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The Doha Development Round or Doha Development Agenda (DDA) is the current trade-negotiation round of the World Trade

Organization (WTO) which commenced in November 2001 !ts ob"ective is to lower trade barriers around the world# which allows countries to increase trade globall$ %s of 200&# tal's have stalled over a divide on ma"or issues# such as agriculture# industrial tariffs and non-tariff barriers# services# and trade remedies (1) The most significant differences are between develo*ed nations led b$ the +uro*ean ,nion (+,)# the ,nited -tates (,-%)# and .a*an and the ma"or develo*ing countries led and re*resented mainl$ b$ /razil# 0hina# !ndia# -outh 1orea# and -outh %frica There is also considerable contention against and between the +, and the ,-% over their maintenance of agricultural subsidies2seen to o*erate effectivel$ as trade barriers (2) The 3oha 4ound began with a ministerial-level meeting in 3oha# 5atar in 2001 -ubse6uent ministerial meetings too' *lace in 0anc7n# 8e9ico (200:)# and ;ong 1ong (200<) 4elated negotiations too' *lace in =eneva# -witzerland (200># 200?# 200&)@ Aaris# Brance (200<)@ and Aotsdam# =erman$ (200C) The most recent round of negotiations# 2:D2E .ul$ 200&# bro'e down after failing to reach a com*romise on agricultural im*ort rules (:) %fter the brea'down# ma"or negotiations were not e9*ected to resume until 200E (>) Nevertheless# intense negotiations# mostl$ between the ,-%# 0hina# and

!ndia# were held in the end of 200& in order to agree on negotiation modalities ;owever# these negotiations did not result in an$ *rogress 0urrent *rogress -everal countries have called for negotiations to start again /razil and Aascal Fam$ have led this *rocess Fuiz !nGcio Fula da -ilva# *resident of /razil# called several countries leaders to urge them to renew negotiations (:?) Fam$ visited !ndia to discuss *ossible solutions to the im*asse (:C) % miniministerial meeting held in !ndia on -e*tember : and > *ledged to com*lete the round b$ the end of 2010 (:&) The declaration at the end of the =20 summit of world leaders in Fondon in 200E included a *ledge to com*lete the 3oha round %lthough a WTO ministerial conference scheduled in November 200E would not be a negotiating session#(:E) there would be several o**ortunities over the $ear 200E to discuss the *rogress (>0) The WTO is involved in several events ever$ $ear that *rovide o**ortunities to discuss and advance# at a conce*tual level# trade negotiations !n earl$ 2010# /razil and Fam$ have focused on the role of the ,nited -tates in overcoming the deadloc' Fula has urged /arac' Obama to end the trade dis*ute between /razil and the ,- over cotton subsidies following his increase in tariffs on over 100 ,- goods (>1) Fam$ has highlighted the difficult$ of obtaining agreement from the ,- without the Aresidential fast trac' authorit$ and biennial elections (>2) One of the conse6uences of the economic crisis of 200& - 200E is the desire of *olitical leaders to shelter their constituents from the increasingl$ com*etitive mar'et e9*erienced during mar'et contractions Fam$ ho*es that the dro* in trade of 12H in 200E# 6uoted as the largest annual dro* since the -econd World War# could be countered b$ successful conclusion of the 3oha round (>:

3 round 2010
!n a sign that globalists are running out of *atience with the *rotracted negotiations 'nown as the 3oha 3evelo*ment 4ound of the World Trade Organization# leading economic *owers (the =-& *lus 0hina# !ndia# /razil# 8e9ico# and -outh %frica) *ledged this wee' in a communi6uI to reach an accord b$ 2010

The 3oha 4ound# launched in 2001 to lower so-called trade barriers such as tariffs worldwide and to strengthen and clarif$ the *owers of the World Trade Organization (WTO)# has dragged on allegedl$ because of disagreements 2 between the ,nited -tates and the +, and between the develo*ing nations and the dominant economic *owers 2 over agricultural *olicies and levels of *ermissible tariffs The ,nited -tates# long wedded to its oldest ma"or domestic socialist *rogram# agricultural subsidies# finds itself under fire inasmuch as such subsidies su**osedl$ give , agricultural *roducers an unfair advantage over their less heavil$-subsidized international com*etitors The 3oha 4ound# li'e its *redecessor# the ,rugua$ 4ound that gave rise to the WTO# is being *romoted as a Jfree tradeK *ro"ect# when in fact it is nothing more than an e9ercise in internationall$ managed trade 2 socialism on a global scale# in other words The WTO# instead of creating bona fide free international trade# merel$ substituted international regulator$ authorit$ for national controls on trade Tariffs and other trade barriers were re*laced with international mandates and the threat of coordinated international trade embargoes on nations that refused to com*l$ The new 3oha 4ound *romises more of the same# meaning that the ,nited -tates# li'e other *otential *arties to the new trade agreement# are being *ressured to give u* socialism on the national level 2 farm subsidies and whatnot 2 in favor of a socialist global trade regime JThe 'e$ *oint#K said 3an Arice# the former /ush %dministrationLs 'e$ man on the 3oha 4ound# Jis that all countries (in the 3oha 4ound) are going to have to ma'e uncomfortable choices between now and ne9t $ear K

India, Australia committed to successful conclusion of Doha Round

!ndia and %ustralia are committed to coo*erate closel$ in efforts to bring the 3oha 4ound of WTO trade tal's to a successful and balanced conclusion within the 2011 window of o**ortunit$ identified b$ =20 leaders at their -eoul -ummit

!n a "oint statement# +9ternal %ffairs 8inister - 8 1rishna and his %ustralian counter*art 1evin 4udd saidM N /oth !ndia and %ustralia are committed to coo*erating closel$ in efforts to bring the 3oha 4ound to a successful# ambitious# com*rehensive and balanced conclusion N 4udd said %ustralia loo'ed forward to hosting in 2011 the ne9t .oint 8inisterial 0ommission on trade and economic issues and an !ndian delegation to the inaugural 0+Os Borum Noting the im*ortance of coo*eration in the resources and energ$ sector# both ministers saidM NThe first biennial %ustralia-!ndia +nerg$ and 8inerals Borum# held in Aerth in 2010# set the stage for closer collaboration# building on the five strategic %ction Alans (0oal# New and 4enewable +nerg$# 8ining and 8inerals# Aower# Aetroleum and Natural =as) signed in 200& N On the economic relation between the two nations# both ministers saidM NThe bilateral economic relationshi* has continued to strengthen !ndia is now %ustraliaOs third largest overall e9*ort mar'et and fifth largest trade *artner %ustralia is !ndiaOs ?th largest trading *artner NThere were significant new two-wa$ investments in 2010# *articularl$ b$ !ndia in the resources and energ$ sector#N the$ added 4udd further welcomed the growing interest b$ !ndian com*anies in investing in %ustralia

N!n 8a$ 2010 the %ustralian and !ndian =overnments had noted the recommendations of the %ustralia-!ndia Bree Trade %greement .oint Beasibilit$ -tud$ and that both sides were underta'ing further internal *rocesses#N the statement said 1rishna noted that the trade imbalance with %ustralia was the second largest that !ndia had with an$ of its trading *artners ;e urged greater fle9ibilit$ and re6uested for earl$ action and on issues that im*acted on !ndiaOs e9*orts to %ustralia# es*eciall$ in service e9*orts (information technolog$) and *roducts such as *harmaceuticals# mangoes and table gra*es (%N!)

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