As GCE MUSIC Scheme of Work Formatted

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AS MUSIC Edexcel scheme of work for GCE Music

Y12 Week 1-3 Content coverage/ key questions Intro uction to !" #usic$ %utline o& t'e t'ree units o& t'e course$ (nit 1) *er&orming #usic W'at makes a goo per&ormance+ ,'is lea s to a class per&ormance o& one piece in -eek .$ Learning outcomes Exemplar activities Exemplar resources

,o explore per&ormance &ollo-ing t'e long summer /reak an to set up a regular progress c'eck o& eac' pupil over t'e year$

*upils practice a piece &or per&ormance in -eek .$ ,'is s'oul give t'em time to organise t'emselves$ ,'is piece initially coul /e t'e same piece as recor e &or 3C"E as a starting point$

#ain resources &or teac'ing t'e course) E excel !" "tu y 3ui e 4pu/$ 6'inegol 5 7e- !nt'ology o& #usic 4pu/$ E ition *eters !" 8armony Work/ook p$19 -32 4pu/$ 6'inegol 5 Listening tests &or stu ents 46'inegol 5 ! "tu ent2s gui e to 8armony : 8 ;en'am 46'inegol 5

(nit 2) Composing W'at makes a goo composition+ ,'e composition /rie&s -ill /e announce /y -eek . o& t'e course$ In t'e &irst t'ree -eeks0 consi eration is given to t'e planning process an eci ing -'ic' option to take &rom t'e &our c'oices &rom Instrumental an 1ocal options) Instrumental
E excel 3CE in #usic

,o evaluate an compare eac' ot'ers per&orming skills 'ig'lig'ting strengt's an -eaknesses ,o etermine eac' pupils2 strengt's in composition an &or t'em to eci e on t'e musical i iom or style &or t'eir piece$ ,o learn critical skills in evaluating creative compositions an to learn -'at makes a goo composition$
"c'eme o& -ork

*upils listen to examples &rom eac' o& t'e &our composition topics 4t'ese can /e in any style/&orm5$ It mig't /e a goo i ea to use t'e compositions one last year to initiate iscussions$ It -oul /e -ort'-'ile to get eac' pupil to /ring in a &avourite piece 4pre&era/ly -it' a score5 so t'at some iscussion can take place as to -'at makes a goo composition+ Is it t'e melo y0 'armony0 structure0 r'yt'ms0

Y12 Week

1-3 cont$

Content coverage/ key questions ,opic 1) Composing expressively ,opic 2) 1ariation "tructures 1ocal ,opic 3) Wor s an music 4"ong composition5 ,opic .) ,ext0 context an texture 4vocal ensem/le composition5 (nit 3) <eveloping #usical (n erstan ing ,'is term2s stu y -ill &ocus on t'e six vocal set -orks &or 2=1=$ !s a gentle intro uction to t'is paper0 start /y looking at one o& t'e set vocal pieces 0 Se quema la chumbamba (by Familia Valera Miranda).,'is 'as a simple structure0 /asic 'armony an a straig't&or-ar transcri/e score to

Learning outcomes

Exemplar activities an so on or is it a com/ination o& i&&erent elements+

Exemplar resources

,o engage -it' one o& t'e prescri/e -orks an un erstan 'o- t'e song -orks in terms o& its key musical elements o& melo y0 'armony0 structure0 r'yt'm0 instrumentation etc$ ,o un erstan 'o- a piece suc' as t'is is a &usion o& musical styles an to /e a/le to analyse t'e &unction o& instruments/ voices in t'e music$

*upils stu y t'e context o& t'e music an 'o- it is constructe an per&orme $ !nalysis o& t'e music in association -it' listening$ 7otes -ritten onto score Week 3)*upils -rite an essay ><escri/e 'o- t'e stylistic &eatures o& >"e quema la c'um/am/a2 s'o- it is an example o& Cu/an son2 "ample exercises &rom stu y gui e

E excel !" "tu y 3ui e p$9? 4pu/$ 6'inegol 5 7e- !nt'ology o& #usic page @3. 4pu/$ E ition *eters5 !" 8armony Work/ook p$19 -32 4pu/$ 6'inegol 5

E excel 3CE in #usic

"c'eme o& -ork

Y12 Week

Content coverage/ key questions &ollo-$ 8armonic !nalysis 4Au$.5 an 8armony 4Au$@5

Learning outcomes

Exemplar activities

Exemplar resources

Exploration o& common c'or s an t'eir inversion ,o learn a/out presenting a goo musical per&ormance -it' re&erence to t'e assessment criteria$ ,o un erstan -'at is nee e in t'e next t-o mont's or so to present a con&i ent an musical per&ormance$ 3roup per&ormances an evaluations /y pupils in t'e class$ *upils use t'e examination criteria to mark eac' per&ormance as >pupil examiners2$ (se o& E excel exemplar material &orm t'e -e/site$ ,'is -oul /e use&ul to carry out t'e same process -it' t'e po cast recor ings an t'en compare marking an comments /y E excel examiners$


(nit 1) *er&orming #usic *er&ormances take place in -eek . as -ell as evaluations$ *upils no- select a piece &or recor ing at t'e en o& term to practice &or t'e &inal recor ing in #arc' 2=1=$ ,'e &inal piece coul /e t'at o&&ere in <ecem/er or a i&&erent piece$ ,'e assessment criteria 4in t'e speci&ication5 s'oul /e iscusse in or er t'at pupils un erstan -'at is /eing assesse $ (nit 2) Composing <iscussion o& t'e pu/lis'e composition /rie&s an selecting t'e c'osen topic$ <iscussion o& researc' i eas0 in&luences &orm composers0 artists0 pieces etc$ *reparatory

,o c'ose t'e /rie& an eci e on t'e style0 i iom0 genre o& propose composition$ ,o un erstan t'e nee to keep notes/ researc' etails etc$ &or t'e "leeve 7ote examination paper
"c'eme o& -ork

"leeve note questions -ritten o-n into a personal &ile/ /ook to /e a e to as t'e composition evolves$

"peci&ication page .2 'as t'e t'ree "leeve 7ote Auestions

E excel 3CE in #usic

Y12 Week

Content coverage/ key questions -ork &or t'e "leeve 7ote paper (nit 3) <eveloping #usical (n erstan ing !nalysis o& t-o popular songs- >Waterloo "unset> an >,upelo 8oney2 8armonic !nalysis 4Au$.5 an 8armony 4Au$@5 "tarting -ork on /asic 'armonic analysis

Learning outcomes

Exemplar activities

Exemplar resources

,o analyse t'e structures an musical &eatures in t'ese t-o -orks$ Comparison o& t'e t-o pieces i enti&ying similarities an i&&erences$ ,o /e a/le to recognise /asic c'or s o& I0II0I101 an 1I in root an &irst inversion

Writing up t'e key points &or /ot' -orks$ ,'is coul /e one in ta/ular &ormat 4-it' 'ea ings suc' as #elo y0 6'yt'm0 8armony0 "tructure0 Instrumentation0 #usical <evices0 ,onality etcC5 (se a simple c'or al accompaniment0 suc' as a 'ymn tune to i enti&y c'or s in a key$ ,'ere are many structure examples in t'e !" "tu y 3i e too$ ,'ese -ill /e up to t'e in ivi ual /ut s'oul inclu e re&erence to sleeve note questions an pupils s'oul keep a log o& pieces t'at 'ave in&luence t'em 4&orm t'e !nt'ology an /eyon 5 !ctivities -ill involve -riting ra&t i eas0 melo ies/ c'or patterns etc$
"c'eme o& -ork

E excel !" "tu y 3ui e p$9.-9? 4pu/$ 6'inegol 5 7e- !nt'ology o& #usic page .?3 an @=1 4pu/$ E ition *eters5

E excel !" "tu y 3ui e p$32-394pu/$ 6'inegol 5 !" 8armony Work/ook 4pu/$ 6'inegol 5


(nit 2) Composing *reliminary steps to trying out i eas/ selecting text/ -orking out c'or s sequences/planning a structures 4*6E*!6!C ,I%7 an 6E"E!6C8 time5 7ote t'at t'ese activities are not part o& ,o ac'ieve a plan &or t'e composition to act as a template &or t'e -riting up process -'ic' starts in Eanuary$ E excel !" "tu y 3ui e p$?D-91 4pu/$ 6'inegol 5 7e- !nt'ology o& #usic page @3@ an 3B3 4pu/$ E ition *eters5

E excel 3CE in #usic

Y12 Week

Content coverage/ key questions t'e 1@ 'ours o& controlle con itions 4calle W6I,I73 time5 (nit 3) <eveloping #usical (n erstan ing !nalysis o& >!pres un reve2 /y Faure an >%'ime0 se tanto amate /y #ontever i$

Learning outcomes

Exemplar activities

Exemplar resources

,o un erstan t'e &eatures o& 6omantic music as represente /y t'e set song >!pres un reve2 an t'en to look at t'e &eatures o& t'e 6enaissance style o& music as containe -it'in t'e ma rigal /y #ontever i$ ,o un erstan t'e &our stan ar ca ences an to /e a/le to complete examples o& eac' o& t'ese in an "!,; score

Listening to eac' piece an ra-ing up a comparative c'art plotting &eatures o& eac' musical style un er t'e 'ea ings o&) #EL%<Y0 8!6#%7Y0 68Y,8#0 ,%7!LI,Y0 W%6< "E,,I730 ,EG,(6E"$

8armonic !nalysis "tarting -ork on /asic 'armonic analysis$ Ca ences an &ormulaic progressions $

,o complete exercises &eaturing examples o& eac' type o& ca ence

!" 8armony Work/ook p$ 33-@= 4pu/$ 6'inegol 5 E excel !" "tu y 3ui e p$.=-.3 4pu/$ 6'inegol 5 E excel !" #usic Listening 2n e ition ,ests p$D=-?9 4pu/$ 6'inegol 5

1=-13 En o& !utumn ,erm

(nit 1) *er&orming #usic *er&ormances -ill /e in -eek 120 so time in t'ese last t'ree -eeks o& term to c'eck on progress$ In -eek 120

"ample solo per&ormance recor ing 1 4t'ese coul /e use &or t'e real recor ings in #arc'5

E excel 3CE in #usic

"c'eme o& -ork

Y12 Week

Content coverage/ key questions recor per&ormances an get t'e pupils to mark eac' ot'er -it' t'e set criteria$ "ome evaluations an &ee /ack can /e given In t'e last -eek o& term$ (nit 2) Composing Work continues on &in ing i eas/ selecting text/ -orking out c'or s sequences/planning a structures 4*6E*!6!,I%7 an 6E"E!6C8 time5 ,'e -riting up time -ill start next term$ (nit 3) <eveloping #usical (n erstan ing "ummary o& t'e -orks$ "ample essay -riting 4comparisons5 "ome aural listening tests (nit 1) *er&orming #usic !s a &ollo- up to last term2s per&ormance0 pupils no- t'ink a/out

Learning outcomes

Exemplar activities

Exemplar resources


,o present a per&ormance t'at emonstrates &luency0 accuracy an a real sense i& musical interpretation$ "ample solo per&ormance recor ing 1 4t'ese coul /e use &or t'e real recor ings in #arc'5

Free c'oice o& setting essays$ !im is to compare an contrast -orks looking at t-o musical elements &rom$ #EL%<Y0 8!6#%7Y0 68Y,8#0 ,%7!LI,Y0 ,EG,(6"0 ",6(C,(6E$ Intro uction o& listening tests/ ictation exercises etc$

E excel !" #usic Listening 2n e ition ,ests p$B.-B? 4pu/$ 6'inegol 5

E excel !" #usic Listening 2n e ition ,ests p$32-B3 4pu/$ 6'inegol 5

E excel 3CE in #usic

"c'eme o& -ork

Y12 Week

Content coverage/ key questions t'eir piece4s5 &or t'e actual recor ing in #arc'$ ,'e t'ree -eeks s'oul /e set asi e &or pupils to iscuss t'eir repertoire -it' instrumental/ vocal tutors$ *iece4s5 s'oul /e &irme up /y -eek 1D (nit 2) Composing ,'is term2s lessons are set asi e &or controlle assessment time 41@ 'ours5 uring -'ic' compositions -ill /e -ritten up$ ,'e sleeve note s'oul /e complete in t'e &inal -eek o& term$ (nit 3) <eveloping #usical (n erstan ing ,'is term2s stu y -ill &ocus on t'e &our instrumental set -orks &or 2=1=$ Intro uction to Instrumental Works an stu y o& E$" ;ac'

Learning outcomes

Exemplar activities

Exemplar resources

Class recor ing o& per&ormances


,o present a per&ormance t'at emonstrates &luency0 accuracy an a real sense i& musical interpretation$

Working in ivi ually un er >-riting time2 &or controlle assessment

E excel !" "tu y 3ui e p$DB-D9 4pu/$ 6'inegol 5

,o start -ork on t'e creative process o& original composition to a prescri/e /rie&$

In ivi ual "tu y

E excel !" #usic Listening 2n e ition ,ests p$.?-.9 4pu/$ 6'inegol 5

E excel 3CE in #usic

"c'eme o& -ork

Y12 Week

Content coverage/ key questions ;ran en/urg Concerto 7o$ . in 3 4mov 15 *ractice aural question on t'e music 4see resources5 (nit 1) *er&orming #usic *er&ormance -ork continues (nit 2) Composing ,'is term2s lessons are set asi e &or controlle assessment time 41@ 'ours5 uring -'ic' compositions -ill /e -ritten up$

Learning outcomes

Exemplar activities

Exemplar resources

,o ac'ieve an un erstan ing o& t'e salient musical c'aracteristics o& ;aroque #usic an t'e Concerto principle

(nit 3) <eveloping #usical (n erstan ing #oHart) *iano "onata in ;/ an "onata &or ,rumpet0 8orn an ,rom/one /y *oulenc are t'e t-o stu y -orks over t'is t'ree -eek perio $ Ino-le ge o& t'e Classical style an t'e principles o& "onata From "tu y o& t'e neo-classical style o& *oulenc2s compositional style

!nalysis notes etc$ "et sample essays on eac' -ork0 -'ic' ask t'e questions > <escri/e 'o- t'e musical &eatures o& *iano "onata in ;/ /y #oHart s'ot'at t'is music -as -ritten in t'e Classical perio 2 an ><escri/e 'o- t'e music o& "onata &or 8orn0 ,rumpet an ,rom/one s'o-s t'at t'is piece is an example o& t-entiet' century neoclassicism$2

E excel !" "tu y 3ui e p$D9-?3 4pu/$ 6'inegol 5

E excel !" #usic Listening 2n e ition ,ests p$B=-B1 an p$@B-@D 4pu/$ 6'inegol 5

E excel 3CE in #usic

"c'eme o& -ork

Y12 Week

Content coverage/ key questions *ractice aural question on t'e music 4see resources5 (nit 1) *er&orming #usic !rrange per&ormance recor ing ay uring last 2 to 3 -eeks o& "pring ,erm (nit 2) Composing ,'is term2s lessons are set asi e &or controlle assessment time 41@ 'ours5 uring -'ic' compositions -ill /e -ritten up$ !rrange a B= minute slot &or t'e "leeve note paper /e&ore t'e en o& term (nit 3) <eveloping #usical (n erstan ing "tu y o& "tring Auartet no$ ? 41st mov5 /y "'ostakovic' !n in- ept' stu y o& t'e music an context o& t'is -ork$ *ractice aural question on t'e music 4see

Learning outcomes

Exemplar activities

Exemplar resources

21-23 En o& "pring ,erm

B= minute sleeve note paper 4controlle con itions5

E excel !" "tu y 3ui e p$?.-.?D4pu/$ 6'inegol 5

,o evelop an un erstan ing o& t'is t-entiet' century musical i iom

Written analysis on ant'ology score Essay on t'e stylistic aspects o& t'e music

E excel !" #usic Listening 2n e ition ,ests p$3B-3D 4pu/$ 6'inegol 5

E excel 3CE in #usic

"c'eme o& -ork

Y12 Week 23-2B

Content coverage/ key questions resources5 (nit 1) *er&orming #usic I& per&ormances nee to /e re- one t'is can /e sc'e ule into t'ese &irst &our -eeks 4su/mission ea line is #ay 1@t' (nit 2) Composing ,'e &i&teen 'ours 4 epen ing on lesson allocation time5 -ill pro/a/ly run into t'e &irst t-o/t'ree -eeks o& t'is &inal !" term$ ,'erea&ter0 recor ings -ill nee to /e ma e 4t'is nee s to /e sc'e ule in to t'e planning i& not "i/elius recor ings5 (nit 3) <eveloping #usical (n erstan ing In t'is &inal term running up to t'e examination at t'e en o& #ay0 t'ere is time to revise key &eatures o& all prescri/e -orks 4instrumental an vocal5

Learning outcomes

Exemplar activities

Exemplar resources

,o consoli ate kno-le ge o& t'e salient &eatures in all t'e prescri/e pieces

"etting o& essays on 1ocal an /or Instrumental #usic comparing &eatures 4eg$ melo y0 'armony0 structure0 r'yt'm etc$5 /et-een t-o o& t'e pieces$


E excel 3CE in #usic

"c'eme o& -ork

Y12 Week

Content coverage/ key questions <uring t'is perio all course-ork &orms nee to /e complete an sent to t'e external E excel mo erator$

Learning outcomes

Exemplar activities

Exemplar resources


(nit 1) *er&orming #usic Complete (nit 2) Composing Complete (nit 3) <eveloping #usical (n erstan ing 6evision &or examination

"etting o& essays on 1ocal an /or Instrumental #usic comparing &eatures 4eg$ melo y0 'armony0 structure0 r'yt'm etc$5 /et-een t-o o& t'e pieces$ <ra-ing up a ta/ular representation o& t'e key &eatures in eac' -ork to support revision &or t'e essay EG!#I7!,I%7 *E6I%<

3=-3. EG!#I7!,I%7 *E6I%< En o& "ummer ,erm

EG!#I7!,I%7 *E6I%<

E excel 3CE in #usic

"c'eme o& -ork


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