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No' -'./-

Offshore Service 0odules

0A1 -234

The electronic pdf version of this document found through is the officially binding version
The content of this service document is the subject of intellectu l !ro!ert" ri#hts reserved b" Det Nors$e Verit s AS %DNV&' The user cce!ts th t it is !rohibited b" n"one else but DNV nd(or its licensees to offer nd(or !erform cl ssific tion) certific tion nd(or verific tion services) includin# the issu nce of certific tes nd(or decl r tions of conformit") *holl" or ! rtl") on the b sis of nd(or !ursu nt to this document *hether free of ch r#e or ch r#e ble) *ithout DNV+s !rior *ritten consent' DNV is not res!onsible for the conse,uences risin# from n" use of this document b" others'


DNV is #lob l !rovider of $no*led#e for m n #in# ris$' Tod ") s fe nd res!onsible business conduct is both license to o!er te nd com!etitive dv nt #e' Our core com!etence is to identif") ssess) nd dvise on ris$ m n #ement' From our le din# !osition in certific tion) cl ssific tion) verific tion) nd tr inin#) *e develo! nd !!l" st nd rds nd best !r ctices' This hel!s our customers s fel" nd res!onsibl" im!rove their business !erform nce' DNV is n inde!endent or# nis tion *ith dedic ted ris$ !rofession ls in more th n 322 countries) *ith the !ur!ose of s fe#u rdin# life) !ro!ert" nd the environment' Standards for Certification St nd rds for Certific tion %!reviousl" Certific tion Notes& re !ublic tions th t cont in !rinci!les) cce!t nce criteri nd !r ctic l inform tion rel ted to the Societ"+s consider tion of objects) !ersonnel) or# nis tions) services nd o!er tions' St nd rds for Certific tion lso !!l" s the b sis for the issue of certific tes nd(or decl r tions th t m " not necess ril" be rel ted to cl ssific tion'

5 Det Nors$e Verit s AS 0 " -234 An" comments m " be sent b" e/m il to

This service document has been prepared based on available knowledge, technology and/or information at the time of issuance of this document, and is believed to reflect the best of contemporary technology. The use of this document by others than DNV is at the user's sole risk. DNV does not accept any liability or responsibility for loss or damages resulting from any use of this document.

tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'( !hanges ) *age (

This document su!ersedes St nd rd for Sertific tion -'./-) December 3667 nd mendments November -228' Te9t ffected b" the m in ch n#es in this edition is hi#hli#hted in red colour' :o*ever) if the ch n#es involve *hole ch !ter) section or sub/section) norm ll" onl" the title *ill be in red colour'

Main Changes
All sections h ve been e9tensivel" revised nd e9tended to include ll tem!or r" offshore service e,ui!ment *hich m " be mounted on fr me or inside cont iner' The focus is on the s fet" of this e,ui!ment nd n" h ; rds it m " introduce to the inst ll tion on *hich it is !l ced'

Editorial Corrections
In ddition to the bove st ted m in ch n#es) editori l corrections m " h ve been m de'


tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'( !ontents ) *age +

1. ntrod!ction.......................................................................................................................................... " 3'3 Rel tionshi! *ith other st nd rds) codes nd re#ul tions ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''7 #. General.................................................................................................................................................. $ -'3 Objective ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''< -'Definitions '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''< -'4 Referenced Cl ss Rules) Re#ul tions nd St nd rds''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''. -'= Abbrevi tions''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''8 %. Str!ct!ral Technical Re&!ire'ents ................................................................................................... ( 4'3 >ener l''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''6 4'Tr ns!ort ?o ds ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''6 4'4 Offshore Inst ll tion Induced ?o ds ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''32 4'= Securin# to offshore inst ll tion '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''33 4'7 :i#h Stressed ?oc tions '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''33 ). Safet* Related Technical Re&!ire'ents ......................................................................................... 1# ='3 >ener l''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''3='Environment l Re,uirements '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''3='4 Noise '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''34 ='= Asbestos Decl r tions'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''34 ='7 Electric l S"stems'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''34 ='< I#nition @revention ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''38 ='. Fire A > s Detection ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''38 ='8 Communic tions ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''-2 ='6 Fire Fi#htin# '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''-2 ='32 @ ssive Fire @rotection''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''-='33 Esc !e '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''-='3- :e tin#) Ventil tion nd Air Conditionin#'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''-4 ". Mod!le Ser+ice T*,es........................................................................................................................ #7'3 0odules for Im!ort nt Services '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''-. 7'0odule T"!es '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''-8 7'4 S!ecific Re,uirements for Function l >rou!s'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''-6 7'= Offshore Inst ll tions not intended for h"droc rbon rel ted ctivities'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''4$. nstallation and Hoo./!, .................................................................................................................. %) <'3 >ener l''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''4= <'Interf ces bet*een module nd offshore inst ll tion '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''4= <'4 Instructions for hoo$/u!(inst ll tion'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''4= -. and instr!ctions................................................................................................................. %" .'3 Inform tion !l te'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''47 .'0 r$in# of E,ui!ment''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''47 0. A,,ro+al and Certification 1roced!res........................................................................................... %8'3 >ener l''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''4. 8'A!!lic tion for Certific tion'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''4. 8'4 A!!rov l Schemes ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''4. 8'= Desi#n Assessment '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''4. 8'7 Surve" nd testin# ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''4. 8'< Certific tion of e9istin# cont iners'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''46 8'. Retention of certific tes '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''46 A,,endi2 A. Certificate for Offshore Ser+ice Mod!le...................................................................................................... )3


tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'( ec.' ,ntroduction ) *age -

1 ntrod!ction
This St nd rd for Certific tion h s been issued in order to collect into one document suit ble collection of re,uirements *ith relev nt !!ro!ri te references to v rious intern tion l codes nd st nd rds *hich re !!lic ble to the desi#n nd inst ll tion of offshore service modules' Offshore service modules re desi#ned to !erform tem!or r" services on offshore inst ll tions nd m " be !l ced on different offshore inst ll tions nd units in different n tion l * ters' This St nd rd for Certific tion !!lies b sic re,uirements from other DNV Rules nd St nd rds to service modules nd h s been b sed !rim ril" on reco#nised !r ctices for the offshore industr"' It is intended th t the st nd rd *ill be suit ble for #lob l us #e' It should) ho*ever) be noted th t some shelf or fl # st tes m " h ve stricter or other re,uirements th n those #iven in this st nd rd' 0odules desi#ned nd m nuf ctured in com!li nce *ith DNV -'./- re intended to meet the b sic re,uirements of SO?AS) 0ODB code nd DNV Offshore St nd rds relev nt to the functions of the e,ui!ment nd s !!lic ble t d te this st nd rd * s issued' All subject to de,u te inst ll tion of the e,ui!ment *hen loc ted on the offshore inst ll tion %*hich is out *ith the sco!e of this st nd rd&'

1.1 Relationshi, 4ith other standards5 codes and reg!lations

1.1.1 The International Maritime Organization (IMO) The re,uirements in the SO?AS Code !!l" for offshore service modules utilised on shi!s nd cert in flo tin# offshore inst ll tions' The re,uirements in the 0ODB Code !!l" for offshore service modules utilised on flo tin# offshore drillin# units) includin# j c$/u! inst ll tions' This !!lies irres!ective of the time such modules re inst lled nd used' DNV -'./- is intended to meet the b sic s fet" re,uirements of SO?AS nd 0ODB code *ith re# rd to esc !e !rovision) fire detection nd fire !rotection' 1.1.# DNV Rules for Classification of Ships / DNV Offshore Stan ar s! Offshore Service 0odules th t re inst lled on DNV Cl ssed Offshore Inst ll tion m " be subject to cl ssific tion re,uirements) either in m in cl ss or other cl ss not tions' DNV -'./- includes the b sic re,uirements of these documents) for m in cl ss items) *hen !!lied to tem!or r" inst ll tions' DNV -'./- is not intended to re!l ce certific tion to the DNV Rules for Cl ssific tion of Shi!s(DNV Offshore St nd rds for !erm nentl" inst lled e,ui!ment or conversions' Chen e,ui!ment is loc ted on DNV Cl ssed Offshore Inst ll tion it is re,uired to be ssessed b" DNV to ensure n" s!ects *hich interf ce *ith cl ss s"stems h ve been correctl" inst lled nd to ensure th t #ener l s fet" !rinci!les h ve been dhered' This focusses on the loc tion nd inst ll tion of the e,ui!ment nd ddition ll" confirms s!ecific inst ll tion(hoo$/u! re,uirements det iled *ithin the DNV -'./- Certific te h s been de,u tel" ddressed' It is not the intention of this st nd rd to ddress the re,uirements for commissionin# on DNV Cl ss unit) these rem in the res!onsibilit" of the vessel(offshore unit o*ner( m n #er' 1.1.% Relationship to pre"ious re"ision of stan ar This revision of the st nd rd cont ins multi!le u!d tes to re,uirements s *ell s encom! ssin# bro der r n#e of e,ui!ment t"!es' E,ui!ment *hich * s certified to !revious revisions of this st nd rd m " not meet ll the !!lic ble re,uirements of this revision' Desi#n ssessment to !revious revisions of this st nd rd sh ll not be conducted follo*in# rele se of this revision'


tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'( ec.# .eneral ) *age /

# General
#.1 O67ecti+e
The objective of this St nd rd for Certific tion is to set re,uirements for offshore e,ui!ment modules but focussed on the s fet" im! ct to the offshore inst ll tion u!on *hich the e,ui!ment is inst lled' Chen inst lled nd used on flo tin# offshore inst ll tions) service cont iners re subject to the re#ul tions !!lic ble to n offshore inst ll tion %i'e') I0O 0ODB(SO?AS) Cl ss) fl # st te nd n tion l re#ul tions&' Chen offshore service cont iners re inst lled nd used on fi9ed offshore inst ll tions) n tion l re#ul tions *ill !!l"' It h s been reco#nised th t individu l inter!ret tions of ll the v rious codes nd st nd rds m " sometimes le d to conflictin# re,uirements' This St nd rd for Certific tion intends to !rescribe solutions *hich *ill !rovide n e,uiv lent level of s fet" s the codes nd st nd rds referred to throu#hout this document' Certific tion b" DNV !rovides document *hich m " be !resented to users of the module to document its technic l st nd rd nd s fet" !erform nce' The certific te lso defines conditions for tr ns!ort tion to) nd inst ll tion on) n offshore inst ll tion'

#.# Definitions
Accommodation Space Those used for !ublic s! ces) corridors) l v tories) c bins) offices) hos!it ls) cinem s) # mes nd hobbies rooms) ! ntries cont inin# no coo$in# !!li nces nd simil r s! ces' @ublic s! ces re those !ortions of the ccommod tion *hich re used for h lls) dinin# rooms) loun#es nd simil r !erm nentl" enclosed s! ces' Category A Machinery Space: All s! ces *hich cont in intern l combustion/t"!e m chiner" used either for m in !ro!ulsion or for other !ur!oses *here such m chiner" h s in the ##re# te tot l !o*er of not less th n 4.7 $C or *hich cont in n" oil/fired boiler or oil fuel unitD nd trun$s to such s! ces' !uipment mass" T : The m ss in $ilo#r ms %$#& of insul tion nd ll !erm nentl" fitted or inst lled e,ui!ment) etc' Certified Safe e!uipment: Certified s fe e,ui!ment is e,ui!ment certified b" n inde!endent n tion l test institution or com!etent bod" to be in ccord nce *ith reco#nised st nd rd for electric l !! r tus in h ; rdous re s' ssential/safety system: 0odule inte#r ted s"stems includin# re,uired utilities) *hich re !rovided to !revent) detect or * rn of n ccident l event nd(or miti# te its effect' This m " includeD E E E E E E li#htin# fire nd > s Detection S"stems shutdo*n S"stems @A(>A S"stems su!!lies from emer#enc" !o*er or B@S sources fire !rotection nd e9tin#uishin# s"stem'

#itted out mass" T#: The m ss in $ilo#r ms %$#& of the cont iner re d" for use) includin# both the structur l m ss nd the e,ui!ment m ss) i'e' TF F TS G TE 3& The term Ht re m ssI) T) s used for offshore cont iners in DNV -'./3) is not suit ble for offshore service cont iners' The Ht re m ssI of service cont iner is fitted out m ss) TF' $as tight: Doors) * lls or d m!ers *hich *ill m int in !ressure differenti l bet*een dj cent re s) the llo* ble le $ #e r te *ill not e9ceed 2'7 m4( m-h t G72@ . %mportant Services: Services !rovided b" the module to the offshore inst ll tion *hich re critic l to the s fet" of the offshore inst ll tion or modules th t !revent) !rotect or miti# te from the effects of n ccident l event' E9 m!les m " include ccommod tion units) emer#enc" #ener tor units) *ell intervention e,ui!ment' &ow flame spread: A surf ce) *hich in ccord nce *ith the I0O Fire Test @rocedures %FT@& Code) *ill de,u tel" restrict the s!re d of fl me'

tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'( ec.# .eneral ) *age $

Manned: 0 nned for more th n - hours in ever" -= hour !eriod' If the m nnin# is loc ted t n e9tern l !osition re,uirements round emer#enc" li#htin# nd ventil tion re not m nd tor"' 'on(combustible material: 0 teri l *hich neither burns nor #ives off fl mm ble v !ours in sufficient ,u ntit" for self/i#nition *hen he ted to !!ro9im tel" .72JC) this bein# determined in ccord nce *ith the I0O Fire Test @rocedures %FT@& Code' )ffshore container: A !ort ble cont iner *ith m 9imum #ross m ss not e9ceedin# -7)222 $#) for re!e ted use in the tr ns!ort of #oods or e,ui!ment) h ndled in o!en se s) to) from or bet*een fi9ed nd(or flo tin# offshore inst ll tions nd shi!s' See DNV -'./3 for more det iled definition' )ffshore %nstallation: This is used s short term nd m " be fi9ed offshore inst ll tion) mobile offshore unit or shi! on *hich the module m " be loc ted' )ffshore service module: A unit built nd e,ui!!ed for s!eci l service t s$) m inl" for tem!or r" inst ll tion) on offshore inst ll tions' This !!lies e,u ll" to offshore fr mes *ith e,ui!ment but for e se of reference *e *ill refer throu#hout the st nd rd to Offshore Service modules' *ayload" *: The m 9imum !ermissible m ss in $ilo#r ms %$#& of c r#o or loose e,ui!ment *hich m " s fel" be tr ns!orted b" the cont iner' *ortable )ffshore +nit: A H@OBI %@ort ble Offshore Bnit& is ! c$ #e or unit intended for re!e ted or sin#le offshore tr ns!ort tion nd inst ll tion(liftin#' @OBKs m " lso be desi#ned for subse liftin#' See DNV -'./4 for more det iled definition' *rimary dec, covering: Dec$ coverin# *hich *ill not re dil" i#nite in ccord nce *ith the I0O Fire Test @rocedures %FT@& Code' -ating" -: 0 9imum #ross m ss of the cont iner nd its c r#o in $ilo#r ms %$#&' The R tin# consists of the m ss of the structure) fitted e,ui!ment nd the ! "lo d) i'e' RFTF G @' Source of -elease @oint or loc tion from *hich fl mm ble subst nce m " be rele sed into the room or buildin# such th t n e9!losive # s tmos!here could be formed' Standard fire test: A test in *hich s!ecimens of the relev nt bul$he ds or dec$s re e9!osed in test furn ce to tem!er tures corres!ondin# !!ro9im tel" to the st nd rd time/tem!er ture in ccord nce *ith the test method s!ecified in the I0O Fire Test @rocedures %FT@& Code' Structural mass .TS/: The m ss in $ilo#r ms %$#& of structur l com!onents) includin# both !rim r" nd second r" structure' +nmanned: Are s *hich re not m nned s defined bove'

#.% Referenced Class R!les5 Reg!lations and Standards

The follo*in# st nd rds include !rovisions *hich) throu#h reference in the te9t) constitute !rovisions of this st nd rd' The l test issue of the references *ill be used unless other*ise #reed' Other reco#nised st nd rds m " be used !rovided it c n be demonstr ted th t these meet or e9ceed the re,uirements of the st nd rds referenced belo*L E I0O Re,uirementsL E E E E CSC) I0O Convention for S fe Cont iners I0O FSS) Intern tion l Code for Fire S fet" S"stems I0O FT@) Intern tion l Code for A!!lic tion of Fire Test @rocedures 0SC'3(Circ' 3-.7 M Bnified Inter!ret tion of SO?AS Ch !ter II/- on the number nd rr n#ement of !ort ble fire e9tin#uishers on bo rd shi!s E 0ODB) I0O Code 0obile Offshore Drillin# Bnits E SO?AS) I0O Convention S fet" of ?ife t Se '

tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'( ec.# .eneral ) *age 0

E DNV Cl ssific tion Note No' 8 Conversion Of Shi!s E DNV Offshore St nd rdsL E E E E E E E E E E E DNV/OS/A323/ S fet" @rinci!les nd Arr n#ements DNV/OS/D323/ 0 rine nd 0 chiner" S"stems nd E,ui!ment DNV/OS/D-23/ Electric l Inst ll tions DNV/OS/D423/ Fire @rotection DNV/OS/E323/ Drillin# @l nt DNV/OS/E-23/ Oil nd > s @rocessin# S"stems DNV/OS/E=2-/ Offshore St nd rd for Divin# S"stems'

DNV Rules for Shi!s @t'4) Ch'3 / :ull Structur l Desi#n DNV Service S!ecific tion DNV/DSS/327/ Rules for Cl ssific tion of Divin# S"stems DNV St nd rd DNV/DS/E=24/ St nd rd for Surf ce Divin# S"stems DNV St nd rd for Certific tionL E E E E E DNV STC 3'- T"!e A!!rov l DNV STC -'-- ?iftin# A!!li nces DNV STC -'= Environment l Test S!ecific tion for Instrument tion nd Autom tion E,ui!ment DNV STC -'./3 Offshore Cont iners DNV STC -'./4 @ort ble Offshore Bnits'

E IEC @ublic tionsL E IEC <22.6 Series / E9!losive tmos!heres E IEC <226- Series / Electric l inst ll tions in Shi!s E IEC <386- Series / 0obile nd fi9ed offshore units M Electric l inst ll tions' E NORSOK @ublic tionsL E Norso$ E/223 M Electric l S"stems E Norso$ N/237 M Tem!or r" E,ui!ment'

#.) A66re+iations
CCR DNV E0C EN ESD EB(EEA FA> FSS FT@ IEC I0D> I0O I@ ?E? 0ODB 0OB @ A ID @A(>A @F@ @?C @OB SO?AS STC B@S Centr l Control Room Det Nors$e Verit s Electro 0 #netic Com! tibilit" Euro!e n Norm tive St nd rd Emer#enc" Shutdo*n Euro!e n Bnion ( Euro!e n Economic Are Fire nd > s Fire S fet" S"stems Fire Test @rocedure Intern tion l Electro/technic l Commission The Intern tion l 0 ritime D n#erous >oods Code Intern tion l 0 ritime Or# nis tion In#ress @rotection ?o*er E9!losive ?imit I0O Code 0obile Offshore Drillin# Bnits 0obile Offshore Bnit @i!in# nd Instrument tion Di #r m @ublic Address ( >ener l Al rm @ ssive Fire @rotection @ro#r mm ble ?o#ic Controller @ort ble Offshore Bnit I0O Convention S fet" of ?ife t Se DNV St nd rd for Certific tion Bninterru!t ble @o*er Su!!l" DET NORSKE VERITAS AS

tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'( ec.( tructural Technical 1e2uirements ) *age 3

% Str!ct!ral Technical Re&!ire'ents

%.1 General
Service modules *ill be subject to st tic or d"n mic lo ds durin# tr ns!ort nd h ndlin#) nd *hile inst lled on n offshore inst ll tion' Such lo ds m " be either e9tern l) e'#' environment l lo ds) or intern l) e'#' from *inch or m chiner" in the module'

%.# Trans,ort 8oads

There re three structur l c te#ories rel ted to the tr ns!ort re,uirements' Bnits certified to DNV -'./- must) s minimum) be certified in ccord nce *ith one of the follo*in#L E Offshore cont iners certified b" DNV ccordin# to DNV -'./3 %includes I0O(0SC(Circ'8<2&' E @ort ble Offshore Bnits certified b" DNV ccordin# to DNV -'./4' E Shi! t"!e service cont iners M Not for liftin# bet*een vessels nd(or offshore inst ll tions t se '
G!idance note 19 Offshore cont iners certified b" nother or# nis tion sh ll onl" be considered for DNV -'./- modules on c se b sis'
///e/n/d///of///>/u/i/d/ /n/c/e///n/o/t/e///

c se b"

G!idance note #9 Ouildin# units s ISO(CSC cont iners *ill f cilit te intern tion l tr ns!ort b" se ) since such units c n be c rried s st nd rdi;ed c r#o units on cont iner c rriers nd other dr" c r#o shi!s' 0odules th t re not ISO(CSC cont iners *ill norm ll" be tr ns!orted s s!eci l c r#o' 0odules built ccordin# to ISO frei#ht cont iner st nd rds) ISO 3=6< must be certified to I0OKs Convention for S fe cont iners) CSC' The structur l re,uirements in ISO 3=6< nd CSC re rel ted to tr ns!ort nd h ndlin#) nd re not #ener ll" relev nt for units *hen inst lled on shi!s or offshore inst ll tions nd s such *ill be subject to the ddition l re,uirements outlined in this Section'
///e/n/d///of///>/u/i/d/ /n/c/e///n/o/t/e///

Fi#ure 3 belo* defines the Rel tionshi!s for Structur l ssessment

Fig!re %/1 Containers / :ario!s !se and related str!ct!ral assess'ents %.#.1 # itional fittings for lifting In ddition to the ! d e"es nd slin#s used for offshore h ndlin#) some cont iners nd !ort ble offshore units re built *ith e9tr sets of fittin#s for liftin# nd h ndlin#' These m " include) for e9 m!le) ! d e"es th t re onl" used for movin# the module intern ll" on n offshore inst ll tion' Such e,ui!ment) includin# the su!!ortin# structure) must be dimensioned ccordin# to DNV St nd rd for Certific tion No' -'--) ?iftin# A!!li nces' These ddition l liftin# fittin#s must not be used to lift module to or from su!!l" vessel' This *ill be st ted in the certific te nd is to be cle rl" m r$ed on the module'

tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'( ec.( tructural Technical 1e2uirements ) *age '&

%.% Offshore nstallation nd!ced 8oads

%.%.1 $eneral Offshore Service 0odules c te#orised for HIm!ort nt ServiceI % s defined in -'-& sh ll be ssessed for non/ tr ns!ort rel ted lo ds i'e' service modules sh ll be desi#ned for the lo ds im!osed from the shi! or offshore unit on *hich it is inst lled' It should be noted th t offshore inst ll tion induced lo ds re the res!onsibilit" of the end user to define) but vendor m " select v lues for !!rov l to suit his intended client m r$et' Allo* ble bendin# nd she r stresses sh ll be t $en s 3<2f3 nd 62f3 N(mm- res!ectivel" *here f3 is the relev nt m teri l f ctor %reference DNV Rules for Cl ssific tion of Shi!s) @t4' Ch'3& Desi#n lo ds nd cceler tions *ill be s!ecified in the DNV -'./- certific te' The thic$ness of * lls must not be less th n = mm' S!eci l ttention should be ! id to buc$lin# control of thin/!l ted structures subjected to com!ression stress in the f ce !l te c used b" loc l bendin#'
Note9 The !l te fl n#es of corru# ted(stiffened/!l tes should be chec$ed for buc$lin# in ccord nce *ith DNV Rules for Shi!s @t'4 Ch'3 Sec' 34' The com!ression stress b in the !l te fl n#e) induced b" l ter l !ressure nd loc l bendin# of the !l te !rofile) should not e9ceed the critic l buc$lin# stress times utilis tion f ctor for norm l lo d level c 0 ' For lo ds !!lied on norm l lo d level F 2'82'

%.%.# %&ternal / %n"ironmental 'oa s For inst ll tion on shi!s) the stren#th *ill be c lcul ted ccordin# to @t'4) Ch'3) Sec'32 of the Rules for Cl ssific tion of Shi!s' T*o t"!es of se lo ds m " be !!lic ble de!endin# u!on the offshore inst ll tion nd loc tionL E Se !ressure' E Acceler tions due to vessel motion' These lo ds *ill v r" ccordin# to vessel t"!e nd the ctu l loc tion on vessel) in #ener l environment l lo ds on 0OBs *ill be less th n those on shi!s' T ble 4/3 nd T ble 4/- belo* define the !!lic ble minimum r tin#sD these re sim!lified v lues b sed on DNV Rules for Cl ssific tion of Shi!s) @t'4) Ch'3) Sec'=' Chere considered !!ro!ri te more ccur te lo ds m " be c lcul ted to these rules or to DNV Cl ssific tion Note 8'
Note9 The level of these f ctors *ill ensure th t service modules c n be !l ced in most loc tions on most of the shi!s used offshore'

Ta6le %/1 Sea ,ress!re loads

Strength level ?evel 3 ?evel S!eci l C se &ocation on 1essel E9!osed loc tion @rotected loc tion As s!ecified on certific te Sea pressure load2 Se !ressure F 42 0@ Se !ressure F 37 0@ Se !ressure to be #reed on c se b" c se b sis

PAver #e !ressure over *hole cont iner * ll

Ta6le %/# Accelerations

Strength level ?evel 3 ?evel S!eci l C se 1essel Type :i#h cceler tions 0oder te cceler tions As s!ecified on certific te Accelerations .m/s3/ 1ertical .'ote/ 7ori8ontal .g4 5 4.6 av/ 4.9: at - ( 7m(sF 37m(s v h F < m(s v F 34m(s ( .m(s h F = m(s Acceler tion to be #reed on c se b" c se b sis

'ote; Assessment sh ll consider com!ression nd tensile forcesD the first fi#ure is intended to m 9imi;e the com!ressive effect) the second fi#ure is intended to m 9imi;e the tensile effect'


tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'( ec.( tructural Technical 1e2uirements ) *age ''

G!idance note9 Stren#th ?evel 3 /Se !ressures nd cceler tions *ill be suit ble for inst ll tion on most Offshore Su!!ort Vessels' This level should be chosen for service module th t m " be !l ced in n" loc tion on vessel' Stren#th ?evel - / Se !ressures nd cceler tions *ill norm ll" be sufficient for inst ll tion on F@SOs nd other l r#er shi!s) nd for inst ll tion in !rotected ( lo* cceler tion loc tions on offshore su!!ort vessels'
///e/n/d///of///>/u/i/d/ /n/c/e///n/o/t/e///

%.%.% #cci ental 'oa s Offshore service modules for Im!ort nt Services m " be re,uired to be ev lu ted # inst ccident l collision) #roundin# or simil r events in order to ccommod te for s fe securin#' 0odules inst lled on vessels *hich re covered b" cl ssific tion re,uirements must be ev lu ted for minimum lon#itudin l cceler tion of 2'7#o in the for* rd direction nd 2'-7#o in the ft direction' %.%.) Other ser"ice loa s Service modules m " be subject to other ! rticul r lo ds s!ecified belo*) %or combin tions&' E Cind ?o ds ctin# on module structure should not be t $en less th n -'7 $N(m-) unless other*ise documented' E Sno* nd Ice ?o ds / Ice ccretion from se s!r ") sno*) r in nd ir humidit" should be considered) *here relev nt' Sno* nd ice lo ds m " be reduced or ne#lected if sno* nd ice remov l !rocedures re est blished' E Ol st ?o ds M Sh ll be considered if service module is to be loc ted in n un!rotected re close to h ; rdous re ' Ol st lo ds must be in ccord nce *ith DNV/OS/A323 unless other*ise s!ecified' E ?o ds intern l to the module %e'#' *inch lo ds) !ressure lo ds) etc'& must be considered *here relev nt to the s!ecific module t"!e'

%.) Sec!ring to offshore installation

Service modules must be ble to be secured s fel" to the offshore inst ll tions) either b" h vin# suit ble fittin#s for securin# or structur l ! rts suit ble for boltin# or *eldin# to dec$' For securin# on shi!s refer to DNV Cl ssific tion Note No' 8 Sec 4' Securin# devices nd bolts must be s fe # inst un* nted o!enin# or rele se' Securin# devices such s cont iner t*istloc$s m " be used) but must be mech nic ll" secured in the loc$ed !osition' Onl" m nu ll" o!er ted t*istloc$s c n be used) not semi/ utom tic or full" utom tic t*istloc$s' Securin# devices sh ll be certified b" DNV' The m in ! d e"es on offshore cont iner or !ort ble offshore unit sh ll not be utilised s securin# !oints' Service modules m " be st c$ed to t*o or more levels on offshore inst ll tions' Securin# nd su!!ort lo ds b sed on the lo ds described in 4'4 must be t $en into ccount' Chere one cont iner cts s su!!ortin# structure for nother cont iner) this must be considered nd ev lu ted on c se/b"/c se b sis'

%." High Stressed 8ocations

For offshore service modules intended for lon# term use in sin#le hi#h stress loc tion on n vessel or mobile offshore unit it *ill be necess r" to ev lu te the effect of re!etitive c"clic lo din# from vessel motions or service lo ds' F ti#ue criteri re !roject s!ecific m tter *hich c nnot be define t the m nuf cturers desi#n st #e nd s such re not covered *ithin the sco!e of this st nd rd'


tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'( ec.+ afety 1elated Technical 1e2uirements ) *age '#

) Safet* Related Technical Re&!ire'ents

).1 General
).1.1 Detaile Re(uirements The det ils #iven in this ch !ter describe the technic l re,uirements *hich !!l" to n offshore service moduleD some re,uirements re #eneric nd *ill !!l" to ll units' Others re s!ecific nd sh ll onl" be !!lied *hen defined in 7' ).1.# )azar ous "s Safe #rea 0odules loc ted on o!en dec$ on n offshore inst ll tion sh ll be suit bl" r ted for the ctu l r tin# of ;one in *hich the" re loc ted) but it is im!ort nt to reco#nise th t ll e,ui!ment is re,uired to be m de s fe in c se of ccident l rele se of # s' This me ns th t n" e,ui!ment *hich rem ins electric ll" ener#ised or h s the !otenti l to h ve surf ce tem!er tures in e9cess of -22QC follo*in# shutdo*n on # s detection sh ll be desi#ned nd inst lled to meet the re,uirements of minimum ;one - nd in some c ses ;one 3' E,ui!ment *hich rem ins ener#ised durin# # s detection or !roduces hot surf ce sh ll meet minimum of > s >rou! IIA nd Tem!er ture Cl ss T4' ).1.% #lternati"e solutions Altern tive solutions m " be substituted *here sho*n to !rovide n e,uiv lent or hi#her level of inte#rit" or s fet" th n the re,uirements under this st nd rd' Rustific tion of ltern tive solutions sh ll be documented' Chere ltern tive solutions h ve been cce!ted this sh ll be documented on the DNV -'./- certific te'

).# En+iron'ental Re&!ire'ents

0odules sh ll be suit ble for defined environment l conditions' T ble =/3 is !!lic ble to ll modules) T ble =/- sh ll be considered for ! rticul r modules desi#ned for Im!ort nt Services s defined in -'-' Ta6le )/1 En+iron'ental Conditions ; All Mod!les
Outside Ambient Tem!er tureL :umidit"L Electrom #netic Com! tibilit" M-2oC to G=7QC B! to 6<S *ithout condens tion *hen he tin# is !rovided %mounted indoors& or 322S *ith condens tion *hen mounted outdoors' All electric l e,ui!ment sh ll be selected nd inst lled so s to void E0C !roblems' Reference st nd rds *hich c n be used to demonstr te com!li nceL IEC <3222/</- %Immunit"& IEC <3222/</= %Emissions& The m 9imum o!er tion l inclin tion for the module should be s!ecified' This m 9imum sh ll be defined t the !oint *here continued o!er tion of the e,ui!ment ch n#es to level *here it !resents ris$ to the o!er tor) offshore inst ll tion or if there is n incre se in surf ce tem!er ture be"ond -22QC' Should no inclin tion v lues be s!ecified the module sh ll be m r$ed on the certific te s suit ble for use on fi9ed offshore inst ll tion onl"'

Inclin tion

Ta6le )/# En+ironne'ental Conditions ; ',ortant Ser+ice Mod!les

1ibration level: Ref St nd rd for Certific tion -'= Vibr tion cl ss O 4 to -7 :;L 3'< mm dis!l cement m!litude %!e $ v lue& -7 to 322 :;L = # cceler tion E,ui!ment nd com!onents on flo tin# offshore inst ll tions sh ll be desi#ned to o!er te s tisf ctoril" under the follo*in# inclin tions of the offshore inst ll tionL Ships All conditions ?ist --'7Q Trim 32Q Column(stabilised <self(elevating units St tic Condition ?ist 37Q Trim 37Q D"n mic Condition ?ist --'7Q Trim --'7Q Emer#enc" condition ?ist -7Q Trim -7Q Other v lues m " be cce!ted if justified b" c lcul tions for the ! rticul r offshore inst ll tion' Should the inclin tion re,uirements st ted bove not be chieved) the m nuf cturer should su!!l" det ils of inclin tion th t c n be chieved *ith limit tions det iled in the desi#n ssessment nd DNV -'./- certific te' DET NORSKE VERITAS AS


tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'( ec.+ afety 1elated Technical 1e2uirements ) *age '(

G!idance note9 Ambient tem!er ture re,uirements s!ecified in T ble =/3 re !rovided to li#n *ith DNV Rules for Cl ssific tion of Shi!s nd DNV Offshore St nd rds' Altern tive tem!er ture r n#e sh ll be considered on c se b" c se b sis nd noted on the DNV -'./- certific te'
///e/n/d///of///>/u/i/d/ /n/c/e///n/o/t/e///

).% Noise
Chere !!lic ble) modules sh ll be !rovided *ith noise ssessment to determine the *or$in# environment in or round the module' The noise level sh ll det il the m 9imum sound !ressure level t 3 m from the module nd the m 9imum !oint intern l to the module' The need for he rin# !rotection sh ll be m r$ed on units *here noise levels re in e9cess of 87dO' Audible l rms re,uired b" other ! rts of this document sh ll be su!!lemented *ith * rnin# be con *hen the noise level is bove 87dO'

).) As6estos Declarations

In ccord nce *ith SO?AS Ch'II/3 Re#'4'7 nd 0SC'3(Circ'34.6 sbestos is !rohibited from n" !roduct intended for inst ll tion on n" SO?AS certified offshore inst ll tion' No sbestos is to be used in the f bric tion of the module' An Asbestos free decl r tion is to be issued b" the m nuf cturer'

)." Electrical S*ste's

).".1 Safet* Re(uirements Electric l e,ui!ment sh ll be desi#ned nd inst lled such th t the ris$ of injur" to !ersonnel is minimised' @rotective devices of suit ble r tin# re re,uired to !revent overlo d) e9cessive he tin# nd d m #e in c se of electric l f ults' All electric l circuits for S fet" rel ted s"stems sh ll be desi#ned to Hf il s feI condition' ).".# Components an e(uipment Electric l com!onents nd e,ui!ment sh ll be suit ble for use offshore or on bo rd shi!s nd sh ll be constructed ccordin# to relev nt IEC !ublic tions or other intern tion ll" reco#nised e,uiv lent st nd rds' Electric l com!onents loc ted in enclosures *hich m " need to be o!ened for ins!ection or m inten nce *hile the circuits re live sh ll h ve covers or other*ise be rr n#ed such th t touchin# or short circuitin# of live ! rts is not !ossible' Com!onent insul tin# m teri ls sh ll be fl me ret rd nt ccordin# to IEC <226-/323 or e,uiv lent' ).".% #rrangement + location of e(uipment Offshore service modules re e9!osed to rou#h h ndlin# nd environment l conditions durin# tr ns!ort tion nd stor #e' In order to $ee! the electric l e,ui!ment s fe nd fit for use) the follo*in# re,uirements sh ll be metL E E,ui!ment sh ll be !rovided *ith mech nic l !rotection to !revent d m #e durin# tr ns!ort tion nd use' E Electric l enclosures re norm ll" not to be loc ted e9tern l to the module' In the event th t electric l enclosures need to be loc ted e9tern l to the module) then the" sh ll be loc ted in suit bl" recessed ! nel *ithin the module outer fr me' The e,ui!ment in the recess sh ll be !rotected from d m #e durin# tr ns!ort tion' %e'#' use of remov ble or hin#ed cover !l tes&' E Electric l e,ui!ment is to be !rotected # inst corrosion' E A s"stem of s! ce he tin# m " be re,uired if there is ch nce of humidit" or condens tion' The norm l module he tin# s"stem m " be used for this if suit ble' Electric l enclosures *hich re e9!osed to the outside tmos!here nd *hich re sensitive to moisture sh ll be e,ui!!ed *ith individu l s! ce he ters' This is) ho*ever) not re,uired for sim!le junction bo9es' E The he tin# s"stem sh ll be ctiv ted *henever !r ctic l both onshore nd offshore' E @ort ble utilit" e,ui!ment is to be securel" fi9ed' The construction nd fi9in# of ll e,ui!ment sh ll result in the module bein# ble to *ithst nd the li$el" stresses im!osed on it *hen the module is tr ns!orted or lifted' E E9tern l !o*er outlets nd soc$ets sh ll be loc ted !!ro9im tel" 3722 mm bove the b se of the module' E Intern l !o*er outlets nd soc$ets nd sh ll be loc ted minimum of 422 mm bove the intern l floor level' E Soc$et outlets for r ted current in e9cess of 3< A sh ll be interloc$ed *ith s*itch or h ve inte#r l s*itchin# so th t !lu# c nnot be inserted or *ithdr *n *hen the s*itch is in the TonK !osition' E :oo$/u! connections sh ll be !rotected to minimise the effects of s!l shin# * ter' These sh ll be e sil" ccessible for hoo$/u! nd m inten nce !ur!oses) nd loc ted bet*een <22 mm nd 3722 mm bove the b se of the module'

tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'( ec.+ afety 1elated Technical 1e2uirements ) *age '+

E E9tern l ! nels nd(or control st tions *hich re re,uired to be o!er ted b" !ersonnel durin# norm l o!er tion sh ll be loc ted !!ro9im tel" 3722 mm bove the b se of the module' Consider tion sh ll be #iven to the loc tion of control ! nels nd control st tions *ithin the module so s to be e sil" ccessible to !ersonnel o!er tin# the e,ui!ment' Connection to offshore inst ll tion !o*er su!!l" s"stem modules sh ll be !re! red for c ble hoo$/u! ccordin# to the follo*in#L E Suit ble junction bo9es re to be rr n#ed in recesses on the outside * ll' This rr n#ement m " lso be suit ble for fle9ible c ble t"!es !rovided str in relief devices re fitted' E Chere n HAI fire r tin# is not re,uired the module c n be fitted *ith c ble tr nsits for connection into junction bo9es inside the module' C ble tr nsits sh ll be inst lled s to resist smo$e or fire for <2 minutes' 0odules sh ll h ve their in/t $e circuits nd com!onents r ted for defined v lues of nomin l volt #e) fre,uenc") current) short circuit level nd t"!e of s"stem) e'#' IT) TN/S) etc' This d t sh ll be cle rl" m r$ed t the connection !oint' Enclosures for termin tion of e9tern l c bles sh ll be rr n#ed such th t the c bles c n be convenientl" connected) i'e' *ithout e9cessive bendin# of the conductor ends nd *ithout h vin# to unscre* termin ls or other ! rts'
G!idance note9 The offshore inst ll tion should h ve !re/inst lled junction bo9es or soc$et outlets *ithin re son ble vicinit" such th t the modules c n be convenientl" connected'
///e/n/d///of///>/u/i/d/ /n/c/e///n/o/t/e///

A lo d s*itch sh ll be mounted t the m in !o*er int $e' The s*itch m " be suit ble circuit bre $er) m nu l s*itch or simil r) nd sh ll be certified s fe e,ui!ment r ted for the h ; rdous re in *hich it is loc ted but for minimum of ;one -' If the module h s sever l !o*er sources) one s*itch for e ch !o*er source sh ll be inst lled' The s*itch%es& sh ll be re dil" ccessible nd be o!er ble outside its enclosure nd be rr n#ed nd m r$ed in suit ble m nner in order to !rovide me ns for m nu l loc l emer#enc" shutdo*n' E ch s*itch sh ll be housed in se! r te enclosure or sh ll other*ise be rr n#ed to en ble *or$ *ithout ccident l touchin# of live ! rts' ).".) Ingress ,rotection 0odules nd their com!onents sh ll h ve !!ro!ri te I@ r tin#s in ccord nce *ith T ble =/4' Ta6le )/% E&!i,'ent ngress 1rotection Re&!ire'ents
-ating I@ -2 I@ 77 Typical &ocation Electric l com!onents mounted inside dr" *e ther ti#ht modules Bse of I@ 77 m " be #reed to in s!eci l c ses) !rovided ddition l s fet" !rec utions re t $en to !revent se s!l sh both durin# tr ns!ort tion nd inst ll tion' This *ill be noted on the DNV -'./certific te' Electric l e,ui!ment mounted e9tern l to the module or inst lled in non/enclosed or o!en modules sh ll minimum of I@ 7< If * ter b sed fire e9tin#uishin# s"stems re !rovided) electric l e,ui!ment for s fet" functions sh ll be t le st I@ 7< 0odules *here li,uids m " be !resent sh ll be t le st I@ 7< or be !rovided *ith !rotection to limit the ris$ of electric l e,ui!ment bein# in cont ct *ith li,uids'

I@ 7<

G!idance note9 ?o*er I@ r tin# %limited t I@==& m " be cce!ted if suit ble !rotective covers re !rovided durin# shi!ment) stor #e nd o!er tion other*ise com!onents sh ll be t le st I@ 7<' Consider tion must be #iven to in#ress close to the ed#es of the cover
///e/n/d///of///>/u/i/d/ /n/c/e///n/o/t/e///

)."." %lectrical s*stem main characteristics The module m " be desi#ned for sin#le or multi!le su!!l" volt #es' The certific tion *ill verif" th t the inte#rit" of the volt #e s"stem is m int ined throu#hout nd th t the s"stems re !!ro!ri tel" m r$ed' ).".$ %arthing =.6.9.> arthing of the module structure A minimum of t*o e rth bosses mounted di #on ll") suit bl" recessed nd o!!osite e ch other) re to be *elded to the m in steel structure on the outside t the moduleKs lo*er ! rt' Oolts for fi9in# the module to the

tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'( ec.+ afety 1elated Technical 1e2uirements ) *age '-

dec$ re not to be re# rded s n e rthin# connection' 0 in structur l e rth boss sh ll be min 03-' @rotected( @o*er E rth nd Instrument E rth sh ll be connected to structure vi se! r te e rth bosses not less th n 3 metre ! rt' Celdin# the module to the dec$ is considered n ltern tive method of e rthin#' =.6.9.3 lectrical System 'eutral *oint or Single *ole arthing All insul ted electric l nd control s"stems *ithin the module re to h ve continuous insul tion monitorin#' The circul tin# current sh ll not be bove 42 mA' In the event of n e rth f ult) either utom tic tri!!in# of the ffected circuits sh ll occur or n l rm sh ll be #ener ted' If utom tic tri!!in# is not im!lemented) me ns re to be !rovided for tr nsmittin# the l rm si#n l to the offshore inst ll tion control room' If there re sever l circuits) one common l rm to the control room *ill norm ll" be sufficient' ?oc l # lv nic isol ted s"stems m " be e rthed t one !oint' E rth le $ #e circuit bre $ers re to be !rovided in the fin l sub/circuits or t suit ble loc tion u!stre m' =.6.9.? arthing of electrical enclosures and terminal bo0es E,ui!ment m de of conductive m teri l re to be e rthed either vi the co!!er br id of the c ble) se! r te e rth core *ithin the c ble) or vi se! r te e rth conductor' Chere co!!er br id is used) this sh ll h ve cross section l re s defined in T ble =/=' Chere non/co!!er e rth connections re used the cross section sh ll be incre sed de!endent u!on the incre sed resist nce of the m teri l com! red to co!!er' :in#ed or bolted connections re not considered to be n e rth therefore !rovided *here re,uired' All e rth b rs sh ll be loc ted t the front of enclosures nd termin l bo9es' Ta6le )/) Earth<=onding Cond!ctor Cross Sectional Area
Condition Intern l ! nel *irin# Intern l St tic Oondin# E9tern l St tic Oondin# E rth Conductor for E,ui!ment . 0cludes internal panel wiring/ Structur l E rth Connection Cross Sectional Area S me si;e s current c rr"in# conductors ho*ever must be minimum 3'7 mm0inimum = mm0inimum < mmS me cross section s the current c rr"in# conductor u! to nd includin# 3< mm-' 72S of the current c rr"in# conductors cross section bove 3< mm0inimum 3< mm- ho*ever sh ll be t le st the s me si;e s the e rth in the su!!l" c ble

se! r te e rth connection sh ll be

=.6.9.= arth Conductors E rth conductors sh ll be coloured "ello*(#reen nd sh ll not be used for n" other !ur!oses th n e rthin#' Onl" one e rth conductor sh ll be connected to sin#le termin l(e rthin# !oint' 0ulti!le connections c n be m de utilisin# n e rth b r' An e9ce!tion to this rr n#ement c n be #r nted for com!onents loc ted inside the s me enclosure *hen utilisin# termin l or crim!ed connections *hich re desi#ned to cce!t multi!le c ble entries' E9tern l e rth connections sh ll be secured b" minimum of 032 bolts nd indoor e rth connections sh ll be secured b" minimum of 08' All connections sh ll be ssembled *ith st r * shers to !revent loosenin# due to vibr tion' ).".- Ca-les All c bles sh ll h ve documented com!li nce *ith the follo*in# st nd rds or e,uiv lent' Ta6le )/" A,,lica6le s,ecification for ca6ling
Cable Type @o*er c bles Instrument tion nd communic tion c bles for use u! to -72V All c bles -eference Standard IEC <226-/472L Electric l Inst ll tions in Shi!s MShi!bo rd @o*er C bles M >ener l Construction nd Testin# Re,uirements IEC <226-/4.<L Electric l Inst ll tions in Shi!s M C bles for control nd Instrument tion circuits 372(-72 V %422 V& 0inimum of fl me ret rd nt ccordin# to IEC <244-/3/- nd IEC <244-/4/-All c blin# for e,ui!ment used s ! rt of n essenti l(s fet" s"stem sh ll be fire resist nt to IEC <2443/-3 or IEC<2443/43' Essenti l( s fet" s"stem re defined in -'-' DET NORSKE VERITAS AS

tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'( ec.+ afety 1elated Technical 1e2uirements ) *age '/

=.6.:.> #i0ing of cables C bles re to be securel" fi9ed nd termin ted in dur ble m nner' C bles sh ll be secured t m 9imum dist nce s defined in T ble =/<' C bles sh ll be secured close to the #l nd to !rovide su!!ort nd !revent d m #e to the inte#rit" of the c ble or #l nd' This sh ll be s close s !ossible to the c ble entr" *ithout !!l"in# ddition l mech nic l forces to the connection) nd sh ll not be #re ter th n 32 c ble di meters from the c ble entr" !oint' 0et llic ties must be used for the first securin# !oint from the #l nd t e ch end' The routin# of c blin# sh ll be such s to ensure th t it is !ossible to verif" the re,uired I@ de#ree for the enclosure nd th t the #l nds re !ro!erl" m int ined' Ta6le )/$ Ma2i'!' s,acing for ca6le sec!ring >Hori?ontal r!ns@
)uter @iameter of Cable .@/ D U 8mm 8 mmVDU34mm 34 mm VDU-2mm -2 mm VDU 42mm DW42 mm Aire Braid Armour or +n(armoured Cables .mm/ -22 -72 422 472 =22 Spiral Steel Aound Armoured Cables .mm/ -72 472 472 =22 =72 Mineral %nsulated Copper Shielded Cables .mm/ 422 4.2 =72 =72 =72

'ote: For vertic l securin# of c bles) the bove s! cin# c n be incre sed b" -7S'

To !revent coll !se of c blin# in c se of fires) met llic ties should be utilised' On hori;ont l runs !hoto/st ble non/met llic ties m " be used !rovidin# ever" third securin# !oint utilises met llic tie' The minimum bend r dius of c blin# sh ll be in ccord nce *ith the m nuf cturerKs recommend tions' In the bsence of such inform tion) the c ble bendin# r dius sh ll t minimum be s recommended b" IEC <386-/=' Reference is m de to T ble =/.' =.6.:.3 Conductor Si8ing The cross section of conductors versus current r tin# is s!ecified in IEC <226-/47-) T ble A'4' Chere multi!le c bles or conductors re l id in cont ct *ith e ch other) the de/r tin# f ctors st ted in IEC <226-/47-) T ble A'< sh ll !!l"' The minimum cross section of !o*er su!!l" c bles sh ll be 3'7 mm-' For interconnections inside ! nels) the minimum cross section !ermitted is 3 mm-' The minimum cce!t ble cross section l re of conductors in c bles for control) d t nd instrument tion circuits u! to 372 V is 2'7 mm-' The circuit !rotection *hen utilisin# this c ble si;e sh ll not e9ceed 7A'
G!idance note9 Chere d t c bles re not used in s fet" s"stems or in control(monitorin# functions *hich could le d to or c use esc l tion of n incident) these c n be cce!ted in intern l re s do*n to 2'-- mm-'
///e/n/d///of///>/u/i/d/ /n/c/e///n/o/t/e///

=.6.:.? Terminations All c ble conductors sh ll be termin ted in suit ble crim!ed ferrule or termin l *ith onl" one conductor !er termin l' An e9ce!tion to this rr n#ement c n be #r nted *hen utilisin# termin l or crim!ed connections *hich re desi#ned to cce!t multi!le c ble entries' S! re conductors sh ll be termin ted t both ends in the s me * " s e rth conductors' S! re conductor sle vin# sh ll not be coloured "ello*(#reen) but sh ll be m r$ed Hs! re'I Termin tion methods sh ll be such th t the cross section of conductors nd br idin# is not reduced) nd th t loosenin# is lso !revented' C bles sh ll be !erm nentl" m r$ed t e ch end *ith the identifier *hich is tr ce ble to the !!roved dr *in#s'


tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'( ec.+ afety 1elated Technical 1e2uirements ) *age '$

Ta6le )/- =ending radii for ca6les

Bending radii for cables rated up to >"C/? ,1 Cable construction Insul tion Coverin# Bn rmoured or unbr ided Thermo!l stic or thermosettin# *ith circul r co!!er conductors 0et l br id screened or rmoured 0et l *ire rmoured 0et l t !e rmoured or 0et l she thed Com!osite !ol"ester(met l l min te t !e screened units or collective t !e screenin# )uter @iameter .@/ B! to -7 mm W-7 mm An" An" An" An" Minimum internal radius of bend .0 @iameter of cable/ =% & < < < 8 8

Thermo!l stic or thermosettin# *ith sector An" sh !ed co!!er conductors .a/ 9 @ for defined circuit integrity Bending radii for cables rated at ?.9/9.:.3/ ,1 and above Cable construction Sin#le/core c ble 4/core c bles

)verall diameter .@/ An" An"

Minimum internal radius of bend .0 @iameter of cable/ 36

')T : For c bles r ted t 4'<(<%.'-& $V nd bove) em!lo" fle9ible conductor str ndin# %Cl ss 7& nd br id insul tion shields indic tin# minimum bend r dius of <D for un rmoured c bles nd 8D for rmoured c bles) in concurrence *ith the !!rov l of the c ble m nuf cturer'

=.6.:.= Termination of braiding" armour and screens C bles *hich re e9tern l or e9!osed on the module sh ll be *ith br id or rmour' Full enclosin# the c ble in met llic c ble !i!e sh ll be considered s n ltern tive *hen br id( rmour c nnot be inst lled %i'e' on !re/ fitted fl"in# le ds&' C ble br idin#) rmour nd screens re to be c rried throu#h the #l nd *hen !ossible nd be connected to the e rth b r t both ends' :o*ever) *hen found necess r" for function or s fet" re sons) connection to e rth t the su!!l" end onl" m " be used' @l stic junction bo9es used for loo! throu#h of circuits m " be e,ui!!ed *ith n e rth b r *hich is not connected to the structure) but sh ll other*ise be m r$ed nd used for connection of the br idin# s n ordin r" e rth b r' Chen br idin#) rmours nd screens re e rthed t one end onl") the other end is to be c rried throu#h the #l nd nd connected to n insul ted termin l' ).".0 .atteries All circuits to(from the b tteries re to be !rovided *ith de,u te circuit !rotection devices' Short circuit !roof c bles re to be !!lied bet*een the b tteries nd the circuit !rotection device' O tteries loc ted in modules on dec$ sh ll be in certified s fe e,ui!ment enclosures suit ble for t le st ;one -' :o*ever) consider tion must be #iven to the e,ui!ment bein# su!!lied' Chere e,ui!ment su!!lied is not certified s fe e,ui!ment) the b tteries sh ll be su!!lied vi n E9/d isol tor' O tteries sh ll be of v lve re#ul ted t"!e nd not e9ceed -22 V h' An" hi#her c ! cities or other t"!es c n be considered on c se/b"/c se b sis b sed on re,uirements from DNV/OS/D-23' ).".( %(uipment locate e&ternal to mo ule The e9tern l loc tion of com!onents %junction bo9es) control ! nels) !i!e connections) f ns) etc'& should be voided' Com!onents th t h ve to be loc ted e9tern ll" sh ll be inst lled *ithin the e,ui!mentKs outer fr me to void d m #e of com!onents due to liftin# nd h ndlin# of the module' If loc ted e9tern l to the module) electric l nd control e,ui!ment sh ll be suit ble for use in the !!lic ble h ; rdous re ;one nd environment l conditions s!ecified in ='- !!l"' S!eci l ttention is to be #iven to electric l com!onents mounted e9tern l to modules nd *hich m " be directl" e9!osed to sun r di tion' Rot tin# m chines e9!osed to the outdoor tmos!here sh ll be suit bl" !rotected # inst icin#' 0otors re not to h ve n e9tern l coolin# f n unless the f n h s been ssessed s not bein# n i#nition source nd the over ll e,ui!ment) includin# the f n) meets the in#ress !rotection re,uirements'

tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'( ec.+ afety 1elated Technical 1e2uirements ) *age '0

).".13 ,rogramma-le controllers Chen !ro#r mm ble controllers %@?Cs& re used for s fet" functions) the" sh ll be of t"!es suit ble for the environment l conditions s #iven in ='-' @ro#r mm ble controllers %includin# the s!ecific firm* re(soft* re& *hich re used for s fet" functions sh ll be demonstr ted s Hf il s feI' The m nuf cturer sh ll be ble to demonstr te the follo*in# f il s fe conditionsL E E E E f ilure of : rd* re f ilure of In!ut ( Out!ut devices f ilure of Soft* re ( Firm* re loss of electric l su!!l"'

).$ gnition 1re+ention

).$.1 Re(uirements for electrical e(uipment e&pose to hazar ous atmospheres =.9.>.> Certification of e!uipment Electric l e,ui!ment for h ; rdous re s sh ll be desi#ned) certified nd c te#orised ccordin# to the IEC <22.6 series !ublic tions or e,uiv lent st nd rds' Chere inde!endent certific tion is re,uired b" the st nd rds) this certific tion sh ll be c rried out b" n ccredited Notified Ood" or other inde!endent reco#nised institution' Chen the letter HXI is included s ! rt of m r$in# or certific te number) this indic tes th t the certific tion institution h s s!ecified s!eci l conditions for the s fe use of the e,ui!ment' S!eci l conditions th t re de!endent u!on fin l offshore inst ll tion sh ll be listed in the DNV -'./- certific te'
G!idance note9 Certified s fe e,ui!ment certific tes m " be inv lid ted b" un/,u lified re! irs or modific tions'
///e/n/d///of///>/u/i/d/ /n/c/e///n/o/t/e///

=.9.>.3 'on lectrical !uipment in ha8ardous areas. In ddition to i#nition ris$ from electric l e,ui!ment) ssessments re re,uired to ensure e,ui!ment does not !resent n i#nition ris$ from mech nic l %i'e' surf ce tem!er ture) im! ct or friction&) st tic disch r#e or li#htenin#' Assessment for mech nic l i#nition ris$ sh ll follo* the re,uirements of IEC 34=<4 series or e,uiv lent' =.9.>.? %nspection and %nstallation Inst ll tion of h ; rdous re e,ui!ment sh ll be in ccord nce *ith IEC <22.6/3=' An ins!ection !l n sh ll be !rovided in ccord nce *ith IEC <22.6/3.' Records sh ll be ret ined to demonstr te th t this ins!ection !l n h s been met durin# the life of the module' The com!etence of the !erson c rr"in# out the inst ll tion nd ins!ections sh ll be demonstr ted u!on re,uest to the s tisf ction of DNV'

).- Fire A Gas Detection

).-.1 Gas detection and alar' s*ste' =.:.>.> $eneral All ir inlets sh ll be fitted *ith # s detector u!stre m of the fire or # sti#ht d m!er unless ll inst ll tions re of certified s fe e,ui!ment nd the use of tools or e,ui!ment in the re *ill not cre te n" i#nition !otenti l' In cert in c ses it m " be necess r" to interf ce the # s s"stem in the module *ith the offshore inst ll tion' Det ils should be !rovided *ithin the o!er tion l m nu l on re,uired hoo$/u!) o!er tion nd testin#' Non/enclosed modules *ith e,ui!ment cont inin# source of h"droc rbon rele se sh ll be fitted *ith minimum of one # s detector' Chere this is not !ossible s!eci l re,uirements sh ll be noted on the DNV -'./Certific te det ilin# need for suit ble # s detection to be !rovided b" the offshore inst ll tion' =.:.>.3 $as detection inside the module > s detectors *ill be re,uired inside the module if the follo*in# situ tions e9istL E At ll ventil tion outlets) if n intern l source of rele se is !resent' E Inside module) if source of rele se is !resent %e'#' ! int stores) # s turbine enclosures) l bor tor"& or if the module cont ins e,ui!ment *hich develo!s hot surf ce' E Inside module) if disconnection of b tter" su!!lied e,ui!ment is del "ed on loss of !ressuris tion'

tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'( ec.+ afety 1elated Technical 1e2uirements ) *age '3

> s detection inside the module does not re!l ce the need for # s detection t the ir inlet' The ir inlet) for ventil tion) is the !oint *ithin the non/h ; rdous re from *hich the ir is dr *n' =.:.>.? $as detection system The # s detection s"stem sh ll be c ! ble of initi tin# the follo*in# ctions) either throu#h n inte#r ted control s"stem or in conjunction *ith the offshore inst ll tionL Ta6le )/0 Gas detection and alar'ing re&!ired actions
Cause ?o* level # s t the ir inlet R n#e 32/42S ?E? :i#h level # s t the ir inlet R n#e 32/82S ?E? ffect E Audible nd visible si#n ls in the module E si#n l to the offshore inst ll tion CCR sh ll be !rovided' E udible nd visible si#n ls sh ll be #iven in the module E f ns sh ll be sto!!ed E non certified s fe e,ui!ment inside the module sh ll be isol ted E si#n l to the offshore inst ll tion CCR sh ll be !rovided E fire(# s ti#ht d m!ers) if fitted) sh ll be closed'

The # s detection s"stem sh ll l rm or shutdo*n *ithin 32 seconds of detectin# of # s t the !!ro!ri te level' A set of volt/free cont cts for e ch of the lo* nd hi#h level si#n ls to the offshore inst ll tion CCR sh ll be !rovided' Chen # s detector h s been ctiv ted) resettin# of the # s detection s"stem sh ll onl" be !ossible follo*in# m nu l intervention' The settin# of the lo* nd hi#h levels of # s concentr tion c n be djust ble' The levels defined bove) for the lo* level nd for the hi#h level) re considered to be suit ble r n#es'
G!idance note9 Shelf st tes m " sti!ul te other st nd rds) e'#' EN 72483) re,uires hi#h level # s shutdo*n t -2S ?E?'
///e/n/d///of///>/u/i/d/ /n/c/e///n/o/t/e///

@oint detectors sh ll not be used for ir velocities bove 3- m(s unless s!ecified s suit ble from the detector m nuf cturer' The # s detection nd l rm s"stem sh ll be ctive t ll times includin# durin# !eriods *hen !o*er sources *ithin the module re shut do*n' The loc l # s l rm st tion sh ll be connected to the s me source used to su!!l" the offshore inst ll tion fire A # s detection s"stem or h ve b tter" b c$ed su!!l" sufficient for -=/hour o!er tion'
G!idance note9 Should the # s detection s"stem be !o*ered from the offshore inst ll tion emer#enc" s*itchbo rd the re,uirement for su!!l" from the b tter" b c$ed su!!l" c n be reduced to - hrs' :o*ever) the b tter" su!!l" %tr nsition l !o*er& run time should be confirmed b" s bein# of the s me disch r#e dur tion s the offshore inst ll tion m in FA> detection s"stem %*hen runnin# on b tter"(B@S su!!l"&'
///e/n/d///of///>/u/i/d/ /n/c/e///n/o/t/e///

).-.# Fire detection and alar' s*ste' =.:.3.> #ire detectors and alarm At le st one fire detector sh ll be loc ted in e ch re of the module *hich !resents fire ris$' This m " be omitted in sm ll irloc$s *hich cont in onl" minim l certified s fe e,ui!ment or no combustible m teri ls' The t"!e of detector sh ll be selected s the best suit ble for e rl" nd reli ble detection ccordin# to the ctu l fire ris$' The fire l rm s"stem sh ll be desi#ned nd inst lled *ith certified s fe e,ui!ment for o!er tion in ;one 3 h ; rdous re re# rdless of intended loc tion on the offshore inst ll tion'


tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'( ec.+ afety 1elated Technical 1e2uirements ) *age #&

Ta6le )/( Fire detection and alar'ing re&!ired actions

#ire @etection %nstallation Type 0odule *ith inte#r l fire l rm s"stem Cause ffect E Audible nd visible si#n ls in( round the module *here !ersons m " be !resent Activ ted fire l rm E 0ech nic l ventil tion sh ll be sto!!ed E b" detector or E Fire d m!ers sh ll close m nu l !ushbutton E Non certified s fe e,ui!ment inside the module sh ll be isol ted E si#n l to the offshore inst ll tion CCR sh ll be !rovided' Offshore inst ll tion sh ll ensure the follo*in# occurL E 0ech nic l ventil tion to the module sh ll be sto!!ed Activ ted fire l rm E Audible nd visu l l rms in modules *here !ersons m " be E b" detector or m nu l !ushbutton E !resent' Non certified s fe e,ui!ment inside the module sh ll be isol ted E 0odule fire d m!ers *ill close %on loss of !o*er&'

0odule *ithout inte/ #r l fire l rm s"stem

=.:.3.3 Modules fitted with an integral fire alarm system A fire l rm !ush button connected to the inte#r l fire l rm s"stem sh ll be mounted t suit ble !l ce on m nned module nd sh ll be m r$ed HFire l rm'I The fire l rm s"stem sh ll initi te ctions s defined in T ble =/6' The fire detection nd l rm s"stem sh ll be ctive t ll times includin# durin# !eriods *hen !o*er sources *ithin the module re shut do*n' The loc l fire l rm s"stem sh ll be connected to the s me source used to su!!l" the offshore inst ll tion fire A # s detection s"stems or h ve b tter" b sed su!!l" sufficient for -=/ hour o!er tion' See ='.'3'4 for su##ested ltern tive solution' =.:.3.? Modules not e!uipped with an integral fire alarm system. The fire detector%s& m " be connected directl" to the offshore inst ll tion m in fire detection s"stem' In such c ses) the module sh ll be rr n#ed *ith suit ble junction bo9es for hoo$/u! to the offshore inst ll tion s"stem' 0ountin# of !!ro!ri te t"!es of detectors m " be c rried out s ! rt of the inst ll tion on bo rd' A fire l rm !ush button sh ll be mounted t suit ble !l ce on m nned module nd sh ll be m r$ed HFire l rmI' The !ush button sh ll be *ired to suit ble junction bo9 for connection to the offshore inst ll tion' Chen the fire detection s"stem h s been ctiv ted ctions in ccord nce *ith T ble =/6 sh ll be initi ted b" the offshore inst ll tionKs s"stem' ).-.% E'ergenc* Sh!tdo4n nitiated fro' Offshore nstallation The module sh ll be !rovided *ith me ns to receive n ESD si#n l from the offshore inst ll tion to isol te ll i#nition sources' This m " be conducted b" tri!!in# of su!!l" to the module' All e,ui!ment intended to st " ener#ised fter n offshore inst ll tion shutdo*n si#n l sh ll be certified s fe e,ui!ment for ;one 3 h ; rdous re '

).0 Co''!nications
).0.1 1!6lic address and general alar' s*ste' >1A<GA@ 0odules th t re m nned sh ll be fitted *ith louds!e $er%s& th t c n be connected to the offshore inst ll tionKs @A(>A s"stem' All e,ui!ment for !ublic ddress nd l rm s"stems sh ll be certified s fe e,ui!ment for o!er tion in ;one 3 h ; rdous re s' In modules *ith noise levels re bove 87 dOA) the udible l rm sh ll be su!!lemented b" li#ht si#n ls s !er the offshore inst ll tionKs re,uirements' ).0.# Tele,hone < T4o 4a* co''!nication All m nned modules sh ll h ve e,ui!ment suit ble for effective t*o * " communic tion *ith the offshore inst ll tion CCR' Tele!hone s"stems) if inst lled) re to be connected vi the module emer#enc" shutdo*n s"stem' Certified s fe e,ui!ment circuits re to be used for those ! rts not bein# shut do*n' @A(>A ?ouds!e $ers nd tele!hones sh ll not sh re the s me c ble'

).( Fire Fighting

0odules *ith e,ui!ment considered to be c te#or" TAK m chiner" s! ce or ccommod tion s! ce sh ll be fitted *ith fi9ed fire/e9tin#uishin# s"stem'

tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'( ec.+ afety 1elated Technical 1e2uirements ) *age #'

This document h s considered the t"!ic l fire ris$ for e ch of the defined 0odule >rou!s nd defines minimum re,uirements for fire fi#htin# e,ui!ment in e ch c se' %See 7'3& Chen considerin# fire ris$ the c te#ories det iled in T ble =/32 sh ll be utilised' Ta6le )/13 Categorisation of fire ris.
Categorisation No fire ris$ ?o* fire ris$ 0edium fire ris$ :i#h fire ris$ @efinition 0odules cont inin# no ener#" sources %i'e' electric l) chemic l or mech nic l& 0odule for stor #e of non/fl mm ble e,ui!ment such s tools) mech nic l ! rts nd electric l e,ui!ment not connected to !o*er' The module itself cont ins onl" minimum of necess r" electric l e,ui!ment for li#htin#) he tin#) etc' A fire is not li$el" to be su!!orted' 0odules cont inin# electric l ! nels) testin# e,ui!ment) *or$ s! ce for ! !er *or$' 0odules *hich re norm ll" m nned %not ccommod tion modules&' 0odules cont inin# c te#or" TAK m chiner" s! ces) ccommod tion modules nd stores for fl mm ble li,uids' Also hi#h !o*er electric l m chiner"'

).(.1 1orta6le e2ting!ishers At le st one !ort ble e9tin#uisher sh ll be loc ted inside of the module in n e sil" ccessible !osition' For modules re,uired to h ve sever l me ns of esc !e) one !ort ble fire e9tin#uisher sh ll be v il ble ne r e ch e9it %norm ll" not re,uired for emer#enc" e9its&' The t"!e nd ,u ntit" of e9tin#uishin# s"stems sh ll be in ccord nce *ith 0SC'3(Circ 3-.7 nd 0ODB code t ble 6'4' 0inimum c ! cities for e ch fire e9tin#uisher sh ll beL E 7 $# for CO- or Dr" @o*der E 6 ltr for fo m or * ter b sed e9tin#uishers' ).(.# Fi2ed e2ting!ishing s*ste's The follo*in# fi9ed fire s"stems re cce!tedL E Fi9ed # s fire e9tin#uishin# s"stems desi#ned ccordin# to the re,uirements of I0O FSS Code) Ch'7' E Autom tic s!rin$ler s"stems desi#ned ccordin# to I0O FSS Code) Ch'8' E Fi9ed fo m nd !ressure * ter s!r "in# s"stems desi#ned ccordin# to I0O FSS Code) Ch'< nd .' 0 nu l rele se f cilit" sh ll be loc ted t n e sil" ccessible !osition outside the module' It should h ve suit ble !rotection # inst unintention l o!er tion nd sh ll be cle rl" m r$ed' Autom tic rele se is recommended for modules cont inin# hi#h fire ris$ e,ui!ment' The utom tic rele se mech nism m " be) e'#') direct tem!er ture sensitive device or m " be o!er ted b" si#n l from the fire detection s"stem' Fire/e9tin#uishin# s"stems *hich m " c use d n#er or h rm to !ersonnel sh ll be m nu ll" ctiv ted onl"' If the fire/e9tin#uishin# medium is of # seous t"!e h rmful to !ersonnel the s"stem sh ll be desi#ned ccordin# to DNV OS D423 A!!endi9 A Section C' C ter b sed s"stems sh ll norm ll" h ve utom tic ctiv tion onl"'
G!idance note9 In order to m $e the s"stem more resist nt to f lse l rms) it is recommended th t t*o or more fire detectors be used) nd th t the desi#n lo#ic be such th t ctiv tion of one detector onl" *ill not rele se the s"stem) but *ill #ive n l rm onl"'
///e/n/d///of///>/u/i/d/ /n/c/e///n/o/t/e///

Control circuits for the fire e9tin#uishin# s"stem rele se nd corres!ondin# l rms sh ll be ctive continuousl") includin# !eriods *hen other !o*er sources *ithin the module re shut do*n' The s"stem sh ll utilise certified s fe e,ui!ment for o!er tion in ;one 3 h ; rdous re re# rdless of intended loc tion on the offshore inst ll tion nd sh ll be connected to the s me source used to su!!l" the offshore inst ll tion fire A # s detection s"stems or h ve b tter" b c$ed su!!l" sufficient for -=/hour o!er tion' See ='.'3'4 for su##ested ltern tive solution'


tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'( ec.+ afety 1elated Technical 1e2uirements ) *age ##

Chen fi9ed fire/e9tin#uishin# s"stem h s been rele sed ctions s det iled in T ble =/33 sh ll occur' Ta6le )/11 Re&!ired actions follo4ing release of fi2ed fire s*ste'
Cause Activ ted fi9ed fire fi#htin# inst ll tion E Autom tic or m nu l ffect E Audible rele se l rm ctiv ted inside module) si#n l sh ll be different nd distin#uish ble from other si#n ls E 0ech nic l ventil tion sh ll be sto!!ed E Fire d m!ers *ill close E Confirmed rele se l rm to offshore inst ll tion control room E Non certified s fe e,ui!ment inside the module sh ll be isol ted

).13 1assi+e Fire 1rotection

).13.1 General The objectives of ! ssive fire !rotection %@F@& re to !revent or miti# te the serious conse,uences from fire) such s toL E !revent esc l tion of fire from one re to n dj cent re E !rotect !ersonnel from the fire %he t nd smo$e& nd m $e esc !e or ev cu tion !ossible E !rotect s"stems nd e,ui!ment of essenti l im!ort nce for s fet"' 0 teri ls to be used for the !ur!ose of ! ssive fire !rotection sh ll be su!!lied *ith n !!rov l certific te documentin# com!li nce *ith n !!ro!ri te Fire resist nt test codeD e'#' FT@ Code' Det iled inform tion su!!ortin# the certific tes sho*in# re,uired construction methods nd limit tions sh ll lso be v il ble' :e t tr nsmissions t intersections nd termin tion !oints of re,uired therm l b rriers in fire r ted divisions sh ll be s!eci ll" considered'
G!idance note 19 An" such he t brid#e should be insul ted to the s me r tin# s the therm l b rrier for 622 mm) t"!ic ll" =72 mm on e ch side'
///e/n/d///of///>/u/i/d/ /n/c/e///n/o/t/e///

dist nce of not less th n

O!enin#s nd !enetr tions in fire/r ted divisions sh ll be rr n#ed so s to m int in the fire r tin# of the divisions' @enetr tions sh ll be of n !!roved t"!e for the fire r tin# of the divisions *here the" re to be inst lled'
G!idance note #9 Refer to SO?AS Ch II/- Re# 6 for det ils on ductin# nd c ble(!i!e !enetr tions throu#h fire r ted bul$he ds'
///e/n/d///of///>/u/i/d/ /n/c/e///n/o/t/e///

).13.# Restricted !se of co'6!sti6le 'aterials E9!osed surf ces in ceilin#s or n" surf ces in conce led or in ccessible s! ces for ccommod tion) service s! ces nd control st tions sh ll h ve documented lo* fl me/s!re d ch r cteristics ccordin# to the I0O FT@ Code @ rts -' @rim r" dec$ coverin#s sh ll not re dil" i#nite or #ive rise to to9ic or e9!losive h ; rds t elev ted tem!er tures in ccord nce *ith the I0O FT@ Code @ rt 7'

).11 Esca,e
).11.1 Doors A !ersonnel door sh ll be fitted *here users re e9!ected to enter the e,ui!ment includin# for !l nned m inten nce' All !ersonnel ccess doors sh ll be self/closin#' Cont iner doors re not considered !ersonnel doors unless the" re fitted *ith self/closin# device nd re c ! ble of l tchin# into closed !osition' 0odules *ith mech nic l ventil tion cont inin# i#nition sources sh ll h ve self/closin# doors' All other h tches nd doors sh ll be closed *hen the module is ener#ised' All e9tern l doors sh ll o!en out* rds' The self/closin# mech nism is to be c ! ble of closin# the door *ith n over/ !ressure ventil tion s"stem in o!er tion' This re,uirement does not !!l" to tr ns!ort doors or emer#enc" e9its' Doors fitted *ith self/closin# mech nisms sh ll not be fitted *ith l tchin# mech nisms to hold the door o!en'

tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'( ec.+ afety 1elated Technical 1e2uirements ) *age #(

G!idance note9 This re,uirement su!ersedes the re,uirements *ithin DNV -'./3 for doors to be ble to be l tched in the o!en !osition'
///e/n/d///of///>/u/i/d/ /n/c/e///n/o/t/e///

Chere necess r" to !revent un uthorised ccess) doors m " be fitted *ith loc$' In such c ses !rovision sh ll be m de for s fe e#ress from inside *ithout $e"' 0odules *hich !resent ddition l d n#er if loc$ed in) e'#' ir ti#ht modules or refri#er tion(free;er modules) n l rm sh ll be !rovided to r ise ttention of !ersonnel tr !!ed *ithin the module' The l rm sh ll be su!!lied from n emer#enc" source of !o*er from the offshore inst ll tion or !rovided *ith b tter" b c$/u! should m in !o*er be lost' The l rm sh ll !rovide visu l nd udible * rnin# e9tern l to the module *hen ctiv ted' ).11.# E'ergenc* e2its and esca,e ro!tes 0odules th t re m nned) nd either h ve n intern l re e9ceedin# -2 m- or the dist nce to the e9tern l e9it door e9ceeds 7 m) sh ll h ve se! r te emer#enc" e9it' An" se! r te emer#enc" e9it sh ll be loc ted in n e sil" ccessible !osition nd s *idel" s! ced from the m in e9it s !ossible' Esc !e h tches sh ll h ve minimum si;e of 822 mm 9 822 mm nd be !ossible to o!en from both sides b" one !erson' Cle r nce sh ll be !rovided *ithin the module to llo* for m noeuvre of stretcher throu#h the emer#enc" e9it' Consider tion sh ll be #iven to the rr n#ement nd !osition of the emer#enc" esc !e *ith re# rd to e se of ccess nd dist nce to dec$ *hen e#ressin# thou#h the e9it' An" consider tions for the user sh ll be s!ecified in the o!er tion l m nu l nd if necess r" m r$ed on the emer#enc" e9it' An unobstructed route of <72 mm minimum cle r *idth sh ll be !rovided bet*een re s *here !ersonnel m " be !resent nd e9its' Esc !e e9its sh ll be m r$ed *ith !hoto luminescent m teri l on both sides *ith the *ords HE0ER>ENC1 EXITI nd HNOT TO OE OOSTRBCTEDI' ).11.% E'ergenc* lighting 0 nned modules sh ll be fitted *ith emer#enc" li#htin# *hich sh ll be certified s fe e,ui!ment to ;one 3 re,uirements nd fittin# *ith inte#r l b tter" sufficient for t le st <2 minutes o!er tion' At le st one emer#enc" li#ht sh ll be inst lled in e ch room of the module *here !ersons m " be !resent' O tter" b c$ed emer#enc" li#ht sh ll be fitted bove m in nd emer#enc" e9its' Emer#enc" li#htin# m " be omitted in sm ll ir loc$s nd in other second r" rooms if there is no clos ble door nd no ! rt of the floor is more th n - m from the m in room'
G!idance note9 A!!ro!ri te !rocedures or some utom tic me ns is to be im!lemented to ensure th t the emer#enc" li#htin# b tter" is re dil" v il ble nd full" ch r#ed *hen the module is t $en into o!er tion'
///e/n/d///of///>/u/i/d/ /n/c/e///n/o/t/e///

).1# Heating5 :entilation and Air Conditioning

).1#.1 Air inlets< o!tlets All ir inlets sh ll be fitted *ith # s detector before the fire or # sti#ht d m!er unless ll e,ui!ment inst lled in the module is certified s fe e,ui!ment nd the use of tools or e,ui!ment in the re *ill not cre te n" i#nition sources' Closure mech nisms sh ll be f il s fe) i'e' de/ener#ise to close' Simult neous sto! of ll ventil tion f ns should be !ossible b" m nu l ctiv tion of one h ndle) !ush button or simil r control' This m nu l f cilit" m " lso isol te nd(or initi te other functions) e'#') module shutdo*n( electric l isol tion' The !osition of d m!ers sh ll be visible loc ll" t the d m!er nd on ventil tion control s"stem) if fitted' The inlet nd outlet o!enin#s sh ll be rr n#ed for connection of ducts *hich c n be routed for fresh ir su!!l"(e9h ust from(to non/h ; rdous re ' The desi#n sh ll norm ll" be rr n#ed for loc tion of the f n t the inlet end of the duct in the non/h ; rdous re ) thus $ee!in# the duct t n over/!ressure rel tive to the surroundin#s'
G!idance note9 For modules *hich m " be loc ted both in non/h ; rdous nd h ; rdous re s) it is recommended to desi#n the f n nd # s detector s se! r te unit *hich c n be tt ched to the module or ltern tivel" c n be mounted remotel" b" elon# tion of the ir duct' One recommended method is to fit the f n unit into recess on n outside * ll' DET NORSKE VERITAS AS

tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'( ec.+ afety 1elated Technical 1e2uirements ) *age #+

If the offshore inst ll tion h s s!ecific re s *hich) s result of ris$ n l"sis) etc') re considered to be less e9!osed to # s rele se) nd thus re better suited for ventil tion ir int $e) the duct should be routed to this re ' This *ill be t the discretion of the !erson res!onsible for the offshore inst ll tion nd the !!lic ble s fet" !hiloso!h"' As st ted bove) the duct should norm ll" h ve over/!ressure) but if the f n is loc ted t the module such th t le $ #e into the duct due to under/!ressure c n occur) the construction of the duct should be of s!eci l # s ti#ht ri#id or *elded construction or n ddition l # s detector should be mounted t the inlet to the module' This should be ssessed *hen the module is inst lled nd hence is left to the discretion of the res!onsible !erson on bo rd the offshore inst ll tion' If the bove method of inst ll tion is utilised) the module # s detection s"stem sh ll be c ! ble of cce!tin# t le st one e9tr # s detector in!ut or the offshore inst ll tion centr l FA> s"stem should be used'
///e/n/d///of///>/u/i/d/ /n/c/e///n/o/t/e///

).1#.# Nat!ral :entilation N tur l ventil tion m " be !!lied for modules intended onl" for stor #e of non/h ; rdous(non/fl mm ble m teri ls nd *hich re not m nned' The module sh ll be !rovided *ith suit ble ventil tion o!enin#s) loc ted t the to! nd bottom of the bul$he ds' If fire ris$ e9ists inside the module ll ventil tion o!enin#s) includin# louvers sh ll h ve f cilities to be closed from outside the module' If the module is desi#ned s n o!en s$id or fr me) no ventil tion s"stem is re,uired' ).1#.% Mechanical +entilation The re,uirements for he tin# nd ventil tion s"stems for offshore cont iners re b sed on the follo*in#L E @ersonnel sh ll h ve sufficient fresh ir nd comfort ble *or$in# tem!er tures' E Ventil tion m " be used to $ee! the tmos!here free from e9!losive # sses nd v !ours' If the source of h ; rd is outside the cont iner) the !!lic ble me ns of ensurin# this is to !!l" intern l over/!ressure *ith res!ect to the e9tern l environment'
G!idance note9 The st tutor" re#ul tions m " re,uire ventil tion r te of minimum 3- litres !er second of fresh ir !er !erson'
///e/n/d///of///>/u/i/d/ /n/c/e///n/o/t/e///

The follo*in# modules re,uire mech nic l ventil tionL & b& c& d& 0odules in *hich i#nition sources re !resent' 0odules th t re m nned %For re,uirements for fresh ir refer to ='3-'4'3&' 0odules in *hich e,ui!ment emits l r#e mounts of he t' 0odules *ith n intern l source of rele se'

The flo* of ventil tion ir sh ll be continuousl" monitored' Durin# o!er tion) if in de,u te ventil tion is detected) shut/do*n sh ll be initi ted *ithin s fe !eriod of time unless the su!!l" is utom tic ll" restored from ltern tive f ns or n" ltern tive !o*er su!!l"' It is recommended th t this s fe !eriod should be less th n 37 minutes ho*ever m 9imum time sh ll not e9ceed the v lue b sed on the follo*in# c lcul tionL Time .minutes/ D #ree volume of module .m4&( %2'.- number of occupants& =.>3.?.> Aor,ing areas .7eating and Air Condition/ For modules *hich re m nned) sufficient he tin# nd(or coolin# is to be !rovided to ensure comfort' The s"stem is to be desi#ned such th t the inlet ir is not distributed to the *or$ !l ces unless it is conditioned %hot ( cold ( humidit"&' The minimum re,uired ventil tion r te for *or$in# re s is 3- l(s of outside ir !er !erson' The module sh ll be m r$ed *ith the m 9imum occu! nc"' =.>3.?.3 Cooling of e!uipment Outside ir intended for coolin# of non/certified e,ui!ment sh ll not be fed directl" onto the e,ui!ment bein# cooled' The ir should inste d be fed into the module in order to llo* for the res!onse time of # s detection s"stems' =.>3.?.? 7eating elements and air fans :e tin# elements nd ir f ns loc ted in the inlet ir duct sh ll be of h ; rdous re certified t"!e' This lso !!lies to s! ce he ters for modules intended for loc tion in ;one 3 h ; rdous re s' The f n bl des re to be non/s! r$in# nd sh ll h ve suit ble !rotection # inst mech nic l d m #e'

tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'( ec.+ afety 1elated Technical 1e2uirements ) *age #-

For modules intended for loc tion in ;one - nd non/h ; rdous re s) non/certified s fe s! ce he ters m " be used !rovided the e9!osed tem!er tures h ve been tested nd confirmed to be belo* -22QC nd suit ble mech nic l ris$ ssessment h s been conducted in ccord nce *ith IEC 34=<4' :e ters re to be interloc$ed *ith the ventil tion f n s*itch or flo* s*itch such th t the" c nnot be ener#ised unless the f n is runnin# :e ters re to h ve t le st one s fet" tem!er ture sensor in ddition to the norm l service *or$in# tem!er ture re#ul tin# devices'
G!idance note9 For testin# of the m 9imum tem!er ture) the test volt #e should be 332S' Chere relev nt) the tem!er ture rise sh ll be included fter built/in f n h s sto!!ed' The tem!er ture is to be me sured directl" on the he tin# elements' If the elements re enc !sul ted in met l !i!es or simil r) *hich re # s ti#ht lso t the ends) the tem!er ture m " be me sured on the !i!es' The follo*in# combin tions of m teri ls nd cle r nces bet*een im!eller nd duct re considered to be non/s! r$in#L E im!ellers nd(or housin# of non/met llic m teri l) due re# rd bein# ! id to the elimin tion of st tic electricit" E im!ellers nd housin#s of non/ferrous met ls E im!ellers of luminium llo"s or m #nesium llo"s nd ferrous %includin# ustenitic st inless steel& housin# on *hich rin# of suit ble thic$ness of non/ ferrous m teri ls is fitted) due re# rd bein# ! id to st tic electricit" nd corrosion bet*een rin# nd housin# E im!ellers nd housin# of ustenitic st inless steel E n" combin tion of ferrous %includin# ustenitic st inless steel& im!ellers nd housin# *ith not less th n 34 mm ti! desi#n cle r nce' An" combin tion of n luminium or m #nesium llo" fi9ed or rot tin# com!onent) nd ferrous fi9ed or rot tin# com!onent) re# rdless of ti! cle r nce) is considered s! r$ h ; rd nd is not to be used'
///e/n/d///of///>/u/i/d/ /n/c/e///n/o/t/e///

).1#.) O+er/1ress!rised :entilation S*ste's 0odules *ith i#nition sources %e'#') non/certified h ; rdous re e,ui!ment& loc ted in h ; rdous re sh ll h ve over/!ressure *ith monitorin#' The v lue of the over!ressure inside module sh ll be $e!t bove 72 @ but sh ll not e9ceed -22 @ '
G!idance note9 It should be noted th t for !ressurised modules built *ithin EB(EEA countries this st nd rd h s not been full" li#ned *ith the essenti l he lth nd s fet" re,uirements of EN 72483' Chere re,uirements differ bet*een EN 72483 nd DNV -'./- #uid nce notes h ve been inserted' Chen !ressurised e,ui!ment is intended for use in n EB(EEA member countr" it is recommended for the client to s!ecif" ddition l revie* to EN 72483 llo*in# this to be incor!or ted *ithin the Offshore Service 0odule Certific te'
///e/n/d///of///>/u/i/d/ /n/c/e///n/o/t/e///

Oound r" doors sh ll be self/closin# nd # s/ti#ht' Enclosed s! ces %e'#') ! nels) cu!bo rds) c ble ductin#& sh ll not e9ceed 32S of the volume of the module *ithout bein# !rovided *ith ddition l me ns of ventil tion e'#' louvers' If n intern l source of rele se e9ists in these enclosed s! ces the" sh ll be !rovided *ith ddition l ventil tion re# rdless of volume' An utom tic s"stem for control of the !ur#in# sh ll be im!lemented' The necess r" time for !ur#in# sh ll be est blished b sed on tests nd me surements of ir flo* on the built module' A !ressure dro! for limited !eriod of 42 seconds durin# the !ur#e !h se m " be cce!t ble' If the !ressure dro!s for more th n 42 seconds) the !ur#e c"cle should be utom tic ll" rest rted' Re# rdless of s fe re or h ; rdous loc tion) !ur#e c"cle of minimum < ir ch n#es is to be !erformed before non/h ; rdous re certified e,ui!ment inside the module is ener#ised'
G!idance note9 Shelf st tes m " sti!ul te other re,uirements) e'#') EN 72483 *hich re,uires minimum of ten or five volumetric ir ch n#es !er hour for ;one 3 nd ;one - h ; rdous re s res!ectivel") nd th t ir ch n#es sh ll be doubled unless re!resent tive # s testin# is conducted'
///e/n/d///of///>/u/i/d/ /n/c/e///n/o/t/e///

F ilure of over/!ressure ventil tion sh ll be l rmed t m nned loc tion %loc l nd remote&' A !re/set time del " of u! to 42 seconds m " be !!lied to minimise s!urious l rms *hen doors re intention ll" o!ened'

tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'( ec.+ afety 1elated Technical 1e2uirements ) *age #/

G!idance note9 Shelf st tes m " sti!ul te other re,uirements) e'#') EN 72483) *hich re,uires inst nt neous shutdo*n of ;one modules or modules *ith n intern l source of rele se unless n e9tern l door s*itch is fitted indic tin# the door h been left o!en' An llo* ble del " time of 42 seconds for o!enin# the module door h s !roved to be !r ctic l com!romise nd h been commonl" used' On loss of over/!ressure) isol tion of the b tteries m " be del "ed for u! to 32 minutes' This re,uires n intern l # detector to be fitted for immedi te isol tion of b tteries on # s detection'
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3 s s s

I#nition sources sh ll be isol ted *here ventil tion c nnot be restored *ithin short time) t"!ic ll" *ithin 42 seconds nd t m 9imum 62 seconds) or if # s is detected *ithin the re durin# ventil tion f ilure' The follo*in# utom tic ctions sh ll then be initi tedL E All electric l e,ui!ment inside the module *hich is not certified s fe e,ui!ment for the corres!ondin# outside h ; rdous re sh ll be isol ted' E Essenti l S fet" s"stems % s defined in -'-& sh ll not be shut do*n' E A loss of !ressuris tion l rm is initi ted to the offshore inst ll tion control room'
G!idance note9 Shelf st tes m " sti!ul te other re,uirements) e'#') EN 72483) *hich re,uires shutdo*n of inlet nd e9tr ct d m!ers u!on the occurrence of ventil tion f ilure nd(or loss of !ressuris tion'
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The s*itch for isol tin# non/certified e,ui!ment for the bove sh ll be certified s fe e,ui!ment for use in h ; rdous re ' An indic tin# instrument sho*in# the ctu l differenti l !ressure rel tive to tmos!here sh ll be inst lled *ithin the module' =.>3.=.> Air loc,s 0odules for use in ;one 3 *hich cont in i#nition sources sh ll h ve over!ressure ventil tion nd n ir loc$' In n ir loc$) the inner door should o!en into the module' %i'e' both doors o!en * " from the irloc$&
G!idance note9 Arr n#ements *here the inner door of the irloc$ o!ens into the irloc$ sh ll lso be considered !rovidin# there is sufficient s! ce for the intern l door to be closed !rior to the e9tern l door bein# o!ened'
///e/n/d///of///>/u/i/d/ /n/c/e///n/o/t/e///

Air loc$s sh ll consist of # s ti#ht bul$he ds nd # s ti#ht self/closin# doors' The ir loc$ sh ll be mech nic ll" ventil ted t !ositive !ressure # inst the dj cent h ; rdous re or outside tmos!here) nd the ir loc$ sh ll t minimum be cl ssified ;one -' Chere the irloc$ is # s ti#ht use of # s detector *ithin the irloc$ in !l ce of mech nic l ventil tion sh ll lso be cce!ted' > s detector sh ll be set to shutdo*n module t -7S ?E?' There re no re,uirements for n ir loc$ in modules !l ced in non/h ; rdous nd ;one - re s' :o*ever) *here n inner door is inst lled suit ble !ur#in# of the s! ce bet*een the e9tern l door nd the intern l door sh ll be demonstr ted in order to ensure th t the ccumul tion of h ; rdous tmos!heres c nnot occur'
G!idance note9 0odules *ith intern l nd e9tern l doors *ith the s! ce bet*een not fitted *ith mech nic l ventil tion !rocedure sh ll be im!lemented to ensure th t the intern l door is o!en !rior to !ur#in# commencin#'
///e/n/d///of///>/u/i/d/ /n/c/e///n/o/t/e///


=.>3.=.3 'on Certified Safe !uipment in *ressurised Modules To ensure full isol tion of i#nition sources *ithin the module the follo*in# sh ll be !!liedL E No b tter" o!er ted devices %e'#' l !to!s) d t recorders etc'& unless b tteries re removed nd de,u tel" stored to !revent short circuit' E E9!osed surf ce tem!er tures on e,ui!ment sh ll be ssessed nd confirmed to be belo* -22QC %e'#' ovens) he ters) dis!l " monitors) com!uters) etc'&' The bove re,uirements re to be included in the 0odules O!er tion l 0 nu l to hi#hli#ht the need for the end user to com!l" *ith the bove *hen ddin# or usin# e,ui!ment *ithin n !!roved module' For ;one 3 modules ovens) he ters nd other e,ui!ment *hich #ener tes hot surf ce c nnot be dded to the unit nd must be !!roved s ! rt of the over ll module ssessment'

tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'( ec.- %odule ervice Types ) *age #$

" Mod!le Ser+ice T*,es

These re,uirements re intended to cl rif" *hich ! rts of this st nd rd sh ll be !!lied' It rem ins the res!onsibilit" of the m nuf cturer to ensure th t ll re,uirements !!lic ble for the t"!e(functions *ithin the module re ddressed' T ble 7/3 defines the module t"!es s!ecified *ithin this st nd rd' A module *ill l* "s be of t"!e s!ecified in t"!e 3/6' Should functions(e,ui!ment s!ecified in #rou!s A/> be used ll re,uirements of the !!lic ble #rou!s sh ll be s tisfied' A!!lic ble module #rou!s sh ll be s!ecified on the DNV -'./- certific te' Other t"!es of module other th n those listed here c n be included in the DNV -'./- certific te fter s!eci l #reement' Ta6le "/1 Mod!le T*,es and F!nctional Gro!,s

".1 Mod!les for ',ortant Ser+ices

0odules for Im!ort nt Services) defined in -'-) c n be m nned or unm nned' E,ui!ment for im!ort nt services m " need to devi te from the electric l isol tion str te#" det iled *ithin this st nd rd' A se! r te electric l isol tion str te#" sh ll be develo!ed for the module det ilin# ho* the module *ill !resent l rms to the o!er tor nd *h t ctions to t $e' 0odules certified b" DNV b sed on the str te#" in the o!er tion l m nu l *ill h ve this documented on the DNV -'./- certific te' The !!roved str te#" *ith the !rocedure for shutdo*n of the e,ui!ment sh ll form ! rt of the document tion th t ccom! nies the module'




tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'( ec.- %odule ervice Types ) *age #0

".# Mod!le T*,es

Ta6le "/# S!''ar* of re&!ire'ents 6ased on 'od!le t*,e
Non S!ecific E,ui!ment 0odule %A& Fl mm ble 0 teri l Store ? bor tor" %intern l Source of Rele se& Refri#er tion Room Cor$sho! for :ot Cor$

='3 / ='7 ='< ='. ='8 ='6 ='32 ='33 ='3='3-'= $eneral For 0odule T"!es 3/8) b sic fire ris$ ssessment h s been m de in order to determine the bove re,uirements) for 0odule T"!e 6 or v ri tions on T"!es 3/8 n individu l fire ris$ ssessment sh ll be m de b" the m nuf cturer usin# T ble =/32 for reference' %A& 0odule T"!e 6 / De!endin# u!on function t"!e cert in re,uirements in Sections ='./='32 m " be !rovided directl" b" use of offshore inst ll tion s"stems r ther th n inte#r l to the module' This *ill be det iled *ithin the DNV -'./- certific te' X M Re,uirements sh ll l* "s be !!lic ble 3& -& 4& =&

Structur l ssessments for d"n mic lo ds re re,uired for HIm!ort nt ServiceI modules' Re,uirements for Se f stenin#s sh ll l* "s be !!lic ble on flo tin# offshore inst ll tions' Re,uirements for these sections sh ll l* "s be considered' I#nition @revention 3 X 4 X 4 = 3 X 4 Fire nd > s X X X X X X 7 X X Communic tions < X . X . . . . . Fire fi#htin# 8 6 6 32 6 33 6 6 nd 3. 6 Fire @rotection 3334 334 34 / 34 34 Esc !e X X X X X 3= 37 3= X Ventil tion X . . . . nd 3< . . . . Over/!ressure 38 X / X 38 / / X / Structur l

7& <& .& 8& 6& 32&

33& 3-& 34& 3=& 37& 3<& 3.& 38&

Not !ermitted in h ; rdous re s' ?eft bl n$ Refer to ='3'The intern l re s of the module re cl ssified s h ; rdous re ' None c te#or" nd e9tents of e9tern l ;one round ventil tion o!enin#s sh ll be determined b sed on the !roductKs emissions of fl mm ble nd e9!losive # ses) nd the e9!osure time if emissions occur' Certified s fe e,ui!ment sh ll be for minimum of #rou! IIO nd tem!er ture r tin# T4' 0 teri ls *ith lo*er # s #rou!s or uto i#nition tem!er ture belo* -22QC sh ll not be stored *ithin the module unless electric l e,ui!ment inst lled is suit bilit" r ted' > s detection e,ui!ment sh ll be c ! ble of detectin# rele se of refri#er tion # s *hich m " be h rmful to !ersonnel' 0inimum of t*o s!e $er loo!s sh ll be su!!lied *ith se! r te hoo$ u! !oints to the offshore inst ll tion to !rovide redund nc" %i'e' one from e ch redund nt @A s"stem on the offshore inst ll tion&' A!!lic ble if module is m nned Fi9ed fire fi#htin# s!rin$ler s"stem re,uired' @ort ble e9tin#uishers distributed ccordin# to SO?AS re,uired' @ort ble e9tin#uishers distributed ccordin# to SO?AS re,uired' Fi9ed fire fi#htin# s"stem b sed on documented fire ris$' Assessment of the ,u ntities A t"!e of fl mm ble m teri ls *ithin the module sh ll be !rovided' This should consider the situ tion follo*in# loss of ventil tion' O sed on this ssessment fi9ed fire fi#htin# s"stem sufficient to e9tin#uish the most !rev lent fire ris$ sh ll be !rovided' @ort ble fire e9tin#uishers sh ll be !rovided if the selected fi9ed fire s"stem is not suit ble for e9tin#uishin# fires from ll t"!e of m teri ls stored *ithin the module' Det ils of the m teri ls t"!es !ermitted to be stored *ithin the module sh ll be definedD this *ill determine the suit ble t"!e of fi9ed fire fi#htin# e,ui!ment' Sh ll be continuous steel construction s minimum other*ise Refer to SO?AS Ch'II/- Re#'6 T ble 6'4 nd 6'= should the e,ui!ment need ddition l fire r tin#s if used dj cent to control st tion or combustion en#ine' Continuous steel construction' All o!enin#s sh ll be clos ble from outside the module nd ll !enetr tions nd se ls sh ll resist fire or smo$e for <2 minutes' @le se lso refer to 7'4' for s!ecific function l re,uirements' 0odules sh ll be fitted *ith loc$ ble doors' %See ='33'3& See ='33'3 *ith re# rd to !rovision for l rm nd esc !e if occu! nt is loc$ed *ithin module' If the module cont ins i#nition sources) it sh ll be loc ted in non/h ; rdous re s or meet the re,uirements in ='3-'= 0odules su!!ortin# im!ort nt services sh ll be fitted *ith suit ble fi9ed fire s"stem' O!tion l de!endin# u!on client re,uest

@ressurised Cor$s! ce




?oc l E,ui!ment Room

Accommod tion 0odule

Non @ressurised Cor$s! ce

tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'( ec.- %odule ervice Types ) *age #3

".% S,ecific Re&!ire'ents for F!nctional Gro!,s

".%.1 Com-ustion %ngines Ta6le "/% S!''ar* of re&!ire'ents for co'6!stion engines
Combustion en#ines desi#ned for loc tion in non/h ; rdous re s sh ll be constructed to ensure th t no i#nition sources re !resent follo*in# shutdo*n of the e,ui!ment' This re,uires confirm tion th t the tem!er ture of the e9h ust # s is less th n 422QC nd ll surf ce tem!er tures less th n -22QC' Should the e9h ust # s tem!er ture be in e9cess of 422 QC the m nuf cturer c n !rovide det ils of he t dissi! tion on the e9h ust surf ce once the en#ine h s been shutdo*n' It sh ll be defined *hether the en#ine su!!orts n Im!ort nt service' If m rine s!ecific tion en#ine is re,uired NO9 emissions sh ll be considered nd documented in ccord nce *ith 0 r!ol Anne9 VI St rtin# b tter" sh ll be connected vi n E9 d isol tor *hich *ill disconnect the b tteries on confirm tion of # s *ithin the re ' O tter" termin ls sh ll be constructed s to !revent ccident l short circuit' C blin# bet*een b tteries nd isol tor sh ll be double insul ted nd in sin#le cores' C bles sh ll be mech nic ll" !rotected to !revent ccident l short circuit' Dri! tr " sh ll be inst lled belo* en#ine to collect n" diesel le $s' O!er tion l m nu l to include re#ul r chec$s on levels nd em!t"in# of the dri! tr "' E9cess diesel sh ll be routed b c$ to the diesel fuel t n$ nd not to the !um! feed ch m/ ber' The return re in the t n$ sh ll be se! r ted nd ventil ted to void continuous #i/ t tion of diesel nd !ressure build/u! in the diesel t n$ Diesel nd lubric nt hoses sh ll be m de of h"droc rbon/resist nt m teri ls' Roints in !ro9imit" to the en#ine sh ll be t !ed to !revent s!l sh of diesel onto en#ine' :i#h !ressure fuel !i!es bet*een the fuel !um!s nd the injectors sh ll be double s$inned' Diesel fuel t n$s sh ll meet re,uirements of I0D> code or tr ns!orted *ith m 9imum of 7 litres of fuel *ithin the diesel s"stem' Diesel t n$s sh ll be fitted *ith m nu l shut/off v lve *hich c n be closed from outside the module' Diesel su!!l" to the en#ine sh ll be #r vit" fed or rr n#ed such th t the inclin tions decl red in Section ='- do not c use loss of suction' Diesel t n$s sh ll be fitted *ith # u#e for m nu l determin tion of fuel level' > u#e sh ll be su!!lied vi m nu l v lue *hich c nnot be secured o!en' > u#e m teri ls sh ll be fire resist nt' The c ! nd di!stic$ for lubric tion oils sh ll be secured # inst comin# loose due to vibr tion on in shi!ment' All s fet" relief devices v lves sh ll be certified nd records v il ble for current m inten nce(c libr tion > s detector sh ll be inst lled in ir inlet' Suit ble fire detector%s& sh ll be loc ted *ithin the module' The follo*in# emer#enc" shutdo*n functions sh ll) s minimum) be !rovidedL 3& ?oc l emer#enc" sto! ccessible e9tern ll" -& Remote sto! from offshore inst ll tion control room 4& Remote closure of diesel su!!l" v lve %outside s! ce& =& Overs!eed 7& ?o* Oil !ressure <& :i#h Coolin# C ter tem!er ture .& Autom tic r !id closin# v lve in combustion ir inlet E9h ust !i!es sh ll h ve fire!roof se ls bet*een fl n#ed joints' Continuous steel construction module re,uired' All o!enin#s sh ll be clos ble from outside the module nd ll !enetr tions nd se ls sh ll resist fire or smo$e for <2 minutes' @ersonnel doors sh ll be self/closin# nd cont iner end doors sh ll rem in closed *hile o!er tion l

>ener l

I#nition @revention

I#nition @revention M Fuel Su!!l"

Fire A > s ( Shutdo*n

Fire @rotection

0odule *ith combustion Fi9ed fire e9tin#uisher s"stem *ith utom tic rele se nd m nu l rele se e9tern l to the en#ines of 4.7 $C or #re ter module sh ll be inst lled suit ble for e9tin#uishin# of diesel(fuel t"!e fire' Refer to ='6'0odule *ith combustion en#ines less th n 4.7 $C A =7 $# *heeled fo m fire e9tin#uisher sh ll be !rovided *ith the unit' This sh ll be remov ble to llo* for loc tion in !ro9imit" to the m in entr" to the module' Double s$inned hi#h !ressure fuel !i!es bet*een the fuel !um!s nd the injectors re not m nd tor"'


tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'( ec.- %odule ervice Types ) *age (&

".%.# #ir Compressors Ta6le "/) S!''ar* of re&!ire'ents for air co',ressors
>ener l Re,uirements I#nition @revention It sh ll be defined *hether the ir com!ressor *ill su!!ort n im!ort nt service' All mech nic l i#nition ris$s sh ll be ssessed in ccord nce *ith EN34=<4' F n belts sh ll be ntist tic' > s detector sh ll be !rovided in the ir int $e to the com!ressor room or the com!ressor itself' Air com!ressors th t re ! rt of the st rt/u! s"stem for tem!or r" diesel en#ines re e9em!t from the # s detector re,uirement' The follo*in# emer#enc" shutdo*n functions sh ll be !rovidedL 3& ?oc l emer#enc" sto! -& Remote emer#enc" shutdo*n from control room 4& Autom tic shut do*n on # s detection There re no s!ecific re,uirements for fire !rotection !rovided no surf ce tem!er ture in e9cess of -22QC is !resent nd th t no i#nition sources re !resent follo*in# shutdo*n on # s detection' Chere bre thin# ir is re,uired the su!!l" ir sh ll be t $en from non/h ; rdous re ' Air duct from non/h ; rdous re sh ll be desi#ned nd inst lled s to !rotect # inst le $ #e' The ,u lit" of the bre thin# ir sh ll be in ccord nce confirmed on n nnu l b sis b" n e9tern l l b'

Fire nd > s ( Shutdo*n

Fire @rotection

Ventil tion M Ore thin# ir


tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'( ec.- %odule ervice Types ) *age ('

".%.% Steam $enerators Ta6le "/" S!''ar* of re&!ire'ents for stea' generator
Diesel fuel ste m #ener tors desi#ned for loc tion in non/h ; rdous re s sh ll be constructed to ensure th t no i#nition sources re !resent follo*in# shutdo*n of the e,ui!ment' This includes re,uirin# the surf ce tem!er ture of the e9h ust to be belo* 422QC or belo* -22QC for ll other surf ces' Should the e9h ust # s tem!er ture be in I#nition @revention / >ener l e9cess of 422 QC the m nuf cturer c n !rovide det ils of he t dissi! tion on the e9h ust surf ce once the boiler h s been shut do*n' S! r$ rrester sh ll be fitted in the e9h ust s"stem nd sh ll be certified in ccord nce *ith re,uirements in EN 384=/3' E9cess diesel sh ll be routed b c$ to the diesel fuel t n$ nd not to the !um! feed ch mber' The return re in the t n$ sh ll be se! r ted nd ventil ted to void continuous #it tion of diesel nd !ressure build/u! in the diesel t n$' Diesel hoses sh ll be m de of h"droc rbon/resist nt m teri ls' Roints in !ro9imit" to the en#ine sh ll be t !ed to !revent s!l sh of diesel onto en#ine' Dri! tr " sh ll be inst lled belo* burner to collect n" diesel le $s' O!er tion l m nu l to include re#ul r chec$s on levels nd em!t"in# of the dri! tr "' I#nition @revention M Fuel Su!!l" Diesel fuel t n$s sh ll meet re,uirements of I0D> code or tr ns!orted *ith m 9imum of 7 litres of fuel *ithin the diesel s"stem' Diesel t n$s sh ll be fitted *ith m nu l shut/off v lve *hich c n be closed from outside the module' Diesel su!!l" to the en#ine sh ll be #r vit" fed' Diesel t n$s sh ll be fitted *ith # u#e for m nu l determin tion of fuel level' > u#e sh ll be su!!lied vi m nu l v lue *hich c nnot be secured o!en' > u#e m teri ls sh ll be fire resist nt' > s detector sh ll be inst lled in ir inlet' Suit ble fire detector%s& sh ll be loc ted *ithin the module' All !ressure relief devices(v lves sh ll be certified nd records v il ble for current m inten nce(c libr tion The follo*in# emer#enc" l rms nd shutdo*n functions sh ll) s minimum) be !rovidedL Fire A > s ( Shutdo*n 3& ?oc l emer#enc" sto! -& ?o* * ter level in the boiler % l rm ( shutdo*n& 4& :i#h ste m !ressure l rm(shutdo*n =& Remote sto! from offshore inst ll tion control room 7& Closure of diesel su!!l" v lve Fi9ed fire e9tin#uisher s"stem *ith utom tic rele se nd m nu l rele se e9tern l to the module sh ll be inst lled suit ble for e9tin#uishin# of diesel fire' Continuous steel construction module re,uired' All o!enin#s sh ll be clos ble from outside the module nd ll !enetr tions nd se ls sh ll resist fire or smo$e for <2 minutes' @ersonnel doors sh ll be self/closin# nd cont iner end doors sh ll rem in closed *hile o!er tion l E9h ust !i!es sh ll h ve fire!roof se ls bet*een fl n#ed joints'

Fire Fi#htin#

Fire @rotection

".%.) /ell Inter"ention %(uipment Ta6le "/$ S!''ar* of re&!ire'ents Well nter+ention E&!i,'ent
This is com!osite function l #rou!) e ch com!onent of the *ell intervention ! c$ #e needs to be ssessed individu ll" b sed on its 0odule #rou! nd function' Consider tion sh ll lso be #iven to *hether the e,ui!ment is intended for use in n %mportant service' Elements *hich inter ct *ith isol tion of the *ell sh ll meet the re,uirements of the relev nt A@I st nd rd' Cinches nd liftin# e,ui!ment sh ll be certified ccordin# to DNV STC -'-- ?iftin# A!!li nces or ltern tive suit ble st nd rd'

>ener l Re,uirements


tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'( ec.- %odule ervice Types ) *age (#

".%." Di"ing S*stems Ta6le "/- S!''ar* of re&!ire'ents for Di+ing S*ste's
Divin# s"stems sh ll be defined s HOuter Are sI in ccord nce *ith DNV/OS/E=2- nd DNV/DS/E=24 The e,ui!ment inst lled in divin# s"stems sh ll be certified ccordin# to the !rocedures #iven in DNV/DSS/327' @i!in# s"stems nd electric l s"stems interconnectin# modules used for divin# s"stems sh ll meet the re,uirements #iven in DNV/OS/E=2- nd DNV/DS/E=24' All enclosed s! ces in the divin# s"stem sh ll be !rovided *ith lo* o9"#en l rms' Fire A > s An" s! ces *here o9"#en is !resent %stored) used or !i!ed& sh ll be !rovided *ith :i#h O- l rm' An" o9"#en sensors sh ll be demonstr ted s suit ble for use in helium environment' Fire Fi#htin# Fire @rotection Ventil tion 0odules *hich re ! rt of the HOuter Are I sh ll be !rovided *ith fi9ed fire s"stem' 0odules *hich re m nned) used for control of o!er tions or essenti l for recover" of divers sh ll h ve fire r tin# of A<2' 0odules *here ccident l rele se of # sses m " be h ; rd) sh ll be !rovided *ith suit ble ventil tion s"stem'

>ener l Re,uirements

".%.$ )* rocar-on Containing %(uipment Ta6le "/0 S!''ar* of re&!ire'ents for H*drocar6on Containing E&!i,'ent e.g. Well test e&!i,'ent
Bsin# DNV/OS/E-23 Oil nd # s !rocessin# s"stems s reference ll h"droc rbon h ndlin# e,ui!ment sh ll be certified s com!li nt *ith relev nt norm tive st nd rds in Ch !ter 3 Section 3 T ble 3/- !!lic ble to the ctu l function' Cell test ! c$ #e inst ll tions re,uire ddition l Hc se b" c seI revie* b sed u!on the s!ecific confi#ur tion nd !!lic tion' As!ects rel tin# to fire fi#htin#) fire !rotection) ventil tion nd esc !e sh ll be ssessed durin# this revie*' The m nuf cturer sh ll st te the limit tions of their e,ui!ment *ith re# rd to these re,uirements to su!!ort this revie*' The #ener l re,uirements !!lic ble to the e,ui!ment from section = sh ll be !!lied'

>ener l Re,uirements

".%.- Drilling Ser"ice e(uipment Ta6le "/( S!''ar* of re&!ire'ents for Te',orar* E&!i,'ent related to Drilling ser+ices
>ener l Re,uirements C te#or" I E,ui!ment sh ll be certified b" DNV or other reco#nised 4rd ! rt" in ccord nce *ith DNV/OS/E323' C te#or" II e,ui!ment sh ll be documented to meet the re,uirements of DNV/OS/E323 or e,uiv lent'

".) Offshore nstallations not intended for h*drocar6on related acti+ities

E,ui!ment intended for use on n offshore inst ll tion *here h"droc rbon li,uids or # sses *ill never be !resent re !ermitted to re!l ce cert in re,uirements in this st nd rd *ith the ltern tives listed in 7'='3 to 7'='=' Chere ltern tives re !!lied ccordin# to this Cl use) such limit tions sh ll be noted on the DNV -'./Certific te'
G!idance note9 @ro9imit" to h"droc rbons *here ccident l rele se m " re ch the offshore inst ll tion %i'e' *or$ rel tin# to subse *ells or !l tform su!!ort vessels& sh ll be considered s re s *here h"droc rbons c n occur'
///e/n/d///of///>/u/i/d/ /n/c/e///n/o/t/e///

".).1 Inclination on Non0Important Ser"ice %(uipment Inclin tion n#les do not im! ct the s fe o!er tion of the e,ui!ment under the follo*in# conditionsL E e,ui!ment is not used for n im!ort nt service nd E h"droc rbon # sses or li,uids re not !resent' Bnder these conditions the re,uirements for Inclin tion in T ble =/3 re not !!lic ble'


tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'( ec.- %odule ervice Types ) *age ((

".).# .atteries O tteries re not re,uired to be in ;one - certified s fe e,ui!ment enclosures *hen h"droc rbons do not occur' O tteries sh ll be loc ted in b tter" bo9 or loc$er' ".).% $as Detection > s detection on the e,ui!ment or t ir int $es is not re,uired *here h"droc rbon # sses do not occur' ".).) Com-ustion %ngines an Steam $enerators Chen h"droc rbon # sses or li,uids do not occur the m 9imum surf ce tem!er ture of or ste m #ener tor sh ll be --2 ZC nd s! r$ rrestors re not re,uired' combustion en#ine


tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'( ec./ ,nstallation and 4ook"up ) *age (+

$ nstallation and Hoo./!,

$.1 General
Oefore the module is t $en into service) it sh ll be s fel" secured to the dec$ or su!!ortin# structure %See Sec'4&' C bles for !o*er su!!l" nd other hoo$/u!s re e9cluded from certific tion to this st nd rd ho*ever should be suit bl" !rotected) mech nic ll" nd electric ll") *hen inst lled on site' C blin# sh ll be de,u tel" secured to !revent mech nic l d m #e or short circuit nd sh ll not c use h ; rd to the offshore inst ll tion'

$.# nterfaces 6et4een 'od!le and offshore installation

To ensure correct nd suit ble connections to the module) the certific tion sh ll s!ecif" ll relev nt interf ces bet*een the module nd the offshore inst ll tion' These interf ces m " include hoo$ u! ofL E E E E electric !o*er su!!lies tele!hones nd @A(>A s"stems si#n ls to nd from the control room utilit" s"stems) e'#') ir) nitro#en) ste m) h"dr ulics) * ter) dr ins) diesel'

The s!ecific tion of interf ces sh ll be sufficientl" det iled nd un mbi#uous th t the e,ui!ment c n be s fel" nd correctl" hoo$ed u! to the !erm nent utilities on the offshore inst ll tion' $.#.1 Signal from mo ule or e(uipment to CCR De!endin# on the confi#ur tion of the module) the follo*in# si#n ls sh ll be tr nsmitt bleL E E E E E E > s Detection Fire Detection ( Fire Al rm @ush button Fire e9tin#uishin# medium rele sed ?oss of !ressuris tion St tus of monitorin# (control s"stems on the module' These m " be connected to common l rm si#n l' Condition monitorin# l rms'
G!idance note9 This includes l rms from monitorin# s"stems for m chiner") !rocesses nd simil r l rms' E,ui!ment) *hich h s this loc l monitorin# s"stem) m " h ve condition monitorin# si#n l out!ut to the control room if the e,ui!ment c n be o!er ted unm nned'
///e/n/d///of///>/u/i/d/ /n/c/e///n/o/t/e///

Suit bl" certified termin tion f cilities should be !rovided t convenient loc tion to llo* hoo$/u! to the offshore inst ll tion c bles' Si#n ls from modules to the CCR sh ll be volt #e/free cont cts' Re# rdless of loc tion) such termin tion f cilities should be suit bl" certified s fe e,ui!ment r ted for the re in *hich it is loc ted but minimum of ;one -' Chere volt #es rem in on intern l com!onents follo*in# shutdo*n) such e,ui!ment is to be m r$edL EAA-'%'$" %'T -'A& 1)&TA$ S MAF - MA%' A#T - M)@+& S7+T@)A': 'S+- T7AT ATM)S*7 - %S ')'(7AGA-@)+S B #)- )* '%'$.H $.#.# Signals from CCR to mo ule or e(uipment De!endin# on the confi#ur tion of the module or e,ui!ment) the follo*in# si#n ls sh ll be tr nsmitt bleL E Emer#enc" sto! %e'#') rot tin#(movin# m chiner"&' E Emer#enc" Shutdo*n) e'#') non/certified e,ui!ment nd(or s fet"(b tter" s"stems' E Inform tion vi the offshore inst ll tions l rm s"stem %@A(>A s"stem(Tele!hone&'

$.% nstr!ctions for hoo./!,<installation

Instructions for hoo$/u!(inst ll tion of the module sh ll l* "s ccom! n" the module det ilin#) t minimum) the follo*in#L E Instructions on hoo$/u! of e,ui!ment incor!or tin# in!ut volt #es nd re,uired !rotection settin#s from the offshore inst ll tion' E Descri!tion of the conditions(functions the module sh ll !erform nd n" s fet" !rec utions re,uired to o!er te *ithin !rescribed condition' E 0 inten nce re,uirements nd !eriodic chec$s' E V lid certific te of liftin# e,ui!ment' Instruction for hoo$/u!(inst ll tion sh ll be !rovided for !!rov l s ! rt of the desi#n ssessment'

tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'( ec.$ %arking and instructions ) *age (-

- and instr!ctions

-.1 nfor'ation ,late
Service modules sh ll be fitted *ith both the inform tion !l te re,uired b" DNV St nd rd for Certific tion -'./3 nd n ddition l Offshore Service 0odule inform tion !l te' The inform tion !l te ,u lit" nd !ositionin# sh ll be s re,uired in <'3 of DNV St nd rd for Certific tion -'./3' The ddition l n me !l te !!lic ble for DNV -'./- is #iven in Fi#ure ./3'
DN: #.-/# OFFSHORE SER: CE MODB8E N me of 0 nuf cturerL 0 nuf cturer cont ct det ilsL Desi#n Assessment RefL D te of Certific tionL Seri l NumberL Im!ort nt Service BseL : ; rdous Are R tin#L O!er tion Tem!er ture R n#eL 0inimum @ur#e Time 0 nned BseL 0 9' No' of @ersonnel *ithin moduleL Fitted out 0 ssL Other Certific tes(CoCL BSER MBST REFER TO DN: #.-/# CERT F CATE FOR 8 M TAT ON OF BSE

Fig!re -/1 Additional na'e ,late for offshore ser+ice 'od!les

-.# of E&!i,'ent

Com!onents nd c ble connections sh ll be cle rl" m r$ed to en ble tr cin# to the !!roved dr *in#s' All m r$in# !l tes nd si#nbo rds sh ll be of !erm nent nd dur ble construction' ?etterin# sh ll be of sufficient si;e nd colour s to be e sil" re d ble from #round(dec$ level' Si#n #e for shutdo*n or fire !rotection s"stems sh ll be m r$ed in red *ith *hite letterin#' 0 r$in# sh ll be secured in !l ce b" dur ble me ns %i'e' st inless steel scre*s) rivets or met l b nds& Bse of !l stic c ble ties or #lue for securin# of m r$in# sh ll onl" be cce!ted on the b sis of documented evidence th t e9!osure to environment l condition in ='sh ll not c use deterior tion or det chment of the m r$in#' Chere inst ll tion of e,ui!ment h s ch n#ed the t re of the module from the ori#in l m r$in# !rovided *hen certified to the !!lied liftin# st nd rd) the t re nd ! "lo d sh ll be rem r$ed to reflect the fitted out m ss' The follo*in# s!ecific m r$in#s sh ll be !!lied) *here !!lic bleL E E E E E E E E E E E Fuse holders sh ll be m r$ed *ith Am![re v lue nd circuit desi#n tion' Adjust ble therm l !rotection devices sh ll be m r$ed *ith the !!ro!ri te settin#' Termin l r ils sh ll be m r$ed *ith the !!ro!ri te volt #e' Electric l enclosures sh ll be m r$ed *ith volt #e on the outside' O tter" b c$ed emer#enc" li#htin# sh ll be e sil" identifi ble on the e9tern l of the li#htin# fi9ture' All o!er tor control devices(buttons nd emer#enc" sto!s sh ll be cle rl" m r$ed *ith their function' Runction bo9es !rovided for hoo$/u! sh ll be m r$ed *ith the re,uired function(t"!e) i'e') 0 in !o*er or Emer#enc" @o*er' 0 in isol tin# s*itches s re,uired b" ='7'4 sh ll be m r$ed to identif" function nd su!!l"' i'e') 0 in !o*er isol tor Enclosures cont inin# intrinsic ll" s fe circuits sh ll be m r$ed' C rnin# for intern l volt #es sh ll be m r$ed' @ort ble fire e9tin#uisher holder sh ll be m r$ed *ith the e9tin#uisher t"!e nd si;e'

tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'( ec.$ %arking and instructions ) *age (/

0odules intended for connection to !l tform !o*er su!!l" s"stems sh ll h ve the follo*in# d t cle rl" m r$ed t the connection !ointL E E E E E E s"stem volt #e%s& m 9imum su!!l" !rotection v lue fre,uenc" short circuit current r ted short circuit bre $in# c ! cit" t"!e of distribution s"stem) e'#' IT) TN) etc'


tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'( ec.0 5pproval and !ertification *rocedures ) *age ($

0 A,,ro+al and Certification 1roced!res

0.1 General
Certific tion consists of the follo*in# ste!s s !!lic bleL E E E E E E desi#n ssessment !roduction ins!ection A testin# ins!ection of the com!leted inst ll tion function l testin# %if !!lic ble& !l tin# nd m r$in# issu nce of certific tes'

DNV m " issue n HOffshore Service 0odule Certific teI %DNV -'./- certific teL Form number =6'24 & for cont iners *hich re desi#ned) m nuf ctured nd tested ccordin# to the re,uirements of this st nd rd' The DNV -'./- certific te sh ll st te the sco!e of DNVKs involvement nd n" re,uirements or limit tions for the use of the offshore service module' The DNV -'./- certific te *ill include reference to the !!lic ble certific tion for the liftin# structure'

0.# A,,lication for Certification

An !!lic tion for !!rov l nd certific tion should be sent to the loc l DNV office' The follo*in# inform tion sh ll be includedL E E E E E E E A descri!tion of the t"!e of module %See Sec'7&' Chether the module is for im!ort nt service s defined in Section 7'3' Chether the cont iner structure is lre d" !!roved nd *hich st nd rd h s been used' The h ; rdous re in *hich the cont iner m " be loc ted' Chether the module is #oin# to be m nned or unm nned' The !l ce of m nuf cture' Det ils of other st nd rds nd re#ul tions to be covered'

0.% A,,ro+al Sche'es

If m nuf cturer !l ns to build onl" one module or sin#le) limited b tch of modules) DNV m " #ive n individu l %c se/b"/c se& !!rov l v lid for th t b tch onl"' The m nuf cturer sh ll s!ecif" the number of cont iners to be covered b" the !!rov l' If series !roduction is intended) or if further orders for the s me cont iner desi#n re e9!ected in the future) t"!e !!rov l *ill norm ll" be #iven' T"!e A!!rov l Certific tes re norm ll" issued to the m nuf cturer of the cont iner' If cont iners re m de b" m nuf cturer on beh lf of the o*ner of desi#n t"!e) both the o*ner of the desi#n t"!e nd the m nuf cturer *ill be listed in the T"!e A!!rov l Certific te' For further det ils on T"!e A!!rov l !rocess !le se refer to DNV St nd rd for Certific tion 3'- T"!e A!!rov l DNV t"!e !!rov ls re listed in the DNV E9ch n#e on DNVKs *ebsite) ***'dnv'com'

0.) Design Assess'ent

For desi#n ssessment) the document tion listed in T ble 8/3 is to be submitted to the DNV loc l st tion' This t ble det ils t"!ic l document tion ho*ever) ddition l re,uirements m " !!l" de!endin# u!on the function of the module' Documents should be submitted electronic ll") !refer bl" s @DF file correctl" form tted for !rintin#) or in three ! !er co!ies) in m!le time before m nuf cturin#' In c ses *here e9!erience nd(or other findin#s sho* th t s fet" h ; rds m " rise in connection *ith items not covered directl" b" the e9istin# re,uirements) DNV m " decide to determine) t n" time) su!!lement r" re,uirements *hich sh ll be met in order to re ch nd m int in the over ll s fet" st nd rd'

0." S!r+e* and testing

Surve"s re re,uired to confirm ssembl" nd function lit" of the module in ccord nce *ith the !!roved dr *in#s' Surve"s m " be del "ed should desi#n document tion not be submitted in de,u te time to llo* the ssessment to be concluded' De!endin# u!on the ssembl" or functions *ithin the module %e'#' ! ssive fire !rotection& interim surve"s m " be re,uired to confirm ssembl" to the !!roved desi#n' T ble 8/- det ils t"!ic l surve") function l test nd document tion revie* re,uirements' Addition l re,uirements m " !!l" de!endin# u!on the function of the module'

tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'( ec.0 5pproval and !ertification *rocedures ) *age (0

Ta6le 0/1 Design Assess'ent Doc!'entation

Evidence of DNV -'./3 or EN 3-2.6 certific tion OR document tion ccordin# to those codes for !!rov l' Offshore inst ll tion induced lo ds sh ll be defined' Desi#n c lcul tions for offshore inst ll tion induced lo ds Other document tion s re,uired for s!eci l !ur!ose cont iners or for s!eci l e,ui!ment' >ener l Arr n#ement Dr *in# Sin#le line di #r m C ble schedule includin# certific tion Cirin# di #r ms nd c lcul tions for intrinsic ll" s fe circuits Certified S fe E,ui!ment A certific tes %Det ils s !er t ble O3 in DNV/OS/D-23 Sec' 33& Oill of 0 teri ls for @ressurised Bnits C use A Effect dr *in# det ilin# ll shutdo*n functions Shutdo*n !hiloso!h" for modules *ith im!ort nt services' Inst ll tion ( hoo$/u! dr *in#s Certific tion ( A!!rov l for Fire detection control s"stem >ener l rr n#ement of the fire detection nd l rm s"stem) *irin# di #r ms nd !!rov l certific tes for com!onents) to#ether *ith the t"!e nd loc tion of detectors) *ith det ils of ho* the si#n ls re tr nsmitted D t sheets for fire s"stem com!onents Certific tion ( A!!rov l for > s detection control s"stem >ener l rr n#ement of the # s detection nd l rm s"stem) *irin# di #r ms nd !!rov l certific tes for com!onents) to#ether *ith the t"!e nd loc tion of detectors) *ith det ils of ho* the si#n ls re tr nsmitted D t sheets for # s s"stem com!onents O!er tion l descri!tion of s"stem nd m nu l @A ( Al rm s"stem !hiloso!h" Arr n#ement dr *in# includin# connection to offshore inst ll tion Identific tion of fire ris$s inside cont iner includin# limit tion of m teri ls to be stores or limit tion on the *or$ to be conducted *ithin the module O!er tion l descri!tion for fire !rotection s"stems to ddress !otenti l fire ris$s The t"!e nd number of !ort ble e9tin#uishers *ith !!rov l certific tes The descri!tion rr n#ement nd det ils of n" fi9ed fire e9tin#uishin# s"stems includin# certific tion of com!onents' Structur l fire !rotection dr *in# includin#D E :ori;ont l nd vertic l fire divisions E 0 teri ls to be used E 0ethod of construction E T"!ic l method of he t brid#e insul tion E Inte#rit" nd t"!es of doors bein# used @enetr tion dr *in#s sho*in# t"!ic l rr n#ements includin# m teri ls used for ductin#) !i!in# or c bles throu#h fire divisions A!!rov l certific tes for ! ssive fire !rotection m teri l A!!rov l Certific tes for doors) *indo*s) bul$he ds) ceilin#s) !enetr tions nd fire d m!ers used in the construction Esc !e routes %includin# si;es& nd li#htin# sh ll be sho*n on #ener l rr n#ement nd s fet" document tion Ductin# nd Instrument tion dr *in#s %DAIDs& for the ventil tion s"stem O!er tion l descri!tion of over/!ressure ventil tion s"stem if relev nt C lcul tion of over/!ressure ventil tion s"stem !ur#e time C lcul tion of ventil tion) he tin# nd coolin# c ! cit" Test d t from re!resent tive unit to su!!ort !ur#in# c lcul tions(method if module is sub divided'




#ire @etection

$as @etection


#ire fighting

*assive #ire *rotection


1entilation/)ver *ressure


tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'( ec.0 5pproval and !ertification *rocedures ) *age (3

Ta6le 0/# T*,ical ,rod!ction s!r+e* and testing re&!ire'ents

Survey Confirm ssembl" of the unit in ccord nce *ith !!roved dr *in#s nd ccord nce *ith re/ ,uirements in this st nd rd' Confirm certified s fe e,ui!ment is inst lled s !er certific te nd ccur te to h ; rdous re schedule' Revie* m nuf cturin# records to determine suit ble insul tion nd testin# of electric l e,ui!/ ment' Records of com!etenc" for inst ll tion(ins!ection !ersonnel to n tion ll" reco#nised !rocedures m " be re,uested' O!er tin# instructions *here relev nt for s fe o!er tion of the module' Ensure n" s!eci l !rec utions for use nd limit tions re cle rl" identified' Function tests of essenti l/(s fet" s"stems includin#) e'#') electric l) l rm nd :VAC s"s/ tems' Function tests of shut/do*n ctions s !er !!roved shutdo*n rr n#ement'

#unctional Testing

0.$ Certification of e2isting containers

E9istin# modules *hich h ve !reviousl" been certified b" DNV m " be re/certified fter modific tion or u!#r din#' Such re/certific tion *ill be b sed on lre d" e9istin# certific tes s f r s !!lic ble) in ddition to !!rov l nd ins!ection of ne* inst ll tions' E9istin# modules th t h ve not !reviousl" been certified b" DNV m " in cert in c ses be considered for certific tion' All relev nt document tion sh ll be submitted for revie* s if the module *ere ne*' If the document tion is incom!lete) ddition l re,uirements m " be s!ecified b" DNV' E ch module is to be thorou#hl" ins!ected nd tested s !!ro!ri te'

0.- Retention of certificates

0.-.1 Maintenance of certificates /,erio ic Inspections Offshore Service 0odules *hich re inst lled or intended for inst ll tion on DNV Cl ssed Offshore Inst ll tion re considered ! rt of the cl ss sco!e nd sh ll be ins!ected b" DNV surve"or t the ins!ection interv ls !!lic ble to the offshore inst ll tion' 0odules *hich re lso certified to DNV -'./3 or -'./4 re,uire nnu l ins!ection ccordin# to these st nd rds' 0odules *hich re b sed on shi! service cont iner must be subject to structur l ins!ections t the s me interv ls s hull structures'
G!idance note9 Shelf st te le#isl tion or client s!ecific re,uirements m " re,uire !eriodic ins!ection of the offshore service module' These ins!ections sh ll be re,uested b" the o*ner to the loc l DNV office *here the sco!e ccordin# to the s!ecific re,uirements c n be ssessed'
///e/n/d///of///>/u/i/d/ /n/c/e///n/o/t/e///

0.-.# Repair or Mo ifications A module is considered to be rebuilt or modified *henD E Com!onents not on !!roved desi#n re used' E 0odific tion of e,ui!ment from the !!roved desi#n' E Function or !erform nce is ch n#ed' Rebuilt or modified modules sh ll be re/certified b" DNV' The sco!e of re/certific tion sh ll be #reed *ith DNV on c se b" c se b sis' Re! ir or modific tion of structur l s!ects sh ll be surve"ed ccordin# to the re,uirements of the ori#in l structur l st nd rd' Note n" hot *or$ to the !rim r" structure sh ll be es!eci ll" considered'
G!idance note9 Re!l cement of com!onents or minor re! irs to ori#in l !!roved condition / DNV involvement is not necess r"'
///e/n/d///of///>/u/i/d/ /n/c/e///n/o/t/e///

0.-.% /ith ra1al of Certification Should module issued *ith DNV -'./- certific te be subse,uentl" found not to com!l" *ith the re,uirements of this st nd rd) DNV m " *ithdr * the certific te for th t module' Det iled justific tion sh ll be !rovided to the m nuf cturer or o*ner of the module describin# the re sons for *ithdr * l of certific tion' Follo*in# rectific tion of n" nonconformit") the DNV -'./- certific te m " be re/inst ted'

tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'( 5ppendi6 5 !ertificate for 7ffshore ervice %odule ) *age +&

A,,endi2 A Certificate for Offshore Ser+ice Mod!le


DNV Standard for Certification 2.7-2 (2013) Equipment Description:

Certificate No.: Rev:

XXXX -2.7-2

Identification marking:

Client for certification (Name, address):


Manufacturer (Name, address):

Equipment Owner:

XXXXX The Certificate is based on the following other certificates.

Transportation and lifting is covered by Certificate No: The design is approved separately by DVR/Type Approval No: Module Type XXXX XXXX XXXX Revision X Dated yyyy-mm-dd

Functional Group(s)


Ship Use Fixed Installation Main Supply Voltage Range Main Supply Frequency


Floating Installation F Hydrocarbon H Installation Use XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX V ac/dc


Operational Limitations

Inclination I n Limtation L

XXXX X XXXX X V ac/dc Hz Amps C

Important I Importa rtant Service Use XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX

Main Supply Current Protection (max) Intended Hazardous Area Location Gas Group

Please refer to appendix for any additional limitations

Certification statement

This is to certify that the module has been designed, examined and a tested in compliance with DNV Standard for Certification 2.7-2 ( 2013). The documentation package has been stamped approved and hereby found to be complete and as built. The certificate includes an appendix which is to be considered as a part of the certificate.

The certification has only considered the requirements of the aspects of the Codes and Standards referenced. If applicable, compliance with any additional requirements with regards to relevant EU Directives or local legislative requirements have not been considered however the standards referenced may assist in demonstration of compliance with these requirements.

Other Certificates/Standard covering equipment XXXX

Validity period
This certificate remains valid for the life of the module providing it is not modified or repaired (Reference to section 8.7.1 of the Standard).

Det Norske Veritas B.V. Place: XXXXXXX Date: XXXXXXX


Certification is issued with/without deviations from the Certification Standard. Any Deviations are listed in the Appendix to this certificate. The end user must satisfy themselves that these deviations from the Standard are acceptable with regard to their intended use.


Secondary Supply Voltage Range

Secondary Supply Frequency

Sec. Supply Current Protection (max) Operational Temperature Range Temperature Class

XXXXX Surveyor

DET NORSKE VERITAS AS, Veritasveien 1, NO-1322 Hvik, Norway, Telephone: +47 67 57 99 00, Telefax: +47 67 57 99 11, Org.No. NO 945 748 931 MVA
Form No.: 49.03a Issue: May 2013 Page 1 of 2


tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'( 5ppendi6 5 !ertificate for 7ffshore ervice %odule ) *age +'


DNV Standard for Certification 2.7-2 (2013)

Certificate No.: Rev:

XXXX 2.7-2


Comments XXXXX

Specific Installation/Hook-Up Requirements


Structural / Locating Requirements

Sea Pressure Load


Accelerations XXXXXXX Survey Project Number

XXXXXX DNV Internal References


Sea fastening shall be in accordance with drawing(s) XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX

Design Review / T.A Project No.


DET NORSKE VERITAS AS, Veritasveien 1, NO-1322 Hvik, Norway, Telephone: +47 67 57 99 00, Telefax: +47 67 57 99 11, Org.No. NO 945 748 931 MVA
Form No.: 49.03a Issue: May 2013 Page 2 of 2


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