Ninja Lore From The Bujinkan

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Ninja Lore

A jutsu (technique or skill) is a general term referring to any technique a ninja might use that an ordinary human would likely be unable to naturally imitate. Jutsu often rely on the manipulation of chakra (somewhat of a misconception of ninjas, as it realy is Ki or hi which they manipulate, as the chakras are centers of energy in the body, and not an energy themsel!es. "t is howe!er true that ninjas draw ki directly from their chakras) by !arious methods, the most common of which is hand seals. #he hand seals consist of a combination of twel!e$animal symbols that deri!e from the Kara #uran earthly branches. #he hand seals are based upon the characters of the Kara #uran %odiac, which is a longstanding tradition in &hou$'ung. ()*

Chakra (really Ki or hi)

+ody ,nergy is a !ital force generated within the cells of li!ing organisms. ombined with &piritual ,nergy, or force of will and mental fortitude, it can be harnessed to a !ariety of uses, such as the production of the superhuman stamina used in taijutsu. "t can also be used for formation of the energy known as chakra, essential to the use of e!en the most basic of jutsu. -nce created, chakra mo!es about the body to any of its release ( hakra) points, utili%ing a network of passages not unlike the circulatory system. +y !arious means$ handseals being the most common$ it can then be manipulated to the end materiali%ing effects otherwise impossible under the laws of nature, such as walking on water or breathing fire. .epending on the ratio in which physical and spiritual energy is mi/ed, different types of chakra can be formed. ,lemental chakra is the most common product of this, and is used to perform elemental jutsu. #he fi!e known elemental natures are earth, fire, lightning, water, and wind. 0ost ninja ha!e a natural affinity to one type of chakra, but ha!e the capacity to create elemental chakra apart from their own affinity. ,ach element is both stronger and weaker against another. #he order is fire, wind, lightning, earth, and water, with each being weaker than the pre!ious and stronger than the ne/t. 1ater loops back into fire. 2or e/ample, a lightning based attack would be !ery effecti!e against an earth based defense, but easily countered by a wind user. Additionally, elemental techniques can be countered by techniques of the same element, pro!ided the technique being countered is of equal or lesser power. ertain kekkei genkai can also create unique elements, such as wood (earth 3 water) and ice (water 3 wind), through a mi/ture of the basic elements, which normal ninja are incapable of doing. 1hile some ninja are capable of producing !aried types of chakra, they can4t do so simultaneously.

Eight Gates
#he ,ight 5ates are eight specific points on a person4s chakra circulatory system. #hey limit the o!erall flow of chakra (Ki6 hi) within a person4s body. #he basis for the idea of the chakra gates comes from the body4s limits on the functions within it. #his makes the body much weaker, but it keeps the body from e/piring too soon. +y opening these gates, the user can surpass their own physical limits at the cost of e/treme damage to their own

bodies. #he eight gates, in order, are7 the 8elease 5ate (Kaimon, also 9"nitial 5ate9), the ,nergy 5ate (Kyuumon, also known as the :eal 5ate, as releasing it triggers fast healing in the body), the 'ife 5ate (&emon), the 1ound 5ate (&homon, also known as the ;ain 5ate), the 2orest 5ate (#omon, also known as the 'imit 5ate), the <iew 5ate (Keimon), the "nsanity 5ate (Kymon), and the .eath 5ate (&hinmon). -pening the final gate will grant the user enough strength to surpass a Kage= howe!er, the result of opening the final gate is that all the energy from the openers cells is used up, resulting in the user4s death. #he state where all eight gates are opened is called :achimon #onk no Jin.

Basic information
5enerally speaking, jutsu are di!ided into three categories7 genjutsu, ninjutsu, and taijutsu. >injutsu also has two sub$categories7 sealing jutsu and cursed seal jutsu, which are jutsu used to create seals for !arious purposes. #here are also kekkei genkai abilities. #hese are not actually jutsu, but genetically$inherited abilities that are only possessed by specific clans. .epending on the difficulty or skill necessary to perform a jutsu, they will be ranked differently. #here are a total of si/ ranks (from , to &), plus two informal ranks for special circumstances. #he rank of a jutsu doesn4t necessarily mean it will be more effecti!e than a lower$ranked jutsu, just more difficult to perform properly. #he o!erall effecti!eness of any gi!en jutsu is largely based on indi!idual skill. #he two informal ranks are 9secret9 and 9forbidden technique9. &ecret jutsu are passed down from generation to generation within a clan. #hese jutsu are not ranked since no one outside the clan knows how to perform them. Kekkei genkai$based jutsu also fall under this rank since it is impossible for anyone else to perform them. 2orbidden jutsu, on the other hand, often do fall into one of the si/ main ranks, but are an e/ception because they are forbidden (or, at the !ery least, frowned upon) to learn or perform. A technique can be categori%ed as forbidden if it either causes great harm to the user, such as opening the ,ight 5ates, or if the techniques are dark or sinister in nature.

>injutsu (9>inja #echniques9) is a !ague term referring to almost any technique that uses chakra and allows the user to do something that they otherwise would be incapable of doing. #he earliest forms of ninjutsu are said to ha!e been created by the first owner of the 8innegan. ?nlike genjutsu, which makes the opponent see illusions, the effects of ninjutsu are quite real. >injutsu relies on chakra and, most of the time, hand seals (each hand seal showing a different animal in the Kara #uran %odiac) to be effecti!e. #he hands are put in sequential positions that mold chakra in the necessary manner to perform a jutsu. #his is not always consistent, howe!er, and some of the simpler jutsu seem to become second nature to e/perienced ninja, after which they can perform them at will. Additionally, some ninjutsu can be classified as an elemental jutsu, in those cases where a specific element (earth, fire, lightning, water, wind) is used. #he phrase 9>inja Art9 (>inp) is occasionally added to the beginning of the jutsu. Sealing jutsu &ealing jutsu (2in Jutsu) are jutsu that seal something inside objects or li!ing beings. #he most common application of this is sealing weapons or other objects within scrolls to efficiently carry a large number of items. &ealing jutsu are also utili%ed to restrict access

to things, such as chakra or entry to a building. Cursed Seal jutsu ursed &eal jutsu (Jin Jutsu, 9cursed seal techniques9 or 9#echnique of the Accursed 0ark9) are jutsu that use a special 9cursed seal9 to put someone under the control of the user or elicit an unnatural effect in the one they are placed on. #hey can be used to cause either pain (including death if the pain is large enough) or in!oking !arious mutations in the recipient.

5enjutsu (9"llusion #echniques9) are techniques that are employed in the same fashion as >injutsu, requiring chakra and hand seals. :owe!er, the primary difference between the two is that the effect of 5enjutsu is illusory, creating chakra imbalances in the !ictim4s brain and ner!ous system to create illusions, causing a disruption in their senses, basically an ad!anced intellectual ninjutsu. #his is often used to create false images or cause pain from trauma (because the body is led to belie!e it is in pain, and it feels real), howe!er there are plenty of other uses depending on the situation. #hose with special abilities like the ?chiha clan4s &haringan or those with high intelligence ha!e an easier time e/ecuting and countering genjutsu, as attention to detail is key. #he most commonly seen genjutsu is the simple creation of phantasms @ causing the targeted person(s) to hear, see, smell, taste and6or feel sensations that are not actually there in order to manipulate them. "n other words, genjutsu affects the fi!e senses, though other applications of genjutsu e/ist. #hose under the influence of genjutsu either free%e in place or lose consciousness, depending on how capable they are in recogni%ing and defending against it. #hey are not used as often as ninjutsu because they don4t physically harm the opponent, but se!eral crafty characters ha!e made themsel!es well known for their great e/ecution of genjutsu. 5enjutsu is created when a ninja e/tends their chakra flow through the cerebral ner!ous system of their opponent to control their mind4s chakra, thereby affecting their fi!e senses. #o combat the effects of 5enjutsu, there are two options. #he first option is for the ninja to stop the flow of chakra in their body, and then apply an e!en stronger power to disrupt the flow of the casters chakra. #his is called 5enjutsu ancel. Alternati!ely, should they fail to cancel the genjutsu, intense pain (though not that caused by the genjutsu) can snap them out of it. #he third option is to ha!e an outside ninja unaffected by the 5enjutsu make body contact, and use their chakra to disrupt the casters flow by forcing their own chakra into the recipients body, breaking the chakra flow and thus the genjutsu. 5enjutsu attacks usually will require a lot of skill, and if performed incorrectly will not work. #hese types of attacks use up a high amount of chakra and need perfect hand seals. +ecause of this they4re most often used by a fighter with !ery high amounts of chakra or as a last resort.

#aijutsu (9+ody #echniques9 or 9hand$to$hand combat9) refers to any techniques in!ol!ing the martial arts or the optimi%ation of natural human abilities in general. "n other words, taijutsu is e/ecuted by accessing the user4s stamina directly, rather than con!erting the user4s stamina to chakra in order to e/ecute a ninjutsu or genjutsu technique, meaning that taijutsu is much quicker to e/ecute than (though not always as

powerful) as ninjutsu and genjutsu. "n some cases, chakra is used to enhance the techniques, particularly in the :yuga clan4s 5entle 2ist style where the user sends small bursts of chakra into the persons body to attack the chakra system or chakra points, and in the case of some ninjas, who combine chakra into their attacks to cause great damage. 5enerally speaking, howe!er, most taijutsu users rarely use chakra in their attacks.

Kekkei Genkai
Kekkei 5enkai (9+loodline 'imit9) are abilities passed down genetically in specific clans. 0ost clans ha!e de!eloped special jutsu related to their kekkei genkai and their related jutsu cannot be taught or copied by others, as they require the specific genetic trait to work, but it is possible to confer the ability to another person if it4s locali%ed in a particular organ like the eyes !ia organ transplant. Kekkei 5enkai abilities that work !ia the user4s eye are called 9pupil techniques9 (djutsu), such as the Byakugan, Sharingan, and Rinnegan. 0any (but not all) Kekkei 5enkai originated in the el!es, and through intermingling of el!es with humans, were passed down to humans. 2or e/ample, elemental fusions that are considered Kekkei 5enkai by humans, are more coomon and learnable by all el!es, as their deep ties with nature make them able to wield such e/traordinary powers. .ojutsu, more specifically, +yakugan and &haringan, are simply natural de!elopement of the el!en eyes, beyond their ability to see through illusions, detect secret doors, and see in the dark with infra!ision. -ther abilities (such as &hikotsumyaku) come from the el!es4 e/traordinary body, which is more e!ol!ed than that of humans.

A sage (, &ennin) is someone who is able to utili%e senjutsu (, &age #echniques), and has mastered the art of &age 0ode.

&enjutsu (, &age #echniques) refers to a speciali%ed field of jutsu that allows the user to sense and then gather the natural energy around a person. &enjutsu practitioners can then learn to draw the energy of nature inside of them blending it with their own chakra (created from spiritual and physical energy within the shinobi), adding a new dimension of power to the &age4s chakra, resulting in the creation of 9senjutsu chakra9 ( , senjutsu chakura). #his new chakra enables the user to enter an empowered state called &age 0ode, which can then drastically increase the strength of all ninjutsu, genjutsu, and taijutsu. A person who is able to use senjutsu is called a sage (, sennin). "t would seem that it stems from the toads of 0ount 0yAboku, as only &hima, 2ukasaku, Jiraiya and >aruto ha!e been seen using it. 5amakichi and 5amabunta also seem to be familiar with it. #his howe!er is not true. #he first to harness natural energy and mi/ it with their ki were the ancient el!es. #hey passed their knowledge to the toads of 0ount 0yAboku, seeing them as worthy of the knowledge. #hey did so to pre!ent the art from disappearing, as the el!es had, by then, begun their e/odus to their hidden island in the west. Usage According to 2ukasaku, only those who already possess 9e/treme chakra le!els ... specifically Jiraiya, :ikari and >aruto9 can utili%e natural energies to in!oke senjutsu. #he user is required to balance his6her physical and spiritual energy with the natural

energy he6she gathers from nature= 5amakichi compares the process to adding an e/tra fla!or to a chocolate and !anilla swirl ice cream. "f the user puts too little natural energy into using senjutsu, the technique will not initiate. 1hile gathering natural energy, the gatherer must remain absolutely still in order to be one with nature. #hey can use a special toad oil that allows the natural energy to enter their body, but this oil only e/ists in liquid form in 0ount 0yboku's atmos here. !he oil e"a orates if it is taken outside, thus rendering it useful only for learning ur oses. #f the user takes in too much natural energy, the user $ill start to turn into a toad and, e"entually, turn to stone. !he etrified remains of one%time a rentice Sages $ho failed to master senjutsu are s read throughout &ount &yboku. 'etting hit by a s ecial sce ter during the transformation $ill re"erse the !oad !ransformation by knocking all the natural energy out of the gatherer. #t is dangerous to learn ho$ to gather natural energy $ithout the staff because there is no other kno$n $ay to re"erse the toad transformation. (urthermore, if the transformation is com leted, not e"en the staff can re"erse it, and the user $ould become a toad statue fore"er. #f the ractitioner can achie"e a erfect balance bet$een the hysical and s iritual energies of their o$n chakra, and the energies of nature they can roduce a ne$ and stronger chakra, called )Sage *hakra).

Sage Mode
#hose who are able to learn to use senjutsu are able to enter a physical state called 9&age 0ode9 (&ennin 0odo). 1hen acti!e, &age 0ode increases the user4s strength and speed, as well as more powerful jutsu. Ad!antages7 B #he user4s physical strength, speed, stamina, and durability dramatically increase. B #he user4s ninjutsu, genjutsu, and taijutsu become !ery powerful. B #he user can harness the natural energy surrounding them, turning it into an e/tension of their body, and increasing the reach of their attacks. B #he user gains the ability to sense chakra around them. B #he user does not feel as much pain, and reco!ers faster from physical damage. 1eaknesses7 B "f the user draws in too much natural energy in the attempt to initiate &age 0ode, they run the risk of transforming into a toad or another animal (see below), then into stone. B "n order to gather enough natural energy to initiate the transformation into &age 0ode, the user must remain perfectly still. +ecause of that, the user can be an easy target for an opponent. B +ecause the user needs to mo!e during combat, the &age chakra cannot be replenished, which means the user can4t stay within this state for e/tended periods of time. B #he two weaknesses mentioned abo!e can be bypassed through the &age Art7 Amphibian #echnique, where one &age gathers chakra for another or as in >aruto4s case, shadow clones can be used for the same purpose. B After &age 0ode has ended, the user appears to e/perience e/haustion.

Forms "mperfect &age 0ode7 Jiraiya was not able to properly balance his own chakra with natural energy, resulting in him using an imperfect form of &age 0ode. As such, whene!er Jiraiya was using &age 0ode, he would summon &hima and 2ukasaku by drawing a blood contract on his face to assist him in using &age 0ode. #he #oad ,lders fused to Jiraiya4s shoulders with &age Art7 Amphibian #echnique, gathering natural energy from their stationary positions for Jiraiya4s use. As a result of the imbalance (and the imperfect nature of his transformation), Jiraiya took a number of toad$like traits when using &age 0ode. :is appearance was altered7 his nose grows bigger and gains warts, he gains e/cess hair (his goatee), and toad$like eyes. 2urther transformational attributes includes him taking on a toad$like stature and the lines on his face become much thicker, taking o!er each side of his face. +ecause of these traits, Jiraiya didn4t like to use &age 0ode as it 9displeases the ladies9. :e also showed the ability to transform his limbs (e.g. his hands and feet) into those of frogs so as to aid in maneu!erability. ;erfect &age 0ode7 ?nlike Jiraiya, >aruto is able to perfectly balance the natural energy with his own chakra. #his allows him to use the true &age 0ode, which retains all of his normal physical characteristics e/cept for toad$like eyes7 yellow irises, hori%ontal bar$like pupils, and the redish$orange pigment mark of a true sage on each eye. :ikar on the other hand draws on a more ancient teaching of sagedom. 'ike the ancient el!es before him, in sage mode, :ikari take on feline features$ a greenish$blue pigment mark of a true sage appears on each eye, his eyes turn from purple to purplish$blue and his pupils become slanted like a cat4s, and his ears elongate slightly further. A true sage would still suffer from the weaknesses of &age 0ode, requiring that they use &age Art7 Amphibian #echnique in a battle situation. +ecause of the >ine$#ailed .emon 2o/ sealed within >aruto, howe!er, 2ukasaku was rejected whene!er he tried to fuse with him. As a workaround, >aruto has some of his shadow clones gather natural energy elsewhere while he fights. -nce he has run out of his own senjutsu chakra, he has one of the clones disperse, gi!ing him the clone4s natural energy and allowing him to enter &age 0ode again. #his method limits the ma/imum number of shadow clones that >aruto can create to fi!e for as long as the clones are gathering natural energy, as anything more would interfere with their focus. #o make sure he has enough shadow clones for use in battle, >aruto has only two shadow clones gather senjutsu chakra, allowing him to enter &age 0ode a total of three times. >aruto also stated that it is possible to lengthen the time he is in &age 0ode.

Kno n Jutsu ! Ninjutsu

"cid of #ne Thousand Fangs #he Acid of -ne #housand 2angs technique (Ceshi >ensan) empowers its user to breath forth a gout of highly caustic acid at a target. #he acid burns flesh, and can melt rock and metal.

"ir Techni$ues
Air techniques are techniques that utili%e air and wind, and also re!ol!e around wind$

based chakra nature manipulation. 1hile mostly used for defense and e!asion, some such techniques are powerful offensi!es. %ulti!Smoke Clone Another !ariation of the clone technique, the 0ulti$&moke lone (,nju +unshin) uses smoke and other !apors to form clones that ha!e tangibility, and when struck, they disperse and coalace. Fl&ing S allo #he 2lying &wallow (:ien) is an e/ample of chakra nature manipulation, and is only usable by those who possess the ability to manipulate their chakra into wind chakra. #his is an enhancing ability, meant to be used with a weapon made of a substance that can be infused with chakra (like Asuma4s trench kni!es). #he user can e/tend the blades with his chakra to injure an enemy se!eral feet out of the physical blade4s range, and while infused with wind chakra, such weapons possess enough power to pierce through rock. 'ind (elease) *iolent 'ind +alm #he 1ind 8elease7 <iolent 1ind ;alm or 1ind 8elease7 5ale ;alm (2uuton7 8eppusho) is a simple technique that sends a gust of concentrated wind at the opponent. 1hen used with a weapon such as a kunai can be fatal. +eacock 'hirl ind #he ;eacock 1hirlwind (Kujaku &enpuu) technique is a basic air jutsu that allows the user to send a straight gust of wind at one or more opponents, that widens at its end. #he gust of wind is strong and encompassing enough to blow the target se!eral yards back, and knock him of his feet. *acuum Blade <acuum +lade (&hinkuuken) is a technique employed using a blade. #he user channels wind along the blade and with a slice can blow away enemies, objects and more with a !iolent wa!e of wind. 1ind can be maintained on the blade to add to its strength and sharpness. Slicing "ir 'a,e 1ith .ecapitating Air 1a!e (Cankha), the user can control air pressure, creating supersonic blasts of air from his hands. #hese blasts are powerful enough to destroy stone. Ultimate "ir Slicing #he ?ltimate Air &licing (Cankkyokuha), a more powerful !ersion of the &licing Air 1a!e, where the user creates a massi!e gust of cutting wind capable of totaling the surrounding area, wiping out anything in its path. Binding Smoke +rison #he +inding &moke ;rison (,nbakurou) is a technique which allows the user to turn smoke from any source (e!en smoke clones) into binds and restraints around a target4s body, forbiding him from mo!ing. Smoke -ragon #he &moke .ragon (,nryuu) technique allows the user to form smoke into the shape of one or more dragons that engulf a target or targets at the user4s direction. 1hile the smoke dragon has no solid substance, it4s purpose is to cause suffocation from smoke inhalation. #he only requirement for the technique is that the user ha!e a source of smoke to manipulate. 'ind (elease) *erdent %ountain.s *iolent 'ind

#he 1ind 8elease7 <erdent 0ountain4s <iolent 1ind (2uuton7 &uiran 8eppu) technique is despite its name all about fine control. #he user can form a gust of wind around an object and precisely manipulate the object as he wishes as if telekinetically. 'hirl ind "ttack #he 1hirlwind Attack (Kamaitachi) is an air technique that requires a fan to e/ecute. #he user wa!es the fan and molds chakra to generate a !orte/ of swirling air directed at his target. -nce hitting the target, the !orte/ straightens abo!e the ground, trapping the !ictim in a small, powerful tornado. As the wind is embedded with chakra, it can cut the trapped !ictim, at this point practically helpless, inflicting injuries on him like blades. #his is under the full control of this technique4s user. #he !orte/ can instead be kept blowing all o!er the area, causing damage to the en!ironment, and those caught in the wind in general. #he wind, because it is embeded with chakra, is capable of slashing, and e!en se!ering material objects, depending on their strength. 'ind (elease) Great Slashing 'ind Techni$ue #he 1ind 8elease7 5reat &lashing 1ind #echnique (2uuton7 .ai Kamaitachi no Jutsu) creates swirling winds so imbued with chakra, it can slice trees clean, and e!en metal. "n all other respects it is quite similar to the 1hirlwind Attack. Blade of 'ind #he +lade of 1ind (Ka%e no Daiba) technique creates a blade of wind. #he blade is said to be impossible to block because of its intangible nature, although since it uses wind, a fire attack of equal strength might be able to block it by consuming the air. Beast 'a,e Strike #he +east 1a!e &trike (Juuha &hou) is a wind technique, where the user in!okes the technique and wa!es his arm infront of him in an arc. #he result is is a powerful arc of wind infused with the user4s chakra that can knock many people infront of him and cause hea!y damage to the area infront of him. #he wind will cut anything, e!en chakra. #he user can control this arc, directing it in any direction he wants, in circular mo!es, almost like a bumerang. 0ultiple such arcs can be created. Beast 'a,e *iolent Strike #he +east 1a!e <iolent &trike (Juuha 8eppuu &hou) allows the user to direct a powerful stream of wind$based chakra along his fist, shaping it like a huge claw capable of hitting an opponent from a distance, and knocking him away !iolently a great distance. #his wind fist is so powerful that wind chakra swirls from it to the sides of the user. -ust 'ind #he .ust 1ind jutsu (2uusajin) is yet another air technique that requires a fan to e/ecute. #he user wa!es the fan and imbues the resultant wind with chakra. #he widespread wind is !ery abrasi!e, wearing down e!erything it touches from wood to stone like sandpaper. #he result is a wind full of particles. #he wind can also cause painful abrasions to li!ing creatures, especially human and creatures without a coat of fur. Also, the wind lea!es a lair of loose dust on any surface it comes in contact. #he technique is used to destroy an opponent4s footing in areas requiring solid agility like the forests around Konoha. Soaring Short S ords) -elirium 'inds #he &oaring &hort &words7 .elirium 1inds (2ujaku :ishou &ouken7 &enmoufuu) technique is called so because of the need to employ two short swords to e/ecute it. #he user in!okes the jutsu, and cuts the air infront of him with the swords in two crossing arcs. #he result is a !ery powerful wind blowing forth away from the user. #he wind is

powerful enough to hinder mo!ement significantly. "t is strong and noisy, making most people disorriented. 'ind (elease) 'ind Cutting #he 1ind utting or 1ind &licer technique (2uuton7 Ka%e Kiri) is a powerful wind technique that creates in!isible massi!e blades of wind that can slice easily through almost anything. "t can also be used as a counter to air and wind techniques. #he user needs some sort of cutting weapon (like a sword) that he wa!es to intercept the coming attack. -nce in!oked, the technique breaks any air or wind attack slashed by the weapon. 8elati!e power is important, as a powerful air and wind user may land a successful attack, if powerful enough, against someone using 1ind utting, who is inferior in power. "f the user of the 1ind utting is powerful enough, he can e!en return the attack (albeit somewhat weakened) to the attacker. 'ind Counter #he 1ind ounter (Ka%e 5aeshi) is a much more powerful !ersion of 1ind utting. 1hen in!oked, it fully nullifies e!en the most powerful wind attacks, and redirects them at the person who in!oked them. 'ind (elease Ninja "rt) -i,ine 'ind #he 1ind 8elease >inja Art7 .i!ine 1ind (2uuton >inpou7 Kamika%e) allows the user to crete a number of tall thin whirls of air, like small tornados, and direct them at will against targets of his choice. 'ind (elease) /ol& Jet Stream #he 1ind 8elease7 :oly Jet &tream (2uuton7 Kami -roshi) allows the user to send a strong, straight, spiraling stream of wind from his hand at an area or a target. 'ind (elease) Falling +etal -ance #he 1ind 8elease7 2alling ;etal .ance (2uuton7 :anachiri 0ai) technique surrounds the user with a whirlwind that intercepts an attacker, and throws him away e/tremely !iolently with a powerful torrent of wind. #he wind is filled with flower petals made from the user4s chakra, hence the name. #he wind is powerful enough to bore somewhat into rock, and the petals cause slashing damage. #he torrent of wind can also be split into se!eral smaller ones under the user4s control, to attack one opponent from se!eral directions or se!eral opponents at once. 'ind (elease) 0nfinite Sand Gust Storm #he 1ind 8elease7 "nfinite &and 5ust &torm (2uuton7 0ugen &ajin .aitoppa) is a technique suited for the desert, where sand is abundent. "t is an air technique, but also something of a sand technique. #he user inhales, infuses the breath with chakra and e/hales. #he released breath turns into a powerful gust into which sand is drawn with chakra. #he gust of wind and sand is powerful and abrasi!e, causing terrible abrasions and blowing away anything in its path that is not anchored or hea!y. 'ind (elease) Great Breakthrough #he 1ind 8elease7 5reat +reakthrough (2ton+ ,aito a) is a technique that creates a large e/plosion of wind from the user4s location, easily le!eling e!erything in its path. A !ariation of the technique in!ol!es a smaller blast of wind which gets ignited with flame. 'ind (elease) Com1ressed "ir Ball #he 1ind 8elease7 ompressed Air +all technique (2uuton7 8enkuudan) allows the user to e/hale a huge spherical condensed blast of air. 1hen it strikes, the blast is spherical.

#his powerful blast can le!el a swath of forest. "f enough chakra is molded into it, the air ball becomes e/plosi!e, as the hydrogen in the air making up the ball is ignited, creating a !ery big e/plosion on impact. 'ind (elease) Bleeding Force #he 1ind 8elease7 +leeding 2orce or 1ind 8elease7 ;ressure .amage (2uuton7 Atsugai) technique creates a huge blast of wind, so powerful, it can tear through an area and lea!e nothing but destruction. #he blast of wind can tear and break trees and buildings, and it can tear a person in it4s path to pieces. #he wind blast is so great it creates tornado strength wind all around it4s path, knocking things to the ground or blowing them away. 'ind (elease) Se,ering +ressure #he 1ind 8elease7 &e!ering ;ressure (2uuton7 #atsu no -shigoto) technique, which is best used outside, allows the user to call a huge tornado from sky that comes down to surround one or more targets. #he tornado is !ery powerful, with the ability to pick up and uproot large objects caught in it (as well as any person in it). "t is also embeded with chakra, so it has the same cutting and se!ering quality as other wind attacks. #his is a !ery powerful jutsu and requires the changing of barometric pressure to occur (it is usually e!ident by the sudden clouding of the sky, and build$up of static electricity), so it takes a few moments from the moment it is in!oked until its effects occur. #his technique can be set up as a fake as it does not immediately acti!ate but has a delayed effect. #he technique alters weather conditions temporarily and attacks from the sky rather than from the person. #he storm clouds that create the attack dissipate immediately after the tornado begins while the tornado continues in a highly concentrated state. Sage "rt) 'ind (elease -ust Cloud &age Art7 1ind 8elease .ust loud (&enp+ (ton Sunabokori) allows the user to spit out a massi!e cloud of dust from their mouth, the dust cloud is thick enough that it is capable of blocking the target4s !ision completely. #he dust cloud is large enough to hide a summon as large as 5amabunta. "mida.s 2333!"rm -eath Em4race Amida4s EFFF$Arm .eath ,mbrace (8aigou &enjusatsu) is a !ery powerful technique that allows the user to call upon a spirit being of imense power. #his jutsu is acti!ated when the user uses his left hand to make a half$ram and e/tending his right hand down with his palm parallel to the ground. 0usic starts playing as the user summons the spirit of Amida. #he spirit is normally calm, angelic and looks peaceful. :owe!er, whene!er the user gets angry, the spirit turns red and transforms into a somewhat demonic$looking creature. Amida then attacks the user4s target with its EFFF spirit fists. #his spirit being takes its place behind and abo!e the user, appearing as a godess sitted on a lotus in bloom spreading many arms on both her sides. #he user can send forth huge disembodied fists from the statue that assault any target or targets he chooses. #he technique is equaly effecti!e for offense and defense.

Beast Techni$ues
+east techniques are the specialty of the "nu%uka lan. #he people of the clan raise their children to form deep bonds with canine animals, that, in turn, become loyal friends and companions. #he people of the clan can understand their animal companions, they ha!e techniques allowing them to heighten their senses (especialy scent), and their animal

companions gain the ability to sense the chakra of others and its strength. 0any of the signature techniques of the clan are based on cooporation with their animal companions, or mimicry of animal qualities. Beast %imicr& Ninja Techni$ue5 Four Legs #he +east 0imicry >inja #echnique, 2our 'egs (5ijyuu >inpou, &hikyaku no Jutsu) uses chakra to make the user more animalistic. #he user4s fingernails grow slightly and sharpen into short claws, and he becomes comfortable mo!ing on all four limbs. "n addition, the user of this technique becomes supernaturaly fast, not unlike those who direct chakra in their body for enhancement, or gifted taijutsu users, capable of making part of his mo!e on all fours running on walls and the like. #he user also gains some e/tra strength, and a heightened sense of smell just like an animal4s. /alf!Beast Clone #he :alf$+east lone technique (Jyuujin +unshin) requires that the user ha!e an animal friendly and helpful to him on his side. #hrough its use, the user both gains the benefits of the 2our 'egs technique and transforms his animal companion into an e/ect duplicate of him, capable of modes of mo!ement and actions like the user (walking on two, using the hands with more sophistication than paws, etc.)= #he animal companion cannot, howe!er, speak as a human= "t is capable howe!er of fighting mo!es practiced with its human companion, such as !arious taijutsu techniques. ?nlike most clone techniques, this one is limited by the number of animal companions the user has, but such 9clones9 are not inferior in strength, and it is a transformation technique. 1hen combined with the 2our 'egs #echnique, the user and the animal become !irtually impossible to tell apart, since both act equally animalistic. 'ike any transformation, the jutsu can be broken by identifying and attacking the animal, thus dispelling the transformation. /alf Beast %aster Com4at %o,e) Fang -estro&er #he :alf +east 0aster ombat 0o!e7 2ang .estroyer (Juujin #aijutsu -ugi7 #suuga) is a taijutsu technique especially created by beast masters to be used while performing the 2our 'egs technique, or the :alf$+east lone technique. 1hen e/ecuting this mo!e the user can spin !ery quickly and propel himself forward in an attempt to slam into his opponent in a !orte/ of blows and claws. #he force of the impact alone is enough to send most flying across se!eral good yards away. #his is a !ery fast mo!e that is e/tremely hard to a!oid by most less than hounin rank ninja. #he user is like a drill, and can bore somewhat into earth. -ou4le Fang -estro&er #he .ouble 2ang .estroyer (5atsuuga) is the same as the #suuga, e/cept it is done by a person and his animal companion in half$beast clone form. 0nu6uka St&le Beast Com4ination Transformation) T o /eaded 'olf #he "nu%uka &tyle +east ombination #ransformation7 #wo :eaded 1olf ("nu%uka 8yuu hinjuu ombi :enge7 &outou 8ou) is an ad!anced trnsformation technique that allows the user, while touching his animal companion (or touched by him) to transform both of them into one combined creature. #hat creature always looks like a dire, monstrous, huge !ersion of the animal companion, with two heads. ?sing this technique combines the abilities of both (senses, chakra use, physical abilities, etc.). Garouga #he 5arouga (.ouble 1olf 2ang) #echnique, is meant to be used in conjunction with the ombi :enge7 &outou 8ou jutsu. "t is somthing like the 5atsuuga jutsu, e/cept, because

the user is transformed with his animal companion into a giant two headed wolf, it is much more powerful, and capable of much greater destruction. #his attack is powerful enough to cut a person in two, and e!en dent a 8ashomon gate. :owe!er, 5arouga4s rotation speed is so fast, the user and companion lose much of their field of !ision, but e!en if they don4t hit directly, its speed is so great that the surrounding air can slice like a blade. "f he gets hit directly, he is cut to pieces. As the user and companion can4t see well, they must rely on other senses, such as scent and tremor sense.

Bee Techni$ues
+ee techniques are a set of bug techniques e/clusi!e to the Kami%uru clan, also bug$ using shinobi who speciali%e in bees. #he Kami%uru clan hail from the :idden <illage of 8ock in the ountry of 'and. #hey were as prominent and prestigious as the Aburame clan in the past, but, during a clash between these two clans that occured during an attempted attack of the 8ock !illage on the !illage of Konoha, the Aburame clan laid waste to many of the Kami%uru. "n this battle, they planned to release a large army of bees to confuse e!eryone in the !illage while they attacked. +ut the Aburame clan noticed this and faced them from the forest west of Konoha. #he two clans released their bugs, kikai and bees, to fight each other. #he fight that people saw in the sky between the two bug user clans ended with a !ictory to the Aburame clan. 1ith this battle, the Aburame clan succeeded in securing a firm position within the :idden <illage of Konoha. -n the other hand, the Kami%uru clan was disgraced within the :idden <ilage of 8ock. -nly a few members of this clan remain, and those are some of their signature techniques. Bee Nectar Techni$ue #he +ee >ectar #echnique (>inpou7 :achi 0itsu no Jutsu) is a technique of the Kami%uru clan, also bug$using shinobi who speciali%e in bees. #he user can create a swarm of bees that, upon contact with a target, burst into bee nectar that co!ers the the target. #hose bees are not real, and cannot sting. #he nectar, which has the same properties as glue, co!ers the target, and adheres to it. &hould enough of it co!er the target, he will be limited in mo!ement, or completely immobili%ed. #ne Thousand Bee Needle Techni$ue #he -ne #housand +ee >eedle #echnique (:achi &enbon no Jutsu) is another bee related technique, where the user empowers the bees under his control to shoot solid chakra needles from their stings at opponents. #hose needles ha!e the same effect as metal needles. As the name of the technique implies, up to one thousand needles are fired. Bee Bom4 Techni$ue #he +ee +omb #echnique (:achi +akudan no Jutsu) is a bee related technique where the user creates a swarm of bees that, upon contact with a target e/plode like an e/ploding tag. ,ach bee on its own is not strong enough to cause serious damage to anyone or anything, but se!eral together, not to mention a swarm, can cause hea!y damage. #he bees must come in contact with the target to e/plode. "f a bee is killed in mid air, it will not e/plode. Black Tornado #he +lack #ornado #echnique (>inpo, Kuro #atsumaki) is a group technique, where for shinobi sit on each other4s shoulders as a four man tower. #he user molds chakra and

in!okes the technique, allowing him and his three companions to start spinning e/tremely fast. #o the casual obser!er, they all seem as a swirling black tornado (regardless of their clothing4s colors). "n this form, they can mo!e e/tremely fast, and cause damage to their targets and the immediate en!ironment. ?sually, users of the technique put or hold blades on or in their hands, and e/tend their arms out, so more damage can be caused to their targets. "t is possible for one person to perform this technique alone, but its effecti!eness stems from it being a group technique, so one person would be less effecti!e, naturally. Bod& Flicker Techni$ue #he +ody 2licker #echnique (&hunshin no Jutsu) is a high$speed mo!ement technique, allowing a ninja to mo!e short distances at an almost untraceable speed. #o an obser!er, it appears as if the user has teleported. A puff of smoke is occasionally used to disguise the user4s mo!ements. "t is accomplished by using chakra to temporarily boost the user4s refle/es. #he amount of chakra required depends on the o!erall distance between the user and their intended destination. &hisui ?chiha, one of the most talented ?chiha, was feared as 9&hisui of the +ody 2licker9 (9&hunshin no &hisui9), likely referring to this technique. #he +ody 2licker technique has !arious !ariations among the different hidden !illages, all of which in!ol!e some e/tra element aside from the mo!ement itself. #he e/tra element is usually some sort of substance used to distract the opponent, such as lea!es or sand. 5aara, for instance, uses the &and +ody 2licker (&una &hunshin), which uses sand to co!er his mo!ements. -ther !arieties include the 0ist +ody 2licker (Kiri &hunshin), 1ater +ody 2licker (0i%u &hunshin), and 'eaf +ody 2licker (Konoha &hunshin). B&akugan #he +yakugan (91hite ,ye9) is an eye technique that naturally occurs in members of the :yuga clan. +yakugan possessors are characteri%ed by their la!ender, pupil$less eyes. 1hen the +yakugan is acti!ated, their pupils somewhat appear and the !eins near their temples bulge. ;ossessors of the +yakugan are also capable of using the 5entle 2ist style of combat. #he insight nito the chakra circulatory system that the +yakugan grants is what allows it4s possessors a most e/traordinary feat$ the ability to produce and e/pel chakra from e!ery point in their body. "t is a common belief that the &haringan is a genetic offshoot of the +yakugan. A person with the +yakugan has a nearly G*F degree field of !ision, meaning that they can literally see e!erything around them, e/cept for a small blind spot at the back of the neck abo!e the first thoracic !ertebra. +yakugan users can detect anything around them within a small radius, the greater the user4s skill with the +yakugan, the larger the radius is, which makes them close$range combat e/perts. #he +yakugan also gi!es the user the ability to see through basically any matter o!er e/tremely long distances. A small degree of telescopic !ision is also present, as a +yakugan user can focus on a single object at any point within their range of !ision. #he degree of focus seems to be dependent on the skill of the user. #he +yakugan4s insight capacity makes it useful for searching, tracking, and identifying targets. :owe!er, one of the greatest uses of the +yakugan is the ability to see the chakra circulation system inside of another4s body. "t is from this paticular ability that they are able to employ their ultimate attack style7 5entle 2ist or Jyken. ;rotection of the +yakugan ability is !ery important to the :yuga clan, and has led to

the de!elopment of an elaborate family hierarchy. 0embers of the lesser branch house are branded with a cursed seal on their forehead at a young age. 1hene!er a branch house member dies, the cursed seal will seal the +yakugan ability so that enemies will not be able to disco!er its secrets. Chakra "4sor1tion Techni$ue #he hakra Absorption #echnique ( hakra Kyin Jutsu) allows the user to absorb the physical and spiritual energy of an opponent. #he user doesn4t ha!e to actually touch the opponent, since it is also possible to use it through other media, as Jirobo did with his earth dome. #he only necessary condition is some medium through which chakra can be channeled.

hidori (literally 9-ne #housand +irds9) is an e/ample of chakra shape and nature manipulation created by Kakashi :atake after he failed to infuse his own nature manipulation with the 8asengan. #he hidori requires the user to channel a great deal of lightning$based chakra to their hand, so much so that the ordinarily in!isible chakra becomes !isible to the naked eye. 2irst, the user focuses chakra into one of his hands, and changes its nature into an electric current. >e/t, he changes the shape to that of a power surge, which determines the power and range. .ue to the high concentration of electricity the attack creates, it emits a sound that is reminiscent of chirping birds, hence the name (if the user is not in motion, it merely makes an electric crackling sound). -nce the attack is formed the user rushes at their opponent and thrusts their arm into a certain part of the body, such as the heart. #he amount of thrust combined with the large concentration of chakra allows the user to stab through almost anything= as such it is usually fatal to the enemy. #his technique is classified as an assassination technique because of the speed at which it is performed, despite the loud noise it produces. "f the technique hits an object instead of a person, the energy is released in the form of a forward spherical e/plosion that destroys the object, or part of it, depending on its si%e. 1hile the technique is usually fatal to its target, the speed at which the user mo!es causes them to e/perience tunnel !ision, lea!ing them open for attack. "f the user possesses a &haringan or +yakugan, howe!er, they are able to take in more detail while mo!ing, allowing them to a!oid counterattacks. As an additional drawback, the large amount of chakra required limits its use to a few times a day. An additional problem, though not necessarily a debilitating one, is the fact that the large amount of chakra can also injure the user4s hand if they put too much force into the attack. #he hidori requires a great deal of control in order to be properly utili%ed= Kakashi, being the creator of the technique, has reached the peak of control o!er the ability. +ecause of this, Kakashi4s !ersion is referred to as the 'ightning +lade (8aikiri), a higher ranked form of the ability with which he once split a bolt of lightning. .ue to the high le!els of chakra required to form the technique, those able to perform it are limited to !ery few usages a day. Chidori Nagashi A !ariant for the hidori, hidori >agashi (9#housand +irds urrent9) allows the user to release powerful electrical currents from his entire body, instead of just concentrating it in his hand, causing damage to people in direct contact with him, and those in his

immediate surroundings. #he electricity can be channeled anywhere, allowing the user to enhance his attacks or defend himself. As an offensi!e technique, because the electricity isn4t focused, it doesn4t kill on contact, only paraly%es. #he urrent can also be sent through the ground to attack opponents from their blind spot. #he user can also channel the energy, surrounding a weapon he holds with it, increasing its sharpness to the ma/imum and making any area in the human body hit by it numb. 1ith fine prescision, a skilled user can make lightning dance all around him, yet strike only specific targets. Chidori Sen4on #he hidori &enbon (9#housand +irds >eedles9) is a hidori related mo!e. #he user manipulates the current hidori in the form needles, allowing him, at the e/pance of attack pottency, to hit many targets at a distance. #he senbon are hardly lethal compared to a normal chidori but they can be used in a !ariety of ways. "f the user can percei!e chakra currents (by possesing sharingan or better$ byakugan) the needles can be aimed at the tenketsu to block them, thus pre!enting the target partial or e!en full access to their chakra. Chidori Kouken #he hidori Kouken (9#housand +irds &word of 'ight9) is an ad!anced technique based on chidori. #he user can turn the energy of the chidori into a blade of energy that can lengthen or shorten, cut and pierce, just like a real blade, but through almost any substance. #he blade can be made to split into multiple ones at any point along its length, forming quilons, or a nasty surprise for an opponent. +ecause the energy is stabili%ed so much that it can actually e/ert physical force, the chidori sword of light does not deli!er electrical shocks when it strikes something or someone. "t is a perfect taming of lightning. Fla11ing Chidori #he 2lapping hidori (:abataku hidori, 92lapping -ne #housand +irds9) is a dark mutilation of the hidori technique. ?sing the power of the ursed &eal of :ea!en, &asuke forces the use of a third hidori. 1hile Kakashi :atake taught &asuke that the hidori was a blade that protects the bonds he made to his comrades, &asuke warps it into a blade that se!ers them. #he hidori instead glows black and instead of gi!ing off the sound of birds chirping which the hidori was known for, the 2lapping hidori gi!es off the sound of many birds taking flight. "t appears to be many times stronger than a standard hidori and maybe more powerful than the 'ightning +lade. (aikiri Kakashi, being the creator of the hidori technique, has reached the peak of control o!er the ability. +ecause of this, Kakashi4s !ersion is referred to as the 'ightning +lade (8aikiri), a higher ranked form of the ability with which he once split a bolt of lightning. +ecause the hidori is already powerful on its own, the 8aikiri requires much more chakra and better chakra control, which is e/amplfied in its appearance. ?nlike hidori, which menifests as a ball of e/tremely concentrated lightning energy in the user4s hand, 8aikin, when it hits a person, elongates to look like a blade of lightning eminating from the user4s hand. "n other words, the hidori appears as simply a mass of electrical chakra in the user4s hand, the 8aikiri is more focused. #his causes far more damage, and is far more destructi!e, but is otherwise similar to hidori. Cicada Techni$ue #he icada #echnique (?tsusemi no Jutsu), is a sound transfer technique. +y distributing

the sound of his !oicewith chakra, one can make his !oice appear to come from different directions, or to originate in a certain direction, disgusing his (and possible comrades4) location and numbers.

Cla& Techni$ues
A unique offshoot of earth techniques in!ented by .eidara of Akatsuki, clay techniques utili%e soft white clay for !arious techniques. Cla& Clone #he lay lone (>endo +ushin) technique allows the user to make a clone out of mud and clay to be used as assistance or decoy. E71loding Cla& #he ,/ploding lay (Kibaku >endo) is a technique reqiring some preparation on the count of the user. #he use can infuse clay with chakra, and then mold it into a shape depending on the abilities he wants it to ha!e. #he !arious shapes can be small birds that ha!e speed and mobility, small spiders that can creep on enemies, and more. After molding the clay, the user can enlarge it to !arious si%es depending on the intended purpose of the clay. lay 8anking7 .eidara, the creator of these techniques, ranked his clay by number in a fashion similar to the $( e/plosi!e, the weakest being E and the most powerful being (. E7 .eidara4s most basic and !ersatile form of clay. #hese are small animated dolls that often resemble small birds or insects. #hey ha!e an e/plosi!e power similar to that of a hand grenade. .espite being his weakest bombs they can still be lethal at close range and are !ery mobile and agile. H7 #hese are large li!ing clay statues. #he best e/ample seen was a giant dragon that could create numerous other e/plosi!es from its own body, such as small burroeing mine$ like spheres and flying homing smaller dragons that tracked the target. G7 :is most powerful large scale bomb, this was a large immobile clay statue that drops on targets from abo!e. "ts e/plosi!e power was great enough to apparently destroy an entire hidden !illage. (7 :is most lethal e/plosi!e, .eidara eats and releases the clay out of his actual mouth, creating a giant copy of himself. #his figure is actually a hollow shell that disintigrates, releasing a cloud of microscopic, tick$like bombs that in!ade the target though the lungs and the !ictim4s skin pores and detonate inside the body, causing his !ictims to literally crumble to dust, bneing destroyed on a cellular le!el. F7 #he highest form of .eidara4s ,/ploding lay (his 9?ltimate Art9 (Kykyoku 'eijutsu)), *- is a suicide techni.ue used as a last resort. /e eats a large ball of clay $ith the mouth on his chest. !his consumes his entire body, condensing the body into a large black s here $ith jagged teeth and u il%less eyes. !he s here then o ens u and detonates, destroying e"erything $ithin a blast that co"ers more than ten kilometers. Self -estructing Clone Techni$ue A combination of the two abo!e$mentioned techniques, the &elf .estructing lone #echnique (Jiga$Kujo +unshin no Jutsu) allows the user to make a clone of his or herself. #his clone, by eating and chewing clay with its own mouth, infusing it with chakra, and

swallowing it, can turn itself into a li!ing bomb capable of de!astating a large swath of forest. Cloak of 0n,isi4ilit& Techni$ue #he loak of "n!isibility #echnique (Kakuremino no Jutsu) allows a ninja to take a cloak or a piece of cloth and blend into an object, making them in!isible. Ad!anced users can use the technique without the aid of a cloak or such, blending perfectly into the surroundings when still, like chamelions. /idden Camouflage Techni$ue #he >inja Art7 :iding amouflage #echnique (>inpou7 0eisaigakure no Jutsu) renders the user in!isible. "t also masks the user4s scent to some degree, making it more difficult to locate them. 1hile normal people can4t see through it, those with abilities such as the &haringan and the +yakugan can. Additionally, creatures with enhanced senses of smell (insects or dogs) can pick up on the user4s reduced scent.

Clone Techni$ue
#he lone #echnique (+unshin no Jutsu), creates copies of the user. #he clones are illusonary, and disappear if harmed. #his technique is used for confusing an opponent for the purpose of decoy, to facilitate an escape (as each clone can go in a different direction), and for other uses that a user can think of. #he clones are simply illusions and will dissipate when they come into contact with something. #he illusions can be seen through by the +yakugan and the &haringan. A person with normal eyes can also distinguish the clones from the original, since the clones will not disrupt the area around themsel!es with their mo!ement (won4t kick up dust, crush grass, etc.). /a6& (e1lications #he :a%y 8eplications technique (-boro +unshin no Jutsu) is related to the clone technique, in that it creates replications of the user for much the same purpose of the clone technique. #he difference is that those clones do not disappear if hit. &trikes and blows go right through them as they are illusory, but they are much more stable chakra constructs, and as such remain intact e!en if hit. -ance of the Crescent %oon #he .ance of the rescent 0oon (0ika%uki no 0ai) creates three shadow clones of the user, which attack along with the user in a complicated sword$dancing pattern to confuse the opponent. #he swords are also able to e/tend to any length. -eceased Consumed S1irit Techni$ue #he .eceased onsumed &pirit ninja technique (&hisha Kuu4utsu) is a horifying ninpou that allows the user to meld and fuse together the bodies of se!eral dead people to a li!ing person, and re!i!e them as a horible creature. #he resulting creature can appear as the person used as any of the people whose bodies were fused to it, or it can take it4s true form, a sickening amalgamation of all who were fused to create it. #he creature has all the knowledge of those fused to create it, including the knowledge of their known jutsus, and can use those himself. 1hile not truly ali!e, it is not truly dead either, and therefore has chakra flowing through its twisted form. #he creature is a sla!e of the creator and

wholy e!il, no longer resembling in beha!iour to any of those who comprise it. ,ach person making it, can e/tend out to e/ecute attacks known to him. ausing harm and killing one of the people comprising the creature can cause the base person to regain his faculties, breaking the control of the technique4s user, especially if a pleeded to by the person doing the harm. #here is one way to undo this horrible technique, and that is killing all the people fused to the base person, at which point he returns to normal shortly. :owe!er, this is simply final release, allowing all who were part of the creature to find final rest.

-estruction Bug /ost Techni$ue

#he .estruction +ug :ost #echnique (KikaichI no Jutsu, 9&ymbiose "nsects Jutsu9) is a symbol of membership to the Aburame clan. 1hen a child is born into the Aburame family, their body is offered to insects as a nest. #he bugs, called Kikai, feed and li!e off the chakra that the body stores and in return the ninja gets to control and command the bugs, using them as their primary fighting technique. #hese bugs ha!e the ability to drain chakra through physical contact with the enemy. #hey can also be used for ea!esdropping or forming defensi!e barriers. Bug Collection Techni$ue #he +ug ollection or +ug alling #echnique (0ushi Dose no Jutsu) is mainly used by the Aburame clan, and other shinobi who use insects. #he user places his hand on a surface in any outdoor area, and e/tends a web of chakra from his fingers along the surface. As he mo!es his hand along the surface, the chakra web mo!es with it. +ug in the immediate area, and in the range of the web, flock to it and to the user. #hey stay calmly on this chakra web, allowing the user the opportunity to inspect each one, and see if the insects he4s looking for are among the ones that were attracted to the web. +y cancelling the web, the user frees the bugs. #his technique is useful for finding a particular insect, and also for a more general gathering of insects, as the user can simply pick the bugs he wants off the web. Bug Clone Techni$ue <ery similar to the clone technique, the +ug lone #echnique (0ushi +unshin no Jutsu) allows a bug$user to make a mass of bugs under his control take shape and resemble himself or another. #he number of clones he can create depends on the the amount of bugs he has under his control, and his le!el of skill. &uch bug clones are, like most clone techniques, weaker than the real person. -nce struck cleanly, a bug clone breaks into the bugs that make up its form, but the bugs themsel!es are otherwise unharmed. Bug Jar Techni$ue #he +ug Jar #echnique (0ushi Kame no Jutsu) allows the bug$user to to shield himself by ha!ing bugs fly around him at high speeds to act as a shield from incoming attacks. Bug 'all Techni$ue #he +ug 1all #echnique (0ushi Kabe no Jutsu) allows a bug$user to use his bugs to form a protecti!e wall all around him. #he bugs swirl in a sphere around the user (and possibly se!eral other people) and block attacks, and shred anything organic that touches them from the outside. #he damage to a large creature may not be se!ere, but it can be significant, and it is a perfect defense against bug techniques. Secret Techni$ue) 0nsect S1here &ecret #echnique7 "nsect &phere (:ijutsu7 0ushidama). +y using the destruction bugs,

members of the Aburame clan surround their opponent with thousands of bugs, making a globe of bugs around the opponent beforehand to completely trap them. -nce trapped, the bugs would normally drain the chakra and swallow their !ictim. #he bugs co!ering the !ictims body pre!ent mo!ement, but should they escape the bugs will follow them. Secret Techni$ue) 0nsect Cocoon #he &ecret #echnique7 "nsect ocoon (:ijutsu7 0ushi 0ayu) is a secret technique of the Aburame clan. #he host of the insects can use the technique to replenish his number of insects he is host to from a few insects, or to simply cause a rapid reproduction of a certain speciman of insect he is host to or has possession of. #his unique jutsu is a secret technique that allows the user to increase the speed of insects4 de!elopment. As the user4s body is already a hi!e of sorts for the insects, the user will encase himself in an actual cocoon to further aid the insects. #his is an e/tremely useful mo!e for Aburame clan members, since their attacks mainly focus on the usage of bugs. :owe!er, using this in the midst of a battle can be potentially dangerous as it lea!es the user static and !ulnerable.

-is1elling Techni$ue
#he .ispelling or 8eleasing technique (Kai no Jutsu) is a simple, yet indespensible technique used to ward of or remo!e the effects of certain jutsus. #his technique is also the way shinobi undo certain jutsus used by them (for e/ample, this is the way those who know the 0ind$+ody &witch technique return to their own bodies). #his technique can undo most mind$effecting genjutsu techniques, and quite a few ninjutsu techniques that impose !arious conditions on their !ictims, it can also break basic seals. #he technique is basic though$ it cannot dispel ad!anced sealing jutsus, the effects of taijutsu techniques like Jyuuken, summoning techniques, and non$personal lasting ninjutsu effects (such as an opponent4s &hadow lones, to gi!e one e/ample). #he user can apply it to himself, or upon someone else who is under some effect (like genjutsu). Techni$ue Neutrali6e A much more powerful and ad!anced !ariation of the dispelling technique, the #echnique >eutrali%e (Jutsu &h) jutsu allows the user to pre!ent or stop an opponent4s jutsu by e/erting an equal amount of chakra, disrupting the technique. #he magnitude of this technique is such, that it stop e!en the most powerful techniques. An e/ample of this is the #hird :okage4s successful disruption of -rochimaru4s ,do #ensei technique during the latter4s in!asion to Konoha.

Earth Techni$ues
#hose are ninjutsu techniques that manipulate and utili%e the earth and rock in different ways, or allow the user to mo!e through it. Earth Clone Techni$ue #he ,arth lone #echnique (#suchi +unshin no Jutsu) allows the user to create a copy of himself out of mud that can attack on his behalf. "f defeated, the clone breaks back into mud. Erasing the -a&5 "ttack +re,ention Techni$ue ,rasing the .ay, Attack ;re!ention #echnique (:iru 0asshou, +ouka no Jutsu) is a defensi!e jutsu that allows the user, by touching anything made of stone, to absorb its properties, gaining a temporary stoneskin capable of negating any physical attack.

"ssimilated (ock Tank #he Assimilated 8ock #ank (.ka Sanseki Sensha) is a copied !ersion of the Akimichi clan4s :uman +ullet #ank jutsu, the only difference being that the user uses the 'eech All reation7 Attack ;re!ention #echnique to fuse with a nearby rock and collect the necessary mass to perform it, instead of creating it themsel!es. Additionally, using rock powder makes it more damaging, since the resulting human ball is made of a much stronger and hea!ier material. #he technique allows a user to touch a rock, take its properties and e/ecute a rolling attack. Anyone hit by the attack, takes the same damage as he would, were he been hit by a fast rolling boulder. 1hile e/ecuting the attack, the user is imper!ious to physical attack, e!en those made with weapons. 1eapons hitting the user actually face the risk of breaking. "ssimilated (ock Bli66ard #he Assimilated 8ock +li%%ard (.ouka Dahumuki) technique allows a user to control many small rocks with his chakra, and shoot them all at a target of his choice, like a bli%%ard of rocks. Alternati!ely (and this is the origin of this jutsu4s name), if he has taken the properties of a rock through the use of another jutsu, he can, through use of this technique, break himself into many small rocks and launch them at his target, afterwhich he reassembles, returning to normal. "ssimilated -esert Coffin An adeptation to the .esert offin technique, Assimilated .esert offin (.ouka &abaku Kyuu) allows a user who has taken the properties of rock through the use of another technique, to turn his body into stone dust or control e/isting stone dust, and e/ecute a .esert offin technique (see that technique for more details). "ssimilated -esert Funeral 'ike the Assimilated .esert offin, the Assimilated .esert 2uneral (.ouka &abaku &ousou), this is an adeptation of the sand technique of the same name. "t allows one, after using the Assimilated .esert offin technique to e/ecute a .esert 2uneral technique, only with stone dust (see that technique for more details). "nt!Lion Lar,a Techni$ue .espite its odd name, the Ant$'ion 'ar!a #echnique, or Ant :ell (Ari Jigoku no Jutsu) is an earth technique. #his particular technique allows the user to create a sink$hole in the ground, causing a massi!e collapse and rushing of the earth around it. #he scale of the technique is large enough so that, if there is a building nearby, it will be sucked toward the sink$hole as well, as would any trees and rocks around it, not to mention people. #he user can make the sinkhole smaller, to encompass just a small patch of ground. 0ron Bod& #he "ron +ody technique (Kurogane Karada) causes the user4s skin to harden, making him !irtually in!ulnerable to physical attacks and enhancing his strength. 'ightning$ based jutsu can penetrate it, howe!er, due to the natural weakness earth$based jutsu ha!e to lightning. Earth (elease) /iding Like a %ole Techni$ue #he ,arth 8elease7 :iding 'ike a 0ole #echnique (.oton7 0oguragakure no Jutsu) changes earth into fine sand by channeling chakra into it, allowing the user to dig through it like a mole. 1hile underground, one can sense what is happening on the surface and use that information to launch a surprise attack on the enemy. -ne can also hide deep in the ground, escaping to a depth where the enemy can4t reach.

Earth (elease) /ardening Techni$ue #he ,arth 8elease7 :ardening #echnique (.oton7 Kouka Jutsu) allows the user to make his body as hard as rock. #he user retains speed and mobility, he just becomes as hard as stone, and as hard to damage. Earth (elease) Stone Concealment Techni$ue #he ,arth 8elease7 &tone oncealment #echnique (.oton7 "wagakure no Jutsu) allows the user to sink and hide in stone and rock formations, passing through them in a limited fashion. Earth (elease) Underground +rojection Fish Techni$ue #he ,arth 8elease7 ?nderground ;rojection 2ish #echnique (.oton7 .och 0igyo no Jutsu) a person to hide underground until they4re ready to attack an opponent. Earth (elease) (ock Lodging -estruction #he ,arth 8elease7 8ock 'odging .estruction (.oton7 "wayado Ku%ushi) technique is a most basic earth technique that is used to dislodges rocks, usually abo!e an opponent to crush them. 1hile basic, it can be used to greater effect as the user gains more skill and power, and can be lethally effecti!e in enclosed spaces such as ca!es, for e/ample. Earth (elease) %ud 0ndulgence #he ,arth 8elease7 0ud "ndulgence or 0ud &pores (.oton7 .oro :oushi) allows the user to co!er an area in mud. "f the co!ered area is an incline, the mud drips down the incline. #his is a basic technique which at most causes people to slip and fall. ombined with a water technique, a mud wa!e or mud slide can result. Earth (elease) (ock Staff #he ,arth 8elease7 8ock &taff (.oton7 5ansetsukon) allows the user to break an elongated piece of rock from the ground, a staff made from rock. #he user can use it as a melee weapon, or hurl it like a spear. "t is !ery effecti!e either way. Alternati!ely, the user can create more than one, and can e!en make those fly towards targets of his choice. Earth (elease) Stone S1ines #he ,arth 8elease7 &tone &pines (.oton7 5anchuusou) technique causes stone spikes to spring from the ground beneath a target of the user4s choice, most likely impaling him or her. Earth (elease) Landslide ,arth 8elease7 'andslide (.oton7 .ochuubaku) causes earth to burst in a line away from the user. #he bursting earth throws up and away e!erything in its path. Earth (elease) (ising Stone S1ears #he ,arth 8elease7 8ising &tone &pears (.oton7 .oryuusou) technique causes large spikes of earth and stone to rise in an instant from an area of ground. #he stone spikes cause damage and impale those in the area unable to a!oid them. #he spears of stone can be directed against a single point or target, surrounding the target in a deadly trap. Earth (elease) -ro1 Lid #he ,arth 8elease7 .rop 'id (.oton7 -toshi 2uta) technique allows the user by slamming his hands to the ground at the conclusion of the in!ocation to summon a huge stone lid abo!e an area that drop to co!er and trap anything under it as a dome. "t is !ery thick and hard, and not easily broken through, making this technique ideal for capture. Earth (elease) -escending Cla& #he ,arth 8elease7 .escending lay (.oton7 >entsuchi -toshi) technique allows the user to summon muddy clay from abo!e a target (creature or area), which engulfs the

target completely through sheer amount. "f e/posed to a powerful enough fire or fire technique, the clay bakes and hardens. Earth (elease) Barrier5 %ud -ome #he ,arth +arrier7 ,arth .ome jutsu (.oton7 Kekkai, .oro .oumu) allows the user, by placing his hands on the ground, create a dome of mud and earth around a small area, possibly trapping se!eral people in it. +y putting his hands on the dome, the user can immediately repair any damage done to it from the inside by those trapped within. #he chakra is distributed throughout the dome, but not equally. >ear the back (relati!e to the user), his chakra is much weaker, making the dome weaker in that spot. Earth (elease) %ud Ball #he ,arth 8elease7 0ud +all jutsu (.oton7 .oryou .ango) allows a user to lift a !ery large mass of earth, which is elipticaly shaped by chakra, and hurl it away forcefully. "n most kinds of terrain, this huge ball of earth begin to roll, lea!ing a swath of destruction in it path. Earth (elease) %ud Shield #he ,arth 8elease7 0ud &hield (.oton7 .oroku 5aeshi) technique allows a user, by placing his hands on the ground before him, to raise a squre wall of condensed earth imbued with his chakra in front of him as a shield. Earth (elease) Suicidal Beheading #he ,arth 8elease7 &uicidal +eheading #echnique (.oton7 &hinjuu Canshu no Jutsu, 9,arth ,lement7 .ecapitation #echnique9) allows the user to barrow into the ground, and as he e/its$ pull another into it, traping the opponent up to his neck in the earth. #he name of this technique comes from the habit of some of those who used it to behead their helpless opponents afterwards. Earth (elease) Earth +illar +rison Techni$ue #he ,arth 8elease7 ,arth ;illar ;rison #echnique (.oton7 5anchuurou no Jutsu) allows the user to surround targets with a circle of rock pillars he raises from the earth, trapping them in rock cage. #he pillars rise around the target, close enough to each other that e!en a cat cannot pass between them. Earth (elease) Bedrock Coffin #he ,arth 8elease7 +edrock offin (.oton7 5anban Kyuu) allows the user to raise slabs of rock from the earth and shape them to two halfs of a thick rock dome that quickly close on the target and fuse together, entombing them. Earth (elease) Earth Corridor #he ,arth 8elease7 ,arth orridor (.oton7 #suchi Kairou) technique allows the user to raise many massi!e slabs of rock from the ground and shape them into a huge closed, stone corridor with only one openning around an area. A talented user can create a network of deadend corridors, and not just a straight forward one. #his technique is useful in trapping a large group of opponent, forcing them towards one e/it which is limited in width, allowing e!en a small group of shinobi to deal with a much larger group of enemies. 1ith further control, e!en that opening can be closed to trap enemies. Earth (elease) S1lit Earth Turn "round +alm #he ,arth 8elease7 &plit ,arth #urn Around ;alm or ,arth 8elease7 ,arth 2issuring ;alm (.oton7 8etsudo #ensh) technique causes the ground surrounding the enemy to spiral inwards on itself, burying them ali!e or crushing them. Alternati!ely, it can be used with a palm thrust to the ground to cause a ground$breaking shockwa!e to tra!el forward from

the user4s palm towards a target. Earth (elease) Earth 'all #he ,arth 8elease7 ,arth 1all technique (.oton7 .oryuuheki), allows its user to spit forth mud and create and raise a massi!e wall of earth that quickly hardens to stone. #he length, height, and thickness of the wall depend on the user4s le!el of power. Earth (elease) Earth (am1art #he ,arth 8elease7 ,arth 8ampart (.oton7 .oryuu Jouheki) technique allows the user to raise a huge mass of earth, creating something of a land feature such as a ridge or hill. #he technique raises the ground beneath the user4s feet and a long way to both his sides, making this formidable technique an e/cellent defensi!e jutsu that can be used to defend against massi!e attacks as well as stop an enemy4s mo!ement. #he user can determine the general shape of the rampart, introducing indentations, bulges and the like to it (like an indentation that looks like the eroded, !ertical path of a waterfall, complete with a basin for the water). #his technique, with se!eral applications, can change the shape of an area quite a bit. Earth (elease) %o,ing Land (i,er #he ,arth 8elease7 0o!ing 'and 8i!er jutsu (.oton7 .oryuu #aiga) uses chakra to create a ri!er of mud underneath the feet of opponents. #he mud ri!er keeps forming at its origin for awhile, releasing more mud into the flowing, gushing stream. 1hether on e!en ground or an incline, the mud ri!er mo!es and sweeps away with it any who are caught in it or stand in its way. Earth (elease) Earth and Stone -ragon #he ,arth 8elease7 ,arth and &tone .ragon (.oton7 .osekiryuu) is a powerful technique that allows the user to create an earth dragon out of the ground that can be used for attack. Earth (elease) Earth -ragon %issile #he ,arth 8elease7 0o!ing 'and 8i!er (.oton7 .oryuudan) needs some source of earth to use (earth, mud, clay, etc.). -nce in!oked, a dragon4s head made of whate!er kind of earth was a!ailable rises from the ground, and opens its maw re!ealing a glowing maw from which shoot high !elocity projectiles of earth, to strike their !ictim, and deli!er their concusi!e blows. Earth (elease) S am1 of the Under orld #he ,arth 8elease7 &wamp of the ?nderworld technique (.oton7 Domi >uma, 9,arth &tyle7 .ark &wamp9) is used to create a large swampland under a target that is capable of completely engulfing them. "f the target is too big to be swallowed by the swamp, it will still, most likely (unless its colosal in si%e), be trapped by it, unable to mo!e out of the swamp. #he si%e of the swamp is proportioned to the amount of chakra of the user. Earth (elease) Earth Flo -i,ide #he ,arth 8elease7 ,arth 2low .i!ide or ,arth 8elease7 ;lanet &plitter (.oton7 .orykatsu) technique allows a user, by flowing one4s chakra into the .ragon <eins (8ymyaku, 'ey 'ines) flo$ing underground, to tear the earth a art, creating large chasms. !he length, $idth, direction, and cur"e of the chasm are all u to the user. &ani ulating the ,ragon 1eins re.uires fine chakra control, but if one has such skill, they can use this techni.ue to di"ide the s ace bet$een the enemy and their o$n team in t$o, destroy enemy cam s or defenses, and e"en to attack.

Earth (elease) 'heel of Fortune #he ,arth 8elease7 1heel of 2ortune technique (.oton7 ?itenpen) is a curious combination of earth manipulation coupled with summoning techniques theory and 5enjutsu. #he technique allows the user to affect a !ast alteration to a landscape, raising rock minarets, creating chasms, hills, and more. #o be able to do such a thing the user needs to make a topography sketch of the desired terrain shape ahead of the actual in!ocation of the technique. 1hen in!oking the technique, the user needs to draw some of his blood from his hand, and slam that hand on the sketch, like in a summoning technique. Afterwards, by introducing changes to the sketch, actual terrain changes can be made onthe spot. "llusions and traps can be introduced into the terrain, as well as timed, planned e!ents. %agnetic Ninja "rt) 0nfinite %eteors #he 0agnetic >inja Art7 "nfinite 0eteors (Jishaku >inpo7 0ugen "nseki) technique allows the user to magneti%e rocks and launch them in a barrage against an opponent. %agnetic Ninja "rt) Electric +hantasms #he 0agnetic >inja Art7 ,lectric ;hantasms (Jishaku >inpo7 .enji 5enma) is an illusionary technique that allows the user to stop an opponent4s ability to think. #he user molds chakra and throws iron dust at the opponent. #he iron particles surround the opponent, and begin to sparkle and generate an electrical field. #he brain has faint ca!ities that allow currents to flow through them, allowing the brain to function. #he user, by changing the magnetic polarity, creates an interference in the brains electrical acti!ity, stopping the opponent4s ability to think. #he opponent can only stand in place, unable to recei!e sensory input from his en!ironment, mo!e, or act. #he effect of this jutsu lasts until the user does something to his opponent, at which point, the jutsu ends.

Sand Techni$ues
&imply put, sand techniques are jutsus that manipulate and control sand for !arious purposes. &and techniques are related to earth techniques but can only manipulate sand. #hey are a specialty of &hinobi who dwell in the desert. Sand Shuriken #he &and &huriken technique (&una &huriken) allows the user to lift and hurl small bunches of sand at an opponent. #he bunches of sand transform into small, condensed disks of sand while flying towards the target. #hese sand shuriken pack quite a punch, and can e!en penetrate flesh. The Third E&e #he #hird ,ye (.aisan no 0e) is an interesting spying technique. #he use can form a small eye made of dust and sand, and, once formed, link one of his eyes with it. #he user can see through the third eye, and mo!e and ho!er the third eye as he wishes, allowing him to spy on people and places without ha!ing to get near them. #he eye is small and hard to notice, and the user can e!en disperse it back to dust, make it tra!el discretely anywhere he wants, and reintegrate the eye for better obser!ation. Sand Clone #he &and lone technique (&una +unshin) is !ery similar to other clone techniques that create an actual clone of the user that can assist him (Kage +unshin, 0i%u +unshin, 0ushi +unshin). #he difference is simply that it is made from sand controlled by the user, and infused with his chakra. A big difference between this jutsu compared to similar

ones is, that a sand clone struck cleanly does not break apart. "t can absorb sharp attacks (like thrown shurikens) and disperses only through blunt attacks that scatter it. "f an attacker hits the clone directly, he puts himself at risk, as the user can make the sand, from which the clone is made, take hold of and engulf the attcker, allowing the user to perform a sand jutsu that uses sand to harm an opponent directly. Sand Sho er #he &and &hower or 8ain of &and technique (&una &higure) allows the user to lift sand up abo!e an area, and sprinkle it like rain. #hat raining sand concentrates slowly arround an enemy, creating a cilinder of sand around him. #his technique is further used to limit a somewhat immobili%ed opponent. An alternati!e to .esert offin, the user simply gathers sand in the air and targets his opponents from abo!e. "t can also be used to create many small sand projectiles the user can direct at targets. "rmor of Sand #he Armor of &and (&una no Doroi) technique allows the user to co!er himself in a compacted layer of sand, pro!iding defense against physical attacks. #hough quite effecti!e, maintaining the armor requires a large amount of chakra and stamina. #he armor adds encumbrance to the user. "f chipped by attacks, it can be reformed at the normal cost of maintaining it. Shield of Sand #he &hield of &and (&una no #ate) technique allows the user to manipulate sand to surround and protect himself or another from harm in a sphere or semi$sphere. #he shield is capable of withstanding considerably strong attacks and projectiles, and can be hardened to a point where it4s stronger than steel. #he sand can also form spikes to impale opponents who approach. Sand +rison Burial #he &and ;rison +urial (5okusamaisou) technique loosens the ground below the user4s target and cause them to sink deep within the earth. +y being imprisoned at this depth, the pressure will completely limit their ability to mo!e, and e!entually will bring to their death from suffocation -esert Sus1ension 1ith the .esert &uspension (&abaku 2uy) the user, using sand as a platform, is able to float in the air. -esert +rison #he .esert ;rison technique (&abaku 8ou) allows the user to create huge, wide sand claws that surround one or more opponents and close on them to form a dome (if in the air) or a dome (if on the ground), trapping them inside in a non$lethal manner. An in!ention of 5aara, his claws of sand look like the &hukaku4s. -esert Coffin #he .esert offin #echnique (&obaque Kyu) allows it4s user to use their chakra to control sand in such a way that it creeps towards it4s target quickly, and e!en rises up as a giant sand hand, to snatch and engulfs them fully, or partially. 1ith a semi$clenched hand, the user can guide the sand mass engulfing his target, mo!ing it, and e!en raising it abo!e the ground. -esert Funeral #his horible technique, the .esert 2uneral (&abaku &ousou), was created as a finishing mo!e to those engulfed by a .esert offin. +y clenching his hand, the user causes the

sand to tighten and squee%e its helpless target, killing it horibly in the process, though the death is so quick that there isn4t e!en time to feel pain. #he pressure also produces a si%able fountain of blood.. #he user can control the pressure used in the attack, which allows him to merely break bones or completely liquefy an opponent. -esert 0m1erial %ourning #he .esert "mperial 0ourning (&abaku #aisou) technique is made to be used in the desert, or where sand is abundant. #his jutsu sends !iolent ripples into a sand mass, crushing and grinding anything on or under the sand. Alternati!ely, the user can cause a large area in the sand to compress, crushing anything under it, and lea!ing and indentation ion the ground. 8uicksand ",alanche #he Juicksand ataract, Juicksand A!alanche, or 2lowing .esert .ragon (8yuusa +akuryuu) creates and sends a huge wa!e of sand in front of the user, rising higher and higher like a wa!e in the ocean. #he wa!e of sand streches far in e!ery direction. "t can be made to attack and collapse on top of many enemies, and flow on forward. #his wa!e of sand is capable of affecting a great change in the local terrain. -nce completed, it can co!er an entire forest in sand. Alternati!ely, this huge mass of sand can be made to first surround an area in a huge sphere of sand that then collapses upon itself. Thunder God of Sand #he #hunder 5od of &and (&una 8aishin) technique is a !ery curious one. #he user shoots small spikes of sand to the sky, those accumulate a static charge, and as they land back on the ground, they take the shape of small forked rods lounged in the ground. #he user in!okes the technique so these sand forks surround a target or se!eral target, and then the forks release their static charge, assaulting those surrounded by them with powerful electrical currents. Su1reme "4solute "ttack) Shukaku.s S1ear #he ?ltimate Absolute Attack7 &hukaku4s &pear (&aikou Cettai :ougeki7 &hukaku no :oukou) is a most powerful technique. #he user creates from sand a long spear with a head resembling &hukaku4s claw, infused with his chakra. #his spear is easy to wield for the user, and he can hurl it powerfully with preternatural ease. #he spear can penetrate any matter, and so any armor. Su1reme "4solute -efense) Shield of Shukaku #he &upreme Absolute .efense7 &hield of &hukaku (&aikou Cettai +ougyo7 &hukaku no #ate) is an immensely powerful defensi!e technique. #his jutsu creates a !ery large and bulky, demonic looking #anuki made of super compressed sand in front of the user. #he sand comprising the shield is so compressed it sparkles, and it is embeded with the user4s chakra. "f somehow penetrated after all, the sand reacts to the attack, attempting to push it out, and further compressing around the point of penetration, attempting to grind the source of the attack, if persistent.

0ron Sand Techni$ues

#he signature techniques of the legendary #hird Ka%ekage of &unagakure, these techniques were created by him as a complement to his kekkei genkai, a blood$line ability that allowed him to con!ert his chakra into magnetic energy and magnetic fields he could could control with great prescision. ?sing his unique ability he could control iron sand in a myriad of ways.

0ron Sand Gathering "ron &and 5athering (&atetsu Kessh) gathers a great "olume of #ron Sand and com resses it into a high%density sha e. !his greatly increases the hardness, creating a gigantic steel%like $ea on in an instant. !he $eight and si2e of these sha es are so great, they can easily shatter bedrock and break through most defenses $ith one hit. Because the $ea on is made out of #ron Sand, the sha e can be $hate"er the user $ants, and can e"en be changed during the fight. !his allo$s the user to create the best $ea on for the fight, by taking into account the o onent's abilities and the surrounding en"ironment. Since the #ron Sand generates a strong magnetic field, the o onent cannot use any metal $ea ons or tools. 0ron Sand (ain #he "ron &and 8ain (&atetsu &higure) technique is a technique only usable by those capable of con!erting their chakra into magnetic fields. #he user needs a lot of iron sand to use this technique. 1ith this lethal jutsu, the user gathers iron sand around him, forming numerous tiny clumps of the matter. :e then can bombard any target in sight with these clumps of iron sand, which ha!e the speed and strength of bullets, capable of causing horrible wounds and killing with ease. #his technique is e/tremely powerful and can somewhat penetrate chakra shields, making those somewhat less effecti!e. #he manipulation of magnetic energy and through it iron sand was the talent and specialty of the third Ka%ekage, and this talent, the most feared ability of the :idden <illage of &and, is what earned him the reputation of being the most powerful Ka%ekage in the history of the !illage. 0ron Sand 'orld La #he "ron &and 1orld 'aw (&atetsu Kaihou) technique is a terrifying jutsu that allows the user to manipulate a !ery large amount of iron sand to form a huge three dimensional grid of iron sand 9roots9 and 9saplings9 that is sustained in the air by the magnetic fields nescesary to e/ecute this technique. #he user can freely manipulate this grid, sending spikes and raking nets and blades in any direction he wants, traping targets in iron sand cages, or cornering them with grids of spikes, making this jutsu useful against anyone and anything that is close enough, whether earth$bound or airborn, and as thegrid is huge, this technique has a lot of range.

Cr&stal Techni$ues
rystal techniques are a special kekkei genkai that allows to user to either create crystal from their surroundings or with their chakra, or crystali%e e/isting material, e!en the moisture in the air. "t is belie!ed to be a bloodline limit born of the natural affinity some ha!e to the elements of earth and water, not unlike the :youton4s appearance in those with a natural affinity to the elements of water and air. #his kekkeei genkai is weak against one thing, sonic effect and sonic energy based attacks. /e7agonal Cr&stal Shuriken #he :e/agonal rystal &huriken (Keshou 8okkaku &huriken) allows the user to create and throw si/ point snowflake shaped crystal shurikens at his opponents. /e7agonal Cr&stal Shuriken5 'ild -ance #he :e/agonal rystal &huriken, 1ild .ance (Keshou 8okkaku &huriken, 8anbu) is a

deadly technique that allows the user to create and hurl multiple thin and sharp he/agonal crystals like shurikens. Cr&stal) Giant /e7agonal Shuriken #he rystal7 5iant :e/agonal &huriken (Kessh+ 3yodai Rokkaku Shuriken) allows the user to create a giant crystal shuriken, resembling a snowflake, and throw it at the enemy. #his is a larger !ersion of the :e/agonal rystal &huriken. Cr&stal (elease) Jade Cr&stal %irror #he rystal 8elease7 Jade rystal 0irror (&houton7 &uishou Kyou) technique allows the user to create a flat crystal mirror in front of them. 1hile it can ha!e many uses, it is mainly a preperatory technique for the following one. Jade Cr&stal Clone Techni$ue #he Jade rystal lone #echnique (&uishou +unshin no Jutsu) requires the use of the rystal 8elease7 Jade rystal 0irror technique first. #his technique allows the user to create crytal clones of himself that step out of the mirror. #he number of clones that can be created depends on the shape of the mirror. A he/agonal mirror can create si/, while an octagonal one can create eight. #he crystal mirror shatters after the creation of the clones. 1hen destroyed, the crystal clones re!ert to crystal form and shatter. #he clones ha!e chakra and chakra circulatory systems and so can use jutsu and can decei!e +yakugan users. Cr&stal (elease) Jade Cr&stal Blade #he rystal 8elease7 Jade rystal +lade (&houton7 &uishou #o) allows the user to create a crystal blade, whether a sword in hand, an a/e, a blade attached to the forearm, or another bladed weapon. Cr&stal "rmor #he rystal Armor (Kessh no 4oroi) technique allows the user to encase himself in a thin sheet of crystal to protect himself from blunt force trauma. #his armor can also aid him in performing stronger physical attacks. #he crystal is transparent and can only be noticed by light reflecting off it. Cr&stal (elease) Jade Cr&stal +rison Techni$ue #he rystal 8elease7 Jade rystal ;rison #echnique (&houton7 &uish 8 no Jutsu) allows the user to encase a target with crystal. #his as a !ery fast technique. Cr&stal (elease) Burst Cr&stal Falling -ragon #he rystal 8elease7 +urst rystal 2alling .ragon (&houton7 :ashou Koryu) technique allows the user to create a serpentine crystal dragon that can be directed as the user wishes, whether it be attack or something else. #he crystal dragon can fly. Cr&stal (elease) Crimson Fruit #he rystal 8elease7 rimson 2ruit (&houton7 Kurenai no Kajitsu) technique allows the user to surround himself or another in a facetted cocoon of redish crystal (hence the name). #his encompassing crystal barrier is !ery strong and resilient to most forms of damage, capable of protecting the one in it from almost all forms of attack or disaster. Cr&stal (elease) Enclosing Cr&stal +rison rystal 8elease7 ,nclosing rystal ;rison (&houton7 Kesshou 5okakurou) is a technique that allows the user to create a crystal prison around one or more targets. #he user can cause crystals to sprout from the ground in a quick line that mo!es in any direction he wants, hounding a target and encasing it once caught. A skilled user can e!en make se!eral such crystal paths at once, targeting multiple targets. #he peak menifestation of

this technique causes a huge crystal to grow from the ground and enclose a large area, imprisoning in crystal e!eryone and e!erything in the area. #he user can make the crystals shatter after a while, killing any li!ing thing traped in it. :owe!er, most caught by this technique crystali%e, more specifically, their body fluids, thus dying long before suffocation e!er becomes an issue, not to mention breaking. Cr&stal (elease) -i,ine +ath a& Techni$ue #he rystal 8elease7 .i!ine ;athway #echnique (&houton7 -miwatari no Jutsu) allows the user to cause crystals to burst from the ground along a line, impaling anything in their path. #he si%e of the crystals and the width of the path depend on the user4s power and skill. Cr&stal (elease) Jade Cr&stal /e7agonal Column #he rystal 8elease7 Jade rystal :e/agonal olumn (&houton7 &uishou 8okkakchuu) technique allows the user to create one or more gigantic he/agonal crystal columns that sprout from the ground where the user chooses. Cr&stal (elease) "rro of Light #he rystal 8elease7 Arrow of 'ight (&houton7 >ishi Komeo) technique allows the user to encase himself in a prism of crystal. 1hile doing this, he can ho!er in the air but is unable to maneu!er, howe!er is protected from all but the strongest of attacks. "n addition, he can focus his chakra into light through the prism and launch a powerful and hot ray or blast of light. Cr&stal (elease) Cr&stal 'all5 Eighth Formation #he rystal 8elease7 rystal 1all, ,ighth 2ormation (&houton7 &uisho :ekki, :achi no Jin) is a powerful technique that allows the user to create a surrounding wall of crystals around large creatures, objects and areas. Cr&stal (elease) Jade Cr&stal La4&rinth Techni$ue #he rystal 8elease7 Jade rystal 'abyrinth #echnique(&houton7 &hisou 0eikyo no Jutsu) is a comple/ technique that requires some preperation before it can be e/ecuted. "n the first part of the technique, the user creates nine seeds of condensed red crystal. :e plants eight of them e!enly spaced in a circle around the target area, and triggers their growth with a small infusion of his chakra. ,ach seed blossoms into a flower of bright red crystal. "n the final part of the technique, the user in!okes the power of the ninth seed, causing it to shed a special bright light. 1hen that light hits one of the crystal flowers, it starts to grow rapidly, and, in the process reflects and refrects the light, sending it further so it can reach the other flowers. #he flowers grow into great walls of crystal, and if performed correctly, the technique produces a dome of crystal around the area. #he crystal of the dome traps light inside and can cause great confusion to animals and insects. +yakugan users can be se!erly disoriented if using it inside the dome. ,!en people without +yakugan will mostly be lost because of the fact that the crystals reflect their personal image as well as generates mirror images of the routes, paths, and details within the labyrinth, confusing and intimidating them Eight Branches Techni$ue #he ,ight +ranches #echnique or ,ight :eaded &erpent (Damata no Jutsu, 9:ydra #echnique9) allows the user to create a giant white serpent with eight heads and eight tails. #he serpent is large enough to attack most things without fear.

Eight Celestial -i,ination Gates #he ,ight elestial .i!ination 5ates (:achimon #onk no Jin) is not e/actly a technique as much as a discipline achie!able by rare shinobi. "t is the ability of a ninja to open one or more of the ,ight 5ates. 1ith each gate opened, the person4s chakra, strength and speed increase, but also the danger to his body. ,ach gate has its own effect, as well as increasing pre!ious effects. $#he first gate, 5ate of -pening (Kaimon, also known as the "nitial 5ate) releases the brain4s limit on the total strain on the muscles, gi!ing the user fi!e times their normal strength and chakra. $#he second gate, 5ate of 8est (Kymon, also known as the 5ate of :ealing and the ,nergy 5ate) releases the brain's limit on the body's stamina, making a battle%$orn erson become miraculously ready to fight as if the fight had just started and spurs the body4s healing process. $#he third gate, 5ate of 'ife (&eimon) is located on the spinal cord, and releases the limit on the ner!ous system, which makes information tra!el at a faster rate and creates e!en more stamina. As a side effect, the user4s skin turns red (or slightly pinkish in el!es), indicating an increased blood$o/ygen le!el. $#he fourth gate, 5ate of ;ain (&hmon, also known as the 1ound 5ate) releases the limit on o5ygen intake in the lungs, creating much more o5ygen for the body to use. At this le!el of gate release, damage beyond mere fatigue can occur. #hose with insufficient control who release this gate may e/perience great pain or e!en physical injuries brought about by the surging energy in their body. $#he fifth gate, 5ate of losing (#omon, also known as the 2orest 5ate) releases the limit on the amount of chakra released at one time, and adds such a boost to the person4s chakra, that it starts spreading from him in wa!es that disrupt other techniques and chakra acti!ity in the !icinity. #he risk of this gate (cumulati!e with the pre!ious ones) is total e/haustion and temporary loss of ability to mold chakra after the closing of the gate. $#he si/th gate, 5ate of Joy (Keimon, also known as the <iew 5ate) remo!es the limit on how much fat and proteins the intestines can digest, and releases otherwise useless energy resources, gi!ing the user e!en more power and stamina. +y now chakra literaly bursts from his body in wa!es disrupting matter and energy around it, pushing both away from the person, and it can menifest in form or energy (for e/ample, the morning peacock technique in!ol!es the user surrounding his arms and legs with chakra, manipulating its nature to fire). Anyone capable of opening this gate has concei!ably enough control to o!er :achimon #onk to a!oid the all deletrious side effects of opening the gates with the e/ception of total fatigue, but as the name of this gate implies, openning it induces great euphoria in the user, which may result in loss of control if not reigned in. $#he se!enth gate, 5ate of &hock (Kymon, also known as the "nsanity 5ate) remo"es the limit on ho$ fast the body can mo"e, remo"es $astes, from dead skin cells to feces, and gi"es the body a much cleaner system to $ork $ith, roducing e"en more o$er and stamina. #hose who open this gate risk losing their sanity, as the amounts of power the user gains and channels can litteraly dri!e him to madness. $#he eighth gate, 5ate of .eath (&himon) opens the final gate located at the heart and uses up all of the body4s energy. "t makes the heart pump at ma/imum power and e/ceeds the power of e!ery other gate. All the energy in e!ery indi!idual cell is used up, gi!ing

the user power well abo!e that of any Kage. #his 9big bang9 effect is only temporary, and destroys e!ery muscle in the user4s body. .eath is assured when opening this gate. 1ith each gate the user opens, the danger to his body grows. 1ith the first three gates, the risk is not too great, only an amount of weakness and e/haustion that is bigger the more gates are opened (if only the first gate was opened, the user may suffer no ill effects at all). :owe!er, from the fourth gate on, the danger becomes !ery real$ the body fills with so much energy, that damage to muscles, tissue, and bone is !ery likely. 0uscles may rip, bones may crack and e!en fracture. #he more control the user has o!er his chakra, and the better the o!erall condition of his body is, the lesser the danger, but ne!ertheless, opening the gates is at best e/hausting, and at worst fatal. Esca1e Techni$ue9(o1e Unt&ing Techni$ue #he ,scape #echnique68ope ?ntying #echnique (>awanuke no Jutsu) is a simple, basic technique that allows the user to use a small controlled burst of chakra to untie a rope or spring a !ery close latch open, possibly fasilitating escape. E7ecution 4& Kiss #he ,/ecution by Kiss (&hikei &eppun) is an assasination technique used mainly by kunoichi. As the name implies this technique4s effect is e/ecuted with a kiss on the lips of the !ictim. -nce the kiss is begun, the !ictim is paralised, and the user begin to suck his chakra. -nce the user sucks all the !ictim4s chakra, the !ictim dies, and the user, as a side effect of the technique, gains a temporary boost to his or her chakra. E71loding Tag) "cti,ate #he ,/ploding #ag7 Acti!ate (Kibaku 2uda7 Kassei) is a the technique used to trigger e/ploding tags. ?tili%ing chakra, the user is able to acti!ate the e/plosion mechanism of a distant bomb tag.

Fire Techni$ues
ommon to ninjas of Konohagakure, fire based techniques create fire or manipulate an e/isting source of fire in !arious ways, usually for attack, but also for !arious utilitarian uses. Fire (elease) %ist Co,ering Techni$ue #he 2ire 8elease7 0ist o!ering #echnique (Katon7 Kasumi ,ngo no Jutsu) empowers the user to breath a cone of flamable mist. #he mist by itself is not harmful, but it is flamable, so, if it comes in contact with a spark, flame, electrical discharge, or anything else that can ignite an accelerant, it ignites, turning into a cone of flame. #his fire jutsu is for those not naturally tallented enough to use actual fire jutsus, as it is easy to e/ecute, and somewhat more efficient on chakra, pro!iding half of the equation for a fire attack. Fire (elease) Great Fire4all Techni$ue #he 2ire 8elease7 +la%ing 2ireball #echnique (Katon7 5AkakyI no Jutsu) is among the most basic methods of fire manipulation. #he technique requires a large amount of chakra to perform. #he user fills their chest with air, infuses it with fire chakra and blows out, creating an enormous e/ternal ignition, similar to firebreathing. #he fire as the name of the jutsu implies takes the shape of a giant ball of flame. Alternati!ely, the user can release his breath all at once, creating a !ery large fireball that flies forth, creating a huge

e/plosion if hitting something. #his technique, as are the more complicated fire$based abilities, are common amongst Konohagakure ninja at or abo!e hunin$le!el. #he ?chiha clan considers a child from the clan who masters this technique a man. #hey are also allowed to learn some of the clan4s more complicated techniques. Fire (elease) Flame Bom4s #he 2ire 8elease7 2lame +ombs (Katon7 ,ndan) technique allows the user to breath forth a fireball that race to hit its target in a fiery e/plosion. #hus the technique not only uses the consuming burning quality of fire, but also utili%es the e/plosi!e power of a flashfire to cause damage. Fire (elease) Great Flame Bom4s 2ire 8elease7 +ig 2lame +ullet (Katon .ai ,ndan) is a senjutsu altered !ersion of the 2ire 8elease7 2lame +ombs. #he user fills their mouth ca!ity with oil, created inside the body with senjutsu chakra. #his oil is then spit out and at the same time ignited, which creates a giant flame, equi!alent to ten$odd 2lame +ullets. #his flame can completely cut off the front escape route of an enemy cornered in a hallway or room, or it can thoroughly burn each respecti!e escape route.Fire (elease) Bis$ue Techni$ue #he 2ire 8elease7 +isque #echnique (Katon7 &uyaki no Jutsu) is a powerful technique that allows the user to start a great fire at a designated spot (or more accurately, area). #he flames burn long and !ery hot. 1ithout control or containment, this technique can be !ery dangerous to use, because the fire can easily get out of control. Fire (elease) Burning "sh "cculumation #he 2ire 8elease7 +urning Ash Acculumation or &earing Ash loud (Katon7 :aisekish) is a technique that spews superheated ash from the user4s mouth. #he ash is hot enough to cause third$degree burns on the !ictim. +ecause it4s composed entirely of ash, it stays in the air around the !ictim like a cloud, and therefore remains potent for a longer period of time. "f the user clicks his tongue, the stagnant ash will ignite, creating a !iolent e/plosion. Fire (elease Ninja "rt) (acing Fire #he 2ire 8elease >inja Art7 8acing 2ire (Katon >inpou7 :ibashiri) creates a flame infront of the user. #he user can cause this flame to rise and race forward, lea!ing a trail of fire. #he user controls the path of the flame. :e can make the fire race to hit an opponent, trace a wall of fire, surround one or more opponent in a ring of fire, and more. "t can instead be shaped into !ertical fire ring floating abo!e the ground that shoot with great speed in the direction of the user4s choice. Fire (elease) Flame Flo er #he 2ire 8elease7 2lame 2lower (Katon7 :ouenka, or Katon7 :anaka) allows the user to shoot three giant bullets of fire into the air that come down like giant meteors on the target or targets of his choice. Fire (elease) +hoeni7 Fire Techni$ue #he 2ire 8elease7 ;hoeni/ 2ire technique (Katon7 :ousenka no Jutsu) is a more ad!anced fire jutsu. "t is more efficient in the amount of chakra it consumes, as well as more !ersatile. #he user inhales, infuses the air with fire chakra, and releases it in se!eral quick e/halations. #he effect is a number of small fireballs. #he user can shoot these fireballs from his mouth in a barrage on one target or se!eral (his choice as he aims). #he user can also e/hale all at once, at which point, the fire breaks into seperate fireballs flying in one direction. &killed users of this jutsu can create !ery intense fireballs that ignite things

more easily, and, if hiting the ground lea!e a flame burning for awhile longer. Fire (elease) Toad Fire Blo ing #he 2ire 8elease7 2ire +lowing technique (Katon7 5amayu ,mudan) empowers the user to breath a continuos, long lasting line of fire. #he fire is not as hot as the one created with other techniques, but it is more efficient on chakra use, and it can last a nice long duration when compared to other more abrupt fire techniques. Fire (elease) 0ntense +ain #he 2ire 8elease7 "ntense ;ain (Katon7 Cukokku) is an immensely powerful fire technique that allows the user to release a giant sea of fire that incinerates e!erything in its path. Fire (elease) -ragon Fire Techni$ue #he 2ire 8elease7 .ragon 2ire #echnique (Katon7 8yuuka no Jutsu) is a most powerful fire technique. 1hen in!oked, it engulfs the user4s body completely in bla%ing hot flames= #he flames don4t hurt the user, but he can direct them in a chosen direction as a huge wide concentrated stream of super hot flames. +eyond the ob!ious effects, the stream of flame is so powerful and concentrated, that it can literally punch through barriers of thick wood and e!en simple stone. #he flames are so hot, that with enough e/posure they can somewhat melt rock. Fire (elease) Fire -ragon %issile #he 2ire 8elease7 2ire .ragon 0issile jutsu (Katon7 Karyuudan), much like the 5reat 2ireball jutsu, empowers the user to breath fire, but unlike that jutsu, this one does not create a bla%ing fireball, but instead a super hot stream of flame coming out of the user4s mouth. #he flames are so hot that they can easily ignite material, e!en materials that are not normally flammable. #he third :okage for e/ample can use this technique in conjunction with the ,arth .ragon 0issile jutsu to create flaming projectiles that also carry great impact and adhere to the target. Fire (elease) Fire -ragon Flame %issile #he 2ire 8elease7 2ire .ragon 2lame 0issile jutsu (Katon7 Karyuu ,ndan), is similar to the 2ire .ragon 0issile, only that the flame breath is longer, bigger, more far$going, and much hotter. #he flames emitted by a true fire master are almost white hot. Linked Fire (elease) Karura 'inked 2ire 8elease7 (Katon 8enkei7 Karura (a man$bird deity of :indu6+udhist myth)) is a technique that normally requires at least G participents (hence the linked), but rare few can perform it alone. #he users each spit a tongue of flame (or one user three tongues of flame) in the direction of the opponent(s). #he three flame tongues coil around each other and form a great snaking dragon made of fire which pursues the target(s) and strikes, creating a huge e/plosion. Fire (elease) Great -ragon Fire Techni$ue #he 2ire 8elease7 5reat .ragon 2ire #echnique (Katon7 5ouryka no Jutsu) allows the user to fire se!eral large dragon shaped fireballs at their opponent. #he technique appears to require a lot of chakra to use easily. #his technique appears to be a combination of the 2ire 8elease7 .ragon 2ire #echnique and 2ire 8elease7 5reat 2ireball #echnique, and an impro!ement on both. "t is apparently e/tremely powerful as it is able to alter locali%ed weather conditions to the point of making thunder clouds when shot into the sky. #his works by causing a sudden warmth in the atmosphere, creating an ascending air current, which forms cumulonimbus, storm clouds. #his technique can also be used as

a setup for Kirin when no clouds are a!ailable. Four *iolet Flames Battle Encam1ment #he 2our <iolet 2lames +attle ,ncampment (&hishi ,njin, 92our 2lames 2ormation9) is a field creation jutsu that allows the user to create a purple, bo/$like barrier around a gi!en area that causes anything that touches it to burst into flames. "n addition, the barrier is impenetrable. #his barrier can be created around the user or a designated target or area, and be made to mo!e with him (if the user so desires). 0ost users of this technique, howe!er, are incapable of doing it on their own, as only rare indi!iduals can use field creation techniques on their own. &uch techniques are usually group techniques, requiring se!eral ninjas working together to use them. #his technique normally requires four people, standing around the area to be enclosed, hence its name. 5ifted users can create and maintain more than one such field, usually one field within another.

Flo er Techni$ues
2lower techniques are !ery common in the country of 5reenery, where the many flower fields inspired the shinobi of that land to de!elop techniques with flowers as a theme. Flo er Shurikens #he 2lower &hurikens technique (:ana &huriken) is an unusual technique that requires flowers to e/ecute. #he flowers to be used ha!e to be stemless, so all but the pettled top must be cut away (making this technique useful for a shinobi with a katana in a flower field). #he user throws the flower in the air, in!okes the technique, and his chakra hardens the flowers to that of steel and launches them spinning towards the targets of his choice. #he flower shurikens4 hit is equal to thehit of normal metal shurikens. Flo er Ninja Techni$ue) Glittering Unha11iness #he 2lower >inja #echnique7 5littering ?nhappiness (:ana >injutsu7 :ikari 2ukou) sends a stream of flower heads controlled by the user from him toward a spot he chooses. #he flowers spread and float in the air, and begin to glow, shedding light on the surroundings. Flo er Ninja "rt) " /undred Blooming Flo ers #he 2lower >inja Art7 A :undred +looming 2lowers (:ana >inpou7 :yakka &eihou) is a fire jutsu that requires flowers to e/ecute. #he user infuses the flowers with his molded chakra and throws them (up to one hundred) at his target (flower heads without the stem are enough). ,ach flower, upon hitting the target, or landing on the ground, e/plodes with fire to a fi!e foot diameter. Flo er Ninja "rt) Flurr& of a /undred Flo ers #he 2lower >inja Art7 2lurry of a :undred 2lower (:ana >inpou7 :yakka 8youran, also called 9 haotic 2ire .rift9) is a fire jutsu that creates a number of flaring flames (how many, depends on the user4s skill) that fly through the air to suround a target of the user4s choice. After surounding the target, the flames rush toward him, and, as they meet, they either lea!e a burning circle of flames, or burst in a flaming e/plosion (user4s choice). Alternati!ely, the fire can be made to drift along the ground. ,ither way, it is an unusually beautiful fire display, due to its circular symetry that creates a kind of fiery flower. Fl&ing Thunder God Techni$ue #he 2lying #hunder 5od #echnique (:iraishin no Jutsu) was the signature ability of the

fourth :okage, 0inato >amika%e, and ga!e him the nickname 9#he Dellow 2lash of Konoha9 (Konoha no K6roi Senk). "t allowed him to teleport anywhere without notice by the use of a special seal. "t allows the user to mo!e himself to another location in the blink of an eye. Although it is often compared with the +ody 2licker #echnique, the speed of this jutsu is much greater, and the principle behind the 2lying #hunder 5od is similar to the &ummoning #echnique. #o acti!ate this jutsu, the user needs a special seal or 9Jutsu formula9 (9Jutsu$shiki9) to mark the destination. After this is done, the user can almost instantaneously transport himself to that location. #he 2ourth applied the formula in ad!ance to weapons such as kunai. +y gi!ing one such kunai to a person, he can immediately teleport to that person at any time. "t is also possible to lea!e a formula in an area, object or person touched by the user. 2urthermore, if an object marked with the seal may touch the ground, the user will immediately know the position of e!eryone close to the object. #his technique also possesses sur!eillance purposes as he can continuously sense where anyone is as long as the seal is on them. >o matter where an opponent is, he arri!es directly ne/t to them. #he jutsu is also !ery unique because it requires no use of chakra, due to a special secondary seal that emits the same chakra as him, allowing him to ha!e an instant connection to the area. "t is because of this technique that Konoha came out !ictorious in the "wa$Konoha >inja 1ar. "t is also one of the few non Kekkei 5enkai technique which can4t be followed by the &haringan and the +yakugan. "t is also a space6time jutsu and is not speed per se, but teleportation. Forced Slee1 Techni$ue #he 2orced &leep #echnique (#anuki >eiri no Jutsu, 9#anuki &leep #echnique9) is used to force the user into deep sleep. "t is usually used by shinobi who must get rest, but cannot fall asleep. "t has a special purpose for those who are possessed by the &hukaku of the &and (&una no &hukaku). +y forcing themsel!es asleep, they allow the &hukaku to menifest its full strength and powers. Toad Con,ersion Techni$ue #he #oad on!ersion #echnique (>inpou7 Kaeru Kaeru no Jutsu, 9#oad #ransformation #echnique9) is a technique only used by Jiraiya and others with ties to the great frog and toad spirits. ?sing his connection to toads, by touching the forehead of his target, the user is able to turn them into a frog or toad. Toad %outh Tra1 #he #oad 0outh #rap (Kuchiyose7 5amaguchi &hibari) technique summons the esophagus of a great, fire$breathing toad from 0ount 0yoboku around an area (like a corridor). #hose cought in it sink slightly into th flesh of the 9mouth9, and cannot mo!e their feet easily. #he user can cause the esophgus to constrict, wobble, and can e!en create tongues of flesh to lash out at those trapped in it. ;arts of the esophagus can also be made to spew fire. #he closed area is inescapable, e/cept for the most powerful techniques. #he esophagus is adepti!e to the area it is summoned in, fitting to the shape and si%e of closed spaces if called in such.

Fuuma Ninja "rt) Bo7 of %andara #he 2uuma #echnique7 +o/ of 0andara (2uuma >inpou7 #subaku 0andara) is a powerful secret technique of the 2uuma clan of Kara$#ur. #he user, after forming the hand seals to mold the chakra, holds his hands in front of him in the direction of his intended target, forming a triangle with his thumbs and inde/ fingers. "n this triangle, a triangle of prismatic light forms, and is then shot forward !ery quickly toward the target. #he technique can miss, but its use is usually best against those not capable of mo!ing quickly enough (because of any reason). "f the prismatic triangle hits its target, a prismatic, three$sided pyramid shaped chakra prison encases the target. Anyone touching this chakra construct from the outside takes a small electrical shock, pre!enting others from touching it. +y bringing his hands (each one forming half a triangle) closer together, the user of this technique can cause the chakra prison to shrink down to a the si%e of a poppy seed, crushing the !ictim to death. #he chakra jail prison is indestructible, and can only be cancelled by the user. .isrupting the user4s technique forcefully can ha!e a dire consequence$ if his hands are brought too far apart, the prison will e/plode in a !iolent e/plosion of chakra, causing massi!e damage to the area around it, and anyone in that area. #he only one completely safe from the e/plosion is the one initially imprisoned, as the e/plosion spread away from him in all directions.

Gentle Fist
#he 5entle 2ist (JIken, Jyuuken, Juuken) style of combat aims to damage the body4s chakra circulatory system, thus inhibiting an opponent4s use of chakra. 0uch in contrast with typical #aijutsu style of 5oken, or ferocious fist, which is focused on being insanely fast and strong, the 5entle 2ist style focuses on being quick and precise, not focusing on damage. ,ach strike, when placed correctly, strikes along the keirakurei, which is the network of !essels that carry chakra. #his network is closely intertwined with the functioning of the body4s organs, and so when the keirakurei take damage, the organs suffer as well. #o do this, the user will forcefully insert a small amount of their own chakra into an opponent4s chakra circulatory system, causing the targeted area to rupture or di!ert flow. Alternati!ely, or as an additional effect, the same method can be used to damage the opponent4s internal organs, to which the chakra circulatory system is closely tied. ,!en the slightest tap from this style can cause major damage, hence the name. As there is no way to train the internal organs to become stronger, this technique is capable of causing damage no matter how physically powerful the opponent is. #he only possible defense is to stop the 5entle fists hits from connecting. +ecause the chakra circulatory system is in!isible, the +yakugan is required for this style to be used effecti!ely and thus it is e/clusi!e to the :yuga clan. ;articularly skilled users of the +yakugan, which appear only rarely, such as >eji :yuga (and later on, :inata :yuga), can take the Jyken attacks one ste further. 7long the keirakurei are 89E in rick%si2ed nodes called !enketsu, or chakra oints. :hen struck, these tenketsu $ill seal off, $hich closes the o ening oints from $hich chakra is emitted. #hus, with precision, all those points along the !ictim4s body can be sealed, stopping the chakra flow to those areas. 0ost of the :yuga clan cannot e!en perform this because the #enketsu are too small to see. #o quickly seal off an opponent4s access to chakra, 5entle 2ist style users can perform

the ,ight #rigrams &i/ty$2our ;alms (:akke 8okuj Don &hou) to strike an o onent's indi"idual chakra oints in rogressi"ely hea"ier and faster "olleys. -nce completed the technique effecti!ely eliminates an opponent4s ability to use chakra and makes it difficult for them to mo!e. #he same process that seals off one4s access to chakra can also be used as a shield= with ,ight #rigrams ;alms :ea!enly &pin (:akkesh 3aiten), the user releases a huge amount of chakra from their chakra oints $hen in danger of being attacked. !he released chakra blocks any ossible attack, and the user need only s in themsel"es ra idly to arry the attack, both creating a shield of chakra around themsel"es and tossing a$ay any $ould%be attackers. .ue to the effecti!eness and power of these jutsu, teaching of the ability is restricted to only members of the main branch of the :yuga clan, though prodigious 5entle 2ist style users can replicate the same effects without being taught. Able to strike without force, and yet do more damage to a ninja than some of the most powerful >injutsu, the 5entle 2ist is the greatest #aijutsu style known in all of Konoha. Eight Trigrams Thirt&!T o +alms #he 5entle 2ist &tyle, ,ight #rigrams #hirty$#wo ;alms (Juuken :ou, :akke &anju >i &hou) is a lesser !ersion of the ,ight #rigrams &i/ty$2our ;alms. +ecause it in!ol!es fewer strikes, it can be comenced faster and e/ecuted faster. "t lea!es opponents se!erly hindered Eight Trigrams Si7t&!Four +alms #o quickly seal off an opponent4s access to chakra, 5entle 2ist style users can perform the ,ight #rigrams &i/ty$2our ;alms (Juuken :ou, :akke 8okuj yon &h, 9.i!ination 2ield, *( &trikes9) to strike an o onent's indi"idual chakra oints in rogressi"ely hea"ier and faster "olleys. #he first !olley consists of two strikes, the second$ of four, and each one after that is double the pre!ious. #he final !olley, which consists of si/ty$four super fast strikes, is what gi!es this mo!e its name. All in all, one hundred and twenty$si/ tenketsu are struck. #he tenketsu targeted are ones in strategic locations on the body, chosen to completely seal$off the target4s access to his chakra. -nce completed the technique effecti!ely eliminates an opponent4s ability to use chakra and makes it difficult for them to mo!e. Eight Trigrams #ne /undred and T ent& Eight +alms &imilar to the *( palms attack, the ,ight #rigrams -ne :undred and #wenty ,ight ;alms (Juuken :ou, :akke :yaku >ijuu :achi &hou) simply deli!ers EH) strikes in an additional !olley, for a total of HK( strikes, allowing the user to take out completely, chakra wise, two people or simply damage many opponents around him. "f used against one person, it will not only eliminate his access to chakra half$way through the attack, but, by its end, will most likely lea!e the target completely unable to mo!e. Eight Trigrams Three /undred and Si7t& #ne +alms ,ight #rigrams #hree$:undred and &i/ty$-ne ;alms (Juuken :ou, :akke &an :yaku 8okuj "ch &hou) is considered the most powerful technique within the :yuga clan, and is generally used as a last resort. 1hen using this technique, the speed of the user is comparable to that of the ?ra 8enge. #his jutsu allows the user to strike all G*E chakra points of the opponent, paraly%ing them with each blow and instantly killing them upon the final hit. Eight Gates Bom4ardment

#he ,ight 5ates +ombardment (Cessh /achimon /geki) is an e/tremely high le!el #enketsu attack, this jutsu in!ol!es attacking and closing the ,ight 5ates. the user acti!ates his +yakugan and instead of looking for his opponent4s chakra points he attacks the ,ight 5ates, apparently designed as a counter to those who can open them and utili%e the unleashed power. Eight Trigrams +alms /ea,enl& S1in #he same process that seals off one4s access to chakra can also be used as a shield= with ,ight #rigrams ;alms :ea!enly &pin (:akkesh 3aiten, 9.i!ination 1hirl9 or 9&pinning :ea!ens9), the user releases a huge amount of chakra from their chakra oints (called 9#enketsu9) $hen in danger of being attacked. !he released chakra blocks any ossible attack, and the user need only s in themsel"es ra idly to arry the attack, both creating a shield of chakra around themsel"es and tossing a$ay any $ould%be attacker. >ormally, controlling the amount of hakra released from the hakra holesis hard, and e!en a Jounin can only release a small amount from his hands and feet for a special mo!e. +ut a master of Jyuuken can release hakra from his entire body and completely nullify physical attacks with his hakra4s centrifugal force. #he greater the user4s skill is, the larger and more powerful he can make the chakra shield. :owe!er, the :ea!enly &pin is only effecti!e when rotating. hakra itself is not enough to stop a physical attack, unless it is e/tremely concentrated, such as when the demon fo/ enhances >aruto. &ince such concentration is impossible with the :yuga members, they must rotate in order to ma/imi%e the deflection. "f the rotation stops, they become !ulnerable once again. Eight Trigrams Em1t& +alm #he ,ight #rigrams ,mpty ;alm technique or Air ;alm (:akke Ksh) was created by >eji :yuga. #he technique is an impro!ement o!er the 5entle 2ist style of combat, with which the user can e/pell chakra from his palm to attack opponents out of his physical reach. #he user e/pells energy from his palms, pushing his opponent forcefully back. #he attack can be made powerful enough to shatter trees and rocks if need be (with all implied uses). #o put it more accurately, this technique is similar in practice to ,ight #rigrams :ea!enly &pin, but has a specific target rather than a general area. Eight Trigrams %ountain Crusher #he ,ight #rigrams 0ountain rusher (:akke :asangeki) is a powerful Juuken mo!e where the user thrusts at his opponent at point blank range, and releases a !ery large amont of chakra from his palm, causing a lot of damage and throwing the opponent far back with great force. #his mo!e is more than enough to shatter rock. "n a way its like a focused !ariation of ,ight #rigrams ;alms :ea!enly &pin. Eight Trigrams Crum4ling %ountain Bom4ardment #he ,ight #rigrams rumbling 0ountain +ombardment (:akke :a%an :ougeki) is an e/tremely powerful attack where the user strikes the enemy4s !ital area while dischargig his chakra within the enemy4s body until it bursts from the back in the form of a small thin beam that rapidly enlarges into a massi!e mountain destroying wa!e of chakra."t is almost always fatal. /ea,en.s -ance of /a6& 'hite An in!ention of :inata :yuuga, the :ea!en4s .ance of :a%y 1hite (:akur !enbu) is a powerful attack in which the user focuses so much chakra in his two hands that they

turn light with chakra. #he user takes se!eral swipes at the enemy with his hands, and combining with a clash with both his hands, he makes a great burst enough to make the opponent fly off se!eral feet. Gentle Ste1 T in Lion Fists "n the 5entle &tep #win 'ion 2ists (Jho Sshiken), the user forms two large lion$like shrouds of chakra around their hands, then thrusts them forward at the opponent. #he jutsu seems to be performed in a spinning manner to confuse and throw off the opponent4s aim. #he lion shrouds add alot of power to the user4s attacks, as well as increase the the likelyhood of striking an opponent (the fist itself need not strike the target, as the shroud arround it has tangibility of it4s own. #his is comparable to sage mode4s manipulation of natural energy around the user4s body). +rotection of the Eight Trigrams Si7t&!Four +alms #he ;rotection of the ,ight #rigrams &i/ty$2our ;alms or .i!ine ;rotection7 &i/ty$2our &trikes (&hugo :akke 8okuj Don Sh, 95uardian of ,ight .i!ination &eals7 &i/ty 2our &trikes9) is a technique of :inata :yuga4s in!ention, a combination of the :yuga clan4s more powerful techniques. 1ith it, :inata emits a constant stream of chakra from her palms, creating e/tremely sharp blades of chakra that e/tend from her hands, and that she can use to hit any target in her +yakugan4s field of !ision. .ue to the speed at which these blades mo!e as well as the amount of control she has o!er them, :inata can use this technique to attack and defend simultaneously in a sphere of G*F degrees. +y making the blades either sharper, larger, stronger, more fle/ible, or any combination thereof through control of the chakra release, she, and other users, can take on larger and more powerful opponents and creatures with them, and protect against greater threats. God of the Night.s Lightning Techni$ue #he 5od of the >ight4s 'ightning #echnique (>inpou7 Doraishin) is a trap jutsu. #he user throws many nails on the ground and in!okes the technique. #he nails burrow in the ground and are now under the user4s control. Against anyone who steps on the nail$ imbeded ground, the user can cause nails to sprout out, impailing their feet. #he nails can return into the ground, awating other targets. Alternati!ely, the user can, by forming the dragon seal, cause all the nails to shoot out of the ground at once, at any target or targets of his choice.

/idden Shado Snake /and

#he :idden &hadow &nake :and technique (&en$ei Jashu) in an odd yet effecti!e technique. #his !ersatile technique allows the user to create up to four snakes that lash out from his forearm. #he snakes can e/tend quite far, making the technique an up to medium range one. #he snakes can be used to attack, as they carry quite an impact (capable of breaking through up to medium thickness wooden barriers), in addition to the fact they can bite the target and deli!er a potent !enom. #he snakes can also be used in !aried utilitarian ways= #hey can wrap around a person and retract back into the user4s forearm, pulling the target closer, they can latch to a high spot, and pull the user up, etc. #his technique is a signature of many of -rochimaru4s followers, past and present. Countless /idden Shado Snake /ands 'ike #he :idden &hadow &nake :and, the ountless :idden &hadow &nake :ands (&en4ei #ajashu) is only different in the fact that it creates many snakes and not just four,

making it more suited against multiple opponents and better for capture, not to mention the greater potential impact it carries. 'ike the standard attack, these snakes are poisonous which makes them perfect for attacking, and can bind someone if a defense is needed.

:aku4s kekkei genkai, :youton (literally 9"ce 8elease9), allows the user to mi/ wind and water to create ice which he could manipulate through willpower alone, as seen where he was manipulating water in his hands and again when he uses water to create a field of icicles through his house by free%ing water. :aku4s ice is reinforced by chakra, making normally effecti!e methods of melting ice, namely fire, practically useless. :aku4s signature attack with this ability is his .emonic "ce 0irrors (0aky /y Sh, 9&ecret Jutsu7 rystal "ce 0irrors9), which creates any number of mirrors made of ice to trap opponents. :aku can freely merge with and mo!e between these mirrors, allowing him to attack opponents from multiple angles simultaneously, and at ama%ing speed. 0ce +rison Techni$ue #he "ce ;rison #echnique (:yourou no Jutsu) allows the user to form thick slabs of ice. #hese can be used, if formed in a circle, to capture someone, as a form of attack, as the slabs can jut from the ground !ery quickly, or as a defense, erecting walls of ice infront of the user or his comrades. "f the technique hits a target, the user can imediately engulf the target in ice, lea!ing him traped in the ice. -emonic 0ce %irrors :aku4s master jutsu, the .emonic "ce 0irrors (0aky /y Sh, 9&ecret Jutsu7 rystal "ce 0irrors9). #his technique, which requires the :youton kekkei genkai to use, creates any number of mirrors made of ice to use as a shield or to trap opponents. #he user can freely merge with and mo!e between these mirrors, allowing him to attack opponents from multiple angles simultaneously, and at ama%ing speed. .uring transit, the user can throw attack while remaining !irtually unassailable. "f the mirror the user is currently in is shattered, he can leap out of one of the fragments and continue his attack. 1hile inside the mirrors, the user is mo!ing so fast that the outside world appears to mo!e in slow motion. #his is a tra!eling technique that utili%es mirror reflections that only reflect the user. 0ce (elease) S allo "ttack #he "ce 8elease7 &wallow Attack (:youton7 #subame 2ubuki) creates many ice swallows (a kind of bird) that the user can direct against his opponents. #he flock of ice swallows is completely under the user4s control. #he swallows, if they hit, can cause se!ere slashing damage, while at the same time deli!ering numbing cold to the target. 0ce (elease) Black -ragon Bli66ard #he "ce 8elease7 +lack .ragon +li%%ard (:youton7 Kokuryuu +oufuusetsu) technique allows the user to form a dragon of chakra and black ice that shoots from his hand. #he dragon has has glowing red eyes and maw, and it seeks its target, always hitting. "t deli!ers a physical impact as well as numbness due to the chakra and cold, and it can fling an opponent high in the air with its great strength. 0ce (elease) T in -ragons Bli66ard #he "ce 8elease7 #win .ragons +li%%ard (&ouryuu +oufuusetsu) technique creates two dragons of chakra and black ice that shoot from his hands. #he two dragons fly upward,

entwining around each other to form a massi!e black tornado of icy wind 0ce (elease) 'olf ",alanche Techni$ue #he "ce 8elease7 1olf A!alanche #echnique (:youton7 8ouga >adare no Jutsu) is a powerful technique that allows the user to create a snow a!alanche. 2rom the snow form wol!es that obey the user, protecting him or attacking his enemies. #his technique creates a lot of snow wol!es, making it useful against many opponents at once. 0ce (elease) #ne /orned 'hale #he "ce 8elease7 -ne :orned 1hale (:youton7 "tsukaku :akuegei) allows the user to create, or form from an e/isting mass of ice and snow, a huge ice whale with a horn on its forehead. "t can crush an opponent with ease, and swim through water and ice, making it also suitable for attacking boats and ships. 0ce (elease) +iercing -ragon Fierce Tiger #he "ce 8elease7 ;iercing .ragon 2ierce #iger (:youton7 :aryuu 0uuko) technique is a powerful jutsu that creates a snaking (like a water dragon) combination of a dragon and a tiger made of ice, that can be used to attack enemies. "t is so cold that it can free%e water with a touch, cause chills and numbness to li!ing creatures it touches, and has a fierce bite and impact. 0m1ortant Bod& +oints -istur4ance Techni$ue #he "mportant +ody ;oints .isturbance (8anshinsh) allows the user to con!ert a small amount of chakra into electricity. -nce opponents are struck by this technique, the electrical flow of signals from their brain to the rest of their body is disrupted, such as causing their leg to mo!e when they attempt to mo!e their arm. #his does not totally incapacitate the !ictim, howe!er, as a person with enough physical control can work the system out (re$learning to mo!e their limbs with the disrupted signals) and continue fighting with only a delay in reaction times. Ji6ou of Needles #he ninja art of the Ji%ou of >eedles (>inpou, :ari Ji%ou, 9>eedle 5uardian9) causes the hair of the user to lengthen and spike like a hedgehog4s needles= #he hair then enshrouds the user as a prtecti!e shell, lea!ing only the face e/posed. Anyone striking the user in close combat gets damaged and e!en impaled by the needles. #his technique is meant to discourage any attempts at close combat. "rt of the Wild Lion's Mane Technique #he Art of the 1ild 'ion4s 0ane #echnique (8anji &higami no Jutsu) causes the user4s hair to lengthen, and allows him to use it to capture or attack his foes.#he hair becomes strong as steel, able to cut tear, and lacerate with great force. #he user can e!en form an e/tension into a lion$like maw to attack a target.

Lightning Techni$ues
'ightning techniques are jutsus that mold chakra to create an electrical current, usually for the purpose of attack. #hey are efficient techniques when it comes to the con!ersion of chakra to energy, nesceserily cheap in the amount of chakra they consume. ,ach case is different though, and it depends on the power le!el of the technique. Lightning Ball #he 'ightning +all technique (8aikyuu) allows the user to launch a ball of electricity at

an opponent, both causing damage, disrupting the target4s mo!ements for a few moments (due to electrical spasms), and knocking him back a few yards if he is close enough to the user. Lightning (elease) Ground Flash #he 'ightning 8elease7 5round 2lash (8aiton7 hibashiri) technique allows the user to channel a stunning current of electricity along an object that can conduct it, e!en the earth, towards a target in contact with the conducting medium. Lightning (elease) Electromagnetic %urder #he 'ightning 8elease7 ,lectromagnetic 0urder (8aiton7 Jibashi) technique allows the user to release strong electrical currents from his hands to strike a target. ?pon hitting, electricity flares around the target for awhile longer, causing further damage. Lightning S1eed 'ightning &peed (.enkousekka) creates a ground tra!eling lightning stroke that is !ery strong, and can not only seriously damage anyone it hits but also creates a trail of broken earth in its wake and can break through walls of wood and stone. Lightning (elease) Fl&ing Thunder God #he 'ightning 8elease7 2lying #hunder 5od (8aiton7 :iraishin) technique allows the user to engulf his body briefly with a shroud of lightning, causing anyone touching him or too close to him to take damage and be thrown away from the user. Lightning (elease) False -arkness #he 'ightning 8elease7 2alse .arkness (8aitn+ 7nheki) technique allows the user to to shoot out twin forks of lightning at one or two targets. Lightning "rmor #he 'ightning Armor technique (8aigeki no Doroi) allows the user to enshroud himself with electrical energy. Anyone hitting the user in close combat gets electricuted. After a few strikes, the energy of the armor is completely discharged, and it !enishes. #he more powerful the user, and the more chakra he in!ests in the technique, themore energy the armor has, and the more strikes can be countered with lightning retribution. #he armor also has the effect of lessening the power of strikes landed on the user somewhat, and it pro!ides some protection against energy attacks made against the user. Lightning (elease) Thunder Binding #he 'ightning 8elease7 #hunder +inding (8aiton7 Kaminari &hibari) technique require the user to surround the target with three long metal poles planted in the ground. #he technique once in!oked creates a blue energy barrier between each two poles and between their three top points, trapping the target in all directions but down. Lightning (elease) Binding of Four +illars 'ightning 8elease7 +inding of 2our ;illars (8aiton7 hichuu &hibari) allows the user to stun the target with electrical currents that dance around the target. #he lightning than raises four pillars of stone from the ground which focus it on the target causing massi!e electricution. #he technique scales with the user4s power, allowing the user to use it on small targets as well as gargantuan ones. Lightning (elease) Binding of Si7teen +illars &imilar to +inding of 2our ;illars, 'ightning 8elease7 +inding of &i/teen ;illars (8aiton7 Juurokchuu &hibari) bo/es a target in a prison of si/teen sone pillars that closes at the top as well. Lightning (elease) Shado Clone

#he 'ightning 8elease7 &hadow lone (8aiton Kage +unshin) technique allows the user to make a shadow clone infused with lightning. +ecause it is a shadow clone, it is able to perform jutsu and interact with the en!ironment due to it ha!ing physical substance. "f the clone is injured, it will re!ert to its natural lightning$state, at the same time electrocuting whate!er it is touching. #his technique, which in!ol!es not only splitting one4s chakra between the original user and the clone, but also storing one4s nature manipulated chakra in the clone consumes alot of chkra. Lightning Strike #he 'ightning &trike technique (8ai%ou "ka%uchi 1o ?tte) allows a user to fire continuous lightning streams from his hands, or channel the energy through blades. :e can bend, direct, and split the lightning to seek his opponent, e!en multiple ones, and e!en ones behind obstacles that gi!e less then full co!er. Fangs of Lightning #he >inja Art of "ka%uchi4s 2angs (>inpou, "ka%uchi no Kiba) requires two blades to act as conductors. #he user of the technique in!okes the jutsu and crosses the blades together o!er his head and streams chakra into the blade as an electrical current. #his chakra shoot up to the sky. #he user, then, can surge the energy in the clouds and call down a lightning bolt upon his enemies. #his technique is !ery powerful, but requires a few moments to e/ecute, and the user must be outside to perform it. ,/ceptionally gifted users can forgo the use of blades and use their hands alone. Lightning (elease) %ock -arkness #he 'ightning 8elease7 0ock .arkness (8aiton7 5ian) technique allows the user to release from his hands a huge, continuous stroke of lightning that is easily capable of annihilating e!erything in a EF$meter wide path. Lightning -ragon Tornado #he 'ightning .ragon #ornado technique (8airyuu no #atsumaki) is a most powerful technique, where the user molds chakra to create a swirling dragon headed tornado around him. #he dragon tornado is controlled by the user, and can be used to attack the user4s opponents. "n addition to the physical damage caused by the dragon to li!ing creatures and the en!ironment, any li!ing creature caught inside the tornado is hit by electrical discharges that constantly occure inside it. Kirin Kirin (?nicorn) is a lightning technique that requires immense amount of chakra. "t is an e/tremely powerful, one$shot technique that strikes in the blink of an eye. #he user draws lightning directly from thunder clouds to supplement the power of his or her strike, and controls it with chakra. +ecause the technique uses natural lightning as opposed to elemental chakra, its power easily outmatches all other 'ightning 8eleases. >ormally, jutsus are limited in power to the amount of chakra capacity any gi!en person has. Kirin, howe!er, calls on the e/ternal lightning, which in terms of a lightning jutsu, makes it far superior to any other. :owe!er, the e/treme preparation time required also decreases the technique4s efficiency. #his technique in the absence of acti!e thunder clouds requires 2ire 8elease7 5reat .ragon 2ire #echnique or other such techniques to produce the necessary storm conditions to initiate it. #o initiate a lightning storm, and then to take control of lightning in order to guide it to a target while using the shape manipulation shown abo!e, drains most users of most of their chakra. As such, this technique can only be used once in a fight. :owe!er, natural

lightning can reach a temperature of GF,FFFL , so that e!en if it misses the target, the si%able blast will likely eliminate the enemy. #he lightning forms the shape of a kirin (hence the name) that charges and strikes the target of the user4s choice. Lightning (elease) Limelight #he 'ightning 8elease7 'imelight (8aiton7 'imelight) is a technique regarded as the greatest lightning$element technique in history. 2our people, lightning masters all they must be, enclose an area from the four cardinal directions (north, south, east, and west), and resuce it to ash in an instant. -nce they ha!e reached their positions, each in!okes the technique, and a column of lightning forms around him or her. -nce all four in!oke the technique, the four columns of lightning surrounding them bend toward a point abo!e the center of the area and meet. A massi!e lightning bolt then shoots toward the ground straight down from the meeting point of the four columns of lightning, and from the point of impact blossoms an e/panding sphere of lightning that incinerates e!erything in the enclosed area. Li,ing Cor1se (eincarnation #he 'i!ing orpse 8eincarnation (2ushi #ensei), de!eloped by -rochimaru, allows him to transfer his mind to someone else4s body. "f repeated periodically, it basically grants the user immortality as long as the user can find new host bodies. -rochimaru can only perform this technique once e!ery three years. "t also seems that when the three years are almost o!er, he is forced to mo!e into another host, as the pre!ious one begins to reject him. ;resumably, if he had a proper container, he could stay in the host for a full lifetime. #he fact that he wants to prepare &asuke ?chiha for the transfer before performing it seems to reinforce this. "t is possible that -rochimaru can use the cursed seals of :ea!en and ,arth to make his transfers permanent. %agic Lantern Bod& Techni$ue #he 0agic 'antern +ody #echnique (5entshin no Jutsu) allows one to sit down and send out 9thought wa!es9, con!erted into chakra. #hese thought wa!es are then picked up by a chosen main user, acting as a kind of control tower. #his technique amplifies the thought wa!es and broadcasts them to a specific location through illusionary bodies. #he illusionary bodies differ from being mere reflections. 1hile the main user is relaying the members4 thoughts, they can ha!e con!ersation and use !arying techniques. #hese !irtual images look like the ones they represent, the only difference being that they are standing up with their hands in a seal. #he images are also transparent, sa!e for the eyes and are constantly refracting an array of spectral colors, much like a rainbow. %a&fl& Techni$ue) E1hemeralit& #he 0ayfly #echnique7 ,phemerality (Kagerou >inpou7 ?takata), is a last resort, forbidden, almost suicidel technique, in which the user takes a faery$like appearance. #he user still looks like himself, only far more beautiful to behold= :e gains glittering wings of blue light, and the ability to fly. -nce in this form, the user completes the technique. -nce the last seals are formed, the wings flare with pure chakra, that lashes out at the target of the user4s choice. #here is no way to a!oid this chakra blast which anihilates the target upon hitting. #he only way to defend against this technique is with the use of a powerful enough ultimate defense, like the :ea!enly &pin, or any other technique that

pro!ides a strong full co!er. -nce the technique is done, the user can as a last act turn to energy and transport himself and se!eral others (the number of additional people depends on the power of the user) to another location that he knows of. -nly !ery strong people can remain ali!e after using this jutsu, as it drains the user almost completely from chakra, releasing it in a bla%e of glory. %ega +alm Thrust #he 0ega ;alm #hrust ( hou :arite) technique is a jutsu that uses precise chakra control and release. #he jutsu allows the user to focus a large amount of chakra in the palms of his hands and then release it while thrusting his palms to the ground, creating a concusi!e shockwa!e around him.

%ind Bod& S itch Techni$ue

#he 0ind +ody &witch #echnique (&hintenshin no Jutsu) is the signature ability of the Damanaka clan. 1ith it, the user sends their mind into a target4s body (human or animal), supplanting the target4s mind with their own. #hough normally used as a spying jutsu, it can also be used in battle with se!eral major drawbacks. 2irst, the user4s spirit tra!els slowly, in a straight line, making it easy to dodge. "f the user misses their target, they are left helpless until their spirit returns to their body, which takes se!eral minutes. &econd, e!en if the technique does work, the user4s ability to stay in an enemy4s body is determined by how fatigued they are. #he user can be forced out if facing a strong enough will, are too tired, or if the target is in incredible pain. 2inally, the user4s body feels any pain that the target feels while possessed, and any damage the user suffers while possessing another is transferred to their original body. #herefore, if the target dies, so does the user. #his is the lowest le!el of this technique. #he known highest form of this jutsu allows to enter the opponent4s body while staying in control of their own body, and the user does not get harmed unless their original body is attacked. %ind Confusion Techni$ue #he 0ind onfusion #echnique, +ody #raitor #echnique, or 0anipulation #echnique (&hinranshin no Jutsu) allows the user to confuse another4s mind causing him to do things against his will, attacking a friend for e/ample (this is the choice of the jutsu4s user, as he manipulates the target4s body). #he target of the jutsu does not ha!e his mind taken o!er like in the case of the 0ind +ody &witch technique, but he does lose proper control o!er his actions to the user. #he user can metally control the target4s actions. ?nlike the 0ind +ody &witch technique which is more of a spying technique, this one is !ery suited for combat, allowing the user to turn an opponent physically against his comrades. #his technique does require concentration to maintain control o!er another4s body. &omeone strong enough can concei!ably fight against this control and break free, although it would take someone !ery strong. %ind.s E&e of the Kagura #he 0ind4s ,ye of the Kagura (Kagura &hingan or 0ind4s ,ye of the .i!ine ,ntertainment) allows the user to find, sense, and track indi!iduals through their chakra o!er !ast range. #his is done by closing one4s eyes and opening the mind4s eye. #he ability e/tends to telling when a person is lying from the fluctuations in a person4s chakra made from dishonest emotions or if someone is under a genjutsu. Also by focusing on a

particular chakra, the user can percei!e its location and mo!ement with great detail. %irrored Sudden "ttacker Techni$ue #he 0irrored &udden Attacker #echnique (Kymen Shja no Jutsu) is a double trap laid under the 2i!e &eal +arrier. #his technique is automatically started when the 92orbidden9$tags are remo!ed. An e/act copy of the person who remo!ed the tag will appear with their appearance, battle skills, and so on. +ecause the double has a fi/ed amount of stamina, it has an ad!antage in a drawn$out battle. "n order to cancel this technique, the one who remo!ed the tag has no choice but to somehow become stronger than they were at the time they remo!ed it. %ist Ser,ant Techni$ue #he 0ist &er!ant #echnique (Kasumi Jsha no Jutsu) creates clones that phase in and out of the ground as if they were made of a blackish, oil$like liquid. 1hen attacked, the clones regenerate themsel!es. #he clones can be controlled to make it seem as if they4re throwing kunai. #he user can then time their attacks with those of the clones.

#he 0okuton (91ood 8elease9) jutsu are techniques that combine earth and water$based chakra to create plants, specifically trees of !arying si%e and shape. 0okuton techniques can be produced from anywhere, including the user4s body, as the user4s chakra is literally con!erted into a source of life. #he 2irst :okage, the first known possessor of the technique, this Kekkei 5enkai, used the ability to grow the trees that ser!ed as the foundation of Konohagakure, the primary reason for his being gi!en the title of :okage. After the 2irst4s death, Damato (real name$ #en%ou), along with *F other children, was injected with the 2irst4s .>A in an attempt by -rochimaru to replicate the ability. Damato sur!i!ed the e/periment and is the only known li!ing user of 0okuton. 0okuton can be used for subtle things as well, such as growing wood from the user4s body for all kinds of purposes (like growing wood slowly from a finger attached to a key hole to form the right key for the lock). #he user can make wood grown directly from his body and still attached to him to recede back into his body, lea!ing no trace behind. +ecause Damato is the only current owner of the 0okuton ability, many of its associated jutsu ha!e been e/clusi!ely used by him. :e most commonly creates copies of himself or barriers to be used as defense. 2or more elaborate purposes, Damato can create houses complete with such basic features as doors, windows, and balconies. A possibly unrelated technique, but unique to the 2irst and Damato, is the ability to suppress a tailed beast4s influence o!er its host. #his is done by producing wooden poles from the ground that attach to the host and force the tailed beast4s chakra to recede. #he 2irst :okage4s crystal necklace aids in this technique4s e/ecution. #he necklace is a chakra crystal that responds to the 2irst4s chakra. 'ood (elease (e1lacement #he 1ood 8elease 8eplacement (0okuton Kawarimi) technique is just like the normal replacement technique, e/cept the user creates the replacement himself from wood, and if he creates it in his own shape, it can act as a decoy for a moment or two. 'ood (elease Transformation #he 1ood 8elease #ransformation (0okuton :enge) is a special transformation

technique where the user surrounds himself with grown wood that transforms to a shape of his choice. "t is a technique well suited for transforming into people who carry or wear special equipment, especialy if it is large and comple/ (like a puppeteer who is inside a large puppet that acts as a shell, the way &asori was), as the wood can be transformed into those things. #his technique only transforms the wood, not the user himself, but because of that it can be used for transforming into !ery large things beyondthe scope of the normal transformation technique. 'ood Clone Techni$ue #he 1ood lone #echnique (0oku +unshin no Jutsu) makes wood grow from the ground or directly from the user4s body. #his wood takes the shape of the user and then seperates from him, becoming a clone of the user. #his clone has chakra like a shadow clone and can use 0okuton techniques. "t can also merge with wooden objects big enough to contain it (like trees), making it perfect for spying in certain terrain types and places abundent with wood (in the form of objects and plants). #he user can sense the location of this clone and can also dismiss it in a unique way, turning it back to wood by touch, and making it shrink until it turns into a seed. +y placing such seeds on other people, or making people swallow them, the user can sense the location of these people in relation to him. &uch seeds resonate with the user4s chakra, allowing him to sense them and track their locations. 'ood (elease) Great Forest Techni$ue #he 1ood 8elease7 5reat 2orest #echnique (0okuton7 .aijurin no Jutsu) changes the user4s arm into wood. #hen, by acti!ating the wood, stimulating it to grow rapidly, it lengthens at high speed and forks into many branches (if the user so chooses). "t is possible to capture the enemy with these branches and at the same time, if one changes the ends into sharp stakes, turn them into countless, sharp, spear$like piercing weapons. #hese can also be used to intercept mo!ing objects and projectiles. #he user can retract the branches back into his body, thus regaining a measure of the chakra used for the technique, or he can detach the wooden branches from his body quickly if mobility is required. Four Column +rison Techni$ue #he 2our olumn ;rison #echnique (&hichuurou no Jutsu) is a technique that allows he user to grow from the ground a rectangular wooden cage. #he cage is huge and springs from the ground almost instantly, making this a !ery good capture technique. 'ood (elease) 'ood Locking 'all #he 1ood 8elease7 1ood 'ocking 1all (0okuton7 0okujou :eki) technique allows the user to grow from the ground thick, conca!e plates of wood that join together, two at a time, to quickly form a wooden semi$dome around and infront of the user (and possible allies), protecting him from physical harm. 1ith greater control and skill, one can create a complete dome or e!en a sphere (half of which would be underground). 'ood (elease) Four +illar /ouse Techni$ue #he 1ood 8elease7 2our ;illar :ouse #echnique (0okuton7 &hichka no Jutsu) is a more comple/ wood release technique that allows the user to create a four sided building of the shape of his choice. #he technique causes wood to grow from the ground and conform to the shape the user chooses. "t can comple/ enough to include doors, stairs, se!eral floors, furniture, and e!en designs. "t is a !ersatile technique that can be used for utility, con!eniance and e!en defense.

'ood (elease) Serial +illar /ouses Techni$ue #he 1ood 8elease7 &erial ;illar :ouses #echnique (0okuton7 8enchka no Jutsu) is a much more powerful deri!ati!e of the 2our ;illar :ouse technique. "t works e/actly the same as as its parent technique, but produces multiple constructions. :ow many depends on the intent and le!el of power of the user. 'ood (elease) Binding Nest #he 1ood 8elease7 +inding >est (0okuton7 Jubaku ,isou) technique binds the target with saplings that quickly grow around him and abo!e him, joining together to form a tree, trapping the target in an abo!e ground thick tangle of roots. #he roots can be made to tighten and crush the target, killing him or her. 'ood (elease) Forest 'all #he 1ood 8elease7 2orest 1all (0okuton7 Jukai :eki) technique allows a talented user to raise a dense barrier of entwined trees from the ground or e!en the face of water. #he user can form the wall in any si%e or shape (depending on his le!el of power), and can either grow actual trees or simply entwining wood columns. Secret 'ood (elease Techni$ue) Birth of the Trees #his technique (0okuton :ijutsu7 Jukai Koutan) is the one used to grow the trees that are e!erywhere in and around Konohagakure <illage. Juite simply put, it causes great trees to grow from any spot chosen by the user. 2irst only buds sprout, but those quickly grow to full grown trees in a matter of moments. #he type of trees to be created is up to the user4s wishes. #he user also can control the way the trees grow (if they twist or not, what shape the trunk will ha!e, the direction of growth, etc.), and with fine control, he can cause branches to entangle foes and e!en crush them. /okage!St&le Su4mission Techni$ue) Kakuan.s (eturn to /umanit& #he :okage$&tyle &ubmission #echnique7 Kakuan4s 8eturn to :umanity (:okage$&hiki Jijun Jutsu7 Kakuan >itten &uishu) is a powerful technique of the first :okage, usable only by him and others with the 0okuton Kekkei 5enkai. #his jutsu produces a seal kanji meaning 9+e &eated9 on the user4s hand. #he user in!okes the technique and mo!es his open palm infront of the target or directly touches a Jinchuuriki under the influence of his +ijuu (the later is only nescesary if the host is out of control o!er his tailed beast). A chakra link between the user4s palm and the Jinchuuriki forms, and then the user steps back, still maintaining the chakra link and grows wood columns from the ground around the Jinchuuriki, and he or she regains control o!er their body and humanity. #his technique subdues the influence of a tailed beast o!er its host, pushing the beast4s chakra, supressing it and the +ijuu4s powers, and forcing it to retreat back into the host, but the more under the influence of the beast the host is, the longer it takes them to return to themsel!es. #he 2irst :okage4s crystal necklace aids in this technique4s e/ecution. "t is not nescesary, but it helps. %ulti1le Shado Bu44le /ourglass #he 0ultiple &hadow +ubble :ourglass (#ajuu 0ugenhouyou) technique is a powerful form of offensi!e barrier. "t creates a field of disrupti!e energy around one or more targets of the user4s choice which both pre!ents the target from mo!ing, and rapidly drains the target4s chakra, all the while causing great pain to the target. #he more chakra is in!ested in the technique, the more debilitating it is to the target. #his technique is !ery powerful, and unless the user is !ery powerful and skilled himself, he would only be able

to use it in colaboration with others of at least adequate skill.

%ulti!Si6e Techni$ue
#he 0ulti$&i%e #echnique (+aika no Jutsu, 9#he Art of ,/pansion9) is the signature ability of the Akimichi clan. #he ability increases the user4s body si%e (as well as their clothing) by using up their stored food energy, con!erting calories into chakra. Akimichi clan members tend to eat fattening foods and ha!e large physiques in order to support this technique. Akimichi often used their increased si%e to perform other jutsu, taking ad!antage of their bigger mass to make their attacks more potent. #he proportions that the user4s body increases to seems to depend on the le!el of e/pertise. /uman Bullet Tank #he :uman +ullet #ank (>ikudan &ensha) is a jutsu passed down in the Akimichi clan. After the user uses 0ulti$&i%e #echnique to make themsel!es into a human$si%ed ball, they tuck their limbs inside their clothes and use chakra to propel themsel!es into a powerful, but slow, roll. "t has an impro!ement, the &piked :uman +ullet #ank (>ikudan :ari &ensha), in which the user wraps himself in kunai tied to strings to make it more damaging. #he kunai also make him mo!e faster since he has more traction than in his normal ball form. +artial %ulti!Si6e Techni$ue #he ;artial 0ulti$&i%e #echnique (+ubun +aika no Jutsu) allows the user to increase the si%e of just part of his body, like an arm, both elongating the part of the body, and increasing its si%e, mass, and strength. &o, an arm, for e/ample, would be capable of de!astating and less a!oidable attacks. #his technique is more rapid, allowing for faster growth and shrink back. Su1er %ulti!Si6e Techni$ue #he &uper 0ulti$&i%e #echnique ( hou +aika no Jutsu), is similar to the normal 0ulti$ &i%e jutsu, e/cept it has ten times the effect of the normal one, turning e!en a no!ice user of this series of techniques into a !eritable giant. "t also increases the si%e of anything they might happen to be wearing or holding. Butterfl& Bullet Bom4ing #he +utterfly +ullet +ombing ( hdan Bakugeki) is a taijutsu technique which utili%es the red Akimichi food pill. #he pill should only be used as a last resort as it con!erts the e/cess fat into chakra. #his is useful for the Akimichi clan, as the members, who tend to be o!erweight, can burn off enough fat to increase their strengtha a hundred fold. 1hen the clan member focuses all their chakra to one hand, it will carry an e/plosi!e amount of impact when it connects on their opponent. #his is a last resort finishing mo!e. %urderous Gras1 #he 0urderous 5rasp (Ayame #ori) technique is part of a set of unusual jutsus that require the user to use a strong and long loop of string. #he user holds the loop with both hands and makes different patterns with it (like the game 95ranny Knits9)= #hese patterns are the substitution for the hand seals that are normally required to mold chakra to form a jutsu. #he string is also the required medium for this type of techniques, that are mostly concerned with cutting and se!ering, and from it the technique is e/ecuted. #his particular jutsu creates a thin beam of light that shoots forward, and is capable of cutting

through anything it passes through, or that passes through it. %&sterious +eacock %ethod #he 0ysterious ;eacock 0ethod (Kujaku 0youhou) is a !ersatile and powerful jutsu. 1hen in!oked, it forms the user4s chakra as a peacock4s tail emenating from the user4s back. #he user can use the chakra 9peacock tail9 for defensi!e, offensi!e, and utilitarian purposes. "t is a technique encompassing an entire series of abilities, and is almost as powerful as a bloodline limit. #his technique was de!eloped in the :idden &tar <illage (:oushigakure), and is a secret and e/clusi!e technique to the shinobi of this !illage. 2irst of all, this method allows the user to intercept incoming attacks, blocking, deflecting, and e!en reflecting (ranged weapon attacks) the attacks by flinging the tail at them (not so different from the Kaiten defense of the 5entle 2ist). 1hether he is capable of mere blocking, deflection, or outright reflection of attacks depends on the le!el of skill the user has with the method. &econd, the user can also attack with this jutsu, making the tail scatter. 1hen doing so, each 9feather9 of the tail can be made to e/tend and lash at a direction of the user4s choice, allowing the user to attack multiple opponents in multiple directions at once. #he chakra feathers can slice at enemies like blades. Alternati!ly, people can be grappled, constricted, and e!en strangled with the chakra feathers. -ne caught by the streams of chakra emenating from the user, the target can become the subject of a special powerful form of control e/erted by the user, assuming he is powerful enough to do it. As a bound person is in direct contact with the user4s chakra, the user can synchroni%e with the bound opponent4s chakra, controlling his mind and body to make him say or do anything. #his is a most powerful ability only few who know this jutsu can perform. A different form of attack merges some of the feathers together, forming a psuedopod that can lash and ram at targets. #wo of those can be formed simultaneously. "n contrast, more delicate ways of dealing with an enemy can be done, by forming the chakra into strings that can bind the opponent. #he user can also in!oke a Kemono (9beast9) attack, channelling chakra from the tail that takes the form of a !ery large !ersion of any creature the user can think of. #he creature is a chakra construct, and it is e!ident to !iewers, looking as ethereal as the peacock tail, but ha!ing solidity as a material creature, though imper!ious to physical attacks. #hat creature can be made to attack with whate!er natural attack a creature of its kind possesses. #wo such creatures can be created at the same time, and by in!oking an 9Agony9 attack, the user can make the two merge into one huge creature. #hese chakra creatures are always conected to the tail. #he !arious forms of attack, in the order they are mentioned, require an increasing amount of skill with the method. #he #hird use of this technique allows for tra!el, retrie!al, and utilitarian purposes. #he user can grab people and objects with the indi!idual feathers, and pull them toward him. #he user can latch with the chakra feathers onto tree branches and cliff faces to assist him in climbing. #he chakra can be used to mo!e and lift objects telekineticaly. #he le!el of precision and the si%e and weight of the objects that can be mo!ed and lifted depend on the user4s skill and power. &ince the user can sync his chakra with another4s through touch, a limited form of healing can be used by the user, as he uses his chakra to gi!e strength and re!i!e another. An ad!anced scatter form allows the user to form two large chakra wings that allow him to fly, although each function of this mar!elous jutsu, as mentioned before, requires more skill to use. >o!ice users of the technique can only

defend and make a simple scatter attack, but as they grow in skill, they gain more abilities with the technique.

%&stical +alm Techni$ue

#he 0ystical ;alm #echnique (&hsen no Jutsu) is a multi ur ose techni.ue that can heal $ounds and erform surgery. !o heal $ith the ability, users collect chakra to their hand to s eed u cell regeneration $here"er it is a lied. 2or the latter, the user focuses their chakra into a blade to make cuts where necessary, though because the blade is made of chakra the flesh is ne!er cut. #his aspect of the ability can be used in combat, though it requires great precision to be effecti!e. 1hen utili%ed in combat it allows the user to se!er their opponent4s muscle fibers or their chakra circulatory system at the point of contact. -ther ad!anced uses of the ability include reacti!ating dead cells in a concentrated area and grow new ones4 which allows immediate reco!ery from injuries, drawing poison from a wound, transplanting organs (like in the case of Kakashi4s &haringan eye), and temporarily reanimating a corpse for use as an ally or a decoy. A !ery dark and powerful aspect of this technique is the ability to integrate another4s remains into one4s body as a means to become more powerful by absorbing the traits and special powers (e!en Kekkei 5enkai). As for healing, it is !ital to match the amount of chakra used to the se!erity of the affliction or injury. #his requires a great amount of chakra control. +ecause of this, only a few highly skilled medical$nin are able to use this technique. +y sending an e/cess amount of chakra into the patient4s body, the user can o!erload the patient4s normal circulation, trapping them in a comatose state. Although this is usually undesirable, it can gi!e a medical$nin the ability to incapacitate opponents in combat with just a touch. Chakra Scal1el #he hakra &calpel ( hakra no 0esu) technique forms one4s chakra into a small, sharp blade. #his can then be used for highly accurate incisions necessary for surgeries and anatomical dissections. ?nlike regular scalpels, the chakra scalpel can actually make cuts inside the body without actually creating an open wound, limiting the risks of an infection. #he chakra scalpel can also be used offensi!ely, although it requires great precision to be effecti!e. +ecause of this requirement, using the chakra scalpel offensi!ely is highly unusual. "n heated combat, e!en the greatest medical$nin won4t be able to e/ert the precision needed to make fatal cuts, but it can still effecti!ely cuts muscle tissues and tendons, rendering the target immobile. +oison E7traction Techni$ue #he ;oison ,/traction #echnique (.okunuki no Jutsu) allows the user to use their chakra and a globe of water touched to the target4s body to literally pull poisons out from the cells in another4s body, requiring precision control on the part of the user to a!oid causing internal injury to their patient. #he poison is drawn into the globe of water maintained by the user. /ealing (esuscitation (egeneration Techni$ue #he :ealing 8esuscitation 8egeneration #echnique ( hikatsu &aisei no Jutsu) uses a part of the patient4s body as a medium to heal their wounds. "t requires an almost room$wide seal and a lot of time to complete. #he medic$nin on hand actually ha!e to trade places after tiring, indicating just how long it takes. "t is used to fully heal e!en the most se!ere

and life threatening wounds. Secret /ealing 'ound -estruction #he &ecret :ealing 1ound .estruction ("n4yu &hmetsu) technique allows the user to concentrate their chakra to an area on their body and begin the cell recreation process the !ery moment the targeted area becomes damaged, in effect, gaining a regenerati!e ability. "t should be noted that though this technique is e/tremely effecti!e at decreasing the time that the user requires to reco!er it is not perfect. -ne, it is limited to the user4s chakra capacity and two, attacks that deli!er an e/treme amount of damage (i.e. 8asengan) produce damage that e/ceed this techniques ability to negate it, lea!img the user still weakened and too hurt to do anything more e/cessi!e than walking. Bod& "cti,ate Techni$ue #he +ody Acti!ate #echnique (>ikutai Kassei no Jutsu) is a high le!el medical ninjutsu. &imilar to the &ecret :ealing 1ound .estruction technique, this jutsu allows the user to sur!i!e any otherwise normally fatal damage and instantly heal from the damage. A unique trait of this jutsu is that it can momentarily gi!e the user the appearance of death. 1hen combined with high le!els of chakra, this jutsu can also be used to physically enhance the person to superhuman le!els of speed, strength, and healing might. -ead Soul Techni$ue #he .ead &oul technique (&hikn no Jutsu) is a jutsu related to the 0ystical ;alm jutsu. "t allows the user to reanimate and control a recently dead corpse for about an hour by getting its heart to beat. #his reanimated corpse is infused with the user4s chakra, and is under his full control. #his animated corpse can be used as an ally or a decoy, to fight or simply perform !arious tasks. Genesis of (e4irth A unique medical jutsu of #sunade4s creation, creation rebirth (&2 Saisei, 90itotic 8egeneration9), once acti!ated, heals any and all damage to the target4s body instantaneously and continues to heal at an accelerated rate for the duration of the jutsu. 1hile an e/tremely powerful healing technique, the rapid regeneration of cells cuts down on one4s lifespan, making it a technique to only be used in desperate situations. 1hethere used on self or another, it also uses up the user4s chakra reser!es, lea!ing him unable to fight once the jutsu ends. #ne.s # n Life (eincarnation Techni$ue #he -ne4s -wn 'ife 8eincarnation #echnique (Kish #ensei no Jutsu) is an in!ention of hiyo. 1hen used, a blue energy emenates from the user4s hands as he transfers from his life energy to another. "t allows the user to bring a dead person to life. 1ith this technique, one could e!en bring a puppet to life. #he cost, howe!er, is one4s own life, an equal e/change. #he technique can also be used for healing, e!en for critical wounds that are beyond the healing of other techniques. "n such a case, when the target is still ali!e, but critically wounded, the user does not lose his life, and the life energy he gi!es regenerates o!er time.

0nk +aintings Techni$ues

"nk ;aintings #echniques are a set of ninjutsu techniques that require great artistic skills, mainly drawing and painting. Ninja "rt) Great Beast +aintings #he >inja Art7 5reat +east ;aintings (>inpou7 houjuu 5iga) is a most unusual

technique. 2or its e/ecution, the user needs se!eral things7 an artistic ability, a blank scroll, ink and a brush or pen. #he user draws beast and animal paintings of any kind on the scroll, and, using this technique, he can mold chakra into the paintings and animate them, making them leap out of the scroll as three dimensional creatures that do his bidding. #hey can be used for attack and other purposes. "f defeated, the beasts break down into ink. #his technique is !ery useful and !ery !ersatile= #he user can, for e/ample, draw large predators for attack, a snake to tie and bind one or more enemies, many small mice to spread and search for something or someone of his choice, a large bird to carry him aloft, a small bird to carry a message, and much more. #he user can also transform words he writes on his scroll into small animals that seek out their target and re!ert back to words upon arri!al, gi!ing him the ability to communicate easily o!er long distances. 0nk Clone An e/tension of the 5reat +east ;aintings technique, the "nk lone (&umi +unshin) technique allows the user to paint himself on a scroll and animate the painting as an identical clone. 'ike any real clone, it can be used for reconnaissance, aid in battle, decoy and more. 'ike the great beast paintings, if the clone is struck cleanly, it breaks back to ink. #his clone, made from a small amount of ink, carrying chakra, is different from the ordinary lone #echnique in that it has actual substance and mass, making it difficult to see through. 0nk %ist Techni$ue &imilar to the +ody 2licker #echnique, using the "nk 0ist #echnique (&umigasumi no Jutsu), the user wraps their body in chakra$infused ink to hide themsel!es and lea!e the area. Ninja "rt) 0nk Flush #he >inja Art7 "nk 2lush (>inpou7 &uminash), by pouring some of his special ink into the ground, the user can create ink constructs, just like in the 5reat +east ;aintings technique, but without actually drawing the images before hand. "nstead, with this more ad!anced technique, the user merely has to !isuali%e the desired forms in his mind, such as se!eral ink snakes that strike from underground and restrain his opponents, for e/ample. ?nlike the 5reat +east ;aintings, should the opponent pro!e strong enough to break the images, they can reform, making struggling pointless. Non!Slicing Sho er #he >on$&licing &hower technique (Kiteinu &hawaa) allows the user, by placing a nail in his mouth and in!oking the technique, to spit a cone of nails at an opponent, or e!en a group of enemies. #he technique4s name stems from the fact that it causes piercing damage rather than slicing one.

+a1er Techni$ues
A set of techniques requiring both good chakra control and high skill in -rigami +a1er Clones #he ;aper lone (Kami +unshin) technique allows the user to create tangible clones made from many papertags. Just like shadow clones, these clones can fight and perform physical tasks. ?nlike shadow clones, they do not disappear when struck, but are clearly easy to damage, and are highly !ulnerable to certain things, namely, fire, water, oil and

the like. +a1er Shuriken #he ;aper &huriken (Kami &huriken) is a technique which infuses paper with chakra and use them as weapons instead of normal shurikens. A technique that consists of pouring one4s chakra into a scrap of paper in a split second, hardening and sharpening it, so it can be used as a shuriken. "ts sharpness is equal to that of a shuriken made of metal. #he user can further increase the power of the shuriken by making it into certain shapes. -ance of the Shikigami .ance of the &hikigami (&hikigami no 0ai), using his high origami and ninjutsu skills, the user will turn his body and clothing into many sheets of paper. :e can control and reshape e!ery sheet at will, making such forms as weapons for attack, butterflies for spying, paper airplanes for quick transport, or simply co!ering his enemy in sheets of paper, restricting and asphy/iating them or e!en the ability to make wings of paper. #he user is capable of ho!ering while in paper form, and does not require wings to do so. "n this form, he is weak to oil$based techniques, which causes the paper to stick, but she is not weak against water to the same e/tent. +aral&6ation Techni$ue #he ;araly%ation #echnique (&hibari no Jutsu) is a useful technique that has se!eral !ariations (among some, shadow and illusion parali%ation). #he primary technique, howe!er, allows the user to channel mental energy to paraly%e one or more targets of his choice. ;owerful indi!iduals can e!en channel raw emotion with their chakra to accomplish an effect similar to this jutsu, using awe inspiring presence, fear, or hatred to free%e opponents in place. #he technique can work against humans and animals alike. A strong willed person may be able to resist the technique, allowing some mo!ement. .epending on the way the paraly%ation was administered, there are different ways to counter it. An illusion based paralysis can, like most illusions, be dispelled by a strong sense of reality to the target (such as pain), sound based paralysis can be countered with a counter$balancing sound (sousai no ne, for e/ample), shadow paralysis can be countered by eliminating the shadow (for e/ample, with smoke, or complete darkness), etc. +oison %ist #he ninja technique of the ;oison 0ist (>inpou, .oku Kiri) allows a user to e/hale a poisonous purple mist from his mouth. #he poisonous cloud is quite large, capable of co!ering an area equi!alent to a squre, KF meters long on the side. #he mist disperses quickly though, not lea!ing any residue that can harm the surrounding en!ironment.

+u11et Techni$ue
#he ;uppet #echnique or the 0arionette #echnique (Kugutsu no Jutsu, 9Art of the ;uppet 0aster9) was created in order to con!ert a form of entertainment into a style of combat. #he technique utili%es strings of chakra e/tending from the user4s fingers to control a puppet4s mo!ements. #hose who can effecti!ely use this ability are rare, but once mastered the user can hide in a safe location while his puppet does the work for him. &killed puppeteers are able to manipulate multiple puppets simultaneously, with hiyo being able to use each of her ten fingers to control a different puppet. #hese chakra strings also allow puppeteers to manipulate other people or objects, controlling their

mo!ements to help or hinder their progress. Another useful quality of this skill is the fact that the puppet can take the form of another person, usually its user, allowing the user to trick their enemy into thinking they4re fighting a li!ing person. #he art of puppetry !aries in usage from person to person, as puppets can be equipped with an array of different weapons and tools to make a battle easier. ;uppeteers can also combine the abilities of their puppets to increase their effecti!eness= Kankuro, for e/ample, can use one of his puppets, Kuro Ari (9+lack Ant9), to capture an enemy while a second, Karasu (9 row9), bombards them with weapons, killing them. &tandard puppets, howe!er, are limited to attacks not dependent on chakra, as soulless beings cannot utili%e it. &asori has created a workaround for this shortcoming by con!erting the body of a still$li!ing person into a puppet. +ecause they were once human, these puppets are able to perform jutsu, gi!ing them a drastic ad!antage o!er other puppets. Kankuro4s has three puppets. #he first, Karasu (meaning 9 row9) is an attack puppet. "t has a slender body, two slender, segmented legs and four slender, segmented arms, and a large head (compared to the body) with a mouth that opens quite a bit. ,ach arm of Karasu has a compartment with a spring blade at the base of the palm, and each blade is set a hollow handle that can contain poison that drips on the blade when it is sprung out. ,ach palm is fitted with a needle launcher. #he top arms open at the middle joint to re!eal a bomb launcher that can be loaded with smoke bombs, poison gas bombs and the like. Karasu4s body has si/ cur!ed blades in it that can be sprung out (like a burst out rib cage). "nside Karasu4s mouth is a dagger launcher that is like a strong crossbow in strength. #he face can also be made to open (nose plate and lower jaw) to re!eal a spring loaded, large hollow needle that can contain a lot of poison. ,!ery part of Karasu can be made to detach from the body, e!en the head, and all ha!e a long blade at that end as well. #he second, Kuro Ari (meaning 9+lack Ant9) is a capture purpose puppet. "t has a barrel shaped body that opens in the front, used to trap an enemy inside, two legs, and si/ arms, each segmented part of which has a retractable serated blade in it that can be sprung out. ,ach arm can also come apart from Kuro Ari, just like Karasu, to re!eal a folding spring blade, and each arm has needle launchers at the palms. Kankuro uses Kuro Ari to hug an enemy while the blades are out to injure the enemy, and using Karasu, he pushes enemies into the open barrel body of Kuro Ari, and then closes it to capture the enemy. Kuro Ari has se!en slot holes on its barrel body, four at the front, two at the back, and one at the top, behind its head. #he third, &anshuo (meaning 9&alamander9) is a defense puppet that protects Kankuro and his allies from enemy attacks. "t has the strength of an iron wall. "t looks like an armadilo more than the si%e of two humans. "t has a hinged metal plate on it back with a face design on it that can be raised to act as a shield against physical attacks. -nce the plate opens, it re!eals a hollow space. 1ooden plates on the sides can close to form a compartment large enough for three people to fit in, with its front being the metal plate that can withstand e!en the impact of thousands of rocks. Fl&ing Blade %ani1ulation #he 2lying +lade 0anipulation (&ou &huu Jin) is an application of the 0arionette technique, where a string of chakra is used to control and manipulate se!eral kunai. #he user aligns the kunai in a row in front of him and then sends them flying towards one or more opponents. ,!en in flight, the user can still mo!e the kunai to a!oid obstacles and

compensate for an enemy4s mo!ement and defenses. Shield of Chakra #he &hield of hakra ( hakra no #ate) is a technique used by puppet masters. #he puppet master emits chakra out of panels in a puppet4s arm to form a disk shaped shield to block many types of attacks. #his technique requires two to four special panels inscribed with runes to be fitted as part of a puppet4s arm (four on one arm, or two on each arm). +u11et 'ater (elease) -ance of the Be itching (ain #he ;uppet 1ater 8elease7 .ance of the +ewitching 8ain (Kugutsu &uiton7 Douame no 0ai) technique utili%es one or more small puppets that ensnare a target with chakra strings by circling around it and than release pressurised chakra$infused water from special retrofitted metal tubes built into them and hidden in their hands. #he water can be easily controlled by the techniques user. %echanical Theatre) Black Secret Techni$ue5 #ne Strike #he 0echanical #heatre7 +lack &ecret #echnique, -ne &trike (Karakuri ,ngeki7 Kuro :igi Kiki, "ppatsu) is one of Kankuro4s speciali%ed puppet techniques. After trapping a !ictim inside Kuro$Ari, he can make Karasu4s limbs and head break apart from the body, spring the blade at the end of each part, and cause all blades to go in simultaneously into the holes in Kuro Ari4s body, impaling the trapped !ictim to death. %echanical Theatre) T o Secret Black Ceremonies #he 0echanical #heatre7 #wo &ecret +lack eremonies (Karakuri ,ngeki7 Kuro :igi Kiki >ihatsu) technique is another of Kankuro4s techniques. #his one uses Kuro$Ari alone. 1ith the technique, Kankuro sends chakra strings from inside Kuro$Ari4s capture chamber to catch an opponent. :e then pulls the opponent into Kuro$Ari4s capture chamber, closes it, and causes two sets of blades to sideswipe the insides of the chamber from opposite sides, slicing and killing the captured opponent. %echanical Theatre) +oison Fog5 Blind S1ot -estro&er #he #he 0echanical #heatre7 ;oison 2og, +lind &pot .estroyer (Karakuri ,ngeki7 .oku Kiri Cuyoku, +aribari &hikaku 8enpatsu) technique is another speciali%ed technique of Kankuro, utili%ing his 0arionettes. #his one also uses Karasu and Kuro Ari. 1ith the technique he makes both circle an enemy !ery fast. 1hile circling the enemy, Karasu launches two poison gas bombs. #hen, both keep circling the enemy while shooting needles from all of their needle launchers. 'ooden %an "s1ect Techni$ue #he 1ooden 0an Aspect #echnique (+okujin &ou Jutsu) is a speciali%ed puppet technique that allows the user to control one or more martial arts training posts. &uch mechanical posts ha!e retractable metal hands attached to wooden plates. #he post can mo!e in a predesignated pattern that simulates a combat routine. A user of this technique can control the actions of the post, making it fight in any pattern he chooses, mo!ing it, and gi!ing it the ability to jump, among other things. 'ooden %an -i,ine -e1endance "s1ect Techni$ue #he 1ooden 0an .i!ine .ependance Aspect #echnique (+okujin :youi #enshin &ou Jutsu) is a master puppet technique. ?sing wooden martial arts training posts as well, this technique links the mo!ements of a li!ing target to those of a training post, so that e!ery mo!ement the taget makes is copied by the post. #his technique is most useful when pitting two people against wooden posts= #he user links the mo!ements of each post with the mo!ements of the person fighting the other post, so, in effect, each person is fighting

the other, but remotely, through the training posts, and any strikes against a post are strikes against the person linked to it. (ed Secret Techni$ue) +erformance of a /undred +u11ets #he 8ed &ecret #echnique7 ;erformance of a :undred ;uppets (Aka :igi7 :yakki no &en) is a unique jutsu only usable by &asori. #o start this jutsu, &asori remo!es one summoning scroll from his back. :e then opens his right chest compartment to emit one hundred chakra strings, which reach into the scrolls. 2rom the scrolls, one hundred human puppets emerge, each one a defeated and con!erted opponent of &asori. &asori claims that he brought down an entire country with this jutsu. &asori4s :uman ;uppets7 0ade by &asori of the 8ed &and, a master puppeteer from the akatsuki. +y remo!ing the internal organs of a foe and preser!ing the body to pre!ent decomposition, as well as adding weapons and defences, &asori can make powerful human puppets. #hese puppets retain their use of chakra and any kekkei genkai that the human host once had. &asori de!eloped this during his time after lea!ing the &and <illage, and he claims to ha!e HM) of them, using EFG in his battle with &akura and hiyo. :is most powerful human puppets seen are himself, as he turned himself into a puppet as a defence, :iruko, a deadly puppet he wears like a suit that was once a great shinobi of the &and <illage, and the #hird Ka%ekage, who he kidnapped and killed, able to use the deadly "ron &and techniques. 1hether there are more powerful ones or not remains a mystery, as &asori took them and the technique with him when he died. #he #hird Ka%ekage$ #he #hird Ka%ekage was once the leader of &unagakure. :e had the unique ability to manipulate his chakra in to magnatic forces allowing him to control "ron &and. ?nder mysterious circumstances the #hird Ka%ekage disappeared before a war broke out. 1hen &akura and hiyo met up with &asori during the 8escue the Ka%ekage arc &asori re!ealed that he had taken the #hird Ka%ekage4s and turned him into one of his :uman ;uppets. &asori used the "ron &and to fight against them. #he Ka%ekage4s puppet could disable other puppets, smash foes with hundreds of arms, slice with se!eral brutal weapons, or impale with "ron &and blades ho!ering abo!e the ground that impaled the !ictim. 'hite Secret Techni$ue) Ten +u11et Collection of Chikamatsu #he 1hite &ecret #echnique7 #en ;uppet ollection of hikamatsu (&hiro :igi7 Jikki hikamatsu no &h). hiyo uses this technique while battling &asori in the Akatsuki hideout in the 8i!er ountry. hiyo pulls out a scroll, and summons ten puppets which she controls with her fingers. hiyo4s skill in controlling these EF puppets at the same time ha!e her renowned as 9 hiyo4s Juintessential #en 2ingers9 or 92inger by 2inger9 and ha!e been said to help take o!er an entire castle. #his puppet play is so powerful that hiyo had swore to herself that she would ne!er use it again, but broke that !ow to stand up to &asori. #he technique is phenomenally powerful as despite a ten to one disad!antage in the battle against &asori, hiyo and &akura were able to win a brutal war of attrition against &asori4s 8ed &ecret #echnique7 ;erformance of a :undred ;uppets and one hundred chakra using human puppets which were supposed to be superior. #he ;uppets7 .espite the puppets association with hiyo as the name indicates she did not create this technique. As told by &asori the technique and the puppets were the masterpiece collection created by 0on%aemon hikamatsu the founder of the ;uppet #echnique and it

can be assumed that the symbol on each of the puppets is his crest. -ne ad!antage that the ten puppets had o!er &asori4s one hundred puppets is that they were designed to operate in tandem and in combination, as opposed to indi!idual puppets merely operated at the same time. .onned in white coats, each of the puppets ha!e different sets of skills and weapons. #he EF puppets4 and their skills are listed below. ;uppet E$ #his puppet somewhat resembling an 9oni9 (demon), ha!ing orange horns. "t posseses no weapons but instead fends and knocks away attackers. ;uppet H$ #his puppet is able to e/tend its arms to form a sort of cage where it can launch bombs from its mouth. -nly one of its known abilities. ;uppet G$ ;uppet G has one eye and launch an orb from its mouth, the lower jaw of which is purple. 1hen a person throws this orb, it e/pands rapidly to pin its opponents against a surface, before the orb release, a seal that blocks the prisoner4s chakra ability is formed. 1hen fully e/panded, the orb has an uncanny resemblence to the &hukaku. #he puppet can also release the seal directly from its mouth. ;uppet ($ #his puppet holds the mark of +uddha in its mouth that acti!ates 9&anbou Kyuukai9 technique when used in conjunction with ;uppets * and ). &anbou Kyuukai is a technique where ;uppets (, * and ) form a pyramid with a small space at the center. ;rior to acti!ation, hiyo and the three puppets form a seal that opens a powerful !acuum that sucks anything in front of the technique. ;uppet K$ A red puppet with blond hair that works together with ;uppet M. "t is able to lift its face to re!eal a spinning orb with four chakra blades. ;uppet * $ #his ;uppet holds 9Acts9 seal in its mouth and works with ;uppets ( and ) to acti!ate 9&anbou Kyuukai9 technique. ;uppet N$ ;uppet that resembles a girl with red hair and buns. ;osseses two large swords that clea!e heads and can slice limbs off to attack. ;uppet )$ #his ;uppet holds the 9;riest9 seal and works in conjunction with puppets ( and * to acti!ate 9&anbou Kyuukai9. ;uppet M$ ;uppet that has long black hair and an elongated face. 1orks in conjunction with puppet K. ;uppet M is able to e/tend its hand !ia chain link and connects with ;uppet K to hurl it around to slice mid$ranged to close$ranged targets. ;uppet EF$ +ald blue puppet with big holes in its skull. #his puppet4s hidden weapons are the long e/tending cords coiled in the skull that pierce numerous enemies at a time. Buddha.s Three Treasures) *acuum -estruction +uddha4s #hree #reasures7 <acuum .estruction (&anbou Kyuukai) is a most powerful technique. 1hile the effects of this jutsu are not puppet related, it is e/ecuted with puppets. #his is one of hiyo4s most powerful techniques. "t utili%es three of her ten legendary puppets$ the +uddhist, the 'aw and the 0onk. &he controls them so one gets on the shoulders of the other two, and all three bring their hands together and open their mouths. "n each puppet4s mouth is a wooden wheel on which a kanji is inscribed, they mean +uddhist, 'aw and 0onk, and when combined they form 9#he .octrine of the +uddha9. -nce ready, the technique is in!oked. #his jutsu draws all air infront of the puppets drawing e!erything in this air tunnel forcefully towards them. "f facing many opponents, this technique ser!es to bind and immobili%e all caught in it. #he puppets can withstand the pressure like a fortified wall. "f few opponents are present, they can be drawn into the technique, towards the three puppets, and the puppets can be made to attack with their formidable abilities.

(ain of Needles
#he 8ain of >eedles or #housand &prinkling >eedles technique (Jouro &enbon) is a technique that requires a number of special umbrelas to perform= each is filled with numerous metal needles. #he user spreads the umbrelas and throws them up o!er his opponents= :e then uses chakra to keep them up and make them spin fast, releasing the needles that rain down on his opponents. :e further uses chakra to then direct the needles, making them swarm his opponents from e!ery direction, lea!ing no room for escape, and negating the benefits of partial co!er. #he needles are also regulated with the user4s chakra so as to actually seek their targets. (esult of the -o n1our #he 8esult of the .ownpour (&amidare Kekka) technique is a lesser !ersion of the rain of needles technique. "t requires only one umbrela, and is more specific in its targeting. #he user in!okes the technique, holds the umbrela closed by its top, and aims its bottom towards the target of his choice= #he jutsu allows the user to shoot the needles from the umbrela in a concentrated conical spray on the target. &uch umbrelas ha!e enough needles, that the user can mo!e the umbrela to hit multiple enemies. (ain Tiger at 'ill Techni$ue #he 8ain #iger at 1ill #echnique (?koji%ai no Jutsu) is a perception ninjutsu, allowing one to freely manipulate rain infused with the user4s own chakra. #he rain falls from rain clouds, formed with the user4s own chakra. .uring this technique, the falling raindrops are closely linked to the user4s senses. 1hen the rain is obstructed by a chakra belonging to someone not of the !illage, the e/istence of the intruder can be detected. #he rain will keep on falling until the user uses the seal to cancel it.

Su1er (e,i,al Fist

#he &uper 8e!i!al 2ist ( hou Kassei Ken) works in similar properties to the 8asengan, though not as potent. +y gathering chakra in the user4s hand, the user can create an orb with two rings around it (gi!ing it an atomic look). #he user will then plow the orb into his target, resulting in the target being struck with tremendous bone$shattering force. Chakra (esuscitation S ord #he hakra 8esuscitation &word (Kasseiken) allows the user, by gathering chakra into both hands, the user can unleash a powerful and focused shockwa!e that, when it hits a person at close range, will cause tremendous internal damage.

#he 8asengan (literally 9&piraling &phere9, 9&piral hakra &phere9, 9&piral ;erfection9) is a technique in!ented by 0inato >amika%e after three years of de!elopment. "t requires no hand signs to perform, instead relying entirely on the chakra control of the user, and once it4s complete, it becomes self$sustaining. #he 8asengan was meant to be an e/ample of nature manipulation as the 2ourth meant to combine his chakra element with the 8asengan. :owe!er, he died before he could accomplish this. .espite this, the 8asengan is still a !ery useful, if difficult to learn, jutsu. #he 8asengan grinds into whate!er it touches, causing major damage as well as significant internal injury. "f need be the potency of the attack can be lessened to keep from harming the target. "n addition, a full

8asengan causes destruction around it as well, not just the matter directly touched by it, but also a certain distance away from the sphere when its power is released. 1hen released against someone (full power or lessened), it not only damages him, but also throws him away a significant distance. And because the 8asengan is just pure chakra, it doesn4t ha!e a definite limit of use like its counterpart, the hidori has. #he le!el of chakra control required is !ery high, and because of this the teaching of this jutsu is split into three steps. #he first, emphasi%ing rotation, has the user learn to pop a water balloon by spinning the water inside in multiple directions with their chakra. #he second step, emphasi%ing power, requires the same be done with a solid rubber ball, forcing the user to rely on denser amounts of chakra to permeate the air within and break it, focusing alot of chakra in the ball, and releasing it all at once. #he final step, emphasi%ing control, has the user form a complete 8asengan by combining what they learned in the pre!ious two steps and making a ball shape shell around the spinning chakra to hold it in regular shape. #his step requires the user to spin the chakra in full speed, and with full power, and at the same time keep it under control in the shape of a perfect sphere. A regular balloon is often used to train making the shell. 1hile most users of this jutsu are skilled enough to perform it with one hand, it is possible to use three or more hands with the aid of a shadow clone @ one hand to supply chakra and the others to spin and shape it. #he use of shadow clones was originally a workaround that allowed ninjas to master this technique in a !ery short amount of time. -ther than the grinding force of a fully formed 8asengan, it, and the first two stages can each be used for other purposes. 2irst, a 8asengan with less than full control o!er the chakra is weaker and does not harm the target, but rather just knocks it away, spining as it flies through the air. &econd, the first step in the 8asengan training can ha!e many uses, such as creating a whirpool underwater= #he user, while underwater, starts to form a 8asengan and focuses on the rotation aspect, and so, the spiraling chakra creates a whirpool (great for dispersing water clones), and it can e!en be used to swirl energy away from the user (for e/ample fire), when he is asaulted by it. #he 8asengan was created as the ultimate e/ample of chakra form manipulation. :owe!er, 0inato had intended to combine it with nature manipulation, which pro!ed to be as impossible as 9looking left and right at the same time9. 0inato and Kakashi ha!e both been unsuccessful in the attempt. Great Ball (asengan #he 5reat +all 8asengan (-odama 8asengan) is an impro!ement o!er the normal 8asengan. "t has a lot more chakra in it, is much bigger, and more concentrated. 1hen hitting something, it not only grinds it, but also creates a !ery large blast area (if close to the ground, it breaks it to a distance of twenty yards around the point of impact). A person hit by it will fly back at least a hundred yards if not more. Sage "rt) Great Ball (asengan &age Art7 5reat +all 8asengan is the &age 0ode equi!alent to the standard 5reat +all 8asengan. #he regular 5reat +all 8asengan requires that >aruto make one shadow clone to form the attack and then wield it. 1hen using its &age 0ode !ariant, howe!er, he is able to use two clones to form the attack in both of his hands and then gi!e the 5reat +all 8asengan to the clones to wield by themsel!es. #his technique was capable of blasting ;ain4s summons high into the air. 2or one capable of forming a rasengan on his own without the use of shadow clones (like :ikari for e/ample) this technique allows the

creation of a great ball rasengan of much greater si%e and density. Sage "rt) Su1er Great Ball (asengan #he &age Art7 &uper 5reat +all 8asengan is a gigantic 8asengan enhanced with sage chakra. "t4s destructi!e abilities are close to senjutsu enhanced Rasenshuriken. Su1er Great Ball (asengan :a!ing been taught the 8asengan from his old student, Jiraiya e!entually de!eloped his own !ersion, the &uper 5reat +all 8asengan ( h ;dama Rasengan). "n comparison to >aruto4s 5reat +all 8asengan, the ?ltimate 8asengan is roughly larger than Jiraiya4s own body and can be used in one hand. Jiraiya has only e!er used this technique while in his &age 0ode. #his technique adds natural energy to the 5reat +all 8asengan. #he natural energy rapidly increases it to gigantic proportions, and is created in an instant. ?nlike >aruto4s 5reat +all 8asengan, it can be used with only one hand. "f the &uper 5reat +all 8asengan e/ploded, it would easily hollow out an entire mountain. Fire (elease) Great Flaming (asengan #he 2ire 8elease7 5reat 2laming 8asengan (Katon7 5en Rasengan) is an infusion of the 8asengan jutsu with fire elemental chakra. "t also has the same grinding effect as the 8asengan but with flames infused to it. #he fire$natured chakra causes whate!er is hit by the rasengan to continue to be eaten away by corrosi!e energy (whether the thing can normally burn or not). Sage Techni$ue) S1iraling Grou1 S1here #he &age #echnique7 &piraling 5roup &phere (&enjutsu7 8asenrengan) is simply two 8asengan used simultaneously. -nce created, both 8asengan are used at the same time with greater force than a single, regular 8asengan. "t is different than #win 8asengan, because #win 8asengan uses one 8asengan at a time to attack, while this technique uses both 8asengan at the same time. #his presumably uses twice the chakra of a regular 8asengan. &enjutsu chakra is added to the technique, which greatly enhances the strength of the attack. 'ind (elease) (asengan #he 1ind 8elease7 8asengan (2uuton7 8asengan), an original jutsu by >aruto, e/panding on the original concept for the 8asengan by the 2ourth4s ideals7 mi/ing ones chakra element with the 8asengan. >aruto mi/ed his wind element, maintaining its original stablity and increasing its power, far beyond that of the 5reat +all 8asengan, and allowing it some more range. 'ind (elease) S1iraling Shuriken #he 1ind 8elease7 &piraling &huriken (2ton+ Rasenshuriken) is an infusion of the 8asengan jutsu with wind elemental chakra, created by >aruto ?%umaki. "t is also a !ariation of the 1ind 8elease7 8asengan, similar to the 5reat +all 8asengan being a !ariation of the standard 8asengan. +y manipulating the wind chakra of the 1ind 8elease7 8asengan, >aruto was able to create four large points, making the 8asengan appear as a giant shuriken, the 8asengan in the center remaining a perfect sphere. .espite the name, because the 8asengan is a handheld jutsu, the 8asenshuriken can not be thrown, instead the user has to figure out a way to get close enough to his opponent and hit them. "f successful, the !ictim becomes trapped in a huge spherical !orte/ of wind chakra blades that attack the body or anything else it hits on a cellular le!el. #he wind chakra se!ers the chakra and ner!e channels in the body of the target. #he main drawback of the 8asenshuriken is that it is a double$edged sword. 1hile it can

utterly reap any opponent trapped in the !orte/, it also damages the users body, usually the hand that performs the technique. 1ith greater le!el of skill this drawback can be eliminated. Sage "rt) 'ind (elease) S1iraling Shuriken &age Art7 1ind 8elease7 &piraling &huriken (&enp7 2ton+ Rasenshuriken) 1hen >aruto is in &age 0ode, he encases the 8asenshuriken in senjutsu chakra to maintain its shape. #his allows him to throw it at his opponents, remo!ing the possibility of it damaging himself. 1hen the central sphere connects with his target, it works in a manner similar to when he was fighting Kaku%u. 1hen he is unable to make a direct hit though, he is able to e/pand it after it has been thrown, compensating for imprecise aim or fleeing opponents by widening the area of effect. #he senjutsu chakra also allows >aruto to increase the 8asenshuriken4s destructi!e power, as the technique that left Kaku%u4s body reasonably intact has impro!ed to the point of tearing ;ain4s :uman ;ath to pieces. After the blades of the shuriken e/pands, the sphere also e/pands. 1hen fighting ;ain4s .e!a ;ath, >aruto has also combined the 8asenshuriken with the &hadow &huriken #echnique, throwing two 8asenshuriken, one hidden behind the other to catch his opponent off guard. "t has also become one of >aruto4s fastest techniques able to co!er an entire mountain range in the span of a second.

#he 8enge ('otus) #echniques are powerful taijutsu techniques capable of inflicting critical, e!en fatal damage on their !ictims. #hey are also !ery dangerous as they use chakra to remo!e the limis imposed on the muscles by the brain. >ormally, a human being uses about HFO of his muscles4 potential, where EFFO muscular potential implamented would cause the muscles to break down= 1ith the 8enge, chakra is used to remo!e that boundary by opening some of the eight gates, allowing the user to push himself much further beyond the limit. As a result, these techniques are classified as forbiden, and as last resort techniques, as their use lea!es the user in a weakened state afterwards. #mote (enge #he ?mute 8enge (litteraly 9&econdary 'otus9) is the first of the 8enge techniques. #his technique opens the first gate, the -pen 5ate= "t unfastens the control of the brain, and enables a person to use his muscles at their limits. #he user can mo!e e/traordinarily fast while performing it. "t starts with the user mo!ing !ery quickly near the front of his opponent4s feet, squating low, and sending a fast, powerful kick straight up to hit his opponent4s chin, sending him flying straight up= At this point the user can leap up with all four limbs and deli!er a few more upward going kicks (although the strain put on the body by this technique makes most users a!oid adding too much to it), or continue to the ne/t stage of the attack= "n the ne/t and final stage, #he user positions himself inflight behind his opponent4s back, wraps his arms around his opponent4s arms and torso, pulls both himself and the opponent back, so that their heads face the ground, and brings both into a fast spin= At the end they both come crashing at high speed, head first, into the ground. Just before hitting the ground, the user lets go and flips away to land safely on his feet. #he opponent, on the other hand, hits the ground head first, or on th upper back, something that usually ends in the death of the opponent.

Ura (enge #he Aura 8enge (;rimary 'otus) is the pinnacle of the 'otus techniques. "n addition to openning the first gate, it opens the second gate, the ,nergy 5ate, and increases one4s strength forcefully. And after opening the third gate, the 'ife 5ate, the ;rimary 'otus is carried out. #his technique, simply put, is a combination of high$speed hnan$to$hand combat mo!es where the enemy cannot e!en touch the user. #he rare people capable of using this technique, usually e/ecute high$speed combat mo!es, landing them from e!ery direction almost simulateously, so high is their speed. +eregrine Falcon -ro1 #he ;eregrine 2alcon .rop (:ayabusa -toshi) is a mo!e in!ented by &usuke ?chiha that is based on the fundamentals of -mote 8enge. #he mo!e, simply enough, consists of wrapping oneself around an airborne opponent to ensure they are unable to sa!e themsel!es upon impact with the ground. The Lion.s Barrage #his technique, #he 'ion4s +arrage (&hi &hi 8andan), is a !ariation on the ?mute 8enge technique. #he first two stages of the attack are the same as the umute renge, but at the third stage, after positioning himself behind the back of his opponent, the user puts one hand on his opponent4s back and uses it ascounter a kick from his opposite leg to the side of his opponent, then he flips to the other side of his opponent, deli!ering a back hand blow to his face, and, as they both start falling back to the ground, he slams his close fist on the opponent for impact and le!erage, makes a D$a/is flip, and lands a heel kick on the opponent4s stomach, crashing him into the floor. (e1lacement Techni$ue #he 8eplacement #echnique (Kawarimi no Jutsu) is a technique when one uses an object, an animal, or e!en another person within reach to quickly change places with it, and make the enemy think he was hit. #hen, one is able to attack the enemy4s unguarded point or run away. #he user in!okes the technique, designating an object or animal to switch places with, and if he is hit by anything, he switches places with that designated object or animal, which gets hit instead. ,/plosi!e tags can be attached to the replacement for an added surprise. (innegan #he 8innegan (literally 9&amsara ,ye9) first possessed by the &age of the &i/ ;aths, the founder of the ninja world and the creator of the first ninjutsu. "t is characteri%ed by a number of concentric circles around the pupils, or with el!es, as a glow of the entire eye, strongest at the pupil combined with sharingan, allows the wielder to perform any jutsu and use all si/ types of chakra$nature manipulation. Also just like the &haringan and +yakugan, 8innegan allows the user to see chakra and things created by it (such as barriers and the like). ;ein, the only known possessor of this ability, uses the 8innegan in his fight with Jiraiya, summoning a total of si/ bodies that all possessed the 8innegan. An ability gained by using the 8innegan is that all the bodies can see each indi!idual body4s field of !ision. +ecause of this ad!antage, one must be blinded in order for a blind spot to be opened. #his suggests that a user creating tangible clones (by use of any clone technique, e/cept the basic one) and possessing 8innegan can also gain this benefit. ;ein also managed to

summon numerous animals each possessing the 8innegan and presumably sharing their sight.

(ising T in -ragons Techni$ue

#he 8ising #win .ragons (&oushouryu) is a technique used by weapon masters with great aiming skills. #o be truly effecti!e, it requires for its e/ecution two long object storing scrolls containing se!eral do%ens of weapons (at least) each. 1hen e/ecuting the technique, the user kneels on one knee, places one scroll, standing on each side of him, and performs the nescessary seals to mold his chakra. -nce e/ecuted, a huge cloud shoots around the user, and from it, from the location of each scroll, shoots a cloud image of a dragon. #he two dragons coil around each other, each carrying inside it one of the scrolls= #he dragons, upon reaching the ma/imum length of the scrolls, then fade to re!eal a spinning double heli/ formed by the scrolls. #he user, in the center of this sustained, spinning double heli/, jumps to its top and starts drawing forth the weapons stored in the scrolls. As each rune representing a weapon disappears as the weapon is drawn forth, the rest of the runes mo!e up to edge of the scroll to become a!ailable to the user. #he user can throw these weapon as he pleases in any direction, striking multiple targets, or assaulting a single target or a tight group with a barrage of deadly weapons. 2inally, each weapon drawn forth is linked to the user by a string of chakra, allowing the user to control these weapons e!en after they hit or miss, and direct them intelligently as he wishes. #his last aspect is optional on the part of the user. -ou4le -ragon Scattering -estruction #he .ouble .ragon &cattering .estruction (&ouryuu #ensakai) is a technique related to the 8ising #win .ragons technique. 2or its e/ecution, it requires a large scroll, storing many weapons. #he user in!okes the technique and throws the scroll high abo!e his enemies. #he scroll releases all the weapons inside it in a deadly rain metal and death. #he weapons are so imbued with chakra, that they can actually break the ground and cause great damage to the en!ironment and structures.

Sealing Techni$ues
Seal Ca1ture S$uare #he &eal apture &quare (2uubaku :oujin) technique requires the target to enter an area surrounded by four tags with the capture seal on them. -nce inside that area, the trap can be acti!ated by in!oking the seals. #he seals begin to glow a white light, confining the target in the square made by the seals. Fi,e Seal Barrier #he 2i!e &eal +arrier (5of 3ekkai) is a sealing method that creates a forcefield barrier infront or around an area. #o e/ecute, fi!e 42orbidden4 (, kin) seals must be placed around the area. #he distance between the seals does not matter, and actually, placing the seals far from each other makes the barrier much harder to cancel. #he one placing the barrier can establish a means for the barrier to be bypassed= this usually in!ol!es molding chakra in a certain way and the possesion of a particular item (like a ring, for e/ample). #he only way to bring down such a barrier is to remo!e all fi!e 42orbidden4 seals at the same time. #his technique turns the entire range surrounded by the tags into a barrier space, and inside the space, the material destruction is 9forbidden9. ?sing any kind of physical attack to try and destroy something in the barrier is folly, as it will only lead to

injury. #o cancel this, it is necessary to search for the fi!e tags and tear them off simultaneously. 0eaning there must be at least fi!e people on a team to cancel it. Fi,e +oint Barrier Seal Techni$ue5 /achi.s Gate #he 2i!e ;oint +arrier &eal #echnique, :achi4s 5ate (Kekkaimon 5ofuu Jutsu, :achimon :eijou) is an incredibly powerful barrier seal technique. 2or its e/ecution it requires a map of the area to be enclosed in the barrier. #he user must go through a !ery long sequence of hand seals to in!oke the technique, and at the end he must place both hands on the map spread before him. #his causes fi!e great stone %igorats to rise around the area, equally spaced around it. At the top of each %igorat is a statue of a creature coresponding to one of the fi!e elements of the eastern elemental ring. #he statues are7 a dragon (fire), an eagle (air), a whale (water), a snake (earth), and thunder bird (lightning). 1hen all fi!e finish rising, a shimmering multi$colored dome of force spreads between them to enclose the area (which can be as big as a city) in an impenetrable, inescapable forcefield. #he barrier can be bypassed by anyone possesing an 9enter9 seal. Su4due Seal of the Fi,e Elements #he &ubdue &eal (; (in, 9#he 2i!e ,lements &eal9) is a sealing jutsu specifically meant to suppress a tailed beast4s (or any powerful creature4s) influence o!er it4s host. Seal of the Fi,e Elements #he &eal of the 2i!e ,lements (5ogyou 2uuin) is a seal meant to seal away or at least limit energy flows such as chakra, and, due to this function, it can also suppress the influence of a second source of chakra (like from a tailed beast in a host), lea!ing only latent abilities a!ailable (rapid healing, great stamina, etc.), or an elemental energy within someones body, barring or limiting access to it. "t is also a way to reinforce an e/isting seal, amplifying its power and increasing it4s effecti!eness. #his seal must be applied directly to the target4s body by touch of the user. #he seal, once formed, resembles a circle of fi!e spirals flaring out with runes between each two. .epending on the user4s skill in &ealing #echniques, the sealing system is more, or less, effecti!e and stable. "t effecti!ely seals off the target4s access to chakra and thus making them useless in battle. Fi,e Elements Unsealing #he 2i!e ,lements ?nsealer (5ogyou Kaiin), is a sealing jutsu meant to break the &ubdue &eal of the 2i!e ,lements. "n other words it is a counter for that sealing jutsu. #his fi!e point unsealer must be applied through direct touch. Fire Sealing %ethod #he 2ire &ealing 0ethod (2uuinjutsu7 2uukahouin, 2ka /in, 92ire &eal9) is used to contain a fire within a scroll for future study and use. A scroll must be inscribed with the proper runes, and at the center of the inscription, a four cur!ing inward arrows seal= #hen, the proper hand seals must be formed, and the seal can be in!oked. -nce in!oked, the seal in the center of the inscription on the scroll begins to glow in a blue light, and a tendril of blue light rises from it= #he tendril mo!e to the fire to be sealed, spreads to encompass it, absorbs it, and then returns to the scroll4s seal. -nce a fire is bound in the scroll, the arrows in the seal disappear, and a rune appears in its center. Shado Seal #he &hadow &eal ("nfin) is a rarely known yet highly useful seal. +y using it on oneself, a person can store in it chakra. #he user can seal more and more chakra in it, creating a chakra reser!e he can use when short on chakra and in a desperate need of it. +y releasing the seal ("nfuuin Kai), the user gains access to the stored chakra. -nce the

user no longer needs chakra, or the stored chakra runs out, he can reform the seal, so it can accumulate chakra again. 1hen sealed, the seal is in the form of a sky blue diamond. 1hen released, the seal spreads on the user4s body in a patern of !ines. -ark Seal #he .ark &eal (2uukoku :ouin), which must be written in the blood of the user on a talisman paper tag, has many uses, from protecting a door, to protecting a container. #he tag is placed on the thing to be warded, and the seal in!oked, at which point it attaches to the object, protecting it from unauthori%ed access. Any who attempt to open whate!er the seal protects, breaking the seal in the process, suffer the consequences. Four Seals of the -ark %ist #he &eal of the .ark 0ist (&hikokumujin) is a sealing technique requiring four people to e/ecute. #hey stand opposite each other around a specialy prepared container bearing runes of containment (such as a barrel), into which a li!ing person is put. 8aising their hands in unison the air around start to !ibrate slightly, and from their hands sips dark mist that gathers o!er the container as a swirling dark cloud. #he seal is then in!oked, and they bring their hands down, causing the mist to swirl down into the open container. -nce the mist enters the container fully, it is sealed by a black lid that forms. #his sealing method is used to put someone in a death$like suspended animation, where he is not actually suspended, but is more in a state of hibernation. "t is a way to sur!i!e dark and painful transformations, like the infusion of demonic essence into the soul, or enduring the stage two transformation of -rochimaru4s ursed &eals. &uch processes usually end in the death of the one trying to accomplish them, but this sealing technique softens the side effects of such processes, assuring the sur!i!al of the subject by making eternal death into just apperant death. E,il Su11ressor Seal #he ,!il &uppressor (2uuja :ouin) is a seal meant to suppress e!il influences, such as cursed seals, demonic possesions in people, and the like. #he seal is stronger, the stronger the will of the person bearing it, as this sealing technique utili%es its bearer4s will as its main source. "t has its own power like all seals, but unless the person bearing it stays strong, and depending on the strength of the e!il suppressed, the seal may falter and break. Applying this seal requires some preperation= #he person to bear it must be placed in the center of two double circles, one small and one big= ,ach such circle must be marked in si/ points of equal distance, so that each four points stand on one line passing through the center of the circles= Along these three diameters, si/ paths of sealing runes must be inscribed in the blood of the one creating the seal, leading toward the person to bear the seal, sitting in the center= #he runes are inscribed in continuation from the floor to the body of the person to bear the seal, all the way to one point on his body. -nce this preperation is done, the seal can be in!oked. -nce in!oked, the runes rush from the edges of the big circle to the central point on the recipient4s body, where they form a small circular runic seal. "f sealing a cursed seal, the cursed seal must be the center point, and the seal, once formed, circles it. Four Seasons Seal #he 2our &easons &eal (&hishou 2uuin) used as part of the ,ight #rigrams &ealing &tyle, the 2our &easons &eal is a powerful seal on it4s own right, being able to seal away e!en a huge chakra construct such as a tailed beast. As part of the ,ight #rigrams &eal, an option for controlled release of the sealed energy becomes possible.

Slee1er Techni$ue #he &leeper #echnique (&enn Ssa no Jutsu, also +rainwashing "n!estigation #echnique) is a powerful sealing technique used to block memories of the user in the minds of his spies so they wouldn4t raise suspicions. #he user can deacti!ate the jutsu from any location, thus restoring their memory and making the spy loyal to him again. Four!Corner Sealing Barrier #he 2our$ orner &ealing +arrier (Kekkai &hih (jin) is a powerful sealing technique designed to seal demons and other creatures of immense power (such as the tailed beasts). "t is performed with four seperate scrolls and a sample of blood similar to a &ummoning #echnique. 5ood chakra control and concentration is needed to perform the sealing technique. #o use this technique, a large central scroll is needed to seal the numerous amounts of chakra. #his technique is apparently supposed to seal the being in its own dimension, permenantly. #he technique consists of two parts7 #he first part allows the users to search their target mystically and pinpoint it4s location. #he users apply their blood to the small scrolls, and create a chakra link to the large seal on the central scroll. A glowing seal rises from the scroll connected to the four users surrounding it. #he four users can then, while maintaing fine control o!er the techique, mo!e together and e!en mo!e further from one another to increase the area of the searching seal. -nce the seal is abo!e the target is starts to glow and pulsate, indicating the target is directly beneath it. #he second part of the technique can then be in!oked, switching the seal to binding mode. #he seal changes to form a hemispherical barrier around abo!e and around the target. #his net can be slowly sunk on top of the target, e!en gently enough to not alert the creature until it is too late. #he third and final part of the technique allows the users to form and open an e/tra dimensional space, draw the being to be sealed inside it, and seal it inside fore!er. At the end of the technique, the portal to the e/tradimensional space closes, trapping the target inside. Eight Trigrams Sealing St&le #he ,ight #rigrams &ealing &tyle (:akke no 2in Shiki), consisting of two 2our &easons &eals, was used by 0inato >amika%e to seal the >ine$#ailed .emon 2o/ inside his son. "t is a powerful compound seal capable of sealing a tailed beast inside a host, and, if a small gap is left between the two 2our &easons &eals, simultaneously allowing the host controlled access to the beast4s power. Sealing Techni$ue) +hantom -ragon.s Nine Seals #he &ealing #echnique7 ;hantom .ragon4s >ine &eals (2uuin Jutsu7 5enryuu Kyuufuujin) is the monstrous sealing jutsu of Akatsuki. &ummoned into any base they use when capturing a tailed beast is a gigantic, horrifying statue of a monstrous nine eyed (four on each side of the face and a bigger one in the center) draconic humanoid, the statue of the -uter ;ath, which is the focal point for this technique. #he statue has two human looking hands, on the fingers of which the different Akatsuki members stand while performing this jutsu. ,ach of the Akatsuki members present then concentrate, causing the kanji of their rings to appear on the nail of the finger they4re standing on. #his three days and three nights long sealing jutsu has one purpose$ to e/tract a tailed beast from its host, and seal it in the statue, or to simply seal a tailed beast that was captured, and was not in a host, in the statue. 1hen the jutsu is in!oked, the dragon statue4s mouth opens and a blue glow gathers in it. 2rom this blue light emerge nine tongues of blue energy shaped like dragons. #hese tongue assault the host4s body, surrounding him in a

blue field of energy, and in the course of three days e/tract the tailed beast from inside him or her. #his is !isible as a constant stream of chakra that is drawn from the host4s eyes and mouth into the statue4s mouth (the process seems quite agoni%ing to the host). "n the case of an unsealed tailed beast, the same thing happens to the beast itself. As the process progresses, the eyes on the statue slowly begin to open. ,ach eye is an indicator for one of the tailed beasts= #he empty ones ha!e no pupils, while those corresponding to an imprisoned tailed beast do. At the end of three days, the tailed beast is sealed in the statue, the eyes fully open, and the host dies. #here seems to be a limit on which tailed beast they can seal at once howe!er as they are unable to seal the demon fo/ without sealing all other beasts first, as it would destroy the statue, possibly freeing all the captured beasts. -ead -emon Consuming Seal #he .ead .emon onsuming &eal (2uuinjutsu7 &hiki 2Ijin, 9&ealing Jutsu7 8eaper .eath &eal9) is a seal created by the 2ourth :okage that in!okes the powers of the death god (&hinigami). A sealing jutsu so secret, powerful, and forbidden, only the #hird and 2ourth :okages were able to learn and use it. After performing the hand seals, a .eath 5od (&hinigami) 9materiali%es9 and ho!ers behind the user who (being the one who made a contract with the .eath 5od) is the only one capable of seeing him at the meantime, and remains in!isible to the opponent until it has grasped their soul. As the .eath 5od appears, the user4s soul 9materiali%es9 in front of him as ethereal bluish figure and is readily entangled with some of the .eath 5od4s long hair. "t takes a few moments for the sealing to be ready for use= -nce it is, runes run along the arms of the death god4s apparition, and he sinks the arm into the user4s apparition entangled infront of him. #his is most painful for the user, but that is also the sign for him that the technique is ready to use. At this point it is also too late to cancel it. After the sealing is completed the death god consumes the user4s soul soon afterwards, killing them. -nce a soul has been eaten it resides within the death god4s stomach, destined to do battle with its fellow souls for all eternity. ?nlike many of the other seals, the .ead .emon onsuming &eal has ser!ed different purposes for each of its uses. 1hen first used by the 2ourth, it aided in sealing the >ine$ #ailed .emon 2o/ within >aruto ?%umaki. 1hen later used by the #hird :okage4s shadow clones, the .ead .emon onsuming &eal sealed the souls of the 2irst and &econd :okage within the clones4 bodies. "n this instance, the death god consumed the :okage4s soul in addition to the souls of the clones, suggesting that it consumes whate!er souls are present within the user4s body. 1hen the actual #hird :okage used the seal, it sealed -rochimaru4s arms, pre!enting their use. :ere is how it worked for the #hird7 #he user must be in close pro/imity with the target and grasp him to begin the e/traction of the target4s soul. -nce the user in!okes upon the .eath 5od, the .eath 5od reaches its arm out as it passes through the user4s soul and emerges in front of the user4s chest. #he arm then grasps the soul of the target and starts pulling it off from the body. At this stage, the target is most likely unable to mo!e or perform any sort of jutsu. 2urthermore, the target is now able to see the .eath 5od himself. #he .eath 5od can optionally se!er any part of the target4s soul using his long blade at the user4s bidding. 1hen this happens, that part is de!oured by the .eath 5od and the corresponding part of the target4s body dies off, rendering it unusable. #he dead part will rot o!er time, causing e/cruciating pain to the target. #his rot will spread, e!antually killing the target. #he effecti!eness of the jutsu

is only as good as the current amount of chakra, strength, and will$power of the user, and this determines how much of the target4s soul can be e/tracted out of his body. #hus the jutsu can become a failure, and regardless of this, the user4s soul will still be consumed by the .eath 5od and he dies. +ut when the target4s soul or a part of it is taken, it can get sealed immediately at the user4s command and a seal appears on the user4s chest. 1hen the whole of the target4s soul is taken, the .eath 5od de!ours both their souls as they die, intertwining them in hatred, locking the two souls in an eternal battle inside the .eath 5od4s stomach where they can ne!er escape. #his jutsu can also be performed through shadow clones and with them he can seal the souls of multiple targets, though the user4s soul will be sealed, regardless. The /&uga Clan.s Cursed Seal ;rotection of the +yakugan ability is !ery important to the :yuga clan, and has led to the de!elopment of an elaborate family hierarchy. 0embers of the lesser branch house are branded with a cursed seal on their forehead at a young age. #he seal resembles a green P mark flanked by two green hori%ontal shepherd sta!es whose heads face the seal, where the right one4s cur!ed top faces down while the left one4s faces up. 1hene!er a branch house member dies, the cursed seal will seal the +yakugan ability so that enemies will not be able to disco!er its secrets, and then disappear without a trace. #his secret technique of the :yuga clan is used to protect the +yakugan ability, but, in effect, the sealing technique4s complete function is to seal any kekkei genkai the bearer of the seal possesses. "t is therefore effecti!e with respect to such abilities as &haringan, 0okuton, :youton, etc. #he seal has a second purpose. #hose who know this sealing technique can in!oke the seal on anyone bearing it. #he seal begins to glow in a green light and eight lines of tiny thin runes appear around the P, four abo!e the sta!es and four below. -nce in!oked, the seal begins to slowly destroy the bearer4s brain cells, causing him debilitating pain. "f kept acti!e long enough by the user, it can kill the bearer. "t is a cruel and effecti!e way for the :yuga head family to control the branch family and guarentee its loyalty. #rochimaru.s Cursed Seals -rochimaru4s cursed seals were first de!eloped through his e/perimentations on Jugo. Jugo4s body naturally produces an en%yme that transforms the user into any number of different forms, drastically increasing their chakra supply in the process. +y e/tracting this en%yme from Jugo4s body and refining it, -rochimaru is able to apply it to whiche!er of his followers he wishes. #he difference between -rochimaru4s seals and the unrefined en%yme are the effect they ha!e7 while the cursed seal is controllable, the unrefined en%yme produces uncontrollable rage in those e/posed to it. -nce the cursed seal is applied, the applicant stands a EFO chance of sur!i!al and they lose consciousness as their body accepts or rejects the seal. &hould they sur!i!e, recei!ers of the cursed seal are gi!en access to the seal4s first le!el. 1hen acti!ated the seal4s unique pattern spreads across their body from the point of application= the more body co!erage there is, the more the user is drawing upon the seal4s effects. #he seal forcibly draws chakra from the user4s body and grants them with increased physical abilities, though consequently lea!es them e/hausted once the seal is deacti!ated. #heir mind slowly corrodes while the seal is acti!e, opening them to -rochimaru4s influence and simultaneously ad!ancing the seal to its second state. Ad!ancement to the second le!el of the cursed seal is a long process, so long in fact that

-rochimaru de!eloped a special drug to speed up the process. -nce le!el two is achie!ed, the user can enter the state by fully co!ering their body with the cursed seal. #his is followed by an unnatural alteration of the user4s body, with the only common features being yellow eyes with a black sclera. Aside from the first and second le!els of the seal, skilled users of the seal are able to perform partial transformations in which le!el two state can be accessed without completely altering the entire body. #he power of the cursed seal can e!en synchroni%e with the user4s regular body with e/tended use, increasing the power of his6her natural state. #he powers gained by the second stage !ary between users. Known ones are becoming ten times stronger than normal, the ability to disassemble and reconstruct cells in the body to get inside another4s body, and to control many illusions using a certain medium.

Shado Clone Techni$ue

#he &hadow lone #echnique (Kage +unshin no Jutsu, 9Art of the &hadow .oppelganger9) creates actual copies, not illusions, of the user with whate!er damage and weapons the original may ha!e. ?p to fi!e clones can be created. #he user4s chakra is e!enly distributed among e!ery clone, gi!ing each clone a fraction of the user4s o!erall power. +ecause of this, the technique itself is considered dangerous= when creating multiple copies of one4s self it is possible to use up all of one4s chakra fairly quickly. #his is considerably more dangerous with the jutsu4s forbidden form, the 0ultiple &hadow lone #echnique (#aj 3age Bunshin no Jutsu). :hile the standard Shado$ *lone !echni.ue ty ically creates no more than fi"e clones, the &ulti le "ersion allo$s the creation of a limitless number of clones so long as the user has enough chakra. ,ue to the danger of the ability it is ty ically used by only the most ad"anced ninja, often at or abo"e Jonin rank. #he clones are capable of performing jutsu on their own and can e!en bleed, but will usually disperse after one or two solid blows. #hey can also disperse on their own. ?nlike other clones, they can4t be detected by the +yakugan because the clones ha!e the e/act same amount of chakra and aren4t made from any other substance, making them indistinguishable from the actual person. Any e/perience the shadow clones gain during their e/istence is transferred to the user once they are dispersed (occurs at the clones discretion or after it recei!es a fatal or direct blow). #his makes the technique ideal for spying, since the user can simply send a clone to spy on a target and then ha!e the clone disperse itself to quickly pass the information back to the user. "t4s also useful for training purposes, since the total amount of e/perience the user gains is multiplied by the total number of clones being used to train. ?sing it in this manner is far more difficult, howe!er, since a large number of clones are needed to make a significant difference in the training time. 'ikewise, depending on how many clones are used for this purpose, the user can be o!ercome by the amount of information communicated to them with the clones4 dispersion. %ulti1le Shado Clone Techni$ue #he 0ultiple &hadow lone #echnique (#aj 3age Bunshin no Jutsu) is considerably more dangerous. "t is the shadow clone technique4s forbidden form. :hile the standard Shado$ *lone !echni.ue ty ically creates no more than fi"e clones, the &ulti le "ersion allo$s the creation of a limitless

number of clones so long as the user has enough chakra. ,ue to the danger of the ability it is ty ically used by only the most ad"anced ninja, often at or abo"e Jonin rank. Clone Great E71losion #he lone 5reat ,/plosion (+unshin .aibakuha), is a technique that works in combination with the &hadow lone #echnique to create a shadow clone that will e/plode on command. #he blast created is considerable, and could potentially kill an attacker engaged in hand$to$hand combat. %ulti1le +hantom Shuriken #he 0ultiple or 0ass ;hantom &huriken (5eien #ajuu &huriken) technique allows the user to multiply thrown shuriken. &imilar to the &huriken &hadow lone technique, this one creates a fi/ed number of cloned shuriken instead of as many as the user is capable of creating. ,ach thrown shuriken is multiplied by fi!e (four clones per shuriken). Shuriken Shado (e1lication Techni$ue #he &huriken &hadow 8eplication (&huriken, Kage +unshin no Jutsu) is much like the shadow clone jutsu, e/cept that, instead of creating clones of the user, it replicates one or more shurikens thrown by the user. #he number of replications depends on the le!el of skill of the user, and the amount of chakra he in!ests in the technique. At minimum, two replication of a single shuriken are created, when using the minimum amount of chakra needed to e/ecute the technique. Shado -ance #he &hadow .ance (Kage +uy) is a #aijutsu technique that is used to position a ninja4s opponent into a !ulnerable aerial position. #he ninja will first quickly appear below their opponent, then with a switch upper kick they will launch their target into the air. #he ninja will then jump into the air to 9shadow9 the target with the target4s back to their chest.

Shado 0mitation Techni$ue

#he &hadow "mitation #echnique (Kagemane no Jutsu) is the signature technique of the >ara clan. #his jutsu allows the user to control their own shadow and merge it with their opponent4s shadow, combining them. #his links the mo!ements of the user with the target (both conscious and unconscious)= the target is subsequently forced to make any mo!ement the user makes. -n the other hand, the user also mimics any mo!ements that the target is forced to make, such as recoil from being punched. "t is an e/tremely !ersatile technique as the user can contract and change the shape of their shadow, potentially grabbing multiple targets at once. #he degree to which the user4s shadow can be stretched is limited by its total surface area= by using the shadows of other objects, the user can e/tend their shadow beyond its normal range. #he amount of time for which an opponent can be held is limited by the user4s chakra, since the user must constantly maintain the jutsu. #he jutsu is also more difficult to maintain at greater ranges or for multiple opponents, since the user4s shadow must be stretched constantly. #he target can force their way free with enough effort, though the amount of effort required to do so is considerable. #he &hadow "mitation #echnique used to be called the &hadow +ind #echnique (Kage &hibari no Jutsu), suggesting that the imitation aspect was de!ised later on and that the

original technique could only hold targets in place. -lder members of the >ara clan use the former name of the technique when performing it. -ther uses for one4s shadow ha!e been seen= using the shadow to directly interact with the surroundings, such as manipulating objects or piercing flesh. Shado Bind Techni$ue #he &hadow +ind technique (Kage &hibari no Jutsu) is the precursor to the &hadow "mitation technique. 'ike that technique this jutsu allows the user to control their own shadow and merge it with their opponent4s shadow, combining them. ?nlike the shadow imitation technique, the shadow bind technique only allows it4s user to hold his opponent in place, parali%ed as long as their shadows are merged. Shuriken Shado 0mitation Techni$ue A creation of &hikamaru, the &huriken &hadow "mitation #echnique (Kagemane &huriken no Jutsu), by channeling his shadow into kni!es, the user obtains a portable source of immobili%ation that he need only throw at an opponent4s shadow to capture them and sa!e himself the energy. 1hile teaching himself to use Asuma4s trench kni!es, &hikamaru in!ented this technique to use against Akatsuki4s :idan and Kaku%u. ?sing the trench kni!es ability to absorb the users chakra, in his case his chakra. 1ith this the user can target his opponent4s shadow and remotely trap them in the &hadow "mitation #echnique. #his is e/tremely ad!antageous as he is no longer retricted to a stationary position while holding down his opponent. Shado Neck Bind Techni$ue #he &hadow >eck +ind #echnique (Kage Kubi &hibari no Jutsu, &hadow &trangle Jutsu) allows one to use his shadow to ha!e more interaction with an opponent by using it to choke an opponent. Shado Se ing &hadow &ewing (Kage >ui) is an impro!ement o!er the &hadow >eck +ind technique, which allows the user4s shadow to lift from the ground and either grab and throw weapons or simply pierce an opponent. A skilled user can shape his shadow into tendrils that can attack se!eral targets at once. #he &hadow &ewing technique is a technique unique to the >ara lan. #he user first e/tends his shadow by using the 8at hand seal, then creates shadow tendrils by using the +ird hand seal. #he tendrils can ser!e !arious purposes such as attacking or binding an opponent and6or attacking multiple targets. Shado Summoning Techni$ue #he &hadow &ummoning #echnique (Kageyose no Jutsu) is like the &hadow &ewing jutsu, with the difference that it allows the user to utili%e an opponent4s shadow for the same purpose, allowing him to use their own shadow against them. After capturing a target with the &hadow "mitation #echnique, the user summons shadowy tendrils from their opponent4s body, controlling them in the same manner as &hadow &ewing, but from the opponent4s body instead of the user4s. Shado %irror Sha1eshift #he &hadow 0irror &hapeshift (Kage Kagami &hinten) technique is a !ery powerful transformation technique passed down in the .emon ountry. #he technique allows the user to transform into someone whose looks he is familiar with. ?nlike other, inferior transformation techniques, this one is permanent. -nce you ha!e transformed, there is no way to return to your old self, unless you are an elf. -nly el!es can re!erse this

technique. #he transformation is perfect down to the last detail, cloths included. #o use the technique, the user needs to make a few preperations. 2irst, a circle must drawn or madewith small stones or pebbles. >e/t, the user must stand in its center and perfrm the hand seals. #he user begins to glow, and streams of light emenate from him and engulf him. #he light then takes a shape around the user in the form of the person he wishes to transform into, and when the light subsides, the transformation is complete. Shado Shuriken Techni$ue #he &hadow &huriken #echnique (Kage &huriken no Jutsu), allows the user to throw multiple large shuriken in such a way that the first shuriken hides the subsequent ones by blocking the line of sight. #o the target, it appears as if only one shuriken was thrown. Sha1eshifting Techni$ue #he &hapeshifting #echnique (&hten no Jutsu ) allows the user to allocate chakra from someone else into a human sacrifice, allowing them to fight !ia an elaborate 9copy9. #he appearance of the person on whom the &hapeshifting #echnique is performed is EFFO identical to the original person. #he technique will imitate any weapons, tools or kekkei genkai held by the original person, allowing the copy to fight with them. #he power of the copy is in proportion to the !olume of allocated chakra, which is decided by the user. #he original4s techniques are also a!ailable, but once the chakra runs out, the technique is cancelled and the copy dies. As it e!en uses up the sacrifices chakra, this is an incredibly brutal technique.

#he &haringan (literally 9 opy 1heel ,ye9) is an eye technique that naturally occurs in a select few members of the ?chiha clan. #he &haringan is thought to be descended from the +yakugan, which in turn was inherited by half$el!en humans from el!en parents, but grants the user different abilities and a different insight. #he &haringan does not automatically appear from birth in a user= instead, it will usually appear when the user is in a life$threatening situation, where the power of the &haringan could sa!e them. After this first appearance, the user can then call up the &haringan any time they wish. #he power of the &haringan is judged through the number of tomoe in the eye, with a ma/imum of three in each. #he &haringan4s first and most well known ability is to memori%e any technique that it witnesses (this is sometimes reffered to as 9#echnique 0anipulation9). "t can memori%e any standard form of jutsu with perfect accuracy, allowing the user to use the techniques as his own. "n order to reproduce copied jutsu, howe!er, one must ha!e the necessary skill or ability to perform them. &haringan cannot allow the user to reproduce other kekkei genkai since the &haringan user doesn4t possess the same genetic trait. Additionally, &haringan users cannot summon a creature which they ha!e not made a contract with. #he &haringan4s second ability is granting the user incredible clarity of perception, allowing them to track fast$mo!ing objects with ease and e!en predict the subsequent mo!ements of those objects. #he ability to track and predict mo!ement is largely based on indi!idual skill, as unskilled users ha!e much more trouble tracking fast$mo!ing objects. A fully$e!ol!ed &haringan eye can track e!en the quickest opponents, though,

like the first ability, it doesn4t necessarily mean the user has the ability to react to it. #his perception is also great enough to see through genjutsu and to obser!e the mo!ement and flow of chakra, but not to the same e/tent or clarity as the +yakugan. "t also gi!es color to chakra. 0oreo!er, those powerful enough can see unusual sources of chakra (like EK$ year old &usuke4s noticing of the >ine$#ailed .emon 2o/ as being >aruto4s source of power). Additionally, the &haringan grants the user e/ceptional analytical powers, allowing them to instincti!ely pick up on !arious !isual clues with little difficulty. 2or e/ample, being able to reproduce writing of another person by watching their pencil mo!ements (this is sometimes reffered to as 92orm 0anipulation9). #he &haringan4s third capability is a unique brand of hypnosis that in!ol!es suggesting actions and thoughts to the opponent (somtimes reffered to as 90ind 0anipulation9). 1hen used in conjunction with the aforementioned aspects of the &haringan, this allows the user to perfectly mimic e!ery mo!e their opponent makes, e!en before they do, making it appear as if the user can see the future. "t also allows for other forms of hypnotism, such as putting an opponent to sleep, replaying memories to someone else, or creating !arious illusions to fool an opponent. #he most skilled of &haringan users can e!en combine the three capabilities of the &haringan to copy jutsus as they are being used by their opponents, and with perfect syncroni%ation. 1ith each stage of the &hringan gained beyond the first, thepre!ious ones impro!e in power. "t is possible to transplant &haringan eyes from one person to another, as occurred with Kakashi and his deceased comrade -bito ?chiha. :owe!er, transplanted eyes do not work as well in a non$?chiha body= Kakashi4s eye is always acti!e, causing him great strain when he uses it and forcing him to recuperate for e/tended periods of time after a battle. Kakashi keeps it co!ered when not using it to a!oid this side effect in his e!eryday acti!ities. ?chiha clan members are not burdened with this weakness= while acti!ation of the &haringan does consume chakra, the drain is so small as to be almost insignificant. %angek&o Sharingan #he 0angekyo &haringan (literally 9Kaleidoscope opy 1heel ,ye9) is a heightened form of &haringan. "t was first awakened by 0adara ?chiha, who was able to use it to gain control o!er the >ine$#ailed .emon 2o/. -!er the generations other ?chiha came to possess their own 0angekyo &haringan. ?nlike the standard &haringan, the 0angekyo &haringan differs between users, changing the form of the &haringan4s tomoe seal when acti!ated. :owe!er, unlike the &haringan, it has a different appearance between the users, as a kaleidoscope ne!er looks the same when looked through. #hose who ha!e the potential to obtain it must make a great sacrifice in order to obtain it @ according to "tachi, they must kill their closest friend. And apparently, the 0angekyo &haringan can be transferred from person to person without a need for sacrifice. #hose who possess a 0angekyo &haringan suffer from e!er$deteriorating eyesight, a process that becomes faster through repeated usage and culminates in blindness. -nly by taking the eyes of a sibling can one4s eyesight be permanently restored, combining the appearances of the two 0angekyo &haringan and granting them immense strength in the process which pre!ents blindness and might grant immortality. 1hile each possessor of the 0angekyo &haringan gains one or more occular abilities unique to him, the 0angekyo &haringan has one power that is shared by all$ the ability to control the #ailed +easts, e!en the >ine #ails .emon 2o/.

Among the el!es, 0angekyo &haringan works differently. "t is rare and only appears among the !enerableold or the truly e/ceptional e/amplars of the race, but it does not require such gruesome act as murder of a lo!ed one to awaken. "nstead, it is awakened in a select few when they are mature enough, or ha!e been through an ordeal that truly pushed them to their limits of ability. &uch indi!idual are !enerated and well respected among the el!es$ pillars of their community. ,l!es with this ability are not at risk of going blind, as long as their hearts remain good. #heir 0angekyo &haringan is a power for good, and only begins to seal itself, thus blinding the possessor, if he becomes e!il. #hat is why humans of the ?chiha who ha!e gained it slowly go blind$ #heir power is born from e!il, an e!il act of murder, and so they slowly destroy it, losing its light. #he truly incredible thing about the el!en 0angekyo &haringan is that it can be shared with other el!es who possess it.All it takes is the willingness to do so, and the locking of ga%es as both in!oke their &haringan, and the one who wishes to share his 0angekyo &haringan in!okes it. #he recei!er then gains the abilities of the other 0angekyo &haringan as an addition to his own. #his is considered a great and precious gift, an ultimate show of trust, friendship and lo!e. Kakashi :atake4s 0angekyo &haringan$ Kamui (0ight of the 5ods)7 +y focusing his 0angekyo &haringan on a particular point, Kakashi can create a locali%ed interdimensional space$time warp, forcing that point to collapse in on itself, allowing him to send any targeted object or creature and things in the !icinity to another dimension. #he effect is !isible as a distortion in the air all around the target mo!ing towards a single point of absolute darkness in the middle. #he dimensional barrier can be used to tear part of an object or creature, sundering an object or maiming a li!ing creature, and sending just part of it away, but an accurate use of the ability sends the target entirely away. #he center of this dimensional sinkhole is always the point the user4s eyes look. 0adara ?chiha4s 0angekyo &haringan7 0adara ?chiha was actually the first person to wield this dangerous weapon. 1hen he was young, he and his younger brother were the first people to gain the 0angekyo &haringan. :e e!entually grew blind from it, and he killed his younger brother and took his eyes, though 0adara claims the eyes were a sacrifice from his brother for the good of the clan. #his unlocked the 9,ternal9 0angekyo &haringan, a 0angekyo &haringan that ne!er goes dark. "t is belie!ed 0adara used its power to control the power of the >ine$#ailed .emon 2o/ and sent it to attack Konoha, though he denies this. 8egardless, the attack failed because of the 2ourth :okage4s sacrifice. #he ,ternal 0angekyo &haringan in appearance looks identical to 0adara4s first 0angekyo combined with his younger brother4s 0angekyo. 0adara has shown using an unnamed space6time ninjutsu which makes him nearly in!ulnerable and allows him to teleport to different places at will !ery quickly, but it4s unclear if this is a result of his 0angekyo &haringan. #his is belie!ed to ha!e been the 0angekyo &haringan ability of his younger brother, although it could be his. :e can also put out the so$called ine/tinguishable flames of Amaterasu quite easily. 1hile it is unclear what e/actly was the 0angekyo &haringan ability of 0adara ?chiha, it is known that it allowed him to control the power of the >ine$#ailed .emon 2o/ and suppress his chakra. #he ,ternal 0angekyo &haringan also seemingly grants the user immortality and, according to "tachi, a fourth and final eye technique. "tachi ?chiha4s 0angekyo &haringan7 1ith his 0angekyo &haringan, "tachi can utili%e three speciali%ed eye$techniques. 1ith the first, #sukuyomi (the god of the moon in

&hinto and Japanese mythology= litteral translation of the word is 90oon 8eading9), "tachi is able to torture opponents for what seems like days in a matter of moments, lea!ing them crippled and in a state of mental collapse. "n effect, any kind of sensation can be con!eyed, "tachi simply chooses torture. #his is a 5enjutsu, and is one of the most powerful genjutsu in e/istence. <ictims of this ability find themsel!es in an illusionary world of the user4s conception, in any situation he chooses, and can concei!e of. .ays in that world can be a second in real life, the user has full control of space, time, and matter in this world. -nce the jutsu is finished, the target will not be able to fight for some time, if they don4t suffer complete mental collapse. 1hile the illusion is ne!er the same twice, some elements always remain. #he first and foremost similarity is the red moon, which hangs in the sky of open scene illusions. #he moon, in turn, casts a red light throughout the illusion, gi!ing the background a blood$red appearance while the figures within the illusion are in a grayscale in!erted color. 2or another more bene!olent user, a normal moon would appear in normal night sky. +ecause the &haringan is the main factor in e/ecuting this jutsu, eye contact is required. Amaterasu (in Japanese mythology a sun goddess= litteral translation of the word is 9(that which) illuminates :ea!en9), is the highest le!el 2ire 8elease technique, as well as one of the most powerful ninjutsu, in e/istence. "t is said to represent the 90aterial 1orld and 'ight9 (+usshitsukai to :ikari), the antipode to #sukuyomi, a genjutsu of similar power and a fellow 0angekyo &haringan djutsu, said to re resent the )S iritual :orld and ,arkness) <Seishinkai to 4ami). #he jet$black flames of the Amaterasu are said to be as hot as the sun. #he flames are e/tremely powerful, capable of burning through Jiraiya4s &ummoning7 #oad 0outh +ind, which Jiraiya stated to be fire resistant. >ot surprisingly, it appears to use a large amount of chakra. #hought to burn e!erything reflected on its retina, Cetsu also commented that the Amaterasu burned e!erything within "tachi4s wide field of !ision to cinders with an unholy black flame, to the degree of being able to burn an entire forest or !illage with it. "t can e!en smother regular flames easily. 1here!er the user focuses his eye, the flames will appear at the e/act spot without mo!ing, making it una!oidable as long as the user keeps his !ision trained on the target. :owe!er, the delay in which it is launched makes it possible to e!ade. #he flames are said to burn until they completely consume what they burn, and cannot be e/tinguished with water or any other normal methods. :owe!er, it can be e/tinguished by the user, and the flames can be sealed with sealing techniques. A highly skilled user can manipulate Amaterasu to such an e/tent that he is able to form a full$ body shield around himself. #he flames are black as a reflection of the cruel way the ?chiha come into the power of the 0angekyo &haringan= for someone of good heart and pure soul (such as how el!es must be to gain the 0angekyo &haringan in the first place), they can menifest as a pure form of flames (blue, purple, gold, whith, sil!er). :is final and strongest ability, &usano4o (in &hinto is the god of the sea and storms, depicted as a warrior). &usanoo is a technique that creates a spiritual being resembling a yamabushi. " creates a massi!e ethereal warrior surrounding his body, that will fight on "tachi4s behalf, and otherwise shields him from all attacks. #he warrior wields a shield in its left hand, the sacred Data >o Kagami (9Data4s 0irror9 or ,ight &pan 0irror), a mirror that4s considered one of the three sacred treasures capable of reflecting all attacks, and in its right, the legendary #otsuka no #surugi (lit. 9#he &word #en :ands 'ong9), also known as the &akegari 'ongsword (&akegari #achi, lit. 9&ake utter 'ongsword9). #he

#otsuka no #surugi, commonly sheathed in a sake jar held by a third hand growing from &usano4o4s right forearm, is an ethereal weapon with an enchanted blade imbued with a sealing jutsu capable of sealing anything it pierces in an eternal dream$like illusion world of eternal drunken stupor, and is described as the perfect counter to -rochimaru4s Kusanagi &word. 'ike the other 0angeky Sharingan techni.ues, Susano4o comes $ith its o$n risks to human users. !o sustain Susano4o, the user must act as a medium for the s irit, allo$ing it to consume their life force energy. !his uts a se"ere strain on the user's body. 0"en $hile using Susano4o in its )im erfect) form, Sasuke describes it as feeling ain in e"ery cell in one's body. =rolonged use $ill lead to the user's death. "t seems only an el!en user can form and sustain Susano4o without such a risk as the being is sustained by the user4s spiritual energy which is more abundant and more rapidly replenishing. Susano4o4s form also seems to change between users. Among the el!es, Susano4o is called orellon, and is considered a menifestation of their prime god.

#he &hikotsumyaku (literally 9.ead +one 8attle9) is the Kaguya clan4s kekkei genkai. "t ga!e members of this now dead clan the ability to manipulate their skeletal structure. 0ore accurately, they were able to control both bone$forming and bone$reabsorbing cells. #hey also had the ability to control calcium density and to shape their bones. An e/ample of this ability is the ability to fire finger bones from their hands like bullets, e/tend long spikes of bone from their palms for use as weapons, or produce a sword (for e/ample) of bone from their body. Any injuries to the skin they recei!ed during the process were instantly healed and replacement bones were created to restore the use of their hands and other parts of their body. #his ability could be used to sprout bones from any point on the body, gi!ing one a quick defense against physical attacks by co!ering oneself in spikes, or create a film of bone under the skin to shield internal organs and defend against blunt and crushing attacks. -ne could increase the strength of these bones to steel$like quality, a trait they often took ad!antage of when using their bones as a sword. 0ost of the &hikotsumyaku abilities came in the form of bone$utili%ing dances named after flowers. #hey are specified below. Finger -rill Bullet 2inger .rill +ullet (#eshi &endan) is an application of the .ead +one 8attle kekkei genkai, where the user can fire finger bones from his hands like bullets. #heses high$ !elocity projectiles are capable of penetrating the a body with ease, due to their hardness and speed. 0oreo!er, these bone projectiles are imbued with the user4s chakra, making them spin in flight, increasing their penetration ability. -ance of the 'illo #he most basic of these dances, the .ance of the 1illow (Danagi no 0ai) uses e/tensions of bone from the body to attack the opponent, coupled with large amounts of acrobatics to increase the attacks4 effecti!eness. #he e/tensions of bone are grown from the palms, elbows, knees, and shoulders. -ance of the Camellia #he .ance of the amellia (#subaki no 0ai), uses the humerus of either arm as a dagger

or a sword. &ince the user can increase and compress the density of his bones, he can make the sword harder than steel. #his dance consists of circular sword fighting mo!es, where the user wields the sword with great proficiency while spinning around a lot. #his dance is perfect for fighting multiple opponents surrounding the user on all sides. -ance of the Larch #he defensi!e .ance of the 'arch (Karamatsu no 0ai) uses growths of the user4s pree/isting skeletal structure to ensnare the opponent and stab them as the bones are growing. An e/ample is the growing of the rib cage outside the body to block physical strikes. #he user grows many bones all o!er his torso and arms, and spins. #his way he is able to both repel attacks and wound any opponent that engages him in close combat. -ance of the Clematis #he .ance of the lematis (#essenka no 0ai) is an attack with two parts, the first being <ine (#suru) and the second being 2lower (:ana). 1ith <ine, the user rips out their spinal cord and use it as a whip to trap the opponent or to use as a fle/ible chainstaff, regrowing a new spine to replace the remo!ed one. #he protrusions on the !ertebra are modified to make them stronger and sharper. -nce immobile, the user uses 2lower to produce and form the body4s strongest bones into a giant drill on the user4s arm to crush the stationary opponent. #he bone resembles a flower, hence the name. -ance of the Seeding Ferns #he .ance of the &eeding 2erns (&awarabi no 0ai) is a unique in!ention of Kimimaro, the last of the Kaguya clan, that utili%es his kekkei genkai. "t is the last of his fi!e dances, and the most lethal, using his bloodline limit directly. #he user e/tends one or more bones from any part of his body, and plants them in the ground. #he user then causes it to branch underground, creating a network of bone under the surface. :e can then cause bones to sprout from the ground from anywhere his network of bone e/tends, and as close to each other as his network is close$knit, impaling anyone in the area caught by the long bone spikes sprouting from the ground and unable to somehow shield himself. .epending on the user4s strength with the ability, a larger area can be co!ered. &omeone truly blessed with tallent with this kekkei genkai can co!er an entire field with this deadly attack. #he user is able to emerge from any bone at will, gi!ing him a deadly element of surprise Sl& %ind "ffect Techni$ue #he &ly 0ind Affect #echnique (Kori &hinch no Jutsu) causes the enemy to walk around in circles for hours by making it seem as if they4re walking straight to their desired destination. #he enemy e!entually becomes e/hausted after tra!eling the same path o!er and o!er.

Soma no Ko
&oma no Ko ('iterally meaning 9Attack of an ,!il &pirit ;air9) is the unique Kekkei 5enkai of &akon and ?kon that allows them to merge some or all of one4s body with the other4s body. #ypically, ?kon is dormant in &akon4s body, with his head protruding from the back of &akon4s neck. 1hen &akon is in need of assistance, ?kon can bring out some of his body parts to aid &akon in blocking or attacking. "f needed, ?kon can separate from &akon4s body so that the two can attack independently. +arasite -emon -emolition Techni$ue

#he ;arasite .emon .emolition #echnique (Kisei Kikai no Jutsu) is a utili%ation of the abilities of the &oma no Ko Kekkei 5enkai. ?sing it the separated brothers are capable of merging with the bodies of others. -nce they ha!e done so, &akon or ?kon can destroy the host4s cells from the inside, slowly killing them. 1hile within another4s body, howe!er, they are !ulnerable to whate!er injuries befall upon the host, in theory allowing the host to commit suicide to kill either of the brothers.

Sound Techni$ues
&ound #echniques are jutsus that utili%e !arious sounds, and e!en instrumental music, for !arious purposes, from attack to defense and utility. 0ost of these techniques don4t require hand seals, as sound is used to mold chakra. -ther, howe!er, do. &uch techniques are common to -togakure (9<illage :idden in &ound9). -emon Flute) 0llusionar& 'arriors %ani1ulating %elod& #he .emon 2lute7 "llusionary 1arriors 0anipulating 0elody (0ateki7 5enbus 3yoku) allows the user to control the three .oki (see summoning techniques) from a distance without using words, but rather a melody. +y playing specific notes, the .oki will mo!e in specific ways. The /aunt of +andemonium #he :aunt of ;andemonium (0akyou no 8an) is an instrument technique, a !erse of music. #his technique is useful for anyone who summoned a the trio of demons known as the .oki. 1ith this melody, the user can order the demons to use their most de!estating attack$ their life sucking energy tongues. *i4rating Sound -rill #he <ibrating &ound .rill (Kymeisen) allows the user to create sound wa!es and redirect them in midair with his chakra to his intended target. +y damaging the !ictim4s inner ear, the !ictim is rendered off$balance and nauseous. Counter4alancing Sound #he ounterbalancing &ound (&ousai no >e) is a technique that requires the user to play an instrument (such as a flute or ocarina). #his technique can counter the effects of many other sound and music based techniques.

S1ider Techni$ues
Another type of insect and !ermin set of techniques, these techniques use spiders or mimic their abilities and traits. 'ind S1iders An odd technique that utili%es many small spiders, the 1ind &piders #echnique (>inpou7 Ka%aku 5umo) is a tracking technique. ?sinfg his chakra to control a subtle wind and a swarm of tiny spiders, the user causes a wind to follow a target, or se!eral targets, and carry on it the many tiny spiders. ,ach spider continuously e/tends a strand of spider silk. Along the way to the target, those strands detach from the spiders, who just keep wea!ing on and on as they are carried on the wind, lea!ing a path of sil!er strands for the user to follow. S1ider Entanglement #he &pider ,ntanglement technique (Kumo &hibari) is a weird technique that allows the user to spit a web from his mouth. #he web is large and thick, with chakra flowing through the threads to strengthen them, and can catch and hold se!eral people.

S1ider 'e4 #1ening #he &pider 1eb -pening (Kumo &oukai) jutsu allows the user to spin a large mass of webbing, and throw it so it spreads into a !ery large web that sticks to objects close enough (like trees) to form a web wall of sorts. S1ider Stick& Gold Techni$ue #he &pider &ticky 5old (Kumo >enkin, or 9&pider 1eb Adhesi!e :ypha9) is an odd jutsu that allows the user to spin golden webbing that hardens upon contact with o/ygen to metal$like quality. +ecause of the solid nature of this webbing it can be shaped into armor or weapons to aid in battle as well as entrapment. #his metal does not let any chakra through, making it a great counter to Juuken (5entle 2ist) attacks, and other attacks that utili%e chakra directly.

Strong Fist
#he &trong 2ist (5ken, 5ouken, 92erocious 2ist #aijutsu &tyle9) style is a fighting style, the purpose of which is to cause e/ternal damage and break bones. Konoha Shoufuu #his mo!e, the Konoha &houfuu ('eaf 8ising 5ale), is a fast action where the fighter mo!es with ama%ing speed to the side of his opponent and deli!ers an upward kick. "t is e/celent for disarming an armed opponent, kicking his hand and sending his weapon flying. Konoha Sen1uu #his mo!e, the Konoha &enpuu ('eaf 1hirlwind) in!ented in Konoha, is a double whirlwind kick, where the user leaps and spins rapidly to strike opponents on multiple sides. "t is a fast and powerful mo!e, ideal for dealing with multiple opponents. 0ore specifically, #he user dishes out one high kick to the head followed by one low kick to the legs. #his way, e!en if the target e!ades th first kick by ducking, he is trapped when the low kick comes. Konoha -ai Sen1uu &ame as Konoha &enpu, e/cept Konoha .ai &enpu (Konoha 5reat &pinning 1ind) is a series of whirlwind kicks and heel slams, taking place in quick succession. Konoha (aiken #he Konoha 8aiken ('eaf #hunder 2ist) is simply a powerful punch delie!ered by spinning after spinning in the air. #he fighter uses this attack by spining to gain momentum and then lay a powerful strike into his opponent. Konoha Gouriki Sen1uu Another 5ouken mo!e, the Konoha 5ouriki &enpuu (;owerful 'eaf 1hirlwind) is a back of the fist side swipe so powerful, that it can break wood and stone at ease. "t is a mo!e meant for breaking bones. Konoha -aisenkou #he Konoha .aisenkou ('eaf 5reat 2lash) is a super fast mo!e, where the fighter leaps and sends a de!astating side kick to his opponent4s neck. "t is powerful and capable of breaking the opponent4s neck, lea!ing him paraly%ed or dead. "sa Kujaku #he Asa Kujaku (0orning ;eacock) is a mo!e that is a combination of the 5ouken taijutsu style and somthing of ninjutsu, requiring the opening of si/ of the eight gates. #he user draws a large amount of chakra, setting his fists and legs on fire, fire which does

not harm him, and e/ecutes a super fast combo that begins with a powerful rising kick that sends the opponent into the air, and continues and ends with a combo of countless fist attacks against an opponent, combining awsome physical damage with fire damage, causing a peacock$like fan of flaming chakra to de!elop. #his is a magnificiant finishing mo!e that is so fast and furious that it can set an opponent fully aflame. "t is also !ery draining on the body, and should not be used lightly. St&le Change #he &tyle hange or olor hange (&hiki #enshin) technique allows the user to co!er his body with one of the physical elements (earth, water, wood, and their deri!ati!es). #his skin co!ers the user perfectly, adepting in color and te/ture to what it co!ers. "f the technique is masked with a large piece of cloth or something like it, there is no way to tell that anything actually happened. #he only way to tell that a technique was e/ecuted is that any wounds on the user4s body and6or tears in his cloths are gone. #he skin protects the user from attacks, and can e!en absorb completely a lethal attack, e!en an energy based attack, but once the skin blocks such an attack, it disol!es off the user.

Summoning Techni$ue
&ummons are typically called forth in a puff of smoke with the &ummoning #echnique (Kuchiyose no Jutsu, 9&hinobi onjuration9), or any number of !ariations thereof. +efore a summoning can be performed, the user signs a contract with their own blood, each contract differing depending on what creature is to be summoned. -nce this is done, the summoner need only perform the proper hand seals and offer a few additional drops of blood with the same hand they signed the contract with to perform the summon. #he amount of chakra offered at this time is directly proportionate to the si%e of the summoned creature. &ummons ha!e their own abilities that they can use by themsel!es or in conjunction with the summoner. &ome summons are so powerful that they may e!en challenge the summoner, or will demand something in order to contribute to the battle. "n certain cases, it is also possible to summon inanimate objects. As with li!ing summons, inanimate summons also require a blood sacrifice. Summoning) /e4i #he :ebi (snakes) summons are the signature summons of -rochimaru and his two former students, Anko 0itarashi and &asuke ?chiha. #hey !ary greatly in si%e, from small enough to hide in one4s slee!es to larger than most buildings. -rochimaru frequently summons them as allies in battle, either ha!ing them attack for him or instructing them to carry out other tasks. 1hile most snakes are !ery obedient and do what is instructed of them, the largest snake, 0ando, is an almost draconic, purple monstrousity that will not help others without payment. :e will only help if a hundred human sacrifices are offered to him, yet e!en then would readily turn against the summoner if he thought he could win. 0anda is capable of speech. Summoning) (ashoumon Gate #he &ummoning7 &ummoning7 8ashoumon 5ate (Kuchiyose7 8ashoumon) is an e/ample of a summoning of an inanimate object. #his summons, a specialty of the twin brothers &akon and ?kon, -rochimaru4s ser!ents, brings into being a gargantuan sealed steel gate. #he frame of the gate is shaped like many red horns, and the gate itself looks like the face of a demon. #his summons was meant to be the ultimate defense made by them to protect

-rochimaru. Summoning) Tri1le (ashoumon #he #riple 8ashoumon (&anjuu 8ashoumon) is like is like the normal 8ashoumon summoning, e/cept it summons not just one but three gates, all hideous, though they differ in apearance from one another. the gates appear infront of each other, forming a three$lair barrier. Summoning) Ninkame >inkame (literally 9>inja #ortoise9) is a large red tortoise and 0ight 5uy4s personal summon. >inkame watches o!er 8ock 'ee when 5uy isn4t around. Summoning %o,e5 Earth (elease) -ogging Fangs #his summoning technique (>inpou Kuchiyose .oton #suiga no Jutsu, 9&ummoning, ,arth 2angs9) is Kakashi4s own. "t summons eight intelligent dogs Kakashi has raised since they were puppies. :e uses them as help in though fights or as for their superior scent based tracking ability which is better than any normal dog4s. #he dogs appear burdting from the ground, usually catching the opponent by surprise. #his is a summoning technique used mainly for tracking and pursuing puposes. #he >inken (literally 9>inja .ogs9) are eight ninja dogs that Kakashi summons and has apparently raised from birth. All of the >inken ha!e a face$shaped design on their backs called a henohenomoheji, which is the sound made when all the characters in the face are put together. #he >inken are mostly used for tracking purposes. :e can summon them indi!idually or all at once. ;akkun, a pug and the smallest of the >inken, is the most recurring of the group, being summoned numerous times to help in following and finding others. All the dogs ha!e the ability to speak, and to walk on water. Summoning) K&odaigumo Kyodaigumo (Kuchiyose7 Kyodaigumo, literally 95iant &pider9) is a giant spider and the personal summon of Kidomaru. -nce summoned, Kyodigumo can quickly release an egg sac full of baby spiders roughly the si%e of a small dog. #o perform 8ain of &piders, Kidomaru then cuts open the sac, causing the rapidly hatched spiders to rain down on his opponent. #he spiders will spin a strand of webbing as they fall, circling the opponent in webbing and sticking them to the ground. Kyodaigumo can also e/plode into webbing if hit. Summoning) 'hirl ind -ance #he &ummoning7 &pinning 1hirl (Kuchiyose7 Kirikiri 0ai) summons Kamatari, a a small, seemingly one eyed, white weasel holding a sickle with which it can cause a lot of destruction in a short amount of time. "ts sickle is almost as large as itself. After it starts mo!ing, it can4t be seen by the unaided human eye, after which it slices down all in its path with enough force to decimate an entire forest. Summoning) Sea Boss #he &ummoning7 &ea +oss (Kuchiyose7 ?mibo%u) technique summons a huge water elemental whose body is made mostly of sea water. :e can easily be mistaken for a mo!ing water jutsu, and is completely in!isible to the naked eye while submerged underwater. 1hen rising from the water, the sea boss looks like a standing wa!e, with !aguely noticeable facial features at the top, and its source of energy, a swirling white light, at its center. "ts main method of attack is to swallow !ictims, who are kept suspended in its body, slowly drowning, to form psuedopods with which to slam or

grapple targets, or to spit large globs of water at targets. Anyone trying to penetrate him from the outside disco!er that his surface is like rubber that does not yield to penetration. Also, the sea boss is immortal, eternal as the sea, although it can be harmed and banished by powerful fire. #his technique is usually best used in the ocean, or in any large body of water. Summoning) Stand -estro&er #his summons (Kuchiyose7 Datai Ku%ushi no Jutsu) is one of Jiraiya4s. "t summons one of the great toads. #his one is huge and brown, and has two giant katanas strapped to its back. Summoning) Katsu&u Katsuyuis the slug queen summoned by #sunade (Kuchiyose7 Katsuyu). ompared to 5amabunta and 0anda, the summons of Jiraiya and -rochimaru, respecti!ely, Katsuyu is quiet and more subser!ient to her master. 1ith her &lug 5reat .i!ision (Katsuyu .aibunretsu), Katsuyu can di!ide herself into smaller slugs to e!ade attacks or to ser!e small scale functions, and is able to quickly reform herself if need be. &he can also spit acid for her #ongue #ooth &ticky Acid (Cesshi >ensan), which is strong enough to melt through rock. Summoning) Gama #he 5ama (#oads) summons are the signature summoning techniques of Jiraiya, and he has risen to a le!el of ability that allows him to summon 5amabunta, the most powerful of the toad spirits. #oads possess a wide range of abilities, being able to spit water or oil from their mouths and occasionally utili%ing weapons in battle. #hey !ary greatly in si%e= 5amabunta, the largest toad seen so far, is as big as a building, while his two sons, 5amakichi and 5amatatsu, are currently small enough to ride upon one4s head. ,ach toad is shown to ha!e a unique personality= 5amatatsu has a fi/ation for snacks and 5amakichi (cute tiny toads) enjoys watching battles from a safe distance. #heir father, 5amabunta, speaks like a Kara$#uran yaku%a who won4t work with anyone he doesn4t respect. .espite this, he is fiercely protecti!e of his children and >aruto, and will fight for their safety regardless of his respect for the summoner (or, more likely, whether or not Jiraiya is on his good side). 5amaken, a toad of comparable si%e to 5amabunta, spends the bulk of his time commenting on how weak and stupid he is, suggesting he is !ery insecure. #he toad elders seem to hold high positions in toad$society= the 5reat #oad &age, an aging and senile toad, hands out wisdom and predictions to the younger generations. :e is highly respected for his track record of always being right, and getting to meet with him is considered a great honor. A married toad couple, who simply refer to each other as 0a and ;a (2ukasaku), assist the 5reat &age in his work. #hey also seem to be particularly powerful. Jiraiya speaks to both of them !ery respectfully, whereas most other toads he treats as his equals. Summoning) The %onke& God King5 Enma #he &ummon7 #he 0onkey King, ,nma (,nk+ 0nma) is a personal summoning technique of the third :okage. ,nma is an elder monkey and king of the monkeys. :e possesses great physical strength and fighting ability, and can transform into an indestructible, e/tendable staff that the #hird can wield with great proficiency, the Kongou >yoi (2ree 2orming .iamond ;ole). #he Kongou >yoi can be made thicker, thiner, longer, shorter, and it can e!en multiply to form a cage around the wielder for

protection, or around an enemy to capture him. :e can also produce !arious body parts, such as eyes or arms, from the staff. Additionally, ,nma can still mo!e in the staff form, allowing him to return to the #hird :okage or attack on his own. Adamantine ;rison 1all A tecnique of ,nma, Adamantine ;rison 1all (Kong Rheki). 1hile in the form of the staff, ,nma duplicates himself into a large quantity of staffs and forms a cage with which to protect his master or imprison a foe. #his jutsu was strong enough to defend e!en against :ashirama &enju4s wood release techniques. Summoning) -oki #he .oki (literally 9Angry .emons9) are a trio of large powerful demons. #heir eyes, ears, and mouths are all co!ered, a reference to the three wise monkeys, though they can hear normally. "n addition to being !ery fast for their si%e, the .oki can also open their mouths to release a many$mouthed snake$like creatures composed of pure spirit energy. +ecause of this, the snakes are impossible to hit and can directly attack an opponent4s chakra, weakening them o!er time. +ecause the snakes are composed of spirit energy and lack body energy, when they come in contact with a li!ing creature, they easily draw on his body energy which they hunger for. Summoning5 (eincarnation to the 0m1ure 'orld #his summons (Kuchiyose7 ,do #ensei, 9"mpure 1orld 8esurrection9) is a technique that calls the souls of the dead and re!i!es them. #he technique summons the desired indi!iduals with the potential of making them fully ali!e, and in possesion of whate!er powers and abilities they had in life. 1hen in!oked, a gate of purple energy opens in the ground. 2rom the gate rise the coffins, shrouds, urns, or whate!er other method of burial was used on the deceased. 2rom those come out or appear the summoned indi!iduals, as spirits. >ormally, to summon something, the one who in!okes the summon must sacrifice some of his blood, but this technique requires a li!e human sacrifice to tie the dead4s soul to this world. #he knife used for the sacrifice must be sunk into the menifestation of the dead soul once summoned. #he body of the sacrifice must be burried prior to the summoning. #o actually gain the blind obedience of the dead, a special mystical tag must be applied to the soul along with the knife of the sacrifice= #his kills the soul4s personality, making it a puppet of the summoner. -nce complete, the re!i!ed is impossible to kill by normal means. "f a limb is destroyed or remo!ed, it will simply regenerate. #o kill the re!i!ed, the soul has to be remo!ed. #his is a forbidden technique, for ob!ious reasons, and also because it is considered taboo to summon the dead without a !ery good reason, not e!en metioning the ob!ious horible requirement. -rochimaru used this technique to summon the first and second :okages. "m1lification Summoning Techni$ue Amplification &ummoning #echnique (Cfuku 3uchiyose no Jutsu) #his is a summoning technique that in which the summoned creature is gi!en a special condition and when that condition is met it gains a certain ability. ;ain applied this technique to his dog summon. ?pon being struck by a direct attack, the canine could di!ide into another identical beast and increase its power. #he beast can then recombine if needed, with one body carrying the heads of howe!er many additional beasts were created. Telesco1e Techni$ue

#he #elescope #echnique (#megane no Jutsu) allows the user to obser!e others through a crystal ball, a mirror, or a bowl filled with clear water o!er long distances. Tem1le of Nir,ana Techni$ue #he #emple of >ir!ana #echnique (>ehan &hja no Jutsu) causes e!eryone within a specific area to fall into a deep sleep. 2rom the target4s point of !iew, it seems as if feathers are falling from the sky, which ser!es as a distraction to allow the jutsu to take effect. #he downside, howe!er, is that it takes a fair amount of time to take effect, and any e/perienced ninja has more than enough time to dispel it. The 0m1ermanence of 'orldl& Things #he #he "mpermanence of 1orldly #hings (&hogyoumujou) technique allows a skilled user (or four less talented working together) to coalesce his chakra abo!e a target or group into a massi!e eight sided, pointed, glowing crystal with a core of glowing chakra. #he chakra shatters the crystal into many sharp shards which shoot as a lethal rain on the area below and around the crystal. Tile Shuriken Techni$ue #he #ile &huriken ninja technique (>inpou, Kawara &huriken) is a technique that utili%es small objects around the user to his benefit. #he user molds hakra to lift and hurl many small objects as makeshift projectiles at his opponent. "ts name stems from its most common, and also original use to rip flat clay tiles from roofs and hurl them at opponents. "n addition to being able to control the tiles remotely, the user can pressuri%e the tiles with chakra to make them far stronger than normal. Time (e,ersal Techni$ue #he #ime 8e!ersal #echnique (Jigyaku no Jutsu) is a re!erse hypnosis technique which helps the user to pull out information from the target4s memories, both known and latent. -nce in!oked, the technique puts the target under a hypnotic trance that, to the casual obser!er, would seem like sleep. -nce in this hypnotic, the user can use guided imagery to guide the target to the memories he wishes to access. #he user can guide the target to the specific time by counting time to go back (one day ago, one month ago, etc.). "t is recomended to start slow and increase the speed of going back gradually. After guiding the target to the specific time in his memories, the user can start asking guiding questions (91here are youQ9, 91hat do you seeQ9, etc.), and any other type of question. #he target will comply with interrogation, but seems to retain his or her personality while under hypnosis. Toad #il Bom4s #he #oad -il ;rojectile or #oad -il bombs (5amayudan) technique allows the user to spit a large projectile of oil from his mouth to co!er a surface and hinder the mo!ements of an opponent or material. Toad!Silhouette Control Techni$ue #he #oad$&ilhouette ontrol #echnique or #oad &ubjugation, Art of the 0anipulated &hadow (5ama .aira Kage Ayatsuri no Jutsu) allows the user to merge with the shadows

of others, and through this he is able to take complete control of their body, similar to the &hadow "mitation #echnique of the >ara lan. ;erfect for infiltrating foreign territories, the user is hidden inside the shadow of his target. "f he has to use his other jutsu, the user must emerge from the shadow. -nce he fully emerges, the hold o!er his !ictim is broken and they regain control of their body.

Transformation Techni$ue
#he #ransformation #echnique (:enge no jutsu) is a basic jutsu that most ninja learn e!en prior to becoming genin. "t allows the user to transform his or her shape to that of other people (e!en those of the other gender, and of any age), animals, and objects, so long as they know the appearence of the person, animal or object, the form of which they wish to assume. #his is a ninjutsu, not a genjutsu$ the transformation is real and tangible, not illusary. &ome effort (as well as chakra) is nessecery to maintain the transformation, and it is immediately dispelled if too little chakra remains to sustain it, or if the user is injured too badly to maintain the jutsu. Also, the user cannot transform to something that is too much bigger than him. #ransformation into smaller things is not a problem, but transformation into bigger ones is limited to things that are not much bigger than the user. Com4ination Transformation #he ombination #ransformation ( ombi :enge) technique is e/ectly like a normal transformation, with one big differense$ two creatures touching each other transform into a single form. #o perform, both must be in physical contact with each other, and one of them must form the seals and concei!e the desired form. #his technique has two distinct ad!antages o!er the normal one= 2irst, it allows a person (or creature) unable to use transformation to transform along with the user, to gain the benefits of another form, and second, as a result of the combination of two creatures into one form, the limit of ma/imum si%e of the form are cosiderably rela/ed. &o, for e/ample, a ninja and his animal companion can transform into something huge. Face Co1&ing Techni$ue #he 2ace opying #echnique (Kao ?tsushi no Jutsu) allows the user to copy the face of another. #he technique requires the person who4s face is to be copied to be nearby. "t also takes a long time, but once the face is copied, not e!en people close to the target can tell the difference. #his technique is basically an ad!anced transformation technique. 1hile called the face copying technique, it does alter the entire user4s body as well as the face= #he user e!en gains the scent and !oice of the target person, making it impossible for e!en an animal with heightened senses of smell and hearing to tell the difference. ;hysically speaking, it is a flawless transformation technique. ?nlike the normal transformation technique,this one can not be cancelled at will. "t wears off after a few days unless renewed.

Tsuchigumo St&le) Ke& of the For4idden Techni$ue

#he #suchigumo &tyle7 Key of the 2orbidden #echnique (#suchigumoryuu7 Kinseijutsu Kaiho) is the first stage of the in!oking of the deadly jutsu created long ago by the #suchigumo clan. +y in!oking it, the user begins to accumulate massi!e amounts of natural energy from the his surroundings, all meant to power the incredibly destructi!e powers of this forbidden technique. -nce enough energy has been gathered, the user can in!oke the second stage of the technique. +y use of a special seal, the user can trigger it

not in himself but on another person in the center of the seal, making that person the focus of the technique. +y itself, this first stage can be used to pro!ide the user with a great amount of energy and power to power techniques that require massi!e amounts of chakra or energy with ease (5reat .ragon 2ire, Kirin and more), and those trained in &age 0ode and &age techniques can gather massi!e amounts of nature energy to power their &age mode. /ea,en and Earth Genesis :ea!en and ,arth 5enesis (#enchikaybyaku) is the second stage of the technique, it not only increases e/ponentially the rate of natural energy absorption, and the scope of the area from which it is drawn, but it also, if the user has reached a saturation point where he can take no more energy in, triggers the forbidden technique. #he user is surrounded by a shield of pure chakra to protect him from its effects, and than the accumulated energy within him is released !iolently in all directions in a bright large scale sphere of destruction. T in Snakes %utual -eath Techni$ue #he #win &nakes 0utual .eath #echnique (&jassai no Jutsu, 9.ual &nake .estroyer9), a forbidden jutsu, is a murder6suicide attack @ killing both the user and the target. #he user makes a one$handed seal with both their hand and the intended !ictim4s. #wo snakes are then summoned from the user4s slee!e, biting both their wrists and killing them by deadly !enom. *anishing Facial Co1& Techni$ue #he <anishing 2acial opy #echnique (&hshagan no Jutsu) is a technique de!eloped for spying with grisly effects. "t allows the user to peel off the face of another and wear it o!er theirs sucessfully appearing like them and copying their !oice. "t howe!er completely and permenently peels the face off the !ictim, killing them.

'ater Techni$ues
1ater$based techniques are commonly used by ninja from Kirigakure. 0ost abilities that utili%e water require a pree/isting source in order to be performed, such as a lake or a pool of water. Kisame :oshigaki and the &econd :okage, howe!er, are able to create their own bodies of water with which to perform jutsu. -ne of the few known e/ceptions to this rule is the 1ater 8elease7 1ater ,ncampment 1all (&uiton7 &uijinheki), which allows users to spit protecti!e walls of water from their mouth to block attacks, though they can use other water sources if a!ailable. 'ater (elease) *iolent 'ater 'a,e #he 1ater 8elease7 <iolent 1ater 1a!e (&uiton7 0i%urappa) is a basic water release technique. 1ater gushes out from the mouth like a waterfall and washes away the enemy. -ne can freely control the power of this technique with the amount chakra one releases. %ist Clone Techni$ue #he 0ist lone #echnique (Kiri +unshin no Jutsu) creates intangible mist clones of the user. #he clones are simply illusions and will let the attacker go right through him6her. #he illusions can be seen through by the +yakugan and the &haringan. A person with normal eyes can also distinguish the clones from the original, since the clones will not disrupt the area around themsel!es with their mo!ement (won4t kick up dust, crush grass,

etc.). %ist Concealment +y embeding chakra into a source of water (or ambient air moisture), the user can in!oke #he 0ist oncealment technique (Kirigakure no Jutsu). +y embeding his chakra in the water, the user can disperse a certain amount of it (more, the stronger he is) into mist which spreads around him to blanket an area. As the water forming the mist is empowered by chakra, the mist cannot be dispersed as easily as normal mist can (by high temprature and normal winds). 1hen in!oked, if the user stands on water, mist swirls around the ninja, gi!ing him full concealment initially. Secret Techni$ue) (ai6or (ain #he &ecret #echnique7 8ai%or 8ain or &hark 0ist (:ijutsu7 Kirisame) is a secret specialty of the ninjas of Kirigakure. "t creates a locali%ed rain whose chakra$in!ested drops can disrupt the integrity and cut the chakra of other ninjutsu. #he rain eats away the chakra it comes in contact with. #hough powerful, the technique takes se!eral moments to eat away at other techniques, and cannot negate !ery powerful high$chakra techniques, or kekkei genkai abilities. 'ater Clones Techni$ue +eyond standard manipulation of bodies of water as a means of attack or defense, users of water jutsus can solidify water into copies of themsel!es that can join them in battle (0i%u +unshin no Jutsu). #he clones must stay in range of the user in order to remain acti!e, allowing opponents to easily escape them by running a short distance away. #he clones are one tenth the power of the user. ?nderwater though, water clones are superior to any other cloning technique, as their strength is greater, close to that of the real person. 'ater (e1lacement #he 1ater 8eplacement (0i%u Kawarimi) technique is not so much a replacement as a trnsformation. "t allows the user to liquify his body to water at will. "n!oked prior to an attack on the user, it allows him to liquify to a puddle, making most attacks ineffecti!e. 0ost things pass through water without doing anything to them, and that goes the same for the user of this technique. 'ater (elease) 'ater -ro ning Techni$ue #he 1ater 8elease7 1ater .rowning #echnique (&uiton7 &uishi no Jutsu) is a basic water technique that allows the user to raise a torrent of water from a water source and direct it towards any target he desires. "t is a mediocre attack at best but is useful for other purposes (such as directing water to put out fires). 'ater (elease) S&ru1 Ca1ture Field #he 1ater 8elease7 &yrup apture 2ield (&uiton7 0i%uame >abara) is a rather unusual water jutsu used to blanket the ground in a thick sticky syrup like liquid that immobili%es those caught in it. #he user can mo!e the syrup around at will, mo!ing the area of effect and changing it shape and spread. /idden 'aterfall St&le5 'ater Cutting Blade #he :idden 1aterfall &tyle, 1ater utting +lade (#akigakure 8yu, 0i%ukiri no Daiba) is a jutsu unique to the :idden 1aterfall <illage (#akigakure no sato). #he technique allows the user to create a blade formed of water. #he water is not fro%en but can be wielded as a sword as hard as steel and as fle/ible and flowing as water. #he effecti!eness of this jutsu depends on the user4s skill with swords. #he water blade created by this technique can also be thrown with great accuracy, ha!ing all the strength

of a thrown dagger or sword. 'ater (elease) 'ater 'hi1 #he 1ater 8elease7 1ater 1hip (&uiton7 &uiryuuben) technique allows the user to form a whip of water from his hand or from a nearby water source. #he water whip can be used as a weapon, as well as to entangle and bind opponents. #he whip is strong and can fling bound opponents at ease. 'ater (elease) /and of 'a,es #he 1ater 8elease7 :and of 1a!es (&uiton7 &uihatsu) technique, allows the user to shoot a stream of water from his hand. #he water shoots with great force and can be directed somewhat by the user. Fl&ing 'ater of a Thousand Kills #he 2lying 1ater of a #housand Kills (&ensatsu &uishou) is a technique that causes water to surround the user4s target, and then elongate into a thousand needles that fly toward the opponent with great speed. #hese water needles are imbued with the user4s chakra, and are therefore as hard as steel. "f the target is unable to e!ade, he is impaled by hundreds of (if not all) needles. 1hile the needles do surround a target from all sides, they don4t appear abo!e the target, creating an escape route. Tornado of 'ater #ornado of 1ater (0i%u no #atsumaki) is a technique that utili%es water to create a spinning water !orte/ around the ninja. #he water acts both as a barrier and attack mechanism. #he power of the !orte/ is enough to knock an opponent unconscious. 'ater +rison Techni$ue #he 1ater ;rison #echnique (&uir no Jutsu) allows a ninja to confine opponents, tra ing them in a "irtually inesca able s here of $ater. Because users must kee an arm inside the s here in order for the o onent to remain im risoned, $ater clones are often created for the sole ur ose of attacking other enemies $hile the original erforms and maintains the jutsu. -nly rare few, and usually only waterbending moon el!es, ha!e mastered this technique in such a way that allows them to maintain it without keeping an arm inside the sphere, or at least maintain it with a water clone. 'ater (elease) Black (ain #he 1ater 8elease7 +lack 8ain #echnique (&uiton7 Kokuu no Jutsu) creates a rain of black oil o!er a small area that last about one minute. 1hile not usually enough to make the ground slipery, the oil drenches things in the area, and a flaming arrow or a fire attack can be used to ignite things in the area easily. 'ater (elease) Snake.s %outh #he 1ater 8elease7 &nake4s 0outh or 1ater 8elease7 0outh of ,!il (&uiton7 Ja no Kuchi) technique allows the user to create snaking torrents of water from different directions, to strike and engulf many opponents. #he torrents ha!e monstrous snake like heads. 'ater (elease) 'ater Fang Bullet #he 1ater 8elease7 1ater 2ang +ullet (&uiton7 &uigadan) technique allows the user to raise se!eral small water torrents around a target to catch it in a circle of crushing water. 'ater (elease) -estructi,e (a1id Torrents #he 1ater 8elease7 .estructi!e 8apid #orrents or 1ater 8elease7 rashing 8apids (&uiton7 :ahonryuu) technique causes a mass of water to flow swiftly through an area

like a raging ri!er, washing all in its path. #he water soaks quickly in the ground turning it muddy and creating areas of sucking mud. Alternati!ely, it creates water that spirals in the user4s hand which can burst forth as a swirling torrent of water. "t can easily knock someone off his feet and throw him some distance away. 'ater (elease) 'ater Encam1ment 'all #he 1ater 8elease7 1ater 1all (&uiton7 &uijinheki) allows users to spit protecti!e walls of water from their mouth to block attacks. #he wall of water swirls to encompass the area around the user. ?nlike most water jutsu, this technique does not require an pre$ e/isting source of water to use. "t is one of the !ery few rare e/ceptions. 'ater (elease) 'ater Shark %issile #he 1ater 8elease7 1ater &hark 0issile #echnique (&uiton7 &uikoudan no Jutsu) raises a snaking water torrent from any close water source big enough, that lashes powerfully at a target of the user4s choice. #he end of this torrent is shaped like a shark. 'ater (elease) Fi,e %an!Eating Sharks #he 1ater 8elease7 2i!e 0an$,ating &harks (&uiton7 5oshoku$Came) technique allows the user to stream his chakra into a large water source to create up to fi!e constructs of water and chakra shaped like sharks. #hese 9sharks9 swim and attack the user4s enemies like real sharks, only under the control of the user. #heir teeth are capable of inflicting actual damage, and their mass is tangible. #he sharks can be damaged by physical attacks, but as long as they are in the water, any damage to their form is instantly repaired. 'ater (elease) Burdock (oot Eating Sharks #he 1ater 8elease7 +urdock 8oot ,ating &harks (&uiton7 5ob Shokusame) allows the user to slashe a body of water, creating a pillar of water that launches the enemy into the air and releases fi!e water sharks that attack the enemy until one de!ours them before imploding, launching the enemy into the air where the remaining water sharks surround the enemy and force them under water where they implode in on the enemy. 'ater (elease) +ressure Cannon #he 1ater 8elease7 ;ressure annon (&uiton7 Kaihoudan) technique allows the user to spit forth a massi!e, high !elocity jet of water from his mouth. #he stream of water is powerful enough to push someone back and knock him off his feet. 'ater T&1hoon *orte7 Techni$ue #he 1ater #yphoon <orte/ #echnique (5ufuu &uika no Jutsu) is actually a combo technique that combines the 1ater 8elease7 rashing 8apids technique and the 1ind 8elease7 8asengan technique to create a typhoon !orte/ of water capable of putting out fires of great si%e, or forcefully drench a large group of people or le!el all in its path. 'ater (elease) Storm& Blockade #he 1ater 8elease7 &tormy +lockade (&uiton7 :aran +anshou) allows the user to call a large amount of water from the sky. #he water pours down and forward from behind the user sweeping e!erything in their path e/cept the user, around which the water flows. At the end of the technique, the ground in the immediate area is co!ered for a few minutes with a few inches deep lair of water. 'ater (elease) 'ater God Slicer #he 1ater 8elease7 1ater 5od &licer (&uiton7 0i%u Kamikiri) technique allows the user to turn e!en a single drop of water into a thin$as$a$blade screen of water that runs along the ground as the user directs. #his water slicer can slice clean or break through e!en

rock and earth, let alone flesh, making this technique !ery dangerous to e!en an opponent with co!er. #he user can utili%e a number of these slicers, more the more skill he possesses, and can e!en send them abo!e ground to high targets. 'ater (elease) 'ater Cannon (e1lica #he 1ater 8elease7 1ater annon 8eplica (&uiton7 &eibun :oufutsu) technique surrounds the target in a sphere of water that rises ab!e the ground, and from which he cannot escape. "n addition to being trapped, the target is submerged and therefore faces the peril of drowning. 'ater (elease) 'ater Blast #he 1ater 8elease7 5un +ullet (&uiton7 #eppoundama) allows a user to cough forth a huge mass of water that speeds forth to hit its target. #his much water can wash a swath of forest. 'ater (elease) Grand E71losion Techni$ue #he 1ater 8elease7 5rand ,/plosion #echnique (&uiton7 .aibaku no Jutsu) allows a user standing on the surface of a large enough water source (like a lake) to cause a massi!e amount of water to rise around him and burst outward in a circular wa!e around him, washing e!erything around him away. 'ater (elease) Grand *orte7 Techni$ue #he 1ater 8elease7 5rand <orte/ #echnique (&uiton7 .aibakure no Jutsu) is a jutsu meant to be used where a large source of water is (large pool, lake, sea, ocean). #he user of the technique molds chakra in such a way as to manipulate the water in a certain spot of the water source to swirl, causing a large whirpool. #he si%e of the !orte/ depends on the amount of chakra in!ested in the technique, as well as the skill of the user. A skilled user can create a !orte/ large enough to suck$in people and small boats= A master of water techniques can create one big enough to draw in ships. Water Release: Great Whirlpool Entwining Technique #he 1ater 8elease7 5reat 1hirlpool ,ntwining #echnique (&uiton7 ;2umatoi no Jutsu) allows the user to use a nearby water supply to create a giant water !orte/ which he can wield as a weapon. 'ater (elease) 'aterfall Basin Techni$ue #he 1ater 8elease7 1aterfall +asin #echnique (&uiton7 #akitsubo no Jutsu) is quite similar the the earth element technique of the mo!ing land ri!er, e/cept that instead of a ri!er of mud, the user creates a massi!e flow of water. "f the water stream to a cliff edge or something like it and fall, they can form an impressi!e waterfall, hence the technique4s name. 1ater keeps flowing from the point they started for quite some time. >aturally, this technique is !ery useful, offensi!ely and defensi!ely, as well as for affecting a change in landscape. 'ater (elease) Grand 'aterfall #he 1ater 8elease7 5rand 1aterfall technique (&uiton7 .aibakufu no Jutsu) draws water around the user, swirls it to a circle and then sphere around him, and then sends the water against any opponent chosen by the user. #his technique allows the user to engulf his opponent, target, or chosen area with water, making it useful for more than just attack. #he amount of water manipulated by the use of the technique can be controlled by the user, but, as its name implies, it can direct a massi!e amount of water, enough to bring down trees and small houses, or to put out massi!e fires, and to a great distance. +o erful Blasting (ain Trench

#he ;owerful +lasting 8ain #rench (&uishuu 5orugon) technique allows the user to shape a mass of water into a giant jawed water snake that can be directed against enemies, attacking and engulfing them. 'ater (elease) 'ater -ragon 'hi1 1ith the 1ater 8elease7 1ater .ragon 1hip (&uiton7 &uiryuuben) technique, the user manipulates a large amount of water into a sphere abo!e his head, and then causes water projectiles to shoot from it in e!ery direction. #he projectile dont actually break apart from the sphere, but rather, they are like long tentacles protruding from it. #hese water projectiles carry both impact and penetration capabilities, and can be directed to change directions and angle while in flight (around corner and the like). #his attack is !ery hard to a!oid. 'ater (elease) 'ater -ragon Blast #he 1ater 8elease7 1ater .ragon +last technique (&uiton7 &uiryuudan no Jutsu), which requires alot of water to use, is a most powerful technique that creates a 1ater .ragon made of water, and imbued with the user4s chakra, to fight on his behalf. #he dragon itself can manipulate water around him as well as fight more mundainly. 'ater (elease) 'ater 'a,e #he 1ater 8elease7 1ater 1a!e technique (&uiton7 &uishouha) allows to user to raise a tall !orte/ of water around him, that then bursts outward in a massi!e wa!e, washing e!erything in its path around the user. Water Release: Exploding Water Colliding Wave #he 1ater 8elease7 ,/ploding 1ater &hockwa!e technique (&uiton7 +akusui &hha) allows the user to create a lake4s worth of water which can be used for attacks, water$ based jutsu, defense, or any other mundane use for water there is. "n addition, the user can control this mass of water perfectly, raising wa!es to wash his enemies for e/ample.


u!!le "in#utsu

8elated to water techniques, &oap +ubble (&habondama) >injutsu require a bubble line (+aburu$kei) and soap water as well as an e/ceptional chakra control ability. #his line of ninjutsu allows the user to float inside his bubbles or ride them, as well as use them offensi!ely by trapping his enemies in them, filling the bubbles with water to drown them. #hese bubbles can also be filled with a blinding gas, or a prime!al sticky slime, or made e/plossi!e, thus e/ploding upon contact with anything. #he bubbles can also be used as chakra infused shields. "cid 'isteria #he Acid 2lower or Acid 1isteria (&antouka) technique allows the user to produce a stream of highly acidic bubbles that corrode almost anything they come in contact with. #he technique is especially useful against earth based and earth related techniques. Ninja "rt) E71loding Shell #he >inja Art7 ,/ploding &hell (>inpou7 Kibakubou) creates a bubble that when burst, either by touch or the user4s will, e/plodes, much like a small e/plossi!e tag. 'ater (elease) *iolent Bu44le 'a,e #he 1ater 8elease7 <iolent +ubble 1a!e (&uiton7 :matsu Ra a) allows the user to spit out a large !olume of bubbles which co!ers the ground and reduces friction, considerably limiting the opponents4 mo!ements. #he bubbles are spit out with !iolent

force that is capable of washing away most attacks, such as oil and fire. #his technique can also be used as an effecti!e smokescreen. 'a& of Karmic Suffering #he 1ay of Karmic &uffering (5oukuhou) tecnique allows the user to create a number of orbs made of pure force, and launch them against one or more opponents. #he orbs of force seek their target, making this technique inescapable to anyone not ha!ing full co!er from all sides. #he orbs hit like punches with great concusi!e force, knocking the targets !iolently back. #his technique is powerful and ancient. 'ire Cage #he 1ire age technique (Kago 5ome) requires some wire to e/ecute. "t is a defensi!e technique that allows the user to infuse the wire with his chakra, causing it to quickly elongate and surround the user with a hard$as$steel tight wire sphere that can easily block physical attacks, and can pro!ide some protection against more unusual attacks (energy attacks, for e/ample). As the net of wire is infused with the user4s chakra, it is unbreakable under normal means. 'ord Binding A !ery powerful and !ery !ersatile technique, the 1ord +inding #echnique (Jibaku Jutsu) allows the user to gi!e power to written words or kanji. #he user, forms the word or kanji on the spot, or uses a pre$e/isting one (like a tattoo or word on a scroll), while in!oking the technique, mentally directs the purpose of the word, and releases its power. 2or e/ample, the kanji for fire would allow the user to create and manipulate flames, the kanji for control, if placed on another person, would allow a user to manipulate the mind and actions of that person, and the kanji for destroy could be made to seek and seriously harm or e!en kill a li!ing target, or cause destruction to an object. #he possibilities are endless. #his is a !ery high le!el technique and only e/tremely talented indi!iduals can use it.

Sage Techni$ues
$e%onic &llusion: Toad Con'rontation Singing ,emonic #llusion+ !oad *onfrontation Singing (0agen7 5amarinsh) is a sound$based genjutsu passed down on 0ount 0yAboku. +ecause learning it requires many long years of training, only the #wo 5reat &age #oads, 2ukasaku and &hima, ha!e the skills to perform it. "t is said to be the most powerful genjutsu in their arsenal. "t is immensely powerful and only has to reach the target4s sense of hearing to be a success. ,!en if there are se!eral hundred targets, they are completely disconnected from each other. "nside the genjutsu world, the targets are surrounded from all sides by four toad samurai, with their mind and body completely sealed between their hands in an illusionary cube of water. #he four unmo!ing toads won4t lift the complete binding until the user gi!es the order. All that is left to do is to strike the finishing blow in the real world, with 0ount 0yAboku4s secret stone swords (, "shiken) which are dri!en into the targets4 hearts like a wedge. .espite this technique4s great power, it takes some time for the users to synchroni%e melodies, and since it uses sound, it gi!es away their location, allowing opponents to

attack them while it is being prepared. "t also makes &hima and 2ukasaku4s throats dry, meaning it cannot be used repeatedly. Fighting Tongue Bind 2ighting #ongue +ind (Cessenbaku) allows the user to make their tongue grow and become reshaped with a face. #he tongue will then seek out the scent of its target. 1hen the target is found, she ensnares it to pre!ent escape and marks it with a corrosi!e chemical. #he tongue becomes strong and resistant to damage. Fighting Tongue Slash 2ighting #ongue &lash (Cessen%an) allows the user, by molding senjutsu chakra, to alongate his tongue which gains utmost solidity and sharpness. "t then leaps from his mouth with tremendous speed and force, e!en tearing a hole in the bedrock and through metal pipes. 1ith that ground$splitting power, the enemy is cut in half. #he way the both the enemy and the ground itself are cut apart is reminiscent of the strike of a great sword. Frog Kata 2rog Kata (Kawa%u Kumite) is a fighting style used e/clusi!ely by those who ha!e mastered &age 0ode. #he senjutsu chakra used during &age 0ode acti!ates the body in !arious ways, enhancing the user4s speed, strength, stamina and durability. "n 2rog Katas, the natural energy used by the practitioner to create senjutsu chakra, also surrounds and encapsulates the user as an aura of natural energy. #his aura of the &age4s senjutsu chakra can act as an e/tension of their body and cannot be seen by anyone other than those who ha!e trained in senjutsu. +y employing this aura of natural energy, a &age such as >aruto can use this aura to e/tend the reach and force of his physical attacks. ;unches that a &age throws that seemed to ha!e missed, actually hit and send the target spiraling back. -ne punch can cripple and completely finish off an opponent. Sage "rt) "m1hi4ian Techni$ue &age Art7 Amphibian #echnique (&enp+ Rysei no Jutsu) is used by &hima and 2ukasaku to fuse with Jiraiya. "t ma/imi%es the sage chakra for the person they are fused to and allows them to access &age 0ode. #his also allows 2ukasaku and &hima to continuously gather sage chakra for Jiraiya, as he cannot do so himself while on the mo!e, thus eliminating the weakness of e/hausting all of his sage chakra in battle. 2ukasaku and &hima were not able to fuse with >aruto ?%umaki because the >ine$#ailed .emon 2o/ rejected them. Sage "rt) Frog Call &age Art7 2rog all (&enp+ 3a$a2u >aki) allows the user, by focusing &enjutsu chakra to their throats, to release large, loud, and immensely powerful sound wa!es that effecti!ely annoy, distract, and temporarily paraly%e the target or targets completely. Sage "rt) Bath of Boiling #il &age Art7 +ath of +oiling -il (&enp+ 'oemon) is a collaboration jutsu used by Jiraiya with &hima and 2ukasaku. After ha!ing dri!en the enemy into a corner, for instance indoors or in a pit, #hen on &hima4s command Jiraiya creates a large !olume of oil, followed by 2ukasaku performing a large 1ind 8elease technique and &hima performing a large 2ire 8elease technique. 1ithin an instant, that area will be filled with oil burning at temperatures of thousands of degrees. #he super heated oil, creates an inferno of such magnitude that, within an instant, the target and the surrounding area will be reduced to cinders. Sage "rt) /air Needle Barrage

&age Art7 :air >eedle +arrage (&enp+ 3ebari Senbon) is a technique that hardens the hair on one4s head and shoots it continuously at the enemy. #he sheer speed of this technique makes it the fastest attack with the widest range possible in &age 0ode. At the same time that Jiraiya kneads the chakra needed for &enjutsu and fires the hair needles, 2ukasaku and &hima acti!ate Jiraiya4s hair roots, making limitless rapid$fire possible. #he sharpened points of the needles turn the target4s entire body into a pincushion.

Kno n Jutsu ! Genjutsu

-emonic 0llusions
-emonic 0llusion) /ell -escent Techni$ue #he .emonic "llusion7 :ell .escent #echnique (0agen7 Jigoku Kouka no Jutsu) is an illusion technique (genjutsu) that creates the illusion of a huge mass of fire descending from abo!e to co!er a wide area, engulfing it in flames. #hose failing to recogni%e this as an illusion can feel actual heat and would try their best to get away from the flames. -emonic 0llusion) False Surroundings Techni$ue #he .emonic "llusion7 2alse &urroundings #echnique (0agen7 Kokoni Ara%u no Jutsu) changes the appearance of a nearby object or area. -emonic 0llusion) -ou4le False Surroundings Techni$ue #he .emonic "llusion7 .ouble 2alse &urroundings #echnique (0agen7 >ij 3okoni 7ra2u no Jutsu) places another illusion on top of a pre!ious illusion created by the user. "f and when the target dispels the first illusion, they will not reali%e that a second is in place. #he second surronding can be controled by mo!ing chakra in your hands. -emonic 0llusion) Tree Bind -eath 1ith the .emonic "llusion7 #ree +ind .eath (0agen7 Jubaku &atsu), , the user can make themsel!es disappear, allowing them to approach their target unnoticed. -nce completed, a tree and roots will grow at the target4s feet and restrict their mo!ements. -nce the opponent belie!es that they are captured, the user can then appear abo!e their opponent from the tree4s trunk and kill the target. #his jutsu seems to be quite !ersatile, with a wide range of !ariations on the standard nature theme. "n addition to the disappearing and tree$ growing effects of the jutsu, the user can produce flowers, seedpods, !ines and multiple trees. -emonic 0llusion) /ell *ie ing Techni$ue #he .emonic "llusion7 :ell <iewing #echnique (0agen7 >arakumi no Jutsu) causes the target to see a horrifying !ision. 2irst, an imaginary circle of lea!es will spin around and en!elop the target, falling away shortly after. After a short period, the illusion will begin. #his is to make the illusion more con!incing, since the user will likely ha!e mo!ed before the illusion sets in. -emonic 0llusion) %irror /ea,en and Earth Change #he .emonic "llusion7 0irror :ea!en and ,arth hange (0agen7 Ky !enchi%#en) is a powerful technique that allows the user to turn genjutsu against its users. #he user in!okes the technique prior to battle, or while not fully under the effect of an illusion technique, and is then able to turn an illusion against its user.

Sound 0llusions
-emon Flute) 0llusion Tune #he .emon 2lute7 "llusion #une (0ateki7 0ugen -nsa) technique, as its name implies,

requires a flute to use. #he user has to be a talented flute player to actually succeed in performing it. #he jutsu allows the user to create e/tra realistic and difficult to resist illusions, using flute melody. #he illusions created by this jutsu are so powerful, the !ictim can be persuaded he is under any kind of condition, or in any kind of situation the user can think of. #he illusions are not dispelled if user stops playing= #he melody simply creates the illusion, it doesn4t sustain it= #he user does that. An e/ample illusion, the .ream &ound hain, makes the target feel as if they are tied with numerous wires, restricting their mo!ement. &oon after, their flesh will begin to melt away from their bones, causing great pain and horror to the target. 0llusion Bell Needles #he "llusion +ell >eedles (&u%u &enbon no 5enkaku) technique is a sound based illusion. #he user can use this technique with specially designed bells. +y attaching the bells to senbon (throwing needles) and throwing them at his target, he can get them to dodge and subsequently ignore the bells. Additionally, the target may belie!e the bells are actually designed to lull them into a false sense of security or to confuse them. "n actuality, he has strings attached to the bells or can use chakra strings (like with the ;uppet #echnique), which allows him to ring them. #he bells ring at a certain frequency, which directly affects the brain. #his, in conjunction with the technique, causes his target to see multiple copies of himself, making it impossible to tell the real one from the illusions. Additionally, the target loses their motor skills with continued e/posure to the ringing. -eath Foreseeing Techni$ue #he .eath 2oreseeing #echnique (&hikumi no Jutsu) is much like the ;aralysis #echnique, but paraly%es the foe by showing them a !ision of their own gruesome death. "n addition to the paralysis, the enemy is o!erwhelmed with fear, and will no doubt suffer se!ere mental stress. #his is an illusion based paralysis. 0llusionar& Techni$ue) "4solute -arkness #his Jutsu (5enjutsu7 Kokuangyou no Jutsu) co!ers an entire area around the user in complete darkness that is impenetrable to light sources despite the e/istance of any. #his jutsu makes the target think that they are surrounded by total darkness, allowing the user to attack unseen. 'ater (elease 0llusion) %&stic Fog +rison #he 1ater 8elease "llusion7 0ystic 2og ;rison (&uiton 5enjutsu7 0ugen 0arou) is a powerful technique that creates a fog laced with shimmering motes of light that place those in the area of the fog into an illusion in which they are gradually encased in ice, rendering them immobile. -nce fully paralysed, !ictims of the illusion begin seeing a demonic shadowy apparition that mo!es towards them to instill fear in them. Flo er 0llusion) %a7imum Cutting #he 2lower "llusion7 0a/imum utting (:ana 5enjutsu7 Kyouka &ai) requires flower pettles to e/ecute. #he user throws the pettles at his target and in!okes the technique. #he flower pettles begin to swirl around the target, and the world around him darkens to a twilight. #he user !anishes in the process, concealed by the illusion, and free to act further under co!er of the illusion.

Leaf St&le) 'illo #he 'eaf &tyle7 1illow (Konoha 8yuu7 Danagi) illusion, in!ol!es the user slowly wa!ing a long object, preferably a weapon, infront of his intended targets. "llusary duplicates of that objects appear, each e/tending from the pre!ious in a way reminiscent of the long willow leaf !ines. &oon, many long strings of the weapon fill the subjects4 field of !ision, only to fade into a !ision of a willow tree lit by a purple moon. #his illusion entrances and immobili%es those caught in it, lea!ing them in the mercy of the illusion in!oker.

The Sage of Si7 +aths +o ers and Techni$ues

As possessor of the 8innegan, the sage of si/ paths could not only master all elements and any technique, but he also possessed some powers that were unique to him. &i/ ;aths which ga!e him his nickname. The -i,init& +ath #he .e!a ;ath (, #endA) is the first of the &i/ ;aths. #his path of power between hea!en and earth is all about attraction and repulsion$ directional gra!itational force or it4s in!ersion. #he possessorof the 8innegan can push things away from him or pull them to him, while using himself as a center, whether a single object or being, or e!erything around him. +oth matter and energy can be affected by this power. Celestial +ull of "ll Creation #he elestial ;ull of All reation (+ansh #en4in) technique allows the user to pull a target to him. .epending on the amount of energy in!ested, a larger and hea!ier object or person can be pulled. /ea,enl& Su4jugation of the #mni1resent God #he :ea!enly &ubjugation of the -mnipresent 5od (&hinra #ensei) tchnique allows the user to push e!erything around away from him, but on a much larger scale than the ;ath of .i!inity allows the user without the use of a technique (in other words$ without molding chakra). #his technique can cause great destruction. Catacl&smic /ea,enl& Bod& 'itteraly #ranslated 9:ea!enly +ody +ursting from the ,arth9, the ataclysmic :ea!enly +ody or atastrophic ;lanetary onstruction ( hibaku #ensei) is possibly the greatest technique originating from the .e!a ;ath. hibaku #ensei is a special technique de!eloped by the &age of the &i/ ;aths, who used it to create the moon and trap the #en$#ailed +east4s body inside of it. #he user creates a small glowing sphere which quicly darkens to a dark black sphere of gra!ity that, when thrown into the sky, begins to shine rays of golden light and attracts objects from all directions and pulls them into the sphere, compressing them together. #he surrounding earth, including forests and mountains, are collected into a single point, piling on top of one another until it creates a large sphere. A large crater is left where the earth has been collected from. The "nimal +ath #he Animal ;ath (, hikushAdA) is the second path of the sage. #he Animal ;ath4s main abilities re!ol!e around summoning !arious animals and creatures to aid it in battle. ,ach creature ser!es a different purpose in battle, much like e!ery path of the sage was also different from the others. #he summons a!ailable to the &age of &i/ ;aths, are

e/tremely powerful, being on a whole different le!el than most known summons (with only few, such as ,nma, as an e/ception). 1orthy of note, the sage requires no blood sacrifice, does not need to form the necessary hand seals or hand contact with the surface to performing a &ummoning #echnique. The +reta +ath #he ;reta ;ath (, 5akidA) is the third of the &i/ ;aths. "t grants the sage the ability to absorb energy. Blocking Techni$ue "4sor1tion Seal #he +locking #echnique Absorption &eal (2jutsu 3yin) is a highly ad!anced sealing technique that is capable of absorbing any chakra, regardless of any shape or nature transformation, and dispersing it within one4s body by spinning the chakra within one4s body in the opposite direction. As a result, this technique can absorb any ninjutsu based technique, regardless of power, without harming the user. #his technique could also take the form of a barrier around the sage4s body, allowing it to absorb attacks from all directions. &hould the user get close enough to grab the opponent, the barrier can absorb chakra right out of an indi!idual4s body, effecti!ely draining them (similar to the hakra Absorption #echnique). ;resumably, it is possible for the sage to use the absorbed chakra as his own. The /uman +ath #he :uman ;ath (, >ingendA) is the fourth path of the sage. #he :uman ;ath gi!es the sage the capability of mind reading simply by placing its hand o!er the target4s head, and could e/tort any information or secret being hidden by the !ictim against his6her will. #he most powerful and lethal ability possessed by the :uman ;ath is the power to remo!e a li!ing target4s soul by ripping it out of his6her body, thus killing the !ictim. The "sura +ath #he Asura ;ath (, &huradA) is the fifth of the sage4s &i/ ;aths. "t gi!es the sage power o!er the inanimate, allowing him to gi!e such things the semblence of life. The Naraka +ath #he >araka ;ath (, JigokudA) is the si/th path of the sage. "t has the power to summon the King of :ell, a spiritual entity capable of interogation and judgement, and restoration of things. #o interrogate, the >araka ;ath need only catch hold of a person, causing the -uter ;ath to appear before them. 1ith the !ictim seemingly paraly%ed, the >araka ;ath begins questioning them. After answers are gi!en, the King of :ell will un%ip its mouth to release tendril$like arms and would draw out an apparition of the !ictim4s life force energy in the form of an enlarged tongue. #he King of :ell then proceeds to pass its judgment. "f the person was lying or refused to answer the questions, the King of :ell would remo!e their soul and consume it, killing them. :owe!er, if they told the truth, they would be spared, although left e/tremely e/hausted. #he second ability the >araka ;ath possessed is the ability to repair any damage. #o do so the >araka ;ath has the King of :ell ingest the damaged body with its tendril$like arms into its mouth. #hen, after some time, the destroyed body will emerge from its mouth, completely healed and reju!enated. The #uter +ath #he -uter ;ath (, 5edA) is the se!enth path of the sage, not included with the main

&i/ ;aths. "t has control o!er 'ife and .eath, and is the ultimate meaning of the 8innegan. Summoning) -emonic Statue of the #uter +ath #his &ummon (Kuchiyose7 5ed &a2) is only usable by a possessor of the 8innegan. #his summons a giant statue that releases multiple chakra rods from its abdomen that pierce the user4s back. 1hen the rods are in place, the user uses the statue to spew a dragon$like creature from its mouth, which remo!es the souls of any person it comes in contact with. After ser!ing its purpose, the chakra rods break off and remain embedded in the user4s back while the statue disappears. #he technique seems to take a considerable toll on the user, who becomes more and more emaciated for the duration of the technique. #uter +ath) Samsara of /ea,enl& Life Techni$ue ?uter =ath+ Samsara of /ea"enly @ife !echni.ue (5ed+ Rinne !ensei no Jutsu). +y channeling his power through the -uter ;ath, the user can re$infuse new life force energy to the dead bodies of those recently killed. 1ith their reju!enated bodies acting as an anchor, the indi!idual souls are then able to lea!e the crossroad between life and the afterlife, returning back to their physical !essels. #he jutsu targets all the indi!iduals killed, e!en those not necessarily killed by the sage. #here seems to be a limited time for when this technique can be used, as >agato is unable to bring back those who ha!e remained dead for an e/tended period of time, such as Dahiko and Jiraiya. #his technique requires a massi!e amount of chakra and can kill the user if he has to little, as it resulted in >agato4s death due to chakra o!eruse. >agato became se!erely weakened, his hair becoming increasingly thinner and grayer as he performed the technique. #he technique can be used a great distance from the user by employing the King of :ell.

Tailed !easts
#here are nine giant demons called the #ailed +easts (+ij) that inhabit the lanet. !hey are actually li"ing chakra in hysical form, often referred to as )*hakra &onsters). !he beasts are differentiated by the number of tails they ha"e, $ith each ossessing an amount from one to nine. !hey are large, li"ing forms of chakra, gi"ing them o$er that far outmatches most ninja. /o$e"er, this immense strength is tem ered due to their bestial nature, $hich restricts them from being smart enough to use it effecti"ely. Beasts sealed $ithin humans are able to benefit from the kno$ledge of their hosts, gi"ing them the ability to s eak and better utili2e their o$ers. "t seems that the tailed beasts were around before the 2irst 5reat >inja 1ar. #he shinobi nations first in!ol!ed these demons by attempting to capture them and harnessing their immense chakra to defeat their enemies. After the 1ars, :ashirama &enju, the 2irst :okage, managed to capture and control them with his 1ood 8elease techniques, and used them as a peace treaty to the other great shinobi nations, in order to stabili%e the balance of power between them. After his death, howe!er, the shinobi nations couldn4t control these giant demons themsel!es and they began to run wild. #heir attempts to capture and harness them failed as no nation could control such immense power. #he attempt was a failure as no nation was able to control such power. "nstead, the nations mo!ed to capture the beasts and seal them in a human, a Jinchriki. #his method worked and by the time period of today, the only known tailed beast to ha!e not been sealed was

the #hree$#ails. #he tailed beasts are nine gigantic demons of immense power. ,ach re!ealed tailed beast is around the si%e of 5amabunta, who is o!er EFF meters tall. #hey are differentiated by the number of tails they ha!e, with each possessing an amount from one to nine. #he tailed beasts are also known for possessing the 9ultimate chakra9 (more accurately$ 9ultimate ki9 or chi), as they ha!e chakra le!els far beyond what most of the human characters possess. :owe!er, this immense strength is tempered due to their bestial nature, which restricts some of them from being smart enough to use it effecti!ely. +easts sealed within another person are able to benefit from the knowledge of their hosts, gi!ing them the ability to speak and better utili%e their powers. Akatsuki is currently collecting the tailed beasts. #hey capture the hosts and take them to a secret location where a three day long jutsu is performed to draw out the tailed beast from the host. #hey possess se!en of the nine tailed beasts7 &hukaku, the one$tailed beast= the two$tailed demon cat= the three$tailed beast= the four$tailed beast= and three other unknown beasts. All se!en of these tailed beasts ha!e been e/tracted and sealed. ;ain claims that when all nine beasts are sealed, he will be able to create a jutsu powerful enough to instantly wipe out a country. (osts #hose within whom a tailed beast has been sealed are called Jinchriki <lit. =o$er of /uman Sacrifice, 9&piritualist 0edium9), or simply hosts. "n most instances, they are actually stronger than the tailed beast they contain, as they ha!e the knowledge to effecti!ely control the tailed beast4s strength. ,ach of the hosts that ha!e appeared so far also possesses a physical characteristic that resembles their beast R >aruto has fo/$like whisker$marks, and 5aara has tanuki$like rings around his eyes, and the beast4s traits can become infused with the hosts personality. According to Akatsuki members, those who host such creatures are typically lonely people who loathe humanity, and so far this has initially been the case. 1hen Akatsuki captured their first two jinchriki, no one from their "illages cared, and in fact $ere thankful to be rid of them. #t is also kno$n that the death of a host $ill result in the death of the tailed beast $ithin, and the hosts seen thus far sometimes e5hibit in"oluntary defensi"e o$ers, such as 'aara's sand shield and >aruto's demon fo5 cloak. #he tailed beasts are also !ery protecti!e of their hosts for that sole reason7 if the host dies, so does the demon inside. @ike$ise, the remo"al of the tailed beast results in the death of its host. >aruto takes the $ord jinchriki offensi"ely, regarding it as a dehumani2ing term. ,uring the 'reat Shinobi :ars, each country's /idden 1illage tried to make use of the tailed beasts for military ur oses, and com eted for them. /o$e"er, no one $as e"er able to truly bring the tailed beasts under control, $ith the jinchriki being only a marginal success. !he :ea on%makers "illage $as able to come slightly closer than that using a dome that held 'aara in lace $hile channeling the Shukaku's o$er into their $ea onry, but 'aara later resisted the rocess and destroyed the "ery $ea on his o$er $as su osed to fuel. )ne*Tailed Shu+a+u

!he ?ne%!ailed Shukaku <#chibi no Shukaku, 9&hukaku the &and &pirit9, &una no &hukaku, 9&hukaku of the &and9) has been in the possession of &unagakure for many years, being sealed into two pre!ious citi%ens before being sealed in 5aara. "t was once said to be a corrupted spirit of a &and priest that turned into a demon, but it is actually one of the #ailed +easts. "t was originally sealed inside a tea kettle and then placed inside its first host. 1hen Karura, the wife of 2ourth Ka%ekage, became pregnant, her husband ordered hiyo to seal &hukaku inside an unborn 5aara, but only after being remo!ed from the second host. +efore she died gi!ing birth to 5aara, she cursed all the people of &unagakure, including her husband, for what they had done. hiyo sealed it into 5aara under the 2ourth Ka%ekage4s orders, and 5aara4s mother was used as a sacrifice for the sealing process. &hukaku is intelligent but also incoherent, gi!ing him the demeanor of a drunkard= this fits well with the typical depictions of tanuki in Japanese folklore. 'ike other tailed beasts, its innate rage and bloodlust influence its beha!ior, and it relishes in the opportunity to kill anyone in sight. &hukaku looks somthing like a monsterous raccoon. "t has powers o!er the sand and the wind, employing many different sand and air attacks. As a host of &hukaku, 5aara has the ability to mo!e and le!itate sand at will. :e is also gi!en constant protection by his sand, as it surrounds him to block any and all damage regardless of his will. Also, the &hukaku haspower o!er air and wind, granting mastery o!er these forces to his host as well. As a symbol of the beast sealed within him, 5aara has &hukaku4s characteristic rings around his eyes. Although they are a part of his physical appearance, their presence is further amplified by his lifelong insomnia= should he fall asleep, &hukaku will supplant his personality and take control of his body. "f need be, 5aara can bring out &hukaku in battle to deal with more powerful opponents= 5aara first creates a life$si%ed replica of &hukaku from sand that he is merged with at its forehead. :e then forces himself to sleep to release the demon at its full power. -nce released &hukaku takes control of the sand$body to do with as he please until 5aara awakens, suppressing its spirit once more. Two*Tailed $e%on Cat #he #wo$#ailed .emon at (>ibi no >ekomata) is a fire$breathing, blue$flamed flaming cat that was sealed within Dugito >ii of Kumogakure (:idden <illage of the loud). #he demon cat was said to be a li!ing ghost. As the container of the demon cat her eyes are slanted and cat$like. Dugito can materiali%e the demon cat4s form around her, gi!ing her access to its fire$based abilities. .espite transforming into the demon cat to fight them, Dugito is captured by Akatsuki members :idan and Kaku%o, though it is unknown which member was specifically assigned to capture her. #he demon cat is later e/tracted from her body, resulting in her death. Three!Tailed -emon Turtle #he #hree #ails (&anbi no Kame) is a gigantic, turtle$like demon. "n the past, the #hree$ #ails was sealed within an unnamed shinobi from Kirigakure, later it seemed to ha!e been e/tracted from its host for reasons unclear, and was set free in the wild. After which, the giant turtle li!ed in a lake and remained uncaptured by any shinobi. According to #sunade, the #hree$#ails was lost after the great war. "ts abilities remain unclear. "t is clearly quite fast despite its si%e, as e!idenced by its ability to keep up with #obi. "t is

different from the &hukaku and the demon fo/ as it isn4t intelligent, which makes it little more than a wild animal. According to .eidara, lacking a host made the beast weaker because it wasn4t intelligent enough to control its own strength. "ts skin is !ery hard, able to shatter rystal 8elease techniques with ease, it could also unleash a powerful roar attack that can repel matter, the roar also appears to ha!e some relation to sonics as it could shatter crystals due to the high frequency, finally it has control o!er water, able to menifest many water technique, including a G*FL tidal wa!e technique that can cause large scale damage. "t has limited genjutsu capabilities that enables it to create a powerful fog that can cause animals to become confused and people to hallucinate. -ne other ability that the #hree$#ails has been shown to use was the opening of a portal to a separate dimension within the lake that it had appeared from. 1hether or not this ability is e/clusi!e to the #hree$#ails or if the other #ailed creatures can use it as well is unknown. "t has also not been re!ealed if the #ailed +easts reside within their own dimension together or separated. Four!Tails #he 2our$#ailed .emon 0onkey (Donbi no &aru) is a demon sealed within 8shi of #$agakure. #he Jinchriki is an elderly man of unkno$n origin $ho $as e"entually ca tured by 3isame /oshigaki. Re ortedly, it $as a difficult battle for 3isame, $ho had to an elemental fusion, rarely seen outside of kekkei genkai. @ittle is kno$n about the beast, only that it allo$ed Rshi to use its @a"a Release abilities, a combination of fire and earth the likes of $hich ha"e not been seen outside kekkei genkai. !he (our% !ailed beast is e!antually sealed, leading to the old man's death. The Fi,e!Tailed -emon -ol1hin /orse #he 2i!e$#ailed .olphin :orse (5obi no "rukauma) is a tailed beast sealed within :an from "wagakure. "t has the body of a horse, but the head is that of a dolphin. :e fought using steam. The Si7!Tailed -emon Slug #he &i/$#ailed &lug (8okubi no >amekuji) is a demon slug sealed within ?takata, a young man of Kirigakure. "t has been captured, e/tracted, and sealed by Akatsuki. ?takata was quite charming and fought with soap bubble (shabondama) ninjutsu. ?nbeknownst to anyone but :ikari, ?takata is not dead. ?sing a piece of the tentacle se!ered by &usuke from Killer +ee4s ,ight$#ailed form, :ikari created a clone of ?takata to which he was able to transfer #he &i/$#ailed .emon &lug. #hough the Akatsuki gained possesion of the &i/ #ails, the real ?takata4s life was spared, and he yet li!es, and, like 5aara, the former host of the -ne$#ailed &hukaku and the current Ka%ekage, he retains the powers of the tailed beast that once resided in him. The Eight!Tailed Giant -emon #7 #he ,ight$#ailed 5iant -/ (:achibi no Kyogy) is a demon ushi%oni sealed $ithin 3irAb6 of 3umogakure. 3irAb6 and the 0ight%!ails a ear to be able to s eak to each other in a much more rela5ed state than >aruto and the demon fo5. (or e5am le, $hen >aruto has a con"ersation $ith

the demon fo5, the latter is in a cage $ith a s ecial seal kee ing it from taking o"er >aruto. 3irAb6 and the 0ight%!ails, ho$e"er, talk $ithout such restraints, $ith 3irAb6 e"en sitting on to of its mu22le. /o$e"er, the 0ight%!ails is sho$n to get easily annoyed $ith 3irAb6's cra2y antics. 'ittle is known about the ,ight$#ails4 strength so far. As the ,ight$#ails4 host, KirAb6 can transform himself into the 0ight%!ails and can access its high%le"el chakra $ithout losing control. #t has been sho$n to fire an attack similar to the (our%!ailed (o5 &enacing Ball, but $ith much greater force. 3irAb6 is also able to use the 0ight%!ails to block his chakra to break illusions, e"en ones cast from a &angekyo Sharingan. An ushi$oni (o/ ogre) is a creature which appears in Japanese folklore. An ushi$oni is a massi!e, brutal sea$monster with a head and body of a bull with eight octopus tentacles. The "ine*Tailed $e%on ,ox #he >ine$#ailed .emon 2o/ (Kybi no 4k 5itsune, 9>ine$#ailed 2o/ &pirit6.emon9) is the most powerful of the tailed beasts. "ts power is such that it is regarded as an age$old natural disaster attracted to areas where human malice festered, as a single swipe of one of its nine tails is enough to raise tsunamis and flatten mountains. "t has limitless chakra and massi!e strength. At an unknown time, the demon fo/ met with the founder of the ?chiha clan, ?chiha 0adara, who used his 0angekyo &haringan to control it and he used the demon fo/ to battle against &enju :ashirama (the first :okage), leader of the &enju lan of the 2orest, at the <alley of the ,nd for the title :okage, but 0adara lost. #wel!e years ago 0adara ?chiha used his 0angekyo &haringan to ha!e the fo/ attack Konohagakure. >one of the ninja of the !illage were able to defeat it until the 2ourth :okage, 0inato >amika%e, arri!ed to deal with it with the aid 5amabunta, among the greatest of the toad spirits. After 0inato defeated it, he sealed the demon fo/ within >aruto, breaking 0adara4s control o!er it. ,!er since then, the demon fo/ has a special loathing for the &haringan and those who uses it, e!en remarking &asuke ?chiha4s eyes and chakra was far more sinister than its own, because his &haringan reminded it of 0adara. 0inato sacrificed his life to seal the fo/ into the body of his newborn son, >aruto ?%umaki. 8ather than completely seal off the fo/4s great power, howe!er, 0inato only sealed away a portion of it, gi!ing >aruto access to the rest for unknown reasons. 0inato left a key to Jiraiya that could either strengthen or weaken the fo/4s seal should the need arise. #he seal naturally becomes weaker as the years pass, and in the e!ent that it is broken the demon fo/ will be released. As far as its personality goes, the demon fo/ is a beast of almost complete male!olence. "t is intelligent, and has a scathing and sadistic personality. :owe!er, it does ha!e a sense of honor, and possesses a loathing respect for >aruto and the 2ourth :okage. Additionally, it has a distinct sense of pride and became rather angry and scornful at >aruto when he rejected its chakra, though this might ha!e merely been anger o!er missing an opportunity to partially usurp control o!er >aruto4s mind and body and thus weakening the seal. #he demon fo/ relishes the thought of killing >aruto, but it knows it has to help as long as it is sealed within him or it will die. #he only initial indication that >aruto is the fo/4s host are the whisker marks on his face and his ability to rapidly heal from injuries and fatigue, and an almost unri!aled stamina.

-nce learning of the fo/4s presence within him, >aruto makes better usage of its chakra by performing jutsu that would ordinarily be impossible for ninja of his age. #he near$ limitless chakra allows >aruto to perform his signature jutsu, &hadow lone #echnique, seemingly without limit. :e is e!en able to summon 5amabunta, a normally Kage$le!el feat requiring a huge amount of chakra proportionate to the si%e of the summoned creature. #hough small amounts of the fo/4s chakra constantly mi/ with >aruto4s own, he can draw upon its reser!es in two ways7 he can enter his own subconscious and con!erse with the fo/ to ask for a donation of its strength. Alternati!ely, he can succumb to rage, allowing the fo/4s !iolent personality to influence his own during e/treme emotional states or life$threatening situations. As >aruto draws upon greater amounts of its chakra the fo/ begins to manifest itself in the form of a fo/$shaped red aura with multiple tails. >aruto can only maintain control o!er his mind for the first three tails= at the fourth, he loses all sense of self and readily attacks anyone nearby, lea!ing only destruction in his wake. "n these instances, the fo/ can only be stopped by suppressing its influence, either with Damato4s 0okuton abilities or with a special seal created by Jiraiya that is directly applied to >aruto4s body. "n the few instances where >aruto con!erses with the fo/ it is shown to ha!e a loathing respect for both >aruto and 0inato. 1hile the fo/ initially complies to >aruto4s requests out of curiosity, it later does so in an attempt to further its influence o!er >aruto and weaken the seal. "t also acts in order to preser!e its own well$being, as >aruto4s death would also result in its own.

S1ecial Shino4i 0tems

&hinobi ha!e many interesting abilities, and employ many interesting weapons. "n addition to those, ninjas throughout the ages ha!e de!eloped interesting items and tools meant to assist them in their chosen profession. &ome of those special shinobi items can be used by anyone, but most are suited specifically fr ninjas, or are only useful to people capable of molding chakra. 0nformation Cards) #hese special cards, the si%e of game cards, are a special information storing medium. ,ach such card can ha!e information 9burned9 onto it with the user4s chakra. #he user can commit any kind of information, and since he does so with his chakra, he can commit it in any form he wishes (for e/ample, a colorful map can be commited to a card, the picture of a person, written words, and combinations thereof, and the user can change information on a card and add to it). -nce information is burned to a card, it becomes in!isible. -nly the person who placed the information in the card can make it !isible to others, by channeling his chakra into the card. #hat person can also attune the card to other people (whom he must know), allowing those people to make the information !isible with their chakra. #his feature of the information cards is what makes them so useful to shinobi spies, and those who wish to deli!er information without fear of unauthori%ed people !iewing it. ards can be purged of the information they store, making them reusable. Chakra Talisman) A hakra #alisman is a special rectengular paper tag. #he tag is made from a special, strong, durable paper. #he edges of the tag are a colored red frame, and the talisman bears a seal that holds sealed a certain amount of chakra. "t is meant to

be wraped around a weapon4s handle. -nce so wraped, the seal is released, infusing the weapon with chakra for a short while. #his allows the weapon to cut through anything made of, or imbued with chakra (a puppeteer4s chakra strings, a rasengan attack, strings and objects strengthened with chakra, etc.). #he chakra talisman is an in!ention of the 2uuma clan. Chakra Sealing Talisman) A chakra sealing talisman looks much like a chakra talisman, e/cept the seal on it is different. #his sealing tag can be put on a door or gate, and is usually put on a jail cell. #his talisman pre!ents anyone in the sealed space from using his chakra. -nce it has ser!ed its purpose, the user, or anyone else capable of molding chakra, and on the side of the seal, can use the dispelling jutsu to break the seal and release the door. Chakra Nature -etermination Notes #he hakra >ature .etermination >otes are special slips of unique paper that reacts to e!en the slightest amount of chakra, made from special tree fed and nurtured with chakra. #hese slips of paper allow a person to determine which chakra nature the person has, or in other words, which element he has the strongest affinity to. #his is done by the person running a little chakra through the paper. "t reacts .ifferently for each element. "f the element is fire, the paper will burn, if it is wind (air), the paper will tear in half, if it is water, the paper will get soggy, if it is earth, the paper will crumble, and if it is lightning, the paper will wrinkle. Bom4s Smoke Bom4s) #hese alchemical items are round pellets between the si%e of a cherry and an apricot, nad of dark blue color. 1hen thrown forcfully against a surface they burst, creating a smoke cloud, the si%e of which depends on the si%e of the smoke bomb. 1ithout wind, the smoke fills an area between HF to (F feet in radius. &moke bombs are e/cellent for both creating co!er so one can escape, or for obscuring the opponent4s sight, for those capable of fighting without seeing. +e11er!filled Smoke Bom4s) ;epper$filled smoke bombs are like normal smoke bombs, with the e/ception that the alchemical compound making them is added with pepper, or another irritating mi/ture of herbs, and they are deep red in color. #hose e/posed to the smoke begin to caugh, snee%e, itch, and feel a burning sensation in their moths and throats if they inhale the smoke. +oison Smoke Bom4s) #hese small pellets, dark green or purple in color, are like smoke bombs, e/cept the smoke they create is a poisonous smoke (.oku Kemuri). #he potency of the poison depends on the one used during the creation of the bomb. Flash Bom4s) 2lash bombs are small round alchmical pellets in a tight wo!en shell bearing a rune. #hey can be triggered in one of two ways$ the first is being thrown against somthing= ?pon impact they acti!ate. #he second method of triggering require the user to be able to use chakra. +y silently in!oking the rune on the flash bomb, the user can acti!ate it. -nce acti!ated, a flash bomb erupts in a large, blinding flash of white light, blinding those who see it. #he light persists for a few moments. E71losi,e Seals) ,/plosi!e seals or tags (Kibaku 2uuda) are rectengular paper talisman like tags. #hey ha!e a red frame and an inscription and seal. #he seal holds chakra, and

the inscription channels and con!erts the chakra into e/plosi!e fiery power. #he tag must be acti!ated by a user4s chakra, and depending on how he acti!ates it, the way the tag works changes. #he user can make it e/plode immediately, or after a certain period of time elapses. #he strength of the e/plosion depends on the making of the tag$ the amount of chakra in the seal and the inscription. #he weakest tags can only create a small burst of flame, while the most powerful ones can create a huge e/plosion. S1ecial +ills #hroughout the years, shinobi ha!e ha!e created !arious special medicines and drugs to assist them in !arious situations. &ome of those are listed below. Food +ills) #he food pill is a small, round, brown pill that is closely related to the more potent soldier pill. A food pill, as it name implies is high in nutritional !alue, and can be a substitute for a meal. "n addition, the food pill helps a person quickly reco!er his chakra, allowing him to return to action quickly. Soldier +ills) #he soldier pill (:yourou 5an) is a special medicine that comes in the form of a small, round, black pill, and that allows a person who uses it to fight three days and three nights straight (gi!e or take). "t is high in protein, and is quickly absorbed into the body. "t also has substances that act as both a stimulus and tranquilli%er. Another effect of the pill, deri!ed from its main function on the body, is to temporarily double a person4s chakra (ki6chi). Blood Clotting +ills) #he blood clotting pill comes in the form of a small, round, dark red pill. #his alchemical medicine spreads quickly throughout the body, hastening clotting of blood in open wounds both e/ternal and internal. "t also causes the body to, for a short period, produce blood !ery quickly, to compesatefor blood loss. Secret Food +ills of the "kimichi Clan #he Akimichi lan, whose techniques require a lot of body energy to use (the .ouble &i%e technique, to name one), has de!eloped special food pills to allow them to take on just about most opponents, taking ad!antage of their !ast bodily resources. #he set of three pills they de!eloped is !ery useful and !ery powerful, but also !ery dangerous, e!en to them. ,ach pill contains an e/tremely huge amount of energy, and consumes bodily resources in the form of fat, cholesterol, and callories to bring about e/traordinary effects, gaining an e/plosi!e burst of power, but this rapid burning of body resources turns !ery painful e!entually. ,ach pill, in order, has more effect, and is thus more dangerous. "t is a trump card not to be used lightly, but only when all other options ha!e been e/hausted. #hese three pills come in a small, transperent, three compartment container. Green S1inach +ill) #his large green pill, the spinach (:ouren) pill, the first in the set, increases the user4s strength tenfold, allowing him to perform e/traordinary feats of strength. "t also enhances the user4s chakra as a result. Alone, it is sufficient to take on most ri!als. :ello Curr& +ill) #he second in the set, this large yellow$orange pill has the same effects as the green pill, but its effect on the user4s chakra is phenomenal, more than quadrupling it, allowing the user to perform powerful jutsus and draw on monstrous strength. (ed +e11er +ill) 'ast of the set, and the most dangerous, the large red pepper pill increases the user4s strength and chakra a hundredfold. #he effect is so e/traordinary that

his chakra actually takes form around him. #he shape depends on the user, butit is always remarkable to behold. #he use of this last pill is at best e/tremely dangerous, and at worst$ suicidal. 2ew can sur!i!e its side$effects. Secret Bug (e1elent of the "4urame Clan) #he Aburame clan speciali%es in bugs and bug techniques. As a result, they ha!e a much better understanding and knowledge in this field. #he secret bug repelent formula they ha!e created is superior to any other. #his pale la!ender liquid is capable of repeling any insect, protecting the user from irritating nuisance or serious attack in!ol!ing bugs. "%umo (bandage and spikes), Kotetsu (bandana and smooth hair)

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