythology but then, if we recall Krishna's famous,
yadayada hi dharmasya it claims that whenever there is a loss of
righteousness, indirect rescue shall be provided by the Almighty (I hope I got
that right!). Well, Indian cricket at that stage was in shambles. Middle-order
collapses had become a prominent feature. They were steam rolled in
Australia and were in peril of losing to the same opposition in familiar
territory as well. This was probably the point where the incarnations were
activated. And the rest, as they say, was history.
The famous victory at the Eden Gardens was indeed the marquee one, but any
cricket follower would be aware of the number of match winning
performances by these three or four blokes. Especially, Laxman and Dravid
had almost made it a habit of digging India out of adverse situations. Quite
deservingly, this batch of players went on to become greats and India is rather
fortunate to still have them in mortal form (in terms of cricket). I started
following Test cricket, ardently, at the age of 12, in 2001 and its rather
interesting to still have the same names at number 3,4 and 5, eleven years
down the line.
But, of late there has been a slight twist in the tale. People are born, they




perform, they achieve and then they sign off, be it an engineer or an army
officer. The point to note is that, there is a specific age to retire in every
profession and there is a good reason behind it as well. Even life as a whole
makes you retire from the world after a certain age. How many people
realistically get to see their great grandchildren?
That is probably the issue which has given the blues to Indian cricket of late.
Sachin and Co. are teammates now, with their cricket great grandchildren and
it seems to be making up for whatever good they had done for Indian cricket
over the years, in a negative way. India was badly mauled in England and
Australia within 6 months, and guess who did not score runs? Well, actually
nobody did.
But the fact of the matter is that, it really has become high time for another
quantum jump in Indian cricket. It's unfortunate that this has become
inevitable considering the fact that Indian cricket itself is responsible for this
sad state of affairs. The selectors failed to exercise their option of
experimentation in test cricket.
Now, a popular counter argument is that the current batch of youngsters in
Indian cricketers has not shown capability in test cricket. Indeed, the
exponential rate at which cricket has been speeding up, has resulted in many
T20 specialists. But even a rope can cut through a rock if persevered with. In
other words, with the increased skill sets of modern day cricketers, with test,
ODI and T20 abilities, it would logically take more time to sharpen any one out
of the plethora. Don't believe me? A Virat Kohli, when given 7 tests on the trot,
finally ended up being the lone centurion from team India. Do we really need
to assert, primary school lessons like 'if you don't try you'll never know', for
the selectors. I hope they are aware of the powers bestowed to them.

that, in ODIs he has a pack of players who actually follow his orders.
Between all my condemnations for these demigods of Indian cricket, I bow
down to their achievements and feel ashamed to witness a point in time where
external minds are asking them to leave. I hope they do get a glorious
retirement, unlike Dravid, if that is what they are craving for. And as far as the
question of the abilities of the current young lot is concerned, I think the
Kohlis, the Rohits and the Rainas will feature in several such articles 10 years
down the line, hopefully devoid of the critical half. For the next couple of
years, we just have to be patient and allow the transients to pass and wait for
the heartening stable state.
Pradeepta Panigrahi
B. Tech in Electrical Engineering
2011 Batch

(Mr. Panigrahi is currently pursuing his MS in Electrical Engineering at

University of Cincinnati )

So, it's high time, India needs a completely new middle order (with the varnish
smell still emanating), in test cricket. Rahul Dravid has always been an altruist
and he simply reiterated that by hanging his boots. But it's a little astonishing
to see the other two still not getting the we don't belong to this generation
feeling. How many adults have you seen playing hide-n-seek with the kids in a
party? Even from a captain's point of view, in an imaginary situation when
one is with family, can you imagine giving orders to your grandpa. Dhoni
probably deserves some pat on the back for handling the criticism well, and
not retaliating to the tag of being an ODI captain only, considering the fact



them reach you. Keep the good work going .Teach our brothers and sons the
true sense of Jihad.
"Change" is bound to one's life. Some accept it positively, while others do not.
It has so much energy in its belly that it can go on shaking the grounds of your
mere existence. You'll then be shattered and find yourself in search of solace at
its doorstep. But what happens when it arrives at a point of no return. At a
moment when no matter how hard you try, you cannot set things in the right
place. Your desperate efforts go in vain. Then what options will you have other
than to accept it, when you find it striking at your door. Maybe you are not
lucky enough to get another chance.
This is a story of a terrorist whose life had such a strike of change when he was
no more regarded mortal. Death marked the sense of repent in his soul. But it
was too late to think of.
He woke up from deep slumber. His joints were paining, his body aching and
even a mere movement rendered him immense pain. He raised his eyes to
notice things around him. Everything was dark and dull. Death seemed to
have embraced the whole land. This silence filled him with insecurity and fear.
Slowly and slowly he was losing command over his senses. Situation
demanded immediate action or that shall mark his end."Move! he called out
to his legs as soon as his lips became free from the spell conjured on them. But
they didn't even stir a bit and openly defied his orders. It was not at all
acceptable to him. No mortal could have gone against his will. He went on
killing Salema's husband, as he thought she was the love of his life. But she
being a Mughal descendant, jumped off the roof on the day of their Nikah. A
person who didn't give into his orders had no right to continue his life. How on
the face of earth his own limbs ignored him!
It was getting dark. His eyes were losing functionality. With every fleeting
second his body stiffened. He was in a desperate need to break open the veil
around him. Suddenly, a bright light blinded him. He saw a yellow pool of
light radiating from a distant source. He didn't know what it was. Neither did
he know how he landed up in that dark corner of the world. All he
remembered was, the last time he encountered light was, when he was
bleeding amidst the chaos around. There were gun shots and explosions all
around him. Last words a mortal called out to him were-"Run Ali! We won't let


It was funny to see how timidly a man whose hands didn't even shake when
the bullet fired by him wounded his father's soul, gave in to the orders of his
followers in difficult times. He was Ali. He considered himself to be the chosen
one who shall lead the strayed humanity back to the path of righteousness. He
taught his followers- "One, who shall intervene in the will of Allah, shall find
his soul longing for bliss in hell forever. Little did he know then that, this was
what would define his life later.
The light source was his only hope in that gloomy area. Maybe there was a
human habitation on the other side that could help him out of there. "If Allah
has put me to test, I won't let his trust down", he thought directing all his
energy towards that sparkling source. He was not able to feel his legs. But he
had no time to worry about it. He started crawling towards it pushing the
earth underneath with both of his hands.
My entire life is spent in God's service", he said to himself. "Super powers need
to be shown their real place. Muslims were never allowed to reach their true
potential. If guided they can rule the world. They know it. So, posed
adversaries in our path. It was necessary to declare Jihad. Time and again, my
actions have led to sufferings and pain. But every reform demands bloodshed.
Sufferings chastise a soul. Unless and until his soul is free of dirt and malice,
how can a person even dare to face God at the time of Qayamat!"
His contemplation was broken by a loud cry. It shook him. Was there another
wretched soul demanding rescue, he wondered. Then cumulative noise filled
the space. He looked around shocked and scared then noticed certain
distorted man-like structures, a shadow lacking all vital organs. He looked
closely. Suddenly, the shrieks stopped. Silence again enveloped the place. Ali
tried to figure out what was more soothing- silence that mysteriously held
secrets in her womb, which he sensed were not welcomed by him, or the scary
shrieks that gave him satisfaction that he was not the only one there. The
shadows turned towards him and one of them remarked: "Another cursed
one!" Ali rushed from there as quick as he could.
"My heart has faced every danger and adversity with utmost courage and
determination. Many noble ladies gave me the custody of their children when


it was right time to train them and render their service to mankind. Some
others who denied my demand, their sons had to be snatched brutally. They
called my activities baseless and that I was defying God's wishes. They called
me the one with a heart of stone who ruined a child's innocent smile. He
guided his hands to his bosom and said, Petty ladies said you are made of
stone. O heart! Blood still flows in you, isn't it?" His laugh was cut short. There
was no answer. Nothing pulsated under his cold hand. Panic seized him. "The
breath is gone! I won't stay here for another moment."
Finally, Ali reached the source of radiating light. It was not a door but a mirror.
A mirror, from a long forgotten dream. Suddenly, he realized he was never
unknown to that place. He had been there before. It was the time when
everything was lively and happy, the time when he was in high spirits.
Miraculously a mirror appeared in front of him. But to his surprise, he couldn't
see himself in it. "I am the Mirror of introspection", came a dignified voice. "I
see the world through eyes of the beholder. I'm not like the others that show
you the beauty of accessory your soul wears, but your vices. I shall let you
introspect yourself on the grounds of the deeds you have done in your entire
"Then why am I not able to see my self? Ali blurted.
"Because your soul is pure my son, every soul that comes to God gets
chastened by the five universal elements-fire, water, air, sky and earth. The
purified soul goes on earth to complete another cycle. Every action of his, on
earth is taken under consideration and it goes on endorsing impurities upon
itself. I shall show you that inner aspect of yours."
"What happens to them whose souls fail to get chastened?"
Before he could get an answer, he felt a sudden thrust on his back. He led out a
cry and found himself in the hands of a stranger who shouted,"Congrats, it's a
boy". He took him to his mother who securely held him and imprinted a warm
kiss on his forehead.
No more could he feel that warmth and comfort. It was a long time since his
mother had died. He was alone over there. Everything was cold and strange,
except for that mirror. The bright light brought with itself the realization that


Ali's soul was bare. "Where is my body? My heart is lifeless and so is my

breath. Am I dead?"
"Yes you are", came the answer. "You are dead just like the others whom you
killed for fulfilling your own evil desires."
"What are you trying to say? Have I never walked on the path of Allah?"
"The agony that you caused to your brothers, mothers' longing for their dead
sons, and destruction in mass human massacres, themselves speak the truth.
The path of Allah is free of malice and hatred. He teaches you to love even the
microscopic creature on Earth. For Him, all His sons are equal. No caste,
religion or territory can contain Him. Pain to any of His son, brings tears in His
eyes. Sufferings in their lives make Him suffer too. "
"I've always tried to avenge the pain, my brothers have undergone. Jihad
taught them to believe in themselves."
"Allah has always preached universal brotherhood. Your deeds have never
pleased Him. How can a Father rest while his blood is in pain? You have
turned yourself into a butcher whose soul is discarded forever. You are not
worthy of God's blessings. Your soul will be confined in this dead corner of the
world with the other cursed ones."
The mirror stopped radiating. Ali contemplated, What a fool I was to seek
justification for my doings. How could I term my inhuman activities the will of
God? I misguided humanity." He went close to the mirror and found himself as
a handsome youth once he was. But suddenly the cover smashed and then
emerged his blackened soul. It went on growing darker and darker. Its shadow
was drenched with blood. Ali just couldn't see himself in such a condition and
started scratching the mirror's surface in a hope that it would remove those
black scraps off his soul. "Please do not abandon me", he yelled repeatedly. He
kept on scratching the mirror as all the other abandoned, surrounded and
started laughing.
Anjali Mahajan
First Year
B. Tech in Chemical Engineering



And I Still Await

Purnamaya has always lived afresh in my memories. The charm in her face
reflecting the traditional glory of the Sherpas, still entices me. The photo taken
with an analog Kodak camera around 1980's still outshines all those colorful
photoshopped ones hanging in my corridor. She's always been 'The Afghan
Girl' from the National Geographic (1984) for me. The 8 X 12 photo of a young
Sherpa girl with beautiful eyes, Mona Lisa smile and charismatic face, hanging
by my door is the best portrait in my dad's collection. Every effort of mine
using analog to digital to even DSLRs till date has been incomparable to this
Every photo carries along a lot of memories with it. The time, the circumstance
and the content add great value to a photograph. It's not just Purnamaya in the
photo frame that allures my attention every day. It's not just the invigorating
beautiful eyes but also the Himalayan kingdom she is from. The tradition she
carried forward and the rich cultural values she inherited. Also the
indigenous knowledge, the innocence and humility that sustained her
existence in this so called modern world to make both of us contemporaries.
Four years in India and nothing has really changed in me. Except for a few
added lines in my CV and some milligrams in my body, I can hardly cite of any
growth within me in my college days. The only obsession I've luckily got to
was travelling. Travelling for me was earlier a compulsion but now has
become a routine. From indigenous villages in Orissa to hi-tech Bangalore, the
over-crowded Thamel to snow clad Langtang ranges, my travel destinations
have varied in their own ways. Every semester break would ultimately turn
out to be an unplanned tour for me bringing back lots of excitement,
unimaginable learning and unforgettable memories.
With a pocket sized digital cam, a small backpack and a pair of sports shoes,
the Holi vacation this year turned out to be a trek to the Himalayan kingdom of
Mustang. A bumpy ride on the rear seat of a wretched bus took us to Pokhara.
After 2 days of hefty walk up the hills, down the valleys, over the bridge
through the forest and by the river, the glorious Himalayas wait to welcome us
with their magnificent beauty. The snow clad mountains seemed close enough
to be able to reach out and touch them with my own hands. And the scenic


beauty could hardly be described in words. Hundreds of blogs, thousands of

photos and millions of comments would seem inadequate to explain what my
eyes could savor each moment of the journey.
We walked past Marpha 'the apple capital of Nepal'. The country is not the
same as used to be in my dad's stories. There are a lot more 'kyeures' (the fair
skinned tourists) and for their contentment, the soil has changed its taste.
Hardly could I find any caravan of horses and mules carrying salt and food to
the deserted land. The old lady, besides the shop I bought a woolen cap, was
interested in selling me a beautiful watch rather than the handicraft, the locals
had made. It's easier to find imported vodka than the local apple brandy. The
local restaurant menu offered pizzas, burgers and even hams instead of
Tibetan bread, oat pudding to yak sukuti (dry meat). The 'district beyond the
Himalayas' which never had even a bit of the decade long civil war in the
country, now is completely devastated. Chyangbaz (the young boys) have
moved to cities as Mahindra Boleros have overtaken their jobs. Cultural shows
have Bollywood item songs in place of the melodious 'Tamang selos'. Nike and
Puma are more popular among the youths than their own Bakhhus
(traditional shoes). The roads have been paved, hospitals have been built and
electricity is at people's reach but alongside, jeans took over their khadas, the
gas cooked dheedo (pudding) doesn't taste as good as it used to be with the
firewood, and even the mountains do not embrace you with the same glory as
they used to. The pursuit of happiness has a paradigm in the natural ambience,
cultural magnificence and eternal peace of these descendants of the
The transition of these communities has changed the meaning of a happy life.
The rich cultural and natural heritage is being adversely impacted by the
influence of the western civilization and the concept of responsible tourism
has just a small place in dictionary. My dad would never experience the
nostalgia of being on the lap of the glorious mountains. And I still keep
wandering along the countryside on a quest to find Purnamaya.
Subodh Chandra Subedi
Final Year
B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering



Section 26(1)g
As I walked back towards my home in the evening, I passed a graphic board
reading "Ragging is a menace." I wondered if it really was.
Part I - The Teacher
It was the alarm clock that woke me up. It's a sad way to wake up really,
especially when the things to look forward to are a cold bath, an undercooked
breakfast and an unreasonable bickering. Earlier at least, I had a class full of
enthusiastic and disciplined learners who'd patiently listen with the belief that
the person in front of them was someone demanding attention. Now, there
was just a bunch of ill-dressed and ill-mannered brats. But as they say, you
gotta do what you gotta do.
Thirty minutes later, I was on my way to the college. As I entered through the
gate, the guard saluted me. Unfortunately the last sign of respect I'd probably
get in the day.
Until a few years earlier, I would walk towards the staff room, as slowly as I
could without it being obvious, trying to run into as many students as I could.
By the time I'd reach my office, I'd be swelling with pride, happy at the number
of people appreciating my efforts towards them. These days, even though I
had an office to walk to, the only remark I'd get would be a 'nickname'
muttered under a breath, a name that my dignity not even dare repeat to
anyone. The scene in the classroom was no different, with the number of paper
planes flying far exceeding the questions. Over the years, even I'd lost much
interest in teaching these kids. They couldn't expect me to give them all I had
with the the treatment I got from them.
Off the record, I seriously think that a lesson in discipline is necessary to instill
in them a little fear, if not respect for the seniors. Now I don't wish to go into the
classic debate of 'spare the rod, spoil the child.' I mean these aren't even
children anymore. But since the only people who could teach them the ways of
the adult world have been reduced to sadists, I can't imagine how they're
gonna face the world when their time comes. The world doesn't have an antiragging law. And ragged or not, it'll treat them the way it treats the rest.


I thought of the one kid who'd gone as far as hanging himself because of the
unspeakable atrocities he'd been forced to bear.
I thought of the disrespect that, since this 'menace' had been banned, I'd been
forced to bear. But if I had to choose between ending a human life and facing
humiliation from the very people I was trying to help, I guess I'd pick
humiliation any day.

Part II - The Senior

It was a flutter that woke me up. A pigeon had flown across the high ceiling of
the drab classroom, bringing me to my senses. Not a bad time to wake up, to be
honest. The professor had just started taking the attendance. As soon as he
called my name, I answered and without a word, went out. He didn't mind.
Our class was a lot better to him than the one that had just come in. In fact, our
class was a lot better to almost everyone, including to us. As I made my way
back to the hostel, two guys, three years my junior passed by me. One of them
looked me straight into the eye, without even a sign of recognition or respect. I
remembered my time, when I had to bow my head to a senior, even just a year
older, and wish him as I passed, dressed in a plain white shirt customized with
a single red button. I didn't however feel bad for myself. I knew that the kind of
friendship I now enjoyed with those seniors, is something that these guys
would never know of.
I came back to my room, my wing-mates were talking about the new batch too.
I thought of all the fun. I'd had with my seniors. I thought of us all feeling
abased about not being able to rag our juniors. I thought of the guys across
town who'd been fined 50k for having some fun.
But if I had to choose between parting with 50k and facing humiliation with
my fellow batch-mates, I guess I'd pick humiliation any day.



Part III - The Junior

It was my roommate who woke me up. With tired disinterested professors,
and disconnected seniors, he was one of the few 'mentors' I had. A pretty tough
way to wake up, like this. Almost a semester into College, and I still had no
idea what to do with my life. So finding motivation to getup and go attend
lectures was tough. Nonetheless, with the promise of a job, I dragged my sorry
frame to the class, as I had for the entire semester. Listening to the professors
was an even harder task. They sounded distant, as if teaching to themselves.

I thought of the 'humiliation' I would have faced, had 'cruel sadists' been let
loose on me.
But if I had to pick between a day of humiliation and a lifetime of ignorance, I
guess I'd pick humiliation any day.
Gauraang Bhartiya
Third Year
B. Tech in Computer Science and Engineering

At least after college that day, I had something to look forward to. The alumni
meet was scheduled for the evening and I'd heard that with it came the
promise of something rare.
Good food!
For free!
The food was as promised. But there was something else that evening that
whet my appetite even more.
I met a lot of the alumni and heard from them personal anecdotes that I
couldn't even imagine happening in our college. What really hit me was the
fact (something that I found out later) that not all of them belonged to the same
batch. At that time, they were all brothers, laughing with and at each other.
Of course, the drinks they'd had would have helped them enhance their
camaraderie a bit, but they were equally friendly in the sober morning that
They chatted about their times in college, telling us about the culture we were
supposed to inherit, a culture that was losing its essence not due to the lack of
carriers, but because the carriers had been barred from meeting the recipients.
I thought of everything I could have done in the past few months, had I got the
right advice from the right people.




The multi-problem scenario in every sphere is looming large on the Indian
horizon and to add we can all see the fast deterioration and crumbling down of
the age old traditions of India, which are blatantly giving way to a lop-sided
Westernisation of the Indian. A very prevalent proverb in our country Angrez
chalegaye par Angrezi chod gaye describes the current situation here quite
This Westernisation, takes birth in the homes, where children are taught,
unwittingly perhaps, all that is Western, without an iota of what can be truly
called Indian. It is here that the parents can play a vital role in seeing that
children aren't subjected to Western influences early on in their lives. It is for us
to see that, the children must be imbibed in the culture and traditions that are
Indian. Nowadays people are looked down upon if they are still clinging to
their roots or they still follow the age-old traditions inherited from their
parents. They are not considered to be modern at all. This has led to the
popular misconception that 'Modernisation' and 'Westernisation' are

Westernisation we have completely lost ground, and have surely changed

beyond all norms, so much so that, we have lost our identity in the world of
culture. Let us remember that, when we blindly copy the West, we are
behaving like slaves, for it is only slaves who have nothing of their own, and all
that they own is borrowed or given in charity.
We have to uphold the traditions of this ancient land and stop it from getting
taken over by Westernisation completely. If we do not stop this plague at this
crucial juncture, we will be the losers as it is we who will find ourselves as
misfits in the changed Western scenario. East is East and West is West and
never the twain shall meet. We should therefore, work hard in maintaining
our traditions, as tradition is the hallmark of a flourishing nation.
Meghna Shah
Second Year
B. Tech in Biotechnology

It is never to be inferred that, we must refrain from learning from outsiders

but, when we learn, we must inquire whether the current system truly needs
changing for the better or whether we're just aping the West. Once that much is
made clear, we will realize that many things we are adopting in our lives aren't
really very necessary for our growth. On the other hand, most of what we've
adopted till now (and still adopting) has affected our originality and our ageold culture. We must try to understand very clearly that, a nation that changes
beyond recognition loses much more than just its identity.
It is for the parents and teachers to inculcate Indian values in the next
generation as these were our assets and the qualities that uniquely identified
as being, a country apart from the rest. We may absorb the good aspects of
other cultures but in doing so we must take care to not lose our identity. Our
valuable assets have always stood us in good stead and have stood the test of
time. They have been intrinsic to our very existence. However in our zest for




Role Of Celebrities In Our Life

boasting of their fame given by us, they should teach us some good such as:
We ordinary people are born to worship, be it the God or a celebrity. The
beautiful, bizarre faces tend to occupy our mind to an extent of delirium. We
become so harebrained that we're unable to discern the evil and the good.
Their grimacing intimidates our normal expressions. We become incompetent
in any lucky conversation with them. We even emulate their statuesque
moves. Even a single picture with our self made deity becomes our priciest
possession, and the best thing to flaunt. A mere physical contact seems to
impart 'The Midas Touch' in us. Their gaffes and flaws are treated as style
We gawk at their sleepy faces because we find it beautiful. Their every single
routine part is an event for us. Any beautiful creation isn't graceful or
charming if it isn't promoted by the stars.
It's an utter shame that mourning on their small cut is equivalent to death of
100 people in the city. Without any emotional or social contact with them
their life events hold a festive place in our hearts.
And our dear luminaries have given us a lot in lieu of our adulation. They've

Metro mundane life: A life full of gossips, envy, ostentation, parties

without tweeting people, parties only with loud music and
intoxicants. Money frenzy society with your near and dear ones busy
pulling wool over your eyes. Your friends close to eavesdrop, to
gather and reveal every possible detail of yours.


Bike rage, impatience, short cuts to success.


Haute couture, sophisticated, fashionable, costly, trendy, soulless


(iv) Bullying, deception, melancholies, betrayal, violence etc.


Laying emphasis on simple living, high innovative thinking. Isn't it

better to invent or discover new instead of bragging of the invented
ones? People must come out of the traps of caste, religion,
discrimination, cheating, corruption, false, easy and quick money
making techniques etc.


Encouraging people to use eco-friendly and renewable resources that

may or may not look attractive. But this is the key to happy,
sustainable living.


Redefining fashion as something which makes you confident,

comfortable and creative.


Condemning the false flaunting and wastage as petty ideas.


Appreciating that owning a glossy, costly car/cellphone or trendy

outfit is not a matter of pride. Instead it's our knowledge, our
behavior, our healthy thoughts that we should be proud of.

(vi) Highlighting the fact that it is not our wealth that makes us the
center of attraction but it is our modesty, simplicity, loyalty and our
loving nature that makes us a face worth remembering.
In this rat race to westernization, people are putting at stake much of its
environment, culture and values. Every development is leading to a decline in
happiness. And in this era of beauty, endorsing something ugly although
beneficial is a challenging task.
These things may be vehemently opposed or shunned at the first time, but in
the long run people will reveal the idea of quiescent and simplified form of
living. I know that a single person can't do this but it could be a coterie of celebs
inspiring this innovative, effective version of life. However difficult this job
maybe but it should be tried, as a famous saying goes The night is indeed dark
but when is lighting a lamp forbidden.

Now, people don't interact, thankfully there is only some form of talk
through the internet but that too becomes a headache with unwanted cyber
personalities interfering.

If above mentioned things are accepted and followed, life will inevitably be
simple & people will get time to relax and think high.

These celebrities worshipped like the Almighty should learn to behave like
them. They've the power to change millions of minds and lives of their fans.
I don't think they're taking this crucial responsibility trivially. Instead of

Soumya Priyadarshini


First Year
B. Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering



A Recital From The Wild

stripped off her beauty long before since she was in captivity. I later saw a
number of rhinoceros from the elephant's dorsum. It was extremely
It was a six hour long tiring journey along the hills to the plains. I hadn't slept

disheartening to see their horns chopped off. Later I learned these were the

properly the night before, wondering about the wildlife adventure trip I was

lucky few because most of them were killed in the process. The mahouts

about to embark upon. I had to reach Chitwan National Park by three in the

treated elephants brutally. And poaching of other wild animals was also

afternoon from Kathmandu, which was around 120 miles away. I had made all

common. The skin, tusks, horns, musk and other body parts were of very high

the arrangements beforehand and checked all my stuff the night before. The

value in the international market. The place which was rich in wildlife a few

crowded bus and the slow driver made the journey even more exhausting. I

decades ago is now ripped off its true beauty by the irreverent human

hardly had any energy left within me when I reached the destination at around


1pm. It required me an hour of sleep to get freshened up.

What seemed pure beauty to me a few hours ago started to seem like a stark

The next in the plan was a canoe ride on a river nearby. It was exhilarating.

illusion. How much more beautiful must the place have been some years ago?

Besieged by crocodiles on a carved log that hardly qualified as a boat, I could

Our imbecility to put a price tag on nature has only led to harming the nature

hear my heart pounding away like rhythmic beats on a double bass drum. On

to such an extent that many of these wondrous animals are becoming extinct.

top of that, the overwhelming tranquillity of the jungle made me feel like an

The national park that seemed aesthetically remarkable now seemed to me as

adrenaline junkie for a fleeting moment in time. Every subtle distinction from

a saddening hidden reality. I could sense the earth being polluted by the vile

the smell of fresh elephant dung in the morning to the jackals howling at the

stench of urbanization.

sky was nothing short of perfection. The experience surpassed my wildest

imagination. It was sheer beauty at its best.

It's not the case only in Nepal. In most developing nations, industrialization is
massively growing and is destroying the natural beauty of the country. It is

The next morning, I was up before dawn for an elephant ride into the woods.

one of our prime responsibilities to balance the economic growth with

The mahout promised us that we'd see a tiger soon. She was a man-eating

environmental exploitation. A symbiotic harmony must exist where people

Royal Bengal Tigress dressed in tawny yellow fur with clear-cut black stripes

can earn a living but also raise enough to protect the nature. We must pledge to

across. She laid there in captivity, punished for her deeds, staring ferociously

protect all these endangered species and develop a sense of respect towards

at all the tourists pestering her with their camera flashes. Ironic to see the

them. We should understand the priceless beauty of these splendid creatures,

majestic wild beauty behind bars in a national park, I enquired about her with

which might even seem to our grandchildren like the dodo or the mammoth, if

some people around. I was told that she was put inside the jungle by the forest

not taken care of.

authorities for creating havoc in the nearby villages. Suddenly it occurred to

me that she would have looked more beautiful in the wild. I felt as if she was


Nischal Mishra
Third Year
B. Tech in Civil Engineering



1913 to 2013 Celebrating A Century Of Entertainment,

Entertainment and Entertainment
May 3rd 1913, Coronation Cinema, Bombay.little did Dadasaheb Phalke
know that his 'Raja Harishchandra'-India's first fully indigenous silent feature
film, would not only herald the birth of the Indian film industry, but also lay
the foundation stone of the industry which would become the largest producer
of films in the world with time.
It all began with a visionary Dadasaheb Phalke who produced Raja
Harishchandra, a silent film in Marathi in the year 1913. After initial years of
dabbling with silent movies, Indian film industry progressed to the next level
on 14 March 1931 with Ardeshir Irani's AlamAra, which was the first Indian
talking film.
As sound technology advanced in the 1930's, this period saw the beginning of
the now 'part and parcel' feature of Indian movies the 'song-and-dance'
Another significant development was the emergence of 'studio' culture in
India. Chennai, Kolkata, and Mumbai all had studios setup which became the
centres of movie production (and till date remain their strong hold).
Following India's independence, the period from the late 1940's to the 1960's is
regarded by film historians as the 'Golden Age' of Indian cinema. Some of the
most critically acclaimed Indian films of all time were produced during this
Neecha Nagar (1946), Awaara (1951), BaijuBawra (1952) , Do BighaZamin
(1953), Shree 420 (1955), Pyaasa (1957),Mother India (1957), Do
AankhenBarahHaath (1957), Mayabazar (1957), Mayabazar (Telugu and Tamil
bilingual-1957), Madhumati (1958), KaagazKePhool (1959), Mughal-e-Azam
(1960) and Narthanasala (Telugu -1963) were some of the standout movies of
this 'golden' era. It is no surprise that in the 1950's Satyajit Ray's movies of 'The
Apu Trilogy' were setting the world stage on fire bagging major prizes at all the
major international film festivals. His success paved way for ChetanAnand,

Ritwik Ghatak and Bimal Roy and all these 'magicians' laid the foundation of a
new 'Parallel Cinema' movement, mainly led by Bengali cinema in the initial
The Indian 'Masala' film - a slang used for commercial films with song, dance,
romance etc. was also making a mark through the much acclaimed work of
Guru Dutt, Raj Kapoor, Mehboob Khan and K. Asif to name a few.
While filmmakers such as Shyam Benegal were leading the way in Parallel
Cinema throughout the 1970s, this period also saw the rise of commercial
cinema in the form of enduring films such as Sholay, Jai SantoshiMaa and
Deewar to name a few.
1980's and the 1990's saw the numerous commercial blockbusters in the form
of films such as EkDuujeKeLiye (1981) Mr India (1987), Qayamat Se QayamatTak
(1988), Tezaab (1988), Chandni (1989), Maine PyarKiya (1989), Baazigar (1993),
Darr (1993), DilwaleDulhaniya Le Jayenge (1995) and KuchKuchHotaHai (1998).
Another significant development in this period was the complete dominace of
the 'Khan triumvirate' - Shahrukh, Aamir and Salman.
After the new millennium started, the viewers of Indian movies got more
variety in the genre of movies he or she could choose. Be it Lagaan(2001) or
Rang De Basanti(2006), the Munnabhai series or the drama Gadar: EkPrem
K a t h a ( 2 0 0 1 ) , f ro m t a l k i n g a b o u t ' e x t r a m a r i t a l a ff a i r s ' i n
KabhiAlvidaNaaKehna (2006) to a touching story of an eight year old dyslexic
boy TaareZameenPar (2007), introducing the nation's new heart throb in
KahoNaaPyaarHai(2000) or one of India's finest sci-fi movie in KoiMil
Gaya(2003) or the Dhoom series which started a new chapter in action genre;
the new millennium has definitely done a world of good for the movie
A lot has changed in these hundred years. From a time where businessmen
who hardly understood the nitty-gritties of film-making were major
producers of movies in the nation to the wave of 'new cinema' which was
mainly government-sponsored (National Film Development Corporation),
the Indian movie industry has been hit by a new phenomenon
'corporatisation' in the last few decades. Major film production houses likeEros,
UTV, Reliance Entertainment, Viacom 18 Motion Pictures and Balaji Telefilms


The Great Indian College Tamasha

have changed the dynamics of filmmaking in India. The movies of today are a
fine blend of slick and effective marketing and much refined story and screen
play. Most importantly rise of such 'producers' has helped the works of those
with a 'good script' but no financial backing to see the light of the day.
While a lot of positives have helped the industry to become a 'viable' one, a lot
of deterrents have also come into picture. Piracy is the biggest of them all.
Movie piracy is rampant in India; it is ranked 4th worldwide in terms of illegal
downloads. With ticket pricing being one of the lowest in India when
compared to most of the other countries, piracy results in huge losses for the
film makers. The Indian movie industry has made remarkable progress in the
recent years. They are now recognised globally. The Indian economy is
conducive for further acceleration of this industry. But inspite of all this as of
now the contribution of India to the global market in terms of content and
quality leaves a lot to be desired.
One prime reason for this is the length of the film. Even the best films are found
to be a good 20 to 30 minutes too long. In order to consistently give the
Hollywood movies a run for their money it is very important that the Indian
movies wrap up in and around the one and a half hour mark.
As the Indian movie industry enters into the hundredth year, it is time that it
takes centre stage on the world platform. And most importantly continue

The season of this reality show airs at every institute from July of every
year. The producer generally appoints few directors (TPO coordinators) that
get various kinds of discounts for almost every place that require their
attention. Each episode directed by the directors, they are the VIP
The exact dates of each episode are aired generally five to six days before
the massacre is about to take place. Whispers begin to grow and words begin
to spread like a contagious disease. Books see the light for first time in months
after the debacle of pre-final year exams. Nerds charge up for this rare and
exquisite opportunity to display their superiority over the general class of
hard working NIT-ians. First, messages from TPO coordinators explain
timings of Pre-Placement Talks. One might wonder is it the idea of company
officials or the college administration to torture the humble school before they
can go fishing?
Night before PPT: All pending preparations that were kept for the
auspicious last night out are done. Alarms are switched on for the morning
ritual and pieces of advice flows from our seasoned campaigners. This
night, if tape recorded can explain to our professors that we aren't the lethargic

Yugal Chandra Bisht

sloths that they consider us to be. Desperate times call for desperate measures

Final Year
B. Tech in Production and Industrial Engineering

and nobody fails to give anything less than his 101% for the task at hand. PPT is
nothing but the pilot that sometimes gives the glimpse of technical know how
of which we rarely had any idea or even more frequently, misleads us to the
nonexistent paradise of the company's mere handful of incentives. Never
invest much faith in the CTC as that's the synonym for You fool, did you
really think you could ever earn this much?
The written elimination exam following the PPT is inaugurated with a




stampede to the examination hall. The first-timers, filled with passion, throw

are good enough to convince them that your breed is same as theirs you are

up on the answer sheets all the knowledge that was grasped using last minute

cleared for the final screening in the form of HR interviews.

Herculean efforts. Seasoned campaigners knowing that all this is just the
sorting before actual spurning will commence, are tranquil and even help the
first timers to get over the shocks that the evil corporation plans for them. A
handful of so-called Qualified candidates are asked to report for the most
hilarious rat race that the officials have been longing for.
A few arbitrators assemble themselves to provide some gobbledygook
for an issue to begin the discussion on. You can argue, you can discuss or you
can jibber jabber and all this while you witness that none of your brilliantly
formulated arguments are able to stop the killer smiles on moderators. Some
exceptionally good performers in this are asked to appear for personal
mortification round. To ameliorate the cruelty of the practical joke, all the
candidates asked to report are not the ones who're expected to clear the
previous round.
The true bonds of friendship that was nurtured over these three years

No one was ever able to understand HR questions, so don't even try to

comprehend them. What is more, you will never be able to guess the answer
that they expect from you. This is the only place where your achievements are
sure tickets to the door out - GRE and CAT scores, if mentioned, can be most
injurious for placement prospects.
Finally, the results are announced, Roadies style. If a first timer gets
selected, he misses out on all the experience that he could have had as a
seasoned campaigner, but his remorseful streak is officially over. The
exhilarating Demi God feeling finds its host and continues to reside there
until he reaches the company as an apprentice.
Deependra Singh
Final Year
B. Tech in Mechanical Engineering

are tested when you run from pillar to post asking for shoes, shirt, trousers,
pen, folder, certificates (to fill the folder) and everything that the godforsaken
people might ask for. Technical interviews are more sort of duel as part of some
vendetta that we ourselves aren't aware of. Four or five technically sound
professionals amuse themselves by asking practical-based questions that only
a devoted student can claim to know. The nature of question may vary
according to the time the interviewers spend on interviewing the other
candidates, the food supplied to them by the providers, and so on. If your
astrologer forecasted any upset for the week, this is it. You are the most
incomprehensible person that they've met so far, on this planet. The firing of
question continues until they find that they have provided enough material
for your tortured brain to ponder upon until the next company arrives. If you




Heroes of Today

Judicial Stagnation - Few Lives At Stake

Dressed like a swan in white,

With simplicity and purity at heart
With kindness as religion,
Moves on the road, the vixen

"Liberty in thought and action is the only condition of life, growth and wellbeing: Where it does not exist, the man, the race, and the nation must go
down." Vivekananda

Trying to be the symbol of peace in the region

Asking for votes for recent election;
Writing down an endless list of problems and their reasons,
He claims to be the leader against all on-going treasons
Whole day he walks on the dusty roads
Persuading the people to vote;
At night he lays down on cozy bed,
By his cronies and servants, well fed
And out again, the next day repeats
Till the opposition party in the election he defeats,
And then he is found sitting on the throne
Solving the problems of him alone.
The common man works all day as an ox
Sits and eats grapes which relish the fox,
If a needy comes along his way, by chance;
At the half-dead fly, the spider doesn't even glance
Enjoying the fruits someone else reaps
Of all the fortune the common man he sweeps;
And when the five years are gone past
Comes down the throne bare-foooted, the crafty at last
All imported clothes, in the garbage, are thrown;
And the old, torn, humble clothes are worn
He joins his hands to feel the common touch
Yet the conditions of the common man don't change much.
Manasi Gupta
First Year
B. Tech in Chemical Engineering


Some might wonder what 'mercy killing' has to do with 'honour killing'.
Apparently, they have no connection (barring a common term 'killing'), but
deep down the layer their roots are abstrusely interwoven.
It's ironic that some implore death (patients suffering from life-long ailments),
but their yen is shattered .They are denied of it asserting that ending one's life
(a precious gift) is a criminal offence. Some seek for a blissful life, eventually
death is bestowed upon them.
India, a country with the largest democracy and a strong contender for world's
biggest economy, to present a synopsis, a very powerful and robust nation, yet
fragile in its laws, is still ambiguous on the two contentious issues. Here,
honour killing is a knack offered now and then, and on the contrary,
perpetrators are highly admired. Each time you switch over to a news channel,
the screen flashes with the cases of deaths in the name of honour killing. Some
believe that this is limited to the hinterlands. Let it be made very clear that even
the rapidly thriving metros are plagued with this. See my nation's austeritywhich prohibits euthanasia and prosecutes its aide.
This is an article to accentuate the hapless lives of many, who share my native
land with equal integrity. Why is the freedom to die being denied from the
same who have the right to live their lives merrily? It really seems egregious
when owing to the country's paralysed system, one is forestalled from
terminating one's onerous life. Just one more fundamental law might bring
smiles on the faces of the multitude.
When life has become futile, meaningless, unendurable-it must be allowed to
This is a contentious topic which has confronted our government several times
but to no avail. They assert that willfully terminating a life is a sinister deed.
But they need to rethink Is it really that wicked? I wish to enclose some facts
to give grounds to my assertion and make it more esoteric.
A dignified death is better than a slow and painful demise. Euthanasia is


Ay, Bonita!
beneficial not just for the sufferer but also for the people around. The relatives
are spared of the persistent agony and trauma owing to the terminal condition
of the victim. The patient's viscera can be donated to save some lives. Jesus
said, Do unto others as you would have them to you. The preceding maxim
itself proves the point.
Now, let me sidetrack a bit and limelight honour killing. Hold on a second!
Honour! How ludicrous it seems? Indian judiciary seems to sympathise with
the parents who perpetrate this honourable deed-giving their beloved
children a peaceful and eternal rest (death). No offences against anyone, but I
see honour killing as a barbaric and brutal murder by bigoted persons, with
feudal minds. Although, the legislature has made several laws to prosecute
the lawbreakers, but it is rarely heard, a transgressor been handcuffed.The
dead cannot cry out for justice; it is the duty of the living to do so for them.
India eulogizes of its fundamental rights. Asserting for freedom to die is futile,
when the inhabitants cannot exercise their right to live, candidly. A clarion call
pleads for some changes in the legislation as it has turned archaic and is
colliding with the realities of new India. 'Anachronism' is an apt word for our
few laws which still stand with their heads ostentatiously high. The scenario
should have been a little different-the one who craves for death should be
assuaged (in case of mercy killing) and the act should be given due respect
under law. On the contrary, perpetrators of so called killing for honour should
be meted with a stringent punishment and be deprived of any impunity. Only
then will our laws and legislations be consigned of true reverence.
The need of the time is just not to bring amendments in the laws but also to
bring difference in the perception. The very mindsets of the people need to be
changed and of course that is not the government's duty. It is every
individual's responsibility to stand against the inappropriate laws. A single
step has the potential to bring revolution but that needs an initiation and time
waits for that glorious moment.
Give us power not to become insensitive and silent spectators to social, moral
and political evils and bestow us necessary wrath to fight these evils.

The quirkiness of Fashion is thus: Though it is time, it moves with the times.
It is a dj vu of the yester-decades that we as a global economy face at large
today. If the resolution then was to cut down on volumes, layers and lengths,
Fashion has her own take on dealing with the case now as far as development
is concerned.
People have obligated to re-discover their own wardrobe that was obscurely
being shaped during the years of plenty. To get back to what we already
possess and to style them with novelty has in fact, become the new mantra.
Thanks to legends (if we may call them so) like Calvin Klein and Dolce &
A minimalist approach to Fashion clothing has come to be the order of the day
with soft, sensuous and flowy drapes, re-flattering the feminine physique.
Volume in control, the silhouettes bank heavily on the modest surface
ornamentation and a fringe finishing to the hemlines of many.
Though surfaces are not being compromised with much in terms of
embroidery we certainly are driving the last nail into the coffin of the
'sumptuously embellished'. Embellishment intertwines with accessorization,
when beaded neck-pieces of assorted colors team up with hoopla ear-rings
and chunky bangles this season.
The colors this season ranged from the Earthy tones with red as the accent hue,
to ivory for the favorite neutral. The men weren't far behind. Classics such as
the white T's paired with faded denims remained to be the staple attire yet
again with older denim being the better choice over the fresh. Old is Gold!
But then again, 'this' season you ask?
Those question marks ought to be removed from that young face of yours,
because it was THE time,when the crowd went 'Ooh La La'!
'Why?' you ask.
That's because,

Shobhit Kumar Singh

Third Year
B. Tech in Mechanical Engineering


Spandan 2012 was a huge success!

Jeffry Issac
Second Year
B. Tech in Mechanical Engineering



In Search of Him
We breathe the same air, the water that he and I drink, has same colorless
color', and we live under the same magnificent sun. That should make us
similar in all respects but there is a difference of the size of an enormous planet
between his perception and mine.
I am a perfectly average human being looking for ways to earn for my future,
probably get a house of my own and finally die peacefully. If my routine for life
got disturbed, I would be devastated but when I look at him, I see that he is
totally free of this shackle of personal responsibilities and desires.
I get tempted, miserable, anxious, exhausted, but the meaning these words
hold for him can be compared to life held by a corpse. Hypocrisy rules this
world but it's incredible to see people like him emerge from the midst of bogus
ideas and seek for their true purpose in life. His actions scream, This is my
country, these are my people and I could do anything for them, and I get
petrified .He fights for the people, come what may. The fire in his heart keeps
him from hunger and his determination quenches his thirst.
Everyone gets attracted to money; the lust of luxurious life can make even the
noblest man on the earth its prey, but astonishingly, this doesn't hold true for
him. How can he, be so different among these indifferent people? There are
seven billion more like him, but what is the divine power that motivates him to
strive hard to change his life to change the lives of those seven billion? The
chemical composition of his body is probably same as mine, but how does his
heart beat for others while mine lingers on groundless issues? What, after all,
brings this change of mind? And how am I not the lucky one that change chose
to change?
May be change doesn't find you; you find the change. So, at times, I try to be
like him, after all, I also have adequate humanity and patriotism in me. It's not
that I don't care about the rest of the world, the world is my home too, but
putting my thoughts into action is so difficult that at the end of the day, I think
I'd rather find myself a better job instead. I know that I should try and make
this world a better place with my mettle but the weaker side of me suddenly
awakens me, Who is going to take care of your mother?, and then I forget


that a few seconds earlier I had the thought of taking care of the supreme
mother of all.
It must have been arduous for him too. I am not that stupid to say that he has
been sent to earth by God with this secret purpose. He has chosen this for
himself. Materialistic world must have made it as difficult as the impossible,
but he has taken a stand, a stance to change the world. How remarkable would
it be if each of the earth's dwellers developed the same fortitude to change the
world for the good? This home would be as beautiful as paradise if I took care
of my brothers and they took care of me. And, if that happens, the happiest
person will definitely be him.
Alisha Banskota
First Year
B. Tech in Computer Science and Engineering

At different stages in life, our perspective changes, attitude changes and

sometimes even friends change, but what never changes is 'change' itself.
When we first step into the outside world, our biggest problem in life may be
also something as trivial as 2+5=7, or the spelling of 'T-H-E-I-R' and 'T-H-E-R-E'.
But as we grow older in life, life's mysteries become even more complicated.
Life is an endless process of evolution. As we grow older, our priorities change.
All of a sudden, childhood dreams of becoming an engineer or a doctor
become more serious issues determining career options and even our entire
Life is a series of trial and errors, but every time we stumble, we learn from it,
and change for the better. In this process of change, we often tend to submerge
our true selves, for life is a rat race and only the fittest survives. A person
generally tends to lose track of family, friends and even himself in pursuit of
What really matters today is success at any cost. And finally we come to a
balance between ourselves. And every success is failure which spurts on a
different level of success and in this process of human evolution, the one thing
which leads to upward movement in our lives is strong and stable roots. And
one is constantly being guided by the thought that the end must be justified by
the 'means' and 'resources' and not vice-versa.
Fraz Ahmed
First Year
B. Tech in Computer Science and Engineering



For Those Hopes That Have Become
Someone once said The only thing constant in this world is change. The
more I think about this, the more sense it makes. I look back into my life and
realize that there isn't one thing that is still the same. Not me, you or even the
streets and my old worn down house being lifeless. But change is constantly
taking place whether we like it or not. In this constant movement of change
comes a time when you become devoid of all hope and dream. You see
everything you have accomplished so far fall right infront of you. You have
nowhere to hide and no one to go to. You are then left alone.

that little ray of hope that will pull you off the edge of the cliff.
So, for all those hopeless hearts don't just learn to adapt, enjoy the change. It is
your choosing that makes your life more intricate, thus, choose wisely. Expect
more from yourself than from others because expectation from others hurts
while expectation from your inner-self brings inspiration.
Shiwa Bastola
First Year
B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering

Then from this hopeless world arise cold, inhuman hearts. No one has time for
anyone. The world becomes conceited and you feel yourself becoming
insignificant in its vastness. Your expectations fall and do have no idea where
you stand or what you mean. Happiness is lost giving rise to frustration and
depression. You find your capabilities slowing being driven out of you, sucked
in by this big void of competition, you cannot seem to avoid wherever you go.
Selfishness kicks in, you only go to someone when you want something from
them but you won't be getting anything from them because after all we all live
in the same competitive world.
The most violent of crimes and suicide arise from this atmosphere. In this
situation the only thing that will get you through is a tiny ray of hope,
expectation and inspiration. You need to have something to look forward to.
The importance of encouragement in dire situations and that one feeling of I
CAN DO IT that changes your whole perception of things making bad
situations tolerable, is incomparable. Confidence in yourself and past
accomplishment will get you far and through this mess because time is but a
concept. Times rarely get better, it is you that change. You learn to adapt and
accept things as they are making the world seem a more livable place.
In life's journey there will always be countless people trying to suck the
happiness and confidence out of you so that they may have the upper
hand. Once faith lessens, it is very difficult to bring it back. So, before you lose
all faith keep giving yourself that extra push you need to succeed. Hold on to


Desire-less Karma
kece&Ces JeeefOekeejmles cee heues<eg keoeeve ~
You have a right to perform your prescribed duty, but you are not entitled to
the fruits of actions. Many consider this to be the central idea of the holy Gita.
I, on the other hand, was never able to understand the meaning and
significance of this verse.
For me action without an expectation from it, was not possible. I believed
human beings to be purposeful creatures. Rational decision making which
heavily emphasizes on outcomes is being preached by people all around. I
could not comprehend the logic behind Shree Krishna asking Arjuna not to
expect any result from one's action. That too, when the war was about to begin!
Why would someone work without hoping to get something out of it? A
doctor helps his patient because it gives him happiness and not to forget,
money. A yogi renounces everything in hope of achieving the blissful state.
Even a mother's unconditional love is filled with expectation of seeing her
child happy. Every action has some expectation. This was what I thought until
Sometime back, I learned a lesson. The teacher was Nature in the form of a
flowing river. I was in Himachal travelling in the foothills of Mount Kailash,
when I noticed something that made a deep impact upon me. A river named
Budhil was flowing through a deep gorge, then over small stones and
enveloping larger ones. The river was flowing fast as if it was getting late to
keep an appointment.
I realized that the river did not care where it passed through, as long as it was
flowing. How powerful it seemed, the idea of flowing. Whatever came on its
way, it somehow overcame that and continued its flow. It seemed indifferent to
large rocks, piles of waste, mud and everything else imaginable. Flowing
seemed to be the only thing it cared. Even a dam, although ceased the flow,
could never hinder its intent.
The river continued to flow despite being unaware of where it is to end. The
river was destined to the Indian Ocean, as geography explained that to me.

The river, however, was oblivious of that fact. Despite this, it continued to flow.
The river acted without its destination known, and yet was persistent and
devoted in its action. It seemed to follow each of Shree Krishna's word! Or was
it that Shree Krishna created rivers based upon his philosophy?
Science may argue that the flow is a result of gravity, a natural force. I accept
this fact. And because of this, the river seems to be even more irrational.
Gravity, a force, causes another natural entity to act even where uncertainty
looms in front of it. The force causes the river to flow without knowing its
destination. The fact that it flows shows complete trust in something that the
river cannot understand (I am sure the river has no idea of gravity; only its
sensation). Had the river been a human being, would it flow ceaselessly?
Would it flow when it encountered obstacles? Would it flow trusting a force it
cannot comprehend? As a rational human being myself, I answer in the
negative to all the questions.
What would happen if the river had some expectations out of its flow?
Suppose a river wanted to end up in Naini lake rather than ending in the Bay of
Bengal. The river would have to go uphill, defying the laws of nature. Not just
that, in fact, more important than that, wouldn't the river be disappointed in
every hurdle it comes across when it is desperately trying to fulfill its cravings?
When the river had no desire, it flowed trusting in a force and thus wouldn't be
disappointed in the hurdles that came across. The hurdles would seem a part
of the plan of the greater, all-knowing, powerful force. But when it would act
based upon its desire, the hurdles would be the forces barring it from fulfilling
its wants. This deprivation would lead to at least a minor disappointment, if
not more. And let's face it; there will be many hurdles in the way. The river
would have to overcome those hurdles anyway and continue to perform its
functions, but by trusting gravity and losing its desires, the river seemed to be
choosing a life free from all disappointments. The river, it seemed, was
Humans, on the other hand, despite being a part of that very same nature,
behave just the opposite. We crave for results and act according to our desires.
We consider ourselves the center of universe. Even our inactions have some


From Darkness To Light
rational values attached to it. And not surprisingly, we have a large proportion
of unhappy people filled with dissatisfaction.
The second noble truth in Buddhism mentions attachment to desires as the
cause of all sufferings. If not humans, the rivers seemed to agree to this. The
river accepts its destination with open arms, with indifference and it would
eventually end its journey, in peace, as a part of a bigger entity. The Islamic
belief From Allah we all come, to Allah we shall all return could not have a
more beautiful example than this. The river achieved eternal peace, its
ultimate goal, because it was free from desire. Seeing that river, it seemed to me
that a human would be better off without expectations, and that exact thought
clarified the significance of the line ''kece&Ces JeeefOekeejmles cee heues<eg keoeeve''~
Aakash Gautam
Third Year
B. Tech in Computer Science And Engineering

There is a room across the horizon,

Where the truth lies;
Bathing in eternal sunshine,
Kissed by beloved butterflies.
Brimming with sweet timbre,
With lyres to company;
Smelling of sugar and floss,
Adding to divine harmony.
There is a room across the seas,
Pulling me towards it;
Pulling this sinister aura,
To erase the night in me.
Chained in this sunless cave,
Surrounded by dampness and moss;
Imprisoned in the shackles of,
Envy, hatred and chaos.
There is a room across the skies,
Unaware of my soul;
Unaware of this endless fight,
Heedless of this burning coal.
As I go near,
A new fear catches;
Do I want this light?



Life's Too Short To Have Regrets!!
What if it burns me to ashes?
Then came an awakening, an answer,
What was I in the beginning;
A flame untouched!
To come back in thunder as lightning!
That room is inside me,
That sunshine is my spirit;
For that unholy darkness,
This world will take the credit.
I will break open,
Spreading my radiance;
This world will be my heaven,
That darkness, just another lesson.

Mriganka Ghai
First Year
B.Tech in Electrical Engineering

Life, a four letter word, so small yet with an unfathomable meaning. Nobody
has ever been able to define this course, nobody knows what is the criteria to
score good marks in this subject, nobody teaches us life, but still we are
learning what life is as each day goes by. But the best part in learning this
subject is that it's just so unpredictable. We don't know what is going to
happen to us the next moment, whether we will become billionaires or
bankrupt, we don't even have a guarantee that we would survive on the face of
this earth. As the character Pharell in the movie 'Despicable Me' says, I am
having a bad, bad day if you take it personal though, that's ok, watch it is so fun
to see!
Life is about us and we should live it the way we want, why regret anything?
Regret is for the Holier than thou who want to thrive on the riches of the
heaven. We know we don't belong to that category; we are just a bunch of
positively wicked brats! I know while reading the previous line, you must
have busted into a wide smile thinking of all the diabolic acts you have done
and are proud that you went off the hook. Living life with regret will never
help you to enjoy it, neither now nor in your afterlife. Do you really want your
soul to wander from street to street watching others enjoy life the way you
wanted to enjoy?
Obviously, I am not motivating people to be wild hooligans hurting others
around them, but having fun that brings a grin on everyone's face is the best
blessing of all. Regret is for those who have memorized a rule book of life and
are too afraid to taste the adventures and experiences that life has to offer to
them. I think Dr. House Gregory from the famous drama series 'House M.D.' is
a good example who deals with medical science in his own unconventional
ways, without any regrets.
In fact, it is not our heart that regrets, it's our big fat brain. Our heart is an
innocent curious child, trying out everything that catches its attention and our
mind is the old school parent which has been hammered to think and act in a
way the society wishes. Our brain tries to weigh the pros and cons of
everything we do and like a parent tries to protect us. But when the heart has
listened to our brain, our heart says until you try the thing you can never know
the story of the other side of the coin. And, I agree with the heart. We don't need



to regret, what we need to do is learn from those things that went little wrong.
You have to fall in love to know what the heck it is and what chemical
imbalances happen. Or to try new French dishes, just to know that you don't
like it though it left you with very little money to spend on anything else. Have
you ever been in a relationship? Loved someone but could never tell them?
Wanted to smash a friend's face but couldn't? Wanted to give a bitchy reply to
stupid bunch of losers but instead chose to remain calm? Wanted to try
drinking but were bound by ethics? Wished that you hadn't had watched a
movie, a night before the exams? As if those 2 hours will add great knowledge
to our 1800cc capacity brain. We regret not because we want to regret, we
regret because we have been taught to repent and seek forgiveness. But do you
think that is justified?
I think nobody should regret because life is actually too short, if we consider
the way we are living our lives. Sometimes we take a shortcut but that's ok
unless you really hurt somebody because then it's no more an innocent regret.
So, live the moment and don't get too much worked up as a quote rightly says,
Nothing lasts forever, so live it up, drink it down, laugh it off, take chance and
never have regrets, because at one point, everything you did was exactly what
you wanted!
Samhita Bardhan
Final Year
B. Tech in Computer Science and Engineering

These dreams that wake me up at midnight!

Dropping by when I'm deep asleep
Showing me greed, pain and hunger
Throwing the world before me asunder
Bringing my deepest fear back from dead
Harassing me like hell on my own bed.
Eavesdropping on my deepest longings
Of a smile, of a memory, of small belongings
Of pain, some disdain, deep regrets
Singing to me to part my own secrets
But how did they ever find out?
Are my thoughts so unduly aloud?
To penetrate the locked room of my heedless mind
Where I had tried to stifle them tonight?
No, how can you be my dream
To come to wake me up at night and scream
All my secrets unto myself again
I cannot be hallucinating to myself sane.
Nay, maybe I just need some rest,
After all the meaningless crooning and distaste.
Mitesh Karwa
B.Tech in Electrical Engineering
2011 Batch
(Mr. Karwa is currently working with TATA Motors Limited)



A Diary Entry
Dear Diary,
That was a lovely warm pleasant day. Birds were tweeting around me singing
melodious cantillates in my ears. The sun was gleaming to its fullest giving a
positive sense of hope and joy to my citizens. They came out with fresh mind
and soul and with a zeal to take their nation one more step ahead in the journey
of development. There stood the symbol of prosperity and success of my
nation, the Twin towers. They came into being just in front of me. I don't
believe my eyes that these had been standing right in front of me since 28 long
The day was as routine as any, in New York and Washington D.C. People in the
World Trade Center and Pentagon were working at personal computers,
typing letters or reading e-mail, talking on the phone or processing
paperwork. I was very happylooking at my citizens diving in their work pools
with enthusiasm.
Suddenly I saw two small airplanes hitting the North tower first which was
followed by the same attack on the South tower. Both the towers caught fire
and collapsed in front of me within an hour or two and I in spite of standing
just in front, could do nothing but just stare at my civilians screaming for help.
These were just two in number but brought millions of consequent attacks in
my heart. For the first time ever since I was gifted to this nation, my soul cried
out, but I was helpless. I could do nothing but just stand bearing a torch in my
hand .Today I doubted myself on being the icon of freedom for this nation. I
saw my people dying right here in front of my eyes.
The whole scene of my nation changed just in seconds. The eyes, which a few
moments ago boasted on their success and prosperity, were filled with a sense
of demise and insecurity. The positive bright sunny morning sky was filled
with smoky destructive cloud in which no one could ever breathe in.
A few words from the torch bearer,
The Statue of Liberty
11:45 pm, 11th September 2001
Sharmishtha Srivastava

Working Title
"It isn't quite finished yet", he muttered under his breath. Long years of
exhaustion and mental fatigue had worn out the adjectives and hacked away
all the florid expressions he was given to abusing in his youth. He had briefly
considered retirement once, but he couldn't bear to part with the wraiths of the
office and that typewriter of his, with its missing 'e' key. So he'd sighed and
drew back into the damp and mildew, consigning the smell of wet cement and
Claudia's suprasternal nodge to the demons of his mind. All that didn't matter
now, probably never did.
She was staring at him. He had to do something.
"Here, you can have this." And he pressed something into her hands. He could
tell from her expression that she was not expecting any tokens.
"What does it mean?" she asked. He had no answers, save the voices in his
head. Never mind. "It's a gift, from me, to you. Do you like it?"
She still stood looking at him. Then she quietly tucked a few curls of her golden
hair behind her ears, and whispered, "This isn't what I came looking for,
Moncherie. But it'll do."
"Good. So, next Wednesday, then."
And the meeting was over.
He had acquired a talent of sleepwalking, over the years. He stepped into the
cafes and jazz bars whenever he felt like it, but never stayed more than a
couple of hours. The cobbled roads were shifting under his feet even as he
walked over them. The smells of the city were changing, and there weren't any
pigeons to roost up in the gargoyles of Old Truffy's any longer. It wasn't the
sense of insecurity, no... he was still too young for the paranoia of senility to set
in. The reason was unclear, much like everything in his life. The only things he
was sure of nowadays were the strains of the rhythm guitar and the wails of
the harp.
He unloosened his tie, and leaned back, his chair tilted at a critical angle and
began musing on the weather. It was pretty unremarkable to begin with, but
he enjoyed worrying on the details, until he remembered the pretty women
who'd sit in judgement over him when he came to them eventually. Then his

Second Year
B. Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering



Love that never faded
chair gave way, and the germ of the thought was unceremoniously wrenched
from his skull and frozen in the space the head had previously occupied,
unthought. Curiously, in spite of the dull thud of his cranium on the wooden
floor, the first thought that occurred to him was the Zeno's paradox about the
half-distances. He managed a quick smile before the pain set-in like resonating
binaural beats.
Rambling was always his forte. He loved talking about places he'd visited,
sharing anecdotes, keeping people entertained. He was adored by his adorers
as a raconteur, one of the very best. He had an uncanny ability of judging the
mood du jour and would select a story appropriate for the occasion. But all this
was a long time ago. Now he reeled under the merciless onslaught of the blues
that made even a simple act like crossing the road seem impossible. He didn't
cry when his friends left him. His disjointed thoughts were too full of hubris
for him to take umbrage at the desertion.
He wished Claudia would call him sometime soon, wondering what was
keeping her. Well, I do owe her an apology, he thought. A big one. So he drew
out an A4 sized sheet of paper from his desk drawer and wrote,
"They tell me the rivers are sweet and the days golden, from whence they
come. That may or may not be true, but the decision was mine to make, and I
made the best one I could, given the situation. Please forgive me for all this; I
couldn't come up with anything better. There was so little time, and I had so
many things to do..."
He glanced at the top of his desk. There, in a folder containing a mess of
receipts, screenplays, spiral bound pages and et cetera, was a piece of paper.
On it was written the words Working Title in New Century Schoolbook, his
favourite typeface. He reflected that those two words described more
eloquently his life's work than the reams and reams of matter that was churned
out by the well-oiled machines that manufactured culture nowadays, and
smiled at the irony of it all.
Guru Das S
Final Year
B. Tech in Electrical Engineering

My mind is filled with rustling thoughts,

to decide whether it's truly love or just a passing gloss.
Which part of me feels so much for you,
even when my heart is so safe with you?
I am moved by your beauty and charm,
and wished to be forever in your arms.
I am awake all night gazing at the skies,
hoping that it would show me a reflection of your lovely eyes.
I am like a ship tossed and wrecked by the storm,
but still willing to move on as if I would find you when I reach the shore by dawn.
I would rather hold my breath to see,
you walking a single step away from me.
Oh! the rains of spring I am glad that you are here,
as it reminds me of her silently doing her hair.
O! girl, just come out of my dreams,
and lets walk hand in hand under this beautiful moonbeam.
I am afraid when you are in sight,
because you would fade away since its too bright.
I want none to see tears rolling down my cheeks,
when I realize my passion for you is not enough to pacify your needs.
I am so heavy still my head is held high;
deep down you too feel for me, then girl why are you so shy?
However let's not grudge what fate has in store for us,
as it would always be for the better of us.

Rajat Swapnil
Third Year
B. Tech in Computer Science and Engineering



es DeeBKesb Deewj es jsMeceer kemeej nee-nee...
Deejn keer Gce... Deewj henuee heej nee-nee...
Lees[er-Lees[er osj ceW...heue kes Jees lesje...

efkemmee Ske, keefJe Deveske

Ske ue[keer Deheveer le hej hejsMeeve Ke[er efkemeer kee Fble]peej kej jner Leer~ Fme Me
hej eefo Yeejleere keefJeeeW kees keefJelee efueKeves kees kene peeS lees Jes keee efueKeWies?

cewefLeueerMejCe ieghle-(je^Jeeoer)
Deeefuekee hej Ske jceCeer Deveceeveer meer nw, Denes!
efkeme Jesovee kes Yeej mes meblehle nes osJeer kenes?
Oeerjpe Oejes, mebmeej ceW efkemekes ve ogefo&ve efIejs?
ns jece j#ee keerefpeS, Deyeuee ve Yetleue hej efiejs~


keekee-(neme jme)
ieewjwee yew"er le hes ketove kees leweej~
veeres hekekee heMe& nw Yeuee kejs kejleej~
Yeuee kejs kejleej ves keesF& os os Oekekee,
Thej ceeser veej kes veeres heleuee kekekee,
ken keekee keefJejepe, cele Deeies ye{vee,
GOej ketovee, cesjs Thej cele efiej he[vee~


Meece veejeeC-(Jeerj jme)

Dees eeC[ ebef[veer, DeKeC[ KeC[ Kebef[veer,
Jeerjlee efJeKebef[veer, efmebnveer keer Meeve mes,
Deeve mes, iegceeve mes, legce efiejes cekeeve mes~
legce veiej veiej efiejes, legce [iej [iej efiejes,
legce efiejes Deiej efiejes, Me$eg hej ceiej efiejes~


ieesheeue emeeo Jeeme-(eke=efleJeeoer)

le hej Goeme keeeW yew"er nw,
let cesjs heeme eueer Dee-jer~

eesjer mes leekevee cegPekees yeej-yeej nee-nee...

nw pee jne nesMe legcnejs Yeer FMke ceW...
he{ves ueies nQ...Gue Deye DeKeyeej nee-nee...
legce Yeer Yeerie peeDees...Deewj ceQ Yeer Yeerie uetB...
nw meeJeve keer henueer es hegnej nee-nee...
Deye ewve Yeer legcner mes nw...legcner mes nw kejej...
nce lesjs ner JeMe nQ lesjs keejCe yeerceej nee-nee...
oesveeW lejhe neue-S-efoue nw keg Ssmee ner efceee...
Fme heej nee-nee...Gme heej nee-nee...
DeefYe<eske efcee
le=leere Je<e&
lekeveerkeer mveeleke, peveheoere DeefYeeebef$ekeer



peerJeve kes megKe-ogKe ke peeles,
keg ceQ ieeTB, keg let iee-jer~
let peneB Yeer peeSieer, peerJeve kes ke G"eSieer,
cesjs heeme jnsieer lees, ceLegje kes hes[s KeeSieer~
Deeeg<eer yejveJeeue
eLece Je<e&
lekeveerkeer mveeleke, jmeeeefveke DeefYeeebef$ekeer

keneB efueKee nw?


helee nw oMejLe ves leerve efJeJeen efkeS~

yeseejs keer heeflveeeB cej ieeer neWieer?
veneR, yekeeeoe ef]pevoe Yeer...~
Dee,legce jepee oMejLe keer yeele kej jns nes~
Dejs Yewee Jes lees jepee-cenejepes Les, eens efpeleves efJeJeen kejles~
uesefkeve Jes lees Oece& OegjbOej Les~
lees keee ngDee? heefle kes efueS Ske helveerele OeejCe kejvee keneB efueKee nw?

helee nw ue#ceCe keer helveer Gvekes meeLe JeveJeeme veneR ieeer~
neB, keeeWefke helveer kees meeLe jKekej Jes jece Deewj meerlee keer mesJee veneR kej heeles~
uesefkeve meerlee Deewj ue#ceCe kees JeveJeeme veneR efceuee Lee~ efhej Jes ueesie Jeve keeeW ieS?
Dejs Yewee! peneB jece, JeneB meerlee! peneB heefle JeneB helveer!!
Dee, lees Fme efmeevle hej peneB ue#ceCe, JeneB Gefce&uee keeeW veneR?
Dejs! legce lees yenme kejves ueies~ Dee yeleeDees, Yewee Deewj YeeYeer keer Fe euevee keneB efueKee


helee nw ewheoer kes heeBe heefle Les!

neB, uesefkeve peye Fp]pele hej DeeBe DeeF& lees ke=<Ce ner keece Deees!
uesefkeve Gmekes heefle yeseejs Oece& kes neLees yebOes ngS Les~
Dee,peye kegvleer ves Devepeeves ceW ewheoer kees yeeBves kes efueS kene, leye Gvekee Oece& keneB euee ieee
Dejs! mecePee kejes, ceelee keer Dee%ee Leer, kewmes eueles? Dee yeleeDees, ceelee keer Dee%ee euevee
keneB efueKee nw?


helee nw, ke=<Ce ves efJeJeen efkeee keceCeer mes, peyeefke Jes esce kejles Les jeOee mes!
lees keee ngDee, Deheves eneB helveer mes esce kejvee keneB DeeJeMeke nw?
uesefkeve Jes lees YeieJeeve Les! jeme efkemeer kes meeLe, Jeeme efkemeer kes meeLe?
Ghe! legceves lees veeke ceW oce kej efoee! Dee yeleeDees, YeieJeeve efkemeer kees efvejeMe kejsb,
Deewj Jees Yeer esefcekee kees? Yeuee yeleeDees Ssmee keneB efueKee nw?

keYeer lees Fve nJeeDeeW meer nceejer Yeer K]eyej yeoues,
vep] ej yeoueW legcnejer Yeer, nceejer jn iegp]ej yeoues~
eceve keer KegMeyegDeeW mes Jees Yeer Flevee K]etye Jeeefke]he nQ,
nw keesefMeMe ]peesj hes Gvekeer, iegueeyeeW kee ngvej yeoues~

efMeKee efmebn
Deefvlece Je<e&
lekeveerkeer mveeleke, jmeeeefveke DeefYeeebef$ekeer

efejeieeW kes FMeejeW mes cekeeB es keye kee jewMeve nw,

keesF& lees Deekes etB "njs, GpeeueeW kee Yeer Iej yeoues~
cegnyyele kes ]keueeceeW ceW, p] eceevee keye mes keeef]hej nw,
ve yeouee es p] eceevee lees, es ef]kemmee-Ss-keuece yeoues~
lesje ]iece Lee, lesje ]iece nw, es neue-Ss-efoue hegjevee nw,
ye{s keg yesKegoer Yeer etB, kes nce hes nes Demej yeoues~
hekele keg n]he& nQ yeekeeR, ceQ ]Kego Ske yes]pegyeeveer ntB,
ceQ efueKelee ntB Jener esnje, let megvekej jbie Yej yeoues~
ieewjebie efceee
hegje e$e
jmeeeefveke DeefYeeebef$ekeer (2006-2010)



(en Ske veedeebMe nw~ Deeieblegke cees#e eeefhle eenlee nw~)
Me (I)
(Deeieblegke efJeejCe kej jne nw Deewj meese ceW [tyee ngDee nw~)
Deeieblegke (mJeeb mes) : en efve<ke<e& ner efJemceekeejer nw~ eefo keesF& Jemleg MeeMJele nw lees Jen lees cenpe cesjer
veMJejlee nw~... Jebie lees en nw efke efpeme peerJeve-efueyeeme kees ceQ ncesMee Ske veS jbie ceW jbieves kes efueS mJeeb ceW
jbiejspe {tB{lee jnlee ntB, Jener peerJeve ceewvehetJe&ke cegPemes efmehe& Ske meheso keheve keer Deef]pe&eeB kejlee jnlee nw~
ceQ...ceQ ef]pevoieer kees nj #eCe keg veee osvee eenlee ntB... ceQ efpevoieer kees efpevoieer osvee eenlee ntB hej es
keee?? es lees Fme heefjJele&ve kees ner Dehevee Mewee mecePe yew"er nw...
(cebe keer otmejer Deesj Ske Deeoceer Deeieblegke kees DeeMee& mes osKeles ngS)
Deeoceer (mJeeb mes) : yeoueeJe kee ve]pejevee... Flevee efJeefe$e!!!
Deeieblegke (mJeeb mes) : ceQ lees Jees DeyeesOe ntB pees ceewle kes heeueves ceW ner peerJeve kee KJeeye osKe jne nw~
Deeoceer : lees keee ceQ Fmes ner legcneje heefjee mecePe uetB?
(Deeieblegke Deeoceer kees DeeMee& mes osKelee nw)
Deeieblegke : Deesn ! ceQ lees Yetue ner ieee Lee~DeeefKej legce Yeer lees Fve Yes[eW keer Yeer[ kee ner Ske DebMe nes~
Deeoceer (Deeeveke, Tbes mJej ceW) : keee celeueye nw legcneje?
Deeieblegke : ener efke legcnW peerves kes efueS GuePeve kee meneje eeefnS~ legce lees heefjee pewmeer leg yeeleeW ceW
GuePevee eenles nes~ keee legcnW GuePeve kes yeenj peerJeve keer heer[e efoKeeF& veneR osleer?
Deeoceer (PegbPeueekej) : legce nes keewve?
Deeieblegke (nBmekej) : Deye Ske Deewj GuePeve~ veece kee GuePeve...~ ceQ cesje veece lees veneR ntB... Fme yeele mes ceQ
legcnW DeeMJemle kejlee ntB~
Deeoceer : legce keesF& Yeer nes... peerles lees FvmeeveeW kee peerJeve ner nes ve~ GuePeve Deiej ve nes...lees peerves keer esjCee
ner keee nw? Deewj...Deiej GuePeve veF& nes lees peerJeve megvoj nes peelee nw~...mecePes! Jeeeeue oeMe&efveke!!!
(Deeieblegke Deeoceer mes Lees[er otj peekej yew"lee nw Deewj Deheves yeejs ceW yeleeves ueielee nw~)
Deeieblegke : oeMe&efveke lees yenefhees Fvmeeve kee Ske meeceeve he nw~ ceQ lees peerJeve-keejeJeeme kee Ske kewoer ntB
pees eefleefove Deheves Deehe kees Ske vees ke#e ceW kewo heelee nw hej eleeef[le meowJe Ske meceeve ner neslee nw~
Deeoceer : kewmeer elee[vee?? legcnejer yeeleeW ceW lees ienjeF& ve]pej Deeleer nw~

(Deeoceer Deeieblegke kes meceerhe peekej yew" peelee nw Deewj Gmes Oeeve mes megveves ueielee nw~)
Deeoceer : Deheveer heer[e hej mes keheve ne oes~ Gmes yeesueves oes~
Deeieblegke (cebo-cebo cegmkejeles ngS) : keejeJeeme kes Devoj kewo jnves kees heer[e Deewj yeenj efvekeueles ner hegve: kewo
nes peeves kee Yee Fve oesveeW mes ner cegkele nesvee eenlee ntB ceQ~ kenves kees lees heefjJele&ve peerJeve mepeelee nw efkevleg
eelevee Deewj [j Deeue Me$eg mes Fve hej neJeer jnles nQ~
(Deeoceer Gmes Deheves Iej ues peeves ueielee nw~)
Deeoceer (og:Ke Deewj DeeMee& mes) : lees legce cegkele nesvee eenles nes?
Deeieblegke (nBmekej) : neB ceQ cees#e eenlee ntB~
(Deeoceer keer yeser oesveeW kes meeceves heeveer ueeleer nw~ heeveer heerkej oesveeW mees peeles nQ~)
Me heefjJele&ve
Me (II)
(Iej mes yeenj Deeieblegke efJeeejeW ceW ueerve nw Deewj Deekegue mee nw)
(kevee Gmes osKeleer nw Deewj Oeerjs-Oeerjs Gmekes heeme peeleer nw~)
kevee : Fme Jeeoer ceW Deekej lees efee Meevle Deewj emevve nes peelee nw~ efhej Deehekes esnjs hej es Jeekeguelee Deewj
hesMeeveer hej leveeJe keeeW?
(Deeievlegke Gmes osKelee nw hej efveej Dehevee jemlee yeouekej efJeejCe kejves ueielee nw)
kevee : Deehekes megvoj cegKe kees en iegj MeesYee DeJeMe oslee nw~ hejvleg Fme efhe]pee kees lees osefKeS~ Fme nJee
kees cenmetme keerefpeS~ keee es nJee Deehekees jeme veneR Deeleer? keee Deehekees es hes[ Des veneR ueieles? keee
Deehekees KeieeW kee keuejJe Dee veneR ueielee...?
Deeieblegke (kevee kees jeskekej) : keee legcnW egheeehe Iej ceW jnvee Dee veneR ueielee?
kevee : efkemeer kees Deekegue efJeue es[vee Oece& veneR~
(efjPeeves Jeeueer Devoepe ceW) nce lees DeefleefLeeeW kes efueS ieeiej ceW meeiej jKeles nQ~ Deiej keesF& Deehekeer lejn
Keguekej Deheveer heeme kees Jee kejs lees nce eghe kewmes jn mekeles nQ?
(Deeieblegke Lees[e eeQkelee nw)
kevee : FmeceW obie nesves Jeeueer keee yeele nw? Yeuee eeRefeeW kees Yeer keesF& Deewoee& efmeKeelee nw? Jes Yeer lees mJeeb ner
efkemeer kes peerJeve kee meneje yeve peeleer nQ~ Deehe ]peKceer Des veneR ueieles~ yeme Dehevee ]peKce efoKee oerefpeS,
cejnce nce mJeeb yeve peeSBies~
(leYeer Deeoceer Dee peelee nw~ Gmes osKekej kevee keg keece kejves kee DeefYevee kejleer nw~)

Deeoceer : yeser ]peje efKeueeDees lees FvnW keg~ es Yeer efmeKeevee he[siee?
(kevee Devoj eueer peeleer nw)
Deeoceer (Deeieblegke mes) Deehe kece&, Ie=Cee, s<e, ceesn-heeMe mes cegefkele eenles nQ hej ieewjleueye en nw efke Deehe cees#e
eenles nQ (kevee heue ueeleer nw leLee meeceves jKekej Jeeheme eueer peeleer nw~)
Deeieblegke (Keeles ngS) : lees...? efyevee eens ue#e kewmes eehle nes mekelee nw? peye leke cees#e eehle kejves keer
Deeoceer : Fe...! Fe keer ner yeele lees ceQ kej jne ntB~ cegkele nesves kes efueS lees cees#e keer Fe mes Yeer cegefkele
eeefnS ve~
Deeieblegke : efkevleg cees#e keer Fe efkeS yeiewj ceQ cegefe keer Deesj ye{ ner kewmes mekelee n@Bt~
Deeoceer : ener lees... ener lees yeele nw~ Fme helePe[ kees osKees...keee Fme helePe[ kes yeere Ke[s neskej legce yenej
hee mekeles nes? celeueye! Fme Deekeeb#ee kes meeLe legce cegefe kewmes hee mekeles nes~
Deeieblegke (PegbPeueekej) : helee veneR...~ peye ceQ Deheves ue#e kes Deewj meceerhe peeTBiee lees Fme hej Yeer ceQ efJepee
eehle kej uetBiee~
Deeoceer : Oeeve jns! { FeMeefe keer ce=leg ue#e kee lel#eCe efJejece nesleer nw~ legce Oeerjpe Kees jns nes~
Deeieblegke (DeeJesMe ceW) : legce cegPes heLe Yeefcele kej jns nes~
Deeoceer (Deeieblegke kees heeveer osles ngS) : lees es uees~ Meeefvle keer megueYe Deew<eefOe heerees~
Deeieblegke Deeoceer kee esnje osKeves ueielee nw~
(hejoe efiejlee nw~)
meewjYe efmevne
le=leere Je<e&
lekeveerkeer mveeleke, jmeeeefveke DeefYeeebef$ekeer

yeeefjMe ceW Glejer henueer yetBo meer,
meo& ceewmece keer Deveceveer Oethe meer,
veJepeele efveefue&hle vetleve efJeeej meer,
eser meer veeWke-PeeWke nuekeer meer lekejej meer,
keefJelee meer megvoj Leer Jen, iepeue meer Ketyemetjle,
Deewj Leer oesns eewheeF& kes meer~
lebie neuele ceW efMe]hee kees ef]hejeke meer,
me]hej-S-efpevoieer ceW nbmeer Fke Fesheeke meer,
DeeBmet mes Yeerieles keepeue hes cegmkeeve mejerKeer,
keYeer lees KJeeye meer, keYeer pep] yeele meer,
efkemeer ]hekeerj kes pesnve keer Fyeeole Leer Jees,
ee Leer yees keer DeeBKeeW kes ceemetce KJeeye meer~
nj MeueYe kejleer,
nJee mes F"ueeleer oerheke keer yeeleer meer,
DeeOeer peeieer-DeeOeer meeseer,
peeW megyen keer henueer efkejCe, cece cegmkegjeleer meer,
keveefKeeeW mes Peebkelee eMve Leer keesF&, ee yenles efkemeer YeeJe meer,
Jen Ske megyen keuejJe kes kevegefee Snmeeme meer,
Jen Ske megyen keuejJe kes kevegefee Snmeeme meer~
efMeKej efcee
hegje e$e
eebef$ekeer DeefYeeebef$ekeer (2006-2010)



mejke peevee ner Dee jne heeveer kee heeer mes,
keg efove Deewj kelee lees metKe ner peelee,
DeYeer yenlee nw, lees meye efceueves peeles nQ,
JeneR jnlee lees Deheveer ner yet ceW efmekeg[ peelee~
efhej osKekej heeveer kee etB es[kej peevee,
Jees heeer metKe peeleer nw Deewj es[leer nw Iej,
efiejleer nw heeveer hej efueS Ske heemee efoue,
yeesueleer nw newues mes, peneB eens JeneB ues eue~
hej heeveer ves kene ceQ veneR DeheveeTBiee legcekees,
peneB mes Deeeer nes Jeeheme JeneR peevee nesiee,
legceves es[e Lee cegPes Ske vevner yetBo mecePekej
Deepe uenjelee ntB levekej cegPes kenles nQ mecegvoj~
Deye heeer kee neQmeuee Yeer keg tves ueiee,
heeveer kes lejue efoue kee meeLe tves ueiee
gke[s ngF& Deye Jees metKeer ngF& heeer,
keneR Iegue ieeer heeveer ceW efmemekeleer-efmemekeleer~
Jees kejlee Yeer keee heeveer Lee yenvee keece Lee Gmekee,
Deye peuelee nw efove cesb efceueves kees heeer mes,
G[lee nw nJee ceW keneR yeeoue yejmeves kees,
Deye Deesme yeve kej efiej jne heeer mes efceueves kees~

ogefveee kee Deble

20th efomecyej, 2012
keee ogefveee keue Kelce nesieer, peeefvees keee nesiee ogefveee kes Deble kes yeeo peeves ceeves hebef[le ceove ceesnve
peer mes~
ogefveee kes Deble kee meerOee emeejCe, efmehe& Deewj efmehe& nceejs ewveue hej~
keee nw hejeefneeW kee jepe, peeveves kes efueS osefKees FefC[ee er.Jeer.
efomecyej kee cenervee eue jne Lee Deewj eejeW lejhe ceeveJe peeefle kes efJeveeMe keer KeyejW peesjeW hej Leer~ ueesie
Yeer Deheves peerves kees Yetuekej Deheveer ceewle kee Fblepeej kej jns Les~
ceeveJe! Meeeo ogefveee kee meyemes efoueemhe peeveJej pees peye leke ef]pevoe jnlee nw lees es meeselee jnlee nw
efke Gmekeer ceewle kewmes nesieer Deewj keneR Deiej Fmes es helee euee eue peees lees Jees Deheveer ner efpevoieer kees ceewle mes
Yeer yeolej yevee ueslee nw~ keg Ssmee ner eue jne Lee Gve efoveesb~ meefoeeW henues keer ieF& ceeee Deewj veeFye
meYelee eje ogefveee kes Deble keer YeefJe<eJeeCeer ueesieeW kes efmej hej mee{s meeleer keer lejn veee jner Leer Deewj ueesie
meefeve kes ceneMeleke keer lejn ceneefJeveeMe keer jen osKe jns Les~
Fve meyemes hejs, Gve efoveeW ceQ Fble]peej kej jne Lee Deheves Jeeef<e&ke heefjCeece kee pees Meeeo Gme mecee cesjs
efuees ogefveee kes Deble mes ] peeoe cenlJehetCe& Lee~ ceQ ntB cekejbo, Deehekes ner kee@uespe kee efleere Je<e& kee efJeeeLeea
Jewmes ceQ Yeer peevevee eenlee Lee efke keee ogefveee JeekeF& ceW Kelce nesves Jeeueer nw? keee YeieJeeve kes heeme Flevee
mecee nesiee efke Jees Fme ogefveee ceW yeoueeJe ueeves kes efuees peceerve hej GlejW pewmee veeFye ueesieeW ves kene Lee~
leYeer Deeeveke cesjs meeLe Ske Ievee Ieer~ osj jele pewmes ner ceQves Dehevee Facebook Account Keesuee
lees JeneB Ske Friend request Leer pees efkemeer YeieJeeve ves Yespeer Leer~
Deehekeer lejn ceQ Yeer eeQke he[e~ keee ogefveee JeekeF& ceW Fleveer yeoue egkeer nw efke YeieJeeve kees Yeer Fbmeeve mes
efceueves kes efuees Jesye-peiele kee meneje uesvee he[e~ hej Meeeo cesjs pewmes Fbmeeve mes mecheke& kee ener yesnlej
peefjee Lee~ Deepe ueielee nw efke JeekeF& ceW nceeje world 'cyberworld' yevelee pee jne nw~

keeefle&ke kegceej Jelme

yejneue ceQves Yeer Deheves eMveeW kee peJeeye YeieJeeve mes peevevee eene~

efleere Je<e&
lekeveerkeer mveeleke, eebef$ekeer DeefYeeebef$ekeer

ceQ : keee Deehe YeieJeeve nes?


YeieJeeve : Jees lees legce hej efveYe&j kejlee nw~


ceQ : efhej Yeer, Deehe YeieJeeve ner nes ve ?
YeieJeeve : Dee, legce keee ceeveles nes?
ceQ : cegPes lees ueielee nw efke es Ske Fake Identity nw~
YeieJeeve : Deiej legce Ssmee ceeveles nes, lees Ssmee ner nesiee~
ceQ : hej Deiej Deehe YeieJeeve nges lees?
YeieJeeve : lees legce cegPes YeieJeeve ceeve uees~
ceQ : Dee Jees meye es[es, Deiej Deehe YeieJeeve nes, lees es yeleeDees, keee 2012 ceW ogefveee kee Deble nesves
Jeeuee nw?
YeieJeeve : keewve kenlee nw?
ceQ : meye ueesie kenles nQ?
YeieJeeve : lees mee ner kenles neWies, DeeefKejkeej nw lees Jees cesjs DebMe ner~
ceQ : efhej Yeer Deehe kees lees helee ner nesiee, megvee nw Deehe Kego Yeer Oejleer hej Deeves Jeeues nes?
YeieJeeve : es efkemeves yeesuee?
ceQ : es lees keF& npeej meeue henues yeesuee ieee Lee~
YeieJeeve : lees mee ner yeesuee nesiee~
ceQ : lees efhej Deehe keye DeeDeesies?
YeieJeeve : Jees lees legcnW helee nesiee~
ceQ : ceQ kewmes yelee mekelee ntB ceQ lees yeme Ske Fbmeeve ntB~

ceQ : Dee, euees Deehe es lees yeleeDees efke keee ogefveee JeekeF& efJeveeMe keer keieej hej nw?
YeieJeeve : Gmes Fme keieej hej hengBeeee Yeer lees Fbmeeve ves nw~
ceQ : keee celeueye?
YeieJeeve : es ogefveee ceQves FbmeeveeW kes efuees yeveeF& nw~ Jener Fmekee me=efkelee& nw Deewj Jener efJeveeMeke~ yeme
DeeJeMekelee nw FeMeefe Deewj mebkeuhevee keer~ efpeme efove Fbmeeve jeJeCe pewmee oeveJe yeve ieee Gmeer efove
ogefveee kee efJeveeMe nw~ leye Meeeo keesF& jece pewmee Fbmeeve ner Fmes yeeeesiee efpemes legce YeieJeeve ceeveles nes~
ceQ : Dee! DeeefKejer yeele, keee Deehe JeekeF& YeieJeeve nes~
YeieJeeve : Jees lees legce hej efveYe&j kejlee nw~ Deiej ceQ keesF& Fbmeeve Yeer ngDee lees Yeer keee heke& he[lee nw,
legcnejs efuees lees ceQves YeieJeeve keer ner efpeccesoejer efveYeeF& vee, mees legce cegPes YeieJeeve Yeer ceeve mekeles nes ee Fbmeeve
lees es Lee Gme efove cesje YeieJeeve mes Jeelee&ueehe~
keue 21 efomecyej, 2012 nw~ keeecele kee efove~ ceQ veneR peevelee efke keue ogefveee kee Deble nesiee ee
hejeefneeW kee Deeieceve~ ee Meeeo Deye peevevee Yeer veneR eenlee~ ceQ es Yeer veneR peevelee efke Jees MeKme JeekeF& ceW
YeieJeeve Lee ee keesF& Fbmeeve~
hej Deepe ogefveee Deewj FbmeeveeW kee osKeves kee cesje ve]peefjee yeoue ieee Lee~ Meeeo cesjs efuees ener ogefveee
kee Deble Lee Deewj YeieJeeve kee Deeieceve Yeer~
... peejer...
egieue ke=<Ce
efleere Je<e&
lekeveerkeer mveeleke, met#ce keefCekee Deewj mebeej DeefYeeebef$ekeer

YeieJeeve : uesefkeve Fbmeeve Yeer lees DeeefKejkeej cesje ner DebMe nw~
ceQ : lees Fmekee celeueye keesF& Fbmeeve Yeer YeieJeeve yeve mekelee nw~
YeieJeeve : Meeeo legce Yeer Fme ceeie& hej Deemej nes egkes nes~
ceQ : celeueye, Deehe mJeeb veneR DeeDeesies, efkemeer Fbmeeve kes ceeOece mes Dehevee mebosMe oesies~
YeieJeeve : ceQ lees Deheves meejs mebosMe Fbmeeve kees henues ner os egkee ntB, DeeJeMekelee nw lees yeme GvnW yeenj
efvekeeueves keer~ Deye Dehevee ner GoenjCe ues uees, meejer yeeleeW kee %eeve legcnW henues ner Lee, ceQves lees yeme legcnW
]peefjee efoKeeee~



iep] eue
eejmet1 efmehe& iegueeW2 kes ner leueyeieej3 efoKes
Yeuee keeBeW kees keeeW iegueMeve4 ceW cekeece5 efoee
ceekeoe6 ceW Yeer lees ceQ heerlee Lee penj
Iej yegueekej keeeW cegPes oo& kee es peece7 efoee~

tvee Lee pees meeefnue hes legcns Ss ceewpeesb ,



efhej keeeW Gmes Jemue kee hewieece efoee~

[tyee metjpe lees cepeea mes ner Lee,
efhej Yeuee Meye12 hes keeeW Fupeece13 efoee~
DeeMevee14 yevekes cegPes yepce15 ceW efkeee kemJe16
efhej Yeer ceQves legPes yesieeves17 kee veece efoee~
MeeKe18 mes lees[ kes eeW otj efiejevee ner pees Lee,

cegPes heber yeveeves kee keeeW keueece efoee~


lesjs-cesjs ojefceeeb keg Yeer pees Lee veneR,

efhej cesjer eejer kees keeeW yeoveece efkeee~
pebie efKepeeb21 Deewj yenej22 kes ojefceeeb neW Yeues,
Jees lees iegue Lee efpemes iegueMeve ves meueece23 efoee~
Kewj, ceQ lees Jeeefkehe24 Lee Ssmes jbpees-iece mes,
efpememes Jeeefkehe ve Lee, Gmes vep] ce25 kee Fveece efoee~
jefJe ekeeMe Dekeme
eLece Je<e&
lekeveerkeer mveeleke, mebieCeke efJe%eeve SJeb DeefYeeebef$ekeer


MeyoeLe&1. eejesb Deesj

2. heg<heeW, hetueeW
3. eenves Jeeues
4. yeieeree, hegueJeejer
5. mLeeve, heo
6. Mejeye-Keevee
7. efieueeme, heeuee
8. efkeveeje
9. uenjeW
10. efceueve
11. mebosMe
12. jele
13. oes<e
14. Dehevee efce$e
15. meYee, cenefheue
16. yeoveece
17. hejeee, Devpeeve
18. hes[ keer [eueer
19. kenvee, Jeeoe kejvee
20. yeere, ceOe
21. helePe[
22. yemevle
23. DeueefJeoe
24. heefjefele
25. ie]peue ieerle

Ske vevner meer yetBo

pees G"er Leer Gj mes
DeLeen meeiej kes,
kee mJeeo eKee Lee ceQves
leefveke vecekeerve Leer~
G[ eueer Leer
keg menceer ngF& Leer,
keg yenkeer ngF& Leer,
metjpe kes heemes DeOejeW mes
Deheveer veceer efheeleer ngF&,
ceefueve ngF efhe]peeDeeW mes,
Deheveer efveJesefolee yeeeleer ngF&
leueeMe jner Leer~
Dehevee Keesee DeefmlelJe
osKees ieieve kees tkej
Gmekes ieefueeejeW ceW jbie Yejkej
efhej Jeeheme DeeF& nw~
le=ef<ele keb"eW kees lej kejves,
yebpej Oeje keer ieeso Yejves
nLesefueeeW hej ce==obie kejleer
mebie hej veS bo efueKeleer~
efhej eKee mJeeo ceQves...
Deewj DeeMee& ngDee Fme veeer


DevegYetefle hej
keer yetBo Deye ceer"er nes egkeer Leer~
yeouelee lees nw cevegpe Yeer
efMeKej kees tkej
efhej yeoueeJe cevegpe ceW ner keetB
efJehejerle neslee nw....
meewcee eerJeemleJe
Deefvlece Je<e&
lekeveerkeer mveeleke, met#ce keefCekee SJeb mebeej DeefYeeebef$ekeer

Jew%eeefveke ogefveee
Deepe keue ueesieeW ceW meebFefefheke efhekeMeve efheuceeW kee Meewke yengle nw~ efkemeer heeieue ee og Jew%eeefveke kee
yeveeee ngDee keesF& Jeeejme ee efJeefYevve pevlegDeeW kes [er.Sve.S. kes efceeCe mes yeveeee ngDee keesF& DeodYegle Deewj
efJeveeMekeejer peeveJej ogefveee ceW leyeener Meg kejlee nw~ Deewj efhej Ske yesno keeefyeue, elegj, yegefceeve (Deewj
Ketyemetjle) veeeke/veeefekee yeneogjer mes Gmemes ue[kej Fbmeeefveele kees yeeelee nw~ efheuce osKeves kes yeeo nce
yesKeewhe ewve mes mees peeles nQ, en meesekej efke Ssmee Demeefueele ceW nesvee mecYeJe veneR nw ee efhej yengle cegefMkeue
nw~ uesefkeve nceejer ogefveee ceW Yeer Ssmes DeveskeeW Jew%eeefveke nQ pees yeshejJeen neskej meyekeer efpevoieer kees og:Keo Deble
Jeeueer [jeJeveer keneveer yeveeves hej legues ngS nQ~ lees Deiej Deehekee keesF& he[esmeer efkemeer Jeeejme mes emle neskej
Deehekees Keeves keer keesefMeMe kejs ee efhej efkemeer yevo veeueW mes neskej keesF& efJeMeeuekeee peeveJej Deehekes Iej keer
]peceerve lees[kej Deehe hej nceuee kej os lees leweej jefnesiee~
heefjJele&ve nj keesF& eenlee nw~ keesF& kehe[s yeouelee nw lees keesF& ceesyeeFue, iejerye Fbmeeve Yeespeve kee Jebpeve
yeouekej KegMe nes ueslee nw lees Deceerj yebieuee, iee[er Deewj yengcetue ienves~ uesefkeve nceejs DeeflekegMeue Jew%eeefveke
meenye lees pesvesefke cesefjeue ner yeoue osles nQ~ efkemeer hes[-heewOes ee peerJe kes [er.Sve.S. ceW efkemeer Deewj peerJe kes
[er.Sve.S. kees pees[kej Ske veee heewOee/peerJe yevee osles nQ efpemeceW henues Jeeues mes yesnlej efJeMes<eleeSB nesleer nQ~ hej
en efeee Fleveer Deemeeve veneR nesleer efpeleveer ueie jner nw~ yeenjer [er.Sve.S. kees ecegKe [er.Sve.S. ceW peienpeien pees[kej osKee peelee nw efke keneB pees[ves hej ceveeens ue#eCe efceue jns nQ~ DeveLee Gmes ve kej efoee
peelee nw~ uesefkeve keee nes ? Deiej Jees ve veneR nes heeee lees, ee efhej Gmekeer KeeefceeeB gheer jn ieF& neW~ Fme
lekeveerke mes yeveeS ieS Keee heoeLe& hej ome Je<e& MeesOe efkeee peelee nw, leye peekej helee euelee nw efke Meeeo
kece mes kece 20 Je<e& leke Oejleer megjef#ele nw~
Fve DeeOegefveke YeieJeeveeW kes Deheveer jeveeDeeW kes he#e ceW leke& Yeer efvejeues nQ~ Jes kenles nQ efke Fvekes eje
efJekeefmele hemeue meceevele: hemeue mes cee$ee ceW yengle DeefOeke nesleer nw~ Fmemes YegKecejer efceeves ceW ceoo efceuesieer,
Meeeo Jees peeveles veneR nQ efke Flevee Deveepe lees nce efyevee hekekeer le kes ieesoeceeW ceW me[ves kes efueS es[ osles nQ~
hemeue ye{ves mes keee nesiee? efJekeefmele hemeue kes yeerpe, ye[er-ye[er kebheefveeeW ves hessv keje jKes nQ, lees oece
ye{vee ueepeceer nw~ iejerye efkemeeve kes heeme Fleves hewmes nesles lees yeele keee nesleer? Gvekes eje yeveeS ieS
heewOeeW ceW keerveeMeke keer ]pejle veneR he[leer Leer~ uesefkeve heeee ieee efke eeke=efleke leewj hej keereW keer keg
epeeefleeeB efJekeefmele ngF& nQ pees heewOeeW kees Yeer eYeeefJele kej mekeleer nQ~ efhej Fme efJekeeme kee celeueye ner
keee ngDee?



pesvesefkeueer ceesef[heeF[ hemeue kesJeue Gve KesleeW ceW ner meerefcele veneR jnleer peneB Fvekes yeerpe yeesS ieS nQ~
nJee, heeveer Deewj Deve keejCeeW mes Fvekes hejeie Deeme-heeme kes KesleeW keer meeceeve hemeue kees Yeer yeoue osles nQ~
eeefve efke en gDeetle keer yeerceejer keer lejn hewuelee nw Deewj Fmes jeske heevee ueieYeie veecegceefkeve nw~
keg Jew%eeefveke lees Fvemes Yeer Deeies nQ~ Jees keg yeoueles veneR, yeefuke keueesefvebie kes peefjes hetje kee hetje peerJe ners
Jewmes kee Jewmee yeveeves kee Meewke jKeles nQ~ Ssmee kejves mes nceW ueghle nes jns peeveJejeW keer mebKee ye{eves ceW ceoo
efceuesieer~ ceewpeto epeeefleeeW kees FbmeeveeW kes kenj mes yeeeves kes efueS ievoieer, eot<eCe, hes[eW kes keeJe kees jeskeves
mes ] peeoe ]pejer FvnW keueesefvebie ueieleer nw~ neB, FbmeeveeW kee keueesve yeveeS lees keg heeeoe Yeer nes~ eej-heeBe
kewjervee Deewj kejervee kes keueesve yevee oWies lees [eejskej-ees[detmej ueesieeW kees Meeeo keg kece veKejs osKeves
meesvece iebieJeej
efleere Je<e&
lekeveerkeer mveeleke, efJeegle DeefYeeebef$ekeer

The views expressed in Srijan 2012 are those of the respective author and neither
Team Srijan nor MNNIT would be held responsible for the same.
We are highly indebted to all our invaluable contributors, esteemed alumni, faculty
members and staff for their enthusiasm and support.
Team Srijan expresses thanks to Mohammed Shoeb Ansari, Hari Krishnan Santosh and
Amulya Shukla. Special thanks to Ashish Kumar Gupta from Department of Applied
Arts, Banaras Hindu University for his excellent work on the front cover page.


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