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January 13 - 17, 2014

Lifeskill or Life-long Guideline of the week: Responsibility

Math rd 3 - This week in math we are continuing our unit on fractions. In third grade, our goal is to be able to construct picture models of fractions, as well as to use these models to compare fractions. Students use the vocabulary numerator and denominator to describe fractional parts. We will be doing activities related to equal parts by creating our own fraction pizzas. Students will be able to see that the more equal parts of a fraction there are, the smaller the pieces are. We will also be ordering an comparing fractions by size. *Ask your child how they figure out fair shares with fractions. What strategy do they use? How can they tell if they have fair shares? 4 - Students will explore two more new multiplication strategies this week. Students will be learning the complete method of multiplication and the traditional algorithm. At the end of our study of multiplication, students will have five different methods to multiply numbers. In addition to learning multiplication strategies students will also be solving STAAR style word problems. *Ask your child to show you all the different ways to multiply numbers. Let them teach you, theyll love showing off. Exploration of Texas & Texas Missions We will begin this week concluding our study of the different European explorers who came through Texas. Monday, students will read about the last explorer we will study, Sieur de la Salle. Also, students will be participating in a Two Truths and Lie game show about Cabeza de Vaca. This week we will begin our study of the Spanish mission in Texas by looking at the European settlements in North America during 1750. We will specifically learn about the Spanish settlements in Texas, looking closely at the missions in Texas. We will explore the Spanish mission system and how they operate. *Ask your child to tell you about the Two Truths and a Lie game show!

Writers Workshop This week students will return to Writers Workshop free writing. Students will work inside of his or her Writers Notebook, with time to share some of his or her writing with the tribe each day. Students will be working with the goal of publishing a piece of their choice. We will be using the strategy of 2 Stars and a Wish. For this strategy, after students self revise and edit, they meet with a peer to share their writing. Their peer then gives them 2 Stars which are compliments they have for their writing. They also give a wish, which is essentially giving constructive feedback on ways they could use more of the revising and editing strategies in their writing. Also, three mornings a week, students will be working on a revising and editing passage. They will read through a short passage and answer 4 questions that follow related to grammar and punctuation. After students have had an opportunity to try the questions independently, we will go over the activity as a class. *Ask your child to share what they are writing about in his or her Writers Notebook.
Important Notes and Events! *Science Fair: Brentwoods Science Fair will take place January 30. Students who have signed up should have received their paperwork already. Projects and paperwork are due on January 30. Please make sure to follow the directions very carefully. If you have any questions please contact Mary Gardner at *Used Book Sale will take place on March 3 to 7. Bring in donations of books (childrens or adult), DVDs, videos, CDs, magazines, puzzles and new or gently used school supplies to the donation boxes are located next to the office and right inside the library. *GT Nominations: If you would like to nominate your child for the Gifted and Talented program, nomination forms are due st back by January 31 , 2014. If you would like a form, please email the teachers at and *Please visit our wiki page for information about our class: * Please check the calendar online every week as dates do change.

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