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CSE 414 Advanced Database Management

Phase 1 Final

CSE 414 Advanced Database Management Employee / Patient Dentistry Database Phase 1 Intermediate Deliverable

Due Date Members

Feb 14 Wendy Zhou Jason Ellis Carson Lee

CSE 414 Advanced Database Management

Phase 1 Final

!able o" Contents

CSE 414 Advanced Database Management

Phase 1 Final

1# Introduction
The database enterprise will be based on the records we have obtained from the office of r! Louis Casillas" ! !#! #ince the records are $ept confidential we cannot have any information that may contain the patient%s identity! The confidential information was blac$ed out and the patient information in our database must be made up so as to conceal the patient%s actual identity! The purpose of our database is to model a dental office with all of the pertinent information needed by the head dentist! We will also create a &'( application that allows the dental staff to access and )uery the database!
$ouis Casillas DDS PC %%4& '# Alma School (oad Suite 1)% Chandler A*+ &,%%4 -4&). &//0/4&4 The first part of this document discusses the relational desi*n of entist atabase! This part covers the followin* topics+ ,e)uirements escription Entity-,elationship .E,/ model of entist atabase with min0ma1 specification '2L of entist 2appin* of the entist atabase

CSE 414 Advanced Database Management

Phase 1 Final


(e1uirements Description

r! Louis Casillas% dental office stores information about patients" employees" insurance information" as well as medical and dental history of each patient! The followin* data have been identified in the re)uirements collection and analysis phase and they are to be represented in the entist%s office+ The patients3 information includes the patient ( " current status" reason for the visit and all the fields that the person has! Each patient also has a responsible party" a medical history" a dental history" the name of the employee that treated them" and their insurance information! The employees3 information includes the employee ( " start date" end date" and all the fields that the person has! Each employee can treat multiple patients and each patient can be treated by multiple employees! The dentist and hy*ienist are our new entities which are sub classes to our employee entity! entist contains information about his education and specialty! 4y*ienist contains their information about their )ualifications! The responsible party3s information includes all the fields that the person has! Each patient can have only one responsible party" but each responsible party can be responsible for multiple patients! The medical history information stores information about any treatment the patient is currently under" any operation they have had lately" any medication they are ta$in*" any aller*ies they have" and other thin*s such as whether they have ta$en 5hen-Fen0,edu1 before" whether they use tobacco! Each medical history attaches to one and only one patient! The dental history information stores information about thin*s specific to the dental health of the patient such as prior cavities" any fillin*s" any false teeth" and any other pertinent information that is necessary to treat the patient! Each dental history attaches to one and only one patient! The insurance information includes one insurance company3s name" the name of the insured person" the company the insured person wor$s for" the insurance *roup id" the insured person3s wor$ phone number" and what their deductible will be!

CSE 414 Advanced Database Management

Phase 1 Final

2# E( Diagram

CSE 414 Advanced Database Management

Phase 1 Final

4# 3M$ Diagram

CSE 414 Advanced Database Management

Phase 1 Final

4# E( Diagram 3ncaptured Constraints

The followin* is a list of constraints that are not captured by the E, dia*ram of the ental 6ffice atabase! Employee!7 ate 8 19 :ears .2inimum Wor$in* ;*e/ < Current ate 5atient!7 ate 8 = :ears .2inimum ;*e for ental Wor$/ < Current ate ,esponsible5arty!7 ate 8 19 :ears .2inimum ;*e to be Le*al &uardian/ < Current ate (nsured5arty!7 ate 8 19 :ears .2inimum ;*e for (nsurance/ < Current ate (f .5atient!7 ate 8 19 :ears > Current ate/ then .5atient!##? @ ,esponsible5arty!##?/ .(f the patient is a minor the responsible party must be someone over 19/ 5atient!5( A ental4istory! 5atient( (f .Employee A 5atient/ then .Employee!E( @ 5atient!5( / .for privacy/ Bisit!date A Employee!schedule! Employee! A true if employee wor$s that particular day 2a1. entalTreatment! ate/ A 2ostCurrentTreatment .applied by visit/ ,5arty A true if 5atient is their own responsible party entist!:ear C Current:ear 4y*ienst!:ear C curent:ear 4y*ienst!#tate must be one of the DE states entalTreatment!Tcode has description of the dental treatment! 2edicalTreament!Tcode has description of the medical treatment!

CSE 414 Advanced Database Management

Phase 1 Final

,#1 (elational Schema 4ith (e"erential Integrity

CSE 414 Advanced Database Management

Phase 1 Final

,#% (elational !able Details

The relational schema *iven in #ection D!1 was mapped into the followin* tables in the ental 6ffice 7! 5rimary Feys have been underlined! Tables that have multiple $eys underlined have composite $eys! !able 'ame Bisit Description Bisit (nformation Attribute and Description Bisit?umber- Bisit number ate- ate of visit 5rice-5rice of visit 5( -5atient (dentification number Bisit?umber- Bisit number E( - Employee identification number E( - Employee identification number 5osition- Employee 5osition ?ame-Employee name ##?-Employee social security number 7date-Employee birth date &ender-Employee &ender 5ay- Employee pay for day 2-True0False if they wor$ed this day T-True0False if they wor$ed this day W-True0False if they wor$ed this day Th- True0False if they wor$ed this day F- True0False if they wor$ed this day #tatus- escription of what the employee is wor$in* on .ie! Bacation" es$" Treatin* 5atient" etc!/ 5hone-Employee 5hone number City-Employee city Zip-Employee Zip code #tate-Employee #tate ?ame- 5atient name ##?- 5atient social security number 7date- 5atient birth date 5hone- 5atient 5hone number &ender- 5atient &ender City- 5atient city Zip- 5atient Zip code #tate- 5atient #tate 5( - 5atient identification number PolicyID-Patient insurance policy number ##?-,esponsible party social security number 7date-,esponsible party social security number ?ame-,esponsible party name 5hone-,esponsible party phone number

;ssi*ned Employee

Employee which is assi*ned to visit (nformation of Employee


(nformation of 5atient

,esponsible 5arty

(nformation of ,esponsible 5arty for the patient

CSE 414 Advanced Database Management

Phase 1 Final


(nsurance details for a patient


2edical treatment details for the patient


ental treatment details for the patient

4y*ienist entist

Employee subclass for employees who are dentist Employee subclass for employees who are dentist

City-,esponsible party city Zip- ,esponsible party Gip code #tate-,esponsible party state PID-Patient identification number for which party is responsible for 5olicy( - (nsurance policy numer (C?ame- (nsurance company name (person?ame-?ame of person who has the insurance (person5hone-5hone number of the person who has the insurance &roup( -(nsurance company identification number eductible- eductible fee paid by insurance company 2( -2edical treatment number ate- ate of treatment Tcode-Treatment code from a list that identifies types of treatment escription- escription of treatment done PID-Patient Identification number who has this record ( - ental treatment number ate- ate of treatment Tcode-Treatment code from a list that identifies types of treatment escription- escription of treatment done PID-Patient Identification number who has this record E( -Employee ( :ear I :ear of the certification #tate-#tate of the certification E( -Empolyee ( #pecialiGation I entist%s s$ill sets that he0she is familiar with CitiGenship I :es or ?o value for whether the dentist is a citiGen

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