Heat Degrees Paper Test

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As a guide, we use twice the number of Heat Beads briquettes as the diameter (in inches) of the camp oven.

Generally, we like to cook everything at a constant 180C (or 350F). damper vegetarian stews and curries meaty stews and curries small roast chicken 10-15 minutes 30-45 minutes 60-90 minutes 60-75 minutes

Get the fire going early and then throw in a good mound of heat beads onto the coals. Once these are burning well with ash showing all over them, use the shovel to transfer a bed of beads to the side of the fire. Stack the beads under and around the camp oven (including the top). The oven can be left for several hours to simmer and you can be certain of a good result. Always preheat your camp oven before you cook. Pre-heat the oven on a bed of coals. Place a piece of paper inside the oven to find out what heat the oven is at. The paper will change color according to the heat of the oven within a few moments. HEAT DEGREES PAPER TEST Very hot oven Dark brown Hot oven Light brown Moderate yellow Slow oven Crust TOO BLOODY HOT Black & on fire!

Use a cake rack covered in foil, lightly spray some oil on it to prevent the meat sticking to it. Always put water or wine in the bottom, to prevent it drying out. You can then use the sizzle and crackle of the oil as a guage to the cooking temp in the oven. If it is hissing, drop some coal off and if it stops or slows right down, add a bit more coals. As a general rule anything that needs to rise, like pizza, damper, cakes or pudding you put more on the top than the bottom, as you want the heat at the top. If you are cooking a roast in a camp oven we would use double the number of the size of your camp oven. For example we use a 12 camp oven, so we would use 24 Heat Beads BBQ Briquettes, 10 on the bottom and 14 on the top. If you are cooking a basic plain damper in a camp oven we would use 12 Heat Beads BBQ Briquettes in total, 4 on the bottom and 8 on the top. If you are cooking a stuffed damper in a camp oven we would use 16 Heat Beads BBQ Briquettes in total, 6 on the bottom and 10 on the top. If you wanted to cook it quicker and you used a trivet and a baking tray you could use 24 Heat Beads BBQ Briquettes, 9 on the bottom and 15 on the top. You would need to check to see that it is not burning. If you are cooking a stew or pot roast in a camp oven we would use 18 Heat Beads BBQ Briquettes in total, 8 on the bottom and 10 on the top. If you are cooking a pizza in a camp oven we would use 12 Heat Beads BBQ Briquettes in total, 4 on the bottom and 8 on the top. If you are cooking a pie in a camp oven we would use 12 Heat Beads BBQ Briquettes in total, 4 on the bottom and 8 on the top. For a 12 camp oven place 9 briquettes on the bottom & 15 on top, making the total of 24 (which is double the diameter of the 12 camp oven). Coq au Vin Have a good fire with ample embers Into a hot camp oven place the oil, butter and garlic Add to this the onions and let brown. Take out and

2 tablespoons butter 1 tablespoons olive oil 1 piece chicken Maryland per person 4 medium mushrooms per person 3 small onions per person, if large ones cut in half 2 strips of bacon per person 1 cup of red wine 1 teaspoon crushed garlic 1 one serve sachet of Masterfoods chicken stock Pepper and salt 1 cup plain flour

put aside Add the chicken to the oven, which has been shaken in plastic bag with flour Brown the chicken, add cup red wine Add embers to top of camp oven with spade. Care should be taken not to burn the chicken, remove embers if too hot Let it cook for about of an hour, turning occasionally Add the onions and balance of wine Add mushroom and bacon which has had the rind removed and cut in half Return oven to embers About 15 minutes later add chicken stock, pepper and salt to taste, also a little water if the sauce is too thick. Rub the butter the self raising flour. Then mix in the milk and water. Add the freshly chopped herbs. Mix and knead gently into a soft dough. Wrap in foil and bake over hot Heat Beads

DAMPER 2 cups self raising flour cup milk cup water 2 tablespoons butter 1 tablespoon herbs, chopped

BEER DAMPER 1 kg of self raising flour 1 tablespoon of chopped parsley 1 clove of chopped garlic 2 tablespoons of butter 1/4 of a cup of milk 1 large bottle of beer (use 1 cup in the damper and drink the rest) a pinch of salt and a little water

JONNIE CAKES Like damper only flat bush pizza bases. Self raising flour, water a pinch of salt.

FISH Fish any white fish is best either fillets or whole slice up large tomato thinly sliced uo small onion thinly

Work the butter into the dry ingredients then add the milk and stir. Add the beer and stir then add some water to make a porridge consistency. Place the dough on a metal plate and place the plate on a rack in the camp oven (this keeps the damper off the bottom of the camp oven and prevents the bottom burning). Put your camp oven on the coals and put some coals on the lid of the oven, your damper should be ready in 20 to 30 minutes depending on the coals. Eat it while its hot with treacle or golden syrup and remember never cut your damper always tear it apart with your hands it adds to the flavour. Mix into a firm dough by adding just a little water at a time. Knead it and make small balls about the size of a tennis ball, flatten out each ball of dough and roll it flat with a beer or wine bottle (we usually have a good supply of either). Have a good fire going and burn it to coals, level out the coals and place a grill of some sort about an inch or two above the coals. You can use almost anything for a grill such as an old rack out of a fridge or some chicken wire, sit it on some rocks around the fire and there is your rack. Toss the flattened Johnny cake on the rack, cook one side and then turn it over. Cooking time depends on the heat in the coals but it wont take long. Tear off and lay out enough foil sheets to completly cover fish and rub foil and fish over with butter or marg sprinkle with salt and pepper in required lay the fish in the centre of foil sheet and place tomato and onion slices along the top of the fish,

butter Cooking foil Bake in moderate pre-heated oven at 160 C for 20 to 25 minutes. Remove foil and bake for a further five minutes PIZZA 2 Cups self raising flower, Teaspoon salt, Teaspoon sugar, 3/4 cup water, 3 Tablespoons olive oil. In a bowl add wet ingredients to dry and knead. Set aside for 1hr to allow base to rise. Divide dough into two and roll out to fit camp oven. SMOKED FISH Pat fish fillet dry with paper towel, season with cracked pepper and salt or your favourite marinade and set aside. - Preheat camp oven from its base. Once hot add a handful of smoking sawdust and continue heating until the sawdust begins to smoke. Place fish fillet on cake tray in camp oven and put lid on. Cook for 2030 minute. You can lay foil in the bottom of the oven before putting the sawdust in to make the oven easier to clean. BAKED POTATOES 4 large unwashed potatoes (Kestrel, White Star, King Edward & Red Star, Royal Blue & Russet Burbank potatoes are good) course salt crystals oil or spray oil seasoning garlic pepper, pepper steak, etc Preheat your oven or camp oven, having it fairly hot (200C). Line the bottom of the camp oven or baking tray with foil or baking paper and sprinkle in a good layer of course salt crystals (or flakes, but they are a bit expensive). The salt helps to absorb moisture from the potatoes during cooking, making the skin crisp. Wash the dirt off the potatoes and pat dry, then pierce the skin a few times with a knife or skewer. If you dont, the potato is likely to burst during cooking.

wrap carefully and place in a hot oven and place coals on the lid if using a camp oven cook on hot coals for 15 minutes and remove leaving the fish in the foil to retain the heat until on the plate remove the foil and enjoy

A good cooking temperature is around 200C and each pizza should take 15-20 minutes to cook - To prevent the base from burning cook on a foiled cake tray so that the pizza isnt sitting on the base of the oven.

- Before smoking you can marinate your fish in your favourite sauce or sprinkle with some spices for some extra flavour. Curry Powder, Asian Five Spice and Honey Soy Sauce are some of the flavours that are worth experimenting with.

Rub a little oil over the outside of each potato, season and place on top of the salt. Put into your hot camp oven - put on the lid and add some coals to the lid to help brown the top of the potatoes. Bake for approx 45 mins to 1 hour. Cooking time will depend on the size of the potatoes and the heat from your coals. Keep a check and add or remove coals as needed. Dont add too many coals though as it is very easy to burn the spuds, and you just want them nicely browned and crisp. To serve, remove and cut a cross on top of each potato and peel back slightly. Spoon on your favourite topping or try some of the suggestions given. Oven: Place ingredients in a baking dish and bake in a mod/hot oven 200C for approx 1 hour or until cooked

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