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Course Description for Equipment Administration

This course covers the functionality for managing equipment assets. All equipment that will need to be maintained should be entered as equipment objects in IFS/ quipment. !epartments" locations" systems" functions and groups of object can also be entered as equipment objects. The wide definition of an object allows you to describe your facility in both geographical/physical and functional terms. quipment objects in a facility can be of two different types" functional or serial. A functional equipment object is often viewed as a location or a function. #nce a functional object has been created" it should not be moved to another place in the facility. #bjects that must be mobile within the facility" for e$ample an electrical motor" should be established as serial objects. Serial objects can be moved between different locations within the facility" and can also be moved into inventory. To all types of object you can connect technical data" documents and drawings and spare part information. Course Length The estimated time to complete this course is %h &' min. Target Audience This course was designed primarily for application consultants in (aintenance or employees wor)ing with handling equipment objects. Equipment Object Structure This chapter covers the following functionality* creating functional objects and connecting them to structures" basic principles of creating object structures" handling functional objects and object structures" and using the object status. Prerequisites +efore ta)ing the lessons in this chapter" you should have completed a basic navigation course in IFS Applications. Chapter Length The estimated time to complete this chapter is ,' minutes. Target Audience This chapter was designed primarily for maintenance engineers" -( engineers" maintenance administrators and plant operators. Equipment Object Information

This chapter covers the following functionality* general information on equipment objects" type designations" object connections" technical information" spare parts" parameters" object measurements. Prerequisites +efore ta)ing the lessons in this chapter" you should have completed the quipment #bject Structure chapter. Chapter Length The estimated time to complete this chapter is .h ,' min. Target Audience This chapter was designed primarily for maintenance engineers" maintenance technicians" maintenance administrators and plant operators. Serial Equipment Object This chapter covers the following functionality* creating and moving serial objects within the facility" serial object status" ma)ing a serial object maintenance aware. Prerequisites +efore ta)ing the lessons in this chapter" you should have completed the quipment #bject Information chapter. Chapter Length The estimated time to complete this chapter is /, minutes. Target Audience This chapter was designed primarily for maintenance engineers and wor) leaders. Project Deli er! into Equipment This chapter covers the following functionality* basics in IFS/-roject !elivery" transfer of product structure" spare parts and documents to IFS/ quipment. Prerequisites +efore ta)ing the lessons in this chapter" you should have completed the quipment #bject Information and Serial #bject Information chapters. Chapter Length The estimated time to complete this chapter is /, minutes. Target Audience

This chapter was designed primarily for maintenance engineers. "etering In oicing This chapter covers the following functionality* setting up a meter for invoicing" defining conditions" entering measurements" invoicing for the usage of an object. Prerequisites +efore ta)ing the lessons in this chapter" you should have completed the quipment #bject Information and Serial #bject Information chapters. Chapter Length The estimated time to complete this chapter is .h &' min. Target Audience This chapter was designed primarily for service managers and maintenance administrators. #asic Data and $equirements This chapter covers the following functionality* basic data for quipment Administration" for instance* object types" characteristics" parameters" object levels" and object groups. Prerequisites +efore ta)ing the lessons in this chapter" you should have completed a basic navigation course in IFS Applications. Chapter Length The estimated time to complete this chapter is /' min. Target Audience This chapter was designed primarily for maintenance engineers and maintenance administrators.

Tips and Tric%s for Equipment Administration

+elow is a list of tips and tric)s for the quipment Administration course. 0lic) one of the items below to see information that may be helpful to you as you ta)e the course.

1hat $ecutables to 2se Importance of Student30reated !ata Adding !ata to 4ists of 5alues

!ata 2sed in 0ourse (aterial #bject Information 3 $ercises Additional #bject Information 3 $ercises (easurements 3 $ercises Serial #bject 3 $ercises

&hat E'ecutables to (se For running the e$ercises" there are two e$ecutables available" nterprise Asset (anagement.e$e 6 A(.e$e7 and Service (anagement.e$e 6S(.e$e7. If you are using this material on your own" you can choose to run any of them depending on your preferences. 8owever" if you for instance" need to create a new customer to be used in Service (anagement" start the !istribution e$ecutable. Importance of Student)Created Data It is e'tremel! important that !ou *or% *ith !our o*n data to maintain data integrity. 9ou will be wor)ing on company :' and site :' where there is an equipment object structure created. 1hen you create your own data" it is recommended that you add your initials" ;; to the data codes" e.g." ;;-<3,3&. for the object I!. It will be easy for you to find your data later on during the e$ercises" and no one else should be using your data. In the -rerequisites3section of the e$ercises" some descriptions are set to =" which means that any appropriate data could be used. Adding Data to Lists of +alues The >oom feature helps you set up a piece of missing basic data using the 4ist of 5alues" or to become familiar with the parameters set for a particular piece of basic data. An e$ample of this is when you need to create an object level which has not been set up. 1ith the cursor in the Object Le el field" clic) ,oom on the Commands menu 6Shift?F@7. The Object Level window appears" where you can create the needed data. Data (sed in Course "aterial If you are an instructor" additional information is available about the Aacing database" which is the database used by all IFS Training (aterials. The Aacing database contains different data layers" including the following two layers that form the foundation of the database*

$T(#E- The AT2+ data layer includes most basic data tables. Static- The Static data layer includes more course3specific data.

To see more information about the Aacing database" including a lin) to documentation for the AT2+ data layer" see Aacing !atabase in IFS Training 8elp. Object Information ) E'ercises .eneral Information In the General tab" you can right3clic) and then clic) one of the several options available. For e$ample" you can get an overview of historical transactions for serial objects" the connected object structure" and the connection type. 9ou can copy objects with or without a spare parts list" documentation" test points" parameters" technical data" and -( actions. 9ou can also switch easily to view preventive maintenance actions for the object" also active and historical wor) orders. Technical Information An object type represents a class or group of equipment objects" e.g." pumps or motors. The object type determines the technical attributes that will be shown in the Requirements tab 6functional object7 or Technical Data tab 6serial object7. In the Equipment General Data window" you connect technical classes to the type designation. In IFS/Application Services" the attributes are connected to the technical class. Additional Object Information ) E'ercises In the Functional Object Information window" you can ma)e parallel connections to any other objects. If you want to do so" right clic) and then clic) Connected Objects. In the Connected Objects for Object window" create a new record. In the Connected Object ID field" select an object I! using the 4ist of 5alues" and then in the Connection T!pe field select the )ind of connection type that you want to establish between these two objects. 0lose the window. The Connections chec) bo$ in the Functional Object Information window is now selected. "easurements ) E'ercises In the quipment/#bject/Overvie ! "easurements window" you can enter and view information on measurements for functional and serial objects. The measurements are carried out on parameters previously entered for the objects. 9ou can also specify whether the measurement has been carried out on a special test point defined for the object. After saving" you cannot change any information in this window. The saved information appears in the #arameters tab in the Functional Object Information and $erial Object Information windows. Serial Object ) E'ercises There are various ways to create new serial objects. 9ou can either go to the $erial Object Information window using the right mouse button menu" or close this window and open the $erial Object Information window from the <avigator. Alternatively" you can start with the Graphical Object $tructure window" select your object" right3clic)" and then clic) Serial Object Information. This new motor is not currently part of the object structure. It is your responsibility

to create this new object. This motor needs close financial trac)ing. Therefore" it should be a serial object.

Equipment Administration All equipment that will need to be maintained need to be entered as equipment objects in IFS/ quipment. (aintenance #rganiBations 6departments7" locations" systems" functions and groups of object can also be entered as equipment objects. The wide definition of an object allows you to describe your facility in both geographical or physical and functional terms. It also allows you to drill down from" i.e." a maintenance organiBation to find the smallest connector" or from a )nown bearing up to a production unit. 9ou can even easily find all components that ma)e up an air conditioning system. quipment objects in a facility can be of two different types" functional or serial. A functional equipment object is often viewed as a location or a function. #nce a functional object has been created" it should not be moved to another place in the facility. A functional objectCs object level should reflect its location or position in the facility. #bjects that must be mobile within the facility" for e$ample an electrical motor" should be established as serial objects. Serial objects can be moved between different locations within the facility" and can also be moved into inventory.

To all types of object you can connect technical data" documents and drawings and spare part information. IFS/ quipment supports various maintenance standards for structure levels" e.g." the DDS3 standard.

Plant/ 0e*
1hen an entire industrial facility or a part of it" is newly designed or rebuilt" you need to define all the equipment objects along with a comprehensive amount of object information. If a piece of equipment is new" it can be created as a separate equipment object" not yet lin)ed to any parent object" or as a part of an e$isting structure" i.e." placed under a superior equipment object. Object Structure In order to administrate equipment information and perform efficient maintenance on the equipment in a facility" a suitable equipment structure has to be created. All )inds of equipment in the facility" such as machines" machine groups" individual pieces of equipment" e.g." pumps" motors" tan)s" furnaces" etc" and also departments" production lines" might be entered as equipment objects. 9ou should build an equipment structure showing all the objectsC functional relationship. There are many different ways of creating such a structure. The object structure could be the actual physical structure with the top object and all the underlying objects shown on various levels. #r" it might be a functional structure where a parent object contains objects of a certain )ind.

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