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Primary Sources Anh, Le Thi. "Reader's Response." Let the Vietnamese Speak for Themselves. Worldview, n.d. Web.

4 Jan. 14. < File1/v20_i006_a014.pdf>. Cong, Nguyen Hoan. "Why I Escaped from Vietnam." Newsweek 31 Oct. 1977: n. pag. Print. The article "Why I Escaped from Vietnam", by Hoan Cong Nguyen, is a personal telling of Nguyen experiences escaping Vietnam and coming to America. His story helps my partner and I build a better connection with his feelings and hardships of Vietnamese refugees. Ford Ham. Paul Halsall, n.d. Web. 4 Jan. 2014. < 1945vietnam.html>. The following document is an object lesson in the use of Enlightenment ideal that Hoi Chi Min preached during the 19th century. This speech was in hope to create stronger nationalism ideals. It helps us understand the propaganda of preached by communist leaders. Liebl, Christian, trans. "Letter to Old People." Ho Chi Minh. Marxist, n.d. Web. 2 Dec. 2013. <>. "Letter to Old People" is a short speech on how the role of the elders of Vietnam changed. It first states that when a person becomes old, they must live in quietness because they have no more ambitions. The younger generation should handle the current affairs that are around them. But, the speaker then expresses his discontent with the

notion, saying it is unpatriotic. That people like Ma Fu Po from China and Ly Thuong Kiet, even though they are still in their old age, are still energetic and heroic. Even though the old cannot do heavy work like the young, they will be there to encourage them and impart their experiences to them. My partner and I hope to learn how the elders of Vietnam influenced the younger generation. Minh, Ho Chi. "Appeal Made on the Occasion of the Founding of the Indochinese Communist Party." Hong Kong. Hong Kong. 18 Feb. 1930. Speech. The "Appeal Made on the Occasion of the Founding of the Indochinese Communist Party" given by Ho Chi Minh himself will help my partner and I understand what basis Ho Chi Minh created to justify the communist takeover in Vietnam. This specific speech appeals to the decision to create a Communist Party, and holds crucial information in understanding Ho Chi Min himself, and his ideals he preached. Tran, Timmie. Personal interview. 24 Nov. 2013. Timmie Trans interview focuses on the hardships he faced as a child and his arrival to America. Tran tells us about the hardships he faced with education in communist ruled Vietnam; he knew that living under the rule of Communist leader, he would not be able to create a life he wanted. My partner and I hope to learn how the education was, and rights he lost during his school years in Vietnam.

Secondary Sources "50 Years On, Vietnamese Remember Land Reform Terror." Radio Free Asia. Radio Free Asia, 8 Aug. 2006. Web. 20 Oct. 2013. <>. 50 Years On, Vietnamese Remember Land Reform Terror focuses on a specific terrifying incident in the communist takeover of Vietnam. The Land Reform incident is a genocide that was inflicted upon the Vietnamese people, by a government campaign. The government abused their power by torturing and killing innocent people based on class-discrimination. This specific incident helps us realize how the Vietnamese public's rights were taken away, by the ruling Communist Party- a government that abused their power. The Communist Party had no political rationale for launching the campaign, and it shows us the lack of responsibility of the government to launch an unnecessary campaign, which resulted in thousands of deaths, against their own public. The campaign only showed the brutality of the Communist Party in Vietnam, and shows my partner and I how the Vietnamese government was irresponsible enough to launch a useless campaign that was detrimental to its people. 50 Years of Vietnamese Communist Crime. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2013. <>.

"50 Years of Vietnamese Communist Crimes", shows what the Communist party has done to devastate Vietnam. They have taken the most basic rights of a citizen. They have used propaganda to give the image that the Communist party is what is best for the country. The Communist party has ruined education, restricts religion, killing fields, and ruins the Vietnamese economy. My partner and I hope to learn what the Communist party has done to the country of Vietnam, and see how its devastation encouraged people to immigrate to America. Battlefield: Vietnam. PBS, n.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2013. <>. "Battlefield: Vietnam", gives up a brief history on why Vietnam split into North Vietnam and South Vietnam, and gives an introduction on how the Vietnam War started. My partner and I hope to gain more insight on the beginning of change in Vietnam, and how it would affect the Vietnamese people. Bich, Nguyen, Dr. "Vietnam under Communism." Global Museum on Communism. Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, n.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2013. <>. Vietnam under Communism, by Dr. Nguyen Bich, is a web page that tells how the idea of communism entered into Vietnam, its effects, and the eventual flee of Vietnamese citizens to the United States. The article re-accounts events from 1925-1975. Dr. Nguyen documents events that central around Vietnamese history, rather than American involvement with Vietnam. The article really helps us understand how communism was introduced to Vietnam, the influences of other Communist Parties, and the general

position that the Vietnamese public was put into because of the irresponsible decisions of the communist leaders controlling Vietnam. Corruption, Communism, and Catholicism in Vietnam. Acton Institute, 12 Aug. 2009. Web. 20 Oct. 2013. <>. "Corruption, Communism, and Catholicism in Vietnam", show how corrupted the Communist party has become. Catholicism in Vietnam is the biggest religious minority in Vietnam. Also, it is the religion that is most anti-communism. The Communist party has even set up "re-education" camps, to try to forcibly change the way of thinking on an ordinary Vietnamese person. A big problem right now is the corruption going on the Communist government. The government has been taking peasant's land, and auctioning it off to the highest bidder. My partner and I hope to learn the corruption in the Communist party, and how it is affecting the people of Vietnam.

Do, Anh, Tran Phan, and Eugene Garcia. "Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma." Camp Z30D: The Survivors. Columbia Journal, 29 Apr. 2001. Web. 03 Dec. 2013. "Camp Z30-D: The Survivors", gives background information on the reeducation camps placed in Vietnam.Over 1 million South Vietnamese faced death and torture following the war that tore apart families, countries, and generation. The authors tried to get as many interviews with people who were forced into the reeducation camps. Most declined, because they feared the repercussions the interview would have on their relative still in Vietnam. Those who did do the interview hid when the authors knocked on their doors to

interview them. My partner and I hope to learn why people still do not want to talk the reeducation camps in Vietnam today. And learn how the Vietnamese government instills fear into those who were in the reeducation camps.

Do, Peter Van. DIEM VAN NGO. The Reeducation Camp Story of A U.S. Resident and South Vietnamese Veteran. N.p., n.d. Web. "The Reeducation Camp Story of A U.S. Resident and South Vietnamese Veteran" is a mix of a oral history and an informative paper on the reeducation in Vietnam. He first interviews Diem Van Ngo who is a seventy-three year old Vietnamese American amateur songwriter, whom has retired. During this interview, Ngo mostly talked about the typical daily life in the reeducation camps, his involvement within the ARVN, his immigration to the U.S., and his military sponsored education in New Jersey and North Carolina. My partner and I hope to learn how sever the reeducation camps were and how he escaped Vietnam to only come back to fight in the war.

Education in Vietnam. The Economist, 30 Sept. 2010. Web. 20 Oct. 2013. <>. "Education in Vietnam", shows how even though there are scholars in Vietnam, very few decide to stay in Vietnam to teach. This is because the school system is considered to be archaic. The teaching styles are outdated, there is a strong censorship of information, and teachers teaching in a communist approved way seem fit. Even though Vietnam spends more money than its Southeastern Asian neighbors on education, the lack of adequate teachers and teaching facilities makes educational reforms almost impossible. My partner

and I hope to understand why the Vietnamese people emigrated from Vietnam to America in order to get an education that would not be possible in Vietnam. Examining Leaders of North and South Vietnam. John Wiley & Sons, n.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2013. <>. Examining the Leaders of North and South Vietnam focuses on the the leaders of North and South Vietnam, which eventually resulted in the separations of the country, as well as the Vietnam War. The article tells about each leader, their origins with government styles, and their rise to power in each perspective Vietnamese hemisphere. By reading the background of each leader, it helps my partner and I form an understanding about each individual and their reasoning and influences. Gluckman, Ron. "Vietnam Revisited." 25 Years after the War, Vietnam Wants to Move on. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Dec. 2013. "Vietnam Revisited", is an article on how Vietnam has changed. Economically, the country of Vietnam is poor. A hotel manager who works in the capital only earns $50 monthly. The young people have no dream to stay in Vietnam. Most of the young people's dream are," to study at night and get a job with a foreign company". His motivation is that he hopes to make $200 a month.Another problem faced in Vietnam is getting a job. Part of the problem stems from the painful transformation of state-run firms into viable enterprises. My partner and I hope to learn how the past has affected the current and future state of Vietnam.

Hickey, Gerald C. "Vietnam." Britannica. Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d. Web. 2 Dec. 2013. <>. The article "Vietnam" on Britannica gives a detailed description of the current situation in Vietnam and how their government works. Examining the historical events that lead up to the abuse of human rights- and a government that failed to follow its responsibilities- are important, but examining their outcomes is important also. My partner and I can use this information to conclude our presentation. History of Immigration from Vietnam. Simply Wood, n.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2013 .<>. "History of Immigration from Vietnam", shows why the Vietnamese people fled from Vietnam, the sheer mass of the Vietnamese people coming to America, and the hardships of traveling by boat to America. The Vietnamese people had to travel by poorly constructed boats. These boats carried people that barely had any supplies, and overcrowded with people who wanted to escape Vietnam. My partner and I hope to gain knowledge on the hardships coming to America on a boat, and why they went through so much to come to America. "Ho Chi Minh (1890-1969)." BBC News. BBC, n.d. Web. 5 Jan. 2014. <>. "Ho Chi Minh (1890-1969)" provides historical background on Ho Chi Minh. The article tells us about his adulthood, and how he learned about communism. It also shows how he fought

against the French, and how he founded the Viet Minh. My partner and I hope to learn why he established the Viet Minh to get rid of French oppressors. "Ho Chi Minh (1890-1969)." BBC News. BBC, n.d. Web. 5 Jan. 2014. <>. "Ho Chi Minh (1890-1969)" provides historical background on Ho Chi Minh. The article tells us about his adulthood, and how he learned about communism. It also shows how he fought against the French, and how he founded the Viet Minh. My partner and I hope to learn why he established the Viet Minh to get rid of French oppressors.

"Ho Chi Minh." Spartacus Educational. Spartacus Education, n.d. Web. 4 Dec. 2013. <>. "Ho Chi Minh" gives an almost comprehensive biography on Ho Chi Minh. It goes from his early childhood, and how he opposed French Rule to him paving the way for Vietnamese independence from foreign powers. My partner and I hope to learn the early mindset of Ho Chi MInh and how it stemmed into his adulthood.

Minh, Ho Chi. "Vietnamese Declaration of Independence, 1945." Fordham University. Fordham University, 1977. Web. 2 Dec. 2013.>. The "Vietnamese Declaration of Independence, 1945" informs my partner and I about the foundation of the Vietnamese government after Vietnam reclaimed its independence from

France. An important part of understanding the historical turning points that lead to the violation of human rights is to read the documents that changed a society forever. The Vietnamese Declaration of Independence is one of those documents that should not be over looked when researching our project. Nguyen, Van Canh, and Earle Cooper. Vietnam under Communism, 1975-1982. N.p.: Hoover, n.d. Print. Vietnam under Communism, 1975- 1982, by Van Canh Nguyen, and Earle Cooper, is an analysis of the contemporary political and administrative structure of Vietnam, and its leaders, culture, education, economy, and foreign policy. The book focuses on Vietnam during this time period, as opposed to the United States involvement- which is commonly the main focal point. Nguyen and Cooper help us understand Vietnam's structure during the Vietnam War and how it affected society, and the rights of Vietnamese citizens as well as whether or not the government took the responsibility of helping its war afflicted nation. A government's responsibility it to provide peace and prosperity to its nation and throughout this book my partner and I see the devastation brought upon a nation by its irresponsible government. Prager, Dennis. "In Vietnam, Hating Communism Anew." National Review. National Review Online, 15 Feb. 2011. Web. 2 Dec. 2013. < vietnam-hating-communism-anewdennis-prager>. This article, "In Vietnam, Hating Communism Anew" by Dennis Prager, is his own personal feelings about Communism in Vietnam. Prager vistied Vietnam, and immersed

himself into the society. My partner and I are able to connect on a more personal level with the impact Communism has had on Vietnam through Prager's article. Prager is a foreigner like my partner and I, and like a oral history, this document helps us better connect with the people in Vietnam that live under communist rule. Tran , Peter H. "Vietnamese Citizens of Vietnam War Peter H. Tran." Vietnamese Citizens of Vietnam War. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Dec. 2013. "Vietnamese Citizens of Vietnam War", by Peter H. Tran is a webpage that shows how Communism effected the people of Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh, also known as Uncle Ho" is credited to bringing Communism in Vietnam.The article also provides a a brief history of Vietnam, and how Uncle Ho fought against the French to implement communism in Vietnam. By implementing communism into the country, it made the people lives worse. It separated political powers and border, leading to chaos within the country. My partner and I hope to learn how communism has effect Vietnam in a negative way.

"Viet Nam Quoc Dan Dang (VNQDD) (Vietnamese Revolutionary Organization)."Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d. Web. 26 Dec. 2013. <>. "Viet Nam Quoc Dan Dang" shows one of the first large-scale revolutionary nationalist organization in Vietnam. It provides a brief history how how the party was established. It also describes the Yen Bai uprising that occurred on Feb. 9, and how it destroyed the party. My partner and I hope to learn about an organization that tried to stand up to the French but failed.

"Vietnam - Political Culture." Vietnam - Political Culture. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Dec. 2013. "Vietnam-Political Culture", shows how communism has affected the Vietnamese economy. Vietnam political culture has encouraged isolation. This isolation is partially a result of the ideology that has created self-imposed political barriers with the west. Communist ideology, particularly as manipulated by the Vietnamese leadership, has also helped to shape Vietnam's political culture. The country's communist leaders have been adept at stressing the continuity of Marxist-Leninist doctrine with Vietnamese history. When North Vietnam won the wary, they panned a rapid and total transformation of the South. But, this was all an idea, and could not be supported because of the lack of funds and social resistances. My partner and I hope to learn how the government was before the war and after and how communism has severely affected the political culture.

Vietnam- The Society and Environment. Mongabay, n.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2013. <>. "Vietnam- The Society and Its Environment", show how the Communist party greatly affected the Vietnamese people. The article talks about the Vietnamese population, the social system in North and South Vietnam, the roles of a person in a family, health, and

the economy. My partner and I hope to learn about how the Communist changed almost all aspects of life on a traditional Vietnamese family. "Viet Nam Quoc Dan Dang (VNQDD) (Vietnamese Revolutionary Organization)." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d. Web. 26 Dec. 2013. <>. "Viet Nam Quoc Dan Dang" shows one of the first large-scale revolutionary nationalist organization in Vietnam. It provides a brief history how how the party was established. It also describes the Yen Bai uprising that occurred on Feb. 9, and how it destroyed the party. My partner and I hope to learn about an organization that tried to stand up to the French but failed. "VIET QUOC." The History. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Jan. 2014. <>. "VIET QUOC" or VNQDD was established as a secret revolutionary party.Its primary objectives included armed uprising aimed at toppling the French colonialist regime all over Vietnam to gain independence for its Fatherland and democracy as well as happiness for its people. In a few years, its membership grew quickly into a large party that drew the French authorities' brutal suppression. My partner and I hope to learn the different organizations that tried to get rid of the French opressors. "Vietnam - UNDER FRENCH RULE." Vietnam - UNDER FRENCH RULE. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Jan. 2014. <>. "UNDER FRENCH RULE", this shows the point of view from the French side. The French thought that it would be hard to take Vietnam, but to their surprise, it was easy. It also shows how the French easily

took the capital Hanoi. My partner and I hope to learn the different perspectives in Vietnam.

"VIET QUOC." The History. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Jan. 2014. <>. "VIET QUOC" or VNQDD was established as a secret revolutionary party.Its primary objectives included armed uprising aimed at toppling the French colonialist regime all over Vietnam to gain independence for its Fatherland and democracy as well as happiness for its people. In a few years, its membership grew quickly into a large party that drew the French authorities' brutal suppression. My partner and I hope to learn the different organizations that tried to get rid of the French oppressors.

Whitman, Alden. "Ho Chi Minh Was Noted for Success in Blending Nationalism and Communism." On This Day. New York Times, n.d. Web. <>. "Ho Chi Minh Was Noted for Success in Blending Nationalism and Communism" is an obituary. This articles shows what successful things in his life time. Like getting rid of the French oppressor, and his ability to speak English fluently. My partner and I hope to learn about Ho Chi Minh legacy to his people. "Workers Party of Vietnam." Farlex, n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2013. < Party of Vietnam>. "Workers Party of Vietnam" shows one of the earliest known political parties during the French administration. It explains how the party developed, and what things they did to pave the way to freedom. The article also shows the the party evolved over time. My

partner and I hope to understand how the parties agenda were applied to the country of Vietnam.

Works Cited Anh, Le Thi. "Reader's Response." Let the Vietnamese Speak for Themselves. Worldview, n.d. Web. 4 Jan. 14. < sa_File1/v20_i006_a014.pdf>. Ao Zedong (L1) and Zhou Enlai (R2) Warmly Greeted Chairman Ho Chi Minh. 1955. Photograph. N.p. Photo shows children presenting flowers to Ho Chi Minh. This shows how grateful the people are to Ho Chi Minh. An Aristocrat. N.d. Photograph. Vietnam. An aristocrat with his servants. The Ballad of Ho Chi Minh. N.d. Photograph. N.p. This picture is Ho Chi Minh holding a child. This is a propaganda picture to show that Ho Chi Minh is a kind loving man. Benevolent Leader. N.d. Photograph. N.p. This is a propaganda poster of Ho Chi Minh. It makes Ho Chi MInh look like a nice person, and making him look like he is paving the way to prosperity. Cagnoni, Romano. Ho Chi Minh and Phan Van Dong. N.d. Photograph. Hanoi. The ARVN general with the communist Ho Chi MInh. Carrying the Family. N.d. Photograph. N.p. This photo shows how parents were affected by the war. They had to move around to stay away from the violence brought upon by the war.

A French Colon (settler) and His Vietnamese Wife and Servants. N.d. Photograph. N.p. This photos shows that even though the French took over Vietnam, there was cultural mixing. Great Famine. 1944. Photograph. Vietnam. This photos shows the great famine in Vietnam. We chose this picture is shows the suffering of the Vietnamese people at this point in time. Ho Chi Minh. 1920. Photograph. N.p. This photo how Ho Chi Minh used his looks to play the people. He looks like any ordinary Vietnamese person, wearing regular clothes. Ho Chi Minh and Georges Bidault. 1946. Photograph. Vietnam. This is a photo where Ho Chi Minh and George Bidault just have had a meeting together. Ho Chi Minh, Leader of the Communist Party of Vietnam. N.d. Photograph. N.p. This is a propaganda poster showing Ho Chi Minh as a great leader. Ho Chi Minh. N.d. Photograph. N.p. A photo of Ho Chi Minh. Ho Chi Minh. N.d. Photograph. Vietnam. A photo of Ho Chi Minh. Ho Chi Minh's Declaration of Independence of Vietnam. 1945. Photograph. Vietnam. This photo shows Ho Chi Minh proclaiming the independence of Vietnam. Independence Leader Picture. N.d. Photograph. N.p. Ho Chi Minh giving a speech on liberating Vietnam.

Mai with Her Grandmother in Their Kratie Slum House. N.d. Photograph. N.p. A child who is living in the slums. Members of the O.S.S. Deer Team with Viet Minh Leaders. 1945. Photograph. N.p. A group of French men sitting with future communist leaders like Ho Chi Minh. Viewers can see the discontent Ho Chi Minh has for the French. Mott, Justin. A Slum in Ho Chi Minh City. N.d. Photograph. Ho Chi Minh. This photo shows the current status of Vietnam. One can see the awful living conditions the people have to face to survive. Napoleon III. N.d. Photograph. N.p. A photograph of Napoleon, an oppressor of the Vietnamese people. Nhng Ngi Thnh Lp Nam ng Th X. 1925. Photograph. Hanoi. Group of the high class citizens in Vietnam. North Vietnam Bombing. N.d. Photograph. North Vietnam. A child carrying a rusty bucket is looking for water after the bombing. North Vietnamese Nationalist Leader Ho Chi Minh. N.d. Photograph. Hulton Archives, n.p. A photo of Ho Chi Minh. Peyrin, Charles. Old Photos of Vietnam from 1920-30. 2012. Photograph. N.p. These photos show how life was back in the 1920-1930s. We used these photos to show life like back in the old days. Poppler, Katie. 2008. Photograph. N.p. A women making a living off of collecting trash.

President Ho Chi Minh's Speech and the Parade at Ba Dinh Square. 1945. Photograph. Dinh Square. This photos shows Ho Chi Minh reading the Declaration of Independence of Vietnam. Refugees. 1975. Photograph. N.p. This photo shows the refugees during the Vietnam war. Ribound, Marc. Ho Chi Minh. 1968. Photograph. N.p. Ho Chi Minh giving a speech. South Vietnamese Woman Mourns over the Body of Her Husband. 1969. Photograph. Horst Faas, Hue, Vietnam. This shows the mass graves that were produce when the communist started killing people who did not support the government. Starved Vietnamese Man. 1966. Photograph. N.p. This shows how the North severely repremended the South for not obeying them. The North starved the South, making the South ship most of their food to the North. Stuck Behind Bars. N.d. Photograph. N.p. A young boy is behind bars for a crime he committed. Tet Offensive Devastation. 1968. Photograph. N.p. This photos show the devastation from the war and how it effected families. Tetu, Phil. Ho Chi Minh City Old Lady. 2012. Photograph. Ho Chi Minh. An old lady at the end of a hard days work. Thomazi. La Conqute De L'Indochine. 1934. Photograph. N.p. A map of Cochinchina.

Tonkin. N.d. Photograph. N.p. A group of Vietnamese soldiers taking a photo with a French man. Two Vietnamese Girls. N.d. Photograph. N.p. Two Vietnamese girls stand in an empty field, facing the harsh reality of war. Uncle Ho with Children. N.d. Photograph. N.p. Ho Chi Minh is sitting with children, making him look like a benevolent leader. Vietnam Famine. 1945. Photograph. N.p. Children looking for food in the streets. This is what kids had to do to survive during the war. Vietnam Famine. 1945. Photograph. N.p. Children looking for food in the streets. This is what kids had to do to survive during the war. Vietnamese Civilian Woman with a Gun to Her Head. 1969. Photograph. Keystone, n.p. An old women who was suspected of being a collaborator or sympathizer of the Viet Cong. Vietnamese Prisoners. 1920. Photograph. N.p. This photo shows how a person being held prisoner by the French. We included this photo because one can see the struggle of the people, aspiring for independence. Vietnam's Falg. N.d. Photograph. N.p. The Vietnamese national flag. Women and Children Crouch in a Muddy Canal as They Take Cover from Intense Viet Cong Fire. N.d. Photograph. N.p.

This shows how the people were just in the cross fire between the North and South Vietnam. Worker Party Leader. N.d. Photograph. N.p. Ho Chi Minh is in front of the North Vietnam flag, representing how Ho Chi Minh supported the communist ways of the North.

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