September 25, 2013 Workshop Meeting Minutes

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1 Village of Fleischmanns Workshop Meeting September 25, 2013 The Village of Fleischmanns Boar of Tr!

stees hel a Workshop Meeting on We nes a", September 25, 2013 at #$00 p%m% at the Skene Memorial &ibrar"% The p!rpose of the meeting 'as the Water (epartment% )resent 'ere$ Ma"or To )ascarella, *arriet &% +rossman, ,athleen -osta Miles an (a.i /ates% Village (ep!t" Ma"or, Ben0amin Fenton 'as absent% &o! (ibble 1 2ohn Moffett of (ela'are 3perations 'ere also present to isc!ss a potential agreement bet'een (ela'are 3perations 1 the Village of Fleischmanns to take the facilitation of the Fleischmanns Water (epartment% (isc!ssion 'as hel as to a raft proposal 'hich 'as'e b" the Village Boar % F!rther isc!ssion 'as hel as to iss!es 'ith 'ater 4!alit", fl!shing h" rants, meter rea ings, etc% Purchase Order/Delaware Operations Motion ma e b" ,athleen -osta Miles to appro.e a p!rchase or er for 5S6 Bl!e Book, for lamp lighting ballasta 7 55130, for at 823%95, han cleaner refill #:o;% bottle, 7 2::35, one at 813%#9, p* < b!ffer sol!tion gallon, 7 #0#<5, one at 82<%95, total cost of re4!est$ 813<%2#% Motion secon e b" (a.i /ates% ,athleen -osta Miles=6"e% (a.i /ates= 6"e% To )ascarella=6"e% *arriet &% +rossman=6"e% Ben0amin Fenton=6bsent% Motion so carrie % Pumpkin Fest>Sponsor Motion ma e b" To )ascarella to sponsor the Fleischmanns First )!mpkin Fest an chil ren?s acti.ities to be hel in the front thir of the +a;ebo parking lot on 3ctober 12, 2013% Motion secon e b" ,athleen -osta Miles% To )ascarella=6"e% ,athleen -osta Miles=6"e% *arriet &% +rossman=6"e% (a.i /ates=6"e% Ben0amin Fenton= 6bsent% Motion so carrie % Sewer/Quarterly Invoice Surcharge Motion ma e b" an secon e b" ,athleen -osta Miles to a a s!rcharge of 95@ of the c!rrent charges to each 4!arterl" in.oice for the properties locate in Fleischmanns *eights connecte to the Village of Fleischmanns Se'er S"stem% Motion secon e b" *arriet &% +rossman% ,athleen -osta Miles=6"e% *arriet &% +rossman=6"e% To )ascarella=6"e% (a.i /ates=6"e% Ben0amin Fenton=6bsent% Motion so carrie % Wagner Ave Sidewalk !epair/Water Invoice Motion ma e b" *arriet &% +rossman to appro.e the iss!ing of pa"ment to Thomas Vitro Aontracting in the amo!nt of 8<50%00 for repair of the si e'alk at 330 Wagner 6.en!e prior to the neBt Village Boar meeting% Motion secon e b" (a.i /ates% *arriet &% +rossman=6"e% (a.i /ates=6"e% To )ascarella=6"e% ,athleen -osta Miles=6bstaine % Ben0amin Fenton=6bsent% Motion so carrie % "hange Order/Fleischmanns #eights Sewer $%tension Motion ma e b" *arriet &% +rossman a!thori;ing Ma"or To )ascarella to sign of Ahange 3r er Co% 2 for the Fleischmanns *eights Se'er DBtension in the amo!nt of 82,#00%00% Motion secon e b" ,athleen -osta Miles% *arriet &% +rossman= 6"e% ,athleen -osta Miles=6"e% (a.i /ates=6"e% To )ascarella=6bstaine % Ben0amin Fenton=6bsent% Motion so carrie % Ad&ourn Motion ma e b" *arriet &% +rossman to a 0o!rn% Motion secon e b" ,athleen -osta Miles% *arriet &% +rossman=6"e% ,athleen -osta Miles=6"e% To )ascarella=6"e% (a.i /ates=6"e% Ben0amin Fenton=6bsent% Motion so carrie %

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