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Flat/house - sharing agreement

THIS AGREEMENT IS BETWEEN THE HEAD TENANT AND THE FLATMATE The Head Tenant is the tenant who signed the original tenancy agree ent with the Landlord The Flat ate is anyone who later !oins the Head Tenant in the "lat#

Flat$ho%se sharing agree ents &etween tenants and other "lat ates are not co'ered %nder the Residential Tenancies Act ()*+# Tenants and other "lat ates will, howe'er, "ind it %se"%l to ha'e a written agree ent# The "ollowing is a sa -le o" what co%ld &e incl%ded in an agree ent# This agree ent is &etween ......##, here&y called as the Head Tenant and ......., here&y called as Flatmate# #Details are as gi'en &elow/

Head tenant details

Na e/ Address "or ser'ice/ 0other than the "lat1Address/

Flatmate details
Na e/ Da%ghter$Wi"e o"/ Address "or ser'ice/ 0other than the "lat1Wor2ing at/

3hone/ E ail/

3hone/ E ail/

Address of rental property

Street/ 4ity/ S%&%r&/ 3ostcode/

3age 1 o" 3

The flatmate and the head tenant agree to share premises on the following terms:
(# The -re ises 567, Heritage I8, (st 4ross, 8eera&hadra nagar, Near Basa'anagar &%s stand, Bangalore
9:+667; id hereina"ter called as <"lat=#

># This agree ent starts on the


and will contin%e &e 'alid on a wee2ly $ "ortnightly &asistill 76th A-ril,

7# The "lat ate "or want o" rental -%r-ose a--roached the head tenant to let o%t the -re ises on sharing and the
head tenant agreed "or the sa e as -er the ter s ad'ance &e"ore 7rd o" e'ery entioned in the agree ent#

5# The rent is ? ....####-er wee2 $ "ortnight onth and is to &e -aid wee2ly $ "ortnightly onthly in ad'ance
onth &y the "lat ate to the head tenant $ landlord#

:# A &ond o" ? ################### is -aya&le to the head tenant# This s%

shall carry no interest &%t re"%nda&le to the "lat ate at the ti e o" 'acating the -re ises a"ter ded%cting any cost which is o%tstanding, inc%rred "or da ages$ aintenance and is res-onsi&ility o" the "lat ate# said agree ent ser'es only acco odation ter s and conditions#

+# @wner$head tenant does not hold any legal res-onsi&ility o" the "lat ateAs sec%rity as -er the agree ent# The ;# A written recei-t will &e gi'en to the "lat ate# *# The "lat ate cannot assign the right to li'e in the "lat# )# I" the head tenant recei'es notice "ro the landlord, the head tenant will gi'e a co-y o" the notice to the "lat ate
i ediately# onth ad'ance notice &y either -arties gi'en &y either -arty in

(6# This agree ent can &e ter inated &y (5 daysA(
writing#"or 'acating the "lat#

((# The "lat ate shall aintain the -re ises in good and tenanta&le condition d%ring the -eriod# (># The "lat ate shall not 2ee- any -ets on the -re ises witho%t the head tenantAs -er ission# (7# The "lat ate %st -ay ....# # -ercent o" the cost o" "ood,towards electricity, ca&le, gas, news-a-er, water
and tele-hone internet rental each wee2 the &ills are recei'ed# onth#

(5# Any da age inc%rred to the %tilities -ro'ided &y the head tenant$owner, has to &e &orne &y the "lat ate#or as (:# The "lat ate %st -ay any tele-hone toll charges inc%rred &y the "lat ate when as2ed to &y the head
tenant#To&acco and Alcoholic -rod%cts are &anned inside the "lat -re ises# Bsage o" the sa e inside the "lat -re ises leads to e'iction o" the "lat ate witho%t any notice#

(+# Men are not allowed inside the "lat -re ises witho%t the head tenantAs -er ission# (;# The "lat ate %st not re o'e any chattels or "iCt%res "ro the -re ises that do not &elong to the "lat ate# (*# At the end o" this agree ent, the head tenant will ret%rn the &ond to the "lat ate i
can ded%ct "ro ediately# The head tenant the &ond any cost which is o%tstanding and is the res-onsi&ility o" the "lat ate#

()# In the e'ent o" any dis-%te, the -arties agree that the dis-%te will &e deter ined &y the Dis-%tes Tri&%nato
-roceed as -er the agree entl#

Flat ateAs 3er anent Address/ ............. ............. ............. .............

3age 2 o" 3

3arent$Local G%ardian Na e 4ontact Details D Local Address 0i" a--lica&le1/ .............## .............## .............## .............### .............##

Signed &y/ Head Tenant Signed &y/ Flatmate Date signed/ $ $

Date signed/


3age 3 o" 3

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