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CPNI Compliance Statement RJ Telecommunications, Inc.

(Company) does not use, disclose or permit access to, Customer Proprietary Network In ormation (CPNI) e!cept as permitted under "# $.%.C. & '''(d), e!cept as ot(erwise re)uired *y law pursuant to "# $.%.C. & '''(c)(+) or e!cept as permitted under "# $.%.C. && '''(c)(+)(,) and '''(c)(+)(-). A. Definitions T(e terms used in t(is %tatement (a.e t(e same meanin/ as set ort( in "# C.0.R. & 1".'223. B. Use of CPNI (+) T(e Company does not use, disclose, or permit access to CPNI or marketin/ purposes, and t(e Company does not use, disclose, or permit access to CPNI to market o erin/s to a customer t(at re)uire opt4in or opt4out consent o a customer under "# C.0.R. & 1".'22+ et seq. (') T(e Company does not use, disclose or permit access to CPNI to identi y or track customers t(at call competin/ pro.iders. (3) Notwit(standin/ t(e or/oin/5 It is t(e Company6s policy t(at t(e Company may use, disclose, or permit access to CPNI to, amon/ ot(er t(in/s, protect t(e ri/(ts or property o t(e Company, or to protect users o t(ose ser.ices and ot(er carriers rom raudulent, a*usi.e, or unlaw ul use o , or su*scription to, suc( ser.ices. C. Safeguards Required for the Use of CPNI (+) It is t(e policy o t(e Company to train its personnel as to t(e circumstances under w(ic( CPNI may, and may not, *e used or disclosed. In addition, t(e Company (as esta*lis(ed a e!press disciplinary process in instances w(ere its personnel do not comply wit( esta*lis(ed policies. (') In compliance wit( %ection 1".'227(e), t(e Company will prepare a compliance certi icate si/ned *y an o icer on an annual *asis statin/ t(at t(e o icer (as personal knowled/e t(at t(e Company (as esta*lis(ed operatin/ procedures t(at are ade)uate to ensure compliance wit( "# C.0.R. & 1".'22+ et seq. T(e certi icate is to *e accompanied *y t(is statement and will *e iled in 8- 9ocket No. 21431 annually on :arc( +, or data pertainin/ to t(e pre.ious calendar year. T(is ilin/ will include an e!planation o any actions taken a/ainst data *rokers and a summary o all customer complaints recei.ed in t(e past year concernin/ t(e unaut(ori;ed release o CPNI. D. Safeguards on the Disclosure of CPNI It is t(e Company6s policy to take reasona*le measures to and protect a/ainst attempts to /ain unaut(ori;ed access to CPNI. T(e Company does not (a.e access to call detail in ormation (as it is de ined in "# C.0.R & 1".'223) and does not pro.ide t(is in ormation to its

customers *ut, w(en applica*le, will properly aut(enticate a customer prior to disclosin/ CPNI *ased on customer4initiated telep(one contact descri*ed (erein. (+) Methods of Accessing CPNI. (a) Telephone Access to CPNI. <(en applica*le, it is t(e Company6s policy to only disclose call detail in ormation t(e telep(one, *ased on customer4initiated telep(one contact, i t(e customer irst pro.ides t(e Company wit( a password, as descri*ed in %ection ('), t(at is not prompted *y t(e carrier askin/ or readily a.aila*le *io/rap(ical in ormation, or account in ormation. I t(e customer is a*le to pro.ide call detail in ormation to t(e Company durin/ a customer4initiated call wit(out t(e Company6s assistance, t(en t(e Company may discuss t(e call detail in ormation pro.ided *y t(e customer. (*) Online Access to CPNI. T(e Company does not pro.ide online access to customer account in ormation. (') Password Procedures. <(en applica*le, to esta*lis( a password, t(e Company will aut(enticate t(e customer wit(out t(e use o readily a.aila*le *io/rap(ical in ormation, or account in ormation. T(e Company may create a *ack4up customer aut(entication met(od in t(e e.ent o lost or or/otten passwords, *ut suc( *ack4up customer aut(entication met(od will not prompt t(e customer or readily a.aila*le *io/rap(ical in ormation or account in ormation. I t(e customer cannot pro.ide t(e correct password or correct response or t(e *ack4up customer aut(entication met(od, t(e customer must esta*lis( a new password as descri*ed in t(is para/rap(. (3) Notification of Account Changes. <(en applica*le, t(e Company will noti y customers immediately w( a password, customer response to a *ack4up means o aut(entication or lost or or/otten passwords, online account, or address o record is created or c(an/ed. T(is noti ication is not re)uired w(en t(e customer initiates, includin/ t(e selection o a password at initiation. T(is noti ication may *e t(rou/( a Company ori/inated .oicemail or te!t messa/e to t(e telep(one num*er o record, or *y mail to t(e address o record, and must not re.eal t(e c(an/ed in ormation or *e sent to t(e new account in ormation. E. Notification of CPNI Securit Breaches (+) It is t(e Company6s policy to noti y law en orcement o a *reac( in its customers6 CPNI as pro.ided in t(is section. T(e Company will not noti y its customers or disclose t(e *reac( pu*licly until it (as completed t(e process o noti yin/ law en orcement pursuant to para/rap( ('). (') ,s soon as practica*le, and in no e.ent later t(an se.en (#) *usiness days, a ter reasona*le determination o t(e *reac(, t(e Company will electronically noti y t(e $nited %tates

%ecret %er.ices ($%%%) and t(e 0ederal -ureau o In.esti/ation (0-I) t(rou/( a central reportin/ acility. (a) Notwit(standin/ state law to t(e contrary, t(e Company will not noti y customers or disclose t(e *reac( to t(e pu*lic until # ull *usiness days (a.e passed a ter noti ication to t(e $%%% and t(e 0-I, e!cept as pro.ided in para/rap(s (*) and (c). (*) I t(e Company * t(at t(ere is an e!traordinarily ur/ent need to noti y any class o a ected customers sooner t(an ot(erwise allowed under para/rap( (a), in order to a.oid immediate and irrepara*le (arm, it will so indicate in its noti ication and may proceed to immediately noti y its a ected customers only a ter consultation wit( t(e rele.ant in.esti/ation a/ency. T(e Company will cooperate wit( t(e rele.ant in.esti/atin/ a/ency6s re)uest to minimi;e any ad.erse e ects o suc( customer noti ication. (c) I t(e rele.ant in.esti/atin/ a/ency determines t(at pu*lic disclosure or notice to customer would impede or compromise an on/oin/ or potential criminal in.esti/ation or national security, t(e Company will comply wit( suc( a/ency6s written, includin/ not to so disclose or noti y or an initial period o up to 32 days, and e!tended periods as reasona*ly necessary in t(e =ud/ment o t(e a/ency. (3) , ter t(e Company (as completed t(e process o noti yin/ law en orcement pursuant to para/rap( ('), it will noti y its customers o a *reac( o t(ose customers6 CPNI. (") Record keeping. T(e Company will maintain a record, electronically or in some ot(er manner, o any *reac(es disco.ered, noti ications made to t(e $%%% and t(e 0-I pursuant to para/rap( ('), and noti ications made to customers. T(e record will include, i a.aila*le, dates o disco.ery and noti ication, a detailed description o t(e CPNI t(at was t(e su*=ect o t(e *reac(, and t(e circumstances o t(e *reac(. T(e Company will maintain t(e record or a minimum o ' years.

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