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January 2014

Hebrew for House of Bread

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Dear friends in Christ,

Gratitude is foundational to hope. Hope without gratitude is only wishful thinking.

These words are imprinted into my memory via my spiritual director, Father Gordon Moreland SJ, who manages the House of Prayer Retreat Center on Santiago Canyon Road, Orange, for the priests of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange. Our ability to look back on our life and see and remember those foundational experiences of Gods presence and grace, often in the hard times of life, are also foundational to hope. Because if we can look back and remember that God really was there for us, and we hold on to that memory, we can look ahead in our individual and collectives lives with hope. Because, from our past experience, we believe that God will be there for us in the future. That is hope, not wishful thinking. As I look back on these twelve months together, I am very grateful to God and to you. As you read this, I will have made my departure from active ministry with you and you will have a wonderful new pastor. We all come to forks in the road, places where we made decisions about relationships, vocation, a direction to take. I am sure all of us may recollect those forks in the road wistfully thinking, if only I had done that, things would have been different or better. I guess I could have said no to the Bishops invitation to come to Blessed Sacrament. After all, when the Bishop called me, our family was on an RV trip in New Mexico, relaxing into retirement. Ignatius Loyola, in his Spiritual Exercises, coached me, in the process of discernment, to take a good look at both sides of a decision. So I practiced one day imagining that I said to the Bishop Yes, I will go, and noticed how that set with me. Then a couple of days later, I would imagine No, I will not go. Paying attention to the movements within my heart, I found that deciding to come to Blessed Sacrament gave me a sense of peace, joy, love and hope. So I said Yes. And I have no regrets. Continued on Page 2 Page 1

I am grateful for the way you have opened yourself to my presence, guided me through the intricacies of liturgy and the history of the congregation. I am grateful for Jeff Green, a wise, gifted, committed Senior Warden. I am grateful for Ashley Nick and Ashley Romero, our parish life-education team. I am grateful for Dr. Sandy Fryling, one of the finest church musicians I have worked with. I am grateful for Marcy Ratcliff and her attention to tasks, calendar, printing and many daily interruptions. We have created a terrific team to serve this parish in this important year of transition. As you look back in gratitude, the collective of all those events of this past year, I hope you will notice how often the Bishop of Los Angeles has placed this congregation at a high priority. He came to the church just after leaving hospital care for his cancer, to affirm his desire that I come here as pastor. He chose me and your new pastor with care and respect for the congregational culture. His representative, Canon Satorius, has guided Jeff and the Vestry with the process of calling a new rector. He has sent several financial support resources to help the parish, including tightening up our financial records and completing the tasks required for a clean CPA audit of our funds. He sent stewardship resources to help us through our stewardship campaign. There is more I have not listed. But it tells me and you that Bishop Jon is with us as our chief pastor. I understand the reasoning behind Bishop Littles pastoral care during this complex transition, but I hope that your awareness of the many ways Bishop Jon has delivered resources to you will guide you to transition back to his full pastoral care. I will never forget the good people of this parish. If someone told me I would come here as interim pastor right after I retired, I could not have imagined that. But here we are, looking back on a great year together, seeing those places where Gods amazing grace has seeped into our parish community. And now you are ready to look to Gods future for you with bold hope. I will be praying you through the days ahead. Faithfully, Fr. Brad Karelius

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Sacrament Church in Placentia, California

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as your

Outreach Committee News Giving Tree

Thank you for all your generous donations of toys and food that we provided for the 2013 Friendly Center Christmas program. Through your efforts we were able to provide over fifty childrens gifts this Christmas. All the parents, children and staff of the Friendly Center Thank You!

2014 Outreach Programs

The first Outreach Meeting of the New Year is scheduled for Saturday January 18th in the Blessed Sacrament Chambers at 9:30 am. If you have an interest in joining the Outreach Committee please come and discuss the projected 2014 programs that are listed below. Anyone having questions or even other suggestions or ideas regarding any of our Outreach Projects are free to call or email: Ned Bergert at or Marion Hetherington at 714-501-3858--- , 714-528-9907--- .

Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Theme Understanding HearttoHeart Children SeedsofHope Mother Father Freedom Learning LaborofLove BePrepared Thanksgiving Giving ThoughtfortheMonth
Thereisnoonewhounderstands,noonewhoseeksafter God. Romans3:11 Ajoyfulheartisgoodmedicine,butabrokenspiritdriesupthebones. Proverbs17:22 Behold,childrenareagiftoftheLord;thefruitofthewombisareward. Psalms AndGodsaid,Lettheearthbringforththeherbyieldingseed,andthe fruittreeyieldingfruitafterhiskind,whoseseedisinitself,upontheearth: anditwasso.Genesis1:11 Honoryourfatherandyourmother,thatyourdaysmaybeprolongedinthe landwhichtheLordyourGodgivesyou.Exodus20:12 Honoryourfatherandyourmother,thatyourdaysmaybeprolongedinthe landwhichtheLordyourGodgivesyou.Exodus20:12 Foryouwerecalledtofreedom,brethren;onlydonotturnyourfreedom intoopportunityfortheflesh,butthroughloveserveoneanother. Galations5:13 Giveninstructiontoawiseman,andhewillstillbewiser,teacharighteous man,andhewillincreasehislearning.Proverbs9:9 Rememberingwithoutceasingyourworkoffaith,andlabouroflove,and patienceofhopeinourLordJesusChrist,InthesightofGodandourFather. 1Thessalonians Bedressedinreadiness,andkeepyourlampsalight.Luke12:35 ForIwas hungeredandyegavememeat:Iwasthirsty,andyegaveme drink:Iwasastranger,andyetookmein.Mark25:35 GivingthanksalwaysforallthingsuntoGodandtheFatherinthenameof ourLordJesusChrist.Ep.5:20

PleaseAlsoRemember,EverySunday ACanaWeektoFeedGodsSheep

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NEXT BETHLEHEM DEADLINE Sunday, January 20, 2014

The chores might be as diverse as painting baseboards, changing light fixtures, hanging gutters, painting doors or rooms, changing hardware on cabinets or doors, etc., etc., etc. The list is ever changing and seemingly every growing. Bob started a program called Toolbox Ministry that meets at the shelter every Thursday morning from 9AM to 12 noon (roughly) to take on the tasks of the week. We sorely need some additional helpers who can apply their talents in fixing things at the shelter. The best way to volunteer is to e-mail Bob at to find out what tasks are scheduled for the week. This will allow you to determine if your talents fit the needs and to come prepared with the right kind of tools and supplies. Bob usually has all the materials readied so all you have to do is show up and dig in. So if you know which end of a paintbrush to hold or can hit the nail with the hammer instead of your thumb (most of the time), then we welcome your participation. Please send Hutch an e-mail to be part of this very necessary service at the shelter. The look of gratitude from residents when something new is added or something broken is fixed will be payment in full for your efforts.

It is the bounden duty and service of the people of this parish, being part of the one, holy, Catholic, and apostolic Church, to worship God as he has revealed himself in Jesus Christ, to become saints, and to make disciples of all people.

Additional Outreach and Sharing News


Toolbox Ministry
Like the TV credit card commercial that asks, Whats in Your Wallet?, we are asking Whats In Your Toolbox? Probably more to the point is Do you know how to use it? HIS House has continual needs for maintenance, repair, and upgrade. Some projects are bigger than others, but they all need to get done. Our main man for this task is Bob Hutchinson who has for years contributed uncounted hours and dollars to keep the residence safe and an attractive place to live. He has a (small) core group of dedicated workers who faithfully donate their time and talent to the tasks at hand.

Allen Sypherd, HIS House Board

Fellowship at the Rectory with Ashley

During December, several parishioners gathered together around the fire to read the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. In the new year, stay tuned for more fellowship events such as Book Club and Theology on Tap. Contact Ashley Romero with questions or suggestions!

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It appears to all involved in Blessed Sacraments operations that Father Christopher Potter has just the right combination of Anglo/Catholic conservatism and music, liturgical, counseling, business administrative and legal skills to assist us through this period of transition until we call a new Rector.


During a special meeting on Saturday December 14, 2013, the Vestry met with, and confirmed, Father Christopher Potter as our new Interim Priest. Father Christopher will officially begin his tenure as Interim Priest here at Blessed Sacrament Church on January 2, 2014, however he will be a guest preacher on Sunday December 22nd and Sunday December 29th. All Vestry members were very impressed by Father Christophers credentials and his appointment was confirmed unanimously. Father Christopher is a graduate of the University of San Diego with a degree in philosophy/logic and music. He received his Master of Divinity and Master in Liturgical Studies from St. Johns University in Collegeville, Minnesota and was originally ordained as a Roman Catholic priest. He was the Assisting Priest at St. Catherines of Alexandria Church in Riverside for 3 years and then worked as the Director of the Neumann Center for the Catholic Diocese of San Bernardino, CA. Then he left the Catholic Church, earned a law degree, got married and had a child (a special needs child) but unfortunately he was subsequently divorced. Since then, however, he has worked as the director of a residential treatment center, as a counselor in a psychiatric emergency room and as the director of two crisis homes (one for special needs children and one for adults) in Costa Mesa. He was a long time parishioner at St. Georges Episcopal Church in Riverside (holding positions as Junior and Senior Warden) and was ordained in the Episcopal Church in 2011. Since then he has been working as the Assisting Priest at St. Josephs in Buena Park (which is Bishop Ed Littles old church) and at St. Stephens in Whittier.



The Parish Portfolio is the primary device a church uses to communicate their history, finances, theology, environment, and parish survey results to prospective candidates for Rector. The Blessed Sacrament Church Parish Portfolio has now been published on our church website at: .

It has also been posted on the Blessed Sacrament Face book page.


Father Brad, Jeff Green and Morgan & Susan Mullins were our representatives to the 118th Annual Meeting of the convention of the Diocese of Los Angeles. Morgan Mullins very succinctly summarized the convention by stating that the Diocese has decided that there will be no guns in church and no donuts at coffee hour. Although resolutions were passed concerning these two issues, there was far more that transpired at convention. The theme of the convention was Seeds of Hope and serving together in abundant vineyards. The diocese is embarking on a campaign to feed the hungry. Their hope is that all parishes will develop plans and activities to help feed the hungry; if a church has unused land it is hoped that some type of food gardens can be developed. If a church doesnt have sufficient property to grow food, it is hoped that they can develop systems to acquire, store and distribute it. This campaign could be of significant importance to Blessed Sacrament Church because our church is situated on 3.92 acres of land; much of which is very under-utilized. We have also endeavored to have a community garden in the past. Now we will have

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access to professional guidance and resources to develop our property and better serve the local community. The majority of the convention was dedicated to the mundane approval of budgets, the election of Diocesan officers and electing clergy and lay representatives to the next convention. However a couple of resolutions of note were considered and passed: It was resolved to take certain actions to fully include people with developmental/intellectual disabilities and their families in the communal life of the church. It was resolved to take certain actions to reduce gun violence in the United States and to declare all diocesan places of work as gun free zones. It was also resolved that whenever food is served at church functions that the food should be healthy and nutritious. Another resolution, that was tabled, concerned reducing the eligible age of voting delegates to convention from 16 to 14 so as to incorporate more youth in the life of the church community.

new Rector. However, we do still have to elect people to other positions, such as delegates to Diocesan Convention and a Deanery Representative. The 2013 budget and financial analysis will also be presented, as will reports from the various guilds. It is hoped that all parishioners will make an effort to attend.

The Children's Christmas Pageant

On December 15, the parish family was reminded of the reason for the season as the children of the parish, (under the quiet tutelage of Ashley Romero Ed), performed the pageant of our Lord's nativity. Many thanks go to Ashley Nick, Lexie Fryling, and the parents and older teens who helped in the background. We had a great set this year--complete with Roman columns, Dantean skies, and a masterfully constructed papier-machthurible. Several of the kids even memorized large portions of the scripture, which was wonderful to both see and hear!


The website upgrades for both the Blessed Sacrament Church and Childrens Learning Center websites have been completed and both sites are accessible at their original URL addresses. The Blessed Sacrament website can be accessed at (or at and the Childrens Learning Center website can be accessed at (or at

One final Important Note of Sincere Thanks

We extend our Sincere Thanks to our Dedicated Outgoing Editor of 17 years, Jay Duffield, who had continued to put together this Newsletter even after moving to a church closer to home. His dedication has kept our Parish informed on all major events throughout that period. Thank you Jay for going above and beyond, and God Bless you and your family in your new parish.

The annual meeting has been scheduled for Sunday January 19, 2014 at 1:00 p.m. Usually the primary business of the annual meeting is to elect new Vestry members, however, Bishop Bruno has frozen the current Vestry membership pending the calling of a


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THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT 1314 North Angelina Drive Placentia, California 92870-3442


Phone: (714) 528-2995 Fax: (714) 528-2997 E-Mail: Web site:

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