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Darkroom Workshops: Printing

Course code: 13TAP032 Course Leader: Bruce Tanner

Course Description
This is a printing course which will introduce you to a number of more advanced topics. These include: Fibre based paper - this is the paper used for much exhibition printing and is not plastic coated like normal photographic paper, the image is more real - inky blacks and tones right through to white. More difficult to work with, we will show you how. Burning in - where the Photoshop burn tool got the name from, increasing the light in certain parts of the paper to darken it. Warm/cool developers - using different paper and developer combinations to achieve a different look sympathetic to the subject of the print. Pre flashing/post flashing/split grading - these are processes to enhance or modify your image if you want to modify, enhance or rescue your print. Lith printing - a way of modifying the overall tone of the print and modify the contrast at the same time. Toning - toning such as sepia and selenium to modify the look of the print and make it archival at the same time. Re-touching - Photoshop with a brush! Correcting and spotting the final print. The course is structured so that there is ample time for you to practice what you have learned in our darkrooms. If you need to process film during the course, you will be helped to do this. By the end of the course, you should be able to print to a very high standard and have complete control over your finished print.

What background and qualifications do you need to join? (Entry Requirements)

You need to be able to print to a basic standard, completion of our short Darkroom Skills course is an advantage.

Where will I study?

All photography courses are run at our Chelsea Centre.

What are the facilities and equipment like?

The facilities are great. We have: Enlarging from 35mm, 6x4.5, 6x6 and 6x7 (120 formats) using diffusion and condenser enlargers. Processing and contact printing for all 35mm and 120 formats and small tank processing of 5"x4" film using a MOD 54 system. Film scanning of all 35mm through all 120 formats. Light room area for toning, re-touching etc Filtered air and water in the facility. Our large darkroom is wheelchair accessible. We stock a range of chemistry including a variety of film, paper and toning products. Fibreglass screens and a rotary drum dryer are available for drying fibre paper.

How much should I study outside class?

This is very much up to you. It my be that you have many negatives you would like to print, or it could be that you want to shoot specially for printing on this course.

Are any course materials online?

Our Moodle iLearn virtual learning environment is available once you start the course. There is a massive range of course materials and resources including links to galleries, suppliers websites etc. The Photography area is one of the most comprehensive support areas in the college.

What else do I need to buy? / What extra costs are there?

You will need to buy your own photo paper. We sell normal plastic types (RC) paper in small quantities. If you are not sure what to buy before the first session, then we will help you at the beginning of the course.

Code 13TAP032-01

Location Chelsea Centre

Start 13 Jan 14

Weeks 10

Times Mon 18:00-21:00 AE Full: 189

Lecturer B Tanner

AE Concs: 76 13TAP032-02 Chelsea Centre 06 Feb 14 5

Non-EU: 321 B Tanner

Thur 10:00-17:00 AE Full: 189

AE Concs: 76

Non-EU: 321

Entry Requirements
All students are admitted to the College on the basis that they: Agree to comply with the KCC student code of conduct Provide original documentation that confirms entry qualifications. Meet the course entry requirements Provide information so that a school or college reference can be obtained if you are between 16-19 years old

How to enrol
You can enrol by post, in person or online. Once payment has been accepted, this completes the enrolment process. For more details, please check, call us on 020 7573 5333, or enrol in person.

Supporting our learners

Being a student at Kensington and Chelsea College, means you can expect a caring friendly inclusive learning environment. We will support you throughout your studies with us. Our students benefit from: Tutorial Support Information advice and Guidance Counselling and personal support Access to learner support services Study centres at Wornington and Chelsea providing collections of books, journals, DVDs and access to PCs and on line learning materials

Financial Help
Financial support may be available to you. Please contact an Information Advice and Guidance (IAG) advisor on 020 7573 5325 who will be able to give you information about charitable trusts, Career development loans, 16-19 Bursary and Learner Support fund (helps eligible students with child care costs, travel and some material costs) and other schemes that may be able to help you regarding financial matters.

Additional Learning Support for students with disabilities or learning difficulties

Kensington and Chelsea College is committed to improving access to learning for all our students. Please tell us if you have any access requirements at any stage of the application process. The additional learning support team can provide help and information regarding your individual needs. For example, the team can provide information on hearing loop facilities, communication support (e.g. BSL), dyslexia support, physical access, equipment/software (e.g. JAWS). If you would like to discuss learning support contact Richard Basa at or a member of the team on 020 7573 5308. Further information about our services are available at

Contact Details
Course Information: 020 7573 5333 Switchboard: 020 7573 3600 Full contact details:

Information on this course fact sheet was correct at time of publication, however course offers and details may be subject to change. 09 January 2014

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