Discharge Plan

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Discharge plan (M.E.T.H.O.D.

): Medication Instruct client to continue take her prescribed medications Orient the client about the name of drugs, their actions, the exact dosage, the frequencyand the route of administration. Instruct client to follow the instruction when administering medication. Advice the significant others not to leave the client during medication Explain to the client the side effects and adverse effects of the drugs she takes byprescribing its manifestations. Advice client not to stop intake of prescribed medications, unless approved by thephysician. Exercise Instruct client to balance activities with adequate rest periods. Educate client on proper body mechanics to prevent muscle strain and enable client to relax. Encourage client to ambulate and assume normal Encourage deep breathing exercise s Treatment Educate client the importance of drug compliance. Discuss to the client the complication of the condition because knowledge about thecondition supports learning that will decrease deficit and an xiety To promote healing, eat a balanced diet rich in fresh fruits andvegetables. Hygiene Keep your incision sites clean and dry. Do not douche or put anything in your vagina, such as a tampon, until your doctortells you otherwise. Encourage client to do daily hygiene Encourage client to ask assistance if needed Outpatient orders Call the doctor if any of the following occurs: Develop a fever. Become dizzy and faint. Experience nausea and vomiting.

Become short of breath. Have heavy bleeding. Have leakage from the incision or the incision opens up. Have pain when you urinate. Have swelling, redness, or pain in your leg. Have questions about the procedure or its result. Diet To promote healing, eat a balanced diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables. Depending onhow much blood loss occurred during surgery, you may req uire a dailyiron supplement. Eat foods that are rich in carbohydrates and protein. Sufficient intake of fluids. Eat high-fiber foods, drink plenty of water, and if necessary, use stoolsoftener s. Instruct client to eat foods that are high in protein and vitamins andminerals. Spirituality Instruct client to pray and seek for the lord s guidance. HEALTH TEACHING Inform the patient about the importance of complying with the prescribed medication. Emphasize the proper dosage of the medications taken. Educate the client about the importance of proper nutrition. Encourage the client to have the prescribed diet for his condition. Encourage the patient to drink plenty of water and avoid being dehydrated. Rest and relax. No heavy lifting, strenuous exercise, sex, tampons or douching. The patient should not have intercourse or drive until postpartum check. Encourage the patient to love and take good care of self. Avoid or quit smoking. Quitting smoking will improve health and the health of those around you.

Result Normal Values Diagnosti c/ Laborator y Procedur Diagnosti e c/ Laborator Lymphocyt y es Procedur e 1.CBC HgB Monocytes Hct Platelet count 2.WBCC Leukoytes Bleedingtime Neutrophil s Clottingtime Segmenter Prothrombi n Date Indication ordered/re

purposes sult in Date Indication ordered/re purposes sult in 09/07/11 Determines anychronic bacterial infection or viral infection 09/07/11 09/07/11 09/07/11 09/07/11 09/07/11 09/07/11 09/07/11 09/07/11 09/07/11 09/07/11 Pre-operation assessment of the patient. Determines anyacute bacterial infection Pre-operation assessment of the patient. Used to measure platelet count toassess for malfunction of clotting reflex Determines anyinflammation or infection Determines Determines any bleeding time

acute bacterial Infection To asses for anyinfection or Determines inflammation Clotting time Measures of the extrinsic pathway of coagula tion. To determine the clotting tendency of blood, in the measure of warfarin dosage, 11.9 gm/dl 0.07 0.35 232x10 9/L 12.1 3 00 0.82 4 30 0 11.1 1216gm/ dl 0.02-0.05 0.37-0.47 150 450 x109/L 4-11 x 10^9/L 0 30 9 00 -

4 00 15 00 0.50 0.70 11 16 0

Analysisand interpretation Analysisand interpretat There is an ion increased count of lymphocytes , which there is indicatesdecrease in inflammatiohemoglobin, n orindication infectionfor disease There is an increased count ofResult is monocytes, within which normal indicates range, inflammatioindication of n or optimal infectionhealth Result was within

normal level no indication Has ofincreased malfunctionWBC of clottingindication of reflexinfection or inflammatio n. Result was within normal level no indication of malfunction of clotting reflexThere is an increased count of segmenter , Result was ss which withinindicates normal levelinflammatio no indication n or ofinfection malfunction of clottingreflex Result Normal Values 0.11 0.2-0.4

Clinical microscopy (macroscopy) Color Transparency Sugar Protein pH Frequency test Clinical microscopy(microscopic) WBC RBC Epithelial Clinical microscopy(microscopic) Amorphousurates / Phosphates Bacteria Result Yellow Slightly turbid (-) (-) 5.0 (-) specimen used for test : serum 2-4/HPF 0.2/HPF

few Few Few Purpose To know the hydroxygenation ofthe urine To know the transparancy To know if the patient has sugar inurine To assess for proteinuria To assess the pHbalance of the patient s body To know if the patient is pregnant To assess for bacterial infection To assess for hematuria To know if there is infection in the urinary tract To assess if the patient may developcrystals To identify any bacteria in the Evaluation Normal urine output color, noindication of inflammation or infection Normal transparency The patient has(-) result. Noglucose in theurine The patient skidney iffunctioning well Acidic urine is

normal after delivery The patient is(-)pregnant It is within normal range, indication of no serious infection The patient hasblood in his urine, indication for infection Few cells were found which is normal Has little chance of formingcrystals Has few, a good indication of

09/07/2011 Indication Result Range Result Range Evaluation To evaluate kidney function or monitor the Normal effectiveness results, BUN of dialysis an d other 5.0 2.5 6.4 14.01 7 18.0 indication of normal treatments function of related to kidney disease or the kidney damage used to help diagnose the cause of Normal recurrent results, Uric acid kidney stones and to 354 155428 5.94 2.6-7.2 indication of normal monitor function of people with gout for stone formation. the kidney Normal Creatini ne assess kidney function. 89 53-115 1.01 0.06-1.3 results, indication of normal function of the kidney AST(SG OT) aspartate aminotransfer ase (AST) to assess the liver function 31 15-37 31 15-37 Normal results, indication of normal function of the liver LDH Lactate 272 81-234 272 81-234 Has above dehydrogenas e is used to

normal result, indication of assess celluar .cell respiration perfusion of

glucose glucose 09/05/2011 Indication Result Referrence range Evaluation Glycohemogl obin (HbA1c, A1c) To assess the amount of glucose bound to a hemoglobi n 6.8% 4.2-6.1% Result is high, indication of diabetes mellitus Nursing Responsibilities During Different Laboratory Procedures

White Blood Cell Count Before Explain to the patient that the WBC test is used to detect an infection or infla mmation. Tell the patient that the test requires a blood sample. Explain who will perform the venipuncture and when. Explain to the patient that he may experience slight discomfort from the needle puncture and the tourniquet. Inform the patient that he should avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours before t he test. Also tell him that he should avoid eating a heavy meal before the test. If the patient is being treated for an infection, advise him that this test will be repeated to monitor his progress. Notify the laboratory and physician of medications the patient is taking that ma y affect test results: they may need to be restricted. During Ensure subdermal bleeding has stopped before removing pressure. After If a hematoma develops at the venipuncture site, apply warm soaks. If the hemato ma is large, monitor pulses distal the venipuncture site.

Inform the patient that he may resume his usual diet, activity and medications discontinued before the test, as ordered. A patient with severe leucopenia, they have little or no resistance to infection and requires protective isolation. Red Blood Cell Count Before Explain to the patient that RBC count is used to evaluate the number of RBCs and to detect possible blood disorders. Tell the patient that the test requires a blood sample. Explain who will perform the venipuncture and when. Explain to the patient that he may experience slight discomfort from the needle puncture and the tourniquet. Inform the patients that he need not restrict foods and fluids During Ensure subdermal bleeding has stopped before removing pressure. After If a hematoma develops at the venipuncture site, apply warm soaks.

Hemoglobin Before Explain to the patient that the hbg test is used to detect anemia or polycythemi a or to assess his response to treatment. Tell the patient that the test requires a blood sample. Explain who will perform the venipuncture and when. Explain to the patient that he may experience slight discomfort from the needle puncture and the tourniquet.

During Ensure subdermal bleeding has stopped before removing pressure. After If a hematoma develops at the venipuncture site, apply warm soaks. Hematocrit Before Explain to the patient that hct is tested to detect anemia and other abnormal co nditions Tell the patient that the test requires a blood sample. Explain who will perform the venipuncture and when. Explain to the patient that he may experience slight discomfort from the needle puncture and the tourniquet. Inform the patients that he need not restrict foods and fluids During Ensure subdermal bleeding has stopped before removing pressure. After If a hematoma develops at the venipuncture site, apply warm soaks.

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