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Teaching Writing

@ Texas A&M-C

* Resources
* Opportunities Need resources for English 101/102?
*: Support
Want to promote your students and their work?
Want to get your students involved in campus and community life?
Want to know about what’s required of you?

Finding What You Need When You Need It

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Where can I find course materials, sample syllabi, assignments, and suggested readings for
English 101 and/or English 102?

A: Try the “Teaching Writing @ Texas A&M-Commerce” blog at . Tabs labeled “English 101” and “English 102” lead you
to these materials

Q: What else is available?

A: Join us in English 675 (HL, Room 306, Tuesdays, 2-4:15) for lots of discussion about teach-
ing writing--in the Writing Center and in the classroom. See
(English 675 blog) for course details and each week’s agenda. Other materials and insight is
available there too, including links to a host of fabulous resources contained in the blogs listed
at our blogroll there.

Q: I have a conflict with that time. Is there another way I can get this information?

A: Yes! Talk to your colleagues, of course. Also check the “Week in Review” tab at the “Teach-
ing Writing” blog. Every week, an English 675 student will be reviewing online and face-to-face
discussions, then posting this review to the “Teaching Writing” blog. Look for the new “Week in
Review” every Monday.

Q: Any other resources?

A: Tons! Check the front office for terrific course materials going back several years, generated
by every teacher in our department. Talk to your very smart colleagues.

Q: I have been teaching writing for some time now. Is there a good place to share these re-
sources and ideas? What would be most helpful?

A: Yes! (1) post tips and resources to the “Teaching Writing” blog (“Teaching Tips” tab or at one
of the other tabs if more appropriate), then email so I
can help make it even more visible; (2) come to one of our English 675 class meetings and
share resources and ideas there; (3) you name it!

Q: How can I get involved in the Commerce Week on Writing if I am not able to organize an
event? (details at

A: (1) Offer to bring your class to one of the events planned. You’ll hear about those at the be-
ginning of each week and regularly until the event begins. People will be looking for audiences/
participants. Select an event and contact the organizer, asking them if they can accommodate
your students (give them a number) . (2) Promote the events in your classes and ask students
to attend and review one or more events, then post good reviews to the Commerce Week on
Writing blog! (3) Offer to help your colleagues organize, advertise, or record one of the sched-
uled events. We need LOTS of hands.

Keep those Questions Coming!

a: Hall of Languages, Room 219 e:

a: Hall of Languages, Room 229 e:
a: Hall of Languages, Room 224 e:
Page 2

“Teaching Writing @ Texas A&M-Commerce”

Your source for teaching tips, event updates, sample course materials, and other
resources. Hopefully you’ll also use to share some of your own resources, materials,
tips, and relevant events.

“English 675: Teaching College Writing”

Resource hub and communication point for current English 675 students. A
public space, thus we welcome involvement from those of you experienced teachers
who are willing to share tips, materials, and ideas.

“Commerce Week on Writing”

Updates, resources, “idea generators,” and fliers, promotional materials, and other
details about the upcoming Commerce Week on Writing. Find out what’s going on,
and post your own events and ideas here.

Upcoming Events

10/16/09-10/23/09 [location: Commerce campus and community!]

Commerce Week on Writing <>

12/11/09, 4:00-5:00 [location: Sam Rayburn Center, “The Club”]

Celebration of Student Writing



Workshops on various aspects of Writing with New Media

More dates to come!

a: Work Street Work City, Work State Work ZIP e: Work Email

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