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BEYOND THE BLACK MAGICIANS, A SERIES OF DRILLS PART ONE: Overview / introduction / boilerplate / denials / credits / excuses / and

mindless pr. Phil Scott. Overview: This write up will be brief, unedited for typo's, bad grammar, missing data, and etc. This is simply my attempt to get these drills to the reader with enough explanation that anyone who attempts the drills will be able to do them. The drills are intended solely to expose the fatal bad habit beings have that traps them. One may or may not resolve many of life's issues with these drills.. these drills constitute one tool that a person can use. To my mind a crucial tool, but certainly not the only tool, by a long shot. Prerequisites: These as presented require an existing ability to make, and view, a mental construct of a beach ball or other object. I've include some footnotes that may assist those who cannot make and view a mental image picture. The drills work best on the following, in order of workability observed to date: Kids between ages of 8 and 12 or so. Non professionals, people not mulling in their own prideful mental juices too badly. Those initiates in other fornication's and disasters who decide to just do the damn drills and reserve judgment. Its my view that thought is the antithesis of freedom..... the core of our nemesis, the holy grail of our Medusa Stone... the one we keep tied so tighly around our necks. Monitoring progress: The drills are at first mundane beyond belief.. Then progress to becoming boring beyond your grimmest fantasies.. Then around drill's 15 or 20 things become more interesting.. and later drills become a liberation for some who do them. If any drill goes with effort or difficulty CEASE IT IMMEDIATELY. These drills are to be done, easily, effortlessly, and as FAST as possible. No hair splitting, or mulling over details at all. The following will impede progress: Look for some serious mystical implications. or convoluted definitions of the words used. These drills are intended as an excersise in seeing the obvi ous. Doing each drill until you think its produced some magical result, skipping drills, or assuming that you already know how to do these drills

won't work. (much of the drilling is just to break a bad habit, and groove in the 'anti habit'..doing nothing.) Assuming you know where these drills are leading based on your current comprehension.will impede the clear and unbiased view required to see the operative mechanisms. (you may well be right, but in several key instances, and in a few critical nuances, you will miss the point.) Get hung up on a win will impede progress. Having a resolution to one of life's problems in one of the initial drills and assumming that's the result. It isn't the intended result.. there will be hundreds of these along the way. Sticking at any one level or win, is a hindrance to just doing the rest of the drills and seeing what's to be seen. The result I expect of these drills is solely a comprehension, an actual seeing of what traps Life. Not any sort of release, or acsent..although these can happen along the way, and are a good monitor of your progress. I care about your 'seeing' though. Not the wins, they do monitor progress, and that's good, but they incidental.. Focusing on the incidental is a blinds a person.... and that is the condition of man by and large, blinded by an almost infinite deluge of created effects... the core cause can no longer be easily seen. We will be going after the core issue here..... we will be extracting the keystone from the foundation base of the Medusa.... and hopefully watching that man of stone collapse back into the earth from which it came. What NOT to expect: I will tell you up front what benefits NOT to expect. In fact these drills may be highly detrimental to any of the following generally hoped for benefits. Especially as these are often conceived of out of context with the rest of life: Wealth, fame, domination (but not influece), pride, possessions, even ones honor. You should NOT do the drills if you wish to expand these conditions.

'Benefits' one might reasonably expect: Personal sufficiency, decency, understanding, incorruptibility, peace, affinity for others especially those without wealth or pride, affinity for animals, communion with life, able to be exterior from all that is, at will.. able to pervade anything at will, limitless expansion, freedom and a few other things individual to the person.. and at the peak an absolutely hilarious view of what we so proudly consider our current reality. Beyond that an understanding, of our core fatal bad habit as relevant to understanding mankind and his progress, either to ruin or salvation. One differentiates the dynamic behind the trend of this progress. The insight is demystifying.

Next communion across religious and spiritual lines. With the origins of these predilections, and a functional understanding of previously incomprehensible remarks in the Vedic Hymns, Book of the Dead, Christian

Bible, and elsewhere.... Man has transcended this world many times before. Religion never has.....its simply the anchor of man.... the activity of casting freedom into a medusa stone one can wear proudly. Ultimately, one comes to see what awaits an individual.and resolves that issue terminally. (references on request)

Tactics: . I will attempt to expose by demonstration, and a few leading questions, what binds a being to his nightmarish, or just ordinarily miserable reality.a simple bad habit. Personal Introduction: I'm a 55 year old man living in the United States, I've made my living as a mechanical contractor in the State of California for many years, and since 1985 as a mechanical engineer on many projects across the US, including semi conductor, petro- chemical, weapons facilities, defense projects and research labs in various states of decay, corruption, and disaster. (mostly the latter). I've been a semi pro motor cycle racer, with many local and one international win, (open class usually, flat tracks, TT's, cross country, class A short track.) I paint, write technical articles for trade journals in my professional area, and have developed some incredible recipes ( if I don't drink too much wine and screw them up). I've been prone to gun fights, wild women, and seeking the core algorithm across the broad spectrum of life.... this has led to much study and involvement in many of the movements listed below, often extensively. (algorithm = The formula for oatmeal cookies is a cookie algorithm. Chemistry is an algorithm for how and why atoms and molecules attach and bind to form our material world. A computer program strategy is an algorithm the strategy, not the code necessarily.) I became interested in this mess we call life on earth directly in 1973 when my life and business were infiltrated just slightly by a beautiful young lady named Polly, a physics student at UCLA Davis. She was pulling straight A's in her junior year while working nights and supporting her invalid father. She was a Scientologist at the time. The next 20 years was a rollercoaster ride of insight and criminal manipulation that in 1976 led me to investigate the condition of man and my painful personal circumstance on a broader scale.. I began to read voraciously and look for the underlying keystone factors of mans seeming dilemma. Among the countless false trails and golden promises, ran a single thread of truth. I've been pulling that thread for 20 years. And its turned into what I see clearly today. (references follow in this or a later issue)

If engineers or physicist's have a saving grace (and that's a suspect issue in itself), it may be that in some rare cases, one of us looks for the

common denominator issue, the issue or physics that hold an entire system or gestalt of systems together. That has been my search.. it was born of extreme pain, for a long period I had to resolve this issue. When I found the common denominator it became quite evident that one had to 'see' it personally for any insight or benefit to occur, and that the use of words simply added more layers over the top of this insight, hopelessly obscuring it. The golden words, and philosophy has this distinct liability.. I've known no one who has made it on those lines. the practice of personal decency, then incorruptibility along with personal search are the keys I've found.... being decent even under the most trying circumstances and dispite provocation to the opposite, tends to bring one face to face with his flaws and the lies of existence..... its then possible to transcend these.

According what follows is a set of drills.. I present these in personal session wih a minimum of description or discussion of the factors involved. Here I will have to violate my most dearly held precept.... and lead the reader with some descriptions, hopefully I will be able to keep these to a minimum. The drills are designed to progressively lead to personal discovery of the factors involved. That personal discovery then 'fits' the individual, his matrix of comprehension, in his ability range, and at his wave length.. not someone else's.. his growth has to be personal, and from his own insight, the drills simply break a bad habit that sticks ones attention so that the crucial context of existence is not seen.

If a person does the drills properly, he sees what ever he or she sees. The obvious hopefully its almost never the case that the person sees what they had expected I was leading them to see. This perhaps is the key point to keep in mind in doing these drills. What you 'see' may very well be the antithesis of what you had expected.. even the antithesis of what you had considered was self, and Life. As the Medusa falls to dust, so may the rest of your reality..... a dear price to pay, the reward may be beyond words or even your wildest dreams however. We have degraded into this human conditon....not risen to ti.

These drills are a step off the continental shelf. Into water 5 miles deep. The creatures there have not even been discovered yet. For children, this step is easy they have no hint of what might await them. For adults its often sheer terror that stops their progress in the early stages of the drills. Boiler plate: The above and any of the following is copyrighted by Philip E Scott when originally drafted in 1992, and what follows in this series drafted in 1993, 1994, 19951996 and 1997. Permission is granted for the unlimited copying and distribution for non commercial purposes, each article in its unedited entirety complete with headers and footers.

Denials: I'm innocent! Go arrest some other person. Nothing I say is true its at best a faint approximation of the reality addressed. By the time you process the data, almost no truth will remain, sorry. That's what words do for a person. They condense an aggregate reality, such as the smell of a rose to a word.. One can't smell the word no matter how hard he trys. For those who REALLY want to ACTUALLY smell the rose, we need to take a walk to the rose garden see the simplicity of that? And THAT is flawlessly workable? You can't even come close with descriptions. Yet that's what you, the reader, may have been thoroughly addicted to.

Just doing the drills however has a chance of exposing truth to you directly. That's my hope. These drills are a walk to the rose garden.. and I am simply telling you, one step at a time. Look here, look there, what do you see? Is there a color, is there a smell? Etc. After that its not for me to comment or discuss or approve or disapprove what you personally see some might only see manure. That's certainly a feature of rose gardens. And that's also a fine and useful discovery. Only time and your own abilities will determine the value of what you eventually 'see', on this or anyother route.

BEYOND THE BLACK MAGICIANS, A SERIES OF DRILLS PART ONEa credits / excuses / and mindless pr.

Phil Scott. See copyright notice and conditional release below

Credits: Amongst the many works studied, and my study has been broad, but certainly limited, I have selected the books listed below for their milestone contribution. All but one containe serious and fatal flaws however and that one is seldom ever comprehended. The value in this list is the action these works have synergistically... they debug each other as the insights presented by these authors are used to fabricate an internally consistent whole.... as that whole becomes consistent with what one can observe broad spectrum...then truth is approached. For instance: Bank robbery is a workable wealth building system for some. But as soon as we expand that workable system to the broader culture, and the persons long term life, we instantly begin to see the errors and lies built into that system of thought. A system of thought by the way not just embraced by bank robbers..

That's how the lies in any system are discoveredthe lies are those aspects of the workable system that do not function or are a liability in the parallel and supporting systems. Its also possible to look at the microcosm and detect flaws. What emerges after this screening are any threads of truth in the workable system. The tactic is commonly referred to as developing an 'internal consistency". A workable debugging concept. It has fallen dramatically short in this arena however, as the approach has not been used across the gestalt of Life, and physics, material and otherwise. So the core algorithms have not been discovered as far as I can tell. (Reference: LRHubbard Data Series One.)

With a few relative truths thus established, one goes deeper, looking then for the underlying common aspects of these relative truths.. what in mathematics is refered to as the lowest common denominator, or the prime factor, or derivitive function.... it is possible to arrive at some very liberating insights in this fashion.

For the record, regarding absolute truth, my estimate here is that is that I do in fact have a handle on it. Maybe a 0.01% handle on absolute truth! Truly I am grateful. The reader must notice however that the rest of what I might utter, and we never know which part, is 99.99% false on a scale of absolutes... and these errors are fatal. Relative truth is just a temporal thing... lies. S please beware. That's why I have chosen to just present the drills, and talk around the core issues. I do not wish to stick anyone with data founded on my vast ignorance of ultimate reality. Credits, and references: I recommend ONLY those works referenced, and often not the collateral work by the same author as it often degrades into incidental and misleading issues: LRHubbard. Science of Survival. Data Series One 88008, 08, 880. He has missed the point of our limitless origins however, an absolutely fatal flaw. I appreciate Hubbards vast insight as presented on L-12 beyond words... some of his other developments were equally valuable. I believe what error there is, is rooted in his association with Aliester Crowley, an avowed satanist, and black magician. The idea being promoted that an individuated individual can be insanity. Bagwann Shri Rajneesh. Psychology of the Esoteric. (Bodhi tree book store LA Ca) an incredible book, his other work degrades from that level considerably. He has no address to the issues such as LRH had developed he uses the term 'inside' in such a way that a person seeks freedom there. .introverted as it were a flaw in translation from the Hindi, he did not have that miscomprehension personally. By 'inside' the eastern philosophers mean, 'not in the material, out of the material, and in the spiritual arena that is the realm of Life, ourselves.' that's just my reality of course. The words of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. But not all of the words of the disciples, including St Paul, ex tax collector who snuck in many fatal

flaws with his loving words. Jesus understood the ultimate physics thoroughly this becomes evident as you approach the core physics yourself.

The Secret of Life, by Roy Masters This work address the issue of the supreme being effectively, and that which separates us from our origins. It can be difficult to get past the barrage of insults in the first few chapters. The rest of his work to one degree or another degrades into obsession with incidental issues and analysis. In my view a fatal error. (available thru the foundation of human understanding, Venice Calif.) EE Doc Smith The Lensman Series, Science fiction, out of print since the 70's.. but can be found in used book stores treasured finds in six volumes. He demonstrates a grasp of the factors of human spiritual evolution and influences usually in just 4 or 5 fragments of sentences distributed in each book. His dissertations on the Edorians is a dissertation the liabiities of the human tendency to the Medusa complex.... the terrifyingly evil encounters describe what Castaneda calls conflict with the petty tyrant. One wonders the liability then of the tyrant. The drills presented in this series of articles address that issue exclusively. Carlos Castaneda, A 6 volume series dealing with his unwitting apprenticeship in sorcery at the hands of Don Juan Matus. I've met absolutely no one in the last 20 years who has grasp the gestalt of the issues in this series. In context with the above references and by reading the last in the series, some of the issues raised become obvious..but the magic is reserved for those who eventually see. It appears so far that only those apprenticed directly have come to 'see' the significance tactic of writing books left Don Juan rolling on the floor in laughter.; None the less, for those interested in a magic bullet I recommend Tales of Power, and paying careful attention to the chapter Island of the Tonal. Let it run as a drill on you. For one in extreme pain, or near death, this can be a magical and wondrous experience. The analogies have taken me 20 years to comprehend to the level I have. I keep finding new plateau's of comprehension in this work. Along the lines of other magic bullets.... the CCH's by LRon Hubbard, run to the limit of confront and use of force, produce incredible results as runs out force in several hundred hours and is left.... an unalloyed being at many levels.... a vital comprehension of the phsics involved however is missing on that tactic... the result is unstable. I will discuss Castaneda's work with individuals who can answer the questions 'who are the black magicians' (a question posed at the end of Journey to Ixtlan). Or 'what is the 'double' , precisely'. or with anyone who can tell me what happened when they read the above referenced chapter "island of the tonal'.

Phil Scott end of part 1a

Beyond the black magicians, part two. Phil Scott see intro part one for copyright and non commercial use information

Being Here, Drills.

Several thousand years of thought, research and development have resulted in the discovery of the root causes of mans ills. The information however has been occluded, countless times over, for various reasons and motives, most times innocently... there have been many vastly workable paths.... but only a very few have managed passage on them. There have been recent crucial refinements. What has been missing is viable, broad spectrum, applications tools for the resolution of these discovered conditions and causes; and clean statements of the actual conditions, clean enough to define a resolution... or allow a person to 'see' the mechanisms themselves. This course and drills program is on the leading edge of this discovery, and application. Three crucial mechanisms. What has not been discovered completely or addressed adequately are three crucial issues that act together with devastating consequences.

1. A (natural) focus onto objects, and ones own thoughts etc. This focus onto ones own internal turmoil, or thought, or external objects, is in fact a complete diversion from Life, peace and freedom. Its the opposite mechanism. One can not be peaceful and creative, and having fun, and be obsessed with some situation, at the same time. The purpose of the drills is to allow you to see this reality for yourself and _experience_ the relief attainable by having choices in what you focus on and react, or do not react to. The goal is free choice, one is then free to seek and implement effective solutions in ones own life. The above is what I can say in words. The experience of complete freedom thus attained is beyond words, as are the insights. I cannot put that into words. You will have to spend the few hours it takes to discover these for yourself. For those of the readers who are already significantly advanced, see footnote two of this article.

2. Involuntary reactions to what we focus on. It has been known for thousands of years that we REACT to EVERYTHING we see, sense, recall hear, smell or feel. Some technologies have only addressed trauma, or certain types of incidents in attempts to resolve a persons unwanted condition(s). These, predictably, have been only partially successful, as the whole , 100% of the base, cause structure, was not addressed.

Addressed here are the underlying base structures ( simple habits) that lock one into the related 50 trillion or more subtle snags, and major disasters, entangling one in miserable conditions. Its seems that as this base structure us fully comprehended, much of what's bothering a person just falls away.

We address HABIT and the OPERATIONAL STRUCTURE that locks us into this situation, and as such, do not specifically address individual incidents in Part #2 services. (Part #3 drills address individual incidents, as an entry point only, to resolution of the attached liabilities.)

3. Gaining the option to default our attention to the context of a reality, and not focus randomly on one, or several, aspects. The context of any reality is its key component required for resolution and means of creation, manipulation or destruction. I am speaking here of what I call the 'void'... in its most stunning, and terrifying reality.

These drills are designed to allow you the personal experience of these capabilities for your evaluation, or use. Discussion of the mechanics, philosophy etc., will be limited to these introductory remarks. It is not possible to 'tell' a person to greater capability It is only possible to let a person develop and discover it personally. I wish you the best of luck in this pursuit. To succeed one needs to be an active participant...... just do it. (by the way excellent advice for almost any endeavor.)

Summary: We are habituated by life, advertising, schooling, and our need to avoid running into things to focus our attention onto thoughts and objects. As we stick our attention, at random, not at our own initiative, onto things, pictures, sounds, thoughts, etc. We are no longer being a free and causative Life entity, we are a preoccupied entity, and progressively more so every day, until there is little unoccupied Life available to us. A major difference between the young and the old is the degree of this preoccupation in my view. Those that lead combative lives end up often completely preoccupied..... and stuck onto and dramatizing the vast insanity that humans are liable to generate. The key word here is habituated. We are no longer in control at that point, we are reacting to our environment as our attention randomly bounces around in it and sticks to much of it. We exist as spiritual beings, ***where our attention is***. We are where we put our attention. Later drills will demonstrate this absolutely crucial and vastly useful mechanism conclusively... to both your horror and delight, a resolution to lifes ugliest problems. Resolution.

One breaks the ancient habit. By now you might be suspecting that I am talking about the habit of having our attention draw onto things, or even our own thoughts, against our better interests. We will be addressing the issue one piece at a time, and that is what drills 1-12 are about. Each is a progressively more challenging drill aimed at breaking this network of habits and compulsions that tends to keep a person dispersed and stuck. If all we accomplish is a faint tendency to notice the space around what we focus on, even subliminally, we have gained the lubrication to slip off of them. One has broken the fixation. and is no longer stuck. We begin to see things in perspective, and that slightly loosened grip opens up a view to interrelationships and options that break the grip entirely.

Drill #1

(A) Breaking the Ancient Habit.

Note: You may end any of these drills if or when you feel sort of light and free, tingly, powerful, out of your body, very perceptive, or have sudden flashes of insight. Take note of your successful activities so that you can develop and enhance them. We have physiological reactions to all of what we see, or know, or sense in life. The bad or upsetting things cause tensions, chemical and hormonal generation and prepare the body for the expected battle, or activity. These are well known feelings most people can spot if they look closely. Conversely, when someone has a breaktrough insight or reliev, is truly loved, or has a sudden insight, or reaches out to another with love, there are physiological reactions to that as well, learn to spot your own reactions in this regard. These are often indicators that you are on the right track in your search for freedom. ..... you may wish to record which activities produce this result and repeat them often.

Purpose of the drill: Purpose of the drill is to break the habit of seeing only objects, and not the space or context of the object. And to reverse the habitual fixation on objects, or other things, such as thoughts, and bring to ones attention the fact of another place to put ones attention, besides objects, or thoughts, etc..... the gaps between them. With time this gap can widen to transcend the universes.... and one is free.

Activity: Look at the spaces between some objects in the room, look at the shape of the spaces. Do this until you can easily notice the emptiness between objects, and the area the emptiness pervades. Several seconds or minutes

might be sufficient. Noticing _just_ the edges of the objects may help considerably. Expand this drill to include larger and more distant objects. Write down any considerations that come to mind. Drill One (a)) Breaking the ancient habit.

Make a mental image of a ball or other simple object and place it somewhere in the room. describe its size, shape and color etc. end the drill when you can do it easily. Usually takes a minute or less. But practice all you like and practice moving and changing the object.. the faster you do all this the better. Laboring the drill is counter productive. Drill One b Purpose of the Drill: To break the habit of focusing on mental images and learn to place and locate them in space, be cause over them, and able to deal with them without focusing on, or getting involved with them. (for those who cannot make or see a mental picture, see footnote at end of this section.)

Activity: Create a mental picture of a basket ball, gallon of milk, or washing machine and place it somewhere nearby. Next erase the picture. that is done, create another one and place it as you like. When able to do this easily, do the following: 1. Notice the space behind the object. Notice the space in front of the object. Notice the space to the left of the object. Notice the space to the right of the object. Notice the space above the object. Notice the space below the object. Notice the space between yourself and the object, and the space between the object and adjacent objects. Repeat as above, describing each space, the temperature of it, the size of the spaces. (do all this as fast as possible, notice the edges of the objects only.... just absolute outer boundaries of the objects.)


Next: Decide to personally **be in** (occupy) the space between you and the object. If you think you may have done it to any faint extent that's good enough. Decide to personally **be in** (occupy) the space around the object, first above, then to each side, then below the object, and drill that for a bit. Then be in the space that surrounds the object. Then expand that space. Expand it again. Expand it again.. end off when you wish.

Now move to within ten feet of the mental object that you have created. For those who cannot yet create a mental image object, use a solid object in the room. While still sitting the chair. Decide to be farther away from the object (s) than you are now. Farther. Farther. Farther. Until you are so far away you can see the surroundings at distance as well, then farther until you can barely see the building, and farther and farther. Decide to **be in** those spaces as you like. Repeat until you are an expert at getting as far away from a picture or object as you like, and occupying the spaces. Do each aspect of this drill as fast as possible, seconds or miliseconds per step do not grind on until you feel certain you did a stepjust blast on through the drill. Any level of competence is good enough.... even halucinating you did the drill is good enough.. Come in close again and repeat the drill. The idea is to become very good at being in and around solid and mocked up objects, moving around them, and away etc. we test this ability under heavy fire in the later drills. Insights you are able gain in doing this drill will can be very useful when we practice on real live situations in later drills. *We will practice on ones own mental constucts and mastications... and... those of others, remotely sometimes.* _____________________________ Drill One (d) Create a mental image of a beach ball. Locate it in the room or somewhere else that you wish.. While sitting in the chair be closer to the beach ball . Then farther away etc. practice flitting around it at high speed. When any degree of proficiency is reached back away from the image while still sitting in the chair, until you are quite some distance from it, and possibly your body, perhaps several thousand miles. Drill this any way that works, as long as you like.

Application 1: 1a. As you live your life, practice spotting objects and looking for the spaces between them. One is exercising an ability that has OTHER benefits.) 1b. When this becomes second nature in a week or so, start spotting the space between the nodes of sound vibrations, then mental images. If this ever becomes difficult practice for a while on objects then go back to thoughts, mental pictures, and sounds again.(deep resonant sounds are easiest). Spend a few hours of your days noticing these empty spaces (Rajneesh called them 'gaps')

Stick to innocuous thoughts, pictures, sounds at this time. Bothersome material will be addressed as your skill level rises and you discover some of the factors that draw one into unwanted situations.

End drill one when you can easily and almost habitually notice the spaces between all things, material, and mental constructs. If you have trouble with thoughts, locate them first, then spot the edges, then the space between them and yourself or other thoughts. (sometimes its not much). Expand that space by whatever means you like. Do not get involved with any of thousands of preoccupation's that will certainly come up as you are doing this series of drills. I recommend that you 'don't think' as much as possible when doing the drills.


1....For those who cannot make or see a mental image picture. Do the drill with the idea that indeed you have made a mental image picture as per the drill even if you can't make one then decide where in the room you would like the mental image picture to be if indeed you could see or make one. Decide that its there just for the hell of it. Run the drill as though the mental picture actually exists where you put it. If you feel well and good about this tactic, then do it. If not, try some other tactic, feel free to invent one that you think might work. And above all, do not try to do the drill perfectly. There is no perfect way just take a wild stab at it. Its like sex, sometimes a shot in the dark is best. Do not run a drill that does not indicate to you as a good idea. Do not run a drill that doesn't go easy or well. You may reinvent the drill as you like so that it is suitable to you..... the risk in this however is that you will invent a drill that simply grooves in our favorite bad habit and does not leave one defaulted to the gaps between things....

2. For those with advanced abilities, but not yet completely free. these drills as pedantic as they are in the early stages, set the stage, defne the arena for later drills that will demonstrate conclusively to you that what you know, even truth, and especially things like how to drive your car, are a very severe liability as you may be currently related to them....... Those things that you are adamant about, most especially those things you know are true, and actually are true, and that you are defending or advocating or attached to in some way.... are the anchors that bind you to this and all material universes. When you can notice the space between objects, the gaps between the nodes of sounds, then the drill is complete.

Phil Scott


This covers drills 1-9 approximately, and some background. There are about 50 drills total. And any number of leading questions one can ask (I pose these simply to get the person to actually see and state what's directly in front of them.I want the person to acknowledge the obvious . And see whatever situation exists. Usually I deliver these drills personally and can catch any diversions off the rails, such as the person trying to use a drill to run some problem in life, etc.... here I cannot do so, and diversion is generally the rule of the day. Regrettfully I did add some descriptive suggestions.... and very direct remarks about what may be actual phenomena... you should consider these a great liability to your discovery.... it will be to your advantage to discover what you can for yourself .. that was the intent and structure of the original personally coached approach.. Theory: We live life with our attention transfixed onto thoughts and objects we store the mental image pictures and sensations etc . Its a habit born of having to watch where we are walking, pay attention to others, not burn the oatmeal, and originally at the fascination with our own creations. We also react to most of this material we stick on..... it gets to be a habit........ soon we are stuck and chain reactive.... hyper active in some cases. These drills have changed hyperactive children, in the pilot program, from out of control to well behaved and in control of themselves and thier reactions. If the material we have our attention on is heavyf or holds danger.... well then we can really get stuck.. That's the implanter's specialty and the specialty of your exspouse, pain in the ass neighbor, opposition attorney, or mother in law in some cases. Why drills: An example serves best..... we could have a person lift weights, and do reaction time exercises, and ballet moves .....those would develop the skills he or she needs to play FOOT BALL, or survive combat..... or fend off a mugger. Same with these drills......they seem unrelated to the current problem.... but the skills developed are directly effective in resolution of the problem. The breaking of a habit, cuts loose all that's attached to it countless things one never sees but life changes. Drill 2 Mock up a simple thought and put it inside the beach ball. Get good at noticing the differences between the mocked up beach ball, and the thought that your created .... such as 'cookies'... and placed inside the beach ball....'feel' these with your 'fingers'....

Then take the thought out of the beach ball and stick it on the ceiling............ reach out and feel the thought...... touch it..... notice its EDGES.....differentiate the thought from the object mock up.notice the differences in its edges and boundary. Notice 10 different -physical things- about the thought, how warm or cold is it, how smooth or rough does it feel Notice this was a thought that you causatively mocked up and then placed exterior to yourself

when you can do that with thoughts that you habitually or unwillingly generate, or thoughts developed in reaction to others and alloyed with them.. then, you can be exterior to what troubles or limits your freedom..

This skill of differentiation is important in being completely exterior. Lacking this skill, one just drags his mental baggage along, and has a rather occluded experience. (The chapter Island of the Tonal, in Castaneda's book Tales of Power, is a spectacular application of this tactic. a Yacqui indian medicine man tactic, used to escape the conquering Spaniards.. it has been developed to absolutely incredible levels.)

Now for an hour or so, practice noticing the spaces, tiny or large, between the simple thought and the object you mocked up earlier....... practice at various distanced up to million miles or so and down to feet or meters. As you get good at it, BE in those spaces......... being careful to notice the JUST the edges of the of the object and of the thought involved. Drill 3 Go out on the street and direct 'insistently curious' beams at a person, from behind, while focusing your attention on the back of the persons head, from various distances, up to 100 yards or so, see if the person turns around to get catch a glance at you. If you don't get a result take a friend with you, and try it togehter on a person walking ahead.. that's a 150 lb chunk of body, plus being, you are affecting, what do you think the effectiveness is on a simple mental picture? Notice the difference between the reaction time of children and adults. ( an LRH development as best I can tell).

Recreate the beach ball mock up and a simple thought mockup. Direct energy beams at the mock ups. The kind you use when you are mad at someone is one class of beam, get the idea that you can narrow the beam down and focus it on a target. Blow holes in the mock ups with the energy beams. Look at all the different sorts of beams you can produce, and what effects they have when used on your mocked up beach ball.

Have some fun with this, invent a whole range of drills then practice

blowing apart some of your medium level traumatic incidents. In doing so you will discover literally hundreds of phenomena involved in your relationships with your creations. Good luck., you could spend a year or more in this discovery. If you can't seem to get a grip on where an energy field is located and its one that's currently bothering you, or an ongoing situation you are probably inside it its surrounding you, and its wherever you look seems to occupy your entire universe. There are many ways to get exterior to it. Use one, or invent one.

You can simply decide to be at a vast distance away, then blow it apart. If that doesn't work you can spot an edge or boundary of it from the inside and then move to and thru that boundary very quickly and you will find yourself outside of it..then move quickly away. .... or you can try just expanding beyond its limits..... when you can notice its shape and see its edges you are outside it.... move farther way.... do not think the the thoughts of the energy field at this time.... it may put you back into an interiorized relationship with it. When you get far away again. Then destroy the field with beams. You may wish to recreate it then destroy it many times, then enter and leave it many times finally you may wish to recreate the field and from a distance pull thoughts out of it, if you are curios in that way.. the validity of this technique will be verified, or not verified, by the caliber and accuracy , and value of the insights you gain and liberation from previously painful or limiting concerns.

This drill is complete when you can create and destroy mental pictures and thoughts. The idea is to develop a way to obliterate massive scale mental debris at will, without having to get immersed in and involved with it Much of what surrounds a being is too thin to identify in words or concept. The turmoil, sludge, and background noise of the universe one might say.... a background energy field that may go to the distant limits of your universe.

Drill 4 Purpose: To demonstrate what it is that gets one stuck in his miserable thoughts and traumatic relationships. And the liabilities of that.

Activity: Spot some completely minor and now resolved incident in the past, something that's been handled a petty issue, that you feel fine, even happy about today. Good. Now _locate_ the energy field that it consisted of where is it in relationship to your body or the room etc... notice the edges of that field, its boundary..

If you can do this, immediately move several hundred thousand miles away from it. And now look at it again from that distance. Quickly notice the space between your distant point of view and the energy field. Now move even farther away. Keep moving away quickly until you can barely see the energy field. Are you outside the energy field.? Now think of the incident again, the hassle you had at the notice where you are in relationship to the energy field. Are you back inside it.... obsessed with those issues and questions again? If you are not inside the energy field, choose an incident traumatic enough that you find yourself inside it, notice that it was thinking one of the thoughts in the energy field that drew you into it. Use drill 3 to extricate yourself. Note: I consider the above drills done without coaching to be quite a feat.very difficult, and prone to many pitfalls and error. I have decided to release these drills however, and compensate for my inability to coach the reader by writing what I have observed about the structure of the situation.. one is better off discovering this for himself. But not all have that opportunity. I must apologize or feeding you my observations. Please do not take them as truth. What you discover personally, and 'see' is what counts. Drill 5 This drill consists of 2 leading questions and an essay "As you go through life and think thoughts, what might be some of the liabilities of that?" How severe could this get? Write an essay on what you noticed and what the the solutions to any problems might be.. Drill 6 This drill consists of 4 leading questions and an essay. "Do you think thoughts when you glance at objects or mental recordings?" Do you have a memory of what you glance at? Are these permanently stored by you? Are any of these thoughts related in any conceivable way to fixed locations? Write an essay that addresses at least 5 areas of possible liability to a being.

Drill 7

"Can you go to a location, say a hospital or a skid row bar, and pick up any feelings there?" Are any energy fields connected to those? Can you spot any thoughts or considerations?

Write an essay that addresses any possible accumulating negative effects of these involvement's, that are NOT related to the specific nature of the thoughts, but just to the fact of them.... the energy field itself.

Drill 8 Repeat drills one through 7, very quickly, several times through until you are fluent at it and have a nice stack of essays. Then tell me rhetorically, are there any liabilities connected with the habit of valuing data, and recordings and hanging onto it, and using or valuing or looking at these recorded data? Drill 9 Spot your data base on how to drive a car. Notice its value. Now get it all defined and located now obliterate it.. Let any fragments go. Just figure you will drive your car by ad lib in the future..

Now. let go of your data base and considerations of the opposite sex. Just let it all go. Waste it. Become an idiot again on these subjects.. just let it all go, decide not to use it again. Let your data base on how to make money go... oblitrate it, waste it.... declare it ,merely cluge in the universe.... Now go out to a restaurant in your car, and notice if anything in your life and relationships with others has changed. Footnote #1 This remark is a total speculation on my part. If you cannot make or see a mental image picture of a beach ball, do the drill using a substitute object in the room do the drill using that object as the mock up. Then repeat the drill after removing the object from the room and putting it away in a closet but do the drill as though the object were still in the room. When it comes to -being- at a distance, just get the idea that you are at some distant place, and notice the distance as best you can between the place and the object in the room...... do not labor this activity.... halucinate it if you like, or just make up that you are doing the drill... going thru the motions alone may be sufficient If this goes instantly easily and well for you, fine. If not, cease the drill immediately. Its my view that workable approaches work right away.... slightly wrong approaches work after some effort sometimes.... and wrong approaches simply cause problems. If you do persist. with no discomfort, continue until you can do the drill fluently. Then remove the object from the room and then recall it having been in the spot it was in.. Do this until you can have such a recall. Repeat the drill using a mocked up beach ball.

Let me know if any of these drills are of interest. If so I will write up the stage two drills, dealing with the fatal predilection that drives

mankind to ruin, alcohol, fast women.... easy money, sin, drugs, sex and cigarettes ( you have several clues already, also the sharks and dolphins don't have the problem. What is it with mankind?) Phil Scott This article and the rest in the series copyrighted 1993,1994,1995,1996 permission granted to copy and distribute in full, with headers and credits, for non commercial use only.

IT'S A TWO POLE UNIVERSE (revision two) By Philip Scott USA Copyright 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 permission granted for non comercial use, copying and distribution as long as the article is distributed in full, with all headers and footers. Email address is

Summary It seems that a being has a tendency to BE WHERE IT PLACES ITS THOUGHTS..... thats perhaps the KEY premise here..... That can be proven or observed in various ways, we may or may not get into that later... Do not skip over this premise..... understand this before you go on. You are being in the room just now, when you think of the last time you ate out.... to one extent or another, you return to that space... A person has a choice..... he or she can aglomerrate with their possessions, and prideful thoughts.... into a seething mass of hard core and assertive and possessive personality... that's one choice. And will find himself or herself being attached.... and actually located in the space with these ojects... fun hu?

Or...... a person can not be to proud of what he thinks, or has, and lets things go freely.... and guess what, that person is not as tighly bound to the turmoils of life. We all know these sorts of people. We are ourselves these sorts of people... both at the same time, some more grasping than others, some more willing let go than others.

This article concerns the end game of travel to each end of those two tendencies, letting go, or grasping. These at the limits, form the nature of the Universe we live in.... there is the condensed end, to the limit of the black hole, and the open end, space, to use a favorite and sometimes terrifying term, the Void.

VOID, space, freedom >>> solidity, alloyed with ones posessions etc CONDENSED

We have these two poles then. Now you get to guess which pole is conducive to Life and Freedom and Grace, and Love, and Power, and which is conducive to our miserable human condition. This article is about the many aspects of that decision, the most vital issue is WHICH DIRECTION IS ONE TENDING TO ON THIS SCALE. As humans we operate mid range, but our PREDILECTION in this matter of DIRECTION is what determines our freedom or our entrapment.... the direction alone. is what either liberates us, or sets us free. This is the subject of the world's spiritual traditions, we will be looking at the raw physics of it here in this article and in the attached drills. Part one. The key to our wanting to have and hold to our prison.

Why did Hubbard use the term 'terminal' to indicate individuals? The term, 'terminal' implies a connection to a larger whole or network. He used the term because we have the option of being part of one of two basic larger 'intention universes', at the ultimate limits. ( there are many intermim universes possible). An attachment to the spiritual universe, and/or, the material universe.

A person's viewpoint, goals and targets however, are an entirely different matter. One is either viewing life from the Void as senior viewpoint -and location- or material universe as senior viewpoint and location. I suggest we use one of my favorite engineering systems analysiss tactics here, that of exageration to make the issues more obvious. Accordingly then, one could choose to view life from a POSITION assumed in the VOID, or with ones Spiritual Origins, or could choose to to view life from a postion of over valuing a vault full of cash, holding that these material goods were senior to Life. In this latter position, one finds himself sacrificing Life for material goods, a very common situation, you will have to be the judge of the long term viability and liabilities of that predilection.

The choice of which viewpoint you hold as a priority is Yours. In my experience this differentiation of 'priority viewpoint and location', is what I have come to earth to learn, in all of its nuances. I came to understand the traps and liabilitiess of holding a 'mest universe as senior' viewpoint, and to discover the mechanics of that trap made eternal by ones own priority and habit system.

The Void: One is a 'terminal' on the dynamics system of Life, one can reach a point of 'seeing' or at least visualizing these relative positions, God, supreme Being, Infinity, etc. pervasive static, the Void....with the

Life intention and looking from there, quite knowingly, and able to move at will in, around and through any material, thought or whatever without liability and at cause.

The Material: Or one is focused on, inside of, contained, by and effect of the creations of others, the material universe, reactively. The latter is the prevalent condition. The priorities founded in either universe are the difference between night and day, freedom and enslavement, creativity and destruction . Hubbard had defined them very well in his charts and descriptions and in "Science of Survival". Jesus described them brilliantly as well. Hubbard stopped his address at the shallower levels of the spiritual dynamic however, leaving in place the darkly rooted concept that the individuated individual could be supreme. An being can be sovereign, but supremacy above all else is an halucination. In retrospect it seems that Hubbards view was somewhat occluded by his heavy involvement with one Aliester Crowley, satanist and black magician.

Few however have managed to do the 180 degree about face turn, brought on by a ruthless pursuit of truth that plants one squarely in and,face to face with void. This is a stunning personal experience, that will leave you breathless with wonder, and not at all what one expects from his experience alloyed with the material world. My work has led me to search out not just the substructures involved, but the stucture, the basics of the mechanics of entrapment.

The abstract cores. These are similar to what we call basic algorithms in systems logic, but in fact are vastly more delicate and poweful than one can hope to realize until one actually ' sees' them. ... it's taken me 20 years to grasp just some of the key nuances of Don Juans teaching.... tied to the use of very specific terms.... that prove in the end, after one has discovered them himself to be immaculately conceived. One can discover these structures, and the mechanics humans use that keep us duplicating these structures tightly around us, and lock us into the ' material is senior' viewpoint and LOCATION. Knowing that the material universe is not senior, is not the solution, its like an alcoholic knowing alchohol is bad for him, that alone will not help, he needs a realignment of his priority system to break the bond. For that he needs to 'see' the structure.... and in seeing it realizes then the full impact of the liability of his choices.........THAT changes a persons predilections.

Addiction to the material:

The average human is in a similar position regarding an addiction to focusing on, and sensing, his material surroundings Including most importantly the thoughts he has and holds so dear. . The solution lies in a realignment of our priority system and in breaking the habits that stick us there, -not- in perpetual involvement in tweaking the details of of our day to day problems and turmoil. It's not the attempt at coping with ones problems, its the obsession we get with them via all sorts of religions and practices, its sticking there that poses the fatal liability ... I'd say after 15 million hours of trying processes practices and dogma one might be well advised to look for these more basic structures and spring the trap by direct observation of it. Thats the focus of these drills. . The issue is not incidents, just ones decisions, and they are quite mundane decisions, made perhaps 10 million times a day for possibly billions of years ... one is -not- going to -run- them out. One can spot the error however and learn of the 2 pole universe, investigate its various manifestations.

God. The Primary error I've seen on these lines is the almost totally pervasive view in some quarters that one -is- God himself in some way or component. And its true, one is pervaded by the original entity, part of it.... but surely not the totality of the original entity oneself. What is not generally realized, or achieved in my view, is that one can adopt the Original entity's space and viewpoint, and one can pervade the universe in that viewpoint. If one looks then for the predilection of that view point, and looks from there.... then and only then does the Error of Man become fully evident in the context we have been discussing. There is a wider influence; one does not personally define the orignal entities intention for the entire universe and its 800 quintillion inhabitants and zillions and zillions of insects and molecules. One therefore must be in alignment with a wider power than oneself. Subservience is required....not an egotistical mans greatest strength.

The way one achieves this alignment is all important. The individual, from his viewpoint and bad habits of 'being in the material' will not see one trillionth of the Original Entities broad spectrum life force intention He might be able to see some of his own, early on, but thats it. If one attempts to define, confine, describe or behave as -he- sees fit, without communion with the pervasive life intention in the universe, God, or the Original Entity, he will be acting -in his own self interest- and about 99.99% opposed to the balance of Life in the universe (on- going overt acts) ... followed by denial and ridicule of a supreme being or pervasive, external to oneself, Life force..... the denial you see is an insanity, unless one thinks we do not live of course, and are but some sort of automaton.

In this case one will be in connection with, and influenced by the created-, not the Origin Entity and ones own creation, and (same) creator within-. This untoward material influence, and this lust for things, thoughts and other solid objects, sensations, etc. assures his containment and unhappiness with his effect position. The more a person is stuck in the material universe focus and priority, the crazier a free spiritual universe priority seems, if it is real at all. These people can be seen in ridicule of any spiritual source or Origin, and focused on the human aberrations to support their invalidative views.

Ways out There are several easy to implement doors out of this situation. They open direcly onto the 'void' (as I experience it). From this pervasiveness, one is free and uninfluenceable at will, and understands then, at that point the countless nuances of the trap he was in, and the futility of handling the symptoms, not the cause, of the situation. It becomes absolutely crystal clear. Prior to that, one is tending to rationalize his predicament, many times in my experience, at the expense of anyone attempting to lend him a hand, and with tremendous and turbulent energy. The techniques available for pervading the void at will are covered fragmentally in these references, as one discovers them, culls and align them, one then is able to appreciate -his own discovery-, and that can be my gift to you, keeping silent past this point. This discovery is, in my way of thinking, is the most breathlessly exciting, harrowing, wonderful, terrifying, and powerful experience in the universe. ... I can't degrade it by saying I can give it to you. I most assuredly cannot. It is the courageous seekers reward, and he alone will travel the road, and suffer the travail and attain the goal, and know the peace, and 'see' for himself or herself. This is the reward of the warrior and its fully on the warriors path and winds high and narrow. There is a requisite beingness and mental set. The issue for you might be, do you want a trick to key out on, or permanent, and personally at cause, liberation, grace and 'power'. The power one gains in alignment with Life is not the ego priority power we have all been sold by the culture. Such power is not the bluster and noise that sometimes come to mind this power is silent..

One generally is stuck to the ego oriented power trip, we are so weak when we are not operating from the void, that we think we must hang onto, and defend, our individual individuated power, even if lying and distortions are involved. These last, are the long stainless steel screws we put in our coffins, the path to our freedom is on a base of truth, and the absolute courage required to implement it. Lacking that, there is no path and not the faintest glimmer of our ultimate freedom. A few drills: Very briefly the group is drilled on isolating objects by various means, then noticing the nothingness between the objects.

The group is drilled exhaustively on viewing these spaces, then being in the spaces, then moving away, then vastly away, then viewing from all sides at once ... etc. etc., to knowingness and ability in the area. This is escalated gradually to include mocked up or visualized objects, then thoughts, then differentiating these in innocuous situations. With these skills developed, progressively more troublesome situations are addressed. The gradient is increased gradually to severe past trauma, and after the individuals in the group cognite on structure, present time trauma and real time situations are handled. This is a byproduct. However, the real valuable final products are: 1. A way to become cause in an area and 2. Breaking the habit that is at the base of ones chronically 'at effect' condition. Successful coaching requires ones personal cabability and experience in the area and the ability to sense rightness and bring the person you are working with to a win. The -habit- of focusing on objects, thought, etc., is broken. The error is realized. The mechanics of contraction are realized. The requirement of a causitive situation are realized.

Additions to Book list in part 2 "People of the Lie" by M Scott Peck, PhD. Any book store. Terrifying insight into the face of the dark side. An understsanding of material universe physics, particularly those relating to gravitic attraction and as related to harmonic interaction is a vital key to understanding spiritual universe physics. I hesitate to mention authors in this area because of the strictly material universe viewpoints presented, it can be a liablity

Drill #10 Go out in public, and spot someone who seems to have the predilection to let go of things, a non grasping personality. Spot 20 more such people..... Note the ages, and physical condition. Go out in the public, and spot someone who seems to have a grasping, proud, or arrogant personality. Spot 10 more such people... Note the ages, and physical condition

Drill #11 Write an essay about the future and expectations you have for those with the non grasping, or free sort of personality, address the issues listed below. Drill #12

Write an essay about the future and expectations you have for those with the grasping, or proud personaliities. address the issues listed below. * How will their family life be.... especially as they age?. * How will their health be... especially as they age?. * How will they do in thier career? * What will be thier sexual predilections in general terms? * How will they relate to the Original Being, the creator? * How will they relate to others, their children, parents or neighbors? * What will happen to after they die do you suppose?

#7 Beyond the Black Magicians, Gravity and the 2 Pole Universe By Phil Scott , USA Rev. 1 First Copyright 1993, permission granted for copy and publication for non commercial purposes, provided the article is published in its entirety with Title block footers and headers

This article is incorporated into "Beyond the Black Magicians, a series of drills" with other previously published, and new work. This piece was first published by IVy Magazine (Denmark) in 1993. and is edited for inclusion in the series I thank the publisher, Anthony, for archive this piece I had not been saving any of it. DISCLAIMER; The work in this series is not intended to displace or supplant any other technology, practice or process. Indeed I've found certain of these to one degree or another a vital contribution to my own transcendence. This is just an insight. and set of tools that I have found useful in understanding what might be going on in ones own, and the physical universe(s).

Gravity came up early on as something that seemed to have liabilities beyond the physical manifestation. This wasn't of course the totally right item, but has come to the front lately as one of the prime physical mechanisms of spiritual entrapment in my view. This article is an attempt to summarize some of my work in this area, developing processes etc. this article is not more than a 5% overview of what I see as some of the key structural factors. I've used the most obvious terms possible in order, hopefully, to point up the grand scheme as I see it. Particle physics terms, and the almost suppressive debate issues, fueled by those faced into the material universe, will be avoided entirely. (Hubbards advice that material universe physics closely parallel spiritual universe physics, in most but not all respects, is a key strand in the golden rope that one can use to align other data, to gain workable solutions.)

Observations: First a few observations that you may take or leave: Masses tend to do one, sometimes all of the following: Coagulate, cluster together, attract one another, become collectively denser. There are several mechanisms; one is gravity, which I think might be an interaction of resonant frequencies emanating from objects in direct proportion to their mass. The harmonics tending to stabilize of course.

Examples might be clouds, notice the edges are defined. If there were no gravitational or other attractive forces in play, the edges would be totally diffuse, even in still air. Planets, galaxies and black holes are other examples. Its' old data. Einstein's extrapolation of light (photons) being affected by mass gravity is another. The black hole is a pole in the two pole physical universe, and possibly a factor in the spiritual universe. Einstein's predictions are now further born out by the observation of light being affected by large objects in space, we see that light from a point source follows a curved path as it passes the various gravitational fields. Indeed the envelope of this material universe imparts a completely curved path, circular in the final analysis. The point I am making here is the tiniest of sub atomic particles including photons are AFFECTED BY GRAVITY. Later articles in the series will address other variables, static charge etc. as they affect particle behavior.

(Definition: Black hole. A manifestation of the universe wherein matter has aglomerated to such an extent that its gravitational field is strong enough to attract photons and of course then no photons (light) escapes. These become dense beyond our wildest imagination.... a cubic inch of such material weighing millions of tons. These are what astrophysicists call black holes.) As an engineer I use the process of 'extrapolation' in addressing systems design, failure mode analysis, and life cycle issues. This involves extending a visible process to its unseen extent. Condensing my observations to a sentence; it might be possible that other fields and forces, thought, postulates, mental mass etc are affected and behave similarly. Mental mass attracts mental mass, and then an agglomeration, and the agglomeration is not handleable because it is too random for any linear process to unravel. For an extended definition of terms see the earlier articles in the series. Mental mass is understood to mean that field of energy one feels when upset or preoccupied with serious problems... an accumulation of thought fields that can be detected in any number of ways with electrical instruments (not required in this drills series).


A few experiments: If it is true that thought and masses generated by a person can collect in one's space, and additionally, attract thought and other mass from the environment, it would be true that a person was quite solidly massed in, and easily restimulated, onto not only resonant chains (groups) of his own past generated thought -but- restimulated onto those in the area as well - a person could even scavenge mass from the environment, and form a sea of suspended energy (mass) (ridges) around himself. A good example is the energy field that surrounds some people, it actually causes others to avoid them, or the opposite. Most of us can recall feeling another persons eyes on us... these are the impingement of these sorts of fields. Its a real phenomena. US Naval Intelligence has been studying these and other such issues nearly 50 years, the most famous of these semi secret studies has been the SRI Remote viewing experiments at Stanford University, supposedly ended in 1976, but seen still in progress in 1981, and reported on American television to be continuing as late as the spring of 1996. In my case, after some consideration I decided to take a look into my own space for this accumulation of more or less random mass. The situation revealed itself in layers, described below. A. My experience was that at first I could only see large nonnondescript dark areas usually related in some way to, or restimulated by, some current scene. These were easily identifiable as 'upset' or extreme upset areas (in 1982 before I had resolved my own issues). I thought that one might be able to simply disrupt the mass. I eventually discovered many ways to do so. The key thing I found was once one starts to disrupt (scrub out or disintegrate) a mass, one must continue until it is completely, 100%, gone. Any remnant will act as a seed for it to regenerate, sometimes in seconds. On easy masses, one can mock up an eraser or scrubber and scrub it over the mass until its' gone, if it regenerates behind the scrubber, work faster. If it won't scrub, try piercing it with beams*, if it is resistant to wide beams, try narrower beams, really solid stuff responds to softening up with needle thin beams (by millions) then "scrubbing". One is simply breaking up the energy field with a mocked up mass in motion (the eraser) or disrupting it with beams.

B. After several months I had eliminated all of the masses to my great relief, and began wondering if that's all there was to life. There was more. I found less dense masses to handle, these not related to any trauma, just masses of solidified energy of all types and stripes. (A good reference here is the _ Turning Point_ a book by F Capra Physicist. He discusses the extensive experiments dealing with the nature of sub atomic particles and their tendency to demonstrate mass particle characteristics when _observed_, and wave characteristics when not observed. This is in my view the node point of solid

particle formation, ones attention flow imparts a spin to the wave 'particle' causing it to individuate from the flow it was part of.... this rotation generates an interference field that is now locateable as a 'solid' particle. It is seen then in my experience that ones attention / intention can thus generate a static mass energy field in this fashion. Months of this scanning revealed a limitless supply and progressive freedom as these fields were handled, but no end was in sight.

C. A person can postulate the limit of the mass field. Then one simply sweeps around, in defined areas with beams projected to that limit. Sometimes on resistant masses or areas, one can force a beam through the mass, to its limit, and after, it is softened up repeatedly in that manner, one can sweep the area systematically with the beam. One can get quite fast at this and clean out large areas very quickly, one can even hone in on the area of another person and sweep it clean. There are a number of drills that a person could devise to demonstrate this, you can surely think of one, I will not be promoting devious behavior in this article though. A clean space is possible. The buffers are gone, however. It was all very interesting, and quite a relief, but I had no more game and it didn't particularly add to my abilities. And as I found out later it also didn't handle one's own internally generated postulates. (Idenics processing in 1991 handled those, Aurora Colorado. ) I'm giving this to you as a demonstration of theory and possibly a way to handle some otherwise resistant 'stuff', that's all.

A vital target To me understanding, visualization, "seeing" of the structure of entrapment is the senior issue. Case gain, skills, or abilities without this structural understanding is useless long term, such gain without understanding may eventually drive one to quit trying to understand.

A fatal linkage Currently it seems that there is an "intention" connected with everything. And one of the prime intentions a person has (and possibly mass has) is "to do what its' doing". Maybe in the case of matter we should not call it intention, but we could call it the established mode of operation, the structural predilections. In the case of gravity, effective beyond the visible physical bounds of the mass, and very importantly, effective on fields and energy we have previously considered "massless'.

One does not have to be a rocket scientist to see the implications. If a being makes the error of identifying itself with its thoughts and consideration there might possibly be serious consequences... this drill series exists to demonstrate those consequences.

I wish to emphasize the following key point: It further appears that a person can adopt any attention, or copy any flow, or assume any set of priorities. As one becomes attached to matter, objects, bodies, thought, one by default adopts the intention of that pole of the universe and is drawn along those lines to increasing mental mass, and in the end to masses and agglomeration to that dark terminal. We humans serving the dark forces (99%+ or so) are readily identifiable by our operating basis, goals, activities and intentions. The dark side knows no limits, it is indeed the pit described by Jesus of Nazareth. EE Doc Smith's (The Lensman Series) Edorians are more than a slightly interesting analogy. One notices the polar relationship of the sensual seeking at one end of the spectrum and the discoverer at the other, a key point of distinction throughout the various shades of gray one is faced with in life. I won't go on at length but a full description of the Edorians by Doc is enough to keep one awake at night.... a very gruesome situation with parallels in ones daily living experience. (see part 1a of this series for a recommended reading list.) Certain sources of light are a flow emanating from only slightly less dense than black hole sources. Valuing this light, is a worship of its material source with those liabilities. We have the wand and crystal folks entering here, confusing sometimes this light with life and other love and brightness. The focus is on or through these trinkets, the seemingly innocuous early path to the dark pole of this universe. The valuation and predilection is on having an object you see, a predilection toward aglomeration. The original fatal mistake was in simply assuming a viewpoint. Fortunately, once in the void, it is instantly reversible. Assuming a viewpoint is a contraction FROM the prior situation of limitless pervasive occupation of the universe. True love, like an exit to the void, is a silent all consuming rumble, one's mate has permeated the infinite void, the celebration is swift, silent, and eternal - an exclusive focus on the body, thought components have serious liabilities however.

Stepping through the slit in the curtain One can read somewhere in Carlos Castaneda's book "Tales of Power", I think, the account of Carlos sitting at a table in a cafe in a small Mexican town. Don Juan was guiding Carlos to the unexplainable (unbeknownst to Carlos), the opposite, infinite 'other' pole of the universe.

I won't disservice you summarizing Don Juan tactics here, or Carlos' responses, I will provide an outline to enable you to recognize the section. Don Juan was leading Carlos in abstract form (for the 1000th time) to differentiate between the Tonal or the Nagual - "Is the napkin of the Tonal or the Nogual' he would ask... and on and on like that ", is your thought that the room is hot of the Tonal or the Nagual" etc.. exhaustively. Both Carlos and I left the universe of man, of planets, of considerations, and of thoughts - I've not been quite the same since, for 2 or 3 days I was almost unable to speak, it seemed totally ludicrous to even think of doing so.

Only L-12 compared The Nagual is truly indescribable. Since then, 1978, I've found other, faster ways to the Nagual, but none as breathtakingly complete as the tactics of Don Juan Matus's use of terror, mystery, trail markers, and trickery. My earlier reference, _Psychology of the Esoteric_ by Bagwann Shree Rajneesh, details what I call "straight to the void" tactics quite effective, but with only oneself and the "world's" guidelines for alignment, not much of a victory. From a structural viewpoint however, aligned to the Original and still pervasive One, the data is priceless. Release to the void is the mirror image of the power one has sought in the material universe. The exact oposite in other words. The usual goals a man counterveil progress to the void. Maybe that will help clarify what I mean by saying that Life, the void, and the infinite are found 180 degrees away from our habituated operating basis, grooved in viewpoints and concerns with ourselves, happenings, thoughts, processes and ideas. (These issues are addressed with drills later in the series... previous drills bear pointedly and directly on the the issues raised here also.)

Summarizing: There are liabilities in concerning oneself with his, or anyone else's case, processes etc., without an understanding of structure to the point of resolution. That's what I've tried to touch on here. Obsession with any subject, or attachment to any thing, thought etc., faces one away from freedom and toward the dark pole ... from there its' usually a matter of time until the terminals snap together. In Castaneda's Journey to Ixtlan we had the procession of people, going in one direction almost exclusively, and the lone warrior in the opposite direction - its profitable to consider, just who exactly were the black magicians?

Phil Scott

Beyond the Black Magicians,#8 a series of drills Phil. Scott 12/25/96 Copyright 1996, 1997 permission granted for non commercial use, copy and publication provided that the article is published in its entirely with all footers and headers. THE SURE FIRE PATH TO INSANITY A well established, but poorly mapped, route.

This piece will address the issue of intellectual insanity as differentiated from various sorts of psychosis etc. This situation has a serious negative effect on human survival, mostly from those who are supposed to know better, or are trying to sell us something, an item or an idea or consideration. Its most rampant in the areas of intellectual pursuit, I notice it pervasively in the engineering business. There are other areas as well, any area where thoughts and considerations are at issue. Perhaps the senior cover mechanism is for the erroneous one to behave with suitable reserve and linguistic eloquence. He is then mistaken for a rational person. A $500 suit helps a lot too. Neat trick, and it works very well, except in the hard disciplines. If the rocket explodes on the launch pad, because some politically motivated criminal ignores sound engineering advice, or a carpenter saws a notch in his leg, the error often becomes more obvious.

There is a higher gradient of insanity, where we rationalize the cause of the rocket exploding, or blame the notch in our leg on microwaves from unseen space craft hovering just above cloud cover, at 96,120 feet, in class D mother ships, from the planet Huron in the nebula Octus 19. This is NOT progress. Intellectual pursuit often has no such testing ground. we see the most insane unverifiable, even disprove concepts flourish. Areas where the proof of a theory may take half a century as in the political arena, or spiritual areas. This is where the results are often the most subjective, and where we see the most damage. Over 50 million people died in world war II on the basis of such political and spiritual error. The third Reich was founded on the same core set of satanic beliefs that found much new age religion today, that the individuated individual can be supreme, and can determine the greatest good, and therefore justify his means to that end... we have seen the same philosophy in other quarters as well, with the same roots if one cares to look. Intellectual insanity only occurs when one asserts as the absolute truth, an inactuallity. This does not preclude the functional use of postulated, relative or assumed truth. The operation on such basis is quite common in most areas of life, we really have not much other choice. Its when we _assert_ our current view on any subject as anything but the current level of functional

error, that we begin the long dignified walk off the gang plank in full salute. This dignity and pride of attainment is at the core of our often regrettable cultural and personal condition. Humility works much better, it doesn't do much for sales in all cases, but it is the core of sanity and a few other highly desirable human traits. The more subtle foundations of error. The use of words to define a limitless reality tends to cast that reality into the limited framework of words. And that is fine. One needs to convey what he understands to others, and language is about all we have in many cases. Direct observation is not always possible. The problem occurs when a person subsequently asserts that his description is more than a faulty thumb nail sketch of the real issues, and only a tiny fragment of these at best. The person is now asserting an inactuality. There is little problem when the person asserts that there is gasoline in his cars gas tank. There is a much bigger problem when one asserts that faulty steel is OK for use in a bridge, or on a spiritual level asserts that whatever turns one on is just fine spiritually, and that there are no negative consequences. The adoption of these inactualities as truth can be fatal to say the least. As one does this, he himself becomes inactualized. You see that? He has identified with, and is maintaining, a circumstance of which he is an integral part, that is NOT the actual situation.

As one asserts this inactuality from his assumed beingness, one is then adrift from rational thought. In many cases he cannot be proven in error. He might say that the O rings on the shuttle booster rockets show an unacceptable increase in rigidity below 40 degrees F, but we are not sure what happens below 20 degrees! (it actually happened folks) ... and so he launches the rocket and 7 good people die, all because of his intellectual insanity. ( figures are an estimate).

As damage to others results from such willfully enforced insanity, we have what has been called 'criminal insanity' to describe the situation. As those who tried to prevent the launch spoke up they were ostracized from the aerospace industry and even their local community of Provo Utah.... we have now a cultural insanity, the willful ignore-ance of actuality. This is the liability of basing ones assertions on what others do. and not observable facts... entire cultures decay on this basis of agreed on inactuallity.

Some, as we have seen, will assert or believe that recall from 50 million years ago is 100% complete and utterly accurate and describe it in most elaborate and convincing detail, and then lead others to gradiently accept this shift to inactuallity. The victims of such can now can be led to believe almost anything, and have been set adrift from a base of actuality. The new actuallity becomes whatever the person can dream up or hear that supports his hallucination.

On has then on hand, the very rational looking, conservative, well spoken intellectually insane person. Few of us ever begin to escape this end, as we hang onto our thoughts, and considerations for dear life, almost always asserting they are the 100% accurate steaming hot data.... they seldom are. The sure fire solution to insanity. Humility, decent behavior despite provocation to the contrary, and intelligent observation on an ever increasing scope. Now who said that? Was it LaoTsu? Jesus? Buddha? or has it been said by wise men through the ages. The aspect of humility limits the tendency to hang onto and justify ones thought.

Its useful to notice the hallmarks of these behaviors. The truly sane person is not under some stress of maintaining the inactual, nor defending anything.. or trying to reach some arbitrarily defined impossible goal on some impossible program, nor is he selling such a program in his daily life or political or spiritual arena. The person is just being, and looking, and learning in this open framework that he is not overly proud of, so he modifies it as he goes along. We all know and have met these sorts of people, and many of us are this way in many areas of our lives. I've noticed in the engineering business and in the spiritual arena, often when a person writes his view down, he then has to defend it, and engineer because the system is built on the basis of his work and others because their credibility is at stake. One sees more than the usual percentage of intellectual insanity in these areas. I recommend one take a more flexible position. Drill. #14. Begin by spotting something you are assertive and adamant about, and are sure of your correctness in. Repeat the drill with different items or issues until you have a major realization about Life, the value of truth, and the mechanical aspects of your freedom as a being. The person in defense of an untenable inactual position is not himself, there is a tension, and one sees it in his almost constant defensive posture and hard words, a lack of grace. When you see this in yourself, ask :

"How sure am I that my position is 100% correct, true and just, in this or another circumstance?" "How might something else be true" "In what context is this true/" "In what context is this less than true" "On a scale of absolutes how important is this issue?" "What happens if I let go of this entire range of concepts ... completely?" Decide to let go of that entire package of considerations let it all go completely.

If it doesn't go, spot the entire concept package, define its extent and shape, get a considerable distance from it, and obliterate it by any means you like. ( Remember if this thought package is something that you really value for better or worse, you can always mock it back up later but for now, just lets try obliterating it.) Repeat until you feel good about obliterating various packages of considerations, especially considerations that you feel are vital to your survival.

Drill #15 List out whatever liabilities you see to holding onto and asserting any thought or concept. Even such material as how to drive your car, try spotting, then obliterating these packages of considerations.

you will have eliminated at least one major source of insanity and entrapment.

Drill #16 After a few days or weeks of doing drill #15, notice if people treat you any differently, and what if any changes have occurred in that area. As you go through life, look at the people you run into, eye to eye, and in the first second of contact let all of your thought packages about them golet all of your other thought packages go. Don't suppress any tendency to have a wide grin. Observe what happens in your life, and the lives of those around you.

Phil Scott #9 Beyond the Black Magicians, a series of drills Life and energy are source points, not dispersions. Phil. Scott 12/26/96 Copyright 1996, 1997 permission granted to publish or distribute for non commercial purposes only, and with all headers and footers, complete and unedited.

Transcending the Aesthetic Band, focus is the key. Appreciating aesthetics is one of my most joyous activities in life, few of us however are up to creating powerfully on that level a transcendence of being effect. These following drills are intended to encourage a transcendence of this level to the higher plane of deliberate and powerful creation and Life.

Drill #17 One can do this drill with whatever one finds both moving, expansive, and powerful. A certain song a certain painting, or a certain concerto. Or ones favorite figure skater in dance, or even a motorcycle race on the mile oval, with the thundering engines, smells of nitro methane and caster oil, and the ballet of finely artistic moves and sudden risk taken to the limit and far far beyond. I prefer for the purposes of this drill something with discrete movements, and sudden changes in nuance and drama. Today as I was getting a haircut a song came on the radio, I forget the exact title, its by the 'Police' 'I'll be watching you?" or "Every Step You take".. none the less, pick one _you really like. I just loved that one.

Beginning of drill: I will use a song for this example, you may wish to begin by using one as well. Listen to the song and while listening you will be doing two things. First notice the gaps between the sounds the dead silent nanoseconds between the notes, and vibrations and movements when you have this down well then notice the energy you generate in response to the sounds, and drama and the shifts and pattern of the music. After you have gotten very good at noticing these energy field creation responses, let them go as you notice them, instant by instant as you are generating your response to the music let these energy fields go. And then instantly in the same nano second regenerate that same energy causatively. (do this anyway that you can make it work out, the exact strategy you use is not important, if the way I've written this section limits your ability to causatively create a responsive energy field. Then ignore these instructions and create the energy field any way you wish, the more powerfully the better.) Notice any tendency to grace or poise that develops. End off when you feel powerful, free, causative and full of Life,and power.

Drill #18 Grooving in Grace. Spend the day walking and moving with consciously controlled gracewith the flows you were able to create deliberately by responding to the music. Adopt a somewhat restrained response in all you do that day. These flows can be powerful, but for this drill must be restrained somewhat. Restrain your usual flows and output, your voice, your walk, your movement, your thinking just slow it all down monitor each activity for gracefulness. I am not a devotee of the martial arts, but my guess is that this would be called focusing ones own and the ambient life force and energy. End this drill for the day when you can feel a massive amount of energy in reserve, and have a realization about life related to the use and misuse and focus of energy.

When you get to a point that this is natural, and you can maintain a controlled and focused aesthetic outflow, you may wish to attempt to stop thinking entirely for a while.

Recommended reading. _The Prophet_ By Kahil Gibran. Its not particularly relevant to this section of drills, but might be appropriate at this point in any event.. it is a true gift to mankind.

Phil Scott Beyond the Black Magicians #10 Philip Scott 11/1/98 All rights reserved. Permission to reproduce this piece in its entirely, with all headers and footers, and distribute for non commercial purposes.


There is another possible view on 'havingness' processes. There may be a problem in processing a person to increase havingness.... I notice low havingness however is a problem as well. Hubbard processed first away from the 'havingness' of ones nastier recalls, and then toward the havingness of the local material universe.... a pleasant experience, leaving a person more willing to be where he is at the time, all seemingly very good idea's. Given LRH's satanic inclinations, and looking over the published satanic agenda in Jack Parsons book, I have taken another look at the long term effects of this type processing.

It may be, that one at the end of this incarnation, one will, per force, be required to go off of the havingness scale entirely. The being will either go out the bottom, seeking to restore havingness where there is little ........grasping to his last shreds of identity, thoughts and property.....that would be in the direction of needing, wanting and valuing havingness.. One could end up haunting his old home, or attached horribly to what remains of his incarnation.... or simply be stuck in his various identities, looking for a place to attach. I'd hate to be processing a person to seek those ends. Yet it may very well be that processing person to need havingness may very well do just that. Havingness processing may tend to *stick a being in this material universe!

The other option one has on dis-carnation.....if the person is prepared for it. The being will go off the havingness scale, to no havingness....*and no desire for havingness.*....and no attachments to the material universe .....or identity with his own creations, that he mistakes for himself. that is, he would be able to do this *if he had learned the liabilities of having to have things when still embodied.... and had become able to let go of everything completely, and not need any of it. That may be what one would call total freedom. Maybe one should consider developing a 'not wanting to have' scale and then a non havingness process. Come to think of it, those drills dealing with 'notice the empty space between objects and thoughts' is such a process. (bm#1-9 script)... but its probably not as developed as it could be, this article is an attempt to support a closer look at this core level issue.

Beyond not needing havingness. the ability to separate entirely from ones thought constructs and still maintain an identity. (Don Juan Matus refers to this as becoming the double, necessary if one is to 'slip past the eagle' when he dies.... a concept that has taken me 20 years to get a thin grip on. I'm mentioning it here so anyone that wishes can have the reference.) the upper limit is a complete and stunning 'seeing' , and realization of the absolute ludicrousness of wanting to have *anything.... as at ones origins, that several in this news group can recall personally. Total no havingness, and seeing the liability of needing to *have....leaves one, not just free of the trap, but seeing the jaws and trigger mechanisms of the trap.... and not needing to be attached to any of its mechanisms. In the circumstance of total no havingness and no need for havingness, even talking is seen as a completely hilarious low grade attempt at communicating the absolute obvious to another who knows everything. LRH's havingness processes, put one into the jaws of the trap in my view.... for the reasons why a man would develop that sort of process, one need look no farther the relevant core philosophy behind it so well written up by Hubbards mentor, Aliester Crowley, and his dear friend Jack Parsons..... truly a revealing experience. ( email me for a reference to the appropriate web site).

Phil Scott

Beyond the Black Magicians #11 Philip E Scott 11/6/98 Permission granted to copy and distribute with all headers and footers for non commerical purposes.

Physics Hubbard understood physics reasonably well, his buddy and business associate until he died, the rocket fuel scientist for JPL, Jack Parsons understood physics very well. Most people involved in the freezone, or the cult directly use LRH's process's, or spin offs of them. without the faintest clue of the underlying physics..... Sure, LRH told you how to hold your mouth when calling out the commands.... but he did not teach the underlying physical basis of his processes. at all. One finds him or herself then at effect, using process he or she only thinks are understood, because the semantics are addressed, and the linguistics are addressed.

of say L & N, for example.... L & N theory is useful and necessary data in order to be able to run an L & N process.... ......but it does not tell you *how and why* and by what *physical* means, these processes affect ones mental mass (and considerations etc. all stored as these actual material structures....)

......and he does not tell you how ones mental mass is affected by proximity to anothers, or *how and by what means* it can be relocated with intent.... and many other issues. these are the physics issues, he has not addressed..... and for good reason. If he had, you would not have stayed hooked for so long, you would not have been controllable..... and no way in HELL would you have let him introvert you down the whole track, into a 500 trillion year long quagmire of incidents , one can never hope to run out..... (they are easily handled in bulk by the early processes, the 8-80 series of articles, the Magician series also addresses ways to handle the entire gestalt of this track without stirring it all up.) understand why the son of a bitch did this to mankind you must see what Jack Parsons wrote of LRH and his agenda. (give me a few days. I'll post it.) In that way LRH has managed to manipulate thousands into some very destructive situations, from which they find no escape, save paying for more and more services at ever increasing and fully exorbitant prices (nice guy hu?)..... only to find at the top...OT-8, a terminal disaster... many who did the level died post haste of cancer.... ....and the certifiably evil wheezing dwarf demanding yet more money, or he will blackmail you into oblivion if you mention the rotten results one sees.

Pardon me, but that IS LRH's product... and by his own words....'You will know me by my product'.

Now thats the end of part one of this post. Part two gets into some of the physics details. You may want to skip it.

Part two: Not too many people understand physics. About 10% of college students attempt physics 1a, approximately 7 of 10 flunk out.... yers truly here had to take two stabs at it before passing, leaving on a national average about 3% of the student body passing physics 1a, thats entry level college physics for engineering and hard science majors. The simpler but in my view possibly more valuable course is generally called 'intro to physics'... and that leaves the heavy mathematics out entirely. You can pick these up in any college book store and self study in a few days and get a pretty functional understanding of the issues..... it is the nuclear and sub atomic particle physics that are most relevant to scn.

Those who flunked physics 1a had the option of switching to a major in life sciences or liberal arts. (the lack of liberal arts and Humanities education, and focus on hard sciences, is what makes engineers such a terminally royal pain in the ass .)

A sad situation. Physics is truly not a complicated subject, it has been made complicated by professors who wish to begin with the mathematical end of physics before the common, and easy to understand explanations of how the physical universe operates is presented. Many times its never presented.... it is lost to a bunch of arcane mathematics, that in truth, not even may of the professors really understand.

According we live in a country that is by and large scientifically illiterate.... when it comes to understanding scientology this becomes a real liability.

L Ron Hubbard made two statements on the subject that I a have seen. The first on Student Hat. I have forgotten the HCOB title, but it addressed the issues of how mental mass is formed, with an explanation. an explanation only lately in the process of confirmation by the established physics community... as reported in the physical review in just the last several years.) LRH's explanation was: " that as energy flows in space, it intersects with other energy, and forms standing waves at the intersections, forming nodes.....and ridges as the nodes accumulate."

This is key critical information, useful in understanding the spiritual physics of our entrapment, and how mental mass is formed by day to day activity, what the absolutely fatal long term liabilities are, and how to get rid of it easily. and this understanding can also lead to discovery of mans single fatal bad habit.... the keystone that holds all case in place and keeps one generating more case with each passing moment. Hubbard early books used this understanding effectively. (8-8008, 8-80, and 8008).... but these tactics were discarded for reasons that I address elsewhere.

The second time LRH mentioned the physics issues, that I recall, was on the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course... a tape. and it was also published as a PAB in 1965, and included in an article that appeared about 1976 in Advance Magazine out of the AO in Los Angeles. I've forgotten the title of the piece. It said more or less : "...spiritual universe physics, closely parallel material universe physics, with only a few exceptions. In one case, the spiritual universe physics are exactly opposite material universe physics" This turns out to be precisely correct.... and absolutely indispensable in discovering the physics behind LRH's processes. (if you know the material universe physics, then all you have to do is look for the parallels in the spiritual universe.) In that article LRH said that he had not studied the subject much, but that he recommend others do. This was quite a revealing remark. It seems in retrospect, that LRH understood these physics perfectly... and he used this understanding to develop processes, that work very very well..... the only problem is that they work to achieve what I believe is an end most obvious in how the cult turned out, evil in many aspects ....and to fill his need for controlling others and getting rich.

What was behind this agenda and result. I believe that is amply addressed in his own hand, and in books by his closest associate Jack Parsons. (I will attach the most revealing excerpt in a day or so when I get the time.) LRH kept the physics lessons out of his lecture series except for these few brief notes. He created processes, that in order to understand the risks, liabilities and potential effects of misuse, one had to understand the physics behind them .......and he carefully made a point of NEVER teaching those physics, beyond the two brief remarks I have seen. Certainly there were no courses on the subject. The relevant physics are:

In the subatomic particle arena: 1. the issue of particle formation from pure energy flows. 2. the issues of the 'weak' and 'strong' forces between sub atomic forces, described variously as electrostatic or gravitational effects...its still being debated. 3. an issue I have been posting on for a while, agglomeration effects. These only recently confirmed. have made headlines the scientific community. My views on the subject were only speculations when i wrote 'gravity and the two pole universe' I believe IVy published it in 1993. There are other issues related to the applied physics and processes (I call them drills) addressed in the series "Beyond the Black Magicians #1-10).

Very Best Regards, Phil Scott

-When one can look directly at the messiest personal truths, then one can see through deception anywhere. Only in this way does one ever have a chance of finding the ultimate truths universe that set one free. ------------------------------------------------------------------, The way to discover the truth about oneself is to measure against absolute standards..... On that scale, chose any area, how truthful is one, how much does one know about some topic, or skill compared to how much there is to know on a scale of absolutes stretched out a hundred or a thousand years into the future. ... This will disclose the truth of ones condition.

Wisdom is not attained solely on ones own effort. It is a gift, founded in truth and humility. It may be, that in the final analysis, there is no Life, without wisdom.

Beyond the Black Magicians Series #15 Source Phil Scott 12/19/98 copyrighted, 1998, permission granted to publish or redistribute with all headers and footers in tact for non commercial purposes.

Some have broken links to the infinite power of this universe. ( ones

connection to the greater Life entity, referred to by various terms, 'God' for example..) .....the severing of this link, may be what holds ones advance to the limits of the material universe. ( the 'thought' universe, may be the most important aspect.... thoughts of course can be proven to be energy fields, thus material.... and they *do respond to the laws of material universe physics.)

.The term 'God' of course is mostly misdefined, in exceedingly limited human terms, via the use of words, and pin point sized human constructs.... it seems we had not much other choice. ......It may never be that a vastly greater paradigm, will ever be explainable, in the terms and constructs, of a greatly lesser one.

This attempt to define "God' , has resulted in worse than a meaningless abstract. The connection to 'God', thus defined, is seen as a limitation, and broadly rejected by beings who innately know that they are not limited. Unfortunately. On this track, man has tried of eons to break this glass ceiling beyond the bounds of the material universe aspects of his existence, and few do.... lately processes are developed, and refined and redeveloped....and as long as these focus on the 'material' exclusively....that would be incidents, thoughts, considerations is merely beefing up the anchor we have to the material universe.... and obviating the link we have with the infinite, and whats beyond the link..... the limitless undeniable source of our existence.

The dark side agenda is that one remain in this material universe, and limited by it. It's apparent agenda, is that one should be cultured first to place great importance on ones own thoughts, and possessions and desires..... and then secondly, to deny any 'higher' level being than oneself! (We are all Gods for example, the new age mantra) To use the wrong term again, that is the historic 'satanic' agenda....especially as one then goes on, to deny any greater being, than the individuated individual.

*By not processing beyond the limits of considerations and thought, one encourages the focus of attention, and thus the location of the being..... well inside the material universe.

By further accepting another human being's remark, that another human being is 'source', at these levels, one further isolates himself .... to the material universe. (for sure however, one it appears can certainly be source of some ideas... but you see these, still, are all inside the material universe.... ) And that of course is the goal and target of the dark side.

a good drill might be: Drill 19 1. What could exist, that is not a creation. 2. Occupy that space. Run alternate repetitive without thinking until able to be exterior to any creation at will....including the entire material universe and all of its galaxies, space dust and stars....outside of that envelope... looking at it. Drill 20 DO NOT LABOR THE DRILL, ESPECIALLY STEP 3 and 4. Be sure to run all of the steps of the preceding drills in this Beyond the Black Magicians series until you are competent at all of those drills before attempting this drill. The previous drills build an ability to 'see' thought, and intent, and develop skills that enable one to become exterior from it at will.... that ability may be crucial on step #3 and 4 of this drill. Be at peace, well rested, and in a place where you will not be distracted. Notify a friend to come get you if you do not return as scheduled, and to run this drill part one and two on you in that case. Repeat the drill for a few seconds a day for a few months.

1. Get the idea of letting go of everything, just letting it all go. 2. See if you can spot a limitless sort of undeniable, but definite intent off the end of that predilection, and in that direction. Spot the being, Occupy the space. If you can do that, and only if you can do that well and are practiced at it....(1 and 2 above) proceed to step 3. 3. Get the idea of grasping and hanging onto each of the following, one at a time, untill you are good at it..... notice the feeling it creates in you: things, thoughts, others, coveting, controlling, and accumulating. 4. See if you can spot a limitless sort of undeniable but definite intent off the end of that predilection. Spot the being. But do *not occupy the space of the being*. Just spot the the being as it pervades aspects of the lives of others. NOW, immediately do step one of the drill again, and END ON STEP ONE stable and with good indicators. Run 1-4 in this sequence, repetitive, until you have a realization as regards the end game liabilities of holding onto things... and which direction that takes a person on hubbards tone scale. Very Best Regards, Phil Scott Beyond the Black Magicians Series #16 How one might be totally ruined.. and a way to reverse the vector. Phil Scott

Copyrighted, 12/19/1998, permission granted to copy and distribute, for non commercial purposes with all headers, footers and text in tact.

There is a choice matrix presented by various business management types its a square divided into a checker board of 4 squares. Top right is win/win, bottom left is loose/loose... the other two are win/loose Loose/win. Of course win/win is assumed to be the ideal relationship in a company (I'd have a few caveats on that, some viewpoints are simply losers, and by making them winners via compromise, the project is degraded...but then that may be the inevitable result of necessary teamwork in any case.... so maybe win/win is appropriate in that setting.... it wasn't in the case of the challenger disaster however.) Anyway here is my realization; If one is dealing with a person who has a history of loose/ loose or 'others loose / I win' relationships..... a strong history of that, where others loose very very badly, then he or she will not go along with any relationship that entails you winning... or your happiness... but will hold out 'your happiness options' , only in an attempt to suck you into a scenario where you are eviscerated, and loose badly.

If you insist on not loosing, that forces the relationship into the loose / loose quadrant. And that while it will not be accepted by the person, because its a loss for them, will also not be fought against effectively because it entails *you loosing*, and that was part of the persons agenda.... and gives them a 50% win. (your loss becomes a win for them...and this type is desperate for a win...and your loosing painfully constitutes a considerable win for them, never mind they had no gain themselves, thats irrelevant to this sort of person apparently.)

.....and the person is not about to go into session on it. The need for secrecy on that agenda, and the persons historic covert intent, precludes any sort of session or subtle probing the person's, relatives, school teachers, and various psychological types may have tried to do.... the person sees these attempts coming.

Solutions: Avoidance, and formal announced disconnect, with all reasons clearly stated (to end the cycle).... and also giving the person a farewell validation for what one could see was right, good, just, intelligent, beautiful, or graceful about them, to make the statement totally complete and accurate, may be a solution.... One is left personally with nothing 'unsaid' to the person....and no overt act, ( *very important), also one might want to leave the 'door open just a crack' not as much for the persons benefit, as ones own benefit...... it leaves one in a position of not having done any harm. (doing harm, *leaving forever, is an overt act see following paragraph.........the

person will try to trap one into doing harm, and then having attention stuck on that harm forever!.. . On 'leaving forever'. A very tricky and subtle situation..... It seems to me that our original individuation from all that is, lead us to progressively smaller and smaller spaces, condensed (not to mention also focused on material creations). As one, in his healing, and advance, tends to reconnect and re-expand to encompass all space, Love for life is required.... if the person bent on your loosing badly, manages to get you to totally disconnect, with a stated implied or real intent of *never reconnecting....then he has established a postulate in you to disconnect, *and that 'goes general' * , and from what I am able to discern, locks one into his individuation from all that is..... fatal in the end analysis. It also locks ones attention onto the one disconnected from!.... and since it seems we are in the space and energy fields of those we have our attention on.........we are in this persons space, being constantly RUINED, and having our life and energy sucked out by means of this connection..... that were tricked into thinking was a disconnect! Having ones attention stuck on a forceful loose / loose sort of an individual, might well be a fate worse than death.... both in this life and beyond...........that very well may be the goal of the this type of person, ones eternal destruction......"If I can't win, I will take as many others with me as attempt to screw with me" seems to be the operative attitude.

If I were going to recommend a covert auditing solution it might be something like this, a repetitive command, but each time the wording changed so it could not be recognized as such and turned against one.

my initial suggestion: "You sure won that round, how did the other guy do?" (slipped into conversations, until the person realizes that he himself has been loosing by his own behavior.......this would be a long term sort of process 5 or 10 years or so... and the auditor may very well die in the attempt, especially if he cares, or feels he should care about the person.... and can be made to hate the person and do a terminal disconnection..... a severe risk.).

Phil Scott

Beyond the Black Magicians #17 Power Phil Scott 1/5/99

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I've recently had an experience that has resulted in a further inspection of some my more dearly held, implanted, view points.... .'When in doubt communicate'. and another view point. 'Don't disconnect'

To be brief , there may be a time to cease verbal, or verbalized thought very well may be that all drains on ones energy, are via these sorts of communication lines.... it may also be that it is not possible to be pervasive while communicating in pedantic terms, verbally, especially to one either unable, or unwilling, to comprehend the message. In that case. it seems one can go into a compulsive outflow, of verbalized communication. trying to get the person to understand..... it seems on some exprience now, this outflow may be the stuff of Life may be that one can be manipulated into outflowing his or her Life.

It may be that ultimate reality is not condensable accurately to words, so in the final analysis, verbal communication is not just a fruitless exercise, but destroys the very essence of the attempted communication.....especially as it becomes intellectual..... so the actual communication never arrives... so the attempt to communicate becomes compulsive. It may be that to draw a person into verbal communication, is force him to take a non pervasive position, thus limiting his view to that which can be seen from that position, and to limit his position to those things only in ways that can be verbalized....... it draws the being out of reality to an artifical viewpoint.....key word here, 'point'.... the oposite of pervasive, or free. The being is voluntarily contained by the need to maintain the viewpoint, if he decides to defend the viewpoint..... and we are constantly asked to operate and maintain all sorts of viewpoints. It may be that there is no power away from the pervasive, and actual..... the white man, the quintessential 'yellow hair' General George Custer of the US seems, in dealing with symbols, money, words, language, pride and ego, may have given away his real power...and glorified that by calling it rational thought.

It has occurred to me recently that one cannot possibly verbalize, real power, real power may not even be 'locatable' attempting to project power via words to an individual, must one come down from pervasiveness it seems, to a base from which to project power that pointedly....... if words are used, or one thinks in words, and we are cultured to do that, then it may be that one is sucked from ultimate reality to the limitations and distortions inherent in a few words.....completely away from any real pervasiveness or power.

The primordial loss of power may be in taking a view point..... , in the case of a human being, some pin pointy viewpoint related to one sort of contest, or ego defense, or another..... various social games etc. It may be that civilization, and education, create in a person countless dearly held viewpoints..... usually verbally constructed viewpoints....

In doing the Beyond the black magicians drills with a mixed group of hyperactive children (8-10) and adult parents, it was the children who did stunningly well..... achieved great insights and power, and changed dramatically....much more than the adults present. Of the adults it was the least educated who seemed to just be able to 'be' and 'see'.... some with coaching from the children did remarkably well, almost stunningly well....... those into sophisticated word constructed thought, the educators present, could not seem to get out of analysis mode......instead of 'being' and doing, they were trying to fit what they saw in the drills into more limited thought constructs....and analysis. These did not go free as a rule, those adults that did accepted my instruction to not think, and allowed me to drive them through the drills, with out time for thier analysis to take hold..... these went exterior, and began to see core issues...... and come up with very liberating insights.

It may be that the way to ruin a person, entrap them, even for an eternity is to establish that communication is important, even that one should communicate, that communication is good....and that especially that communication should be logical and structured to make sense, *and verbal......and that the person should respond to all requests for communication, at this level.....*verbally. It may even be that civilized society is not possible without such structure and practices........Civilization it seems, limits and contains beings in many cases..... that in fact may be the nature of civilization....a condensation of Life into material constructs, that create in the end, material objects...which these beings then become quite attached to. (which probably explains why I am so attracted to the opposite pole, wild women. :-) ) . .One is communicate to complete the cycle or, retain ones honor, 'properly' defend etc..... so the person is drawn from pervasive existence to these tiny points of miniscule interaction.

It may be, that just as in the physical universe, the tiniest point of the condensation spectrum, the black hole, is also one of the most, if not the most powerful *thing* in the universe..... it's key features are that it draws, actually forces, from all around itself a flow to itself..... (intense gravity).... and the nature of the power is 'no space'.... there is dramatically almost no space inside a black hole..... trillions of tons of creation is compressed into a near point.... the black hole is a *point*....not a pervasion, but it's force is pervasive among viewpoints... it does not affect empty space apparently.... it dominates, and shapes the viewpoint constructed galaxies....( the nodes and particles.) The *point* is not to be trifled with..... we underestimate the point, when it appears in human characteristics.....we denigrate its power, we call it ignorance.... wrong.... evil, it upsets us. That may be a fatal error.

Only viewpoints and nodes are apparently tractored by the black hole.... the non viewpoint is not..... its pervasion itself it seems.

It may be that as soon as one takes a viewpoint, he can be tractored.... as soon as he focus's his viewpoint on a live being, tremendous Life and energy flows to the being demanding the attention.... these life forms are in the same frequency range, and so there is a transfer of energy..... some beings it seems specialize in these destructive or creative transfers of energy..... the most destructive may be that which is tractored.... that may be energy 'torn away'... disintegrating, fragmenting, enturbulating, ruinous.

Here are a few observations drills. Drill 22 Notice who you feel very good about, one who demands your attention, or one who does not demand your attention.... (those may get your attention, but do not demand it, or cause you to respond to them...they seem happy with no response from you).

Drill 23 In a fight of any type, an office bicker or a physical brawl, who seems to prevail, a silent type, or one who talks a lot.....defends, gets excited, outflows tremendously..... jabbers..... notice who is the strongest, almost universally..... and which set of characteristics seem to go with the weakest. scan 5 or 10 situations like that, and see if you can spot a marked, especially, otherwise unexplainable trend.... don't try to pin the outcome on one set of factors just now, just notice who is strongest and which set tends to prevail is all.

Drill 23a Spot someone with near irresistible charisma, how much and how loudly does each speak, what is the general trend in this regard; Look for other characteristics along these lines, among those with an almost indescribable charisma.... sex appeal.... or one who others seem to naturally, almost unexplainably follow.... just see if you can spot a trend in these regards.... look at the issues of verbialization, and stillness or lack of 'stillness' (silence).

Drill 23b Scan for people who enturbulate you, or try to put you down, and that just don't seem to ever understand..... scan those who don't do that. See if you can spot some trends as regards how verbal, or unstill, each type tends to be.

Drill 23c spot those who ask rapid fire questions, and demand answers, or speak or behave in a way that seem to demand that you correct them. Notice the set of factors mentioned above.

Drill 24 Try deciding not to be in a position, to hear or see, the provocations of

people who draw you into a situation, where you feel you must, explain things... . decide to cease that communication, all of it, with anyone who causes you to feel you must explain, or talk a lot, or defend, or inform them... or state your position....especially those who insist you do, and question, or challenge persistently..... decide to terminally cut those communication lines, then cut them, and see what happens to your space and power. (take a look at drill 27 now, but do not do it at this time)

But first get anything said to these that needed saying...get it all said.. to loved ones, admit your error.... to others, tell them what you want to say whether it makes sense or not...get it said..(or decide that further communication is utterly fruitless) .. get it totally said. Return all the provocations to say something, with that something.. ( or write off the attempt totally, formally and specifically write it off) When all is either written off, or said..... cut the verbal, communication, especially and most importantly, communication from the person that provokes you to feel you have to say something in response...or correction, or to straighten them out......cut that communication totally...... Decide to keep it cut.... stay out of a situation where you will have to take a viewpoint with these people.... ( it seems the farther down the tubes the person is, the more one is tempted to take a very firm position against their view point....and you see, that puts one at the condensed end of their opposition, on the same harmonics as the condensed person, and the same flow lines..... a significant degradation and loss of freedom, perspective and power.....and dramatically more tractable (tractorable).

Drill 24a Do not exclude the person from your space, pervade the persons space, pervade as much space as possible....silently.... ideally in total silence, do not think about the person, in earlier drills you should have said all that you needed to say (a tall order it seems at times)... or write off the attempt to say anything.... it seems often the person can create so many interlocking contradictions, confusions, accusations and curve balls that the situation is not fathomable enough to verbalize..... sticking one with the desire to say something that cannot be said..... *a stuck flow of ones Life out to this person..... (its also accomplished by lies, or creating complexity, espcially the combination of the two it seems ) With no more provocation from the person, you would be left with nothing else to say.....and with the decision to not see or hear the person again.... that would end the compulsive outflow of energy to the person.

However one may wish to .include the person in ones space, notice the beings size, flow characteristics.... locate the being in your space..... put a 'finger' on the being... hold the finger in place, expand your space.... while keeping the being located. Repeat this drill until you are very good at it.

Drill 24b Write a very brief, essay...or just 'see' (that would be best).... what happens to your space, and with your percieved peaceful and powerful type energy levels, when you communicate verbally to that being.

Drill25 Repeat drill 24b, but with any being.... notice what happens to your space when you communicate verbally with anyone.

Drill 26 Devise a few ways to non verbally communicate by means of your 'presence' alone..... expand your presence while communicating in this fashion. Drill 26a You might try being thoroughly in the persons space, and 'holding the person still' with no emotion one way or another, while holding yourself still at the same emotion, no agenda, no intent other than to just 'be' and hold the person, and yours self still....totally still....just hold that position, until there is a bond.... a few seconds should be sufficient. Then without breaking the bond, walk away..... then after a few minutes, maintain or break the bond as you wish. Do not engage in any verbal communication, do not be in a position where the person can, or even thinks about verbalizing to you.

Drill 26b Repeat the above drill.... but now with every one you run across.... but do the drill very lightly....hold the stillness for only milli seconds. Look the person directly in the eyes, hold them and yourself still for a milli second.... pervade the persons space. Tell me rhetorically, what do you feel for the person.

Drill 26c Tell me rhetorically what would ruin that feeling.

Spend a few months, become proficient.

Drill 27 Approach the persons you have cut verbal communication with, in circumstances where they are not aware of your physical presence, and cannot provoke a verbal communication......and communicate with them using the non verbal 'presence' sorts of communication you have developed in drill 26..... tell the person you have taken a vow of silence.....have a silent relationship with the person if you wish..... watch what happens to them.

Notice how you feel about Life now..... and especially how you feel about your very existence..... just the fact of your existence.

Drill28 Read the text sections of Carlos Castaneda's book, Magical Passes, and see if you can find some physical ways to project or direct power.

It may be that in this way, one has not limited communication at all..... it may be that one has enabled non verbal communication, even transcendent communication.....and unleashed real power..... power of all kinds, real power. Phil Scott

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