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#107 B . S. Aq ui no D rive Sta. Clara Drive
034 433-0245 Sta. Clara Subdivision
- SOON T O TRA NSFER - (034) 7090131 — HLLC

OFFI C I AL NEW SLET T ER OF H is Lif e M inist ries hlmcent ral. mult ip ly. com
A u g u s t 2 , 2 0 0 9 issue
What’s Inside …
— From Pastor JR — FAITH is; Welcome!
Gifts Development — page 2
— STATS of July 26 in all of our SITES HIS LIFE VISION
at His Life. —page 2 Glorify God
— Your Local Site NEWS and Views
—page 3 Make Disciples
— Guide Notes for Everybody till August 9 Meet Your Management
—page 4 7 DAYS
TEAM Leaders for
to GO! for the
“ONE His Life Movement”
Verse for Today … LAUNCHING
Luke 6:47— I will show you what he is like who of our 40 DAYS Armin, Karleen, Eric,
comes to me and hears my words and puts Incredible GRACE Glenn, Nero, Dang,
them into practice. (NIV) .” Sharon, Ray, Juvy,
Campaign at CINEMA 4.
$The LORD’s Table … Trixie & JR

Will be served on August 5 at His Life Central. YOUTH Version:

Come and lets Consecrate ourselves. 6pm - GRACE: Indescribable -
all at Cinema 5
$40 Days of GRACE TIPS ...

• GET your BOOK “Indescribable GRACE” His Lambs Version:

through your Small Group Pastor or a Friend
at His Life. P150 HARDBound; P100 SOFT. — Incredible G SBDF —
• TAKE the CHALLENGE to MEMORIZE Enroll you children now at the
7 Scripture Texts within this 40 Days. Lobby of Cinema 6!
Sunday in any of our church celebrations.
• PRAY that PEOPLE will hunger for more and
more of God in their lives. Get your T-shirts
• GET READY to SERVE in one of our this week.
Missions TEAM or Ministry TEAMS.
You may also have it
• YOUTH meets at Cinema 5 every Sunday.
• CHILDREN’s Church meets at the Lobby of printed by your
Cinema 6. Find us on FACEBOOK and Small Group or
join us TODAY!
• ORDER your T-Shirts this week. “you will be receiving the latest Network.
• GET Ready to PLUNGE into God’s GRACE! information 3 to 4 times a week”
1) Recognize that you are a SINNER and need a personal relationship with God. Hotel, 5:30pm.
2) Never trust in what you can do to earn the gift of SALVATION Christ has for you. United
3) SUBMIT to the Lordship of Jesus Christ by Repentance and Faith in Hm.
4) Ask for His grace for you to SERVE and follow & obey Him for the rest of your life.
with BPPF


TEXT 09182817910

FAITH to …
FAITH TO END: Seeing the END from the Do you believe THIS WIILL BE
Coming Soon?
BEGINNING is a sign of FAITH. It is believing in
completion, celebration & the purpose of creation. His Life NEW Office and Training Facility
As we have started doing construction works at FACT: 64% of 1.2 million for PHASE 1
our lot at Sta Clara area here in Bacolod City, has been raised already!
I am sure without a doubt that the completion of
this will be a result of our prayers, passion and
participation. Will it be this 2009? Will it be in P 522,550.85 — Committed
2010? Will it be in 2015? I do not know, except P 250,7789.15 — Given Already
that, “Though it linger, wait for it; it will GIFTS Development...
certainly come and will not delay.”
FAITH TO BEGIN: I’m referring to the up
coming GRACE Campaign! I am excited to see
God’s overflowing GRACE come down; rise up
and spread across our life as a Church!
Can you IMAGINE what can happen when God’s
GREAT GRACE falls upon the Church?
• Only BELIEVE ...
• Only RECEIVE ...
• THEN REJOICE … God has made you
whole … you are “God’s Righteousness
in Christ Jesus!” jr here

HLMtv: How much do we need monthly to

sustain our HLMtv in Iloilo SKYCable 13 and
Bacolod, Cable On TV12?
Answer: Only 6,000 pesos.
(only AIR-TIME) — partner now.

AUGUST 9 — Indescribable GRACE Campaign launching! His Life WIDE PAGE 2

List of
Birthday Celebrants
– August 2009 —
2 – Jennifer Gonzales
3 – Juvy de Jesus, Ma Corazon Euperio,
Leo Padilla
4 – Ma. Victoria Ibanez
5 – Jun2x Legaspi Jr., Ma. Nelly Rubiato
6 – Joey Alaban
7 – Catheryn Haresco, Carol Jacobo,
Bethany Rodriguez, Rosa Mae Sobre-
pena, Virginia villares
9 – Domiciano Cosadio, Antonio Iwarta Jr.
ENCOUNTER Weekend … 10 – Suzette Aragon, Jaselda De Jesus,
Con2x Elix, Virginia Graciano,
August 28, 29, 30 Jacklyn Remo, Michelle Cindy Taocta
11 – Juvy Albarico
at Camp Humayan, Bago City 12 – Martin Donato
13 – Danimar Dohinog, Walter Obligacion
PRAY to GO 14 – Gina De Vera, Sonia Garcia,
SEND a DELEGATE Gian Philip Rufin
15 – Kristen Atonson, Leonardo Ryan
SPONSOR a FRIEND Figueroa, Jennifer Syjuco
“always life changing … towards 16 – George Panagsagan
17 – Alexis Alejano,
Disciple-Making” Narlin “intak” Amoroso,
Ma. Theresa Pedutem, Charisse Yee,
19 – Aurora Gonzaga, Jonathan Ursos
House of PRAYER @ Central 20 – Carnit George Cordova
21 – Joemar Calero, Arsenia Chavez
23 – Rowena Pasco
F.I.R.E. meetings 24 – Sony Marie Aragon,
Roberto Cordova, Marianne Gepes,
every Thursdays 5 to 6pm Liza Gomez
25 – Pat Villacin, Letecia Palacio
could you tarry for 1 hour? 26 – Andrew Negado, Jimmy Pacete,
27 – Rafael Bacuteng, Keith Ian Caspe,
Sonny Man Hinolan, Ronan Tuya,
Nesler Vargas
28 – Primitiva Garrucho, Anna Palacios
29 – Alfonso Palacios Jr.
30 – Erlina Lanzar
Morris Cerullo will be in CEBU City on September 16, 17, 18 for a 31 – Hero Brillantes, Angie Cobrador,
Ma. Theresa Dacles,
World Conference at WaterFront Hotel, Lahug. Reserve your
Colin Derk Isidto, Ryan Dan Murcillos,
SEAT now for only 100 pesos. TEXT Linnie 09163677353 Jeffrey Sanchez

T ONI GH T 5 : 30 p m at SEABREEZE H OT EL … Unit ed W orship w it h BPP F PAGE 3

Guide Notes Guide Notes His Lambs Church
Notes you may

FAITH sees ... use in your Small


Hebrews 11:6 Our His Lambs Children’s Church is now

But without faith it is impossible to please God. available to the FOLLOWING AGES:
What is Faith? • Beginners, ages 4-6
Hebrews 11:1 Faith is the substance things hoped for the evi-
dence of things not seen. • Primary, ages 7-9
• Pre-Teens, ages 10-12
The Bible says that faith is believing in God who is “…calling
things which are not as though they were.” Romans 4:17
“Abraham was first named "father" and then became a father because he BRING YOUR KIDS TO HIS LAMBS
dared to trust God to do what only God could do: raise the dead to life,
with a word make something out of nothing. When everything was hope- church TODAY !
less, Abraham believed anyway, deciding to live not on the basis of what Make sure to have them REGISTERED before going inside
he saw he couldn't do but on what God said he would do. “ their LEVEL Groupings. REGISTRATION is for FREE …
— THE Message Bible
- You don’t see it yet, but you believe that it is there.
- You can’t feel it yet, but you believe that it is there. THANKFUL HEART
- You both believe and trust God that it will come to pass. Bible Message : children will learn that there
- Faith is both believing and trusting God. are a lot of things God has given to
WHY LIVE by FAITH? everyone to be thankful of.
Answer: It is EASY to obey someone you TRUST!
Obedience becomes a PURE Exercise. BIBLE VERSE: Always thank God the
You Obey Quickly … You do not Struggle nor Debate … Father for everything in the name
You SURRENDER! (Romans 1:17 ; Romans 10:17 (NKJV) of our Lord Jesus Christ. Ephesians 5:20.
1) People who are not afraid to DREAM. WORD
2) People who are not afraid to RISK Failure. God is the creator of everything
3) People who are YEILDERS. God made all these things for you and me to enjoy
4) People who are committed to the belief that the God is delighted to those who thank him and praise
CHURCH must GROW. him
5) People who does not know how to QUIT.
We don’t own anything in this world
FAITH moves through the FOLLOWING:
Declarations; Dedications; Dreams; Directions. When ever we thank him, we are telling him that we
Doing IT … I Must be Fearless in taking FAITH STEPS! are happy for everything we receive
1 Samuel 17 — Winning Over GIANTS ...
verse 45 David answered: You've come out to fight me with a PRAYER
sword and a spear and a dagger. But I've come out to fight FUN GAMES
you in the name of the LORD All-Powerful. He is the God of
Israel's army, and you have insulted him too! 46Today the CRAFT
LORD will help me defeat you. I'll knock you down and cut off COLORING
your head, and I'll feed the bodies of the other Philistine GAMES:
soldiers to the birds and wild animals. Then the whole world
will know that Israel has a real God. 47Everybody here will see THANK YOU WORDS
that the LORD doesn't need swords or spears to save his SNACK TIME
people. The LORD always wins his battles, CLOSING PRAYER
and he will help us defeat you.


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