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Park and Violet

Marian Tee

Chapter One
Bang! Bang! Bang! The noise jarred Park awake, nearly causing him to tumble out of his short and narrow bed. He had always had a soft spot for Japan - his childhood here had been beyond happybut it took only a few days after arriving in Osaka as a foreign exchange student that he quickly realized one thing: a childs memory was radically different from a mans reality. Japan, as it turned out, was not as perfect as it had first seemed. Then he had been a kid. Now, he stood six foot three, and if there was one thing about Japan that he absolutely loathedit would be their Western style beds. Japans beds sucked big timeor make that small time. Had they never seen someone taller than five and a half feet, for Gods sake? He had already ordered a king-sized bed, but because this was Japanwith almost the entire nation preferring to sleep on floor mats called tatami, his special order would take about two weeks for delivery. Two weeks of having to sleep with almost half of his body off the bed, dammit! Bang! Bang! Bang! Who the fuck was making all that noise? Pulling on a pair of sweatpants, Park stalked out of his dorm room, cracking his knuckles because whoever it was had just signed up to get a taste of his fist. He was not a fucking morning person, and this was definitely not a fucking good way to wake him up. Bang! Bang! Bang! He stopped dead in his tracks when he reached the landing leading to the next flight of steps. A girl stood at the mezzanine level above him, doing her best to drag two heavy-looking monogrammed leather suitcases with her. A dark curtain of hair fell over her shoulders, effectively hiding her face from him. Why dont you use the elevator? Violet jerked in surprise at the slightly accented growl. She knew her Asian accents very well, ever since she had stumbled upon a boxed set of the Taiwanese drama Meteor Garden from a garage sale back home. It was love at first viewing, and she had devoured everything Asian after that, from J-pop to K-drama and even those wonderfully creepy Thai horror films. This voice was Korean, definitely. She was willing to bet on it. And this voice sounded grumpy, too, which only made her feel even more annoyed. Violet finally glancedwell, it was more like a glaredown to find out what an idiot looked like. After all, only genuine idiots would ask idiotic questions like that. Glare met glare as she found herself looking at a tall, scowling bare-chested guy from the previous landing. She scowled right back even though she was momentarily shocked. He sounded Korean but he looked anything but. If anything, he looked positivelyNordic. Yes, that was the word. He looked a lot like the smoking-hot ash blond club owner in True Blooda younger version, but everything else was like a carbon copy. Marble chest, gawk-worthy abshe even had the classically sharp looks one would expect from a vampire. His hair stood up in spikesa clear indication that she had likely gotten him out of bed, but even the worst bed-head in history couldnt disguise how jaw-droppingly gorgeous he was. Violet did her very best not to stare even though she could feel goosebumps popping all over her body. It just wasnt because he was half-naked. There was also the fact that his sweatpants rode so low on his hips she knew it was just a hairs breadth away from showing what she so did not want to see.

Show-off, she thought nastily, mood darkening. It was her first day today in Japan, and so far everything was a disaster. She had gotten lost at the airport. She had gotten lost on her way to university. And like a damn cherry on the top, she had also gotten lost on her way herethe dormitory she would be calling home for the next two years. Yeah, everything that happened so far had just made her already-bad mood worse, and the blond gigolo in front of herhis very perfection made Violet want to get into a scowling contest with him. Well? the guy barked. He looked like he was dying to kill her. Violet threw him her best drop-dead look with a lift of her chin. I wouldve if it wasnt under maintenance. Idiot, she added silently. Park saw and understood that look. He did so because he knew he himself had that look every time someone would ask him a stupid question. He wanted to say something rude and cutting, but he couldnt. Now that sleep no longer clouded his mind, he couldnt make himself snap at her, not when she was exactly the kind of girl he was attracted to. She fucking had it alllong black hair, large eyes, cute small nose, and luscious-looking lips. Like he saidthe spoiled princess in front of him was exactly what his dream girl looked like. Too bad she also looked high-maintenance. The thought had his upper lip curling. She wore a green buttoned-up blouse tucked into denim jeans that fell just a little below the knees with pink-striped shoes. Nothing overtly sexy, actually, but she still looked so undeniably hot his body couldnt help responding it. Park wished he could think of it as the usual morning hard-on but he knew it wasnt so. This girl turned him on like no other. It was that fucking bad and it got even shittier when he considered the fact that he hadnt been sexually interested in any girl for months now. Park glanced at the girl again and saw her scowling at him. It was such a refreshing sight Park actually became even more aroused by it. What the fuck was happening? It was like he had gotten into a special Twilight Zone episode spoofed by Porn Tube. Ever since his break-up with Faye, Park hadnt even thought about sex, hadnt even jerked off once in the last few months. He had been that traumatized and then out of the fucking bluethis! Down, boy, Park thought with even more disgust as his dick struggled to be noticeable behind his suddenly too-tight sweatpants. He suppressed a groan when the girl shifted, the movement causing her small but pert breasts to jiggle attractively behind her tight-fitting blouse. Those curvessweet holy hell, they were voluptuous enough to guarantee a fucking front page shoot for Sports Illustrated. After reminding himself with a mental snarl that he despised girls, Park said more sharply than he intended, Its too fucking bad about the elevator but that doesnt mean you have the right to wake everyone up because youve had a shitty day. He turned away, intent on getting back to sleep. Keep it down this time, will you? Violet gaped at the guys retreating back before bursting out, Youre not even going to offer to help me? She mentally winced at the shrillness of her voice. But reallyhe wasnt even going to pretend to be a gentleman about this? Park slowly turned around. Why should I? Because its the gentlemanly thing to do, she gritted out. She couldnt believe it! Of all the luck! The first gorgeous guy she met in Japan and he had to be a first-class jerk! The guy crossed his arms against his chesthis very nicely formed chest. Not that she noticed. Park raised a brow. Did I say I was a gentleman? The words made Violet see red. Her sister Lilac did always say she had the devil of a temper, something she had probably inherited from her Gypsy ancestors. Gypsies were notorious for carrying grudges to their gravesbut only in the worst circumstances. With Violet, it didnt really take much of

anything to rile her. Like now. Just the sight of the sneer on the guys face made her want to commit murder. Fine, she snarled. Thanks, anyway! She whirled around and resumed dragging her suitcases. This time, she didnt bother trying to keep the noise down. Park was amazed. She had really gotten angry first? Back home, he was infamous for having a short fuse. In all his twenty years of life, this was the first time that someone had gotten angry ahead of him. Most people had second thoughts doing so. Even if they didnt know who he was or what he was capable of, the lets-beat-the-hell-outta-each-other vibes he knew he emanated were usually enough to have everyone steer clear of him. But this girl? The tiny chick with steam coming off her ears hadnt just gotten mad first, she also clearly wasnt going to do anything to flirt with him. Park wasnt conceited, but he knew what he looked like, knew from experience that most women wanted to fuck him for his looks alone while the rest wanted to fuck him for his trust fund. Before he knew it, Park found himself going up and helping her. When Violet saw the worlds biggest jerk reaching for the handle of her suitcase, she snapped, No, thanks. Just give it to me, he said, exasperated. I said no! And I say just shut up and let me help you so I can sleep in peace! Park made one last hard tug. Violet let go all of a sudden and Park lost his balance. He would have tumbled down the stairs if his back hadnt hit the wall instead. Violet smirked. Why, you little bitch Violet took a step back, alarmed at the killing glare in the guys face. She finally remembered the fact that she was aloneat the momentwith this guy. It was needlessly dangerous to pick a fight with a stranger. A male stranger who was indubitably larger and stronger, Violet also belatedly realized with a gulp. And the worst part was that she had this sinking feeling in her stomach most of what had happened had been her fault, too. He was right. She had caused unnecessary noise going up because she had had a shitty day and misery always loved company. Plushe did offer to help in the end. True, he did so with obvious reluctance, but it wasnt really like he owed her anything in the first place. When the guy opened his mouthmost likely to bite her head offViolet beat him to speaking, saying quickly, Im sorry! The guy glared at her for several seconds before finally grunting out, Just shut up and tell me what floor youre on. So she did. He looked at her in horror. What the fuck? Violet bit her lip, knowing that the giggle trying to come out of her throat would just make the guy madder. His reaction was understandable since they still had six flights of stairs, well, twelve, actually since each floor had double flights of stairsto go. Park gritted his teeth. Just oncethe only time he had let his guard down, and here he was, stuck playing the bellboy and cargo guy for a dozen of flights. Un-fucking-believable. He dealt her one hard glare. This is the last time youll ask me for help. Gasping at the sheer rudeness of his words, Violet felt her anger stirring again. Knowing she should keep her mouth shut but unable to, she snarled, Like Im going to ask a She paused for a moment, frantically searching for the worst term she could use to describe someone who was so obviously perfect in appearance. Her eyes strayed toward his ash blond locks, and she hit upon the perfect term

immediately. Intensifying her glare, she spit out, If I had a choice, I would never ask a Yeti like you! Park felt himself turning red. He couldnt remember being this mad at a girl. Youre calling me a fucking Yeti? Steeling herself not to cower at the guys roar, Violet made herself smirk. The shoe totally fits, dont you think? White, monstrously ugly, beast-like characterlike I said: Yeti, she said sweetly. Temper officially riled, Park spat, And what about you? Youre like a fucking banshee with all that shrill noise your mouths making! Violets jaw dropped at his words. I do not sound like a banshee! she said in what she knew would come out in a shrill voice but unable to help it. How could a human being be thisthis much of a jerk? His sneer made her itch to slap it off his face, and his next words just made her want to kill him. Care to say that less shrilly next that time? Violets body shook with anger. Oh, what a red hand mark on that face would do for her day! A banshee! He had the gall to call her a bansheeshe, Violet York, the most popular girl in her school! If they were back in her home in Miami, he would be lucky if she gave him the time of the day. Just help me with this and were done, she said between clenched teeth. Fine! Fine! **** Twenty long minutes later and they finally reached her floor. Whats your room number? he snapped. She pointed to the first door to their left. Almost tearing the knob off in his irritation, Park flung the door open and threw the suitcases into the room. They landed with a tumble, coming only to a stop when they hit the back of the bed. The girl shrieked. Ah, sweet music. He had never been this glad to piss off a girl so much. She ran past him to her suitcases. Sinking to her knees, Violet worriedly checked for damage. These had been Lilacs going-away gift to her; the very first gift that her normally cheapskate sister had spent thousands of dollars for. She glared up at him. You did that deliberately! You think? he said, sarcasm dripping from his voice just before he walked back to the stairs. Swallowing words of rage, she choked out, Thank you! Park said over his back, Good riddance! Violet slammed her door shut in response. Asshole, she thought as she closed her eyes, doing her best to calm herself. This was one bad omen for her stay in Japan.

Chapter Two
Violets teeth gnashed as she studied the map spread out on her bed, whichfor oncewas something just right for her size. Her Blackberry was totally useless in Japan. The countrys GPS thingywhich supposedly worked like magicjust wasnt compatible with her phone, which left Violet doing navigation the old fashioned way. Unfortunately, nothing in the map made any freaking sense! Even though she read Japanese fairly well, it just wasnt enough to turn her into Christopher Columbus overnight. Also, she was bad with directions, period. How the heck was she going to be able to find the school administration building with a map that didnt have GPS-guided arrows automatically tracing the right route to her destination? What was she going to do now? Violet stomped towards the mirror, staring at her reflection. We are not going to freak out. We are not going to be melodramatic. We will find a solution for this. Looking at her reflection always calmed Violet, mostly because she liked seeing the results of her handiwork. She loved fashion, had always done so since she was old enough to say Vogue and every day she eagerly spent at least two hours just planning and perfecting her outfit, even if only her mother would be the one to see the product of her painstaking efforts. Indeed, her love for fashion had been one of Violets primary reasons for studying in Japan. She loved the countrys cool street fashion scene and was so very eager to be a part of it. For her first daywhich was todayViolet had chosen to tie her hair in a ponytail but leave most of her bangs to fall freely on her forehead in a side sweep, their tips emphasizing the soft lines of her face. Since it was spring, Violet had also tried to dress accordingly but with a subtle focus on standing out in her white long-sleeved, V-necked shirt, soft gray jeans accessorized by a wide purple bet to match the color of her eyes, and a funky-looking pair of tan leather boots. And in case the temperature suddenly fell, Violet was ready for that, too, with a matching corduroy jacket meant to ensure that shed look pretty even if she was freezing cold. She looked good all in all, if she did say so herself. But was it good enough for the guy at the second floor? Good enough for him to help her one more time instead of biting her head off? Violet snorted. She doubted it. He was the rudest guy he had ever met. But the fact remainedshe needed him. **** Bang, bang, bang! Someone was knocking loudly on the door again, jarring him awake. For a moment, Park was confused by a sense of dj vu. Was it the girl again and her suitcases? But it couldnt be. He had already played the bellboy for her, so what now? Scowling, he got up and not bothering to wear anything over his boxers this time, he went straight to the door to open it. It was her. Violet bit back a gasp. Oh my God, did he not realize he was practically naked? Again, he stood in front of her with the craziest bed head she had ever seenas well as the hottestlooking chest she had also ever seen in her life. Violet wanted to kill herself, mostly because of her bodys betrayal. How could it want this guy so much when he was such a jerk? Her eyes dipped low involuntarily and what she saw almost made her gasp. This time

determinedly keeping her gaze on his face while willing herself not to turn red at the memory of his larger-than-life erection, Violet managed to summon up her megawatt smilethe one that gave her a grand slam win in her high schools Ms. Popularity contest. Smile in place, Violet then waited for him to kiss the ground she was walking on. But he only kept staringwell, fine, scowlingat her. Oooookay. Turning up her megawatt smile by a notch, she began, Hi. I think we got off on the wrong foot a while ago Whats this all about? Park cut the girl off mid-way, irritated once more at how his dick unashamedly begged to be noticed. Maybe he had been without a girl far too long, and it had made a whore out of his dick, getting aroused for the most irritating girl he had ever met. Parks mood blackened even more when he fully took in her appearance. She already looked hot a while agonow, she was simply smoking. Worse, he also liked the fact that she didnt have much makeup on, which was admittedly surprising for someone so clearly aware of her own looks and worth. All in all, she looked too pretty for his good so Park made sure to keep the scowl on his face. It was better that way. Violet held on to her smile with an effort even though her first instinct was to bash him on the head for being so unpardonably rude. What the heck was his problem anyway? My names Violet. Park just raised a brow. She gritted her teeth, aware of how he continued to ignore her outstretched hand. I was hoping we could get to know each other better. And? She gave up being courteous. There was no point doing so with this guy. Grabbing his handand trying not to smirk at the shock on the guys faceshe gave it a quick shake. The moment their fingers touched was spine-tingling, literally. Fuck, Park thought, his stomach curling as he stared at the girl with even more shock. He hadnt expected her to just grab his hand like that, and he certainly did not expect his entire body to react this way, for such a simple touch. This was so fucked up. They had even more chemistry than he initially thought. He saw her eyes suddenly dip low before swerving back up, almost guiltily. Park realized then that she knew he was hard, and knowing that she knew just made him harder. For one moment, he imagined hauling her into his room and picking her up so he could just nail her against the wall and save them from the misery of pretending they didnt have this white-hot flare of attraction between them. But the moment passed, and he managed to reclaim his sanity. Just tell me what you want, he said brusquely, hoping his tone would prevent her from looking down again and find out that he had just gotten larger, longer, and a thousand times more aroused. Look, theres no one else I know here, she was saying. Park said quickly, But you dont know me either. She seemed to ignore his words, saying determinedly, Yet. I dont know you yet. Let me rephrase that. I dont want you to get to know me. Violet couldnt believe what she was hearing and was even more incredulous when he added emphatically, Im not friendly and Im not in the mood for flirtations. Violet nearly hit the roof at that. Excuse me? Did I say I wanted to flirt with you? Another raised eyebrow. You dont? Violet actually stomped her foot in frustration and anger. God, he was such an obnoxious jerk! Look, she said, glaring at him. I just need you to give me directions to the administration building. Is that too much to ask? If you tell me, then were done. I wont trouble you anymore. Whod want to be with an ogre like you? And off she goes, Park thought. Surprise and irritation warred inside him as she continued

hurling insults. It was a bit unbelievable, to be honest. Back at home, he literally had his own goon squad to keep the screaming girls away and here was this black-haired midget, actually asking him a favornot as a way to get closer to himbut one in exchange of staying away from him. It wascuriously refreshing and liberating. However, her shrill voice was beginning to grate. And Park didnt truly appreciate being called an Asian Yeti. He looked at the girl again, saw her mouth moving, and acted instinctively. my luck to pick a blond gorillaoomph! The only warning Violet got was the glint in his eyes before he was kissing her, his lips seemingly soft and firm at the same time, his kiss commanding. But before she could think about what she should do, it was over, and he was pulling away. Good way to shut women up, I always thought, was all he said. She opened her mouth to shriek at him, but his glance sliding to her lips made her snap her mouth shut and grind her teeth instead. He smirked. Now listen well, because Ill only tell you once. An hour later, Park had already showered and left his room, grabbing his denim jacket as he did since the winds in Osaka could be biting cold at this time of the year. He normally didnt leave the dorm this early, but there was no point going back to sleep. The girl had given him such an adrenaline rush that his mind couldnt stop buzzing. And though he would never fucking admit anything to a living soul, the girl had also given him his first pressing urge to jack offin thirteen long fucking monthsand when he did so, he had come so much in his hands it was fucking embarrassing. And he hadnt even pictured her naked! All Park had imagined was her whispering his name, her violet eyes shining with welcome as he tossed her little skirt up and sink his dick into her Park groaned, feeling himself harden again. That woman was a witch. She had to be, or maybe she had one in her family lineage. Either way, he was going to avoid her like the plague. No one had ever affected him this way before, and it was a complication he could damn well do without. Park had already walked three blocks when he came to a dead stop, spotting a familiar figure down the road. You! Violet jumped. When she saw the Nordic ogre heading towards her, she turned around and hastily wiped the tears away. When she looked back, she nearly jumped again because he was now just inches away from her. It was the first time shed seen him not looking like he had just gotten out of bed, and she hated admitting it but he looked even more gorgeous. He had on a scarf, a thin violet sweater, and what she liked to call rock star jeans because of the studded design on the pockets. He looked extremely well put together, a guy who wasnt afraid of being stylish, and unfortunately It turned her on. Everything about him right now made the fashion-loving part of her swoon, but it also made her cringe because she didnt want him to see her like this. Why are you sneaking around behind my back? Violet blasted at him. Best defense was offense. She didnt want the Yeti to know she had been crying. She would die if he did. Park saw the tear-stained cheeks but wisely avoided comment. If she wanted to play it tough then hed let her. What are you doing here? Just about to cross the street. Park laughed. When the administrations that way? He pointed to the other direction. I wanted to enjoy the scenery. Face it. Youre lost. She glared at him. Im not. Im just Shut up, he said pleasantly. Just be glad Im in a nice enough mood to walk you

there. She looked at him with deep suspicion. Why are you going to do that? Violet patted her pockets threateningly. I have a weapon here, you know. Park snorted. Lip gloss? No. Pepper spray. He rolled his eyes. Ooh, Im scared! Yes, you should be. Here, try it! And before he knew it, she was lifting a pepper spray can and getting ready to spray. Park took a step back even as he knocked her hand away. Are you crazy? he yelled. She had him fucking square in the eye with her pepper spray! One accidental press and there would have been hell to pay. Violet smirked as she bent down to pick up the pepper spray off of the ground. Returning it to her pocket, she said smugly, See? I told you its an effective weapon. She grinned at the look on his face. Park scowled. If you do that again, Ill dump you in the farthest district of Japan and leave you there. She sobered at that, knowing he could very well do it. Spoilsport, she said sullenly. Spoiled brat, Park shot back. Korean blond gorilla, she spat then paused when a thought occurred to her. Why do you sound Korean when youre obviously not one? Adopted, Park answered honestly, easily. Violet started. Sorry. Dont be. Im lucky with my family. She snorted. I bet theyre not lucky with you. Park made a 180-degree turn. Thats it. Good luck with Im sorry! she cried out, panicking. Cant you take a joke? No, he said. So dont bother with them when youre with me. Behind him, he heard her say under her breath, Freaking Yeti. Heard that already, Park taunted and began walking. Are you coming or what? There was one or two moments of silence before Park heard her footfall. She came to walk beside him. It almost felt like they were dating. Park nearly shuddered at the thought. No. This was not a date. Not at all. He was just being nice. He gave her a hard look. Im just being nice here, okay? She made her eyes go wide with him. This is you being nice? He was not going to laugh. That might make her think they were closeand they were not and never would be. With a deliberately insulting tone, he said, I just want to make it clear in case youre thinking of going after me. Unfortunately, what was normally effective in making girls run away furious, embarrassed, or crying just made the banshee next to him roll her eyes. He looked away before the banshee could catch his lips twitching. As they resumed walking, Violet was unable to help but steal a look at the guy next to her. Whats your name again? Im not insulted, she told herself. It wasnt her fault he had a bad memory. Violet. She dragged the name out. Silence. You? she asked finally, hating that he had made her ask. Nordic-Korean-gorilla-asshole. Seriously! She would never lack for words to describe just how much of a jerk this guy was! Keeping the smile off his face, knowing he had pissed her off, he grunted, Park. They walked in silence again. Now that Violet knew she wasnt going to be lost anytime soon, she allowed herself to relax and enjoy the scenery. At ten in the morning, the streets were not that crowded, giving Violet the chance to take in much of her surroundings. All the wonderful shops she had seen in Japanese magazines were really here! Whimsical cafes where waiters and waitresses served as butlers and maids, the absolutely

adorable photo-printing booths she was itching to try out, the themed stores where she could buy the most amazingly cute souvenirs for her family back homeViolet would have jumped for joy if she had been alone. She really was in Japan, she thought to herself giddily. This had been #1 in her travel wish list for ages and now she was finally here. It was just too bad that had to happen for Violet to come here. She frowned, not liking where her thoughts were heading. Why she came to be here didnt matter. What mattered was that she was hereand would be here for two years. Two years! Violet grinned to herself. The guy next to her came to an abrupt stop, and Violet had to walk back. He pointed to the gray building to their left, behind the huge wrought iron gates and with a flowered driveway leading to it. Thats it. Violet was suddenly nervous but she did her best not to show it. Oh. Wellthanks, she said awkwardly. She flashed him an uneasy smile. I promise I wont bother you after this. Riiiight. Violet was indignant. I wont! Good luck, Park said instead and turned away. Thirty minutes later, Violet had her registration papers and class schedule. When she stepped out of the building, she saw Park sitting on the steps. What are you still doing here? she exclaimed. As he uncurled himself and got to his feet in one fluidly graceful motion, Violet reluctantly admitted to herself that her less-than-polite dorm mate made a breathtaking sight. He really, really should have looked gay with the way he dressed, but if anything his choice in clothes only made him look like he had just stepped out of a fashion shoot. He definitely fit right in with the rest of Japans fashion scene. Park dusted off the seat of his pants. I knew youd get lost on your way back. I wouldnt! Unlike her older sister, Violet had no problems with lying if it meant saving face. Parks eyes bored through hers. Yes, you will. God, he was such a jerk. No guy back home would have argued with her like he did. All of them would have let her get her way, and that was what she was used to, not this. Violet released a loud hmph, but didnt say anything else. Just for today, shed call for a ceasefire. They started walking back. After a while, her conscience started nagging at her. She hated owing favors. I guess I have to say this, Violet said finally. Not if youre acting like its going to kill you, Park drawled. Just shut up and let me do this! she snarled. Park turned to her, smirking. Go ahead then. Please God, pleasejust let me smack him in the face before I die? Inhaling deeply, Violet choked out again, Thank you! Park laughed. Just remember that you owe me. He stopped laughing when he saw her suddenly smiling at him, so angelically he was suspicious of it. Stop looking at me like that. What is it? Violets smile turned into a full-fledged grin. She had just realized something absolutely incredible. Oh, that laugh said it all. This guythis Korean Yeti, this Nordic ogre-slash-gorilla this guy was a softie inside. He could try denying it until his dying breath, but Violet had spent too much time flirting with boys back home not to understand a thing or two about them. Sure, he was the nastiest and rudest guy she had also ever come across, but still. For several flights of stairs, Park had carried her suitcases for herand she knew for a fact a baby elephant weighed less than those two. She had disturbed his sleep twice, but he still ended up walking her to school.

And he had waited for her, even though they both knew he totally didnt have to. Violet gazed at him ponderingly. Stop staring at me, Park growled. She ignored that, still smiling. Her two years in Japan had just gotten more interesting, and she liked it.

Chapter Three
Bang, bang, bang! Who the hell Park jerked the door open. Then he had to look down because his uninvited guest was none other than the small spitfire that had lately been plaguing his mind, invading his dreams, and making him take cold showers more often. Violet beamed up at him. Good morning! She pretended not to notice that a) he was wearing just his boxers again, nothing else, and b) his dick was saying good morning back at her in the most obvious wayagain. Park was gnashing his teeth at her. Oh well, what was new? Yesterday, that look sort of hurteven though shed never admit itbut this time she just took it in stride, especially knowing what she knew about him. Her eyes narrowed when she noticed the dark circles under his eyes. You look awful, she murmured. Her words just made Park gnash his teeth more. See, Violet, he began sarcastically, Normal people knock like this. He rapped his knuckles moderately on the door. But crazy people knock like this. He rapped his fists on the door, recreating the banging sound that had gotten him out of sleep. For three consecutive times now. Not that the banshee seemed to care. Violets smile didnt even dim. Good thing Im not crazy then, she chirped just before bending and wriggling under his arm to get inside his room. What the fuck? Park whirled around to see Violet looking over his things with great interest. Violet! Park! She mimicked, but she was smiling again. She stood in the middle of his room, a beautiful black-haired witch his dick was telling her to take against the wall. It felt so right having her with him in the room. She looked like she belonged in his room, and it unnerved him. Park immediately pointed to the door. Out. But the hard, unwelcoming tone of his voice was lost on her. She gave him another smile. Nope. Park couldnt believe she was ignoring his command just like that. Before he could snap at her, she was already speaking again. Your place is so neat, she remarked as her fingers drifted on the spines of the books stacking his shelf in alphabetical order. Yours is a mess, Park retaliated. It is, Violet admitted cheerfully. She batted her eyelashes. Wanna help me clean it up? He looked at her like she was crazy. No. She said confidently, You will. Gritting his teeth at her tone, Park pointed to the door again. Out! He gave her his most frightening scowl, the one that made girls in his class initially believe he was one of the foreign members of the Yakuza, which was basically Japans equivalent of the Mafia. Violet almost cringed at Parks scowl but caught herself in time. No, she was not going to change her mind about this. Last nighther first night away from home and alone in Japan, Violet had come to an important conclusion. Park was going to be her friend, whether he liked it or not. Out! Violet just gave him another shake of her head.

Park closed the distance between them. Last time we met, he started. Violet gave him an encouraging nod. Thank God he was finally willing to talk sensibly. Maybe, I gave you an idea That? she asked helpfully. Were friends She brightened. Oh, yes! Park looked directly at her and said, Well, youre wrong. Were not friends. That made Violets smile waver but she hung on to it with all her might. We have a bond Which just ended Now. Her smile wavered even more. Theres nothing wrong about being friends If the other person wants to be friends back, and I dont. Argh! That did it! Losing her temper, she reached out to pull his hair. Hard. What thePark tried to pull his hair away but she didnt let go. Fuck! It felt like she had managed to superglue her hands to his hair. Let go, Violet! Not until you listen to me! In retaliation, Park twisted around so he could face herand pinch her cheeks. Hard. She shrieked. Stop it! She instinctively tugged harder. Park winced and increased the pressure on her cheeks in revenge. Not until you let go of my hair! They glared at each other. At the count of three. Violets voice was grim. One, he growled. Two, she growled back. Three, they said in unison. Violet and Park sprung away from each other immediately, adopting defensive stances and looking at each other warily. Whats so bad about being my friend? Violet burst out. Fuck! She looked so cute whenever she did that stomping thing with her tiny foot. And with Violet standing so close to his bed, he was even more fucked. Why the fuck did she seem to look more beautiful each time he saw her? She wore a black camisole top under her white-knitted sweater, with both tucked into a checkered mini and finished off with a pair of preppy-looking loafers. The mere sight of her shapely legs made Park want to groan. And with the bed next to her, it just made him imagine tossing her there and sinking into him, her lovely long legs up in the air as he pounded harder and harder into her. Fuck! This was not fucking good. It had to be because he had been without sex for so long that he was reacting this strongly to Violet. Answer me! Violet was back to sounding like a banshee. Unfortunately, this time the sound didnt even come close to irritating him. All it did was make him imagine her screaming for another reason andPark closed his eyes in despair. It was that or give in to the raging urges of his body. Park was grimly aware that she wasnt exactly immune to him either. He had seen the way she couldnt help looking at his dick every time they met. Banshee or not, Park knew he only needed her to be in his arms a few seconds and he would have her singing like a nightingale instead. The thought of itof Violet moaning his name out loudmade him squeeze his eyes shut harder. Fuck, fuckoh shit, he was getting even harder just by dropping the F-bomb! Violet couldnt help glaring at the suffering look on Parks face. Was being friends with her that much of a bother? Come off it, she snapped. Being my friend cant be that bad! Park grappled inwardly for control before making himself look at Violet. Trouble, he bit

out. Friends are just always full of trouble. B-but friends can be helpful, too, she protested. I dont need anyones help. Yes, you do. No mans an island, she reminded him. He snorted. Stop with the platitudes. It wont work. Violet was adamant. You will be She stopped, shook her head, and said in a stubborn voice, No, wait, from now on you are my friend and thats that! No. He watched Violet do her foot-stomping thing again. It should have made her look like a brat, but all it did was to make him want to fuck her more, especially since she really wasnt doing it to look cute. The way she was stomping, Park had a feeling she was imagining it was him she was stomping on. But enough was enough. Park pointed to the door again. Out. She shook her head at him. No. She crossed her arms over her chest. Were friends now and theres nothing you can do about it. I said And now I need you to help me find a job. That totally came out of nowhere and it had Park blinking. This high-maintenancelooking-chick was looking for a job? When he still didnt speak, she said quietly, I really need one so please help me? Park continued to stare at her. Violet inhaled, raised her voice, and said, Please, please, please, please, please, please... It went on and on until Park thought his ears would burst at the cacophony Violet was creating. His head started to ache, but at least it also successfully drove away the feelings of lust that had played havoc with his body. Opening his eyes, Park saw Violet looking at him hopefully. Please, please, please, please, please Oh, for the love of Please, please, please, please, please Okay! he roared, feeling like his head was about to explode. How could someone so small be so fucking loud? You win. Violet immediately stopped and sent him another hopeful smile. Friends? Do I have a choice? he snarled. She ran to him with a carefree laugh and before Park knew it, she was up on her tiptoes to place a kiss on his cheek. Fuck. Headache out, arousal in. Park quickly set Violet away before she could feel his erection. Even though his entire body felt ridiculously alive at the touch of her lips, Park threw her a look of disgust all the same. Dont do that again. Violet let out an offended gasp. It wasnt that bad! It was. She let that go, thinking that she could afford to since he had given in to her request anyway. She gave him a rueful smile. Fine. It was. Violet acting like a spoiled brat, Park could handle, but Violet acting nice and sweet was frightening. Who are you and what did you do to the banshee I met? Violet laughed. I guess I deserve that. Stop that! Violet was bemused. What? Stop smiling. Its creeping me out. Violet did stop smiling at that. Dont push it.

Park let out a sigh of relief. Theres the banshee I know. He checked his watch. I need to shower. Ill be ready in half an hour. Park pushed her out of the room. Lets meet outside the hall. He smirked at her look of shock before shutting the door on her face. Giant asshole, he heard her mutter outside his room. For some reason, even though he was used to having most girls refer to another part of his anatomy as giant, Park found himself grinning at Violets words instead.

Chapter Four
Park and Violet left the school campus half an hour later and joined the bustling crowd of Osaka. Violets senses were drunk on wonder. Osaka was second only to Tokyo in size, and Violet could easily see why. The city, also known as the gourmet capital of Japan, was simply amazing. Modern architecture stood side by side with traditional cultural spots, the weather and scenery were just as great as she imagined, but best of all was the peopleespecially the girls on their way to school. They looked too cute for words, so much so she wanted to squeal! If only she had studied in a school like theirs, where every girl understood the important business of being cute, maybe her life would have endeddifferently. They had been walking for about ten minutes already when Violet noticed something. People are looking at us. Maybe theyre wondering what a gorgeous guy like me is doing with a girl like you. Its the other way around, bozo. They grinned at each other, sharing a rare sense of agreement with both of them pleased at their ease of their repartee just before they exchanged measured glances. Violets lone accessory was a pink and white lace headband. She had on a white sleeveless thigh-long cotton vest over and its cord tied around a sky-blue round-necked shirt, emphasizing her small waist. She then finished off her outfit with black tights and comfy flats. Park had on a green and silver striped shirt, its sleeves pushed up to his elbows, and a pair of tight black jeans. Park took the first jab. You know, for someone whos out looking for a job, it seems like youre more dressed for a party. She returned sweetly, And you know, for someone just helping out a friend to look for a job, youre dressed remarkably like a gigolo. They grinned at each other again. Park suddenly stopped walking, causing Violet to almost bump into him. Hey! she cried out, rubbing her slightly dented nose. Park pointed to the building to their right. Thats where I work. Oh. Violet was impressed. The words Lake Hotel, together with its romaji characters, glinted in gold on top of the building. She estimated it to be about thirty stories high. Almost the entire front was made of glass, allowing people on the streets below to enjoy the reflection of the Osaka skyline. Come on in and lets see if we can find you a job. Violet suddenly felt oddly hesitant. Butare you sure? He gave his companion a look of exaggerated shock. Wait. Dont tell me. Youre actually not that full of yourself? His words made her laugh and forget her fears for the moment. You jerk! An hour later, Park was cooling his heels outside his managers office when the door opened and Violet came out. Park managed to catch a glimpse of smile on Violets face before she was hurling herself in his arms. I got the job! she shrieked. Unable to help but laugh at her enthusiasm, Park gently pulled away. I guess my manager took pity on you. Whatever. She beamed. I just cant believe it, Park! Thank you! And she reached up to kiss him on the cheek, just as Park bent down to ask her where she was going to treat him. Their lips touched, but Park pulled away immediately even though it literally hurt to do so.

He had let her get under his skin enough to be his friendthe first girl friend he ever had in his life. But it ended there. It had to end there. Violet felt her cheeks heating up, mostly because she had wanted that kiss to continue while the look on his face clearly said he didnt. To get rid of the awkward silence between them, she drawled out, Well, I was going to treat you but now that Ive kissed you Park snorted even as he was privately grateful for Violets words. If anything, you should give me double treats. That kiss was awful. She scowled. It was not! Oh yes, it was. Oh was it? she asked sweetly. He pretended to shudder. Worst kiss Maybe I should try again. Park almost stumbled in his haste to move back just as she tiptoed and lifted her face to his. Violet burst into laughter. I should be insulted, but youthatthis She laughed harder. They had gone past the revolving doors now, and still laughing she curled her arm around his, ignoring the way he was trying to yank his arm away from her hold. She rolled her eyes. Oh, stop it. I was just joking. Im not going after you, ever. Park slowly relaxed. Just as long as were clear. We are, she reassured him. I didnt come to Japan to find a boyfriend, and honestly, if I were to have a boyfriend, I prefer someone Japanese, thank you very much. Delighted to hear that, he returned but he was a bit stung. She was a little bit offended at the fervent gratitude in his tone but didnt let it show. So, where are you going to treat me? Park choked. I helped you find a job and Im the one whos treating you? She fluttered her lashes up at him. Pretty, pretty, please? Park was already wrenching his arm away from her. Violet laughed again. I was just kidding! **** Park chose a small food stall in the park. It was the only thing Violet could afford for now with her meager budget. But it was a nice treat all the same since both of them could enjoy the sights. Osaka in the afternoon was just as lovely as it was in the morning. There were a lot more kids now, with school classes ending. Violet took simple pleasure just from seeing the kids in their cute uniforms. Pretending to be busy eating his ramen, Parks eyes slid every few moments to Violet. He couldnt help but be enchanted. She was such a mass of contradictions. Shed look tough one moment then like a vulnerable kid the next. A shrew one moment, an adorable girl the next. Violet turned to Park to ask about something she saw and caught him staring at her. Park immediately looked away and pretended to be engrossed with the guy selling different shapes of balloons to the kids across them. Violet smirked. You were staring at me. Park feigned confusion as he turned to her. What? She pointed her chopsticks at him. You heard me. No, I didnt. His tone was perfectly blas. She wasnt fooled. Oh yes, you were. She reached out to pat his hand. But its okay. Im used to having that effect on guys. Park frowned. Really, Violet, I dont want to alarm you or anything, but youve got this psychological problem. I think its called having hallucinations? Particularly about how hot you seem to think you are? She grinned. I really like you having as a friend. And she thought, Just as long as you dont get any ideas we could be more. He grunted. Yeah, youre tolerable, too. Just as long as you dont think Im going to fall for you.

Chapter Five
Violet was about to knock hard on the door when it suddenly opened and she ended up staring at a (once again) bare-chested Park in surprise. Her eyes dipped low before she could stop herself from doing it. Oh, hello there. Again. When she looked up, Park was smirking. See something you liked? Two could play this game. She smiled up sweetly at him. Oh, absolutely, she trilled. I guess I just didnt expect you to wake up so early for little ole me. She blew him a kiss. Thats so sweet! A grin tugged at his lips. Why had he even thought he could get the last word with this girl? She was just so unlike anyone he had ever met. Violet tapped his shoulder and he gave way immediately. As she walked past him, he caught a whiff of something like Is your perfume like violets? You noticed? she asked, beaming at him over her shoulders. He froze midway when he saw Violet throwing herself onto his bed, bouncing a bit as she landed. Danger zone. Its not surprising, isnt it? My name is Violet, after all. He could barely understand her. All he could do was stare at her, his throat running dry as she tucked her silky long legs underneath her, making him imagine those same legs wrapped around his waist as fucked her long and hard. Shit. Park raked a hand through his hair. He really had to find a girl he could bang for one night, just to get Violet out of his system. Park? He realized belatedly she had asked him a question and it had totally gone over his head. Sorry, what did you say again? I said not a lot of people notice what my scent is. So how come you did? She looked at him quizzically. Are you into flowers or something? Park opened and closed his mouth. Violets eyes widened and she gasped. Oh my God, you are into flowers. Im not, he snapped even as he flushed. She started to laugh. You are, oh my God, youa blond gorillainto flowers! Her laughter filled his room. This is so rich! Her eyes danced at him. Are you, like, a botanist wannabe? Park gave Violet a dirty look. I just used to collect flowers when I was a boy, he gritted out. Violet clutched her heart dramatically. Oh, this is just too much. My friend is the sweetest guy in the world! Ha-ha. She grinned at Park even as she told herself, Control, control. Dont ever let yourself drool even if you think hes such a gorgeous hottie when he doesnt have his shirt on. Park sat behind her on the bed, leaning against the headboard. He stretched out his legs and his toes almost touched Violets knee. Violet resisted the urge to scoot away. Friends, she told herself. What was wrong with her, anyway? She had gotten way closer to other guys than this. So why was she going crazy

every time she was near Park? Why are you here so early? Park asked. Violet was studying Parks feet. Damn! Even his feet looked good and his nails were clean and cut short. I woke up early, had nothing to do, so Im here, she answered absently. His jaw dropped. And Im supposed to entertain Your Royal Highness? he questioned sarcastically. She twisted halfway to give Park another one of her killer smiles, the one that got a famous actor back home so smitten he had declared himself in love at first sight. Its your duty as my friend. He grunted. So please, entertain me. In your Violet took a deep breath. His eyes widened. Surely she wouldnt fucking do it again Please, please, please, please, please Okay, he roared. God, his ears must be suffering from some kind of internal bleeding right now. Youre so fucking noisy, he muttered. She ignored that. So where are we going? Violet asked cheerfully. He checked his watch. We have to be at work by four. Its only eight am. Violet rolled her eyes. Well get there on time. I dont like being late, Park warned her. For Gods sake, work is like eight hours away, Park! Stop worrying and tour me around! She pointed bossily to his bathroom. Go take a shower. When he didnt move, she took a deep breath Park hastily jumped off the bed. Okay, okay, just dont start screeching again. Violet tried not to smile at his words, and when he walked past her, she also tried not to ogle his backside. Sheeesh. He might still be an Asian Yeti in her eyes, but she couldnt pretend he didnt have the yummiest-looking back. His defined, sexy back, with all the muscles Park suddenly turned around. Where do you His eyes widened. She quickly looked elsewhere but it was too late. You were totally checking me out, werent you? Nope. Not. Wasnt. She still couldnt make herself look at him, and especially after that totally lame comeback. Park didnt say anything else, but she could sense him smirking all the way to the shower. Ass. Over an hour laterwho knew there were guys who actually took longer than girls to showerand they were inside a nearby sushi house, waiting for the salmon sashimi on the motorized tray to reach them. They grabbed the first plate at the same time, tugged at each end, and when Violet saw that he wouldnt budge, she simply let it go, almost causing Park to drop the entire plate. Giggling as she heard him curse, Violet grabbed the second plate of raw salmon from the motorized tray. Making sure she had enough wasabi in her sauce, she drowned one slice of salmon in it before popping it into her mouth. Park watched Violet close her eyes in seeming bliss as she slowly chewed her salmon. Shit. He was pretty sure he wasnt the only one watching her have some kind of public foodgasm, and by the way the men around them were gaping with glazed eyes, he definitely wasnt the only one having a hard-on either. Mmmm She tried not to smile, knowing even without seeing that all eyes were on her. All she cared about was that Park was staring at her, too. Like what you see? she murmured, eyes still closed. When she opened her eyes, Park was pretending to study the ala carte menu in front of him. All the other men were the same. She giggled, not fooled at all. With a happy little sigh, she leaned close and swiped a

piece of crabstick from his plate, deliberately causing her breasts to temporarily graze his side. He stiffened. She took the crabstick into her mouth, chewing ever so slowly, taking it in bit by bit, knowing what every guy inside the sushi house would be imagining at seeing her. Violet had always loved attention, but she had never been this sexual about it, not even withhim. Violet hurriedly shook the thought away. Park finally recovered enough of his senses to snap at her. What the hell are you doing? He still couldnt get over the fact that Violet had practically smashed her breasts against him. He read girls like a book, but for some reason he couldnt figure Violet out at all, didnt even know if Violet actually had an angle to start with. She wasnt flirting with himhe could feel that. Butwhat the fuck was this about? Violet laughed at his words. She took another crabstick from his plate, pressing harder against his side just to make him more uncomfortable. After dipping it into her wasabi-laden sauce, she took it all in with one bite. Bliss. Everything right now was bliss. Maybe it was because she was in Japan and far, far away from home but Violet couldnt remember feeling this carefree for ages. She felt like she had been reborn again, and most of it had to do withPark. But only in a platonic way, she was quick to remind herself. She started when Park suddenly dumped a plate of crabstick in front of her. So you can stop stealing mine, he gritted out. Violet burst into laughter. I love, love, love Japan, she enthused as she munched on another crabstick, feeling like Bugs Bunny with a carrot stick as she did. With this She made an expansive wave with her free hand to encompass her entire surroundings. All those days I sweated blood and tears to get admitted to uni here are worth it. He grunted. She looked at him expectantly. What about you, Park? He shrugged. Tell me why you came here, Violet wheedled. I can just feel it, she insisted. You just didnt come here because you love Japan, too, didnt you? Violet Yes? She gave him an expectant smile. None of your fucking business. This time, she didnt lose her temper. She was fast becoming used to his Nordic ogre ways. I knooooow that, she told him with a roll of her eyes. But I still want to know. Has anyone told you that you meddle too much? he asked mildly. Yup. My sister Lilactells me that all the time. But youre the first guy whos ever told me that to my face. Park snorted. What did you do, duct-tape their mouths shut when they didnt let you get your way? She gave him a flirtatious look. Oh, lets just say that all of them loved me. Park shook his head with a groan. You are so full of yourself. I just know what Im worth, she countered. The words wereliberating. Once she had forgotten that, but not now, not ever again. This time, she would remember what she was worth. **** After lunch, they went around the city again, this time Park taking her to a nearby temple. All the while, she had her arm around his. At first, he had tried wriggling and pushing her away but she had stubbornly stuck to him like glue. Im touchy-feely with my friends. Deal with it, was all she said. Ha. Deal with it; how the fuck could Park deal with that when her closeness made it difficult for him to walk, thanks to his raging erection?

They went back to the dorm at around two in the afternoon, agreeing to freshen up and meet again so they could head out for work together. Inside his room, Park found himself standing underneath the shower in utter bemusement, unable to figure out why it had been so easy for Violet to worm her way into his life. Ever since his breakup, he had no problems despising girls, hating them for their weakness and their devious ability to use that weakness to guilt-trip others to doing what they wanted. So what made Violet different? Was it because she flirted and not flirted with him? She was such a fucking enigma, and it just made Park want to get to know her more. She wanted him. He was fucking sure of that. But was she like the rest, wanting to make him fall in love with her, too? Someone was banging on his door when he came out of the shower. Scowling, he stalked towards it and flung it open with a curse. What the fuck, Violet? Didnt I just teach you how to He shut up when he saw her face. She was completely red, her eyes swollen with tears. Why do you look terrible? She growledshe actually growledat him before pushing past Park. What the When Park whirled around, it was just in time to see the little whirlwind of trouble actually get on his bed and burrow under the covers like a mole hiding from the light. Park immediately roared, What the hell are you doing? Violet answered with an incoherent mumble, followed by a loud sniff. For a moment, he debated with himself about whether or not he should toss Violet out of his room. Cute or not, sexy or not, she was obviously hysterical for some reason, and he wasnt ready to pretend to be her BFF and comfort her. What the hells wrong with you? he finally snapped, trying to pull the covers away. Violet tightened her hold and burrowed deeper into the covers. I feel so bad all of a sudden. Park was alarmed. Youre sick? If you are, I want you to get out of my room right now. Violet just had to push her head out with that one, needing to give him a dirty look and thank him sarcastically for being such a great friend. Gotcha. He whipped the covers away and tried not to grin when she actually let out another growl. Who knew a banshee could turn into some kind of mini growling monster? That was a sneaky, underhanded move, she accused him, but he still noticed the way her lips were trembling in an effort to keep her tears in check. He asked imperturbably, What the fucks wrong? Im homesick, okay? It just suddenly hit me. Then taking him by surprise she grabbed the covers back and burrowed underneath them again. Park was confused and alarmed at the same time. What are you doing here then? Im from Korea, if you havent noticed. I wont be able to help you reminisce about your country because I dont know anything about your country. Violet, still under the covers, confessed, I knew Id feel better if I fought with you. Ah. Park thought for a second about what he should do then he determinedly went to bed, sat on the side, and hauled her to his arms. Violet immediately struggled out of the covers. What are you doing? Park grinned at her. Comforting you. Hopefully, you might even cry a little. He pulled her back to his arms and tried not to enjoy the sensation too much. Violet pushed herself away with her hands on his bare and ridiculously hard chest. She took one look at Parks wicked expression and felt herself bubbling in laughter. You jerk! Youre deliberately doing what I dont want you to do, arent you? He ruffled her hair with mock tenderness then asked hopefully, Feel like crying now? Her laughter filled the room. Sorry, no.

Damn. She laughed harder. But then her smile faded and she told him, Nevertheless, you did comfort me though. Thank you, Park. He said seriously, Youre scaring me again. Go back to the shrewish banshee I know, he urged. Violet stared at him blankly for a second before she recovered her wits. She grabbed a pillow and slammed it at his face. Jerk! she exclaimed in disgust. She took the pillow back and flopped to her side on the bed, hugging the pillow to her as she turned her back to him. Im sleeping here. Wake me up when its time to go to work, she declared. Park was aghast. You have your own room! No answer. He stared at her in appalled fascination. Then, after a full minute, Park said, Violet? He bent over her and saw that she had actually fallen asleep. She looked so peaceful when she was asleep. Park moved back almost unwillingly. He let out a yawn and realized he was feeling pretty tired himself. Park got out of bed, set his mobile phones then padded over to the armchair and went to sleep himself. As he closed his eyes, Park again asked himself how life had gotten so out of hand the moment Violet came into it. Wonderfully out of hand, he admitted to himself reluctantly, drowsily. But stillit was out of hand and he had to do something about it sometime soon. He could not and would not let another woman ruin his life again.

Chapter Six
Some guys have all the luck, Akito sang his complaint in Japanese. Park here is the surliest guy youll ever meet, but hes the one who got a babe for a dorm mate. The other guys laughed in the stockroom laughed. Crayon, a nerdy American exchange student, slapped Park on the back. Is she your girlfriend already? Hell, no! Park said before thinking. His co-workers laughed again. Youre still a woman-hater? Jun-Yee exclaimed in surprise. Like Park, he was also Korean but unlike Park he was so by right of blood as well. Park shrugged. Theyre an unnecessary complication. Jun-Yee gave him a considering look. Then you dont have any claim on Violet? If any of us here want to ask her out, we wont be encroaching on your territory? If youre that stupid to like the little shrew, feel free. Little shrew? Akito gave Park a look of disgust. Shes the sweetest little angel Ive seen! I swear, man, your looks are wasted on you! The sweetest little angel Akito was talking about had nearly bitten his head off when he had shaken Violet awake because they had been in danger of being late for work. For some reason, his mobile alarm had failed to wake him. Or maybe the reason was obvious, Park thought irritably. With all the morning banging on his door lately, it was no fucking wonder Parks sleep had been a little heavier than usual. Why cant I exchange my life with Park? Akito was bemoaning. Stop feeling so envious, Crayon laughed at the morose expression on Akitos face. Akito sighed glumly. Its just not fair. Everyone likes Park, who likes no one, I like everyone, but no one likes me. **** The topic was virtually the same outside with the girls, who were stacking the shelves with new deliveries. So the two of you really arent an item? Midori asked. It took a second or two longer than usual for Violet to reply because she was still adjusting to the fact that she was listening to people actually speak Japanese. Back home, her only practice was through reading and writing. No, she finally answered with a smile. Not an item at all. But hes gorgeous, isnt he? Gladys, the Australian exchange student, giggled. Violet shrugged. You dont find him handsome? Midori was staring at her in wide-eyed surprise. To be honest, handsome was utterly inadequate to describe just how hot Park was. She wasnt blind. Even though she had absolutely no plans dating anyone, Violet had still noticed the way all the girls looked at Park every time they left the dorm. She also hadnt forgotten all the nasty looks those same girls gave her, just for walking next to Park. Those looks were more than enough to remind her that she shouldnt make the same mistakes again. Park might be a good friend, but that was all he should be in her life. Seeing that Midori was still waiting for an answer, she explained, I just dont have time for guys. Even for guys like Park Jin? She laughed at her new friends exaggerated tone. Midori made it sound like Park was a young god fit for every girl to worship. Violet paused.

Dammit, but if she had to be honesthe did look like a young god fit for every girl to worship. She uneasily remembered how she had felt the moment she opened her eyes and saw her world encompassed of Park looking down at her, still dressed in his boxer shorts. Thank God he wasnt just covered with a small towel or she might have totally lost it then. He had been beyond sexy that time. The urge to pull him down for a kiss had been so strong she had panicked. Her lips twitched. Ah, well, what had followedher way of distracting herself from Parks sheer hotness was not her fault. She had shrieked at him, nearly kneed him in the groin, and shoved him to the floor in her haste to jump out of the bed to put distance between us. That was self-preservation, for both of them, and so if anything he should be thankful to her. If Violet had not managed some semblance of self-restraint, they wouldnt be here now. They would be having sex on his bed, against the wall, in the shower Violet gulped at the images. They were not in love, but oh they were so dangerously attracted to each other both of them had to be extremely careful not to cross the line. Someone snapped her fingers in front of Violet, and when she looked up everyone was grinning at her. Admit it, Midori teased. You were daydreaming about him. Violet turned red. No. I wasnt. I was just thinking that his looks are totally wasted on him. He can be such a jerk, you know? Gladys laughed. He does tend to be rude sometimes. Midori snorted. Not sometimes. All the time! The guys came out of the stock room just as they laughed. It was already ten in the evening, which meant they could officially clock out of work. Park and Violet, having already eaten at work, took their time walking back home since Violet insisted on savoring the sights of Osakas nightscape. And it was breathtaking. It might not be as glittery as Tokyos famous cityscape but Osaka had its own beauty, like glamour with a little bit of traditional combined, and Violet just couldnt get enough of it. She did a little twirl, hugging herself in sheer pleasure. I just cant believe Im here! Isnt Japan the most amazing thing? Park couldnt help grinning. Youre a real Japan fan, arent you? Absolutely, she averred feelingly. She gestured to their surroundings. Dont you feel blessed to be here? I feel happy, but I dont think my feelings match yours. Your enthusiasm is on a whole new level. She turned to him and made a face. You mean I look crazy drooling over everything, dont you? He shrugged and said innocently, If the shoe fits. Violet threw her bag at him. Park blinked but managed to catch it in time with a stunned laugh. You really are crazy, he commented as he handed her bag back. Not satisfied, Violet took it and immediately used the bag to hit Park on the shoulder. He yelped. Hey! She gave him a smug look. That will teach you to laugh at me! Park gaped then he leaned down and, placing both hands on the sides of her face, he began to mash Violets cheeks like it was pizza dough requiring kneading. You. Are. One. Crazy. Girl. Violet pulled away and glared at him, touching her cheeks. Youre a jerk! Takes one to know one. Violet burst into laughter despite herself. You really are a jerk. She knew literally dozens of guys in her life, and almost all of them adored her. Only Park was ever insulting in her presence, and for some strange reason, she was comforted by it.

Youre a good friend to have, she told him impulsively as she caught up to him. Park tried pulling his arm away from her hold, couldnt, and gave up. He looked down at her and warned, Youre scaring me again. You almost seem nice. Violet shook her head. No, seriously, Park. Youre a good friend to have. I was afraid Id be all alone the whole time Id be here. I am NOT your friend. Stop denying the truth. Park sighed. Fine. We are friends, but remember that you got that admission under duress. They had already reached the street leading to their dorm when Park thought of asking, How did you find your first day of work? It was fun, she said warmly. Everyone at work was great. It was true. At first she had been afraid that none of Parks co-workers would like her. That would have been problematic since her work consisted of four-hour shifts five times a week, which meant shed be spending a lot of time in their company. But thankfully, everyone had been nice, even the girls, and that had been the most wonderful surprise. Jun-Yee seems to like you. Park tried not to tense as he waited for Violets thoughts about the other Korean, whom Park knew was also a notorious flirt in uni. She rolled her eyes. He likes everyone. He wondered why the answer relieved him so much but still Park said slowly, Thats true but I also think he could be having a serious crush on you. Violet waved a hand. I dont care. Im not into dating. Her eyes widened when Park stopped in front of his door. He saw her look. What? She demanded, You wont walk me to my door? What are you, seven? Whywhy had she thought Park would be different now that they were friends? Youre impossible, she grouched even as she stomped her way up. Korean asshole gorilla. Asian freaking Yeti. Violet? She poked her head out just before she climbed another set of stairs. What? she growled. Park gave her a mock salute. Night, banshee. Then he slammed the door shut. Violet almost screeched. Impossible man! But as she climbed the stairs leading to her floor, she couldnt prevent a little smile from playing on her lips. Impossible or not, he really was a good friend to have.

Chapter Seven
Bang! Bang! Bang! Two weeks had already passed since Violet came literally knocking into his life, and most mornings he still wanted to kill her. Like now. He threw the door open. What the fuck, Violet? He kept his eyes trained on her face. Even after two long weeks, his dick still couldnt seem to understand that she was his friend and therefore off-limits. And lately, with Violet having the habit of dropping by in one of her silky contraptions, the kind that did more revealing than hiding, Park had also developed the habit of not looking at Violet below the neck. She beamed at him. That just made him more irritated. Violet, I swear to God, if you only came here to fucking smile She shook her head. Then what is it? Its my first day in uni. She mumbled the words so low he had to make her repeat herself before he understood what she was saying. Park reared back, incredulous. So? What the fuck do you want then? That I say goodbye to you before you go to school or give you allowance or something? Im not your dad. Violet winced at his tone even though she wasnt hurt by it any longer. She had long come to the conclusion that Park was not a morning person at all. She lifted her chin. It means as my friend youre supposed to walk me to school. Park started choking. Are you serious? My classes dont start till noon. And just in case you dont know how to read a watch, its still seven in the morning. Then he smirked. Your classes dont start till nine. Does this mean the supposedly super confident Violet is nervous? Violet tried not to look green even as she lied haughtily, Of course not. He gave her a knowing look, now awake enough to get in the spirit of teasing Violet. Yes, you are. She changed the subject. You have to walk me to school. Nope. You will. She shook his arm for effect, never mind if he was like an unmoving block of cement. A) Im not your father. B) Im not your brother. C) God forbid that Im your boyfriend. D) Im only your friend under coercion and E) Im not paid to do that and even if you offered, I still wouldnt take it. She gritted her teeth. One would have thought two weeks of friendship would have made Park less of a jerk but no . Sometimes, he was actually more of a jerk. You could just say no, she snapped. I did, Park reminded her helpfully. You didnt seem to understand. She crossed her arms against her chest. Well, I dont care. Youre going to walk me to school. She paused then grumbled out, Im afraid Im going to lose my way. Tough. If you dont walk me to school Youll what? Kill me? His condescending tone irked her so much that Violet gave him a deadly look and she frowned hard, thinking of the one thing that could make him see things her way. And then she realized what it was.

She smiled slowly. Uh-oh. Park immediately started to close the door, but Violet was too quick for him and she wiggled her way inside his room. Damn. Out, he barked. She shook her head, still smiling that terrifyingly evil smile of hers. If you dont walk me to school He gave her a hard look. She walked to him slowly. He tried not to show how wary he was. She stood on her tiptoes and then blew on his ear. Goosebumps popped out on his skin. Im going to kiss you. Park pushed her away violently and although Violet almost fell to the floor, she burst into laughter. You think I like you? he spat. Of course not. She was completely honest in this score. But you dont have to like someone to be attracted. Violet flashed Park a winning smile. And whatever you say, I know when Im attractive to someone. Shit. The all-woman confidence shining in Violets eyes should have turned him off, but all his body was urging him to do was to prove she was right. Park didnt just want her. He was obsessed with her, spent more time than necessary imagining her naked and thinking of ways they could accidentally explore the explosive chemistry they shared. Whats it going to be, Park? she purred. He gnashed his teeth. He might be in lust with her, but it didnt mean he wasnt irritated with how smug the midget shrew sounded. Well, two could play this game. Park stalked forward, taking her by surprise, and satisfaction coursed through him as he watched Violet jump a step back. Realizing that she had just let Park see how much his proximity unnerved herwhen she was supposed to be unnerving himViolet squared her shoulders and gave him a challenging look. It was a challenge Park didnt intend to resist. He bent down, forcing Violet to instinctively bend back. This close, he could feel the way she was breathing a little harder than usual even though she was doing her best not to let him know. This near, Park was able to enjoy the rapid rise and fall of her breasts. If there was a small part of him that had still been groggy earlier, everything about him was alert nowespecially his dick down there, which throbbed heavily as the tension between the two of them heightened. Violet bit back a moan as Park slowly trailed one finger on her face, unable to keep her body from shivering. He smiled. Violet wanted to scratch it off Parks face. Nordic asshole ogre! She tried communicating the words to Park with a glare, unwilling to speak because she had a feeling her voice would fail her if she did. Ugh. This was so not how she pictured things would happen. When she had woken up in a panic, all she knew was that she had to go to Park. He would fix things, like he always did, and then it would be okay. But thisthis impossibly hot attraction between them? If they ended up actually succumbing to it because of her dare Totally not okay! Mmm. Parks voice was throaty, underlined by arrogance. I think I know someone who finds me attractive, too. He slowly lowered his head, wanting her to think he was about to take her up on his dare and kiss her. Violet reacted instinctively. The sudden painful pressure on his head was enough to make Park yelp. You little He

wasnt able to finish his sentence as Violet, her fingers gripping his hair, gave it another hard yank. little what? she asked sweetly, looking up at him. He glared at her. She yanked his hair harder. You little beautiful chick, he snarled. Violet let him go and immediately ran to the opposite side of the room before he could grab her. So, she said a little breathlessly, weve proved our points. We know were both hotter than hot. She deliberately kept her voice flippant even though she still couldnt forget the dizzying sensation of his touch and the feelings his nearness created. If she had spent another moment in his arms, she had a feeling things between them would go beyond that so-called kiss she was threatening him about. But this Violet made a vague wave to her surroundings. also proves that were both not ready to ruin our friendship over Violet smirked and then waved to her body. This. Before he could stop himself, Parks eyes drifted low. Shit, shit, he-so-fucking-wanted-her-shit! He knew he shouldnt have let her make him look at her body. As expected, it was in another one of those tiny silky things, the lacy neckline so low it bared half of her breasts, and the entire slip so short it barely covered her tiny but bountiful ass. Not willing to suffer alone, he reached for her in one stride, captured her hand, and forced it down, down, down, making her fingers drift his chest before placing it just on top of his waistband. And this, he murmured silkily, feeling her hand tremble in his. The temptation to look was impossible to resist. Her gaze dipped, and she gulped, seeing the way his dick nearly wanted to jump out of his boxers. Trying not to wheeze, she snatched her hand away and took a step back. Ignoring the way he chuckled, she gritted out, Can you please walk me to school now? Say Please Park, I need you first. Shooting him a dirty look, Violet forced the words out. Please Park, I need you. He had her out of his room in a second. As she gaped at him, Park said, Im going to take a shower. You should get one, too. You smell. He slammed the door shut just as she screeched. Over an hour later, Park and Violet were on their way to uni and she still wasnt talking to him. What the hellare you really carrying a grudge? She shook her head, not looking at him. Biting back an impatient curse, Park lifted her hair away to peek at her face. What he saw made him curse again, in astonishment this time. She was white as sheet, clearly more anxious and panicky than mad and sulking. Why are you so nervous? Its just the first day of school. Park couldnt understand what was wrong. If she could face someone like him without blinking an eye, attending school for the first day should have been a breeze. Im not nervous, she snapped. How many times do I have to tell you that? You mean lie, right? Remember how you told me that youre not the talkative kind of guy? Id really appreciate it if you proved that true right now. Nope, sorry. Parks tone was gratingly cheerful. I can see that my curiosity and talkativeness are bothering you a lot, and you know how I like annoying you. That elicited a laugh from her. Youre impossible. And you still havent told me the reason you look like a ghost. A beautiful ghost, though. Watch out or your head might not fit through the door. Look whos talking, oh great god of blond gorillas.

Yep, definitely nervous, he said even more cheerfully. She growled. He laughed. Extremely nervous. Violet tried to hit him with her bag, but he deftly fielded the blow, turning it away. Come on, you know Im not going to stop until you tell me. She knew he wasnt lying. Ive got this stupid phobia, okay? When I was in high school once, something terrible happened to me during the first day of school and ever since then, well, Ive been like this. But its only on the first day. After that, Im back to being my wonderful She ignored Parks snort at the adjective. self. What happened Ill tell you when were close enough, she said curtly, not bothering to let him finish. He nodded. Fair enough. So it only happens on the first day of school, huh? They continued to walk in silence after that. Minutes later, they reached school. Thanks, Violet managed to say without meeting his eyes. Sure. But he continued walking next to her. She came to a dead stop. You can go now. You dont need to walk me to my room. Who says Im going to do that? You really have something to do here in school then? Violet looked at Park suspiciously. Nope. She was confused. Then what Im going with you to class. Im here already. Might as well stay till my class starts. Violet blinked at him several times. Theres no need she finally started to protest. He cut her off with an impatient wave of his hand. For better or worse, I did agree to be your friend and this is what friends do. Then he grinned. Besides, Im enjoying the fact that you feel very vulnerable and dependent on me. Asshole, she muttered under her breath. Park nodded without a qualm. True. He could feel her gritting her teeth next to him, and Park wanted to laugh because by now, he understood the way her mind worked. Violet hated feeling beholden to anyone. Come on, say it. I know its killing you, but I also know youre feeling like you have to say it. She clenched her teeth harder. How could he know her so well in such a short span of time? Yes, its killing me. Id rather you go to hell but for now, I have to say this. She took a deep breath, felt her face go green, and said, Thank you. And she immediately wanted to puke right after. Park laughed. He patted her head. There, there, he said with sham solemnity. You know I always help weak damsels in distress like you. Her cheeks reddened in anger. Dont. Push. It. Park pointed to the door. Oh. Look. Theres your class. Lots of strangers there. Her face went back to green. You. Bastard. Park howled in laughter. Thats the spirit. **** Violets first day in a Japanese university, which had given her nightmares the past few nights, was the best she had in recent years. Park figuratively and literally held her hand all throughout. He had no problems sitting in every class with her since he knew all her professors. If he was a little late in coming in, having stopped to talk with some of his friends in the hallway, he would only have to glare at whichever hapless guy had the misfortune of choosing a seat next to her, and the chair would be immediately vacated. Arrogant Asian Yeti. She thought of those moments with secret fondness. But then, it wasnt perfect. There were also times Violet wished Park was somewhere elselike when he couldnt stop laughing like mad every time she mispronounced a word. Those moments she didnt remember too fondly. In every class they had been in, most of the other kids appeared star struck, the sight of

Park rendering him speechless. At first, Violet had wondered if it was just because he was the hottest-looking guy in this side of the worldand he was. But as the day progressed, she realized it wasnt just that. It was mostly because of how he actedwith her. By the time Park had to leave for his own classadvanced Japanese for businessViolet felt well enough to handle the rest of her classes alone. He stood outside the door of her next class, looking down at her with a frown. You sure? She nodded, blowing him a kiss. Thanks to my ever-attractive hero! Although Violet meant every word, she said them just because she knew it would make Park uncomfortable. Parks cheeks stained with color. Violet, he threatened. She grinned, throwing her hands up in surrender. Thats it, I promise. Ceasefire She grinned. For now. For now, Park echoed, his tone a bit resigned. Raising herself on her toes, she whispered in his ear, But honestly, Park, thanks. Youre the best. Park practically leapt away from her with a snarl. She laughed, having guessed right that even though Park liked to one-up her, he wouldnt dare do so in public. His eyes narrowed at the sound of her laughter. Or so she thought. Violet gulped at the look in Parks eyes. Err You just wait when we get back to the dorm, he said very softly, his words only for her. His eyes caressed her head to toe, staying a little too long on her breasts, enough to have her nipples harden. Oh my God! Violet crossed her arms over her chest with a gasp. Later, he said with a mock salute. No, wait, Park! But he was already walking away. I take it back! she called after him weakly. Youre not my hero. But he was already gone.

Chapter Eight
Violet was still worriedly gnawing on her lip, wondering what kind of evil revenge Park had in mind for her, when she found herself surrounded by a gaggle of girls the moment Park disappeared from view. It took her a while to understand that all those questions were about Park. How did she know him? Did she like him? Were they dating? Her anxiety came back in full force without warning. She knew the girls meant well. Common sense told her that, but everything else inside her couldnt seem to understand it. Violet felt she had been shoved back to the past, and all the girls around her werent curious about Park. They were mad at her, like they always were. The school bell rang, and she couldnt escape the crowd of her girls fast enough. The rest of the afternoon went downhill from there. When her classes ended, Violet did her best not to run out of the room. She was overreacting. She knew that. But the knowledge didnt help. She walked aimlessly and when she found herself in an empty hall, her knees gave out, and she sank to the ground. Violet took in deep gulps of fresh air, her head spinning. It was over. The first day of school was over. Tomorrow would be different and it would be better. A pair of black leather shoes suddenly stopped next to her. It made Violet stiffen because she hadnt heard the slightest sound of footsteps. Her heart sped up to an alarming rate. Oh no! Could she have jinxed it? Was this the trouble she had been dreading? Violet forced herself to look up. A gorgeous guy with brown hair and green eyes dark with worry behind glasses was looking down at her. Daijoubu ka? Are you all right? It took a while to get her dry throat to work. She had been so scared he wasthat guy had liked to wear leather shoes exactly like what this stranger was wearing. But it wasnt him. Oh God, thank God it wasnt him. Violet forced a smile as she pushed herself off the floor, flushing when the stranger immediately cupped her elbow to help her up. She hated this feeling, having to be dependent on someone else. It reminded her of how weak she had been in the past. Violet carefully pulled away when she was back on her feet. Thanks, she mumbled. Her heart was still beating a little faster than usual. It would probably take some more time before the terror inside her would finally abate. The stranger gracefully let his arm drop to his side, a gentle smile on his face. You are all right? Her cheeks turned a darker shade of red, realizing all she had been doing was stare at him. Violet wouldnt blame the guy at all if he thought she was stupid. It was that or hed think she was struck dumb by his looks. Im fine, she finally said. I didnt mean toits Violet couldnt remember being this frazzled and she ended with a weak smile. He smiled back, but it was tinged with concern and not a little bit of puzzlement. Are you sure? I could walk you to the clinic Violet? a familiar voice called out in impatience. Park emerged, bounding up from the stairs. Im here! She breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of Park. He still made her secretly breathless, with the way all his fashionable clothes fit him to a T , displaying his perfectly

sculpted muscles to perfection, but at least it was a familiar kind of breathless. With Park around, she slowly got her confidence back and when Violet turned back to her sort-of-rescuer, she was able to smile more naturally. Thank you for helping me up. Im sorry for worrying you. But Im okay now and besides She gestured at Park, who was walking towards them with a scowl. My friends here already. The guy didnt turn to look at Park. Okaaay. Youre sure youre okay? he asked quietly. She nodded again. Belatedly remembering her manners, Violet offered her hand. Im Violet by the way. He took it, his hand warm, firm, and dry as he shook hers, large enough to make her hand feel so incredibly small in his hold. Lee, he said. Her eyes widened. Chinese? He didnt look one at all. Half, he answered with a brief smile. Park finally reached her side, and she was embarrassed to see he was still scowling. It had been a while since she had seen his ogre look. She stepped on his toe none too subtly. This is Park, by the way. She turned to Park beaming, but her eyes were shooting sparks at him, warning him about what shed do if he didnt smile and play nice. Wincing at the sharp stinging pain caused by the razor thin heel of Violets shoe, Park managed a smile. Hey, man. The other man gave him a polite nod before looking back at Violet with another smile. Asshole, Park thought, feeling a sudden urge to pull Violet to him and kiss her in front of the other man. I guess Ill see you around then, Lee told her softly. As he walked away, he gave Park another polite nod. Violet was exasperated when all Park did was incline his head the slightest bit, as if Lee didnt deserve any more effort than that. God, youre such an arrogant jerk, she burst out the moment Lee was gone. Park said dryly, I have to hand it to you. You definitely attract boys like fleas. She batted her eyelashes at him. Jealous? Like I said, boys. He gave her a slow, sexy, confident-as-hell smile. And Im no fucking boy, Violet. Violet almost shuddered at the way Parks voice slithered over her skin. Obnoxious blond gorilla, she muttered under her breath. Park was already walking away. Hey, wait! She hurried after him. Try to keep up, he told her. I dont want to be late for work because of you. He waited her to get mad, to throw a tantrum like most other girls but Violet didnt. She only smiled sheepishly. Im sorry. I just came here because I was She shook her head. Never mind. He frowned, the odd tone in her voice telling him that not everything was okay. As they walked to work briskly, Park subtly tried to slow down so Violet wouldnt have a hard time catching up with him. He didnt want her think he was so concerned about her. It might give Violet a bigger head, and she was already full enough as it is. How were the rest of your classes? He tried to sound casual, but small talk wasnt his forte and he ended up sounding gruff instead. As if youd care. You got an anxiety attack because I wasnt with you, right? She missed a step. Park laughingly caught Violet before she fell. So I am right. She shoved him away. God, he could be so arrogant she just wanted to kill him. No. Youre not. Park laughed harder. I think you should say it again. Park, I need

Violet threw him a glare. Ssshh! Remember your silent and brooding routine? Get back to it. Park still hadnt lost his smug-looking smirk when they reached their workplace. Assigned to assist the cashier as bagger for today, Violet was able to observe mostly everyone working. More often than not, her gaze was drawn to Park. It stunned her, the way he was so different when interacting with other people. It was like how he had been the first day they metonly several times worse. He acted normal with the rest of the guys and kids, too, but with women he was cold and unsmiling, acting like a prickly bear and totally clamming up. And when they persisted in showing their interest in him, Park did not hesitate to become rudealso exactly like how he had been with her the first day. But he had changed with her, and Violet couldnt figure out why that was so. She could barely wait for their shift to end to ask that very question. Park no longer tried pulling away when Violet automatically curled an arm around his as they made their way back to the dorm. There was no point pulling away since it just made her cling harder. So He knew that tone. She was an incurable busybody and he cringed at the memories of all the times she had pestered him to tell her more about his background. Park immediately tried breaking free, but Violet just tightened her hold on him. Park might be stronger, but he hated being the center of everyones attention and the only way he could disentangle himself from her was to create a public spectacle. She smiled up at him. He glared down at her. So The answer is no, whatever it is. But I havent said anything yet! It doesnt matter. Its still no. Ignoring that, Violet asked, Why are you so grumpy all the time with girls? When were close enough, Ill tell you. Violet snuggled as close to him as she could, pressing her breasts on his arm. He stumbled. She giggled. Parks eyes were dark with fury when he recovered his balance. Stop flirting with me, he hissed. Then answer my question, she told him petulantly. He asked exasperatedly, Why do you even care to ask? I just wanted to know what makes me different, she answered simply. He snorted. When Violet acted so confident like this, Park was torn between being turned on and being exasperated at the way she seemed to take for granted that shed always have her way. You really think highly of yourself, dont you? I think its safe to say that I think of myself as highly as you think of yourself, she retorted. Park had to laugh at that. True. Well? she nagged. Could you at least answer that one? He sighed, knowing that in this mood Violet wouldnt let up until he gave her some kind of satisfactory answer. Fine. I act different with you because I know you dont like guys. Her jaw dropped. But Im not a lesbian, Park. She had nothing against them, but she had always been straight. Park rolled his eyes. No, idiot, I meant that you dont seem to be interested in having a relationship. He raised a brow. Are you? It was a rhetorical question, though, because he already knew he was right. Violet couldnt answer fast enough. Nope.

Then its safe to assume that you dont plan to have a relationship with someone as wonderful and unattainable Park pretended not to notice the gagging sounds Violet was making. as me. Park continued, And as long as you think that, Ill tolerate your friendship. He promptly got his foot stomped on with that and Park yelped. She frowned up at him. You know what? Obviously I dont. Violet tried to stomp on his foot again, but Park was ready for it this time and he laughingly avoided her deadly attack. Violet glared at him. I wont continue until you let me hit you. He gave her an incredulous look. Who says Im dying to know what you have to say? Violet let out a shriek. Paaaaaaaaaaark! Park hurriedly looked around to see if anyone was looking at him like he had just attempted to rape Violet. God! What a little troublesome shrew Violet was! If he had the power to turn back time, he would have just covered his head with a pillow that first day, and his life would be as peaceful as it was, pre-Violet. Paaaaaaark! She was still screaming. He hastily covered her mouth. Okay, okay, fine, you win. He stuck out his foot, winced at the painful stomp he got, and immediately pulled back. He glared at her. Satisfied? She blew him a kiss. Super. Then she curled her arm around his again and forced him to resume walking like nothing happened. Damn little banshee, Park thought. She stomped on his foot once more. What the I can practically hear what youre thinking. He glared down at her. You are seriously cra Violet raised her foot threateningly, her steel heel gleaming in the moonlight. Crafty, he ended instead. Good of you to notice, she cooed at him. If she cooed at him one more time like that, he wouldnt be responsible for what would happen next. All he knew was that in five seconds she would cooing for herself, with the kind of fucking hed give her. Violet was already talking again, and he started when he realized what she was saying. Excuse me? he choked out. Did you just Her eyes narrowed. Yes, I just did say that I am not looking to be in a relationship, and as long as you wont be looking for one either with someone as beautiful, caring, sexy as I am Violet stopped when she realized he wasnt going to do anything about what she said. Youre not going to react? she demanded suspiciously. But everything you said was true, Park said innocently while keeping his crossed fingers behind his back. Violet was too smart though and peeked at his back. He burst into laughter. Hmph! Park pinched her cheeks. Go on. Just tell me what you have to say. You already know what I have to say, she grumbled but continued anyway, Well, just as long as were both clear that well stay as friends then I think well get along famously. Right, Park said dryly, thinking about the various times they almost came to blows. Violet tugged at his arm. Im serious. Okay, okay, good. Im happy about it. He realized then it was true and Park gave Violet a rueful look. Its been a long time since I had a girl for a friend. He paused. Its been a long time since I had any friend, actually. Inside the dorm, Park said bye to Violet over his shoulder, already busy unlocking his room. Thus, he was surprised when upon opening his door, Violet immediately sailed past him, acting like she had all the right to do so.

Park followed suit, shaking his head at Violets impudence and rolling his eyes when she even threw herself on his bed and turned on her stomach. Violet propped her head on one hand while she absently moved her legs from the knees up forward and backward like a mermaid alternating with two tails. She studied Park as he moved around the room, cleaning his already his clean room. For a moment, she allowed herself to indulge. Park was wearing the male version of tank top, a really sexy sleeveless cotton top that bared his arms and jeans that hung low on his hips. He looked like a living, breathing ad for an escort club, the kind that women would pay millions of dollars for the right to take him home. She watched him move about efficiently, almost like a programmed machine. Every move was intensely sexual, and she couldnt help wondering if he would be that focused when having sex, his thrusts increasing in tempo Park turned to her all of a sudden, surprising her so much she almost fell out of his bed. When she righted herself, he was frowning. Go up if youre sleepy. Thats my bed. Violet wrinkled her nose at Parks unsurprisingly rude answer. Im not sleepy. Im bored and thats why Im here. Before he could shoot her down with another rude retort, she asked quickly, You didnt really have friends for a long time? Park seemed almost surprised at the question. He nodded reluctantly. Well, Im only going to say this once, but Im glad Im your friend. He watched her move her legs up and down as she answered and almost grinned. It doesnt sound much of an honor when youre acting like a kid there. Violets eyes twinkled. But I dont kiss like a kid, I promise. Parks laughter died a quick death. He scowled at her. If you want us to stay friends, you have to stop acting like a serial flirt. She pretended to ponder his words. Mmmserial flirt. I like the sound of that. Park sighed in exasperation. Im serious, Violet. She pouted. Whats so wrong with harmless flirting? Then she gave him a challenging look. Unless youre afraid to fall in love with me? He made a scoffing sound. It would take more than an ugly, vain idiot like you to make me fall in love. Park quickly ducked right away to avoid the flying shoe that was aimed at him. If you dont let me hit you She threw her other shoe at him and he successfully ducked that one as well. Violet gritted her teeth. Park Violet Without warning, she stood on his bed and threw herself at him. What theVioletno! Parks breath was knocked out of him as he barely caught Violet in his arms, his back slamming hard against the wall. He glared down at her. You little It was all he could say before Violets lips caught his. He gasped against her lips, but that only made Violet kiss him more deeply, her deliciously sweet tongue entering his mouth and exploring it. She pulled away just before he could kiss her back. I may be an ugly, vain idiot, she told him breathlessly, but theres no hiding the fact that you like how this ugly vain idiot kisses. Parks eyes narrowed. If this was her way of proving she had some kind of control over him just because he was obsessed with her body, it was a doomed and futile move. Violet tried to wriggle away from Park but froze when his hands suddenly tightened around her hips. She looked up. Oh, shit. That was her last thought before Parks lips slammed back down on hers. Instant internal combustion: it was the only way to describe Parks kiss. His breath was hot and sweet against her skin as his lips demanded her surrender. When her lips parted under the beautifully rough pressure, Violet couldnt help moaning as his tongue entered her mouth and

mated with his. A part of her was barely aware of Park carrying her away until he threw her down on the bed. She gasped as she bounced, her senses returning. But before she could do anything, Park was on the bed with her, moving towards her, climbing on top of herViolet lost her train of thought, any plans of escaping dying at the first feel of Parks long, lean, and hard body against hers. Park was mindless with passion. Nothing mattered except finally making Violet his. This was not right. This was what he had been avoiding all along. This was why he knew it was trouble to be her friend. A part of his mind acknowledged all of those things, but the rest of his brain ignored the message. All it cared aboutall his body wantedwas to join hers in the most wondrously primal way possible. Violet. His voice rasped against her throat as he sucked on her neck. She moaned, arching against him, her breasts pushing hard against his chest. For so long they had teased each other, dancing in and out of each others reach, never quite acknowledging the attraction that just kept burning hotter and hotter between them. And now that steadily burning fire had exploded into a conflagration of sensual touches. There was no turning back. She whimpered when Park actually tore her blouse away. Sorry, he muttered even as his mouth was leaving a moist hot trail on her skin, leading down to the valley of her breasts. Its okay, she gasped, her hands already busy trying to tug his sleeveless shirt off. Park cursed then solved the matter by pulling away just long enough to get his clothes off. She did the same, unbuttoning her jeans but she stopped midway when she saw Park strip off his boxers. And now he was naked in front of her, and Violet couldnt think of anything more beautiful than the sight of Parks awesomely hard body. Her throat went dry as her eyes rapidly took in every inch of him, she gulped at the sight of his erection. A part of her senses returned at that. Maybe this was the time to tell Park she was experiencedbut not that experienced? But if she did, he might stop. Worse, he might think that the fact she was giving away her virginity could mean she was in love with him when it wasnt that at all. Violet didnt think she was ever going to fall in love again, and if she had to choose someone to give her virginity to then no one would be better than Park. Park raised a brow at her. Like what you see? he asked huskily, teasingly. She relaxed a little, remembering the last time they had talked like this. Then, she had totally denied it. Now Violet finished wriggling out of her jeans and tossed them away. Now down to her lacy underwear, she simply leaned back on the bed, her long hair spread on the pillow like a dark, silky fan, and her almost-naked body on display as if it was an offering. Oh, she totally knew how she looked like right now just by staring at Parks face, his jaw clenched hard in desire. Take me, she whispered. Park was on her in a second, and she couldnt help but moan long and loud this time. He froze. Sssh. But he was grinning as he covered her mouth with his hand. If someone caught her in his room at this time of the night, the resident dorm manager would have them both kicked out. She stared up at him wide-eyed. No one can hear us, he said hoarsely, his senses drunk on the feel of her softness under him. His dick twitched demandingly, wanting to find the moist entrance to her depths. She nodded against his hand, still wide-eyed. When he let go, he didnt give her a chance to make any noise, immediately taking her

lips in another passionate kiss. It intensified his arousal, making Park unable to think of anything but fucking her then and there. Striving for control because he didnt want to mess their first time together, Park pulled away so he could stare down at her breasts. Stop staring, she whispered. He was fascinated at the way the blush on her face seemed to cause the flesh above her breasts to turn pink as well. Beautiful, he whispered. She blushed harder. He chuckled. Be my proud Violet and show them off to me. No! Still chuckling, he pulled her hands down when she attempted to cover herself. Yes. Show it off, Violet. I know you want tofor me. The seductive command in Parks voice was undeniable and with shaking hands, she found herself slowly taking off her bra, unclipping it from behind before tossing it to the floor. Even though she had never done something like this before, an instinctively sensual part of Violet made her cup her breasts, her fingers briefly touching her nipples, making Park jerk above her. She lifted her breasts up. What do you think, Park? she asked huskily. He answered by taking her breasts into his hands, making her close her eyes in pleasure as he squeezed them gently then harder. Violet, look at me, he whispered. Her eyes flew open just as he dipped his head low to take one nipple in, his eyes still on hers. She cried out silently, wishing she could let go and scream as loudly as she could. The way he sucked her nipple, combined with the way he stared at her, had Violets body going up on in flames. She couldnt breathe, couldnt think, couldnt make a sound. All she could do was writhe as Park continued suckling at her breasts, one after another. And then she felt it, his hand moving between them, a stealthy force making its way down on her body. She froze, anticipating without knowing what his touch would bring her. Park, she whispered, unable to help it. Yes, baby, I know. And then he tore off her panties. She jerked in surprise and then her entire body jerked again, more strongly this time, as Parks hand fleetingly brushed against her most private folds. Ooooooh. Violet wished she could moan and moan as Park started playing with her flesh, his fingers fast becoming slick with her wetness. Youre so fucking wet, baby, he whispered just before giving her a short hard kiss. Do you want me so much? She hated and loved the arrogance in his voice. It was as much of a turn-on as it was an irritation. Even though she felt shy and awkward, Violet made her hand move, snaking between their bodies so she could hold his dick. Above her, Park froze. Oh, baby, youre so hard, she whispered. Is this all for me? His jaw hardened even more, his eyes bright with lust as he gazed down at her. She moved her fingers up so she could touch the head of his dick. The drop of moisture that greeted Violet made her smile up at him like a Cheshire cat. Youre wet for me, too, Park. She wanted to say more, but she ended up screaming silently instead when Park took her by surprise, one finger slipping into her easily. Oooooh. His finger started moving in and out, making Violet buck her hips in rhythm with his thrust. Oh, oh, oh, this was heavenly. Like it, baby? She nodded.

Good. But youll like this more. A second finger slipped in, both pulled out and before she could protestwhich she wanted tothe two fingers slid back, harder and deeper, making her let out another noiseless scream of pleasure. As he finger-fucked Violet, he bent down and clamped his teeth on her nipple. Her body shook, head to toe, her eyes rolling back in pleasure. He loved it. No girl had fallen apart so quickly, honestly, and so beautifully like Violet was doing now. Nothing at all about her reactions was fakeand he had fucked enough women to be sure of thatand that fact blew his mind, making him ache with want. His dick throbbed more heavily, painfully. Ready, Violet? She answered by raising her hips to meet the thrusts of his fingers. He would take that as a yes. Park reached for his bedside drawer, jerking it open and fumbling for the box of condoms he had bought ever since, well ever since Violet came into his life and caused him to start taking cold showers. Park tore the wrapping open and got the condom out, slipping it over his dick in seconds. All the while, Violet gazed at him, her reddened lips parted in desire, her eyes glazed with passion. When he was completely sheathed, Violet whispered, Take me now, Park. Fuck yes. He slowly pushed her legs open. Ready? Yes, she gasped. He went in, slowly, relentlessly, gritting his teeth at the exquisitely tight feel of her around his dick. Everything in him wanted to start pounding into her fast and hard, but he managed to rein back the need to do so, feeling Violets body tense and knowing that it meant she was tense. Maybe it was because she hadnt done this a lot and all her previous lovers were jerks. It didnt matter. Right now all Park knew was that he had to have her. And he did. Park allowed himself a small groan, the feel of finally being fully inside Violet like no other. He looked down at her, checking for any signs of pain for she was unbelievably tight, like she hadnt been doing this for a long time. How do you feel? Good, she managed to say. And it was mostly true. She had done her best not to let Park know how tense she was as he had driven his dick inside her. And when he broke against her flimsy barrier, Violet only buried her nails harder into his back, the pain a lot less than what she had feared. But it had still been uncomfortable, causing her to wonder if she wasnt bound to have any pleasure tonight because it was her first time. You feel so fucking tight, Violet. She lied, Its been a long time. Ill say. Unable to help it, Park slowly pulled out before sinking back into Violets body just as slowly, his eyes on her. He watched her eyes dilate at the movement, her mouth parting wide at the pleasure. When she resurfaced from the sheer beauty of Parks first thrust, he was tense above her, obviously holding back. Ready? She nodded. It was all the warning she had before he started pounding into her, beginning with long, steady hard strokes before progressing into short, fierce, fast thrusts, his hips moving in and out of her in an incredible rhythm. Violet could only cling to Park, helpless before the tidal wave of pleasure that hit her as his thrusts rose in tempo. Her head tossed left and right on the pillow, the only sign of her restlessness. She felt her breath quicken as he continued pounding into her without rest. Park suddenly gripped her hair, pushing her up to take her lips with a kiss. Its time to come, Violet. He let go of her lips, his hips pulling out, and then when he slammed back into her, he also had hold of her clit. Park began a rhythm meant to drive Violet crazy. Flick, thrust, flick, thrust, flick, thrust. When he saw Violet let go completely, her lips parting on a scream that would be beyond audible this time, Park immediately rose up, managing to swallow her scream of ecstasy just in time.

Violet screamed against Parks lips, her eyes tearing at the sensations that battered her body in the most beautiful way. Above her, Park was still moving, his face a picture of agonized need. And then suddenly his nails were burying into her ass, and when he started to come, she shuddered anew, his orgasm instinctively making her come a second time. When he resurfaced, Park was visibly relieved to see Violet smiling dizzily at him, as if she had just discovered the next best thing to gravity. She really was unlike any woman he had ever known. Certainly, not even the wildest girls he had dated had been able to make him feel as good as he did fucking Violet, not even when they had tried all sorts of tricks. You good? he asked, his voice still a little raspy. She nodded. You? He shifted, his dick twitching inside her. Park laughed when Violets eyes widened at the sensation. What do you think? She answered slowly, I thinkjust because were friends A more apt term would be frenemies, he drawled, just to tease and piss Violet off. She glared at him. Friends. He pretended to think about it, but when she made a show of moving away, which meant pulling his dick out of her beautiful naked body, Park said hastily, Friends it is. Violet relaxed against him again. Just because were friendsshe began once more. This time he was smart enough not to interrupt. doesnt mean we cant enjoy harmless flirting now and then. Park managed to rein back his instinctive retort, which was to point out that fucking their brains out could not be construed as harmless flirting. But then he looked into her big dark eyes, and Park knew he would willingly play the fool, the joker or anything else to keep her in his bed. His obsession with her body was supposed to end once he had a taste of her, but by the way he was feeling The opposite had happened. Park wanted more of Violet. He wanted everything about her, and he wanted her to belong to him completely. Harmless flirting, he finally echoed. Park was determined to say whatever she wanted to hear from him, not wanting to rock the boat and make her question what had just happened. She nodded eagerly. Its not going to be a mistake as long as neither of us falls in love with the other. She looked at him closely, as if seeking to see all the way to his soul. And you dont love meright, Park? Not even in your dreams, he told her. She should be insulted but she wasnt. A smile tugged at her lips. Good. His own eyes narrowed. But on one condition Violet raised a brow. You cant do this kind of harmless flirting with any of the other guys. Parks voice was dead serious. Violet considered lying but didnt. She shook her head and gave him a wry smile. Just you, she said simply. If only he knew she hadnt done this kind of harmless flirting with any guy except him. Good. And then he was flipping Violet on her stomach, his hands moving all over her body. When she woke up the next day, she was back in her bedroom, alone in her bed. Violet couldnt remember a thing about how she got here but what she did remember was every second she had spent in Parks bed, being made love to in so many ways she had lost count. She closed her eyes, not knowing if she wanted to cringe from the memories or savor them. Violet, Violet, Violet. How could you be so impulsive and do that with Park?

Chapter Nine
Pay day! Violet shrieked and waved her pay envelope excitedly in Parks face. The dreaded morning-after had not been as awkward as Park had feared it would be, mostly because both of them had woken up late and had to brisk-walk their way to uni. They hadnt been able to meet with each other the rest of the day until it was time to go to work. And now Park couldnt help grinning even though he had to swat away the pay envelope Violet was trying to make him eat. Youre acting like its the first time you ever received one. It is, Violet confirmed happily. Park raised a brow. You were a bum back home? He snorted. Figures. She made a face. Very funny. Back home there wasnt any need to work, you know? He clucked his tongue at her. Still makes no differencebum! She stuck out her tongue at him. Without thinking, Park leaned close and kissed her, then and there, behind the stockroom shelves, with anyone able to barge at them any moment. Violet froze for a second before her body melted completely, her arms twining around his neck. This is so bad, she couldnt help murmuring against his lips even as she arched her body in an effort to get closer. Bad is good, bum, he muttered, his lips trailing down so he could nuzzle her neck and inhale her lovely scent. Violet laughed, swatting his head with her pay envelope before dancing away from his reach. Ass. Then she waved her pay envelope at him again, breathless now not just because she was being paid for her work the first time but also because his kiss always did that to her. A part of Violet still couldnt believe she had gone ahead and lost her virginity to Park. The same part of her was even more incredulous that he had kissed her first. All the time, she had worried he would be back to acting like some kind of blond asshole gorilla with her. But he hadnt. He was just his normal rude self, with a surprising tendency to take her unawares with his kiss. Park lifted a brow at her. Arent you going to count your money? She was already happily tearing into her pay envelope before he finished speaking, making Park laugh. Violet started counting. So this one I set aside for food, rent, tuition, emergency money She took out her wallet and placed several bills inside a hidden side fold. Violet looked up and beamed at Park. And now, what I have left here is money I can spend without guilt! He peered at the contents of the envelope and snorted again. You only have 2000 yen left there. She glanced down immediately and grimaced. Youre right. Thats about twenty-five dollars, I think. Then she brightened and smiled at Park. I know! Lets spend your money instead? What? Park pretended to be outraged. She batted her eyelashes at him. Pretty, pretty please? No. Please? No. But by the time their shift ended, Park found himself walking with Violet, not at all sure how she managed to get her way again this time. Violet handed him her 1,000 yen. My contribution, she told him cheerfully.

He rolled his eyes. This will barely buy us anything. But at least I still contributed. You can pay for the rest, she said magnanimously. The way she acted, Park knew it should have made him think of her as some kind of gold digger. But for some reason he didnt. There wasnt an avaricious bone in her body. She was just being herself, the way only Violet could be. They took the train this time, Violet wanting to check out a popular grocery store in another city that supposedly sold the cutest bento boxes and ingredients for hot pot soups. Even at a little after ten, the train was still incredibly crowded and with the jostling going around them, Park had to keep a firm hold of Violet, one arm wrapping around her while he held on to one of the rails above him to keep both of them steady. Park glanced down with a frown when Violet lifted one side of his trench coat to burrow close to him. Then she looked up at him with a mischievous smile. Park stiffened. Violet, he said warningly, not liking the twinkle in her eyes. Dont He inhaled sharply as he felt the soft, gentle brush of her hand against his dick, just before her fingers curled around his length and squeezed. He sucked his breath in harder. Do you want me to stop? she asked innocently. It was so fun teasing Park like this! It had been such a long time since she had allowed herself to be like this again. And if she were honest with herself, she had never actually been this playful, this forward, with any other guy, not even withhim. He glared down at her. Dont you fucking dare. She laughed, but it died halfway when he suddenly pulled her with him, even with her fingers around his dick, taking them near the door. He leaned back against the glass partition next to the doors, and as he hugged her tightly with both arms this time, one hand made its way to her breast and squeezed before pinching her nipples. She gasped. He pinched again, twisting and pulling her nipple as well. Violet closed her eyes, fearing shed moan if she looked up and saw Parks gorgeous face. More? he whispered in his ear. Normally, Park didnt do this kind of thing with a woman not even with his exbut something about Violet made him want to do something reckless. Besides, he was sure that no one they knew was around, giving him the confidence to act a little more on his urges. And right now, all his urges had to do with fucking Violet. He was dying to sink his dick into her again and take her sweet cunt again and again. Shit! The thought alone had him hard and aching already. Violets fingers curled more tightly around him all of a sudden, making him jerk, and he looked down at her with a little shock when she started stroking him. She smiled up at him, the smile sexy and wicked. More? she asked innocently. Fuck yes, he answered hoarsely. She laughed, the sound breathless, even as her fingers moved even more surely and faster. He stopped the sweet movement of her hand when he felt he was about to come, the same time the train stopped at their station. Park? He was dragging her with him, walking so fast she had to run just to stay close to him. She let out a little cry when he suddenly made a turn, taking them inside an empty restroom. He kicked the door shut and locked it. Her eyes widened and her voice was a mixture of trepidation and excitement as she called his name again. Park? I need a taste of you, Park growled, sinking to his knees. In seconds, he had flipped her skirt up, pulled her panties to the side, and tongued her. Violet fell back against the wall, panting. Park. This time, the sound came out strangled.

He answered by pushing her folds wide open so he could slide his tongue inside, taking a deeper taste of her. She moaned, not caring who would hear her. Please Her legs shook at the effort to stay upright and somehow her fingers found their way to his head, threading through his hair and then gripping it hard to keep his head there, kissing her the way she had never dreamt was possible. Park moved up, sucking her clit the same time he slid two fingers into her. Violet screamed, the lightning-bolt of pleasure taking her by surprise. He didnt stop sucking, didnt stop thrusting his fingers into her as she continued to come against his mouth, her body shaking uncontrollably. It felt like an eternity had passed when Violet managed to look down, still a little dazed. Park was fixing her panties before pulling her skirt down. He glanced up, meeting her bright eyes with his own hooded ones. Violet started. Somehow, even though she had been the one to come apart in Parks arms, Park seemed to be the one feeling more exposed. She pulled him up by the lapels, and he let her. On his feet, he towered over her easily, and she raised her hands a little higher so she could cup his face. Hey. Park didnt say anything. Why is it like this feels like Im guilty of statutory rape? He blinked as her words sank in, then he smiled slightly. But he still didnt say anything. She let one of her hands drift down, pressing it against his heart. It beat madly, knocking hard against his chest. Her eyes widened in realization. Is this the first time youve done something like this? Parks upper lip curled. She started to laugh. It is, isnt it? And thats why youre bothered. Parks face became cold. Im sorry if Im overreacting, he snarled, his voice sharper than usual. I guess Im just not as used to kissing my friends as you seem to be. He said the words with a part of him hoping she would take offense because then it would make Violet like the rest of the women he knew. But she didnt. Violet only shook her head, a soft smile on her lips. Im only like this with you. Park let his eyes do the talking. Ha! Like hed believe her. Violet almost felt defensive. Its the truth! Then tell me why its so, if its the truth. She opened and closed her mouth several times, with nothing coming out. He raised an arrogant brow at her. Violet threw her hands up. Oh come on, Park, I have the same reasons as you do, she burst out. Im like thisIm doing this with you because I know youllwell She lifted her shoulders in a helpless shrug, feeling terribly exposed as she uttered the next words. All this is okay because I know we arent in love and were going to fall in love with each other. The truth of her words couldnt be denied, not with the way her voice shook. Park was never the type to pry but with Violet, he had this crazy urge to find out everything about her and now was no different. Why? he asked baldly. Why are you against love so much? Most girls tended to embrace it, and especially with a guy like him. He wasnt being conceited about it. That was just the way the world worked, with most girls preferring to fall in love with a guy who was loaded, and if possible, reasonably attractive, too. Violet was still smiling at him. I could ask you the same thing, Park. That got a chuckle out of him. Touch. Even now, hearing Park chuckle when he was taciturn most of the time, did something weird to her. What they had now was surreal, something she had never thought shed be lucky enough to experience after everything that had happened. Violet hesitated at what she was about to say, knowing it could ruin the friendship she had with Park. She took a deep breath. Park, look. Ill be the first one to admit it. With her

hand still on his chest, it was easy for Violet to feel him stiffen at her words. Im attracted to you. Park stiffened even more. But, she added quickly, thats it. Theres nothing more. Its been two years since I was in arelationship. She looked away, not wanting Park to accidentally see anything in her eyes. The memories still burned because they reminded her of her old self, the pathetic Violet that allowed herself to be defined by someone else. Its been two years since I last allowed myself to be close to a guy in any way. I just didnt want to risk any guy misunderstanding. I didnt want to risk myself trusting the wrong guyagain. She swallowed hard. But with you, I know I could be assured that either wont happen. Violet forced herself to look up to Park. Right? Park didnt hesitate. Whatever you want out of our friendship, its yours. He closed his hand over hers, pressing it closer to his chest. And whatever you dont want will never happen, I promise. He still didnt quite understand what happened to Violet in the past, but he understood enough that she had been hurt by it, maybe as hurt as he had been, and that kind of hurt wasnt easily healed. It certainly didnt make you want to love again, and for now that was good enough for him. Her fingers entwined with his. Thanks. Her voice was a little wobbly with emotion. Somehow it felt like they had crossed another barrier and when they were still reeling from what happened last night. Everything seemed to be moving too fast, but at the same time it was as if everything was moving to something right.

Chapter Ten
Park was on his way to Violets classroom when the musical sound of her laughter reached him. As he turned around the corner that led to the hallway of her class, he caught sight of Violets professor leaving in a hurry. He checked his watch with a frown, wondering if he was late, but his watch told him he was indeed fifteen minutes early. As he walked nearer to her class, the conversation became more defined, and he easily recognized Violets voice together with the other people in her class. Wait up, Vi. Without a doubt that was Hiroshi. Park tried not to bristle at how familiar that Vi sounded falling from the younger mans lips. Violet had told him about the dark haired half-Japanese half-New Zealander, who had shamelessly declared his undying love for her in front of the entire class a few days ago. Park was pretty sure Hiroshi wasnt the only one who had fallen under Violets spell. Every time he found the time to drop by at Violets class, he noticed that more and more men were openly scowling at him, a sure sign of jealousy. What is it? Violets voice made him stop dead in his tracks. I was thinking I could walk you to work todaythats where youre heading, right? There was this smallest pause, and Park could picture Violets smile becoming strained. It still and always did whenever any guy, even someone as harmless as Hiroshi, tried to get close to her. There would be this crazy look in her eyes, as if any overt gesture from men made her feel suffocated. It made Park see red, but even he knew it was impossible to keep men away from Violet all the time. It wasnt just because she was beautiful and sexy. She certainly was that. But Violet also had the kind of charm and allure that attracted boys to her like moths to flame. The bottom line: she was enjoyable to be with, and it was her company that most men found difficult to resist. Park was getting ready to intrude when Violet answered. Sorry. But Im already walking with Park. I always do, she reminded Hiroshi. You know that. Hiroshi let out a deep sigh. Its unfair. Why does he get that privilege all that time? Violet laughed. Actually, if you ask him, I dont think he counts it as a privilege. Its more like a curse for him, you know. Then let me do it for him! Hiroshi blurted out. That, Park decided, was his cue to enter. He rounded the next corner but what he saw made him stop mid-stride. Apparently, Hiroshi wasnt just the only one trying to get lucky with Violet. She was literally surrounded by boys from her class, and they stared at Violet and hung on to her every word like she was a goddess. How about I carry your bags until outside school? one guy bargained. I could maybe treat you out sometime? another one asked. He shook his head. They were all idiots, the lot of them. Even though he was sexually attracted to Violet, he wasnt blind. Didnt they know that Violets sweetly attractive exterior hid a spoiled brat at heart? He turned around and started walking away. At this rate, she didnt need him to walk her to work. Park! Park debated with himself whether or not to pretend deafness. Paaaaaaaaark! Violet grinned when it took Park several seconds to turn around and face her. She was pretty sure that he was reluctant to do so and the exasperation in his eyes confirmed it. Violet

laughed. Hello there, beautiful! He scowled at her. She ignored that, skipping to his side like a kid so she could curl her arm around his. Park tried to shrug her off but she held firm. He glanced at Violets suitors and saw that half of them were looking at him with undisguised envy while the others were glaring at him. Violet blew them a kiss. Sorry, guys. I have to go to work now. They groaned simultaneously but walked away, used now to Violets ability to ignore them whenever Park was around. All of them were silently wondering the same thing. How could Park be so stupid as not to date Violet? However, none of them voiced their thoughts out loud. After all, Parks loss was their gain. As they sped down the stairsor at least Violet had to, just to catch up with Parks relentlessly long-legged stridesshe asked him a little breathlessly, How was your day? The breathlessness was strictly because she was practically running and not because she was next to Park and all she could think of was having sex with him. It was getting really ridiculous, the way she couldnt stop thinking about the next time she could get Park naked. She was never like this even withhim. Fine. Violet made a face at Parks usual monosyllabic reply. They had been friendsfrenemies or dorm mates with benefits or whatever they were, for over a month, and for the life of her, she still couldnt get rid of Parks Nordic ogre ways. Thats really the best you can do? she complained. Thats because Im no Energizer bunny like you, he retorted and mimicked Violets chirpy voice. Hi Park! Hey Park! Whats up, Park? Violet pinched him on his side, making Park yelp. Asian Yeti! Dont do that again, he snapped, rubbing his side gingerly. Violet lifted her chin. Ill do it whenever I want. Is that so? And he promptly pulled her ear. It was Violets turn to yelp. She glared up at him. Youre the only guy who does that to me! Youre the only girl who dares do things to me as well! Violets glare switched to a smile, making Park blink several times at the lightning-quick transformation. Really? Somehow, those wordscoming from Parkwere extremely flattering. Unbelievable. Violet was truly one of a kind. Her mood swings were just impossibly erratic. Are you honestly sane? he asked her very seriously. Violet rolled her eyes. Whatever. Is it true, huh, Park? Is it? she nagged, pulling his sleeve. He flicked her hand away. Do you think Im fucking anyone else? he half-snarled. Of course its true. now will you stop pulling on my sleeve? Without a word, Violet dropped her hold on him and flew into the empty classroom they had just passed by. What thewas she throwing a tantrum just for that? What was she, six? Or maybe this was the fucking PMS shit he heard about? Violet, come out. If she thought he was going to go and woo her out like a kid, she was going to wait forever for nothing. Violet, seriously, come out. But she still didnt answer. He raked a hand through his hair. What the hell did the little banshee want? He had already said she wasdifferent. Violet Unable to help it, he stalked inside but was only able to take one step into the room before freezing. Violet was naked except for her heels. A sultry smile curved on her lips. It took you long enough to come here. Her glance strayed towards the door. Maybe you can lock it so I could, umm, do one of those things only I could do? Park moved like lightning speed after that, and she laughed, having never seen

Park move so quicklyor so clumsilybefore. But her laughter died when Park was suddenly in front of her, carrying her in his arms until he could lay her on the teachers table, her legs dangling above ground. She was instantly wet, just watching him unzip himself. This is as far as I can fucking go, he told her in rough apology as he pulled her close to the edge of the table. She moaned when the head of his dick brushed against her folds. Its good enough, she managed to gasp and then there wasnt anything to say anymore, with Violet biting down hard on her lips to keep the cries inside as Park pounded into her, again and again and again. **** Park and Violet maintained a proper distance from each other as they arrived at their workplace, both of them still intent in keeping their harmless flirtations a secret between the two of them. He rolled his eyes when Violet kept fussing with her clothes. Youre just making it more obvious something happened, he told her. She paled. I was just joking, he said quickly. Violet beamed. I know. I was just joking, too. His blood boiled. You little She laughingly ran out of his reach, going through the revolving doors of the hotel first and saying gaily, Parks angry at me again! Everyone in the hotel was still laughing by the time he came in as well. Violet was again surrounded by boys, both employees and customers alike. Park shook his head in exasperation. Didnt these idiots know by now that the surest way not to get close to Violet was to make her feel crowded? Their manager came out of his office then, an odd look on his face. Violet? Parks head jerked up at that. Someone is here to see you, their manager said in Japanese. Your guests been waiting here for a few hours. This visit is supposed to be a surprise. But the way the manager said it, even he wasnt sure it was a surprise Violet would be happy about. Violet didnt seem to catch on, though. She was beaming, excitement written all over her face. Its my sister, isnt it? Not quite, a voice answered just as a tall blond guy stepped out of the managers office. He was impeccably dressed, quite formally for someone their age actually, in a cream blazer and matching pants. He had the look of someone who was born richand someone who never hesitated to use his money to get his way. The smile on the guys face was more of a sneer, and Park instantly loathed him on sight. Hello, love. Park bristled at the possessive tone of the other mans voice. His head snapped to Violet, whose face was now entirely white, her body stiff with tension. Maybe we can talk somewhere privately for a moment? Violet nodded jerkily at the other mans oily-sounding request, her eyes turning to the manager. Park inhaled sharply, not liking the look in those eyes. It was as if she was pleading them not to interfere but at the same time she was pleading for help. Please take your time, their manager said, making a small bow as he did. Park had always appreciated how traditionally courteous their manager was, but right now he wished the older man could be rude and stricter, maybe even get mad and prevent Violet from leaving. Youre not going to stop them? Akito asked as all their gazes followed Violet and the other man as they walked through the hotels back exit. Did he have a right to stop her? And should he stop her even if he did? Park didnt know if there were any right answers to those questions, but what he did know was that he hated

seeing Violet let the other man take her hand. **** It was stupid of Violet to think Park would come after her, that he would shout stop and take her away from the man standing next to her now. Stupid, Violet told herself firmly even though she had the strongest urge to cry. Stupid, stupid, stupid! She had to be strong and not depend on Park or anyone else. This is really where you want to talk? Andrew asked in disgust. In some abandoned alley? Just his voice alone made Violet want to take a shower, several times. He made her feel so unclean. He made her feel so fake, too, like the Violet that everyone here knew wasnt the real her. But it was. It had been. The fake Violet was the one who had been with Andrew. She had to remember that. Violet had been fifteen when she fell in love with Andrew. He had been the hottest guy in school and since most people considered her the hottest girl in school, it felt like serendipity for them to be together. Her lips twisted at the memories, at the way she had been so happy with the way everyone thought they were the perfect couple. It only showed how stupid she had been back then. When Andrew had asked her out, she had been over the moon. She had really thought he was the onethe only guy who didnt think she was a slut just because she liked to flirt. But she had been so wrong. Reminiscing about the past, love? Andrew sneered, seeing the look on Violets face. She wouldnt give him the satisfaction of showing him how much he bothered her. Violet asked tonelessly, What do you want? Andrew hated how composed Violet was now, a far cry from the broken mess she had been when she turned up for her first day in college, her eyes bright with hope in thinking she could start againonly to realize that Andrew had gotten to everyone already. Everyone in their high school had thought Violet was a slut. It had been easy to make everyone believe him, the way Violet looked, dressed, and acted with the guys. And when they graduated, Andrew made sure they had gotten into the same college. He had spent a fortune entertaining the college crowd, just to make sure he was able to spread the same rumors about her, hoping it would force Violet to turn to him. Andrew had wanted Violet to realize that she needed him to make things right. He thought isolating her would do the trick, but what he hadnt fucking counted on was for Violet to run away and put an ocean between them, hiding in this strange country that Andrew always thought was for freaks. Worse, he didnt count on everyone doubting his word with Violet gone, as if everyone felt guilty for playing a part in pushing her away. You look beautiful, Vi. Once, hearing such words from Andrew would have made Violet smile. Now, it only made her feel even more revolted, remembering how easily she had fallen for his fake charm. I dont want you coming here again. She could see that her words irritated him. She had spent enough time with Andrew to know when he was close to losing his temper, which he often did. His eyes would narrow into slits, like a venomous snake, and his mouth would have a petulant look to it, like a child who was used to getting his way. Those things described exactly how Andrew looked now, and it chilled her. How in the world had she ever fallen in love with Andrew? Why is that, Vi? Is it because youve found a new boy to fool around with? he taunted. Made him think youre game to do anything when all along youre a frigid virgin who doesnt know what to do with her body? He caught her wrist as she attempted to slap him, laughing almost maniacally as he savored the look of fear on Violets face. Nobody here knows about your past. The look in her eyes was answer enough and Andrews own gaze gleamed. My poor love, he said mockingly. Are you afraid theyre not going to like you when they learn

what a whore you are? Youre hurting me. She gritted the words out, telling herself she had nothing to fear. Although they were standing at the empty alley behind her workplace, it was still a public street. Surely if she screamed someone would come running to help her. But if she screamed, Park would know andshe didnt want that. Then scream for help, he said slyly, as if reading her mind. She couldnt say anything. An ugly, triumphant grin slashed his lips. But you cant, can you? Because here they probably think what other people used to think about youthat youre a sweet sexy angel everyone can only look at but cant touch. They dont know that you once had ten naked men in a room with you and they were all going to take turns One moment Andrew was nearly salivating in his rage in front of Violet, and then the next thing Violet knew he had been bodily tossed to the sidewalk across from them, his nose bleeding from Parks punch. Violet turned around with a cry, just in time to see a livid-looking Park about to walk past her. Park, wait! She did her best to pull him back, not wanting him to get involved. Park forced himself to stop, hearing the genuine distress in Violets voice. He had badly wanted to beat the other man up at the way he had manhandled Violet. But Park had restrained himself, knowing that Violet wouldnt want him to see her at a disadvantage. However, all thoughts of letting Violet handle her battles on her own flew out of the window when he heard those last words. He looked down at Violet, managing to keep his voice soft and gentle even though he was shaking in his effort not to go after the other man again. Do me a favor, Violet. She swallowed. Please let this go, Park. How that fool had been fucking lucky enough to make Violet fall for him was beyond Parks imagination. But that was the past, and this was the present. He would not let this idiot hurt Violet again. The emotions inside him were too strong and violentit had been so long since he felt this much and it terrified him. But what was more terrifying was the fear lurking in her dark eyes. Park couldnt stand not doing anything when Violet had that look in her eyes. Please go in and Ill take care of this for you. She shook her head quickly. No. Just pleaselet me handle this, please. I know how to handle him. In the corner of her eye, she saw Andrew picking himself up from the ground, a familiar nasty look on his face. It scared Violet, that lookAndrew was used to getting what he wanted and he was the type not to stop at anything if he was crossed. As far as she knew, Park was the only one who had gotten to Andrew this way, and she was sure it was a slight Andrew wouldnt let go of so easily. Half of Park wanted to do what Violet had said. He hadnt signed up for this, hadnt wanted to be friends with Violet in the first place. But the other half of him had already crossed a line he didnt want to think about, and that part already thought of Violet as his. Park, dont talk to him Andrew was walking towards them, his face murderous, and the sight caused Violets voice to shake. Yeah, you Asian freak, go and run before I make you pay for what youve done, Andrew spat. Park didnt even turn to look at Andrew. Trust me, Violet. Let me take care of this. He paused. Of you. She gasped, and Park knew she had more than understood how much it cost him to say those words. After his breakup, he hadnt just sworn off women. He had completely sworn off all kinds of complications, preferring to isolate himself and live without even friends. But this time Park was choosing to get involved, to claim someone as his, and to just fucking care enough to do something. Park Violet choked. He could see that there were words brimming on her lips she

wanted to say but couldnt. He gazed at her steadily, willing her to understand that there was nothing to fear. Violet drew in another shaky breath. Had he heard everything Andrew said? And if Park had, what did he think of her now? Violet looked into his eyes searchingly, unable to believe the calmness on Parks face was real. Go. Violet closed her eyes, knowing she was about to take one of the biggest risks in her life. Please God, please let this be the right thing to do. And then she was whirling away without a word, quickly walking back to the hotel without even looking back. Where the hell are you going? Andrew tried to catch up with Violet, but Park effortlessly held him back, twisting the other mans arm so he would look at Park. Andrew cried out in pain as he turned to Violets co-worker. Who the hell was this jerk anyway? Do you know who I am? he half-screamed. Youre going to pay for your life for what youaaah! The other man had twisted his arm even harder this time, and he crashed to his knees from the pain. Whats your name? Park asked quietly, still not letting go. Fuckaaah! Andrew moaned in pain when the other man released his hold only so he could punch Andrew in the guts, hard enough to have him thrown on his back to the cold hard ground. Ill ask you one last time. Whats your name? Andrew Schwartz, he spat. Im the son of Jonathan Schwartz. Ever heard of him? Hes the richest man in Florida and hes going to sue you for Andrew ended up choking on his blood, with Park kicking him hard on the ribs just before pummeling his face nonstop. When Park pulled away, Andrews face was multicolored with bruises, eyes swollen shut, and blood pouring out from his mouth. Staring down at the pathetic lying piece of shit in front of him, Park said in a menacingly soft voice, Listen well, you son of a bitch. You will not come near Violet again. You will never contact her, never talk about her, never even think about her. If I ever catch you doing any of these things, you will regret it. He crouched down, taking satisfaction at the way Andrew instantly tried to move away, which only caused him to groan at the pain that unwise movement caused. Dont move, Andrew. Im not yet finished and youre just pissing me off every time you try to escape me. Andrew froze. Park snapped his fingers. It was a curious thing to do, at the very least, enough to make Andrew force his lessinjured eye open. What he saw made him close his eyes again, wishing he hadnt looked. He was completely surrounded, men in dark suits, their faces ruthlessly stoicthe kind that wouldnt blink when asked to take a life. Park gave Andrew a feral smile. Do you see them, Andrew? Theyre with me all the time and theyre paid to protect me. Im now going to tell them to check up on you all the time because I think youre a threat. Im telling them now that if I feel theres a slightest possibility youre coming back at me or Violet, they shouldnt hesitate to kill you. Do you understand? His Adams apple bobbing furiously in his throat, Andrew found himself nodding jerkily, knowing that the threat was real. Tomorrow, Im going to expect you to email me the videoyes, I know you have a video. Guys like you always do. Youll give it to me and then get rid of whatever copies you have of it. Sometime in the future, men will go through your computer, your home, everything that belongs to you, and if I find out youre keeping a copywell, you know whats going to happen, right? Andrew nodded. When he opened his eyes, the man Violet was with was gone. The others had blended back into the darkness, but it didnt matter. They were there. Andrew could feel their eyes on him, and it forced him to move fast, cursing the day he had met Violet York

with every aching step he made. **** Violet refused to look at Park for the entire shift after he came back to work, still speechless with suppressed rage. For most his life he thought of the entourage of security that went with him wherever he was as ridiculous and even embarrassing. Today was the first time he had found a use for it, and if it was the only way to keep Violet safe, then Park would gladly bear having them present every fucking minute. His fists involuntarily clenched, his vision going red every time he thought about Schwartz words. That fucking jerk didnt even deserve to be in the same world Violet was in, much less have his fingers graze Violets precious skin. Ten p.m. came sooner rather than later, and it was time to clock out again, with Violet and Park still not exchanging a word. Being proud as Violet was, Park figured she would probably have found an excuse not even to go home with him tonight, maybe have one of the girls tell him she had gone somewhere else. It was no surprise then that Park did a double take when after locking the store, he turned around and almost crashed into a pale and silent Violet. You little He caught himself in time, the words coming out almost instinctively. poor thing, he ended instead, for a moment at a loss at what to do. He was not the type to feel an urge to comfort a girl on the verge of crying, but the way Violet looked right now made Park feel strangely protective. Hey. A wobbly smile touched Violets lips. The smile hit him right at the center of his heart, and Park lost control. He forgot all about wanting not to have anything to do with girlsespecially in publicand closed the distance between them in one stride. Violet gasped in shock as Park hauled her to his arms. Theres nothing to be afraid of anymore, he said fiercely against her hair, his arms tightening around him and feeling violently murderous at the way her small slim body shook against him. Schwartz was lucky not to be around or Park would have beaten him again, the way he was feeling now. Violet wiped away her tears but then they kept falling. What the hell? Violet decided to let it all go and she started crying almost right away, drenching Parks shirt. Parks jaw dropped, unable to believe Violet was allowing him to see her crying. And in his arms no less! Violet? He tried pulling away to look down at her but she resisted, burrowing deeper into his chest. Its your fault! she sobbed out, crumpling his shirt in her hand in a futile effort to keep herself from crying. What the hell are you talking about? he hissed. Since Violet had said those words in Japanese, most of the guests in the lobby area had understood her and were now throwing Park dirty looks after glancing at Violet sympathetically. Violet suddenly tore away from his hold and ran to the exit, still sobbing loudly. More accusing looks went his way, which he tried his best to ignore even as he called out Violets name. Violet, dammit, wait! This time, the women in the area openly scowled at him. Park gritted his teeth, torn between wanting to comfort Violet and strangling her for making everyone look at him as if he were a woman beater. Outside the hotel, she was sobbing as she tried hailing for a cab. Why are you crying? Everythings okay! Dont you believe me? Park couldnt stand waiting for her answer, unable to bear the way she was crying her heart out. He hauled her back in his arms again and lifted his hand to hail a cab. When a cab arrived a moment later, Park quickly bundled her inside. Shutting the door closed, Park glanced at the still-crying Violet in consternation. Why are you crying? I dont know! she snarled in English, still sobbing with her hands covering her face. I wish I wasnt, but I just cant seem to stop! She inhaled deeply. This is your fault!

Park swallowed down his instinctive retort. Yeah, it is, he gritted out. Im sorry then. Please stop crying? Im trying. She glared at him with tear-glazed eyes. I didnt plan to cry, you know! Park paused. Does that meanyou sometimes deliberately plan to cry? Violet sniffed. Yeah. Park hid a smile. But you didnt plan to now. She choked on another sob. Nobut then I saw you and I realized how stupid I was so I cried. She let out a loud wail. Like Im doing now! He was about to answer when he caught sight of the cab driver giving him a nasty look through the rearview mirror. Oh for fucks sake! Since they had been speaking English the whole while, the cab driver only had their voices and actions to go by. Park scowled back. Did everyone really think he was capable of making this she-devil cry? Its not my fault, he said defensively in Japanese. You should be ashamed of yourself, the driver retorted before giving Violet a sympathetic smile through the mirror. There, there, miss, its okay. You dont deserve a loser like him. Violet let out a teary laugh. Park glared at her. Find this funny huh? She nodded, smiling a little. Yeah. By the time they reached their dormitory, Violet had finally managed to keep her tears in check. Mortified by her outburst, Violet couldnt even look at Park. The moment they stepped inside, she turned away, mumbling over her shoulder, See you tomorrow Oh no, you dont, Park said grimly and dragged her inside his room. Violet waited for Park to reprimand her for being such a crybaby. After all, he hated it every time she got a little too emotional, would go as far as deliberately bribing Violet just so she wouldnt talk about anything sentimental. Instead, she heard him say gruffly, Now you can cry. She looked up at him in shock. Park gave her a stony look, as if wanting to prove to her that he was not going to freak out just because she wanted to drown him in tears. Without thinking, Violet murmured, almost entreatingly, Please, just touch me instead. With a hoarse sigh, Park swept her up in his arms as he ravaged her lips with a branding kiss. She kissed him back without hesitation, her tears mingling with her sighs. When he laid her on the bed, she immediately struggled to get his shirt off, her body already twisting restlessly under Park as raw desire coursed through her. Park was always in a state of near-arousal whenever Violet was around, and tonight was no different, his dick already stiff and aching the moment their lips touched. He helped her get rid of his clothes, as quickly as he can, and once he was naked he immediately worked on her dress and tights, tempted to rip everything apart but doing his best to stay in control. He managed to restrain himself with her clothes, but when Park saw her underwear something pink and skimpy with cute frilly ribbons at the endshe groaned her name out. Youre fucking killing me with these, he said harshly as he almost clumsily drew her bra down to bare her breasts. D-do you like it? Park answered by suckling one nipple, laving it with his tongue before nipping its tip. She moaned. He lifted his head. What do you think? Before she could answer, he took her other nipple into his mouth, loving the way it puckered against his tongue. He played with her other breast, its soft weight on his hand making his body tremble with even greater need. Park, please, she begged, her hand hurriedly snaking between them in search for his dick. They both groaned at the same time when her fingers found its target, and Park groaned louder as she encircled his length, savoring the way it kept swelling in her hold. Youre so Violet squeezed him harder, and she could only whimper when his dick

became even more engorged. She thought about how Parks dick would fill her to the point of bursting, stretching the walls of her core, and she whimpered again. Park, I cant She made a protesting sound when he released her nipple from his tantalizing kiss. Before she knew it, he had already moved swiftly down on her body, pushing her thighs apart. Her eyes widened. Even though they had already made love several times, she was still a bit shy about having him kiss her there. Park, you dont Violet couldnt keep back her scream when Park parted her folds wide open so he could lick her entrance with agonizing slowness. Quiet, he gritted, not wanting to chance the dorm manager knocking on his room and finding out about Violet. He bit her clit in punishment, and Violet nearly pushed him off the bed as her body arched in a full inverted V in reaction. He chuckled even as his body clenched in need, Violets passionate reaction to his kiss only succeeding in driving him more insane with need. Pulling her folds as far open as he could, Park dipped his head back again and thrust his tongue in. Violets body shot up again, combined with a soft, lovely moan that made his balls ache. But this time Park was prepared, and he didnt let her provocative moves keep him from his mission. He continued tonguing her, loving the way she became wetter and wetter, and when she gasped his name, he increased the speed of his thrusts at the same time he started flicking her bud, lashing it with his fingers. Park. The way she said his name told Park she was incredibly near. He lifted his head to shift his position, and this time when he bent down, he took her clit into his mouth while his fingers slid into her wet warmth as if it were home. The combined action had an electric impact, and Violets nails dug into his shoulders as she came apart under his mouth, her entire body shuddering at the strength of her release. Before her body had stopped shaking, Park had already moved up, the muscles in his arms flexing as he braced himself on the bed, positioning his dick to enter her. Her eyes were nearly dilated with desire as she looked up at his face, jaw clenched hard with need. Her body burned anew at the sight of Parks beautiful face. Fuck me Violet had barely finished saying the words when Park had entered her in one hard possessive thrust. And then he was moving, fucking her wordlessly, relentlessly, thoroughly. She could only hold on to him, a little dazed at how forceful his thrusts were, which made his bed rock against the wall like they were in the middle of an earthquake. Park made her so dizzy with desire she was barely coherent. Morepleaseharder She could only say the words over and over, and she started to weep when Park did as asked, his hips grinding against her as he shoved his dick in and out of her furiously. The urge to climax began to build inside him, and the way Violets insides flexed and tightened around his dick only pushing Park further to the brink. Violet! Park wanted to look straight in her eyes when she came the second time around. Violet looked up at him, her heart hammering so loudly it was a miracle she had even heard him. Park. It was all she could manage to say. Park reached for her clit and started rubbing it just as furiously. Her eyes shot wide open, his touch taking her completely by surprise and she came almost immediately with a loud cry. This time Park couldnt stay silent either, the soft lovely look of ecstasy on Violets pretty face making him shout his release even as he tried pistoning into her more swiftly while pumping out his cum. It was a scant time after midnight when they resurfaced, both of them falling asleep with Violet on top of him and his dick still resting inside her. She woke up when he stirred, mostly because he was already semi-erect by the time he woke up. Even though both of them were still naked, with the covers bunched up at the foot of the bed, Violet didnt feel cold at all. Instead she felt cozy and warm, the heat radiating from Parks body somehow making her feel safe and at the same time more than a little aroused.

Do you feel better now? Parks question startled her. It made her uneasy, too, and for one moment Violet was tempted to pull away. But she forced herself to stay still in Parks arms, willing herself to breathe normally even though the memories of her time with Andrew made her want to withdraw into herself. She had to stop letting Andrew ruin her life. Violet? She tried to make sense of her feelings but couldnt. Its nothing. If he was smart, he should let it go at that. After all, he didnt want complications. But in the end, Park heard himself saying forcefully, Tell me. Violet moved restlessly. Theres nothing to tell. Violet. She laughed at his tone. It was as if he was reprimanding a child, one he was torn between hugging and throttling. Violet choked on an unexpected sob. Oh, Park. Why couldnt I have met you earlier? His heart lurched. He managed to say lightly, Even if we had met earlier, I wouldnt have liked an idiot like you. A sad smile crossed her lips at his words. Oh, you would. If I had met you then, Im pretty sure I could have made you like me. Only Violet could say something like that to his face. The words even sounded uncomfortably prophetic, making Park say a little brusquely, I want to know the real score between you and that piece of shit. She didnt mind how rough he sounded. Violet knew it was just Parks way of concealing his concern for her. Ill tell you on one condition. Parks eyebrow shot up. Despite the heaviness in her heart, a giggle still managed to slip past Violets lips. She didnt need to see Park to know he was feeling incredulous at how she made it seem like he was dying to hear her story. I want to sleep here with you, she said solemnly. Thats the price of my story. I want you tonight to be my dearest BFF and wipe my tears, talk about love, and watch chick flicks with me. Are you out of your mind? She raised herself up, propping her elbows on his rock hard chest. Violet looked down and immediately lost her train of thought at the sight of his bare skin, especially with the way his dick gradually continued to harden between her legs. Park smirked. It was enough to make Violet recover her senses. Flushing, she snapped, Thats my price, take it or leave it. And just for sweet revenge, she wriggled her hips a little, having made love to Park long enough to know exactly how to drive him wild. Park groaned. She smiled sweetly down at him. Well? Had there really been a question of what his choice would be? Grabbing both cheeks of her ass, Park used it to pull her down forcefully on his fully erect dick and was satisfied to hear Violet gasp, her eyes rolling back at the unexpected sensation of Park filling her completely once more. He looked up at her. Spill it. His tone was harsh, but the way he stroked her back was gentle. Relaxing, Violet slowly started to talk. Reliving the past didnt hurt as much as she had feared, but it was probably because Park was also simultaneously distracting her with the way he almost languorously thrust in and out of her while his fingers clasped her hips to keep them from moving. Violet didnt attempt to hide a single thing about Park, not even the parts of her past that made her cringe. He made his mom call me, and she begged me to give her son another chance. When I went to his house, it was just himand the entire basketball team. Her voice

shook as she remembered at how helpless and trapped she felt at that time. I was so scared. I knewI knew if I made the smallest mistake, it could have ended a lot worse. I was lucky all Andrew wanted to do was h-humiliate me. He made me She choked on a sob. You dont have to say anything anymore, Park growled, tormented at the pain he heard in Violets voice. She shook her head violently. Park, she whispered, looking straight into his bright eyes because she wanted to see how he would feel with what she was about to say. Park cursed himself for what he had forced Violet to relive. If he had known she would feel this badHe reached up, fisting her hair so he could pull her down and reassure her with a short hard kiss. Violet, I dont need He made me swallow everyones cum. Her voice was small but toneless. Fuck! Park pulled her down to him almost roughly, wrapping his arms around her as tightly as he could even as he surged up inside her. He wanted to absorb her into him, wanted Violet to feel surrounded by his heat because it was the only thing he could do right now to make her feel good again. Im sorry, baby, Im so fucking sorry you had to go through that, he whispered. Tears leaked from her eyes even as she said almost sharply, I dont want your pity! You dont fucking have it, he growled, tugging her down so he could kiss her again, his tongue reclaiming her mouth. When he released her, Park said emphatically, Look at me. Her heart beat madly as she lifted her gaze to his. The fierce pride in Parks eyespride for her, he was proud of hermade Violet break down completely. I was so scared, she sobbed. I hated myself but I didntI didnt make a single complaint because I knew I was getting off lightly. She inhaled, her body shuddering as she did. And I didnt file a complaint because I didnt want my family toI just didnt want them to be hurt, too. I understand, baby, I understand, he whispered, wishing he could do something to take the hurt away. She struggled to speak again. I transferred to another school after that. When I went to college, I thought I could start again but h-he was already there. Violet closed her eyes. So I stopped going to school, I stayed at home and was depressed for months until my sisterLilac convinced me to come here. It took several moments before Park could get past his fury and speak sensibly. Youre still leaving a lot out, arent you? Thats the sanitized version, isnt it? Violet was stunned at how well Park read her. His lips compressed at her look. Before you left college, the boys there tried to do something to you, didnt they? She didnt have to answer. The shamed look on her face was enough. Give me their names, he said tightly. Give me their fucking names and I swear to God Im going to make them pay She shook her head. No. I dont want to have anything to do with them again. Not even for revenge, she said flatly. Parks hand shook as he lifted his hand to brush away the tears forming in the corner of her eyes. I never thought Id say this about you, Violet, but youre too fucking nice. She giggled and cried at the same time, but at the end even her laughter turned into tears. It took me a long time to be at peace, Park. For almost a year, I just hated. I hated my life, I hated guys, I hated everyone. He kissed her forehead. You have the fucking right to. She let out another teary giggle. You should be telling me its wrong. If I had the chance, Id torture all of them then give you the honor of cutting their heads off. Violet shook her head. Oh, Park. She surprised him by suddenly sitting up, and he

couldnt bite back a groan as her hips lifted up and down on his dick. She bent down, her breasts brushing against her lips, and of course he couldnt keep himself from lifting his head up to catch one nipple into his mouth. No, Park It was a weak protest. He sucked harder. Park He reluctantly let go of her nipple. I want you to feel good, he said fiercely. After what you went throughI dont even understand how you can bear to be with any guy. Park paused. I dont even know why you thought I deserved to be your first. She paled and stiffened at the same time. Y-you know? I heard what Schwartz saidabout you being frigid and it was just a matter of deduction after that. Its not because Im in love with you, Violet said quickly, not wanting Park to jump in the wrong conclusions. He almost laughed at the genuine panic in Violets eyes. I know, he said gently. Id know if you were. She said haltingly, It was because you were different. You wereyou were you. You werent like any of those guys and I didnt want Andrew to win. Hed win if I remained bitter. She bent down, and for the first time took the initiative to kiss him. It made Park shudder. When she lifted her lips from his, her eyes were shining with tears. Only you, Park only you made me remember how beautiful everything was before him. Park understood, and he was incredibly humbled. Thank you, he said roughly even though he knew no words would ever be enough to express how much her trust meant to him. She smiled down at him. Thank you. There was no need for words after that, their bodies moving and expressing the rest of what they had to say. Soon, her soft, drawn out moans blended beautifully with his guttural groans, their skin glistening with sweat as their movements became more urgent and frenzied, Violet throwing her head back, the tips of her long hair brushing against his thighs as she came while saying his name. It was a picture of Violet hed treasure forever, and the beauty of it pushed Park past the edge, making him grip her hips as he came inside her, his hips moving nonstop while he shot out his cum into her. And when it was over, it felt entirely natural to have her curl in his arms, Park watching with her eyelids drift closed as a drowsy smile appeared on her lips. Night, Park, she mumbled without opening her eyes. Park relaxed. For one moment, he had feared things would change between them. But it hadnt. She still didnt love him, and he didnt love her, but that was fine. They were friends. They were friends who cared for each other and fucked each other, but that was fine. It was enough.

Chapter Eleven
Violet was the first one to wake up. Mornings in Osaka were always cold, but for a moment, she wondered why she wasnt cold at all. And then she realized that there were strong arms wrapped around her. She turned her face slightly. Park. He looked very peaceful. Still gorgeous but he looked younger while asleepa softer side of him even Violet rarely glimpsed. There was no sign of the frightening scowl he usually wore, the one she liked to refer to as his ogre face. Violet stared at Park, but another face was slowly superimposing itself on Parks features. Andrew. Her skin prickled with self-loathing at the mere thought of him, and shame enveloped her when she remembered the fact that now Park knew everything that happened in her past. Did he really not care that she practically had sex with ten men? Violet. She started at Parks sleep-scratchy voice, not realizing he had woken up as well. Youre crying. He said the words almost accusingly. Im not, she lied sharply, cheeks flushing. She hated the fact that Park was fast seeing all her worst moments. Violet York was a crybaby only when it suited herand not because she was such an emotional mess! Park was silent for a moment, and it made her worry. And then he said, Do you want to talk about it? She gaped at him. He scowled. Dont wait for me to change my mind. You know Im not the sensitive type and I could get impatient His tough talk made Violet giggle. No thanks, you ass. That was the worst offer of comfort Ive ever heard. Parks breathing eased. Seeing Violet sad made him angry and seeing her smile brightened his day. That much, he had to admit to himself. But beyond that, Park had no plans to psychoanalyze. Stop thinking about that piece of shit. Hes not worth a second of your time. I cant help She couldnt speak, the rest of her words swallowed by his kiss. When he pulled away, Violet looked dazed. You were saying? Park smirked. Arrogant blond gorilla. Park only laughed because Violet had said the words so weakly it was obvious she was still reeling from his kiss. He loved how he affected her, and already his dick had stirred into life, wanting another round of possessing her sweet lovely body. Tell you what, he said gallantly. Ill make you forget about him with our harmless flirtations. She rolled her eyes, saying dryly, Am I supposed to be thankful? It feels like youre just using this as a way to enjoy the rare and envied privilege of being able to make love to me, the most beautiful girl in school. Park snorted. If thats what I wanted, I would have asked Ayumi Sayo Violet laughingly grabbed a pillow and hit him with it on the face. Jerk! Park shrugged. Violet, youre my friendI admit that freely now, but she is more beautiful than you are. Violet made a face because it was true, and of course Park would be the type to say it to her face even while he was still inside her. Stupid Asian Yeti. She sniffed. Its only because

shes taller and has bigger breasts than I do. Oh, its more than that, Park assured her. Shes also smarter, and way more refined and This time, it was his words that got cut off by a kiss. When she moved away, she rose up, straddling him and not giving him a chance to talk as she started to ride him. Fuck, he groaned, aroused beyond belief at the expert way she rode him. You were saying? she asked in her most saccharine voice as she stopped moving. He groaned. Dont fucking stop. She patted his cheek. But I feel like Im not pleasing you at allI mean, Im not the most beautiful girl in school and Youre the most fucking beautiful girl in the world. Are you suuuuuure? He tried to lift his hips up but she pulled away, almost to the point of releasing his dick and Park groaned. Yes, dammit. He would say anything just to have her riding him so beautifully again. She sank back into him, taking his dick in so deeply Park swore he could see stars. And then she was leaning down, whispering into his ear, Now, Im going to fuck you. And Park could only groan, hoping he would survive as Violet started to move to keep her promise. **** The days flew by and Violet was a little surprised to realize that yet another month had ended. She and Park had gotten so much closer since her little breakdown. That was how she preferred to call it even though she had to pretend she didnt see Park rolling his eyes every time she used those words. She could have sworn he also muttered It was the fucking opposite of little under his breath, but she decided not to think about that too much. Men! They could be so bothersome with the details! She and Park had gotten closer, too, unimaginably so, as if by admitting she needed Park to continue moving on and getting past what Andrew did gave both of them the freedom to be more open with each other. The feeling was scary yet exciting, but it was also something she could only keep to herself. Today was yet another free period, with Violets professor called out to accept an urgent call. Park, seated two chairs behind, was sitting in with her class and acting like he totally had no clue that every girl but Violet was staring at him. His arrogance truly knew no bounds, she thought, torn between exasperation and amusement. Violet? She blinked, realizing Hiroshi had been talking to her all the time she had been thinking about the way Park kept on trying to scare all the girls away with his perpetual scowl. Sorry, I was thinking about our assignment, she lied, so as not to hurt his feelings because Hiroshi was really one of the nicest guys she had ever met. Hiroshi said quickly, How about a study date so I can help you with it? AhnoI Damn. Hiroshi looked so much like an abandoned puppy Violet felt she would be utterly heartless if she rejected him for the nth time. Hearing the exchange, Park took pityon Hiroshi,and drawled, Sorry, man, were working overtime tomorrow. Relieved at the alibi Park had given her, Violet was about to agree when Hiroshi asked, What about after? I dont mind staying up late to help you out. She cleared her throat. Im, umm, really flatteredand thankful, but you really dont have to put yourself out on my account. Park helps me with my lessons already so She trailed off, not knowing what else to say to let Hiroshi down gently. Park suddenly found himself the object of the younger mans scrutiny. He gazed back at Hiroshi expressionlessly even though he felt he was actually doing Hiroshi a favor. Practically every guy he knew in school thought Violet was such a babe. Of course they were all wrong. She was a spoiled brat, moody and demanding, and he truly pitied the man who would one

day be unlucky enough to be Violets boyfriend. Are you guys dating? Hiroshi asked abruptly. No! Violet couldnt sound any more aghast, making Park feel a little disgruntled. Violet continued feelingly, Id never date someone like Park. Dont you know hes a total ogre inside? She nodded emphatically to her mesmerized listeners. Hes an absolute grouch and I like my guy to be sweet, you know. Someone whod do anything for me Park interrupted dryly, What you need is a slave, not a boyfriend. Practically the entire class laughed, proof that everyone had been eavesdropping on their conversation. She stuck out her tongue. Hiroshi asked Park suspiciously, You can seriously and honestly tell me you dont want to date Violet? Violet noticed the way the other girls held their breaths at the question, making her want to sigh. Poor nave little darlings, she thought. They so didnt know that underneath Parks admittedly beautiful exterior lived a Nordic ogre who was so much worse than preFiona Shrek. Park answered, Never in a million years. If I ever date, it would be someone demure, not a spoiled brat who wants her way in everything Newsflash, boy, Violet cut him off with a sweet smile. When you love someone, you definitely want to do everything for that person. She fluttered her lashes at the boys around her. Right, guys? Idiots, Park muttered under his breath, irritated but at the same time amused at the way all the guys in Violets class rushed to agree with her. But when one of the guys was so enthusiastic in his show of support he actually grabbed Violets hand, Park shot out of his seat, every cell of his body reacting negatively at seeing another man touch Violet. Ill even offer my life for you, the boy gripping her hand said fervently. Thank you, kind sir, but thats too much. Violet blew the guy a kiss even as she quickly but carefully drew her hand away, hoping no one would notice how she paled at the boys touch. Even now, she still wasnt entirely comfortable with having anyone touch her but Park; the more any guy seemed to like her, the more wary and terrified Violet felt. Their open affection just reminded her too much of how Andrew had been at the start. Park slowly sat back, relaxing at the speed with which Violet had withdrawn from the other mans touch. Didnt that fucking idiot know Violet belonged to him? The thought made him pale. What the fuck? Did he just fucking think of Violet as his? **** STOP! Violet had to shout the word out when she couldnt take it anymore, her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath. The way Park was walking; it was like they were competing in a freaking marathon! Didnt the idiot realize she was wearing her favorite boots? They were adorable to look at, but they were also five inches high! they definitely werent designed for speed walking. Park grudgingly turned around at the irritation lining Violets voice. What? What is it with you? she burst out, confused and furious at the same time. Youve been snapping at me since we left class. Its nothing, he said, snapping again. She stomped her foot in irritation. Its something! Its nothing. Now, lets go or well be late for work, he said brusquely and resumed walking again. Violet rushed to his side and pulled his arm hard until he was forced to stop. Heres the thing, Park. I like arguing with you, but only when we know its not serious, okay? I dont like this so why dont you just tell me whats been pissing you off Will you just shut up? Violet gritted her teeth, doing her best to control her temper even though she was itching to slap him. Dont do this, Park. Seriously. When I get angry, I get really angry, and you dont want that to happen. If I made you mad for any reason, just give it to me straight Park knew he was pushing it, but right now he didnt care. All he knew was that he was in

deep trouble, thinking about Violet the way he was. Shut. Up. Do you know what that means? Violets normally expressive face turned into ice. Yes. How about this? Fuck. Off. Do you know what that means? And she walked away. Damn. Park ran after her. Violet A painful slap to his cheek greeted his entreaty. Go away. Shocked at the cold look on Violets face, Park let her go. Violet But Violet had already hailed a cab, and with her looks, she had one instantly driving to the curb and she got in without looking back. When Park arrived at work, Violet was already there, all smiles and laughter with their coworkers. He walked to her and touched her shoulder. Violet She froze him into silence and Park took his hand away. Violet turned her back to him and as if nothing happened, she said to Jun-Yee, What were you saying again? Apparently, when Violet said it was bad to get her angry, she meant it. Park then had to stand by as Violet spoke to everyone but him. Violet laughed and flirted with Jun-Yee, which made him grit his teeth. She cooed at Crayon, making him want to slam his fist into something. But he did none of those because he wasnt supposed to do any of those. When their manager called Violet out for special instructions, Park wasnt surprised when everyone immediately crowded around him. What the heck did you do to piss her off like that? Gladys asked. Park said nothing. How are you going to get back to her good graces? Midori wanted to know. Park wanted to know that, too. Well, I, for one, am taking advantage of Parks misfortune, Akito joked. Im going to ask her out He caught sight of Parks deadly glare and said weakly, and then Im going to ask Park out and they can go out together and mend fences. He ended his words with a sour note, making everyone laugh. **** Violets temper had sufficiently cooled down by the time they clocked out of work. Lilac had always told her she had a volcanic temper, erupting and then hibernating until the next explosion. When she stepped out, Violet was only half-surprised to see Park waiting for her. Hey. She raised a brow. Imsorry. The words sounded like they were torn out from him. Violet wanted to smile but didnt. She wasnt letting him get off that lightly. When she just continued looking at him, Park exhaled and said, I had a little problem but I have it all sorted out now. Im sorry if I took it out on you. What was it about? Its already What, I repeat, was it about? She crossed her arms. Was it something to do with me? Yes, he acknowledged reluctantly. Violet stilled as her worst fears attacked her. Park. She tried to keep her voice calm even though she had an appalling urge to break down. Is it because youve thought about what happened to me and you No! Fuck, no! Park couldnt believe he had made Violet think that, and he wanted to beat himself up for it. I will never blame you for that, will never be ashamed of you for that, he told her fiercely. And you know Im too much of a jerk to fucking lie just to spare a persons feelings so believe me when I tell you that. Her relief was so strong her entire body shook with it. Violet asked slowly, Thenwhats

bothering you? Park said reluctantly, If I tell you the truth, its going to change things. She almost backed out but steadied herself. She had never been a coward and she wouldnt start now. Stop beating around the bush. This morning, when people were teasing us, and you blew out a kiss to the small guy His name is Tom, she said dryly. Yeah, whatever the fuck his name was. Parks disdainful tone tempted her to smile and she would have if only she wasnt feeling suddenly nervous, too. When he didnt say anything else, she prompted him a little shakily, And? I didnt fucking like seeing another guy touching you, Violet. Parks voice was hard. Violet couldnt breathe. Because? Because I was thinking like you were mine.

Chapter Twelve
Youre right. We shouldnt have talked about this. She was in a daze. Park thought she belonged to him. Should she start running away now? I told you so. Park snorted. She glared at him. Stop rubbing it in. Park shook his head. What the fuck are we going to do now? Quiet and let me think, she snapped. You never think, Park said seriously. Shut up, she said without heat. All right, he said, but he grabbed her hand and they walked back home in silence. He really thought she was his? Violet couldnt believe that had been Park thinking. Are you in love with me? she blurted out. God, no! She glared at him. You dont have to sound so disgusted. And because he was wary of making her angry again, Park said hastily, Its not that. Its because I dont like falling love in the first place. You know that. Why dont you like to fall in love? she asked. I let you know about Andrew, she reminded him. He nodded. Fair enough. She waited. About three minutes passed before Park found the right words to say. I was pretty young when it happened. I met her when I was sixteen and fell instantly in love. I asked her out, she said yes, and later on, when I told her I loved her, she said she loved me, too. She was a year older than I was and she left for college first. It had only been a month since she was gone when I got this call from her. Violet almost told him to stop because she felt like she knew what he was about to say. She said that we two didnt suit anymore. Just like that, she told me that she had fucking fallen out of love with me. He remembered the day clearly as if it had only happened an hour ago. He had been excited then, thinking that Vanessa had decided to surprise him with a visit. Well, it had been a fucking surprise, mostly because of how bored she sounded as she broke up with him. Park had a feeling that moment would live him forever, scarring him in a way that would never heal. Park turned to Violet, his lips twisting in cynicism and bitterness. I was depressed for months. I couldnt understand how she could break up with me just like that. She had fucking fallen out of love? What the fuck did that mean? We had been going out for almost two years and then just like that, after one month of separation she had fucking fallen out of love? Her heart ached for him. Im so sorry, Park. Its nothing. I mean, after I learned what that fucking little shit did to you, what happened to me was nothing She shook her head. Heartbreak is heartbreak, Park. It hurts, no matter the reason. She squeezed his hand. He smiled humorlessly. Well, thats it. Simple, huh? Its usually the simplest reasons that make us cry the most. Park gave her a mocking look of shock. When did you get so smart? Just a flash of brilliance, she quipped. But now Im a brainless bimbo again. He frowned. Youve never been that, Violet, and I dont want you to refer to yourself

like that again. When they reached the street leading to their dorm, Violet ventured, Is it because youre afraid of getting hurt that you dont want to fall in love again? She looked so seriously concerned about him Park was tempted to kiss her frown away. But talking about the past had made him feel volatile, and he didnt trust himself with her like this. How can I explain this? I loved her, and she loved meat the start. But after what she did, I also realized that love just isnt enough. Neither is it built to last. Sooner or later, you will get hurt. So why should I risk it? But Park Violet gazed at him searchingly. You really think its smart to let the past prevent you from falling in love again? Are you really fine being alone forever? Im not saying no to a relationship, he told her evenly. Im just saying no to the illusionsand delusionsof love. Like love without the words. Or companionship without pretensions. She nodded. I got it now. They were back inside their dorm and she tiptoed to kiss Park on the cheek. Good night, Park. He didnt call her back to stay with him in his room, and Violet hadnt expected him to. She didnt want him to because she did get it now, and it gave her a lot to think about. What Park had described he wanteda relationship minus words of lovewas also exactly what Violet had with him. She was in love with Park. All along, she had loved him, without saying the words or without even realizing it. Was it the same for him? Did Park not yet know he was in love with her, too? And if he did find out, would he ever admit to it? When she woke up the next day, she knew that everything was going to be different. Today wasnt just a new chapter starting in her life. It was practically a new book, one that promised such incredible changes Violet couldnt help but feel afraid. She was in love with Park. Violet was as sure of it as she was sure that Park was just as in love with herwithout even being aware of it, too. She wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. How crazy was that? A glance at her watch told her it was only nine in the morning. There were no classes scheduled today for either of them, and Violet felt a little giddy, thinking about what they could do together before work. She grabbed her clothes, shoes, and bag, locking the door behind her before rushing down to Parks room. She banged her fist on the door. It took Park about a minute to open the door. Again, he was bare-chested and wearing the sexiest pair of black boxer shorts. His hair was tousled and he was glaring and squinting in grogginess at her at the same time. Oh God, but she so loved this guy. What the heck are you doing here this early? he growled. But sleepy as he was, his mind couldnt help but register how delectable she looked, in her camisoleParks eyes widened. What the fuck was she thinking, wearing something like that in public? Hey! Violet exclaimed in shock and bewilderment when Park suddenly hauled her inside and slammed the door behind her. What? Why the hell didnt you change first before coming here? She glanced down at herself in confusion. But I always He gritted out, Its different now. Didnt we just talk about this last night? Her eyes widened. We did? You are mine. So until I make fucking sense of that, dont do anything that would get me into a brawl. Because I will kill anyone who so much as looks at you the wrong fucking way. Parks gaze was dead serious as it met hers. Got that? Violet managed a nod. She did get it, she totally did, and Violet wondered even more giddily how long it would take Park to realize that those kinds of thoughts were only

something a guy in love could have. Trying to ignore the way his body was reacting to her almost-naked form, he asked Violet in a growl, What made you come running down here anyway? I was so excited to see you I forgot about changing. Violet almost snorted to herself. Nah. Park would throw her out of the room if she said that, even if it was the truth. Especially if it was the truth. In the end, she decided to just brazen it out. Im not in my underwear, she said airily with a shrug. Barely, he barked, still scowling. Dont do that again, Violet. She raised a brow. Or youll what? Kill you, he said seriously. She grinned. Do those words mean youre thinking along the lines of Violets mine again? she teased. Color burned on his cheekbones. You know what? You could go walking out naked for all I care. But his stiffened back said otherwise and Violet found it too cute to resist. She really loved this guy, and he really, really loved her. Park? That was all the warning he got. She launched herself in his arms, forcing him to fallluckily or as plannedon the bed. Violets kisses prevented him from moving. Parks arms automatically went around Violet. But he was asking, What are yoummph! Violets tongue touched his, effectively shutting him up. Seconds passed like eternity. Park felt like something was wrong. Something wasnt right because things, well, they felt too right. He found the effort to pull away. Whats gotten into you? he asked hoarsely, strictly keeping his eyes on Violets face because her camisole top had dipped alarmingly low. Love has gotten into me. I love you so much and I know you love me, too. But of course Violet was smart enough to keep those words to herself. There would be a right time for them, but not now, not when Park was so clearly still affected by his past. With a little sigh, she sank back to him, her legs moving restlessly against his hard bare legs as she deepened the kiss they shared. Oh, those romance novels that Lilac loved to read were all right! Kisses between two people who were in love were really so much more beautiful. And they were way hotter, too, if the wetness between her legs was an indication. She sighed, unable to help it. Park pulled away at the sound. Violet? She tried not to squirm under Parks questioning gaze, hoping he wouldnt be able to read her emotions in her eyes. Err, sorry. I was thinking of, umm, something. She couldnt help but smile at him as she spoke. It was impossible not to. Loving Park freed her from the past, and it was exhilarating. She was whole again. Thanks to Park, she had cut off the last remaining hold Andrew had of her, the memories firmly pushed back to the past where it belonged. Park found Violets smile disconcerting, enough to clear the lust from his mind as he demanded, Whats wrong with you? Violet shook her head, smiling. Nothing. Nothing at all. Youre acting crazy again and youre freaking me out, Park told her. She laughed. I know. And really, whats new? True, he agreed sourly. There was nothing new about Violet arousing such a reaction from him. Damn. That was a bad choice of word. Last night, he had been determined not to have sex with Violet until he figured out how to get rid of his extremely possessive feelings towards her. It didnt feel like love yet, but Park knew it could get there if he wasnt careful. Lets go out, she suddenly said. He blinked. Out? Yes, out. Her eyes sparkled at him.

Park bit back a groan. Even something as simple as the sparkle in her eyes only made his dick stiffen even more. I dont want to go out. He growled the words out, irritated at his inability to control his bodys urges. But I want to! She pouted at him. Then you go. Ill He saw her take a deep breath. Shit. Please, please, please, pretty, pretty, pleeeeeaaaaseeee Parks head ached. Yes, dammit, okay, he snapped, willing to say anything just so Violet would shut up. She beamed. Thank you! Let me take a shower first and then we can have breakfast together. Your treat, of course. Before Park could answer, Violet had already jumped off the bed and hurried inside the bathroom. His bathroom. Dammit! Violet! he roared. You have your own damn bathroom. When are you going to fucking use it? She always did this to himalways. When I fucking want to! And the sound of water blasting out from the shower drowned the rest of her laughter. Park covered his face with a pillow as Violet started to sing in his shower, her voice glaringly off-key. Despite himself, it made him smile. He couldnt imagine any other girl doing the same thing with him. He had spent a sleepless night, worried that what he revealed would change things between them. But it hadnt. Thank God. He had been scared that Violet would act pushy with him or imagine that he was in love with her. But he shouldve known Violet was smarter than that. Violet was like him, after all. They both knew from experience that love was just for fools.

Chapter Thirteen
Cherish the love, Violet sang. Ta-da-da-da-da. Park let out a laughing snort. What the fuck was that? Ta-da-da-da-da? Violet grinned. I didnt know the lyrics. Park shook his head. Then sing a song you know the lyrics to. But I want to sing this song, Violet said stubbornly. Park waved a dismissive hand. Whatever. I dont know why Im arguing with you about something like this anyway. Because you like the sound of my voice, Violet thought and giggled to herself. Park gave her a suspicious look. You are really creeping me out. Violet made a face. Why did she have to fall in love with a guy who always said she creeped him out? Hi, Violet! Violet turned to see two guys from her class, and she returned their smiles with one of her own. Hi! She saw the way their gazes skittered almost reluctantly towards Park, and Violet knew it was mostly because of Parks reputation as the toughest and coldest guy in uni. She not-so-subtly elbowed his side, making him grunt. Say hi, Park. Hi, he said obediently enough, but the scowl on his face also worsened, making the two younger boys pale and hurry away after saying their goodbyes to Violet. You shouldnt lead them on, you know. And he wasnt saying it because he was jealous, Park told himself. In fact, he was just looking out for those two. Theyd only be hurt if they thought they had a chance with Violet. She shook her head. But Im not leading them on. They know the score. She sounded so convinced Park glanced at her curiously. Why do you say that? She fluttered her lashes. Because they all know I have you? Park gave her a look that clearly said drop dead before stalking off. She ran after him laughingly. Park! Get away from me. She laughed harder. Oh come on, Park! At work, a tiny devil seemed to have been reborn inside her, urging Violet to tease Park mercilessly. Jun-Yee, you look so much more buffed these days, she gushed, letting her fingers trail on Jun-Yees admittedly muscled arms. Behind them, Park dropped the newly delivered box of stuffed toys on the ground, the heavy thud making even Violet jump. Jun-Yee looked at her like she was mad. She couldnt blame him. Earlier, she had been flirting with Park outrageously and yet here she was, not a minute later, practically caressing Jun-Yees arms. Ignoring the warning look in Jun-Yees eyes, she fluttered her eyelashes at him in exaggerated fashion, knowing he wouldnt take her antics seriously. Have you been working out lately? Just as Jun-Yee opened his mouth to speak, she saw Park about to stalk off in the corner of her eye. She immediately sped to his side before he could leave. Pretending she didnt see the cold look in Parks eyes, Violet told Jun-Yee over her shoulder, If you keep it up, maybe you have a chance of catching up with the beautiful Park here. She tried drifting her fingers on his triceps, but Park wrenched away from her with a scowl. Violet stubbornly followed him to the edge of the store. Giving Park a wide-eyed look, she said, Dont be so touchy! I still think youre the sexiest man here.

She raised herself on her toes, bending closer to him inch by inch until her lips were almost touching his. And youre certainly the only man I want to fuck, she whispered just low enough for only Park to hear. She could feel him stiffen at her words, and she would bet her life he was also extremely hard for her, too. The stockroom door opened, with Crayon poking his head in. Calling Violettheres someone called Lee dropping by for a visit and looking for you! Violet perked up. What a surprise! She whirled around, leaving Park without a word or even a backward glance. It wasnt really a surprise since she had made up some excuse for Lee to come visit her. The urge to check how Park was reacting to all this was difficult to resist but she managed to sail through the door without looking back. Violet knew that she was playing with fire, the way she was swinging back and forth between flirting with Park and provoking him. But she couldnt help it. She wantedno, she neededto catch a glimpse of Parks true feelings for her. Somethings different about Violet, Akito remarked to him the moment Violet left. Really? Park tried to sound disinterested when in truth, he was seething inside at the nonstop way Violet and Jun-Yee had been flirting with each other. A while ago, it was all he could do not to throw a punch at seeing Jun-Yees hands briefly span her waist when Violet almost fell off the ladder while stocking the upper shelves. I had this feeling before that she didnt really want to have anything to do with guys. Park snorted. Havent you noticed what a flirt she is? And she had been even more so, after trusting Park when he said he had gotten rid of Schwartz for good. No, really, Akito insisted. Sure, she flirted and teased, but it was all a game to her. It was very clear that she wouldnt let anyone else close to her like you are. Akito shrugged. Then again, youre different. You dont count because youre not into girls. Thanks, he said sarcastically, wondering if Akito knew how gay he made Park sound. The sarcasm flew right over Akitos head. But now, somethings different. Why are we even talking about Violet? Park demanded. Everything lately was about Violet. Violet, Violet, Violet! He fucking had her in his dreams and he thought about her when she wasnt with him. It was getting sickening. Akito ignored his words. Its like shes opened up or something. I think shes ready to get into a relationship now. Akito flashed a grin. Whoever its gonna be is one lucky guy. Lucky guy indeed, Park thought with clenched teeth. And could that fucking guy have a name like Jun-Yee or Lee? Maybe if he changed his name to Parkee he would be in the running as well. Parkee? Akito repeated in confusion, making Park realize he had muttered his last thought out loud. He flushed. Nothing. **** When Park actually asked Crayon and Akito to walk her home that night and he also wasnt around to walk her to school the next morning, Violet knew she had some serious making-up to do. But she was pretty confident she could sweet-talk her way back into Parks good graces. She always did, so why should today be any different? It was a question she struggled to answer when she got to school and the first thing that greeted her was Park, a tall gorgeous figure standing by the gates, surrounded by a bevy of girls. The last part wasnt really surprisingthis was Park, after all. But what made her heart skip a beatand not in a good waywas the fact that Park was also allowing all the girls to fawn over him when normally hed be busy frightening them away with his scowl. What on earth was happening? The sight had Violet rooted to the ground, just a few feet away from the gates, her gaze hopelessly drawn to the painfully unfamiliar sight of Park being receptive, if not responsive, to other girls overtures. Seeing him like this made Violet realize how much she had taken his Nordic ogre ways for

granted. Dear God, she prayed desperately, if I survive this, I will never complain that hes an Asian Yeti ever again. She would even try not to get mad every time he grunted his way through mornings. Oh God, she would take the blond gorilla jerk anytime over thisthis seductively mysterious stranger. Hi, Violet. Every boy who passed her by greeted her, their voices ranging from shy to excited. She barely noticed them. She still couldnt stop staring at the way this quiet, mysterious, non-scowling Park was drawing girls to him like bees to honey. The school bell rang. The girls began to leave and Violet was about to turn away herself when she saw one of the few remaining girls at Parks side steal a kiss, her lips landing dangerously close to Parks mouth. Violet turned around and walked away. She had seen enough. Hey, Violet. Park was suddenly walking next to her. Didnt you hear me calling? She didnt say anything. Whats the hurry? Park asked innocently. Violet gritted her teeth. Nothing, she snapped. But you look angry, Park remarked. Good of you to notice, now shoo! Go away. When he did just that, Violet let out a shriek. It was all the warning he had before the screaming banshee from his nightmares was back. Violet launched herself up in his back and began pulling his hair hard. Ouch! Dammit, stop it! Ouch! Park finally managed to pull Violet away from his back. Jeez! Didnt she realize she had the entire school staring at them? Whats gotten into you? Violet took a deep breath and then spat out in Spanish, I hate you! She knew Park didnt speak a word of Spanish, and it was the only reason she felt safe revealing her emotions this way. Finally, her love for languages was put to some use! Parks eyes narrowed. He might not have understood what Violet had said, but he was goddamn sure it wasnt nice. What did you say? he asked ominously. I hate you, hate you, hate you, because I love you! she answered still in Spanish. This is how you want to play it? he demanded. Violet raised her chin. Fine. And he said in Korean, You flirt too much. I think youre obsessed with other guys attention, and I think its pathetic that youre using it to get to me. Yes, Im attracted to you but the true reason Im letting you in my life is because I can fuck you whenever I want. Thank you, Violet said stiffly and waved her iPhone on his face. Ill let you know what I have to say when I get this translated by Jun-Yee. She had recorded every word he said. And that was the moment Park realized he was in big trouble. **** Violet had skipped her classes for the day. He had found out about it too late, though, and Park knew whatever chances he had of reversing the tide were slim to none by the time he arrived at their workplace, still breathing hard after getting off the bus before its stop and just running all the way here. Park rehearsed what he would say to Violet in his mind, but all his plans instantly crumbled when he saw Violet and Jun-Yee standing at one corner of the store. They looked at him almost simultaneously, Jun-Yee appearing disapproving and embarrassed while Violet lookedblank. Shit. This look was even worse than seeing Violet breaking down because of Schwartz, and it became even a hundred times more agonizing knowing he had been the one to make Violet look that way. Violet. Park struggled to sound calm as he swiftly strolled to her side. Excuse me, Violet said very politely before moving away.

Chapter Fourteen
Tonight was the third day that Park and Violet hadnt gone to work together, the third night they hadnt gone home together, and just about the third day straight they hadnt exchanged one word. Was this it? If so, Violet was bloody smart because it was the best way to torture Park. At first, he had been more than wary, waiting for what Violet would do. He had expected for her to ignore him, yes, but Park was waiting for the ultimate revenge act. He imagined her making him insanely jealous, which would be agonizing, but hed bear it. He imagined Violet publicly humiliating him, which was also bad but again, he was prepared to bear it. Whatever it was, he wanted it to happen and get it over with as quickly as possible just so he could finally apologize and things would return to normal. But nothing happened. And when the fourth day had passed, Park realized that nothing would really happen. For Violet, he was good as dead. **** Violet. It was pure chance that he had finally gotten a hold of her, and Park made his move, blocking her way so she would not have any choice but to look at him. He devoured her with his gaze. It felt like centuries since he had last seen her. It could be his imagination, but Violet seemed even more beautiful than he remembered. She was dressed in another one of her Tokyo doll outfitsher words, not histhe kind that was skimpy and lacy and guaranteed to have mens eyeballs popping out at how stunning she looked. Park. It was Park catching hold of her wrist. For one fraction of a second, fury and hurt rushed up simultaneously to her heart, making Violet unable to breathe. But when she turned to him, her eyes were just questioning. Yes? She deserved a freaking Oscar just for managing to say that without breaking down. He was so gorgeous, with the kind of presence that had every girl sit up and take notice the moment he passed by. Gazing at him, Violet still couldnt believe that someone who looked so perfect could hide such a cruel side. She was only a fucking lay to him. Even Andrew hadnt just wanted her for sex. The still-blank look on Violets face made him tired and stupid, embarrassingly so, all of a sudden. Im sorry, he said raggedly. You should be. But there was no accusation in her voice, that frustrated him, scared him. I didnt mean a word I said. He raked a hand through his hair. I just wanted to hurt you somehow. When she still didnt say anything, he gritted out, Did you hear what I just said? I said I was fucking sorry? And that was supposed to make things go back to normal between them? Even as she pretended to blink in confusion, Violet couldnt prevent bitterness from clogging her voice as she asked, Why are you shouting at me? The words made him mentally stumble. He hadnt even realized he had been shouting. Tightening his grip while doing his best not to hurt her, Park repeated flatly, Im sorry. I didnt mean to hurt you. But you did, and theres no taking it back. The old Violet would have said that to his face, but not this new bitterly cautious version

of her. She would have forgiven others for a lot more than what he said or did but not Park not when she had trusted him so much. The true reason Im letting you in my life is because I can fuck you whenever I want. Remembering his words helped Violet speak. In a gentle but emotionless voice, she murmured, Theres nothing to be sorry about. In a way, it had to be said. I had to realize that what we had wasnt good. All Park could do was gaze at Violet, unable to believe what he had just heard her say. It wasnt! Violet flinched, not expecting he would agree so quickly. When Park cursed, she flinched again. Fuck! I didnt mean it like that. I meant He inhaled sharply, struggling to stay focused on making Violet see reason even when he felt his entire world was crashing on him. Vanessa leaving him had made him waver between depression and rage. But thisit felt like Violet saying goodbye to Park, and just the thought of it made him feel panicky and unable to breathe. I didnt mean it like that, he tried explaining again, his voice tense. What I wanted to say was that it was good between us. When Violet still didnt say anything, Park couldnt stop himself from reaching out to shake her. It was good, dammit! Yes, it had been good. Fucking good. Violet closed her eyes. Even if it was, its just not going to work anymore. She said slowly, But Im not mad at you. What you said hurt but it was true. It opened my eyes, and you changed my life, and Ill always be thankful for that. Park whitened at Violets words. He had a feeling that she was getting to something something he couldnt quite see just yet but he knew, all he could be sure of was that it would hurt, maybe even hurt more than how Violet felt when he said those fucking stupid words. Violet reached out to touch his cheek, and he flinched. Only you, Park, she whispered. Only you made me believe in love again so now Im free to fall in love once more, thanks to you. And then she was walking away, leaving Park stranded in the cold and empty trap he had laid for himself. **** Another week of silence passed between Park and Violet. He was still in shock, and over and over her last words played in his mind. She was thankful to him. He had freed her to fall in love again. With another guy of course. Park wanted to slit his throat at the thought. He wanted to lie down on a bloody highway and wait for trucks to drive over his body and shatter his bones to pieces. Maybe then the gnawing hurting emptiness inside him would stop. He hadnt thought he would fucking miss her this much. How the hell had she managed to get under his skin so deeply it felt like having her out of his life was having a piece of him torn away? Ever since she had said those words, Park was unable to keep himself from watching Violet, practically stalking from afar. The little changes he noticed were no comfort. If anything, they made him feel more desperatemore afraid. Violet wasnt flirting with any guy outrightnot in school, not in work, not anywhere. It would have been better if she had. At least that would mean she still cared enough to make Park jealous. But Violet wasnt flirting, which meant she didnt care for him anymore, and that was what was killing him. She was so much more subtle these days, as if she wanted to make sure that nothing she did would even tempt him to think she was trying to get his attention. Those small changes

stood out in his vision like blood red spots that reminded him of what he had stupidly thrown away. Violets smiles appeared more often now, and she let other men closer, too. Sometimes, she would let one guy hold her hand, just a little longer than it should be. Other times, she would actually reach out to brush her fingers against another mans arms, so quickly Park could have told himself he had just imagined it. And today was no different. Park had taken a different route to home, and he almost did a double take when he realized that he was staring at Violet across the street, her movements furtive as if she was hiding from someone. When Lee, that fucking green-eyed ass who was everything Park wasnt: nice, gentlemanly, and with a goddamn smile always on his lips, took her hand before they started walking together, Park realized sickly that Violet was hiding from him. She was laughing. Her face was so carefree. Lee was probably halfway to falling in love with Violet already. Park followed them without thought, unable to take his gaze away from Violet. She was so beautiful he ached for her, kept dreaming of her. He frowned when they stopped outside a karaoke bar, just standing there as if waiting. Park scanned the surroundings and cursed when he realized what was taking place inside the bar. A fucking goukona group date solely organized to hook couples up. Violet really was looking for a boyfriend. And here he was, standing here, allowing what was once his to belong to someone else. **** Violet didnt have to fake a startled shriek when someone suddenly snatched her hand from Lees from behind. She turned around, tensing when she saw the furious tic in Parks jaw, his eyes blazing as he looked at Lee. She had knownshe had always known that Park had been following her all this time. Had he really thought she wouldnt? She was Violet York, and in spite of what happened with Andrew, she didnt forget the one or two things she had learned about boys thanks to her extensive dating history. But what she hadnt counted on was Park making a move this fast, this sudden. Gomen. It meant sorry in Japanese, but his normally beautiful accent was all screwed up, sounding like a mixture of German and Korean this time. Im going to take her away now. Park said the words as if it were a statement and a threat both, his large hard body vibrating with suppressed rage and tension. He looked like he was just waiting for Lee to give him a reason to snap. Lee didnt appear bothered at all. He glanced down at Violet. What do you want Violet? I dont want Parks fist connected with Lees face in a solid blow, causing the other man to fall to the ground. Violet screamed. This was not part of the plan at all. She had only been about to say that she didnt want trouble, but Park must have misconstrued it. Park, no! Violet rushed to hold him back when he started for Lee again, who had just picked himself off the ground. Dont hurt him! The words had the opposite effect on Park, who threw a look of absolute contempt at Lee before he started prying her hands away from his arm. Violet panicked. Stop, please! Leave Lee alone and Ill go with you. Well talk! Park slowly looked at her. Rage still burned in his eyes, the jealousy and possessiveness mingled with it making Violet hope for things she dared not. Did he understand now? Did he fucking understand now how much she meant to him? Well talk now, Park said in a steely voice, his gaze challenging hers to refuse. She could afford to be meek now that she had what she wanted. Yes, she said shakily. She turned to Lee. Im sorry It was all Violet was able to say before Park had dragged her away. He only came to a stop

when they had reached a nearby park and he pulled her down to sit on an empty bench next to him. This part of the park was quiet and without the usual noisy crowds. Only the chirps of birds and the occasional rustle of leaves on the ground punctured the silence between them. Im sorry. Parks voice was hollow when he spoke. I didnt mean anything I said back then. I only said because I wanted to make things feel less He expelled a frustrated breath. Saying them made me feel like I was in control and that what we had would be less important than what it really meant to me. She held her breath. Why? Why would you want to undermine what we have? Park straightened and looked at her with eyes filled with anger and frustration. Because it was safer! Her heart soared, but she still tried to keep her voice steady as she asked, If you didnt mean what you said, what did you really want to say back then? What was the truth that was so difficult for you to accept? Park shook his head furiously. Cant it be enough that you have on my knees? Ill shout Im sorry to the entire uni if thats what it takes I want to know the truth! I was jealous! Park exploded, the words hissing out from his mouth. Are you satisfied? Ive been feeling jealous for such a long time and when you kept talking in Spanish, it made me stupidly think that you might be telling me you like someone else and I just wanted to hit back. Violet was reeling at what Park had just revealed. Why were you jealous? Because you think Im yours? That and something moresomething I cant explain! God knows Im not in love with you, and when I do fall in love, I know its not with a girl like you Is this supposed to make me feel good? Violet drawled. But Park ignored her, continuing, But I dont know why, Im actually jealous. You dont flirt. But I still get jealous even if you glance at another guy. I feel humbled that Im the only guy who knows your body in and out but I cant understand why you let me be your first. He suddenly cupped her face. And worst of all, Im fucking terrified that somehow, all of thisall thats happened between us is just a game to you and that all along youve been playing with me. She didnt say a thing, just continued gazing at him with teary eyes. Park felt his world closing around him, and the only way to save himself was to have Violet help him out. He had said it. He had finally admitted his worst fears to Violet, and now Park had to know if those fears were justified or not. Are you, Violet? he asked flatly. She was still too dazed at the amount of information he had given her to answer, leaving her unable to make immediate sense of what he was asking. What? she whispered. He forced the words out. Are you fooling around with me? Violet knew, oh, she knew, she knew how hard it was for Park to ask that. I am. Parks heart splintered. She was about to take it back, unable to bear the pallor in Parks face, when he suddenly said tonelessly, Its okay. I can play the game as well if its what you want. Will you come back to me now, Violet? And that was when she realized the truth. Park really was in love with her, too. He was just too stupid and blind to realize it yet. Violets eyes filled with tears. Take it slow and easy, she told herself. If you let him know that you think hes in love with you, hes going to deny it to death and well be back to square one. Swallowing her own words of love back, she slowly raised her hands and made a peace symbol with her fingers. I didnt mean it. Im not playing with you and Im just joking? I oooooooouuuuuuuuuch! Violet hurriedly pulled away, ears ringing in pain. That hurt! You were joking? he roared.

Violet took that as her cue to run away from Park before he could make her pay. Im sorry! she shrieked over her shoulder even as she ran as fast as her shaking legs could carry her. Joking! You were fucking joking? Violet was a fast runner, but she was no match for Parks strong long-legged strides and he caught her up in his arms just before she reached their workplace. When she saw the scowl on Parks face, the terrifying sight had Violet babbling. Im sorry, Im sorry, so please dont be mad anymore? Violet held her breath. And then he did another unexpected thing. Park, Mr. Cool, Mr. IndifferentMr. Im-BetterOff-Without-Girlskissed her in front of everyone, one hand gripping her hair to turn her face up as his lips slammed down on hers. She let out a gasp of shock against his lips, but still he didnt let go. I love this guy, Violet thought just before giving herself completely up to his kiss.

Chapter Fifteen Im so excited, Violet confided to Gladys and Midori. It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon, and they were all heading to the university to celebrate Culture Day. Park and the boys were walking right behind them, laughing over something Crayon was talking about. Just thinking about him made Violet steal a look at Park behind her, like an addiction she couldnt help succumbing to every few seconds. Their eyes met, and a tiny smirk appeared on Parks lips. She whipped her head back, flushing at getting caught staring at him. Is this your first time to experience the Culture Festival, too? Midori was asking. Ummyes. She struggled to sound normal even though she could feel Parks gaze on her. Shit! Surely it wasnt her imagination that he was--Violet glanced back. Park was talking, but his intense gaze was focused entirely on her, eyes smoldering as he caressed her body from afar. Violet? She quickly turned away. Err, yes? The girls laughed, making her blink in confusion. What did I miss? Its more of a who question, actually, Gladys answered slyly. Who are you missing right now? She inclined her head to the back meaningfully, and the other girls laughed again. I so dont know what youre talking about, Violet said haughtily and quickly changed the subject. Wearing a kimono feels so amazing. She let her fingers drift over the silky texture of the traditional Japanese robe dress she was wearing, still more than a little awed at the fact that she had on something so beautiful. I cant believe you got the guys to wear them, too, Midori confessed. Well, of course they have to wear a kimono, too, Violet exclaimed. Its a freaking culture festival how can you not wear one for this kind of occasion? All of the boys had been quick to cave in to her smiles, actually, and it was only Park whom she had the most trouble with. As a last resort, Violet had threatened to kiss him all the time and drown him with embarrassing PDAs just to get him to agree. She made a face at the memories. It was not nice at all to know that Park was that uncomfortable with having her kiss him in public. Jerk! She should have known that the sweet and tender Park who had asked for her forgiveness a week ago was just a phase! And you got him to dye his hair, too! Gladys was saying, sounded incredibly impressed as she said the words. She wasnt the only one. Violet had said it as a joke when they had gotten back together, like a punishment of sorts for what he had done. But she hadnt really thought hed go through it until she saw a dark-haired Park showing up outside her door the next morning. That bad, huh? Park had finally broken the silence between them when all she could do that time was gaze open-mouthed at his dark locks. She had shaken her head. Itsits It was the first time Violet had been at a loss for words. But all the time, her mind kept replaying just one line How could Park not realize only a guy in love would do something this drastic? A little sigh escaped Violet as she pulled herself out of her memories. She really had her work cut out for her with Park. Were here! Crayon suddenly cheered from behind and ran past them.

Violet glanced up, startled at Crayons words. Her eyes widened in excitement when she realized they had indeed reached the university, its grounds already overwhelmed with people. The sun shone brightly in the sky, but the air was perfectly cool the best kind of weather to spend time outdoors. Dozens of colorfully decorated booths lined up every lane, and everywhere the sound of laughter mingled with the clopping sounds of peoples wooden sandals. The silks of their kimonos rustled against the ground, and the soft but quick Japanese chatter of locals was soothing to Violets ears. It was like living straight out of any one of those manga she loved reading. It was, in a word, amazing. Park was suddenly standing next to her. She squeezed his arm, the only way she could show just how excited she was. He looked down at Violet, the brightness in her eyes almost tempting him to smile. Lost for words, banshee? he teased gruffly. Shut up. She said it without heat, still too busy greedily taking everything in. Midori appeared in front them. Violet, whats your booth? The uni had required all its students to work at least one shift in any of its booths. Violet had signed up for more than one, though, since it meant extra credits. The flower shop, she answered. Were just going to sell flowers, nothing really extraordinary. Whats Parks booth? Gladys asked. Violet made a face. He has one shift in the kissing booth and then another in the caf. Gladys and Midori burst into laughter. She glanced up at Park, whose face was expressionless as always. But Violet wasnt fooled. He liked seeing her bothered by the idea about his shift at the kissing booth and the caf both of which were popular girl magnets on occasions like this. Worried? Midori asked slyly. Of course not. Parks a certified ogre, she said airily. Hes not going to change just because he needs his booth to be #1 today. Violet beamed at Park. Right? Wrong. She saw that for herself when she snuck to where Park was all dressed up in a fancy tux as one of the waiters at the manga caf his sports club was heading. Hiding her face behind the large menu, she peeked over it once in a while, gritting her teeth as a nonstop flow of girls flirted with Park. All the other student waiters stood by idly, with nothing to do since all the girls wanted Park to take their orders. Since Park was taller than most others in the cafe, it was easy to see the expression on his face as girls vied for his attention. His gorgeous face was still as unreadable as ever until his eyes suddenly found hers. Eek! Violet hurriedly shrunk down in her seat. Someone suddenly swiped the menu from her hand, making her gasp. Park stood next to her table, arms crossed against his chest, which somehow looked even broader and sexier in his tux. One eyebrow lifted up. What are you doing here? Violet tried not to squirm at Parks narrowed gaze, telling herself she had nothing to be ashamed of. Violet. What did he want her to say? That she had come here because she didnt want other girls to hit on him? Over her dead body! Violet said sweetly instead, Because I missed you so much? Park reacted like she expected he would, recoiling as if her words were contagious. Youre acting weird again, Violet. She suppressed a rueful smile. That was Park, all right. Only he would think something that sweet would be weird. Violet stood up. Fine, she said with exaggerated sadness. I know when Im not wanted. She turned to walk away. One, two, three, four--Where are you going? Park was beside her again. He sounded strange as he said the words, as if they were being forced out of him.

Violet did her best to keep another smile back. Watch out, Park, she thought. Ive got your number. Looking up at him under her lashes, she murmured, Since you seem so busy--- Idiot. I didnt say anything like that. Park glared, as if she had insulted him with her words. Just wait for me here. Im off-duty already. Ill just go get my stuff. When over ten minutes passed without Park turning up, Violet began to feel suspicious. Surely he wouldnt dare stand her up just to get back at her, would he? She marched towards the back exit of the caf and almost tripped at the shocking sight that greeted her. He was being confessed to. It was a uniquely Japanese thing, with girls commonly expected to make the first move with a guy they liked. Violet recognized the girl. She was about Violets age, a local. The other girl had typically pretty Japanese looks, but she was also uncommonly tall, able to meet Park eye to eye. Violet slowly inched closer. The sight of Park this close to another girl made her feel queasy, and the thought of why they were this close made her want to run to his side and cover his eyes. Ive always liked you, the girl was saying shyly. But I was always afraid b-because yyoure kinda sharp with words. But lately, it seems that youve changed so I took the courage to, well, confess. The girl took a deep breath before saying in a rush, I like you, Park. Will you go out with me? Violet waited for Park to rebuff the girls confession. But Park was silent. Violets heart started to race. What was this? And then, Park cleared his throat. Im, ah, honored--- Violet didnt wait to hear the rest. **** Park was at a loss for words. What the fuck was wrong with him? Confessions like this happened a lot in his first year in Japan, and he had spurned them all coldly until he had built a reputation for himself. After that first year, girls no longer even glanced at him, terrified as they were. This girl wasnt doing anything different from what any of those other girls did, but somehow he couldnt make himself say anything bad. He cleared his throat one more time. Like I said, Im honored. Frustration bit at him. This was Violets fault, without a doubt. She had changed without Park being aware of it. Worse, people around him even those he didnt know had noticed the changes. When the girls eyes lit up, he continued hastily with a slight wince, But no, Im sorry. Its not possible. Her face fell, making him feel obliged to add, Its not like youre ugly or anything. Then is it because the rumors are true? That you and Violet York are together? Slowly, Park answered, No. Thats not true. Somehow, he couldnt make himself say the actual words to claim Violet as his in front of someone else. It was just too much too soon. Im just not looking for a girlfriend. Thats all. When he returned to where he had left Violet, Park found her nowhere in sight. He cursed under his breath. That girl was too spoiled and too impatient for her own good. It wouldnt have hurt her to wait for a little bit more, would it? Deciding that she had probably returned to her booth, Park walked towards the flower shop. On the way, he bumped into Akito and Jun-Yee, who both fell into stride next to him. This is your first time to check out Vis booth? Jun-Yee asked in obvious surprise after finding out where Park was heading to. Park struggled not to react at how familiar Jun-Yee sounded when he called Violet by her nickname. It wasnt right for him to react, not when he had just told another girl he and Violet werent together. I was working. He tried not to sound defensive. Ah, well, you didnt miss much, Akito cheerfully informed him. Business was slow when we were there but maybe its picked up now. **** Honored? Violet gritted her teeth at the memory of Parks words. He had the manners of an Asian Yeti with her and yet he acted so fucking polite with another girl? What the hell did

he mean with being honored? Wasnt that just a nicer sounding word for I-find-your-interestin-me-fucking-hot? Just the thought of Park looking at another girl made Violet want to puke. Fine, then. If he was honored by other girls attentions, then she would like to be honored, too. The entire afternoon, she had played the good girls role, trying to keep a low profile at the back, not wanting to attract any guys attention. But this time she was all for action. Violet tapped the club presidents shoulder. He turned to her, a harassed look on his face since their club was doing the opposite of well in terms of sales. Yeah? Id like to switch tasks. Can I sell flowers? Thank God, he exclaimed in relief. Maybe when youre out there, well finally have the cash registrar ringing. Violet gave him a smile that left even the club president a little dazed. Count on it. **** Business was slow? Jun-Yee repeated as they stopped just before the flower shops entrance. The place was jam-packed with people. Well, no if he had to be technical about it, the place was crowded with boys, and he didnt fucking like that one bit. Whats going on? Akito wondered out loud. It wasnt really like this earlier. Park didnt bother waiting for his friends to figure things out. He simply pushed his way all the way to the front, and what he saw had him stopping dead on his tracks. Violet stood behind the cashier booth, her kimono loosened enough to show more than an eyeful of her cleavage. She was speaking on the microphone as she counted bills with unruffled clam, her voice a sultry seductive force that had everyone straining their ears to hear more of it. **** Violet was having the time of her life. Maybe just maybe Park had truly cured her out of her phobia of getting too close to men. She couldnt remember having had this much fun flirting again. Sadly, there wasnt even a bit of spark to make things more exciting all the guys she had talked to in the past thirty minutes hadnt even come close to making her feel a fraction of her attraction to Park. But at least this feeling of being admired was enjoyable again and not threatening and sickening like before. She was really, really honored with all the attention. It was just fucking bad Park was honored with the same kind of attention from girls. Pushing away the stinging thought of having to share Park with other girls, Violet refocused her attention on the guy outside the cashier booth. Hello, she cooed. The man stammered an answer. She glanced at the receipt. Youre buying a bouquet of roses. Whos it for? My, ah, ah, girlfriend. Violet immediately reared back, straightening so that it wouldnt seem like she was trying to hypnotize him with her cleavage. Thats sweet. Shes a lucky girl. Thanks. She hastily got rid of him before someone had enough ammunition to spread rumors about her hitting on another girls guy. Getting close to the tabletop microphone, she announced, Hey everyone. Let me tell you right now that I dont flirt with guys who already have girlfriends or are exclusively dating! Im single! the guy next in line piped up in an excitedly loud voice, making everyone laugh. Or at least everyone didexcept for Park. She sensed him even before seeing him, and when their eyes met Violet wasnt surprised to see cold fury stamped on his gorgeous face. What had he expected? That shed take him being honored lying down? Ha! Honored did he really think he could get away with flirting

with other girls just because he had called it a different name? She turned her attention back to her next customer, leaning forward once more so that they could get as up close and personal as the one-inch glass top covering half of the booth would allow. Violet flashed him a smile. Youre really single? Yes, he squeaked out, so clearly overwhelmed at Violets proximity it had the other guys behind him hooting. So who are you buying these for? She glanced up to gauge Parks reaction at her attempt of flirting with another man, but he was already gone. Was he mad? Had she somehow crossed a line? The thought of it was so disconcerting she faltered for a moment. M-my mother? Violet forced a smile. Thats so sweet! She took his money and began counting the bills. Okay, this is good. She blew him a kiss. Thank you. Two hours later and she had helped sell everything out. The club president was still thanking her profusely when she called out her goodbyes on her way to the private dressing room reserved for club members. She had barely opened the door when she was quickly pulled in, the door slamming shut. Violet suddenly found herself locked between the door and Parks tense hard body. She closed her eyes, trying to take control of her wayward senses. All she wanted to do at this moment was breathe in Parks wonderful scent, kiss him, touch him---and maybe tattoo her name all over his body so that all the other girls would know he belonged to someone else. When she opened her eyes again, she was ready. You didnt buy flowers from me, Violet told him with a pout. Im sure there wasnt anything left, he replied coldly. Violet smiled. Youre absolutely right. And then he didnt say anything anymore, just staring at her until she couldnt help reacting. What? She hated how defensive she suddenly sounded when she knew she hadnt done anything wrong or if she had then it was only because he had done something wrong first. Park growled, and it sounded so feral Violet nearly jumped in fear. Whats gotten into you? The words came out a furious burst from Parks mouth. She tried her best to sound flippant. What are you talking about? Acting like a--- Dont! she warned him sharply. Dont say what youre going to regret. Then dont do anything youll regret! Park snapped back. Unable to control his emotions any longer, he tore her loosely tied kimono completely open. Ignoring her shriek of surprise, he threw away the silky robe and grabbed one breast, squeezing hard. She cried out. You showed this to another man. I--- Violet moaned, unable to speak when Park tugged at her nipple, hard. His other hand plumped her breast, and both her nipples were being pulled. It drove the anger away completely, leaving her in an aching state of arousal that only Park could satisfy. You fucking showed this to other men, Park snarled and tugged her nipples harder. Why did you do it? She bit back a whimper when Park bent down to take one silk-clad nipple in, teeth clamping hard around it. B-because I want to! He sucked hard then bit her nipple harder, and Violets head fell back as her senses swam. You wanted to? Thats your fucking answer? he rasped against the silk just before tearing it away. Park! She couldnt keep herself gasping this time, shocked but more than a little turned on, too, at how he had just destroyed her bra. Park answered by lifting her up, putting her breasts at eye level. He nuzzled her now-red nipple, as if soothing the fiery sensation before moving to her other nipple, sucking it hard

into his mouth so unexpectedly that Violet bucked against him. Oh. She moaned, her legs automatically wrapping around his waist as she sank her fingers into his hair. He lifted his head, her fingers still gripping his hair hard. What did you want to happen with that little show, Violet? This time he didnt bother to keep his jealousy and bitterness in check as he demanded, Did you want me jealous? Violet wanted to lash out. But right now, in his arms, she just couldnt. And when she saw the faintest look of betrayal in Parks bright eyes, she wilted. Im sorry. She couldnt meet his gaze as she said the words. And thats supposed to make it fine? Just because youre sorry? Park didnt like how fucking childish that excuse sounded how fucking selfish. Her head snapped up. Why shouldnt it? Its not like youre blameless! I saw you! she cried out as tears stung her eyes. You were being confessed to and you said you were honored! Youre rude to me almost every minute of the day and with her you were polite and told her you--- Parks lips covered hers, taking the rest of what she had to say into his mouth. He couldnt stop himself from shaking in relief even as he kissed her harder, addicted to the taste of Violets sweet lips. Violet hadnt been playing with him. All this was because she had been jealous like he had been. His chest eased even as passion heated his blood to a feverish level, his mind and body now free to indulge in the beautiful feel of her body. Idiot, he muttered against her lips when he finally eased up on her. Park could feel her tense at the word, but when she opened her mouth to retort, most likely screech at him like a banshee, he took her lips for another kiss. But this time, he also took another part of her. Pushing her back against the wall, he balanced her weight on one arm while another hand tore her panties away. Park, what--- She gasped when she felt Parks fingers pushing inside her. Since she was already wet and hot for him, his fingers thrust in easily, slipping into her warmth and driving her wild as Park set up a rhythm that alternated between slow and easy to quick and hard. Oh my God. She couldnt stop her hips from pumping up and down to meet his thrusting fingers. I want you to come. She whimpered as his fingers moved another notch up in speed. Take me. No. I want you to come with just my fingers fucking you. Show me how much you want me. Park. It came out as a long moan, a protest because what she wanted most was to have his dick inside her. The sound made him shudder, but Park was determined not to relinquish control. Just my fingers. I want to see it. He pressed hard on her clit. She tensed, another whimper breaking out from her as her hips started to move even more quickly, jerkily. Keeping the pressure on her clit, Park sucked on Violets tongue as he thrust his fingers into her warmth as deeply as he could. She shattered around him, her legs twisting around his waist as if in an effort to keep his fingers locked inside him. Park only let go of Violets lips when he could feel her breath easing, and she immediately sagged against him. Baby, he whispered against her hair. Mmm He carried her with one arm, walking to the couch so he could deposit her on it gently, Violet whimpering when releasing her required him to pull out his fingers. Park walked to the table and grabbed several sheets of tissue. Violet rested, feeling languorously weak. She heard his footsteps coming back, but didnt bother to open her eyes. She heard him crouch, felt his eyes on her most private part. She

stirred and then she shrieked when she felt Parks tongue between the moist folds. Park! Her eyes flew open. But he was too busy licking her to answer. All she could do was lean back and try not to scream. There, Park said when he finally moved his head away. Ive licked you clean. And he began to pat her dry with a clean tissue sheet. She squirmed under his touch, still finding this part of having sex a little embarrassing. Relax. Its not that easy, she growled. He shook his head at her, amusement in his eyes. Idiot. Violet scowled. Why do you keep calling me that? Because you were are one today. What you saw earlier was because of you. Fuck you. Park only laughed. Im serious. He lost the smile just so she could see he meant it. Violet I swore off women completely after what happened between Vanessa and me. You know that first hand. But something about you the time Ive spent with you He sighed, still not pleased at the truth. It changed meit made menicer. Violet frowned, unable to decide whether changing him was good or bad. That girl would have been crushed if I had coldly rejected her confession. I wouldnt have cared in the past if she would be but I care now. Because of you. And I know deep down inside, you wouldnt want me to coldly reject her as well. Right? Well--- Violet. Oh, all right, Violet grumbled. Its true. I wouldnt have wanted you to crush her. But then she complained, But you didnt have to be too nice! Park laughed. You cant have your cake and eat it, too. He dropped a kiss on her forehead before getting back to his feet. Violet blushed when she saw Park picking up the torn pieces of her underwear and tucking them into his pocket. When he came back to the couch to hand Violet her kimono, she pulled him down without warning. Violet, what the--- He landed awkwardly on the couch. She immediately climbed up his lap and wrapped herself around him. Im sorry for what I did. Something inside him thawed at those words. Most girls would have loved to see him jealous and would never have apologized for it. His hand shook a little as he pulled her closer. She snuggled, her face hidden in the crook of his neck. Park kissed her hair. I know Violet started to breathe a little more easily. But She froze. You dont really think Im going to let you off that easily, do you? **** So this was what hell felt like, Violet thought almost an hour later, her teeth aching at all the grinding and gnashing it did to keep herself from screaming. Park was at the kissing booth similar to what she had used for the flower stand earlier smiling and oozing with charm as he took in a thousand yen for every kiss on the cheek he received from his fans. And there were a lot of them, so much so that his club president had been forced to forbid girls for paying for more than one kiss. Violet nearly bit her tongue when another girls kiss landed dangerously close to the corner of Parks lips. In his defense, Park had pulled back right away but that didnt make Violet any less jealous. If only she wasnt so broke! If she wasnt, she would have bought a kiss herself but when it was her turn, shed definitely take Parks lips long enough for all the

girls to get the picture. Jealous? Midori teased, laughing at Violets dour expression. Glenda stuck a couple of bills to Violets hand. Here you go. Violet looked at it blankly. Huh? Glenda grinned. My treat. Surely youd like a kiss from Park as well? She leaned close and whispered, Im sure he doesnt initiate kisses that often in public. That was absolutely true. Violet gave her friend a quick hug. Thanks! She managed to make it to the line just before Parks club president, now drowning in thousand-yen bills, officially declared an end to Parks shift at the kissing booth. The resulting chorus of protests was a cacophony that hurt the ears. While in line, Violet had to endure hearing other girls gush about Park. Im going to pretend he likes me when I kiss him, a local first year giggled to her friends. This one, with the younger girls voice ringing with infatuation, Violet could tolerate. They only said I can peck him on the cheek. They didnt say I couldnt do it with my tongue, another one declared. This one, said so loudly it was clearly meant to be overheard, had Violet imagining murder. Tongue-pecker, Violet thought nastily. She didnt have to look behind her to know that the girl so obviously trying to needle her into reacting would look like aa nymphomaniac hen. With every minute that passed, the other girls remarks became even more graphic. Violet nearly expired in relief when it was finally her turn and she could prove--What? Violet shrieked out in shock after Park firmly refused her money the third time. Park winced at the banshee-like sound of Violets voice. He was also beginning to understand that screeches coming from Violet were generally not a good sign. Violet Are you freaking serious? Yes. He was. Park had glimpsed Violets face now and then while she had waited in line, it was enough to give Park an idea of what Violet was hearing from other girls. He knew how nasty her sex could be and was certain that some of them would delight in trying to make her jealous. Allowing her to kiss him would make Violet feel good but he had a plan to make her feel better. Unfortunately, the plan required him to get on her bad side first. Sorry. I reserve the right to refuse anyones kiss. Parks voice came out loud and crystal-clear through the microphone. It was his first time to use it throughout his shift and that he had to do so to say that made Violet turn red. She pushed the money towards him through the tiny slot, but he shook his head once more. B-but you didnt refuse anyone elses! From behind, Violet could hear the crowd slowly falling silent as their interest in her conversation with Park grew. Park just gazed at her. She burst out, Thats so unfair! I waited in line, too, you know! She added a glare to her words for effect even though what she really wanted to do was to hide somewhere from everyones stares. Wasnt he going a little too far in making her pay for what she did earlier? I know. His words confused her, but his next action threw her off even more. She watched in dumbfounded silence as Park took his wallet out and dumped a thousand-dollar yen in the cash basket. Then he pulled the glass window open. What--- Im paying this time, Park said softly just before grabbing her close to kiss Violet, his lips devouring hers as his tongue forcefully thrust into her mouth. Oh. Violet found herself tiptoeing so she could have more of it, completely swept off her feet. Park growled in approval before fisting her hair to urge her closer and kiss her deeper.

When he let her go, it took her a while to stop seeing stars. She could tell by the way other girls were gasping around her that they were affected, too. When Violet glanced at Park, he asked with unsmiling quietness, Am I forgiven? She understood right away what he was saying sorry for. The guilt in his eyes was more than enough to let Violet know that he hated what he had inadvertently put her through, enough to make Park force himself to get past his dislike of any public show of affection. Violet was about to answer when the nymphomaniac hen several spots down the line drawled loudly, I can do better than that. She snapped her mouth shut, an idea forming in her mind. Violet? Park asked, trying not to sound too tense when Violet still hadnt said anything. After what had happened between them, he definitely didnt want to be on the wrong end of her grudges again. Are we good? he asked finally when started looking at him with a contemplative look in her eyes. She smiled sweetly, making a snap decision. Youll see. Shit. Did that mean he was in for another payback of sorts, maybe this time with Violet out of her kimono and cosplaying as Sailor Moon, Japans teen version of Wonder Woman, with her itsy-bitsy skirt? Park watched Violets smile became sly. Fuck. Maybe his Sailor Moon guess wasnt too far off the mark. Violet--- But she was gone. As the next girl stepped in place, he quickly dialed Violets number on his iPhone. While impatiently waiting for Violet to pick up, he no longer bothered to be charming. The girls lips barely grazed his cheek when he barked, Next! It had the girl scrambling away. The next one didnt look too sure about getting the kiss she had paid a thousand yen for. Shit! Violet had dropped the call. Park glared at the girl even though he knew he was being unfair. Are you going to just stand there? he snapped. The girl fled. At the end of the line, Parks club president was furiously waving his arms. Be nice, he mouthed frantically at Park. How the fuck could Park act nice when Violet was probably somewhere plotting his next bout of jealousy? When the third girl also ran away in fear from his scowl, his club president retaliated by reopening the line again for his shift. Goddammit. Park needed an A from this club. He had missed a lot of meetings when he and Violet had their quarrel. If he left without finishing his shift, he was pretty sure the club president would recommend a failing grade to his professor. He managed a smile at the fourth girl even though under the table he was speed-dialing Violets number once more. Come on, Violet, pick up the goddamn phone! Hi. It took a lot of effort to sound normal. At the same time, Park heard the sound of the booth door opening at his side. The girl answered, shyly telling him her name. But Park didnt hear a word, not when he saw Violet quietly slipping inside his booth. Ssh. She placed a finger on her lips. What the fuck are you doing here? Park mouthed the question. Im nervous, the girl in front him was saying. Uhh, yeah, me, too, Park answered without looking. Violet rolled her eyes at his answer even as she mouthed back her answer. Showing you how good things are between us. An impish smile followed the words, and it was more than enough to get Parks dick rearing up even though he still didnt have a clue as to exactly what Violet was planning. She took out her iPhone and showed it to Park.

He frowned at the image of the girl on the phone. Who the fuck was this? Is she still in line? She mouthed at him at the same time the girl in line mumbled, Anytime youre rea--- Park didnt wait for her to finish speaking, moving forward to kiss her on the cheek himself. The girl turned into stone. Next! he barked, impatient to have his line of vision clear so he could search for the girl Violet was looking for. If he did, maybe hed figure out what all this was about. Parks gaze narrowed when he found his target. Spotted her, he mouthed at Violet. About 6th in line why? Good. Now I want you to act normal while I do this Parks jaw dropped when Violet suddenly knelt down and began crawling toward him, now completely out of sight since only the top half of the booth was made of glass. The way she moved on all fours was fucking sexy, and he was rock hard by the time she sneaked under the table and between his legs. He froze when her hands went to the zip of his pants. Park hastily covered the mouthpiece as a groan escaped him when Violet pulled his briefs down low enough for his dick to spring free. Hi, Im--- Park slammed the window shut at the girl. Excuse me for a moment, he said with the microphone before switching it off again. He bent halfway done. What the hell do you think youre doing? She answered by pulling his head close so she could give him a quick hot kiss, her tongue darting in and out before he could react. He growled in protest when she pulled away. I want you to come in my mouth. Fuck, fuck, fuck! Park felt like he had already come a little with those words alone. Are you serious? She smiled up at him the smile of a girl who knew how to get her way. Oh, yes, Violet breathed huskily. I want you to act normal with them and never let them on to what Im doing. Now go back there and let them steal a little of you. Ill have it all back later. He straightened. The moment he did, Violet immediately rose on her knees and took his dick into her mouth. He almost jerked on his seat as he opened the glass window once more. Park had to clear his throat several times before he could trust himself to speak. Im sorry. I was a little distracted. Its okay. What were you distracted about? Aaah Violet was sucking him so beautifully it was nearly impossible to think. Park desperately scrambled for an answer and his gaze fell on the screen of the phone the girl was holding. ImplayingCandy Puzzle? Violets teeth grazed the head of his dick as she laughed at his answer. His fists clenched in reaction. It was all he could do not to pull her head closer so he could start thrusting harder into her mouth. The girls eyes lit up. Oh, you mean Candy Crush? Aaahyes. Park tried not to grunt in pleasure as Violet started massaging his balls in rhythm with the up and down motions of her mouth on his dick. Fuck, she was good. Can I--- Violet licked the head of his dick. Kiss now. He thrust his head forward and the girl kissed him on the cheek quickly, startled into following his order. Next--- Park started to shout. Violet stopped sucking.

---please! And he nearly died when Violet took his dick back all the way in, swallowing his entire length this time. Secondthirdfourth Violet was having a hard time not to get carried away. She loved pleasing Park like this, loved the way she could see how he lost his control because of her. It was like glimpsing a side of him that was only hers and hers alone. Fifth... Thank God, just one more! She started stroking him simultaneously now, massaging his balls, licking and biting so that he would edge closer and closer to an orgasm. Hi, Park. Violet stiffened for a moment in response to the husky voice that reached her ears. It was her the nymphomaniac hen. Debbie gave the gorgeous guy in front of her a megawatt smile, confident of her ability to snag him. There was never a guy she hadnt been able to get, one way or another. The notorious Park Jin shouldnt be any different. In fact, he was the only reason why she had traveled all the way here by bullet train. Even in her university in Tokyo, everyone had been talking about Park Jin ever since he was featured in their school websites Out of Town Street Fashion column. The universitys reporters had sent him messages on Facebook, begging for an interview, but it didnt seem like he had opened it even once this year. Everyone in her school thought Park Jin was some kind of unattainable god. The kind of man that a girl like her deserved, Debbie had decided. But he had a distracted look in his eyes when he looked at her. Hi. Most guys would have offered their life by now just to know her name. Yet all Park Jin did was nod back at her, looking down more frequently than he should. Her eyes narrowed but she managed to still sound sweet as she asked, Something the matter? Park was about to answer when Violet chose that precise moment to release his dick so she could slowly start sucking on his balls. Sweet mother fucking--Candy Crush. It was the only excuse he could think of. Debbies smile thinned. Youre playing Candy Crush now? Uhh He was looking even more distracted now. Damn. Why was it that there was always something wrong with the hottest-looking guys? They were either gay or taken. Or in this case otaku-weird. But, Debbie reminded herself, no one back in her university would know Park Jin was this weird. All theyd see if she managed to get him to ask her out was that Park Jin had fallen for her charms. Like all the other boys did. She resumed her friendly tone. Maybe I can give you life if you need it? Parks answer was once again halted, transforming mid-way into a gasp as Violets mouth returned to his dick and she started flicking her tongue against the slit on the head of his dick. Shit. Do you? Do I what? He could feel his loins tightening, knew it was only a matter of time before he was going to come. What was wrong with him, really? This had to be the most embarrassing incident of her life, with a guy actually choosing some stupid game over her. Debbie succeeded in keeping the smile in place even as she all about snarled, Need life? Violet sucked hard, squeezing his dick at the base. Yes! Park growled out as he came, his hips nearly pushing Violet back against the wall as

he poured out his cum. Debbie almost stepped back. He didnt have to shout it that loud! Park Jin was such a weirdo. He was gorgeous but he really was too weird for her. Okay, Ill give you one. As she pulled out her phone from her bag, she made another attempt at small talk as she asked, Whats your level, by the way? AhLevel One? It was hard to think, not when Violets warm mouth, her throat working to take in all his cum, was just making his body come harder and longer. Debbie almost dropped the phone. Youre at Level 1 and you already need life? Life. Yeah, he fucking needed life after the mind-blowing orgasm Violet had just given him. He glanced down. She smiled up at him, her eyes twinkling in a way that had Parks own eyes narrowing. When she had that look--Violet crawled out of the desk and slowly got to her feet. Debbies jaw dropped when she saw a girl come out from somewhere under the same girl everyone had told her was Parks special friend. She watched Violet York touch the corner of her lip, and that was when Debbie noticed the drop of something white and creamlike on the other girls face. Shit, was that--Park just died a little a while ago, Violet said sweetly. Outside the booth, she could hear everyone staring and whispering excitedly as they took in the sight of her. But he wont be in need of that kind of life if you know what I mean. She turned to Park and patted his cheek. Right, Park? The vibes coming from each girl was enough to clue him in. And this early after his orgasm, Park was feeling more than mellow enough to play along with Violet. Right. He pulled her close, nuzzling her neck, loving the way his scent clung to her skin. My kiss, please, Debbie snarled out as she slammed her bill on the counter. Violet, arching her neck so Park could kiss her some more, pushed the bill back. Sorry but I dont think hes in the mood to kiss you. She wagged her fingers in a dismissive motion. Better luck next time, you nymphomaniac hen. Park was still chuckling even as the other girl stomped off, red-faced with rage. Nymphomaniac hen? he echoed. Long story, Violet answered as she reluctantly pulled away from his hold. She glanced at the line outside and her shoulders drooped. There were about 20 more girls waiting to kiss him on the cheek. Park followed her gaze. Theres no need to be jealous. I dont fucking want them. He caught her wrist and whirled her back so quickly into his arms it made her gasp. I just want you. Violet smiled up at him, knowing how much it had cost Park to say that. Just me? He nodded. For now. She tried not to let that get to her. For now.

Chapter Sixteen
Its your fault, you know, Betty murmured laughingly. It took all of Violets efforts to stop glaring at the sight of Park with a nearly hysterical crowd of girls around him. And he was taking it all in, the jerk! Violet had thought the kissing booth incident between her and Park would get everyone to back off. But if anything, it just seemed to make the unattainable Park appear even more attractive. She glanced at Betty apologetically when she realized that her friend was still talking. Sorry. I didnt quite catch what you said. Betty laughed. Of course you didnt. Youre too busy being jealous. Violet could only smile weakly. With their professor leaving for an emergency call, she and the rest of the class, together with those like Park who were sitting in, had unexpectedly earned a free period. Youve made him human, you see, her friend continued. Hes more approachable now. Congratulations to me, then, she mumbled. Violets head dropped onto the cradle of her arms as she slumped over her desk. She closed her eyes with a sigh. Sometimes, she felt like making Park realize he was in love with her was as impossible as turning her heart into stone. Sometimes, she felt like she was simply deluding herself. Maybe, Park wasnt truly in love with her. Maybe he had been telling the truth when he told her he wasnt ever going to love a girl. Maybe its time to stop beating my head against a wall, she thought. Maybe I should just start working on making myself fall out of love--Violet? Her eyes flew open. Park! He scowled. What are you sounding so guilty for? He was standing against the light and right that moment, he looked very much like an angel in her eyes. The dark dye had finally washed off, and his hair was now blindingly light like a halo. Park did look an angel or at least he did when he wasnt scowling like he was now. Her lips twitched. Park saw it. Whats so funny? He crossed his arms. And are you feeling okay? His voice was gruff. Huh? You had your head down on your desk, he muttered, not quite meeting her eyes. I thought you had a headache or something. She gazed at him and sighed. Then she laughed a little at the hopelessness of it all. Parks scowl became even darker. Violet! Stop creeping me out! Are you alright? Just a little tired, she lied. I told you to stop working so hard, didnt I? He gave the guy sitting in front Violet a look. It was enough to have him scurry away. He took the other guys seat then reached out for her head. Her eyes closed involuntarily as Parks relaxing fingers worked its magic on her. She heard the other girls sigh in envy. Feel better now? he muttered then added hastily, And Im charging you for this, so dont think Im doing this out of the kindness of my heart. He was doing his best not to show he was concerned about her but he was. She could feel it. In fact, she was pretty sure a few others could feel it, too.

How could she stop loving this guy when he was showing without words he loved her? And how could she start loving him properly if he could never admit to himself he loved her? **** Something was fucking wrong again. He wanted to lash out every time he felt his world unsettling at the mere sight of Violets unsmiling face. This was wrong. This - this feeling of wanting everything to be always all right with Violet was not something he was supposed to feel. Usually, she would talk nonstop whenever they were together. Shed nag him to hold her hand while they crossed the street and things like that. But now---nothing. She had been like this since her last class, which he had sat in so he could see her, be close to her. Why he felt like that, he didnt really want to figure out. For now admitting to himself that he was feeling concerned over another persons feelings was enough. Park checked his watch. We still have about an hour to kill. Then he added casually, Maybe you want to go shopping? No, but thanks for asking, she replied. He stopped dead in his tracks, causing Violet to bump into Parks back. She frowned up at him and was surprised to see a gaping expression on his face. She blinked. What? You turned down shopping. He spoke the words like she had just committed murder in front him. Violet had to laugh at that. So? He shook his head slowly. Are you okay, Violet? Are you feeling sick? She rolled her eyes. Stop exaggerating. Im not, he said in the same serious tone. You turned down shopping, Violet. You! The girl who forced me to ride the train for hours just to check out a tiny store selling seashell headbands--- They were nice headbands! The fare cost us more than those headbands, he retorted. He shook his head again. Youre that obsessed with shopping and yet here you are--- Okay, now youre pissing me off! She scowled. I just dont feel like going shopping, okay? She muttered freaking rude blond gorilla under her breath but he pretended he didnt hear her. Why? he demanded. Whats wrong? Because! Why dont you just let me know whats wrong? She glared at him, stomping her foot in anger. Because! He was beginning to get furious as well. Are you hiding something from me? Here we go again, she said before she could stop herself. How many times do I have to tell you, Park? Im different from the girl who hurt you. Parks face darkened. That was a long time ago, he said icily, and Id appreciate it if you didnt bring her up every time you feel like throwing a tantrum. Arent you throwing a tantrum, too? Violet knew she really should stop talking but she couldnt. Her temper always did get the better of her. She was so sick of feeling depressed because Park didnt love her. She hated him for making her feel insecure, and she hated herself for blaming him when he hadnt really done anything wrong. Park gritted his teeth but it wasnt enough. He growled, Look, you noisy--- She let out an incredulous laugh just before snapping loudly, Ha! Look whos talking! I was just stupid enough to be concerned about you. I wanted to know whats wrong. I wanted to make you feel good. Thats why I asked you if you wanted to go shopping! But now I dont want to. Anyone would be crazy to want to spend time with you in your mood. Crazy? she screeched. Im the one whos crazy for wanting to spend time with a moody, inconsiderate Nordic ogre like you! A lot of guys are after me--- Guess what? he cut her off. A lot of girls are after me, too!

She saw red. Then you know what? Go spend time with them! I dont care! You know what? Ill fucking take you up on that so go have a fucking nice day on your own! Have a fucking nice day, too! She shrieked loud enough to have everyone in the vicinity covering their ears. Park crossed the street and stalked off. She stalked off, too, making sure not to look at her left because Park would be there, taking the same path since they were both heading to work. Both of them continued to ignore and scowl at each other when they reached the store. Everyone left the two of them alone, used to Park and Violet fighting like cats and dogs. Every time Violets gaze strayed to his, meeting his gaze accidentally, she had to harden her heart so she could look away. Even if this was her fault and there was a big maybe to it she was always the first to say sorry! This time, he had to apologize to her first or maybe there just wasnt any point to her loving him. **** Why wasnt she still talking to him? By now, she should have been making subtle overtures. By now, Park should have been pretending to be gruff before almost giving in right away because in truth he was relieved to have her back with him. But Violet wasnt doing anything right now, not one little thing to make Park feel that she cared about getting their fight over and done with. And now, they were about to go home and she still wasnt talking to him. It was late and Park worried about her. What if she was determined to drag this whole silly fight out? He couldnt even remember why they had gotten into a fight in the first place. He turned around and almost had the shock of his life when he found Violet reaching for the knob of the back door exit at the same time. She stepped back. He stepped out first but he held the door open for her. Are you going home? Park snarled out when she was about to walk past him. Yes, she snapped. He didnt say anything else. But he also made sure he kept pace with her from the other side of the street, ensuring her safety. She stopped walking when she realized what he was doing. Why did he care so much yet still insist that he didnt love her? He was making her mad in every sense of the word! Stop following me! Violet shouted over the honking horns of the vehicles stuck in a traffic jam between them. Im not! Yes, you are! Park crossed the street, sick at how she just kept screeching and screeching at him this day when earlier, he had seen her acting all nice and sweet to Jun-Yee. The mere memory made him grit his teeth. Why are you so fucking angry? he demanded, bending down to stare at her eyes. If you have to ask, theres no point in answering! He swore. Isnt that just a typical womans answer? Im asking, he bit out, because youre driving me goddamn insane. Violet kicked him in the shin. She didnt know why she had to do it. But she felt like doing it. No, she had to do it. And when he was groaning in pain, she said, Im angry because Im so tired of making you fall in love with me. I love you and Im really, really tired! Then she ran away. The shock was enough to make Park forget the pain. She loved him?

Chapter Seventeen
I cant believe I said that. The thought, the memory of what she did, made Violet moan for the 22nd time in the past hour. She called for another order of sake, desperate to forget what she had just done. Do you know how long Ive been looking for you? She looked up. Park was more disheveled than usual. Unfortunately, it only made him look more handsome in her eyes. The thought made her want to bang her head on the table. How. Desperately. In. Love. Could. She. Get. When Violet didnt bother responding, Park sat down in front her. What the hell do you think youre doing? he half-shouted. He was furious beyond reason. He had thought something bad happened to her, dammit. She had been MIA for hours. It was pure luck that he had thought of looking for her here. And what was she doing? Park refused to feel guilty for driving Violet to drinking. Stupid banshee, he thought. He gritted his teeth when a waiter served her another order of sake and which Violet drank in one gulp. He grabbed her arm. Stop drinking! She wrenched away. I can do whatever I want! Stop acting like a crazy bitch again, for Gods sake. Violet laughed without humor. Youre half-right anyway. Im crazy. Im crazy for actually falling in love with a guy like you. It took him a second to reply. It still made his head go blank to hear the words. He didnt let himself think much about it though. If he digested what those words would truly mean to him, hed be crazy, too. Youre not in love with me, he said firmly. He stood up, slammed a couple of bills on the table, and hefted her on one shoulder. The other patrons glanced at them as Violet shrieked. Ignore her, shes crazy, he said with a hard look at anyone, knowing he was intimidating enough to ensure that nobody would bother them. She kept on shrieking until they reached the dorm. He greeted the doorman politely, ignoring the other mans wide-eyed look. Park went straight to his room and slammed the door shut. Then he threw her on the bed. She reacted as he expected she would: she reared up immediately and attacked him, scratching and clawing like a wildcat. Stop! Dammit, ouch! Stop! Park did his best to restrain Violet without hurting her or leaving his face too vulnerable. Suddenly, she stopped. Violet sprang away from him and landed on the bed, her back to him. It was eerily silent. Park had a strange feeling he was acting out a movie where he was the victim and she waswhat? Sadako or some other ghost or possessed individual? WHYYYYYYYY? Holy fucking shit! Goosebumps broke out of his skin at the creepy-sounding wail. What was wrong with her this time? He grabbed her by the shoulders, unable to help flinching as he prepared himself to see evidence of demonic possession or something equally ghastly. WHHHHHYYYY? Violet turned to face him. What the fuck? He choked on his surprise as Violet stared at him with large, tear-filled

eyes. Why cant you be in love with me? She wailed out the words like a five-year-old kid having a temper tantrum. Am I not pretty enough? Park bit back a smile of relief and amusement. Thank God she was drunk. At least there was no way theyd get into somethingemotional. Of course youre pretty, he assured her, sitting down on the bed and pulling her in his arms. She climbed onto his lap and twirled her arms around his neck, wriggling close and making Park aroused in a heartbeat. She pulled away to give him another pity-me stare. Am I not sexy enough, Park? Of course you are. At the moment, too sexy for his brain to work even. Am I not smart enough? Of course you are. Then why cant you be in love with me? She scowled at him. Maybe you need proof? She started taking off her clothes. It took him more than a moment to get over his shock. Violet! He struggled to keep her clothes on while Violet struggled to take them off. But I want to--- she started to insist. Not now, baby, he cut her off. To distract both of them one pale shoulder was laid bare now Park decided to kiss her. Violet immediately kissed him back, passionately. He pulled away with a gasp. Violet, dammit! If they kissed a second longer, his cock would be kissing her pussy next, and he didnt want that. After whathappenedit would feel like he was taking advantage of her. She smiled at him sleepily. Are you in love with me now, Park? Then her eyes closed. Park gaped, unable to believe she had fallen asleep just like that. And then--She snored. Unbelievable, he thought. She really was asleep. His lips twitched as she snored again. It should have been a major turn off, but right now it just made his chest squeeze hard. Are you in love with me right now? His chest muscles squeezed harder, a sensation that was not at all close to the way he had once felt at ease and confident whenever Vanessa told him she loved him. He kissed her hair. No, Violet. Im sorry but no. I dont. **** Violet woke up and was unlucky enough to remember everything she did and said, everything he did and said, and just how everything felt last night. Oh God---why couldnt she have forgotten everything? She slowly opened her eyes and just as quickly wanted to shut them. But it was too late. Park had already seen her. He was facing her, bare-chested and looking too goddamn gorgeous for someone with sleep-mussed hair had a right to. His head was propped on one arm as he lied on his side, his face unreadable. And then he smirked. Good morning, sunshine. She groaned and tried to hide under the covers. Park blinked then laughed and pulled the covers away. I cant believe I She groaned again. He stopped trying to pull away the blanket long enough to ask soberly, Then youre taking everything back? The silence that followed had Park holding his breath for someone reason. And she whispered sadly, No. He exhaled, unable to believe how relieved he felt. What the fuck was wrong with him? She flinched at the sound. Hidden underneath the covers, Violet felt it easier to speak. Im still in love with you, Park. Ive been in love with you for a long time.

Violet--- No, wait. Let me finish first. She took a deep breath, too. Im in love, but Im not blind. I know you just cant love--- She swallowed. I accept that. So you know, Ive decided--- After a nights bout of drinking? he scoffed. She made a face even if he couldnt see her. Well, anyway, Ive decided. Park had a feeling he didnt want to hear her next words but kept silent. Violet squeezed her eyes shut. Ive decided to do my best to fall out of love from you. Park whitened. Ah. He didnt know what else to say. He was still numb with shock at her words. Violet emerged out of the covers and smiled tremulously at him. I know Im not the type to give up. I mean, you know me. Aja, aja, right? It was a popular expression in Korea that meant good luck or keep it up and frequently used in those Korean dramas she watched. Park used to laugh at the way she said it, but this time he didnt even crack a smile. That hurt so, so much. Violet lifted her shoulders in an awkward shrug. Im not a martyr. I tried to be patient but you know patience hasnt ever been my greatest talent. She took a deep breath. I guess, what Im saying is thatIm done forcing you to love me. **** Good morning! Violet smiled brightly at Park an hour later, hiding the pain she felt at the mere sight of him as she and her friend, Betty, fell in line after him at the cafeteria. Who knew heartache was a great hangover remedy? She hurt so much, remembering the way Park couldnt say he loved her back, that the pain just totally wiped away any remaining effects of liquor in her system. Park grunted in answer. Oh, good. Grumpy Park was back with a vengeance. She and Betty exchanged glances. It was sheer luck that Violet and Betty had this breakfast date for ages. Park knew about it so he wouldnt be able to accuse her of making something up to avoid him. And she would have if she had to. The silence between them was appallingly awkward. She tried to smile again. What are you going to--- Her mouth fell open when Park actually ignored her, taking his tray and leaving the line without a backward glance. What the hell? He had practically dumped her and now he had the gall to ignore her? Was her love for him that much of a turnoff? Hes not happy, Betty guessed. Like thats not obvious, Violet muttered. She was indignant. She tried to control her temper but couldnt. Order for me, will you? she mumbled to her friend before marching to where Park sat alone at one of the tables lining the windows. She sat across him and demanded, What the fuck is wrong with you? Park didnt even glance at her. She waved a hand in his face. Helloooo! When he still didnt pay attention, she shrieked as loudly as she could, PARK! He jerked in surprise and hissed, Lower your voice! Park! she shrieked again. He looked around, saw his worst nightmare come true as he realized they were again the center of everyones attention. All right! I get it! What do you want to talk about? Us! Violet snarled. God, she wanted to slap him! She really wanted to. Did he really have to ask what they had to talk about? Did her words truly mean nothing to him? He stiffened. Right, he drawled sarcastically. Us. Fucking right. She stiffened, too. What does that mean? Theres no us. You dont want to be with me anymore, dont you? I didnt say that! You virtually did by saying you wanted to fall out of love! he snarled. His temper went

to overdrive all over again and it was all he could do not to shake her in his fury. Fuck! He could still remember the gaping emptiness in his chest, like a fucking cavity that grew in an instant when he watched Violet mumble goodbye this morning and leave his room without even giving him a chance to speak. Why are you so angry? she burst out. He gritted his teeth. Idiot! She gasped. I am not! Yes. You. Are. So if you dont want to be in love with me then I sure as hell wont force you to stay like that! She shook her head slowly. II Violet sighed and said honestly, I dont get you. Park wanted to be just as honest. That makes two of us. She swallowed. Youre angrybecause I want to stop loving you? Park didnt say anything. Hope unfurled inside her. Does that mean youre hurt because youre in love--- He glanced back at her sharply, guiltily, defensively. No. Hope died. Actually, it should never have been alive in the first place. Stupid Violet. Why couldnt she accept the truth? Park was too caught up with his past to ever fall in love again. Oh. He couldnt bear the sadness on her face. Violet--- She backed away before he could touch her. He jerked his hand away. Violets eyes widened. I didnt mean--- Look. You dont want to be in love with me, right? So why dont you just let me help you with your plan and get the hell out of your life like I was trying to do? But I dont want it to be like this! she cried. Cant we go back to being friends? Parks face was stony. No. B-but w-why not? It wont work. Too much has happened. But She gazed at him unhappily then looked away. Thats unfair. I want to stop loving you, but I dont want to cut you out of my life completely. Tough! Jerk! He shrugged. She stomped her foot. It did nothing to alleviate her anger. She stepped on his foot. Hard. He yelped and that made her feel slightly better. You little--- He said something else in Korean. Whatever it is, back atcha, she snapped. Why did it have to turn out this way? Damn it, but she hadnt seen this coming. Why did he have to make it so much harder? You know youre unfair and youre acting selfish and--- I know all my faults. You know them, too. I still wont change my mind. Park finally allowed himself to look at her and right away, he was struck by a longing so intense he couldve choked on it. He had missed her. Unbelievably enough he had missed Violet just because of the time he had spent apart from her this morning. Violet. Her name came out of nowhere. She looked at him warily. Why cant you just be content with what we have? He forced himself to speak. I---I care for you. More than you cared about Vanessa? She, too, was forcing herself to speak, her throat tight with pain. Parks hand clenched on the table, as if searching for something he could strangle. What I felt for her has nothing to do with you! After what she did I couldnt even fucking look at a girl without hating her, without remembering what Vanessa did! But you were different. So

cant that fucking be enough? I wont ever look at another girl. Cant that fucking be good enough? Violet wanted to cover her ears. She wished she had moments ago. That way, she wouldnt hear Park saying the loveliest and cruelest words he could ever say. She meant more to him than any other girlnow. But she could never be as important as Vanessa had been to him. She stared down at her hands. Park Just come back. Lets go back to what we were, he said hoarsely. She wanted to give in, but she knew she shouldnt. So in the end Violet did what she always did, coming to a snap decision about a compromise that could lead either to heaven or hell. Violet took a deep breath. Heres the deal. Ill come back then. I wont force myself to stop loving you. Maybe I shouldnt have thought of doing so in the first place. I doubt it wouldve worked if I did go through with it. But--- She choked off. Seeing her in so much pain made Park want to lash out again, made him hate himself for being the cause of it. He felt fucking helpless because he knew what he should do to make her feel good again was the one thing he couldnt do. Anything you want, he promised harshly instead. Violet looked away, staring at the scenery outside. Seeing Osakas blend of historical and modern attractions usually made her smile, but today the captivating scene somehow just made Violet ache even more. She was here in Osaka on borrowed time, just the way what she had with Park wasnt permanent. I cant chain myself to you completely, Violet whispered finally. Im going to date other guys. Im not going to, like, have sex with them, but I want to see if theres a guy out there who could make me... She stopped. But he already knew what she couldnt say. Fall out of love, you mean? Violets eyes flew to him, knowing that those exact words had been in her mind but she would never have said them because she knew how those words had once hurt him, too. Park smiled tightly. Its not going to happen. No fucking way was another girl and especially not Violet going to fall out of love with him again. Something about his reason nagged at Park, but for now he pushed the concern away. He had much more important things to think about. Violet frowned, realizing that somehow Park had taken her words for a challenge. And she didnt want that. She wanted Park to come after her because he loved her and not because he didnt want to feel like he had been dumped with the same excuse. Well, thats that. She wanted to say so much more but she was also tired, leaving her thoughts in a jumble. She stood up, about to walk away when Park suddenly pulled her back. Violet gasped as she landed on his lap. Park! What the hell was wrong with him? This wasnt his way at all. I just want to show you why its impossible to get rid of me just like that. It was all the warning she had before he sank his fingers into her hair and pulled her down so their lips could meet. Violet managed to resist all for a few seconds before her body and heart betrayed her, making her mind shut down as her arms went around his neck. He kissed her with such possessiveness this time she lost herself in the taste of him, wanting to be possessed just as badly. When he let her up for air, she was gazing at him with her dark eyes clouded with confusion and desire. And love. Now that he knew it was there, he knew where to look for it. He smiled, knowing how possessive he looked as he caressed Violets cheek. Mine. Violet York was in love with him. It made her his, the way he had once foolishly tied himself to a woman who had betrayed

him. But this time it would be different. He might not love Violet, but he would fucking care for her better than any guy in the world, treat her right the way Vanessa hadnt treated him right. That is why you wont be able to leave me, Violet. Violet had her back to the crowd, but he didnt. He saw everyone staring at the two of them, and he made a deliberate show of possessiveness by tugging her close so he could kiss her again. This time, she didnt resist at all. Good. Mine, he thought again as he slowly eased on her lips and pulled away. Park couldnt remember feeling this happy this contented. He should have fucking done this a long time ago, should have claimed her, should have persuaded Violet to be his girlfriend. He hadnt lied to her when he told her he was open to being in a relationship. He had been and was. In fact he would be. It was the part about love that he didnt buy. No one can make you feel like I do. She wrinkled her nose even though she was still a little breathless after his kiss. Dammit, but why did Park have to be such a good kisser? It just made things harder. So confident, she managed to snarl. Excuse me if I puke, will you? He just laughed. Oh you wait and see, she muttered. He pretended not to hear that. She pretended not to notice. But both of them were secretly and suddenly chilled by her words, as if it was an unexpected omen. After all both of them knew the truth that it could happen, that it was possible for another guy to show up and truly fall in love with her. And if that happenedwhat then?

Chapter Eighteen
Going out on a date? Park was leaning on her doorway, languidly slurping a popsicle as he watched her apply makeup. She met his gaze through her dressers mirror. Yup. Jealous? Park grunted. You wish. Worse: she did wish. Violet lifted her chin. You will be jealous one of these days and when that day comes--- She stuck her tongue out. Again: you wish. Hmph! She brushed her lashes one last time with mascara before standing up. She twirled around and smiled at him over her shoulder. Do I look pretty? He made a motion with his hand, indicating a so-so answer. She rolled her eyes. Stupid blond gorilla. Who are you going out with? Park managed to keep the jealousy out of his voice. Lee, she replied then couldve bitten her tongue right after. She hadnt wanted him to know. Park was barely able to prevent himself from blanching. Violet had been dating the other guy for more than a few times already. Park had done what he could to dig dirt on the other guy but had come up with nothing. The man was like a fucking saint. And normally Park didnt have a problem with that except of course when a saint looked more attractive than he had a right to be and when that same saint had the hots for Violet. He forced himself to smile even though his brain was already furiously racing to come up with a plan. Well, good luck trying to forget me. Her frustrated gaze met his through the mirror. Its not like that--- It is. Parks parting shot still bothered her, ruining Violets appetite even though Lee had chosen one of the most popular night places in Osaka for their date, a restaurant that also doubled as a club in the late hours of the night. Since it was already ten in the evening, the lights had been dimmed down, the music switching from jazz to trans. Hey, isnt that your friend? She followed Lees line of sight, squinting to see who Lee was talking about. Shock made Violet inhale sharply when she saw Park surrounded by a flock of girls. Make that a parade of sluts, Violet thought edgily as she took in the way they were all so scantily dressed, like there was a freaking shortage on cotton and denim. Not once did he glance at her. And since she hadnt said a word about where she would be going and this wasnt her usual type of club could it be that Park wasnt here to make her jealous? Do you want to go somewhere else after this? Lee asked her after paying the bill. She gave him a half-hearted smile. Is it okay if I take a rain check on that? He smiled back, wryly, understanding what that meant. No problem. He assisted her out of her chair, his hand on her back as he and Violet walked out of the restaurant. Park only relaxed when he saw in the corner of his eye that the two had already left. Mission fucking accomplished, he thought and was still smiling in satisfaction when he knocked on her dorm room door at eleven in the evening. She opened the door with a scowl. Park pretended to be surprised. Whats that angry face for? Violet gritted her teeth. He didnt really know! Besides, Park wasnt the type to

prevaricate. He was a straightforward person so she had no reason to doubt his word. Nothing, she snapped. So what are you doing here? I just wanted to know if you had succeeded falling out of love with me. None of your business! She tried to slam the door shut, but Park had already stuck a foot in. She snarled when he just pushed the door open and strolled in. He smirked at her angry expression. I take it the date didnt go smoothly? Read my lips: none of your fucking business! He laughed. What happened? Resigned to the fact that she probably wouldnt be able to make him leave her room until he wanted to, she grudgingly shut the door close and walked past him. Maybe ignoring him would get the message across. But she had only taken two steps further when an arm went around her waist. She gasped. And the next thing she knew she was on the bed, Park on top of her, his face dark for an unfathomable reason. Park. Thats right, he growled. Its my fucking name youre going to say when I make you come. And Im the only one whos going to make you come, right? Without warning he slipped his hand into her skirt, under her silk underwear, and found that sweet button of pleasure without difficulty. He started flicking it. She almost jerked off the bed. Park! He started undressing her and this time she did her best to help him. Let me, he said roughly when her fingers shook too much to do any good. In seconds, they were both naked, their clothes thrown on the ground together with the rest of her language books. He pushed her legs apart. I need to go inside you now. There was no time for foreplay, not when he was burning this hotly for her, not when he was feeling all sorts of things that only by joining her body with his could he silence them. In answer, she dug her nails into his shoulders. Fuck me. She barely finished speaking when he was into her, pounding so hard and fast her eyes rolled back in seconds. It was furious and deliciously rough sex, and she moaned loud, uncaring of who would hear her when Park flipped her on her stomach, lifting her hips just high enough to accommodate his long, thick, hard dick. Park! She screamed his name over and over as he started ramming into her again, harder and faster with every thrust. Thats right, Violet, he whispered into her ear, and the feel of his voice against her skin made her whimper. It was too unbelievably hot that she knew she was just a touch away of falling over the point of no return. My name. Its always only my name you can say, my dick that can pleasure you. He bit her ear even as he kept pounding into her, his breath becoming erratic at the way her vaginal muscles worked its way around his dick, tightening as if wanting to squeeze every drop of pleasure from him. Do you understand? He pulled out. Yes, she sobbed, her body arching towards him, wanting more of that sweet sexy pounding that only Park could give her. Tell me then. Tell me who you belong to. You so please, please He lifted himself higher from her, this time to take his cock in hand and rub against her clit. She screamed again. Tell me Park knew he shouldnt say it but the words came out they had to come out. And who do you fucking love? Her eyes flew open. He punished Violet for her delay by rubbing her clit with his cock in a way that would

frustrate and arouse her at the same time. You, she gasped out as her eyes fell shut, as if she didnt want him to see how much of her she was giving up to him. I love you--- He came back into her with a roar, and even as she came he never stopped thrusting into her, the words that she should never have said unexpectedly making him feel even crazier with desire for Violet. In moments, he was coming, too, and Violet bucked under him, his release triggering hers for the second time. After, when Park finally managed to pull away and press a kiss on her shoulder, Violet was lying on her side, her back to him. Her long dark hair laid spread against the pillow like a sable cover, her fingers curled into a fist like a baby. And then she murmured, Lee. He was off the bed in a flash, the movement making the mattress dip alarmingly low, causing her to wake up in confusion. Park? He punched the wall as hard as he could, wishing it was one mans face he was punching. Oh my God! She flew off the bed and rushed to his side, pulling his injured fist down so she could look at it. Why the hell did you do that? What else can I fucking do when you said another mans name while in bed with me? She paled. Fuck! He pulled his fist away to punch the wall again. Park, no! She quickly reached his hand before he could hit it for the third time. No, Park, its not what you think. Her voice shook as she tried to stay in control when she wanted to throw a fit herself. Why did he care when he didnt love her at all? But then, she knew that wasnt really the case. She had always known that. Park did love her but whether he would allow himself to admit it was the problem. I wasnt thinking about him when we were having sex, she whispered, looking straight into his eyes so he would see how sincere she was. It wasnt like that. I dreamt I dreamt I was breaking up with him again and it felt bad ugly, revolting. He was the perfect date tonight. He always was, but it just didnt work out. Park allowed Violet to pull him back to bed, letting her push him down by the shoulders as she went to the bathroom to get his first aid kit. He knew she had meant every word, but it still didnt make hearing it feel any better. It had forced Park to think of what he never wanted to think of having to give Violet up to another man. Was this worth it then? Was it worth being honest if it meant shed leave him? Maybe he should lie about it? Those words --- in the end, they were just three simple words. Perhaps he should just say it and eliminate this threat once and for all. How far would he go to keep her with him? Park wondered grimly as Violet returned and started cleaning his fist. There. She taped the end of her bandage and nodded in satisfaction at her handiwork. Is it still painful? she asked worriedly. A bit, Park said, smart enough to lie. Violets face fell. She sat beside him on the bed. Ceasefire for now on whatever it is were fighting about. She absently stroked his hand. We better hope it gets well soon. I owe you one for this. Her cheeks turned pink. Not when you consider how I was the one who accidentally provoked you into hurting yourself in the first place. Park shook his head. No. This is my fault. How about a date? She looked at him doubtfully. Are you serious? Park felt defensive. Its not that preposterous! It is, considering how anti-girlfriend you are and now youre asking me out--- On a date, he couldnt help snarling, and not to be my fucking wife! Which I wont ever be if you continue acting like a jerk! Jerk I may be but you still love me!

She gasped and smashed her fist on his back hard enough to make him grunt. Thats below the belt! Truth! They glared at each other. But inside his mind, he was already kicking himself. Dammit. They werent supposed to fight. Why was it they always ended up fighting? He let out a groan. What? My hand, he grumbled. It throbbed A bare-faced lie, that one. She fell for it, like girls were meant to. Oh, Park. She lifted his hand worriedly. Please lets just not fight? Park gave her a pleading look. Violet melted. Promise. **** Violet dressed extra special for their date and Park was properly bowled over by the sight of her in a backless lavender dress. She preened. Tell me I look pretty. You know you do. She pouted. He rolled his eyes. Fine, you look beautiful. She beamed and curled her arm around his. They were dining in one of the restaurants within the hotel. It was a fancy place, with even fancier prices, but Park had assured her he could afford it because of the employee discount. Everyone was looking at them, a fact Violet loved since she knew it was because they looked exceptionally well together, with his fair coloring and her dark looks. The fact that both of them also loved to dress well, more so than most people their age, made them even more gawk-worthy, and Violet loved every minute of it. Stop smiling like youre Yoon Eun Hye, he hissed, unnerved at the way Violet kept beaming back at those who were staring at them like they were celebrities they couldnt place. Her smile vanished. Was it so wrong to be happy that she was on a date with him and she was proud to be standing next to Park? Maybe this was something that didnt mean to him at all, but for her it meant hope. Even if it was stupid to always hope at the smallest chance of getting Park to fall in love with her, Violet couldnt stop herself from hoping. Its my lips so Im going to smile as much as I want! When he kept on scowling, she glared at him, demanding, Why did you even bother asking me out if youre just going to get mad at me for the silliest things? It was a really good question, Park admitted to himself grudgingly and especially when one considered the fact that tonight was the night he was about to state the biggest lie in the world. Tonight he was going to tell Violet he loved her. Maybe if he did then this awful feeling in his chest would stop. He opened his mouth to speak, but whatever he had to say was lost to the rumbles of commotion coming from the back entrance of the hotel. Whats that? Violet asked nervously. He frowned even though a part of him was relieved that he didnt yet have to say the lie. Im not sure He heard a snatch of Korean and remembered about the VIP guests the other employees were talking about. I think there are Korean superstars about to book in A devoted showbiz fangirl, Violet excitedly jumped up and down and craned her neck. Who? Who? He laughed. Hold ontheyll come in soon enough. But what if were asked to leave? Were employed here, Violet, Park replied dryly. Were safe. The doors swung open and men in suits went in first, obviously guarding four guys in the middle. Violet gasped. Oh my God. It cant be!

He gazed at her strangely. What? Theyre--- She let out a squeal. Theyre X Unli! Dont you know them, dont you know them? Theyre like as popular as those guys in Boys Over Flowers! Violet was ready to swoon. You have got to introduce me, Park. Please, please, please? He laughed, finding Violets tendency to repeat herself in her excitement extremely cute. Calm down. I will, I promise. Now, please, please, please? He pulled her by the hand and approached the group. He spoke in Korean, introducing himself, and the bodyguards parted to let him move forward. Again, he spoke and told the celebrities that his friend was a great fan of theirs. He introduced them one by one, leaving the best for last, the bands lead singer Kim. The other guy was tall and lean-bodied, perhaps as young as Violet, with dimples that somehow made him look more like the hot guy from the wrong side of the fence rather than the nice boy next door. A prickling sensation started under his skin, telling Park without words that those dimples meant trouble. The kind that could take Violet away. He started to turn around, intent on getting Violet out before she could have more than an eyeful of the guy behind him but he was too late. Violet darted under his arm. When Park turned, Violet was smiling widely at the entire band. She was also visibly starstruck, her voice gushing as she said, Hi. Im your #1 fan. I know everyone says that but I still have to say it. I mean it, really. Park refrained from rolling his eyes because while she did mean it, she didnt mention how she happened to be the #1 fan of about every showbiz personality in Asia. Kim surprised him and Violet by speaking also in English. Im honored. She and Park exchanged glances. Honored. In an instant, he understood how Violet felt the time she had heard another girl confessing to him. Honored. Fuck honored! Why cant the jerk in front him just say thank you like any normal guy would? Violet seemed even more dazzled. Oh, wow, you speak English. Youre so smart! Park wanted to choke. Wasnt she laying it on a little too thick there? Kim laughed. Not really. I just grew up in a bilingual home. Violet waved her hand airily. No, trust me. Anyone multilingual is smart. Im multilingual, ergo Im smart. Were all smart! Violet beamed again. Were smart, Kim repeated, smiling and he was so obviously charmed by Violet that the other boys in X-Unli were laughing and teasing him for falling so quickly. Thank God Violet didnt understand a word of Korean or shed be blushing. Thered be hell then since Park knew how irresistible a blushing Violet looked. Kim took all the teasing in stride, his attention completely focused on Violet. Are you staying here also? We work here. Park decided it was time to speak. Just the way the other guy kept staring at Violet like a lamb he wanted to feast on was enough to have Park feel violent. No fucking way was that going to happen. Kim blinked, as if only realizing Park was still there. Oh. Yeah. Youre Violets friend. Park, right? Park grabbed Violets hand, not missing the way Kims eyes narrowed at the gesture. He started, We dont want to disturb you--- Youre not, Kim said immediately, firmly, his eyes now back on Violet. When the two smiled at each other simultaneously, Park wanted to puke. If this was fucking serendipity at work, he was going to fucking prove someone diabolical enough could go tell the fates to fuck themselves. Violet was his and not even this celebrity with his fucking dimples could change that.

Kim was asking Violet, Do you want to watch our concert, Violet? Violet blinked. Its sold out Not--- Kim flashed another smile, one that made Park grit his teeth because Violet looked like she was ready to faint again. ---if I have something to do about it. He motioned to someone from the back and a second later, two VIP seats were in his hand. He gave it to Violet, and Park didnt miss the way Kim took the opportunity to caress Violets skin. Park gritted his teeth again. Ill see you at our concert then? You promise? Oh, yes. Violet was still looking dazzled. I look forward to seeing you again. Kim bowed and the others followed. Park did, too, as dictated by their tradition. But inside, he was already cursing Kim in four languages. Violet continued to stare at their retreating backs. Oh my God, I just talked to Kim. Kim. Kim! This time, her tendency to be redundant wasnt so cute. In fact, it was downright irritating. Park released Violets hand, went behind her, and exerted pressure at the back of her knee. What the---Park! she gasped as she almost lost her balance. The old Violet would have been spitting mad but this one only blinked, sighed then sighed again. That was so totally surreal, you know? He grunted. Oh, Park. You have to help me choose a dress for the concert! I want to look real good. He shrugged. Somehow he couldnt make himself speak. Please, Park? We have to look good tomorrow! I mean, Kim talked to us! He gave us tickets! Kim! Nice of her to say us when it was clear to everyone Kim was interested solely in her. Park felt sick. At the rate things were going, Violet could be falling out of love for him sooner than ever.

Chapter Nineteen
Park jogged up to Violets room early the next day, energized even after tossing and turning the whole night. He couldnt get Violets face out of his mind. He had a very bad feeling about Kim and he was determined not to let the girly-faced superstar (Ha! Superstar! What a joke!) take Violet away. No way. Over his dead---Park muttered a curse when he saw the note pinned on the door. Unbelievable! Violet had never woken up this early on her own. Park, I went to work early so I can leave work early, too! Have to start making myself pretty for the concert. See you. Muah! Violet Yo, Park? Crayon called his attention hours later at work. Is it just me or does Violet seem to be--- Crayon searched for a word. Well, maybe it was because she was named after a flower or something but she looks literally blooming. He and the other guys had gone on a break at work, standing outside the hotel so that the other guy could light a cigarette. With their backs to the street, they were able to watch what was going on inside and how Violet was charming the socks off everybody. The manager was already rubbing his hands in glee as he stood next to the cash registrar, where a longer line than usual had formed. Park only grunted in response, unable to trust himself not to say something he would regret. He still couldnt get over the fact that Violet had actually made use of her goddamn alarm clock for once and for a fucking Korean celebrity who was all dimples and nothing. Akito rolled his eyes. Pretending to be humble, huh? Fine, Ill say it clearly. What did you do to make stars in her--- Violet poked her head out. Hey boys, if youre all done, the manager wants you guys back in! She threw them a kiss then went back in, without even giving Park a longer or second glance. His friends jaws dropped. Jun-Yee slowly shook his head. It really isnt you. Park didnt say anything. Jun-Yee started to laugh. Who the hell beat you in Violets heart? No one, Park growled, this time unable to help himself. You wish. Jun-Yee patted him on the back. You fucking wish. Be afraid, man. Be very afraid. You used to be the only one who could make Violet look like that but not anymore. You better do something or you might be forgotten completely. Not a chance, Park said even though his stomach went queasy at the thought. **** I cant believe it! Gladys kept on gushing as she stared at Violets ticket in amazement. I knoooooow, right? Violet sighed dreamily, something she had been doing the whole night. It was just so unbelievable. Midori frowned. How did Park take this? Violet blinked. He knows how I am with Asian boy bands. But the way you described how things happened, I dont think Kim looks at you as an ordinary fan. Her eyes widened. You really think so? She started fanning herself. The thought of one of her celebrity crushes crushing back on her made her head spin. What did Park say? Gladys asked insistently.

Well, the usual he just grunted and grunted. Midoris eyebrows shot up. He wasnt jealous? If he was, like hed ever admit to it. Violet shrugged again. Besides, this is so totally different. I mean, come on. Kim? Taking notice of me? Im sure Park totally understands that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Just like Kim could be that once in a lifetime opportunity for her to finally fall out of love. Even if she had to be a groupie for that to happen, Violet felt like she was still going to take the chance anyway. Kim leaving her after a short affair would certainly be less painful than the knowledge that she was waiting for nothing with Park. **** Two-fifty in the morning and he still couldnt sleep. Park sat up with a groan, conceding defeat. He just couldnt stop thinking about Violet and what happened last night between her and that fucking Mr. Hotshot-with-Dimples. He gritted his teeth, furious just at the memory of how the two actually stared at each other like they were--Park felt himself whitening. They couldnt be in love, could they? Could Violet fall out of love for him that fast? Sure, she was the most fickle person in the world, but she couldnt be that ficklecould she? But why should he care? He wasnt in love with her. He liked her, cared for her, but in love with her? Of course not. He didnt do love. It was an overrated emotion. They were better off as friends. Maybe he should just let her go. Maybe he should just let Violet have her affair or whatever it was she had with that girly-faced celebrity go on until it died a natural death. And then after she would go running back to Parks arms and tell him that she should never have left him. Slowly, Park made himself lie back down on the bed. Yes, that had to be it. He had to let Violet see for herself that she was better off with Park than without Park. A small voice inside his head asked him if he was sure of that, but Park ignored it. He had to be sure. He could not imagine life without Violet. The next day, he immediately put his plan into motion, and his smiling faade immediately put Violet on guard. Violet gazed at Parks gorgeous smiling face with deep suspicion. Youre in a good mood. Park grinned even more widely. Yup. He sat down across her at the school cafeteria. Then he reached over to helpfully mix her pesto spaghetti for her. You in a good mood? Violet shook her head. Its scary! Park stopped grinning and tossed fork and knife away. Do your own pasta. She lifted her chin. I didnt ask you to do it, you know. Well, sooorry if I was actually trying to be nice, Park snarled. Thats the point! Youre never nice unless you have an ulterior motive. She glared at him. What is it? She crossed her arms over her chest. Wait, let me think---no, you couldnt! Oh my God! Park! She scowled. Park raised a brow. Are you planning to sabotage my date with Kim? Definitely. Im completely overcome with jealousy that I am at a supreme loss simply thinking of you in his arms. Violet would have been over the moon to hear that - if only Park hadnt spoken the words with hurtful blandness. She had to look away, just so he wouldnt see how much the words stung. Youre just annoyed that I have a really hot guy who doesnt mind admitting he wants to spend time with me. Park tried not to bristle at how Violet described the other man. Really hot? Yeah right. He forced himself to smile. Im not annoyed. In fact, Im totally supportive of you and Kim. Ha!

He leaned forward. Completely supportive that I even have this to give you as a good luck charm. Violets mouth fell open as Park placed a very pretty shoe box on the table. No way, she whispered. Go ahead, he said, inching it closer to her. No way, she whispered again. Her eyes went to his slowly. Youre giving me Manolo Blahnik shoes for my date tonight? My date! The words slammed into his brain. Again, Park managed to keep his possessive rage from taking over. It was a date. He had to accept that. But --- it was a necessary evil. Violet had to learn for herself that dating others would never compare to dating Park. And he had the perfect plan to prove it, starting right now. I want you to be happy, he said simply and he meant it, too. Only, he was certain Violet would not be happy with anyone else but him. He just had to wait for her to figure that out for herself. Violet burst into tears. What the---- Park looked around in desperation. Stop crying! Butthis was soI dont know, she wailed and cried harder. It was so sweet, really, but it was also confusing and painful in a way. Was it totally okay with Park to have her dating another guy then? Didnt he really love her at all? Stop crying. Come on, Vi. How can I take you out shopping if youre crying? She stopped crying. Of course she did. Park, the most frugal man in the world, was going to take her out shopping? You are? she whispered. He laughed. Your tears actually stopped. She ignored that. Youre taking me shopping, too? Yes. Ive also asked for a day off from work today for the both of us. You need some shopping and pampering to make yourself beautiful tonight, dont you think? **** It was the most wonderful afternoon ever. Park was the perfect date even if it wasnt a date. He acted sweet and attentive, playing the role of the loveliest gentleman as he held her hand at all times, opened and closed doors for her, pulled out chairs, shielded her from the sun, carried her shopping bags, and he never even snapped at her, not once, not even when she was being at her silliest. He was wicked, too. When the saleslady left to get another size of the dress she was fitting, he stole inside her fitting room and made love to her with his mouth. The saleslady had returned just as she was about to come, forcing Violet to ask shakily for her dress in another color just so she could let go without worrying about an audience. After shopping, they had gone to the salon together so she could get a nice haircut. She had closed her eyes to enjoy the usual massage. When it was done and she had opened her eyes, it was only then that Violet realized it had been Park massaging her shoulders all along. Just about every female in the salon had been either staring or glaring at her in envy, too. On their way home, Park had bought ice cream to share and they had kissed every time their lips met through the cold sweet cream, Violet giggling and Park laughing as their chattering lips met. When they reached the dorm, Park had suddenly bent down and whispered to her ear that he was so proud to have her at his side. It was so, so, so wonderful Violet couldnt believe he didnt love her, couldnt believe he was actually willing to do all these things so that shed be happy with another guy. All done, Park said in satisfaction as he dumped the last of the shopping bags on the floor. Want some tea? Violet asked. He shook his head. I dont think you have time for that. Your dates just less than two hours away and you need at least a ten minute nap before taking a shower and doing all those beauty stuff that girls usually do.

Violet blinked. I Park kissed her forehead. Im going to pass on tonights concert, by the way. She stiffened against him. Its not going to be a proper date if Im there. He forced himself to pull away even though every instinct he possessed clamored to keep Violet chained to him. Parks lips twisted in a semblance of a smile. I had fun today. Violet closed her eyes to prevent herself from crying all of a sudden. Me, too, she whispered. There was something in her voice that broke Parks heart, something that made him want to say something. You know Violets voice startled him. He hadnt expected her to speak. Violet swallowed and without looking up, she continued, This is the part where you can say you love me and stop me from going. Park slowly took a step back. Violets whole being hurt but she managed a smile when she met Parks hooded eyes. But you dont. And you wont. I cant. You could before so whats so different now? she cried out. I just--- Park sighed wearily. Just enjoy your date tonight. She couldnt believe he could say that. He cursed at the look in her eyes, as if his words had killed the most vital part of her. Violet--- She turned her back on him. I dont think I want to see you for some time, Park. Violet, dammit. There was something so dignified about her right now Park felt he didnt have the right to reach out to her, not even when it was killing him to see the way her shoulders started to shake. She indicated the door. Please leave. And Park? He had the door open already but he paused, turning, hoping for something he didnt know. Yeah? Ill do what you said. Ill do what you want. Ill enjoy---and Ill try to see if theres another guy I can love. Because Im not afraid to love and its just sad that you cant do the same. Were losing so much just because youre scared. Violet turned to face him then, a heartbreaking smile on her lips. Goodbye, Park. Its not goodbye, he said harshly. It is for me.

Chapter Twenty
Forgetting a guy was always easier when you had a new one at your side. She had forgotten Andrew because of Park, and now she was almost succeeding in forgetting Park with the help of an extremely good looking Korean superstar. Stop that, Violet told Kim laughingly when she caught him staring at her once more with the kind of look that made her swallow. The very innocent look Kim gave her made Violet laugh, so much so she had to wipe tears from her eyes. She couldnt believe how good she was feeling right now, and she knew she owed it all to Kim. Im not doing anything! But Kims eyes were twinkling. Yes, you are and--- She let out an exasperated sigh. Youre doing it again! Youre doing it again, too. He smiled. Blushing. And it makes you look a hundred times prettier. She couldnt help it. She blushed harder. He was so different from Park. And that, she told herself firmly, was a good thing. It had to be. There was no future for Park and her. Park had said as much. Kim drove her back home at about one in the morning. I had a great time, he said softly. Me, too. And she meant it. She hadnt imagined she could actually feel this good, but Kims genuine attraction - which he made no move to hide - was balm to her hurt feelings. It made Parks loss recede to the background. Maybe someday soon, when Kim was gone, she might cry about it. But not now, not yet, not with Kim here to make her forget. He hesitated then cupped her face gently, his head bending down. For one moment, she thought of refusing. For one moment, she dreamt of Park kissing her. But those moments passed. She made them go away. Park was gone. Permanently. It was time to move on. Kims lips finally reached hers and she made no move to pull away. It was all the sign Kim was waiting for and his arms went around hers. The kiss was soft, sweet, hot, and seductive all the right things that made Violets toes curl. She didnt want to lie to herself and deny that she wasnt affected by Kims kiss. She was. There was even the tiniest spark, which was more than what she expected considering how much she still hurt over giving up on Park. When Kim pulled away, he was smiling. I like you a lot, Violet. She could feel herself blushing. Kim! She was rarely at a loss for words with guys but somehow Kim made her stammer like a fresh-faced kid with her first crush. Tomorrow, well meet again, right? Dont you have work--- Well meet again and thats that. He kissed her on the forehead before turning away. For a long moment, she stood there, a bit bemused at how fast things seemed to be progressing between them. She touched her lips unconsciously. Maybe the tiny spark could grow faster than she imagined. **** Park stood hidden in the shadows. He hadnt realized it would be this painful to see Violet in another guys arms. Tonight was different from the other times he had been jealous. It was different because this time, he knew that Violet wasnt trying to make him jealous. No, right now, Violet was simply trying to move on. Forget him. Leave him. The next morning, Violet opened the door to loud banging. As she opened the door, her

yawn stopped midway when she realized it was Park holding a steaming cup of tea. Good morning. He bent close to kiss her. She stepped away before he could even reach her. What are you doing? Park didnt let it show how much her action hurt him. Trying to be nice? She was still confused. Why? We had our little fight and now its time to make up. He held up the cup of tea. Peace? For a few seconds, she just stared at him, biting her trembling lip. Then she slowly shook her head. Park cursed under his breath. Violet--- We cant do it like this all the time. I dont want this. You made a decision not to love me. Fine. But you have to let me move on. Its only fair, dont you think? Violet was trying hard not to cry. Im sorry, Park, she whispered before closing the door. And it was at that exact moment Park understood. Violet really did mean goodbye. Parks first instinct was to lash back. He knew dating other women, merely being seen in the company of other women, would hurt her. After all, she still loved him, didnt she? But such insane thoughts only lasted for a few minutes. Been there, done that. Lashing back never solved anything. It only made things more complicated. More painful. And he had hurt her enough already. His next urge was to sink in depression. But that was pathetic and he didnt want to be pathetic. If Violet knew it and pitied him, he would not be able to stand it. If Kim learned about it, too, Park would have to kill the guy, and that would hurt Violet as well, which he didnt want to happen. Ultimately, he decided to do nothing, mainly because guys were different from girls. While girls had a constant urge to do something, to fix things, to make up or break up - guys were different. Emotions confused and threatened his kind. It made Park feel the urge to do something really stupid like have his bodyguards toss Kim back to South Korea and send him behind bars but Park managed to restrain himself. Ultimately, he chose to do nothing, mostly because he didnt know what he really wanted to do. Everything he saw, everyone he talked to simply reminded him of Violet. This was obsession of the worst kind but it was not love. It could not be love because for him, love was a destructive illusion and he was only doing himself and Violet a favor by being smart for the both of them. **** How long has it been since you last talked to Violet? Park shrugged. A month maybe? And God, what a long month it had been. Every waking moment, every second of his sleep had been haunted by Violet. But he didnt tell anyone about it. There was no point. Crayon hesitated, which was strange because the American was usually impulsive. It was enough to make Park shake himself awake from his phase of indifference. What is it? I dont want to be noisy Just spit it out, he said wearily. Do you know that the Korean superstar is still here in Japan? Park blinked. He hadnt known. Since that last time he and Violet had spoken, he had unconsciously blocked out every piece of news about her, to the extent of quitting his job at the hotel just so he could avoid the sight of her. He would even have changed homes if he could, but that would be overkill and he didnt want Violet to think that the sight of her affected him so much---even if it were true. Well, he said finally, Good for them. But not for you. Im happy--- he began to lie.

Crayon leaned close and whispered, He asked her to move in with him in Korea. **** Her eyes were red and puffy from crying. It had been like this every night and thank God for high-end cosmetics that enabled her to hide the evidence of heartbreak in daytime. The plan Kim had suggested didnt seem to be working and she was fast losing hope. Kim said that he would let everyone think he had asked her to move with him to Korea. It was his gift to her, he said, his way of bringing Park back to her. If it didnt work then he would ask her to go away with him for real, and if he did ask her again Kim wanted Violet to take him seriously. Youre different from all the other girls Ive met, Violet, Kim had said. And in my line of business different is good. Remembering those words made her want to cry but she didnt, afraid it would be loud enough to reach Park a couple of floors below. Why couldnt he love her? Why? Why? Why? She was so tired of waitingso fucking tired. A knock sounded on her door. Her heart began beating madly. She rushed towards it, hope making her breathless. It was Kim. Oh. Kim smiled at her ruefully. Sorry for disappointing you. She shook her head but she was unable to meet his eyes. What are you doing here? I wanted to do something. She cocked her head to the side, confused. What? This. Kim took her chin and kissed her, not sweetly like before but like a man who wanted to make the girl he wanted to think about him alone. When he let go, she actually swayed on her feet and he laughingly held her until she was able to regain her balance. I wanted to have another memory of how your lips taste. His words bemused her. Kim? You know, Ive liked you from the start. I really like, you, too. But they both knew it wasnt the same. One of the reasons why I like you is because you were so open---you went for what you wanted so now Im wondering--- He smiled down at her quizzically. Why are you waiting for Park to move first? Why indeed, she mused. Violet started to smile. Youre like my guardian angel, you know that? His nose wrinkled a bit. Id actually rather be the Prince Charming, but I guess being your fairy godfather is the best I can do in this instance. She laughed and impulsively threw her arms around him. She gave him a kiss, one that thanked him more effectively than any words could. But before she could pull away, Kim kissed her back, expertly enough that he succeeded in coaxing a response from her. Violet was blushing when he finally let her go. Kim sighed before stepping back, as if needing to put distance between them. Thank you, Kim, she said, still a little breathless. He sighed. Park is a fucking idiot if he lets you go again. If he does--- Violet gasped at the smoldering look in Kims eyes, realizing how much the other guy had been controlling himself with her. He wont, she said hastily. Ill make sure he wont. And then she was racing down the stairs. **** It was another sleepless night. He couldnt believe Violet was moving in with another guy. Fuck! Violet hadnt even moved in with Park and she was goddamn in love with him! Or at least she used to be. Was she fucking crazy? She barely knew the man! And did that baby-faced superstar really know the real Violet? Did he fucking know how Violet could be such a hellcat if she woke at the wrong side of the bed? Did he know that Violet could easily put a gaping hole in his

pocket in just ten minutes of shopping at Shibuya? Did he fucking know how to make Violet smile when she was homesick? Park knew all these things, but it didnt mean he loved her. Right? His chest squeezed painfully at the thought of loving Violet. Normally, thoughts of love would either disgust or anger him. But when it came to Violet---he actually shuddered in fear and his heart raced madly. She was a threat he didnt want to acknowledge. Love would give her power over him the same way Vanessa had that power and abused it. What if Violet left him in the future? It would kill him. Would he be willing to risk that? He glanced at the clock. But if he didnt risk that, hed lose her anyway. In the end, the choice was clear. Rather, there was no choice at all. He got up from bed just as someone banged on his door. Hard. Dj vu, he thought, a little taken aback. Park opened the door and he only had a seconds warning before Violet launched herself at him, raining kisses on his face. He lost his balance and they fell to the floor, but still she did not stop kissing him. Park kissed her back, pulling her tightly towards him, groaning at the taste and feel of her that he had missed every goddamned night. And then she pulled away and he groaned in protest, but she lifted herself away from him, placing hands on her chest. I kissed him! You what? He hauled her back and kissed her hard, stupidly wanting to erase the other guys kiss. She struggled to be free and he finally let her. Twice! Are you fucking insane? he roared. She didnt even flinch. Her jaw squared, a stubborn look falling on Violets face. I love you. Now I want to know the truth. Do you love me? Violets voice was fierce, aggressive. But there was fear lurking in her eyes and a huge amount of insecurities. Insecurities that he had caused, he thought grimly. He said simply, baring his heart in his eyes, I love you. Too much so that it scares me to death. He wanted to say more but Violets lips were back on his and she was laughing, crying, and kissing him at the same time. She suddenly beat his chest. Why did it take you so long to come back to me? I was a fucking fool. He didnt stop trying to undress her as he told her the truth. She laughed. Can I record that? She wanted to tease him some more, but her voice was already shaking so much, the relief of hearing Park finally say he loved her back making her want to weep. Oh God, was this really true? Anytime you want, baby. Violet gasped when he finally got her out of her dress and cupped her breasts in his hand. When he pulled her bra down to tease her nipples before sucking them one at a time, the pleasure was so acutely beautiful she knew she could come if he kept kissing her like that. Tears struck her eyes. She had almost lost this if she hadnt fought for him one more time, she might have lost this. The thought of it made her choke on a sob. Park froze then pushed himself up right away to gaze down at Violets tear-stained face. Baby, whats wrong? Please, please, please dont let me go again. Her words gutted him. Please, he whispered back to her. Please, please, please, dont leave me again, baby. I cant survive without you. I know that now. She cried some more because his tone was utterly serious when he said it. She had never

imagined hed bare his heart like this. I love you, Park. I love you. She couldnt say it enough. I love you, Violet. He entwined his fingers with his then lifted her hand so she could watch him kiss her knuckles. Park knew he had never failed to show her how sexually attracted he was to her, but this time he wanted Violet to see how much he loved her, how his heart was near to bursting with what he felt for her. I love you. Always. Her entire body shook at his words. Violet pulled her back down, her legs wrapping around his waist. I thought I had lost you, Park, she whispered. Park kissed her forehead. Never. Unable to help it, he started rubbing his dick against her folds. He groaned when he felt how wet she already was for him. I love you, baby. This time, he couldnt keep himself from saying it. She answered by taking his dick in her hand and guiding it into her as he gasped at her touch. I love you. Violet smiled up at him just before she pushed his shoulder so he could roll them, with him landing on his back and Violet on top. She started to ride him, in that beautifully and irresistibly sexy way of hers that had him nearly blacking out at the sheer pleasure of it. Violet, I love you. She moaned, her hips moving up and down even faster in a wild rhythm. Both of them were near, and Park wanted to make sure they would come together. This time, he wanted it like that at all times, with Violet always at his side, with both of them doing things together. Violet. She glanced down at Park, the pleasure of having his cock back deep inside her more than enough to make her feel dazed. Y-yes? Ill always love you, baby. This time, you wont ever have a reason to doubt. The words were unexpected, enough to send Violet flying over the edge just as he raised himself halfway up so he could take one nipple into his mouth and bite while he pulled her ass hard down on his dick, penetrating her to the fullest. Park, I love you! She needed to say the words as she shattered around him. He smiled up at her. For you, Ill be fucking mushy. I love you, too, baby. Her eyes went wide. Oh my God, thats so--- Seeing the laughter about to bubble out from her lips, Park reached down for her clit and started rubbing it as he fucked her again, harder and faster this time. She cried out instead. He smiled, but Violet got rid of it easily enough as well when she started moving against him, bending down so that her breasts would graze his lips like forbidden fruit. He groaned, and both of them didnt speak for hours, leaving their bodies to do the talking. **** Now, I want you to promise youll behave. Violet smoothed Parks lapels, unable to stop touching him. It was an addiction and one without cure. She was happy about that. Park was scowling. I dont want to. Park, she warned with a glint in her eyes. He sighed. Are you going to boss me around now? She laughed. Ive always been bossing you around. Its just now Im being obvious about it. She heard the familiar squealing and whirled around. It was her cue to Kims arrival. It was the bands last day in Japan. Since she had no idea when theyd see each other again, Violet wanted to at least be able to thank him personally once more for what he had done. Kims eyes twinkled when he caught sight of her. He spread his arms wide and she

laughingly ran to him and hugged him hard. Park gritted his teeth and began to count---he would do so until he was pretty sure he would not be committing murder in front of thousands. Thank you, Kim. I owe you my happiness, she whispered. Im happy youre happy. He pulled away to smile at her. Youll be happy, too. I promise. You just have to find the right woman for you. For a moment, his eyes darkened. I hope so, he murmured. She hugged him again. I know so. Park finally couldnt stand it and went to them, curling a possessive arm around Violets shoulders. He stared at Kim. The baby-faced star with the killer dimples stared back. Finally Park smiled grudgingly and offered his hand. Thank you. Take care of her. They shook hands and both of them simultaneously squeezed hard. Violet noticed this and rolled her eyes but said nothing. Men. When Kim and his band and entourage were gone, she turned to him with a scowl that would put Parks own famous ones to shame. You were rude, she admonished. You know we had other things to talk about. He was whispering and I didnt like it. He scowled back. Besides, didnt you tell me before you liked me to admit being jealous? So now Im jealous. You should be happy! Youre only admitting youre jealous because you know youre in the wrong. You--- He suddenly realized this would go nowhere. Violet could outtalk a hundred parrots in a minute. He swooped down and kissed her. When he pulled away, she was blinking at him. I love you. She opened and closed her mouth. You did that deliberately. I love you. She grinned. Thats your way of settling a quarrel, is that it? Never fix what was not broken. What worked before should work now. I love you, he repeated. Violet laughed and threw her arms around him. You know? Youre the only guy who has me around your little finger. She placed a loud smack on his cheek, knowing it would make him squirm because he hated attention. He squirmed as expected and she laughed. I love you, too, Park.

Un-freaking-believable. Violet stared at her boyfriend for one year and fianc for a week. There was a throng of reporters jostling to get the best shot of her and Park as they descended from the airplane. Parks face was all innocent but she was so not fooled. Who the heck are you? she demanded. Im not an actor, was all he said. I know that. I watch K movies, too, you know. Im not famous. My parents are. Yup. Thats what famous children of famous people always say. And I ask again: who are you? He laughed. Violet acting stubborn and persistent was his favorite side of her---even though Park would rather die than let her know that. Violet tried not to look shocked at how the press went mad when they saw Park laughing. Sheesh. She knew he was antisocial but had his Grinch-like ways also extended to the press? They call me the Ice Prince, he whispered to her ear, as if reading her thoughts. Violet couldnt say anything. She was too busy being fascinated at how the press seemed to go crazy with every little thing Park did. And not because Im blond or anything. He put an arm around her and kissed her head as they continued to walk. There were no security checks. Someone seemed to have taken care of that for them. My parents own a company called Jaewon. Perhaps youve heard of it? She stopped dead on her tracks. Her eyes bored through his. What do you think? She glanced back at the aircraft that carried them, which had Korean characters and the name Jaewon emblazoned on its side in blue and gold. Parks eyes laughed at her even as he pulled her back close to him. Dont be mad. It wouldnt make a difference, would it? She tried to think about that seriously. It was hard, though, with all those huge camera bulbs flashing. They were shouting now as well, but since it was all in Korean she didnt understand a word they were saying. It was Parks turn to stop walking. He pulled her to a stop, too. He tipped her chin up. Violet? He was worried. Would it have made a difference? She answered honestly, Id probably make you buy me a really, really, really expensive dress for coming here, but besides that, no. Park swallowed back his laughter because she sounded half-guilty, half-sincere. Who is she, Park? a reporter yelled in English. He turned around to acknowledge that reporter, turning Violet around as well. Park, she hissed, paling at the way everyones attention was centered on them. She loved the limelight. She lived for it but not like this, not when she was completely unprepared for it! Her mind was still reeling at the realization that Park was no ordinary Korean adopted child from the West. Park flashed a smile, and it was more than enough for the press to go wild again. Ah, well. She could understand that. She went a little wild herself whenever Park smiled at her like that. It was just too rare. Violet almost jumped when he spoke, so softly she knew he intended only her to hear him. Do you know that they called me the Ice Prince because not once had they ever seen

me smile? Not even to the Prime Minister, not even the Wonder Girls? Her smile faded at those last two words. You just had to say that to make me jealous, she said with a glare. God, the Wonder Girls! They were aptly named! They had more inches on her in all the right places! Yes, he admitted unashamedly. She made a move to tug his ear hard, like she usually did when she was mad, but Violet froze midway, remembering that they were in front of the press. Oh, fuck. The celebrities were right, after all. Publicity really was a bitch. Parks eyes laughed at her again. He captured her hand mid-air and brought it to his lips instead. Everyone swooned at the sight of it. Even Violets knees quivered. Show off, she hissed without heat because her heart was still beating madly, like it always did when Park did something unexpectedly romantic in public. Park shrugged. And then he was continuing again, weaving a fascinating story of a prince she never dared dream she would meet, much less fall in love with and have him love her back. The press would hound me like crazy, wanting to catch me in a good mood. But they never did---well, not until now. He smiled down at her. You changed me completely and for the better. She furiously blinked back tears. Park! Turning to face the press again, he raised his head and waved. The screams and cheers that rose from the crowd were not just deafening but they were strong enough to make the ground underneath them vibrate. Annyoung ha sehyo . He bowed. Now Violet wanted to swoon herself. He seldom, seldom spoke in Korean and she so loved it when he did, especially when he acted all traditional like now. It was like having her favorite Korean drama stars come to life, never mind if he looked more like a European duke than an Asian prince. Youre so cute, she squealed, almost jumping in glee. Park turned to her long enough to roll his eyes at her. She rolled hers back. Well, duh! She was his fiance and she was in love with him. Of course shed find him cute! Park faced the press with another smile. Everyone, he said in English. I want you to meet Violet, the girl I fell in love with and the one I mean to marry. Violet burst into tears. Park hated public attention while she loved it. Without a doubt, this was his way of proving to her one more time that he loved her over everything else, to the point that he would gladly face his worst fears for her. Like he had when he allowed himself to love her, and like he was doing now. You dont have to prove it anymore. I believe you, she half-wailed. Parks heart still knocked against his chest at the sight of Violets blushing face. Thank you for that, baby. Pulling her into his arms, he spoke to the press one last time before signaling the end to the short interview and walking forward, motioning for his security team to cover them on all fronts. Even with her eyes closed and her face pressed tightly against his chest, Violet still heard the way the crowd collectively gasped, as if Park had said something that declared the end of the world. Inside his limousine, Park smiled in surprised pleasure when Violet immediately climbed onto his lap. She twirled her arms around his neck. What did you tell them? He grinned at her wickedly. Sure you want to know? That bad? Well, you know how I really want to prove all the time I love you, right? Aaaand? And one way of showing that is by doing the things I dislike the most like getting interviewed by the press if it was also something I could do for you.

Get to the point, she growled. He laughed even as he nipped her lip, just with enough hardness as a way of playfully reprimanding her not to get so quickly impatient. He might now secretly love the side of her, but it did tend to get Violet into trouble. So I told them something that I normally wouldnt consider saying. She heaved a heavy sigh, as if it was all she could do not to shake him. Which is? I just told them Im going to have my honeymoon before the wedding and Im going to make you come so many times youll only remember my name. WHAT? Its my way of proving how much I love you, baby, he said cheerfully. I like doing it so please look forward to a lifetime of me happily proving it.

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