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Chairman and CEO of the American Petroleum Institute , Jack Gerard appeal to the 7th U.S.

federal government in Washington to relax restrictions on crude oil exports. Gerard day of the annual meeting of the American Petroleum Institute said in recent years , the United States continued to increase domestic oil and gas production in the United States is changing the energy landscape , the United States will bring a wide range of economic , security and geopolitical influence, the United States Government It should be re-evaluated in the 1970s due to the oil crisis and energy shortages and the introduction of restrictions on crude oil export policy , the implementation of free trade. According to current U.S. law, oil producers need to obtain an export license under the U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of Industry and Security can only export of crude oil. Over the past few decades , only a small amount of crude oil exports to the United States , Canada , 2012 oil exports accounted for only 1% of U.S. crude oil production. U.S. Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz said last month that the U.S. government is necessary to re-evaluate the policy of limiting oil exports . Republican members of the U.S. Senate Energy Committee Lisa Murkowski American Brookings Institution also recently called on the federal government to cancel oil export ban . Gerard stressed that the first 11 months of 2013 , the U.S. oil and gas industry exports more than 129 billion U.S. dollars , accounting for 8.9 percent of total U.S. exports. The oil and gas industry has become America's largest export industry , and help the U.S. trade deficit fell to a four-year low , according to the change America needs the energy pattern of past energy policy adjustment. U.S. Department of Energy's Energy Information Administration last December, a substantial increase in the domestic crude oil production is expected , by 2016 the U.S. domestic crude oil production will reach 9.5 million barrels daily , close to the daily high of 960 million barrels in 1970 hit . By 2020 , the U.S. domestic crude oil production will be gradually reduced, but before 2040 will be maintained at a level more than 7.5 million barrels daily . Gerard confident about the prospects for U.S. energy production . He said that according to the latest research consulting firm IHS , the next 12 years ( 2014-2025 ) the average annual U.S. energy infrastructure investment will reach $ 95 billion , will boost U.S. GDP average annual growth of about $ 120 billion for the United States annually brought 1.15 million jobs and $ 27.5 billion of government revenue . American Petroleum Institute represents more than 580 oil and gas companies, which is a major provider of U.S. energy output accounted for 8% of the total U.S. economy . OGEM Solids Control Blog OGEM Solids Control solids control equipment:

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