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DATE 09/30/13

PHYSICIAN ORDER Please admit to ICU under the service of Dr. L

INTERPRETATION For patients accommodation and treatment procedure For legality and for the safety of the procedure of the patient For monitor patient status

Please secure consent for admission

TPR q shift

NPO temporarily

IVF Plain NSS 1Lx8

To start fluid replenishment

09/30/13 1:45pm

Labs. Cranial CT Scan with bedside

Can be used to check for bleeding or swelling of the arteries; used to assess bone injuries particularly

Cervical APL

09/30/13 2:10pm

Chest X-ray AP Right forearm AP

To determine trauma to the chest wall and nearby bone prominent fractures

09/30/13 2:40pm Decrease in sensorium, decrease in GCS


CBC reveals the values of all blood components, may therefore signify an infection or a normal condition To determine the presence of infection Proton pump inhibitors, prescribed in combination with NSAIDs to help prevent peptic ulcers from developing due to this irritation. NSAIDS, used for the short-term relief of moderately severe pain For stool softening Antibacterial, to prevent infection Used as antitetanus Osmotic diuretic


Meds. Pantoprazole 40ml IV OD

Ketorolac IV





Apply cold compress on the Right Orbital for 15min q 8

Initially applying ice or cold packs a few times a day, to produce vasoconstriction For legality To diagnose pelvic fractures that possible happen during accidents. Antibacterial, to prevent infections

Refer to medico legal For pelvic x-ray

Start ciprofloxacin 200mg q 12

IVF following Plain NSS 1Lx8

For continous fluid replenishment continous fluid replenishment

10/01/13 7:45am

IVF to following fluid NSS 1Lx8


To minimize infection

10/01/13 3:55pm


For adequate nutrition


For continuous fluid administration

For application on co-optation cast R forearm at bedside

For immobilization of the (R) arm and stabilize fracture. To keep patient informed of the procedure. To facilitate immediate casting of the arm and save time.

Secure consent please

Please prepare the following materials at the bedside: Plaster of paris 6x5 #1 Wadding sheet #2 Elastic bandage 4 #2 Basin of water Armstring large #

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