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CNG N TP LP 7 BI 4-5-6

I. Choose the word th t h s !"der#$"ed % rt %ro"o!"&ed d$''ere"t#( 'ro) the others 1.a. c r b. p rk c. w rm d. f rm 2.a . k$nd b. m$nd c. t$red d. m$ss 3. a. t$me b. f$ne c. f$ve d. c$ty 4. a. &hair b. s&hool c. cou&h d. &hildren II Choose the &orre&t word or %h rse* 1/ He is a student ............ Le Loi School. a. at b. in c. on d.for 2/ he class !!!!!!!!!!at " o#clock in the mornin$. a.starts b. start c. end d. ends 3/ !!!!!!!!!! are you talkin$ to% & ' am talkin$ to my friend( hanh. a. )ho b. )hich c. )hen d. )hat 4/ !!!!!!!!!! do you $o to bed% * +t half past ten. a. )hat b. )hen c.)here d. )hat time ,/ !!!!!!!!!! does -$a have history% & .n /onday and uesday. a.)hen b. How lon$ c. How rar d. )hat time 0/ He look different !!!!!!!!!! his father. a. for b. from c. with d. at "/ !!!!!!!!!!!!! classes do you have today% & )e have four classes. a. How far b. How much c. How many d. )hat time 1/ Students have to !!!!!!!!!! each day. a. 22 * minutes break a. 22 * minute break a. 22 * minute breaks a. 22 * minutes breaks 3/ he 4nited States5 Library of 6on$ress is one of the !!!!!!!!!!! libraries in the world. a. lar$e b. lar$er c.lar$er than d. lar$est 12/ !!!!!!!!!! novels are very interestin$. a. hat b. hese c. his d. here 11/ ' keep an 7n$lish !!!!!!!!!!!! beside me when ' am readin$ an 7n$lish book. a. dictionary b. $lasses c. ruler d.clock 12/ /a$a8ines and newspapers are on the !!!!!!!!!! in the corner on the ri$ht. a. kitchen b. bathroom c. racks d. refri$erator 13/ She works in a library. She is a !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a. worker b. doctor c. farmer d. librarian 14/ Her father is a farmer. He works !!!!!!!!!! a farm. a. in b. on c. at d. to 1,/ !!!!!!!!!!!! does it take from your house to the stadium% & +bout half an hour. a. How much b. How many c. How d. How lon$ 10/ /ai learns!!!!!!!!!!!! to use a computer. a. what b. when c. how d.where 1"/ )e are!!!!!!!!!!!!some e9periments. a. makin$ b. doin$ c. learnin$ d.studyin$ 11/. /y brother is $ood !!!!!!!!!!!!7n$lish. a. at b. in c. with d. on

School Year 2011-2012

13/. +ll the students en:oy !!!!!!!!!!!!on the weekend. a. to camp b. campin$ c. camp d.capms 22/ ;oes -am often play marbles!!!!!!!!!!!!recess% a. on b. at c. in d.from 21/!!!!!!!!!!!!dont you come to my house? OK. Lets go. a. Why b. Let c. What d. Which 22/. Nga is !!!!!!!!!!!!a play fo the school anni!e sa y celeb ation. a. ma"ing b. ehea sing c. p acticing d.listening 2#/ What about !!!!!!!!!!!!$a Long %ay? a. to !isit b.!isit c.!isiting d.!isits 2&/ Would you li"e !!!!!!!!!!!!badminton? a. play b. playing c. to play d.plays III. Choose the +est s!$t +#e words to &o)%#ete the % ss ,e. +t school we <1= ............ many thin$s. 'n Literature( we learn <2= ............books and write essays. 'n History( we study past and present <3= >iet -am and around the world. 'n <4= ............( we study different countries and their people. 'n ?hysics( we learn about <,= ............thin$s work. 'n the <0= class( we study 7n$lish. )e study <"= ............other thin$s as well( such as /usic( Sports and +rt. )e <1= ............all of our classes. 1. have study do 2. with at about 3. events thin$s classes 4. @eo$raphy ?hysics Aiolo$y ,. when what how 0. /usic Lan$ua$e /ath ". much many any 1. learn en:oy have -I. ."swer /!est$o"s +o!t (o! 1. )hen do you have 7n$lish classes% ................................................................................................................................................ 2. )hat is your favorite sub:ect% ................................................................................................................................................ 3. )hat do you usually do in your free time% ................................................................................................................................................ 4. )hat do you usually do at recess% ................................................................................................................................................ ,. )hat do you usually do after school% ................................................................................................................................................ 0. How often do you $o swimmin$%. ................................................................................................................................................

School Year 2011-2012

WRITTEN TEST 2 English 7 ( 45)

Monday, NovemberB. -ameC BBBBBBBBBBBBB. 0",#$sh test No2 Time: 45minutes

1!est$o" I* Listen to the conversation between Nga and Tam. Circle the correct answers. You'll hear the conversation twice 1. am has a !!!!!!!! +. sister A. cousin 6. brother 2. How old is she% *!!!!!!!!! +. 1 A. 11 6. 12 3. Her mother does the !!!!!!!! +. mornin$ e9ercise A. aerobics 6. housework 4. amDs father is a !!!!!!!!! +. doctor A. farmer 6. worker ,. hey are very !!!!!!!! +. unhappy A. busy 6. happy 1!est$o" III 2 t&h #$"e $" . w$th #$"e $" B* 34.5%t5 . B ."swe r 1 B. 2 B.. 3 B.. 4 B. , ((((

1. )hen do you have 7n$lish classes% 2. ;o you know how to use a computer% 3. )hat do you do at recess% 4. )hat sports do you like playin$% ,. How often do you $o swimmin$%

+. wice a week. A. Ees( ' do 6. '5m sorry. '5m busy now. ;. .n uesday and Friday. 7. Aadminton. F. ' talk with my friends.

1!est$o" I- Choose the best answer 1.Hoa en:oys !!!!! story book . + to play A playin$ 6 play ; plays 2. )e have !!!!!!homework to do . + too many A too much 6 lots ; a lot 3. ?lease tell me which class !!!!!!! in . + is he A he is 6 he be ; he 4. /y brother is bad .... 7n$lish ( he often $ets bad marks in his tests . + in A for 6 at ; by ,. He is very !!!!!!! . He often plays football or basketball . + sport A sports 6 sportty ; sporty 0. /y mother works !!!!!!! a nurse in a hospital . + as A is 6 like ; for " om can play !!!!!!! $uitar . + an A the 6 a ; G 1. hey are drinkin$ and chattin$ !!!!!!! the same time . + for A with 6 at ; on 3. /inh will !!!!!!! part in different after*school activities . + make A take 6 have ; $o

School Year 2011-2012

12. )e need !!!!!!! to skip . + a rope A an atlas 6 a calculator 1!est$o" - G$6e the &orre&t 'or) o' the 6er+s* 34.5%t5

; a ruler

1. )hat /ai <do= at recess%...................................... 2. Huan$ <en:oy= Literature very much. /aybe he <be= a :ournalist someday. .................... ............................ 3. omorrow <be= Hoa5s birthday. BBBBBBBBBB 4. )e<have=a lot of fun. BBBBBBBBBBB 1!est$o" -I* Read the text and answer the questions (2pts) )e $o to school <1=BBB..days a week and we have a lot of sub:ects at school such as math ( Literature ( 7n$lish ( @eo$raphy ( and so on . ' always try my best to study all ( especially 7n$lish because it5s my <2=BBBBB. sub:ect ./ath is a little difficult but <3=BBBB However( ' don5t like Literature very much <4=B... the teacher $ives us so many e9ercises . '5m not very $ood at 6omputer Science ( so '5m really afraid <,= this sub:ect . ?hysics ( @eo$raphy and History are the most useful sub:ects to me . )e learn about the world( about life and nature . '5m rather interested in these sub:ects . 1. + 2. + 3. + 4. + ,. + seven lovely easy because for A A A A A four likely $ood but at 6 6 6 6 6 five favorite lovely then of ; ; ; ; ; si9 interestin$ interestin$ and on

1!est$o" -II. ;o you like readin$ books% )rite a short passa$e on your readin$ habit Here are some suggestions for you I ;o you like readin$% )hy/ )hy not% I )hat kind of books do you like% <comics( referents B.= I )here do you often read books% <at home( in the library( B= I How often do you $o to the library% I ;o you spend much money on books % B.. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBB.BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBB.BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB

School Year 2011-2012

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