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aquan prime


creatures serve as the historians, archivists and key administrators of Sebrutan society. In military service, groups of Cserani act as astronavigators aboard Aquan warships. The Shevaka are an order of sentient crustaceans, with three major sub-species. The huge, heavily armoured centauroid Kruth, and smaller Khitai, bipedal crab-men, serve as heavy assault troops in the Aquan fleets. The much weaker, crayfish-like Khrot nonetheless make superlative technicians and gunners. The Shevaka cannot naturally communicate in any but their own language, and speak to others with neuromechanical vocalisers. The Delphis are the other most widely-encountered Aquan sub-race. Muscular, heavyset bipeds, the Delphis are mammals apparently descended from cetacean stock. Insatiably curious, the Delphis are believed to have been the first Aquans to land on Terra during human antiquity. The Delphis can exist almost entirely out of water if needed, even moreso than the Tritoni and are the Sebrutans primary builders, shipwrights and metalworkers. The latter occupation is particularly problematic for many Aquan sub-species due to the heat and dryness involved. There are many other Aquan races in the Sebrutan, but most never leave the confines of the oceans of their homeworlds. Aquan society is noted for its harmony, a fact that surprises many human observers.

The Aquan Sebrutan is one of the oldest spacefaring powers. The ancestors of the Aquans were traversing the stars at roughly the time of Terras early medieval period, and since then have spread their domains at a steady pace outwards from their ancestral homeworld of Csera. To refer to the Aquans as a single race, as many humans frequently do, is a mistake. The clue is in the very name of their empire; the term Sebrutan, when translated into Terran standard, means union, and this is exactly what the Aquan stellar dominion is. The reason many humans believe the Aquans to be a single species is because the vast majority of Aquans they encounter will be of the race known to man as the Tritoni. They are the most numerous, active and widespread of the many races that make up the Sebrutan. The Tritoni are bipedal and almost human in appearance. However, their fingers and toes are proportionately much longer than a humans, and webbed, to facilitate their movement in water whilst still being prehensile. Skin colour varies widely, depending where the individual hails from, and ranges from pale blues and greens to striking crimson, with a wide variety of patterning. Tritoni can appear quite attractive to human eyes. They reproduce in the same manner as humans, and hybrid individuals are fairly common amongst the human Terquai communities ruled by the Sebrutan. As aquatic beings, they are hairless. Their head hair is actually a thick bundle of long fine sensory tendrils, which aid them in traversing their natural environment. They are proportionally stronger than humans as a result of living largely within a much denser medium than air. Tritoni are happiest in a watery environment, but can if necessary function in non-aquatic environments almost indefinitely if needed their complex respiratory system incorporates gills and lungs. However, they prefer to remain cool and moist, and wear special outfits, nicknamed Alchemy Rigs by humans, to retain and purify their body moisture. These suits can be very elaborate and often incorporate ornate masks The Tritoni are very adaptable, and perform a great number of different roles in Aquan society from merchants to warriors. The bulk of an Aquan warships crew will be composed of them. The current Chamberlain of the Sebrutan, Tsuran Kerus, is a Tritoni. However, the population of the Sebrutan consists of many other races. Foremost among them are the Cserani, huge, hyperintelligent cephalopods. Long lived and contemplative, these

At the apex of the Sebrutans political structure is the Emperor. By tradition, Aquan Emperors are always Cserani, as their role requires deep wisdom. It involves the study of many spheres, from ancient history to astronomy. The Emperors task is to pick through this tangle web of past knowledge and potential events, in order to gently steer the Sebrutan along the best course. The Emperor resides in the great Palace of Tranquility deep beneath the oceans of Csera and has very little involvement in the direct governance of the Sebrutan. The current incumbent is AnCuolshaRegan, a Cserani of immense size and age. The pronouncements of the Emperor are few, and always of great importance, but their transliteration often has, outwardly, little to do with immediate affairs. The active administration of the Sebrutan is the responsibility of the Emperors Chamberlain, who serves as the link between Aquan society and their monarch. Outsiders frequent assume the Chamberlain is the overall leader of the Aquans. Tsuran Kerus, the current holder of the position is an astute individual, and popular across the Sebrutan. Tsuran chairs the Sebrutan Grand Council, the main governing body


Firestorm Armada Model Statistics

Copyright Spartan Games 2013

made up of representatives of all the sentient Aquan races, and also the Sebrutans human citizens, the Terquai. The Council originates policy for the Sebrutan based on the interpretation of the Emperors judgement by the Chamberlain and his or her own advisors. All Aquan worlds are governed by smaller versions of this same structure, known as Councils of Unity. Almost all of the worlds in the Sebrutan are inhabited by a vibrant mixture of many different sentient races, most with their areas of particular specialisation. Terran observers have likened Aquan society to a vast gestalt entity, with many diverse organisms working together to ensure the survival and propagation of the whole. This is not to say that the Aquans have a rigid caste system. Although Shevaka Khita most commonly work as agriculturalists, for example, this does not prevent them from applying their talents in other areas if they show aptitude. Pragmatism is another hallmark of Aquan society.

The Aquans did not originally have the knowledge for ultra-fast forms of deep space transit. Many of the sub-species are very long-lived andtheir ships were and are self-contained arcologies, capable of decades or centuries of travel without interference. However, the needs of regular deep space combat changed all that. The Aquans gratefully accepted Fold Space technology from the Terrans, and found it relatively easy to integrate into their existing drive systems. The internal energy supply of Aquan ships is also channelled for offensive means. Utilising liquid crystal systems designed and built by the Delphis, the main armament of Aquan vessels are arrays of high energy electro-chemical lasers. Rather than firing in pulses, as Terran weapons do, Aquan gunners focus the energy of several different arrays into intense cutting beams that can sear through metal like butter. The power of these arrays falls off rapidly at long distances, but in short to medium range their effects can be devastating. The iris-like arrays themselves are sheathed in semi-transparent cupolas studded all over the ships carapace, and are not immediately identifiable as weapons. The beams appear to spring from random points on a vessels hull. Aquan vessels can also fire backwards normally a ships point of greatest vulnerability. The Aquans make extensive use of torpedoes, which can be discharged from large numbers of concealed launch tubes scattered around their ships, rendering them omni-directional. Aquan torpedoes are also bio-mechanical in nature; they are constructed by a vessels crew from materials provided by the fabric of the ship itself. The tubes fire their payloads by means of a powerful bio-electric pulse, which also ignites the volatile chemical fuel propellant of the missiles. Rather than explosives, Aquan torpedoes are packed with cocktails of corrosive chemicals synthesized from the ship. These jellied concoctions adhere to the hull of an enemy spacecraft and eat through it at a ferocious rate. Aquan chemical warheads can be optimised by torpedo crews for best effect against particular materials. All Aquan warships are partially liquid-filled, for the comfort of the bulk of their crews, although air-filled compartments are also present, especially around drive systems and weapon chambers. This liquid filling is laced with a composition of unique chemicals that prevent flash-freezing should the hull be breached. Instead, the substance scabs over a wound rapidly. The interiors of these vessels can be very problematic for enemy boarding parties. The ships of the Aquan Stellar Navys Grand Fleet are organised in Battle Shoals. A Shoal normally consists of a core or large ships, usually battleships with a supporting fleet carrier, supported by large numbers of smaller craft. As their name suggests, Aquan battle groups act very much like a shoal of fish, moving and fighting in deadly unison Aquan battle tactics are informed by their unique origins, and the nature of their weapon systems. Aware that individually their weapon systems are less powerful than those of other races warships, Aquan captains coordinate their actions like a wellchoreographed dance, with several vessels concentrating fire upon a single enemy to quickly cripple or destroy them.

The Aquans spent most of their history as peaceful peoples. Lacking much in the way of violent conflict between themselves, and content to expand their borders at a very sedate pace, they did not garner much enmity and took much longer to develop a consistent military tradition. However, after their early, short-lived conflict with the Sorylians over the Storm Zone, and later, much more protracted clashes with the Terrans during the Wars of First Contact, the Sebrutans government decided to expand their military capacity considerably, especially their armed space fleets. The Aquans are superlative spacefarers. Being aquatic or semiaquatic, all Aquan sub-races are already accustomed to thinking and moving in three dimensions. This is markedly unlike humans or Sorylians, who are uncomfortable when lacking the concept of solid ground beneath their feet. The Sebrutan are also masters of bio-mechanical technology. This is most clearly seen in the design and structure of their spacecraft. Aquan vessels, including warships, are effectively cyborg organisms. Their protective outer shells are composed of layer upon layer of coral and bone, laced with metals. This carapace, very thick, is tremendously strong. Moreover, it is capable of regenerating from injuries over time, although badly damaged vessels are still taken into drydock to speed the process. Their powerplants are also unique. Each vessel is based around a living biological core, huge but effectively non-sentient. The vessels feed on the light of nearby stars, storing huge amounts of energy, in the form of bio-electricity and chemicals. This ability has seen Aquan ships likened to enormous electric eels or rays by Terran scientists. This is energy reserve is then employed by Khrot and Delphis technicians to fulfil many roles. Various mechanical devices up to and including drives and major weapon arrays, are coupled to the vessels living core. Aquan sub-light drives are powered by electro-chemical energy provided by the ship itself. The drives are very efficient as the creatures response to the drives demanding more energy is to provide it from its massive internal reserve. Under the command of a competent crew, it is capable of subtle alterations of thrust and bearing.


Firestorm Armada Model Statistics

Copyright Spartan Games 2013

The Aquans, unlike the Terrans or the Sorylians, have long regarded the Dindrenzi and their allies, especially the Directorate, with great suspicion. Like the other major non-human powers, the Sebrutan kept out of the last major war when the Federation won its freedom from Terra, considering the matter a purely internal affair of humanity. However, the Sebrutan, especially its colonies along the Wimms Corridor border, has long been plagued by raiders, believed to originate within Directorate territory. Whole Aquan and human Terquai settlements have been razed by these sinister interlopers, their populations abducted and taken to an unknown fate. Pursuit by Aquan patrols has led to repeated clashes with Dindrenzi naval units who denied the Sebrutans squadrons the right to hunt down and apprehend the raiders. The Aquans, on the word of the Emperor AnCuolsh itself, were therefore quick to embrace the Alliance of Kurak, becoming the first non-human power to formally ally with Terra. Chamberlain Kerus appointed two of the Sebrutans most experienced commanders to preside over the fleet as Grand Admirals the Tritoni Asmorose Fenn and the grizzled Delphis Jesper Melfe. Melfes command covers the Wimms Corridor area, while Fenns faces the Storm Zone border, and has the key responsibility of protecting hallowed Csera itself, which lies perilously close to this disputed region of space.


Unlike their allies, the Sebrutan was not taken by surprise by the advent of the Dindrenzi offensive in the Storm Zone. They had already concentrated the bulk of the Prime divisions of their front line fleets on their galactic eastern and south-eastern borders. They trust the Terrans and their fellow Alliance signatories, the mysterious Tarakians, to cover their western regions. As a result, the initial Dindrenzi and Directorate attacks ran up against heavier resistance in Sebrutan territory than anywhere else, as the Aquans managed to hold the line. However, Kerus is now in the process of mobilising the rest of the Stellar Navys strength to reinforce the Grand Fleets Prime divisions, and to fulfil the Sebrutans Alliance obligations. Ultimately, the Aquans objectives are mostly defensive to hold what they have in the Storm Zone, while assisting the Terrans and Sorylians in halting and then pushing back the Dindrenzi threat. However, not all Aquan efforts are being focused on passive defence alone. Grand Admiral Melfes command is under orders to go on the offensive once they are reinforced. Their purpose; to cross the Wimms Corridor while the bulk of Dindrenzi strength is tied up in the Storm Zone, and to punish the Directorate for its crimes against the Sebrutan.

For Tournament Games, different Designations of model have a restricted Maximum Percentage Value (MPV) of the Maximum Fleet Value which they CANNOT exceed. The following table lists the MPV which can be spent on the different Designations of model in an Aquan Prime Fleet:








Firestorm Armada Model Statistics

Copyright Spartan Games 2013

RANGE BAND Starboard/Port Fore Aft Torps (Any Arc)

DR 8 3 8 6 6 8 4 6 5 5 8 CP 7

CR 11 AP 5

Mv 8 PD 8

HP 10 MN 6

Medusa Class Dreadnought 1 12 7 7 8 2 16 8 8 8

Cost: 270 Points

This is a LARGE CAPITAL CLASS model Up to 30% of your points can be spent on DREADNOUGHTS AQUAN PRIME DREADNOUGHTS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 model The model MUST move 2 straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn

Fleet Tactics = +2 Command Distance = 6 Wings = 12

NOTE: Wings are paid for in addition to a DREADNOUGHT
MARs: Drone Mines Elite Crew Energy Transfer Impervious Minefield Pride of the Fleet


RANGE BAND Starboard/Port Fore Aft Torps (Any Arc)

DR 7 2 15 8 8 6 3 7 3 3 6 4 6 CP 7

CR 11 AP 3

Mv 8 PD 8

HP 9 MN 5

Manta Class Battle Carrier 1 12 6 6 6

Cost: 230 Points

This is a LARGE CAPITAL CLASS model Up to 30% of your points can be spent on BATTLE CARRIERS AQUAN PRIME BATTLE CARRIERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 model The model MUST move 2 straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn

Fleet Tactics = +2 Command Distance = 6 Wings = 9

NOTE: Wings are paid for in addition to a CARRIER


RANGE BAND Starboard/Port Fore Aft Torps (Any Arc)

DR 7 3 7 3 3 7 4 3 7 CP 5

CR 10 AP 3

Mv 8 PD 7

HP 8 MN 5

Hydra Class Mk II Battleship 1 11 5 5 5 2 14 7 7 5

Cost: 220 Points

This is a LARGE CAPITAL CLASS model Up to 40% of your points can be spent on BATTLESHIPS AQUAN PRIME BATTLESHIPS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 model The model MUST move 2 straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn

Fleet Tactics = +2 Command Distance = 6 Wings = 4

NOTE: Wings are paid for in addition to a BATTLESHIP


RANGE BAND Starboard/Port Fore Aft Torps (Any Arc)

DR 7 3 7 3 3 6 4 6 CP 5

CR 10 AP 3

Mv 8 PD 7

HP 8 MN 5

Poseidon Class Mk I Battleship 1 11 5 5 6 2 14 7 7 6

Cost: 200 Points

This is a LARGE CAPITAL CLASS model Up to 40% of your points can be spent on BATTLESHIPS AQUAN PRIME BATTLESHIPS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 model The model MUST move 2 straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn

Fleet Tactics = +2 Command Distance = 6 Wings = 3

NOTE: Wings are paid for in addition to a BATTLESHIP


Firestorm Armada Model Statistics

Copyright Spartan Games 2013

RANGE BAND Starboard/Port Fore Aft Torps (Any Arc)

DR 6 3 3 6 4 6 CP 5

CR 8 AP 3

Mv 7 PD 6

HP 6 MN 5

Charybdis Class Mk II Carrier 1 7 4 4 6 2 8 5 5 6

Cost: 135 Points

This is a LARGE CAPITAL CLASS model Up to 30% of your points can be spent on CARRIERS AQUAN PRIME CARRIERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 model The model MUST move 2 straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn

Fleet Tactics = +2 Command Distance = 6 Wings = 7

NOTE: Wings are paid for in addition to a CARRIER


RANGE BAND Starboard/Port Fore Aft Torps (Any Arc)

DR 6 2 8 5 5 6 3 3 6 4 6 CP 5

CR 8 AP 2

Mv 7 PD 6

HP 6 MN 5

Triton Class Mk I Carrier 1 7 4 4 6

Cost: 130 Points

This is a LARGE CAPITAL CLASS model Up to 30% of your points can be spent on CARRIERS AQUAN PRIME CARRIERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 model The model MUST move 2 straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn

Fleet Tactics = +2 Command Distance = 6 Wings = 6

NOTE: Wings are paid for in addition to a CARRIER


RANGE BAND Starboard/Port Fore Aft Torps (Any Arc)

DR 5 3 1 4 2 4 4 2 4 CP 5

CR 7 AP 2

Mv 10 PD 4

HP 5 MN 5

Tsunami Class Heavy Cruiser 1 3 6 4 4 2 4 7 5 4

This is a MEDIUM CAPITAL CLASS model Up to 70% of your points can be spent on MEDIUM models AQUAN PRIME HEAVY CRUISERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 4 models The model MUST move 1 straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn No more than HALF of the MEDIUM models in a fleet can be HEAVY CRUISERS

Cost: 80 Points

Fleet Tactics = +2 Command Distance = 6 Wings = 0


RANGE BAND Starboard/Port Fore Aft Torps (Any Arc)

DR 5 3 3 4 4 4 CP 3

CR 6 AP 3

Mv 10 PD 3

HP 4 MN 4

Chironex Class Mk II Cruiser 1 3 5 3 4 2 5 6 4 4

Cost: 70 Points

This is a MEDIUM CAPITAL CLASS model Up to 70% of your points can be spent on MEDIUM models AQUAN PRIME CRUISERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 4 models The model MUST move 1 straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn

Fleet Tactics = +2 Command Distance = 6 Wings = 0


Firestorm Armada Model Statistics

Copyright Spartan Games 2013

RANGE BAND Starboard/Port Fore Aft Torps (Any Arc)

DR 5 2 4 6 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 CP 3

CR 6 AP 2

Mv 10 PD 3

HP 4 MN 4

Storm Class Mk I Cruiser 1 3 5 3 4

Cost: 60 Points

This is a MEDIUM CAPITAL CLASS model Up to 70% of your points can be spent on MEDIUM models AQUAN PRIME CRUISERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 4 models The model MUST move 1 straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn

Fleet Tactics = +2 Command Distance = 6 Wings = 0


RANGE BAND Starboard/Port Fore Aft -

DR 3 3 1 4 CP 2

CR 5 AP 1

Mv 11 PD 1

HP 2 MN 0

Barracuda Class Mk II Frigate 1 3 1 1 2 4 3 3 -

Cost: 20 Points

This is a SMALL CLASS model Up to 50% of your points can be spent on SMALL models AQUAN PRIME FRIGATES are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 4 models The model MUST move 0 straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn

Fleet Tactics = +2 Command Distance = 6 Wings = 0


RANGE BAND Starboard/Port Fore Aft -

DR 3 2 4 3 3 3 1 4 CP 2

CR 5 AP 0

Mv 11 PD 1

HP 2 MN 0

Piranha Class Mk I Frigate 1 3 1 1 -

Cost: 20 Points

This is a SMALL CLASS model Up to 50% of your points can be spent on SMALL models AQUAN PRIME FRIGATES are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 4 models The model MUST move 0 straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn

Fleet Tactics = +2 Command Distance = 6 Wings = 0


RANGE BAND Starboard/Port Fore -

DR 5 2 6 4 3 7 4 5 CP 2

CR 6 AP 0

Mv 7 PD 4

HP 4 MN 4

Stingray Class Destroyer 1 5 3 -

This is a MEDIUM CAPITAL CLASS model Up to 70% of your points can be spent on MEDIUM models AQUAN PRIME DESTROYERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 3 models The model MUST move 1 straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn No more than HALF of the MEDIUM models in a fleet can be DESTROYERS

Cost: 75 Points

Fleet Tactics = +2 Command Distance = 6 Wings = 0

MARs: Hidden Killer Manoeuvrable


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Copyright Spartan Games 2013


DR 4 2 3 4 CP 1

CR 5 AP 0

Mv 8 PD 1

HP 2 MN 5

Remora Class Mine Escort 1 -

Cost: 20 Points

This is a SMALL CLASS model Up to 50% of your points can be spent on SMALL models AQUAN PRIME ESCORTS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 to 3 models The model MUST move 0 straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn

Fleet Tactics = +2 Command Distance = 6 Wings = 0


Firestorm Armada Model Statistics

Copyright Spartan Games 2013

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