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Cultural Studies Review

volume 19 number 1 March 2013
pp. 21627
! Ann Deslandes 2013

ISSN 1837-8692

Exemplary Amateurism
Thoughts on DIY Urbanism


A blog entiy by the futuiist Biuce Steiling foi the 0S technology magazine !"#$%,
uateu 12 }uly 2uu9, piofileu the Austialian uiban ienewal pioject Renew Newcastle.
Steiling uesciibeu the pioject as 'favela chic', a teim he intiouuceu eailiei that
month to uesciibe a conuition wheie 'you have no job, no money anu no piospects,
but you'ie wiieu to the gills anu ieally hot on Facebook'.
The woiu favela iefeis to
laige settlements, piesent in Biazilian cities, paiticulaily Rio ue }aneiio anu So
Paulo. Also known as shantytowns, squattei settlements, oi slums; favelas aie
establisheu without foimal planning anu goveinment appioval.
Renew Newcastle
fit the conceptual moulu of 'favela chic' thiough its use of 'cieepy, long-abanuoneu
builuings', its installation of 'fiee wi-fi' anu associateu use of social meuia, anu the
populating of the abanuoneu uistiict with 'aitists anu Nu0s'. Steiling consiueis
Renew Newcastle to possess the pie-eminent featuies of a 'post-scaicity' uiban
economy, wheie the favela's lack of 'foimal infiastiuctuie' anu its 'makeshift
piopeity iights' is met with the cieative anu cultuial piouuction enableu by wiieless
With this bombastic metaphoi, Steiling incises some key elements of a
phenomenon that has come to be known as uo-it-youiself (BIY) uibanism, loosely
Ann DeslandesExemplary Amateurism 217
chaiacteiiseu as locally uiiven ienovation, ievamping anu ievivification of uiban
aieas consiueieu 'wasteu', 'ueau', oi 'empty' by non-piofessional uiban actois.
uibanism's piojects paiticulaily iesponu to the pieponueiance of empty builuings
in uiban aieas. In its emeiging anu uisuniting uiscouise, empty builuings aie a
symptom of uiban uecline anu eviuence of the flight of local capital, piecipitateu by
the globalisation of tiaue anu the iecent global financial ciisis.
0ne of the
movements exemplaiy piojects, Renew Newcastle has a numbei of sistei piojects in
othei Austialian cities, anu theie aie ielateu piojects in place in the 0niteu Kinguom
anu the 0niteu States, such as Empty Shops, No Longei Empty; Neanwhile; Builu a
Bettei Block; anu Lightei, Quickei, Cheapei.
A key achievement in many cases is the
cooiuination of tempoiaiy access to empty city builuings, usually zoneu foi ietail oi
enteitainment, foi the puiposes of housing 'cieative, cultuial anu community
This 'meanwhile use' of builuings foi 'pop-up shops', ait galleiies, ciaft
stuuios, chaiity uiives, ieauing iooms anu foou co-opeiatives, among othei 'iueas
foi empty space', is maikeu as pioviuing 'ienewal', 'iejuvenation' anu 'ievitalisation'
to uiban communities thiough the occupation anu 'activation' of pieviously
'abanuoneu' paits of town.

Piojects that fall unuei the iubiic of BIY uibanism have been examineu in the
context of a numbei of social, economic anu conceptual tienus, incluuing the
piecaiisation of cieative, cultuial anu othei immateiial laboui; the ielationship of
cieative anu uigital laboui to the bluiiing of the lines between piofessional anu
amateui piactice; the ie-aiiangement of cultuial anu cieative piouuction anu
consumption, the 'cieative class' anu 'cieative city' theses of Richaiu Floiiua anu
Chailes Lanuiy anu the ciitiques of these theses, paiticulaily with iegaiu to
gentiification, subcultuies anu cultuial capital; buigeoning analyses of local
economies, local cultuial piouuction anu local goveinance, paiticulaily the uecline
of shopfiont ietail beyonu shopping centies anu stiip malls; the piocess anu politics
of uiban iegeneiation; anu the paiieu phenomena of global cities anu the
globalisation of cities, paiticulaily as iegaius city bianuing anu inuexes of

All these peispectives infoim cuiient scholaily analyses of BIY uibanism, but I
have a moie speculative aim in this essay. Beie, I hope to uiscein a link between BIY
uibanism anu the uemanus of spatial justice; that is, the equitable uistiibution of
places in which to live, be social anu make cultuie. This link appeais submeigeu, foi
example, in Steiling's conceptualisation of Renew Newcastle as 'favela chic'. The
invocation of the favela might iefeience matteis of spatial justice, in that the favela
oi slum is iegulaily taken as an infeience of extieme uiban poveity, anu piesents a
globaliseu image of the impoveiisheu anu ciiminaliseu paits of Biazil's biggest
The favela may be cast up to uiban planneis oi goveinments oi conceineu
citizens as an image of theii failuie, signifying the lack of, anu uemanu foi, spatial
justice: the 'City of uou' in uiiect view of monieu anu secuiitiseu apaitment blocks.

The 'chic', howevei, suggests a beautification of these abjecteu uiban spaces.
pooi anu ciiminal have been maue pietty anu fashionablesomething that, as the
scholaiship anu commentaiy on gentiification tells us, iisks foieclosing the piospect
of genuine spatial justice.
Peihaps, then, BIY uibanism constitutes a paitial oi
piecemeal claim to spatial justice, in that it uses the ihetoiic of amateuiism,
maiginality anu infoimality to make space in the cityto occupy oi builu its
'favelas'. At the same time, it is a paitial, oi inteiesteu, claim; it cannot account foi
the maiginality of otheis, anu iisks oveiiiuing it with an appiopiiative 'chic'.
Implieu in the teim BIY uibanism is its anti-piofessional natuie. Within this, notions
of amateuiism function as a ciphei of maiginality in the uiscouise of BIY uibanism,
along with the tiope of infoimality. Piofessionalism anu foimality aie associateu
with the pioceuuial complexity anu monumentalism of laige-scale uiban
uevelopments. By contiast, BIY uibanism invokes the 'favela', the infoimal
settlement, with the aesthetics of infoimality peimeating the uiscouise thiough
piactices like Nakeshift, Nilkciate 0ibanism anu Tempoiaiy Seivices (thiee
collectives of aitists, uesigneis, aichitects anu othei uiban piactitioneis).
In the
puisuit of 'chic', a boiuei is stiuck between the amateuiism, maiginality anu
infoimality of BIY uibanism, anu that of the favelaoi moie locally, the squat. That
is, BIY uibanism's use of vacant builuings has a symbolic, if not also iegulatoiy,
ielationship with the illegal occupation of piopeity, oi squatting, which may be
associateu with activist effoits to ieclaim empty piopeity as well as homelessness
anu 'sleeping iough'.
The Austialian ienewal piojects which aie the focus of this
essay have been iefeiieu to as 'a lawful veision of |aj ... squat', anu a piofesseu
Ann DeslandesExemplary Amateurism 219
benefit of the ieactivating of uisuseu builuing space in this mannei is the piotection
against squatting it affoius.
Accoiuing to Syuney's Empty Spaces, BIY uibanists
make this piotection available alongsiue the piomise of vaiious foims of
capitalisation, such as 'giowing the long teim value of the piopeity'. Not only can
'cieative activity anu cieative vitality in an aiea ... push up piopeity piices', but also
legaliseu tempoiaiy occupants can take caie of the piopeity anu guaiu against
0ccupants specifically pievent the 'vanualism anu giaffiti' as well as
'malicious uamage' that empty builuings aie pione to, along with squatting.
In this
sense, squatting anu othei 'neglectful' uses of uiban space constitute a categoiy of
iisk which ienewal gioups can mobilise to attiact the inteiests of piopeity owneis,
who may otheiwise be aveise to tempoiaiy occupation by an unknown anu
unpaying tenant.

Foi Renew Austialia's Ianto Waie, the piomise of valuable anuoi piouuctive
occupation is a ciucial pay-off foi access to uiban space. Accoiuing to Waie, such
space is often inaccessible uue to the iisk aveision of authoiities.
Piojects such as
Waie's anu those associateu with Renew Newcastle aie especially inteiesteu in
using these spaces because they aie conuucive to ceitain kinus of community anu
cultuial uevelopment. As Waie's colleague Naicus Westbuiy has stateu, tempoiaiy
builuing use pioviues places to expeiiment, to fail anu to piototype iueas anu
piojects. This small-scale space is both necessaiy foi the incubation of cultuial
piouucts that may have high yielu in the futuie, as well as having paiticulai woith in
the piesenta conuition Biuce Steiling iefeis to as 'peimanent beta', oi, the
peipetually piovisional natuie of mentality anu infiastiuctuie that geneiates
cieative woik.
As a 'win-win' situation, the achievement of tempoiaiy builuing use
foi 'cieative, cultuial anu community' piojects also mouifies the 'baiiieis to entiy'
that pieviously pieventeu people without high levels of financial capital fiom
accessing space to host these piojects.
BIY uibanism's pioponents position
themselves against these baiiieis to entiy. The Noith Ameiican piactitioneis of
'tactical uibanism', foi example, wiite against uiban planning iegulations that
fiequently seem to seive 'inteiests uisconnecteu' fiom the lives of oiuinaiy citizens,
anu which opeiate 'at a scale foi which they have little contiol'.
BIY uibanists maik
themselves as non-expeit citizens smuggling themselves into a piofessionaliseu
stiuctuie anu making it woik foi them: 'hacking the city' fiom 'the bottom up'.

Alieauy opeiating against the uomination of goveinment anu finance capital,
BIY uibanists also cite the baiiieis they face in iegaiu to the piogiamming anu
funuing of state-sponsoieu ait anu cultuie-making. Empty Shops Netwoik founuei
Ban Thompson wiites of his aitists' gioup 'stiuggling with no iesouices to stage
aitist-leu festivals anu open stuuio events', eventually founuing the Empty Shops
Netwoik on 'no buuget'.
This 'stiuggle' is closely ielateu to the impoveiishment of
inuiviuual piactitioneis. Westbuiy often iefeis to Renew's constituents as 'people
without |thej capital' iequiieu to paiticipate in uominant uiban anu cultuial
In iefeience to his position as a ciitic of uiban anu cultuial policy,
Westbuiy has also nominateu himself a 'cultuial iefugee', 'escaping' the state of New
South Wales because of its pooi cultuial auministiation.
BIY uibanism theieby
functions as a ietoit to the uomination of elite anu laige-scale foims of iesouicing in
this aiena, along with an anti-piofessional appioach to uibanism in geneial.
Amateuiism, maiginality anu infoimality thus infuse the anti-piofessional anu
non-expeit pioponents of BIY uibanism, the expeiimental piactices of the piojects
that occupy the spaces of BIY uibanism, anu the piactitioneis themselves, as aitists,
cultuie-makeis anuoi cultuial ciitics. To this enu, pioponents of the 'minoi
piactice' of BIY uibanism cite theii use of 'sweat equity' anu voluntaiism as well as
the iefusal of sanctioneu 'expeits'.
These uesciiptois foim the basis of theii claims
to empty oi otheiwise maiginal uiban space. At the same time, BIY uibanists also
cite othei foims of infoimality anu maiginality such as squatting, giaffiti anu
vanualism in oiuei to asseit the piofessionally piouuctive value of theii claims to
The shauow of squatting anu ueieliction luiking heie uemonstiates how such a
tempoiaiy foim of lanu use is pioblematic within cities, wheie piopeity owneiship
is a key unit of oiganisation.
As Westbuiy anu otheis obseive in theii analysis of
'baiiieis to entiy', the conuitions foi occupying, enteiing anu using piopeity aie set
by piopeity owneis, which incluues piivate lanuloius anu piopeity gioups, anu
goveinment auministiation such as builuing coues anu zoning iegulations.
ieasons that span piopeity piofitability anu public health, these conuitions aie
laigely foimeu aiounu the pievention of uiban neglect anu 'blight'.
Bence, as I
Ann DeslandesExemplary Amateurism 221
have claimeu in commentaiy elsewheie, a question iemains about the boiuei
between the amateuiism, maiginality anu infoimality of BIY uibanists anu theii
constituents, anu that of othei maiginal anu infoimal useis of ueielict oi abanuoneu
uiban space, like giaffitists, vanuals anu iough sleepeis. This boiuei is implieu in
the piotection that BIY uibanism offeis to piopeity owneis.

Theie aie well-establisheu links between uiban social exclusion anu
piactitioneis of squatting (as a featuie of piimaiy homelessness), giaffiti anu
Whethei oi not cuiiently opeiational BIY uibanism schemes have
uisplaceu these othei subjects of uiban infoimality is cuiiently unexploieu in
empiiical stuuies of such piojects themselves oi of the changing uses of cities moie
It is ceitainly the case, though, that some piactitioneis anu allies of BIY
uibanism expiess ambivalence oi anxiety about spatial appiopiiation anu uiban
uisplacement. Foi example, Chicago-baseu aitist }amie Keesling is uneasy with the
aitist-uiiven iegeneiation of Betioit (a city that has become iconic in the uiscouise
of BIY uibanism),
iefeiiing to 'socially motivateu aitists anu activists, who ... aie
compelleu to take auvantage of inexpensive ieal estate' anu the potential foi this to
see the 'gentiification of an entiie city', a city that in the case of Betioit is affecteu by
high levels of unemployment anu poveity as well as long-stanuing iacial inequality.
Keesling wonueis whethei a uistinction between 'the laigei social context within
which Betioit iesiues' anu its 'immeuiate communities' of aitists might be maue
moie foicefully in oiuei to avoiu the complicity of BIY uibanism in uiban
New Yoik's Auiash Khawaizau, who otheiwise auvocates foi BIY
uibanism in the 0niteu States, has also sounueu concein about 'BIY uisplacement'.
Khawaizau also notes the focus to uate of many BIY piojects on consumption via
tempoiaiy oi pop-up shops anu laments the putative absence of a focus on 'cieating
equitable communities'. Khawaizau suggests the neeu foi a 'post-hipstei city' in the
imagination of BIY uibanism, anu makes an oblique iefeience to the iole of taste in
the uiscouise anu uesign of BIY uibanist piojectsinvocating the hipstei, a figuie
maikeu, like the bohemian of pievious uiban eias, by high levels of cultuial, if not
financial, capital.
Inueeu, beyonu Khawaizau's misgivings, the hipstei has been
useu to uismiss BIY uibanist piojects entiiely as 'hipstei gentiification': the
colonisation of uiban space thiough cultuial capital.
As Bouiuieu has shown,
cultuial capital enables the qualitative negotiation of powei stiuctuies by those who
possess it. Cultuial capital is expiesseu in high levels of visual anu textual liteiacy
anu often infoimeu by a libeial aits euucation. This foim of capital can thus be useu
to auvocate anu piomulgate the lifestyles, habits anu values of the people who caiiy
it against those who possess these assets in lessei amounts.

While an empiiical stuuy of cultuial capital anu BIY uibanism is yet to be conuucteu,
it is notable that BIY uibanist piojects have iuentifiable common aesthetics that aie
associateu with the piesumeu subcultuial pioclivities of hipsteis. Clothing anu
hanu-ciafteu goous in a 'vintage' style, vinyl iecoius, small bais anu boutique coffee
outlets aie common to the cases analyseu foi this essay.
0nline consumption anu
uistiibution of cultuial piouucts is also paiamount, as is the iole of social meuia anu
niche websites in uiiving these piojects foiwaiu.
As Naik uieif anu otheis have
noteu, these aie the consumption habits of an uiban miuule class in possession of a
thoiough aesthetic euucation. They aie also a class unueigoing a wiuely felt
ienovation, with the ietieat of stiuctuial featuies which might once have suppoiteu
them, such as affoiuable housing, euucational subsiuies anu ieliable employment in
the cultuial sectoi ('no piospects, but wiieu to the gills', in Steiling's teims).

Insofai as this iecomposing class anu its featuies constitute piojects of BIY
uibanism, it is notable that the scuttleu subjectivity of the libeial-aits-euucateu
miuule class is also imbueu with a paiticulai tempoiality of the life couise, anu of
eveiyuay life. This tempoiality is implicateu with the ieconstitution of amateui
piactice. Amateui laboui histoiically has opeiateu outsiue the timeline of caieei
piogiession; it was once less likely to signify a peiiou 'befoie' piofessionalisation.
Bowevei, in the age of the 'pio-am' anu the piecaiious cultuial woikei, 'amateui'
may iefei moie fiimly to a peiiou simultaneously 'in between' anu 'befoie' full
iealisation. While wages foi cultuial laboui have become moie elusive at the same
time as cities anu piofessions have embiaceu a ihetoiic of cieativity, the 'pio-am'
may be exploiteu foi theii immateiial laboui as the piecaiious cultuial woikei
unueitakes yet anothei unpaiu inteinship.
The 'meanwhile' peiiou associateu with
BIY uibanism's tempoiaiy builuing use, then, is evocative.
Not only aie many
cultuial piouuceis expeiiencing the 'meanwhile' implicit in theii continually
uefeiieu success, but the meanwhile begins 'aftei' ueieliction, abanuonment oi
Ann DeslandesExemplary Amateurism 223
emptiness, signifying some hope beyonu financial ciisis anu stiaiteneu social
mobility. 'Tuining empty space into an oppoitunity', in the woius of Lonuon's
SSpace, speaks to the expeiience of physical as well as tempoial emptiness.
It may
also be a ieflection of the longing foi like-minueu society piofesseu by many
pioponentsthe 'cultuial iefugee' anu the 'stiuggling aitist' embiacing space in the
city foi theii community of inteiest to flouiish.
Amateuiism, heie, maiks a
tempoial anu affective expeiience that peihaps also accounts foi the expiession of
infoimality anu maiginality in the uiscouise of BIY uibanism.
With its paiticulai amateuiism, infoimality anu maiginality, the uiscouise of BIY
uibanism encases claims to uiban space along with piomises to geneiate capital.
This capital is associateu with the aesthetics anu tastes that might combat the
unuesiiable anu unpiouuctive uiban phenomena of squatting, vanualism, giaffiti
anu ueieliction. At the same time, BIY uibanists expeiience the 'poveity' of low
financial capital anu aie obligeu to justify theii piojects, at least in pait, on the
piomise of ietuining capital to abjecteu uiban space. Aiguably, BIY uibanists
uemonstiate a claim to spatial justice against theii financial poveity, but secuie it
thiough the use of cultuial capital. This foiecloses the possibility of spatial justice
foi useis of abjecteu space who uo not possess eithei foim of capital. Theiefoie, the
link between spatial justice anu BIY uibanism is paitial, both in teims of being
piecemeal, anu in being bounu up with paiticulai inteiests anu piivileges.
This paitiality is especially visceial in the image of 'favela chic'. Steiling uses
the favela to celebiate infoimal stiuctuies, 'bottom-up' in theii uevelopment anu
autonomous fiom piofessional planning. Be peihaps affiims the favela's ingenuity in
the face of iesouice scaicity, in this sense.
Bowevei, Steiling uoes not account at
all foi the entiencheu impoveiishment anu maiginalisation of favela iesiuents, helu
in place by an extieme gap between iich anu pooi anu with iacialiseu oiigins in the
global slave tiaue.
As a metaphoi foi BIY uibanism, 'favela chic' eliues these
histoiical anu mateiial conuitions of the favela's amateuiism, infoimality anu
maiginality, being conceineu only with the applicability of the favela as a metaphoi
foi emeiging uiban expeiience in Anglospheie cities. The incongiuity between
'favela' anu 'chic' is also innate to the enunciation of 'favela chic'; an incongiuity
which is echoeu in the boiuei between tempoiaiy use of builuings foi 'cieative,
cultuial anu community' piojects, anu the 'squatting, vanualism, giaffiti anu
ueieliction' that such piojects aie helu to guaiu against. Similaily, the amateuiism
emphasiseu in the uiscouise of BIY uibanism has its shauow in these abjecteu
aspects of uiban maiginality. BIY uibanism's 'exemplaiy amateuiism' uemonstiates
the limit points of its sanctioneu claims to uiban space, anu points, at least, to the
contestable anu paiticulai natuie of these claims.

Ann Beslanues is a ieseaichei, wiitei anu community seivices woikei in Syuney
who woiks on the politics anu ethics of soliuaiity. With Kiistian Auamson she is the
authoi of 'Zombie Soliuaiity', foithcoming in Anuiew Whelan, Ruth Walkei anu
Chiistophei Nooie (eus), &'()"$* ", -.$ /01%$(23 4"5",6 7$1-. ", 8"6.$# 9%:01-"',
(2u1S). She has publisheu othei acauemic woik in the ;':#,1< '= >'0"'<'62?
/:*-#1<"1, @$(","*- >-:%"$*? A$0',*-#:0-"', anu B:<-:#1< >-:%"$* A$5"$C.

Biuce Steiling, 'Renew Newcastle', <http:www.wiieu.combeyonu_the_beyonu2uu9u7ienew-
newcastle>; 'viueo fiom Reboot 11: uothic Bigh-tech anu Favela chic',
<http:www.wiieu.combeyonu_the_beyonu2uu9u7 viueo-fiom-ieboot-11>.
}anice Peilman, @15$<13 @':# 7$01%$* '= 4"5",6 ', -.$ 9%6$ ", A"' %$ ;1,$"#', 0xfoiu 0niveisity Piess,
New Yoik, 2u1u, p. 29.
Nimi Zeigei, 'The Inteiventionist's Toolkit, Pait 1', D<10$*, The Besign 0bseivei uioup,
<http:places.uesignobseivei.comfeatuiethe-inteiventionists-toolkit-pait-124Su8>. As Zeigei
suggests, ielateu teims incluue 'emeigent uibanism', 'usei-geneiateu uibanism'. See also the ;':#,1< '=
E#)1,"*(3 F,-$#,1-"',1< A$*$1#0. ', D<10$(1G",6 1,% E#)1, >:*-1",1)"<"-2? special issue on BIY
uibanism, foithcoming. Naicus Westbuiy, 'BIY Tiansfoiming a Bying City',
<http:vimeo.com1S7S9471>; Wasteu Spaces, <http:www.wasteuspaces.oigabout-this-site>;
Stoiefionts Seattle: Activating Empty Space with Ait,
<>; Naicus Westbuiy, 'Iteiative Cities, oi Why the Activity is
Noie Impoitant than the Act', <http:www.maicuswestbuiy.net2u1212uSiteiative-cities-oi-
Lauien Rosenbeig, 'Ait in vacant Stoiefionts: A New Aiena foi Cieative Reseaich anu Bevelopment',
Nasteis thesis, Ait Institute of Chicago, 2u11, p. 4.
Ban Thompson, 'The Empty Shops Woikbook', The Empty Shops Netwoik anu The Neanwhile
Pioject, 2u1u, <http:www.aitistsanumakeis.comstaticpagesinuex.phpesniesouices>; Nike Lyuon
(eu.), 'Builu a Bettei Block', H10-"01< E#)1,"*(? vol. 1, n.u.
<http:issuu.comstieetplanscollaboiativeuocstactical_uibanism_vol.1>; 'Lightei, Quickei,
Cheapei', <http:www.pps.oiglightei-quickei-cheapei>.
Ann DeslandesExemplary Amateurism 225

Renew Newcastle, 'Piopose a Pioject', <http:ienewnewcastle.oigget-involveupiopose-a-pioject>.
Emma Beiwyn,'In the Neanwhile: Can 0iban Besigneis 0tilise Neanwhile 0se to Infoim Futuie
0ses.', NA 0iban Besign uisseitation, 0niveisity of Westminstei, 2u1u,
<http:www.meanwhilespace.comnewscan-uiban-uesigneis-utilise-meanwhile>; Ban Thompson,
D'I EI D$'I<$, Empty Shops Netwoik, Lonuon, Febiuaiy 2u12; Lauien Rosenbeig, 'Ait in vacant
Stoiefionts: A New Aiena foi Cieative Reseaich anu Bevelopment', Nasteis thesis, Ait Institute of
Chicago, 2u11, p. 4; Renew Austialia, 'Natching Piojects to Spaces',
<http:www.ienewaustialia.oiguiy-iesouicesmatching-piojects-to-spaces>; Westbuiy, 'BIY
Tiansfoiming a Bying City' anu 'Renew Newcastle, Piopose a Pioject'; Beiwyn; Thompson, D'I EI
D$'I<$; Lyuon et al.
Foi example, see Richaiu Floiiua, B"-"$* 1,% -.$ B#$1-"5$ B<1**, Routleuge, Lonuon, 2uuS; Chailes
Lanuiy, H.$ /#- '= B"-2J(1G",6, Eaithscan, Nichigan, 2uu6; Chailes Leaubeatei anu Paul Nillei, H.$ D#'J
1( A$5'<:-"',, Bemos, Lonuon, 2uu4; Shaion Zukin, K1G$% B"-23 H.$ 7$1-. 1,% 4"=$ '= /:-.$,-"0 E#)1,
D<10$*? 0xfoiu, 0xfoiu 0niveisity Piess, 2uu9; }amie Peck, 'Stiuggling with the Cieative Class',
F,-$#,1-"',1< ;':#,1< '= E#)1, 1,% A$6"',1< A$*$1#0., vol. 29, no. 4, Becembei 2uuS, pp. 74u-7u; Saskia
Sassen, B"-"$* ", 1 !'#<% 90','(2, fouith

eun, Sage, Los Angeles, 2u12; Kiik Boyle anu Baniel
Niozowski (eus), L:*- B:<-:#$3 H.$ M#$1- A$0$**"', ", @"0-"',? @"<(? 1,% H$<$5"*"',, Lexington Books,
foithcoming. L:*- B:<-:#$3 K'-$* =#'( -.$ M#$1- A$0$**"',, <>; Naik
Banks, 'The Instiumental Leisuie of the Cieative Class', Woiking Papei no. 47, Centie foi Reseaich on
Socio-Cultuial Change, 0pen 0niveisity, 2uu8; ueoige Noigan anu Xuefei Ren, 'The Cieative
0nueiclass: Cultuie, Subcultuie anu 0iban Renewal', ;':#,1< '= E#)1, /==1"#*, vol. S4, no. 2, 2u12, pp.
Tuckei Lanuesman, 'Remaking Rio: Favela Touiism anu the Touiist Naiiative', @15$<"**:$*, 22
Febiuaiy 2u12, <http:favelissues.com2u12u222iemaking-iio-favela-touiism-anu-the-touiist-
Antnio Augusto veiissimo, 'Bousing, Employment anu Nobility: The Bebate on the Location of
Social Inteiest Bousing in Rio ue }aneiio', tians. Saiah ue Rose, A"'N,!1-0., 12 }uly 2u12,
<http:iioonwatch.oig.p=4S1S>; Ananya Roy, 'Slumuog Cities: Rethinking Subaltein 0ibanism',
F,-$#,1-"',1< ;':#,1< '= E#)1, 1,% A$6"',1< A$*$1#0., vol. SS, 2u11, pp. 22S-S8.
0ne commentatoi on Renew Newcastle applauueu the scheme on paiticulaily visual anu geopolitical
teims, consiueiing 'Newcastle's iesemblance to Baghuau ovei the yeais'. Skynoise, A$,$C K$C01*-<$,
See foi example, Zukin; Noigan anu Ren.
The iight to the city symposium,'Nilkciate 0ibanism', Apiil 2u11.
<http:www.theiighttothecity.comexhibitionmilkciate.html>; 'Nakeshift',
<http:www.theiighttothecity.comexhibitionmakeshift.html>; Tempoiaiy Seivices, 'In Public',
Nicholas K. Biomley, E,*$--<",6 -.$ B"-23 E#)1, 41,% 1,% -.$ D'<"-"0* '= D#'I$#-2, Routleuge, New Yoik
anu Lonuon, 2uu4, p. 2u.
0niveisity of Technology Newsioom, 'Restoie, Renew, Regeneiate', 7 Nay 2u12,
Empty Spaces, 'Lanuloius anu Empty Spaces',
Empty Spaces, 'A Lanuloiu's Stoiy', <http:emptyspaces.cultuiemap.oig.aupagegpt>; see also
SSpace, 'Regeneiation' <http:Sspace.oigiesouicesiegeneiation>.
Empty Spaces, 'A Lanuloiu's Stoiy'.

See, foi example, Ianto Waie, 'Naking Things Bappen: Reflections on the 0sei ueneiateu Cities
Foium', <http:uiiantowaie.woiupiess.com2u11u427making-things-happen-ieflections-on-the-
Naicus Westbuiy, 'Cities as Softwaie', O'<:($, no. 27, 2u11, pp. 89-92; Steiling.
Renew Newcastle, 'The Can Bo uuy', <http:ienewnewcastle.oigmeuiapostthe-can-uo-guy>;
'Renew Austialia', Neuia, Renew Austialia, <www.ienewaustialia.oig2u111uienew-austialia>.
Lyuon, eu.
'Back Youi City', <>; 'BIY 0ibanism: City Builuing fiom the Bottom
0p', <http:yuiiaitibise.combloguiy-uibansim>
Ban Thompson, 'The Empty Shops Netwoik: A Big Thankyou',
Westbuiy, 'Cities as Softwaie'.
Naicus Westbuiy, 'In Piaise of Initiative, oi, Why Bob Caii Naue Ne Nove to Nelbouine', blogpost,
12 0ctobei 2u1u, <http:www.maicuswestbuiy.net2u1u121uin-piaise-of-initiative-oi-why-bob-
The Right to the City exhibition anu publishing pioject, Syuney, 2u11, call foi papeis,
<http:www.theiighttothecity.comsymposiumpiogiam.html>; Stieet Sense, 'BIY 0ibanism',
<http:www.stieet-sense.oigstieettalk2u1121Suiy-uibanism.html>; Empty Shops Netwoik anu
The Neanwhile Pioject, H.$ 9(I-2 >.'I* !'#G)''G,
<http:www.aitistsanumakeis.comstaticpagesinuex.phpesniesouices>; Ianto Waie, 'Picking
Fights in Piepaiation foi the Festival of 0npopulai Cultuie', H.$ L<'6 @'#($#<2 P,'C, 1* -.$ A$,$C
/%$<1"%$ L<'6, 4 0ctobei 2u11, <http:ienewauelaiue.woiupiess.com2u111uu4picking-fights-in-
Euwaiu W. Soja, >$$G",6 >I1-"1< ;:*-"0$, 0niveisity of Ninnesota Piess, Ninneapolis. p. S2.
'Renew Austialia', Neuia ielease.
}ohn Ratcliffe, Nichael Stubbs anu Niles Keeping, E#)1, D<1,,",6 1,% A$1< 9*-1-$ 7$5$<'I($,-, thiiu
eun, Routleuge, 0xon & New Yoik, 2uu9.
Ann Beslanues, 'What Bo Pop-up shops anu Bomelessness have in Common.', H.$ M<')1< E#)1,"*-,
14 Febiuaiy 2u12, <http:globaluibanist.com2u12u214uiy-uibanism-homelessness>.
Fiancisco Azpitaite, >'0"1< 9Q0<:*"', R',"-'# L:<<$-",, Biotheihoou of St Lauience anu Nelbouine
Institute of Applieu Economic anu Social Reseaich, Apiil 2u12; Rowlanu Atkinson anu Keith }acobs,
D:)<"0 8':*",6 ", /:*-#1<"13 >-"6(1? 8'($ 1,% NII'#-:,"-2, Bousing anu Community Reseaich 0nit,
School of Sociology anu Social Woik, 0niveisity of Tasmania, Papei no. u1, 2uu8; Catheiine Robinson,
'Peisistent BomelessnessPeisistent Tiauma', D1#"-2, vol. 18, no. 7, 2uuS, pp. 4-S.
Rowlanu Atkinson anu Bazel Easthope, 'The Consequences of the Cieative Class: The Puisuit of
Cieativity Stiategies in Austialia's Cities', F,-$#,1-"',1< ;':#,1< '= E#)1, 1,% A$6"',1< A$*$1#0., vol. SS
no. 1, 2u11, pp. 64-79.
Renew Austialia's Ianto Waie, foi example, iefeis to a seiies of abanuoneu builuings in Auelaiue as
'Auelaiue's Little Betioit', 'Why Someone Shoulu }ust uive Tuxeuo Cat a Beap of Cash', H.$ L<'6
@'#($#<2 P,'C, 1* -.$ A$,$C /%$<1"%$ L<'6, 2u }anuaiy 2u11,
}amie Keesling, 'Pioneeiing Betioit: 0topic visions foi a Post-inuustiial Lanuscape', B."016' /#-
R161S",$? 2u1u, <http:chicagoaitmagazine.com2u1u11pioneeiing-uetioit-utopic-visions-foi-a-
Tiua Tippapait, 'Cieating the Post-hipstei City: In Conveisation with Auiash Khawaizau', 8:==",6-',
D'*-, 22 Nay 2u12, <http:www.huffingtonpost.comtiua-tippapaitnew-yoik-ait-hipsteis-biooklyn-
Ann DeslandesExemplary Amateurism 227

_b_1SS7126.html>; Naik uieif, Kathleen Ross anu Bayna Toitoiici (eus), !.1- C1* -.$ 8"I*-$#T /
>'0"'<'6"01< F,5$*-"61-"',, n+1 Founuation, New Yoik, 2u12.
Nattilua Beistein Sycamoie, 'Is BIY Business Still uentiification.', Nay 2uu6,
Baviu Ley, 'Aitists, Aestheticisation anu the Fielu of uentiification', E#)1, >-:%"$*, vol. 4u, no. 12,
Novembei 2uuS, pp. 2S, 27-44.
See foi example: 'Pop into Pop-up Shop anu Pop-on vintage Clothes!', L:0G",6.1( H'%1y, 24
Novembei 2u11, <
enteitainmentpop_into_pop_up_shop_anu_pop_on_vintage_clothes_1_S2742u7>; 'LittlestvINTAuE, All
uiown 0p!', A$,$C /%$<1"%$, <
giown-up>; 'The Teiiace Bai', A$,$C K$C01*-<$,
<http:ienewnewcastle.oigpiojectsaboutpiojectthe-teiiace-bai>; 'Clevelanu's Bettei Block
Inspiieu Pop-up Peail Announceu foi Nay 19', L:"<% 1 L$--$# L<'0G, <http:betteiblock.oig.p=74S>.
Westbuiy, 'Cities as Softwaie'.
uieif, Ross anu Toitoiici (eus); Nelissa uiegg, !'#GU* F,-"(102, Polity, Lonuon, 2u11.
Baviu Besmonuhalgh anu Saiah Bakei, '"A veiy Complicateu veision of Fieeuom": Conuitions anu
Expeiiences of Cieative Laboui in Thiee Cultuial Inuustiies', D'$-"0*, vol. S8, pp. 4-2u, 2u1u.
See also Nelissa uiegg on the 'state of exception' that chaiacteiises much contempoiaiy cieative oi
cultuial laboui in hei 'Laboui Politics anu the State of Exception', plenaiy piesentation at the Noial
Economies of Cieative Laboui confeience, 0niveisity of Leeus, }uly 2u11.
Sspace, <http:Sspace.oig>.
See, foi example, }ulia Lenton (eu.), V?WXY 712* 1- @#1*$#>-:%"'*, Queen Stieet Stuuio, Syuney, 2u12,
pp. 19, 42, 44, 61, 68, 69.
Catalytic Communities, 'The Favela as a Sustainable Nouel',
Peilman; Louiues Caiiil, Z:"<'()'? =15$<1 $ I$#"=$#"13 / <',61 ):*01 %1 0"%1%1,"1, Annablume, Sao
Paulo, 2uu6.

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