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First Presidential Debate What are the major differences between the two of you about how you

would go about creating new jobs? Obama: 5 million private sector jobs created Housing has begun to rise Still have a lot of work to do We need to invest in education and training New Energy Change Tax Code Reduce our deficit in a balanced way Romney: We need a different path North American energy independent Open up more trade in Latin America Crack down on China when they cheat Crack down on Education Balance Budget Champion Small Business Obama: Improve Education Race to the Top Raising standards, improving how we educate 100,000 new math and science teachers 2 million more slots in Community Colleges Tuition low Lower Corporate Tax Rate (Particularly manufacturing) Close loopholes Provide tax breaks on companies investing and creating business here Agree with Romney on the previous few Romney wants to cut taxes too much Romney: I dont have a tax cut of the scale youre talking about Not going to cut taxes on the rich We are going to cut taxes for the middle class Get dollars away from the federal government and towards the states Energy is critical Better energy is due to the private sector not the government I like coal, clean coal

No tax cut that adds to the deficit Reduce the burden paid by the middle income families Obama: 4 years ago wanted to cut taxes for the middle class, did Romney: I will not lower taxes for the upper class I will not raise taxes for the middle class I want to bring down rates Small business pays that individual rate Small businesses are taxes not at corporate but individual Obama: I want to continue tax cuts for small businesses and families For incomes over $250,000 a year we should go back to Clinton rates By doing that we not only decrease the deficit and lower taxes on small businesses, and invest in education and energy We define small businesses differently Romney: Those 3 percent that dont get tax cuts employ half of the small business workers Your plan will cost jobs I do not want to cost jobs We need more people working Obama: Romneys plan sounds like the same plan from 2001 and 2003, and created the recession Clintons plan created a surplus The economy works best when the middle class has lower tax cuts and the upper class pays a little more Romney: My plan is first in history NOT A 5 TRILLION DOLLAR TAX CUT What are the differences in how you would go about cutting the deficit? Romney: Moral issue not economic Not moral to be putting off the debt to further generations You can raise taxes, cut taxes, or grow the economy in order to cut the deficit He wants to lower spending and encourage economic growth I will eliminate all programs by this test Is this program so critical its worth borrowing money from China to pay for it (Obamacare)

Take Federal Programs that could be run more efficiently at a state level and send them to the states Make government more efficient, cut back employees, combine agencies and departments

Obama: I walked in to the oval office with more than a trillion dollar deficit Lets cut out those things that are not helping us grow 70 government programs 18 government programs for education Went after medical fraud in Medicare and Medicaid very 50 billion dollars of waste taken out of the system Cut a trillion dollars out of the discretionary domestic budget 4 trillion dollar reduction plan (ON WEBSITE) Every $2.50 in spending cuts, add $1.00 in revenue Romney: We still show trillion dollar deficits each year You are taxing businesses that employ of the workers in America Romney: We spend 42% of our economy on government Obama: The oil industry gets 4 billion dollars a year in corporate welfare We need to raise revenue as well as cut spending We need to make sure young people are able to pay for college If we are asking for no revenue, then we have to cut a WHOLE lot Romney: Tax break for oil companies is actually 2.8 billion dollars a year You provided 90 billion dollars in breaks to green energy 50 years worth of breaks in solar and wind Not how you get the American energy economy stable You DO NOT get a break from shipping jobs overseas Go to states give them Medicaid for the same rate as last year, plus inflation, plus one percent Both parties want states to care for the poor not the federal government Entitlements: Obama: How do we strengthen Medicare in the long-run? Do not overpay insurance companies and do not overpay providers

You dont need a major structural change to make sure social security is there for the future

Romney: Neither the president nor I are proposing any changes to current retirees or near-retirees Cutting the overpay makes 15% of hospitals and doctors not take patients Social Security and Medicare will be there for all of you young people, I promise Obama: Romneys system is a voucher system Voucher would not keep up with current inflation Romney: Give less benefits to the higher payers, keep Medicare for many years Obama: Medicare has lower administrative costs than private insurance Private insurance has to make a profit Level of Federal Regulation on the Economy Romney: Regulation is essential You cannot have a free market work without regulation Regulation can become excessive and out of date Some places right now it is excessive Likes parts and dislikes parts of Dodd-Frank Obama: I regulated Wall Street Does anyone think we had too much regulation of Wall Street Romney: That is just not the fact We need regulation Never defined what a qualified mortgage was in Dodd-Frank Healthcare Romney: I want the Affordable Care Act repealed It will cost 2,500 years more than traditional insurance It is expensive and it hurts families It cuts too much from Medicare to pay for it

It puts in place an unelected board that tells people what procedures to have Businesses say Obama-care makes them less likely to hire people Craft plans at state levels Obama fought for Obama-care not jobs

Obama: If you have insurance, you keep it, and insurance companies cannot jerk you around I like Romneys plan with Democrats in MA Romney: We did not raise taxes We did not put in place a board that tells people what procedures to hear We did not put people in a position where they lose their current insurance Obama: The board is healthcare experts How can we reduce the cost of care in the system overall How do we make the cost of care more effective Romney: Pre-existing conditions is covered Young people stay on parents plan Private sector is WAY more efficient Obama: The board does not choose which procedures people have Your plan does not cover pre-existing conditions Romney: The Federal Government should not be in control of health care, states should Role of the Federal Government Obama: First, keep people safe Government also has the possibility to create opportunities Reform schools that are not working We need more teachers Romney: I love great schools, and teachers are the key, I want more teachers too Protect life and liberty I do not believe in cutting the military, I believe in maintaining it Maintain our commitment to religious tolerance and freedom Make sure that people who have challenges can be cared for

Government cannot do a better job than free people doing their job Food stamps, unemployment, college graduates cannot find work Education is state and local Federal government can help state and local schools Let the children and parents choose where they go, especially children in poverty

Obama: Job opportunity and college affordability are federal jobs to some extent Romney: I am not cutting education funding You put 90 billion dollars into green energy Not to become the economic player choosing winners and losers in the economy The right question is how do we make the private sector more efficient How do we make our schools more competitive Partisan Gridlock Romney: As president, I will set down with leaders, democratic and republican, talk about the issues and collaborate We need to have leadership in Washington that will bring people together Obama: I will take ideas from everybody as long as we can help middle-class families Occasionally, you have to say no both to your own party and the other party

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