WARHAMMER 40,000 Rules Supplement.: Sanity

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WARHAMMER 40,000 Rules Supplement.

All PCs begin play with 100 Sanity, and there exist scores between and including 100 and -100. Players may be asked to roll ill sa!es against insanity ot lose Sanity points" #his can be induced by $emonic presence, o!eruse o% Psychic powers, or general exposure to the ruinous powers. &ne's Sanity is important. (igh sanity makes it easier %or a PC to resist the powers o% Chaos, and a low sanity may cause certain %actions not to warm to you so well. A character with a Sanity rating o% abo!e 0 is considered Sane, and below is considered )nsane. )nsanity sa!es are based on a new de%ence, Sanity, which can be calculated as* Sanity + 10 , is modi%ier , )nt modi%ier , Cha modi%ier , 0.- PC .e!el

So, as you can see, building a character that completely neglects the mental stats may not be %a!ourable. .isted below are a %ew examples o% how one might lose/gain Sanity. Losing Sanity Short exposure to Daemons: lose 0d10 Sanity, $C 1- , 1/2 the $aemon's le!el negates. rolongue! exposure to Daemons : lose -d10 Sanity, $C 1- , the $aemon's le!el negates. Exposure to the ra" "arp: $eath3 ill $C 0- negates. .ose 10d10 Sanity, $C 1- negates. Spell miss: .ose 1d2,0 Sanity, $C 1- , 1/0 character le!el negates. Spell #rit: .ose 1d2,0 Sanity, $C 1- , 1/0 character le!el negates Exposure to $aint: .ose 1d4 Sanity, $C 1-,5ncounter .e!el. Some other spell or monster e%%ects may e%%ect a PC's sanity, as well as the actions o% 6PCs, 7#orture %or example8, and the player's actions in the world can also ha!e an e%%ect on a player's sanity 759 holesale slaughter o% a nurserey o% children8 %aining Sanity Resting time &et"een a!'entures: 9ain 1d4 sanity 7optional8. rayer(Me!itation: 9ain 1d0 sanity %or e!ery hour spent praying/meditating. 7optional8 ,1d: Sanity i% in place o% worship or extremely tran;uil location %or entire session8 Minor religious(spiritual experien#e: 9ain 0d10 Sanity. 7optional8 Ma)or religious(spiritual e#perien#e: 9ain -d10 Sanity. 7optional8 &ther things may also positi!ely a%%ect one's sanity" <or example, a relaxing weekend holiday on a nice ;uiet beach somewhere. =ust as long as the PCs don't get #&& Slaanesh-y.

$he Sanity S#ale

#his chart can be used to plot a character's descent - or a!oidance thereo% - into madness" #he Sanity categories ha!e !arious a%%ects on the PCs. Sanity(*nsanity $raits: aragon o+ Sanity: "The Emperor protects the Righteous!" ,larity o+ urpose: ,1 to will sa!es * !eny you, Demon-: >,0 AC and ,0 on attack rolls? !s $aemons. .ntainte!: "Inspiration grows from the barrel of my gun, heretic!" ,larity o+ urpose: ,1 to will sa!es /uestiona&le: "Where's the Emperor now, huh? Are we aban one ?" 6o remarkable e%%ects $ainte!: "!o""" !o you hear the #oices too?" aranoia: ,1 bonus to @e%lex sa!es. Ma!man: "I feel the wap o#erta$ing me""" IT I% A &''! (AI)!" aranoia: ,1 bonus to @e%lex sa!es. Mania#0s Demeanour: -0 to $iplomacy checks, but ,0 to )ntimidate checks. Dynamism o+ the Demente!: Add 0 to the Stat o% your choice.

Weapons an! Armours o+ the 41st Millennium

2irearms %eneral 2irearm Spe#ial Rules:
2*RE-: <ires the weapon as a standard action, and subtracts one %rom the Aag count. hen the Aag count reaches 0 the weapon can no longer %ire. Reloa!-: Consumes a standard action, and resets the Aag count o% the weapon. 3amme!* #he weapon has Bammed, or otherwise mal%unctioned, and cannot %ire on that turn. #he standard action used to %ire the weapon is lost. )% a sidearm Bams while the user is engaged in a melee, then it cannot be %ired again until the melee is o!er. A weapon Bams i% the %irer rolls a 1 on their attack roll. Spe#ial Munitions: Some PCs may come across special munitions in their tra!els" be it a Cuckshot %or a musket, tungsten autogun rounds, or a (ot-Shot .asgun magaDine, all special munions will in%er some sort o% bonus/penalty to your weapon.

Spe#ial roperties:
Armour is no proo+: Physical armour is ignored. <orce%ields and incorporeal armour bonuses, %or example, are not e%%ected by this rule. A Space Aarine's #erminator armour, %or example, is ignored by this weapon. (owe!er, the AC bonus %rom that terminator's Storm Shield still applies. Attenuation: 5nergy beam weapons 7such as the ubi;uitous .asgun8 lose power o!er distance more se!erely than solid slug weapons, due to ionisation o% the media between the %irer and the target. <or this reason, when %iring an Attenuating weapon at long rangea di%erent set o% dice is used to determine damage. #his will be displayed in the $amage %ield. (owe!er, should the weapon be %ired in a !acuum, the attenuation rule can be ignored, and the weapon %ires at %ull power %or the %ull range. 4un5er 4uster: #his weapon doubles it's damage when %ired against a structure or a !iehcle. Designe! +or larger +ol5...: Some weapons are extremely large, designed %or larger creatures. #o be able to use these weapons unimpaired, one must take a strength check o% $C 10 , >the weight o% the weapon di!ided by two?. Should this test be %ailed, then %or that round the weapon must be %ired with a -- penalty on attack rolls, as the recoil and shere weight o% the weapon is too much to manage. High spee! Shot: #he weapon's proBectile %lies as such a speed that there is e%%ecti!ely no delay betwen the moment the weapon is %ired and when the shot %inds it's mark. <or this reason, when %iring at long range, the penalty on attack rolls is -1 as opposed to -0, as the target has no time to get out o% the way. Mass6Rea#ti'e: Aass-rea!ti!e rounds explode Bust a%ter entry into the !ictim's body. #o account %or this, sur!iors o% a mass-reacti!e round take an ongoing 1d: damage e!ery round, <ortitude $C 10 plus the damage roll that caused the wound. 7'erheat-: Some weapons are catastrophically unrelieable. Such weapons, on a roll o% a 1 or a 0 o%

the hit die, mal%unction and o!erheat. <urthermore, i% the %irer is not pro%icient in the weapon being %ired, the weapon o!erheats on a roll o% a 1,0 or 1. #his causes the %ollowing e%%ects" #he weapon does not %ire on that round, and the action point used to %ire is lost" #he weapon in%licts %ire damage on the creature that %ired it e;ual to hal% o% the weapon's damage" @e%lex sa!e $C 00 negates damage. enetrating: Aost con!entional armours are little protection against a high-!elocity proBectile. <or this reason, the target counts as ha!ing 0 less AC against attacks %rom Penetrating weapons. Si!earm: #he Sidearm property allows the weapon to be wielded in the o%%-hand. Additionally, e!ery time the wielder makes a melee attack with their primary weapon, they may make an attack with their Sidearm, %or 0.- $amage. Smooth6&ore: Some more primiti!e proBectile weapons lack @i%ling, which leads to ballistic instabilities in the proBectile. #o account %or this, %iring smooth-bore weapons at long range in%ers a -2 to the %irer's attack rolls, and -: i% the target is at three ;uarters range or more. Relia&le: )% a @eliable weapon Bams, then the Bam is ignored on a 2, on a d4. .nrelia&le: An unreliable weapon Bams on an attack roll o% a 1 or a 0.

S*M LE RA8%ED WEA 78S eapon Pro%. <lintlock 0/-0 Pistol Autopistol 0/-0 .aspistol Shuriken Pistol Slugga 0/-0 0/-0 0/-0 $amage 1d4 1d4 1d: / 1d4 1d: 1d4 @ange 10//00 10//00 10//00 10//00 10//00 Price 0-9P 409P :09P E09P -09P eight 1 0 0 1 9roup (andgun (andgun (andgun (andgun (andgun Aag. 1 4 110 : Properites Sidearm, Smoothbore, Penetrating Sidearm, Penetrating Sidearm, @eliable, (igh speed shot, Attenuation. Sidearm, Penetrating Sidearm, Penetrating, Fnreliable Sidearm, Aassreacti!e, Penetrating, $esigned %or larger %olk... Sidearm, &!erheat3, Armour is no proo%.

Colt Pistol 0/-0 Plasma Pistol












<rag 9renade Grak 9renade

0 0

1d4,1 0d4,4

Strength Score Strength Score


1 1

9renade 9renade

6/A 6/A

Area Curst 0 Area Curst 1, Cunker Custer

M*L*$AR9 RA8%ED WEA 78S eapon Pro%. <lintlock 0/-2 Ausket Auto @i%le 0/-2 .asgun Colter Plasma 9un Shuriken @i%le Shoota 0/-2 0/-2 0/-2 $amage 1d10 1d10 0d:/0d4 1d4 1d10,0 -d10/10d10 0d: 1d10 @ange 10//10 1-//10 1-//10 1-//10 1-//10 -//10 1-//10 10//02 Price -09P 100 9P 1409P 0009P 4009P 10009P 1E09P 1009P eight 4 2 2 02 10 0 9roup @i%le @i%le @i%le @i%le @i%le @i%le @i%le @i%le Aag. 1 10 10 14 1 110 Properites Smooth-bore, Penetrating Penetrating @eliable, (igh speed shot, Attenuation Aass-reacti!e, Penetrating, $esigned %or larger %olk... &!erheat3, Armour is no proo% Armour is no proo%, Cunker Custer Penetrating Penetrating, Fnreliable

Aelta 9un 0/-2 0/-2 0/-2

S. ER*7R RA8%ED WE 78S eapon Pro%. @ocket .auncher 0/-2 7<rag8 @ocket .auncher 0/-2 7Grak8 (ea!y Colter Storm Colter 0/-2 $amage 1d10,1 0d10,4 @ange 00//20 00//20 Price 0-0 0-0 eight 10 10 9roup (ea!y eapon (ea!y eapon (ea!y eapon Aag. 1 1 Properites Area Curst 0, (ea!y Area Curst 1, (ea!y (ea!y, Aassreacti!e, Penetrating, $esigned %or .arger <olk... Aass-reacti!e, Penetrating, $esigned %or .arger <olk.













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