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Intelligen ce Bureau ACIO

Exam Question Paper

(23.09.20 12
1. A man !eci!es to tra"el #0 $ilometers in #

%ours partl& '& (oot an! partl& on a 'i c&cle. I( %isspee! on (oot is # $m)%r an! on 'ic&cle 1* $m)%r+ ,%at !istance ,oul! %e

tra"el on (oot-(i 20 $m (ii 30 $m(iii .# $m (i" *0$m2. /ue to a 20 1 increase in t%e price o( rice per $ilogram a person is a'le to purc%ase

20$ilograms less (or 2upees .00. 3%at is t%e increase! price o( rice per $ilogram(i 2s 0 (ii 2s *(iii 2s 10 (i" 2s .3. A to& ,eig%ing 2. grams o( an allo&

o( t,o metals is ,ort% 2s 14.)5+ 'ut i( t%e ,eig%ts o( t%e t,o metals 'e interc%ange!+ t%e to& ,oul! 'e ,ort% 2s 1*2)5 I( t%e price o( one metal 'e 2s#

per +gram+ (in! t%e price o( t%e ot%er metal use! to ma$e t%e to&(i 2s 10) gram (ii 2s *)gram(iii 2s .) gram (i" 2s 0)gram.. 6%ree 'ells c%ime at

inter"als o( .#+ *0 an! 90 minutes respecti"el&. I( all t%e t%ree 'ellsc%ime toget%er at 10 A7+ at ,%at time ,ill all t%e t%ree c%ime again t%at

!a&(i 1 P7 (ii 2 P7(iii # P7 (i" 10 P7

0. 8in! t%e last t,o !igits o( 9 1034*3019414(i 30 (ii .0(iii 00 (I" #0*. A(ter stri$ing t%e (loor+ a 'all re'oun!s to .)0t% o( t%e %eig%t (rom ,%ic% it %as

(allen+ 8in! t%etotal !istance t%at i( tra"els 'e(ore coming to rest i( it %as 'een gentl& !roppe! (rom a %eig%t o( 120 metres.(i 0.0 mtrs (ii 9*0

mtrs(iii 10#0 mtrs (i" 1120 mtrs4. 6%ere is a 45!igit telep%one num'er ,it% all !i((erent !igits . I( t%e !igit at extreme rig%t an!extreme le(t

are 0 an! * respecti"el&+ (in! %o, man& suc% telep%one num'ers are Possi'le.(i 120 (ii 1+00+000(iii *420 (i" 30+2.0

#. A spea$s t%e trut% 3 out o( . time+ an! B 0 out o( * times . 3%at is t%e pro'a'ilit& t%at t%e&,ill contra!ict eac%

ot%er in stating t%e same (act-(i 2)3 (' 1)3(c 0)* (! 1)219. A circle is inscri'e! insi!e an e:uilateral triangle touc%ing all t%e t%ree si!es+ I( t%e ra!ius o( t%e

circle is 2 cm+ (in! t%e area o( t%e triangle.(i 10 (ii 1#(iii 12 (i" 12

10. 8i"e persons A+ B+ C+ / an! E are sitting in a ro, (acing &ou suc% t%at / is on t%e le(t o( C;B is on t%e rig%t o( E; A is on t%e rig%t o( C an! B is on t%e

le(t o( /. I( E %as onl& oneneig%'our+ t%en ,%o is sitting in t%e centre-(i A (ii B(iii C (i" /11. In ,%ic% cit& is t%e %ea!:uarters o(

3orl! 6ra!e Organisation (36O locate -(i <e, =or$ (ii >ene"a(iii 2ome (i" Paris 12 In a (amil& o( (i"e persons+

/ines% is ?airams son an! >opals 'rot%er ,%ile 7eeta is>opals mot%er an! ?a&antis !aug% ter I( t%ere are no step 'rot%ers or

%al( 'rot%ers in t%e+(amil& ,%ic% o( t%e (ollo,ing statements is true(i ?a&anti is /ines%s mot%er

(ii 7eeta is /ines%s 7ot%er (iii ?a&anti is ?airams gran!mot%er (i" All t%e a'o"e13. (our

sisters5@u"arna+ 6ara+ Ama an! Bi%'a are pla&ing a game suc% t%at t%e loser !ou'les t%emone& o( eac% o( t%e ot%er pla&ers (rom %er s%are+ 6%e&

pla&e! (our games an! eac% sister lostone game in alp%a'etical or!er+ At t%e en! o( (ourt% game+ eac% sister %a! 2s.32. Co, muc%mone& !i! @u"arna start

,it% -(i 2s *0 (ii 2s 3.(iii 2s ** (i" 2s 2#1.. In!ira is t%ree times ol!er t%an =oges% ,%ile Da%eer is %al( t%e age o( 3a%i!a. I( =oges% isol!er

t%an Da%eer t%en 3%ic% o( t%e (ollo,ing statements can 'e in(erre! -

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