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September 2001 Issue 78

“The song of the dodo, if it had one, is forever unknowable

because no human from whom we have testimony ever The philosophy behind Earth
took the trouble to sit in the Mauritian forest and listen” First! is the use of non-
David Quammen hierarchical organisation and

BAA offices occupied direct action to confront, stop

and eventually reverse the
forces responsible for the
Four protesters barged into the
from London room, breaking a destruction of the Earth and its
Rising Tide table. With their inhabitants.
occupied the main offer to negotiate It is not a cohesive group or
boardroom of the rejected the four campaign rather a convenient
banner for those interested in
British Airport were promptly
these ideas.
Authority on dragged outside
August 9th. The then released.
protest was against Source: London Actions in Bonn
the planned expansion of BAA airports, RTS Activists from the Rising Tide Network
including the controversial £2.5 billion And in Manchester... and other groups held an RTS on July
fifth terminal at Heathrow. To provide for To coincide with the farce attempting to 22nd. Demanding that Rising Tide’s 12-
predicted air traffic growth the equivalent pass as action to save the world from point manifesto be read in the COP 6.5
of four new Heathrows will need to be human-created climate change in Bonn, conference halls, over 100 activists from
built by 2020. Aviation is the world’s fastest Manchester Earth First!ers took the tram the 500 strong parade locked arms for a
growing source of CO2 emissions, while the to Heaton Park for a picnic! They leafleted four-hour blockade of a main street in
oil industry that supplies the untaxed passengers about climate change and the Bonn. Activists called on environmental
kerosene is guilty of untold human rights 90% for 90% campaign on the way, NGOs to return to a position of
abuses from Alaska to Indonesia. getting off at each stop and leafleting the environmental integrity, walk out of the
Despite a spot of bother getting into the next tram. The 90% for 90% campaign climate talks and join the people on the
lifts the four were barricaded in the seventh aims to see a 90% reduction in public streets. Despite negotiations with the UN
floor boardroom by 8.45am, refusing to transport fares to get the 90% reduction in to allow people to leave peacefully the
leave until BAA cancelled plans for CO2 emissions essential to avert climate police forcibly removed and detained 123
Terminal 5. From the boardroom attempts chaos. Source Loombreaker people to stop the blockade and allow
were made to speak to CEO, Mike See for more traffic to resume ‘business as usual’.
Hodgkinson, but he was unavailable. climate action reports including a tripod The message was taken to the final
Outside the main door a banner was hung blockade of Esso’s depot in Leatherhead session in unique style with a banner drop
and leaflets distributed. Police were quickly on July 24th, action in Oxford and a and a reading of the 12 principles
on the scene and at 1.30pm BAA security Critical Mass in Edinburgh. ( inside. During the
week a camp took place along with other
Rising Tide Gathering 13/14th October ‘01 actions including a crane sit. This was the
largest direct action at the climate talks
BRIDGE 5 MILL environment centre, Manchester since COP1 Berlin 1995.
50p where sold

A chance for those interested in taking action on Climate Change to meet, learn and plan
strategically for the coming year and beyond ... 01865 241097
The EF! AU is produced to aid the sharing of news, information and ideas amoungst those interested
in taking action. It is edited by a different collective each year to avoid the centralisation of power and
information. We welcome submissions and articles (max 150 words) so if you’ve set up a group, taken
action or want to publicise a campaign or project please let us know. No matter how big or small it
seems, we’d like to share your news and inspiration. Feature articles and ideas are also appreciated.

Anti-copyright - photocopy and distribute

Prison labour solidarity rape owned by Aventis, the huge french
News in brief... During the EF! Gathering an impromptu agrochemical company. The article
« CitY - Change it Yourself. - A new reported that the action was taken to
action was organised against Hepworth,
Tuesday meeting for networking in London prevent cross-contamination of the
an international company that exploits
prison labour. Long term anarchist surrounding fields by GM pollen.
« ‘Pirates for Animal Liberation’ have
sunk a yacht belonging to a Bank of New
prisoner Mark Barnsley is in Wakefield GM security increased
York executive responsible for providing Prison where prisoners are required to Following a wave of actions at GM farm
financial aid to Huntingdon Life Sciences make prison uniforms, their own prison scale trials, reports are coming in of
« Four teenagers from Omaha have been bars or give 25 hrs a week to Hepworth in increased security measures at damaged
charged with fourth-class felony after a tedious packing work. The maximum pay crop sites. In Wivenhoe and Arlesford,
number of golf courses were vandalised. They in this prison is £8 per week. He is in Essex, where there are two trials of GM
claim they are part of the ELF solitary as punishment for refusing to maize, video cameras and a motion
« BNP ‘nazi scum’ leader Nick Griffin’s work. In solidarity with Mark and as sensor have been placed near the crops.
phone no’s are home: 01938 820198/01938 outside resistance to slavery inside we There have been regular police checks
820560 Mobile: 07813 328955 paid Hepworth HQ a visit. The security and a police helicopter used during the
« Nottingham has a new vegan resource gates were locked shut, a meeting was night. 75% of the Arlesford trial and 10%
centre and social club opening this autumn disrupted, leaflets distributed and banners of the Wivenhoe trial have been damaged
following renovations. 0845 458 9595 for waved outside. Whilst waiting in the by protestors. There have been no arrests.
details and opening date/times. building we wrote the manager a letter At Jealotts Hill, Berkshire where Novartis
« Asylum seekers held in HMP Liverpol explaining the visit was to launch our are conducting GM potato trials people
went on Hunger strike on July 26th. As of campaign and that not pulling out of the have reported high security. Despite this
May 31st there were 1,787 in detention in prison labour industry could prove 75% of one trial has been destroyed.
damaging. Police were unable to
the UK under Immigration Act powers
boltcropper the locks and a sympathetic
Munlochy GM vigil
« Four women trade unionists were
seeming fire brigade refused to help. Feel Following the Highlands’ biggest ever anti-
assassinated in Columbia in July. There have
free to contact Hepworth Building GM rally in Inverness on Aug 18th, local
now been 78 assassinations, 35
Products at: Eddlington Lane Eddlington people in Munlochy began a vigil to stop
disappearances and kidnappings and 14
attempted assassinations in Columbia this Doncaster DN12 1BY Tel: 01709 856300 planting of GM winter oilseed rape. The
year. Colombia Solidarity Campaign: Tel: 01226 76356 100-acre site is about 4 miles as the crow Mark has been moved again, see Page 3 (or bee) flies from an organic farm, and
« slopes down to the Bay of Munlochy,
The director of the British Aggregates Peat mining stopped Rossshire. About 25 people started the
Association has set up an anti-
During August two actions to stop peat vigil, 8 actually on the field. The GM crop
environmentalist group www.scientific-
mining happened at Hatfield Moor near is resistant to glufosinate ammonium, a
Doncaster, one of the only Peat Moors left herbicide that is banned from commercial
« DEAL WITH IT a new bi-monthly
in England. One Sunday 15 activists agricultural use during the winter months
(ish) journal by anti-sexist, anarchist men PO
visited the works and lots of pixieing in the UK because of its toxicity. To date
Box 5841, Eugene, OR97405.
occurred, including magically 11 have been arrested, 5 of whom have
disappearing machinery keys and a
« At least five plots of GM crops have not been charged. 6 others were originally
been destroyed in France since late June
breaking down train. On August 25th a charged with breach of the peace but now
when the government was forced to release mass trespass of around 70 people took face charges of aggravated trespass.
info on their locations place. Surprisingly there was a low police A vigil camp is now on site and needs
« Lyminge Forest is now officially secure presence, which made for an interesting support. They are also keen to receive
against Rank’s, or Bourne leisure’s plans to day on the moor. Drainage ditches were letters of support: GM Protest Camp,
develop it into a holiday village. Planning blocked, big bits of machinery were Rosskill Farm, Near Munlochy, Rosshire,
permission expired this April and no renewal disabled and one peat train derailed itself IV8 8PA. 07719 584417.
application has been submitted whilst being chased and another
mysteriously derailed. GeneNo gatecrashers!
« 800 people in the Philippines have
So far no arrests have occurred on any The Centre for Life had it’s 1st Birthday
trashed an experimental BT-Corn crop
peat actions and an activist presence does party gatecrashed by GeneNo!, that
owned by Monsanto
seem to stop work. The peat-cutting naughty bunch of wholly unmodified
« Seven McDonald’s in Montreal were
simultaneously vandalised, possibly in season finishes at the end of September so organisms, in August. Celebrating real life
connection with a local labour dispute if people could spend a day wandering rather than the techno-scientific nonsense
« A total hunting ban continues due to about the moor it would seriously limit of the Centre they drummed, sang songs
Foot and Mouth, but the situation will be the amount of peat they can extract. and stole the free drinks. One of them got
reviewed soon For more info contact Leeds EF! 0113 the Centre’s chief executive to admit on
« Hamish ( 262 9365 live radio that their patron, James
Watson, had been making in his words
wants up-to-date info about the British govt Hutton Magna GM
regarding, arms trading, GE stuff, human “some quite outrageous comments
A recent article in the Northern Echo
rights, nuke stuff etc to write propaganda for recently” (little things about master races
reported that persons unknown had
the CHOGM protests in Australia (6-9 Oct) and designer babies). The group has now
damaged a GM trial crop in Hutton
« A Mancester man has been charged written to the Centre’s Trustees asking
Magna, near Darlington. It is the second
with Criminal Damage after spraying ‘free the them to disown their Patron or to sack
time this farmer has been targeted. The
G8 pr’ on the Italian Embassy in Manchester their Chief Executive. Source GEN
crop was a farm-scale trial of GM oil seed
Genoa update recognition of the fact the police are a
Last issue we reported on the Genoa G7/8 tool of all states across the globe and the Diary Dates...
summit. The story was compiled as news events in Genoa were simply a September
came in and some details have now been manifestation of the universal function of 13th 6pm Hackney Town Hall noisy protest
clarified. Thank-you to everyone at the police. Source: anonymous e-mail against service cuts and sell offs
EF! Gathering who shared experiences. London
Firstly we got some dates wrong (doh!). On July 22nd 200 people gathered outside 15th RTS Leuven, Belgium to coincide with
The Asylum seekers’ solidarity march the Italian embassy in London to show meeting of european transport ministers
took place on Thurs. July 19th. According solidarity and respect for the dead. From
to participants the march stayed calm and 6pm the crowd stood in silence with 20th Rising Tide tour event in Manchester,
had a good atmosphere despite the occasional chants of ‘assassins’ and ‘death contact Manc EF! 0161 2266 814
presence of loads of armed cops. Local to the state’ as the police tried to pen 20th World Car Free Day
Genoese seemed supportive of the them into a small area. After an hour the
protests. It was Fri. 20th when it all kicked crowd moved as one, round to the other
22nd Rising Tide tour event in Inverness,
off. That day’s plan involved 8/9 separate side of the embassy, confusing the
contact c/o for now
groups approaching ‘zona rossa’ by following vans. At 7.15pm the police
22nd European Union Car Free Day.
different routes. This included women’s, section 60ed the whole group (which
pacifist, carnival, dockers, civil allows for search only), took photographs
and details from people. Four arrests were 29th Cannabis March & Rally in London.
disobedience (mainly leftists) and black
reported. Source: ALLSORTS Meet 12 noon Speakers Corner, Hyde Park.
block routes. Some people felt that, given
Departs at 2pm for Rally at Trafalgar Square
this plan, confrontation with the Manchester
authorities was inevitable. The majority of The OKasional Cafe on Charles St. October
participants were from leftist groups and became an infoshop for the weekend of 2-14th Washington DC, annual IMF/World
the anarchists’ organisation was lacking. Genoa. On hearing of Carlo Guiliani Bank meeting, contact
Whilst some other groups have been death, a leaflet was hurried together, and external/am/index.htm official site,
critical of the Black Block, there was a 100s handed out in the city centre to the unofficial.
feeling they and the militant trade union music of a samba band. The Italian 4-7th Centres for Change Network annual
Cobas, were the only ‘groups’ who had Consulate was visited on Monday gathering and conference at MERCi
considered a heavy violent police response morning. Protesters entered the consulate Manchester. Contact 01792 480200 or
likely and thought about how this might where a struggle ensued between
be dealt with. Some noted the Leftist protesters and staff . Walls were graffitied 5-7th Treesponsibility gathering in Hebden
groups seemed have used traditional Left “Global Resistance to Police Violence”, Bridge Contact 01422 843222, 10
organisation (rally, march etc.) for direct and a fire extinguisher was sprayed into Broughton Street, Hebden Bridge, HX7 8JY.
action and this had left them unprepared their computers. Eventually a fire alarm 6th HLS National demo, meet 12noon,
for the police response. Police used a lot was set off and the building vacated. fairland valley park, nr A1 Junction 7
of tear gas and armoured vehicles to break Outside, passers-by were leafleted and SHAC 0845 458 0630
barriers and disperse crowds. seemed very supportive. Exactly a week 13/14th Rising tide, climate change
Eyewitnesses suggested around 250 000 after Carlo’s shooting a vigil was held at gathering Manchester Contact 01865
were on Saturday’s Labour march and the the consulate. Source: Loombreaker. 241097
atmosphere was tense due to the murder There have been other shows of 16th International anti-Macdonalds day
on Friday of Carlo Guiliani. solidarity across the world. 20th Anarchist book-fair Camden Centre,
Other points made to us were that the Maize delivered to DEFRA Euston Rd, London, WC1, 10am-7pm,
injury toll on protesters was probably
During the early hours of July 23rd five
greater than we reported and that the
GM crop decontaminators removed 22nd Faslane Nuclear Missile Submarine Base
detention experience we listed on Sat. 21st
Aventis GM maize plants from the farm Blockade. 0141 423 1222 for transport
occurred after the GSF and IMC raids on from your area. ‘
scale trial at Preston Wynne,
Herefordshire. About 50% of the crop 23rd Land for People’ Working Conference
Genoa solidarity actions was destroyed. 50 large bags of maize The SPACE, Stroud, Gloucestershire Tel
Bristol were then delivered to the Department of (01453) 757040 Mhclarge
On Aug 18th the Italian consulate in Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 30th –1st Nov Copex exhibition of ‘counter
Bristol was targeted in solidarity with all (DEFRA) marked FAO Michael Meacher. insurgency’ equipment at Sandown
who participated in the resistance in A letter requesting a meeting was racecourse CAAT 020 72810297
Genoa. Under cover of darkness the included, together with open statements November
consulate was broken into, windows from the five claiming responsibility. 1st Fox Hunting season begins (or maybe it
smashed, files destroyed, equipment Unfortunately Michael was not available, doesn’t: see News in Brief ). Hunt Sab
damaged and important documents though the five were thanked and the Association 01273 622827
‘vanished’. The office walls were adorned police were not informed.
5th-9th The 4th WTO ministerial meeting in
with messages to the Italian government Aventis stated to the Press Association
Doha, the capital of Qatar.
demanding the release of all remaining “the wrong crop was targeted”. Tests
10th Actions against shell on the anniversary
prisoners arrested during the summit. On carried out on plants suggest otherwise.
of the judicial murder of 9 Ogoni activists in
Aug 20th Bristol police station was covered The crop was attacked again on July 28th.
Nigeria 020 86789605
in graffiti. Messages read “Genoa 2001- To date no one has been arrested, though
the police have said interviews will be 24th Buy Nothing anti-consumerism
Police violence knows no borders-
required and the CPS has been informed. campaign. Enough 0161 2266668
Assassins All cops are killers” in
Post- Genoa support Gatecrash Labours party! forum for discussion and planning for the

Trauma support An international website year ahead and acts as a useful bridging
On Sept 30th, New Labour’s annual conference
has been set up to help support those starts in Brighton. Surrounded by a security point between EF! Summer gatherings. At
suffering trauma post the Genoa protests. cordon and hundreds of cops, the government the Summer Gathering people interested will make decisions behind closed doors. Those in organising the moot held a meeting.
Another good resource on trauma, with who oppose their agenda of creeping The main issues were what areas should
links to other sites and book privatisation, genetic engineering and the be discussed and, as importantly, how will

recommendations, is http:// outlawing of protest are not invited to join we discuss them? Gender issues, GM, If you can help their party. Although Blair called anti-capitalist climate change and disabled direct action
or want further information contact protesters an ‘anarchist travelling circus’, this have all been mooted for the Moot. There conference is the real media circus, an empty will be a Moot meeting at the Anarchist
display neatly choreographed by the leadership Book fair, October 20th in London (see
Bust Funds IMC UK has set up a fund to
to look good on TV. For our part, we’re fed up diary). Meet at the main entrance at 1pm.
help with the legal work for Genoa with this farce. We have no illusions about
prisoners. Cheques or Postal Orders can We’d like to involve as many people from
lobbying the Labour Party - we can leave that
be sent to: IMC UK, P.O. Box 587, as many regions as possible. If you can’t
job to the Lefties…Come and take direct action
London, SW2 4HA please write LEGAL make the book fair meeting, send your
to ensure that Labour’s conference does not go
FUND to distinguish between donations to plan. Sept 30th 1pm, The Level, Brighton. views to Manchester EF! 0161 226 6814
to IMC UK and the legal fund. 01273 or
HSG has set up a fund for 6 UK residents 298192 Prisoner support
who were deported from Italy. They
incurred many expenses including air Summer Gathering 2002 A fund has been set up for Garfield
Dear everyone, hope your summer Gabbard FT9062, HMP Camp Hill,
fares, phone bills, retrieving luggage and Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 5PB. He’s
money stolen by the police. They also gathering was as lovely as ours and
yippee, it’s time to think about the next serving 18 months after the Nov 30th
wish to establish a fund to bring the 1999 Euston demo. Particularly he needs
police and whoever authorised their one! If you are interested in being
involved in the 2002 collective (last years money to help with visits. Cheques and
actions to justice. Donations C/O POs to Ms Kate Muggleton (Garfield’s
Haringey Solidarity Group, PO Box crew had about 8 core people from the
start, almost all from different areas) fiancé), Garfield Gabbard Support Fund,
2474, London N8, Cheques payable to c/o BM Box 2407, London, WC1N 3XX.
Haringey Solidarity Group or contact email
with your expression of interest and a A group has also been set up for Paul Robinson, who’s appealing a sentence he
suggested first meeting time/place. The
The Genetic Engineering Network has gathering itself could be anywhere at all, received after the EU Gothenburg
moved to the Archway Resource Centre, though there’s been some expression of summit. Paul’s at Goteborg Remandd
1a Waterlow Road, Archway, London, interest in the Southwest. You need no Centre (Haktet), Goteborg Polis HQ
N19 5NJ Tel: 0207 272 1586. previous experience, just enthusiasm! And (Polis Huset). Box 429 40126, Goteborg, is the new office email we will give you lots of useful notes & Sweden. He’s had a particularly hard time
for enquiries, information and requests. support, love from the 2001 collective. and is inside a long way from home so do is now reactivated as send letters. Paul Robinson Support
a news list.
Winter Moot meeting Group c/o Tom Silverlock, UCL Unison,
remains the user friendly website for UK The next EF! Winter Moot will be in Gower Street, London WC1 6BT. Tel:
crop trial info and other resources. Manchester over a weekend at the end of 020 7679 5188 / 020 7679 7095
Jan/beginning of Feb 2002. The Moot is a
If you know of anyone who you think we ought to be supporting get in touch with the Earth Liberation Prisoners
Prisoners AU or ELP (listed opposite), let us know as much as possible (what they’re in for, how
long, when they’re due for release, details of any support campaign etc.). The AU
support network
c/o BM Box 2407
proiritises listing new eco-prisoners ELP carry a more detailed list.
London, WC1N 3XX
UK quarry equipment at 9 Terrace Armley Leeds USA On remand for
Karl Hodgkinson GF6287 Ladies and will be inside LS12 2TJ. Mayday 2001 in the States, Online newsletter
HMP WANDSWORTH for at least another couple Sean Cregan FR8832, has recently had other
PO Box 757 Heathfield of months. HMP Ford, Arundale, charges brought against
Road London SW18 5HS Dave Blenkinsop West Sussex, BN18 0XB him Urgent ELP Bulletin sends out
Sentenced to 15 months at EM7899 H.M.P Lewes, Mayday 2000 prisoner. Quebec names of new prisoners as
the end of July for affray a E. Sussex, BN7 1EA, USA address changes Vaughn Barnett, Centre de
England. Now serving détention de Québec, 500,
soon as ELP gets them
Mayday monopoly, a Jeffrey ‘Free’ Luers
particularly hard sentence. 3years for an assault on #1379767, TRCI, 82911 rue de la Faune, C.P.7130,
Karl is expected to be HLS Managing director. Beach Access Rd, Charlesbourg, Québec, Writing to prisoners
inside until at least Ulla Roder, HMP Umatilla, OR 97882 USA. G1G 5E4 Canada (On Remember to include the
December and would Cornton Vale, Cornton Currently in solitary. Free Remand). prisoners number and a return
appreciate support. Rd, STIRLING, FK9 is serving a exceptionally Stéphane Paquet, 15.2.80,
address (prisons won’t accept
Lee Himlin EX7748, 5NY TP2000 remand harsh 22 yrs for ecotage. Centre de détention de
HMP Perry Road, prisoner recently denied Québec, 500, rue de la the letter without one, not all
Robert Middaugh
Sherwood, Nottingham, bail. #6859467, Centrel Faune, C.P. 7130, accept PO Box address) for
N65 3AG. Lee has now address changes Regional Detention Charlesbourg, Québec, more tips on writng contact
been sentenced to 15 Mark Barnsley WA2897 Center, 111705 Alameda G1G 5E4 Canada (9 ELP or Anarchist Black Cross
months for sabotage to HMP Leeds2 Gloucester Lynwood, CA 902622, months). c/o 6 Tilbury Place
“Any political movement that does not support it’s political internees is a sham movement” Brighton BN2 2GY
Ojore Lutalo, political prisoner
“Soon it will be a sin for
parents to have a child

Human genetics that caries the heavy

burden of genetic
disease. We are entering

and Eugenics a world where we will

have to consider the
quality of our children.”
Robert Edwards, IVF

Whilst activists have been immensely technically difficult. consumer eugenics, where
preoccupied over the last few If the benefits are doubtful, the people pick their ‘best’
years with genetic engineering downsides of human genetics embryo, according to their
of food, drug companies and criteria, which may include
are already with us, or can be
scientists have been quietly appearance, IQ or other
seen from history. What human
progressing with a abilities. We are already seeing
genetics shares with
companies discriminating
(functionally) far larger agricultural genetics is the way
project: a ‘genetic revolution in it is embedded in the capitalist
medicine’. drive to control nature. In the
case of human genetics the
So far, despite the hype, the aim is to control human nature
human genetics revolution has and thereby society. In the first
brought few benefits. Although part of the 20th century this
hundreds of genes that cause became a popular social
rare genetic movement, under the banner
disorders have of eugenics, which claimed to
been found ‘improve the human (or
there is little by national or racial) stock’
way of by preventing people with
treatments. ‘defective’ genes from
Nonetheless, having children, and
governments encouraging those with
and drugs ‘superior’ genes to have
companies more children. The ultimate
continue to
expression of eugenics was against people with genetic
pump billions
the Nazi Holocaust. diseases.
into research,
convinced that it will produce
After World War II eugenics Meanwhile an Italian fertility
better drugs with less side
became very unfashionable. doctor, Severino Antinori is
effects, prevention of common
However, far from currently threatening to
diseases by knowing our
disappearing, it went produce cloned babies in the
genetic susceptibilities and
underground. In 1999 activists next year and the UK
direct gene therapies for faulty
disrupted the annual meeting Parliament has already passed
genes. Drugs companies are legislation allowing creation of
of Britain’s Eugenics Society,
insisting on patents on human cloned embryos for medical
genes, thereby giving them which had invited 3 racists to
speak. What also continued research. The ultimate threat is
massive control over the the genetic engineering of
future of medicine. was society’s hatred of
disabled people, and in the human beings, initially to
eliminate genetic diseases and
There are many problems with 1970s technologies such as
then for ‘enhanced’
the promises being made. ultrasound screening in
appearance, athletic ability etc.
Firstly, the main causes of pregnancy were developed to
disease are environmental and reduce the birth of disabled Human Genetics Alert is a
social standards, yet little children. Although prenatal pressure group campaigning on
effort or money is put into screening does allow women the issues in this article. For a
dealing with such causes, choice, they are pressured by copy of briefing papers, or to
because there is no money to doctors and society to be put on our e-mail news list
be made. Secondly, the eliminate disabled children. contact:
complexity of genetics may The development of technology e-mail:
frustrate predictions. Gene to genetically screen embryos tel: 020 7704 6100
therapy is turning out to be threatens a future of post: Unit 112, Aberdeen
House, 22-24 Highbury
Grove, London, N5 2EA
to save Stanton Moor
Stanton Moor is part of the Peak District National Park. The moor is under threat from the reopening of
two dormant gritstone quarries by Stancliffe Stone Ltd. About 35 acres of woodland are at risk. It is a
habitat for a wide diversity of wildlife including fallow deer, badgers, foxes, rare bats and a huge range of
plants. Several natural springs that supply nearby villages are in this area. The proposed quarry threatens the
ancient Nine Ladies stone circle, which is situated at the top of the moors. The edges of the quarry would be
only 200 yards away from the stone circle. Other problems would be caused by the heavy quarry lorries on the small
roads, including the noise and dust pollution. Not to forget about the danger of erosion, as other quarried places in
the Stanton Peak District show. A protest camp was established in September
Action opportunities 1999 and local residents set up an action
group. We always need
At the end of November (exact date not known please get in touch support
with the camp), The planning meeting to decide the fate of Stanton in
Moor takes place. It would be great to get as many people as possible many
along for this, both to show opposition and to let the planners know ways.
what sort of resistance they may face if they attempt to evict the Come to join
camp. the camp or
Stancliffe Stone has recently been taken over by Marshalls plc. a build
leading british building materials supplier. Support actions would be defences (or learn to
very valuable and if anyone is able to gather information about the build them). Donate equipment (e.g.
company and where it is based please let the campaign know. climbing tat, polyprop rope, timber, tarps, food,
money) You are welcome to come along, even if it’s just
The site is situated between for a cup of tea. Stanton Moor is beautiful and visitors are
Matlock and Bakewell just off always welcome. Other ways you can help are giving out
the A6. From Manchester take leaflets, make petitions or organising benefit gigs.
the trans-peak bus to Rowsley The buy up of Stancliffe Stone Ltd by Marshalls Plc last
From London take the train to Derby, July has made them financially more powerful. In late
then Matlock, or bus to Derby then Nov 2001 the peak park authorities and the company are
Bakewell. From Sheffield bus to Bakewell having a meeting in which the decision about this place
From Bakewell or Matlock is being made. If we lose the campaign an
get the bus to Stanton-in- eviction could follow within 48 hours.
Peak or Rowsley, follow the In this case lots of people will be
map from there. needed to make an eviction as

Support Nine difficult and expensive as possible!

Thanks for your support

Ladies anti-quarry For further info Tel: 07796

428368 http://pages/
Action Groups Solidarity Federation
are local EF! contacts some
are active groups others need
Contacts List September 2001 PO Box 29, SW PDO
Manchester M15 5HW
0161 232 7889
more people to get in touch Warwick- the old group’s Counter Information Anarchist Federation Stop Huntingdon Animal
Bath EF! folded but someone wants to Autonomous Centre E’burgh c/o 84b Whitechapel High St. Cruelty Campaign (SHAC)
c/o PO Box 426 set up a new one! 17 West Montgomery Place London E1 7QX PO Box 38, Cheltenham
Bath, Somerset, BA1 2ZD Edinburgh EW7 5HA ChiapasLink Gloucs GL50 1YN
Dartmoor EF! York LEAF 0131 557 6242 Box 79, 82 Colston St, Bristol 0845 458 0630
c/o PO Box 77, Totness C/o SU Centre Do or Die Trident Ploughshares 2000
Devon TQ9 5ZJ University of York, Heslington c/o Prior House, 6 Tilbury Pl. 42-46 Bethel St
Disabled Action Network
Grampion EF! York YO10 5DD Brighton BN2 2GY Norwich NR2 1NR
3 Crawley Road, Wood Green
PO Box 248 0845 458 8366
Support Groups London N22 6AN
Aberdeen AB25 1JE FINs - for a full list of Free 020 88891361 & Information
Information Networks, send
Networks DELTA Protest Camps
Gwynedd & Mon EF! SAE to: London FIN Box Z, 13 Biddulph St
The Greenhouse Activists’ Legal Project c/o 99 Torrinio Avenue Leicester LE2 1BH Aldermaston Women’s Peace
1 Trevelyan Terrrace, Bangor 16b Cherwell Street London NW5 2RX 0116 210 9652 Camp, 33 Heron Rd
Gwynedd LL57 1AX Oxford, OX4 1BG Genetix Update Bristol BS5 0LT
01248 255 821 01865 243 772 c/o Totnes GenetiX Group 0117 939 3746 PO Box77, Totness Faslane Peace Camp
Friends of People Close to
Leeds EF! Anarchist Teapot Devon TQ9 5ZJ Nature (FPCN UK) Shandon, Helensburgh
c/o CRC, 16 Sholebroke Av Mobile Kitchen Project 01803 840 098 33 Gould Close Dunbartonshire G84 8HT
Leeds LS7 3HB 6 Tilbury Place Welham Green, Hatfield Scotland
O113 262 9365 Brighton BN2 2GY Green Anarchist Hertfordshire AL9 7EB 01436 820 901 BCM 1715, London 01707 885 994 9 Ladies Anti-Quarry Camp
London Reclaim The Streets Blatant Incitement Project WC1N 3XX Lees Cross
PO Box 9656 (outreach & small group Peace News GenetiX Snowball Lees Rd, Stanton Lees
London N4 4JY support), c/o Manchester EF! 5 Caledonian Road Box13, 43 Gardner St Matlock, Derbyshire
020 7281 4621 London N1 9DY Brighton BN1 1UN 07799 528 871 CAGE Network Sellafield Women’s Peace
Manchester EF! (against the prison system) PO Box 2600, Brighton Hunt Saboteurs Assoc. Camp, Box Z (as Leeds EF!)
Box29, 22a Beswick St c/o 245 Gladstone Street East Sussex BN2 2DX PO Box 2786 0113 262 1534
Manchester, M4 7HS Nottingham, NG7 6HX 01273 685913 Brighton BN2 2AX Vallee d’Aspe Camp
0161 2266 814 0845 458 9595 01273 622827 Mobile+336 72634905 Corporate Watch
The EF!AU has a list of local ..and beyond
(Newcastle) TAPP 16b Cherwell St radical publications. Industrial Workers
PO Box ITA active campaigns that have
Oxford OX4 1BG Send an SAE or e-mail. of the World
Newcastle NE99 1TA had protest camps in the past
01865 791391 75 Humberstone Gate Virtual News Leicester LE1 1WB Action Against the Toll
Norwich Direct Action Forum Earth Liberation Prisoners The Land is Ours (TLIO) Motorway (AtoM)
PO Box 487 support Network a muliti-lingual news service 16b Cherwell St 0121 643 9117
Norwich NR2 3AL BM Box 2407 by, for and about anarchists Oxford OX4 1BG actionagainstthetollmotorway
07944 874 393 London, WC1N 3XX 01460 249204
Allsorts - UK based e-news for
Nottingham EF! Golden Cross Road Action
c/o 245 Gladstone Street Genetic Engineering Network Legal Defence & Monitoring Group (Essex), 01702 541 267 07957 915 977
Nottingham, NG7 6HX GEN, Archway Resource C’tr Group
0845 458 9595 1a Waterloo Road Video BM Haven, London Hockley Housing Archway, London, N19 5NJ WC1N 3XX 01702 206 181
i-Contact video network
Reading Roadbusters 020 7272 1586 London GreenPeace & Third Battle of Newbury
76 Mina Road, Bristol
R.I.S. Centre McLibel Campaign PO Box 5642
BS29TX 01179140188
35-39 London Street, Reading Primal Seeds 5 Caledonian Road Newbury RG14 5WG
Berkshire RG1 4PS Suite 305, 255 Wilmslow Rd London N1 9DX 07000 785 201
0118 954 6430 RadiX-video archive for direct
Manchester M14 020 7713 1269
action - new address in
Sheffield EF! Making Waves For International contacts we
c/o Brambles Resource Centre URGENT PO Box 1377 recommend the list in Do or
82 Andover St (green field housing network) Sheffield S36 4BZ Die 9 or ...
Sheffield S3 9EH Box HN, 16b Cherwell St Other Contacts 01226 764279 Peoples Global Action (PGA)
0114 279 7164 Oxford OX4 1BG
Advisory Service for Squatters against the WTO and neo- 01865 794 800
2 Saint Pauls Road No Platform anti-fascist liberalisation,
South Devon EF! network, PO Box 127
London N1 2QN Earth First! Journal
c/o PO Box 77, Totness
Publications 020 7359 8814 Leeds LS3 1TS POB 3023, Tucson
Devon TQ9 5ZJ Reclaim the Satyagraha! AZ 85702 USA
SWAN Network The Agitator-Directory of
ALF Supporters Group c/o 5 Caledonian Road Tel: (520) 620-6900
PO Box 70 Autonomous Groups
BCM Box 1160 London N1 9DX Fax: (413) 254-0057
Newport NP1 0YD c/o Haringey Solidarity Group
London WC1N 3XX 07973 539 390 PO Box 2474, London N8
Every effort is made to keep this contact list as up to date as possible, but we haven’t time to check every contact every
month. If you have trouble using any contact on this list please let us know. Also please make sure you tell us of any changes.
We appreciate receiving any ideas to improve this list and make it as useful as possible.
All additions and alterations each month are shown in bold.
The inclusion of a contact on this list in no way implies the support of the AU editorial collective for that group, it’s ideas, actions or indeed anything else.
RTS visit ballet P&G action
Faced with the prospect of another Contact EF!AU, PO Box 487
Norwich, NR2 3AL Procter and Gamble’s (P&G) new HQ in
Monday meeting London Reclaim the
Streets decided ‘sod this, let’s go to the
« us!« Tel: 01603 219811 North Tyneside was recently targeted by a high profile anti-vivisection
ballet’. On July 30th a performance of demonstration. Local activists and
Swan Lake was being relayed from the representatives from Uncaged made
Royal Opera House into the Covent TP2000 Coulport camp Friday July 13th very unlucky for P&G, the
Garden piazza. The RTS love of the Two anti-nuclear activists from the North- world’s largest manufacturer of household
higher arts is legendary, but what caught East were snaffled recently by MOD products, and incorrigible tester on
their eye most was the BP sponsorship, police at Coulport on the west coast of animals. A sizeable group of protestors
with their lovely logos plastered Scotland. Coulport is the site of the held a banner informing passers-by of
everywhere. Not up for annoying missile bunkers for Trident nuclear what the company does, while others used
hundreds of people by spoiling their warheads. The activists were there as part a megaphone to challenge the company to
entertainment, the group went for a low- of a Trident Ploughshares camp (27th July a debate on animal testing and animal
key presence, holding up the wonderful – 11th Aug) during which, it is rumoured, based research. The challenge was ignored
‘bye-bye planet’ banner and giving out a campaigner successfully swam to a but P&G representatives agreed to receive
loads of the glossy anti-BP flyers. People nuclear submarine and managed to paint a wreath. uncaged.anti-
were pretty receptive and even the sight of the “I” of “Illegal” on the side before 0114 272 2220
one person dressed as a half ballet dancer, being nabbed. Various court cases are
half-paramilitary, complete with tutu, forthcoming and donations towards legal Yes Men strike again
didn’t seem to put them off. costs are appreciated (write to Anti-WTO impostors have struck again,
Contact London RTS Northumbria TP2000, PO BOX 1TA, delivering a lecture about the rights of
Police protect Nazis Newcastle NE99 1TA). A large-scale slavery, the stupidity of Gandhi and the
On August 11th/12th, the British National blockade of the Faslane submarine base is supremacy of free trade to an enthusiastic
Party (BNP) held its 2nd annual Red White planned in October. TP2000 0845 crowd of scientists, engineers and
and Blue Festival on a farm near BNP 4588366 marketing professionals; who all thought
Führer Nick Griffin’s home in Mid- HLS national demo they were watching an official WTO
Wales. In response the Anti Nazi League On August 11th around 600 activists representative. 150 experts at the ‘Textiles
(ANL) planned a counter event. The gathered for a national demo against of the Future’ conference in Tampere,
police immediately served a Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS). A rally Finland heard Hank Hardy Unruh explain
you’re going to have to subscribe!
To find out what this box is for

banning order on the ANL covering and march through the centre of Oxford that Gandhi’s ‘self-sufficiency’ movement
a radius of 15 miles around the to Yamanouchi, one of the customers of was misguided because it centred on
festival site. Police reinforcements HLS was held. Members of the Stop protectionism and that Lincoln, by
were brought in to control any Huntingdon Animal Cruelty campaign outlawing slavery, had criminally
counter-demonstrations, using (SHAC) spoke and stressed the need for interfered with the South’s trade freedom.
roadblocks, video surveillance units, local groups to take action against the Finally to applause from the highly
mounted police, dogs and about customers and shareholders of HLS in educated audience, Unruh ripped off his
200 riot cops. their area. Boycotts, demonstrations etc. suit to reveal a golden leotard with a
On the Friday night an ANL are needed against all these companies. three-foot-long phallus. “If a group of
organiser was arrested for painting includes a complete list of Ph.D.s cheers at such crudely crazy
NAZI SCUM on the road leading to the customers and shareholders and regular things, just because it’s the WTO saying
festival and detained for 14 hours. During updates on the campaign. them, what else can the WTO get away
the day of the demonstration 15 people SHAC 0845 458 0630. with?” said a spokesperson for the Yes
were arrested for obstruction and The next National HLS demo is on Men, the impostors’ umbrella group. The
possession of drugs. They were held for 5 October 6th see diary entire PowerPoint lecture is available at
hours and later released without charge.
Subscribe to the EF! Action Update


From: EF!AU Subscriptions cost a minimum £5 for 10 issues (£8 Europe £12
PO Box 487 rest of the world). Send more if you can so we can distrubute free
Norwich to prisoners etc. Cheques/Postal orders payable to Earth First!
NR2 3AL Action Update. Worried about security? You may wish to consider
England a false name & c/o address.
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