USA v. Winick Et Al Doc 85 Filed 06 Jan 14

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United Stlltes District COllrl

J .J ;, ( e M, Vi f V p io "'I
Case No.:
It is hereby ORDERED that the above-named defendant be released as follows. subject to the Standard Conditions of Bond on the reverse and:
[ ] Upon Personal Recognizance Bond on hislher promise to appear at all scheduled proceedings as required, or
[If Upon Unsecured Bond executed by defendant in the amount (\ (;. no () . or
[ ] Upon Secured Appearance Bond as provided herein.
Additional Conditions of Release
UpOQ finding that release under the standard conditions detailed on the reverse will not by themselves reasonably assure the appearance of the defendant and the
safety of other persons and the commul)ity, IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the defendant is subject to the following additional conditions of release:
[V] I. The defendant must remain in and may not leave the following areas without Court permission: n ".,Y '\,-. .j t'..\"' 1o, f'\ I . <)
[ 1 3.

The defendant shall avoid all conti. ct and not associaterith any o. fJ .. persons entities: CO v- J (c.\ ..-f', e "(I' fff ,'v1
y I ( y1 ( ( (J .L ( .. .J v'\. <;. of (;" (J J. 'v / 1 If. !'" Ii ( I / / 117 (r: /
The defenaant shall avoid and not go to any of the following locations: __________________________ _
The defendant shall surrender any and all passports to the U.S. Pretrial Services Agency by ______ and shall not apply for any other passport
Defendant is placed under the express supervision of the Pretrial Services Agency, subject to the Special Conditions on the reverse, if applicable, and
M'is subject to random visits by a Pretrial Services officer at defendant's home and/or place of work; a s.. /If' (' I, cI
LA must report to that agency ( ) in person times per and/or ( ) by telephone-f-___ times per. ; ":;( 1" <,.
lJ'l is to home ,detention with monitoring with the following ftvt til (' r-, 'b\,.A f V rl r I <tI- t
0...1 If' -1 A i T \ I -r ,) , () -f 7 S ! r t+'f' f (I I? P 7 >
[ 1 must undergo [ ] drug testing [ ] evaluation and/or [ ]treatment for: [] substance a se [
[. 1 must pay the cost of treatment and/or electronic monitoring by with personal funds and/or insurance.
[ ] 6. Other Conditions: ______________________________________________ _
The undersigned defendant and sureties jointly and sCjerally acknowledge that Vwe and my/our personal representatives, jointly and severally, are bound to
pay to the United States of America the sum of $ "1 0 0 I 0 00 . The undersigned agree(s) that this obligation is secured with his/herltheir
interest in the following property ("Collateral") which he/she/they represent Is/are free and clear of liens as otherwise indicated:
] cash deposited in the Registry of the Court the sum of $ ___________ _
1 premises located at: owned by ________________ _
] VWe also agree to execute a confession of judgment in form approved by the U.S. Attorney which shall be duly filed
with the proper local and state authorities on or before ________________ _
] Other Conditions: ________________ _
/' ,if
__ ... .... Address: ... f"..;..:.. ' ..... r ..... r_,'_..:../ ..... / ... 1""'-"..;.!4...;.(. .l...f,""f... i,--'I(:_' ,,_' ... ;_"_/_A_.l __ _
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Address: 15 Fs 0')<1!Jn,o ( Ave LtJa))jl>,g/vn j I'l1 07057
j . J'-'- 7
Address: pj U)o,q;y\.QJ) ,I' ve Uj!;J (i ((f,-1-fi () I_j-J .
I wi" Sure M wiP'" \f I ,.../1 _,', j.. . ,. r: . .' /.'" I V '\JI , . \
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;) V tt '1 J __ {/( c 'f J
The Court has advised the defendant of the conditions of rele.ri per and (h)(2). This bond is conditioned upon the appearance of the
defendant and is subject to the Standard Conditions of Bond set forth on the reverse. If the defendant fails to appear as ordered or notified, or any other condition
of this bond is not met, this bond shall be due forthwith.
I acknowledge that I am the defendant in this case and that I am aware of the conditions of release. I promise to obey all conditIons of release. to appear
as directed, and to surrender for service of any sentence imposed. I am aware of the penalties and se; 9" the of this form.
A, '/' /'
(,' / '-,' '
of the Defendant is hereby ordered on _-"--i-..,.( I ...... __ ,20/ l./
Distribution: White-OriginaJ Canary - Courtroom Deputy Pink - Pretrial Services Goldenrod - Defendant
- _ _.. .... _ .. ____ """'_"""' __ ..... ____
United StMes District Court
vv1 Vi {V (1/0 t'l f c,
Case No.:
It is hereby ORDERED that the above-named defendant be released as follows, subject to the Standard Conditions of Bond on the revtrse and:
[ ] Upon Personal Recognizance Bond on hislher promise to appear at all scheduled proceedings as required, or
[vi- Upon Unsecured Bond executed by defendant in the amount of () , or
[ ] Upon Secured Appearance Bond as provided herein.
Additional Conditions of Release
UpOQ finding that release under the standard conditions detailed on the reverse will not by themselves reasonably assure the appearance of the defendant and the
safety of other persons and the commul)ity, IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the defendant is subject to the following additional conditions of release:
. ,1.....
[v) I. The defendant must remain in and may not leave the following areas without Court permission: "','1 \< '0 f , _\ t'. ,-- J v.' )e ',; ; , . , .,
k] 2.
[ ] 3.
Vi 4.
[ J 6.
The defendant shall avoid all and not associate rith any of the following persons en.tities: Co -if' G= '" Ji (I \ -{'C' e '('I" e! f I ,,1
r' U1( ( 0 ( -..J '" t I, r.f!. V /!1 t ,/ / i (J;' ,., I rl t'l !
The defen<lant shall avoid and not go to any of the following locations: ___________________________ _
The defendant shall surrender any and all passports to the U.S. Pretrial Services Agency by ______ and shall not apply for any other passport
Defendant is placed under the express supervision of the Pretrial Services Agency, subject to the Special Conditions on the reverse, if applicable, and
M'is subject to random visits by a Pretrial Services officer at defendant's home and/or place of work; a So /,f' (' I, r/
LA must report to that agency ( ) in person times per and/or ( ) by telephone -+-___ times per. ; 01 17 <;
[J] is to homepe,tention with monitoring with the following conditions: VvI ti, ('I' I ' V r1 r (-f't; .. (' ,1:
O..;"r c.1i dl I > <) IS. Ir .... 1 h P75
] must undergo [ ] random drug testing [ ] evaluation and/or [ Jtreatment for:
] must pay the cost of treatment and/or electronic monitoring by with personal funds and/or insurance.
Other Conditions: _________________ , _____________________________ _
The undersigned defendant and sureties jointly and sl:jerally acknowledge that I/we and my/our personal representatives, jointly and severally, are bound to
pay to the United States of America the sum of $ "1 0 0 I 0 00 . The undersigned agree(s) that this obligation is secured with his/her/their
interest in the following property ("Collateral") which he/she/they represent Is/are free and clear of liens except as otherwise indicated:
I cash deposited in the Registry of the Court the sum of $
I premises located at: owned by
] I/Wc also agree to execute a confession of judgment in form approved by the U.S. Attorney which shall be duly filed
with the proper local and state authorities on or before ________________ _
] Other Conditions: ________________ _
1': ,
__ ... <--"'!,.::.../.... ___ Address: ...:'!=-:--=:s_.. ;"''c.LO'-',,_'':...,_-;J... f'<.;.;.,.:...... (-'-F._,'_.'-'/c-.:" .... '_-9"":.;.;,<I...,."'{(... , .... ;_'_-<_-_,_J __ _

Address: /1" 0.Ja.gnl" { Ave L.<Ja))ill!//vn j N:I 0705"7
Address: 1 G Ave ttZ 07057
I' j / C . \..? '\J" :.\,
I' I Jl ,../1 c; /" A,)/) 'V f j- .I( LA
IL.""" W'I(",t",II/"",t\Xt/lo r
(.1''''\h (1-2 .. t. '1 c" !. .j
The Court has advised the defendant of thc conditions of relet" per and (h)(2). This bond is conditioned upon the appearance of the
defendant and is subject to the Standard Conditions of Bond set forth on the reverse. If the defendant fails to appear as ordered or notified, or any other condition
of this bond is not met, this bond shall be due forthwith.
I acknowledge that I am the defendant in thiS case and that I am aware of the conditions of release. I promise to obey all conditions of release. to appear
as directed, and to surrender fOT service of any sentence imposed. I am aware of the penalties and sanctions set fortI) qR the re..trse of this form.
! //', '
", / ,_ / _____ .
{ .. '
Signature of Defendant
! J
of the Defendant is hereby ordered on {-/ __ ,201 Li
Distribution: White-Original Canary - Courtroom Deputy Pink - Pretrial Services Goldenrod - Defendant
Case 1:13-cr-00452-WFK Document 85 Filed 01/06/14 Page 1 of 1 PageID #: 327

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