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Online Blogging with SEO Friendly URL Abstract

Ankit Khambhatta A. Harsh Soni N. Krunal Patel S. "ra# Shah $. &ogesh Solanki H. krunalpatel5 5!
80N9*N7 490::*N: ;*+H S70 <=*7N$9& >=9? is a simple blog 1ith search engine optimi@ation .*n this system people 1ho ha%e in any 'iel. can create the blog. People 'rom any part o' 1orl. can see an. 'ollo1 the blog at their 1ish. +he is allo1e. to comment to the any post. +he system a%oi.s the misuse an. illegal acti%ities in the society through 4log. +he 4logger can S70 page in his pro'ile. +he 4logger can also post by "i.eo 4log. +he 4log can use .ynamic +emplates o' this o1n style. *' the 4logger cannot un.erstan. anything he can use %i.eo assistance to sol%e his problem. +he 4logger or can search the blog o' his 1ish by the category or .irect search. +he 4logger can see the graphical represent o' this post 1ith respect to .ate. +he 4logger has right to select or .iscar. all the comment o' this blog.

$epartment o' (omputer Science ) *n'ormation +echnology, Shree S-a. "i.ya / *nstitute o' +echnology, (ollege (ampus, 0l. National High1ay No.23, 4haruch2592661, *n.ia 72mail2in' or in'

+here are currently 1ell o%er 166 /illion blogs on the internet to.ayA each .ay thousan.s more come online. 4logs co%er a 1i.e range o' sub#ects 'rom ne1s, re%ie1s, personal up.ates an. businessA the options are en.less. *n recent years 1e ha%e seen the rise o' blogs as a legitimate 1ay to make money online. 4logs such as Problogger, /ashable, Seth an. Pere@ Hilton are all big name blogs 1hich generate their creators enough income to make a li%ing online. *' you inten. to begin blogging an. turn it into a 1ay to generate a..itional money online, my hats o'' to youA you-re taking a big leap 1hich reBuires .e.ication an. passion. +his is the 'irst step in a pro'itable blogA 1hat blogging is an. 1here to start.

no1 encompass a 'antastic option 'or any 1ebsite o1ner.

4logging has become popular .ue to 5 main reasonsE 7asy to create an. use 9o1 cost to start A%ailability

>nlike tra.itional 1ebsites 1hich 'ocus on a one2to2one interaction 1ith rea.ers, blogs ha%e the ability to buil. a community through blog commentsA comments gi%e rea.ers the ability to interact 1ith blog content an. share their o1n %ie1s an. in'ormation.

A secon. bene'it to choosing a blog o%er a 1ebsite is the ability to continually up.ate in'ormation an. easily share it 1ith other internet users F an element search engines lo%e.

;hat is 4logC
A 1eblog, or Dblog- 'or short, is in essence an online #ournal 1hich .isplays blog posts in a re%erse chronological

Blogs are commonly used for:

Although blogging has starte. 1ith mo.est beginnings mostly use. as online #ournals in place o' static 1ebsites, blogging has e%ol%e. beyon. the basics an. Ne1s 4usiness Personal in'ormation sharing

+utorials an. (ommunity $iscussion +he options are truly en.less an. continue to e%ol%e .aily.

a%ailable 1hen choosing a blogging plat'orm. +he 5 main blogging plat'orms use. to.ay areE

4logger ;or.Press +ypePa.

Why Start A Blog?

+here are many reasons to start a blog but essentially there are 2 main reasonsE 1. <un 2. Pro'itability

Blogger 4logger is a 'ree blogging plat'orm o''ere. by none other than :oogle. 4logger is perhaps the easiest blogging plat'orm to begin 1ith as it automatically ties into your :oogle account an. has many great options to create customi@e. blogs 'or 'un an. pro'it.

;hiche%er is your choice, you 1ill nee. to .ri%e an. passion as i' it 1ere your o1n business. ;riting 'reBuent an. great content, a community an. net1orking are all areas you 1ill learn as you begin your blog.

Word ress ;or.Press is another 'or the most popular blog plat'orm. (reate. as on open source blogging plat'orm anyone can contribute to, the sheer amount o' customi@ation is en.less .ue to the large community. "y!e ad +ypePa. is a thir. as a ma#or blogging plat'orm 1ith many users an. uses. +ypePa. gi%es blog o1ners many options 1ith the built in AP*, micro blogging an. multi2 author 'eaturesA some o' the many reasons 1hy large corporations use +ypePa..

/any choose to create a blog 'or their o1n personal en#oyment 1hile others 'ocus on creating a pro'itable blog. 7ach has their o1n bene'it an. nee. to be .etermine. by your o1n pre'erence an. commitment.

o!ular Blogging latforms

<rom the humble beginnings o' blogging plat'orms such as 0pen $iary to the behemoth that is ;or.Press, you ha%e many options

7ach o' these blogging plat'orms gi%e you an eGtensi%e control o%er the customi@ation an. ser%ice 'or your blog but 1ithout a .oubt the best plat'orm 'or starting is a sel'2 hoste. ;or.Press blog.

An O#er#iew of Starting a rofita$le Blog

+o create a pro'itable blog you-ll nee. to keep in min. key pointsE

can search the blog o' his 1ish by the category or .irect search. +he 4logger can see the graphical represent o' this post 1ith respect to .ate. +he 4logger has right to select or .iscar. all the comment o' this blog.

Keeping a 'ocus 1ithin your niche a recogni@able bran. 7ngaging an. passionate content a community aroun. your blog Net1orking 1ith other bloggers Promoting your blog an. content /oneti@ing your blog 7ach o' these key points are essential i' you plan to create a pro'itable blog. +he most pro'itable blogs .o their best to co%er each one o' these key points so think this through 1hen you begin your o1n blogging career.

REFERENCE 2/wp2 /content/blogs ing

http://www.historybloggingproject. org

log-!"ew!#ork!$imes! y!%ugh! %ewitt $he! log!&head!' y!(.!)cott! %all log! arely!$he! eginning!'by! *sha!sani+ue

+his 0nline blogging system 1ill manage the 4logger-s in'ormation by 1hich blogger can login an. can post the 4log. +he system 1ill incorporate all 'eatures o' 4logging system. *ts pro%i.e the tools 'or maintaining blogger to post an. to rea. the blog e''iciently. +here is a $A+A4AS7 1hich is maintains all the recor.s o' 4logger an. 1ith complete in'ormation is store. in it. +he system a%oi.s the misuse an. illegal acti%ities in the society through 4log. . *' the 4logger cannot un.erstan. anything he can use %i.eo assistance to sol%e his problem. +he 4logger or

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