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1 Village of Fleischmanns Public Hearing & Board Meeting December 9, 2001 !he Village of Fleischmanns Board of !

rustees held a Public Hearing at the "#ene Memorial $ibrar% at &'00 ()m) on Margaret*ille !ele(hone +om(an%,s re-uest for of M!+,s +able Franchise /greement) Present .ere' Ma%or !odd Pascarella, 0athleen 1ostad Miles and Da*id 2ates) De(ut% Ma%or Ben3amin Fenton4/bsent) Harriet $) 5rossman4/bsent) 5len Faul#ner from 6M!+7 Margaret*ille !ele(hone +om(an% .as also (resent) Ma%or !odd Pascarella o(ened the hearing ad*ising that in the (ast the cable*ision mar#et .as com(etiti*e .ith !ime 8arner being in the game as .ell, and each franchise had to be on a le*el (la%ing field .ith the other) !he Village had collected a nominal franchise fee from both !ime 8arner and M!+) +urrentl%, !ime 8arner is no longer offering ser*ice in this area) +able*ision usuall% (a%s a (ortion of their re*enues to the Village as a franchise fee) 9t,s li#e a ta: that can be negotiated .ith a munici(alit% and in most cases it,s used for communit% ser*ice (ro3ects or su((orting a (ublic access) !he franchise fee (resented b% M!+ does not ha*e a franchise fee .hich normall% e-uates to about ;1&00)00 a %ear) Closing of Public Hearing Motion made b% !odd Pascarella to close the Public Hearing) Motion seconded b% 0athleen 1ostad Miles) !odd Pascarella4/%e) 0athleen 1ostad Miles4/%e) Da*id 2ates4/%e) Ben3amin Fenton4/bsent) Harriet $) 5rossman4/bsent) Motion so carried) !he Village Ma%or and Board (roceeded to o(en the regular Village Board meeting) Franchise Agreement/MTC Cable Motion made b% !odd Pascarella a((ro*ing the Franchise /greement bet.een the Village of Fleischmanns and M!+ 6Margaret*ille !ele(hone +om(an%7) Motion seconded b% 0athleen 1ostad Miles) !odd Pascarella4/%e) 0athleen 1ostad Miles4/%e) Da*id 2ates4/%e) Ben3amin Fenton4/bsent) Harriet $) 5rossman4/bsent) Motion so carried) Delaware Operations Purchase Orders Motion made b% 0athleen 1ostad Miles to (a% the (urchase orders for the month of December, 201 ' "lac# +hemical, bul# coagulant 6P/+7, gal) 00 gal) < ;2)=>?gal, total cost of re-uest ;=>>)00, reason for (urchase' chemicals used in the treatment (rocess) @"/ Blue Boo#, (H (robe, H/+H A BB>>1, 1 < ;190)00, total cost of re-uest ;190)00 (lus shi((ing) Motion seconded b% Da*id 2ates) 0athleen 1ostad Miles4/%e) Da*id 2ates4/%e) !odd Pascarella4/%e) Ben3amin Fenton4/bsent) Harriet $) 5rossman4/bsent) Motion so carried) Monthly Report /t this time the 8aste.ater Facilit% is running through most of the month at a reduced rate of flo.) Cffluent flo. is discharged from the facilit% about > or & da%s a .ee#) 2014-2015 O & M Budget Motion made b% 0athleen 1ostad Miles to a((ro*e the (ro(osed 201B4201> (ro(osed D & M Budget for the 8aste.ater !reatment Facilit%) Motion seconded b% Da*id 2ates) 0athleen 1ostad Miles4/%e) Da*id 2ates4/%e) !odd Pascarella4/%e) Ben3amin Fenton4/bsent) Harriet $) 5rossman4/bsent) Motion so carried) Peggy Ellsworth/Mar Pro!ect" #nc$ !he Mar# Pro3ect, on behalf of the !o.n of Middleto.n is a((l%ing for an o.ner occu(ied home re(air (rogram amounting to ; >0,000)00) 9t is based on income eligibilit% and has a .aiting list) !he a((lication is due Ean) 20th) $etters of su((ort are needed from members of the communit%) Pegg% handed out sam(le generic letters for

2 the Board to gi*e out to communit% members su((orting the a((lication that the !o.n is submitting) =0F of the medium income is eligible) %ortra&/'ac hoe (er)ice !he Village Board discussed the -uote recei*ed from Gortra: totaling ; ,2B>)00 for ser*ice & ad3usting of the engine *al*es of the Village Bac#hoe) !he Village Board .ill see# more -uotes (rior to ma#ing an% decision) Part Time Accountant*s +eport/Month En,ing (ept$ -." /.0Motion made b% !odd Pascarella to a((ro*e the Part !ime /ccountant,s 1e(ort for the month ending "e(t) 0, 201 ) Motion seconded b% 0athleen 1ostad Miles) !odd Pascarella4/%e) 0athleen 1ostad Miles4/%e) Da*id 2ates4/%e) Ben3amin Fenton4 /bsent) Harriet $) 5rossman4/bsent) Motion so carried) Part Time Accountant*s +eports/Months En,ing October -0" /.0- 1 %o)ember -." /.0Motion made b% !odd Pascarella to table a((ro*al of the Part !ime /ccountant,s 1e(orts for the months ending Dctober 1, 201 and Go*ember 0, 201 ) Motion seconded b% 0athleen 1ostad Miles) !odd Pascarella4/%e) 0athleen 1ostad Miles4/%e) Da*id 2ates4/%e) Ben3amin Fenton4/bsent) Harriet $) 5rossman4/bsent) Motion so carried) Public #nput Discussion .as held as to financing of the Biomass (lant, feasibilit%, and (ursuing of grants) E&ecuti)e (ession/Personnel Motion made b% Da*id 2ates to go into e:ecuti*e session) Motion seconded b% 0athleen 1ostad Miles) Da*id 2ates4/%e) 0athleen 1ostad Miles4/%e) !odd Pascarella4/%e) Ben3amin Fenton4/bsent) Harriet $) 5rossman4/%e) Motion so carried) Out of E&ecuti)e (ession Motion made b% 0athleen 1ostad Miles to go bac# into o(en session) Motion seconded b% !odd Pascarella) 0athleen 1ostad Miles4/%e) !odd Pascarella4/%e) Da*id 2ates4 /%e) Ben3amin Fenton4/bsent) Harriet $) 5rossman4/bsent) Motion so carried) 2ell (ite Fun, Transfer Motion made b% !odd Pascarella to transfer ;BH, 22)BB from the Village of Fleischmanns 5eneral Fund /ccount A 109 22>9 to the Village of Fleischmanns 8ater De(artment Fund, /ccount A 100009=) Motion seconded b% 0athleen 1ostad Miles) !odd Pascarella4/%e) 0athleen 1ostad Miles4/%e) Da*id 2ates4/%e) Ben3amin Fenton4/bsent) Harriet $) 5rossman4/bsent) Motion so carried) 3ouchers/December" /.0Motion made b% !odd Pascarella to (a% the *ouchers for the month of December, 201 ' 5eneral Fund, /bstract A H, Vouchers A1=1 through 201 totaling ;9H,H>>)9>I 5eneral Fund, /bstract A = Vouchers A 202 through 20= totaling ;2 H2)>>I 8ater De(artment Fund, /bstract A H, Vouchers A H through B1 totaling ;>B,2H9)9BI " De(artment Fund, /bstract A 9, Vouchers A &= through H9 totaling ;2=,>&9)01) Motion seconded b% 0athleen 1ostad Miles) !odd Pascarella4/%e) 0athleen 1ostad Miles4/%e) Da*id 2ates4/%e) Ben3amin Fenton4/bsent) Harriet $) 5rossman4/bsent) Motion so carried) A,!ourn Motion made to ad3ourn b% !odd Pascarella) Motion seconded b% 0athleen 1ostad Miles) !odd Pascarella4/%e) 0athleen 1ostad Miles4/%e) Da*id 2ates4/%e) Ben3amin Fenton4/bsent) Harriet $) 5rossman4/bsent) Motion so carried)

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