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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Monday, January 13, 14

Contact: Allen Blakemore 713-526-3399

Dan Patrick Provides a Sneak Peek at his Finances Has the resources to spread his authentic conservative message across the state. HOUSTON Texas State Senator Dan Patrick, authentic conservative candidate for Lieutenant Governor, is proud to give an early release of the financial report he will make public on Wednesday. Last November, Dan Patrick announced an all-star finance team led by: State Finance Chairman Jim Lee, Houston Dallas Team Leaders Roy Bailey, Mike Gruber Ft. Worth Team Leader Howard Katz Houston Team Leaders Steve Hotze, MD, Steve Mach, Christopher Zook San Antonio Team Leaders Jim Leininger, MD, Mark Mays West Texas Team Leaders Tim Dunn, Kyle Stallings During three months of fundraising, this team has worked hard to help spread my authentic conservative message and we have raised a substantial amount of support, said Dan Patrick. Dans financial report will show that almost 1,200 people have made contributions to Dan Patrick with a mean contribution amount of about $1,400. Since his last report, Dan Patrick has raised close to $1.7 million despite his fundraising being delayed by three special sessions. The majority of contributions were raised in the last two months as the campaign gained momentum and the Lt. Governors race clearly became a two-man race between Patrick and the incumbent, David Dewhurst. I am proud of how many individuals have decided to join my campaign with their financial support, said Dan Patrick. It means a lot to me and proves that my campaign is a grassroots effort to bring conservative leadership back to the Lt. Governors office. Dan Patricks financial report will show that he has already spent over $1.3 million with the largest expense on television ads. However, Dan will still show close to

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$3.1 million in cash-on-hand. His finance team is poised to raise another million dollars before the primary election on March 4. The state of Texas is a big place and requires a great deal of money to speak to the electorate, said Patrick. I am confident that I have the resources necessary to let people know about my conservative record as well as the need for new conservative leadership in the Texas Senate. ###

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