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THE MILLION JOBS ACT The Ontario PCs believe in the strength of hard-working Ontarians, and we will never

r give up on building a better Ontario. However, under the current government, too many Ontarians are waking up to the feeling that this could be their last day on the job. Thats why were bringing forward the Million Jobs Act. It contains 5 main elements that will create jobs and bring prosperity back to our province.

1. Produce more jobs and increase take-home pay through lower taxes and less debt The current government has increased taxes across the board over the last 10 years, while simultaneously spending so recklessly that the debt doubled:

The Ontario PCs alone understand that we create more jobs when families have more money in their bank accounts and Ontario is a job-friendly jurisdiction for employers. The Million Jobs Act will balance the budget quickly using tools like an across the board government wage freeze and will reduce taxes on employers so they can start to hire again.

2. Ensure affordable energy that will create jobs, not eliminate them Instead of keeping power rates down to help create jobs in the broader economy, the Liberal government has focused on creating jobs in the power sector itself, and have been willing to make consumers pay any price necessary to achieve that limited goal.

To provide cost-efficient and reliable energy, the Million Jobs Act will end expensive subsidizes for wind and solar power projects that drive up costs and punish both manufacturers and Ontario's families with high electricity bills.

3. Train more skilled workers to meet the demand in trades, and help young people find good jobs Colleges Ontario estimates there are 46% fewer trades people per capita in Ontario compared to the rest of Canada.

The Million Jobs Act will change the apprentice-to-journeyman ratio to one-to-one and abolish the College of Trades, which is nothing but a tax on workers and a costly bureaucracy that gets in the way of new job opportunities.

4. Increase trade with our neighbours Internal trade barriers cost the Canadian economy $50 billion a year. We want to make sure the things Ontario workers make can reach as many customers as possible. The Million Jobs Act will require the Government of Ontario to begin negotiations to join the economic partnership of British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan.

5. End the bureaucratic runaround that inhibits job creation According to the Canadian Federation of Independent Business, complying with Ontarios regulatory requirements costs businesses approximately $11 billion annually. The Million Jobs Act will reduce the regulatory burden in Ontario by a minimum of onethird over three years.

For further information, contact Jacqui Delaney (416) 325-8505

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