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David L.

Moss and Associates Offering Landlords and Tenants Superlative Legal Services in NYC
David L. Moss and Associates is counted among the leading real estate law firms in New York City. The firm speciali es in landlord!tenant cases having e"tensive e"perience in representing parties on #oth sides of the line. David L. Moss and Associates is a NYC firm of seasoned practitioners that speciali e in landlord!tenant issues. They have acumen and hands!on e"perience to offer clients$ #oth landlords and tenants$ with superlative legal services. They represent clients in all % #oroughs of New York City focusing on e"peditious resolution of cases #y trial or settlement. &All legal proceedings are e"pertly handled including assessing the strength and weakness of the case. Lawyers prepare for each case well #efore appearing in the courtrooms for arguments. 'ssues that look simplistic may get comple" in the ma e of procedural re(uirements) however we have the a#ility to deal with the knotty matters and work for a favora#le conclusion for our clients$* commented a senior lawyer with the firm. Their skilled attorneys are strong in a string of issues like Commercial non!payment and holdover proceedings$ Article +, Actions$ Yellowstone Actions$ Article ,- .uardianship proceedings$ /arrant of 0viction$ 1esidential holdover proceedings$ 1esidential Nonpayment 2roceedings$ 3acatur of 0viction 4udgments$ Appeals$ 1ent 5vercharge$ 6arassment Complaints$ Administrative 6earings and more. They have successfully defended landlords against lawsuits and code infractions issued #y various administrative agencies in NYC. 5n the other hand$ they have also represented tenants for rent overcharge and harassment complaints. A core area of their practice area is prosecuting residential holdover proceedings. The senior lawyer e"plained$ &/e regularly handle cases like chronic nonpayment$ non!primary residence$ illegal su#letting$ violation of no!pet clause$ nuisance$ illegal alteration$ e"piration of lease and #reaches of a su#stantial o#ligation of tenancy. Leveraging our inside out knowledge of relevant litigation$ we deal with landlord and tenant claims and defenses.* 'nitial consultation with the law firm carries no costs. At that time$ they discuss with the prospective client how the firm can provide them with afforda#le legal services. They make sure the tenants are treated fairly in law cases while enforcing the lawful rights of the landlords. For more info 7http899mossnylaw.com9e:ectment!actions9; on eviction process NY and other relevant laws$ visit this link.

About t e Firm! The law firm was founded in <==- #y David L. Moss$ who has almost <= years> e"perience handling comple" real estate litigation$ landlord!tenant disputes$ #ankruptcy and foreclosure proceedings$ corporate and #usiness transactions$ and contract negotiations and dispute settlements. 6e is assisted #y other lawyers having e"tensive e"perience in representing landlords and tenants. A prominent landlord tenant law ?rooklyn$ they closely work with the clients to help attain their o#:ectives. "isit ere 7http899mossnylaw.com9landlord!tenant9; to get #etter apprised a#out their services. Contact #nformation! @+= Le"ington Ave. Auite <-=< New York$ NY -==-+ 2hone8 <-<.%BB.B+,= 0!mail8 /e#site8 http899mossnylaw.com9

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