Park Wall Bid/Hubbell, Inc.: Purchase Orders

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1 Village of Fleischmanns Board Meeting October 15, 2013 The Village of Fleischmanns Board of Trustees held their regular

Village Board meeting on Tuesday, October 15, 2013 at the !ene Memorial "ibrary at #$00 %&m& 'resent (ere$ Mayor Todd 'ascarella, )e%uty Mayor Ben*amin Fenton, +arriet "& ,rossman, and -athleen .ostad Miles& Village Trustee )a/id 0ates (as absent& Mayor 'ascarella ad/ised e/eryone that aturday1 the Village dedicated the historic mar!er donated by the Fleischmanns Museum of Memories by the ,a2ebo for the 100th anni/ersary of the Village& The Village of Fleischmanns (as also %resented (ith a resolution from the To(n of Middleto(n Board (hich read as follo(s$ Resolution/Saluting the 100th Anniversary Of Incorporation of the Village of Fleischmanns 3%on motion made by Mar*orie Miller and seconded by Michael Finberg, the follo(ing resolution (as duly ado%ted$ Whereas, the Middleto(n To(n Board (ishes to celebrate and salute its citi2ens and fello( munici%alities for their landmar! achie/ements and anni/ersaries1 and Whereas, 2013 mar!s the 100th 4nni/ersary of the 5ncor%oration of Fleischmanns, 6e( 0or! as a Village1 and Whereas, the Village of Fleischmanns and its 'ar!, along (ith its residents, are an essential and /ital %art of Middleto(n1 and Whereas, Fleischmanns is the eastern7most %oint of )ela(are 8ounty, and Fleischmanns9 long history as a destination and as a (elcome %oint for di/erse communities is (orth noting1 o! "herefore, #e It Resolve$, that the to(n Board of Middleto(n )ela(are 8ounty, 6e( 0or! does hereby recogni2e and celebrate the 100th 4nni/ersary of the 5ncor%oration of the Village of Fleischmanns& %ela!are &ngineering/'ohn #rust :ohn Brust drafted a letter to ;illiam <& :ohnson as to the Fleischmanns ide(al! 'ro*ect ad/ising that the Village Board (ishes to %roceed (ith the %ro*ect sub*ect to a not7to7 e=ceed cost of >?3,000&00& ,i/en the time of year and the ra%idly diminishing construction season the Village (ould li!e to %ost%one the effort until s%ring of 201@& Park Wall Bid/Hubbell, Inc. Motion made by Todd 'ascarella to acce%t the bid of +ubbell, 5nc& in the amount of >?A,@1A&00 for the 'ar! ;all .e%lacement 'ro*ect '; B?23& Motion seconded by -athleen .ostad Miles& Todd 'ascarella74ye& -athleen .ostad Miles74ye& Ben*amin Fenton74ye& +arriet "& ,rossman74ye& )a/id 0ates74bsent& Motion so carried& %ela!are Operations/'im #uchan Purchase Orders Motion made by Ben*amin Fenton to a%%ro/e the follo(ing %urchase orders for the month of October, 2013$ lac! 8hemical, #0C magnesium hydro=ide, 55 gal& drums, 220 gal& D >@&00Egal, total cost of reFuest >??0&00, reason for %urchase$ treat %lant flo( for al!alinity and %+1 lac! 8hemical, bul! coagulant G'48H, gal&E 300 gal& D >2&?5Egal&, total cost of reFuest >?55&00, reason for %urchase$ chemicals used in the treatment %rocess1 lac! 8hemical, chlorine bleach, 55 gal& drumsE 55 gal& D >2&##Egal, total cost of reFuest >1@#&00, reason for %urchase$ chemicals used in the treatment %rocess1 8orsair 'um% 8om%any, sam%le %um% to feed turbidimeters and chlorine analy2er, %um%s ,.5 15A0?700?, oneI>#B5&00, Bello(s .e%lacement -it7025017#23, threeI >150&00, total cost of reFuest$ >?25&00 %lus shi%%ing, reason for %urchase$ re%lace failed %um% for the turbidimeters and chlorine analy2er1 chemical in*ection /al/esG'ulsafeederH @3110 3 D >#A&B0, total cost of reFuest >20A&10 %lus shi%%ing, reason for %urchase$ chemical in*ection7in*ection /al/es are used on all chemical feed lines to !ee% the system closed to outside influences& ;ithout an in*ection /al/e in line the system cannot be flo( %aced& 8omments$ one /al/e is needed no( and the others are needed for a bac!u% to !ee% in stoc!& Motion seconded by +arriet "& ,rossman& Ben*amin Fenton74ye& +arriet "&

2 ,rossman74ye& Todd 'ascarella74ye& -athleen .ostad Miles74ye& )a/id 0ates7 4bsent& Motion so carried& Monthly Report/September 2013 4t this time the ;;T' is running through most of the month at a reduced rate of flo(& )ela(are O%erations discharges effluent flo( from the facility about 5 or # days a (ee!& O%erators continue to monitor the %um% station and the collection system on a daily basis& :im Buchan also ad/ised that the doors had been installed on the %lant J they are finished& Budget "ou )ibble is (or!ing on the )<' budget (hich (ill be ready for the ne=t Board meeting& (ia)ility Insurance/ *+IR Motion made by Ben*amin Fenton to change liability insurance for the Village of Fleischmanns to the 6e( 0or! Munici%al 5nsurance .eci%rocal G60M5.H effecti/e e%tember 2B, 2013& Motion seconded by +arriet "& ,rossman& Ben*amin Fenton74ye& +arriet "& ,rossman74ye& Todd 'ascarella74ye& -athleen .ostad Miles74ye& )a/id 0ates74bsent& Motion so carried& ,W, Storm!ater Retrofit -rogram/Schnei$er Avenue Motion made by Ben*amin Fenton to o%en a maintenance chec!ing account (ith funding recei/ed from the 8;8 in the amount of >32,#B?&B5 to be used solely to maintain the 8;8 torm(ater .etrofit 'rogram for chneider 4/enue and to be titled 8;8 chneider 4/enue 8ul/ert Maintenance& Motion seconded by -athleen .ostad Miles& Ben*amin Fenton74ye& -athleen .ostad Miles74ye& Todd 'ascarella74ye& +arriet "& ,rossman74ye& )a/id 0ates74bsent& Motion so carried& #rian .rocholl/,ontinuing Water -ro)lem Village Trustee -athleen .ostad Miles ad/ised the Village Board she had s%o!en to Brian ,rocholl J he indicated that his (ater is still bad and undrin!able& Ms& Miles reFuested Mr& ,rocholl !ee% a 30 day log of the condition of his (ater J bring (ater sam%les to the Village& :ohn Brust of )ela(are <ngineering ad/ised that our ;ater u%erintendent, Michael Myers, could use the "angelier 5nde= (hich %ro/ides an indicator of the degree of saturation of (ater (ith res%ect to calcium carbonate& 5t sim%ly indicates the dri/ing force for scale formation and gro(th in terms of %+ as a master /ariable& -art "ime Accountant Reports/'une, 'uly / August 0011 Motion made by Todd 'ascarella to a%%ro/e the month ending re%orts for :une 30, 2013, :uly 31, 2013 and 4ugust 31, 2013& Motion seconded by Ben*amin Fenton& Todd 'ascarella74ye& Ben*amin Fenton74ye& +arriet "& ,rossman74ye& -athleen .ostad Miles74ye& )a/id 0ates74bsent& Motion so carried& ational ,onstruction Rentals Motion made by -athleen .ostad Miles to rene( the fencing agreement (ith 6ational 8onstruction .entals for a term of si= G#H months& Motion seconded by Ben*amin Fenton& -athleen .ostad Miles74ye& Ben*amin Fenton74ye& Todd 'ascarella74ye& +arriet "& ,rossman74ye& )a/id 0ates74bsent& Resolution/Accepting the ,entral ,ats2ill ,ham)er as Interim A$ministrator For the -ropose$ Rte 03 ,orri$or Scenic #y4Way 4t the Village Board Meeting Of the Village of Fleischmanns, 6e( 0or! +eld at the !ene Memorial "ibrary on Tuesday, Oct& 15, 2013 and 3%on motion made by Ben*amin Fenton and seconded by -athleen .ostad Miles, the follo(ing resolution (as duly ado%ted$

W5&R&AS, the Village of Fleischmanns, )ela(are 8ounty in :anuary of 2012 ado%ted the draft 8orridor Management 'lan for the .te& 2? 8ats!ill Mountain cenic7by7;ay1 and W5&R&AS, the %rocess to(ard the final a%%ro/al of the .te& 2? By7;ay 'lan by 60 can ta!e any(here from t(enty7four to thirty7si= months1 and W5&R&AS, the 8entral 8ats!ills 8hamber of 8ommerce has been %erforming the administrati/e duties reFuired for the coordination of the a%%ro/al %rocess as (ell as communicating (ith and connecting the /arious munici%al leaders and communities, collecting and maintaining records and documentation and see!ing grant funding and further de/elo%ing the mar!eting strategy that is included in the 8orridor Management cenic By7(ay com%rehensi/e draft %lan, all on behalf of the By(ay munici%alities1 and W5&R&AS, there are no financial or other obligations attached to this ste% yet formali2ation of the res%onsibilities during the final 60 )OT re/ie( and a%%ro/al %rocess is in e/eryone9s best interest and (ill facilitate the %rocess1 OW, "5&R&FOR&, #& I" R&SO(V&% that the Board of Trustees of the Village of Fleischmanns, )ela(are 8ounty, 6e( 0or!, does hereby recogni2e the 8entral 8ats!ills9 8hamber of 8ommerce as the interim administrator of the By7;ay 'lan through its final re/ie( and a%%ro/al %rocess& 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 "orraine )eMarfio, Village 8ler! Village of Fleischmanns October 15, 2013 H Hss$ 8ounty of )ela(are H 5, "orraine )eMarfio, Village 8ler! of the Village of Fleischmanns, 6e( 0or!, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct transcri%t of a resolution ado%ted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Fleischmanns, 6e( 0or! on October 15, 2013 and the (hole thereof& 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 "orraine )eMarfio, Village 8ler! Village of Fleischmanns Motion made by Ben*amin Fenton to ado%t the abo/e resolution& Motion seconded by -athleen .ostad Miles& Ben*amin Fenton74ye& -athleen .ostad Miles74ye& Todd 'ascarella74ye& +arriet "& ,rossman74ye& )a/id 0ates74bsent& Motion so carried 6#A Appointment/#ill #irns/,hairman Motion made by Todd 'ascarella to a%%oint Bill Birns as 8hairman of the KB4 for a term of three G3H years, e=%iring 4%ril @, 201#& Motion seconded by Ben*amin Fenton& Todd 'ascarella74ye& Ben*amin Fenton74ye& +arriet "& ,rossman74ye& -athleen .ostad Miles74ye& )a/id 0ates74bsent& Motion so carried& 6#A Appointment/#rian Walsh Motion made by Todd 'ascarella to a%%oint Brian ;alsh as a KB4 member for a term of t(o years e=%iring 4%ril #, 2015& Motion seconded by Ben*amin Fenton& Todd 'ascarella74ye& Ben*amin Fenton74ye& +arriet "& ,rossman74ye& -athleen .ostad Miles74bstained& )a/id 0ates74bsent& Motion so carried& tate of 6e( 0or!

Village -lanning #oar$/Appointment/Victoria 7uesa$a Motion made by Todd 'ascarella to a%%oint Victoria Luesada to the Village of Fleischmanns 'lanning Board for a term of 3 years e=%iring 4%ril @, 201#& Motion seconded by Ben*amin Fenton& Todd 'ascarella74ye& Ben*amin Fenton74ye& +arriet "& ,rossman74ye& -athleen .ostad Miles74ye& )a/id 0ates74bsent& Motion so carried& ovem)er 0011/#oar$ +eeting/%ate ,hange Motion made by Todd 'ascarella to hold the 6o/ember, 2013 Village Board meeting on Tuesday, 6o/ember 12, 2013 at the !ene Memorial "ibrary1 change is due to the Veterans )ay +oliday& Motion seconded by Ben*amin Fenton& Todd 'ascarella74ye& Ben*amin Fenton74ye& +arriet "& ,rossman74ye& -athleen .ostad Miles74ye& )a/id 0ates74bsent& Motion so carried& Vouchers/Oct8, 0011 Motion made by Todd 'ascarella to a%%ro/e the follo(ing /ouchers for the month of October, 2013$ ,eneral Fund, 4bstract M 25, Vouchers M 11? through 1@1 totaling >2@,110&1#, ,eneral Fund, 4bstract M 2#, Vouchers M 1@2 through 1@A totaling >2B,BB2&1#1 ;ater )e%artment Fund, 4bstract M 5, Vouchers M 2# through 32 totaling >3,A32&?A1 e(er )e%artment Fund, 4bstract M B, Vouchers M @3 through 5B totaling >2A,101&?@& Motion seconded by Ben*amin Fenton& Todd 'ascarella74ye& Ben*amin Fenton74ye& +arriet "& ,rossman74ye& -athleen .ostad Miles74ye& )a/id 0ates7 4bsent& Motion so carried& A$9ourn Motion made by Todd 'ascarella to ad*ourn& Motion seconded by Ben*amin Fenton& Todd 'ascarella74ye& Ben*amin Fenton74ye& +arriet "& ,rossman74ye& -athleen .ostad Miles74ye& )a/id 0ates74bsent& Motion so carried&

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