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HD Tune Pro Drive Status manual

version 5.50

HD Tune Pro Drive Status manual

version 5.50 copyright (c) 2013 by EFD Software

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HD Tune Pro Drive Status manual

version 5.50

Table of Contents
1.!ntro"#ction................................................................................................................................................................ 3 2.$sage............................................................................................................................................................................. % 3.F#nctions...................................................................................................................................................................... & 3.1.Drive infor'ation............................................................................................................................................. & 3.2.S.(.).*.+.............................................................................................................................................................. , 3.3.+e'perat#re.................................................................................................................................................... 10 3.%.Se-f.test............................................................................................................................................................. 11 3.5.Device statistics.............................................................................................................................................. 12 %./ontact infor'ation.............................................................................................................................................. 13

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HD Tune Pro Drive Status manual

version 5.50

1. Introduction
0D +#ne Pro Drive Stat#s is part of the 0D +#ne Pro software an" can be #se" to 1#ic2-y chec2 an" 'onitor the stat#s of a-- connecte" "rives. !t has the fo--owing f#nctions3 Drive infor'ation S.(.).*.+. te'perat#re -og S.(.).*.+. Se-f.test "evice statistics

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HD Tune Pro Drive Status manual

version 5.50

2. Usage

1. F#nction se-ection 2. F#nction win"ow 3. Pa#se b#tton %. /o#nt"own ti'er for a#to'atic stat#s #p"ate 5. 4#tton for 'an#a- stat#s #p"ate 5. +a2e screenshot &. Save stat#s to te6t fi-e ,. /opy stat#s to c-ipboar" 7. 8o to options 10. (ini'i9e app-ication to tray 11. /-ose app-ication

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HD Tune Pro Drive Status manual

version 5.50

:hen 0D +#ne Pro Drive Stat#s is starte" an overview of a-- attache" "evices an" their stat#s is shown. For each "evice severa- f#nctions can be avai-ab-e. /-ic2 on the f#nction na'e be-ow the "evice na'e to see "etai-e" infor'ation abo#t the f#nction. +he f#nctions are3 S.(.).*.+.3 shows "etai-e" S.(.).*.+. !nfor'ation an" the stat#s for each S.(.).*.+. )ttrib#te +e'perat#re3 shows the c#rrent; -owest an" highest te'perat#re an" a graphica- history of the te'perat#re. Se-f.test3 shows the stat#s of the -ast 22 se-f.tests. +here is a-so an option to r#n the se-f.test.. Device statistics3 so'e "evices can show a""itiona- infor'ation abo#t the c#rrent stat#s an" hea-th. +here are fo#r possib-e stat#s co-or co"es3 o2 attention <o prob-e's were "etecte" ) 'inor iss#e is fo#n". !t=s a goo" i"ea to reg#-ary chec2 the stat#s to see of the para'eter which is f-agge" gets worse. Example: a device may report a number of interface crc errors. If this value remains constant then most likely there's no problem. An increasing number of crc errors may be an indication of a faulty cable. warning ) 'a>or iss#e is fo#n". +he para'eter which shows a warning sho#-" be c-ose-y 'onitore". ) warning 'ay be a reason to rep-ace the "evice especia--y if the stat#s gets worse. Example: a hard drive may report a number of damaged sectors. Even a low number of bad sectors may be a sign of a failing hard drive. fai-#re ) critica- iss#e is fo#n". +he "rive is 'ost -i2e-y abo#t to fai-. ) fai-#re occ#rs when the warranty thresho-" of a S.(.).*.+. Para'eter has been e6cee"e" or when the "rive=s te'perat#re has reache" a critica- va-#e. Example: there may be so many bad sectors on a hard drive that they cannot be replaced anymore. Page 5 13

HD Tune Pro Drive Status manual Status updates

version 5.50

4y "efa#-t the stat#s of each connecte" "evice is chec2e" every ho#r. ?o# can change this interva- or "isab-e a#to'atic stat#s #p"ates by pressing the options b#tton. ?o# can a-so #se the chec2 bo6es ne6t to each "rive in the overview screen to se-ect the "rives yo# want to chec2. /hec2ing the stat#s 'ay ta2e a few secon"s an" 'ay res#-t in perfor'ance -oss. +herefore it=s not reco''en"e" to #se a -ow interva-; especia--y if yo# have 'any "rives. ?o# can a-so pa#se an" restart the stat#s #p"ates by pressing the pa#se p-ay b#tton. Tray icon 0D +#ne Pro Drive Stat#s shows an icon in the syste' tray. +he co-or of the icon bac2gro#n" shows the genera- stat#s 4y pressing the p#rp-e 'ini'i9e b#tton the progra' wi-- be 'ini'i9e" to the syste' tray. +he progra' is shown again by "o#b-e.c-ic2ing on the icon. !f yo# hover over the icon the tota- n#'ber of S.(.).*.+. attentions; warnings an" fai-#res is shown as we-- as range of the highest te'perat#res (or a sing-e te'perat#re if on-y one "rive is connecte"). +he tray icon can be "isab-e" in the options win"ow.

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HD Tune Pro Drive Status manual

version 5.50

3. unctions
3.1. Drive in!ormation

+his f#nction shows basic infor'ation abo#t the "evice3 'o"e- na'e; fir'ware; seria- n#'ber; capacity; avai-ab-e space; sector si9e an" s#pporte" f#nctions which are re-evant for 0D +#ne Pro Drive Stat#s.

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HD Tune Pro Drive Status manual

version 5.50

3.2. S.".#.$.T.

S.(.).*.+. stan"s for Se-f (onitoring; )na-ysis an" *eporting +echno-ogy. !t is a syste' to chec2 vario#s hea-th an" stat#s attrib#tes fro' a har" "is2 or SSD. Drives fro' a "ifferent bran" or 'o"e- #s#a--y have a "ifferent set of attrib#tes. +he screenshot above shows the S.(.).*.+. attrib#tes fro' a har" "rive. ) warning is shown for para'eters 05 an" /%. +he warning icon shows what is ca#sing the warning. !n this case the (raw) va-#e is the prob-e' beca#se it sho#-" be 0 for both attrib#tes.

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HD Tune Pro Drive Status manual +he 'eaning of each co-#'n is3

version 5.50

!D3 na'e an" n#'ber of the attrib#te /#rrent3 c#rrent nor'a-i9e" va-#e :orst3 worst nor'a-i9e" va-#e +hresho-"3 the c#rrent or worst va-#e sho#-" never beco'e -ower than the thresho-" va-#e. !f the thresho-" va-#e has been e6cee"e" then the "rive sho#-" no -onger be #se". @a-#e3 this is the raw va-#e for the attrib#te. For e6a'p-e it can show the act#a- n#'ber of errors; the te'perat#re; etc. Description3 shows the 'eaning of the attrib#te.

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HD Tune Pro Drive Status manual

version 5.50

3.3. Temperature

+he te'perat#re f#nction shows the c#rrent; highest an" -owest te'perat#re an" a graphicahistory of the recor"e" te'perat#res. So'e har" "rives store the te'perat#re va-#es as soon as they power #p. +hese va-#es are a-so shown in the graph.

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HD Tune Pro Drive Status manual

version 5.50

3.%. Sel!&test

+his f#nction perfor's a short se-f.test an" reports the stat#s of the -atest 22 tests. A-"er test res#-ts are "iscar"e". :hen a "rive perfor's a se-f.test severa- e-ectrica-; 'echanica- an" 'e'ory f#nctions are teste". +he test #s#a--y ta2es abo#t two 'in#tes. +he power on ho#rs co-#'n shows how 'any ho#rs the "rive was r#nning when the test was perfor'e". +his va-#e can be co'pare" to the c#rrent power on ho#rs co#nt which is shown at the botto' of the screen.

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HD Tune Pro Drive Status manual

version 5.50

3.5. Device statistics

+his is a very #sef#- f#nction which shows interesting statistics fro' the har" "rive or SSD. +he statistics are categori9e".

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HD Tune Pro Drive Status manual

version 5.50

%. 'ontact in!ormation
For any 1#estions an" fee"bac2 abo#t 0D +#ne Pro p-ease contact s#pportBh"'.

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