Topic Grammar Focus Vocabulary and Pronounciation Songs, Rhymes Games September 1st Week

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1 September 1st week 1. 2 . 2nd week ". &. -. 3rd week .. 1. 4. th week 10. 11. 12. !

ctober "th week 1 . 1". 1&. #th week 1-. 1.. 11. $th week 14. 20. 11. %th week 22. 2 . Topic Language focus Revision revision revision #ntro$uction !ello %."-& #n t)e classroom Numbers !o, $o (ou s%ell t)at/ !o, $o (ou s%ell t)at/ 5our %roject 5our %roject Revision %.1". Revision Revision Test unit 1 correction 6nit 2 7rien$s an$ 7amil( Grammar focus Present tense of be Present tense of be !ave got a'an, %lural a'an in$efinite article, im%erative *ingular, %lural 2)ere is, t)ere are #ntro$ucing m( famil( an$ me #ntro$ucing m( famil( an$ me #n$efinite article, %lural #m%erative, s%elling 2)ere is, t)ere are Greetings, objects, colours Classroom instructions, numbers, s%elling Number snatc) Vocabulary and pronounciation Classroom objects, colours Numbers 1-20 objects Greetings Classroom instructions, objects Numbers 1-100 0l%)abet, s%elling 0l%)abet, s%elling, classroom objects, numbers Songs, Rhymes Games Guessing games bingo Guessing game role%la(s *imon sa(s, song+ *tan$ u% sit $o,n touc) t)e... *ong+ once # caug)t a fis) Game+ !angman Game+ *%elling s)ar3 R)(me+ t)is is t)e fat)er... *ong+2)ere ,ere ten in t)e be$

Present tense of be Present tense of be Present tense of be affirmative Present tense of be negative Present tense of be interrogative

Countries, cities 7amil( members 7amil( members

Guessing game, bingo anagrams

!allo,een !allo,een 8( famil( Possessive a$jectives 2ra$itions 2)e stor( of t)ese $a(s Part( time

Gabriella !alus3a

2 2". Possessive a$jectives Guessing games 9:s;3bamacs3a<

&o'ember (th week 2&. 2-. 2.. 1)th week 21. 24. 0. 11th week 1. 2. . 12th week ". &. -. *ecember 13th week .. 1. 4. 1 th week "0. "1. "2. 1"th week " . "". "&. +anuary 1#th week "-.

s %ossessive 8ic3e( 8illie an$ 8ut =)at $a( is it to$a(/ 5our %roject Revision Revision 2est unit 2 Correction 6nit 8( ,orl$ #ve got a com%uter %.21-24. !ave (ou got a %et/ P. 0- 1. 8uts %resent %. 2. 8( sc)ool %. "- & 5our %roject 5our %roject Revision %. 1. Revision Revision Revision 2est unit 2 Correction 6nit ". 2ime 2" )our cloc3 !ave got !ave got !ave got !ave got A interrogativeB s)ort ans,ers !ave got !ave got @bjects an$ %ets @bjects an$ animals 0nimals subjects *c)ool subjects Present tense of be interrogative 5es'no >uestions ?a(s of t)e ,ee3 Role rea$ing, role%la( R)(me. *olomon Grun$(

Game+ bring me a .... Class surve( on %ets Rolerea$ing, role%la( Game. Listen an$ circle

*tan$-u%'sit $o,n game @$$-one-out

2elling t)e time

#ts A ocloc3.

2ime Cingo

Gabriella !alus3a

".. "1. 1$th week "4. &0. &1. 1%th week &2. & . &". ,ebruary 1(th week &&. &-. &. 2)th week &1. &4. -0. 21st week -1. -2. - . 22nd week -". -&. --. -arch 23rd week -.. -1. -4. 2 th week .0. .1. .2.

time time =)ats t)e time, %leas/ P."0. =)ats t)e time, %leas/ P."1. 8( $a(

2elling t)e time 2elling t)e time 2elling t)e time 2elling t)e time Present sim%le tense - affrimative Com%osition+ m( $a(

!alf %ast, >uarter %ast --- minutes to... Derbs of ever($a( life Derbs of ever($a( life Derbs of ever($a( life *%orts, )obbies *%orts, )obbies *%orts, )obbies 0nagrams, miming 8emor( game Game+ =)ats t)e time 8r =olf/ 2ime battles)i% Game. Listen an$ circle

,ree time Present sim%le tense %ractise 8ic3e(, 8illie an$ 8ut %. "--".. 5our %roject 5our Project Revision Revision Revision Revision 2est unit " Correction 6nit & Places 8( Room %. &2. 8( room %. & .

Present sim%le A r$ %erson singular Present sim%le - negative Present sim%le A negative, affrimative Present sim%le - interrogative

8usical instruments *%orts an$ )obbies

Class surve(. 7ree time

Present sim%le Present sim%le Present sim%le Present sim%le

furniture =)ereis t)e.../ Pre%ositions of %lace

!angman, )o,man( ,or$s in 1 minute/ Game+ !ot-,arm-col$-fire

2)ere is' t)ere are @ur )ouse %. &"-&&. !er to,n %- &--&.. 2)ere is' t)ere are 2)ere is' t)ere are Rooms of t)e )ouse, %re%ositions of %lace Places 9buil$ings<

*ong. 2)eres a s%i$er in t)e bat)room !o, man( ,or$s in 1 min./ 8emor( game

Gabriella !alus3a

" 2"th week . . .". .&. 2#th week .-. ... .1. .pril 2$th week .4. 10. 11. 2%th week 12. 1 . 1". 2(th week 1&. 1-. 1.. 3)th week 11. 14. 40. -ay 31st week 41. 42. 4 . 32nd week 4". 4&. 4-. 33rd week 4.. 8ic3e( 8illie an$ 8ut 8ic3e( 8illie an$ 8ut 8ic3e( 8illie an$ 8ut %.&1 9game< 5our Project 5our %roject Revision Revision Revision Revision 2est unit & Correction 6nit - %eo%le 8( frien$s %.-"--& *atur$a( morning %. ----.. Present sim%le !ave got ?escribing %eo%les a%%earence Present continuous tense Present continuous tense Present continuous tense Present continuous tense Present continuous tense Present continuous tense Present continuous tense clot)es clot)es 0$jectives $escribing %eo%le 0$jectives $escribing %eo%le Derbs of ever($a( activities Guessing game Can can Derbs, s%orts Derbs, s%orts Guessing games Class surve(

Can 2)ere is't)ere are Pre%ositions of %lace

8ime it Coar$games

Guessing games 8emor( game Role%la(

0re ,e going to t)e s)o%s/ P. -1--4. Clot)es Clot)es 5our %roject 5our %roject Lan$ ona ,or$ game Revision

Listen an$ cirle game *ong+ m( s)oes are blac3

Present continuous tense Gabriella !alus3a

& 41. 44. 3 th week 100. 101 102. 3"th week 10 . 10" 10& 3#th week 10-. 10.. 101. 3$th week 104 110 111. Revision Revision 2est unit Correction En$ of (ear revision En$ of (ear revision En$ of (ear revision En$ of (ear revision En$ of (ear revision En$ of (ear revision En$ of (ear revision En$ of (ear test Correction Evaluation of t)e (ear

Gabriella !alus3a

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