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He 1 Christine He Josen Diaz MCWP 50 7 March 2012 Cross-Ethnic Asian Casting in American Popu ar Cu ture !

"ough Dra#t $%& Within the ast 'eca'e( Asian an' Asian American actors ha)e gaine' much more screentime an' recognition *oth in popu ar American mo)ies an' +, sho-s. Mo)ies such as Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon !2000&( Harold and Kumar go to White Castle !200/& an' Memoirs of a Geisha !2005& -ere commercia 0 success#u 'espite ha)ing main 0 Asian casts( -hi e The Hangover !2001&( Inception !2010&( an' others #eature' Asians in prominent supporting ro es. +, sho-s -ith nota* e Asian characters inc u'e Glee( Community( an' more. Ho-e)er( a though there is an increasing o)era Asian presence in American popu ar me'ia( an interesting practice can *e o*ser)e' in the casting o# these Asian ro es. 2ne ma0 see a 3orean actor p a0ing a Chinese man( or a Chinese actress in the ro e o# a Japanese geisha( an' so on. 4uch a phenomenon has *een occurring #or 5uite a -hi e. Asian American #i m pioneers such as Anna Ma0 Wong( 4essue Ha0a6a-a( an' Phi ip Ahn -ere caste' in )ar0ing Asian ro es -ithout much regar' #or ethnicit0. 7n particu ar( Phi ip Ahn8s #i mograph0 consists o# appro9imate 0 15: non-3orean ro es. Ho 0-oo'8s * atant 'isregar' #or ethnicit0 cou ' *e attri*ute' to the #act that ;<most Americans are 5uite ignorant o#( or unconcerne' *0( the 'istinctions *et-een 'i##erent Asian countries( peop es( an' cu tures= !>ia 117&. +his tren' o# casting Asian an' Asian American actors an' actresses into ro es outsi'e their o-n ethnicities has mu ti#acete' imp ications to-ar's the goa o# accurate representation #or Asians ? #irst 0( it seems to encourage the mis ea'ing stereot0pe that a Asians oo6 a i6e an' are interchangea* e@ 0et

He 2 secon' 0( it ma0 re# ect the gro-ing *o'0 o# assimi ate' Asian-Americans -ho i'enti#0 more -ith American than Asian( an' -ho are a* e to gain more representationa po-er in America through a pan-Asian a*e rather than *eing separate' *0 ethnicit0. +his can *e argue' through ana 0sis o# the primar0 sources Memoirs of a Geisha an' Glee !4eason % Episo'e % ;Asian A=&( an' the secon'ar0 criti5ues surroun'ing them. 7n a time -hen po itica correctness ha' not 0et *een in)ente' an' 0e o-#ace -as incre'i* 0 common( Asian-American acting pioneers 4essue Ha0a6a-a( Anna Ma0 Wong( an' Phi ip Ahn -ere most 0 re egate' to stereot0pe' *it parts as )i ains( 'ragon a'ies( an' *utter# ies -hi e ea'ing Asian ro es -ent to Caucasian actors@ e)en -hen the0 -ere gi)en parts( the0 -ere o#ten caste' as characters o# another ethnicit0( setting the historica prece'ents #or cross-ethnic casting o# Asian actors an' actresses o# to'a0. Anna Ma0 Wong( the #irst ChineseAmerican mo)ie star( 'e*ute' as a Mongo ian gir in the 112/ #i m Thief of Baghdad Man0 o# her su*se5uent ro es -ere Chinese characters( *ut pro'ucers seeme' to har*or no 5ua ms in casting her #or Es6imo !Hi6o in The !avage Innocents&( Ara*ian !>ahrat in Chu Chin Cho"&( 4ingaporean !unname' ro e in #cross to !ingapore&( an' other ethnic characters. 4imi ar 0( 4essue Ha0a6a-a p a0e' Japanese ro es #or the most part *ut there -as no hesitation in casting him #or Chinese !Prince Hu-Bong in The Cheat$( Persian !A6*ar 3han in The Devil%s Claim&( an' other such characters. +his sho-s that America8s ethnic * in'ness -as e)en -orse in the past ? the ;a Asians oo6 a i6e= um*re a e9ten'e' not on 0 to East Asians *ut a so Mi'' e Easterners( 4outheast Asians( an' Es6imos. Phi ip Ahn( a 3orean-American actor an' perhaps the *est e9amp e o# historica crossethnic casting( *ui t his e9tensi)e career !spanning 11%0s to 1170s& on Chinese an' Japanese ro es. 7n her semi-*iographica *oo6 Ho 0-oo' Asian( H0e 4eung Chung ana 0zes Ahn8s

He % career( stating that ;among some hun're' tit es in his #i mograph0 C<D he on 0 occasiona 0 p a0e' 3oreans= !Chung 200E( 21& an' attri*ute' this 'i##erence to a ac6 o# a-areness o# 3orean peop e in America at that time. Aurthermore( Ahn8s #i m stu'io( Paramount( sho-e' its 'isregar' #or ethnic accurac0 *0 ;promotCingD him as a Chinese actor=( mas6ing his ;e9ceptiona 3orean heritage= !10& to ma6e him easier to 'igest #or American au'iences 'uring his pre-WW77 career. Chung c aims that ;this spea6s to the interchangea*i it0 o# Asian actors( regar' ess o# nationa it0 an' ethnicit0( -hich -as #ostere' *0 an in'ustr0 insensiti)e to the 'i)ersities an' 'i##erences -ithin the same racia group= !17&. +he in'ustr08s insensiti)it0 o#ten causes misrepresentations o# Asians on screen -hen the0 ignore cu tura 'i##erences( -hich trans ates into au'ience ignorance o# Asian 'i)ersit0. During the -ar( some o# these )er0 important 'i##erences came to the #ore#ront -hen Phi ip Ahn -as increasing 0 ca e' on to p a0 ro es o# )i ainous Japanese o##icers an' spies in anti-Japanese propagan'a #i ms. As the son o# the #amous 3orean nationa ist ea'er +osan Ahn Chang-Ho( Phi ip Ahn ma'e it )er0 c ear that he har*ore' a ;tremen'ous( sha -e sa0( hatre' #or the Japanese= !12&. As a resu t( he c aime'( ;7 to ' m0se # that i# 7 -as going to p a0 the enem0( 7 -as going to p a0 him as )icious 0 as 7 cou '<7 too6 pri'e in *eing the most e)i man a i)e= !12&. +hese statements un'erscore the 'i##erences that ma0 e9ist *et-een ethnicities -ithin the same racia group( -hich get ignore' *0 the stereot0pica )ie- that a Asians are a i6e. A though actua Japanese peop e might not ha)e *een so crue an' )icious( Ahn8s 3orean heritage pre'ispose' him to p a0 them as such. Aurthermore( Ahn8s cross-ethnic per#ormances actua 0 'i' resu t in promoting au'ience ignorance ? mo)ie #ans( una-are o# his 3orean heritage( ;con#use' his onscreen e)i persona -ith the rea Ahn= an' su*se5uent 0 sent him ;hate mai an' threats on his i#e= !1%&. +his sho-s

He / that inaccurate representations in mass me'ia ma0 *ecome imprinte' in au'iences as rea representations( an' a ters their *eha)ior to-ar's the peop e *eing represente'. Cross-ethnic casting has persiste' to this 'a0 an' simi ar 0( ma0 rein#orce the mis ea'ing stereot0pe o# a Asians *eing a i6e. +he popu ar 2005 mo)ie Memoirs of a Geisha speci#ica 0 generate' contro)ers0 a*out its casting choices, &oth for 'apanese and Chinese people ali(e The three main geisha roles, an identity so cu tura 0 uni5ue to Japan( -ere gi)en to Chinese actresses >i0i >hang( Miche e Feoh( an' Gong Bi. # BBC article a&out the movie stated that ;some Japanese )ie-ers ha)e comp aine' a*out the use o# Chinese -omen o)er actresses #rom Japan= an' ;critics in China sa0 it is insensiti)e *ecause o# JapanHs atrocities 'uring their Chinese occupation o# the 11%0s= !1&( re#erring to such acts as the "ape o# IanJing an' the use o# Chinese ;com#ort -omen= 'uring WW77. +his 'emonstrates that historica 0( Chinese an' Japanese peop e a so ha)e great 'i##erences *et-een them that ma0 not *e percei)e' *0 American au'iences( 0et these 'i##erences are an important part o# un'erstan'ing a cu ture. Ho-e)er( the pro'ucers8 'ecision to cast Chinese actresses as i# the0 -ere Just as )a i' as Japanese actresses is characteristic o# ho- American me'ia ha*itua 0 categorizes Asians into a singu ar group. Perhaps the most Jarring rea - i#e conse5uence o# American me'ia8s #ai ure to 'istinguish *et-een Asian ethnicities is 'emonstrate' in the 'eath o# ,incent Chin( a 0oung Chinese American man -ho -as chase' an' mur'ere' *0 t-o Caucasian auto -or6ers -ho -ere angr0 at 'apanese peop e #or causing the American auto in'ustr0 to 'ec ine. C ear 0( these men sa- a Asians as *eing a i6e an' there#ore mur'ere' an utter 0 unre ate' person. 7n her *oo6 Asian American Dreams( the #ame' po itica acti)ist He en >ia( -ho -as instrumenta in the APA uprising #o o-ing Chin8s 'eath( states that ;Asian Americans #e t 'eep 0 that -hat happene' to

He 5 ,incent Chin cou ' ha)e happene' to an0one -ho K oo6e'8 Japanese<as though e)er0 Asian group -ere the same= !>ia E%&. Aurthermore( >ia corro*orates that this perception is perpetuate' in popu ar cu ture ? ;Characters in mass me'ia o#ten * en' the -i ' 0 'i)erse traits #rom 'istinct Asian cu tures into an unimaginati)e( one-size-#its-a Asian stereot0pe= !>ia 117&. Cross-ethnic casting is a #actor in the creation o# the singu ar Asian image in America8s e0e( com*ining the 'i##erent #aces #rom 'i##erent races *0 passing one ethnicit0 as another. 7# Asian peop e continue to *e groupe' an' represente' un'er one genera ize' i'entit0( progress to-ar's accurate representation an' un'erstan'ing o# 'i)ersit0 -ithin Asians -i *e hin'ere'. An' 0et( man0 peop e sti 'ismiss the importance o# such ethnic *en'ing in casting, claiming that Holly"ood must choose actors for roles &ased on popularity, talent and pro&a&ility of &o)*office success rather than ethnic accuracy Why not then, as E'itor-in-Chie# o# the month 0 arts magazine ;+heatre La0 Area= 4am Hur-itt sarcastica 0 imp ies( Just cast -hite actorsM He humorous 0 'ec ares( ;+he on 0 reason this mo)ie 'oesnHt star Iico e 3i'man an' Char ize +heron in Asian ma6eup is *ecause peop e might thin6 that -as tac60= !Hur-itt 2&. He seems to point rea'ers to the conc usion that American pro'ucers *an6 on the i'ea that American au'iences *e ie)e a Asians are a i6e@ as ong as there is some 6in' o# Asian #ace #i ing the ro e( their cu tura heritage an' un'erstan'ing is arge 0 unimportant in portra0ing the ro e. Michae Fa6i8s artic e is simi ar to 4am Hur-itt8s in that he criticizes the casting choices o# the #i m Memoirs of a Geisha Fa6i emphasizes that a though man0 Americans ma0 *e ie)e that a Asians are a i6e( the 'i##erence *et-een Chinese an' Japanese 'uring the time perio' that Memoirs of a Geisha is suppose' to *e situate' in( in the mi'st o# Wor ' War 77( -as the 'i##erence *et-een enem0 an' a 0. He re#ers to the internment camps #or e)i'ence - i# one -as

He E Japanese( the0 -ere sent to the camps( *ut i# one -as Chinese( the0 -ere e#t a one. Again( the i'ea that t-o ethnicities un'er the same Asian a*e can *e )ast 0 'i##erent is reiterate'. 4ome argue that it shou ' *e a right #or Asian actors to p a0 'i##erent ethnicities *ecause their Caucasian counterparts 'o the same( *ut this argument is #au t0. #sianWee( co umnist Phi ip Chung conten's that -hi e some *e ie)e that ;on 0 Japanese actors shou ' p a0 Japanese characters( an' so on<CheD thin6CsD that ine o# thin6ing is # a-e' an' u timate 0 imiting= !Chung 2005( 1&. As a countere9amp e( he *rings up the point that Caucasian actors are ;a o-e'= to portra0 'i##erent ethnicities -ithin their o-n racia group -ith no signi#icant contro)ers0 nor repercussions ? ;Lritish actors ha)e a -a0s p a0e' Americans<an' no one comp ains -hen Lra' Pitt p a0s an 7rish or "ussian character= !1&. Ho-e)er( Caucasians are the maJorit0 -ithin America( an' there are a )ast num*er o# 'i##erent representations re# ecting the 'i)ersit0 -ithin that racia group. Asians an' Asian Americans( con)erse 0( are a sma minorit0 an' are rare 0 represente' in a signi#icant manner !such as in the ea'ing ro es& in a -i'esprea' me'ium such as a mo)ie. +he pro* em is that -hen the0 'o get represente'( the0 are too o#ten represente' inaccurate 0 in -a0s such as cross-ethnic casting an' generic( stereot0pica *eha)ior. +hese inaccurate images are sometimes the on 0 impression that a person might ha)e o# Asian cu tures( un i6e Caucasians( -hose 'i)erse images are per)asi)e throughout American cu ture an' *a ance each other out. +hus it is e9treme 0 important to *egin representing Asians an' Asian Americans in an accurate manner -ithin American popu ar me'ia. +he secon' ha # o# this paper 'ea s -ith the possi*i it0 that( as the generations pass *0( Asian Americans are in #act *ecoming more assimi ate' into American cu ture( an' #ee more com#orta* e i'enti#0ing -ith a pan-ethnic ;Asian American= i'entit0 rather than ChineseAmerican( 3orean-American( an' so on. As a resu t( American me'ia ma0 see6 to represent the

He 7 genera popu ation o# Asian Americans rather than speci#0ing a certain ethnicit0. 7t is un'erstan'a* e that thir' or #ourth generation Asian Americans might ose touch -ith some o# the mother countr08s cu ture an' anguage( an' instea' *ecome more Americanize'. A stu'0 o# inguistic retention o)er three generations 'one *0 Pro#essor "ichar' A *a o# Ie- For68s Nni)ersit0 at A *an0 conc u'e' that ;*0 the thir' generation !gran'chi 'ren o# immigrants&( on 0 a minorit0 in an0 group maintains *i ingua ism= !A *a 1&. More speci#ica 0( ;Among Cthir' generationD Asians( the percentage -ho spea6 on 0 Eng ish is 12 percent( -ith the Chinese at 11 percent an' 3oreans at 1% percent. +he on 0 groups #or -hich the e)e o# Eng ish mono ingua ism is *e o- 10 percent are the Baotians( Pa6istanis an' ,ietnamese= !2&. 4imi ar 0( the e)e o# cu tura practices such as ce e*rating Asian ho i'a0s sees a 'o-n-ar' tren' #rom thir' generation an' on-ar'. 7n popu ar me'ia( this trans ates to the pro'uction o# more genera ize' Asian characters -ho ma0 sti ha)e un'er 0ing Asian )a ues such as #i ia piet0( 0et -ho 'on8t necessari 0 associate *eing Asian as a )er0 important part o# their i'entit0. A though the0 ha)e an Asian #ace( the0 are essentia 0 American. When as6e' to 'escri*e her character( Glee actress Jenna Nsh6o-itz !-ho is 3orean& sa0s( ;+ina is a gothic( pun6Ogee6 roc6er -ho i6es to sing an' 'ance. 4he has a 'ar6 re*e ious si'e to her *ut rea 0 #ee s at home in the G ee C u* -ith her #rien's= !7 ustrisimo 1&. 4he neg ects to mention +ina8s Chinese heritage( imp 0ing that *eing Chinese is not a arge part o# +ina8s i'entit0. 7nstea'( she #ocuses more on the persona aspects that +ina has create' #or herse # ? *eing a ;gothic pun6Ogee6 roc6er -ho i6es to sing an' 'ance= is +ina8s choice( un i6e her cu tura heritage( -hich she -as *orn -ith. +hus( the Glee character +ina can *e seen as a step #or-ar' #or the representation o# Asian Americans as regu ar Americans instea' o# *eing outright t0pecaste' as an Asian stereot0pe such as the mo'e minorit0.

He P A though +ina is un'ou*te' 0 an impro)ement o)er the stereot0pe' 'ragon a'ies an' *utter# ies o# Anna Ma0 Wong8s 'a0( there is sti much progress that can *e ma'e in #air 0 representing Asian Americans. Joseph Bin o# the on ine * og Generasian see6s to progress e)en #urther into the area o# assimi ating Asians into America in his artic e ;Hey Glee(s+ Why does couples therapy have to &e #sian,= Within the sho-( there are t-o Asian charactersQ +ina an' Mi6e Chang( -ho are Jo6ing 0 i'enti#ie' *0 their nic6names ;Asian= an' ;other Asian=( *ut -ho are *oth #air 0 roun'e' out -ith their o-n *ac6stories. Bin ac6no- e'ges that there has *een a')ancement in Asian American representation since the mo)ie Mean Girls( in -hich the Asian characters spea6 e9c usi)e 0 their Asian anguage !,ietnamese& -ithout seeming to un'erstan' or spea6 Eng ish. Glee at east 'oes not outright otherize its Asian characters i6e Mean Girls 'oes( *ut there are sti pro* ems -ith atent racia ization rather than i'enti#0ing them as main 0 American. Aor e9amp e( ;Mi6e o##ers to 6iss an' ma6e up to +ina *0 o##ering t-o -or'sQ KAsian 3issM8= !Bin 1& -hen +ina an' Mi6e are arguing. Mi6e a so *rings up the i'ea o# going to ;Asian coup es therap0=( -hich to Bin seems un#air ? -h0 is the -or' ;Asian= a -a0s ran'om 0 *rought up -hene)er +ina an' Mi6e are in)o )e'M +he A#rican American character Merce'es ne)er has a ;* ac6 6iss= -ith her *o0#rien'. ;Does that mean the ;Asian= part o# ourse )es as Asian Americans is a -a0s ine9p ica* 0 #oreign( strange an' there#ore not *e onging( in the Nnite' 4tatesM= !2&. Bin in)o6es the i'eas o# "o*ert G. Bee8s ;-ello"face=( in -hich Bee e9p ains the Asian Americans8 constant strugg e -ith *eing portra0e' as perpetua a iens an' *eing otherize' un'er the same stereot0pes. +his sho-s that e)en though Glee ma0 *e *etter at portra0ing Asian-American characters than mo)ies #rom *e#ore( it sti represents America8s pro* ematic -a0 o# stereot0ping Asians. Ho-e)er( *0 Just tr0ing to portra0 #sian #mericans( it a o-s cross-ethnica 0 caste' actors to represent the arger racia a*e .

He 1 +his #a s in ine -ith Peter Aeng8s artic e ;Leing Chinese American( Lecoming Asian American=( in -hich he e9p ores the 'i##erence *et-een the i'entities o# ;Chinese American= an' ;Asian American=. He c aims that *0 i'enti#0ing -ith ;Asian American=( one ma0 gain greater po itica po-er in America( *ut at the same time must tra'e o## -ith one8s cu tura heritage. He sa0s( ;2ur racia unit0 has *een contri*uting to our strength( to our e##orts to *ui ' communit0( an' to the maintenance an' 'e)e opment o# a )ita Asian American cu ture= !Aeng 1%&. Aeng then 'iscusses the #i m ;Chan 7s Missing= as groun's #or his c aims. 7n the #i m( )ie-ers are presente' -ith a con#usion o# ;Chinese American= i'entities through the main character o# 4te)e( *ut Aeng uses this con#usion to state that ;*0 sho-ing us -h0 it is impossi* e to 6no- precise 0 -ho -e are as Chinese Americans( CChan 7s MissingD sho-s us ho- -e might 'isco)er ho- -e *ecome Asian Americans= !Aeng 110&. Aeng *rea6s a-a0 #rom the #i m itse # to 'e)ote a section to pon'er the casting ? 4te)e( a Chinese character( is p a0e' *0 Marc Ha0ashi( a Japanese American. +hat casting 'ecision itse # is a testament to the ethnic * urring represente' in the a*e ;Asian American=. Aeng conten's that *0 i'enti#0ing -ith Asian American instea' o# Japanese American( it *ecomes accepta* e #or Ha0ashi to p a0 4te)e. +hus in mo'ern +, sho-s such as Glee -here a speci#ic ethnic i'entit0 is not *i e' as an important theme o# the stor0( it ma0 *e seen as accepta* e #or 3orean-American Jenna Nsh6o-itz to p a0 +ina Chang( *ecause the0 are *oth more strong 0 Asian American than ethnic. +his a so pro)i'es Asian Americans in genera a greater amount o# representation in American popu ar me'ia. Perhaps -hat Asian America nee's right no- is simp 0 po-er in num*ers( that cannot *e gaine' i# 'i##erent ethnicities continue to separate themse )es. A though greater America shou ' a so recognize the 'i)ersit0 -ithin the ;Asian American= a*e ( that goa can *e rea ize' -ith the passing o# more time.

He 10 Au're0 4me' e0 goes one step #urther in her artic e ;./ace% and the Construction of Human Identity= to c aim that race is not e)en a goo' -a0 to i'enti#0 human *eings *0. 4he c aims that *e#ore the 1Pth centur0( the notion o# race *ase' on ph0sica traits simp 0 'i' not e9ist( an' on 0 came a*out 'uring the co onization o# the West as a -a0 to rationa ize the harsh treatment o# Iati)e Americans an' A#ricans *0 re egating them to an in#erior position *ase' on their s6in. Her groun's are that *e#ore( peop e -ou ' 'eri)e their main sense o# i'entit0 #rom #actors such as anguage( 6inship( occupation( ocation( an' ater( re igion. 46in co or mattere' itt e. Her secon' c aim is that to'a0( racia categorizing *0 ph0sica traits has *ecome the 'ominant #orm o# i'entit0( resu ting in huge pro* ems #or those -ho are 'eeme' in#erior( such as s a)er0 an' e9c usion #rom socia pri)i ege. 4he 'enounces the i'ea that there e9ist 'istinct popu ations o# *io ogica 0 separate peop e@ instea'( the0 are a -a0s in a process o# mi9ing an' changing. Another m0th is that *io ogica traits are connecte' to cu ture - instea'( cu ture is earne' an' a'apte' #rom surroun'ing peop e. 7# one inteprets Asian cross-ethnic casting through her e0es( it *ecomes a most a non-issue. 4he criticizes the entire institution o# race-*ase' thin6ing an' instea' tries to #oster an un'erstan'ing that -e shou ' not Ju'ge an' categorize others *ase' on traits that the0 cannot contro . +hese t-o interpretations o# the AsianOAsian American cross-ethnic casting phenomenon -ithin American popu ar cu ture ma0 seem to c ash -ith each other an' contra'ict( *ut it is the rea it0 o# the comp e9 -or ' in -hich -e na)igate to'a0. +he i'ea that AsianOAsian Americans shou ' *e recognize' #or their 'i)ersit0 is important( 0et the i'ea o# *rea6ing 'o-n racia *arriers to #urther communication an' un'erstan'ing is Just as important. +here is no one -a0 to interpret right or -rong in *inar0 terms in regar's to cross-ethnic casting( an' 'i##erent peop e ma0 come to 'i##erent un'erstan'ings o# the tren'. Ho-e)er in the current situation o# Asians *eing

He 11 un'errepresente' in American popu ar me'ia( 5uantit0 o# Asian characters ma0 *e 'esire' o)er 5ua it0. Fet accurate representation !5ua it0& is a so 'esire'( *ut ma0 come at a ater time as American au'iences continue to *ecome use' to a greater Asian presence on screen.

He 12 Wor6s Cite' A *a( "ichar'. ;Li ingua ism Persists( Lut Eng ish 4ti Dominates=. Migration Information !ource Ae*ruar0 2005. We*. 20 Ae*ruar0 2012.

Chung( H0e 4ung. Holly"ood #sian+ 0hilip #hn and the politics of cross*ethnic performance Phi a'e phia( PAQ +emp e Nni)ersit0 Press( 200E. Print.

Chung( Phi ip W. RMemoirs...A Casting Contro)ers0.R #sian"ee(Q 20. 1thnic 2e"sWatch 2005. We*. 1/ Ae*. 2012.

Aeng( Peter S. ;Leing Chinese American( Lecoming Asian AmericanQ Chan Is Missing.= !creening #sian #mericans. Ie- Lruns-ic6( I.J. Q "utgers Nni)ersit0 Press( 2002. PP110. Print.

Hur-itt( 4am. R+he M0sterious Chinese GeishaQ +he Ie- Fe o-#ace.R Kitchen !in(. 1 Januar0 200EQ A t-Press Watch !APW&( ProTuest. We*. 20 Januar0 2012.

7 ustrisimo( Jinra. ;G ee8s Jenna Nsh6o-itz=. 2ingin Mi9r Me'ia( BBC. 12 Apri 2010. We*. 20 Ae*ruar0 2012.

Bee( "o*ert G. ;Fe o-#ace.= 3rientals+ #sians and 0opular Culture. Phi a'e phia( PAQ +emp e Nni)ersit0 Press( 1111. 1-1/. Print.

He 1% Bin( Joseph. ;He0 G ee6sQ -h0 'oes the coup es therap0 ha)e to *e AsianM= Generasian 1 Decem*er 2010. We*. 1/ Ae*ruar0 2012.

4me' e0( Au're0. ;K"ace8 an' the Construction o# Human 7'entit0.= #merican #nthropologist. 4eptem*er 111PQ E10-702. We*. 10 Ae*ruar0 2012.

Fa6i( Michae . ;Ethnic s ippageOChinese geisha cross too man0 *oun'aries.= !4Gate 1P Decem*er 2005Q We*. 22 Januar0 2012.

>ia( He en. #sian #merican Dreams Ie- For6( IFQ Aarrar( 4traus an' Girou9( 2000. Print.

;Geisha #i m ma6ers 'e#en' casting=. BBC 2e"s. P Decem*er 2005. We*. 7 Ae*ruar0 2012.

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