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IV. Applying SugarCRM-Travel at Perfect Tours Travel. 1. Introduction about Perfect Tours Travel.

Established in 1997 Perfect Tour Service Co.,Ltd is an official member of the International Tourism Association ASTA, JATA, PATA and AOTS (Association of former trainees in Japan). We have great deeply experience in organizing and arranging senior services for Vietnamese travelers in America. And our website presently attracts many middle-aged and high-income consumers (over 1,000 visitors per day). Furthermore, being the seasoned tours operator we are expert in nature, country and people of Vietnam, especially in Vietnamese beaches and sea. We wish to bring you selected services (safe, private and premier services). Perfect Tours Travel services: Vietnam Tours: Our products are strongly focused on Vietnam quiet, warm and safe beach packages. American Tour: Organizing sightseeing tour combine visiting relatives 4 groups each month, survey about oversea study, consulting settlements; combine tourism fairs - international exhibitions in major cities of the United States. 2. Some problems of company before applying SugarCRM-Travel: - Large customer data, stored in excel files makes it difficult for the search, extract. - Customer Information duplicate, inconsistent between departments and branches. - When one customer asked to contact the tour, the employee does not know the history tour, take care of the situation before, the characteristics of the customer to determine how consistent customer care. - Difficulties in securing sensitive information - Failing to maintain the continuity of sales operations, customer care when there is a change in personnel. 3. The features are applied in the company: - Customer Management: Basic information: name, date of birth, email, phone, address, special day (wedding day, date of establishment of the enterprise) Transaction information. Payment information and debts. The departure schedule transferred to the customer in the same day, a tour. Check duplicate before entering data. Voucher information requested tour: recorded tour information requirements of customers. - Tour Management Program (Quotation): Tour code must be created follow a rule and uniquely

The tour will be made available in the form (Full Frame) or according to customer requirements (Open Frame). From CRM software programs can export the file (.Doc, .Pdf) to send customers directly. Implementation Management Tour: Management implementation tour by code regulations. Booking tickets, reservations, dining reservations, car reservations. Tracking matters arising. Departure Schedule Management: Monitoring table of scheduled departure of the tour groups. The automatic transfer of registered customers with tour departure schedule. Activities Of Salesperson Management: Tracking the sale status of the sales staff: the call, appointments of the day and work schedule by day, week, month, year. Contract Management / Liquidation Contract: Contract Information Statistical and reports contract Care Customers After Tour Management: Send mass mail (Email Marketing) Automatic send mail Happy birthday for customers. Send SMS Happy birthday for customers. Reports And Statistics: Statistics former or new and VIP or normal type customer. Statistics sales of each salesperson, by date, by tour. Automatic Control Mechanism: 2 days before departing will prompt payment for Accounting. After 7 days tour ends, if payment is not sufficient, the system will alert to debt collection. If your passport expiration day less than 180 days from the date of departure, the system will alert for company. If enter prices lower than price level allowed, the system will alert and must obtain permission from the Directorate before being sold below the price floor. If the age of customer's > 70 years, the system will alert and Directorate requested that a commitment to health.

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