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You are going to read an article about female football referees. For questions 1-8, choose the answer {A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.


Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.


PiPfi 5 $i:n;:kiri;

During a recent game between two of Brazil's biggest football teams,

men have changed their

view of the place a

woman should have in

Annie Macntosh has been a referee for six years and is currently

funniest when spectators suddenly become aware that she is a woman and become tongue-tied. 'A voice in the crowd will shout, "Oi, linesmanl I mean lineswoman! Erm, I mean assistant referee!"'

the country's top striker head-

off. 'ldiot,' he shouted at

butted an opponent and was sent the

the highest level female official in Bitain. During her rise to this position, she has learnt to be tolerant of criticism, and not to
become excited or get offended by

it is unlikely that a woman footballer will have the physical

strength to compete at the top level in a men's team, there is no similar


referee. 'Just what you would

aggression to his opponent that really landed him in trouble. He was punished for this by being banned from the next four matches. The target of his venom,
Gisele Fabio, has become the most

expect from a woman.' lt was this comment rather than his

hurtful verbal attacks. She takes the comments with a pinch of salt. 'He is entitled to say what he likes. There is no point getting yourself

men's football. ln fact, the authorities running European

football are actively encouraging women referees, believing it helps increase women's interest in football generally.
ln Brazil, Gisele Fabio says the path

to women


all upset. From the experiences that I have had he is in the


You have to develop a thick skin as a female referee in the men's football. s4 game. ln spite of all this, Macintosh says that being a woman on the Times are changing in British field can have its advantages too. football, too. Not long ago the Many men consider it wrong to use manager of a Scottish team was bad language in front of women. 'Sometimes you get the odd idiot forced to resign after criticising the country's first woman referee by who shouts something, but usually saying: 'l knew it wasnt going to they use less colourful language. be our day when I found out we They behave better. One team had a woman running the line. She coach told me he wanted me to should be at home making the tea referee another game at that club or the dinner for her man after he to improve the players' behaviour.' has been to the football. This is a professional man's game.' An The confusion, she adds, also has attitude like this may have been its comic moments. Fans have not relatively common a few updated their vocabulary to take generations ago, but over the last account of female officials. decade or two the vast majority of Macintosh says she finds t

to becoming a referee has been about breaking down cultural

rather than legal barriers. 'For as long as l'm aware there have been no rules against women refereeing the men's game. lt was just that

high-profile woman



none did.' Fabio agrees that footballers treat female referees differently. 'ln principle they treat you with more respect. They are scared that you will give them a card more readily. This is an

advantage for



impressively, Fabio has been top of the referee rankings published by daily sports papers. 'l think I was

first because I am a novelty. But I don't think I am better than the

others. My refereeing is the same.'



FfTest5 >FPAPER I Readng )Fpartl

-player was punished because he hit an opponent.
he was aggressive during the game' he insulted the female referee' he shouted loudlY.


1 The football


in British football? What point is made to show that times are changing their jobs' lose can A Managers who don't like women referees home' at B Women are no longer expected to stay


Scotland now has a woman referee' A man cannot criticise a woman referee today'



angrY and hurt sad and dePressed calm and confident bitter and resentful

What does 'ln spite of all this,' in line 54 suggest? A although women referees are often criticised referees B in spite of the fact that there are so few women referee C even though men tend to behave better with a woman referee D despite the difficulty of getting work as a woman
The comic aspect mentioned is based on A the idea that fans are neryous of women referees'

Btheconfusionfansfeelwhentheydon,tknowwhattocallafemaleofficial. is a


they see the official the embarrassment people experience when woman. the fact that fans don't have a big vocabulary'

Why are women referees being encouraged? A They have to face a lot of obdtacles' B There is a shortage of men referees' C They don't have to be as physically strong as men' D They will attract more women spectators'

TWhatdoesGiseleFabiosayaboutthebarrierstowomenbecomingreferees? A They may be connected with social attitudes not laws'


They do not exist in developed countries' The legal barriers are being removed' barriers' The women themselves have removed these

According to Gisele Fabio, A men referees do not deserve as much respect as women referees'

Bfootballersthinkthatwomenrefereesarestricterthenmenreferees. C women usually make better referees than men' Dsheisatthetopoftheratingsbeausewomenrefereesareunusual.

Fc Test 5 >b PAPER

Reading )h Part


shops' Seven sentences have been You are going to read an article about robot p,i\pIi:l





removedfromthearticle.ChoosefromthesentencesA-Htheonewhichfitseach to use' is'one extra sentence which you do not need

gap (9-15). There

/"i [isf.eniriq

sheet' Mark your answers on the separate answer


Likemostideasthatseemabsotutetyrevotutionary'the simpte' In concept behind the robot shop is actualty very in the form of fact, it has atready been around for many years drinks' This vending machines, setting bars of chocolate or first robot idea has been further devetoped to create the
of shopping' shop, which may eventuatty change the future
The prototype robot shop

The system cou[dn't

yet be described as entirety efficient' The robot arm There's a lot of room for improvement' rne represents one of the biggest probtems' mJ--.l it item the pick up arm has to be very accurate in order to safely drop it into it' has reached fo carry it to the hatch and
is another reason The difficul'ty of judging customer attitudes are stitl why the robot'shop has to be tested' Customers shop' robot a in most of their shopping
cautious about doing but this is onty to be expected; every

in a suburb of London looks [ike a The display on the giant vending machine. ffi-l

yoghurt and right is refrigerated and hoTAfitem;-srrch as mi[k'

an impressive cheese, white the displ'ay on the left has does not have selection of biscuits, coffee cakes and crisps. It with a late the variety of conventional shops, but it can cope
night request for bread or painkillers'
code numbers of ffiJ---l You key in the *hi.r, .re displayed just underneath each item in the ;;it. *-."t,

ng:lygntion with some ,urpi.ion at first' ffi--_-l

has been

the goods you

Themanufacturersofrobotshopssuggestthatthesma[[ their biggest shopkeeper in inner-city areas represents Peopte in the area vatue the potential cfient. ffil----l .bt. to pop out rtually a[[ hours of the convenience of u.-iil-g
or suddenty day and night for some item they have forgotten invest in to LikeLy are buying. Smatl' shopkeepers tit

window,andahugerobotarmreachesoutandpicksupeach item, bringing it over to the consote inside the shop'


part-time staff to robot shop equipment, rather than emptoy

work twentY-four hours a daY'
prefer the impersonal The question is whether customers witl' type of shopping service of a robot shop to the conventional Machines do not where there's human contact' and they take lunch breaks, they hardty ever make mistakes

Anelectronicdispl.ayshowsyouthetotalyouhavetopay' Untike supermarkets, in robot shops you can


goods after you've paid' When the robot arm hatch and you finds the things you want, it drops them into a before you reach inside to take them out. If this happened hang paid, you could easity watk off with the goods without


paid for them.

of efficiency are never rude to customers' Isn't this the sort peopte want from a shoP these daYs?


Test 5 )


Readlng )> Part 2



A central console between the windows is where you actually do your

The first thing you notice are the two large display windows which are absolutely packed with goods. Older customers in particular may find the experience cold and impersonal, but a younger generation may respond more positively. The real question is whether, over the three-month testing period, enough people will overcome their doubts and start shopping here in significant numbers. For security reasons, you have to do this before the robot arm starts gathering your goods.


Many shops like these only survive because they stay open late, or even round the clock in some cases.
Experience with similar mechanised service equipment, such as cash dispensers, suggest that there are considerable advantages for both customers and shop owners. The challenge is to create a piece of machinery which will be delicate enough to pick up eggs but at the same time strong enough to pick up bottles of mineral water and baked bean cans.


tiif!1:rr pApR




You are going to read a magazine article in which four people talk about running the London Marathon. For questions 16-30 choose from the people (A-D). The people may be chosen more than once. Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.

PAPTR 4 L?siening
PAPR 5 5pea,<ing

Which of the people ran in order to help a charity? doesn't like the reactions of the watching crowd?
feels that entering the marathon is a rewarding experience?


began running to accompany a runner?


didn't finish last year's marathon?

had an unpleasant experience in his or her first marathon? entered the marathon with colleagues from work?


is not confident about his or her physical condition? belongs to a sports group? intends to run another m.arathon soon? compares entering the marathon to lfe?




trains under bad weather conditions?

saw himself or herself on television? doesn't have to go far for his or her runs?

ffi----_l ffi-_-_l






PAPERl Reading >rparrg

Running for
A Peter Ghamberlain

C Ruth Watson Long distance running is not about how fast you can run,


* { {


I was always keen on sports. Running a long distance is a bit like life too.You start with a sense of anticipation, you go through some great highs and terrible lows, but in the end it seems to be worth it.There s nothing that I enloy more than a good workout at the gym or a good one-hour run across the local wildlife reserve. Fortunately, where I live, I can reach the open countryside in just a couple of minutes on foot from my front door step. ln my case, participation in the London Marathon was not about winning, it was about doing the best you possibly can. My first marathon was a disaster. Everything was going fine until the twelfth mile when I started to feel a bit of fatigue kicking in and hit the wall between the fourteenth and

it's about how much pain you can take. Long distance running is a good discipline for life itself. I run with my head and my heart, because physically I dont think I've got a
great deal of talent or ability. I was always a very energetc sports person and I have entered the marathon five times so far. Last year I managed to complete a half marathon in

{ .

d #:


90 minutes, which was quite an accomplishment for

someone who did not train systematically. One thing that


# f

annoyed me in my last marathon was the attitude of people watching. They took more interest in the funrunners and celebrities than in the battle of the elite runners chasing qualification times for the Olympic


fifteenth miles.
B Rosalind Masterson I surprised myself by doing so well,to tell you the truth. lt all started when a friend of mine was training for the marathon and asked me to join her a few mornings a week. I didnt think I was very fit when I started, although years ago ld go cycling three times a week and jogging at weekends. I found the experience enjoyable but realised I preferred logging on my own. Success depends a lot on your mood. Last year, for example, I was feeling very stressed for one reason or another, and I got tired much more quickly; I didnt even get to the end of the course! This year's been completely different. London was such a success that I've entered for the Berlin Marathon next month, along with three friends. My husband thinks I'm mad, though when we watched the news that night and he could see my face among the crowds, he was fairly

d! i[

D John Saddler An old friend of mine has been a member of a jogging club

t'l ;"

for years, and he finally persuaded me to go along with him one Saturday to see if I would enjoy it. Well, I felt fairly good afterwards, so I joined the club and started thinking seriously about running. I thought that entering for the marathon would give me a unique opportunity to raise some caslr for the Red Cross. ln fact, four of us from the office decided to do the same thing, and between us we raised over f25,000, which was great! Running wasnt as
hard as I expected.Training can be difficult, especially when it means I have to drag myself out of bed on cold winter mornings and go jogging in the pouring rain. I never train



with friends because I find it impossible to concentrate on what I'm doing.


Test 5 >> PAPER



Parr 3

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