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Chapter 1:- Chapter 1, Part 1 Hold her down.

You take her arms and Ill take her legs.

Whoever lasts the longest gets to take her to the prom.

Drunken laughter echoed off the cave walls while the overpowering stench of beer and sweat clogged her nose and made her gag

A cold chill shimmied up Serenas spine. Its not real, she told herself. Any memories she had of that night were safely locked away behind a door that would never be opened again. But the nightmares came even when she was awake; unwanted, uninvited, terrifying. Most of the time they faded into oblivion the moment she woke up, but this one kept hovering in the recesses of her mind and she was powerless to stop it. To stop the fear that came with it.

Rufus nudged her leg and Serena leaned down, absently patting his head. Its okay, boy. Im fine.

The Golden Retriever had been a gift from her father the day after she was released from the hospital. A guilt gift for not being there to protect her. She supposed that giving her the dog shed begged him for since she was six was a way of alleviating a small portion that guilt. But her father hadnt been the only one giving her gifts and treating her as if she was the crowned queen of England. They all harbored feelings of guilt; her mother, her two brothers, even some of her friends. But no one carried the burden of selfrecrimination or tried harder to make up for it than her big sister, McKinley.

Vibrations from the cell phone in her pocket jerked Serena back into the present. Pulling it out, she skimmed her finger along the top and pressed the button, not entirely surprised to hear the automated voice announce it was her mother calling. After six months of living on her own, shed hoped her family would back off a little and stop their incessant

worrying but apparently that wasnt going to happen any time soon. Drawing in a deep breath, Serena did her level best to keep the irritation from her voice when she answered.

I hope this is important, Mom, I was just getting ready to take a shower.

A white lie wouldnt condemn her to purgatory and it would save her from listening to her mother recount all the safety precautions she should be taking. Or not, Serena thought dismally when her mother immediately launched into an all too familiar spiel. She maneuvered around Rufus and dropped down onto the cushy sofa while her mother rambled on about checking the locks on the windows and remembering to set the security alarm. Serena mumbled an obligatory I will after each set of instructions and tossed in an occasional I already have just to break up the monotony.

If it makes you feel any better, she interjected when her mother paused to take a breath, Aunt Rose just rented out the upper half of the house to a young college student.

Male or female, and how young? Leslie Cross asked her daughter.

His name is Will and hes three years older than me

A twenty-five year old man weve never even met before living in the same house with you? I dont like it, Serena, and I intend to talk to my sister about it the minute I hang up.

Mother please, Im fine with it. And you do know him. Its Will Duncan. He used to play football with Anthony and Sawyer in high school, remember?

Of course I remember him. But are you sure

Im sure, Serena replied with much more conviction than she felt. Will was always very nice to me and IIve talked to Anthony and Sawyer and they both said theyd feel better knowing Will was here. Besides, he knows all about me. And Rose said he was

extremely agreeable about helping out if I needed it, so you can stop worrying. I would have thought youd be happy to know I have a big, strong man around to protect me or at least to make sure all the windows are locked up tight.

Id be happier if you moved back home.

You do recall that youre the one who said I was so self sufficient I could manage just fine on my own, right?

Yes, but I didnt expect you to move out two weeks later! Im so mad at Rose for offering you one of her rental houses I could spit nails, and dont think Im not going to light into her as soon as the little coward stops avoiding me.

Serena bit back a giggle. Shes not avoiding you, Mom. We came to see you just last week and had a great chat over lunch.

Oh, she doesnt have a problem seeing me as long as someone else is along or we meet in a public place because she knows Ill hold my tongue.

Go easy on her, Mom, as a favor to me. I know you dont like me living here all alone but you cant watch over me forever and I really am very grateful to Rose for letting me stay here. You and I both know she could be getting twice the rent shes charging me, not to mention all the remodeling she had done just to accommodate me and Rufus.

I know, Leslie said with a sigh of resignation. You always were Roses favorite niece so I guess I shouldnt be surprised she jumped on the chance to offer one of her rentals once she discovered you wanted a place of your own.

Now that weve established Rose is not to blame and that having Will move in is a good idea, I really have to go. Id hate for him to show up and find me wearing nothing but a towel.

She supposed she should have been ashamed of herself for making her mother believe she was sitting here half naked when Will was due to arrive any minute but she still had several papers to grade and her students would be expecting their essay scores tomorrow. If she hadnt cut her mother off, she would have been stuck on the phone for at least another hour and she was already going to lose valuable time once Will got here. Not that she intended to spend any more time with him than necessary but she wanted to set down the ground rules right up front so there were no misunderstandings later. Chapter 2:- Chapter 1, Part 2 Serena had about half the essays done when the doorbell rang. Rufus padded to the door and waited for her hit the intercom button and ask who it was before he moved out of the way and allowed her to open it. Hed been trained well and part of that training included protecting his owner but she knew for a fact that keeping her from opening the door until she checked to see who it was first hadnt been anything hed learned. Instinctively, he always seemed to know when a situation required caution. She trusted Rufus whole heartedly so when he stood at her side instead of placing himself between her and Will, it told Serena a lot about Will Duncans character.

I wasnt sure if I should come in the front or just start moving my things in through the back entrance, Will told her as he stepped inside.

A nervous flutter took up residence in the pit of Serenas stomach. His voice was a lot deeper than it had been in high school, as unfamiliar to her now as a strangers. She hadnt realized how much of her courage in letting Will move in had been based on the memories of a young girl who used to feel all warm and melty inside when he spoke. It made her wonder what else the years had changed about Will Duncan. Hed been so handsome back then, with thick, dark hair and eyes that were nearly the same color. Hed played center guard on the same team as her brothers and shed fallen in love with the sport after watching Will play because his strength and athletic ability had simply mesmerized her.

Shed had a mad crush on him, as did most of the girls at school, but to Will Duncan shed always been Anthony and Sawyers kid sister so she doubted he even realized just how much shed idolized him. What shed liked most about him was that he didnt treat her like an inanimate object as most of her brothers friends did. He was kind and sweet and always took the time to say hi or tell her how pretty she looked. It was because of her fond memories of Will that shed let Rose talk her into letting him move in.

It will probably be easier to use the front door until you have everything moved in. And dont worry about Rufus, she added when he seemed to hesitate to come in any further.

Hes already decided youre trustworthy, otherwise youd be flat on your back with a hundred and thirty pound dog on your chest.

Will shot a nervous glance at Rufus. Youre joking, right? He wouldnt really attack me.

Serenas lip quirked. Would you care to make a threatening gesture and find out?"

Uhthanks, but if its all the same to you I think Ill just take your word for it.

Smart man. Would you like me to show you around or would you rather start hauling your things in?

Will held up the duffle bag in his hand. As you can see, Im traveling light at the moment. I just thought Id drop this off and give you the heads up that Id be back later with all my things, but Id appreciate it if you showed me around now so I wont have to disturb you later.

If thats a suitcase youre holding, you can leave it here or run it upstairs first.

There was a long pause before Will replied. God, Im such an idiot. Its just that you look so

Normal? Serena supplied.

Yesno! I mean, yes you look normal but you dont fit the image ofuhwhat Im try to say is no one would guess you were He stopped and drew in a deep breath. Holy hell, Im screwing this up big time, arent I?

Serena angled a sympathetic smile in his direction. Would you like to start again?

I dont know if I should, he said miserably.

Does it make you uncomfortable that Im blind, Will? Because this really isnt going to work if it does.

His gaze swept over the unruly golden curls that framed the delicate features of her face. Sky blue eyes blinked unseeingly at him, breathing life into something deep inside that hed thought had withered and died long ago. There was a time when those eyes had held nothing but sheer and utter adoration for him; now they couldnt see anything at all and it clawed at his chest because hed always liked Serena and she didnt deserve what happened to her.

He had a vivid memory of long legs and a figure that was just beginning to blossom. It must have been tough being so tall and thin when her sister, McKinleys body had so many dangerous curves she left a trail of young men panting after her whenever she walked by. McKinley was captain of the cheerleader squad and quite the social butterfly, as different from her sister as night and day. Serena had been painfully shy but on those rare occasions when he coaxed a smile out of her, Will had seen past the awkward, gangly teenage girl and caught a glimpse of the beautiful woman shed one day become. And she was beautiful now, so beautiful it took his breath away just to look at her.

Im not uncomfortable, he finally said. When your aunt told me who it was that Id be sharing the house with, I couldnt sign the lease fast enough.

Serena instantly bristled. Look, Will, if youre doing this because you feel sorry for me or because you consider watching out for a blind woman some sort of charity project then maybe you should find someplace else to live. Im sure I could talk Rose into letting you out of the lease.

Will set his duffle bag down and closed the front door. I think we need to get a few things straight before I move in. First of all, I dont feel sorry for you. And since youve been living here by yourself, I have to assume you dont need me or anyone else watching out for you. Ive got one year of medical school left before I begin my internship and Im fed up with housemates that want to party their way through college or think they can cram for medical exams.

IIm sorry for doubting your motives. She could feel the heat of a blush slowly creeping up her neck and was even more embarrassed because she knew Will probably thought she had a few screws loose for going off on him as she had. I wouldnt blame you for leaving after the horrible things I accused you of, butId really like it if you stayed.

I dont know, he drawled, you were rather harsh. I suppose I could be persuaded if you promise to make it up to me with a home cooked meal. Ive eaten so much take out over the past few years I cant distinguish between the food and the cardboard containers anymore.

You poor thing, Serena laughed. So what happened to all the hoards of girls that used to flock around you? Couldnt you con one of them into cooking for you?

Good God, no, he sounded horrified. Asking a woman to cook for you is tantamount to asking them to move in with you.

Does that mean I dont have to worry about finding some strange woman in my kitchen rustling up a meal for you?

Im not involved with anyone right now, if thats what youre asking. Even if I was, Id have more respect for you than to have her spend the night here.

Serena didnt know why that made her happy but it did, although she didnt expect a man like Will to be without a girlfriend for long. After showing him the way to the kitchen theyd be sharing and promising to start dinner as soon as she graded a few more papers, she waited for him to take his bag upstairs then walked him to the door. Rufus had trotted alongside them the entire time but hed obviously accepted Will, and that more than anything put her at ease with him as well.

I should feel bad for roping you into making dinner for me, Will said as he opened the front door, but my mouth starting watering the minute Rose mentioned what a great cook you were and that you make a mean pot roast. Your aunt bragged up on you pretty good, and not just about the cooking.

Shes been like that since the day I was born. Personally, I think she felt bad I was such an ugly duckling compared to McKinley that she took it upon herself to be my personal champion.

Will shook his head. You dont need a champion, Serena, youre an amazing woman. And just for the record, I never thought you were an ugly duckling. Maybe it was hidden behind skinny knees and elbows back then, but your beauty was always there and its certainly not hiding anymore.

Serena stood there for several minutes after hed gone. Will thought she was beautiful? Tentatively, she ran her hands down her ribs and over the gentle flair of her hips. Shed never really been aware of her own body before and was astonished to discover she had all the same womanly curves shed once envied McKinley for. Shed developed generous sized breasts too, though she was too embarrassed to touch herself there. For the first time in seven years, Serena wasnt afraid of having a man notice her. Will Duncan might be just what she needed to cure her phobias of men. Chapter 3:- Chapter 1, Part 3 Yankee pot roast, garlic mashed potatoes, mixed vegetables stewed in the juices of the roast, and homemade dinner rolls. If the way to a mans heart was through his stomach, Will was going to be madly in love with her before she even set the apple cobbler on the table. Serena let out a derisive snort. It was a ridiculous concept; a man like Will Duncan did not take a romantic interest in a woman because of her culinary talents, and even if by some stretch of the imagination he did, what could she offer him in return? Just the idea of being intimate with a man made her break out into a cold sweat so it was pretty much a given that shed go into hyperventilative convulsions if there was any real physical contact.

Besides, it may not bother him right now that she was blind but hed change his tune quickly enough if he ever escorted her out in public and had to endure the curious stares and hushed whispers of strangers. It was amazing how many people believed she couldnt hear them talking about her just because she was blind when, in fact, her hearing was much more acute than normal as a result of losing her sight. Some of the misconceptions people had towards those who were handicapped often bordered on the ridiculous, and though it had taken Serena years to overcome the urge to lash out at them shed eventually learned to pity their ignorance rather than resent them for it.

She was setting the table when Rufus padded over and let out a soft woof which was his way of telling her someone had pulled into the driveway. It had to be Will, otherwise the

silly mutt would have been coaxing her towards the door to use the intercom. Shed never seen him take to anyone so quickly before but was glad that he had because his gentle nature morphed into something more along the lines of a rabid animal whenever a stranger showed more interest in her than he should.

I hope Im not late, Will said as he entered the kitchen.

No, youre right on time. Unfortunately for Rufus, that means he has to eat dog food again tonight.

Wills booming laughter filled the kitchen, sending Rufus into a tail wagging fit. I hate to kick him when hes down but I can pretty much guarantee there wont be any leftovers either. He wandered over to the stove where Serena was just pulling out the pot roast. It smells wonderful. Maybe I should have opted for some cooking classes instead of torturing myself with stale vending machine sandwiches and cardboard pizzas for so many years.

Why didnt you just hire someone to come in and cook for a few nights a week?

Im afraid my budget wouldnt allow for anything as extravagant as that. Im just a poor college student in debt up to my eyeballs who has stooped to begging his new house mate for a decent meal.

Serena couldnt help feeling sorry for him. Maybe we could strike some kind of deal, she blurted out before giving it any real thought. There are things I could use your help with that I either cant do myself or have difficulty with. In exchange for your help, Id be willing to make dinner three or four times a week. She paused for a moment to turn off the oven and retrieve a serving platter from the cupboard, wishing shed considered what being in such close proximity that often would do to her jittery nerves. But it was too late to retract the offer so she forged on. Its nothing major or too time consuming, just little things like repairing a hole in the fence out back, taking the trash can out to the curb on Sunday nights, fixing the faucet in the bathroom that drips nonstop.

Wills stomach rumbled as the enticing aroma of the roast wafted through the air. Youve got a deal, but Im definitely getting the better end of the bargain. He watched her move around the kitchen as effortlessly as a sighted person, his admiration for Serena

growing by the minute. Do you need any help carrying food to the table? And before you jump to any wrong conclusions, Im offering because its the gentlemanly thing to do, not because I dont think youre capable of handling it by yourself.

Youre not going to let me forget what a fool I made of myself, are you?

I swear Ill only bring it up when I need something to counter act my own foot-in-mouth blunders.

In that case, Ill let you put the roast and vegetables on the platter while I get the rolls out of the warmer and finish up the potatoes.

This wasnt so bad, Serena thought as she mashed the potatoes. Shed enjoyed her new found freedom from her worrisome mother but it did get a bit lonely at times, even with Rufus here for companionship. She liked how laid back Will was, and she liked it that they could tease each other or simply work side by side in comfortable silence as if they were old friends. Not that theyd actually been friends back in high school, but she hoped they could develop that kind of relationship now. She hadnt allowed herself to get close enough to anyone to form a true friendship since that awful night, but she didnt want to be that frightened little girl anymore, which meant she had to start trusting people again.

Help yourself, she said once theyd taken their seats at the table. Just make sure you put everything back in the same place or Ill reach for a roll and end up plunging my hand into the mashed potatoes.

Will sliced off a generous portion of the roast and vegetables then spooned out a mound of potatoes, careful to place it in exactly the same spot before helping himself to the rolls. He watched in fascination as Serena reached out and felt for the edge of the platter with the roast then inched her fingertips around until she found the knife and serving fork. Certain she was going to cut herself, he held his breath while she pierced the meat with the fork and slipped the knife between the prongs, cutting a perfectly even sliver off. Will didnt breathe easy again until Serena finished filling her plate, and even then he kept waiting for her to hack off a finger with the steak knife she was using.

Rose tells me youre a teacher, he said, in an effort to focus on making conversation instead of the danger the sharp blade posed to her elegant hands.

Yes, I teach history at a school for the blind.

I assume the textbooks are in Braille, but how do the students take notes or tests?

Each student is equipped with a laptop computer that responds to voice commands. I provide them with a CD at the end of each class on the material we covered that day as well as a Braille copy of their homework. They enter their answers into the computer and I retrieve them the next day by saving them onto a flashdrive. Sometimes I just plug it into the computer and let it read back the answers but most of the time I print it off with a Braille embosser so I can read it.

Thatsamazing, Serena.

What? That a blind woman could become a teacher?

Will chuckled when he noticed how her slender shoulders stiffened. Actually, I was talking about the whole process of teaching blind students.


Was it difficult to learn Braille?

Not really. Braille is based on the arrangement of one to six dots within a cell. One dot represents and A, two dots placed horizontally is a B, and so on. Its relatively simple and probably didnt take me more than a few hours to memorize. Of course, its more difficult for children who are just learning to read.

Soooo, penmanship isnt really a consideration when youre grading then.

Serena burst into laughter. I think Im going to like having you around, Will Duncan.

Her radiant smile did a number on his heart and for that moment at least, Will was glad she couldnt see the sappy grin he was sporting. He liked making her laugh and fully intended to make sure she did it quite often from now on. From what Rose had told him, Serena led a very solitary existence and her aunt was worried sick shed never put the past behind her and learn to live again. Outwardly, Serena didnt appear timid or seem to be the type to shun forming relationships with people, and maybe she did have a circle of friends among the other teachers but it never extended past the school grounds. Will was going to change all that.

Hed purposely portrayed his reasons for wanting to live here as selfish ones, and that part was true. He did need a quiet place where he could study without being disturbed by a drunken roommate stumbling in with an even more intoxicated woman hanging all over him. But he also wanted to help free Serena from the demons that haunted her, and in the processwell, maybe he could rid himself of a few demons too. The night Serena was attacked had altered her life forever but it had changed his too, and now he was here to set things right.

Author's Note: If you are enjoying this story, please let me know by voting or leaving your comments. Chapter 4:- Chapter 2, Part 1 Serena finished grading the last of the essays and slipped it into her briefcase with the others. Shed been disrupted a few times by the sound of Will hauling things upstairs and had to stifle a wild giggle once or twice when there was a loud thump followed by muttered expletives. The noise had quieted down over an hour ago and since shed heard the shower running shortly after that, she assumed he was done for the night. It seemed strange having someone else in the house, but in a way it was comforting too.

Come on, Rufus, she stood up and shuffled towards the kitchen, its time for your nightly pee and my nightly tea.

Serena let him out the back door then turned and took a few purposeful steps towards the stove when she had an unexpected encounter with a very firm, bare chest. Throwing up her hands was an automatic response, but splaying her fingers over the corded muscles so she could prolong the pleasurable sensations pulsing through her was as surprising to Serena as it was to Will. She felt his heartbeat jump, felt his lungs fill with air as he drew in a sharp breath, followed by a hissing sound as it was slowly expelled. Her behavior

and his reaction to it was difficult enough to assimilate but Serena was even more perplexed to discover the raw fear that always speared through her whenever anyone got close enough to touch her was little more than a twinge of apprehension.

Iuhdidnt hear you come in, she finally stammered when his warm hands settled lightly on her hips.

Touching Will was one thing, but having him touch her sent that thread of apprehension spider webbing through her entire body until she felt every raw nerve quiver from it. What a pitiful existence she had; wanting to be normal and experience the same thrill other women did when they were in the company of a man they liked, and yet unable to stop the gnawing fear that twisted her stomach into knots and made her feel as if she was going to throw up. Somehow Serena doubted Will would still think she was an amazing woman if he knew how close she was to bolting like a scared little rabbit.

Im sorry if I startled you, she heard Will say through the haze of chaotic emotions ripping through her. Ill try to make a little noise coming down the stairs so you have some warning.

Will bit back a groan when she tilted her head back, placing her lips perilously close to his. At six foot four, he was used to having to lean down to kiss a woman but Serena couldnt have been more than five inches shorter than he was so it wouldnt have taken much to close the gap between them. Every male hormone in him begged him to do it, to lower his mouth onto hers and taste the sweetness he knew was waiting for him. Lord, he was tempted, and if he hadnt felt a tremor ripple through her body, he might not have stopped himself from doing it. Her fear of intimacy on any level was perfectly understandable, and if he wanted Serenas trust hed have to earn it first.

I hope you dont mind, he tried to sound casual as he moved away from her. I was coming down to pilfer another piece of your fabulous apple cobbler before hitting the books.

H-help yourself. I was going to make some tea then head off to bed but II think Ill skip it tonight.

Serena turned back towards the door, absently rubbing her hands down the sides of her jeans. She could still feel the heat of his skin against her palms and there was a strange tingling sensation that seemed to have migrated from her fingertips all the way up both arms. She was mortified by her behavior and was grateful Will had been kind enough to pretend he hadnt noticed. After letting Rufus in, Serena mumbled a hasty good-night and left the kitchen as quickly as she dared. She was embarrassed enough as it was, she didnt need add to it by running into the wall or falling flat on her face!

The whole time she was taking a shower, she kept having visions of Will as hed looked in high school. Her girl friends practically salivated whenever he walked by, their breathless sighs even more pronounced if Anthony and Sawyer happened to be with him. Theyd go on and on about how tall Will was, what a fabulous body he had, how dreamy he was to look at, and though she couldnt help noticing all those things too, it was his smile that always set her heart to racing. Like half the girls in school, shed wondered what it would feel like to have Will Duncan kiss her, and for one brief moment in the kitchen Serena thought he was going to do it. God, what a disaster that would have been!

As it was, shed narrowly escaped having a full-fledged panic attack in front of him and was lucky her shaky legs had held out long enough to carry her back to her room. She could still feel the weight of hands on her hips; big, strong, capable hands that had sent a thrill racing through her entire body and for a few fleeting moments shed actually liked it. Serena fumbled for the water handle, her brows drawing together as a vague memory began to stir.

You like that, dont you? You like it when I touch you

Its not the same, she murmured to herself as she climbed out of the shower and dried off. Wills touch was different, and just because I liked it doesnt mean I wanted him to No, she wouldnt allow herself to finish that thought.

Looping the towel over the rack, Serena made her way to the dresser and pulled out a silk nightgown and slipped it over her head. Even as she blow dried her hair and brushed it out, she couldnt stop thinking about Will. Hed been here for less than one day and already hed managed to shake up her quiet, hum-drum life. And to think shed actually planned to lay down the law about keeping to a schedule so they wouldnt both be using the kitchen at the same time! Shed volunteered to do it, for crying out loud, so what did that tell her? Serena slipped into bed with a disgusted sigh. It told her she was weak, and if she wasnt careful shed be making Will dinner every night and offering to cook Sunday breakfast too!

Chapter 5:- Chapter 2, Part 2 Will tumbled into bed, exhausted after four solid hours of reading and taking notes. In the three weeks hed been living with Serena, theyd fallen into a comfortable routine that seemed to suit them both, although he would have liked it better if he had more time to spend with her. He usually went to the campus library after classes and studied until five-thirty then headed for home so hed have time for a quick shower before dinner. Rose hadnt been stretching the truth when she said Serena was an excellent cook, though it still made him a little uneasy whenever she used anything sharper than a butter knife.

There had been a period of adjustment, which was only natural when two people were getting used to having each other around, but he was sure it was harder on Serena than it was on him. Twice during that first week hed forgotten to scoot his chair in after getting up from the table and was still feeling guilty as hell that shed run into it and wound up with a few bruises as a result. But the one that really made him feel like an inconsiderate jerk was when hed left his empty coffee cup sitting beside the sink instead of washing it out and putting it away.

How many times had he watched in utter fascination as Serena moved around the kitchen with the confidence of a person who knew exactly what she was doing because shed memorized the precise location of everything in her house? And yet it hadnt occurred to him that she wouldnt expect it be there, or that shed send it flying when her hand swept across the counter. Will was just coming downstairs to leave for his morning classes when he heard the crash as the cup hit the floor and shattered. His heart had slammed against his chest when he came racing in to find Serena on her hands and knees, gingerly feeling around for the broken pieces and cutting the tip of her finger in the process.

Hed crossed the kitchen in three long strides and pulled Serena to her feet and was alarmed see how shaken she was by the incident. Her entire body was trembling as hed led her to the sink and gently washed away the blood, while hed openly admitted to being an idiot and offered several heartfelt apologies. Hed dried the wound with a napkin and was relieved to find it was a minor cut then cursed himself all over again when shed refused to let him bandage it because it would inhibit her ability to read.

Honestly, Im fine, shed said with a wobbly smile as she twisted away from the arm hed looped around her waist.

Thats when it finally hit him that it wasnt the mishap with the cup or the cut on her finger that was making Serena so edgy but the fact that hed been touching her. Hed known about the phobia shed developed; Rose had warned him before hed moved in,

but hed foolishly assumed the time hed spent with Serena had put her at ease with him. It was a crushing blow to discover he was no closer to gaining her trust than hed been on the first day hed arrived here.

Will closed his eyes, certain hed drop off to sleep in a matter of minutes but his mind kept wandering back to that night Serena hadnt heard him come into the kitchen and run right into him. Her soft hands had seared his skin and her mouth had been so close to his, hed felt the warmth of her breath on his lips. There had been an awareness of each other as a man and a woman, a connection hed believed would continue to grow stronger as they got to know one another better. At least thats what Will thought at the time, but now he wondered if hed only imagined it.

Rose assured him Serena didnt remember anything about the night she was attacked, but if that was true then why did she have such negative reaction to being touched, and why was she plagued with nightmares nearly every night? Hed heard Serena crying in her sleep more than once and a few times hed gone down to check on her but shed usually quieted down by the time he got there so he never woke her up. The one time hed mentioned hearing her, shed shrugged it off and insisted she never had bad dreams so hed hadnt brought it up again.

Thats why he ignored it when the sound of her muted cries drifted up to him, and why he kept trying to block it out when it went on longer than normal. But when Serena let out a wail that sounded more like a wounded animal than a human being, he couldnt bear listening to her suffer any longer. Will leapt out of bed and yanked on his jeans, his heart thumping erratically as he tore down the stairs and made his way through the darkened hallway to Serenas bedroom. Chapter 6:- Chapter 2, Part 3 Even though the door was partially opened he hesitated to enter without knocking but when Serena cried out again, followed by a woeful whimper from Rufus, he pushed it open and stepped inside. It was too dark to see anything but the vague outline of the bed and since he couldnt tell where Rufus was, Will flipped on the light switch to avoid tripping over him.

Serena was curled into a tight ball in the middle of the bed, cocooned in the sheet which had somehow remained on the bed while the blanket, comforter, and extra pillow had been shoved onto the floor. Rufus was beside the bed with his head resting over the edge, obviously distraught by the sounds Serena was making as well as his inability to protect his mistress from whatever demons were haunting her. Two big brown eyes rolled his way when Will approached the bed but he refused to give up his spot even after Will patted his head in an effort to assure the dog that Serena was okay.

He wanted to wake her up, to yank her out of the nightmare so it couldnt torture her for even one more second but was afraid that finding a man hovering over her would be more traumatic than what was happening to Serena in her dreams. Will eased himself down onto the edge of the bed and leaned over, crooning in a soft voice as he gently stroked the hand that was clutching at her pillow. Gradually, the death grip she had on the material began to loosen and after a few stilted breaths, she slowly opened her eyes.

It took Serena several minutes to realize the voices in her head were merely remnants of a nightmare and another couple of minutes before she was conscious of Wills fingertips lightly caressing the top of her hand. Strange that something so simple could chase away the fear gnawing at her insides but it was doing just that. As much as she wanted to lay here allowing him to comfort her, Serena knew he had classes early in the morning and needed his sleep.

Im fine now, she said, reluctantly slipping her hand from beneath his so she could sit up. Im sorry if I woke you.

I wasnt asleep yet but I wouldnt have minded anyway. Does this happen every night?

Notevery night, she shrugged.

But almost, right?

Ive gotten used to it, and Rufus usually tries to wake me up.

At the mention of his name, Rufus lifted his head and eyed her for a moment before curling up on the floor beside her bed.

Will reached out to wipe away a stray tear that was slowly making its way down the side of her cheek. Would it help to talk about it?

The kindness in his voice made a lump form in her throat. Thanks but I really dont think it would do any good.

Have you ever talked about them to anyone? I didnt think so, he said when she shook her head. Listen, Serena, I realize we hardly know each other but maybe thats what you need; someone to act as a sounding board so you dont have to hold it all inside.

Oh, how she longed to let it all out but how could she tell Will, of all people? Its very sweet of you to offer but its late and you need your sleep.

Will snorted. Believe me, Ive functioned quite well on much less sleep than Ill get tonight and thanks to the peace and quiet I got this evening, I packed in a lot of studying. SerenaI want to help.

Just knowing you want to help makes me feel better, she admitted with a shy smile.

It was amazing what one little smile from Serena could do to his heart. He remembered that same timid tilt to her lips whenever he passed her in the hallways at school and said hi. Will grimaced because he also remembered the twinge of guilt that always followed when his buddies ribbed him about having the hots for Serena Cross. Hed laugh along with them as if it was a joke to even consider the possibility hed find her attractive.

Why would I be interested in the kid when I could have McKinley anytime I wanted?

God, how many times had he countered their jibes with that comment? Not that it wasnt true, at least the part about having McKinley if hed wanted to. Serenas older sister had made it so blatantly obvious she was willing to hop in the sack with him that it actually turned him off and he made a point to avoid her whenever possible. It wasnt easy though. As a cheerleader, she was at most the football practices and all of the games, and somehow she always managed to be home on those occasions when he was hanging out with Anthony and Sawyer at their house.

Will reined his thoughts in and focused on what was important right now; Serena. We could take turns, he offered. Ill tell you one of my nightmares then you can tell me yours, and it can be as much or as little as you want.

Serenas eyebrows arched skeptically. You have nightmares?

Sure I do.

Seizing the opportunity to get Serena to open up, Will settled himself more comfortably on the bed, noting with a sense of triumph that she didnt seem to be intimidated by it. With his back resting against the headboard and his legs stretched out in front of him, he started with a recurring nightmare hed had as a young boy.

It always started out with me and Melinda Sue Rutledge

Melinda Rutledge? The girl who used to ask all the boys if they wanted French kissing lessons?

Yes, thats the one, he replied dryly. Thanks for reminding me shed offered her services to every boy in the eighth grade before getting to me, Id almost forgotten.

Im sorry, Serena giggled. I remember Anthony and Sawyer having this huge knockdown, drag out fight about which one of them had taken more lessons.

It seems to me there was quite a competition over who could kiss the most girls after that too, Will told her. But as I was saying before you so rudely reminded me I was the last boy on her kiss list, Melinda Sue is leading me down this ally and yammering on and on about how girls dont like boys who kiss like amateurs and that I should feel honored shes chosen me

Is this before or after you actually kissed her in real life?

Before. The reality wasnt nearly as good as the dream. Anyway, she starts dragging me into this dark woodshed but once were inside, someone flips on the light and I can see its not a shed at all but the school gymnasium. Every teacher Id ever had from kindergarten on up is sitting in the bleachers just staring at us and Im beginning to get a real bad feeling about it when Melinda Sue throws her arms around my neck and says, Oh, dont pay any attention to them, theyre just here to grade you. Its pass or fail time, Will Duncan. Thats usually when Id wake up, shivering from the cold sweats and hyperventilating.

A small giggle escaped from between Serenas lips, followed by another and then another until she was laughing so hard her sides hurt. She managed to pull herself together but it didnt last long. After admonishing her for laughing at him, Will informed her that the nightmare terrified him so bad he avoided Melinda Sue for weeks, which only made her pursue him even harder. When she finally did corner him, Will was so afraid theyd get caught by a teacher that he didnt wait for the lesson. Gripping Melinda Sue by the shoulders, he kissed her first, sticking his tongue halfway down her throat and twirling it around a few times before bolting out of there like a cat with its tail on fire. Apparently, Melinda Sue liked it, so much in fact that she went around telling everyone that Will Duncan was the best kisser in the entire school.

Serena couldnt help herself. So youre saying that your reputation as a fantastic kisser began with kiss-and-tell-Mel?

Laugh it up, Will attempted to sound hurt, but that nightmare had me so uptight it took almost two years before I could kiss a girl without checking to make sure no teachers were lurking around first.

Serena had to bite her lip to keep from laughing again. Im sorry. Im sure it was verytraumatic.

I still carry the scars, he replied in such a serious tone it set Serena off again.

Enough already! My ribs are so sore now it hurts to breath.

Im done anyway. Theres just so much a mans pride can take, you know. And now, Miss Cross, its your turn.

Serenas mood instantly sobered. Im afraid my nightmares dont have quite the entertainment value yours do.

Nevertheless, we had a deal.

I know. Im just not sure I can explain. There arent any imagesonly darkness and voices andmingled scents.

This is probably a stupid question, but does being blind effect seeing images in your dreams?

No, I can still see things, just not in this particular nightmare. I dont consciously rememberthat night, but I think maybe this nightmare is a memory.

Serena wavered, the decision to tell him or not to tell him ping-ponging back and forth in her mind for several minutes. Maybe it was because Will didnt try to rush her, or because he was so easy to talk to, but the timing felt right. Being here with him now felt right; just two friends opening up to each other, sharing secrets, sharing a part of themselves no one else knew. With a determined lift of her chin, Serena plunged in. Chapter 7:- Chapter 2, Part 4 Its cold and dark, but Im glad its dark because I dont want to see them and I dont she closed her eyes, squeezing the tears back, I dont want them to see me.

Will leaned forward and gave her hand a quick, reassuring squeeze. Take your time, Serena.

She opened her eyes and managed a thin smile. You were always so nice to me. Its good to know some things never change.

And you were always such a sweet girl. Im glad to see that hasnt changed either.

Sweet, she repeated with a bitter laugh. No, I havent been that sweet girl since I was fifteen years old when that pack of jackals took everything inside me that was sweet and innocent and crushed it. I spent three weeks in the hospital recuperating from the physical injuries and being subjected to medical and mental treatment because the doctors couldnt figure out what was causing my blindness. While I was lying there, struggling to survive and wondering if I even wanted to, the boys who did that to me went on with their lives as if nothing happened.

Will didnt say anything, but if shed been able to see his face, Serena would have known just how shaken he was by what shed told him. That familiar ache he always felt when he thought of what shed gone through that night was mingled with rage and guilt and an infuriating sense of helplessness. He didnt think about what he was doing or how she would react; he simply responded by wrapping his arm Serenas waist and pulling her back so that she was sitting alongside him. Tucked in the protective curve of his arm with her head resting on his shoulder, she let out a soft sigh before continuing in a subdued tone.

I can hear them laughing and making jokes while they try tohold me down. Their words are slurred because theyve been drinking and the smell of beer is so overpowering I start to gag. Im crying and trying to scream but something is covering my mouth, a hand maybe, and all I can think of is how mad McKinleys going to be when she finds out the dress I borrowed is ruined.

Im so sorry, Will managed to choke out.

She never said a word about the dress. Serena closed her eyes. It felt nice to be curled up next to Will, to feel so safe and warm. If only she could hold on to it, draw strength from it, she wouldnt have to be such a frightened little coward anymore.

Is that where the nightmare ends?

Sometimes. It usually ends when Im suddenly all alone in thatplace, but I dont really mind because the pain has stopped. Its pitch black, but I dont mind that either. I like it in the dark because I cant see their faces. As long as I stay in the dark, I never have to see the way other people look at me when they find out what Ive done.

What youve done? Will pulled her more firmly against his side. My God, is that what you think, that it was somehow your fault?

Wasnt it? Her voice grew hard, cold, accusatory. I knew all the kids from school partied at the caves so they could sneak off and make out. I knew there would be alcohol and that sometimes things got out of hand. I wore one of McKinleys dresses, put on make-up, and even curled my hair because I wanted the boys to notice me. I was tired of McKinley getting all the attention, and just once I wanted someone to look at me and think I was pretty.

Wills throat constricted and his eyes stung, the pain inside his chest so acute it took him a moment to push past it. Serenayou were always pretty; maybe not in the same flashy way as McKinley, but you were very pretty. At fifteen, its normal to want boys to see you as a young woman instead of a little girl.

Yes, but I

Serena, every female at that party probably spent hours picking out the right outfit and doing her hair and nails, and I can promise you most of them wore clothes that were a hell of a lot more revealing than what you had on. What Im trying to say is that it doesnt matter if you knew some of the kids would be drinking or that you dressed up so the boys would notice you. They had no right to violate you that way, and you damn well didnt ask for it or deserve what happened.

She considered what hed said but wasnt convinced he was right. You honestly think any of those boys would have given me a second glance if Id worn blue jeans and a tshirt like I normally did?

What I think is that they were a bunch of vultures who were just waiting for someone they knew was young and nave enough to go into that cave with them. How could you possibly know they were capable of doing something like that? You went to school with

them, passed them every day in the halls, and to you they werent strangers so there wasnt any reason not to trust them.

The guilt that shed steeped on her own shoulders over the years shifted as the truth of what hed said began to sink in, but she didnt want to analyze it right now. She didnt want to analyze the other questions swirling around in mind just yet either; like why the heaviness in her heart seemed a little lighter or why she hadnt felt the desperate need to physically separate herself from him when Will had drawn her up close his side. Serena wondered how her parents would feel if she told them Will had done more for her in past hour than all the brilliant therapists theyd sent her to.

I think you missed your calling, she finally said. You should have studied to be a psychiatrist.

Im not sure I would have been so astute seven years ago but I guess life has taught me a thing or two along the way.

Serena smiled. Like being a good listener and learning how to coax secrets out of people they havent shared with anyone else before?

Yep, Ive become quite an amazing man, he quipped.

Will had been jesting, but her response was sincere. Yes, you really are quite amazing.

Wills heart tripped, and the urge to kiss her was too overpowering at that moment for him to resist much longer. Id better get back to my room. Morning is going to come entirely too soon. Are you going to be okay if I leave you now?

There wont be any more bad dreams tonight.

On impulse, he pressed his lips to her forehead before slipping his arm out from under her and climbing off the bed. He leaned down and patted the dogs head then said good-

night to Serena and headed for the door. Turning to take one last look at her, Will was filled with a lightheaded giddiness to see a soft smile playing on her lips.

Dont forget to turn off the light, she said, then laughed because she was sure he was confused as to why a blind woman cared if the light was off or on. It bothers Rufus and hell flop around, deliberately making little grunting noises until I get up to turn it off.

Sure thing. Good-night, Serena.

Will? Thanks for being my sounding board.

No problem, thats what friends are for.

Oh, and Will? If it makes you feel any better, you werent at the end of Melinda Sues list of boys to kiss. I overheard Sawyer and Anthony joking about someone named Nathanial Torrance who never even got an invite to take lessons.

Thats just great, he snorted. I beat out Nate the nose picker. Thanks for the ego booster, friend.

Will could still hear Serenas muffled giggles half way up the stairs to the second floor. He paused for a few minutes at the top of the landing, letting the sound of it chase away his own doubts and fears. Hed finally broken through that cement barrier she protected herself with and gotten her to divulge something shed kept locked inside for God knows how many years. And she hadnt drawn away from him, physically or mentally, which was a major triumph all its own. Oh, Will wasnt kidding himself. He still had a long row to hoe, but it was a start. Now all he had to do was keep chipping away until the wall around her heart came tumbling down, and when it did

He stopped himself cold. There could be no future for them without facing the past first. It was going to be rough, and maybe in the end it would tear them apart instead of binding them to one another, but theyd both hidden from it long enough. Tonight hed caught a glimpse of the torment Serena suffered from every day of her life, and it was

only going to get worse before it got better, but theyd taken that first step together and it gave him hope.

I can do this, he murmured as he crawled into bed. He had to do this, and he wouldone day at a time. Chapter 7:- Chapter 2, Part 4 Its cold and dark, but Im glad its dark because I dont want to see them and I dont she closed her eyes, squeezing the tears back, I dont want them to see me.

Will leaned forward and gave her hand a quick, reassuring squeeze. Take your time, Serena.

She opened her eyes and managed a thin smile. You were always so nice to me. Its good to know some things never change.

And you were always such a sweet girl. Im glad to see that hasnt changed either.

Sweet, she repeated with a bitter laugh. No, I havent been that sweet girl since I was fifteen years old when that pack of jackals took everything inside me that was sweet and innocent and crushed it. I spent three weeks in the hospital recuperating from the physical injuries and being subjected to medical and mental treatment because the doctors couldnt figure out what was causing my blindness. While I was lying there, struggling to survive and wondering if I even wanted to, the boys who did that to me went on with their lives as if nothing happened.

Will didnt say anything, but if shed been able to see his face, Serena would have known just how shaken he was by what shed told him. That familiar ache he always felt when he thought of what shed gone through that night was mingled with rage and guilt and an infuriating sense of helplessness. He didnt think about what he was doing or how she would react; he simply responded by wrapping his arm Serenas waist and pulling her back so that she was sitting alongside him. Tucked in the protective curve of his arm with her head resting on his shoulder, she let out a soft sigh before continuing in a subdued tone.

I can hear them laughing and making jokes while they try tohold me down. Their words are slurred because theyve been drinking and the smell of beer is so overpowering I start to gag. Im crying and trying to scream but something is covering my mouth, a hand maybe, and all I can think of is how mad McKinleys going to be when she finds out the dress I borrowed is ruined.

Im so sorry, Will managed to choke out.

She never said a word about the dress. Serena closed her eyes. It felt nice to be curled up next to Will, to feel so safe and warm. If only she could hold on to it, draw strength from it, she wouldnt have to be such a frightened little coward anymore.

Is that where the nightmare ends?

Sometimes. It usually ends when Im suddenly all alone in thatplace, but I dont really mind because the pain has stopped. Its pitch black, but I dont mind that either. I like it in the dark because I cant see their faces. As long as I stay in the dark, I never have to see the way other people look at me when they find out what Ive done.

What youve done? Will pulled her more firmly against his side. My God, is that what you think, that it was somehow your fault?

Wasnt it? Her voice grew hard, cold, accusatory. I knew all the kids from school partied at the caves so they could sneak off and make out. I knew there would be alcohol and that sometimes things got out of hand. I wore one of McKinleys dresses, put on make-up, and even curled my hair because I wanted the boys to notice me. I was tired of McKinley getting all the attention, and just once I wanted someone to look at me and think I was pretty.

Wills throat constricted and his eyes stung, the pain inside his chest so acute it took him a moment to push past it. Serenayou were always pretty; maybe not in the same flashy way as McKinley, but you were very pretty. At fifteen, its normal to want boys to see you as a young woman instead of a little girl.

Yes, but I

Serena, every female at that party probably spent hours picking out the right outfit and doing her hair and nails, and I can promise you most of them wore clothes that were a hell of a lot more revealing than what you had on. What Im trying to say is that it doesnt matter if you knew some of the kids would be drinking or that you dressed up so the boys would notice you. They had no right to violate you that way, and you damn well didnt ask for it or deserve what happened.

She considered what hed said but wasnt convinced he was right. You honestly think any of those boys would have given me a second glance if Id worn blue jeans and a t shirt like I normally did?

What I think is that they were a bunch of vultures who were just waiting for someone they knew was young and nave enough to go into that cave with them. How could you possibly know they were capable of doing something like that? You went to school with them, passed them every day in the halls, and to you they werent strangers so there wasnt any reason not to trust them.

The guilt that shed steeped on her own shoulders over the years shifted as the truth of what hed said began to sink in, but she didnt want to analyze it right now. She didnt want to analyze the other questions swirling around in mind just yet either; like why the heaviness in her heart seemed a little lighter or why she hadnt felt the desperate need to physically separate herself from him when Will had drawn her up close his side. Serena wondered how her parents would feel if she told them Will had done more for her in past hour than all the brilliant therapists theyd sent her to.

I think you missed your calling, she finally said. You should have studied to be a psychiatrist.

Im not sure I would have been so astute seven years ago but I guess life has taught me a thing or two along the way.

Serena smiled. Like being a good listener and learning how to coax secrets out of people they havent shared with anyone else before?

Yep, Ive become quite an amazing man, he quipped.

Will had been jesting, but her response was sincere. Yes, you really are quite amazing.

Wills heart tripped, and the urge to kiss her was too overpowering at that moment for him to resist much longer. Id better get back to my room. Morning is going to come entirely too soon. Are you going to be okay if I leave you now?

There wont be any more bad dreams tonight.

On impulse, he pressed his lips to her forehead before slipping his arm out from under her and climbing off the bed. He leaned down and patted the dogs head then said goodnight to Serena and headed for the door. Turning to take one last look at her, Will was filled with a lightheaded giddiness to see a soft smile playing on her lips.

Dont forget to turn off the light, she said, then laughed because she was sure he was confused as to why a blind woman cared if the light was off or on. It bothers Rufus and hell flop around, deliberately making little grunting noises until I get up to turn it off.

Sure thing. Good-night, Serena.

Will? Thanks for being my sounding board.

No problem, thats what friends are for.

Oh, and Will? If it makes you feel any better, you werent at the end of Melinda Sues list of boys to kiss. I overheard Sawyer and Anthony joking about someone named Nathanial Torrance who never even got an invite to take lessons.

Thats just great, he snorted. I beat out Nate the nose picker. Thanks for the ego booster, friend.

Will could still hear Serenas muffled giggles half way up the stairs to the second floor. He paused for a few minutes at the top of the landing, letting the sound of it chase away his own doubts and fears. Hed finally broken through that cement barrier she protected herself with and gotten her to divulge something shed kept locked inside for God knows how many years. And she hadnt drawn away from him, physically or mentally, which was a major triumph all its own. Oh, Will wasnt kidding himself. He still had a long row to hoe, but it was a start. Now all he had to do was keep chipping away until the wall around her heart came tumbling down, and when it did

He stopped himself cold. There could be no future for them without facing the past first. It was going to be rough, and maybe in the end it would tear them apart instead of binding them to one another, but theyd both hidden from it long enough. Tonight hed caught a glimpse of the torment Serena suffered from every day of her life, and it was only going to get worse before it got better, but theyd taken that first step together and it gave him hope.

I can do this, he murmured as he crawled into bed. He had to do this, and he wouldone day at a time. Chapter 9:- Chapter 3, Part 2 Will noticed it right away. Whatever bond theyd shared the night before had vanished with the morning sun and it hit him like a physical blow because hed been so sure things would be different between them. Hed swallowed his pride for her, told her that embarrassing story about Melinda Sue because he knew it would make her laugh, and now Serena was behaving as if they were practically strangers.

Oh, she had been pleasant enough when she joined him in the kitchen for breakfast, but it seemed forced, guarded, as if shed drawn a boundary line in their relationship that shed forbidden herself to cross. Even Rufus seemed a little leery of him, which only reinforced his belief Serena was stressing about something. The dog was extremely sensitive to her moods and it hadnt taken Will long to realize he could pick up more about what Serena was feeling from Rufus than he could from her.

Im not much of a cook, he said as he cleared away his breakfast dishes, but if youre feeling brave, I think I could manage to grill a few steaks for dinner tonight.

Its very nice of you to offer but IuhIm meeting a friend for dinner so Im afraid youre on your own tonight.

Oh. Tomorrow then. Ill even stop at the store and get the makings for a salad.

Im sorry, Will, tomorrow is out too. I promised my parents Id have dinner with them. She rose from the table and carried her coffee cup and plate to the sink. Actually, Ill probably spend the day over there so youll have the house to yourself.

Will finished drying the cup hed used and put it in the cupboard then propped himself against the counter, studying the faint lines of tension on Serenas face. He wasnt fooled for a minute but if she wanted to pretend they hadnt shared something special last night there wasnt much he could do. Still, he couldnt let Serena retreat into that solitary place shed kept herself for the past seven years or theyd be back to square one. He waited until shed finished cleaning her dishes and had gone to stand by the backdoor while Rufus did his business before moving away from the counter to stand a few feet behind her.

So, whos your friend?

My friend?

The one youre going to dinner with tonight, Will reminded her.

Serenas shoulders visibly stiffened. Ohshe works at the school with me. I dont think you know her, she added hastily.

I might. I did grow up in this town, you know.

Shes not from around here and doesnt know very many people so I thought it would be nice to have a girls night out and make her feel welcome.

Thats very thoughtful of you. Which restaurant are you going to?

Wehavent really decided but I was thinking Mancinis or maybe Cordovas. Serena opened the back door and called for Rufus. Its about time, you silly dog, she said as Rufus brushed by her. Ive got to run or Ill be late.

She scurried past him before Will could ask any more questions, not that she would have given him a straight answer anyway. Hed bet his right arm she wasnt meeting anyone for dinner, and he was fairly certain her parents werent expecting her tomorrow either. Why was she fabricating stories instead of just saying she didnt want him interfering with her life? Or maybe in a roundabout way, thats the message she was trying to convey. It didnt really matter. Will had no intention of letting Serena push him out of her life.

True, she was making it more of a challenge but he hadnt expected it to be easy anyway. Whether she wanted to admit it or not, Serena wasnt afraid to be around him because she didnt trust him; she was afraid because she did trust him. All she needed was time and patience, and Will had plenty of both. Chapter 10:- Chapter 3, Part 3 He knows you were lying.

All day long, that thought kept rattling around inside her head and she felt worse each time it did. She should have owned up to the truth and told him she wasnt ready for the type of closeness theyd shared the night beforeexcept, a part of her didnt want to close the door on it either. Serena liked having someone to talk to, she just didnt like how vulnerable shed felt afterwards.


Okay, so she was a pathetic, spineless coward for lying to Will just so she could avoid spilling her guts to him again. And she was even more pathetic for spending a Friday

evening hiding out in the library when she could be home relaxing while Will made them both dinner. Serenas stomach made a little rumble of protest when she started thinking about the nice, juicy steak Will was probably grilling for himself right now. Her dinner was still in a paper bag on the table she was sitting at; half of a roast beef sandwich shed picked up at the deli a few blocks from the school. Shed stopped just outside the little sandwich shop and fed Rufus his half of the sandwich before theyd walked another two blocks to the library but she hadnt been hungry at the time so shed left her portion in the bag.

She supposed she should take it outside and eat it, if for no other reason than to keep her stomach from grumbling, but she couldnt seem to motivate herself to do it. Maybe she was punishing herself for not going home and having dinner with Will, not that she hadnt beaten herself up about it enough already. Serenas fingers found the button on her wrist watch and pressed it to make the glass covering spring open then lightly brushed one fingertip across the face. A small frown tipped the corners of her lips when she discovered it was only six-thirty, which meant shed have to stay here another two and a half hours until the library closed.

She snapped the cover back in place with a heavy sigh then tilted her head as a familiar scent slowly filled her senses; sandalwood aftershave mingled with the fresh scent of soap, the same kind that Will used. Serenas pulse spiked and for a few breathless moments she was caught up in a surge of happiness before she realized it couldnt possibly be him. If Will was going to a library it would be the medical library on campus, not the small public one she was at.

Disappointment sliced through her, along with a healthy dose of self-reproach. It was her own fault that she was sitting here alone when she could have been enjoying Wills company, and she had no one to blame but herself for the time shed have to spend at her parents house tomorrow either. After a few hours of being suffocated by her mothers constant pampering shed be ready to pull her hair out. How was she supposed to survive being there the whole day? At least when she lived there, she could escape to her bedroom but she wouldnt be able to do that now or shed hurt her mothers feelings.

On the floor beside her, Rufus let out a pitiful whimper. I know what you mean, she whispered, reaching down to stroke his head. Im not any happier about this than you are but Ive made my bed and now I have to lay in it. Sorry, buddy, I know you miss him too but Im afraid youre along for the ride whether you like it or not.

Rufus lifted his head and there was a succession of muffled thumps as his tail hit the carpeted floor. Serena slowly straightened up, unaware that she was holding her breath

until her lungs started to burn. There was only one person who could trigger that kind of tail wagging response in Rufus; the same person who sent her own emotions spiraling out of control.

Will? She heard the chair between her and Rufus being pulled back and couldnt quite contain her smile when he replied with a soft chuckle. What are you doing here?

Shouldnt I be the one asking that question? What happened, did your friend bail on you?

YesnoI mean Serena hesitated for a moment before blurting out the truth. I made it up, all of it. I didnt make plans to have dinner with a friendin fact, she doesnt even exist. I just said that because I didnt want to have dinner with youno, that came out all wrong

Wills hand closed over hers. Its okay. You dont have to explain anything. I thought about it after you left this morning and came to the conclusion you fabricated the whole story because you were confused about what happened last night. Listen Serena, I realize how difficult it is for you to open up, especially to a man, but trying to outrun your own emotions isn't the answer. Eventually they're going catch up with you.

Now you sound like Rose, she said with a groan.

You should listen to her; Rose is a very smart lady.

Dont you mean pushy and overbearing?

That too, he agreed. And now, Miss Cross, you have to make a very important decision.

Will, Ineed time, she started but he cut her off.

Ill give you two minutes. You can stay here and brown bag it like poor Rufus had to do, or you can come home with me and have a delicious steak dinner.

Steak sounds much more appealingwait a minute, her voice was suspicious, how did you know Rufus ate half my sandwich? Will Duncan, were you following me?

Of course not, he sounded genuinely offended. I just happen to be sitting outside the school when you left, and by sheer coincidence was driving this way.

Hmmmm, that was over two hours ago. What made you come back?

Well, Iuhdidnt exactly leave. You see, I dropped in to get a book on he glanced around at the rows of books, desperate for a plausible subject when Rufus nudge Wills leg with his nose. Golden Retrievers, he said with a note of triumph.

Really? You must have discovered quite a lot if you spent two hours browsing books about them.

Yes, it was pretty fascinating stuff. Did you know they originally came from Ireland

Scotland, you mean?

Ireland, Scotland, whatever. They have an instinctive love for water, which is why theyre such good hunting dogs, and theyre very intelligent. Oh, and they are extremely loyal to their owner.

Serena arched a brow. Sobased on what you read, Golden Retrievers are more of a one man, or woman, dog?

Definitely, he said with conviction.

And being so loyal to one person would also make them superb guard dogs then because theyd naturally be suspicious of strangers?

Yes, Im sure several of the books mentioned they make excellent guard dogs. He eyed Rufus who didnt seem the least bit concerned there were half a dozen people milling around the aisles. Or not, he mumbled under his breath.

Serena made a clicking noise with her tongue. You didnt even look at any of the books on Retrievers, did you? If you had, then youd know they make horrible guard dogs because theyre too trusting and gentle and are usually as amiable to strangers as they are to their owners.

Uh oh, busted. Okay, I admit I didnt browse the canine aisle but I did read the entire swimsuit edition of Sports Illustrated.

Serena bit back the laughter bubbling up inside her. I suppose I have to forgive you for the tall tale you just told since you caught me stretching the truth too.

Does that mean we can go home now? My stomach is so empty its starting to gnaw on its own lining.

She had to cover her mouth to keep from laughing that time, and was glad that Will grabbed up her brief case and ushered her out of the library before she embarrassed them both. Once they were outside, it couldnt be contained and burst from her lips like a volcanic eruption. All the way home, Will kept her going with amusing quips while she begged him to stop. It didnt even occur to her until shed climbed into bed that night that shed spent the entire evening in his presence without once feeling uncomfortable or worrying about letting something personal slip during their conversations. Maybe tomorrow shed feel differently, but tonight Serena was happy about the way things had turned out. Chapter 11:- Chapter 3, Part 4

Will leaned against the wooden railing of the deck admiring the view, which was beautiful, breathtakingand wholly female. Serena and Rufus where out on the lawn where theyd been playing tug of war with a rubber chicken for the past twenty minutes while he soaked up the vision of pale blonde hair shimmering in the late afternoon sun and a smile that warmed him from the inside out. Her light hearted laughter made the Serena hed moved in with a month and a half ago seem like a completely different woman than the one he saw rolling around on the grass.

In the two weeks since hed followed her to the library hed seen a lot of changes in Serena. For one thing, she didnt throw up a road block if their discussion happened to touch on her past anymore. Of course hed been careful to let her set the pace, and he never tried to steer the conversation in a direction she seemed hesitant to go, but he was content with that. He considered any progress a victory, including the laughter that seemed to come more easily with each passing day and the fact she didnt shy away from his touch like she used to.

Hey Will, are you still on the deck?

No, I went back inside, he called back.

Very funny, wise guy. Serena got to her feet and took hold of Rufus collar. We have a visitor. Could you get the door while I go wash up?

Are you sure? I didnt hear a car drive up.

I didnt hear it either, she said as Rufus led her towards the deck. Luckily, I have a vicious guard dog that alerts me when someone is here.

Now whos being a wise guy?

Will was still chuckling as he headed inside, but his good mood slipped a notch when he discovered who was at the door. McKinleythis is a surprise.

A pleasant one I hope, McKinley flashed a smile at him as she swept past him then did a well-practiced pivot so he could get the full effect of her shapely body. Its been a long time, but you havent changed much. Youre still as handsome as ever, she gushed.

Thanks, he mumbled, then realized she was waiting for him to return the compliment. You look good, McKinley. Serena had to go wash up but shell be out in a minute. He closed the door and nodded towards the living room. You can wait in there if you like.

Come and talk to me while I wait, she looped her arm through his, leaving him little choice but to go with her. Im sorry I didnt stop by sooner. As soon as I heard it was you that had rented out the top floor I wanted to race right over here and see you but Rose insisted I give you two a little time to adjust to being house mates before I paid a visit. McKinley stopped beside the sofa and somehow managed to snake her arms up around his neck before he realized what she was doing. Ive thought about you a lot, Will.


Im serious. Ive missed you and it was just killing me to have to wait so long to come and see you. She peered up at him from beneath her lashes, a sexy smile playing on her lips. I started thinking about the last time we kissed and how good it was, and I couldnt help wondering what would have happened if I hadnt been dating Rick Porter at the time. He was furious when he caught us together, remember?

What I remember is that Will stopped abruptly when he heard a soft gasp from the entranceway.

Disentangling himself from McKinleys arms, he turned just in time to see Serenas stricken face as she stumbled backwards then disappeared around the corner. Chapter 12:- Chapter 4, Part 1 Will turned on McKinley, not even trying to disguise the look of cold disdain on his face. Wait here, he ordered.

McKinley latched onto his arm, obviously bewildered by his behavior. Willplease dont be angry with me. Im sorry if I came on too strong; its just that Ive missed you so much and was hoping we could pick up where we left off.

This is where we left off, he ground out.

Will yanked his arm free, unaffected by the wounded expression that replaced the sultry one shed worn only moments ago. McKinley had more masks than an owner of a Halloween costume shop and hed seen enough of them to know they were as superficial as she was. There was no depth to the emotions displayed on her face, though he had to give her credit for perfecting her acting skills over the years.

He didnt know her well, but hed known enough women like her to understand that McKinley Cross didnt care about anyone but herself and had probably never felt a moment of remorse for anything shed ever done. And she never did anything unless it benefited her in some way. Suspicion prickled at the back of his neck. She all but admitted the reason shed come here was to see him, so what had she hoped to accomplish by trying to seduce him? Hell would freeze over before hed ever get McKinley to volunteer her true motives but if he pushed the right buttons, he might just get her worked up enough to lose her temper and let something slip.

Lets get something straight, his voice was deliberately harsh. I didnt care to be with you then and I certainly have no interest in being with you now. I thought you were a manipulative, cold-hearted snob back in high school and my opinion hasnt changed over the years. There were plenty of other reasons I avoided you whenever possible but I doubt youd want to hear them.

Is that so? Go ahead, Willenlighten me, her tone was acidic. Why didnt you chase after me when every boy in school would have committed murder for just one date?

The truth? You had all the morals of an alley cat in heat and thrived on pitting your current boyfriend against the lucky guy you chose to dump him for. You used people to get what you wanted then discarded them when you were through and didnt lose a wink of sleep over it. He leaned towards her, fanning the fiery temper she was visibly fighting to control. I didnt want any part of your games but that didnt stop you from trying to pull me into them, did it McKinley? Maybe youve conveniently forgotten who paid the price for that little show you staged for Rick Porter but I certainly havent.

McKinleys eyes narrowed into venomous slits. I didnt plan that and I resent the implication that I am somehow responsible for what happened afterwards.

Oh, you planned it all right, just like you planned that little speech about us kissing then waited until you were sure Serena was close enough to overhear you.

McKinley was guilty as sin, hed bet a whole semesters tuition on it, but she had more tricks up her sleeve than Houdini and he could almost hear the wheels turning inside her head as she carefully calculated which one would work on him. It was impressive really, the way her indignant demeanor slowly morphed into the crestfallen expression of a falsely accused innocent. There was just the slightest hint of a quiver in her chin and she even managed to muster enough moisture in her eyes to make it seem as if she was on the verge of crying.

Im sorry you feel that way, Will, her voice wobbled. I can see now that it was a mistake coming here tonight.

Will arched a skeptical brow. Why did you come here, and dont try to convince me it was because you missed me when we havent even seen each other more than a hand full of times since graduation.

She seemed to weigh her answer before replying. Rose said you and Serena were really getting along and that shes seen a huge improvement in my sister since you moved in. She thinks youre good for Serena, but I disagree. Maybe she seems better now, but its only a matter of time before having you around begins to stir up old memories and sends her world crashing down around her again.

I wont let that happen, Will said with fierce determination.

You wont be able to prevent it. Serenashe isnt as strong as we are. Remembering what really happened that night will break her and I wont let you do that to her.

Will laughed, but there was no humor in it. You dont have any say in this, McKinley.

Well see about that. She tried to brush past him but Will gripped her arm and whirled her back around to face him. Whats the matter, she smiled up at him, are you afraid Ill tell Serena things you dont want her to know and break up the happy little set up you have here?

Will saw it then, it was in her eyes and the cruel smile that twisted her lips. With sudden clarity he knew why McKinley was here and it had nothing to do with trying to protect Serena. She hated it that he had shown no interest in her back in high school, hated that he hadnt tried to get into her pants when she had done everything she could to make him want her. It still stuck in her craw that she didnt turn him on and it was even worse now that hed made it perfectly clear he saw McKinley for she was; a conniving, vindictive little bitch.

If McKinley couldnt have him, she was going to do her damnedest to make sure Serena wouldnt want anything to do with him, even if that meant hurting her in the process. His gaze raked over McKinleys deceptively beautiful features, seeing only the ugliness that was hidden beneath her unblemished skin; from the spiteful glint in her eyes to the heartless smile she wore. She was cold and ruthless, and he despised her for making him feel helpless to protect Serena from whatever devious scheme she was cooking up. Regardless of his personal feelings, he couldnt afford to lose his temper and let her get the upper hand, at least not before he rattled her cage a little bit.

You disappoint me, McKinley, Will said with a mocking shake of his head. I expected something a little more creative than using your sister to get at me but then again, maybe you saw this as your chance to kill two birds with one stone.

I have no idea what youre talking about.

Oh, I think you do. And if its that important to get even because I didnt throw myself at your feet and declare my undying devotion to you after one brief, insignificant kiss seven years ago, then by all means give it your best shot. Im a big boy, I can handle whatever you dish out. But trying to rob Serena of the happiness shes found after everything shes gone through all for the sake of your own petty jealousy is

Petty jealousy, she shrieked. What do I have to be jealous about, a blind sister who practically goes into convulsions whenever a man comes anywhere near her? Im not jealous of any woman, least of all her.

Keep telling yourself that, McKinley. You may even convince yourself of it one day but you dont fool me. Youre jealous because she stole your spotlight. The whole world revolved around you until Serena was attacked and suddenly everyones attention was focused on her. Your parents and brothers devoted all their time to taking care of her and making sure she got everything she needed while poor, spoiled McKinley got shuffled to the background.

Thats not true, she hissed.

Deny it all you want, but your actions tonight just prove what Im saying. It was bad enough that your family lost interest in the drama you created but the kids at school and even the teachers didnt want to hear about your wild antics anymore, they were more concerned about Serena. But the real kick in the teeth was finding out Id moved in with her because somewhere in that warped little mind of yours, you believe shes taken something else that should have been yours.

McKinley was fuming, her cheeks a brilliant shade of scarlet that matched the blood red lipstick she wore. You think youre so clever, dont you? Did you honestly think you could goad me into losing my temper and admitting to that pile of crap you just unloaded? What were you hoping to hear, Will; that I was crushed when I lost my status as the most popular girl in school and became known as Serenas sister? Or did you think Id pull a boo hoo about how Id suddenly ceased to exist and resented her for getting all the attention?

Isnt that how it was, McKinley?

No, that is not how it was, she said so vehemently it almost rang true. Almost.

You really expect me to believe that after the stunt you just pulled?

I dont give a rats ass what you believe. If it makes you happy to think I have ulterior motives in coming here, theres not much I can do to persuade you otherwise. Quite frankly, I think youre attacking me to detract from your own selfish motives for being here.

Will didnt have a clue where she was going with this and might have been curious enough to see what crazy logic she applied to that statement if he wasnt growing so anxious about checking on Serena. Hed known all along that McKinleys heart was frigid, he just hadnt realized it had reached subarctic temperatures until now.

Well have to finish this conversation later, he told her. Im going to check on Serena. If you plan on sticking around I suggest you put on your concerned sister act because I wont have you upsetting her any more than you already have.

Make my excuses, Im leaving. She got as far as the entranceway before turning back to Will. Just so we understand each other, this isnt over, not by a long shot. I want you out of Serenas life and Ill do whatever it takes to make sure that happens.

Will didnt bother to respond. Hed deal with McKinley later when he was capable of behaving rationally instead of lashing out at her, which is what he felt like doing at that moment. When she realized he wasnt going to take the bait shed tossed out, McKinley thumbed her nose up at him then made a production of stomping down the hallway and slamming the front door behind her. Only after he heard the roar of her engine and was sure she was gone did he head for Serenas bedroom. Chapter 13:- Chapter 4, Part 2 Serena fought the nausea that was still threatening to bring her dinner back up. It was childish to let what shed overheard upset her so much, especially since McKinley had been talking about something that happened years ago. Shed overreacted, but it wasnt only the shock of discovering Will and McKinley had been an item back in high school that stabbed at her heart, it was the sinking feeling they had been on the verge of reviving their relationship when shed interrupted them. She didnt have to see them to know they were standing within inches of each other; their voices had come from almost exactly the same position, and McKinleys silky tone was far too intimate to assume anything else.

She couldnt really blame Will for wanting to be with a whole woman, but why did it have to be McKinley? And why did they have to carry on like that when they both had to have known she could walk in any moment? Unlessunless Will had wanted her to overhear them. Was it possible hed guessed the depth of her feelings for him? Had she

misread the interest hed taken in her life, mistaking the close relationship theyd developed as something more than what it was? The irony of it hit her like a ton of bricks; the first man shed trusted enough to open her heart to had just soundly slammed the door on it.

Will must have seen this as his opportunity to let her know he didnt want anything beyond friendship without having to come right out and say it. As much as it hurt to acknowledge, Will hadnt refrained from kissing her because he was patiently waiting until she was ready, he hadnt kissed her because he didnt want to. The cold, hard truth was that he chose to be with McKinley, a woman he could barely tolerate in high school and hadnt seen in years rather than being with someone he actually had things in common with. She didnt have to ask herself why; McKinley made it blatantly obvious she could offer him things Serena wasnt capable of at this point in her life.

Something deep inside her began to wither. Like a plant starving for sunlight, shed reached out to its warmth and brilliance only to discover that in getting too close shed been burnt by the very thing she had trusted to bring her back to life. Will had given her hope, made her believe it was possible to overcome the fears and doubts so that one day shed be able to put it all behind her and learn to love. Now she was beginning to understand shed pinned too much on him, relied too heavily on Will to show her the things she was missing out on.

Serenas shoulders slumped. Shed let herself down and in the process she had let him down too. By consuming so much of his time she had robbed him of the opportunity to find companionship with other women, and because of that Will had been defenseless against the onslaught of sexuality McKinley had thrown at him. The noble side of her wanted to hold them both blameless, but there was a selfish side that wouldnt be silenced and it screamed that Will belonged to her, that in time she could have made him happy. But shed blown that, hadnt she? Stupid, nave, scared little Serena had let the one man who made her feel whole again slip right through her fingers.

Blinking back the sting of tears, Serena crossed the room to the sliding glass windows and stepped out onto the small deck. Bracing her hands on the banister, she tilted her head back and let the night air fill her lungs. She was not going to cry. Shed let the fantasy of falling in love with Will and having those feeling returned override reality and it had come back to slap her in the face, but he was in for a rude awakening too if he thought McKinley was capable of loving him. How many times had she heard that same syrupy sweetness in her sisters voice when shed introduced Serena to her latest fling?

Sex. Thats all McKinley thought of; seducing a new man into her bed when shed grown bored with the last one, and how lavishly they would pay for the privilege of being there. Serena had never really concerned herself with McKinleys loose lifestyle before now, but it made her sick to her stomach to think of Will being used that way. McKinley would string him along for awhile but once she discovered he didnt have any money, she would move onto her next victim and leave him totally devastated by it.

Why should I care? She mumbled to herself.

If Will was foolish enough to become entangled in the web McKinley was spinning for him then he deserved what he got. Except he wasnt a fool and Serena knew it. Which meant he was only in it for the physical gratification too. Anger and resentment rose hard and sharp, the bitter taste of it hardening her resolve not to cry over a man who chose lust over love. My God, were all men like that? Were they all so easily distracted by the prospect of having sex with a woman like McKinley that they couldnt see what they were throwing away?

A harsh sob tore from her throat. Will wasnt throwing away anything. What was she compared to McKinley or any other woman for that matter? She was damaged goods in both mind and body, someone to be pitied or fretted over like a wounded animal that had been abandoned on the roadside. She hated herself for feeling this way, and she hated McKinley and Will for the raw pain that sliced through her whenever she thought of the two of them together. But she wouldnt cry and she would never let either of them know how much theyd hurt her. Chapter 15:- Chapter 4, Part 3 Will tapped on Serenas bedroom door, more than a little shocked by the upbeat lilt to her voice when she called out for him to come in. At best, hed hoped to find her withdrawn but approachable; at worst, he was afraid shed be in tears and unwilling to discuss it. What he hadnt expected was the bright smile and calm exterior she greeted him with. It was unnerving and concerned him more than if hed found her crying or even hostile towards him.

If youve come to let me know you and McKinley are going out, you shouldnt have bothered, Serena said as she came back inside and stood at the foot of her bed. I figured you two would want some time alone to catch up, thats why I left so quickly.


It never even occurred to me how selfish it was to monopolize all your time until McKinley showed up and I realized I was keeping you from going out and enjoying yourself instead of being cooped up here with me.

I like being here with you

And Im glad about that, but Id hate to think our friendship is interfering with your love life.

Wills frown deepened. What love life? I dont have one, and I dont

I know you dont have one, thats what Im trying to tell you. Will, I understand a mans need for female companionship and Im not going to be upset if you want to start dating McKinley. Shes a beautiful, desirable woman, and from what I overheard there was amutual interest in renewing your relationship.

If he didnt think it would do more harm than good, Will would have taken her by the shoulders and tried to shake some sense into her. Like hell she understood a mans need for female companionship! She was running scared, and attempting to pawn him off on McKinley was a defense mechanism, plain and simple. Hearing that hed kissed her sister had no doubt come as a shock and this was Serenas way of dealing with it, but he didnt believe her magnanimous gesture was any more sincere than McKinleys denial that she was jealous.

There is nothing to renew, he replied as patiently as he could. Your sister has a vivid imagination and shes made a lot more out of what happened between us than there really was. Im sorry I never told you before, but now that you know I think I need to explain a few things.

Dont be silly, she waved a dismissive hand in the air. You dont need to explain anything. I think I would have been more surprised to find out that you hadnt kissed McKinley considering how determined she was to snag you back then. Im happy you have someone you can go out and fun with. Besides getting you out of the house, it will give me time to catch up on some things Ive been neglecting since you moved in.

Will had to applaud her effort, but she wasnt nearly the accomplished liar McKinley was. What things would that be?

Whatoh, just some new history lessons Ive been meaning to work up.

I see. So youd really be okay with being left here alone while I go out on dates.

Of course, why wouldnt I be?

She was still smiling at him and her tone was downright cheerful but if she was so thrilled with him dating other women, Rufus wouldnt be eyeing her with that same soulful look hed had the night Will came to her room when shed been having a nightmare. He wished he could put his arms around her and confess his own feelings but didnt think this was the right time for it. With no other options left to him, Will played the one card he felt certain would prod Serena out of the protective shell she was hiding behind.

Just so were clear hereit wont bother you if I go out with McKinley?

Serenas plastic smile faltered for just a fraction of a second. Not at all. You deserve to have some fun after working so hard on your studies. Go onyou dont want to keep her waiting, do you?

Nono, I wouldnt want to do that.

Will bit back the disappointment that rolled through him when she made no attempt to stop him from leaving. Maybe hed been wrong to sit back and wait for Serena to realize what she felt for him was more than friendship. Maybe what she needed was to be nudged into acknowledging she didnt want him dating McKinley or anyone else. The performance he just witnessed was practically flawless, and if it wasnt for Rufus and his own gut instincts, he might have conceded that she didnt reciprocate his feelings. But Will wasnt buying it and he was not giving up without a fight.

He left the house and started walking with no particular destination in mind. There was a lot to think about, a million different avenues he could take but none of them with big flashing neon signs that said, This Way. Should he let her think he was dating someone else and hope shed be jealous enough to admit she was falling in love with him, or would it just reaffirm her belief that she wasnt worth loving? No, Rose had warned him Serenas self-esteem was practically non-existent, and playing mind games wasnt going to do anything but complicate matters and make her feel even worse about herself.

What then? Tell her the truth? Shed probably order him out of her life before he got more than two sentences into it. Of course he would have to make a full confession sometime, but not until he was sure shed listen to the whole thing first. So how did he reach her? How could he get past that concrete wall around her heart if she rebuilt it as quickly as he tore it down? It was frustrating as hell and for the life of him, Will couldnt figure out a way to get through to her. He hated to admit defeat but what he needed was a womans perspective.

Will crossed the street and headed east, picking up the pace the closer he got to her house. Now that hed made the decision to ask for help, he was anxious to get there and soak up whatever words of wisdom she could offer. Twenty minutes later he was standing on her porch with his he finger hovering over the buzzer when the door swung open.

Will? McKinley pushed the screen door open, a broad smile on her face. I knew you would feel bad about our little row, but I never dreamed youd want to kiss and make up so soon.

Caught off guard, it took Will a minute to assimilate the fact that not only was McKinley here, but that shed slipped back into the role of sex kitten and was about two seconds away from plastering herself against him. He stepped backwards just as she reached for him and was immensely glad hed done so when Rose appeared in the doorway behind her. His relief was short lived. Undaunted by his evasive maneuver and with a live audience to perform for, McKinley swiftly closed the distance between them and slipped her arms around his waist.

What did I tell you, she said to Rose, though she was gazing up at him with feigned adoration. Weve barely been apart for an hour and already Will has managed to track me down.

So I see. Rose greeted him with a warm smile. Its nice to see you again, Will. McKinley was just telling me how shed run into you while visiting Serena and that the two of you really hit it off.

McKinleys eyes dared him to deny it. Instant fireworks, wouldnt you say?

Something like that, he muttered. Sparks had certainly been flying, just not the type she was eluding to.

Shall I leave you two love birds alone or are you coming inside? Rose was holding the screen door open, apparently oblivious to his lack of enthusiasm at having her niece suctioned to him like a limpet.

Will started to deny there was anything going on between him and McKinley when it struck him that Roses casual acceptance of their supposedly budding romance seemed extremely odd. His gaze briefly met hers before McKinleys clinging vine routine demanded his attention, but it was enough to discern the almost imperceptible shake of Roses head and the undeniable amusement in her eyes. Unbelievable; the woman was actually enjoying this!

I have some things to discuss with Rose, he said, gently but firmly prying McKinleys arms from around his waist.

McKinley looked genuinely surprised. With Rose? You mean you didnt come here looking for me?

Well, I From behind her, the shaking of Roses head became more pronounced. I knew shed have your number, he finished lamely, but I have other things to discuss with her as well.

Ill wait for you then, McKinley replied with a tight smile.

Oh dear, Rose jumped in. This is about the repairs to the roof, isnt it? The sympathetic look she turned on McKinley was almost as impressive as the story she wove to explain why he was there. Im sorry to hone in on your time with Will but I completely forgot I asked him to stop by and help me go over the estimates I received for the roof. It was damaged during that last storm and it seems squirrels have found their way into the attic. You know how sensitive Serenas hearing is; the sound of them scurrying around up there is disturbing her sleep and I promised Id get the repairs done right away.

The hole needs to be fixed before they cause any more damage, Will added when McKinley didnt look convinced.

I really am sorry, Rose apologized, but Im going to be out of town for a few days, and with Wills studies keeping him so busy, this is the only time well have to get it done. If its not too late when we finish, maybe you two can get together afterwards?

Will could have throttled her for making the suggestion but it did seem to appease McKinley. He wasnt sure why Rose was trying to keep him from saying anything that would dispel the illusion he was interested in McKinley but trusted she had a good reason. With both of them staring at him expectantly, Will had no choice but to play along. Forcing a smile wasnt nearly as difficult as sounding sincere when he told McKinley he wanted to call her when he was done. He even handed over his cell phone so she could enter her phone number, though he was careful not to volunteer his own number.

All right, she reluctantly agreed, but Im holding you to your promise. Dont keep him too long, Aunt Rose. Will and I didnt get to finish our conversation earlier and we left some things hanging in the air that hes obviously as anxious to clear up as I am.

Will groaned inwardly. He was getting in deeper and deeper with each passing minute, and right now the only thing he was anxious to do was get rid of McKinley so he could find out what shed said to her aunt to make Rose act so peculiar. He was even more perplexed by Roses insistence that he walk McKinley to her car but he was also thoroughly annoyed by it; a feeling that was exacerbated when McKinley slipped her hand into his as they headed down the walkway.

Im glad you changed your mind about us, she said when they got to her car. And theres no need to apologize for the awful things you said to me; the fact that you were going to ask Rose how to reach me is proof you felt bad about it.


Honestly, its okay. I forgave you the moment I opened the door and saw you standing there. Look, Will, I know you feel sorry for Serena and want to help her get over what happened. I pity the poor thing too, and if there was anything I could do to make it all go away, I would. But denying the attraction you and I feel for each other isnt going to do anything but cause us both to resent her.

Wills brows drew together. You think I moved in with Serena because I feel sorry for her?

Dont misunderstand me; I dont think any less of you for it. We all feel sorry for her, and its incredibly noble of you to put your own life on hold for her sake but she needs to realize that the people around her arent going to avoid getting into a relationship just because shes terrified to take that step herself.

The woman was certifiably nuts if thats what she truly believed, but Will had a sneaking suspicion there was a lot more going on in her head than the delusion he was secretly carrying a torch for her. Oh, he had no doubt McKinley thought he wanted to sleep with her because shed probably never met a man who didnt lust after her sexy little body. He thought it entirely possible it was beyond her realm of comprehension that any male could resist once she targeted him with her seductive charms, but Will had been immune to her even when his teenage hormones were running rampant. He had no desire to be with her then and was even more repulsed now by the idea of going to bed with a woman who had more partners by the time she was seventeen than hed had in his entire life.

We can talk about this later, he told her. I dont want to keep Rose waiting and its a good thirty minute walk back to the house so Id better get to it or it will be too late to call you.

You walked here?

I needed some time to think, he shrugged.

About us?

It was all he could do to keep the grimace off his face. You do have a way of invading a mans thoughts, Will answered truthfully.

Im happy to hear that. I guess I should let you go she let her voice trail off as she leaned into him, clearly expecting a kiss good-bye.

His intention of leaving one small, chaste kiss on her cheek was quickly overthrown when McKinley locked her arms around his neck just as he lowered his head. He supposed the slow, seductive kiss she laid on him was meant to drive out every thought in his head, and in a way she was nearly successful but for one small memory that kept dancing around and around. For some insane reason, he couldnt stop thinking about the laughter in Serenas voice when shed said, So youre saying that your reputation as a fantastic kisser began with kiss-and-tell-Mel?

Always leave them smiling and wanting more, McKinley laughed as she pulled away from him and got into her car.

It wasnt until after she had driven away that he realized he was standing there with a silly grin pasted on his face. He could only imagine how furious she would have been to learn it was the thought of Serena evoking the love-sick expression he was sporting and not McKinleys amorous kiss. Turning back towards the house, Wills mood instantly shifted when he saw Rose cross her arms and skewer him with a reproachful stare. Oh, hell no, he was not going to let her subject him to a lecture about kissing McKinley after the way shed offered him up as a sacrifice.

We need to talk, Rose said with a definite edge to her voice.

Damn right we do, he shot back, ignoring the look of astonishment on her face as he strode past her and went inside. Chapter 16:- Chapter 5, Part 1 Rose had the good sense to look contrite after Will finally stopped ranting. All right, maybe I did take it a little too far by urging you to walk McKinley to her car

Maybe? Rose, she was all over me on the porch. Did you honestly think she was going to be satisfied with a handshake once she got me alone?

Im sorry, but I had to do something before she questioned why I needed your help choosing a roofer. She may be rotten to the core, but that niece of mine is sharp and I couldnt take the chance shed figure out there is more going on here than meets the eye.

So you throw me under the bus?

I didnt exactly throw you under the bus, she said, plucking a piece of imaginary lint off the sofa cushion. I figured youd volunteer to crawl under there yourself after I told you what McKinley said about yourmutual attraction to each other.

Which you knew was a lie the moment the words left her mouth, Will said with an accusatory glare. He had been pacing back and forth ever since shed joined him in the living room, but it only seemed to increase his level of anxiety so he sat down in the easy chair beside the sofa. Im sorry for getting so worked up. We need to pull together on this and come up with a course of action before McKinley destroys everything.

I agree, but until we know what shes up to Im not sure what we can do to stop her.

I think I can shed a little light on that one. She doesnt like it that I live with Serena. She said my being there would stir up memories and cause Serena to have a break down.

Do you believe she doesnt want you there because shes concerned about Serena?

Do you?

No, of course not. McKinley loves Serena in her own way but she would never put her sisters needsor desires above her own. I knew she was up to something when she came here tonight and tried to convince me that you were irresistibly drawn to each other but I didnt dare let on I knew she was making the whole thing up.

Any idea why shes trying to drive a wedge between me and Serena or why shed high tail it over here to involve you in her fairy tales?

Isnt it obvious? She wants you, Will, and shes going to get you by hook or by crook.

Will shook his head. No, it runs deeper than that, Im sure of it. She deliberately waited until Serena was there to bring up the night her boyfriend caught us kissing, and I think she did it to test the watersto see how close Serena and I had gotten.

Why would that matter? If she doesnt want you for herself, why would she care if there was anything between you and Serena?

Im not sure, but she seemed overly concerned about Serena remembering what happened the night she was attacked.

The color drained from Roses face. You dont think McKinley had anything to do with that, do you?

I dont see how she could but I cant think of any other reason why she wouldnt want Serena to remember. Assuming McKinley has something to hide about that night, it would explain why she tried to destroy Serenas trust in me.

It would explain why she came here too, Rose nodded thoughtfully. She knows how close Serena and I have always been; naturally, shed presume if Serena was going to confide in anyone, it would be me.

So McKinley was trying to get a rise out of you by saying I was dying to jump in the sack with her. If you had acted the least bit upset, it would have proved you either knew there was more than just a friendship between Serena and me or that you hoped there was. Smart move on your part to act like you believed McKinleys story, even if you did go overboard by suggesting we get together when Im done here.

It was your penance for almost blowing it when you unlatched her tentacles and made sure there was a good two feet of space between you, Rose admonished. At any rate, I think I managed to throw her off the trail but you were the one who cinched it by kissing her.

I did not kiss her, Will replied stiffly, she kissed me.

Rose arched a brow. You didnt seem too put off by it. As a matter of fact, you looked as if you enjoyed it.

Because I was thinking of Serena.

Roses face lit up. Are you telling me youve actually kissed Serena?

No, so dont go breaking out the champagne.

What are you waiting for?

Will hoped he didnt sound as miserable as he felt. Ive been asking myself that same question for quite some time now, Rose, and I still dont know the answer. Chapter 17:- Chapter 5, Part 2

It was not the end of the world, Serena told herself, even though it felt as if it was. Will and McKinley had left hours ago and every minute hed been gone was more agonizing than the last. She had visions of them dining together; imagined them laughing and flirting their way through the meal then going back to McKinleys house where they would fall into each others arms, unable to resist the attraction that had grown stronger throughout the evening. Her stomach twisted into knots when she thought of them kissing, but she refused to let her mind torture her with what had undoubtedly followed.

God, what a coward she was; pushing Will away because she was afraid of the feelings he stirred inside of her. Shed heard the disappointment in his voice when she told him to go with McKinley, yet she had let him leave anyway. Even worse, shed made him believe she wanted him to pursue a relationship with her sister. Given the choice between a frigid blind woman and a sexually uninhibited bomb shell, what had she expected him to do? What would any man do under the same circumstances?

Serena let out an unhappy sigh as she climbed into bed. Somehow she had to find a way to conquer the past, only then would she be free to offer Will the love she so desperately wanted to give him. Or was it already too late? If he didnt come home tonight, she would know the answer. If he didnt come home tonightSerena buried her face in her pillow in a futile attempt to drown out her own thoughts. The last thing she remembered before exhaustion overtook her was the soft whimper from Rufus as he flopped his head over the side of the mattress.


Hold her down, shes getting a little squirrely.

Maybe she needs a drink to help loosen her up a bit. Hey, someone pass me a beer, will ya?

Oh God, oh God, oh God, what were they doing to her? She opened her mouth to scream but the only noise that came out was a gurgling sound as something cold and bitter was poured down her throat. Drowning. She was drowning! Coughing and sputtering, she jerked her head to the side, unaware that her dress had been pushed up to her waist until she was shocked by the feel of bare skin against her exposed flesh.

Come on guys, help me out here. Hold her arms and legs so I can get her damn panties off.

Shes fighting awful hard, Randy, maybe we shouldnt

Of course shes fighting, its part of the game. Her sister does the same the thing; fights like a wild cat then purrs the moment you stick it to her. We all know what a slut McKinley is, and little sister here learned from the best. Now shut up and hold her down while I

Pain speared through her; sharp, stabbing, excruciating pain that grew more intense with each wild thrust of his hips. Why was he doing this to her? It hurt. Oh God, it hurt, it hurt, it hurt.

Thats it baby, were almostthere

The air was forced from her lungs when he fell over her, panting and groaning and reeking of beer. He rolled away from her and there was a moment of relief as the throbbing pain began to ease and she was able to drag in much needed oxygen. Then to her horror another boy took his place, shoving into her so hard she felt her muscles tear and the heat of her own blood, his grunts drowning out the sound of her strangled sobs. She squeezed her eyes shut to block out the sight of his contorted features and the faces of the others who hovered over her, egging him. The sound of her heartbeat thundered in ears but she could still hear them laughing, taunting, hooping as yet another of them took his turn.

Whoever lasts the longest gets to take her to the prom, one of them shouted above the din.

She sank into the darkness, let it envelope her, let it erase the memory of their faces and the terrible things they were doing to her. When it was finally over and they let go of her arms and legs, she didnt move for fear it would draw their attention and theyd hurt her again. For several minutes there was nothing but the sound of scuffling feet as they collected their beer cans and a few hushed remarks about removing evidence, then one of them leaned over her and croaked out that he thought she was dead. Maybe she was. She hoped she was.

Shes not dead, you moron, she just passed out from the euphoria of being nailed by half the defensive line.

Yeah, right. So who won the honor of taking her to the prom?

That would be me, someone replied as he nudged her with his foot, but I sure as hell aint taking this little whore.

Drunken laughter followed but she still didnt move or make a sound, not even when the one leaning over her gently brushed the tangled hair from her face and whispered in her ear that he was sorry. She lay there long after theyd gone, too numb to feel anything but a heavy sadness for what theyd taken from her. How could she face her parents, her brothers, McKinley, her friends? And Willhow could she bear to look into those dark eyes and see the loathing and condemnation for what had happened? She couldnt do it. No, her only option was to stay where she was, in the blessed darkness where no one could see her and she couldnt see them. The darkness would protect her. Chapter 18:- Chapter 5, Part 3 Hed barely reached the end of the block when his cell phone went off. Will absently pulled it from his shirt pocket, groaning out loud when he checked the caller I.D. and saw it was McKinley. How the hell had she gotten his number? He glanced back at Roses house but quickly dismissed the idea that Rose would have given it to her. Well, there was one sure fire way of finding out, and that was to come right out and ask her.

McKinley, how

I know I was supposed to wait for you to call but it suddenly occurred to me that you might need a ride home.

Good God, thats all needed; McKinley giving him a lift home then inviting herself in. Thanks but Im actually only a few blocks from the house. I was going to call you in a few minutes but you beat me to the punch. I must be losing my mind, he forced a soft laugh, I dont even remember giving you my number.

You didnt exactly give it to me, she confessed. When Iuhwas plugging my number into your cell phone, I dialed my own phone so my caller I.D. would pick it up. You arent mad at me, are you?

Biting back the truth, he replied, Not at all. Listen, McKinley, I didnt expect to stay so long at Roses and Ive got a lot of studying to plow through tonight so well have to get together another time.


Will fought to keep the irritation out of his voice. I dont know. Soon.

Soon? What kind of answer is that?

Her tone was sharp, waspish, and if he wasnt so sure Rose would wring his neck for doing it, he would have disconnected the call and turned the phone off without bothering to answer the question. But of course he couldnt do that, not when McKinleys claws were already drawn and he had no way of knowing if it was him or Serena that would feel the sting of her wrath. No, better to smooth her ruffled feathers and play it safe for now.

Sorry for sounding so abrupt. Its been a long day and I still have an exam to study for so I probably wont have any free time until Saturday.

Great, its a date then. Ill even make you dinner so we can just relax afterwards andsee where it leads

Will stopped walking; his mind seemed to have stopped too because he couldnt process what was happening fast enough to think his way out of it before McKinley had rattled off her address and told him to be there at seven. He shoved the phone back in his pocket and picked up the pace, mumbling under his breath all the way home. His tolerance for pain was high but he did have his limits and there was absolutely no way he was going to spend the evening alone with McKinley. Besides, there was someone else he had to

consider, to protect. Serena would be hurt if she ever found outcorrection, when she found out; McKinley would make sure of that.

Trudging up the stairs to his room, Will had the uneasy feeling the fallout from calling off the date with McKinley could be an even more disastrous than keeping it. How had everything gone downhill so fast? Was his relationship with Serena really so precarious it could be shattered by McKinleys lies and schemes? The unhappy answer to that was yes. Unless

Will paused at the top of the landing. What if he told Serena what he and Rose suspected her sister was up to? She might have her doubts about trusting him, but with Rose backing him up shed have to at least consider the possibility McKinley was deliberately setting him up for a fall. Serena had never come right out and said anything bad about McKinley but he had detected a note of disapproval in her voice on those rare occasions when hed gotten her to talk about her childhood. Maybe she was hesitant to draw attention to McKinleys faults but she certainly wasnt oblivious to them which meant he might just have a shot at beating McKinley at her own game after all.

Honesty. Trust. They went hand in hand, didnt they?

Will retraced his steps and headed down the hallway to Serenas room. He stood outside the door for several minutes, surprised by the sudden onslaught of jittery nerves. What if she didnt believe him? What if she refused to believe McKinley could be so devious? He wasnt sure how he would handle it if she wouldnt listen to him, he only knew he had to try. Maybe it was time to be honest about a few other things too; like how he really felt about her. Chapter 19:- Chapter 5, Part 4 Whether it was the sound of creaking floorboards or the feel of Rufus licking her hand that woke her, Serena wasnt sure. Her mouth was dry but her eyes were wet, and the dampness on her pillow was proof the nightmares had started up again though she remembered very little of it. She sat up slowly, wiping away the tears before reaching across the bed to stroke Rufus head. Her insides were shaking, her throat raw, but she still took a minute to say a few soothing words to the only true friend she had.

Im sorry you have to go through this with me every time, she rasped hoarsely. Serena leaned over and planted a kiss on the top of his head. Im glad youre here though. Now scoot your furry butt over so I can get a drink of water.

Rufus backed up then trotted beside her to the bathroom, patiently waiting for her to gulp down a glass of water and rinse off her face before traipsing after her to the deck. It helped to know he understood how she felt even if the only comfort he could offer was a sloppy swig to the hand. Serena drew in a ragged breath, acutely aware of the huge void inside her chest that had gotten progressively bigger in the hours since Will had left with McKinley. A dull ache settled in the pit of her stomach. Yes, hed come home but she wished

A soft tap on the door put a halt to any thought except avoiding a conversation. She slipped back into the room and eased the sliding glass doors closed then hurried back to her bed and burrowed beneath the covers. She didnt want to be Wills friend right now, not if it meant having to hear about the great time hed had with McKinley tonight.


Will lifted his hand and tapped on the door. Serena, are you awake? No answer. He tapped again, a little louder this time. Serena?

Still no response, though he could have sworn he heard the sliding glass doors as they glided across the tracks. He listened for a few more minutes, certain he heard the rustle of bed covers and the soft thud hed come to recognize as the sound of Rufus plopping down onto the floor. Okay, so she didnt want to talk; he could understand that, but Serena was going to hear him out even if he had to talk while she pretended to be asleep.

Will silently entered her room, purposely leaving the door open so there was enough light to guide him to her bed but not so much it would disturb Rufus. She was lying on her back with the covers tucked up around her chin. Her eyes were closed, her breathing slow and even, and if he hadnt seen the shimmer of fresh tears still clinging to Serenas eyelashes, Will might have been fooled into believing she really was asleep. Were her tears the result of another nightmare or was he responsible for them? His chest tightened. All he wanted to do was shield her from the pain and sorrow but hed failed her tonight, and it wasnt the first time.

Will reached out and gently brushed the stray curls from her face, swallowing the enormous boulder that lodged itself in his throat when he realized why her hair felt so damp. He wanted to gather her in his arms and tell her she wasnt alone, that shed never

be alone again if she would only let him love her. Instead, he leaned over and pressed his cheek to hers, breathing in her soft scent.


Serena had closed her eyes and forced herself to take slow, even breathes just as Will inched the door open and stepped inside. Her heart tripped as he drew nearer, his familiar masculine scent stirring emotions that wouldnt be denied no matter how much they petrified her. Warmth spread throughout her entire body when Will gently brushed the stray curls from her face then leaned over, his cheek lightly brushing hers. For a moment she let the feel of his skin against hers erase the misery that had been slowly consuming her.

Im so sorry, he whispered in her ear.

Serena was violently catapulted back into that cold, dark cave where the memory of a shaky hand in her hair and the same whispered apology penetrated the numbing fear that surrounded her. Something in her mind snapped, and the silent scream that had been locked inside of her for so long was finally unleashed, the high pitched wail reverberating off the bedroom walls in an endless wave of sheer terror.


Serena, wake up! Its me, Will. Serena

He gave up trying to be heard over her hysterical screaming and attempted to gather her in his arms instead; hoping, praying that somehow she would realize who he was and be comforted by it. But Serena only screamed louder, striking out at him with her fists while her legs kicked uselessly beneath the covers. Will barely felt the blows that landed on his chest and arms, although his cheek was an angry red from taking a wild hit. He was hesitant to subdue for fear he might hurt her, but the main reason he didnt try to stop her was because gut instinct told him Serena needed this.

Shed been helpless to fight back before, helpless to do anything but suffer through the pain and horror as each boy took his turn at her. By letting her fight back now, Will believed it would facilitate the healing process that should have begun years ago. Throughout it all Rufus remained surprisingly calm, much to Wills relief, and when Serenas screams finally stopped to be replaced by broken sobs, Rufus surprised him again by trotting over to the sliding glass windows and laying down.

Will did gather Serena in his arms then, holding her close to his chest until she gradually stopped crying. There were so many things he wanted to tell her; things that had been locked inside of him for seven long years and desperately needed to be said, but he couldnt do it, not until he knew for sure she was okay. It was quite some time before her ragged breath evened out and she was able to speak. It wasnt so much what she said that bothered him; Will had been anticipating this moment since hed moved in, but the lifeless tone of her voice chilled him to the bone.

You were there. That nightin the cave, you were there. I was afraid to open my eyes, afraid your friends would come back, afraid to move, to breath. It was you, wasnt it? Youre the one who leaned over me and said you were sorry.

Will hugged her to him, overwhelmed by the memory of Serena lying there with her dress bunched up around her waist, her thighs smeared with fresh blood. He thought she was dead and it had taken every ounce of courage he had to drop down to his knees and find out for sure. She didnt move when he pushed the hair away from her face, but hed felt the warmth of her breath on his cheek when he leaned over and told her how sorry he was. Hed felt the sting of tears and blinked them back, but he didnt try to stop them from falling now.

Yes, he choked out, yes, it was me.

If you are enjoying this story, please remember to vote. Thank you! Chapter 20:- Chapter 6, Part 1 How was it possible to feel so cold and empty inside and still be alive? Serena wanted to push herself away from him but there was no strength left to draw from. She couldnt even cry.

Why? She finally managed say.

There was a short pause before Will replied. Im not sure I understand what youre asking.

He was holding her so close she could hear the steady beat of his heart beneath her cheek but for reasons Serena couldnt even being to explain, she wasnt afraid. Cradled in Wills arms, she felt safeprotected. Which only proved how emotionally unstable she was, didnt it? Was she so desperate for his love that she was willing to absolve him for the violent assault hed participated in? Could she honestly forgive him after all the years shed spent living in fear? No, she firmly told herself, she would not forgive him.

Serena drew in a ragged breath. Why did you do it, Will? How could youh-hurt me that way? How could you stand by and let your friends do it? I trusted you. I trusted you, but you betrayed me and II have a right to know why.

NoSerena what are you saying? You dont think

A low moan vibrated in the back of his throat; the anguished sound of it ripping an even bigger hole in Serenas heart. Shed heard that sound before, heard it echo off the walls of the cave as Will draped his jacket around her shoulders and gently lifted her into his arms. The warmth of his body had enveloped her and when hed lowered his head and pressed his cheek to hers, shed felt the moisture if his tears against her own damp skin.

Im so sorry. Forgive me

Will, IIm so confused right now I cant think straight. I remember you were thereI remember you leaning over me and saying you were sorry, but the rest is so hazylike a dream that keeps fading in and out.

Serena Will cleared his throat, but his voice was so thick with emotion it still came out sounding hoarse. Serena, you have to remember; I couldnt stand it if you didnt. You can do this, sweetheart, I know you can. Just close your eyes and concentrate

Serenas insides started to shake. I cant! Please dont ask me to do this. I dont want to remember.

Shhh, its okay, I dont want you to remember that far back. What I need you to concentrate on is what happened afterwardsafter theyd gone and you were alone. Will pressed a soft kiss to her temple. I know this is difficult, but its important that you recall everything from that point on. Think, Serenahow did you get out of there?

She closed her eyes and let the sound of his voice calm the mounting panic. Icouldnt move, she spoke slowly. I was too afraideven when I couldnt hear them laughing or walking around anymore. I just wanted to stay in the dark by myself and let ithide me.

You were in there a long time, Will coaxed softly, were you aware of that?

In a way I guess I was. Sometimes it felt as if theyd just left and I was afraid theyd turn around and come back so I would pretend I was unconscious. My mind would start to driftto my family and friendsand you.

Serena was surprised by her own revelation that shed thought of Will. Was it because she hadnt recognized him as one of her attackers or that she didnt want to believe hed had any part of it? Had she knownsomewhere deep inside, that he was the one whod whispered an apology when it was over, but refused to acknowledge it? And why wasnt she afraid of him now? After hearing from his own lips that hed been there, why wasnt she cowering from him instead of remaining passively wrapped in his arms?

You said you pretended to be unconscious, Will continued talking her through it, so you must have been aware, at least on some level, when help finally arrived.

When help arrived? Help never arrived, how could it have? Her voice grew cold and distant. How could anyone have helped me once it was over? What could anyone say or do to help me after Id been forced to have sex with four different boys?

Iyoure right, Serena, there wasnt anything that could have been done at that point. I wish I could go back in time, that I could change something, anything, that would have prevented what happened to you.

They were your friends, she choked out. You could have stopped it but you didnt, and now youre acting as if

Serena stopped abruptly when she felt his body go rigid. In spite of what shed just told him, she didnt doubt his sincerity about wishing he could change what happened that night, but was it remorse or guilt that was causing an actual physical reaction? She supposed the real question should be; why would she care? What difference did it make to her whether he was sorry or not? Exceptsomething persisted in nagging at her, a ghost of a memory that kept tapping her on the shoulder then retreating into the shadows before she got a good look at it.

Acting as if I didnt take part in it, is that what you were going to say, Serena?

He sounded hurt, like someone being falsely accused, and that confused her even more. Doubt began to cloud her mind. A memory flickered, came into focus for a few brief seconds before being whisked away again. Will lifting her off the cold, hard ground; the fierce determination in his voice as he carried her through the darkness and promised she would be okay

I dont know what Im saying, Will. Ive spent so many years warding off the memories, maybe theyre just not there anymore.

With something that traumatic its possible you may never remember, he conceded, but you wont know unless you try. I suppose the easiest thing would be to tell you what happened but if I did that, how would you ever know for sure I was telling the truth?

But I would know because I trust you, Serena replied without thinking.

How can you say that? How can you possibly trust a man you think viciously attacked you then just left you there, broken and scared and sodefenseless?

How was she supposed to respond to that when she didnt know the answer herself? She couldnt even think straight with so many conflicting emotions swirling around inside of her, and now Will sounded as if he was upset with her for saying she trusted him, which only added to the muddled state of her mind. She struggled to make sense of it all, but it was like trying to jam a square peg into a round hole. Several minutes ticked by but Will seemed to know she needed time to work it out in her mind because he didnt press for an answer. Maybe if shed been thinking clearer, it wouldnt have taken her so long to realize the significance of the things Will had said.

Why was he so adamant that she remember what happened on her own when he could have given her any version he wanted and at least attempted to justify his actions? So far, Will had avoided answering her questions as to why hed done it or why he hadnt tried to stop the others. He hadnt even tried to use alcohol as an excuse. As a matter of fact, he hadnt made any excuses for himself at all which could only mean one of two things; either he felt no guilt for what hed doneor he was not one of the four boys that attacked her.

Im so sorry. Forgive me

You asked me to forgive you, Serena said, but there was no accusation in her tone.

Yesyes, I did, Will let out a relieved sigh. Is it coming back to you now?

Notall of it, just bits and pieces butwe were alone when you said it, werent we?


Then it had to have been one of the boys that attacked me who told me he was sorry.

I dont understand

Neither did I, but I think I do now. God, she hoped she was right. Just before they left, one of them leaned down and whispered he was sorry. She heard Will growl at the same time she felt it rumble deep in his chest. Dont you see, she rushed on, when you repeated the same thing to me tonight, it triggered the memory of what youd said in the cave, but it was all jumbled in my mind and I couldnt distinguish between the two of you.

Subconsciously, you must have known though. Why else would you say you trusted me?

Serena pressed herself closer to him. Oh Will, why didnt you just tell me you had nothing to do with it instead of letting me believe such horrible things about you?

But you didnt believe it, he said softly.

Shame washed over her in unrelenting waves. Youre just trying to give me an out and I dont deserve it.

Serenayou wouldnt be in my arms right now if that was true.

She thought about it for a minute and realized he was right. Maybe her mind had been confused but in her heart, she must have known Will wasnt capable of hurting her. Slowly, she began to relax, and when he asked her to tell him what she remembered, the suffocating fear that usually accompanied any attempt to recall that night had nearly dissipated altogether. There wasnt much to tell, it still seemed more like the hazy remnants of a dream than an actual memory, but she did her best. Chapter 21:- Chapter 6, Part 2 Will was disappointed. Serena didnt seem to remember anything except what hed said to her and that hed covered her with his jacket before lifting her up off the ground. Hed hoped for more than a few scattered memories but was grateful that even without them Serena trusted what her own heart was telling her and had ultimately placed her trust in him as well.

Its getting late, he said when she finished. Youre going to be dead on your feet tomorrow if you dont get some sleep.

I know youre right, butI want to know more. Like how you knew what happened and where to find me.

Its a long story and I promise to tell you everything I know, but maybe it would be better if we waited until tomorrow. Ill let you cook me dinner then afterwards we can talk.

Youll let me cook dinner? Your generosity is overwhelming, she replied dryly.

Will chuckled. Yeah, thats just the kind of guy I am. He gave her one last hug before letting her go and immediately felt the emptiness begin to creep in. Good-night, he said as he slid off the bed.

Good-night, Will. Thank you forbeing here.

Always. Well talk more tomorrow night.

You arent going out with McKinley tomorrow? What I mean is, its a Friday night and I assumed Serena cut herself off with a nonchalant shrug of her shoulders. Im just saying that if you already have a date with McKinley, I dont want you to feel obligated to spend the evening with me.

I dont have a date tomorrow or any nightno, thats not exactly true. Will sat back down on the edge of the bed. We have a lot to talk about tomorrow, including McKinley.

You dont have to explain

Yes, I do. I agreed to go out with her on Saturday but I never had any intention of going through with it. No, waitthats a really bad place to start. When McKinley was here earlier she said some things that led me to believe she was plotting something.

Serena's brows drew together, a small frown beginning to form. Plotting what?

Will couldnt help laughing. Thank God you dont have any illusions about your devious sister. I was afraid I was going to have a hard time convincing you.

No, Im well aware of McKinleys innate talent for stirring up trouble. So what is it you think shes up to?

Im not sure, but she wants me out of here bad enough to stage that little performance in the living room for your benefit.

My benefit?

Apparently Rose told McKinley how well you and I were getting along and that she thought my being here was good for you. McKinley disagrees. She thinks it will stir up bad memories and for some reason she doesnt want you to remember anything about that night. Thats why she made sure you were close enough to hear her coming on to me and about the one and only time she kissed me when we were teenagers.

But Ive never talked to her about you, Will. How could she possibly know how upset Id be?

So you were upset, he called her out.

Well, II was justthats not the point. What reason would McKinley have for doing that?

Will chose his words carefully, intent on getting her to admit she felt something for him. She wants me out of here. The easiest way to accomplish that is to destroy our relationship by making you believe you cant trust me.

Serena was silent for a moment and though her face remained expressionless, it was obvious to Will she was struggling to keep it that way. Shed been through an emotional wringer tonight, and he probably shouldnt be pushing her like this but not knowing how soon or how hard McKinley would hit next made him anxious to get things out in the open.

So you set McKinley straightabout us, I mean, Serena said, with just the slightest tell-tale quiver to her voice.

A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. Not yet, but just so were both on the same pageexactly what should I tell her?

Color flamed in her cheeks. The truth, of course. Were just good friends and theres noromantic interest in each other.

Theres just one problem with that, Serena. It wouldnt exactly be the truth, would it? Chapter 22:- Chapter 6, Part 3 Serena just sat there while the blush in her cheeks grew decidedly warmer. She was mortified hed figured out how she felt about him and would have loved nothing more at that moment than to have the earth open up and swallow her whole. Painfully aware that he was waiting for her to say something, she scoured her mind for a reply that wouldnt embarrass them both. In desperation, she latched onto a small version of the truth and prayed hed believe her.

Okay, Ill admit I have a little bit of hero worship left over from high school but even if Id told McKinley that, which I didnt, she still wouldnt believe you and I were more than friends so you dont have to worry about that. No, if shes trying to cause a rift between you and me its because shes hoping youll be so desperate for a place to live youll move in with her.

Will shuddered at the idea of shacking up with that barracuda. I can think of a dozen other places Id stay rather than live with McKinley, including one of the benches in the city park. And just for the record, Im not buying that hero worship crap. He leaned towards her, his voice softening. Serena, it wouldnt take her two seconds to figure out your feelings run deeper than just friendship once she saw the two of us together.

Oh God, was she really that transparent? She didnt know what to say. Obviously there no use in denying it but she couldnt bring herself to admit it either. The silence seemed to stretch on forever until Will reached out and gently pried her fingers from the blanket shed been clutching and brought her hand to his lips. Warmth seeped into her heart and spread like wildfire when he feathered light kisses across her knuckles then turned her hand over and pressed his lips into her palm.


Dont be afraid, he whispered.

Imnot. Will, II dont understand. I thought you and McKinley

Theres nothing between McKinley and me and there never will be. You still dont get it, do you? He took her hand and brought it to his chest. What do you feel, Serena?

Your heart, she squeezed out, itits racing.

Because of you. It happens every time Im around you, every time I hear you laugh or see you smile or when you let me hold your hand when we go for walks.

She wanted to believe him, and for a few fleeting moments she allowed herself to bask in the warm, tingling sensation that coursed through her veins before reality reared its ugly head. Even if he was sincere about how he felt, it couldnt last. He was a good man, and Serena felt confident her blindness would never be viewed as a burden. It wasnt her

physical imperfections that would eventually destroy any romantic relationship that developed, but the mental ones.

Yes, she had fantasized about kissing Will but never anything more intimate than that. And if she couldnt even bring herself to imagine making love to him, how could she keep from falling to pieces if she actually did it? Already her insides were quivering, and though it wasnt exactly fear that was twisting her stomach into knots, it was close enough to make her draw her hand away from him.

Im sorry, Will. I dont think I can do this.

Do what, Serena, have feelings for me? Its too late for that and we both know it.

No, II didnt mean that

Then you admit theres something more than friendship between us?

Yes, but

Youre afraid, I understand that, but it doesnt mean theres something wrong with you. Falling in love can be a pretty scary thing, but if you let fear hold you ba ck, youll never know the joy of sharing your life with someone who cares about yousomeone like me.

You make it sound so simple.

It is, or at least it could be if youd only stop fighting your own feelings.

How can I do that, Will? Youre asking me to jump into the deep end knowing I cant swim.

Theres risk involved in everything we do but it doesnt keep us from grabbing at every chance for happiness we can. And Im not asking you to jump into the deep end, Serena; Im asking you to take my hand and wade into the water with me. Im asking you to trust me.

Serenas chest tightened. She had trusted him until shed overheard McKinley talking about how good they were together, and even though she agreed with Will that her sister was up to something, it didnt explain why hed spent the entire evening with McKinley. The thought of them togetherno, she wouldnt allow herself to go there. It was too painful, and with everything else that had happened tonight, Serena didnt think she was emotionally equipped to handle it. But she couldnt let it go either. Because she wanted to trust him, wanted to believe that hed chosen to be with her even after McKinley had made it clear she was his for the taking.

I dont know what to say, Will. If you really do have feelings for me, why didnt you tell McKinley? Why go out with her tonight and make a date for Saturday if you arent interested in her? Serena heard him sigh and tried to brace herself, certain she wasnt going to like what he told her.

I didnt tell her when she was here because I didnt want to give her ammunition. And I didnt go out with her tonight. I said some things to McKinley that she didnt like and she stomped out of here. I didnt leave until after I was sure she was gone. Im sorry, Serena. It never even occurred to me that with both of us gone youd naturally assume we left together.

Suspicion began to nibble at the edges of nerves that were already frayed. How could you have planned a date for Saturday if you werent with her tonight?

She called me on my cell, and the only reason I agreed to go out with her was to buy some time so I could figure out her game plan.

You gave her your number, Serena said dully. That didnt sound like the actions of a man who wanted to avoid having anything to do with McKinley.

I did not give her my number, Will denied with vehemence. I think she got it when she was storing her number into my phone."

" asked for her number?" A violent tremor surged through her when she realized how stupid shed been to fall for his lies. Youre just like all the other men McKinley has wrapped her finger, she accused.

Its not like that, Will snapped, then immediately softened his tone. Pleasejust let me explain how it happened.

Serena shook her head. Shed heard enough. Go away, Will. Im tired and want to go to sleep now.

I know what youre doing, Serena, but its not going to work. Youre deliberately jumping to the wrong conclusions and refusing to hear me out because youre afraid to believe its you I want to be with and not McKinley. Well, Im not going to let you push me away, and Im not going to leave this room until you listen to what I have to say.

Serena didnt know what shocked her more; that hed been so disturbingly accurate in what hed said about her behavior or that he refused to leave her room. She considered ordering him out but didnt have the heart to hurt him that way, which only proved she didnt believe the things shed accused him of any more than he did. Serena realized something else too; getting into a relationship with Will scared her, but she was even more afraid of losing him.

All right, Ill listen, she relented, but only because you wont go away until I do. Chapter 23:- Chapter 6, Part 4 The knots in his stomach began to unravel the moment Serena agreed to listen to him. Not that hed given her much of a choice, but he didnt dare leave her with so many unanswered questions for fear shed draw her own conclusions and shut him out completely. He didnt hesitate to launch into an explanation of how hed run into McKinley at Roses house or how shed managed to get his phone number and rope him into a date. Serena listened intently, and though she was obviously puzzled by some of the things he told her, she remained silent until he was done.

I guess I can understand your reasons for not wanting to rile McKinley until you know what little scheme shes cooking up, but Im still confused about a couple of other

things. Likewhy you went to Roses house in the first place, and if McKinley had just finished telling her the two of you werean item, what made Rose think you needed her to lie for you? And in case you didnt notice, Rose is a horrible liar so Id be surprised if McKinley was fooled.

Will grimaced. I dont think I was very convincing either but McKinley was so preoccupied with mauling me at the time, I dont think she noticed. Rose knew McKinley lied about me, and when it became obvious I needed rescuing, she made up that story about the roof needing repairs.

A soft smile played on Serenas lips. Rose always did see right through McKinley, and nothing tickles her more than letting McKinley know she isnt as clever as she thinks she is.

Then I guess Im lucky to have Roses help.

Is that why you went there, to ask for her advice about McKinley?

This was it, the moment Will had both anticipated and dreaded since hed first approached Rose and told her how he felt about Serena. Hed played this out in his mind a million times, knew every word he was going to say, had considered every possible response and how hed parry it. Now, looking at Serena and knowing what he was about to say could destroy her trust forever, the speech hed so carefully planned seemed too contrived, too emotionless, when nothing could be farther from the truth. His emotions where running so high right now he was surprised Serena couldnt hear the whir as they charged up and threatened to overload.

No, thats not why I went to see Rose, his voice was thick, uneven, and Serena picked up on it immediately.

What is it, Will? Her hand inched across the bed and found his. Tell meplease.

Ihave a confession to make. A few of them, actually. His throat constricted but the warmth of her slender hand in his gave him the courage to go on. It wasnt a

coincidence, this house becoming available at the same time you made the decision to try living on your own. And Rose convincing you it was a good idea to take in a housemate just as I was looking for a place to live was no coincidence either.

Serena was visibly shaken but she didnt try to pull her hand away from his. Will watched her closely as she absorbed what hed said, the lines on her forehead gradually smoothing out as comprehension set in. She didnt respond right away, and there wasnt anything about her outward appearance to indicate what she was feeling, but when Rufus got up and flopped his head over the side of the mattress, Will knew Serenas emotions were just as turbulent as his were.

I didnt lie, he said softly. Id planned on moving out of the place I was in for months but hadnt been able to find the time to look around. Rose knew I wasnt happy about where I was living but none of her rentals were available at the time. Then about a year ago, she asked me to stop by and told me about this house and how she was having it remodeled to accommodate your needs.

Serenas eyebrows shot up. Are you telling me Rose started remodeling this place five months before she and I even discussed my moving in here?

She was concerned your family had become so overprotective youd never be able to function on your own if she didnt get you out of there. Rose was sure youd take her up on her offer and promised to present the idea of having me as a housemate after youd had time to adjust to living on your own.

I dont think Im getting the big picture, Serena said. I understand why Rose wanted me to move here, but why hide the fact shed already had it remodeled? Why did she offer to rent the upper half to you before she knew I would agree to move in, and why were you willing to wait indefinitely if you were so anxious to get out of the situation you were in?

She was afraid youd balk at moving in if you didnt think it was your own idea. And she came to me because Will stopped abruptly. He had to get this right and blurting it out wasnt the way to go. Serena, the truth is, Ive been in regular contact with Rose since I graduated from high school. You see, once Anthony and Sawyer went off to college, there werent very many opportunities to get together which meant I didnt have anyone who could tell me how you were doing.

Serenas voice was incredulous. Youve kept in touch with Rose because of me?

I had to know that you were okay, and once I explained to Rose how I felt about you, she was happy to do it.

Willwhat are saying?

Im saying the feelings I have for you didnt develop over the past six weeks since I moved in, they started a long time ago. I didnt realize it until that night in the cave when I picked you up and held you. Seeing you like that, seeing how theyd hurt youit damn near killed me, Serena.

But you never came to see me, she said in a tremulous voice. You justdisappeared from my life.

I didnt want to, Serena, you have to believe that. You needed time to heal, time to grow up and conquer some of the fears that kept you from leaving the security of your parents house. So I waited.

For seven years? Why? Why would you do that when you had no idea if I would ever feel the same way for you?

Im not sure I can explain it. Logically, I knew it was a huge gamble. I told myself it was insane to hang onto a dream for so long when there was every possibility you would never see me as anything but a friend. Then Id remember the way you used to look at me and how it made me feel when I was able to coax a smile out of you, and any doubts I had would disappear.

Will was fully aware he was rambling but couldnt seem to stop himself. As long as he kept talking, he could control the gnawing fear that Serena would order him out of her room, or worse, out of her life. He knew he wouldnt remember half of what he was saying but every word came straight from his heart, and it wasnt until he noticed the

shimmer of tears in Serenas eyes that he realized hed thrown too much at her at one time.

Serena, Im sorry. I shouldnt have

No, dont apologize. Im glad you told me, but II dont want to talk anymore.

Wills heart plummeted. Youre right. Its late and Ive given you a lot to think about. I didnt mean to unload everything all at once, its just that Ive held it in for so long andwell, I didn't want to let another day go by without telling you.

"I've got to be honest with you, Will, I'm scared. I'm trying not to be but I can't help it."

"I know," he said softly, "but you don't have to be afraid of me, Serena. I would never try to pressure you into anything you weren't ready for. You set the pace, and take all the time you need...just promise me one thing."

"What's that?"

"Promise you'll let me know the second you're ready to take our relationship to the next level because I have to tell you, I really, really want to kiss you." Color bloomed in Serena's cheeks, and when she spoke, there was the same, sweet shyness Will remembered from their youth.

"I'm not sure I'll ever be ready for the type of relationship you're hoping for, Will. But if you're sure you want to give this a try then I have to tell you...I really, really want to kiss you too."

That was the last thing hed expected her to say, and for a few moments he was too stunned to even breathe. Will slowly leaned forward, his heart hammering so hard in his chest he could almost hear his ribs cracking. Serena must have sensed how close he was because she tilted her head, arching a questioning brow.

Will? Are you ever going to kiss me? Oh yeah, he murmured as he gently pressed his lips to hers. Chapter 24:- Chapter 7, Part 1 Kingda Ka. At 456 feet, it was the tallest steel roller coaster in the world with a hydraulic mechanism that launches the train from zero to a hundred and twenty eight miles per hour in three and a half seconds. Serena knew this because McKinley had goaded her into riding it the summer shed turned fourteen and shed studied the brochure while they waited in line.

Shed pretended to be intrigued with the statistics because her insides were shaking and it was the only way she could keep her sister from knowing just how terrified she was. Once they were seated, the fear still lingered but there was also a sense of excitement and anticipation. She remembered the wild fluttering of butterflies in her stomach, the adrenalin rush just as they reached the summit of the track, and the way her heart had leapt into her throat when the rollercoaster took its first plunge.

Thats what it felt like to be kissed by Will.

It was exciting and scary at the same time; her heart jack hammering at such a furious pace, she felt dizzy from the sudden rush of blood to her head. It was more exhilarating than anything shed ever experienced in her life but at the height she was soaring, Serena was quickly losing sight of the ground. The spicy scent of his cologne, the warmth of his lips, the taste of him in her mouth and on her tongue; they all mingled together in a jumbled mass of confusing thoughts and emotions.

Will made no attempt to draw her closer. Only their mouths touched, and it was obvious to Serena that he was purposely keeping the kiss slow and tender, though she sensed the passion rippling beneath the surface. Technically, he wasnt doing anything that could be construed as physically threatening; it was the turbulence of her own emotions that was wreaking such havoc on her. While her heart was pounding with increasing vigor, her limbs had taken on the consistency of jello, and any coherent thoughts she had were whisked away before theyd completely formed.

Even more unsettling was the strange tingling sensation that seemed to emanate from deep in her abdomen and pulse outward like a low electrical current. It wasnt unpleasant by any means, but she also had the sensation of free falling with no way to stop herself, and that was a little bit scary. Was it normal to have such an intense reaction to a kiss? If Will was the man doing the kissing, then she imagined it probably was. Switching off the fear of intimacy shed harbored for so many years was impossible, of course, but Will was making it easier to forget, easier to believe it would eventually stop haunting her.

I knew it would be like this, Will murmured against her lips.

Serenas reply was a breathless whisper. You did?

He kissed her again, a brief melding of mouths that sent a shiver up her spine, before drawing his head back.

Yes, and I also knew that once I started kissing you, I wouldnt want to stop.

That brought both a blush and a smile to her face. It was pretty spectacular, but

But its late and we need to get some sleep.

So you keep saying, her smile broadened.

Will hesitated for a moment before giving her hand a gentle squeeze and standing up. Goodnight, Serena. Ill see you in the morning.

Goodnight, Will.

After hed gone, she heard Rufus plop down beside the bed to settle in for the night but she was too wound up to follow suit. She lay back down, the fluttering in her stomach

kicking up every time she recalled that breathless moment when Wills lips had first touched hers. Eventually, small snippets of their conversation sifted through her mind but she couldnt seem to focus on any one thing for very long. It didnt bother her though. She didnt want to deliberate over all the things theyd talked about, at least not yet.

Tonight, the only thing she wanted to do was bask in the knowledge that the feelings Will had for her went beyond friendship. Was he in love with her? Serena smiled to herself. He must love her, why else would he have kept in touch with Rose all these years and contrived with her aunt to move into the house with her? She didnt have to dissect her own feelings to know she was falling in love with him too. It was a scary thing, but it was a good kind of scary, like taking that first plunge on the tallest roller coaster in the world.


Will was in trouble. Big trouble. He stood under the shower, letting the cold water sluice over his decidedly heated skin. Hed known kissing Serena would bring his emotions to the surface, emotions hed carefully guarded for years and even more so since hed moved in with her. Hed been prepared for it, or at least he thought he was, but the instant hed felt the warmth of her lipssavored their sweetness, the quiet love hed held inside for Serena had been unleashed in full force. And along with it had come desire. It was a potent combination, and he was having a great deal of difficulty regaining control.

How the hell was he supposed to rein it in now? How could he be anywhere near Serena without pulling her into his arms and kissing her? He wanted to make love to her, to erase whatever traces of memory still existed about that night. But he couldnt do it. Even if Serena was ready for the intimacy of sex, which she certainly wasnt, Will knew he couldnt take their relationship any further until he told her everything. She would forgive him and they would work through it together, he had to believe that.

Long after hed tumbled into bed, Wills restless mind kept him from falling asleep. Part of him was relieved hed finally be able to come clean and get it off his chest, but there was still a part of him that was afraid of Serenas reaction. No matter what happened tomorrow, he was determined to make her see they belonged together and had something real and solid to build upon. Theyd overcome a major hurdle tonight when shed admitted she wanted him to kiss her, and hed been ecstatic when she hadnt shied away from him. Yes, there were more hurdles to get past, more than he cared to think about right now, but Serena was everything to him and he was not going to lose her.

Of course, even he couldnt fill in some of the blank spots about that night, but he suspected McKinley could. Hed cornered her at the hospital and tried to question her but shed been too upset to give him anything but incoherent answers. Will had no doubts she was distraught about what happened, but hed also gotten the impression she was overdoing it to keep anyone from delving too deeply. Hed made several more attempts to speak to her during the remainder of the school year but somehow she always managed to avoid being alone with him. Considering how often shed contrived to lure him into the nearest dark corner, Will found her behavior extremely odd.

He wasnt sure what McKinley was hiding, but hed bet his life it was something she knew would be exposed if Serena ever regained her memory. That's why she wanted him out of house. But whatever leverage McKinley thought she had would be lost after his talk with Serena tomorrow night, which was sure to make her mad as a hornet. Oh, shed still try to discredit him to Serena, but shed be sneaky about it and catch Serena when she was all alone. Somehow shed manage to bring up that kiss in the woods again, and would probably drive the stake in deeper by pointing out it had happened at the same time Serena was being attacked.

Will let out a grunt of disgust. How could he have been so stupid as to fall for one of McKinleys tricks? Instinct had warned him not to follow her into the woods, but when shed insisted it was a private gathering that included her brothers and her boyfriend, Rick, hed felt obligated to go. But he was concerned about Serena wandering around alone with so many of the other kids drinking and getting overly boisterous and had asked McKinley if she was with Anthony and Sawyer.

Shes coming with a group of her track friends, McKinley informed him, but she said they were going to grab a bite to eat first so she wont be here for at least another hour.

Hed been disappointed but had refrained from saying anything. Even so, McKinley must have picked up on it because shed stopped and panned the flashlight across his face.

Dont tell me youre interested in that little plain Jane, shed laughed. Good lord, Will, she wont even be fifteen for two more days, and even if she was old enough to date, shes so pitifully dull youd slip into a coma before the evening was over.

The smartest thing Will could have done was to keep his mouth shut and not jump to Serenas defense, but of course he didnt. Serena is not dull. Shes just a little shy, but its no wonder when she has a sister who demands all the attention for herself.

Shame on you, Will, she said with a coy smile. I know what youre doing. Youre trying to make me jealous of my own sister so Ill admit I want you for myself.

What? Have you lost your

Its ridiculous to even think Id be jealous of Serena, but Im flattered that you made the effort. She slipped her arms around his neck, plastering herself along the length of his body. Id throw Rick Porter over for you in a New York minute if I thought you wanted me. Wed be so good together, Will, she cooed. We could even slip away right nowfind a nice quiet place where we could be alone and get to know one another a little moreintimately.

McKinley, I dont think

Thats when shed kissed him. Hed never had any desire to kiss McKinley, but he wasnt entirely immune to the eagerness of her lips or the way her tongue swirled around his. The less than subtle pressure of her hips against his thighs proved she was more than willing to follow through with her suggestion to get know each other more intimately, but for all her efforts to entice him, Will wasnt even tempted. He could have ticked off the names of at least half a dozen guys shed slept with and though hed idly wondered if she was as good as theyd said she was, his budding emotions for Serena would have kept him from having sex with McKinley even if his self-respect had not.

Rick Porter was another good reason he shouldnt have allowed the kiss happen, or go on as long as it did. Hed been friends with Rick since grade school and they were both on the football team, but none of that would make any difference if Rick found out. Kissing someone elses girl was bad enough, but it was doubly contemptible to betray a friend. At the time, Will believed it was just a stroke of bad luck when Rick chose that particular moment to come trampling through the woods with a few other couples, but now he realized Rick hadnt accidentally stumbled across them; McKinley had arranged for him to meet her there. Rick was livid, and he had every right to be. What the hell is going on here?

Chapter 25:- Chapter 7, Part 2 McKinley made a small sound of protest when Will griped her arms and pried her off of him, but not two seconds later she was cozying up to Rick. She tried to laugh it off, insisting that Will was like family and had only been giving her a brotherly kiss, but Rick wasnt buying it. Even in the dim light afforded by the small flashlight McKinley was holding, he could see the glaring accusation in Ricks eyes. Obviously he felt Will was to blame so it would have been useless to point out that McKinley had instigated the kiss.

Come on, Rick, McKinley was all wide-eyed innocence, it was one harmless little kiss. Honestly, it didnt mean a thing, did it, Will?

No, it didnt, he replied, and meant it. It was a mistake

You got that right, Duncan, Rick growled. What the hell is your problem anyway? You dont have enough girls panting after you so you have to go after mine?

Hardly. Look, Im not interested in McKinley so lets just chalk this whole thing up to really poor judgment on my part and call it square, okay?

McKinley instantly bristled. Stop talking about me as if Im not here. And dont tell me you werent interested. You seemed pretty damn interested when your tongue was halfway down my throat and your hands were all over my ass.

Rick clenched his fists but to Wills surprise, his anger was directed at McKinley. You let him do that to you?

No, I didnt let him, she lied through her pearly white teeth. I was just so shocked that he would kiss me like that, it took me a minute to recover.

Will had only been mildly irritated by the situation shed put him in up until then, but his temper flared at such a bold face lie. Admittedly, he could have put a halt to the kiss as soon as it happened, so he wasnt completely blameless. But by the same token, if

McKinley hadnt contrived to get him out here alone, he would have been hanging around with Anthony and Sawyer and enjoying himself at that moment instead of defending himself to an irate boyfriend.

Ricks narrowed eyes turned to Will, his voice shaking with anger. Are you saying Duncan forced you?

I didnt force her to do anything, Will denied heatedly.

No, II wouldnt exactly call it that either, McKinley said in a convincingly tremulous voice.

Will snorted in disgust. Just what the hell was she playing at? Oh, for Gods sake, stop acting like the innocent victim. The minute I mentioned Serenas name, you were all over me.

McKinleys face twisted into an unattractive scowl but Rick interjected before she could come back with another ridiculous insinuation.

Serena? What does sheah, I get it now, he said with a derisive smile. Little sister is off limits so you go after McKinley.

That will be the day, McKinleys scowl deepened. Serena couldnt compete with me in her wildest dreams.

Well she must have something Duncan wants, Rick shot back. Obviously he prefers the shy, virginal type or hed have his eyes on you all of the time instead of your sister.

Will couldnt believe he was still standing there listening to such ludicrous accusations. Youre so far off the mark its not even worth arguing about.

A malicious smirk tipped one corner of Ricks mouth. If thats true then it shouldnt bother you to know I saw Serena slip into one of the make out caves with my brother Randy and a few of his friends. Tough luck, Duncan. Looks like someone else will be giving your girlfriend a bit of hands on instructions in making out tonight.

Rick and his buddies laughed as Will stomped off, though hed heard McKinley harping at them for doing so. He was fuming because of the lies that had flowed so easily from her lips and the uncomfortable situation shed put him in. He was also embarrassed to discover that Rick had notice how he watched Serena because it undoubtedly meant all their friends knew too, including Anthony and Sawyer. They probably thought he was some kind of cradle robber who preyed on young, innocent girls, and that didnt sit too well with him. But even worse than the anger and embarrassment was the unexpected jealousy that sliced through him when Rick told him about Serena and Randy.

He tried to shrug it off. So she was making out with a boy her own age, there was nothing wrong with that. Hed been making out with girls since he was twelve years old and certainly hadnt wondered if any of his partners were too young to be French kissing or getting their bodies felt up by his roving hands. It shouldnt have bothered him that Serena was doing the same thing half of the other girls here were doing tonight. Except it did; it bothered him a lot.

It was unreasonable to be jealous, and beyond unreasonable to feel as if Serena had somehow betrayed him. Maybe it was because hed always felt there was a silent agreement between them; a secret attraction she was too shy to act upon and he was too honorable to pursue until she was a little older. Now he realized it was all in his mind, and that made him feel foolish, which in turn stoked his simmering anger.

He started wondering if hed been wrong about Serena, and if maybe she was more like McKinley than hed thought. After all, hed never seen her hanging around with Randy Porter or any of his friends before, so she couldnt possibly know him very well. At least not well enough to duck into one of those caves and make out with him. As he emerged from the woods, Will had only one thing on his mind; finding the first available female to cuddle up with so he could drive the image of Serena kissing Randy out of his head.

He spotted Jennie Barkley standing near the fire pit with a few of the other cheerleaders and headed straight for her, his steps purposeful. He spent the next hour with his arm draped around Jennies slender shoulders while she giggled and batted her eyelashes at him, but when she started dropping hints about exploring one of the caves, Wills thoughts circled back around to Serena.

With an apologetic smile, he left Jennie standing there looking as if she could spit nails and took a slow walk around the clearing where most of the other students were gathered. He was beginning to feel a bit edgy, especially after he approached Serenas group of girlfriends from her track team and discovered she hadnt been with them all night. None of them had seen her and said they assumed shed chickened out and stayed home, which meant Serena had arrived before theyd gotten here. Chapter 26:- Chapter 7, Part 3 Will rubbed the back of his neck, his muscles tense from the irrational certainty that something was seriously wrong. If her friends were convinced shed been too shy to even show up tonight, it didnt make any sense that Serena would sneak off with Randy within minutes of her arrival. Will ground out an oath under his breath. What an idiot hed been to believe Serena was anything like McKinley. If she really had gone into one of the caves as Rick stated she had, then it was because she hadnt known any better.

The sight of Randy Porter milling around the fire pit brought him a few moments of relief before more unsettling thoughts started crowding into his head. If Randy was here, where was Serena? His imagination invoked all kinds of horrible scenarios; Randy making a pass at her while Serena tried to ward off his advances and then escaping from the cave in tearsor being left behind to try and find her way back out again. That one gnawed at his gut as he studied Randy and the three other boys he was with.

Whatever they were discussing as they guzzled down their beers had a couple of them fidgeting and making furtive glances over their shoulders. It took Will several minutes of observing their strange behavior before he realized that at some point or another, each of them in turn had cast those nervous glances in the same direction. His eyes moved past them, up a small incline where a well worn path led to one of the caves. Was Serena still in there? Was that why they kept looking back at it, because they were waiting for her to feel her way out of the darkness?

It was a cruel trick to play on anyone, but to do it to someone like Serena who had probably mustered every ounce of courage she had just to be here was downright sadistic. He borrowed a flashlight and headed across the clearing, firing a heated glare at Randy Porter as he passed by. The guilty look that stole across Randys face confirmed his belief that Serena was still inside the cave. Will could almost feel her fear as he made his way up the hill and into the mouth of the cave, but the fear became more tangible after calling out her name several times with no reply.

He panned the flashlight from side to side, the boulders in his stomach growing heavier and heavier with each step he took. Most of the time, the couples who ducked inside the

caves stayed relatively close to the entrance so they wouldnt get lost, but something kept propelling him forward until hed gone so deep he started to wonder if shed made it out after all. Somehow the darkness seemed thicker, making it possible for the beam of the flashlight to penetrate more than a few feet in front of him.

Will had just about made up his mind to turn back when something on the outer edges of the light caught his attention. He inched closer, an icy chill seizing his heart when his eyes finally made sense of what he was seeing. At first, he thought it was dirt that covered her thighs but as he drew nearer and realized it was dried blood, Wills gut wrenched. He dropped to his knees, terrified that the lack of response when he croaked out her name meant she was dead. Unshed tears stung his eyes as he leaned over Serena, desperate to discern some sign of life.


He shone the light on her face but there wasnt so much as a flicker of movement. He reached out and gently brushed the tangled strands of hair from her face, his heart silently breaking when he felt how cold her skin was. She must have fallen in the dark and hit her head on one of the larger rocks, but how had the blood gotten on her legs?

Will squeezed his eyes shut. Oh God, how was going to tell her family? And how was he going to get through each day knowing that if he hadnt been so consumed with jealousy he would have gone to look for her? Guilt washed over him in unrelenting waves. If only hed found her sooner, Serena would still be alive. Lowering his cheek to hers, Will whispered in her ear.

Im so sorry. Forgive me, Serena. I should have come to look for youI should have

His voice halted when he felt the warmth of her breath sift across his cheek. Will lifted his head just as Serena blinked, though she still didnt speak or acknowledge his presence in any way. Hope surged through him, spurring him into action. The first thing he had to do was check for broken bones and find out the extent of her injuries. If she had a spinal injury, moving her could cause permanent damage. It wasnt until he skimmed the light over her prone body and noticed the rip down the center of her dress that Wills mind grasped the ugly truth. Serena hadnt fallen, shed been raped.

Will knew he should have left her there and gone to call the police; hed watched enough true crime shows to understand that touching Serena or anything else could destroy important evidence but he didnt care. Quickly shrugging off his jacket, he covered her partial nudity, an anguished cry tearing from his throat before he could rein in his emotions. Randy had done this to her. Hed brutally attacked Serena then just left her there to suffer in the cold and dark, maybe even to die.

Rage burned inside him as he got to his feet then leaned down and gently picked Serena up. He held her close to his body, sharing his warmth and praying with all his heart that he wasnt too late. Will pressed his cheek to hers for a moment, unashamed of the tears that dampened her skin, then began the long trek back through the cave. As he walked, he promised Serena he was going to take care of her and that everything would be all right, his shaky voice growing stronger and more confident as he continued to offer her what little comfort he could.

He didnt know if he was getting through to her but he kept talking anyway, hoping that the familiar sound of his voice was all shed need to let her know she was safe now. He would see to it that Serena got the medical attention she needed and then, God willing, hed find Randy Porter before the police did. It wasnt enough to see Randy get arrested or to know hed do time in jail for what hed done; Will wanted to extract revenge with his fists and had every intention of leaving Randy in the same catatonic state Serena was in. If that meant doing jail time himself, he could live with that.

Looking back on the events of that night made Will wonder how different his life would have been if he hadnt caught up with Randy. Hed been filled with so much rage, so much hatred, and it had only gotten worse once hed discovered there were three other boys involved. Will had been suspended from school for a month and had lost his athletic scholarship but hed never regretted what hed done to Randy and the other boys, not for one single minute. The image of Serenas battered body and the horror of what theyd done to her made his losses inconsequential. Given the chance, hed do it again without suffering a moment of remorse. Hed committed his own acts of violence and made them all pay in one way or another. He only hoped Serena wouldnt condemn him once she learned the truth. Chapter 27:- Chapter 8, Part 1 Serena woke with a smile on her face, then smothered a giggle as the memory of Wills kiss set a whole slew of butterflies loose in her stomach. It was going to be an excruciatingly long day but she had this evening to look forward to and with any luck, the whole weekend as well. She was in a good mood as she showered and got dressed, and was even happier to hear the familiar sound of Will moving around the kitchen as she and Rufus made their way down the hall. Will had obviously been up for some time; the

smell of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, mingling with the enticing aroma of fried bacon.

Perfect timing, Will said when Serena entered the room.

I hope that means you made enough for two because it smells wonderful. She let Rufus outside then felt her way along the counter, intending to pour herself a cup of coffee.

Oh, no you dont. Wills hands lightly gripped her shoulders and turned her around. Im doing all the work this morning, he told Serena as he propelled her towards the table. All you have to do is sit there and look beautiful while I serve you.

Not that I object to being waited on, but may I ask what Ive done to deserve such royal treatment?

Will pulled her chair out then left for a moment to get the coffee. I owe it to you for keeping you up so late last night. Here you go, he set the cup on the table. Arent you going to ask what Im serving?

Serena tilted her head, slowly inhaling the collage of delicious aromas permeating the room. BaconeggsandI believe thats pancakes I smell warming in the oven.

Very good, but Im afraid you missed one.

She drew in another deep breath but didnt detect any new scent other than Wills spicy cologne, which was distracting to say the least. Youre hiding it in the refrigerator so I cant smell it, she accused.

I promise its not in the frig, he chuckled. As a matter of fact, I have it in my possession right now. And just to show you how magnanimous I am, Ill give you a few

hints. Its sweetlike honey, more addictive than chocolate, and it can be quite heady, like a fine wine thats been aged to perfection.

Soits a dessert?

I suppose it could be considered a dessert, but Id call it more of an appetizer.

Serena scrunched her nose. An appetizer before breakfast?

Sure, why not? My grandmother used to say that if you start and end each day with a pg ar na liopa, it erases all the rotten things that happened. Youll never have a bad dream again and you can start each new day with a blank slate.

Pg arwhatever you said. Is that an Irish dish?

Thats how the Irish say it, but translated into English Will cupped her chin and tilted her head back, it means kiss on the lips.

Oh, was all Serena managed to say before the gentle pressure of his lips threw her mind into a complete meltdown.

Oh yes, this was definitely a great way to start the day. Serenas limbs liquefied and for those few glorious minutes while Will was kissing her, she was filled with an incredible lightness of heart that had been absent in her life for far too long. And his description couldnt have been more accurate; it was sweeter than anything Serena had ever tasted before and there was certainly no doubt as to the addictive nature of his kisses, or the dizzying effect they had on her.

Will drew his head back, lightly playing his thumb across her bottom lip. And what is your opinion of appetizers before breakfast now, Miss Cross?

It was the husky tone of his voice that jerked Serena out of the dreamy state shed fallen into. What was she doing? She wasnt ready for this. No, that wasnt entirely true. She was ready for Wills heavenly kisses, but not for what those kisses would eventually lead to. Did that make her a tease? Of course it did, how could it not? And boys didnt like to be teased. They didnt like it when you let them kiss you and then tried to push them away.

Oh yeah, you like being kissed, dont you? What about this, baby? Tell me how it feels when I touch you like this

Serenas body went rigid. No, she whispered hoarsely.

No? Wills hand went still for a moment then fell away from her face. Am I moving too fast? Because I dont want to push you into anything youre not ready for. I mean that, Serena.

Nono, its just that she shook her head.

What is it? Talk to me, honey.

Despite the memories struggling to claw their way to the surface, Serena was touched by the term of endearment. Will genuinely cared about her. She could hear it in his voice; felt it wrap around her like a protective embrace, and it wasnice. Really nice. She wanted to hang onto that feeling, to draw strength from it, but as the silence between them grew, it began to slip away.

Maybe we should just eat breakfast, she finally said.

Will hesitated by her side for several seconds before he replied. Its not me, is it? If it was, I would have felt it when we kissed.

Serenas breath stilled. I dont know what you mean.

Yes you do. He took her hands and drew Serena to her feet. Now tell me, he slipped his arms loosely around her waist, does this make you feel uncomfortable?

N-not exactly.

Define not exactly.

It just makes me feel funny is all.

Funny, Will repeated with a hint of laughter in his voice. As in butterflies in your stomach, blood rushing to your head, heart pounding like a jackhammer?

Dry mouth, dizziness, weak knees; hed left all of those out, but Serena merely nodded.

And this, he brushed a light kiss to her lips. Does this make you uncomfortable?

This time she was smiling when she said, Not exactly.

You looked scared to death a few minutes ago, so if it wasnt me that frightened you, what was it?

Serenas smile faded as she drew in a stilted breath. You told me McKinley thought it was bad idea for you to live here because it would stir up bad memories. Wellin a way, she was right.


Please dont say youre sorry, Will. Ive spent seven years hiding from this. I want to face it. I need to face it. But I dont Her voice cracked and for a moment she couldnt say anything.

Will didnt press her. He pulled Serena closer and just held her, patiently waiting for her to continue. She wondered how much she should tell him or if she should say anything at all right now. Theyd both have to leave soon and she didnt want the lovely breakfast hed cooked to go to waste. On the other hand, if Will was sincere about wanting to be with her, now was as good a time as any to put his staying power to the test.

I dont want to do this alone, Will.

You wont have to, he rushed to assure her.

You might not want to stick around after you hear what I have to say.

Wills arms tightened around her. Theres nothing you can say that will make me leave you.

The fierceness of his tone sent a strange sense of happiness surging through her. First I want you to know that I spent months in counseling and I never told my psychiatrist what Im about to tell you. I dont really know why, but I suppose it was because I didnt believe she could help me even if she knew.

And you think I can help?

Im not sure, she replied earnestly, but when Im with you, I feelstronger. Inside.

Ready to take on the world?

Not quite, Serena said.

But ready enough to conquer your demons?

Im not sure of that either. I only know I have to try.

Okay, out with it. Give me a demon and well slay it together.

Somehow, Will making light of it did seem to take away some of its power. Some, but not all. A sliver of fear still remained, but Serena pushed it aside with determination and forced the words out.

I hear voices. In my head.

Voices, as inspirits?

She had to smile at that. No, Im not a ghost whisperer. They started when I was in the hospital. Id be lying in bed and suddenly Id hear them. It wasnt like a whole conversation played out in my head, just little bits and pieces that didnt really make much sense. Gradually, I realized it was themthe boys who attacked me. I didnt want to hear them. I was too afraid that if I listened to them, Id remember what happened that night. So I blocked them. When they started up, Id force myself to think of something else, and it worked for the most part. The only time I couldnt control it was at night when I slept.

The nightmares?

Yes. But I could deal with that because even though I knew Id had a nightmare, the details were so sketchy and faded so quickly after I woke up that I was able to shake it off. But nowIm starting to hear them again.

Is that what happened a few minutes ago?

Yes, she replied softly.

And you think its because our relationship is becoming more physical?

Serena nodded, silently praying she wasnt handing Will an excuse to give up on her, on them. I think its a combination of the physical aspect and the strong emotions that are elicited because of it. When youre kissing me, I cant seem to rein in my thoughts or emotions, and I think its thatloss of control that allows the voices back in.

Will was silent for a moment. I know how Id solve the problem, but it would be very time consuming and require complete dedication from both us.

Serenas lip twitched. She had a pretty good idea what his solution entailed. Even so, she couldnt keep herself from asking. What did you have in mind? Its simple really. If the voices only come after I kiss you, then the only logical solution is to never stop. Chapter 28:- Chapter 8, Part 2 As solutions went, Will thought it was quite ingenious. Hed kissed her then, and shed responded in that same sweet inexperienced way she had the night before. Unfortunately, his experiment went awry only a few minutes later when Rufus let out a few short woofs to remind them he was outside and waiting to be fed breakfast. Blushing, Serena had made her way to the door to let him in, and although he would have loved to draw her back in his arms and continue where theyd left off, their conversation had left little enough time for breakfast as it was.

Serena was an amazing woman; a fact that was driven home every time he watched her move as effortlessly around the house as a sighted person would. He liked to watch her graceful movements, and especially enjoyed the way her hands followed the lines of whatever object she was holding, memorizing its shape and texture. And he liked the game they sometimes played at mealtimes when Serena tried to guess the ingredients of a dish hed made, based solely on smell and taste. Of course, shed turned it around on him a few times and made him give it a try but hed failed miserably.

Will liked the life they were slowly carving out together, but he also worried it would all come tumbling down if he pushed her too hard or too fast. It was a good sign that shed trusted him enough to tell him about the voices, and that hed been able to pull Serena out of her somber mood. But there was only so much he could do to help her mend the emotional scars, and he wasnt altogether confident he had the ammunition to do it with. What if he did more harm than good? What if bringing those memories to the surface only made her retreat back into herself? Should he risk it? Did he even have the right to?

Will closed the book hed been studying from and stacked it on top of the others. The medical library had been mercifully devoid of chattering first year students who hadnt yet realized it wasnt junior college and that they couldnt skate through by cramming. Hed gotten a lot of studying done and with the weekend ahead of him, he was confident hed be ready for the exams on Monday. And since Serena wouldnt be home for another hour, Will had time to pay Rose a visit. If anyone had some insight as to how he could help Serena, it would be Rose.


Its about time you showed your handsome face, Rose lightly chastised as Will followed her into the kitchen and plopped down at the table.

He took the cup of coffee she offered him with a smile. Rose always had a pot of coffee brewing no matter what time of day or night he stopped by. She probably went through ten coffee makers a year and supported a good portion of the jobs in the cocoa bean industry. It was a wonder she got any sleep at all. Judging by the dark circles under her eyes, shed had at least a couple of rough nights.

You look like hell, Will told her.

Rose sat down on the opposite side of the table, shooting a few eye daggers at him over the rim of her cup before taking a sip. I got a call from Leslie yesterday.

Will knew Rose and Serenas mother didnt always get along, especially where Serena was concerned. Leslie Cross had been less than thrilled to learn he was moving in with

her daughter but he thought shed finally accepted it. Roses worried frown told him otherwise.

Youre losing sleep for no reason, Will assured her. Serena has a mind of her own, whether Mrs. Cross believes it or not, and shes not going to be persuaded to make me move out.

I wouldnt be so sure of that. McKinleys been talking to her. Shes got Leslie so worked up, I wouldnt be surprised if there was a moving van waiting outside the house when you get home.

Will tried to shrug it off. What could McKinley possibly have told her to warrant that kind of reaction?

McKinley has her convinced that Serena will go off the deep end if she remembers everything that happened that night. And now Leslie is threatening to tell Serenas dad about it unless I evict you.

I havent seen Mr. Cross in years, but as I recall he was always a lot more level headed and reasonable than Serenas mother.

True, Rose nodded thoughtfully, but Tony took the attack on Serena pretty hard. He blames himself for overruling Leslies objections when Serena begged them to let her go to the party that night. Trust me, Tony isnt reasonable where Serenas welfare is concerned, not anymore.

Tony Cross was built like a linebacker, and though Will highly doubted the man would try to use physical force to remove him from the house, he didnt relish putting it to the test. He wasnt afraid of Serenas father but he did respect him, and even if he didnt, Will wouldnt put Serena in the position of having to choose between him and her family. He didnt want to leave, but what choice did he have?

So Im being evicted, is that what youre saying?

Yep. And Ill expect you to be out as soon as your lease is up.

I see. Will grinned at the woman sitting across from him. How much time did you buy me with this fictitious lease?

I tried for four months but Leslie went ballistic so I promised Id speak to you and see if I could get to agree to move out by the end of the month.

That only gives me two weeks. Its not enough, Rose. Shes just starting to open up to me

Rose held up her hand. I said Id try to get you to agree. I also told her that if you didnt have any place to go, the move would have to wait until I had an opening in another rental.

She was okay with that?

Not really, but I didnt give her any other options. Ill stretch it out as long as I can but if you cant prove your being there is helping Serena, Leslie is going get Tony involved and then youll have to leave. I know this may be a little hard to believe right now, but she is grateful for what you did for Serena that night. She just doesnt want to see Serena get hurt.

Do you think it would make a difference if I told them how I felt about Serena?

Rose was shaking her head before he even finished his sentence. Not a good idea, Will. How do you think McKinley would react to that? No, I think its best we keep that a secret for now.

Youre probably right, he agreed, albeit reluctantly. After this weekend, it might not matter if McKinley knows anyway. Im going to tell Serena everything tonight, so she may just order me out of the house herself.

Theres no need to rush into anything, Will. Im sure I can hold Leslie off for at least a few weeks.

My decision to tell Serena doesnt have anything to do with her parents. We talked for awhile last night and I think its important that she hear it from me before she gets the convoluted version from McKinley. If it goes the way I hope it will, Serena will see that Im coming clean because I want her to know she can trust me.

Rose stared into her coffee cup, looking as drained as he felt. Are you worried shell be upset when she finds out you went after the boys who attacked her?

How would you take it, Rose? Will absently rubbed at his chest, only vaguely aware of the dull ache that was slowly spider webbing its way through his heart. If I hadnt taken things into my own hands and let the police handle it, or at least waited until Id h ad a chance to calm down

Would you have calmed down? I was at the hospital, Will, remember? I saw the look in your eyes when the doctor confirmed Serena had been sexually assaulted, and I knew She stopped and swallowed down the last of her coffee before lifting her eyes to his. I knew you were going after them, and I knew I should have stopped you and made you tell the police who they were, but I didnt. Those boys wouldnt have spent more than one night in jail before their parents bailed them out, she said with a snort of disgust. The only punishment they were ever going to get was from you.

You dont know that, Will said with a rueful shake of his head. Its my fault they got off scot free. Do you honestly think Serena will forgive me for ruining any chance the Prosecutor had of taking the case to trial?

Yes, I do. But only if you tell her the whole truth.

Thats what I planned on doing, he said stiffly, both hurt and offended by what she was inferring.

The worry lines on Roses face deepened as she fiddled with the empty coffee cup, and when she finally spoke, there was a sadness in her voice that made his own throat constrict.

Unfortunately, you cant tell Serena the whole truth because you dont know it.

Wills brows drew together. What do you mean I dont know it?

Let me get us both a fresh cup of coffee and Ill tell you. She took both cups and refilled them, then took her place opposite him once more. I always had high hopes you would wait for Serena to grow up and that youd both fall madly in love with each other. I saw the way she blossomed whenever you were around, and I knew youd be good for her. Im very fond of you, Will, and if there was any way around it, Id let you live in blissful ignorance for the rest of your life. But I cant. It wouldnt be fair to you or Serena. I dont know; maybe I should have told you before now, or maybe I should just keep quiet about it and

Out with it, Rose, he growled. The gnawing certainty that he wasnt going to like what she had to say made him edgy, but he didnt apologize for his harsh tone, and Rose seemed to understand.

All right, but you have to promise to hear me out before you say anything. Then you can decide if you want to tell Serena or if youd rather have me do it. Will wasnt sure he wanted to hear any of it, not when she was making it sound so ominous, but what choice did he have? Rose was right. If he was going to help Serena exorcize her demons, he had to know what he was up against.

Chapter 29:- Chapter 8, Part 3 Serena put the last of the papers she needed to grade over the weekend into her briefcase and snapped it shut. The day had been painfully long, just as shed suspected it would, but now that it was time to go home she was starting to feel a little apprehensive. Oh, she

knew Will wouldnt deliberately do anything hurt her, but opening old wounds was going to be painful no matter how gentle he was about it.

Shed thought about it a lot last night; about how much easier it would be if she left the memories buried in her mind where they couldnt hurt her. But somewhere between Wills good-night kiss and the time she fell asleep, Serena realized the fear of those memories resurfacing was doing just as much damage as the memories themselves.

Granted, she didnt recall much about that night but that was because shed been running scared ever since and it just hadnt caught up with her yet. But it would, and the consequences could be devastating unless she stopped running right now and faced them down. Maybe all shed needed was someone who believed she could do it, someone she could trust to be there for her if she stopped believing in herself. A soft smile curved her lips. Will.

Looks like someone had a good day, a familiar voice sounded from the classroom doorway. Or is there some other reason for that secretive smile youre wearing?

Heat crept up Serenas neck. She wasnt about to admit who was responsible for making her smile, or just how flustered she was by the question. She opened the side drawer of her desk and pretended to search for something, keeping her head turned away from the doorway in an attempt to hide the furious blush that was scalding her cheeks. Pulling out a file of papers shed graded the week before, Serena opened her briefcase and stuffed them inside before replying in what she hoped was a convincingly irritable voice.

Hasnt anyone ever told you its not nice to sneak up on a blind person? You nearly gave me a heart attack.

I wasnt trying to sneak up on you, McKinley said with an exasperated sigh. Besides, isnt super dog supposed to warn you when someone is approaching?

Hes not here. I loaned Rufus out last hour for a special course the school is offering to the parents this quarter. Someone should be bringing back shortly. So what brings you here?

Its been awhile since Ive seen you so I thought Id dropped by and take you to dinner.

Oh. Im sorry, but I already have plans for tonight. Maybe we could get together one night next week?

Cant you cancel your plans? I have something important to talk to you about and I really dont think

Sorry for the interruption, Miss Cross, one of Serenas students apologized. Mr. Thompson asked me to bring Rufus back to you.

Serena thanked the girl, taking advantage of the opportunity to grab her briefcase and head for the door. She hoped McKinley would take the hint and agree to meet next week, but she should have known her sister wouldnt give up that easily.

It cant wait, McKinley persisted as soon as they were alone again. If you wont have dinner with me then at least let me drive you home. We can stop somewhere for a glass of wine and talk. I promise it wont take long, and Ill have you back at your hous e in plenty of time to get ready for your dinner date.

Serena hesitated. She wanted to take a shower and put on something nice for Will before he got home, but she supposed being thirty minutes late wouldnt strap her for time as long as she didnt linger in the shower.

All right, she said, but youd better talk fast because half an hour is all I can spare. No problem," McKinley replied. "Thats all the time Ill need.

Chapter 30:- Chapter 9, Part 1 Rufus wasnt any happier about being in the bar McKinley had brought them to than Serena was. She sensed his restlessness, or maybe he was picking up on her own rattled nerves and reacting to it. Shed foolishly assumed they were going to a restaurant and hadnt realized it was a bar until after McKinley had led her to the table. The moment

she sat down, shed been aware of the overpowering smell of alcohol, the most repugnant being the sickening stench of beer.

It was too early for there to be much of a crowd, and she highly doubted McKinley frequented anything but high class drinking establishments. Even so, she could feel the panic bubbling up inside her because hole-in-the-wall dives werent the only places predators used for their hunting grounds. She told herself she was safe here. She had McKinley sitting right across the table and Rufus by her side, but the low drone of male voices that surrounded her shattered any rationality she was clinging to.

I cantstay long, she stammered.

Stop being such a worry wart. Ill tell you everything as soon as theah, here she is. Two glasses of chardonnay, McKinley told the waitress then turned back to Serena. I know I was being a little pushy about talking to you today but Ive discovered some things recently that are verydisturbing, and I felt you had a right to know.

Distracted by the sounds and smells going on around her, Serena only caught the last few words. Right to know?

About Will.

That got her attention. Will?

Look, Serena, I dont want to upset you but I was talking to Mom about your situation with Will and

Situation, Serena repeated. By that, I assume you mean our living arrangements?

Mom is really uptight about it and after what she told me, I really cant blame her. Heres our wine. McKinley was silent for a moment, dragging out the dramatic pause as

long as possible. Its about Will andwell, his strange behavior that night. Hes the one who found you, did he tell you that?

Technically, no. Serena shivered despite how warm it was in the bar. rememberedbits and pieces, and Will helped filled in the gaps.

Im sure he did.

McKinleys caustic tone set off all kinds of alarms. Serena pressed her lips together, refusing to do what her sister so clearly expected of her; ask what she meant by that remark then wait on tenterhooks while McKinley pretended to battle her conscious before springing whatever earth shattering news she had. She reached for her glass of wine, knowing McKinley would have positioned it directly in front of her, and curled her fingers around the glass stem. All right, shed play the game, but she wasnt going to be the spineless jellyfish McKinley believed her to be.

Why dont you just spit it out, McKinley? Youre obviously leading up to something but I dont have the time or patience to coax it out of you.

McKinleys reply was waspish. Maybe I shouldnt tell you at all if thats the way youre going to be about it.

Maybe you shouldnt, she shrugged.

Let her stew on that one for awhile, Serena thought. McKinley didnt say anything, which was almost as surprising to Serena as her own display of assertiveness. It feltliberating to say exactly what she was thinking for once instead of biting her tongue. Serena had witnessed the verbal lashings her sister doled out to others and didnt relish being on the receiving end of those venomous barbs. Shed always avoided any type of confrontation because McKinley could be downright vicious when she was angry, but instinctively she knew it would be a huge mistake to allow McKinley to intimidate her right now.

She didnt have to ask herself where this inner strength came from; it had lay dormant in a place in her heart that shed sealed off from the rest of the world until Will came along and awakened it again. It was because of Will, or rather her faith in Will, that she was empowered with the self-confidence shed always lacked whenever McKinley was around. It was proof that the depth of her feelings for Will went beyond the old high school crush; it was also a measure of how much she trusted him.

I love you, Serena, and I care what happens to you, McKinley said in a much gentler voice. You know that, right?

Of course I do.

Good, because its important to understand Im only telling you this because Im concerned about you.

Serena offered no encouragement to continue. Instead, she took a few sips of wine, stalling for time while she tried to figure out what McKinleys angle was. She knew her sister loved her, in as much as McKinley was capable of loving someone else anyway, but that had nothing to do with why they were here. Serena wasnt fooled by the change of tactics either; McKinley never did anything for anyone unless it benefited her in some way. The question was; what did McKinley have to gain by trying to convince her not to trust Will?

Chapter 31:- Chapter 9, Part 2 I know this is difficult, Serena, but having Will live with you could trigger memories, and that scares me because I dont think youre strong enough to relive it. You were practically catatonic for weeks afterwards, and I dont think youve considered the possibility you could end up like that again. Everything youve worked for would be lost, have you thought about that?

Im stronger now, Serena said with a defiant lift of her chin. Im not that nave fifteen year old girl anymore and I cant avoid everyone from my past just because it could bring back memories.

No, you cant avoid people from your past but you dont need to invite them into your life either. I mean, what do you really know about Will? How do you know he didnt

orchestrate this whole thing or that he might have an ulterior motive for gettingclose to you?

That struck a nerve because Will had, by his own admission, orchestrated the plan to move in with her. No, she murmured, then more firmly, No, thats ridiculous. Youre making him sound devious and Will isnt like that.

Isnt he?

No, hes not, Serena shot back testily. Will is an honest man and I think its horrible that youre trying to make me suspicious of him. Hes kind and gentle and hed never do anything to hurt me.

Honest, McKinley repeated with a derisive huff. You think hes honest just because he told you hes the one who found you and got you to the hospital? Come on, Serena, you cant be gullible enough to believe thats all there is to the story.

Serenas reply was curt. We havent really discussed it. Im sure hell tell me everything when the time is right.

By then it may be too late. Serena, you have to listen to me. I think Will is obsessed with you, and I think it goes all the way back to high school. Ive thought about it a lot, tried to fit all the pieces together and make sense of them, and everything Ive come up with makes me suspect Will had more to do with what happened that night than anyone knows.

No, Serena shook her head, adamantly refusing to believe it. Youre wrong. You know what I looked like back then; too tall, too thin, no figurehow could someone like Will have even the slightest interest in me?

Dont ask me, McKinley said dryly, clearly finding the idea unfathomable. At any rate, I completely misunderstood his reasons for asking me to take a walk in the woods with him that night. I thought he was interested in me, but after Id embarrassed myself

by kissing him, Will asked about you. It wasnt until I talked to Mom that I put it all together.

Serenas brows furrowed. Put what altogether? I wish youd say what you have to say and stop dancing all around it.

All right, all right. I think Will followed you and Randy into the cave and that he knew what was happening. Maybe he thought you werewilling, and he got jealous, or maybe he just panicked and left. Thats why he found me and asked me to take a walk with him; so hed have a witness to prove he wasnt anywhere near the cave.

Acid churned in Serenas stomach, burning a path up her esophagus and leaving a sickening metallic taste in her mouth. Sounds and smells began to infiltrate her senses; the sharp pop of a can being opened, flirtatious laughter from men and women coming at her from all directions, the bitter stench of beer and the underlying scent of mingling perfumes and aftershaves. She wanted to scream at McKinley to get her out of there and stop feeding her lies about Will, but she couldnt seem to make her mouth work. All she could do was sit there in petrified silence while McKinley continued to torture her.

Think about it, Serena. How did Will know where to find you? Why would he sneak you away from the party and take you to the hospital himself without even sending someone to find me or Anthony and Sawyer? And he didnt wait around to be questioned by the police, did you know that? Later, we found out hed gone after Randy and those other boys, and I always believed it was because he wanted to avenge you.

McKinley paused, drawing in a deep breath. But nowI think it was because he wanted to find out if any of them had seen him inside the cave. Had the case gone to trial it might have come out, but of course well never know the truth now. After what Will did to Randy, Mom and Dad had no choice but to follow their attorneys advice and let all four boys go with nothing more than a slap on the wrist.

Serena sat there, rigid as a board, her mind and body too numbed by what McKinley had told her to respond right away. She wanted to say with certainty that McKinley was wrong, to refute every single word and offer an explanation that would prove Will was being unjustly accused, but she couldnt. She didnt know how he knew where to find her or why he hadnt asked anyone to go get her brothers. And shed always assumed the case hadnt gone to trial because shed been too frightened to testify, but now McKinley was insinuating shed never had the choice at all, and that is was Wills fault.

Serenas temples throbbed. It was too much to digest all at one time and she didnt think she could bear to hear any more. The room was beginning to close in on her and that old, familiar feeling of panic rose hard and sharp, mercilessly clawing at her insides until her nerves were raw. She needed to be alone, to get way from McKinley and this foul smelling bar so she could think. Chapter 32:- Chapter 9, Part 3 I have to go, she said in a strained voice.

But I havent finished telling you

NO! No more, not tonight. I have to get out of here. Now.

Serena started to rise from the table, fully prepared to let Rufus lead her out of there if McKinley insisted on finishing the conversation. But in her haste to stand up, her legs pushed against the chair with more force than she intended, propelling it backwards where it collided with a man behind her. She heard the chair topple sideways and crash to the floor, followed by a muttered oath. Serena turned towards the man to apologize and was mortified to find herself pressed up against his large frame. Two muscular arms caught her around the waist, pulling her closer and locking her in his embrace.

Whoa, pretty lady, wheres the fire?

Serena shoved against his chest, nearly choking on her fear. Let me go, she squeaked.

Sure, he laughed, for a small price.

A violent tremor rippled through her body when she felt the heat of his breath against her lips, and for a moment she thought she was going to pass out. He smelled of whiskey and cigarettes and something else that was so hauntingly familiar it conjured up memories of another time and place when shed been too paralyzed with fear to defend herself. A harsh sob tore from her throat as Serena wrenched her head sideways. The sound of her own erratic heartbeat thundered in her ears, drowning out whatever it was the man was

saying, and despite the valiant effort she was making to stay conscious, her knees started to buckle.

Serenas body went limp and she would have dropped to the floor if the man hadnt been holding her so tight. Her limbs felt like they were made of lead, and though she was still cognizant of what was going on around her, it seemed to be channeling through her senses in a foggy haze. The sounds were muted, as if they were coming from someplace far away; a solemn country tune about beer and horses, the animated chatter of men and women engaged in conversations, McKinleys voice raised a few pitches higher than normal, and above it all a low, menacing growl that meant Rufus had gotten his hackles up.

Ah, hell, the man groaned as he hoisted Serena up into his arms. Shes stone cold drunk.

She is not drunk, McKinley hissed. She passed out because you scared her half to death. I told you not to touch her!

Look, Im sorry, okay? Justtell me what I should do with her before her dog decides to take a bite out of my ass.

Follow me to my car. If she comes out of it while youre still holding her theres no telling how shell react. Rufussettle, McKinley ordered.

Rufus wasnt accustomed to taking commands from other people but he was familiar with McKinley, and it was probably that more than the tone of authority that silenced him. Once Rufus no longer presented a threat, the man turned and headed in the direction of the door. Serena told herself there was nothing to worry about, that McKinley was right behind them with Rufus and neither of them would let the man hurt her. She tried to focus on somethinganythingother than the slivers of fear that prickled at her skin and put ice in her veins, but it was impossible when the friction of every movement he made raked over nerves that were already frayed.

My car is just around the corner, McKinley said, once they were outside.

A few minutes later Serena heard the car door open and then she was being lowered down into the seat. Another moment of panic seized her when he leaned over her, but it was only to fasten her seatbelt before shutting the door. Tears of shame squeezed from beneath Serenas closed eyelids. She was bitterly disappointed in herself for the way shed reacted to a man who had obviously meant no harm.

Only a few minutes before, shed been buoyed by the firm belief she could hold her own against McKinley and whatever stories she fabricated about Will. And shed convinced herself she was capable of blocking the overwhelming fear that always consumed her when she was around men, especially those she didnt know. Now Serena realized how vulnerable she still was to the phobias her past had instilled in her. Whatever strides shed made towards conquering her fears had been destroyed by a man whod done nothing more threatening than put his arms around her.

She was a coward, imprisoned by memories that existed only in the deepest recesses of her mind. Despair swept through her as the hopelessness of her situation began to sink in. How could she rid herself of memories that were buried so deep she couldnt reach them? Even more disheartening was the knowledge that exhuming them wouldnt change a thing; not if she lacked the courage to face them once they were unleashed.

Will. She needed to talk to Will. Hed explain away McKinleys awful accusations and restore her faith in himand in herself. Chapter 33:- Chapter 9, Part 4 Will checked his watch again. Where is she?

Hed rushed home from Roses so he could be there to greet Serena, arriving with only fifteen minutes to spare. A quick shower ate up the next ten minutes then hed hurried downstairs to wait for her. That was over an hour ago. It wasnt like Serena to be this late without calling to let him know. Logic told him there could be any number of reasons she wasnt home yet, but that didnt keep him from pacing in the front hallway while the knots in his stomach cinched tighter with each passing minute.

Hed worked himself up into quite a fit of anxiety by the time he heard a car pull into the driveway. Will resisted the urge to yank the door open and barrel outside, but when several more minutes ticked by and she still hadnt some inside, he peeked out the window to see what was keeping her. A few unpleasant thoughts meandered through his mind when he recognized McKinleys car, and then it hit him; she was the reason Serena

had been delayed in getting home. He was out the door and halfway down the steps when McKinleys door swung open.

The nervous look McKinley shot him as she climbed out and took a few tentative steps in his direction told Will shed assessed his mood correctly. He was furious with her for conning Serena into going with her and could only imagine what lies shed been filling Serenas head with. He had no desire to confront her, at least not with his temper as hot as it was at the moment, and he definitely didnt want to upset Serena. Will clamped his mouth shut as he headed for the passenger side of the car, determined not to speak to her no matter how much it burned his hide to remain silent. He might have succeeded too, if McKinley hadnt skirted around the fender and grabbed his arm.

Will, wait a minute. Theretheres something I need to tell you. Please, her voice trembled, its about Serena.

Wills eyes narrowed. If you said anything to upset her, so help me God, Ill wring your neck.

No! It wasnt me, I swear. You see, there was this man and

What man?

I dont know who he was, just some man at the bar

You took Serena to a bar? What the hell were you thinking?

Will yanked his arm free and tried to brush past her but McKinley quickly out maneuvered him, planting herself between him and the passenger side door.

Get out of my way, he gritted.

Not until you listen to me. Look, she was a little freaked by what happened but once we were out of there she calmed down. As a matter of fact, she dozed off on the way here and was still asleep when I pulled up.

It irked him that McKinley was deliberately blocking his view of Serena, but she had to be telling the truth because Serena had made no attempt to get out of the car. Still, it was becoming alarmingly clear that something was wrong, and his first impulse was to physically remove McKinley so he could see for himself that Serena was okay. The only thing that kept him from doing it was the frantic look on her face and the obvious desperation in her voice.

Will, pleaseyou have to listen to me.

Will crossed his arms, not the least bit remorseful when his intimidating stance drained the color from McKinleys face. Two minutes, he growled. I suggest you talk fast.

I will, I promise, only she looked away from his fierce gaze, flicking her tongue over her lips before continuing in a subdued done. Just hear me out before you say anything. I hadnt seen Serena in a while so I took her out for a glass of wine. I know, I know, she said before he could interrupt, it was a mistake going to a bar, but she didnt seem nervous at all so I honestly didnt think anything of it.

Her eyes briefly lifted to his then turned away again, but not before Will caught the shimmer of tears. It was gut wrenching to see a woman cry, and if it had been anyone but McKinley, that innate protective hormone it seemed all men possessed would have kicked in immediately. But this was McKinley, the consummate actress who would say or do anything to get what she wanted. The scowl on his faced deepened. That she would go to such lengths to gain his sympathy only intensified his concern for Serena and his impatience to get to her. McKinley evidently picked up on it because she started talking faster and seemed even more desperate to compact everything she could into the two minutes hed allotted her.

Chapter 34:- Chapter 9, Part 5 I worry about Serena a lot, and I know you dont think youll have a negative impact on her but I had to make sure for Serenas sakeand for my own peace of mind. I didnt realize being in the bar was upsetting her until we got ready to leave, her voice began to wobble. When she stood up, some half drunk man stumbled into her. I dont think he

meant any harm but he put his arms around her waist and tried to kiss her. Serena just came unglued.

Wills temper exploded. What do you mean she came unglued? And why the hell didnt you try to stop him?

I would have, she snapped back, but everything happened so fast. Serena stood up and turned right into him. Im sure he was teasing about the kiss but it scared her and then she sort offainted.

A mule kick to the chest would have inflicted less pain than the thought of Serena being so frightened. Will took a step towards McKinley, an animalistic growl vibrating in the back of his throat. She drew in a sharp breath and tried to skitter off to the side, letting out a startled squeak when Wills large hands clamped around her upper arms. Touching McKinley made his stomach twist so violently he nearly let her go, but he had a few things to say and she wasnt going to escape until he did.

Listen very carefully, Will said, his voice dangerously low, because Im only going to tell you this once. If you ever pull a stunt like this again or even think of doing anything that might upset Serena, Ill make sure every member of your family knows what you did to her tonight.

What I did? It was that mans fault. Hes the one who freaked her out. All I did

I know exactly what you did, Will cut her off. Taking Serena to that bar was a calculated act of cruelty. You wanted to persuade her to kick me out and knew youd have a better chance of doing that if you took her someplace that made her uncomfortable. Someplace that would throw her off balance and keep here there until youd filled her mind with enough doubts about me that shed be afraid to come home.

Thats not true, McKinley denied vehemently.

What would you know about the truth, he sneered. Every word that comes out of your mouth is a lie. Tell me, McKinley, did that man really bump into Serena by accident or

did you put him up to it? No, dont bother answering, Will shook his head in disgust, I wouldnt believe anything you said anyway.

McKinleys cheeks flamed with color. Youve lost your damn mind. Do you honestly think I would deliberately hurt my own sister like that?

Will smiled, but there was nothing warm or friendly about it. It doesnt really matter what I think, now does it? The question is, what will your family think?

Her face contorted into an ugly mask of rage. You only think you have me cornered, Will. Ive been in much tighter spots than this and managed to wiggle my way out of it so dont kid yourself into believing your threats have me shaking in my boots. Besides the fact you have only your suspicions to go on, we both know you arent going to tell anyone.

Dont test me, McKinley, his tone was low and even, but there was no mistaking the warning in his dark eyes. You have no idea what Im capable of doing in order to protect Serena.

McKinley arched a brow, her lips slowly curving upward. Oh, but I do know, Will. Thats why Im so confident you wont breathe a word about what happened at the bar. Serena will lean on you for support and get over it in a week or two. But if you go and blab to the rest of the family, youll alienate me and then poor Serena will feel sooo guilty. Can you imagine how hard that will be on her, knowing shes responsible for tearing the family apart? So you see, she said with a knowing smirk, the only way to protect Serena is to keep this unfortunate incident all to yourself.

Wills grip on McKinleys arms tightened for a moment before he let go, repulsed by the sight of her and disgusted with himself for not anticipating how shed react to his threat. McKinley was the queen of deception; he should have known her devious mind would map out an escape route, and that shed find some way to retaliate. Hed allowed her to goad him, to work up his temper and cloud his thinking, and now McKinley had him in a headlock because of it. But it wasnt over, not by a long shot.

Your two minutes are up, he said between clenched teeth.

McKinley side stepped Will and circled around the car, clearly disappointed that hed proved to be such an unworthy adversary. He didnt care. Let her think what she wanted. All he cared about right now was getting Serena inside and away from McKinley so he could take care of her. He opened the back door first and let Rufus out then reached inside and grabbed Serenas briefcase, slinging the leather strap over his shoulder in order to keep both hands free.

Serena didnt move a muscle when he opened her door, and for a few seconds he thought she was still asleep. But as he reached across her lap to unbuckle the seatbelt he heard her draw in a slow shuddering breath. That one, despondent wisp of air from Serenas lips speared through him like a stake being driven into his chest.

Even with her eyes closed and her face devoid of emotion, Will knew she was hurting. He felt it, deep in his own heart, squeezing tighter and tighter. It made him angry, really angry. Because he was losing her. Because he could feel her slipping away. And because Will realized he could help ease her pain but he would never be able to shield her from it, not completely anyway.

Because he loved Serena, he wanted to protect her, and to some degree hed be able to do that. But McKinleys actions tonight proved there were going to be times when it would be impossible, times when Serena was more vulnerable than others, times when her survival would depend on being able to stand on her own and come to her own defense instead of retreating into that dark place where he couldnt reach her.

Will had no choice. He could open the door for her. He could even wait on the other side with open arms, but if Serena was ever going to be truly freeshe had to walk through that door alone. Chapter 35:- Chapter 10, Part 1 He could see McKinley through the window on the drivers side; arms crossed, fingers drumming impatiently as she waited for him to get Serena out of the car. She had to have known all along Serena wasnt asleep, and that infuriated him even more. Knowing how frightened Serena had been, how fragile and isolated she must have felt, McKinley still let her sit all alone in the car. Why? Why would she do that? Was she really so desperate to get rid of him that she was willing to destroy Serena in the process? Will shook his head, recalling what Rose told him just before hed left her place.

Dont kid yourself into believing you can dodge every bullet McKinley shoots at you, Will. Shes a hedonist to the bone and nothing matters but getting what she wants. Trust me, youll never be able follow all the twists and turns of that girls devious mind.

Nothing matters but getting what she wants.

But had McKinley gotten what she wanted? Will reached down and took one of Serenas hands in his own and brought it to his lips. It felt small and delicate, as soft as the petals of a rose, and when her fingers curled into his palm and gently squeezed, Will couldnt suppress his smile or the sense of triumph that surged through him.

Listen to me, Serena, he said softly. You have to pull yourself together. You have to fight it, brush it off, anything but give in to it. Catering to your fear wont do anything but give it more power, and it will chip away at you until theres nothing left but a hollow shell. Dont you understand; the only way it can defeat you is if you let it.

Serenas eyelids slowly opened but when several minutes ticked by in silence, Will began to worry he hadnt gotten through to her at all. Still, he waited; glancing out the window now and then to make sure McKinley remained on the other side of the car where she couldnt eavesdrop. He didnt know what more he could say to Serena, what encouragement he could offer that would make any difference.

How? Serena said so quietly Will wasnt sure shed actually spoken until she turned her face towards him. How do I fight it?

By taking it one small battle at a time, he told her.

M-McKinley, you mean?

You have to start somewhere.

Will, Icant, her voice trembled. I triedtoday when McKinley took me to thatplace. She said horrible things, and I tried, I really did, but Her shoulders slumped, shame flickering across face. Ive never been brave enough to confront her and I never will be.

You listen to me, Serena Cross, Wills tone bridged no argument. You are the bravest person Ive ever known. You can do this. You will do this, or its never going to stop.

I cant, she shook her head.

Yes, you can. Im not asking you to confront her; that would only give her the opportunity to hurt you. What I want you to do is to get out of this car and walk away with your head held high. Let her know she hasnt broken you, that she no longer has the power to crush you with her cruelty. Will cupped her face in his hands, his voice softening. You dont have to fight with her to win this battle, Serena. Sometimes, the bravest thing you can do is turn your back and walk away.

Evasion is something Ive gotten very good at, she said with a sad smile.

But thats not what youre doing now.

Isnt it?

The uncertainty in Serenas beautiful, sightless eyes gutted him, and it took Will a moment to dislodge the boulder in his throat so he could speak.

Nono, it isnt. Blocking out painful memories is your brains way of to shielding you from the horrible truth until youre ready to deal with it. What youre doing now is making a conscious decision to protect yourself before McKinley can inflict any more painor open up old wounds.

I know youre right, but

Will leaned down and kissed her, softly at first and then once more with an intensity that conveyed the depth of his emotions. He could feel the rising heat in her cheeks against the palms of his hands, felt her hesitate briefly before surrendering her mouth to him and the response of his own heart jack hammering in his chest. This was what he dreamt about on those endless nights when he longed to hold her in his arms and feel the warmth of her lips taking and giving without reservation.

Somewhere in the back of his mind the voice of reason told him it was a very bad idea to be kissing Serena when McKinley could so easily witness it if she decided to peer through the window. It was like tossing a lighted match into a keg of gunpowder and foolishly believing it wouldnt go off. An explosion was inevitable, and there would be casualties; McKinley would make sure of that. As much as he resented his intrusive thoughts, Will knew he couldnt continue to ignore them.

Chapter 36:- Chapter 10, Part 2 Reluctantly, he drew his head back. Im sorry, Serena. I shouldnt have done that. Not that I could ever regret kissing you but its like

Adding fuel to the fire? she finished for him.

Something like that.

Serena grimaced. McKinley didnt

No, she didnt see us.

Maybe we shouldgo inside, she said in a breathless whisper.

The words were out of his mouth before he could stop them. So we can kiss in private, you mean?

YesI mean no! Oh, youre a horrible man for teasing me like that, Serena chastised when she heard him chuckle.

I know, but it was worth it just to hear you admit you wanted to.

I did no such thing!

Wills eyes followed the trail of vibrant crimson slowly working its way up her neck. Youre absolutely stunning when you blush, do you know that?

And you are very transparent, she replied, not quite suppressing a smile.

Ah, you think it was a ruse, that I only kissed you to take your mind off of McKinley.

Serena did smile then; a full-fledged, brilliant smile that made his breath hitch in his throat. Will would have given anything in the world to keep that look on her face but the second she got out of the car, McKinley would be there to snatch it away from her. There was no way to avoid it, and for the first time Will truly understood the feeling of helplessness that gripped Serena whenever McKinley was around. The only thing he could do was get her inside as quickly as possible.

What do you say, sweetheart? Are you ready to get out and show your sister she didnt win this one?

Yes, I think am, she sounded confident. I mean, what more could McKinley possibly have to say to either of us that she hasnt already said?

Im sure shell think of something, he said dryly then let out a groan. Oh, God, you heard us talking didnt you?

Yes. McKinley tends to forget that losing my eyesight has improved my hearing, not impaired it.

Im so sorry, he said, recalling his conversation with McKinley. I said some things I shouldnt have. I had no right to accuse her of deliberately scaring you.

Noyou were right, Serenas expression sobered. Im glad you called her out on it.

So you think she planned the whole thing too?

Serena hesitated for a moment. Yesbut Id rather wait until were inside to tell you about it.

As far as Will was concerned, they couldnt get away from McKinley fast enough. Judging by the way shes been pacing back and forth, Id say shes pretty anxious to get going. Come on, he took her hand, lets get this over with.

Serena let him help her out of the car but refused his offer to guide her up the pathway to the porch. She leaned towards him, keeping her voice low. Let her know she hasnt broken me, isnt that what you said? Well, how can I do that if she thinks I had to ask you to help me?

Admiration mixed with apprehension as he handed her Rufus lead and watched Serena start up the stone pathway, her slender shoulders squared, each step smooth and confident. Will absently shut the car door, his eyes still following Serena, and for one brief, shining moment he thought McKinley was actually going to leave without causing any more trouble. But of course it was too much to hope for. As soon as he stepped away from the car and started to follow Serena, McKinley called after him.

Where are you going?

In the house, he answered without turning around.

To pack?

Will stopped and turned around, a cocky grin on his face. Now why would I do that? I live here, remember?

But McKinley glanced at Serena, who was standing on the porch looking remarkably calm and composed, as if nothing out of the ordinary had transpired. I thought thats what you were talking about for so long. Serena, you cant be serious, her tone was incredulous. Youre going to let him stay after everything I told you?

Will skewered McKinley with an icy glare. I dont suppose youd care to repeat any of it to my face?

Why should I? McKinley shrugged. Youd only deny everything anyway.

Will held his temper in check, but just barely. Im done sparring with you, McKinley. Im going inside now and you are going to leave before you can cause any more trouble than you already have.

Im not going anywhere, she stood her ground with a mutinous lift of her chin.

Biting back an angry retort, he forced a smile instead. Fine. Stay there all night if you want. Ill be sure to leave the porch light on for you.

McKinley flew into a wild rage. She charged around the front of her car, shrieking out a string of obscenities that would have made a seasoned sailor blush. She stopped a good five feet from him, though her scalding tongue kept hurling insults at an impressive rate. It didnt faze Will in the least but he was worried about the eff ect it was having on Serena. Glancing over his shoulder, he wasnt surprised to see Rufus planted in front of her, diligently guarding his mistress. What disturbed him was the rigid way Serena held herself and the blank expression on her face.

Will turned back to McKinley but he wasnt really listening to her. He was thinking about Serena and the nice, quiet evening hed planned on having with her. True, the things he had to tell her were going to cause some emotional upheaval but they would work through it together. Hed hold her for as long as she needed, kiss her for as long as shed let him, and then maybe they would talk about the future. Their future together.

But none of that was going to happen if he couldnt get McKinley to shut up and leave. Serena would be so upset shed probably spend the rest of the night alone in her room, recalling all the things McKinley had told her and possibly wondering if it was true. Will didnt have to be privy to what had been said to be certain it was a pack of lies. Why else would McKinley be displaying her anger and hostility with such boldness? She had to get him to leave, otherwise Serena might tell him everything and hed be able to refute it. No, McKinley didnt want her sister to know what she really was; a cruel and selfish woman whose heart was as cold and black as a winter night. Chapter 37:- Chapter 10, Part 3 It filled him with disgust to even look at McKinley. She was poison; a cancerous growth that needed to be excised from their lives before it was too late. Arguing with her would only cause more stress for Serena, and even though he possessed the physical strength to pick McKinley up and dump her in her car, using force would give her the ammunition she needed to convince Serena he was capable of violent behavior. Take away her power, he told himself. Turn around and walk away. And he did, but not before he got in one last parting shot.

Will locked eyes with McKinley. I see you, he said pointedly, his voice low enough so only she could hear.

McKinley blinked, her tirade grinding to a halt. He could tell by her startled expression that she knew exactly what he meant. Maybe Serena and the rest of her family didnt see what a snake McKinley was, but he did. With a derisive smile, Will turned around and headed towards the house, his surly mood diminishing with every step that carried him closer to Serena.

I wont let you do this, McKinley shouted. Youre the one who needs to leave.

Will kept walking.

Serena, cant you see what hes doing? her frantic voice called after him. Hes using you to get what he wanted seven years agowhat those other boys got and he didnt. Hell hurt you just the way they did.

Will whirled around, eyes blazing, his voice a dangerous growl. Thats ENOUGH! Get out of here, McKinley, or so help me God

Youll what, she taunted, hit me? You see how easily hes provoked, Serena, how easily a man can turn violent?

McKinley was partially right; Will was having some very violent thoughts at that moment which involved a gag and locking her in the trunk of her car. As appealing as the idea was, he refrained from acting on it, although it was evident by the sudden wariness in her eyes that McKinley suspected what was going through his mind. He didnt trust himself to speak, and he certainly didnt trust himself to move because the urge to clamp his hand over her mouth was almost too powerful to resist. It was probably fortunate for both their sakes that he was distracted by the sound of Serenas measured footsteps as she descended the porch stairs.

Stop it, Serena croaked out. No more.

Hearing the distress in her voice was difficult enough but to see her beautiful features marred by worry lines and an unhappy frown, gouged a jagged hole through his heart. He should never have let the banter with McKinley go on for so long, or allowed his temper to get out of control. It killed him to think he was responsible for inflicting even more pain on Serena than shed already endured.

Youre right, Will said, shooting McKinley a warning glance. There wont be any more verbal bashing from either of us tonight.

This discussion is not over, McKinley protested heatedly. We havent settled anything and Im not leaving until we do.

Serena shook her head. No, I want this to end now. Do you think I like listening to the people I love tearing each other apart?

Im only trying to protect you, McKinley feigned a wounded tone.

I know you are, and I know thats what Will is doing too. No, let me finish, Serena said when McKinley started to interrupt. Ive discovered things today that aredisturbing, and I need some time to think it through, to examine it more closely and figure out what it all means. Thats why Im asking you to leaveboth of you.

McKinley managed to inject a note of sincerity into her words even as she directed a triumphant smile towards Will. If thats what you really want, of course well give you all the time you need.

Will disagreed wholeheartedly. If anything, Serena needed emotional support, now more than ever. I dont want to leave you alone when youre upset. I wont ask you to talk about anything you dont want to, justlet me stay with you, Serena.

She seemed to waiver for a moment before slowly shaking her head. Im sorry, Will. I know this is your home too and I have no right to put you out but Im sure you understand that it would only be adding fuel to the fire if you stayed.

All right, Ill go. he replied reluctantly.

It was obvious by McKinleys arched eyebrows that she was surprised he was folding so easily but given the situation, he didnt have any choice. Will leaned down and dropped a chaste kiss on Serenas cheek then waited until shed gone inside the house before trudging to his car like a beaten dog. A sidelong glance at McKinley as she climbed into her own car confirmed his suspicion she was gloating. She followed him for several blocks, no doubt to make sure he didnt double back, but when he made for the freeway on ramp, McKinley finally stopped tailing him. Only then did Will allow the grim expression to slip from his face. Chapter 38:- Chapter 10, Part 4

Serena slumped against the door, drawing in a ragged breath when she heard both cars pull away from the house. She felt numb inside, but she welcomed it because it was better than the shards of pain that sliced through her when shed first realized McKinley had set her up. When she was sure her wobbly legs would sustain her, Serena shoved away from the door. Her movements were mechanical as she made her way to the kitchen to feed Rufus, but by the time he finished eating, the numbness had begun to wear off and the unshed tears to fall.

She couldnt afford to cater to her emotions right now but she did allow herself to mourn the death of something shed held close to her heart for years; the belief that McKinley loved her. When everyone else was trying to coax her into remembering what happened that night, only McKinley seemed to understand she didnt want to remember and reassured her it was okay to block it from her mind. And when Serena finally gathered the courage to tell her parents she wanted to discontinue visits to the psychiatrist, McKinley had taken up for her and gotten them to quit pestering her about it.

It was McKinley whod convinced her not to let the dream of becoming a teacher die just because she was blind. Shed encouraged Serena to learn Braille and even took a couple of college courses with her, and theyd formed a closeness that had never been there before. At least thats what shed thought was happening, but now Serena knew her sister had only been playing her.

She tried not to dwell on it while she showered and blow dried her hair, but the sting of betrayal lingered even as she slipped into her favorite dress and her thoughts turned to Will. Would he understand why shed sent him away too? God, she hoped so. Will was smart, she reasoned, and he seemed to be able to read her better than anyone else except maybe Rose. Surely, hed be able to decipher the meaning of her cryptic plea for him leave.

Serena went to the closet and pulled out a pair of matching sandals with a wistful sigh. Even that small task had been made easier with McKinleys help. Recalling the memory was pouring salt into an open wound, but she couldnt seem to help herself. It happened about two months after her release from the hospital. Serena had been sprawled across her bed, feeling particularly sullen that day because her mother had bought several new outfits for her. Not that she didnt trust her Mom to pick out her clothes, but it was a painful reminder that she couldnt even dress herself anymore.

I know she did it to cheer me up, Serena said when McKinley popped in to check on her, but its not like I can tell what top goes with what pants just by touching them.

I have a great idea, McKinley plopped down beside her. Ill arrange your closet and drawers so you dont have to ask for help from anyone.

What good will it do to rearrange them?

I dont mean just arranging them by color. I could do something with the labelslike sew knots to represent the color. The letter B in Braille looks like a colon, right? Well, I could sew two knots into the label so youd know it was blue.

B could stand for brown or black too, Serena pointed out, still intent on being disagreeable.

Then well use BR for brown and BL for black. Come on, Serena, itll give you back a little bit of independence and it wouldnt take long to do if I ask M om to help me. We could even do something similar with your shoes, maybe make small indentations on the soles.

Serena gave herself a mental shake. She had to stop thinking about McKinley and concentrate on what she was going to do about Will. Time was running out, and there were still a few things that needed to be done if she hoped to avoid a replay of what happened outside. The first thing she did was make sure all the lights were turned off; not an easy task since she had to remember where all the switches were. The only light shed ever bothered with was in the living room, and that was so Rufus wouldnt be in the dark all the time. Once Will moved in, he took it upon himself to turn off all the lights and lock up for the night.

Will. Hed barely been gone an hour and already she ached for the sound of his voice, his laughter, the heady scent of his cologne. She could still taste him, still feel the gentleness of his touch and the lingering warmth of his kiss on her lips. Thinking of him calmed her shaky nerves, and by the time she finished feeding Rufus and let him outside, Serena was actually smiling. Yes, she would have to deal with McKinley sometime, but not tonight. Chapter 39:- Chapter 10, Part 5 She gave Rufus another five minutes to do his business and putter around the yard then called him back inside. He followed her through the kitchen and tried to wheedle himself

between Serena and the door leading into the garage when he saw her reaching for the knob. She rarely had reason to go into the garage except when she took out the trash so it was no wonder Rufus took a protective stance.

Its okay, she stroked his head, I promise theres nothing more dangerous than a few fat spiders in there.

Gently nudging him aside, Serena opened the door and reached inside, her fingers skimming along the wall for a few seconds before locating the button to the garage door. The thump of Rufus tail against her leg as the door glided along the track told Serena he was just as happy about the prospect of Will coming home as she was. Well, not quite. She doubted his heart was beating as erratically as her was.

Dont get too excited, she crooned softly, we may have to wait a while.

She didnt want to think about the possibility that Will wouldnt be back tonight. Even if he hadnt caught on to what shed subtly tried to tell him when she sent him away, Serena clung to the belief that he cared about her too much to give up so easily.

She closed the door then crossed the room to sit at the kitchen table, surprisingly at peace with herself. Something had changed today, something deep inside where that frightened young girl had lived for so long. The way she felt about McKinley and Will, and even herself, had been irrevocably altered by what shed learned in the past few hours. McKinleys betrayal was a devastating blow but shed get through it somehow. As for Will

Serenas heart leapt when she heard the familiar hum of Wills car as it pulled into the driveway. Rising unsteadily to her feet, she listened for a moment to assure herself hed parked in the garage then made her way to the door. An eternity passed before she heard the garage door close, and it was another agonizing eternity before she heard the soft click as the door closed behind him. Serena didnt give him time to reach for the light switch. She moved towards him, whispering Wills name on a sigh as his strong arms curled around her and pulled her close in a fierce hug.

Serena, what?

No, dont say anything yet, she pleaded. I just need you to hold me for a minute.

Nestled against the warmth of his body, Wills masculine strength surrounded her like a protective coat of armor. She felt safe with him, trusted himloved him. Tilting her head back, Serena welcomed the slow, tender kiss Will gave her. She welcomed the maelstrom of emotions that flooded her senses and the ensuing need for something more.

Being brave doesnt mean youre not afraid, Will had told her during one of their long talks. It means forging ahead in spite of being so scared your insides are shaking.

Serena had nodded in agreement but she hadnt fully understood it until now. Shed been terrified of leaving the safety of her home to finish high school, but shed forced herself to go to the Institute for the blind her parents enrolled her in. And shed been scared half out of her mind to attend college, but shed done that too. Living alone in this house and then letting Will move in with her had been acts of bravery; she just hadnt realized it before.

This is where the running stops, she told herself. This is where your life begins.

Dont turn on the light, Serena said in a hoarse whisper.

You think McKinleys going to drive by to see if Im here, dont you? Thats why you had the garage door open; to make sure my car as hidden.

Yes, and if the house is dark, shell have no reason to think youre here. I was afraid you wouldnt catch on that I wanted you to come back.

Will chuckled. I didnt at first. Then I remembered youd said it before, that McKinley seeing us together only added fuel to the fire. He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to her lips. I would have come back anyway, but then you already knew that, didnt you?

I hoped.

You knew, he insisted, otherwise you wouldnt have opened the garage door for me. And now that our evening must be spent in the dark, Im afraid I wont be much help in the kitchen. Unless youd consider bologna sandwiches, made with the assistance of a pen light.

Imnot really hungry right now, are you?

Im fine if you are. Would you like to sit in the living room and talk for awhile?

No, I dont want to talk either.

Im running out of ideas here, sweetheart. If you dont want to eat or talk, what would you like to do?

Serena drew in a stilted breath and pushed the words out. I want to go to my bedroom.

Oh. Im sorry, he sounded disappointed. I should have realized youd be worn out after all thats happened today.

Thatsnot what I meant, she said, surprised that her voice could sound so normal when there was an acrobatic performance going on inside her stomach. I want to be with you tonight, Will. I want you to make love to me.

Serenas words hung in the air, her proposition verbally unanswered, though it was painfully obvious by the sudden tension in Wills body and his continued silence that shed made a horrible, horrible mistake. Chapter 40:- Chapter 11, Part 1

I want to be with you tonight, Will. I want you to make love to me.

The burning sensation in his chest began to subside as Will slowly expelled the air that was trapped in his lungs. Had Serena really spoken those words or had he only imagined them? Every muscle in his body tensed. He was afraid to move, afraid to do or say anything that would alarm her. He wished he could see her face, read the emotions she so often displayed without even knowing it. Her voice hadnt wavered, but that didnt mean she was a hundred percent certain about wanting to sleep with him. And he needed her to be sure. He needed to know there would be no regrets afterwards, and that Serena was doing it because she wanted to, not because she thought their relationship would end if they didnt take it to the next level.

Maybe we should wait, he started, as if his heart wasnt clamoring at the thought of touching her, tasting her; as if his body wasnt aching to be inside of her.

You dont want me, Serena replied woodenly.

She tried to pull away from him, but Will only locked his arms more firmly around her. Dont want you? Oh, sweetheart, if you only knew. All I can think of right now is how much I want to sweep you up into my arms and carry you off to the bedroom.

Thenwhats stopping you?

Well, for one thing, he said solemnly, its pitch black in here. Id be lucky to find my way out of the kitchen without slamming one or both of us into the wall.

Serenas head fell forward, resting lightly on his chest. Her slender fingers curled around the material of his shirt and her shoulders started to shake. For one gut wrenching moment, Will thought she was crying, but it quickly became evident that the muted sound she was trying to suppress was a giggle.

You think thats funny, do you?

You have to admit the romantic gesture would be lost if you smacked my head against door frame. She managed to stifle the giggle but he could still hear the laughter in her voice as she tilted her head back. Can you imagine trying to explain to my parents why you had to take me to the emergency room with a possible concussion?

Better not chance it, he grimaced. Im not exactly their favorite person right now.

Thats not your fault, Will, and you know it.

Maybe not, but

I dont want to talk about my parents, she was adament. Or McKinley. I want tonight to be about you and meus, just us.

Will gathered her closer. Id like that too, he murmured against her cheek, butdont rush into anything youre not ready for, Serena. If you need more time, we can wait.

Wills heart plummeted when she pulled away from him. Hed meant what he said about waiting, but that didnt keep the disappointment from settling in the pit of his stomach. He wanted her, there was no denying that, not when every ounce of blood in his body had pooled in his groin the moment her slender frame had pressed into him. But he refused to pressure her. Will let his arms drop to his sides, resigning himself to one more night of aching lonliness. He did not, however, have to let another night go by without telling Serena how he felt about her.

I love you, he said simply.

Serena reached out, her touch light as a feather as her fingertips glided down his arm and curled into the warmth of his hand.

I know, she replied, a slight tremor in her voice. I love you too, Will. I loved you before I was old enough to even know what love really was, but I know now. I feel as if a part of me is missing when youre not here, and I knowI know, I would never be whole again if you walked out of my life.

Theres no chance of that, sweetheart.

In that case she turned around, put your hands on my shoulders.

I was hoping youd say something more along the lines of, kiss me, you fool

Just do it, she laughed. As long as the lights are off, youll have to trust me not to lead you into any walls. As soon as his hands rested on her shoulders, Serena moved forward. Were through the doorway now and turning right, she said as Will shuffled along behind her.

Her step never faltered as she led him down the hallway towards her bedroom, which should have sent his raging hormones into overdrive. Instead, Will started to worry that Serenas sudden boldness was due to some sort of delayed response to the emotional turmoil McKinley had caused. Certain he was right and that Serenas brave front would collapse once they were in her room, Will braced himself for the inevitable. Any second now shed turn around and tell him shed changed her mind and wasnt ready to share the kind of intimacy he so desperately wanted with her.

Serena stopped as they neared the bed. WillI hope you dont mind but She turned around, her pale skin luminscent in the dim light afforded by the moon beams seeping through the lacy curtains. Rufus is used to sleeping in here and I think hed be upset if you shut him outside the room.

Will was so relieved she wasnt shutting him outside the room, he wanted to drag her into his arms and kiss her senseless. Peering through the darkness, he spied Rufus curled up on the floor near the foot of the bed.

I think hes already made the decision to stay and I wouldnt dream of putting him out. And now, he drew Serena into his arms, where were we? Chapter 41:- Chapter 11, Part 2

The moment his mouth closed over hers, a delicious warmth began to spread like wildfire through Serenas veins. She melted like a marshmallow over an open flame, her insides turning into liquid goo as Will continued the sensuous assault on her lips. He took his time, deepening the kiss and engaging her tongue in game of cat and mouse that was so erotic in nature her knees started to buckle. Her skin tingled; every muscle, tissue, and fiber in her body tingled, but the most overwhelming sensation was the feeling of being alive.

There was no fear as his kisses gradually grew more ardent, only love. And longing. It filled her completely, heart and soul, the magnitude of it so heady it made her dizzy. Serena was caught up in a whirlwind, twirling around and around until her cheeks were flushed and she could barely catch her breath before it was stolen away again. Heat radiated off of his body, and she pressed herself closer with a shiver of anticipation.

Dont be scared, Will murmured, trailing feathery kisses along her jaw line and down the column of her throat.

Imnotssss the last word came out as a breathy hiss and she shivered again, unable to form a coherent thought, never mind translating into words.

Wills teeth raked over the tender spot between her neck and shoulder, coaxing a soft moan from her when he continued to nibble until she was positively spineless. There was a mad flurry of butterfly wings in her stomach followed by a series of tugging sensations deep in her abdomen that sent spider webs of pleasure pulsing through her.

She felt Wills fingers brush against her neck, felt them tremble as he fumbled for the zipper on the back of her dress and slowly guided it down along her spine. His touch was gentle, his movements slow and measured as he slipped first one strap of the dress over her shoulder and then the other and let it slither to the floor. Serena tensed for a moment. Exposed as she was in just her bra and a pair of lacy panties made her conscious of her body in a way shed never been before. She drew in a stilted breath when Wills hands glided down her back to the curve of hips, forgetting her nervousness, forgetting everything except the way he was making her feel.

So beautiful, he murmured, so soft, soperfect. He took her hands and held them against his chest. Your turn, he spoke softly. Unbutton my shirt.

That melty feeling intensified when he took his hands away and left her to the task of undressing him. Her shaky fingers found the first button and somehow managed to unfasten it then moved onto the next. One by one she pried each button loose, acutely aware of the scent of Wills skin and how ragged his breathing had become. It gave her a sense of power to know she had this effect on him, and when she finally got to the last button, Serena didnt hesitate to slip her hands beneath the cloth and push it off his broad shoulders.

Yes, Will said when she flattened her palms against his corded chest. Touch me, Serena, he pleaded softly.

Serena moved her hands slowly across the impressive breadth of his chest and back again. There was very little hair over his pectorals, but it grew more dense towards

the center. She sifted her fingers through it, fascinated that it could feel both coarse and soft at the same time, and equally fascinated by the smooth skin that stretched over solid muscle. There was so much to process, so many sensations coursing through her. She could feel his heart thumping wildly, keeping time with her own racing pulse, felt his chest expand with each harsh breath as he filled his lungs, and the warmth of it on her cheek when he let it out again.

Serenas hands followed the trail of hair down over abs that were as defined by hard muscle as his chest was until the belt on his pants would let her go no further. She splayed her fingers across skin that was decidedly warmer than it had been only a moment before. She liked that. Liked the response Will was having to her touch and the confidence it gave her to continue exploring his magnificent body. And it was truly magnificent.

As a teenager, Will had the build of an athlete, sculpted from years of playing sports. Whatever hed been doing to keep in shape during the years since high school had only improved his physique. Broad chest and shoulders, bulging biceps that were impressively large even with his arms relaxed by his side, hands that dwarfed her own in size; Will Duncan was undeniably male.

Serena let her hands wander back to the hard planes of his chest, a little shocked by her own boldness but too enthralled with what she was doing to stop. A few short months ago she would have been terrified at the thought of being left alone with a man. But then, Will wasnt just any man. True, it wouldnt take any effort at all for him to overpower her; physically, she was no match for him. But Serena wasnt afraid. Maybe

it was because she could still feel how tenderly his strong arms had held her and how gentle those big hands had been as they caressed her bare skin.

You have a scar, she said, running her finger along the length of it.

Wills hand clamped over hers and drew it away. It happened a long time ago.

How did you get it?

My own stupid carelessness, there was an edge to his voice. Like I said, it was a long time ago.

His evasive answer and harsh tone stung more than Serena wanted to admit. She understood all too well what painful memories could do to a person, but couldnt help feeling hurt that hed so firmly drawn the line between his past and the present. Of course hed shared some things about his family and childhood. Hed even amused her with stories about the stunts he and her brothers had pulled in school, but hed never mentioned getting injured.

It must have been a car accident, she decided. Glass from the windows maybe, or a piece of twisted metal. What else could have caused a jagged scar like the one shed felt just below his collarbone? She wondered if someone else was with him at the time and if his reluctance to talk about it was because theyd been injured too, but any other curious thoughts taking root in her head were quickly dispersed when Will distracted her with a long, lingering kiss.

The most exquisite electrical current hummed through her body when his bare chest brushed against the exposed flesh of her cleavage. He pulled her closer, scorching her mouth with the heat of his kiss and sweeping her away in a whirlwind of emotions and erotic sensations so potent Serena was certain her bones had to turned to gelatin. The warmth of Wills hands on her waist should have steadied her but it had just the opposite effect, and she had to anchor her arms around his neck to keep from swaying like a drunkard after an all night binge.

He murmured something against her lips but her head was still reeling, her mind too far gone to grasp the words. Shed never experienced the ache of sexual desire before, but she recognized it all the same. There was a heaviness deep inside, a throbbing that grew more incessant when Will pulled away from her for moment to drag back the bed covers. He lifted her in his arms, pausing just long enough to kiss her again before gently lowering her onto the cool, crisp sheets.

There was a rustle of movement as Will hastily removed the rest of his clothes. She had to remind herself to breathe when his fingertips skimmed over her knee, trailing down her shin to curl around her ankle. He slipped her sandal off and tossed it to the floor, repeating the action with the other sandal. A quiver of anticipation raced through her as Will climbed up on bed and stretched out beside her. Chapter 42:- Chapter 11, Part 3 He took his time; languishing over her body, each gentle stroke of his hand as seductive as the bone melting kisses he plied her with. It didnt seem to matter where he touched her; every inch of exposed flesh was a pleasure point, and Will was exceptionally adept at keeping her in a high state of sensual euphoria. Even when he pulled her close to unhook her bra and remove it, there was only a nanosecond of apprehension before she was once more whisked away by a whirlwind of pleasurable sensations.

Gradually, Serena grew bold enough to touch him too. She loved the fine hairs on his chest, the bulging muscles in his arms, and how smooth the skin on his back was. But what she loved most was the deep, vibrating moan that seemed to catch in the back of his throat as her hands wandered with increasing confidence over his body. It made her feel good to know she had the power to make Will tremble, that his desire for her was so strong he couldnt control his response to her touch any more than she could control her response to him.

Serenas breath hitched when Will cupped her breast, slowly raking his thumb across the peak until it beaded then gently drawing it into his mouth. It felt as if someone had implanted a series of electrical wires inside her body and thrown the switch. The overlapping currents of intense pleasure ripped through her as Wills tongue and mouth did the most agonizingly delicious things to her. He moved to the other breast and lavished it with the same attention, suckling and kneading at the same time until the muscles in her abdomen were as taut as a bow string.

Willoh, God, she gasped as his hand glided down her belly and slipped beneath the band of panties.

The first light stroke sent her mind, her body, her senses spiraling out of control. Serenas pulse spiked, her temperature shot up several degrees, inner muscles clenching down so hard she had to bite back a guttural moan. But when his skillful fingers delved deeper into her folds, seeking out the sensitive bud, she couldnt contain herself any longer. She sobbed out Wills name as the first wave of convulsions wracked her body, but the rest of Serenas words were unintelligible even to her.

A kaleidoscope of colors exploded behind her closed eyes as the most exquisite rush of liquid heat sent her soaring into the stratosphere. Serena clung to Wills broad shoulders in a desperate attempt to anchor herself to something solid, but just as she felt herself floating back to earth, Will slipped her panties off and levered himself over her. Panic clawed at her chest. Somehow he understood that giving her time to think about it would only feed her anxiety because he began easing himself inside of her before she could utter a word.

Every muscle in her body went rigid. Serena ground her teeth together, bracing herself for the inevitable pain of his entry. She held her breath, expelling it little by little as Will slowly sank into her. Her inner muscles stretched to accommodate him, and though there was some minor discomfort, what she felt could hardly be described as pain. It

wasincredible. The intimacy of having Will become a part of her was the single most pleasurable feeling shed ever experienced.

Each time Will drew his hips back then surged forward to join them together again, he filled her completely; body, heart, and soul. His love making was achingly tender, and though she could feel the underlying heat of passion in his kisses, it was obvious he was deliberately restraining himself. Serena loved him all the more for holding back. The fire he ignited inside of her was overwhelming enough; she didnt think could handle the full onslaught of fierce love making she suspected Will was capable of. Not yet anyway.

She had no concept of time, no concept of anything really except Will; the scent of his skin, the taste of his mouth, the way her heart squeezed every time he whispered, I love you. He told her other things too; things that made her feel as if she was soaring in the clouds. Like how beautiful and desirable she was, that she was soft and feminine the way a woman should be, and how good it felt to be inside of her.

His words reassured Serena that she wasnt the only one deriving pleasure, but even without them she would have known she affected Will on an emotional level as well as a physical one. There was a reverence in his touch, just the slightest tremble in the fingertips that moved over her skin. She felt his love in each gentle caress, but she also felt the power of his sexual desire in the violent shudders that rippled the muscles in his back whenever her hips rose to meet his. Will had awakened that same primal need in her; the need to mate with the one she loved, the need to satisfy the hunger inside that had laid dormant all her life.

After years of depriving herself of physical contact, Serena was on sensory overload, but there was still a small part of her that couldnt seem to let go. She writhed beneath him, so close, so closeand yet it remained elusive.

Willplease, she begged. I need What? She didnt know.

But Will did.

Ive got you, baby, he murmured.

He shifted his weight, moving his hands beneath her hips and tilting them to grant him greater access. Instinctively, she wrapped her legs around his waist, offering him her body in an act of ultimate trust. A wild gasp tore from her throat when Will plunged into her, each penetrating thrust driving him in harder and deeper than the one before. Serena shattered into a million pieces as her inner muscles contracted, the climax hitting her so hard, her whole body was ravaged by series of uncontrollable convulsions.

It seemed to go on and on, the waves of pleasure chasing each other so closely it was impossible to tell where one began and another ended. Will made a valiant effort to ride her through it, but she could feel his resolve start to crumble as her liquid heat enveloped him. A guttural moan rumbled in his chest as he exploded inside of her, his big body shuddering as he collapsed over her and buried his face in her neck. Serena held him to her, the rush of emotion so intense she could barely breathe.

Tears seeped from her eyes when Will rolled onto his back then gathered her snugly to his side. He didnt ask why she was crying; he merely pulled her closer and gently wiped the tears away. There was no need for words. Will understood what hed done, the gift hed given her. Not just his heart, it was Serenas life hed given back to her. The ugliness that had haunted her for so many years had been replaced by something far more powerful; the beauty of sharing herself with the man she loved. Chapter 43:- Chapter 12, Part 1 Will stared at the shadows dancing across the ceiling, physically spent but unable to sleep with his mind racing a thousand miles a minute. Serena had fallen asleep over an hour ago with her head nestled on his shoulder and her slender body pressed close to his side. He liked holding her like this. He liked feeling her soft skin against his, the tickle of her long hair draped over his arm, the warmth of her breath on his chest. But more than anything, he liked knowing he would wake in the morning and be able to make love to her again.

Maybe he wouldnt even wait until morning. Maybe hed let her sleep for a while longer then wake her. That sounded like a much better plan than trying to sleep when he still wanted her so bad his whole body ached. Hed never felt this way about any woman before, never felt such raw hunger and intense emotions all at the same time. But then hed never been in love before either.

There had been other women, of course. Its not as if hed led a celibate life, but neither had he been the type to hop into bed with just anyone. Hed known some fascinating women; some intelligent, some not so sharp, some extraordinarily beautiful, some with a

more quiet grace. But none of them had even come close to stirring the kind of passion that Serena did, and there had certainly never been thisfullness in his heart. Or had he always been empty inside, and it had taken Serenas love to make him feel whole?

Will knew the road ahead of them was going to be rough. There would be opposition from McKinley, who would undoubtedly do her best to make sure her parents thought the worst of him. But hed have Roses support, and as soon as he told Anthony and Sawyer that he was in love with Serena and wanted to marry her, Will was sure hed have their support too. For Serenas sake, he hoped McKinley would stop interfering and realize how futile it was to try to break them up.

He had no desire to argue with the wretched woman every time they crossed paths, but what could he do? She was so damned determined to skewer the truth, to cast suspicion on him every chance she got. Because hed never shown any interest in her? Because she was jealous of Serena? Will didnt think so. Oh, he didnt have any problem believin g McKinley was vindictive but there was more to it than that, and he was going to find out what it was if it killed him.

His arms tightened around Serena. There were still a lot of wounds to be healed, wounds that would have to be reopened and salted before they could mend properly. But it would happen when Serena was ready to confront her demons, when she chose to face her past, and not because McKinley decided to force it on her. He felt fiercely protective of Serena, which made it that much harder to feel anything but contempt for her sister.

Shoving aside thoughts of McKinley in favor of something a lot more pleasurable, Will closed his eyes and relived the incredible experience of making love to Serena. Shed been unsure of herself at first, a little frightened even. Not of him, but of the way he made her feel. Thats why hed told her to undress him. Letting Serena take total control of the situation had allowed her to set the pace. It had also given her the time she needed to overcome any lingering fear and reach a certain level of comfort.

Having to remain still while her soft hands stroked his chest had been damn uncomfortable for him, though. All the endless nights hed spent aching for her touch were nothing compared to the torture of just standing there while she explored his body.

Serena had no idea what shed been doing to him, no concept of how hot shed gotten him or how difficult it had been to take it slow once hed started making love to her.

He could still hear those soft, throaty moans and the passion in her voice when shed called out his name; the wild gasps, and finally, finally the rapturous cries when shed climaxed. His self-control had been hanging on by an extremely tenuous thread, and any chance hed had of making it last was blown to high heaven the moment her inner muscles contracted around him. Will had known it would be different with Serena; the emotional connection was too strong to expect otherwise. Hed even been foolish enough to think he was prepared for the impact making love to her would have on him. Hed never been so wrong about anything in his life.

Nothingnothing could have prepared him for the surge of love that flooded his heart when Serena gave herself to him. The emotional blast had shaken him, but what hed experienced physically was beyond anything he could ever have imagined. Hed held out as long as he could but his body felt like a time bomb, the pressure inside of him steadily mounting until he exploded in a rush of heat so intense he was still reeling from it.

It wasnt enough. Not even close. He wanted Serena again, now. He wanted to be inside of her, feel the satiny smoothness of her skin as their bodies strained against each other, giving and taking, kissing, touching

Will clenched his jaws, squashing his wayward thoughts with the same determination he was using to fight the urge to wake Serena. After the day shed had, she needed her sleep. And he needed something to take the edge off this insatiable hunger.

Careful not to disturb her, Will eased his arm from beneath her head and slipped out of bed, taking a few seconds to pull the comforter up to her shoulders. He considered searching for his jeans or at least his boxers but it seemed a waste of time and energy just to cover his nudity when there was no one but him and Serena in the house. Of course, McKinley had a key and knew the security code, but it wasnt likely shed be slinking around in the dark on the slim chance hed come back home. Not that he wouldnt put it past her.

A grin tugged at the corner of Wills mouth as he shuffled towards the door. Seeing him emerge from Serenas bedroom, completely naked and fully aroused, would probably send her into convulsions. Then again, coming face to face with McKinley would undoubtedly deflate him faster than the cold shower he intended to take. The woman was a definite mood killer.

Hed just made it to the door when he heard the soft rustle of bedcovers. Glancing back, he could just make out Serenas silhouette as she sat up in bed. Sounding a little bewildered, she called out his name.

Its okay, honey, he assured her, go back to sleep.

Youre leaving me?

Will smiled in the darkness. Only for a few minutes. Im just going to take a quick shower and then Ill be back.

A shower? Is it morning already?

No, its probably around midnight.

Youre taking a shower in the middle of the night?

Auhcold one, he said with an embarrassed laugh.

Why would you She stopped abruptly when it obviously dawned on her why he was doing it. When she spoke again, her voice was soft and inviting. Come to bed, Will. She drew the covers back. The shower can wait until morning.

Fantasy became reality as he crossed the room and slipped between the sheets, taking Serena in his arms. Will lowered his head to kiss her and found her lips parted and ready, her silky skin rapidly growing warmer as his fingers sought the moistness between her thighs. There was no containing it this time; he was too far gone by the time he buried himself inside of her. With unbridled passion, Will made love to her for hours, long past the point when they should have been weighted down from lack of sleep and pure exhaustion.

It wasnt until the first rays of early morning light streaked across the b ed that Will realized hed kept her awake all night. The sexual hunger had been satisfied but the need to keep kissing her was more powerful than ever. He couldnt get enough of her and it was with great reluctance that he settled back against his pillow, though he kept Serena tucked close by his side.

Will pressed his lips to her damp forehead, absently stroking her hair. Im sorry for keeping you up all night.

Serena snuggled closer. Are you really? Sorry, I mean.

No, he said with a chuckle, not really.

Me either.

Within minutes, they were both sound asleep.

Neither of them heard the soft click as the front door opened, followed by a sharp beep as the security alarm was deactivated. But Rufus did. He lifted his head, ears perking up at the sound of cautious footsteps in the hallway. The low growl vibrating in the back of his throat halted when the bedroom door inched open and he recognized the figure standing there. He made no further sound, but his hackles remained up until the intruder backed out of the room, leaving as silently as theyd come. Chapter 44:- Chapter 12, Part 2 Good morning, beautiful.

Serena turned away from the stove, a soft smile playing on her lips. Morning has come and gone, lazy man. Its nearly one-thirty in the afternoon.

Two strong arms curled around her waist and kept her firmly locked against Wills body while he delivered a devastatingly tender kiss. Memories of last night unfurled, igniting a fire in her belly that made her wish she hadnt been so e ager to slip out of bed to prepare a special meal for Will. Just as that one terrifying night all those years ago had changed her life forever, so had this one beautiful night with Will. That gut wrenching fear and aversion to physical contact seemed to have dissipated; she felt nothing now but sheer pleasure from his touch.

I feel like a bird that has escaped from their cage, she said when Will drew his head back.

Ready to spread your wings and fly, are you?

Serena smiled up at him. I already have. With you.

I cant argue with that. It did seem as if we were soaring through the clouds last night. Several times. But right now, he dropped a quick kiss on her lips, youd better keep your feet on the ground and finish what youre doing. Im starving, and whatever youre

cooking smells wonderful. Id hate to think you went to all this trouble only to serve it up burnt to a crisp because I distracted you from your duties.

Serena arched an indignant brow. My duties?

Of course, Will said, his tone as arrogant as his reply. As my woman, your duties include keeping me well fed. Did I forget to mention that?

Hmmm, her lip quirked, I think there were some things I forgot to mention too.

Such as?

Such as, male chauvinist remarks like that make me want to dump the contents of the frying pan over your head.

Will backed away, laughing. Its probably the sleep deprivation talking so Ill forgive you this one time.

Youre dangerously close to suffering from a case of food deprivation, Mr. Duncan. I suggest you make yourself useful and set the table before I change my mind and make you share a can of beef chunks with Rufus.

She turned back to the stove, more to hide the broad smile she was sporting than to keep the meal from burning. While Will set the table and poured their drinks, she switched off the burners and placed the rice and stir fry mixture in serving bowls. Pulling the oven door open, she breathed in the enticing aroma of twisted bread sticks and determined they were done. Donning a pair of oven mitts, Serena hauled the baking sheet out and set in on the cutting board.

Youre something else, Serena, you know that?

Why is that? She placed the oven mitts in their proper spot then reached for the basket shed set on the counter and began plucking the bread sticks off the hot sheet.

You smelled the bread sticks and knew they were done. And you move around this kitchen with more confidence than I do. Ive even burned my fingers, cut myself more than once with knives that are entirely too sharp, and overcooked my fair share of meals. But youyoure amazing.

I wish you wouldnt say things like that, Serena shook her head. Im sure Im not the only blind person to master cooking or her breath caught in her throat when Will took the basket of bread from her and set it on the counter.

Turn around, he ordered.

She did so, albeit on shaky legs. Dont go all mushy on me, Duncan, she attempted a light hearted tone. You know Ive never taken a compliment well.

No, you havent, he agreed, but its something youll just have to get used to. Will cupped her face in his hands. You are the most beautiful woman Ive ever known, both inside and out. You have spirit and determination. Youve overcome things that would have broken most people, so when I tell you that youre amazing, I want you to believe it. Because its true.

Stop, youre embarrassing me.

Serena could feel her cheeks burning beneath his palms, but it wasnt really embarrassment she felt. She did have determination, that part was true, but it had taken her years to develop any type of consistency where that determination was concerned. There had been times when she wanted to give up, to simply stop trying and let her mother take care of her, but somehow shed always found the strength to pick herself back up and carry on. No, there was nothing amazing or special about her, but as long as Will believed there was, Serena was happy.

Enough talk, she told him. Your lunch is getting cold.

It will keep for a few more minutes.

Serena started to protest but any objections she had were silenced when Will slanted his mouth across hers, effectively annihilating any logical thought patterns. She barely noticed when his hands moved from her face to her shoulders, but she was acutely aware of warm path they made as they glided down her arms and encircled her waist. She loved being held like this, loved the way her body molded so perfectly to his as if they were made for each other.

If the food wasnt quite as hot as it should have been, Serena didnt mind and she doubted Will did either. While they ate, they talked and laughed and she was so at ease with him, it seemed inconceivable that she could ever have had any misgivings about him being here. She loved Will with all her heart. And he loved her. Nothing else mattered. Chapter 45:- Chapter 12, Part 3 Serenas brows drew together. Something had jarred her out of the wonderful dream shed been having, but the warmth of Wills body quickly dispelled her initial irrita tion at being woken. Nestled in the curve of his arm with the sound of his steady heart beat beneath her cheek coaxed a sleepy smile out of her.

After eating lunch theyd been far too lethargic to do anything but cuddle up on the sofa and watch an old movie. Well...he'd watched the movie while she listened, though sitting so close to him had been incredibly distracting. It had been a perfectly lazy day, but they had mustered enough energy to take Rufus for a walk before eating a light dinner.

Afterwards, Will suggested going out on the deck to relax on the lounge chairs while they talked. Serenas smile broadened. The talking had lasted for all of two minutes after hed insisted she curl up on his lap instead of sitting in separate loungers. His kisses were tender, his caresses intimate and loving, and she would have been perfectly content to remain locked in his arms forever. At least thats what she thought until Will commented on the lack of sleep theyd gotten the night before.

Maybe we should turn in early tonight, he said with a husk in his voice.

Thats a good idea. I could use a good nights sleep, shed replied with a straight face, though she hadnt been able to maintain it when Will growled his displeasure. All right, all right, she surrendered breathlessly after hed speared his fingers through her hair and plundered her mouth for several heavenly minutes.

Her stomach curled when she recalled how hed carried her to the bedroom and slowly undressed her before allowing her to do the same for him. His possession had been no less devastating than the night before, the joining of their bodies infinitely more rapturous, and shed fallen even deeper in love with him. If that was possible.

Serena yawned, still not fully awake but alert enough to finally comprehend the noise that had woken her was the door bell. She reached across Will to the nightstand, her fingertips skimming the face of the clock that sat a few inches from the edge. It was a little after ten; earlier than her normal bedtime for a Saturday night, but definitely too late for anyone in her family to drop by. The door bell sounded again, followed by a loud, insistent rapping that jolted Will awake.

What the he started to sit up but fell back again when he realized Serena was sprawled across his chest. Completely misconstruing why she was practically on top of him, Will hugged her in a fierce embrace. Its all right, honey. Someones at the door, thats all. Theres nothing to be scared of.

She wasnt scared, but she didnt try to correct him. Who could be hammering on the door this time of night?

Thats what Im about to find out.

Serena sat up so he could get out of bed. She tucked the sheet under arms, a little alarmed when the rapping on the door grew louder. She heard a soft woof from the doorway just as Will crossed the room to flick on the light, which meant Rufus had gone to investigate the racket and had come back to wake her.

Keep Rufus in here with you, Will said, as he pulled on his jeans and zipped them.


Dont worry, he leaned down and kissed her. The only person I can think of that would be pounding on your door this late at night is McKinley. Shes probably worked herself into a tizzy again, but I promise she wont be sticking around long enough to upset you.

Serena waited until Will shut the door then threw back the covers and climbed out of bed. She made her way to the closet and pulled her robe off the hook, hastily slipping her arms into the sleeves and tying the belt. It was obvious by the way Rufus was pacing that he was agitated, which only served to unsettle her own nerves. She was concerned that McKinley would try to push her way into the house, leaving Will no alternative but bodily remove her. In her heart, she knew he would never do anything to intentionally hurt McKinley, or any woman for that matter, but she also knew hed physically cart her sister outside in order to keep her from causing any more trouble.

Eking the bedroom door open, Serena silently slipped into the hallway and paused for a moment, fully expecting to hear McKinley in one of her rants. The bottom dropped out of her stomach when she recognized the voice of their late night visitor. It wasnt McKinley. As much as Serena dreaded the thought of another go around with her sister, the presence of her formidable father was eminently worse, and posed a much bigger threat.

She inched her way towards the foyer, her legs like leaded weights that seemed to grow heavier with each step. She had visions of two fearless grizzlies facing off with each other and grimaced when she drew nearer because it did sound suspiciously like growling. Both of them were being careful to keep their voices low, but there was no mistaking the anger in her fathers tone.

I want you out of here, now, Tony Cross ground out.

With all due respect, Mr. Cross, Will replied stiffly, that should be Serenas decision, not yours.

Either you move out or I take Serena home with me. Ill be damned if you think Im going to allow you to take advantage of my daughter because shes handicapped.

Serenas footsteps faltered at her fathers jarring remark, but her heart soared when she heard Wills heated reply.

Handicapped? Is that how you perceive Serena? You dont know your daughter at all if thats what you really believe. Shes an incredible woman, and it has nothing to do with overcoming the obstacles of being blind. The only handicap Serena has is you and her mother because you both refuse to see McKinley for what she really is. Youre the one whos blind, Wills voice shook with anger.

McKinley is a bithigh spirited and, yes, she can be self -centered, but she wasnt thinking of herself when she came to us. She was worried about Serena. I appreciate what you did all those years ago, but Serena doesnt need you here to stir up memories that are best forgotten.

Youre wrong, Mr. Cross. Serena needs to face the memories so she can forget them. Burying them, hiding from them, will only hurt her more when they do finally surface. As for McKinley, Wills voice hardened, do you honestly believe her motives are selfless? Has there ever been a time in McKinleys life when her concern for someone else has outweighed concern for herself?

Serenas breath hitched as dead silence followed. Had Will lost his mind speaking to her father like that? Tony Cross didnt lose his temper often, but when he did, he could be downright scary. Not that hed ever lifted a hand to his children; there had never been any need to. He demanded respect and he got it, but not because he used his physical strength to enforce it. Shed always thought of him as a lion whose fierce roar had the ability to make your insides shake and commanded immediate and unquestioning obedience. Anyone with a modicum of intelligence didnt need to feel those sharp teeth tear into their skin to know how lethal they would be.

When her father finally spoke, it was a few octaves lower than normal; a clear sign he was barely holding his temper in check. I think you need to explain yourself, but I suggest you choose your words very carefully. McKinley may not be perfect, but she is my daughter and youd be wise to remember that.

Youre right. Illdo my best to keep that in mind.

To her immense relief, Will seemed to have calmed down. Maybe he realized he was treading on dangerous ground, or maybe he figured out that taking an aggressive stance served no purpose except to escalate her fathers hostile disposition. She crept a little further down the hall, debating on whether she should reveal her presence or not when Rufus made the decision for her. He brushed up against her leg, indicating she needed to stop. Usually that meant there was an obstacle in her path, but when Rufus angled himself in front of her so that she couldnt move without tripping over him, Serena realized hed picked up on her tension and was attempting to keep her from the source.

What Im telling you, Will said evenly, is that McKinley tends toplace her own needs above anyone elses, which makes me wonder why shes so anxious to get me out of here. At first, she tried to convince me it was concern for Serena, and when that didnt work, she tried to manipulate me into having sean intimate relationship with her. When I made it clear I wasnt interested, McKinley targeted Serena, taking every opportunity to convince her I couldnt be trusted.

I dont believe you, Tonys voice was venomous. McKinley was in tears tonight. She said it was you who tried to seduce her.

Thats a lie! It was the other way around.

I know my daughter, and she would never lie about something like that. She was crying and shaking like a leaf because she was afraid youd try the same thing on Serena.

This is insane. How can you claim to know McKinley and still be so oblivious to her devious nature? Shed say anything to get her own way and not suffer a moments guilt for doing it. I didnt want anything to do with her in high school and want even less to do with her now. Shes a cruel, vindictive

Thats enough, Tony growled.

Several minutes ticked by without a word being spoken. Serena imagined them standing there, glaring at each other, neither of them willing to back down. It tore her heart out to think of the two men she loved most in the world arguing like this, the dissension

between them growing more intense with each passing second. She knew she should do something, but what? How could she side with Will and hurt her father? By the same token, how could she turn on Will without losing him?

Listen, she heard her father say, were not solving anything by going at each other like a couple of wolves. I think it would be best if you left. Pleasehear me out, he said when Will replied with an emphatic no. I dont want to upset Serena, but I cant just ignore the things McKinley told me tonight either. Tomorrow we can all get together at my house and discuss it like civilized people.

You cant honestly believe Id do anything to harm Serena?

Nono, I dont. My gut feeling is that you sincerely care about her. But I wont take the chance that Im wrong. You can understand that, cant you?

Yes, I suppose I can.

Good, then its settled, Tony sounded much more amicable. Ill wait here while you pack what you need for a few nights. And theres no reason to wake Serena. Ill call her in the morning and explain everything.

Thats very generous of you, Will said without a hint of emotion.

Serena clamped her hand over her mouth to muffle the harsh sob that was wrenched from her throat. Will was leaving? She shook her head in denial, tears splashing over her cheeks. Why was he giving up so easily? If he loved her, really loved her the way she loved him, nothing her father said could ever have persuaded him to just pack up and go.

Pain clawed at her chest as the jagged edge of a memory reached out to taunt her. Something Randy Porter said that night as he coaxed her into the darkened cavethe same words Will had whispered to her before theyd made love earlier.

You can trust me, Serena. You know Id never do anything to hurt you Chapter 46:- Chapter 13, Part 1 Will didnt move. He refused to budge one single inch. Sizing up the opposition, he quickly concluded that being thirty years younger than Tony Cross gave him no advantage; the man was built like a brick outhouse and had a good twenty pounds on him. He had no intention of inviting a physical brawl with Serenas father, but he wasnt going to be chased off by Tonys intimidating tactics either.

Their eyes locked; mutiny clashed with murderous, but Will held his ground. If he so much as batted an eyelash, it would be taken as a sign of weakness. Tony might not like Wills defiance, but he would grudgingly respect it.

Im waiting, Tony broke the tense silence.

And youll keep on waiting, Will replied, his steely gaze unwavering. When and if Serena asks me to leave, Ill go, but not before then.

You said you understood why I want you out of here.

And I do. But you need to understand why I feel just as strongly about staying. Will rushed on before Tony could lay down any more objections. You never asked why I went after the boys who hurt Serena, or why I damn near killed Randy Porter instead of letting the authorities handle it. I guess I always assumed it was enough for you to know Id done what you would have done if I hadnt gotten to them first.

I wanted to kill them all, Tonys eyes blazed with hatred.

Because you love Serena, Will replied pointedly. Maybe it wasnt clear to me back then, but I loved her too. Thats why seeing her sobroken triggered such a violent reaction. It felt as if my own heart had been ripped out, and I his voice cracked and it took a few minutes to wrestle his emotions back before he was able to continue. I dont know why McKinley is dead set against me being here, but I swear on my life Serena is safe with me. Im in love with her, Mr. Cross, and shes in love with me. It took forever

to get here, and theres nothing you or anyone else can say or do that will convince me I dont belong with Serena.

It was little more than a whisper, but both men heard it and turned towards the hallway. Will didnt think, he simply reacted to the sound of distress and bolted for the hallway. Light from the foyer didnt quite dispel the darkness but it was sufficient enough to see Serenas slender form sagging against the wall. He nearly tripped over Rufus, whose black and brown fur blended in with the shadows. It didnt occur to him until after the dog had skirted off that Rufus had been blocking Serenas path. Yet another male determined to protect the woman he loved.

The moment Wills hand touched Serenas shoulder, she let out a harsh sob and fell into his arms.

I th-thought you were going to l-leave me, she cried.

Will hugged her trembling body, alarmed by the stark fear in her voice. Never, sweetheart, he promised. Ill never leave you.

But you acted like you didnt c-care when Dad said to go p-pack your th-things.

Puzzled, Will asked, How could have you heard that part but not what I told him afterwards?

I covered my ears, she sniffed. I didnt want to hear anymore and didnt think I could keep from falling apart if I had to hear the close behind you.

Is that what you plan on doing whenever we have a disagreement, cover your ears?

Stop teasing me, she admonished, though her tone had lost much of the heartbreaking sadness.

I am sorry you overheard the argument with your father, but I wish you would have listened for a few minutes longer.

Serena tilted her head back, the shimmer of tears on her cheeks visible even in the dim light. Im listening now, Will. Tell meplease.

Ill tell you, Tony said as he stepped into the hallway.

Will squinted against the harsh light when Tony flipped the switch. Judging by the grave look on his face, he wasnt very pleased to find his daughter locked in an intimate embrace with the man hed accused of trying to seduce her. Tonys gaze moved to Serena, his expression softening briefly before his focus shifted back to Will.

I will not have my family torn apart over this, Tony said. Serena, are you aware of the animosity between Will and McKinley?

Yes, but

And you heard what McKinley said about him trying to seduce her?

I heard. But Will would never

Then you also heard me say McKinley is worried sick hell do the same thing to you.

Serena drew away from Will, but not before hed felt her back stiffen. He ground his teeth together to keep from shouting at her father to stop badgering her because, as much as he hated to admit it, this was a test of Serenas faith in him, in their love for one another. Whether Tony meant it to be or not didnt matter. Loyalty to family was important, and he didnt discount how difficult it would be for her stand up to her father, but if she couldnt do it here and now, she never would.

Some battles, he was forced to admit, had to be fought on your own. And this battle belonged to Serena and her father.

Chapter 47:- Chapter 13, Part 2 Yes, I was listening, Serena told her father.

She stopped and pressed her lips together, annoyed by the wobble in her voice. It made her sound uncertain and she couldnt afford to have either man think she was unsure of her feelings. She took a step towards her father, purposely moving away from the security of Wills arms so she could prove to herself, and them, that she was capable of making her own decisions. Inside, she was shaking like a straw house in a strong wind, but they didnt need to know that.

Youre worried about me and I can understand why. After the performance McKinley put on for you and Mom, Im surprised you gave Will a chance to say anything at all.

What did you expect me to do, Tonys voice was gruff, throw the boy out without giving him the opportunity to leave on his own? Im not as unreasonable as you seem to think I am.

Serena aimed a knowing smile in his direction. Great set up, she congratulated herself, and now for the spike. No, you werent entirely unreasonable, but you would have been if you believed even half the things McKinley told you. You would have charged in here like a crazed bull and given Will the sharp end of your horns if you thought for a minute there was any truth to her story.

Okay, okay, I might have been a little suspicious

A little? Serena crossed her arms, determined to get a full confession from her father. Admit it. You came over here because McKinley worked Mom up into worry fit and the only way you could keep peace at your house was to come and raise hell at mine!

All right, you got me, he folded. I wasnt convinced McKinley was telling the whole truth when I left the house, but on the drive over I wonder if Id brushed it off too easily. By the time I got here, Id talked myself into believing I was too smart to be played by my own daughter so it followed that her claims had to be legitimate.

She understood only too well how easy it was to fall for McKinleys lies; her sister was exceptionally skillful at her craft. But that didnt mean Serena was going to let her father off the hook altogether.

I guess I cant beat you up too bad when Im guilty of the same thing. Im not even sure if McKinley knows the difference between the truth and her fabrications anymore. Regardless, I think you owe Will an apology. Its bad enough that McKinley has been sharpening her claws on him since the day he moved in, but to have you accuse of him of taking advantage of me is just horrible.

I wasout of line, he conceded, though it was obvious he did so with reluctance. I realize that now and hope youll both forgive me.

Apology accepted, Will said from behind her.

Serena held out her arms, so relieved she could have cried. I suppose if Will can forgive you, I can too. Being hugged by her father made her feel like a little girl again but she welcomed the precious moment of closeness. I love you, Daddy, she smiled up at him, even if you are a bear sometimes.

I love you too, little girl. Iuhdo have one question before I go.

What is it?

Will tells me hes in love with you. He also seems pretty confident you feel the same way about him.

Serenas heart lodged in her throat. Was that the part shed missed when she covered her ears? She turned back towards Will, a radiant smile on her face. How could she do anything but smile when she was practically bursting with happiness?

Wills confidence is justified, she said softly. I love him with all my heart.

She had no recollection of stepping away from her father or moving towards Will, but she must have because suddenly she was back in his arms. The rasp of stubble from his evening beard against her cheek sent a shiver racing up her spine. Memories of how tenderly hed made love to her earlier came flooding back in a heated rush. She had an uncontrollable desire to shoo her Dad off so she could crawl back into bed with Will and prayed it didnt show on her face when the embrace ended and she turned back around.

Would you tell Mom not to worry, that Im fine? More than fine.

I will, her Dad promised. And McKinley? What do you want me to tell her?

Tell her Serena paused.

What message do you send to someone who has done everything in her power to sabotage your relationship with the man you love? McKinley wanted everyone to believe her poor, blind sister was weak and vulnerable, that she was a mental cripple who was incapable of making sound decisions on her own. Her reasons for doing it didnt even matter anymore. McKinley had finally gone too far and would have to answer to their parents for the stunt shed pulled tonight. Their Dad firmly believed there was no excuse for dishonesty, and though he seemed calm now, he wasnt about to let it slide. Not that McKinley would apologize for her behavior, but at least shed know her attempt to cause trouble for Will had failed.

Its up to you, Dad. But I think once you tell McKinley how Will and I feel about each other, she wont hear anything else you have to say.

Oh, shell hear every word, I guarantee it, Tony said in that same stern tone shed heard him take with her brothers when theyd over stepped the line.

Will slipped his arm around Serenas waist. Well walk you to the door.

Considering the abominable treatment Will had received from her father, it amazed her that he could sound completely at ease, as if theyd spent the last half hour in pleasant conversation. When they reached the foyer, her father dropped a kiss on her cheek. She felt Will lean forward and the ripple of movement as the two men shook hands.

I misjudged you, Will, Tony said. But Ive got to tell you, this is one time Im happy to admit I was wrong.

No hard feelings, Mr. Cross. You know, it might make Serenas mother feel better if she got the chance to know me. If youre both free next Saturday evening, would you like to join us for dinner?

Thats very considerate of you, Will. Im sure it will put Leslies mind at ease if she can see for herself how much you care for Serena. Well see you next Saturday.

Serena was a bit dazed by everything that had transpired. As soon as Will closed the door, she breathed a sigh of relief. How did a situation that started out with you and Dad butting heads end up with a handshake and dinner date with my parents?

Will drew her into his arms, hugging her to him as if hed never let go. Its late. Why dont we dissect it tomorrow?

There was a strangeness to his voice Serena couldnt quite define. Will, are you okay? You soundfunny.

Im fine, sweetheart. Im just glad everything worked out.

You werent worried I would believe the things McKinley told Dad, were you?

Lets not talk about it anymore tonight. -All I want to do right now is take you back to bed and hold you.

Will kissed her then, but it was different than any kiss hed given her before. There such an urgency to it, an almost desperate quality that tugged at her heart. Until that moment, when shed felt the possessiveness in his arms as he crushed her to his chest and the tremor in his lips, it hadnt occurred to Serena that this big, strong man needed the assurance of her love. That he was just as scared of losing her as she was of losing him seemed impossible, yet she knew with undying certainty it was true.

When he finally let her up for air, Serena framed his face with her hands. Im madly in love with you, Will Duncan, and I want you to know there isnt anything McKinley can do or say that will ever make me doubt you.

She wont stop trying, he said with a ruefulness she couldnt miss. The talk your Dad intends to have with her may slow McKinley down for a while but we both know shell be scheming again in no time.

I dont understand her, Serena said. She could have any man she wanted, why does she keep trying to put a wedge between us so she steal you away from me?

It doesnt have anything to do with taking me away from you because she wants me for herself. Theres more to it.

You seem pretty sure of that.

I am. I dont have anything to go on except my gut feeling, but I know Im right. Will covered her hands with his, pressing a kiss into the each palm before urging her towards the bedroom. No more talk about McKinley. Well figure it out sooner or later, but not tonight.

She heard Rufus trailing behind them and wondered if the poor dog was still upset, but once they got to the bedroom he settled down at the foot of the bed as usual. As soon as Will slipped into bed beside her, Serena forgot about Rufus and McKinley and pretty much everything else except the joy she found in being close to him. Snuggling into his warmth, she drifted into a peaceful sleep, a smile of contentment on her lips and in her heart. Chapter 48:- Chapter 13, Part 3 Will made a grab for the bowl as it skittered across the counter, rescuing their dinner salad from certain disaster just as it teetered on the edge. Serena mumbled an apology when he set the bowl next to the chopping board but she was so distracted, he knew it was only a matter of time before she sent the bowl flying again. Will watched her brandish the knife with mounting anxiety; certain the attack on the helpless vegetables would result in the loss of a finger or two. He kept silent for as long as he could, and finally decided saving Serenas fingers from peril would also put a halt to his own heart palpitations and Rufus restless pacing. Leaning forward, he gripped her wrist without warning and used his free hand to pluck the knife away.

Stop playing around and give me the knife, Serena demanded irritably.

So you can hack off your hand? No, I have a better idea. Ill finish making the salad while you relax by taking a nice long soak in the tub.

Im perfectly capable of cutting up a few vegetables, she said with an indignant huff.

Wills lips twitched in amusement. Shed been pretty prickly all day but in the past few hours it had grown progressively difficult to carry on a conversation with her. If he asked a question, her answers were short and clipped. And apparently, offering to help make dinner was a greater sin than trying to talk to her. Im not completely inept, you know, shed informed him in a tone as crisp and frosty as a winter morning.

For the most part, he and Rufus had stayed out of her way, but he refused to stand idly by while she endangered herself because she was too stressed out to remain focused. Placing the knife on the counter well out of her reach, Will told her to turn around. With an impatient sigh, Serena complied but it was obvious by her tightly drawn lips that she was annoyed with him. Well, hed just have to do something about that too, wouldnt he? Trapped as she was between the counter and his body, it didnt take more than a few seconds for her to sense the sizzle of physical awareness that seemed to have dominated their lives in the past week since theyd become lovers.

Will felt it too. Being this close to her made his whole body tingle, as if the undercurrent of a live wire pulsed through his veins. He knew what would happen when they touched, and Serena knew it too. One kiss. Thats all it would take to subdue her and vanquish the surly mood she was in. Very unsporting of him perhaps, but if thats what it took to exorcize the tyrant out of her, it was a sacrifice hed just have to make.

I am going to finish making the salad, his tone broached no argument. But first, youre going to tell me why youre so wound up. Youre an excellent cook and its not as if youve never made dinner for your parents before so what is it?

Serenas lip quivered. Ive been so horrible to you today, and II really didnt mean to be. Its just thatyou dont know how direct my mother can be. It wouldnt surprise me at all if she came right out and asked if youre sleeping with me. Shell drill you about everything; your family, your past, your plans for the future.

I dont understand why that would upset you. Isnt that what this evening is all about, giving your parents the chance to know me better?

I know, but you have no idea how uncomfortable it will be for all of us. I love my Mom to death, but she could have been a professional interrogator.

Will smothered the laugh tickling the back of his throat. She cant be that bad, honey. You dont think you might be exaggerating just a wee bit?

No, Im not, she said vehemently. And heaven help you if she thinks youre hiding something. Shell keep at you, chipping away until you start spewing out secrets youve never divulged to anyone because she makes you feel as if somehow she knows.

Ah, I get it now. Youre afraid Ill confess about kiss-and-tell-Mel, arent you?

Serena stuck her lip out in a pretty pout. Its not funny, Will. I never even tried to lie because Id seen how she dragged the truth out of my brothers and knew if they couldnt hold out, I didnt stand a chance.

If shes that good at it, how did McKinley become such an accomplished liar?

Well, the boys would eventually come clean because they felt guilty for betraying my parents trust and then lying about it. But McKinley she shook her head. I overheard her bragging to her friends about how easy it was to fool our parents. McKinley thought of it as a game. She said it was a challenge; the bigger the whopper she told, the greater her victory when she got away with it.

She must have gotten tripped up by her lies at least some of the time, didnt she?

Sure, but it never seemed to bother her. I dont think she ever felt remorse for anything. What upset her was that she hadnt been clever enough to pull the wool over their eyes.

And she learned from her mistakes, Will said.

Yes, but it all seemed so harmless back then. When McKinley would tell me how shed sneaked out of the house to go to a party or met up with some boy, she laughed and made it sound like an adventure. I actually admired her for being brave enough to go after what she wanted and wished I could be more like her.

Thank God youre not anything like your sister, Will said with a grunt of disgust. She was wild and reckless in high school and had a knack for conning other kids into taking the fall for her if she got caught. She uses people, Serena, and right now shes trying to use your parents to break us up.

Tears pooled in Serenas eyes. Thats what Im afraid of, Will. Who knows what shes told them or how much of it they believe? Shes already painted a jaded picture of you, and I hate it that McKinley has put us in such a defensive position

Us? A wide grin spread across Wills face. Are you going to defend my honor, my little Warrior Princess?

Damn right I am, she said so passionately, Will couldnt help but laugh.

He dragged her into his arms, his laughter dying when Serena tilted her head back, her expressive face displaying her emotions in a way words never could. Wills eyes skimmed over her delicate features, too overwhelmed by the depth of his love for this woman to do anything at that moment but drink in her beauty. A soft blush wormed its way into her cheeks as her lips parted in anticipation of his kiss.

Will lowered his head, allowing his mouth to hover over hers for a few seconds while he savored the warmth her ragged breath before kissing her. His own lungs labored for air when her hands crept over his shoulders and curled around his neck. How had he lived before? How could he have considered the encounters hed had with other women even remotely satisfying? There was no comparison. None.

With sudden clarity, Will understood why hed never given his heart to any woman before now. It wasnt his to give because Serena had claimed it years ago. Hed fallen for a shy, unobtrusive teenager with skinny legs and eyes that were too big for her face. Her smile had captivated him, her soft-spoken manner roping him in and binding Will to her so tightly he was incapable of loving anyone else. Time and distance were impotent against the connection they shared, merely delaying the inevitable. Circumstance may have separated them, but their destinies were intertwined, uniting heart and soul with a love that grew stronger with each passing day.

Better? he asked, feathering kisses down the side of her neck.

Mmmm, much.

Good, Will backed away from the counter, taking Serena with him. Now you can go take that long soak in the tub while I finish the salad. She opened her mouth to protest and was instantly silenced with a kiss. Not another word, he warned.

You fight dirty, Serena managed to get out before he kissed her again. This isnt much of a punishment, she murmured.

True, but now that I know you cant lie to your Mom, how will you explain why dinner is late? Will laughed at the horrified look on her face. Its called tough love, he said as he steered her towards the doorway. Trust me, youll thank me for it later.

Serena offered to more resistance, though he could hear her muttering under her breath as she headed down the hall. Rufus plodded along behind her, pausing at the bedroom door to look back at Will, then disappeared through the doorway. The image of Serena lowering her delectable body into the tub made Wills pulse race. He stood there for several minutes battling the temptation to join her but a quick glance at his watch told him time was running short as it was.

With a regretful sigh, he returned to the kitchen and proceeded to take his frustration out on the helpless vegetables.

Chapter 49:- Chapter 14, Part 1 Serena let out a blissful sigh and sank down even further into the scented water. Shed been out of sorts from the moment she woke up that morning and had been off kilter ever since. She hated to admit Will was right but relaxing in the tub had gone a long way in soothing the tension in her muscles, and in her mind as well.

A soft smile curved her lips. Will had been very persuasive, ignoring her annoyance to coax her out of the dark mood that had persisted despite her efforts to shake it off. His kisses touched off every pleasure point in her body and if theyd had the time to spare, she would have put up more of a fuss and let him persuade her awhile longer.

She closed her eyes, letting the warm water lull her into a sleepy daze. Was it silly to get so worked up over this dinner with her parents? God, she hoped so. If only she could be as confident as Will that everything would be fine, but he didnt know her mother like she did. Leslie Cross was more aggressive than a she bear protecting her cubs when it came to her children, and even worse when it involved Serena. It never really bothered her before. After all, a mother should protect her children. Except she was shielding Serena from the wrong person.

How different her life would have been if only she hadnt gone to the party that night. She doubted Will would have asked her out when she was only fifteen, but maybe when she turned sixteen? Yes, she decided, playing out the rest of her fantasy. They would have dated until she was out of high school and gotten engaged her first year of college. By now they would have had a baby; a beautiful dark haired boy who looked just like his father.

Serena choked back the lump of emotion welling up in her throat. Nothing would make her happier than to be Wills wife and bear his children, but shed never be able to see their little faces, their happy smiles, the color of their eyes. How could she take proper care of them, keep them from getting hurt, if she couldnt see what they were up to?

She had a terrifying vision of their toddler tumbling down the stairs because she hadnt been able to see him heading for danger. How could she live with herself if their child got hurt because of her inability to watch over him? How could Will live with her if something like that happened?

A heaviness settled in her chest as her dreams of a normal life with Will disappeared in wisp of smoke. She needed someone to talk to about it, someone besides Will because she knew he would try to brush her worries aside. Rose was the only one who would listen and tell her out right if her fears were valid. Serena thought about it for a few minutes, imagining her aunts response.

Youre just borrowing trouble, Rose would chastise. Hell, why worry about McKinley sabotaging your relationship with Will when youre doing such a fine job of it yourself?

Serena sat up and pulled the plug, noticing with a worried frown how tepid the water had grown. How long had she been daydreaming in the tub when she should have been getting dressed and helping Will finish preparing dinner? Why hadnt he come to tell her to hurry up?

And why are you trying to pretend your make believe conversation with Rose doesnt have a ring of truth to it?

Grabbing a towel, she quickly dried off then hung it back on the rack and made for the walk-in closet. She wanted to look nice for her parents and Will, opting for a light cotton

sundress in lieu of the jeans and casual tops she usually wore. She chose a dress her mother had bought the summer before because she said it was a perfect shade of blue and matched Serenas eyes. Skimming her fingertips over the shoe rack, she found the soft leather sandals that complimented pretty much anything she wore and carried her selections back to the bedroom and tossed them on the bed.

Serena had just finished brushing her hair when there was a light tap on her door. I know, I know, she said when the door squeaked open, but you cant blame me for not helping with dinner when youre the one who coerced me into taking a long soak. She dropped her brush on the bathroom counter and entered the bedroom. And dont go thinking that kissing me senseless is going to work every time either. Her footsteps faltered when there was no reply. Had she only imagined the door opening? Will?

Serena groaned inwardly when a familiar female voice answered from the direction of the doorway. Sorry. I guess I should have said something as soon as I came in the room.

Mom, Serena swallowed her embarrassment and smiled, Iuhdidnt know it was so late. How long have you been here?

Long enough, her mother closed the door and crossed the room. I want to talk to you before we join the men. Chapter 50:- Chapter 14, Part 2 The bottom dropped out of Serenas stomach. Mom, please. You havent even given Will a chance.

Havent I? We showed up early because I thought you might want my help making dinner. Turns out Will was flying solo in the kitchen because hed sent you off to settle a case of jittery nerves. After kissing you senseless, so it seems.

Heat fused in her cheeks. II know it looks bad, but I can explain.

You dont need to explain anything, Serena.

But I

Just listen to what I have to say first, then you can talk, okay?

Okay, Serena agreed, her heart sinking even further.

Dont look so worried, honey. I promise this is not a lecture. Your father and I got here about an hour ago

An hour? Why didnt you come and get me?

Because Will insisted you needed the time alone.

Mom, Im sorry. Im sure he thought he was doing the right thing.

Leslie surprised her by saying, But he was doing the right thing. Listen, honey, your Dad told me everything that was said last weekend, and even though I trust his judgment, I had to see for myself. I didnt like the idea of Will living here even though I knew hed been a good kid back in high school. But people change, and he wasnt a boy anymore. I was afraid hed try topressure you into something you werent ready for, so when McKinley told us hed come on to her and she thought he might do the same to you

Will isnt like that, Serena denied. And if you must know, he never even kissed me until I asked him to. He loves me, Mom, and he would never do the awful things McKinley accused him of.

I know that now, honey, Leslie said in a subdued tone, and Im sorry for the strain its put on both of you. I have no doubts that his feelings for you are genuine, and Im happy for you. Will loves you very much.

Did he tell you that?

He didnt have to. I got my first clue when Will invited us into the kitchen so we could talk while he fixed dinner. Of course, when I saw how hed mutilated the salad, I offered to help.

For the second time since her mother walked in, Serenas cheeks flamed with color. Actually, I think the hatchet job was my doing.

I know, Leslie laughed. Will told us that was the reason hed banished you from the kitchen. Im just sorry you were so worried about tonight. He said youd been a littleedgy about all day.

Serena grinned at her mothers choice of words. Is that how Will described my mood earlier?

Wellhe may have phrased it a little differently. At any rate, he was very straight forward us. He wasnt happy that you were caught in the middle and made it very clear he wouldnt tolerate us upsetting you.

He said that? Serena grimaced.

Yes, and a lot more too, Leslie replied, sounding as if she actually admired Will for it. He said we could ask him anything we wanted to know about his family, his background, even the balance in his bank account and hed be glad to answer. But, once you joined us, the Q & A session ended.

That must have gone over like a ton of bricks, Serena groaned. Dont blame him, Mom. He was just worried about how uptight I was.

Serena, you dont have to defend him. I thought it was sweet that he wanted to keep us from heaping anymore stress on your shoulders. Any man who will take over in the

kitchen so you can relax in a nice hot tub is worth keeping. As a matter of fact, Leslie said with a trace of laughter in her voice, he reminds a bit of your Dad.

He does?

Uh huh, Leslie looped her arm around Serenas waist and propelled her towards the door. He uses the same power of persuasion your Will does. Honestly, how can you say no to the man you love when hes kissing you senseless?

Chapter 51:- Chapter 14, Part 3 Two weeks later the roles were reversed when she and Will were invited to dinner at her parents house. Serena was ecstatic that both her mother and father had warmed up to Will and accepted he was an important part of her life now. And she was thrilled when they were greeted at the door by Anthony and Sawyer, though they spent the entire hour before dinner reliving every football game theyd played in high school.

Part of her wanted to stay and listen because she liked hearing their light hearted laughter and the constant banter about who was the better player. But she also felt Will needed this time with his old friends for some guy talk without having to worry about including her in the conversation. Feigning boredom, Serena excused herself and wandered off to the kitchen where her mother was busy icing a cake.

I should have done this last night, Leslie bereted herself. Youd think by now Id know not to invite the boys unless I intend to bake a cake for dessert.

Serena smiled. Her brothers were cake fiends. Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting?

You can smell that over the roast and garlic mashed potatoes?

No, I just know Anthony and Sawyer. Serena felt her way along the edge of the table and pulled out a chair. You probably had something entirely different planned and they conned you into making a cake instead.

Youre right, but they dont make it home as often as they used to and Im not above bribing them with cake if thats what it takes.

Serena sat down, making a clicking noise with her tongue. Youre such a marshmallow, Mom.

Ha! Youre going to be ten times worse when you have kids.

If I have children, Serena muttered despondently, the internal debate picking up where it had left off when shed last pushed it from her mind.

Misconstruing the sudden downward shift in her daughters mood, Leslie stopped what she was doing and went to Serena. Theres no reason you cant have children, Leslie said in a comforting tone as she sat down next to Serena. You told me yourself the doctor said the scar tissue would make it more difficult but not impossible to conceive.

Its not that I cant have children, itits just that she shook her head, making several attempts to swallow the painful lump in her throat before she managed to croak out the rest. I dont think I want to have them.

What? Leslies tone was incredulous. You love children, and you would be a wonderful mother. How can you say you dont want a child of your own?

Serena clasped her hands together and drew in a steadying breath. She shouldnt have said anything. If only shed talked to Rose about it instead of burying her doubts so she wouldnt have to deal with them. Rose was the voice of reason and would have responded in a rational manner, while her mothers reaction was purely emotional. She could have talked to Rose without feeling as if she was committing an unpardonable sin by admitting she chose not to have children, whereas the only thing that would come out of a heart to heart with her mother was a healthy dose of guilt and a good cry.

Is it Will? Leslie asked. Did he say he didnt want to have children?

No! Will has nothing to do with my reservations about raising a family.

Have you talked about it?

Only in general terms. And please dont bring the subject up, Mom. I would die of embarrassment and I cant imagine Will would feel very comfortable talking about it either.

Leslies reply was crisp. Fine, I wont bring it up,

With an exaggerated sigh, Leslie stood up and scooted the chair in, clearly unhappy at being shut out. Serena should have known it was too good to be true when her mother returned to the task of preparing dinner with no further comment. She heard the oven door open and close and the soft shuffle of her mothers feet as she moved around the kitchen. For those few, brief moments in which her mother remained silent, Serena allowed herself to believe that was the end of it. But of course it wasnt.

If you dont want to discuss your reasons with me, I guess I have to accept it, but you really should let Will know how you feel before you get married.

Married! Serena choked out.

Isnt that what two people do when theyre in love?

Serena didnt reply right away. How could she? If she gave the obvious answer and said yes, it would only pave the pathway for a whole new slew of questions. Thank God, Will wasnt within earshot of the kitchen right now. Yes, she dreamed of being his wife, but he hadnt even broached the subject of marriage and she didnt want him to feel pressured into asking her. Of course, she wouldnt have to worry about it for long because Serena was positive shed die of mortification if her mother started hinting at setting a wedding date.

There was only one way to spare both her and Will the embarrassment they were about to be subjected to, and that was to nip this conversation in the bud before they all sat down to dinner. Clamming up would make her mother think there was something wrong with their relationship, and getting defensive would give the impression she had something to hide. Self preservation and the desire to shield Will meant she had no choice but to go on the offense; not an easy task for someone who preferred to remain quietly in the background and avoid confrontation.

Youre fishing, Mom, she asserted. Much more subtle than your usual head-on approach, but youre not going to wheedle anything out of me because theres nothing to tell.

Meaning Will hasnt asked you to marry him yet?

No. We havent discussed marriage or children or plans for the future. Right now were justtaking it one day at a time.

Are you afraid to talk about those things with Will?

She shook her head, the denial on the tip of her tongue. For as long as she could remember, Rose had been the one she turned to when something troubled her. It wasnt because she felt her mother was unapproachable, but there always seemed to be some drama revolving around McKinley, or the boys were being a pain, and Serena could never bring herself to add to the burden.

Then after the attack, shed shut her mother out completely, and it suddenly occurred to her how much it must have hurt; knowing your child had been violated in the worst possible way, watching them slowly slip away from you and feeling utterly helpless to do anything about it. Serena hadnt missed the caution in her mothers voice just now, and why wouldnt she try to guard herself against the rejection she expected from her daughter?

Yes, she finally said, I guess I am a little afraid.

Have youtalked to Rose about it?

Serenas chest tightened. All this time, she thought shed been sparing her mother from further worry when the reality was shed only compounded it. Choked with emotion, she cleared her throat then let the words spill out.

No, I think sometimes a girl just needs her mom, you know? Chapter 52:- Chapter 14, Part 4 He should have made a noise of some sort; coughed, rattled the empty beer bottles he was holding, anything to let them know he was there. Will glanced down at Rufus, feeling even guiltier for ease dropping because the silly mutt seemed to be emulating him and hadnt made a sound. Maybe Rufus sensed, just as he did, how important it was not to intrude on the two women just yet.

One thing Will knew for sure; confiding in her mother was monumental for Serena. And yes, he should have backed away and let them have this private moment, but hed been rooted to the spot when he heard Serenas reply about being afraid to talk to him. Right or wrong, he couldnt leave until he heard what else she had to say.

Is Will that difficult to talk to? Leslie asked.

No! Hes been wonderfulpatient, more patient than anyone I know. But Im scared, Mom.

That he wont ask you to marry him, or that he will?

That he will, Serena said miserably. What if asks me and I say yes, and then he realizes he doesnt want to spend the rest of his life with aa blind woman?

Will doesnt seem like the type to do something without thinking it through, Leslie replied. He wouldnt ask if he wasnt sure it was what he wanted.

Wellwhat about children? He probably hasnt even considered how useless I would be. I mean, how can I take care of a baby properly? And once our child becomes a mobile toddler, how can I protect them from climbing on stairs or sticking their finger into a light socket, ororgetting into cupboards with dangerous cleaners? What if our child got hurt because of me?

Leslie calmly dismissed each of Serenas concerns. You wouldnt be the first blind woman to have a child, and Im sure they all have the same worries. But like everyth ing else you thought was impossible to do without your sight, if its something you really want, youll find a way to accomplish it. As for all the other things you mentioned, the solutions are simpler than you think. A baby gate in front of the stairs, socket protectors over all the outlets, child proof locks on cupboards, and dont forget youll have Rufus there when Will is at work. Hell watch after your little one just as he watches after you.

There was long pause before Serena spoke, her voice thick with emotion. Even if I convince myself Im capable of taking care of a baby, how can I deal with the pain of knowing Ill never be able to see my own child?

Thats any easy one to answer, Leslie said gently. It will be a part of you and Will, conceived out your love for each other. Youll see your baby, honey. Youll see him the same way you see Will now; with your heart.

Youre pretty g-good at this mother s-stuff, Serena stammered tearfully.

Leslie sounded just as weepy when she replied. It can get a little bumpy sometimes but I promise youll never regret it, not for one single moment.

Conscious that hed lingered longer than he should have and how embarrassing it would be if one of the men came to see what was taking him so long, Will decided it was time to make his presence known. He took a few steps backwards, purposely rattling the empty beer bottles before proceeding to the kitchen entranceway. Leslie smiled warmly before turning back to the cake she was frosting, but not before hed caught the shimmer of tears in her eyes. Pretending not to notice, Will took a stab at being humorous.

Rufus and I were nominated to fetch another round but I couldnt get the lazy animal to help carry the bottles.

Thats because my dog has more pride than you do, Serena laughed. Such menial tasks are beneath him.

Will grinned as he deposited the bottles in the recycle bin. Well see how much pride his royal highness has the next time he wants one of those beef basted treats hes so fond of.

The rest of the evening was filled with light hearted banter like he and Serena had exchanged in the kitchen. There was only one uncomfortable moment when Sawyer asked why McKinley wasnt there, causing a definite lull in the conversation. Will caught the look of concern that flickered across Tonys face when he glanced at Serena and the almost imperceptive shake of his head when his eyes moved to his wife. And if Leslies voice was a little too cheery when she explained McKinley had a previous engagement but sent her love, no one else seemed to notice.

It wasnt until much later as Will lay in bed that he had time to think about the conversation hed overheard. Serena was tucked up close by his side, her soft skin still moist from making love, an occasional purr of contentment escaping her kiss swollen lips. Shed barely said a word on the ride home and hadnt offered more than a few sentences once they were inside the house. He finally gave up the one sided conversation and left her sitting on the sofa in the living room while he went to let Rufus outside to do his nightly business.

Hed waited by the door until Rufus was ready to come back in, hoping that all Serena needed was a little time to herself in order to shake off the somber mood she was in. He suspected the things shed discussed with her mother were weighing pretty heavily on her because she wanted to share her feelings with him but couldnt bring herself to do it. Which left Will in a bit of a quandary. His first impulse was to comfort Serena, to put her mind at ease and tell her all the things she wanted to hear. But he wasnt ready to talk about marriage or plans for the future yet.

As it turned out, he didnt have to say anything to Serena. By the time he returned to the living room, she was gone. He stood there for several minutes, staring at the empty spot on the sofa as if she would magically reappear. Apparently, Rufus wasnt nearly as fascinated by the vacant sofa as Will was because he stayed just long enough to determine Serena wasnt there before trotting off down the hall towards her bedroom.

He considered spending the night in his own room since Serena obviously wanted to be by herself, but the thought of crawling into bed without her was about as appealing as taking a mule kick square to the chest. Will turned off the light in the living room and headed for the stairs, veering left at the last minute with a purposeful stride towards Serenas room. He was a little surprised to find the door open and Serena perched on the edge of the bed as if shed been waiting for him.

We need to talk, he said.

I know, Serena rose to her feet, but not now. I need you, Will. I dont want to talk. I dont want to think. I just want to feel.

In truth, he was more than happy to forestall talking and make love to her instead. It was different this time; more passionate, more giving, moreeverything. There was no doubt hed done as she asked and driven every troubled thought from her mind because shed done the same for him. Hed gotten lost in the taste of Serenas kisses, the feel of her satiny skin, the sound of those soft, throaty moans as he drove himself into her moist heat. But now that their hunger for each other had been satiated, Wills mind began to function again.

Serena, are you awake?

Hmmmm, she mumbled. But if youre thinking about going another round, I dont have the strength.

Will smiled in the darkness. The mind is willing but the body is weak.

Which means youve been thinking, she said with a wistful sigh.

Iuhoverhead some of the conversation you had with your mother.

I was afraid of that.

Do you want to talk about it?

Nonot yet, anyway. But there is something I want to ask you. Ive given it some thought and I wantno, I need to do something. For mefor us. But I cant do it alone.

What is it you want me to do? Will asked, an icy sliver of foreboding boring its way into his chest.

Serena drew in a deep breath, expelling it slowly before she spoke. I told my mother why I was afraid to talk to you about ourrelationship, our future together

I heard, Will cut her off. She was right, Serena. I love you. Whether you ever regain your sight or not, Ill always love you, always be here for you.

I know, she said softly, and I have to accept that I might never see again. But if theres a chance, no matter how small it is, I have to try.

Wills brows drew together. What do you mean, you have to try?

I mean, I havent tried to deal with the attack or my blindness, not really. The therapists, my family, you everyone tried to help me, but not once did I try to help myself. I buried the memories and simply accepted I was blind because it was easier that way. Rose is the only who recognized that, or maybe she was just the only one who had the guts to tell me. She said that by taking the path of least resistance, in essence I had chosen to be blind.

Do you believe that?

I didnt at the time. I was so angry with her, I didnt want to listen to anymore, but you know Rose. If she has something to say, shes going to say it whether you want to hear it or not. The point iswhen those boys held me down, I didnt have a choice about what happened to me. And I certainly didnt choose to be blind as a result, but I think Rose was right and that I never regained my sight because I chose not to.

On a subconscious level, you mean.

At first, yes. The doctor called it hysterical blindness. The physiological stress caused by the trauma of what I went through manifested in a physical manner, triggering what should have been a temporary blindness.

But it wasnt temporary, and you think thats because you consciously chose not to see?

In a way, yes. I blocked out most of what happened, but when you and I talked about it that night you came to my room, I told you I remembered keeping my eyes closed so I wouldnt have to see whatwhat they were doing to me. And then afterwards, I didnt open them because I wanted to stay in the dark. I felt safe there. Its like when you were a kid and you pulled the blankets up over your head because the shadows looked like monsters and it scared you. In your heart, you knew the blanket couldnt protect you, but as long as you couldnt see what was lurking in the shadows, you felt safe.

Will was thoughtful for moment. If thats true, then making a conscious decision to see again would restore your eyesight.

I wish it was that simple, Serena said, but I think the decision has to be on both levels. Thats why I need your help.

What do you want me to do?

I need two things. First, I want you to tell me everything you remember about that night, from the time you got there until you found me in the cave. If you can tell me who was

there and what they were doing, maybe it will trigger something in my own memory of arriving at the party and why I went inside the cave.

It was a long time ago, but Ill do my best. Whats the second thing?

I know this sounds crazy, there was a slight tremor in her voice, but its the only way I can truly face this thing and rid myself of the past for good. Will, II want you to take me thereback to the cave where the nightmare first began. Chapter 53:- Chapter 15, Part 1 Serena got out of bed and reached for her robe, the numbness from Wills flat refusal gradually giving way to the raw pain of betrayal. Cramming her arms into the sleeves of the robe, she scurried off to the bathroom on shaky limbs, ignoring Wills plea to come back to bed. No. Hed told her no! Didnt he have any idea how hard it was for her to make the decision to go back inside that cave? Surely he must know how important it was to her. Why else would she put herself through something like that?

Shed actually been proud of herself for asking him without sounding as fragile as she felt. But maybe that was because shed also been confident he would agree to do it. Serena swiped away a rogue tear with the back of her hand as she slipped into the bathroom and closed the door behind her. Despite the sharp, stabbing pain in her chest, a childish sense of satisfaction brought a grim smile to her face when she heard a loud clamor followed by a muttered string of expletives. Will had obviously tried to maneuver his way in the dark, unsuccessfully by the sound of it. Good. She hoped he had a bruise the whole length of his shin!

There was a few minutes of silence while he presumably turned on a light to keep from mowing over any other pieces of furniture on the way to the bathroom. Mentally tracing his movements by the sound his bare feet made on the hardwood floor, Serena knew he was standing right outside the door even before she heard the tentative tap. She drew in a jagged breath then pressed her lips firmly together to prevent an anguished sob from escaping. She didnt want to talk to him, not when her insides felt like raw hamburger and it was all she could do to keep from bursting into tears.

Will tapped on the door again, a little louder this time. Serena, honeywe arent going to resolve anything if you wont even talk to me, he tried to reason with her. Muttering something unintelligible when she replied with mutinous silence, Will didnt bother to knock before opening the door and stepping inside. Come on, sweetheart, its late and

were both tired. Why dont we go back to bed, get a good nights rest, and talk about it in the morning?

You refuse to help m-me, her voice wobbled, what more is there to say?

I do want to help you, but not by taking you back to that place. Its too risky. Serena, listen to me, he moved a little closer. You dont know what will happen. What if going there is too traumatizing for you? It could do more harm than good and I would never forgive myself if

If I go off the deep end? she finished for him.

I was going to say, if anything bad happened to you.

You were the one who said I needed to face my fears, Serena reminded him.

Face them, not relive them. Look, well find a therapist that specializes in the type of trauma you suffered. We can even try hypnosis if you want.

In a nice, controlled environment where I can feel safe? No, she said with vehemence, Ive done the therapist thing and it didnt work. And, granted, I dont know much about hypnotism but as I recall, you have no memory of what happens when youre under so how would that be any different than the nightmares I have? They certainly havent proved to be very therapeutic, which validates my theory that I need to conquer this on both a conscious and subconscious level.

There has to be some other way.

Theres not, Serena insisted.

It could backfire on you, revive the old fears and insecurities youve already worked through. Youve come so far

Not far enough.

I dont understand you, Wills voice was laced with frustration. It must terrify you to think of going there, especially since you have no idea if it will do anything but bring the nightmares back in full force. Why would you want to take that chance?

Serena let out a weary sigh. She knew he was only trying to protect her, and why he didnt want to take part in something that could breach the chasm in her mind that shielded her from the past. But she needed him, needed the inner strength his presence gave her, and unless he truly understood why she felt compelled to go through with it, Will was not going help her.

I could give you a million reasons why I need to do this, but it would be easier to show you. Is the bathroom light on?

Will sounded perplexed by the radical change in subject. Yesbut what does?

Turn it off and shut the door. Please, she added when he didnt move. Once she heard the click of the door as he closed it, Serena silently moved to the far corner of the bathroom, several feet from where shed been standing before. Now come to me, she said softly.

Youre not in the same spot, Will said as he shuffled in her general direction.

It was a fairly good sized room but like most bathrooms, there obstacles that jutted out, like the toilet and counters and towel racks that made it difficult to negotiate in the dark without running into something. As Will found out a few seconds later when he stumbled into the laundry basket before angling towards her. She could hear him patting the objects he came across with his hands; the first of two counters, the shower door, the wall near the corner shed tucked herself into. Silently sidestepping him, Serena eluded him and positioned herself by the door.

Wills hand slid across the wall where shed been only moments before. Where are you?

Over here.

Just what you There was a dull thud, followed by a colorful string of oaths. I think I broke my toe, he ground out.

Watch out for the another dull thud, edge of the counter, she finished. Ouch. That sounded painful, Serena said with a hint of laughter in her voice.

You wont think its so funny when I get my hands on you, Will growled as he fumbled his way back to the door.

Im right here, Serena taunted from behind him. She felt the whoosh of air when he whirled around and tried to grab her, but she was too fast for him and easily maneuvered off to his left. Youre getting warmer.

She made another tactical move, slowly circling him and tossing out a whispered word or two so he would mock her movements. When she was sure Will was so disoriented he probably couldnt tell if he was facing towards or away from the door, Serena stopped moving around and waited for him to find her.

Okay, youve had your fun, Will slipped his arms around her waist and pulled her close. Now do you want to tell me what this is all about?

Its about being in the dark, she told him, and not being able to distinguish night from day. Its about feeling lost and clumsy and never knowing for sure if your clothes match or your hair is a mess. And its hearing someone say they love you and dying inside because youll never be able to look in their eyes or see their face, their smile

Serena choked back her tears and made one last attempt to change Wills mind. I asked you to turn off the lights and try to find me so you would get an idea of what I go through every single day of my life. I feel helpless and frustrated when I cant find something, and its so hard to hold onto my confidence and self -esteem when I cant do something as simple as finding the pen Ive dropped on the floor.

I dont want to feel my way around anymore. I dont want to be afraid to go someplace unfamiliar because I cant stand the thought of people feeling sorry for me when I bump into something. And I dont want to spend the rest of my life trying to hang on to the faded image I have you Will. Please dont do this to me, her voice quivered. Im begging youdont leave me in the dark.

Chapter 54:- Chapter 15, Part 2 Will had every intention of dissuading Serena from going back to that horrible place no matter what arguments she presented. He was terrified it would be too much for her and had a bone chilling image of carrying Serena out of the cave in the same catatonic state hed found her in seven years ago. He wanted to believe her eyesight would return on its own; that given time, his love would heal her. He sure as hell didnt want to use the shock method, but how could he tell her no when the pain in her voice was so woefully evident?

Will thought about what shed said. And yes, hed felt a little lost and clumsy, but he had the security and comfort of knowing all he had to do was turn on the lights and everything would be back to normal. Serena didnt have that option.

His eyes shifted from left to right and back again without detecting so much as a sliver of light. With the room still immersed in total darkness he wasnt even sure which direction the door was in, and thats when it finally hit him. How could she get over what happened to her when Serenas blindness was a constant reminder?

Ill do it, he finally said, but on one condition.

Whats that?

We take Rose with us. No one else in your family would agree to it, and I want someone else there in caseanything happens.

Serena cupped his face in her hands and lightly kissed his lips. Thank you, she whispered.

When do you want to go?

As soon as possible. Tomorrow, if Rose can manage it.

Tomorrow. Already, the misgivings were beginning to settle like concrete cinders in the pit of his stomach. The outcome could be disastrous and it would be all his fault for letting her talk him into it. It didnt help that his own memories of that night were starting to come out of hiding, memories hed purposely shoved to the farthest recesses of his mind.

He wasnt proud of what hed done to those boys, but neither was he remorseful. They got off easy as far as he was concerned. The difficult part was going to be telling Serena. There were only a handful of people who knew the whole story; his parents, Rose, Anthony, and Sawyer, though he suspected they had confided in their father. He was fairly certain Serenas mother had gotten the edited version from Tony. None of them thought any less of him for it, but he was worried that Serena might be afraid of him once she knew what kind of violence he was capable of.

Are you okay with that? Serena broke into his thoughts.

If Rose is agreeable, I guess theres no reason to put it off.

And youll tell me everything you can remember?

Will balked at that. You want to do it right now?

Well, not in the bathroom, she said with a laugh. Im really not tired, but its okay if you want to wait until morning.

Will wasnt tired either and doubted hed be getting much sleep that night anyway. You make the coffee while I rustle up a midnight snack.

Its a deal. We can put everything on a tray and take it to the living room so well be more comfortable.

Great idea. And just to show how gallant I can be, Ill take care of transporting the goods.

And to show how grateful I am for your chivalry, she said with a saucy lilt, Ill le t you turn on the lights first. Chapter 55:- Chapter 15, Part 3 Will pulled his beat up old Chevy into the clearing and parked next to Anthonys truck. This years model, of course. It was hard not to resent his wealthy buddies sometimes, even though Anthony and Sawyer were pretty low keyed about having money to burn. He sat there for awhile, listening to the sound of girls laughing and the boisterous voices of boys who were trying to impress them.

He wasnt really in the mood to party despite the fact theyd creamed the other team at the football game tonight, but he supposed he had to make an appearance. Having hoards of giggling females fawn all over you got old, and he didnt care to make out with a girl he had no feelings for just because everyone else was doing it.

The only reason he let his friends talk him into coming was because hed heard Serena was going to be here. He wasnt sure why he was so sweet on her. She was too young for starters, and she certainly didnt have the looks or curves her sister had, but there was something about her that got to him in a way no other girl ever had.

Will shoved the door open and climbed out of his car. Most of the kids would be hanging out around the bonfire, others will have sneaked off to the woods or the caves to make out. As he trudged down the familiar path, he wondered if he dared try to get Serena

alone long enough to kiss her. He let himself enjoy the image of holding her close and coaxing Serena out of her shyness to experience her first kiss. And he would be her first, he was certain of that. Hed heard McKinley tease her often enough to know shed never been out on a date because she was a timid little mouse.

No doubt, it would boil McKinleys blood if she knew he was even considering kissing her sister. Okay, so McKinley was hot, and shed made it clear she wouldnt think twice about hopping in the sack with him, but she just didnt do it for him. Maybe other guys could overlook the fact shed made the rounds with half the jocks in school, but he couldnt.

McKinley had no morals, and she was a manipulator; qualities he definitely had a strong aversion to. Now Serenashe was different. She was kind and sweet, and Will liked it that she blushed up a storm when he stopped to talk to her in the hallways.

His fantasy about Serena came to an abrupt end when he spotted Anthony and Sawyer. They probably wouldnt like the idea of him dating their little sister and he couldnt even imagine their reaction if they caught him kissing her. Granted three years wasnt a huge gap in age, but Serena was only fifteenwell, she was two days shy of being fifteen, which would make him a cradle robber in their eyes. So much for spending time with Serena tonight, he thought with a regretful sigh.

Anthony greeted him with a hearty slap on the back. Hey, Duncan, where have you been? We were just about to hit up a couple of the cheerleaders and volunteer our services as escorts on a tour through the woods. Youre welcome to come with. Im sure Jennie would jump at the chance, seeing as shes already asked about you twice tonight.

Thanks, but I think Ill pass.

Will glanced around and spied McKinley plastering herself to Rick Porter, apparently unconcerned that several members of the football team were enjoying the show as her boyfriends hand slipped beneath her skirt to fondle her behind. Her brothers had given up trying to contain McKinleys wild streak a long time ago, but he knew it still bothered them to see her make such a public display of herself. And hed heard the way guys talked about her in the locker room, though most of them were smart enough not to say anything when Anthony or Sawyer were around.

He wanted to ask if Serena had shown up yet but they left before he could figure out how to make it sound like a casual question. Once theyd taken off in search of females, Will strolled around for awhile, occasionally stopping to talk about the game and celebrate their victory. A good portion of the kids were drinking alcohol, beer mostly, and some of them were getting pretty rowdy. His eyes scanned the crowd, pausing at every blonde female that crossed his line of vision, but there was no sign of Serena.

He told himself she wasnt his responsibility, that her brothers should be looking out for her, but he couldnt help worrying about her. She was young and nave, and Will was afraid she would allow her friends to coax her into drinking. He didnt like the idea of Serena getting tipsy with so many raging male hormones on the prowl, and it really shook him up to think of her getting into a car with an intoxicated driver. So when he noticed McKinley extract herself from a group of adoring Sophomore boys and head in his direction, Will was genuinely glad to see her.

There you are, she said, as if shed been looking all over for him. My brothers said you were being anti-social tonight and ordered me to come and drag you back to our private party in the woods.

Will doubted McKinley allowed anyone to order her around, but he didnt care enough to question it. So who else was invited to this private party?

My brothers, a couple of your football buddies, andare you coming or not? Chapter 56:- Chapter 15, Part 4 There didnt seem to be much of a choice since shed already turned away from him and was weaving her way through the mass of people. Will trailed after her, convinced that the exaggerated swing in her tail was for his benefit. McKinley wasnt satisfied with having Rick on a leash, she wanted every male in school panting over her. No, he wasnt completely immune to her; she was a beautiful girl with an incredible body and a killer set of legs. But she knew it, and that was what he didnt like about her.

McKinley was so full of herself there wasnt room to care for anyone else. She wasnt deliberately cruel, or at least he didnt think so, but sometimes the things she said were really hurtful. Hed seen the crestfallen look on Serenas face when McKinley told her they needed to go shopping because Serena didnt have any fashion sense. He imagined McKinley thought it was a magnanimous offer to take her fashion challenged sister shopping, but to Serena it was a disparaging remark about her poor clothes selections.

How much further? he asked, after theyd trampled through the woods for several minutes.

Its just up ahead a little ways.

Will couldnt hold it in any longer and blurted out, Is Serena with your brothers?

Shes coming with a group of her track friends, but she said they were going to grab a bite to eat first so she wont be here for at least an hour.

Disappointed, but not wanting to alert McKinley to that fact, he clamped his mouth shut to keep from asking any more questions about Serena. Even so, McKinley must have picked up on it because she stopped so fast, he nearly ran her over. She whirled around, looking thoroughly irritated as she angled her flashlight up towards his face.

Dont tell me youre interest in that little plain Jane, she said with a mocking laugh. Good Lord, Will, she wont even be fifteen for two more days. And even if she was old enough to date, shes so pitifully dull youd slip into a coma before the evening was over.

Serena is not dull, his reply was heated. Shes just a little shy, but its no wonder when she has a sister who demands all the attention for herself.

Will expected her temper to flare but it didnt. He figured something must have snapped in that delusional brain of hers though, because she started babbling about how shameful he was for trying to make her jealous of Serena. It threw him for a loop when she accused him of doing it on purpose just so McKinley would admit she wanted him for herself.

What? He shook his head in disbelief. Have you lost your

Its ridiculous to even think Id be jealous of Serena, but Im flattered that you made the effort. McKinley slipped her arms around his neck, pressing herself so close a breath of air couldnt get between them. Id throw Rick over for you in a New York minute, she purred. We could slip away right now and find a nice, quiet place where we could get to know one another a little moreintimately.

Good God, what had he gotten himself into? McKinley, I dont think

The only excuse he could offer for not pulling away when McKinley deflected his objection by kissing him was that he was a teenage male. As such, it wasnt always easy to control his hormones even when he wasnt particularly attracted to the female he was with at the moment. His body responded of its own accord to the eagerness of her mouth and provocative gyration of her hips, but it still wasnt enough to tempt him into taking it any further.

McKinleys kisses were seductive, Will couldnt deny that. But it was Serena he really wanted to be with. So why was he kissing McKinley when he knew Serena would never have anything to do with him if she found out? Serena probably knew as well as he did that the football team had scored more victories with her sister this season than they had on the field.

And what about Rick Porter? He and Will had been friends since grade school, but this was something that not even the best of buddies could overlook. Kissing someone elses girl was bad enough, but it was doubly contemptible to betray a friend. It was a sobering thought; one which finally brought him to his senses. Will jerked his head back and was attempting to extract himself from her clinging arms when the crackling of dead twigs alerted him that someone was about to stumble across them.

For a moment, Will couldnt believe his rotten luck when Rick emerged from between some trees along with a few other couples. After all, what were the chances of him coming to this particular spot in the woods at precisely the same time Will was kissing his girlfriend? As he grappled for something to say, he felt McKinleys hair brush against his chin when she turned her head and knew shed seen Rick too. So why was she still hanging all over him? One glance at McKinleys face and he knew the answer; because she had arranged to meet Rick here. How could he have been so stupid?

Rick was livid, and he had every right to be. What the hell is going on here?

McKinley made a small sound of protest when Will griped her arms and pried her off of him, but seemed content enough to cozy up to Rick a few seconds later. He had an overwhelming urge to applaud her performance; not only was McKinley a guiltless liar, she was quite the accomplished actress as well.

Laughing as if she found the whole situation amusing, she told Rick it was ridiculous to be jealous. Will was like family, she insisted, and had only been giving her a brotherly kiss. Rick didnt buy a word of it, though he was smart enough not point the blame at McKinley.

Come on, Rick, McKinley was all wide-eyed innocence, it was one harmless little kiss. Honestly, it didnt mean a thing, did it, Will?

No, it didnt, he said, and meant it. It was a mistake

You got that right, Duncan, Rick growled. What the hell is your problem anyway? You dont have enough girls panting after you so you have to go after mine?

Hardly, Will replied dryly. Look, Im not interested in McKinley so lets just chalk this up to really poor judgment on my part and call it square, okay?

McKinley let out an indignant squeal. Stop talking about me as if Im not here. And dont tell me you werent interested. You seemed pretty damn interested when your tongue was halfway down my throat and your hands were all over my ass.

The evening, which had been on a downhill spiral from the moment he arrived, went from bad to worse when Rick turned to McKinley and demanded to know why shed let Will do that to her. The conniving little bitch had the audacity to claim shed been so shocked by his behavior, it didnt even occur to her to push him away. Admittedly, he could have put a halt to the kiss as soon as it happened, so he wasnt completely blameless. But the temper hed been so careful to contain finally came to a boiling point when McKinley insinuated hed forced himself on her.

Oh, for Gods sake, stop acting like the innocent victim, he snapped. The minut e I mentioned Serenas name, you were all over me.

McKinley skewered him with a venomous glare but it was Rick who got the first word in. Serena? What does sheah, I get it now, he said with a derisive smile. Little sister is off limits so you go after McKinley.

That will be the day, McKinley sneered. Serena couldnt compete with me in her wildest dreams.

She must have something Duncan wants, Rick shot back. Obviously he prefers the shy, virginal type or his eyes would be on you all the time instead of your sister.

Youre so far off the mark its not even worth arguing about, Will snorted in disgust.

A malicious smirk tipped one corner of Ricks mouth. If thats true, then it shouldnt bother you to know I saw Serena slip into one of the make out caves with my brother. Tough luck, Duncan. Looks like someone else will be giving your girlfriend a bit of hands on instructions in making out tonight.

Will stomped off, ignoring Ricks mocking laughter. He was angry with himself for not suspecting McKinley was up to something when she lured him into the woods, and he was embarrassed that Rick and his buddies had caught them kissing. He wasnt exactly thrilled to discover Rick had noticed how he watched Serena either because it undoubted meant all their friends knew too, including Anthony and Sawyer. Even worse than the embarrassment, was the fierce streak of jealousy that shot through him when Rick mentioned seeing Serena with his kid brother, Randy.

He tried to shrug it off. Hadnt he already come to the conclusion that she was too young to consider dating? And so what if she was making out with a boy her own age, there was nothing wrong with that. Except all the logical reasons as to why it shouldnt bother him or why he had no right to be jealous seemed to wither when he imagined Serena with someone else.

Hed always felt there was an unspoken agreement between them; a secret attraction she was too shy to act upon and he was too honorable to pursue until she was older. Now Will realized it was all in his mind. It made him feel foolish, which in turn stoked his simmering anger.

Obviously hed been wrong about Serena. She was probably more like McKinley than hed thought. She had to be, otherwise why would she duck into one of those caves and make out with Randy Porter when she barely knew him? Will was fuming by the time he emerged from the woods. As he headed towards the bonfire, there was only one thing on his mind; finding the first available female to cuddle up with so he could drive the image of Serena kissing Randy out of his mind. Chapter 57:- Chapter 15, Part 5 He zeroed in on one of the cheerleaders he knew had a crush on him and spent the next hour with his arm draped around Jennie Barkleys shoulders while she giggled and flirted outrageously. But no matter how hard he tried to focus on the pretty girl beside him, Wills thoughts kept circling back around to Serena. He finally gave up the charade and left Jennie standing there looking as if she wanted to claw his heart out for abandoning her in front of her friends.

His search for Serena proved fruitless, which did nothing to salve the uneasiness that was beginning to fray his nerves. Her friends from the track team said they hadnt seen her all night so someone else had have brought her. It couldnt have been Randy Porter, he reasoned, because Randy was among the other sophomore boys that had been worshiping McKinley just before shed conned him into going in the woods with her. Besides, he could see Randy and several of his friends milling around the bonfire and there werent any girls with them.

Will continued to scan the crowd but for some reason that eluded him, his gaze kept migrating back to Randy. If Ricks kid brother really had been with Serena earlier, then where was she now? His imagination invoked all kinds of horrible scenarios; Randy making a pass at her while Serena tried to ward of his advances and then escaping from the cave in tearsor being left behind to try and find her way back out again. That one gnawed at his gut as he studied Randy and the three other boys he was with.

They were huddled together and seemed to be having a pretty heavy discussion, which he found extremely odd considering everyone else at the party was laughing and whooping it up. And he could tell from their grim expressions and the way they kept casting furtive glances over their shoulders that something was making them edgy.

Wills eyes moved past them, up a small incline where a well worn path led to one of the caves. Was Serena in there? His stomach knotted. Was that why they kept looking back at it? Had they left her all alone in the dark and were worried because she hadnt found her way out yet?

He borrowed a flashlight and headed across the clearing, his temper barely in check as he passed Randy Porter and noted the guilty look that stole across his face. Will could almost feel Serenas fear as he made his way up the hill and into the mouth of the cave, but the fear became even more tangible after calling her name several times with no reply.

The air inside the cave was stagnant and the darkness seemed denser than it had been in the woods, making it impossible for the beam of the flashlight to penetrate more than a few feet in front of him. The tension in his neck and shoulders began to subside the deeper he went because he knew none of the caves stretched more than a few hundred feet. Even if Serena had gotten turned around, eventually she would have reached the back wall of the cave and started back.

Will was so relieved hed been wrong, he almost laughed out loud. Convinced that his suspicion of Randy was a result of his concern for Serena and an over active imagination, hed just about made up his mind to turn back when something on the outer edges of the light caught his attention. He inched closer, raw fear sucking the air from his lungs when his eyes finally made sense of what he was seeing.

Serena? His voice sounded hollow, mimicking the empty feeling deep in his chest as he leaned over her, desperately searching for some sign of life.

Wills gut wrenched at the sight of her lying there, so still, sodevoid of life. Like a mannequin that had fallen onto its back, he thought dully. Will dropped to his knees, the salt sting of tears blurring his vision for a moment when the flashlight illuminated the deathly pallor of her face.

He reached out and gently brushed the tangled strands of hair from her face, his heart silently breaking when he felt how cold her skin was. She was dead. Oh God, his beautiful Serena was dead! Pain ripped through him; jagged shards of grief and guilt that shredded him to the bone.

Lowering his cheek to hers, Will whispered in her ear. Im so sorry. Forgive me, Serena. I should have looked for you soonerI should have he choked on his words, drowning in the merciless waves of anguish that crashed into him from all sides.

Will was devastated. He knew he should do something; go for help, get the policesomething, but it was impossible to think past the unbearable pain. Thats when he felt it; just the faintest of warmth sifting across his cheek. Hope surged through him when he realized it was Serenas shallow breathing that hed felt. He lifted his head just as Serena blinked, the ache inside his chest more acute than ever when she didnt speak or acknowledge his presence in any way.

Until that moment, hed naturally assumed the dark smears on her thighs was dirt and that her disheveled appearance was a result of bumping and scrapping against the cave walls as she fumbled for a way out of the darkness. Based on that assumption, he concluded she must have fallen and hit her head on a rock. ExceptSerena was catatonic and there werent any rocks big enough to cause a head wound that traumatizing. So what did that leave? A broken bone? Spinal injury? Shock?

Anxious to get her out of there but worried that moving her without knowing the extent of her injuries could cause permanent damage, Will made the decision to do a quick check first. Bringing the flashlight closer to Serenas face, he noticed several small bruises on either side of her jaws. Acid churned in his stomach when he turned the beam of light on her legs.

He prayed that he was wrong, prayed Serena hadnt been brutally violated, but the torn remains of her panties a few yards away forced Will to face the ugly truth. What hed initially thought was dirt on her upper thighs was actually dried blood, and he could see now that her dress had been ripped up the center, the tattered ends lapped over each other to cover her partial nudity. Wills throat constricted. What would have happened if he hadnt come looking for her? And what should he do now that he had found her?

Will had watched enough true crime shows to understand that touching Serena or anything else could destroy crucial evidence. Which meant he should leave her just as she was and go call the police. Logically, he knew Serena wasnt even aware he was there, but he couldnt just leave her here. His mind made up, Will quickly shrugged off his jacket and covered her with it, an anguished cry tearing from his throat before he could rein in his emotions.

If he lived to be a hundred, Will would never forget the sight of Serena lying there like a corpse, robbed of her innocence, her chance at a normal life. The image was burned in his mind forever, but that wasnt the only thing searing itself into his brain. He knew who was responsible for committing this abominable act of violence, just as he knew the punishment would never be harsh enough to fit the crime.

Maybe Randy would be tried as adult, but he highly doubted it. And maybe he would spend time behind bars, but Will doubted that too. Randy would never know the fear and the pain that Serena had suffered. There would be no real consequences for his actions, no devastating effects on his life, no nightmares to contend with. The idea that Randy would get away it festered inside him like an open wound, fueling a rage that seemed as alien to him as the helplessness he felt when he leaned down and gently picked Serena up.

He held her close to his body, sharing his warmth and praying he wasnt too late. Will pressed his cheek to hers for a moment, unashamed of the tears that spilled from his eyes and dampened her skin. Hed never felt such overwhelming sorrow before. Or such uncontrollable rage. He wondered how it was possible to retain any clarity of thought while his insides were being shredded to ribbons by a kaleidoscope of turbulent emotions. Yet he did it somehow.

As he carried her through the cave, Will promised Serena he would take care of her and that she was safe now. He continued to talk, offering what comfort he could, all the while devising a plan to administer a little justice of his own before the authorities got involved. He wanted to kill the bastard for what hed done, but he would see to it that Serena got the medical attention she needed first. Then he would find Randy and extract revenge with his fists.

He couldnt undo what happened to Serena, but he could make Randy pay for it. And the way he was feeling right nowRandy Porter had better pray to God the cops got to him before Will did.

Chapter 58:- Chapter 16, Part 1 Serena waited for Will to continue even as she struggled to absorb everything hed told her. For the most part, there had been very little fluctuation in his voice, which she felt was a deliberate measure on his part to avoid upsetting her. But there was a definite thread of tension when he spoke about finding her in the cave, and a more obvious hardness to his tone whenever he said Randys name.

Tell me the rest, she urged. What happened after you took me to the hospital?

They had been sitting side by side on the sofa, but now Will put his arm around her and drew her close. Serena nestled her head against his shoulder and was surprised to feel the rapid thump of his heart beneath her cheek. Coupled with the tension in his muscles, it was a clear indication of just how difficult it was for Will to talk about. Serena tilted her head back, giving as much comfort as she took with a kiss so heartbreakingly tender it brought tears to her eyes.

Its okay, you can tell me, she said gently, settling her head back on his shoulder.

Youre sure?

Not really. Im sure, her answer was firm.

His arms tightened around her before he plunged back into the story. One of the nurses took me aside and explained why they shouldnt treat you until your parents got there. Because you were a minor, they needed your parents consent before performing an examination to collect evidence. Without it, there was virtually no chance of prosecuting. So I gave her the phone number but asked if I could call them. It just didnt seem righthaving a stranger tell them. It was the hardest phone call Ive ever had to make, he said grimly.

Thank you for doing that, Will. Im sure they appreciate it even if they never told you so.

I know, but its not exactly something you express your gratitude for, is it? Your father didnt say muchjust that he and your mom were on their way. It was seeing their faces that tore me apart. I imagine it was the same for them when they saw me.

Will was quiet for a moment but she didnt say anything. There was so much sorrow in his voice, so much pain. That he could hurt like that for her, touched Serena deeply. How her parents could ever have believed the lies McKinley told about Will was beyond her.

But she couldnt blame them either. She was their child, after all, and it must be difficult for them to trust anyone with her safety, even Will.

Rose showed up a few minutes after your parents arrived. Ive got to hand it to her; the woman was a rock. Your mom was practically hysterical, but somehow Rose quieted her down so I could tell your dad what little I knew. Im not sure why I didnt tell him I suspected Porter, but I think maybe I knew what he would do. It wasnt really my decision to make, but you needed both your parents and I just couldnt let him do something that would only cause you more pain.

So you, Serena swallowed hard, fighting the enormous wave of emotion threatening to engulf her, you went after him instead.

It was after your dad authorized the examination and called the police. I heard him tell your mother and Rose that if the person responsible for assaulting you was a minor, it would be considered statutory rape. A misdemeanor, his voice was bitter. If he was convicted, he could spend up to a year in prison, maybe less. What kind of justice is that? None. There was no justice for what hed done.

They had been drinking, Serena said. It would have been used as an excuse and got ten them even less time, wouldnt it?

Yes. I was furious, out of control. I didnt know about the other boys yet, but I knew Porters family had the money to buy his way out of it.

You were as helpless as I was, all of you.

Not all of us, Will replied. I was still a minor too. I figured if a year was all they could give Porter, I couldnt possibly get more than that for beating him up. The problem was, the police were already on the way. I had to get out of there before they arrived and started questioning me, so I told your parents I was going to find your brothers and McKinley. They were too distraught to notice how angry I was, but I suspected Rose knew exactly what I was planning.

Did she say something to make you believe that?

No, he admitted, it was the way she looked at me. It seemed as if she was giving me her approval. I talked to her about it not too long ago and I was right, although Rose apologized and said she should have tried to stop me.

Do you think she could have? Talked you out of going after him, I mean.

Not a chance, Will was adamant. I dont think anyone could have changed my mind at that point. I did go back to the party and find Anthony and Sawyer, but only told them youd been hurt and they needed to get to the hospital. I left it up to them to find McKinley.

And were they still therethe boys who attacked me?

I caught them trying to high tail it into the woods and chased after them. They split up, but I didnt care about the others; I was only concerned about getting my hands on Randy. Either he was too drunk or too stupid to drop his flashlight, but it made it easy for me to follow him. You know what he said when I tackled him to the ground? Wills voice dropped an octave, each word punctuated with an iciness that betrayed how much it still ate at him. It wasnt my fault. Thats what the bastard said. It wasnt my fault. I wanted to kill him. I almost did.

Chapter 59:- Chapter 16, Part 2 Serena drew in a sharp breath. Youyou hurt him that bad?

I was consumed with thisrage, and once I started hammering on him, I couldnt stop myself. Not that I really tried. Porter didnt have a prayer. He was smaller than me, he was drunk, and he was too scared to fight back. I dont know, he said solemnly, maybe I would have killed him if his buddies hadnt come back and pulled me off of him. By then Id expended so much energy bashing Porters face in that I didnt put up much of a struggle.

Serenas brows drew together. If Randy didnt tell you about the others, how did you find out?

One of them let it slip. Brian and Lee Morgan had a hold of each arm while Steven Bennett went to help Porter. When he saw howmessed up Porter was, he lost it. He was crying and babbling about how sorry he was, that none of them meant to hurt you. The Morgan brothers yelled at him to shut up but Steven spilled his guts. He said Porter instigated it and the rest of them Will stopped abruptly.

Serena recognized the shudder of revulsion that rippled through him because she felt her own body respond in exactly the same manner. Shed spent a lot of years shoveling dirt over any memories that tried to surface. And she had flatly refused to let anyone else dig them up because she didnt think she was strong enough to face the ugl iness without shattering into a million pieces. But now she knew better. Because she was still here, still whole, and she was starting to remember.

It was too soon to tell Will. At the moment it was coming back to her in fragments and she wanted to keep it to herself for a while longer so she could sort it out. Right now it was more important to find out why Will seemed reluctant to finish his account of what happened in the woods.

She had a vague recollection of the Morgan brothers. Neither of them was as big as Will, and Steven Bennett had been taller than all of them but not nearly as muscular. She couldnt imagine Will running from a fight but he was out numbered, so she wouldnt have blamed him if he had.

Were you scared? Serena ventured.

Scared? No, he let out a humorless laugh, I wasnt thinking straight enough to be scared. I was mad as hell when they pulled me off of Porter, but I didnt have the strength to take on three guys at one time. Or at least thats what I thought until Steven conf essed theyd all taken part in it. Id never felt such intense hatred before, such unmitigated desire to hurt someone. I couldnt control itor maybe I didnt want to. In my mind, they were even more responsible than Porter.


Because any one of them could stopped what was happening, but they didnt. They were animals, all of them, he said viciously. I wanted to make them suffer, to inflict as much pain as possible. It didnt matter what happened to me. All I cared about was making sure none of them walked away without bearing scars that would stay with them for the rest of their lives.

Serena was astonished by his open hostility. You really arent sorry for doing it, are you?

No, he said without hesitation. Does that bother you?

Not for the reasons you probably think. It was a foolish thing to do, going after them alone. You could have been seriously injured. It might have been you who walked away withoh, my God, Serena gasped. The scar on your shoulder, its from the fight! Did one of them have a knife? Were you stabbed? Her stomach lurched. Were you wounded anywhere else?

Easy, sweetheart, Will said softly. I survived, and in much better shape than any of them.

I know. Its justI feel like its my fault.

Dont you dare take the blame, his voice lost its former gentleness. You arent responsible for what they did or for my actions that night.

Youre wrong, Will. My parents didnt want me to go. Mom flat out refused, and Dad said no at first. I never defied them. But that night I did. I told them I was tired of being treated like a baby and that it wasnt fair McKinley got so much freedom to do what she wanted. She always put up such a fuss, it was easier to give in and avoid the drama.

Recalling some of the horrible things shed said made Serena cringe. All my friends were going and I knew you would be there. Just once, I wanted to stop being Miss Mouse

and step away from McKinleys shadow so people would see me. Of course, that was something I could never say to my parents because I felt as invisible to them as I was to everyone else. So II accused them of loving her more than me. I could tell it broke Dads heart to think I believed that, but I didnt back down. How selfish is that?

Being emotional and saying things you dont mean to your parents didnt make you selfish, honey. It made you a typical teenage girl.

She loved him for trying, but it did nothing to dislodge the demon of guilt sitting on her shoulder. So much violence and anger and pain, so many lives altered forever. All because I chose that particular night to be rebellious.

Self recriminations are a waste of time and energy, especially when theyre over something beyond your control.

I suppose so, Serena said, stifling a yawn.

Youre tired. Maybe we should call it a night.

There cant be that much more to tell. Please finish. Chapter 60:- Chapter 16, Part 3 He spared her most of the gory details, though he did tell her it was Lee Morgan who sliced his shoulder open with a broken beer bottle. That was after Will had dropped Brian Morgan with a right hook and started in on Steven Bennett. Will heard the bottle shatter when Lee cracked it against a tree trunk and turned just as Lee lunged at him. It was fortunate Will had been wearing his lettermans jacket or the jagged edges would have done much more damage. The ensuing fight resulted in a few other minor cuts and bruises for Will and a broken nose for Lee.

He left the four boys there to nurse their wounds and returned to the hospital to get his shoulder stitched up. Afterwards, he went back to the waiting room and found Rose and Serenas brothers restlessly pacing back and forth while McKinley sat in a corner by herself, flipping through a magazine. He was sporting a black eye and his clothes were

torn and bloody, but not one of them said a word about his appearance. Nor did her parents question him when they joined the others an hour later.

Your dad let everyone know you were in a private room under sedation and told them to go home. He pulled your brothers aside for a few minutes then informed me the police were waiting to talk to me. He offered to call my parents and said hed stay with me until they arrived. I dont know what he told them, but they seemed just as oblivious t o my shabby appearance as the rest of them. The two officers that questioned me werent nearly as willing to overlook it though.

Surely they didnt suspect you had anything to do with it, Serena exclaimed.

The way I looked, I imagine anyone would. They wanted me to go down to the police station and submit to DNA testing and a whole host of other evidence gathering tests. My parents were pretty upset, but your dad told the police hed seen me right after I brought you. He gave them a statement swearing there were no cuts and bruises or torn clothing before I left the hospital. When they asked how I acquired the injuries, I told them I was trying to persuade the boys responsible to go down to the station voluntarily.

Serena shivered, appalled by the idea that Will had spent even one night in jail on her account. They didnt arrest you, did they?

No, but they might have if your dad hadnt stepped in again. Apparently, hed sent Anthony and Sawyer down to the emergency room to keep an eye out for Porter and the others. Guess he figured if I looked like something the cat dragged in, they wouldnt have fared any better. He was right. One of your brothers sent a text telling him all four boys had shown up.

Oh, Will! It must have been horrible for you; getting into a fight and then being treated like a suspect by the police.

It was worth it, Will replied, his tone oddly calm. Anyway, I think your dad sent Anthony and Sawyer to the emergency room because he was afraid they might go after Porter and finish what Id started. You have to respect a man with that kind of fortitude.

Puzzled, Serena asked, Keeping my brothers out of trouble, you mean?

Partly. Think about it, Serena. What man wouldnt be crushed knowing his baby girl had been brutalized and he wasnt there to protect her? He wanted to kill them, but he had to consider what his actions would do to you and the rest of the family. They all depended on him to be thispillar of strength. He couldnt fail them, not when they needed him most. I cant even imagine the kind of restraint he had to maintain when he found out Porter and the others were right there in the hospital.

Youre right, she said unsteadily. Daddy wouldnt allow his family to be destroyed no matter what it cost him.

He did everything he could to make sure my life wasnt destroyed too, he told her. One of the police officers stayed with me and your dad while the other one went to question the boys. In the meantime, my own parents arrived and I had to explain what happened. When the officer returned, heuhgave a pretty detailed account of the damage Id inflicted. My mother was beside herself when he told us Porters parents wanted to have me hauled down to the police station and booked for attempted murder

The bottom dropped out of Serenas stomach. Murder! How could they even think of pressing charges against you when their own son had done much worse?

Because they refused to believe he had any part of it. Porter denied hed been with you at all and the others backed him up. They were each others alibis. Whether they were careful not to be seen going in or coming out of the cave or whether it was just pure luck, none of the kids the police questioned later could swear they were with you in there.

Serena sat up. But you said Rick Porter told you thats where Randy had taken me so he must have seen us go inside.

Im sure he did, Will pulled her back into his arms, but he wasnt about to incriminate his own brother.

So with me unable to testify, them den ying everything, and no witnesses, there was no case. Serena suppressed the urge to scream at the injustice of it all.

No, despite the reasons you just listed, Will replied slowly, there would have been a strong case if I hadnt blown it by going after them.

I dont understand. What does that have to do with anything?

Tainting the evidence; I believe thats what Porters attorney claimed. He was very shrewd, the best money can buy, Will said bitterly. The boys didnt deny they were in the cave earlier that night, so any trace evidence found on you could be challenged because you could have picked it up from the ground. And since condoms were used, there wasnt enough DNA evidence to prove they had anything to do with the assault. But what would have damned them all were the samples of your hair, saliva, and blood collected from their clothing and bodies.

You lost me again, Serena confessed.

I was in the cave. I picked you up, carried you out of there, which means anything that was on you could easily have been transferred to me. Coming into personal contact with those boys was the worst thing I could have done, Will said remorsefully. What you transferred to me could just as easily be transferred from me to them. All they needed was a plausible explanation for having your hair and blood on them and I handed it to them. Chapter 61:- Chapter 16, Part 4 Its not your fault, Will, she tried to console him. You couldnt have known. And I know this sounds horrible, but IIm glad you did it.

The hug he gave her was fierce but the kiss that followed was incredibly tender. I was worried you might have doubts about being with me once you heard the whole story, he admitted.

Then you worried for nothing. And youve steeped guilt on your own shoulders for no reason too.

I wish I could believe that, but I cant help thinking they would have been prosecuted if Id left it up to the police to handle it. And my parents didnt come right out and say it, but I overheard enough of their phone conversations with your dad to figure out the reason I was never charged with assault.

Serena didnt need to have it spelled out for her. He used the attack on me as a bargaining chip to keep you out of trouble.

He should never have done that, Will asserted. It was wrong.

Noit was the right thing to do, the only thing he could do. Let me finish, she said when he started to contradict her. I know my Dad. He doesnt make snap decisions, or emotional ones. He would have thought it out logically, considered every angle and possible outcome. Be honest, Will. What would have happened if he had pursued taking those boys to court?

There was a long pause before Will answered. Best case scenario; a reduced sentence that would have cost their parents money they could well afford, and a slap on the wrist for Porter and his friends.

Exactly. It would have served no purpose. There was no real legal recourse, but in some small measure you extracted retribution from them. Daddy couldnt let you be punished for that so he used the only leverage he had. He prevented them from ruining your life by using the threat of criminal prosecution against them.

Yes, and all the parents agreed to it, which means they knew their sons were guilty. Protecting them from the punishment they deserved basically condoned their actions. I dont know how any of them can justify doing that.

Serena took a moment to reflect on what hed said. Youre probably right about them knowing their sons were guilty, but I doubt they tried to justify their reasons for shielding their children. I imagine they did the same thing I did; try to get through each day without falling apart and hope that in time I could put it behind me and move on.

You sound as if you actually feel sorry for them.

I do, she said, astonished by her own revelation. I never thought about it before; what it must have been like for the parents, what they went through. How devastating to discover your child is capable of suchinhuman behavior and that nothing will ever be the same again because of it. Their lives were shattered. Granted, not to the same degree mine was, but they were still left to pick up the pieces.

I wish I could say I shared your compassion towards them but I cant. The only decent thing any of them did was to move out of the area.

Serena knew all three families had packed up and left town within a few months of the attack. Shed been roused from a nightmare by her mother who sat with her afterwards, calmly assuring Serena that the boys were long gone and she had nothing to be afraid of. It helped to know they werent lurking around, waiting for the chance to catch her alone again, but something else began to nag at her. Maybe she was safe from them, but they were still free. Theyd gotten away with it once; what would deter them from doing it again? How many other girls would they prey on before someone stopped them?

Shed never had the courage to ask her parents, but she wasnt afraid to ask Will. Do you know what happened to them?

Yes, he said simply

You dont want to tell me?

Not particularly.


I know, he cut her off, I promised tell you everything. Steven Bennett was killed in a car accident less than six months later. A one car accident, Will said pointedly.

You think he killed himself?

The newspapers said he must have lost control of the car and plowed into a tree, but I have my doubts. There was no alcohol involved and it was a clear night. The article stated Bennett probably panicked and hit the gas instead of the brakes because there was no evidence to indicate hed tried to stop the car. Personally, I think the guilt was too much for him.

Andthe others? Serena asked, surprised that Steven Bennetts tragic ending made her feel sad.

Brian had several more run-ins with the law and ended up doing time for robbery. Last I heard, he was working at an auto repair shop on the west coast. Lee took a different route in life, stayed out of trouble, and eventually became an accountant. As for Porter, he got some girl pregnant his senior year in high school and married her a few years later when they were expecting their second child. He works for his brother, Rick, who owns a successful real estate company in southern California.

I just have one more question. How do you know all that?

I made it my business to know, Will told her. Now, can we go to bed?

I suppose we should get some sleep, Serena conceded when Will stood up.

Sleep? He scooped her off the sofa and headed towards the bedroom. Who said anything about sleeping?

It was quite some time later as Serena lay in Wills arms, exhausted but deliciously satiated, that she realized the paralyzing fear shed carried around with her for years was

gone. She wasnt foolish enough to believe she could brave an encounter with Randy Porter or any of the others without serious trepidation, but she felt confident it wouldnt result in a complete melt down either. And yes, there were definite reservations about going to the cave but, no matter what happened, she would be strong. She had to be.

Dreams never come without a price, she thought. And her dream was to have a life with Will; a normal life that included marriage and children and going on family vacations. If that meant returning to the place it all began and reliving the horrors of that night then she would do it. Serena wanted it all. And she was willing to pay the cost to get it. Chapter 62:- Chapter 17, Part 1 What the hell are you doing here? Will shifted his body to block the doorway, unmoved by the hostile glare McKinley shot at him.

I came to see my sister, McKinleys reply was glacial. Surely, you didnt think I came here to see you.

Wills expression remained impassive. Maybe you could call first the next time. We were just on our way out, but Ill be sure to tell Serena you stopped by.

Undeterred by his cold reception, McKinley brushed past him and managed to make it as far as the living room before he caught up with her.

Where is she? McKinley demanded.

I told you, we were on our way out so Im afraid your little visit will just have to wait.

Is she in the kitchen?

McKinley attempted to go around him but Will was prepared for it this time. Gripping her by the arm, he propelled her back towards the front door.

Youre leaving. Now, he growled.

How dare you manhandle me! You cant keep me from seeing Serena

Watch me. Will yanked the front door open. You can call her tomorrow. If she wants to see you, I wont stand in the way, but shes got enough on her mind toda y and I am not going to let you upset her.

McKinley stopped struggling, her eyes narrowing suspiciously. What do you mean shes got enough on her mind? Whats going on? Where are you taking her, and why are you so determined to keep me from talking to her today?

Its none of your business whats going on or where Im taking her. I just dont want you to upset her, and since her last few encounters with you have been less than pleasant, I dont trust you to be alone with her.

McKinleys cheeks turned a vivid shade of scarlet, but whatever scathing remarks she was about to unleash on him went unsaid. As if on cue, they turned their heads towards the hallway where Rufus had just emerged. Serena was just a few steps behind him, a warm smile lighting her face.

I thought I heard voices, she said. I was so afraid youd change your mind about coming with us.

For a moment, Will was too stunned by what shed said to realize Serena thought it was Rose at the door. Honey, its

I hope you remembered to bring the flashlights, Serena said as she made her way across the foyer. It only occurred to me while I was talking to you this morning that you and Will would need them.

Will nearly groaned out loud. He let go of McKinleys arm and reached for Serena , drawing her close to his side. Its not Rose, he spoke softly. Its McKinley. But she was just leaving, he added when he felt Serena stiffen.

I was not leaving, McKinley shrieked, I was being shoved out by your body guard! She shot Will a heated glare. I demand to know what youre up to. Where are you taking my sister and why would you need flashlights?

I told you, its none of your business, Will ground out.

Itits okay, Serena interjected, I dont mind if she knows.

It is not okay, he disagreed. Shell do her damnedest to persuade you not to do it and youll fall right back into that world of self-doubt shes been keeping you in. And spare me the wide-eyed innocence routine, McKinley, Wills voice was filled with disgust. You know exactly what Im talking about. You undermine Serenas confidence every chance you get.

Thats a bold faced lie! McKinley managed to sound indignant, though her venomous expression didnt change.

Its the truth, a feminine voice said from behind her.

McKinley whirled around, her demeanor instantly morphing into feigned delight at the sight of Rose standing in the doorway. Rose swept past her, giving Rufus a pat on the head before she flashed Will a brief smile then turned back to McKinley.

Rose, its so nice to see you, McKinley gushed.

Rose arched a dubious brow. Is it?

Of course it is. You know I always enjoy

Cut the crap, Rose spoke sharply. God only knows why I love you, McKinley, but I do. If I didnt, Id be kicking your selfish little ass out the door. Your parents, your brothers, mewere all guilty of indulging you for far too long, making excuses for inexcusable behavior. Well, its time to hang up your tiara, honey, because your reign as Prom Queen is over. Chapter 63:- Chapter 17, Part 2 Will had never seen McKinley at a loss for words, but for one blessedly quiet minute, she seemed incapable of doing anything but gape at Rose in disbelief. He should have known it was too good to last. It was like watching a pot begin to boil, he mused. He could almost see the anger slowly bubbling to the surface and braced himself for the inevitable.

McKinleys temper exploded. Since when have you ever indulged me? Youve always favored Serena. Poor, plain Serena, destined to play second fiddle to her sister just like you and Mom. How miserable it must have been to witness history repeating itself. Mom was the cheerleader, the girl everyone envied because she was beautiful and popular and because she married the kind of man you could only dream of landing.

If Rose was hurt by what McKinley said, she didnt show it. Will was furious, but it wasnt his place to defend Rose when he had no idea whether McKinleys cruel remarks were based on fact or fiction. Serena pressed herself closer to his side, but apparently, she had also decided it was best to let Rose respond to McKinleys allegations. He wasnt sure what he expected, but it certainly wasnt the slow smile that spread across Roses face.

Is that what you think, that I was miserable because Leslie was more popular than me?

Yes, McKinley persisted, I think youve been jealous of Mom your entire life, and the reason you bonded with Serena was because you saw yourself in her.

At least you got one thing straight; I do feel a strong bond with Serena that Ive never felt with you. Now dont get up on your high horse, Rose said when McKinley scowled at her brutal honesty. Yes, Leslie was the belle of the ball but youre wrong about me being jealous. I wasnt witty or charming, and I didnt have boys flocking after me. I was

shy and reserved like Serena, though you may find that difficult to believe considering I have no problems voicing my opinion now.

Leslie was all the things I wished I could be, but I wasnt envious. I was proud of her, proud to be her sister. Even though we rarely saw eye to eye, even though I didnt approve of some of the things she didI still loved her. So, yes, I do see a lot of myself in Serena. Because no matter how rotten youve been to Serena, despite all the times youve put her down or thrown stumbling blocks in her way, chipped at her self confidence Rose drew in a stilted breathe. She still loves you, McKinley.

Will waited for the sarcastic remark he was sure would spew from McKinleys mouth but her reaction didnt even come close to what he anticipated. He would have bet his life the woman didnt have a single emotion that didnt stop short of her heart if he hadnt witnessed several of them play across her face. Maybe she was struggling with the concept that her sister could love her after all the horrible things shed done, or maybeand this was quite a leap for Will to believemaybe McKinley actually felt remorse.

He glanced down at Serena and saw the shimmer of tears in her eyes, and had to force himself not to order McKinley out of the house. He didnt care what turmoil McKinley was going through right now. The only thing that mattered to him was protecting Serena from being hurt any more than she already was. Wills gaze moved to Rose. Her lips were pressed together as if she was angry, but her eyes betrayed what she was really feeling. She was hoping McKinley would crack, that she would admit what a hateful sister shed been in the past and ask for Serenas forgiveness.

It was a pivotal moment in McKinleys life. Rose knew it, and he hoped for Serenas sake that McKinley did too. Im sorry. Forgive me. Such simple words, yet they wielded the power to mend the rift between the two sisters and alter their relationship forever. If only McKinley would say them. It was her decision, her choice. All any of them could do now was wait to see which way the pendulum was going to swing.

Chapter 64:- Chapter 17, Part 3 Serena blinked back the tears flooding her eyes. Rose was right. She did love McKinley, and she wanted nothing more than to hear her sister say she loved her too. And mean it. There was enough pain and sorrow in her past, enough regrets. She wanted to move on and stop the incessant gnawing in her stomach that occurred every time McKinley was around. It shouldnt be like that between sisters. But as much as Serena wanted to extend an olive branch, she refused to offer forgiveness when none had been asked for. It was up to McKinley to dig their relationship out of the sink hole it had fallen into over the years.

The silence seemed to stretch on forever and, of course, not being able to see their faces made it impossible for Serena to know what any of them was feeling. Well, maybe not impossible at least as far as Will was concerned. She could feel how taut his muscles had grown, and his arm was like a steel band around her waist. Each breath was measured; drawn in slowly and evenly, and released in the same controlled manner. Whatever other feelings Will was battling, anger was leading the charge.

Well, that was verytouching, McKinley finally said. But if youre expecting some heart wrenching sob story about how ashamed I am for being such a bad sister, Im afraid youre all going to be sorely disappointed. I know you think Im selfish , that I never consider anyone elses feelings but my own, and thats fine because youre right. Ill do whatever I have to do to get what I want, and if that means tromping on someone else, so be it. I suppose that makes me cold and heartless, but one of the glorious things about not having a conscious is that I dont suffer from the senseless guilt the rest of you do.

You cant mean that, Rose sounded horrified by her nieces admission.

McKinleys tone was harsh. I am what I am, Rose, and I wont apologize for it. SoI gather from your casual attire and Serenas little slip about the flashlights that you intend to take a trip to the cave? I thought so, she replied smugly when no one responded. I dont suppose any of you bothered to tell Mom and Dad about this?

Itit was my decision, Serenas chin jutted up.

Okay, so maybe she didnt quite pull off the confident air she had been aiming for, but at least shed stood up for herself. Shed come a long way since Will first moved in, and though she didnt relish the idea of going this round with McKinley on her own, Serena knew she had to do it. She was stronger now, and with Will and Rose here boosting her courage, she felt capable of handling her sister.

It was my decision, she repeated more firmly. I didnt want them to interfere.

For Gods sake, McKinleys voice rose sharply, you were a basket case for months! Even after you started college, you were barely functional. You freaked anytime a man

came near you, and woke up in a cold sweat every night from nightmares. And that was when you had no memory of what happened. Do you really want to risk turning into that cowering mouse again?

I wontIm better now, s-stronger.

S-stronger, McKinley mocked. You cant even say it without s-stuttering. Just looking at you is like watching a sapling try to stay rooted in a tornado. Going to that cave will do more harm than good, and Im not just talking about you. You need to consider how this will affect Rose and Will too.

"This is about me..."

"Wrong, little sister. If...when you crack under the pressure, Mom and Dad will never forgive Rose or Will."

I have to face my fears, Serena said, annoyed by the quiver in her voice.

You dont face your fears, Serena, you never have. You run and hide from them. The only thing you need to face is that youre like a vase thats been shattered and glued back together. Jogging your memory wont do anything but send you over the edge again, only this time those pieces will stay broken.

Serena shook her head slowly. Had McKinley always been so cruel? It almost seemed as if she enjoyed digging the knife in and giving it a good, hard twist. Serena thought about her childhood and tried to recall if there was ever a time shed felt a true bond with her sister. Snippets of memories sifted through her mind, silly things that shouldnt matter anymore but for some reason still affected her deeply. Her favorite doll dismembered; the little plastic arms and legs flung across Serenas bedroom floor. Somehow all of her favorite toys ended up broken or missing altogether. Mishaps that always involved McKinley.

And there were other hurtful, hateful things McKinley did. Like laughing at Serena when shed raced into McKinleys room to model her first party dress. Oh my God, Serena, you

cant wear that! Your legs are so skinny, you look like a stork. Do you want everyone to make fun of you? Serena had been devastated because shed felt like a princess in that dress. With the party only a few hours away, shed had no choice but to wear it, which seemed to irritate McKinley.

Well, at least let me do something with that hair, McKinley said, clearly horrified when Serena told her she planned on wearing it down. Serena had been twelve at the time, and except for an occasional trim, shed never cut her hair. It was thick and shiny, and hung a few inches past her waist, and Serena thought it was one of her limited assets. But shed wanted McKinleys approval so badly, shed let her sister talk her into cutting it. You dont get to see it until Im done, McKinley insisted as she brandished a pair of scissors and began snipping at Serenas hair.

Serena had burst into tears when McKinley finally finished and passed her a mirror. It had been cropped close to her head and cut unevenly so that some patches of hair barely covered her scalp while other clumps of it stuck out at odd angles. Wow, I really botched that job, McKinley said, a malicious gleem in her eyes. It looks like an explosion in a steel wool factory, but dont worry, itll grow backeventually. The real tragedy was that McKinley convinced her to take the blame and say shed hacked her own hair off. Look, Serena, you have to do this. Mom will be furious if she knows I did it, but you wont get in trouble because shell feel sorry for you.

Chapter 65:- Chapter 17, Part 4 Serena couldnt count the number of times shed covered for McKinley, and not once had her sister ever repaid the favor. All her life, shed been little more than a door mat for McKinley to wipe her feet on. It was humiliating, and she was ashamed of herself; not only for allowing McKinley free rein to malign her, but also for taking so long to recognize that McKinley derived some sort of sadistic pleasure from hurting her and making her feel insignificant. Serena was forced to acknowledge that having a confrontation with her sister wasnt what scared her, but the possibility that in doing so, McKinley would admit she didnt love her.

But Ive known that all along, havent I? Deep down inside, Ive always known that McKinley despised my weakness. If she has any feelings for me at all, it is pity and loathing, not love. It was never love.

She was aware that Will and Rose had jumped to her defense and were arguing with McKinley, but Serena was too lost in her own thoughts to take notice of the harsh words being exchanged. Her hand moved to her stomach where the prickle of uneasiness was rapidly escalating into something much more powerful. McKinley had never wanted a

sister; she didnt like sharing the spotlight and had taken every opportunity to push Serena out of it and into a darkened corner.

McKinley might have been content with tormenting her on the slyas long as Serena remained in her shadow. After all, Serena wasnt a threat to her. McKinley was the undisputed queen of the school. If she said a particular brand of jeans were all the rage, the other girls flocked to the stores and bought them. If she decided to let someone into her circle of friends, they became popular overnight. With one encouraging smile, she could have had any boy in the school. Except Will.

Except Will.

Serenas pulse was racing. Except Will. She could feel it throbbing in her temples, pounding inside her head as if it was trying to drown out the words. Except Will. It was a mantra that kept repeating itself, over and over and over until she felt dizzy and sick to her stomach. There was a heaviness in her chest, a sorrow like nothing shed ever felt before that made her wish she could reach inside and rip her own heart out before the pain of it became unbearable.

Serena dragged air into her lungs, conscious of the silence that had fallen over the room. She heard Will ask if she was okay, but his voice seemed to be coming from some place far away. He tried to coerce her into the living room to sit down, but she pulled away from him, somehow finding the strength to stand on her own.

Except for Will. She understood the significance now, remembered who had said the words and when. Those three words were the key to the door shed locked so many years ago, and now that it was open, Serena was helpless to keep the memories from tumbling out. A sharp pain speared through her head as a series of white lights exploded behind her eyes, and for those few brief minutes she thought her sight was coming back. But when the pain in her head ended as suddenly as it had begun, her world was shrouded in darkness once more.

Serena, whats wrong? Talk to me, honey, Will pleaded.

The warmth of his strong hands on her shoulders jolted Serena out of the downhill spiral her viciously vivid memories had plunged her into. All she wanted to do was throw

herself in his arms and surrender to emotions that were swamping her, but there things that needed to be said, here and now, before the raw edge of pain began to dull. Seven years ago, she had protected herself in the only way she knew how; shed picked up a shield and hidden behind it. But the shield was gone now, and there was nothing left to do but acknowledge the ugly truth of her sisters betrayal. Sink or swim, she told herself, because treading water is no longer an option.

Im fine, she mustered a thin smile.

You dont look fine, Wills tone was gruff, but she knew it was only because he was worried about her.

I had a fewflashbacks, thats all. It rattled me for a minute but Im okay now.

You remembered something?

Yes, butWill, I want you to do something for me. Without asking questions. I promise Ill explain later, but right now I just need to talk to McKinleyalone.

Alone? Why do you

Please, she said softly, I know what Im doing.

There was a long pause before Will replied. All right, sweetheart, if thats what you really want. Rose and I will wait out on the porch. She felt the brush of his lips against her cheek. I love you, he whispered in her ear before turning to Rose. Come on, Rose, well take Rufus out with us. Hes better than a weather balloon when it comes to detecting a bad storm.

A storm? Rose sounded bewildered as they shuffled through the door. Theres not a cloud in the sky

Serena shook her head; poor Rose didnt have a clue what Will was talking about. Very clever, Will, she mused. He knew there was a strong connection between her and Rufus, how in tuned the dog was to her emotions. If things got out of hand with McKinley, Rufus would pick up on it and let Will know.

She was grateful for his insight and suspected that wasnt the only reason for taking Rufus outside while she confronted McKinley. Rufus was fiercely protective of her, despite his gentle nature, and she had no idea what he would do if McKinley raised her voice in anger or made any threatening moves. No, it was going to difficult enough to get through this without having the added distraction of trying to keep Rufus from taking a chomp of her sister.

Okay, theyre gone, McKinley said, a sharp edge to her voice. Lets get this little heart to heart over with. Its obvious Im not going to talk any sense into you, not with those two encouraging this insane idea of yours.

Youre entitled to your opinion, Serena shrugged, attempting to sound indifferent. It couldnt have been farther from the truth, but she wasnt ready to lay her cards on the table just yet. I am curious as to why youre so opposed to it though.

I told you why. Youre not up to it, Serena. Youre going to fall to pieces and end up right back where you started at.

Youre wrong. Youre also being dishonest. I think the reason you dont want me to go back to the cave is because you dont want me to remember what really happened that night.

Well, of course I dont, McKinley snapped. You were so traumatized by it, you were practically catatonic for weeks. I just dont want to see you go through that again.

Thats not going to happen, Serena shook her head.

You dont know that. Regaining your memory could trigger a worse response than before.

Serenas laugh was bitter. Worse than being blind? Worse than being terrified of every male I encounter? Worse than being afraid to go to sleep because I know Ill be terrorized by nightmares? I couldnt even imagine having a normal relationship with a man until Will came back into my life.

Well youve certainly gotten over that fear, McKinley shot back.

What is that supposed to mean?

Oh, come on, Serena. You know exactly what I mean. Do you honestly think youll be able to conquer all the paranoias youve developed just because Will managed to worm his way into your bed?

It was a crude remark, one that was meant to throw Serena off balance or perhaps reduce her to tears, but she refused to fold so easily. What did bother her was the McKinley didnt seem to be fishing for an answer as whether Serena had slept with Will. Shed made the bald statement as if she knew it for a certain fact.

My God, McKinley, she choked out, tell me you havent been prowling around outside at night peeking into my bedroom window!

Dont be ridiculous! I have better things to do with my time than lurk around your bedroom windows.

Then how did you know?

Honestly, Serena

I want to know, Serena persisted. For once in your life, tell the truth.

All right, Ill tell you. Fair warning, youre not going to like it. I came over here late one night and let myself in. Id planned on sneaking upstairs and slipping into Wills bed. She paused for a moment when Serena gasped, then continued in a voice that was brittle and far from contrite. Hed beenunreceptive before, but in my experience no man can resist a naked woman, especially one that is already in his bed.

You cant seriously believe Will would have had sex with you just because you crawled into his bed!

God, you are so nave, Serena. Will is no different than any other man, with the possible exception of feeling guilty afterwards. At any rate, it didnt happen so I guess well never know. I decided to check on you first, to make sure you were asleep. Thats when I saw the two of you in bed together.

An entire brigade of emotions marched through her; shock, disbelief, disgust, angernone of them good. How was she supposed to respond to something like that? It was unnerving to know McKinley had crept into the house with the intention of seducing Will, but what really rattled Serena was the lack of remorse for having done it. In fact, she suspected that was the same night McKinley had run to their parents professing to be worried sick that Will was taking advantage of her baby sister.

Jealousy. Thats what had driven McKinley to try to convince their parents that Will was some sort of predator. With sudden clarity, Serena saw the whole picture now, not just the bits and pieces that had tormented her over the years. Her sister viewed Will as a conquest. It made her angry when he rejected her, but she would have gotten over it eventually. If Will hadnt chosen the one person in the world who could turn McKinleys anger into a spiteful, jealous rage.

McKinley could have justified losing Will to someone who was as beautiful and vivacious as she was, but to lose out to her mousy little sister? It was inconceivable; the ultimate insult to her ego, and it ate at her like a cancerous tumor. There was no doubt in Serenas mind that McKinleys jealousy was responsible for the horrific acts of violence that occurred the night of the party. She had nearly destroyed Serena, had caused Will to lose his college scholarship, and indirectly, cost Steven Bennett his life. And shed never been held accountable for any of it.

Until now.

Chapter 66:- Chapter 18, Part 1 Except Will, Serena said in a hoarse whisper. The choking sound that emanated from McKinleys throat told Serena all she needed to know. She wasnt fooled by the futile attempt to cover it up with a cough, nor did she try to stop McKinley from fleeing to the kitchen on the pretense of getting a glass of water. Let her stall for time. Let her warped, devious mind work out all the excuses and lies it wanted to. Serena was done playing games. One way or another, she was going to hear the truth from McKinleys own mouth. A strange sort of calm enveloped her when she heard McKinleys step falter more than once as she made her way back to the foyer. It gave her a sense of power to know she was in control of her emotions and that it was McKinley whose nerves were on edge. But she wasnt under any illusions, not anymore. And now that she understood what the endless assaults on her self-esteem had been about, Serena could no longer hide beneath a cloak of denial. Sorry about that, McKinley sounded completely composed. I must be coming down with something. My throat is so dry I can barely swallow. She coughed again for affect. Maybe we should continue this another time so you dont catchwhatever it is Ive got. Somehow, I doubt what you have is contagious, Serena replied, but Im willing to take that risk. You see, Ive started to remember things about the night I was attackedthings about what lead up to it, things about you. But there are still a few gaps Id like you to fill in. Me? I cant imagine what you think I could tell you. For starters, you can tell me why you lied to Will when he asked if you had seen me. Theres no real mystery there, McKinleys laugh was forced. Id finally gotten Will alone in the woods. I wasnt about to tell him you were already there so he could race off to find you. Sorry, little sister, but you can hardly blame me because I wanted him for myself.

NoI cant blame you for that, she said pointedly. But you think Im to blame for other things, is that it?

Serena took her time answering. McKinley was on the defensive so hurtling accusations at her would only get her hackles ups and cause an argument. The last thing she wanted was to have Will and Rose come charging to the rescue or have McKinley storm out without hearing what she had to say. It was imperative to handle this calmly, to get it over and done with, and then maybemaybe then she could truly leave the past behind her. When we were driving to the party all you talked about was how popular you were, especially with the boys. You said you felt sorry for me because I would never know how it felt to have someone want me so bad theyd do anything for me. Then you laughed and told me all you had to do was smile at a boy and hed follow you around like puppy dog. Do you remember what I said to that, McKinley? How should I know? That was eons ago, McKinley snapped. Except Will, Serena repeated the words that had triggered her memory. I could tell you were furious because you knew it was true. I was not furious, McKinley denied vehemently. As I recall, I said I knew Will had a thing for you and offered to help find him once we got there. Is that what you were doing when you told Will I wouldnt even be there for an hour and then conned him into taking a walk in the woods with you? So I changed my mind, big deal. Chapter 67:- Chapter 18, Part 2 Big deal? Serenas voice shook with anger. You didnt just change your mind, McKinley. You had it all worked out before we ever got there, didnt you? Once you admitted to yourself that Will really was interested in me, you were so jealous you couldnt see straight. You cant be serious, McKinley sounded highly amused. You are truly delusional if you think there was ever a time when I was jealous of you.

You were jealous, she insisted. You were so green with it you would have done anything to keep Will and I apart. I remember everything, McKinley. I remember how you deceived me into going inside that cave alone. You handed me a flashlight and told me to stop being such a coward. You said all the kids did it, that it was a test of sorts. Wait in the cave, you told me, and Ill tell Will youre here. If he comes for you, then youll know for sure hes sweet on you. Except you had no intention of telling Will I was waiting for him, did you? No, McKinley replied simply.

Serena waited for her to elaborate, still foolishly hoping her sister would apologize, but of course she didnt. Thats when it hit her like a vicious punch to the stomach; McKinley had done far worse than neglect to tell Will she was waiting for him. Shed sent those boys to the cave to make sure Serena stayed there until after McKinley had coerced Will into the woods!

She squeezed her eyes shut, dragging air into her lungs and silently praying for the strength to see this through without crumbling. The mounting flood of emotions washed over her in unrelenting waves, and it took every ounce of will power to remain standing in the wake of what shed uncovered. Ice filled her veins and she started to tremble. McKinleys selfish behavior had been the catalyst for everything that followed; that much, Serena had already discerned. The responsibility for tucking her away in the cave so Will wouldnt find her rested solely on McKinleys shoulders and, until this moment, Serena had believed that was as far as her sisters involvement went. It hit her square in the chest; an unshakeable and abysmal recognition of the unvarnished truth. It was an ugly, vile creature that sank its teeth into her, slowly and methodically peeling back the layers of lies to expose McKinley for what she really was. It wasnt just an unfortunate coincidence that Randy Porter and his friends had chosen to go inside that particular cave. Theyd known all along she was by herself and that no one would come looking for her because McKinley had told them. And though McKinley hadnt revealed anything to make her suspect it was fact and not simply a product of her imagination, Serena knew she was right. It chilled her to the bone to realize the depth of McKinleys treachery, to know her sister had sent that pack of jackals into the cave toto do what? Had McKinley merely asked them to keep her occupied and theyd acted on their own when they attacked her? Or had she instructed them to keep Serena inside the cave at all costs, giving them free rein to do whatever it took to accomplish that goal? As appalling as the idea was, Serena had the sinking feeling it was the latter.

Chapter 68:- Chapter 18, Part 3 I need to ask you a question, Serena said, the heaviness in her heart so oppressive it was a struggle to form the words. Buttheres something I want to say first. This conversation, everything weve said and what we are about to discusswill never leave this room. I dont want anyones pity and have no intension of making you out to be the villain. I just want the truth, McKinley. Plain and simple. No embellishments, no omissions, and no excuses. I think you owe me that much. Youre not going to tell anyone, McKinley said with obvious skepticism, not even Will?

Serena shuddered as a vivid image of Will strangling McKinley fluttered through her mind. Not a living soul, I swear. All right, but if you breathe a word to anyone I am not a dishonest person, you know that. Meaning, I am? Serena shrugged. Im only concerned that youre honest with me right now. Lets not drag this on any longer than necessary, McKinley said impatiently. Did you Serena stopped, silently chastising herself for sounding so feeble. Its now or never, she thought, convinced the opportunity would never present itself again. Even so, there was a part of her that wished she could bury her head in the sand and pretend McKinley had nothing to do with it. She wouldnt, of course; it had gone too far for that. Besides, shed braved it out this far, hadnt she? Serena lifted her chin and squared her shoulders, giving her confidence a little boost before starting again. When you sent Randy and the others to the cave, did you know what they were planning to do to me?

No! Look, all I did was tell them to make sure you didnt leave the cave. I didnt ask how they intended to keep you there becausewell, quite frankly, I didnt care. I assumed theyd pressure into drinking a few beers and that youd be too timid to say no. My God, McKinley, you had to have known they were half drunk already. Didnt it occur to you they might pressure me into doing other things as well? I dont knowmaybe. Maybe? Come on, Randy was a good looking kid. So were the other boys, as I recall. I figured once you got a little tipsy, youd loosen up and enjoy the attention, maybe pick one of them to make out with. I didnt really care, she said casually. As long as you and Will never hooked up, I was happy. Serena pressed a shaky hand to her stomach. It didnt help much. She was perilously close to losing the breakfast shed just eaten, and could almost feel the color leeching from her face. It took her a moment to fight off the nausea and it was only through sheer determination that she was able to regain any semblance of composure. Did you even ask about me? No, why would I? When we got back to the party, I spotted Will with his arm draped around that little tart, Jennie Barkley. Randy and his buddies were there too. I figured there were two possible scenarios: Randy had scared you off, or youd seen Will with Jennie. Either way, you would have hitched a ride home the first chance you got. It made sense, and Serena could easily believe McKinley hadnt spared a single minute worrying about her. She replayed it all in her mind; everything Will had told her, the gaps that McKinley had filled in so far, and her own memories of that night, though she deliberately blocked out the actual attack. There was no need to relive those moments, no need to suffer the pain and humiliation, because somewhere deep inside Serena knew that wasnt the reason shed withdrawn into a world of darkness.

Emotional scars run far deeper and take longer to heal than physical ones, and Serena had taken a beating from both ends of that particular stick. Her innocence had been shattered, her trusting heart ripped out and torn to shreds when those four boys had dragged her to

the ground and sexually assaulted her. They had stripped away but her dignity and sense of self-worth, but it was McKinleys betrayal that had truly broken her.

Randy, Steven, the Morgan brothers; all of them had played a part in crippling her spirit. But McKinley had crushed it, utterly and completely, without thought, without remorse. Shed left Serena with a spirit that might never have recoveredif not for Will. It was his love, and ironically, his blind faith in Serenas ability to overcome her fears that had carried her back to the land of the living. Hed lent her his strength when shed had none of her own, taken her hand and walked with her when she was afraid to walk alone. And he believed in her, made Serena believe in herself, made her see there was still a heart beating in her chest and that is was not only capable of love, but bursting with it. Chapter 69:- Chapter 18, Part 4 I have one more question, Serena said, her voice strong and unwavering. The police came to the hospital after Will had gone to find Randy and the other boys. They questioned Anthony and Sawyerand you. But I distinctly remember Will saying that he was the one who gave them the names of the four boys involved. You sent Randy and the others to the cave so you had to have known they were responsible, yet you said nothing to the police about it. Why didnt you tell them, McKinley? Well, II couldnt be sure it was them, McKinley replied. I mean, they were at the bon fire when we returned from the woods, and I would have felt just awful if I had accused them and then found out they were innocent. You would have felt awful? Serena choked out. How do you think I felt after being brutalized by thosethose monsters? My guess is that you didnt think about it all, because the only one you ever concern yourself with is you! Oh, for Petes sake, McKinley snapped, the damage had already been done. What purpose would it have served to confess my part in it and have everyone lay the blame on me? It wasnt my fault, she said defensively. For all I know, you led Randy on and got him so hot and bothered, he couldnt control himself. Now, Im not saying you asked for what happened, but at some point you must have made him think you wanted it. Serenas fingers curled into her palms. How dare you say that to me, she growled. I want you out of my house, out of my life, and if you ever say anything derogatory about Will again, Ill tell Mom and Dad everything. You wouldnt do that, McKinley exclaimed.

Really? Are you willing to take that chance? Butyou promised! You swore you would never tell anyone, and now youre saying Im saying, Serena cut her off, that I lied. She crossed her arms, a cold smile on her face. Im disappointed in you, McKinley. Surely, the Queen of deception wasnt fooled by a con game shes so familiar with? Youyou played me? McKinley sputtered. You deliberately tricked me into spilling my guts so you could blackmail me? "You got it, sister, Serenas laugh was bitter. Guess youre not the only lying bitch in this family anymore. Youll be sorry for this, Serena. "Nono, I wont. The only thing Im sorry about is having you for a sister and believing that somewhere in that arctic wasteland of a heartyou loved me. Serena drew in a ragged breath. Get out of here, McKinley. It makes me sick to my stomach to be in the same room with you. Fine, McKinley took a few steps towards the door. Serena heard her stop and was surprised by the strain in her voice when she spoke again. For what its worthI never meant for them to hurt you. Yeah, her smile was grim, for what its worth.

The door opened then closed. The voices from the porch were muted, and brief. McKinley couldnt have told them much, but maybe her subdued mood that alarmed them because Rose and Will came rushing through the doorway a few seconds later. Serena didnt say anything, she didnt have to. Will gathered her in his arms and held her close, and she sagged against him because thats what you did when you loved someone. You trusted them enough to share your pain. Will gently stroked her hair, his touch warming her from the inside out. Im sorry, sweetheart, he said softly. I imagine she said some pretty horrible things like she always does.

From behind her, Rose swore under her breath. It made Serena smile. Shell go running straight to your mother, Rose said. If we dont leave soon, Leslie and Tony will be on your doorstep and put a stop to it. No, she wont tell them. Serena turned so she was partially facing Rose, not quite ready to give up the comfort Wills arms afforded her. Even if she did, it wouldnt matter. Im not going. Will repeated the profane words Rose had muttered only a moment before. Its McKinley, isnt it? She said something that changed your mind. Serena started to deny it, but in a way, he was right. Yes, I suppose she did. Actually, shehelped me. Neither of them said anything, but she knew Rose and Will were exchanging cynical glances. I know its hard to believe, but she helped me see that I didnt need to go back there to find closure. We are still talking about McKinley, right? Rose said dryly. Your sister; a woman who wouldnt save a drowning puppy for fear it would ruin her designer shoes, that McKinley? No, hell hasnt frozen over, Serena laughed. Its true McKinley helped me, but I never said anything about her being kind or sensitive while she did it. Rose still wasnt convinced. She didnt threaten you, did she?

Serena bit back the giggle that bubbled up her throat. If she told them she was the one doing the threatening and blackmailing, they would never believe it. McKinley had helped her, albeit inadvertently, because knowing the truth did bring closure. It was incredibly liberating, and for the first time in years, Serena didnt feel as if she was carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders. No threats. She justconvinced me that I needed to stop dwelling on the past and get on with my life. Are you sure about this? Will asked.

Positive. As a matter of fact, I think we should celebrate by doing something fun. What do you two think about exchanging our boots and old jeans for flip flops and swimsuits and taking a drive down to the beach? Sounds good to me, Rose said warmly. You think Rufus will like splashing around in the water? Im sure of it, Serena replied. Where is he anyway? Im surprised he didnt come to check on me when you came back inside. Hes planted himself in front of the door, Will chuckled. I think hes guarding it in case McKinley shows up again. She isnt coming back, Serena thought, refraining from saying it out loud. It would only lead to questions and she refused to have their day clouded with dark thoughts or somber conversations. Shed meant what she said to McKinley; she would never breath a word about what transpired between them this morning as long as her sister left Will alone. And she didnt want Will harboring anymore hard feelings towards McKinley than he already had. She knew how he would react if she divulged what really happened that night. Will didnt have it in his heart to forgive McKinley. Serena wasnt sure she did either, but if that day ever came, she didnt want to feel the need to justify her reasons to anyone but herself. It was regretful that she would never be close to McKinley, but they had never really shared a sisterly bond to begin with so it wasnt a tragic loss. And there was always the hope, however slim, that McKinley would discover telling the truth was a cleansing experience and want to do it on a regular basis.

As for herself, Serena was ready to turn the page and begin a new chapter in her life. One that was filled with laughter and love and, maybe one dayforgiveness.

Chapter 70:- Chapter 18, Part 5 Will had watched Serena closely over days and weeks that followed her run in with McKinley. She hadnt volunteered to tell him about it and he hadnt asked, though he knew there was no way in hell McKinley would have offered any encouraging words unless it was completely by accident. Still, he couldnt deny there was a dramatic change in Serena and he was content to let it go. She seemed truly happy now; unencumbered by the nightmares that used to plague her, she was light-hearted and always had a ready smile on her face.

Tonight they were going to her parents house to have dinner with her brothers and Rose. McKinley had been blessedly absent from their lives, another mysterious outcome of Serenas talk with her, but he wasnt about to question that one either. If it bothered Serena, she never said so, and tonight was far too special to bring up something that might upset her. She knew where they were going, of course. What she didnt know was that hed spoken with her parents earlier in the week and asked them to plan a celebration dinner.

A nervous flutter rippled through his stomach when he dipped his hand inside his jacket pocket and pulled out the small velvet box. It seemed as if hed waited a lifetime for this moment, and now that it was here, Will was starting to panic. What if he bumbled the words hed practiced so diligently? What if the ring didnt fit? Oh God, what if she said no?

A boulder lodged itself in his throat when Serena emerged from the bathroom. His eyes slowly glided down the perfection of her slender body and up again. Golden curls framed her beautiful face, and she was wearing the pale blue cocktail dress Rose had brought over yesterday. It was simple, but elegant, and hugged every delicious curve as if it was tailored made especially for her. She was stunningbreathtaking, and Will couldnt even begin to imagine a life without her.

Serena paused for a moment in the middle of the room before a soft smile curved her lips and she moved in his direction. So you like the dress, she said, stopping in front of him to do a slow pirouette. How did the words locked in his throat. How did I know where you were? His tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth. Uh huh. God, he sounded like an idiot! Serena leaned towards him with an impish grin. The same way I could tell you liked the dress; I could hear you panting. Will dragged her into his arms. Witch, he murmured before taking possession of her soft lips.

Heat curled deep inside him, as it always did when the passion between them flared, but over the past several weeks their love making had soared to new heights. It had been

good before, but there was always a part of Serena that he couldnt quite reach; a part of herself she held back, as if she was afraid to let go. Nowshe was fearless in her giving, and there was an intensity to it that left him in a euphoric stupor afterwards. Life with Serena was a euphoric experience all its own and he was anxious to make her his wife and start a family. I love you, Will Duncan, she sighed when he finally let her up for air. I have a surprise for you, he whispered, waltzing her backwards. Serena gasped when the back of her legs hit the mattress. If seducing me is the surprise, Im afraid your timing stinks. Were supposed to leave in fifteen minutes. Seducing you did cross my mind, Will admitted, but thats not the surprise. Sit down, honey, theres something I want to say before we go. Sounds serious. Will kissed the corner of her mouth where a frown had started to form. Sit, he ordered.

Once she was seated, he pulled the box from his pocket and plucked the ring out. Kneeling down in front of her, Will took her right hand in his and brought it to his lips. He lifted his eyes and let his gaze sweep lovingly over her face, the speech hed rehearsed over and over flying right out of his head. This one is from the heart, my love. I love you, Serena. I started falling when you were nothing but knees and elbows and a shy smile, and Ive been tumbling helplessly ever since. Youve grown into a beautiful, desirable woman, and I am completely captivated by you. Youre intelligent, kind, lovingeverything a man could ask for and more. Youre starting to worry me, she said with a nervous laugh. Isis something wrong? NoyesI mean, there is something wrong, but you can make it right with one word. What Im trying to say isI love you, Serena, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will lifted her hand and slipped the ring on her finger, relieved to find it was a perfect fit. Serena, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?

With tears in her eyes, Serena said the one word that had the power to make him the happiest man in the world. Yes.

Chapter 71:EPILOGUE Serena woke with a smile on her lips. Yesterday morning she was Serena Cross, engaged to the most wonderful man in the universe. But this morningher heart trippedthis morning, she was a married woman. Mrs. Will Duncan. It left her breathless just thinking about it. After six months of agonizing over flowers, food, color schemes, and picking out where and when the wedding would take place, not to mention the endless hours of dress fittingsshe was finally married. Deliriously happy didnt even begin to cover how she felt. Even having McKinley there hadnt dampened her spirits, though their brief conversations had been a bit strained. There was simply too much joy in her heart to let anything affect her in a negative way, with the possible exception of not being able to see her groom as she walked up the aisle. Shed been so sure her eyesight would return, so hopeful that her vision would be restored before the wedding, but it hadnt happened. It was disappointing, but Will adamantly refused to postpone the wedding any longer. At any rate, she had so much to be grateful for, it seemed selfish to want more.

Still a little groggy from lack of sleep, mostly because Will had been insatiable but partly because shed been too wound up to sleep afterwards, Serena forgot she wasnt at home in their own bed. Easing back the covers so she wouldnt disturb Will, she slipped out of bed and shuffled towards the bathroom. Except the bathroom wasnt where it was supposed to be, and she silently cursed when her hip rammed into the edge of a high backed wooden chair.

Feeling her way around the table did little to orient herself because she and Will had been so anxious to peel each others clothes off the night before, she hadnt been paying attention when hed hurriedly given her a layout of the hotel suite. Heat fused in her cheeks when she recalled how ardently theyd made love. I want to make a baby with you, Will had whispered as his trembling hand settled over her belly.

Serena suppressed a giggle. It was highly unlikely shed conceived on her wedding night, but it certainly wasnt for lack of trying. The poor man was dead to the world right now so she was reluctant to wake him just so he could guide her to the bathroom, but the call of nature was growing more insistent by the moment. With her arms in front of her and fingers splayed, she inched her way forward, hoping at least to find the bed again so she would know where she was.

A soft rustle of movement off to her right told her Rufus was only a few feet away. Serena made her way towards him. Even if shed been too distracted to remember which way the bathroom was, Rufus would have had it down within minutes.

Misjudging how close she was to him, she nearly tripped over Rufus, the unexpected brush of his fur against her bare legs startling her. Instinctively, she reached for somethinganything to keep herself from falling and managed to catch herself when her fingers curled around the heavy folds of a curtain.

Heart pounding and still clutching the curtain with one hand, Serena leaned down to pat Rufus and apologize for nearly trampling him. His wet nose pressed into her palm. Inching her fingers along the bridge of his nose to his head, she stroked his soft fur a few times before slipping her fingers beneath the edge of his collar.

Serena opened her mouth to whisper a command to lead her to the bathroom but all that came out was a whoosh of air. A thin stream of light wavered in front of her, shimmering as it danced across a carpet of gold. She couldnt move, couldnt breathe, mesmerized by its brilliance and terrified that if she looked away, it would disappear. She watched it for several minutes before Rufus shifted restlessly and it finally dawned on her that what she was seeing wasnt gold at all. Slowly, slowly, the fingers gripping the curtain parted the fabric. Sunshine spilled through the opening, illuminating golden fur and two anxious brown eyes. Rufus, she whispered hoarsely.

Tears filled her eyes and she blinked them away impatiently as she dropped down to her knees and gave Rufus a fierce hug. No doubt thinking shed lost her mind, Rufus squirmed out of her arms and backed up a step, eyeing her curiously for a moment before letting out several excited barks in rapid succession. Serena tried to quiet him but she was laughing so hard, it only enticed him to bark louder. Will called out her name, obviously alarmed by the hysterical laughter and Rufus odd behavior. Light flooded the room and she squinted against the brilliance of it. Will was

nothing more than a blur as he charged across the room, but before Serena could tell him she was all right, he scooped her up in his arms and carried her back to the bed. Lowering himself down on the edge of the mattress, he settled Serena on his lap, anxiously checking her for injuries. What happened? Did you trip and fall? Are you hurt? God, honey, I should have taken more time to make sure you knew the layout of the room. I shouldnt have been so impatient to get you into bed. Its my fault you Serenas fingertips covered Wills lips. Im fine, she whispered.

She gazed up him, her breath catching in her throat. He was the most beautiful thing shed ever seen. His hair was raven black, just as she remembered; his cheek bones and chin even more finely chiseled than they were in his teens. Serena moved her fingers to reveal lips that were full and sensuous, and she couldnt resist the temptation to kiss them. Wills voice trembled when he pulled his head back. Serena? Her smile broadened. Theres only one thing better than hearing you say you love me. Do you want to know what it is? Whats that? She reached up and cupped his face. Seeing your love for me shining through your eyes.

Serena waited for it to sink in. She knew the precise moment comprehension hit him because the smile that lit his handsome face rivaled the radiance of the sun. And when he gently laid her back against the cool sheets and proceeded to make love to her...Serena didn't close her eyes.

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