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Copyright C@ Platinum Ray Empowerment By Tina Sarup Cetified ACP , Soul Coaching Oracle Card Reader and Fairy Healer and Past Life Regression and Akashas Reader and Channel All Rights Reserved Website- email Facebook Group angel healings Facebook Fan Page angels love Channeled by Tina Sarup


The platinum ray is one of the higher rays of light available to mankind now as have crossed the dimensions and raised our frequency. The platinum ray is not an easy ray to use it is quite intense so invoke only if you have done the integration work on your soul and light body otherwise you will get ungrounded . Now that we are in the golden age the platinum ray is of great relevance for individuals and for humanity as a whole as many more will be able to connect to this powerful consciousness raising ray of light . The platium ray is a vibrancy raising ray that orignally was in sirius but now through the efforts of the platinum ray masters and planet angels is now here on Earth . This ray works with your emotional body and crown center as well raising your souls frequency. The essence of all the seven rays of light and pure divine power both are present within this ray. This ray is of great importance to the world right now as it facilitates greater emotional awareness and also connects you to the divine heart , cosmic heart of God and to the heart of divine mother. It brings in wisdom and clear perception in the emotional body helping you develop more of a wise heart where you automatically rise above the effects negative emotions can have upon you. The platinum ray helps you awaken to your cosmic identity and is being facilitated through Archangel Metatron and Lord Melchizedek . invoking and working with this ray only one time can make you feel a sense of unity with universe. The platinum ray opens you up also to cosmic sounds and universal heartbeat as it amplifies your clairaudient ability with its unique harmony of notes. The entire trinity of spirit is contained within this ray the divine father , the divine mother and the divine innocent or child . When you invoke the ray it might come as the rays of sunlight, a divine shower of light or even as a sacred fire awakening your higher self within your emotional body . So feelings of love, wisdom , peace, compassion , reverence , all get activated. Besides awakening yout higher emotional self this ray helps to integrate our light bodies so mind , heart , body and aura all work in harmony and balance. So anytime

you feel your chakras or any part of you out of balance or feel drained or exhausted invoke the ray to center and balance immediately. Since the platinum ray is not just for an individual it can very succesfully be sent into a space where are the energies are discordant and unbalanced or negative and harsh. You can also send the platinum ray anywhere in the earth you feel is heavy ,negative , dark or violent . If enough people work with this ray the energy of earth can get clearer and clearer helping us all establish the full potential of the Golden age here on the planet . For one person or many persons the platinum ray can come through as a rapid fire cleansing agent. Cleansing , purifying , balancing , reviving , so all extremes get unified ending suffering . If you feel focused on one particular form of suffering send the platinum ray into the situation and the space. So where there is war peace can be established, where there is hatred love can come in , where there is darkness light , where there is doubt faith . I have often energized the St Francis Prayer with the platinum ray to very powerful results. Since this ray is a higher ray it naturally awakens and amplifies higher emotional and thought processes. Through the Platinum Cosmic Light, we can create a prominent and mighty stream of consciousness referred to as the Antahkarana, that which bridges the personal energy with the divine energy and merges them into one.This is another triangulation in which an illumined pathway forms that connects the personality with the Soul and the Soul with Monadic I AM Presence. This rainbow bridge of light can connect One soul or a group to the mind and consciousness of creator himself. In the platinum ray empowerment you will Will get connected to your platinum ray guide and the platinum ray angel

Will get connected to the platinum ray lazer of balancing as sent to you by Master Melchizedek Will get connected to the platinum light shower cleansing of you all lower energies The platinum ray rainbow bridge connecting your soul to creators mind and heart and the universal mind and cosmic heart

Awaken the higher centers of your mind and emotional body create a wise heart Awaken your cosmic ears and awakened clairaudient ability to tap into universal sounds and rhythms Connect to the platinum ray crystals that you can anchor into your mind, emotions , body or aura or all of your light body as a way to raise your frequency and also to shield your energy from lower energies .

To accept the attunement for yourself just do the following To accept your attunement by chiball anytime , relax, ground and protect yourself and then say "I now call in and accept the chiball containing the Platinum Ray Empowerment that has been prepared for me by Tina Sarup , for my highest good, under the Law of Grace. I ask that this attunement is perfect for me in all ways and that the energies are the strongest that I can handle. I ask that my Guides and Angels are with me during this attunement. Thankyou". Then imagine a coloured energy ball above your head opening up and see the energies come down through your crown chakra, filling your entire being. Once you feel the attunement has finished, ground and protect yourself again, close down and have a drink of water . C@ copyright Tina Sarup

A Little About Me
Tina has been connected to the heavenly realm since she was very young . She realized she was different when she noticed that the little people she could easily speak to were not visible to others thus began a lifetime affair with the angelic and fairy realm. Tina has been professionally practicing now for over 7 years. She was the second person to get an ACP Angel Therapy Certificate in India... Never content to stop learning Tina trained under World Renowned Fairy Healer Ronni Houseman Hall and is the only certified fairy healer in India. Always eager to expand her learning Tina has also learnt Holistic Hypnosis, Past Life Regression and also is the only certified Medium under Charles Virtue in India and also has a degree in Advanced Angel Therapy. . Tina is in the middle of finishing her first book called Joyful living with the angels due out soon. She will also be launching a set of her own angel cards called Graceful Blessings of the Angels made in joyful collaboration with her artist friend Sue Miller. Currently Tina is one of the facilitators for Inner Light Heals presenting Free Webinars on many escoteric subjects close to her soul. Tina has been an akashic records reader now for 2 years. . Tina has also studied with renowned Hay House Author Denise Linn as an advanced Oracle Card Reader . And also is trained in past life regression and Akashic Records Reading . An open channel of the light Tina is connected to many realms of spirit the angels, the elementals , unicorns , Ascended Masters , Goddesses and even flowers and crystals . Tina is also going to launch her own website sprinkles of joy. Tina also has a column in the beautiful Fairies and Angels Magazine edited Adrienne Dumas titled sprinkles of joy again dealing with all escoteric subjects close to her heart . The magazine is a quarterly magazine and can be found on Currently you can find Tina by sending her a private message

on facebook or by joining one of her groups her fan page is called angels love and her group is called Angel Healings. Tina will also be hosting a radio show with USC Productions called Sprinkles of Joy this will start sometime in May further details will be shared on facebook . Says TINA I LOVE IT WHEN PEOPLE SAY I DID NOT BELIEVE BUT NOW I HAVE NO DOUBT I LIVE FOR SUCH MOMENTS OF REALIZATION FOR THAT IS WHEN ASCENSION HAS OCCURRED .

I give this attumenent to one and all to use as you wish. There is no prerequisite to use this just pure intention can connect you as angels and divine rays of light are for all. All I ask that those who use this in the future use it with integrity and clean ethics. So please ensure the energy exchange whatever it happens to be is maintained to honour what you have received.

As with all complimentary and alternative therapies none of what is mentioned here should be used as a substitute for proper medical diagnosis or care from your doctor I do not diagnose conditions , prescribe medications or intefere with a doctors diagnosis If you are currently taking medication do not stop taking any prescribed medicines without advise from your doctor If you have any concerns about your medical condition please consult with your doctor first >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>................... I do not accept responsbility if you choose to use this empowerment as a form of medical treatment

I accept no responsibility for any loss , or damages caused as a direct or indirect result of the use or misuse of any of the information contained within this manual . Attunements will only be given to people over 18 years of age.

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