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India-SWOT Analysis: STRENGTHS Highly educated , skilled ,young, capable & dynamic human resources English speaking &

p; analytical students World class business-social-spiritual political leader, Professor, scientist, Manager-Doctor-Engineeri!il ser!ants etc "ery rich in #atural & $i!ing resources %iodi!ersity & &raditional kno'ledge base Di!ersity !s( )deas-)nno!ation-)ntegration Po'erful spiritual strength *yoga-+yur!ada-Healing-therapy ser!ices, -eographical location *'hole markets are shifting to'ard +sian nations, )ndia .trategic position at !arious platforms %ig democracy, %ig market & free media /ange of emerging professional champions )& & .oft'are superpo'er WEAKNESSES: $ack of trained & skill 'ork force .mall supply of speciali0e professional $ack of spirits of entrepreneurship, patriotisms and leadership skill $ack of effecti!e & e1ecution frame'ork $ack of )ndian management models $ack of transparency-&rust-/esponsibility $ack of learning habits & &eam 'ork spirit 2ear of sharing kno'ledge & taking risk &hinking 'in-lose lose-'in look-outside .lo' absorption of )nno!ation & change $ack of )ndian management models +bsence of greater technology impetus 3na'areness4 5uality-.tandardi0ation $ack of Emotional-.piritual de!elopment /ush of getting high marks not De!elopment %lindly respect anything taught by elders THREATS *)nternal & e1ternal,: + feeling of unstable go!ernment .elf centered political leadership .lo' & Dysfunctional 6udiciary and corrupt la' enforcers /egulation, protection and restriction Mechanistic -stable-$ayered-comple1 system orruption, )gnorance & omplacency High competiti!e & marketing forces &o patent )ndian intellectual property by outsider *una'areness about o'n research, 2ast change )nternet-information technology& ne' )n!entions-&echnology-)nno!ations Di!ersity !s( )mbalance- clashes /egional-/eligion-caste-culture conflicts Migration of all branch to soft'are 6ob 7ob seeking mind sets, not 6ob creator 3nnecessary social pressure on students E1cessi!e rich & po'erful mindsets OPPORTUNITIES %ig potential market in education .ector & emerging ne' market .egment in ser!ices *create it, -eneral +greement of trade on .er!ices /esearch & De!elopment capability -enerate intellectual property /esource %uilding capacity ompetition- cost 5uality ser!ice ollaboration 4 'in-'in thinking Hybrid solutionbalancing & blending &ourism, health sector, food processing /ural economy de!elopment & social transformation * P3/+ model , #eed moderni0ation of infrastructure , $ibrary and laboratory )nternet institute net'ork & e-$ibrary

ouncilors and student ad!isors

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