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Taylors University School of Hospitality, Tourism & Culinary Arts Bachelors Degree


The present document aims to propose a structure for the redaction of the Internship Report, that must be submitted after the completion of the first internship in all the Bachelors Degree programme (Hospitality, Tourism and Culinary Arts). These guidelines take into consideration the requirements from the jury that will be evaluating the training report submitted.

1. Cover
Please follow the Model given page 6 of this document.

2. Overall Structure of the INTERNSHIP Report

Cover page Evaluation Form Table of Content Internship Report Introduction 1) Internship placement profile 2) Schedule, Duties, Challenges and Learning Outcome Conclusion Appendixes Internship appraisal forms Following the above structure is compulsory - except for appendixes.

Max 15 pages, including appendixes

IR Guidelines

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Taylors University School of Hospitality, Tourism & Culinary Arts Bachelors Degree

3. Content of Industrial Training Report

This report aims to relate and analyze the experience of the student during their industrial training. It should cover 10 to 15 pages according to the following structure.

Introduction: (1 page MAXIMUM)

Justification for the choice of internship placement (for ex-diploma students, explained if the internship represent a continuity with diploma placement) Example: choosing Hilton hotel for internship was guided by the desire to be exposed to . Explained the learning outcome you were expecting before starting the internship. Example: Regarding the learning experience I could have in a 5 stars hotel, my main expectation was to be able to improve my cooking skills from a technical point of view (Hoping to be more efficient and accurate in term of cutting, cooking techniques) but also from a organizational point of view by ) Introduction of the Internship Report (IR) content and structure Example: The first part of the IR will be dedicated to explain in details the various task I did during my internship.

1) Internship Placement
You are required in this part to complete the table below. You must at least supply the content expected for each box. You are required to adapt the content based on your respective training. The content can be written in essay form or by using bullet form but must remain as a table.
Content expected: Give the full name of the company you trained in and the opening date.

Example: XY Tours and Travels or AB Events Company Opened in 1980 Content expected: Explain if the company belong to a bigger group of companies and describe briefly the group.


Example: XY Tours belongs to Thomas Cook Group. If the company you trained in does not belong to a group, please remove this line from the table. Content expected: you are required to explain briefly where the company is located and try to justify why the company was implemented in that location?.


Example: XY Tours/ AB Eent company located at KL Central, the location is strategic to the potential travelers.. Do not cut and paste the location description from the hotel or company website, write the content with your own words.

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Taylors University School of Hospitality, Tourism & Culinary Arts Bachelors Degree
Content expected: Explain briefly the main target market of the company, in term of nationalities, occupation, social profile (couple? Family?) and justify why the product/services supplied by the company match with the target market. Example: The company is clearly targeting business travellers, coming for few days. The clientele is mostly coming from South East Asian Countries (Thailad etc) . Content expected: Introduce briefly the main competitors implemented in the same area than the company and the main competitors implemented in the same city. You are required to explain clearly on which aspect (product, price etc) other companies are competing with the company your are training in. Example: Being located at KL Sentral, the XY Tour Company/ AB Event company is clearly facing a direct competition from CD company on the same target market and same type of product Content expected: Explain briefly the hotel facilities as well as the main outlets available (Bar, restaurant etc) with the type of product they offer and their main range of price.
HOTEL & OUTLETS DESCRIPTION If the training is completed in an hotel



Example: The hotel offers to guest 3 dining area named respectively Binouse, Liche, Bibine. Binouse is a wine bar offering to guest a range choice of French, Australian wine with a selection of snack and tapas. The average price range from . If the company you trained in is not a hotel, please remove this line from the table. Content expected: Explain briefly the restaurant facilities as well as the type of food and menu offered.

RESTAURANT DESCRIPTION If the training is completed in a restaurant

Example: The restaurant possesses a 40 seats dining area with a private dining room that can accommodate 20 persons. Specialized in seafood, the menu proposes If the company you trained in is not a restaurant, please remove this line from the table. Content expected: If the company you trained is neither an hotel nor a restaurant, explain the main service offered by the company. Example: The travel agency offers a wide variety of packages ranging from If the company you trained in is a restaurant or a hotel, please remove this line from the table.

ANY OTHER TYPE OF COMPANY DESCRIPTION If the training is completed in neither an hotel nor a restaurant.

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Taylors University School of Hospitality, Tourism & Culinary Arts Bachelors Degree

2) Schedule, Duties, Obstacles and Learning Outcome.

You are required in this part to: - Fill in the table Internship Placement Breakdown - Fill in for each department you trained in the table Department description & Intern Involvement. You must use the same table template for all the departments you trained in. If you trained in 3 departments you must fill in 3 times the table Department description & Intern Involvement All the table must be filled using bullet form but with sufficient wording to be understandable. If you spent less than 2 weeks in a department, you are allowed to combine departments together. For example, if you spent 1 week in hot kitchen and 1 week in cold kitchen, you can consider Hot and cold kitchen as being one department. If you spent 4 weeks in hot kitchen and 4 weeks in cold kitchen, you must treat them as two separate departments. WARNING: You are not allowed to combine departments that have nothing in common. For example do not combine Pastry and Housekeeping, even if you spent only 1 week in each.

INTERNSHIP PLACEMENT BREAKDOWN PERIOD OF PLACEMENT Example: 1 June to 15 July Example: 15 July to 30 July You can add as many lines as necessary DEPARTMENT Hot Kitchen Purchasing department

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Taylors University School of Hospitality, Tourism & Culinary Arts Bachelors Degree

DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION & INTERN INVOLVEMENT DEPARTMENT PERIOD OF PLACEMENT MAIN RESPONSIBILITY OF THE DEPARTMENT Hot Kitchen 1 June to 15 July The Hot kitchen is in charge of: - Elaborate the mise en place for - Prepare all the

MAIN DUTIES HANDLED - In charge every morning of - Responsible for etc

CHALLENGES FACED - Under this department the main obstacle I faced was .. - In order to tackle this obstacle, I decided to

LEARNING OUTCOME - While being under hot kitchen, the key skill I learned is - Another major outcome was that I gained.




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BC/BH/BR/BE - year 2

Taylors University School of Hospitality, Tourism & Culinary Arts Bachelors Degree

Conclusion: (1 page MAXIMUM)

Compare the expected Learning Outcome before starting your internship with the real Learning Outcome from the various departments you have been in and summarize the most important Learning outcome for you. Example: Globally, most of my expected learning outcomes were fulfilled while doing my internship. I have been able to significantly improve my Moreover, I also gained a lot of unexpected learning, especially in term of Personal opinion / perception of the training(s) Example: This internship has really helped me to .However, I regret I could not..I would recommend that

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Taylors University School of Hospitality, Tourism & Culinary Arts Bachelors Degree

4. Appendixes and Annexes Appendixes

Any supporting document, chart, etc. should be numbered (Appendix I, II, III, etc.) and referenced in the report (inside the core text of part one and two)

5. Language Requirements
Professional language is required, emphasizing on the content. Personal pronouns, I and we are allowed but should not be overused.

6. Writing Format
The report should be computer typed, A4 format Font Times New Roman, size 12, no spacing Each page should be numbered at the bottom center The final report will be comb binding one copy will be provided

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Taylors University School of Hospitality, Tourism & Culinary Arts Bachelors Degree

School Of Hospitality, Tourism & CULINARY ARTS

International Hospitality Management (Hons) OR

Culinary Arts & Food Service Management OR

International Tourism Management (Events Management) OR

International Tourism Management (Travel & Recreation Management)


Student name Student number, Batch, Group


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Taylors University School of Hospitality, Tourism & Culinary Arts Bachelors Degree

International Hospitality Management OR

Culinary Arts & Food Service Management OR

International Tourism Management (Events Management) OR

International Tourism Management (Travel & Recreation Management)

Internship Report: Evaluation Form

Candidates name Student number Academic year : : :

MARK /30 General Comments

IR Guidelines

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