Lesson 1 - Curs Engleza

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A. Not normally used in the Continuous they des ri!e states that stay the same rather than a tions or e"ents that han#e. The most ommon stati"e "er! is BE. Others in lude$ 1. emotional states %lo"e& dou!t& are' and senses %smell'$ I only want to as( you a sim)le *uestion. Do you prefer to tra"el !y !us or !y train+ ,. mental )ro esses %!elie"e& -eel& remem!er'$ Do you realise . Are you realising /hat they0re doin#+ I suspect . am suspecting /e0re not ma(in# as mu h )ro-it as /e should. I understand . am understanding e"erythin# you0re sayin#. 1. "er!s that des ri!e a sense o- )ermanen e !e ause they are not a tions$ 2o/ many ars does . is your -amily own . owning+ I thin( /hat /e need . are needing -or the tri) depends . is depending on the /eather. This dress fits . is fitting me )er-e tly. B. 3hen stati"e "er!s an !e used in the Continuous. 1. /hen they ha"e an a ti"e meanin#$ I0m tasting this to see i- there is enou#h salt. She0s being rather o!stinate at the moment. ,. /hen they em)hasise han#e or de"elo)ment$ 4ore s hools will be including Sha(es)eare in their sylla!uses. 1. sometimes usin# Sim)le or Continuous in"ol"es a han#e in meanin#$ I0m thinking a!out #oin# to see 2amlet. %5 tryin# to rea h a de ision' I think Sha(es)eare0s !rilliant. %5 my o)inion' I0m seeing her later. %5 I ha"e an a))ointment' I see /hat you mean. %5 I understand' 6. /e use "er!s that re-er to )hysi al -eelin# %hurt& a he& -eel' in the Sim)le or Continuous /ith little or no di--eren e in meanin#$ 4y head aches . is aching. 2o/ are you feeling . do you feel no/+

1. In the -ollo/in# )airs o- senten es de ide i- one or !oth are a e)ta!le. 1. a. I0m not li(in# i e8 ream. !. I don0t li(e i e8 ream. ,. a. The "erdi t de)ends on /hether the 9ury !elie"ed the (ey /itness. !. The "erdi t is de)endin# on /hether the 9ury !elie"ed the (ey /itness. 1. a. I an see some!ody mo"in# in the trees o"er there. !. I (ee) seein# some!ody mo"in# in the trees o"er there. 6. a. 2e is !elie"in# that aliens (idna))ed his dau#hter. !. 2e !elie"es that aliens (idna))ed his dau#hter. :. a. She has a !a!y !oy. !. She0s ha"in# a !a!y !oy. ;. a. Are you still -eelin# si (+ !. Do you still -eel si (+ <. a. I0"e !een thin(in# a!out you -or some time. !. I thin( a!out you all the time. =. a. This !o> is ontainin# all the rele"ant do uments. !. This !o> ontains all the rele"ant do uments. ?. a. 2e0s an idiot. !. 2e0s !ein# an idiot. 1@. a. Anderstandin# ho/ to use om)uters is essential in this 9o!. !. I understand ho/ to use om)uters and so I an do this 9o!. ,. 7ut the orres)ondin# letter o- the ri#ht /ord into the !lan( o- ea h senten e. 1. A-ter so many years& it is #reat to see him BBB his am!itions. a. #et !. realise . )ossess d. deser"e ,. The re"ie/ ommittee BBB three )ra tisin# la/yers and a retired !usinessman. a. onsists !. om)rises . is made u) d. en loses 1. Don0t /orry$ this is nothin# that BBB you. a. matters !. entails . on erns d. om)li ates 6. As al/ays& I am BBB.. /ith e"erythin# you say. a. a#ree !. a#reein# . a#reea!le d. in a#reement :. I BBB. dou!t /hether he /ill a tually arry out his threats. a. hi#hly !. dee)ly . a!solutely d. seriously ;. It may !e rainin#& !ut I0m BBB en9oyin# mysel-. a. thorou#hly !. hi#hly . e>tremely d. des)erately <. I BBB ho)e there /on0t !e a re)etition o- theses un-ortunate e"ents. a. dee)ly !. stron#ly . sin erely d. des)erately =. That "oi e sounds BBB.. $ I0m sure I (no/ her. a. (no/n !. usual . -amiliar d. remem!ered ?. 2e -inally #ot the re/ard he so ri hly BBB..

a. o/es !. earns . deser"es 1@. 3hat ha))ens ne>t BBB.. entirely on you. a. de)ends !. re"ol"es . trusts

d. 9usti-ies d. relies

A. 3hat is ollo ation+ /ords that o ur -re*uently C ollo ateD. 3ords that don0t ollo ate ne"er o ur to#ether. I- /e try& they sound unnatural and /ron#. Time speeds / travels / rides / moves. %5 they don0t ollo ate' Time flies / goes by / wears on / passes. %5 they ollo ate' There are no rules /e an use to learn ollo ations. 3e dis o"er a ollo ation& learn it and use it li(e any other )art o- the "o a!ulary. B. Ei>ed ollo ations in C-i>edD ollo ations& )arti ular /ords o ur to#ether& and the om!ination has a s)e ial meanin#. 1. /e an thin( o- idiomati e>)ressions and de)endent )re)ositions as ty)es oollo ation$ The hildren arri"ed safe and sound. She /as !a ( in a flash. ,. /e an sometimes hoose !et/een -i>ed ollo ations that mean the same thin#$ I0ll !e !a ( in a flash. I0ll !e !a ( in the blink of an eye. C. O)en ollo ations in Co)enD ollo ations& /e an hoose -rom a limited set o- /ords to om!ine /ith another /ord. 1. /e need a -ull understandin# o- the meanin#s o- indi"idual /ords& !ut there is o-ten no lo#i al reason /hy some /ords ollo ate and others don0t$ 3e an tal( a!out a fragile peace& or an uneasy peace. %!ut not a tender peace& an unsteady )ea e or a /ea( )ea e' ,. sometimes hoosin# /hi h ollo ation to use de)ends on the )osition o- the /ord in the senten e$ 3e may agree unconditionally& !ut /e don0t normally unconditionally agree. D. Frammati al -orms. 1. ad9e ti"e G noun$ I remem!er my formative years. ,. ad"er! G ad9e ti"e$ I0m hopelessly addicted to o--ee. 1. noun G noun$ The #o"ernment has 9ust un"eiled its policy review.

6. "er! G noun$ 3e /ill honour our pledge to redu e unem)loyment. :. de)endent )re)osition$ 7ersonally& I thin( they should !e ashamed of themsel"es. ;. )art o- a lon#er )hrase$ It0s al/ays interestin# to delve into the past.

1. 7ut the orres)ondin# letter o- the ri#ht /ord into the !lan( o- ea h senten e. 1. There is a time BBB.. -or om)letin# this tas(. a. !arrier !. limit ,. 3ine #ro/ers in Bordeau> re orded a BBB. har"est this year. a. !um)er !. !oom 1. I0d !etter BBB you on the latest de"elo)ments. a. u)date !. a *uaint 6. I re all learnin# a!out su h thin#s in the BBB. and distant )ast. a. dar( !. dim :. 1?=? /as a BBB. year -or Euro)e. a. monumental !. momentuous ;. They all BBB.. /at hes !e-ore settin# o- in di--erent dire tions. a. standardised !. syn hronised <. I BBB. a#ree /ith e"erythin# you said. a. /holeheartedly !. un onditionally =. I0m satis-ied BBBB your )ro#ress so -ar. a. -or !. /ith ?. I thin( her )er-orman e /as BB. a--e ted !y the !eha"iour o- the ro/d. a. ad"ersely !. /ron#ly 1@. I0m BBBB ommitted to the idea o- e*uality o- o))ortunity. a. lo"in#ly !. )assionately ,. 7ut the orres)ondin# letter o- the ri#ht /ord into the !lan( o- ea h senten e. 1. The team /on the ham)ionshi) -our years BBBBB a. runnin# !. )assin# . -ollo/in# d. rotatin# ,. I still see my old lass mates no/ and BBBBB a. o asionally !. then . sometimes d. here 1. 4y /at h seems to !e BBB.. se"eral minutes a day. a. -or/ardin# !. #ainin# . )ro#ressin# d. mo"in# on 6. I0m a-raid I0m really BBBB -or the time at the moment. a. hurried !. short . )ulled d. )ressed :. This ini*uitous system o- ta>ation is unli(ely to han#e in the BB -uture. a. -ar !. lose . )redi ta!le d. -oreseea!le

;. The musi in reases in BBBB to/ards the end o- the mo"ement. a. tem)o !. time . rhythm d. !eat <. 2e /as /ounded in the BBB.. sta#es o- the !attle. a. losin# !. middle . intermediated. end =. The )er-orman e /ill start BBBBB on si>. a. e>a tly !. )un tually . dead d. 9ust

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