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Caledonian TACSR Cables

Thermal Alloy Conductor Steel Reinforced (TACSR) Cables

Galvanized Steel Thermal-resistant Aluminum-alloy Conductor


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TACSR conductors capable to work at high temperature without any loss of strength to carter high ampacity requirement. Used as bare overhead transmission conductor and as primary and secondary distribution conductor. TACSR offers optimal strength for line design. Variable steel core stranding enables desired strength to be achieved without sacrificing ampacity.

Basic design to IEC 62004 / IEC 61089 standard

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TACSR conductors are recognized for their record of economy, dependability and favorable strength / weight ratio. ACSR conductors combine the light weight and good conductivity of aluminum with the high tensile strength and ruggedness of steel. In line design, caledonian can provide higher tensions, less sag, and longer span lengths than obtainable with most other types of overhead conductors. The steel strands are added as mechanical reinforcements. The cross sections above illustrate some common stranding. The steel core wires are protected from corrosion by galvanizing. TACSR can be safely operated continuously above 150C enabling to pump more current through the conductor. Where there is a need to transmit higher power but restrictions on getting new power corridors approved, various types of TAL conductors are one of the best creative solution options to utilities. Ability of the Zirconium doped aluminum alloy to maintain its electrical and mechanical properties


at elevated temperatures makes these conductors a very cost effective solution in refurbishing the existing lines with enhanced capacity.

Thermal-resistant Aluminum-alloy Conductor, Steel Reinforced (TACSR) conductors wherein the inner core is composed of galvanized steel and the outer layers are composed of thermal-resistant aluminum-alloy.

ELEctrIcaL & MEcHaNIcaL PrOPErtIEs

Min. Breaking Load: 15600 kgf DC resistance at 20C: 0.0569 /km

CONstrUctION ParamEtErs

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Cable Code TAL ST mm2 mm2

Cross-Sectional Area


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Overall Diameter TAL Steel ST

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Overall Diameter TAL

Approx.Weight ST

mm2 No./mm No./mm mm

mm kg/km kg/km kg/km

CCL-TACSR-550 519.5 67.35 586.90 54/3.5

73.5 10.50 31.50 1441 527.9 1969

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