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Targeted Individuals

The Facts You Need To Know

History In 1934 US Doctors E. L. Chaffee and R. U. Light published A Method for Remote Control of Electrical Stimulation of the Nervous System. Also in 1934, Russian physiologist L. L. Vasiliev published Critical Evaluation of the Hypnogenic Method, an article on the experiments of Dr. I. F. Tomashevsky in remote-radio control of the human brain. In 1973, Joseph C. Sharp, turned sound waves into microwaves which would allow voices to be heard in the head using microwaves. See The US Patent 6 587 729, Apparatus for Audibly Communicating Speech Using the Radio Frequency Hearing Effect. In 2008, Japanese researchers announced that they could convert human brain activity into visual images. This means that what a person sees can be monitored and displayed remotely. The technology has since developed to a degree that ones thoughts and feelings can be read from a distance and thoughts and feelings can be implanted into a person from a distance. Tastes, sounds, physical sensations, images and emotions can all be remotely electronically implanted into a persons mind.


Targeted Individuals: The Facts What is Targeted Individuals? A Target Individual is a person who is experiencing harassment from the government, corporations, contractors or private individuals using gang stalking or covert electronic surveillance. Gang stalking involves the use of gangs that target individuals through stalking using physical threats or intimidation. What is Electronic Harassment? The use of technology to cause distress, torture, harass and even kill individuals. They use microwaves, scalar waves, laser particle beams, chemical smells, and microwave heating. They are able to hack into the mind with technology. DNA can also be used to track people. Who is the target? Anyone can be a target. They put people on programmes of harassment to discredit people or to make them suffer. People who have degrees, highly educated, over 40 and socially isolated is their target. People who have different political and religious values often find themselves a victim.

Types of Harassment Synthetic Telepathy, Hearing Voices Radio waves are used to harass people into making them believe they are insane coming from microwave towers. They send voices to peoples head with these radio waves. The voices may be heard inside of the head or externally. People who hear voices inside of the head are under synthetic telepathy. External voices can come from the sky or heard inside or outside of a building. They will often pretend to be the voices of neighbours, friends, work colleagues or passers-by. Laser-beams can also be used to send voices to people. People may experience both internal and external voices. Conversations with these voices may go on for weeks, months or even years. These voices make people think they are mentally ill. But, technology is to blame. Computer generated voices are used to send people insane holding conversations 24/7. Thoughts can be read and placed into peoples minds. This is associated with a constant ringing in the ears called tinnitus.

Microwaves used to Torture Microwaves can be sent to people from cell towers which can cause microwave heating, burns, heart problems, strokes, memory loss, sleep disorders, panic attacks and can even cause deaths. They are used to torture people in their own homes behind closed doors. Laser Beams Laser beams can also be put on people. There are various types of lasers. One is called the particle beam. The colour of them may vary, but can be the colour blue/purple. The laser beam can send voices, chemical smells, cause robotic behaviour, and is linked to a satellite system and a computer. They can also send pain via signals to any part of the body.

What Should You Do? There are over 3,8 million Americans who are target individuals and most of them survive. Talk to your family and tell them what is happening. Share as much information with them as you can. Maintain a diary of events gathering as much factual information on the situation.

Useful Contacts: Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance Website: International Center Against Abuse of Covert Technologies Website: MindTech Sweden Website: Targeted Individuals Europe Website:

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