Director of Internal User Testing ("Dogfooding")

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Director of Internal User Testing (Dogfooding) The Director of Internal User Testing is primarily responsible for ensuring an objective,

datadriven product development process based on the following principles: Controlling the research agenda Protecting the interests of testers Working with, not for Product, or Engineering Speaking truth to power The Director supervises a staff of DPMs (Dogfooding Program Managers) - acting as advocate and when necessary, clearing obstacles or escalating issues to senior leadership, simultaneously serving as the teams scientific authority on survey design, launch and analysis. The Director will be responsible for reporting results to senior leadership, responding to changes in strategic direction, and making recommendations to technical teams about where to focus engineering efforts based on tester perception. The Director must show strong independence and leadership - balancing the various, sometimes conflicting agendas of Quality, Engineering, Product, and Supply Chain against the scientific integrity of product analysis and the welfare of the testing population. Director must be a top-notch people manager, with a management philosophy that values output over input, freedom and creativity rather than micro-management, coaching rather than punishment. Background Requirements: MA/PhD in behavioral/social science including Operations Research, Sociology, Organizational Behavior, Organizational Psychology, Economics, Psychology, Social Psychology, HumanComputer Interaction, Anthropology; or MBA/PhD with related specialization. College TA-level grasp of statistical methods including t-tests for the difference between means and proportions, ANOVA, Chi-squared tests for contingency tables, regression & correlation, factor analysis. 3-5 years work experience in industry dealing with any of the following: quality assurance, mobile technology, internet, product development, information technology, corporate-based laboratory research, technical program management, etc. Above-average awareness of, and broad personal curiosity about, the mobile device industry: phones, tablets, wearables, etc. Ability to execute quantitative analysis as well as teach/explain underlying theoretical principles to non-specialist.

Expert-level understanding of scientific methods as they relate to the behavioral and social sciences - study design, sampling methodology, hypothesis testing. Experience in survey design and implementation, strong grounding in cognitive and behavioral models of survey response. Experience dealing with studies involving live human subjects, awareness of factors influencing data quality, including response bias, survey bias, selection and self-selection effects, survey fatigue, and cognitive heuristics. Strong leadership skills, demonstrated ability to articulate uncomfortable truths successfully to those in power. Proven willingness to take risks and challenge existing process and organizational culture when necessary. Excellent people management skills. The Director is expected to cultivate and maintain high talent in Internal testing team by developing career plans for each team member and aligning team needs, responsibilities, and stretch assignments with career attainment goals.

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